Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 533 (2019) 401–408

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The meniscus on the outside of a circular cylinder: From microscopic to macroscopic scales ⇑ Yanfei Tang, Shengfeng Cheng

Department of Physics, Center for Soft Matter and Biological Physics, and Macromolecules Innovation Institute, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA graphical abstract

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Article history: We systematically study the meniscus on the outside of a small circular cylinder vertically immersed in a Received 3 August 2018 liquid bath in a cylindrical container that is coaxial with the cylinder. The cylinder has a radius R much Revised 23 August 2018 smaller than the capillary length, j1, and the container radius, L, is varied from a small value comparable Accepted 23 August 2018 to R to 1. In the limit of L j1, we analytically solve the general Young-Laplace equation governing Available online 25 August 2018 the meniscus profile and show that the meniscus height, Dh, scales approximately with R lnðL=RÞ.In the opposite limit where L j1; Dh becomes independent of L and scales with R lnðj1=RÞ. We imple- Keywords: ment a numerical scheme to solve the general Young-Laplace equation for an arbitrary L and demonstrate Wetting the crossover of the meniscus profile between these two limits. The crossover region has been deter- Meniscus : j1K K j1 D Liquid-vapor interface mined to be roughly 0 4 L 4 . An approximate analytical expression has been found for h, Young-Laplace equation enabling its accurate prediction at any values of L that ranges from microscopic to macroscopic scales. Ó 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sandcastles [2]. Menisci are also involved in many technologies and industrial processes [3] such as meniscus lithography [4], A liquid meniscus as a manifestation of is ubiq- dip-pen nanolithography [5], dip-coating (Langmuir-Blodgett) uitous in nature and our daily life. For example, its formation and assembly of nanomaterials [6–8], meniscus-mediated surface motion play critical roles in water uptake in plants [1]. Capillary assembly of particles [9], meniscus-assisted solution printing adhesion due to the formation of menisci between solid surfaces [10], etc. makes wet hair to stick together and allows kids to build A meniscus system frequently discussed in the literature is the one formed on the outside of a circular cylinder that is vertically immersed in a liquid bath. One application of this geometry is ⇑ Corresponding author. the fabrication of fiber probes by chemical etching [11]. A cylinder E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Cheng). 0021-9797/Ó 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 402 Y. Tang, S. Cheng / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 533 (2019) 401–408 with radius at the nanometer scale has also been attached to the face [31], where the theoretical results presented here are applied tip of an atomic force microscope to perform nano-/micro- to study the detachment of a spherical particle from a liquid bath. Whilhemy and related liquid property measurements [12]. The shape of the meniscus is governed by the Young-Laplace equation 2. Theoretical considerations [13]. Extensive studies have been reported for the scenario where the liquid bath is unbound and the lateral span of the liquid- 2.1. General equation of the meniscus shape vapor interface is much larger than the capillary length of the liq- uid [14–19]. Different methods have been applied in these studies, The geometry of the system considered in this paper is sketched including numerical integration [15,16] and analytical approaches in Fig. 1. A circular cylinder with radius R is immersed in a liquid such as matched asymptotic expansions [17–19] and hodograph bath confined in a cylindrical wall with radius L > R. The cylinder transformations for cylinders with complex shapes [19].An and the wall are coaxial and the system is thus axisymmetric. approximate formula has been derived for the meniscus height, The shape of the meniscus in this ring-shaped tube is determined which depends on the radius of the cylinder and the by the of the liquid, the contact angles on the of the liquid on the cylinder surface [14,17]. The meniscus exerts a two surfaces, and possibly gravity. Our interest is to examine the force that either drags the cylinder into or expels it from the liquid crossover from the case where L R is small to the case where depending on if the contact angle is acute or obtuse. A recent study the cylinder is immersed in a liquid bath with an infinite lateral of the meniscus rise on a nanofiber showed that the force on the span. Since in the latter limit the liquid-vapor interface is flat at nanofiber highly depends on the lateral size of the liquid-vapor locations far away from the cylinder, we will set the contact angle interface if this size is smaller than the capillary length [20]. on the wall to be p=2. Then a meniscus will rise (depress) on the

In this paper we consider a geometry as sketched in Fig. 1 where outside of the cylinder if the contact angle on its surface, h1,is a small circular cylinder vertically penetrating a liquid bath that is smaller (larger) than p=2. The case where h1 ¼ p=2 is trivial with confined in a cylindrical container. With the cylinder and the con- the liquid–vapor interface being flat everywhere. Here we focus tainer being coaxial, the system has axisymmetry that enables cer- on the case with h1 < p=2, where a meniscus rises on the cylinder tain analytical treatments. By fixing the contact angle on the and generates a force to pull the cylinder into the liquid bath. How- surface of the container to be p=2, we have a meniscus that sys- ever, the final results on predicting the meniscus height also apply tematically transits from being laterally confined to unbound, to the case where h1 > p=2. when the size of the container is increased. For such a system, The equilibrium shape of the meniscus is governed by a form of the meniscus profile is governed by the general Young-Laplace the Young-Laplace equation studied by Bashforth and Adams equation that was first studied by Bashforth and Adams more than before [21], a century ago [21]. This equation has been discussed in various sys- z00 z0 Dp Dqgz tems including liquid in a tube [22], sessile and pendant droplets þ ¼ þ ; ð1Þ 3=2 1=2 c c [23,24] and a capillary bridge between two spheres [25]. ð1 þ z02Þ rð1 þ z02Þ In the limit where the size of the cylindrical container is much where zðrÞ is the meniscus height at distance r from the central axis smaller than the capillary length, the gravitational term in the 2 of the cylinder, z0 dz ; z00 d z ; Dp is the jump from the Young-Laplace equation can be neglected and the equation dr dr2 ; c becomes analytically solvable. Solutions have been reported for vapor to the liquid phase at r ¼ L and z ¼ 0 is the surface tension Dq q q various capillary bridges between solid surfaces [26–28] and tested of the liquid, l v is the difference of the liquid and vapor with molecular dynamics simulations [29,30]. We have obtained a densities, and g is the gravitational constant. A brief derivation of solution for the meniscus in Fig. 1 based on elliptic integrals when this equation is provided in Appendix A. In the following discussion, the lateral size of the meniscus is small and found that the menis- we use a water-air liquid interface at 25 C as an example, for which 3 cus height depends on the container size logarithmically. We fur- c 0:072 N=m and Dq 10 kg=m3. e Dp Dqg ther numerically solve the full Young-Laplace equation for an To facilitate discussion, we define 2H and j2 , i.e., qffiffiffiffiffiffi c c arbitrary container size and find that the meniscus height c j1 ¼ is the so-called capillary length, which is a characteris- approaches an upper limit found in some early work when the lat- Dqg eral span of the interface is much larger than the capillary length tic length scale of the problem. For water at 25 C, j1 2:7 mm. [14,16,17]. Finally, we find an approximate expression of the Eq. (1) can then be made dimensionless via a variable change meniscus height on the cylinder that is applicable to any lateral x jr; y jz: ð2Þ size of the liquid-vapor interface. This work is the basis of a related work on the wetting behavior of particles at a liquid-vapor inter- The result is the following nonlinear differential equation

00 0 e y y 2H ; = þ = ¼ þ y ð3Þ ð1 þ y02Þ3 2 xð1 þ y02Þ1 2 j with boundary conditions

0 y ¼cot h1 at x ¼ jR; ð4aÞ y0 ¼0atx ¼ jL and y ¼ 0: ð4bÞ

As pointed out in Ref. [22], Eq. (3) is invariant under the trans- e e formation y !y; h1 ! p h1, and H !H, indicating the sym- metry between a rising and a depressing meniscus. This second- order nonlinear differential equation can be rewritten in terms of the local tilt angle of the liquid-vapor interface, /, as defined in 0 dy dz / Fig. 1. Since y dx ¼ dr ¼ tan , Eq. (3) then becomes e d sin / sin / 2H Fig. 1. A rising meniscus on the outside of a circular cylinder vertically immersed in þ ¼ j y: ð5Þ a liquid bath confined in a cylindrical container that is coaxial with the cylinder. dx x Y. Tang, S. Cheng / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 533 (2019) 401–408 403

dy / / sin 1 Eq. (5) and dx ¼ tan can be further rewritten into a pair of coupled : H ¼ 2 ð11Þ first-order nonlinear differential equations in terms of xð/Þ and l 1 / yð Þ, From Eq. (10) and dY=dX ¼ tan /, we obtain the analytic solu- ! 1 e / tion of the meniscus profile, dx 2H sin /; qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi / ¼ j þ y þ cos ð6aÞ 1 d x Xð/Þ¼ ð sin / þ sin2 / þ cÞ; ð12Þ ! 2H e 1 Z ! dy 2H sin / / 2 ¼ þ y þ sin /: ð6bÞ / 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffisin t : d/ j x Yð Þ¼ sin t þ dt ð13Þ 2H / 2 2 sin t þ c with boundary conditions The solution for Yð/Þ in Eq. (13) can be written in terms of elliptic / / j ; integrals, ¼ 1 at x ¼ R ð7aÞ / ¼/ at x ¼ jL and y ¼ 0; ð7bÞ 1 2 Yð/Þ¼ ðcos / cos / Þ 2H 2 / h p= / p ffiffiffi where 1 ¼ 1 þ 2 and 2 ¼ for the system sketched in Fig. 1. p h p= c /; / ; /; / ; ; Here 2 is the contact angle on the wall and is fixed at 2 in this þ ½Eð jÞEð 2 jÞFð jÞþFð 2 jÞ ð14Þ 3p 2H paper. Generally, / ¼ h2 for 0 6 h2 6 p. 2 2 R qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi In a general case, Eq. (6) can be numerically solved by the shoot- 2 1 ; /; / 2 2 where j c Eð jÞ¼ 0 1 j sin t dt is the incomplete elliptic ing method [32]. For the case where contact angle h1 is close to R / integral of the second kind, and F /; j pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1 dt is the p= ð Þ¼ 0 2 2 2, a zero-order solution is provided in Appendix B. For a general 1j sin t contact angle h1, analytical solutions of the meniscus can be found incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind. The meniscus rise can j1 D / when L , where the terms on the right sides of Eqs. (1), (3) be easily computed as h ¼ RYð 1Þ, or explicitly, and (6) due to gravity are negligible [Section 2.2]. In the opposite pffiffiffi R R c limit where L j1, the Dp term is negligible and an approximate Dh ¼ ð1 sin h Þþ ½Fðp=2 h ; jÞEðp=2 h ; jÞ : ð15Þ 2H 1 2H 1 1 solution of the capillary rise on the outside of a small cylinder with R j1 was found before by James using the method of asymp- Some examples of the meniscus profile are shown in Fig. 2 for = h ; totic matching expansions [Section 2.3]. Below we discuss these L R ¼ 5 and 1 ¼ 0 30 , and 60 , respectively. limits and numerical solutions of Eq. (6) for R j1 and an arbi- The analytical prediction in Eq. (15) actually indicates that trary L (which is of course larger than R). The results naturally Dh R lnðL=RÞ when j1 L > R. To see this scaling behavior show the crossover from one limit (R L j1) to the other transparently, we examine the limit where j1 L R, i.e., the (R j1 L). cylinder is much smaller than the cylindrical container and both are much smaller than the capillary length. In this limit we can 2 2.2. Analytical solution in the L j1 limit take l 1 and j !1, and approximate the elliptic integrals in Eq. (15) by series expansions. The mathematical derivation is pro- When the radius of the cylindrical wall is small, i.e., L j1, the vided in Appendix C. The final result on the meniscus height is  Bond number gL2Dq=c 1. As a result, the gravity’s effect can be D h 2L 1 : ignored and Eq. (1) reduces to h ¼ R cos 1 ln ð16Þ Rð1 þ sin h1Þ 2 00 0 z z e ; A more intuitive way to see the logarithmic behavior is to note 3=2 þ 1=2 ¼ 2H ð8Þ ð1 þ z02Þ rð1 þ z02Þ that in the limit of l 1, the dimensionless mean curvature H e approaches zero and Eq. (1) can be rewritten as [13,20], with H being the local mean curvature of the liquid-vapor interface. This equation has been solved analytically before for a capillary r h ; 1=2 ¼ R cos 1 ð17Þ bridge between a sphere and a flat surface [27,33]. Here we use ð1 þ r02Þ the same strategy to solve it for the meniscus in a ring-shaped con- where r0 dr. The solution of this equation is known as a catenary tainer as depicted in Fig. 1. dz curve [13]. The meniscus is thus a catenoid with its generatrix given It is convenient to introduce reduced variables X ¼ r=R; Y ¼ z=R / by and a parameter u ¼ sin . Eq. (8) is then simplified as "# 1=2 L þðL2 R2 cos2 h Þ du u ; h 1 : 2H ¼ þ ð9Þ zðrÞ¼R cos 1 ln 1=2 ð18Þ dX X 2 2 2 r þðr R cos h1Þ where H is the dimensionless mean curvature defined as H RH. The boundary conditions are

/ / ; ¼ 1 at X ¼ 1 ð9aÞ / / ; ¼ 2 at X ¼ l and Y ¼ 0 ð9bÞ

/ h p= ; / p = where 1 ¼ 1 þ 2 2 ¼ , and l ¼ L R is the scaled radius of the cylindrical container. The solution for Eq. (9) is c u ¼ HX: ð10Þ 4HX

2 2 Fig. 2. Meniscus profiles from the analytic solution in Eqs. (12) and (13) for L=R ¼ 5 The boundary condition in Eq. (9b) yields c ¼ 4H l . The other and h1 ¼ 0 (blue solid line), 30 (green dashed line), and 60 (red dash-dotted line). boundary condition in Eq. (9a) can then be used to determine the (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is dimensionless mean curvature as referred to the web version of this article.) 404 Y. Tang, S. Cheng / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 533 (2019) 401–408

The meniscus height can be computed as Dh ¼ zðRÞ and an approx- Equation (20) has been studied with methods of numerical inte- imate expression is gration [15,16] and matched asymptotic expansions [17,18]. The  meniscus height is approximately given by the Derjaguin-James 2L Dh ¼ R cos h ln ; ð19Þ formula [14,17], 1 R 1 sin h ð þ 1Þ  4j1 where the condition L=R 1 P cos h is used. In both Eqs. (16) and D h ; 1 h ¼ R cos 1 ln h E ð22Þ (19) the scaling dependence of Dh on R lnðL=RÞ is obvious. However, RðÞ1 þ sin 1 the expression in Eq. (16) for Dh is smaller than Eq. (19) by where E ¼ 0:57721 ... is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. Eq. (22) is ðR cos h Þ=2. This difference stems from the different boundary con- 1 expected to predict the meniscus height accurately when the radius ditions at the wall. Eq. (16) is based on Eq. (13) which describes a of the cylinder is much smaller than the capillary length that is in meniscus that meets the wall with a contact angle p=2. However, turn much smaller than the lateral span of the liquid bath, namely Eq. (19) is based on a catenary curve, for which the contact angle R j1 L. A comparison between the Derjaguin-James formula at the wall is close to but not exactly p=2. and numerical results has been fully discussed in Ref. [17] for L !1. This comparison is revisited in Fig. 3. Practically, for water 2.3. Approximate solution in the L j1 Limit at room temperature it is legitimate to use the Derjaguin-James for- mula to estimate the meniscus height on a cylinder when its radius In the literature, the meniscus on the outside of a circular cylin- is less than about 0:1 mm. der vertically penetrating a liquid bath was mostly investigated for the case where the lateral span of the liquid bath is much larger than the capillary length [14–19], i.e., L j1. In this limit, 3. Numerical results and discussion e H ! 0 and the Young-Laplace equation that needs to be solved reads As discussed in Section 2.1, the general Young-Laplace equation [Eq. (3)] can only be solved numerically. We rewrite Eq. (3) into a 00 0 y y : pair of coupled firs-order differential equations [Eq. (6)] and adopt = þ = ¼ y ð20Þ ð1 þ y02Þ3 2 xð1 þ y02Þ1 2 the shooting method to obtain their numerical solutions for a given R that is much smaller than j1 and an arbitrary L that varies from The boundary condition Eq. (4a) remains the same but Eq. (4b) is j1 replaced by 2R to a value much larger than . Figure 4 shows numerical solutions of the meniscus height on a 0 y ¼ 0atx !1 and y ¼ 0: ð21Þ circular cylinder immersed vertically in water when L is varied. Cylinders with radii R from 100 nm to 10 lm and contact angles h1 from 0 to 60 are used as examples. The data show the following trends. When L is smaller than 1 mm, i.e., L=R < 102 for R ¼ 10 lm; L=R < 103 for R ¼ 1 lm, and L=R < 104 for R ¼ 100 nm, the meniscus height Dh is well predicted by Eq. (15), which is derived with gravity ignored. In this limit, Dh grows with L logarithmically. In the other limit where L is larger than 10 mm, i.e., L=R > 103 for R ¼ 10 lm; L=R > 104 for R ¼ 1 lm, and L=R > 105 for R ¼ 100 nm, the meniscus height fits to the Derjaguin-James formula in Eq. (22), which is derived assuming R j1 and L !1. For L with an intermediate value between 1 mm and 10 mm, the numerical data on the meniscus rise show clearly the crossover between the logarithmic regime [Eq. (15)] Fig. 3. Comparison of the meniscus height (Dh) between the Derjaguin-James and the saturation regime described by the Derjaguin-James for- formula (Eq. (22), solid lines) and numerical results (symbols) using Huh-Scriven’s mula. The latter thus provides an upper bound of the meniscus rise integration scheme [16] as a function of the radius of the cylinder, R, for different on the outside of a circular cylinder with a radius much smaller h contact angles: 1 ¼ 0 (blue line and ), 30 (orange line and ), and 60 (red line than the capillary length. and }). The lateral span of the liquid bath is treated as infinite by using Eq. (21) as a j1 boundary condition. Inset: the relative deviation of the numerical results on Dh The results in Fig. 4 indicates that for a cylinder with R , from the prediction based on the Derjaguin-James formula is plotted against R. (For the Young-Laplace equation without gravity as shown in Eq. (8) interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred can be used to describe the meniscus on the outside of the cylinder to the web version of this article.) when LK0:4j1, while the liquid bath can be considered as

Fig. 4. The meniscus height, Dh, for different contact angles on the surface of the cylinder: (a) h1 ¼ 0 , (b) 30 , and (c) 60 as a function of the lateral span of the liquid bath, L. The solid line is the analytical expression of Dh for L j1 [Eq. (15)]. The horizontal dashed lines are the predictions of the Derjaguin-James formula for L j1 [Eq. (22)]. The vertical horizontal lines indicate where L ¼ j1. The symbols are numerical solutions of Eq. (6) for an arbitrary L using the shooting method. Data are for cylinders with different radii: R ¼ 100 nm (red ), 1 lm (orange ), and 10 lm (blue }). Both Dh and L are normalized by R. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Y. Tang, S. Cheng / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 533 (2019) 401–408 405 unbounded and the Derjaguin-James formula applies when LJ4j1. The range 0:4j1KLK4j1 is the crossover region in which the full Young-Laplace equation [Eqs. (1), (3), (5),or(6)] needs to be employed. This conclusion seems to hold for other liquids with different capillary lengths. For example, we have solved Eq. (6) numerically for a hexadecane-water mixture at 25 C, for which j1 ¼ 4:824 mm, and found roughly the same crossover zone. An interesting finding is that the intersection between the solid line from Eq. (15) and the corresponding dashed line from the Derjaguin-James formula in Eq. (22) occurs at L 1:85j1 for all the systems considered here. The relationship can be understood if we compare Eq. (16), which is an approximate form of Eq. (15) on the meniscus height in the limit of j1 L R, to the = Derjaguin-James formula in Eq. (22).AtL ¼ 2e1 2Ej1 1:85j1, Fig. 5. The numerical solutions of the meniscus height (symbols) at various h the two predictions are equal. This estimate is in perfect alignment combinations of R and 1 as a function of L are compared to the analytical expression in Eq. (24). with the discovery that at L 1:85j1, the meniscus height from Eq. (15) matches that predicted by the Derjaguin-James formula. : j1 In a related work, we find that L 1 85 is also the saturation been found between the two, indicating that Eq. (24) can be used length of the lateral span of a liquid-vapor interface when dis- to accurately predict the meniscus height on the outside of a circu- cussing how the effective spring constant experienced by a detach- lar cylinder with R j1 for a meniscus with an arbitrary lateral ing particle depends on the lateral size of the interface [31]. Note span, including the crossover zone 0:4j1KLK4j1. However, j1 > that Eq. (15) holds for L R and is thus more general than Eq. (24) is a result obtained by comparing the analytical expression j1 Eq. (16), which requires L R. Our numerical results indi- of the meniscus height in the limit of jL 1 and the numerical D cate that Eq. (15) provides a good estimate of h for L up to about results for a full range of jL. It remains an open question if the uni- 1 0:4j . versal expression of Dh in Eq. (24) for arbitrary L; R (as long as it is Based on this observation and the finding that the crossover 1 less than j ), and h1 can be derived with an analytical approach. 1 1 zone, 0:4j KLK4j , is relative small, we propose that for a The results presented in Figs. 4 and 5 are for L changing from 2R 1 cylinder with radius R j and vertically immersed in a liquid to a value much larger than j1 and for R changing from 100 nm to bath with lateral span designated as L, the meniscus height on 10 lm, i.e., R j1. There are several limits that are of interest but the outside of the cylinder can be computed using Eq. (15) with not explored in detail in this paper. In one, if R is made much larger the parameter l given as follows, j1 ( than , then the system depicted in Fig. 1 can be regarded as a L=R if L 6 1:85j1; meniscus between two flat walls (or even be reduced to a meniscus l ¼ ð23Þ on one flat wall if L R j1) [34]. There is a crossover from the 1:85j1=R if L > 1:85j1: R j1 limit, the focus of this paper, and the R j1 limit. In the j1 Note that the parameter l, in addition to h1 and R, enters in the com- crossover, R is comparable to and the numerical procedure of putation of the parameters H; c, and j in Eq. (15). For L 6 1:85j1, dealing with the Young-Laplace equation rewritten as Eq. (6) can the meniscus height Dh depends on L logarithmically while it satu- be applied. In the limit of R being reduced to nanometer scales, rates to the upper bound expressed in the Derjaguin-James formula the line-tension effect associated with the large curvature (R1) when L > 1:85j1. Our numerical data indicate that Eq. (15) with l of the contact line on the surface of the cylinder may become from Eq. (23) is quite accurate for the meniscus height. Even within important [35]. In the case where L R is small enough, factors the crossover region 0:4j1KLK4j1, the relative deviation of the including disjoining pressure will kick in [29].IfL R is further actual meniscus height from the prediction based on Eqs. (15) and reduced such that the molecular nature of a liquid has to be taken (23) is less than 5%, as shown in Fig. D.1 in Appendix D. into account, the continuum theory of capillarity may break down By carefully examining the relative error of using Eqs. (15) and [29]. These limits are intriguing directions for future studies. (23) to compute the meniscus height Dh and how the error depends on L; R, and h1 [see Appendix D for detail], we arrive at an approximate analytical expression of Dh for an arbitrary L that 4. Conclusions reads The problem of a small circular cylinder immersed in a liquid D D j j h 0:12 ; h ¼ hðellipticÞf1 mð LÞ½ Rð1 þ sin 1Þ g ð24Þ bath has been studied for many years. The focus was mainly on the limit where the liquid bath is much larger than the capillary where DhðellipticÞ is the meniscus height from Eq. (15) based on length (i.e., L j1 R) [14–19] or on the case where gravity is elliptic integrals with the parameter l given in Eq. (23) and mðjLÞ is a universal function given as follows, negligible and the liquid-vapor interface can be described as a ( hi catenary (i.e., j1 L R) [13,20]. In this paper, we provide a : 0:085 exp ðx 1:85Þ1 83=0:74 if x 6 1:85; comprehensive discussion of the meniscus on the outside of a cir- mðxÞ¼ ð25Þ cular cylinder with R j1 vertically positioned in a liquid bath 0:085 exp ½ð1:85 xÞ=0:875 if x > 1:85: with lateral span L ranging from microscopic to macroscopic scales.

Note that mðjLÞ is independent of the contact angle, h1, and the We obtain an analytical solution of the meniscus profile based on 1 cylinder radius, R. The dependence of Dh on R and h1 enters through elliptic integrals when j L > R and the solution reduces to a 0:12 j1 DhðellipticÞ and the jRð1 þ sin h1Þ term in Eq. (24). catenary when L R. In these solutions, the meniscus In Fig. 5, the analytical result on the meniscus height Dh in Eq. height Dh R lnðL=RÞ. Our numerical solutions of the full Young- (24) is compared with numerical solutions of the full Young- Laplace equation for an arbitrary L indicate that Dh indeed scales Laplace equation rewritten as Eq. (6). A very good agreement has with R lnðL=RÞ up to about LK0:4j1. In the opposite limit where 406 Y. Tang, S. Cheng / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 533 (2019) 401–408

LJ4j1, the meniscus height agrees well with the prediction of the fixed and the gravitational potential energy, respectively. This equa- Derjaguin-James formula and scales with R lnðj1=RÞ. The range tion is Eq. (1) in the main text. 0:4j1KLK4j1 is the crossover region where the actual value of Dh deviates from the prediction of either the analytical solution Appendix B. Solution of zero-order based on elliptic integrals or the Derjaguin-James formula.

Our analyses reveal a universal behavior that the analytical If the contact angle h1 on the cylinder in Fig. 1 is close to p=2, solution [Eq. (15)], which predicts Dh R lnðL=RÞ, always reaches the resulting liquid-vapor interface is almost flat since the contact the upper bound set by the Derjaguin-James formula at angle on the wall surface is fixed at p=2. In this case z0 ¼ tan / 1 L 1:85j1. Therefore, the analytical solution with its parameter and Eq. (1) can be approximated as l ¼ L=R when L 6 1:85j1 and capped at l ¼ 1:85j1=R when "# 1 d rz0 1 d ÂÃ L > 1:85j1 can be used to estimate the meniscus height Dh. The e j2 0 02 ; : 2H þ z ¼ 1=2 rz ð1 þOðz ÞÞ ðB 1Þ relative deviation of the actual value of Dh determined via numer- r dr ð1 þ z02Þ r dr ical solutions from this estimate is found to be only noticeable in with the following boundary conditions, the crossover region but still less than 5%. We further find that the relative errors at different R and contact angles at the surface / / ; : ¼ 1 at r ¼ R ðB 2aÞ of the cylinder, if properly scaled, as a function of jL all collapse / ¼/ at r ¼ L and z ¼ 0; ðB:2bÞ to a master curve. With a fitting function to this master curve, 2 we obtain an analytical expression [Eq. (24)] that can be used for / h p= ; / p where 1 ¼ 1 þ 2 2 ¼ . The solution of Eq. (B.1) which satis- accurate prediction of Dh for the whole range of L from microscopic fies the boundary condition Eq. (B.2b) is, to macroscopic scales including the crossover zone. Although in this paper we only consider cases with the contact angle on the e  2H K0ðjrÞ wall being fixed at p=2, the theoretical analyses and numerical z ¼ 1 ; ðB:3Þ j2 K ðjLÞ treatments of the general Young–Laplace equation can also be 0 extended to more general cases with other contact angles at the / wall surface. and the angle is given by e 2H K ðjrÞ Acknowledgements tan / ¼ 1 ; ðB:4Þ j K0ðjLÞ Acknowledgement is made to the Donors of the American

Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (PRF #56103-DNI6), where K0 and K1 are modified Bessel functions of second kind of e for support of this research. S.C. thanks the partial support from order zero and one, respectively. The undetermined constant H a 4-VA Collaborative Research Grant (‘‘Short-range interactions of can be found using the other boundary condition Eq. (B.2a) and interfacial bubbles”). the result is j j e / K0ð LÞ : : Appendix A. Derivation of Young-Laplace equation H ¼ tan 1 ðB 5Þ 2 K1ðjRÞ

The profile of a meniscus is governed by Eq. (1), which has been discussed extensively for the geometry of sessile and pendant Appendix C. Expansion of elliptic integrals drops. Here we provide a simple derivation of this equation. The energy of a liquid bath bound by a cylindrical container and a Here we derive the series expansions of incomplete elliptic inte- meniscus on the outside of a cylinder at the center of the container 2 grals Fð/; jÞ and Eð/; jÞ in the limit of j !1. To facilitate the dis- (Fig. 1) is a sum of surface energy and gravitational terms, cussion it is helpful to introduce a small parameter > 0 and G ¼ cS þ DpV þ Ug , where c is the surface tension of the liquid, S j2 ¼1 ; the limit j2 !1thus corresponds to ! 0. Below we is the surface area of the liquid-vapor interface, Dp is a Lagrange 2 /; multiplier, V is the volume of the liquid bath which is fixed, and use the incomplete elliptic integral of second kind, Eð jÞ,asan example. A similar expansion can be performed for Fð/; jÞ. Ug is the potential energy of the liquid in the gravitational field. Z qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi The meniscus profile can be found by minimizing G, which can / 2 2 be written in terms of the surface profile zðrÞ, Eð/; jÞ¼ 1 j sin t dt ðt # sin tÞ 0 Z Z Z 2 3 L pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi L L ffiffi 2 Z p Z G ¼ 2pc r 1 þ z02 dr þ 2pDp rzdr þ pDqg rz dr; ðA:1Þ 6 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sin / pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7 1 6 2 dt 2 dt 7 R R R ¼ 6 2 þ t pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ 2 þ t pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi7 4 2 pffiffi 25 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}0 1 t |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} 1 t We seek the surface profile that will make the energy function R t # t t # 1=t ; 0; d "#pffiffi pffiffi G ¼ f ðz z rÞdr stationary, i.e., G ¼ 0. The resulting Euler- Z = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Z = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 1 dt 1 dt Lagrange equation is ¼ 2 1 þ t2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ 1 þ 2t2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2 2 0 1 2t 1= sin / t t 1 d @f @f / ¼ 0: ðA:2Þ 1 ln 1 1 1 þ cos 2 @ 0 @ ¼ ð1 cos /Þþð þ ln 2 þ ln ÞþOð Þ: dr z z 2 4 2 sin / After some algebra, we obtain the following equation, ðC:1Þ "# 00 0 c z z D Dq ; : = þ = ¼ p þ gz ðA 3Þ 02 3 2 02 1 2 ð1 þ z Þ rð1 þ z Þ In this derivation we have employedpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the following expansion pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 1 2 2 4 4 ¼ 1 þ 2 t þOð t Þ and 1 þ t ¼ 1 þ 2 t þOð t Þ, where the left hand side comes from the surface energy and the 12 t2 pffiffiffi right hand side originates from the volume of the liquid bath being and assumed that sin / > . The expansion of the incomplete Y. Tang, S. Cheng / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 533 (2019) 401–408 407 elliptic integral of first kind, Fð/; jÞ, can be obtained similarly and in the main text that can be used to accurately predict the meniscus the result is height for an arbitrary L. 1 þ cos / Fð/; jÞ¼ð ln þ 2ln2 ln ÞþOð2Þ: ðC:2Þ References sin /

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