THE INDEPENDENT WILL NOT *BE PUBLISHED ON 24 Pages Today FRIDAY THIS WEEK Three Sections VOL. XII, No. 42 W I)II|II:KIIM,K. N .1 . ITKSDAY. l>K Hill Road — Truck Speeds Off — Injured Girl and Com- panion Also Hit Found By Motorcycle Officer. Leading To Township Dock Struck by a hit and run driver who sped of! into the dark- ve* Saturday Morning With HouseboM and Crew Of 48 ness, Katherine Jamen, a pretty 16*year-old Iselin girl, was Men—Anchor* At Cutter'* Dock and Will Dredge Channel "1 fatally injured while walking on Green street near Chain 0' From There Up—Work To Take Over 2 Month*—Water- I Hill road shortly before 6 p. m. Sunday. She died at Perth Am- way Will Boom Woodbridge-Arrival Mark* End Of Long boy Hospital a few h.-urs later. Another girl walking with her Fight For U. S. Aid. was also hit and seri'.usly injured. U. S. GOVERNMENT DREDGE "DE WITT CLINTON After bt'inu expected for over n month, the government Motorcycle Officer C. 7M CRI'O, rid- 3 retire opcnites hy swinging left roar end firm and twisting it to in H to begin his night p;ie maintained at Cutter's Dock while they carve out and also Miss Florence T. saronia, POOR IS $2,150 ages nn the sides of the creek ahead, operate the dredge, serving ns mo- Hi, of 223ft West First aye,, ie, Con- power being supplied by steam tive power for both the operation i he clinnnel of Woodliridjte Creek up as far as the new towti- ey Island, N. Y., lying in le road- winches. The rear piles, seen in of moving ahead, and also running y tributed $fi;S4.7ft. The Woodbridge- lredge the channel are junior Engi-1 easy. Perth Amboy football game swelled Dr. Skwarb, but proved to be p::»t The township committee passed ii The new boulevard was tentatively Chr!ttm.>i mail at the Wood- aid. Death came from a fractui ,'(i!the fund by"$383. resolution at its meeting yesterday laid out three years ago by the state. bridge postoffice threatens to skull, the hospital reported. Miss T r The, ,abov r e >••figure s™ camcameu li:omfrom-"i Wil1'!afternoon- , going on record as favor- It was planned to run westerly from break all recordi this year. saronia was taken to Rahway Hu- liam H. Gardner Treasurer of the •K ,.the i.^djate construction" of the Outerbridge Crossing to the su- tal, where she was found sufTeii: Fund. He .stated a detailed account | a ^te highwayi t0 ,be called "the per highway, and from there to Plain- Up with the dawn, by 8 a. m. from a three inch cut on the back of the various donations will be given Edison Memorial Boulevard", run- field and the Watehung hills. The thii morning the poitoffice had the head, and lacerations about I out shortlysiiomy. j'ning from "the Watehung Mountains route goes through Woodbridg*, already handled, 7,603 pfecet hands and face, also bruises, Ti. Every cent of the fund collected t fgh Quterbridge Crossing"g , starting at Waltroua Lane, thence to of mail, and teemed well it»rt- lf ll ththe d" f Quterbridge Crossing third girl was unhurt. for relief will go to needy," t copieh s of the resolution were or- the Fords Gun Club, and from there ed to break yetterday'* mark Art alarm was quickly sent out 1 stalef lhde Mr. Gardner. "The expenses |d ^ gent to th t t hj h straight to the Edison Memorial at of 15,225 piece*. The totali for Woodbridge police, and a state wir °f lh,e «'P oyment bureau are paid — to the Port of Ne^ York Au- Menlo Park, then across open land ° , «'P oyment bureau are paid — h P f ^ Y lait week were: On Wedneidav, search was begun for the death c:i for^from the, townsh.^ contingent |thority and to Henry Ford and Tho- back of the Metuchen Golf and Coun- 2,696, and Thursday, 4,636; fundff , and ththe Red Crostohs worker tislt m!.a IIJ:Q-_ try Club, to connect with routes 28 The body of the dead girl w; Ld showing a rapid rise, «lmo«l turned over to Coroner Kenny < paid by that organization, Collet--! T^™The purpos" e of the resolution, and 29. Perth Amboy, and her parents not tors and distributors of aid are all [which is~similar to those passed by This new highway is planned for double. Friday hit a high mark volunteer workers." the Cjty Commissioners of Perth Am- an ornamental parkway 15 miles of 5,885, and Saturday hopped ed to the Greiner Funeral Horn Mr. Gardner issued a warning boy, and other organizations, is tolong. Construction would help solve it up to 9,316, again almost here. The. grief stricken parents sai' anainst giving money for poor relief get the state to spend part of the double. unless the collector is known to be the local unemployment problem, and the girl had just celebrated her six |83,000,000, recently voted, in this it would be a lasting memorial to Ed- The snowfall last night, teenth birthday Saturday. Funera authorized. vicinity. It is also hoped to get Ford ison, one of the greatest of scientists "There in a woman named Mrs. which teams to make a "White HOUSEBOAT "ECLIPSE" — TO SHELTER CREW services will be held from the hom' and Edison interested. and a product of ftjjddlesex County. Chriitmas" certain, may halt of the parents, tomorrow afteraoo' Dndson," he said, "who is calling up people on the phone, and saying the mall a bit] hut with the mo- necr John Cox and Inspector Sidney at 2 p. m. A brother and sister it she is collecting for the "Poor of mentum of tte early start to- Kallance, both of the Engineering main to the Jansens. Woodbridge. She asks for a dollar day, Postmaster Potter and his Department; Cox representing the James E. Berry, Old Time men should set a new record, Second District, which comprise?; HOPELAWN MAN IS nr clothing, and if received favor- New Jersey, and liallunce represent- ibly calls later for the money." anyhow. ing the First District, which includes Historical Society "This woman is not an authorized New York. The dredge is attached JAILED FOR FORDS • illeitor for the Red Cross or any Woodbridge Resident, Dies to the First District, and is being : (he other recognized agencies cessary bonds to provide new con James E. Berry, one of the oldest ternoon, and will be private. Inter-|struction work as n relief measure. loaned to the Second District for the Organized Here By j re, and people. ;,.'"Aald not give c work. HOLDUPON FRIDAY i iney to her o'- ..'OTier unauthor- residents of Woodbridge township, ment will be in Alpine Cemetery. Mr. Berry was born September 4 County Treasurer Hamley advised The crew of the De Witt Clinton -d person-that is, if they want' prominent) both in business and civic i,il. DCIIJ *v «a IIUIII UG^ucHLLTCl t, ' Lilt; COIIIIll 1LLUC LHUL TY UUU UI »U|5C n 1H4J), one of the eleven children of thshare e committeof revenuee frothamt thWoodbridge'e lli;tl gasos- hi in charge nf Captain George Woodbridge P 6 1 i c e Make Chapter Of D. A. K. money to be sure to £ttn charge, of Dr. L. P. Wetterburg of School treasurer, and a school trustee. He cut much wider in order to operate avenue, Fords, was the man who hahdd beeb n ttakek n for the formation of' assisl, 1 bbyy Mrs. Adier Pitritan. street. He succumbed at 10:40 a. m. was also interested in the Building Avenel Benefit Show the dredge. It will be deepened to identified Kiiczan in court yesterday. "The Woodbridge1 Historical So-'dolph Mrs. P. J. Donate and Mrs. yesterday. Loan Association and the Barron nbout ten feet below low water, He said he and Steve Zsorey of the nM Funeral services will be held at the Free Library, und served as officer which means dredging out eight or same address were walking home on IX tfwn^%. «?uJ.t"^l^.rW being gathered by theGreiner Funeral Home tomorrow af- with many other organizations. For The Unemployed j nine feet of muck all the way up, as HoinsbHb y streettt , FFordsd , wheh n twt o ^^ to the Building Committee 'van,, women, ^—.o™ and l the creek is only about one or twomen held them up and took $200 h f i!i h ch and a check from him. Zaorey had;; Th e communication told of action tribute-it to *«'« « * "« j""" nothing. At the time Pollinlli o gave at a meeting of the Chapter on are ra^d, or even to the adults u good description of the two men, 19 when it was decided to with tl. ••adbaro coats and dresses, Mayor Suggests Abolition Of and Zsorey said he had aeen them the society, with membership Every v .kday from 9 to 11 am. bteniel, as he took the part o« ' *• ft > • hanging about Fords, and would to citizens of the township and Mrs. Hi. er is att, tthhe MMayor's office know them if he saw them again. ally olhers Sested, the purpose of in th, T vn Hall, revests LightingJ)istricts As Saving The pair drove off towards Hoy f hd I After a discussion of boundaries the T>th district was supplying avenue, Fords, after the holdup, and &^ ^^ liwt inr 4.1 months, tthh e victimiti s reportetd t o tthhe W Woodd- of the various charitable | of lighting districts in Iselin at the for which the 3rd district v fettling the township of Woodbridge, 1 he u. well co-ordinated township committee meeting yester- iiitf tax money. Township bridge police, giving the licenu, its settlement, the first settlers their orgamza , n* is ;hat they all report day, it was decided to have the light.- that time." number of the car. Woodbridge po- ; I.avin advised Mayor Ryan the lines traying nia weu known 'Carol". The ,er lice were notified to be on the watch families, and matters of general his- through ti tau who "O. K..V ell; ing commissioners of Districts 3 andcan only be changed after petition, -- • It costs from $350 to $4PO torical interest concerning the activ- f. M , manner, several 5, where the boundary dispute cen- and u motion to that effect was made ities of its citizens. ,,,,-. >•,• ,, ha Is for the ladies, ami tall high ones - t formerly »iredg-1 Motorcycle Officer 'George S t lication of effort have ters, petition the township to have by Committeeman Grausam. | for the men, full long.skirts; all were cl oe was The room in the Town Hall is to cases of _•! •!> thus making the aid the lines reset. This action was taken State Audit Considered I . ,t pHjcrai TerriJ Cotta spottjed a car with the wanted nuin- provide a place for meetings, and to beeen 'avou Not only were the 1 •• her ]iear the corner of Green street 1 | after considerable discussion of the Upon being advised that a senate store manuscripts, relics, genealogi- furtlH.1 . lighting problem between Michael bill had been passed, taking from the and Amboy avenue, Woodbrdlg?, cal data, etc., until th< i^aroi cnorus , out me inree wiset', Un a iir:*f piinf.m" .uin ttnrf it Cut He arrested the group of four young Lewis, of Iselin, and Mayor Ryan, control of municipalities the audit of M „„ «,„„ „„„„ ««uoi. nf fha Woaf", "'" Llinton will stait at^iitj- tains a home of its own. Township Engineer George Merrill, men in it, among whom were Kacxan, Only after heigh- their accounts and vesting it with the were ap] 5: and took them to headquarter!. At and the committeemen. State Department oi Municipal Ac- - - "^K.-yMsEis.-s_ i_ S-A., -whip •—h has nar- counts, at a fee of $25 a day, the the gifts. thhe hearing, only Kaczan waw s idaftdaft- Mayor Ryan suggested the best , ? y, , addition to the acting and line.8, rowed up since the 'previous dredg- tifiifiedd , and ththe rest releasedld, KKacian means of settling the whole dispute township committee recessed to con-1 ^ tableaux revealed ing. would be to abolish the lighting dis- against h u u given Work B«iim Immediately pleaded "Not Guilty" to the ch»I*e aider a resolution against such ac- b ft ftSpir|t of Christmas", well The work oT dredging will begin against him. inufac-turer's, tricts and the offices of lighting com- tion; and finally turned the matter J y , Von Bremen, Maude E. Chase Vic- eluding the missioners entirely, and put the J k b Mi88 KBth,.yn Bernard, immediately, i the, government men Pollino, who conducts a UurVw.i toria B. Me Clam, Grace B. Baker by Hugh K )•• and the Fraternal : which worked such a changh e in thesaid. The completion of this pro- shep at 284 Madison avenue, Perth ,n William Holohan, whole matter in! the hands of thenance ommittees, and the township Elizabeth C Ostrom, Miriam Duval. Orders, township committee. There are now Attorney, with power to act. The pur-l Continued on page IU ject, together with the building of Amboy, said the check stolen froiQ, eight lighting districts, purchasing the township dock at Berry street, him was drawn by Ben Spivak. using men from pose of the bill is to centralize audit-1 Cutter; Elizabeth V.'Demarest, Eve- townshi,, electric light from the Public Serv- ing at Trenton, and the State League will mean a long step forward in registration bureau the progress of Woodbridge. lyn Kregerivreger, Irenirene Stern;>«-••.",. Anna_B._Ba™»j|"-^ - (Ith whenevee townshi,r imssil', ; and" the fraternal ice under separate contracts, with of Municipalities is opposing it, say-: ker, Mittie R. Reynolds and ^lelen V. | vhtneve,: pa. ^ ,^d the fraterna^ l three commissioners in charge of ing it would increase the cost of mu- New Management To The arrival of the dredge marks Old Folks! Young Folks 1 E"s'g"' ' -,-ffj «u-h as « at^Mh^Arts and each district. Both Mayor Ryan and nicipal government. the end of a long fight by township Everybody Coma . tb,e township committeemen seemed To Borrow For Construction authorities, aided by the Port Itai i • tofts "Club," of Wenel, Friday. to thipk a saving of about $6,000 Upon peing advised that recent Run State Theatre tan Commission, to got federal help To Th« A BULL STORY would be made through a single com- state legislation gave municipalities | on the Woodbridge Creek project. MIDDLESEX HOTEL CrafUmen'k Club To Give bined contract. Lewis concurred in Several trip* to Washington have the right to borrow up to % of 1 per Mr. Fred Faulkner and Mr. Ottoi LOTS OF FUN A big black bull- -"Jerry," 2nd Annual Dinner Dance this suggestion, but said it would be tent of their assessed valuation for Keddick, operating an thw e F*. &„ R.... |bee,been made^bmade by Mayor William Ryan, —was taking a walk yesfeiday. hard to get such action tajten. relief construction work, the town- Amusement Co., inc., who formerly | Township Committeeman Jacob NEW YEAR'S EVE and passed through Wood- The Cniftsme, s Club of Wood- ship committee passed a resolution operated theatres in Orange, East, Gruusam, and Township Engineer hold its second annual Tlje dispute over the light lines DINNER AND DANCE bridge. . ,1 aroii» when Lewis told the committee t o taktke thithsi actioni , and issui e the ne- Orange, HackenBack, Greenwich and Geprge Merrill, in the effort to get Jerry had quite a stroll Rahway, alt New Jersey, have taken federal "O. K." on the project. The ACCOMMODATIONS (LIMITED I over the State Th&trt! in Wood- final success of the wove only came for he walked all the way from NO SCHOOL PAGE FOR TWO WEEKS MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW Brownsville, Texas, bridge. | after the township had agreed to On Jerry's back was a ttm Due to the Christmas Holidays, there will be no Kxtenoive alterations and renovu-1 build the Deny street dock; and was 1 132 MAIN STREET " saddle, on which Jerry s mai- high school page in the Independent for two weeks, the lions are now bvin^ niml«, and a i then duo to help at Washington of WOODBRIDGE, N, J. ter, Ralph Sanders, a cowboy, new Western Electric nound system' Senator Hamilton Keun. Douglas rode when he got tired walk- next issue coming out January 9. is being installed, to be the equal Hicks, New Brunswick attorney, who ing, Jerry djdn't mind, for The first three issues of the High School News, as of any in the state. is counsel to the Port Raritun Corn- hia hoofs wor« abod with steel, Mr, Faulkner and Mr. Roddick mission, has also baen active in get-. just like homes. He plods the school page is called, were v^ry creditable, and have great faith in the futureI"V°K~ ting the dredge to come. along at three miles an n"1!^- show good literary ability among the students at Bar- remi of Woodbridge, and feel that in To Boom Woadbridge HARDIMAN'S Jerry. i» on his way to New the next few years Woodbridge will Completion of the project, with PHARMACY ron High. After the staff receive-their presents from be the largest and most progressive building of th« dock, will mean u York to meet Mayor Walker through waterway to Staten Island Bid. L. Hardlman, formerly of Sanders plans to sell him to Santa, and enjoy a two week's respite from studies, municipality in the county. Seaman's, Perth Amboy • Mr. Harry A. McCormack will con- Sound and hence direct communica- the Mayor for publicity. That they will be all ready to put out an even .better school tion with the ports of New York and mean* the bull will shortly be- tinue as resident manager, and an- nounces a special gala performance New England. Industrial plants .•iwn.toMMor Walker. Swid- page than before. r here will be able to ship by wntei enfgoenW by tram. Now * . Nt&_Xe* '» Eve, presenting five all PRESCRIPTIONS V r Watch for the jyurt issue of the "High School | star vaudeville acla and a super fea- as w«H •» fttilt *nd with lowur h you think thb. b »,•»"" »^ i ut News". Blake's stor^^ Main street, WoodbVidge, ha* . ture picture. Ca11«l For —et,-of course lt'» ab» » W» pl»n U> ttivH Wood.bri(l£t» Ultj bull, but you knuw what we made arrangements to sell it as the students iiRve the J. BLAKE mean,-re»d the New York papem.. Jerry ought to arrive TOY! .there Uii» afternoon. XMAI Tl'KSDAY. DECKMP.KR 2*. 1030 WOODBRTDGK INDEPENDENT TW(i WHAT PERTH AMBOY PARAMOUNT THEATRES ARE OFFERING Slim Summerville's Long Miss O'Sullivan MARIE DRESSLER Walk To Fame On Screen Sees Dreams BECOMES BARBER n Shaves Wallace Beery I (ii-'iV'i- "SI - Summer, ille o n i • Come True n of llollywdinl'- "*nc- Opening Scenes Of "Min« World's Biggest ei!t.n~, relate- an amusing lie A< nl Now Cast As Romantic Lead and Bill." •ji ,i-ii I.<-I iiriid early in his lift when tn a- » In DeSylva, ftrown and he «as "'muring '-' coonlry Marie Dressier started her lau-M "Fooler" Brings l:i«"-'k hi- f«i - *hnvinfj a popular screen "heavy." The peculiar pranks of Fate some- In the rdle off proprietress ooff L Star Show Here uiv- in th.- Colden W'^r, .md with limes played on mortals are strikingly waterfronft t hthotell , whho is i incidentuli K Iril a few hard enrned' dollar- ;n r.i- illustrated in the case of Maureen the "lady barber" on the aide Mi«\ Broadway's Own HappineM pock'-t. hesran a !onp wearisnme O'Sullivan, who has a leading role i Dressier is disclosed in the opening "hiU-h-hikinir" jo'irnoy to I J • - An- in the second great DeSylva, Brown ' scene1 of. "Min and Bill" which oncrn Hit Comes To Rialto In Rol- jri-l"-, where he intended vi-itinu rel- atives. | and Henderson Fo? Movietone slateu | at the Strand Saturday, Decemlic licking Farce Comedy. to open Sunday «t the Majestic The- 27 shaving Wallace Beery, who plav : Tin-d and fuot^ore. Slim dn-w up ;for a hrentii in a little New Mexico, a fishing-barge c'aptairi. '•Th. !'• >••.-• >"ol," who W town and immediately V.**- taken in Froinm ii thi,ii(e- timi.niier msh ier waWADs a- littlIM.I.IeC Kfjirl *,I A Metro-Goldwyn-M-ayer make. made in:l..••!•. iant'li in a wore oj K.w hy the marshal a- a fugitive the little Irish colleen dreamedd of man coached her for a "week in th- dilaii'"!- UP, i.!«;iv -tage -'.lei i.--e?, •Hr wi.s too exhnu*-t«'d t" make o!>-I ln-ing an actress. At school, when- fine art of shaving, but even then l!,,( m,,..t ,-•. . in of which. "Slraplf jection- of explanations when it wns ever there WHS a class play or aBeery didn't Eeerrf too confident thai Simon " had \- '.v Y"i'k fiowlihir. with evident that he was mistaken for, school iplay in preparation, she al- all was well until the scene was fin- flelitrlit 'i-ii-'-*-• -he I'1'-"1 theatrical some other run-away lad'whom the ways eagerly volunteered her serv- ished. However, Miss Dressier lath- w,,,.,in i.r.riiT in- fooling to this authorities hail been asked U> find. ices. ered and shaved him without mishap vieinitv in I- ln-t audi'.l.- film ap- 'We're sorry, Maureen," her The picture, based on the widelv "You should he ashamed of your- lieiiraii'-i in "F'dl'.y.- the l.eailer. ' self, leaving a tine home, fund pai- teachers would say kindly, "but you read Lonui Moon novel, "Dark Kil Wynn M>n the title "The I'er- (nts and school," admonished the ; just haven't it in you to act. You I Star," tells a dramatic story or th,- mar.-ha!. "Don't you know that your • are too natural." | conflict between mother anil foster- (lu'clmn of :i :<•• name. The M-]f-;m- i Before Frank Borzage, filming the mother over the happiness of a child 1 mother and father are heart-broken' Tiiiterl rniM- M''-'l him so wi I thru, I am trointr to put you on the train i John McOormack picture, "Song o' and is reported to rise to an intent- even aft.-i 'he -how cl'-ed. the name ... My Heart," in Ireland, "discovered" | climax when the foster-mother, noi J and send you hack to I.o* Anjri'les." Hint k, .\a-!. 'ii "r'"H"w 'h' Leader, What luck! Los Angeles—Slim's Maureen O'Sullunn in a scene from ".lust O hullivan , Miss O'Sullivan and gave her the trayed by Miss Dressier, is driven the Maj. !•• Th.-atre attraction f..r viry destination. and John Garrick. It opens Sunday, December ingenue lead in the picture, her sole to murder when cornered hy a de - three iliiv- .-' ;:i t irnr Thursday, Jan- acting experience had been in little perat' !i century. land from one body of water to mi- other. It Is found In Asiatic waters.— I'athflnder Paradoxical A large variety of fine china and glassware for you to Strange as H uiny seem, scientists. consider lightning as one of the most select from. Household necessities of Pyrex, Wear-Ever useless sources for obtaining elec- and Volrath ware, Electric Percolators, Toasters make tricity.—American Magazine. Gifts very useful gifts. GET RID CARVING SETS FINE GLASSWARE VOLLRATH ENAMELWARE Fireplace Fixtures These carving sets are made of A fine grade glassware in colors: OF DISEASE the finest, stainless steel; guaran- rose, green, white, crystal, gob- The new colored ensemble will lets, wtnts, uarfuitt sherbets. Gift. make your kitchen more attract GERMS in nose An assortment of Burnt Anti- teed. Lai-ftu assortment. An ideal ive. Heavy quality; large variety que brass and hlack iron fixtures', gift. of colors. Useful gift. mouth and throat also Swedish type. ..Many good Let Zonite ck'anse away the $2.75 to $6.50 accumulated secretions, kill looking sets to choose from. Gift. the Kcrma, prevent disease. $3.75 to $12.50 Dozen 60c to$4.7 5 Highly germicidal. Sooth- Fire Place Screen! $6.80 to $11.75 ing to membranes. Andi.ons $4.00 to $14.00 Fire Set* $6.00 to $16.00 FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Harry ljintrdon, (Sex-ie l.uve am! Shin Simiiih-rvillc in "See AIIHTI.-.I Thirst" which opens at the <'iv:-ce!Lt Thejitre Thui>d;ty, .lammry 1. 8-DAY COFFEE fyevn Cnjoijtnettt ELECTRIC IRONS KITCHEN CLOCKS PERCOLATORS for Smokers Hartz Mountain of Pipe und/ Canary Birds Ciriarettes/

Aluminum and nickeled, on cop- All guaranteed irons; also with Stainless Knives per percolators. Sizes 2-4-0-8-12 A large selection of very pretty automatic control; 6 ft.,c6«i^Gift. colored 8-day kitchen clocks, cup; large assortment to choose and Forks Guaranteed. An ideal gift. from. Useful gift, • Guaranteed. Six knives, 6 forks, $1.19 to $6.50 $4.50 to $7;95 several shapes to choose from. A high grade stainless steel set. Useful gift. QUIET MAY OIL BURNERS BLADES roe , / DOUBLE EDGE $3.69 to $16.00 32-PC. DINNER SETS ELECTRIC TOASTERS :•/ RAZOR PYREX OVENWARE /} (old or new model)

Pyrex ovenware is very useful BETTER RAZOR Dorothy Jordan, Marie Dressier anil Wallace Bcuy in a sum fioni 'M'n - or your money back Christmas Tree and it is also guaranteed 2 years. and Bill" feature attraction ut the Strand lor one week beginning Saturday, Guaranteed by ._,Au Guaranteed, sturdy built toast- PROtAK CORPORATION Made up in assorted gift sets. Gift Ivory and rose colored Sheffield — Please mention this paper when ers; turn easy type; automatic pop From the Krtrpch Holders dinner ware: 6 plates, 6 desserts, buying from advertisers. — 6 cups and saucers, 6 bread and out; in nickel and chrome plated. "Chandelier" Is a D'rench word. butter plates, I open dish, 1 plat- Useful gift. Clusters of hnngiii^ lights wire used Hospital Tested Green colored tree holders. ter. Useful gift. us eurly us the FimrtP'-nth century. Very sturdy; with or without 25c to $10.00 Recommended by doc- J cori and nurac*. water pans. Some equipped with $4.50 to $12.50 e YELLOW socketa and bulbs. $7.50 The Cleaiulng, lefrethlng PENCIL FREDERICK H. TURNER CO. andMptic for women. with the :: INSURANCE :; Af a deodorant, it pte- 98c to $6.50 MAYTAG ALUMINUM WASHERS 459 East Ave,, Sewaren BAND Telephone WoodWge &-0ZJJ9 Lydia E. Pinkham's WEAR-EVER ASST. GLASSWARE WASTE PAPER Are you interested in buying BASKETS Sanative Wash ROASTERS Fancyi assorted glassware as or renting a home in Sewaren? LT and lavender Several unusual opportunitiei Lynn, MaH. es, casserole, new black and gold this month on Wear-Ever Roast- metal wuste paper baaketo. Paint- at present." ers. The new oval size at reduced console sets, cocktail Bets. Useful Very strong. Well made cages, price. Useful gift. gifts. ed scene on front. Gift Phone Woodbridge 8-0713 iox in colors; red, green, tan, blue; appointments. WOODBRIDGE removiihle bottom. An id^&l jrif* with a Bliii* Ribbon singer. $1.19 to $10.50 59c NEW YORK ^Quality, CANDY KITCHEN $3.85 to $9.75 CHAMBERS FIRELESS GAS RANGES Manufacturers and Dsalers in Strictly P""1" CANOIti A/NU l*-E CRtA tit. Hum at. Woudbridge. I'*1- ^' TRV THE- 666 GUSTAV Kelly SMcAlinden Company aliivBi • Headache or Nt-uralgio in NlVYOPK Growriw and Proviso"* 130 minutei, checkt n C old tlic tin 74 SMITH ST. PHONES 1960-61 PERTH AMBOY, N. J. day, and check* Malaria in Ibrei 66 Main St. Tel DENT PL I HELIX PERTH AMBOY THEATRES ^ Theatres HELIX Theatres MAJESTIC - STRAND - CRESCENT


|M3J 4-DAYS-4 Confinuou. Performance! 1:30 to 11:30 3-DAYS-3 Home of Paramount Picture* STARTING SUN., DEC. 28 Mftdi»on Ave., Phone 108 STARTING THURS., JAN. 1st


Imagine" WYNN IN with EL BRENDEL "FOLLOW Maureen O'Sullivan John Gatrick Marjorie White Frank Albertson THE LOVE AND LAUGHTER IN 1980 Get a load of this advance course in love-mak- ing, sky-rocketing and thrill-hunting. It will take your breath away. LEADER" Hear the newest and liveliest songs by the mat- ters of melody from Broadway. A BOMBSHELL OF JOY! \ \ <>*• See what the girls will wear fifty years from now. Do you blush easily? The nuttiest nuV ->f them all. Crackling Laugh at the riotous comedy on the future. You wise in a comeo romance that will roll can't help yourself. you off your seat I

A 1'nblix Theatre A Publix Theatre

ONE WEEK If ONE WEEK STARTING Contii.. jui Performances 1:30 to 11:30 STARTING 4-Days-4 Home of Paramount Picture* 4-Days-4 SATURDAY Hume of Paramount Picturei SATURDAY Smith St., Phone 255 DEC. 27 Smith St. Phone 150 DEC. 27 SUN., MON., TUES., WED., DEC. 28, 29, 30, 31


DRAMA. • SHORTS- Harry Langdon, Slim Summerville, NEW YEAR'S GREETlrG "GO AHEAD AND EAT" Bessie Love "MOVIE MEMORIES" PARAMOUNT NEWS YOU'LL SPLIT YOUR SIDES LAUGHING AT THE ANTICS OF "PIONEER DAYS" "THE ROUNDERS" HARRY AND SLIM AND BE5SIE IN THE GREAT AMERICAN SA- TIRE OF LIFE AS IT IS TOPAY: SPUMONI, SAYS SO! PAGE FOUR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1930 pnrtMin of the number of accidents I M.Hrion. MUcfcl.f per 100,000 car miles during ea-ch VAUDEVILLE AT THER.K.O. RAHWAY Build Needed Roads Chevrolet Six Sells Bus Drivers Given bonus period with the record for the 8nhntnKF U imillrlum dnmnir*, tueh corresponding four months of the us the wrecking of mnrlilnery or la- previous yrnr. Operators having per- dustrlni plnnln l\v strikers or illiuatla- Bonuses For Running 1 RAHWAY THIS WEEK MIDNIGHT SHOW To Aid Jobless, Says For Nearly Same Price fei'l records for ali three bonus per- fle(1 worliers. It IH of Frenrh deriva- iods of the yeor receive a special tion, nnd nine from the practice of Alwn\>: .ill llir lonkniit ful I'lltcr AsChewieTOT28 With Few Accidents bonus of $20, in addition to the "per- workmen In I'IMIHC throwing missile* taininir ncivrltici Mini uniiMinl "ITn•-. NEW YEAR'S EVE Expert On Highways iod bonuses. Into machinery tn put It ont of order. for their pultun*, the R.K.O. Itnhwny 1 The R.K.M. Rnliwny Theatre wMl In 'hi« niMchim n(ro it is interest- How extensively iititomnbile prices Operators of street cars and buses will offer BS AII cxtiii a?t h&* trated by a comparison <>f prires of ceived $7,824 in bonuses on Tues- door Circus and Sid embracing all ture picture for the midnight portion the new 1031 Chevrolet six ns day, for the last four-months' period of the program. Patrons attending ipone to labor. This benefit to labor is the freaks anil trained animals of the Rt under the no-accident bonus plan of the !l o'cliK-k fhow are permitted to \'-t.mated by Thomas H. Mac Donald. prices in 192H when the old fom White Tops, the offering will come I Chief of the Bureau of Public Roads, cylinder car was being built. the company. Approximately 378 op- THE CAMPUS to thn H.K.o. Rahwaj- patron? as an remain for the midnight show at no erators in this division got bonuses. additional charge, which will end at i..0 for the nine different ages in Central and Morris Division;" CLUB BREAKFAST SUNDAY Siiturday the screen offprinff will be he shown from 7 p. m. until 10.-I0 and every operator at this garage p. m. which will he -'The Cat Creeps" : others are employed nt least part passenger models, while the four cyl- (ienrjre Bancroft in "The Dprelect" ! me in supplying him vvith equip inder car at the time of the change received a bonus of $5. Don't fail to have SUND\Y nnd fur Sunday only what a proRTam in addition to short subject* added. r Under the Public Service no-acci- From 10:40 p .m. until 12:01 n. m ment and raw matt-rials. Some T.>,- from a four to a six ranged from 20c to 55c DINNER with us—a meal that the wreen version of David Belasco's 000 more men were employed in road $495 up to $715 for seven body dent bonus plan the year is divided stage hit The Girl of The Golden the offering will he Broadway's fav- into three bonus periods, the most, is distinctive and different. orite comedienne, Winnie I.ightner in j construction in 1030 than in 1929. types. Tn other words, the six with OR OUR West", ami a» feature No. 2, Buster '"[ hi« nienni that the total pain in em- its two extra cylinders is priced low- recent one having started August 1 Served from 12 Koatnn and Cliff Edwards in "Dough "The Life of the Party", two shows and ended November 30. Bonuses BUSINESS'MEN'S for the price of one. ployment w:is in the neighborhood of er throughout the line—exceipt for Boys", phis (lanplers' Circus on the j 250.000. the phaeton, which is built primarily are paid as follows for each period. LUNCH noon until 9 P. M, $1.50 Ftajte. What a show, just come early kiddles to the matinee Saturday, vow \ Road construction in l'.tSO iR esti- for the overseas market—than was, $20 to operators having a perfect for thp'jromi seats. Mothers send the bring Dad and come at nipht. i mated to have provided work for the smaller, leas economical and less record; $19, to operators having no boo.000 men directly on the road refined car. more than one accjdent; $17.50 to 75c ABOUT OUR FOUNTAIN slack in employment. coupe which replaced the old four- man. The record is based on a com- THE CAMPUS : One of the mo»t important recog- cylinder sport cabriolet in the 1928 i nitions of the value of public con- line. Wiri Eatton Ave. and Hamilton St. jstnu-tion in periods of slackened The 1931 roadster, at $475, ia $20 'business is evidenced in New Jersey. lower than the roadster of the 1928 New Brunswick, N. J. ! In that state the legislature recent* line. The coach, now $545, is $40 I lv passed a bill, which is now a law', lower, and the present, six-cylinder FLORENCE MOORE I that permits an increase in the mu- standard coupe lists at $535, or $60 Why Not Live | I nicipal debt limits of % of 1 per less than its four-cylinder prototype HOSTESS ' cent. This will enable municipalities of two years ago. At the top of the at the j to issue bonds up to the new limit, four-cylinder price range stood the and use the money to make possible convertible landau, priced at $715, ^ PRIVATE DINING ROOMS immediate construction of public im- while today the special sedan is the Woodrow provements. aristocrat of the six-cylinder line and PHONE There are 3,000,000 miles of lists at only $650, or a reduction of roads in the United States of which $65. Similarly, the present sport New Brunswick coupe at $575 represents a reduction Wilson only about 100,000 have been hard 5 surfaced to the point of lowest auto- over, the four-cylinder sport cabriolet Why not enjoy the conven- mobile operating costs and lowest of fl20. iences and luxury such as road up-kieep costs. It is considered; Receding prices do not tell the this modern hotel affords? that there are approximately 2,000,- complete story, however. While 000 miles in need of some sort ojf prices have come down, quality has There is only one cost. No improvement. This country has con- consistently climbed, and many ac- taxes, no electric, gas, no HOLIDAY BOXES centrated its road building efforts cessories which formerly were extra water bills, no expense for largely on th« 7 per cent of the high- are now included as standard equip- domestic help, no furniture APOLLO BOXES $100 to $10.00 ways which carry the most traffic, ment such as wire wheels and shock • upkeep—in the end it costs the '.lifrhways for the most part in- absorbers which formerly cost the' less. cli'.ded in the state highway systems. juyer $40 and $25 respectively. • The need for additional mileages of Your meals are ready for HOMEMADE CANDY irst class roads is imperative as is While the six, when It was first] you at all times. Served in the need for more employment. publicly displayed in December, 1928, i your roorrt3 if you wish. 50c To $1.00 Box was priced slig-htly higher than the The Federal government is taking four, increasing volume coupled with We have numerous rooms > a lead by making more money avail- mproved manufacturing methods and suites adapted for small able to the states in the construction and lower commodity prices have families. of Federal Aid roads which coincide made possible several price reduc- RIBBON CANDY FRENCH CREAMS for the most part with the state high- tions which'bring the average Chev- way systems. But still much is de- •olet level today considerably lower Rates Are Reasonable pendent upon the states themselves han any prices at which a Chevrolet, and constructive action should be either four or six, ha» ever sold. taken both for independent building WOODROW WILSON AMERICAN MIXED CANDIES and for meeting Federal Aid finan- HOTEL cial requirements. Flower* of Long Ago Phone Fossil flowers of the gluing glory New Brunswick 6000 CLEAR TOYS Books' Teaching Value family, dating buck about 20,000,000 Boohs without the knowledge of years, are reported to have been found life are useless, for what should books by a geological expedition In Colorado. teach hut the nrt of living?—Johnson, CANDY CANES, BASKETS, 10c to $1.00 (Orders taken for any size)

KINDLY LET US HAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR ICE CREAM — DELIVERIES MADE AT ANY TIME. TODAY AND Special Prices for Churches and Schools sk Tomorrow SOUND /ii'lNo Advance l>vi|1 4 NEW YORK wm - '" BUSINESS -plus CANDY KITCHEN

66 MAIN STREET WOODBRIDGE HE FIRST ESSENTIAL in the policy of the Telephone JtSSKMWCE Company is that its operations shall be soujfid from a TEL. WOODBRIDGE 8-0043 WHUAMBOm T I _—___ financial point of view. Any other policy would soon prove ON OUR STAGE disastrous from every standpoint. TODAY - TOMORRPW AND SUNDAY Our policy also requires conducting the bus'riess in such CELEBRATE NEW YEAR'S EVE GANGLERS' a way that service shall be constantly improvecy the welfare „ At The of employees properly promoted and the general interest INDOOR of the communities we serve advanced. Tljiis is sound CIRCUS j! business plus. < ! OUTSIDE INN FOR ALL KIDDIES FROM 5 TO 95 ' The severest test of such a policy does not cjome in boom On the Super-Highway SUN. - ONE DAY - Dec. 28 times, but in slack periods.!Durina^he past year our busi- TWO BIG FEATURES ness has been" materially less than that for ivhich we had New Brunswick, N. J. DAVID BELASCO'S built our organization and our plant. Thf results of the STAGE HIT year's work are: I OF THE 1. Telephone service has been measurably improved. Merry GOLDEH WES ' 2. Very few employees Have been laid off. ChrUtmas 3. There have been no reductions inj wage Jcales. GANN HARDING 4. Construction work on new buildings l»d on other projects affecting not only our own men butrvorkers outside our AND organization has been undertaken whe ver it could properly BUSTER KEATON be done, in many cases where postpon ent was entirely pos- in sible from every standpoint except tr of the welfare of the Happy , servide and the community.

I « 5. The efficiency of Reorganization haJbeen increased. New Year Douqh / I Boys' 6. The financial returns have fallen, b|t not to a degree incon- •istent with sound business under J the conditions. MENU CUFF EDWARDS <>, Crabmeat Cocktail Coiisommo Koyale —ON OUR STAGE— PRESIDENT Celery, Radishes, Olives GANGLER BROS. INDOOR CIRCUS Mousse of Kingfit/h, Lobster Sauce Roast Stuffed Jumbo Squab French Peas ' Potato Croquettes Waldorf 'Sala.d Cheese Pattie NEW JEESEY BELL TELEPHCfNB COMPANY Bisque Tortoni Derai-Tasse NEW YEAR'S EVE A NEW JERSEY INSTITUTION BACKED BY NA7VNAL RESOURCES . Souvenirs SHOW $10 PER COUPLE Phone) Hew Brunswick 6354 FIND OUT ABOUT IT F "fif^."?.;"^ ...;••; T ~»

WOODBRIDCE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 19SO PAGE Figure This Out 22 "HUw.tK, UP that on these Jmall therefore, that oar grow*™ learn A cynlral customer from eindn- the law. farms. however, there m«y b« a need* of New Jeraey markets and pot Fntlor dnlH of j,1IU, 22, IRM the Wn have in N*aw Jeraay the m»- nntl, declnres that "Kntlh In n fnl- 1 Jersey Farm Taxes growth off cooperativtie ownershihpi o ff up the special grade* that may b* « I.onKfe|]ow wrnto In hi, flinTy'- shinery for curbing the rocklrtis |Rpy." "Brother," rohukog the Mn- YOU .YOUR CAR machinery, of cooperative employ- sold at profitable pries*. tavc nt length hit upon n plnn for drivinir in this way. The Commis- ment of labor, of cooperative produc- "We can expect to use futth« rlon Star, "tf men lin<] no fnit), m opm on the Anrfrknn Indian which THf. sioner of Motor Vehicles is empow- Discussed By Expert tion, and of cooperative management progress made in the use of our b onn another, we'd nil linvo to i[T6 : *" "'» to ho the right one «.„] ered to revoke a driver's permit anil and selling under tho centralised con- bnr-saving machinery on New Jerf within our Incomes." fte inly. Tt Is tn topother thHr return it to him only as he sees tit. ti ill. farms. We have hardly made a begin- WMve His rights, however, are protected beautiful irnrtltlotn Into a whole- At Annual Conference "Inordpr to meet sucrcscfully the ning in the use of electrical en*mr to the extent of allowing review of i'<>m|x>tition from other producing on the farm, and the use of this aft*- the caae by the court,*. But if the Prospects of a reduction in taxes on niefts," Mr. Knowles lontinupd. "Now dium in the future will undoubtedly policeman is not on the alert to ap-Mow Ji'rsey farm rent estate in the Jersey farmers must produce hijrh increase thp farmer's efficiency ill prehend this type of motorist, then very near future are not bright, said quality product.". Costs of produc- many way*. the motor vehicle administration V . K. Knowles, extension economist tion in this state for such commodi- "Within .10 years the farmer, to virtually powerless to proceed. Of of the ^t«to Agricultural Kxpprimenl ties as milk, (frjrs, fruits, and ve(. utiliiing motor power, has increased foursc, the commissioner could have Station, speaking today before the hi* plowing efficiency five or Mix ruses of this sort brought to his at- table* are higher than in mnny of annual conference of New Jersey ox- 27, and in some countie,* inc/pasesj pol.ccmnn play* in making femt f the mr vehicle laws have continued. Me expressed tFle be-' PALACE RESTAURANT :forcement of the motor vehicle law lief that some ailjtistincnt by thu streets and highways of New Jersey find it is my most enrnest hope tha stnte and other taxing bodies should safe for motorists and pedestrians., they will continue to be aa vibilu.n he made in order to relieve the fiirm- It seems to me that there is a nmlearnest ns thny arp now. ei of his taxation .burden. 286 MADISON AVL distinct parallet between the methods Looking to tho future, Mr. Know- p^ ~ Pl-e mont.on ^ papf to .d les voiced the opinion thnt New' ,ler h ou llhel s thera PERTH AMBOY, N. J. e:"' hends. This «'n.« out of sheer love, not mother. "What's tlie use of trying to r.. written by , , , f ,, | iheir hytf-. QF AVENEL BENEFIT Ttio f sa e(ru 1< £» Helen Giisfurd niiiijrhtlnesfi. fcnu'inlier? I don't know whether It In introducing the budget of 11)31 cr" l Harron ll^prn _ Thf,r(1 nas |,,.,-n much talk of oa When Hilly grew to he thrpe years wns Ihe time your Rrandfiilhor went for the consideration of the board and ,, . , , £T«nf wore "-nbnutted in a ?w; verting the foundation of the o.n „?«; h th. New Brunswick' , nnng pool bn., • Id he still loved red flowers, hut be to thi> city miles nway und wns in advertising; it for the information Continued from page one l|(H k int0 BS wim of the public, there are several mercenary and hard htart of the tax S f T m • to determine what the . thls srr,,t, „ .u.-rcroudcd !•> \U1AN IUIOWN ventured lini • Hi] not |iii!) nn" Ihelr heads, lip ke| liwilcd hefure Christmas. Billy wna 1 failins. h;\.t moved to—what wns the "ur that time «e thought Murtin novation and which has many advan- Benson in the narue of the'aoclet\ large money hack several times over ti; enehiiiited by the guy stores nnd Imp I'll- over lhe old always been raised r.lfo' usinfr the pool as a skating rtik address? Yes. up thin, narrow nllev hnd been kidnaped." surest* « method. In the thanked the conmunity for it. An argument has Murlan noticed nitli n little (IL-III |iy I(IO|;IIIR people. Me chattered by reml- because the popula- ;n the wintor. „.„,..,,,•.-•„. ther, unable to keep out of tin fi^t place, and most impnrUint of all, hearty support, i.nd the fdllowitiR against th. ide;- enlnt "f her throat the sound of an Ids mother's fide and looked nt ev- ^ ^ tell at people for their individual dona- b,en large enough IH'RIS KREUTZRhlU,. nis'ceiicefl. vera(fc (itJM11 can now ^tinn has never t rnr 1 erything with nil tils might. Oncp, young M '"'':, l' : »nti'in.>hMe thill enme to H stop Ju«i "Oh, «o won't even talk nl111 a itlance just what each function of tions: Mm. H. Jj Baker, Sr., member anil be<-i when they were wail ing tn cross ft '" the County business costs. The new of the Board of Education, for the tian A in behind her. 1-VolMi tn be iifrnld. bill that "" exclaimed nninilmnllier. able Elizabeth Buick Co. Ha» • street. P.llly's pyps trrew rounder than seHip als<> conforms more nearly to use of the stliool auditorium without towns hav. »he hurried du«n Into (lie nnrrow . "I'd rntlier hcnr nh'iut the heel thth e modedl bdbudgett arrangementts sug- chargeh ; FreFd CCi<|oturi a for his SPI . date any Big Sale Of U»ed Can flgrkni'sd. ever, for they were looking straight rhrUtinis roil #ver hnd Grandma." • (tested by the Department of Mu- vices as janitor; Sidney Fox for the Into a Inrue. red |ioin«etllfi in n slio|. B-ilil'tei'iile" little Ml«e "You've told nicipal Accounts in Trenton. In ad- tickets; the Ma| tc Realty Company to he 1 She wished now slip hnd hrnuclit I'-o'.inty Buick Com- window. He hud never seen anything Mid sunn ;„•..,,.. „.„, „.„» dition to this, there is an absolute for the printed tftiframs, and Jimmy have been some one with her, put she couldn't North llronrf Mrect. sn beautiful. I me nj.nni ymir WIMIHIK rtn.^tha nn. , ,,. orchestra for their music f,,,- now con-ducting the think of anyone hut Miles ( <- i ent system of organization the j^terteinrnfA and dance which used ears ever at And she knew ihut even if be hadn'l • l|iplt"'l OtlC?" ( epartm 1 pie streamed across the suept. But j of the County government. This followed, Mucl (credit is due Mrs. Th left that nfiernoon to spend the holi- "Well, t don't know," miispd Grand- Billy's mother found that her little '• will jrreatly help and simplify the Walter Hicinbo|em for the co*tum- days at home slid wouldn't hnve nskert mother. "I remember being very well work of the Treasurer's office and ing- and Mr. hoy hud not corne with her, Somehow - ••• - • ' ' '"^.bothem for the di- him. Mile." wouldn't understand, lie ] satlsliwl with HIT 'iu>l«ind. nnd feel- the County auditing. reetinjr and he tind slipped nwiiy. She fell a mo Inn very cmud In my Wue 'surah' Budget Arrangement was too gay, ton llght-henrted. ment of pnnic and ran back to the The sound of footsteps behind lier dress atid all thnt. but there were so For comparative purposes, the pnllrrmnn heforp the traffic light main- problems of living nl.ond of us. 1030 budget rU-ms have been ar- Great B|nk'i Beginning that it is inii mude her quicken her pnee. Sure changed. "My little hoy." slie gasped. The Hunk i tend any classes of th V" enoun'i, tlie man ffom the car was , hardly think that wnS the Happies, ranged^ to the 1931 set- .iiKinmi wan onr.ih I don't know where he Is!" up. To provide the promised and llshed In ifiiH |>, itiurtice William nnd ternoon heaiusi- we are not out stvation" nre cheerfully given following her. She stumbled on. look- Christmas. Lets see—" evening it '-' Then she heard a clear cnll. much needed ten point reduction Unry. school until :{, In the fore purchase. A fair allowance will I ing for numbers on tbe tightly crowd "Well, now!" exclaimed Father. in the County tax rate and, nt the I on cnr« turned in. I "Mnmnia ! Here's — a — present — for sometimes impossible ed little houses thnt alnmst reached "I'm surprised yon should hesitate at same time, provide the necessary of the heavy home work imposed you!" Billy's voice. She and the hig nil when you remember thnt my birth tlie narrow walk. policeman looked toward thp other / for payrolls on public county on us by our teach dny Is PeceiidiiT IV 1 should think work beinjf done to aid the unem- 1 At last she found thei house, and curb. Wedged In between peoples' very important itcn marvelous tlrst-horn son ten ployed, has been a rather difficu't CLASSIFIED ADS a car, « schoolboy is likely tn turning In swiftly, flip hid behind the legs nnd bundles stood Billy wnving the v days old would hnve created the hap- task, It has been necessary to trant- Classified dvertis«m«nU only nnc bankrupt (ruins; and comini g on Bee's Jolly Way of vines that clambered over the porch. n great red flower. Ills face was nil ploft holiday for you." fer some monies, saved in other de- ;ent a won J minimum charge 25c. buses and trains. Holding her lireath. she waited to see smiles. "A—SSSmas present !" called Sharing Christmas "Yes, dear. I was very happy ann payments, to provide money for Anybody walking down Main If the mi\n would pass by. But as he Billy again. WANTED Street in the evening between s nnd 4jr Florence Harris Welli Grnndmotber dreamily, labor payrolls. Under usual ami nor- came opposite the house he gave a fur- proud," mall conditionsd , thith s money woulld CLEAN* R>pS wanted, size of 10 o'clock would certainly agree with Ills mother and the policeman made "but you were a collicky baby, and-" 7 " ^'ne "inio's.u'rpW'rVve'nue and korrhiof Jbr larger,' 5c a nnund me that Wnodbridge could use n V. tive glance up and down the deserted a dash for him. The lights changed. h v e M. C. A. l,*p and down the street can street and also turned In. "Oh, now, don't tnko nil my glory wou)f, haye becn reflected in a fur. Middlesex frcss, 20 Green street u Traffic ronred by. "I found It In ft away:" protested Father. ther tax reduction. men hangin-••"-"•g' nnrounr d KK .IOIINSI'IN wns point: to be Marian crouched back In the corner be seen garden," said Billy, "right there!" A "No, I'll give ynu the glory by say- There are a few figures that d£- FOR RENT parlors with nil nlone for Christmas, but she of the vines, dislodging one of her par- corners and ice cream ,— surprised clerk was looking out of the ing that Ilia December thnt brought serve especial mention, In the first popj HEJ nothing to do. If we Willie LI 1 • hrr mind she would not cels, which clattered to the floor. KMdower shop window. T—New 5-room house and ' "--• had a "Y" think your first born wns my happiest up to place, the amount raised by taxa- toft,, Ith garage on Van Buren of all the K"'«l *",^'^iv'wouM be let It 'Vet her,' as she put 1L She the'tnnii whirled toward bar, she tion in 1930 was $2,255,434.18, ai°*t \ "Lot* nnd lots of pretty flowers," MM. tin* TI.W. something about ^ ^ i—«™,., f .u.™ t,o. . street, ^odbridge. Rent, $40 per PUt ^nn'^lavmg hSall. basket- had a pood pnjsiiion. n dear little screamed. enroled the child, "not deailed like our while th e Jy31U1 bu{budgEe t showl ?2$, more fun piajn* . lhaIl being a grandmother—" auire Grouse. Phone Perth apartment nnd lots of friends to give The door was flung open, sending a garden." 084,121.10, or a saving of $171,- "That means me. doesn't It, Gran- 313[6R. The DDepartment t of FinancFi e £rmi°yi'Jo'194l.'ia on i o» to nnd to pet presents from. ihnft of light Into the corner. "Thnnk heaven!" breathed his p ny?" Interrupted Alfred. "I lime a lot to he thankful for, "Miles!" Marian gasped. "Oh, I was mother, "nnd thank you, Billy, for and Administration shows a net sav- "Yes, denr, and the Christmas you ing ^of^ $88,342.48, largelll y ddue to FOR E^ '— 5-room house with all even If I nm an orphan with no rela- so frightened \" my present." thought he- had. The games at Lne sang the solo In the boy choir, I the fact that budg-et items were not imprJements, Bteamheat. Rent tives within ai Christinas liny dis- "Marian! You here alone? Why The policeman grinned and Billy's , over-expended in 1930, and because n£ie. Inquire Mrs, Treider, 53'J "Y" -would bring him into competi- thought I'd burst with pride reasO tion with others, and would help to tance," I'ee hud swd to one of her didn't you bring me with you?'' mother went In to pay for the flower. excessive money was not borrowed yfest ;lenue, Sewaren, or phone bring out the sportsmanship in the friends In reply to her Christmas in "I thought—besides, you're supposed "He doesn't know any better. He Joy." on emergency notes. The present Woodhftge 8-1458. boy. The girls of the town would cer- vitatl.m. "No, I don't want to share to be out of town." thinks your shop Is a garden." she "Then that was the best?' Board is responsible for $6,313.00 w_ j, g7 tf. : tainly welcome the Y. M. C. A, Many any family group. Still, If there was "I missed my train. I stopped by explained. "I'll try to make him un "\o, because Alice made me feel the of"the $24,693.00 of emergency same way, last night, when she acted notes in this budget. The balance FLAT ?OR RENT; 5 rooms and of them are always complaining be- only some one I know situated ns I for you on my way down here, but derstand " cause they don't get enough basket- so beautifully In the play at the of $18,380.00 is to pay off a note bat Inquire Dominic Sarno, 90 cause they am, I'd Invite them In. I shnll buy a you hnd gone. There's an old lady "Oh, that's all right." ronltpd the incurred by the 1929 Board of Free- Main beet, Woodbridge. ball at the high school. little tree anyway, trim it, put my here who needs glasses, so the other clerk, ''Merry Christmas, I'm sure!" the Chrlstinaa that's Just been Is gen holders. It will also be noted that W. I. D-10 tf The present administration of the presents on It and he my own Santa day I had my optometrist fit her, and Billy's mother hugged the child erally the best." township has certainly done a lot for Cliuis." when I missal my train I decided to ' wittl a prayer of thankfulness In her FOR tENT r Three f^d the town and its people. 1 think they 1130. WeiUrn NtwiMUer Union.) B A 508 "Yes. We'll nine It there, Miss bring them to her In time for Christ- neart- and shuddered to think of wbnt Figure! Explained - PP'y Barron avejiue. ought to continue this good work by niaB Johnson, ns soon ug you nre," tbe -" , might have happened. "This Is a Mer- From the budget figures of the Wooi! idge. Telephone Woodbridge- insuring the people of Woodbridge a Department uf Highways and 8-07:J Young Men's Christian Association. girl ut the florist's assured lier. "Oh, Miles," said Marian, "nest i ry Christmas!" she smiled, and nilly Yours sincerely, And It was. and with it a lovely Christmas let's come together." wondered why she held him so close. tENT—2 or 4 furnished room HARRY WILSON. potted poinsettln with not a line to 193ft. WMtprn Newspaper Union.) ' <(£). 1930, Western Newspaper Union.) ment. However, this is not the oase •••aI tments; also furnished rooms: designate the sender. Bee looked at Mrs. Little, 144 Main street. HOSPITAL ESSENTIAL because subhead "B" under this ap- JPP' the tag: Christmas Carol i: propriation is a State appropriation me 3-M. To the Editor of the Sunday Times: "It's 'Hee Johnson, Monroe Apart- of $35,000.00 for use in the neww. |7-5 tf. Woodbridge needs a hospital. ments' all right. I'll call the shop." HOW SHE WORKED IT construction of roads. This figure, Therej are many accidents that hap- by Dicky, Canary Bird <> of $35,000.00 is offset in the antici- ROOMS AND BOARD pen within the township and by the But the girl at the other end of the MERRY CHRISTMAS! pated revenue section of the budget Barron avenue, Woodbridije, time the injured people are taken line did lifet enlighten tier much. By Harold L. Cook and is, therefore, not applicable to /hone 892. to Rahwuy or Perth" Amboy some of "Oh, yes. Miss Johnson. It was a the expenditures of this Department them die. Rotter medical attention dark- young nwn. Yes, I know he snld /jTHRISTMAS. Merry Christ- forgot This money will be used, together Q\ would be available if such an institu- > [ US. KKIMMER never LEMAN wishes a furni>iu-il B. Johnson. I thought he was your \£i mas. whnt mugtc lies In tion would be established here. In a your name—what Joy and hap- anybody or anything at Christ- 'with the money raised on bond^issue im with private family; near brother or something." growing township like Woodbridge a piness nre associated with your street; with breakfast servol. hospital is necessary. Bee liung up the receiver. "Broth- coming! Every corner of the r^JSJ^s-ss ?™==/«« &...«•«*.—., « There is. therefore, \\!g4)V,,.!,i™B a nR97 Woodbridge should have a first aid er or something" was gnort. Naturally ) D1K1 earth thrills to the sound of either bought or made something new an actual ^^ in this Department, " V Se B-Wb-Si. station. A physician should be em- it would he a "brother or something" your voice—every heart Is made ployed and paid by the town to take for every room In the house—a new as compared to 1930, of $4,9-10.00. FOR SALE that would semi u girl a potted poin- glad by the message you bring I hath mat or shower curtain for the It must also be borne in mind that care of the various accidental cases. settln. lU'e'a phone startled her. ARAOHUTE FOR SALE — By this means first aid would be City and town await your com- bathroom, a ni-w dlsli drainer or it is this Department which is sup- "Yes. I'm Miss Johnsou. I'oinsettin? Ins with the same eagerness plying the emergency work and pro- \ hold any person about 145 I'"--. available to all and many lives would towels for the kitchen, new curtains (tiding; Harness, helmet, go^irli-. be saved. A regularly employed phy- Yes, Indeed. All right." nnd hnppy anticipation; rich or tnhle covers fur the llvinc room, vidinpr for the emergency payrolls as i Bee hung up the receiver to answer ve T0U ,n white flyinff suit; big bargain; sician -would benefit the poor people nnd poor E' the same a ribbon for the cat, a collar for the 'or only JGS.OO. Inqutre Mr. Chai- who could not afford to pay for medi- the door. Tlvre was n humorous, ex- he-nrty welcome. The old and dog-nnd this year, n new green cage ]n tne Department of Public Prop- Leslie, 2 Hudson street, CarterLi. cal attention. pectant light In her hu'/.el eyes. She the young, the great and the -^ fur Dicky, the canary. ertV| tnel.e ;g a credit difference be- J. Woodbridge needs a public sta- met the same look in the eyes of the bumble, know that you will not I. 12-20*. dium.. At present Woodbridge doe* Everything was In place the day tween the 1930 and 1931 budget of man who faced her. fall them. Through changing before Christinas when tbe children '$14,900.00. This is due, principally, not possess a decent athletic field. )R SALE — Children's toys, doll "Funny mixiip, Isn't It? Both of us years and times always you arrived home for the holidays, and because this Department kept with- 1 Games' cannot properly be played in carriage, table and' chair, desk, an open Meld where the people jam Johnsons on the same floor? There haye brought the snme glad Mary Ellen, the oldest daughter, had ^ ..I—L .— Joy; the same welcome mes- er, swing, china closet with around the playeis. Collection of are more of us, you *know, than any Just finished her tour of Inspection of s, rocker, fire engine. If inter- money at games is. impossible if the other clan except Smiths." sage of love and peace and ! Christmas presents to the house, inquire at 550 Maple avenue, field is open to everybody. If the field "That's what they say," Bee agreed •;» good will. The happiness that 1 "1 always get so many Cliristmas when she stopped In front of Dicky's Material Saving /oodbridge. were closed and bleachers were pro- "Hut are you H double EE, too?" 'I' you bring lights up every face; presents I don't know what to do with new cage and whistled to start him I. 12-12tf. vided, the people would be compelled In the Department of Public W'- "No, I'm B. Short for Bartholomew." under your Influence every 'Sj them." singing. But there was no answer fare, there is likewise a very ma* to pay in order to see the gam«e. home radiates good cheer and Ij FOR SALE—Five room house with More games could be played in She liked his wry grin, "Hal ha! Aren't you wise yet? I from the cage. rial saving, amounting to $39,4'J| the Christmas candles shine as l! 60. This has been due, also, to bath and all improvements in Row- Woodbridge and it would be. more "I come here a week ugo from the always use them for birthday presents "Well, mother, you don't seem to land place. Telephone Woodbridge advantageous to our players if we •Vest. Got the poinsettla to cheer me a symbol of the love nnd Joy jjj throughout tbe coming year." have forgotten a single thing or B fact that budget items were within. With some kind of J| "But over"(-'xPended and also due to 8—1710. possessed a public stadium. up. Get your tree for the same pur- single room?MaV Ellen n\l ver magic you transform us all In- daied by the splendor of his new pal It is, therefore, very gTal TRUCKING, local or long distance; space in the high school is occupied Bee hesitated only a moment. would wish to be; with a pow- ace, or Is he too old to sing?" indeed, to be able to report to] two bucks at your convenience. by the eighth grades. If a new school "Do come in. We'll share them to er that no other day possesses BABE OF BETHLEHEM were built, this could be avoided. At "1 can't make it out," replied Mrs. Board and t« the people of Mi Phone Wuodbndge 193. John Thom- .jet her." you prompt us to deeds of lave present there is not a sufficient num- and service and giving. Cares I Brimmer. "'He sang all right In the sex County that there has be ia Oakland avenue, Sewaren. old cnge, but he hasn't peeped a note saving in_ all of the four ber of rooms in the high school due "Tills Is something like It." he are forgotten In the Joy jfou ^f^N CHRISTMAS the whole to the over-crowded condition. Many since I put him In tills one three days ments- It is also a great sat' ('. LEPPER—Furniture and pianos beamed as he looked around the cozy bring; sunshine fills every heart Vf Christian world prostrates classrooms had to be established in ago. tie must be homesick. If he tion to be able to further irt moved anywhere with A-l equip- ipartnient "There's something In a as the spirit of love and friend- itself In adoration around the the auditorium and in the basement crib of Bethlehem and rehearses doesn't sing by tomorrow I'll put him ment; storage reasonable. 441 Am- ta provide more room. A new school auine after all," liness spreads Itself abroad. boy avenue. Tel. Perth Amboy 23IS. in accents of love a history ] back !n the old cage, so that he may \,e would also relieve the congestion in <©. 1930. Western or Union.) And with one voice the whole a reality when the final W. I. tf , the lower grades. Many portable world bids you welcome and all which precedes alt time and will ! have a Merry Christmas, too." are provided by the tax bos buildings had to be built and the bless you for the Joy and the endure throughout eternity. As Christmas morning tbe Brimmers Respectfully submitted IF YOU have any fruit trees which basements 'had to be converted into happiness you bring.—Katherlne (jj if by an Instinct of our higher, found Installed In their living room a LEWIS COMPf do not produce as you are entitled classrooms to remedy the situation. Edelman. spiritual nature, there well up j new radio, and they began the day Chairman Of Dept. of FinaJ and to, why not have them properly prun- I think that a new school is vitally from the depth of our hearts happily by listening in on that delight- Adrnjnistif ed and sprayed? Drop us a postal tor necessary in Woodbridge because the ful half hour from eight-thirty to nine information about our "Spraying Ser- population is increasing every year "Angel" Takes a Mate ((£). 1H0. Weitern N«wipap*r OntOD,) emotioha which challenge the vice". Rates reasonable. J. E. Jansa, and this cannot be overcome by power of human expression. We o'clock which brings dallj cheer to —Please mention Woodbri Inde- N;urSery, Sewaren, N. J. transforming the various parts of the seem to be lifted out of the go mnny American homes. The (Ing- pendent when buying \V. I. 12- 19 to 2 - 13 -31* present buildings. sphere of natural endeavor to put Ing of a bird came over the radio as Very truly yours, on a new life and to stretch for- a background of tbe program, and al- A. PANCONI. most with the first bird notes from the SOLUTION ward In desire to a blessedness J ij! which though not palpable. Is em- radio, Dicky started hopping around POOL SUGGESTED jj| inently real.—Curdinal Gibbons, jit In his new green palace, and finally To the Editor of the Sunday Times1 broke Into a full-throated Christmas lv Our town of Woodbridge has golf II carol which was a Joy to every one. courses, a beautiful park and a wide- He was saying Merrj Christmas to ly-known race track, but it does his little brother who was singing a luck a swimming pool where many thousand miles away in New York. people would go each summer to bo refreshed and cooled during the hot, Th* Earliest Carol IE). 1930. Wutem Ntwipaiyr Union ) BUltry weather.. If a pool were, buili The curliest Christmas carol we in time for the summer months 1 am sure that it would be well pat know was written In the Fourth cen i tury by Aurelius I'rudentius. It was Pre-Chriitmat Good Humor ronued. Due to the business de- ; pression there has come the unem- eidled "The Virgin and Child" and Is If everybody would maintain that ployment situation. Many workers si ill sung. pre Christmas good humor through- sre out of jobs and will have to out the year, what a happy world this spend this summer at home instead would be. of going Jto the seashore or to the mountains, but they will be able to A Seasonable Reminder affordi a dime or su to go swimming One half of the work done in the It is true that ow park has a large world Is done in the United Stutes, Named Ckrittmat Island cement pond, but this is very shal- iireordiiiB to a Columbia urofensor. ChriKlunis Island, In the I'.M-illr. Is low, only deep enough for wilding. The seasonal reminder expectant As irt. is now, each summer anyone Mrs. John Kr;.'iiuilil Mel.uaii, who 10 named because Captain Took desiring to hav© a cool, invigorating while strvluy us 11 uur nut'su won youngsters, Land to Santa Cluusl landed there un Christinas day, 1177. plunge must first take a rather ninny decoinlioiis und I lie unollklul warm bus ride to the out-of-town title "Anisel of Knun-e." wus iniirried "With a fiMiilly the size of yours, : ;Hr poojii and summer resorts, lhe other duv in l.os Angeles tu k I gums the exchanging of Christmas ? The people at home who have cars tilrurd Van liarkuJdo llule, u inuial prebii.l* Is pretty expensive." .t are lucky because most people who •••• can'afford curs can afford some sort lialuter, und thev left for u wedding "No. Indeed, v/i,'lral esptdlilon. nnd again ul Soo .tout timely tDtxdmaim wild ha(lt te H-m IUmrJ—1 I M bcautiet, I* Kay Wickham an«l Betty Eamund didn't * mothers are almost airaid ta Burtmry, ir gped panting tndwatdb your nln to asiitt Englr 2. P. HOWJ, crack pilot of on* of tha 8«abo«rd Alr- thofr children out of their John Napier, 11 Scotsman, who lived GOOD nolunc grow. Other wrTcrnnH line Rallroid'iJ tralna. running between New York tnd Mlll"l J, lat^e allow them to go to tu the enrlj Seventeenth century, U Seaboard hat I of the fatlett long dldance traini In the world i" •*«." ssl4 HI Ho, tb* Mf* California, wmi • Rnattan eotpoat that d Booth of San TM«-*n It atont l.ffffl of Chinatown, "I* Nlftt-eas?, Ilk* rot Old J of th« rhurge. li driven farther In. ex- threaten«4 the ftpanlah potMtdo* of nlleft In length. ptndlng the «Mc» to 01 cloMly the who fe*r« Use W»»hl«*1on 8t*r. rifling. Sorh balii were mocb used t •ort land! of many Pun FranctKUM. In the aitildlr of the Nineteenth no- In one of the mot wrcr* thander- It waa eatabllshed In TWO bf Coast ocmta n atorim Mt*rlw!r«>!«<•«• In life. The theory |h*t wmMhlng ought to h* ner ttt the ttoekad« w*rt hearlly built Palntin* which he wn» (lulling, the holt tear- 1 of enuring rvdwood. Inif off a henry finning l>oot, hut not done a front comrthlng I* the romer Explains Excluding Triiii«J«btlr. f fnult- square nllea. ing when ttie body wn§ found the Since 1H8I. the retreat and adraiK* neil dflf. flnrllnp. which guv* (,'rorK<> III » r»ln of Alpine (Ucten tn 8w'ti«rlaa4 b*a In thfr nwk.—TP'HID Blmtr. been meaimrtd yearly by i c: REASCNS wny you i-fiouLi) cur B GIFT/ AT ^ Here1* A Remarkable Bargain

Our credit plan enables you to $ 1 A.50 pay out of your income without ,50 10 1touching your saving*. 10 50 PER WEEK c Prices never lower, terms never 50c WEEKLY 2 easier. A RUGGED, STURDY WATCH. WOMEN EVERYWHERE WILL JEWELED MOVEMENT IN A APPRECIATE THE BEAUTY AND GOOD LOOKING ENGRAVED Only nationally advertised and CHARM OF THIS MODERN CASE, AND JUST TO THINK IT nationally known watches, CREATION. GUARANTEED TIME- IS ONLY $10.50. jewelry and silver on credit at KEEPER WITH BAND TO MATCH 3 cash prices. ONLY $10.50. EXQUISITE MODERN LADIES' RING, 18 KARAT SOLID WHITE' GOLD. FINEST QUALITY DIA- DINNER RINGS MOND. ' Jewelry gifts will be cherished years from now when other EXQUISITE DIAMOND DINNER 4 gifts have been forgotten. RING. 18 KARAT WHITE GOLD MOUNTING. Dumb Anim.l, in About 40.000 camels were used in Harvard's New Captain , he Fniestlne cnmcnlgn during the Albrens offers the utmost in May Enjoy Christmas irorld war- «nd the Uaiinns used service, quality, ,tyle and cred- .00 Mansion, in the «?°' IW^ **"^ '» ««ir ca. 5 it terms. up T IS nut now the fashion to ' $1.00 WEEKLY 30 3) IKIIII feet on the ground." Iu Two Weak* Eren $100 WEEKLY It's hard tn kpep even one foot oiuslneas Note—An eiecutlve Is a grou'nd; Hip other one 8ffms nh who can take two hours for lunch to he up, uniting Into t\ enr orout hindering production, Ar- alrplnno; and pretty soon, there m Bulletin. are—lioth fi'et entirely, cnniplet . BUY NOW, PAY IN PROSPEROUS 1931 distinctly off the ground! 5UU jr- , Wlint Mils condition may menn new fountain pens are almost Telephone future Rcnprntlons Is hard to gnt-.a, hut they still have that olO Perth Am boy Pertnips In n ypnr or two people Wif writing "le" for "el" 3484 OPEN make a date to' cclclirnte Chrlntm '. three thousand feet up In the n»elu»iTeiy Tropi "Come on up!" friends inuy he ur—^—> r-*_ ^Mfffg. . Between EVENINGS IInp . "Wi'V"W' p K«lnl R tn shooh t n pnrtributed ^^^ u]> OVIT Mr. Wnshlnjttun. IMucliifrpg |Q KRESGE chnradvs ntul a funcy ilroas linll!" j_ , and UNTIL illTy WIMMI Win) And wo shall be obliged to tnxl lr_ SCHULTE ' l small plnne to the party and beMoralit? of Writart elected i-:i[ii;iln

This is (s

We grt and;|i8h dl! HEALTH Through tlsible that separa weT" HAPPINESS out and ex! * PROSPERITY a holiday han ppin|ll u, For Christmas And The New Year DORSEY HOTO tmum OF Greeting TOWNSffP :in |.A.;F.v" ;.

„, been h

, u ,* 1>1\ .'•-•,"> I \ U V> o^Hk. |U.,M-\. ^ shown 11. .!»•

" V^Ssiir in

v \ \ii sv r of -•M ^xwE^'v.w. liiWf nar ^>s, I When hic w;i • i lsyr, (bridp- Hi; come vritit r'W ,_na—th.. i that «»-h<" .^.w •' . Enp- (fitter trrow (•ifUr- tend j . latt-r (firls. T tern , . , .w *v in tr.r .ihrr di1 scho I ^ , m( Voodhrid somi ! t,foi>tnn T 1 ; ,.il »f^ ainKly. 1- of tl I ., V H»nlev yii' . at the h.-l his W*< i-ar? on u | children. tied an. iii - KTl] very F. 'V Ben. ]]<• L: i-ft>. -t'T-M a cai «"•";,n c rl^o'V&r^here t»-o ' bank h»d busef i iously short An r..< l'-"1'?) . 1r»> « In a s street i'" !' ion,i : i i Week' mo"; „„.>•• me tl ,, ;"-™»«- " ":"T;7m..." :D M. C. AND be sc cornei nothin )Ut of all put tli more ball or hangtn (ici-ision At the develoi though "Y" w [IP tion wi bring < boy. Th tainly v ^^^X^'^^Z l.'laih wln- of then I at .'i hi Ha1 cause t! ; of t.hf -I..: ball at winilnw. A1 The 1 Bn ever I'm- I.; townshii the towi ought to insuring Young M ammer. St has to hav-- jquem'i's. : - - %^£&^%r&i tor noxt, no «l.->i«y £ fter the sdiMni HO he count v inn1 To the E Woodb There art pen withi VfH' l' time the to Eahwa. ami them die. minjr would bo i tion wouli growing t*

Woodbri station. A oproiiunity to ployed and care of tht By thin mi available ti be saved, J4 sician woul who could i cal attentio Woodbrici dium.. At j not possess Games cann porting troops- n. an open flei around tht money at gi field is open were closed vided, the pi to pay in c More game Woodbridge advantageou) possessed a i The last needs is a n -^ surround v-.ard space in the TVioinrii by the eighth were built, th -v to p<>l hof>^ I.AVII i^ present there ber of rooms out to the over-ci i nir classrooms ha the auditoriur ^RCA ta provide mo . »r(.' would also rei the lower p buildings had !.-i.-«»"r basements •had ; f> classrooms to I think that a necessary in W population is • iolo and this cann TERODYNE transforminir th present buiuHn, • ^ _d of perform Very only $ -i. iT,tormP

ZENITH, REGULAI $32-,.lH) afford a dime or (t It k trut that o AMRAD, REGUI.AI S-12:>J in cementj-pond, but / K, low, only deep ei MAJESTIC MIDGET SE" . ±:- * As kt is now, e«c desiring to have a boliver anv o tin- auovi C. A Models | plunge must firs warm bus ride U pavmen wil; br Ja~ \*-~ pool» »nd oum™*1" ''•.''''*?, The people at hp PLAYEk PIAN(; SPECIAL are lucky because up at r'h•,'•> cfn'tfford cars can iv- ol vacation. For. tl; 1 j»r» the swim is ir:' I ,vaf after a hot, du. hii. And then, jtfli but fares seem liter i i_ •_ »„ l...* MS »"«« how „„,„ ,„, wnJ stmas Shopping, A Joyous Occasion h M G

UGH the ttreet of th* town they walked, *nch Mprn Np OSITIVELY •r Union.) ERFECTLY HOLOHAN BROS. ASTEUR|ZED GARAGE Dun lop Tires and Tubes Milk Peace and Good Will Tire and Tube Repairing 1...J Rutle^ -'n-V Milk aw T Adas Timely Lesson Full Line of Auto Accessories Tented M «berculin h (Catherine Edelmao Tel. Woodbridge 8-0064 Cor. Amboy Ave. and Second St. WOODBEIDGE

KACE on earth, good will ^fff toward men." Ada Strntnor bent her head as the words of the preacher rang out. She wished he hnd chosen some other text; she didn't want to hear about pence this morning; lu fact, she hadn't wanted to come to church at nil, hut the hnblt of years Is not easily broken. She wns sorry now that she had come; It would have been better If she Imi] heeded the Impulse and CASH YOUR stayed at home. For the service, beau- CHRISTMAS CHECKS tiful though It was, only mnde her AT LEON'S ujiire unliuppy. Her hoiirt echoed tlie truth of Iliu words tlie preacher wns It is worth 10% MORE FREE GIFTS S'I.VIOK: "There Is no happiness In the in the purchase of Fur- if! '«• all kiddies if heart Hint does not hold pence and 'piiid will toward nil," niture or in Payment of accompanied by .*w- tf'i C3. TYPEWRITERS Your Account. their parents. For months she hnd known this; | 0 LE/MNTAlN PENS hut wounded trust ami pride had kopt her from acknowledging It even to A Complete Line herself. Never before had days been so long and empty, so full of bitter- ness nnd unhnpplness. Tkree months ago her only nephew, whom she had persuaded to study medicine, had told her that he could not go on with that 1 wnrli, and worse, expressly aKiiltist her wishes. Insisted upon taking up sv* Portables Make I the art course that she had made him drop before. Kor Ada Stratnor felt Wstma* that the career of an artist was too precarious and held too many threats PHILIP & of poverty. And a still greater reason, she wanted him to carry on the traill- dun of the Stratnor family—a docto In every fWionitlon. Nor had she r lented a particle when he told her that the biggest Joy In life was to he alile to <]n the HI'LT one wanted to, no .. ^]

s,Jo»« ou at the n«- ' tfart, w

A ShortV t r Beginning at 9:3 . ge ers Serpentine Strm?lnS' Cities, piece Jete Outfit Included In Thi. Outfit— nSes Ballo 3-P1ECE LIVING ROOM SUITE Danc< ' °n UVING ROOM END TABLE MIRROR MAGAZINE RACK JUNIOR LAMP AND SHADE OUTFIT BRIDGE LAMP AND SHADE Music by the Faiw SMOKING STAND 1 TWO THROW RUGS (10 melody mad, cr ; TWO BOOK ENDS e TWO GENUINE ETCHINGS one an ai each OCCASIONAL TABLE ier) TABLE LAMP AND SHADE Parties, Clubs and Frater _V Private rooms oi* tablr0 (X)111® '«n masse.

All for the exceptional MAKE YOUR Rl 93-95 SMITH ST Thone Ne Br TTFSPAY. PEOfcMRER ITS. 1930 «;K TKN News of the World Told in Pictures

Claus From the Conf The White Kou5e Daby Miami Birdies Sitting in a Tree

Harvard Crew Prepares for Forthcoming Season Proud Dad of Eddi

hur H. Acting ss which lllght from

Stop! Go Ahead! Red Light! At Charity Game for Aid of Unemployed Lmd to ."live 3;:^

hlcagu Public Library an ublishing of better lltera- rogruph operator, Is here Wooden of Science Sifeowu Mrs. Kuy L. Brown

bajitbttil, hoctey, lacrosse. footbftU, hundrticUi or thouaandi ol utV t modWled. This quew-looUng nri the mur9mm Hmttm Qwm. "pftlloue," a gams which cor- mg after a li brini? the Matrons within range of 1 Club «t Woodndi Friday night, state, the District o£ Columbia, Alaa- by. thi' score of I) to 20. BattTinfc'jkii, Hawaii and Canada, are compct shot at victory, Benkert's charges were forced to bow in Atr uphill in a fast imping game, the ing in the first of a series of four cat ufter battling tooth and nail. Irish fought, dcsnrriitely to gain a monthly indoor postal matches con It was Zimmer, lithe Unden for- local crow by accounting for «ev«n -rgin without :vv;-il. Despite this ducted annually by the National Rifle i»rd who refused to be bottled. r»»«ftt». hut the oiffht mlnaten of Uj* i, Itrnithwaite s rharges exhibit- Association, Washington. , i , . .... lout quarter fairly flew. The rally >»«»m<> ftno_lW\\.,rk and passing. The competitors will shoot their Pirne after time, he looped in pretty came too |8ll, attack of th- Avenel team was targets on their own ranisea and for ,hoU - not many, but enoujrh to | WoodbridRe outscored 'Linden to superior to that used by the ward them for official scoring to the. I his team on top. Sherman bore the la*t half, 14 to 13, »nd exhibited ire, but the A\ wxlridije outfit rifle association. The targets shot in :ie brunt of the Woodbridge attftck. far better foul shooting. The B«r- Jie rnngc, with ih<> rpsult that the first of the scries must be in the 1 le captured high ncore honors with rons made (rvo out of seven shot* forwnrds n<.r>n<'il into enough bands of I., tj. Bradley, manager of Mir field ^goal s anfived fouls, and; from the' fifteen-foot line, .e-deckors to ,-iin up a lead. the competition division of the asso- •pt the team fighting1 until the final'Linden made only five out of ten, d with the 8 5 121 the fiftwn foot line Mnylund and year by the National Rifle Associa- score favoring Linden, S to 4. Both UNDEN H. S. (27) Iluchardt led the winners with nine tion to give its members an opportun- eams reverted to defensive playing G. F. FT.T. points each. ity to shoot in competition without n the second chukka, splurging now /.immc-r, rf 5 2 3 12 The box score- leaving their own ranges. nd then with a passing- onslaught. Pikulin, if 2 AVENEL A. C. (29) The entry list for the matches now Parsons sank «. field goal and Sher- Pyrtok, If 0 II F T.I in progress indicates the continued man a foul before the half endod Burian, c 3 Urenniin, rf ... 410 growth of interest in target shooting. with Ted Cooper's boya on the long Le North, c 1 Toth, If 1 1 6 The number of entrants for the next end of a 14-7 count. Hauawald, rg (C) 0 I)«nmnn, rf » . ft Q three matches is expected to increase \ A goal by Campbell and a foul by Givens, lg 0 Wukovcts, c 1 l 3 considerably, reaching the highwit Sherman brought the two teamB llandwhnn, IK il 1 1 mark in the last of the series. closer in the opening minutes of the 11 5 10 27 Jaeger, rR I 3 The schedule includes special second half, but Burtan and Ziro»« ' Score by quarter: u events for American Legion team?, widened the gap a few minutes later, Woodbridge SB 11 29 police officers, and teams of schools, 'Bay'1 Houseman added a two-point-1Linden 8 0 8 6— 2T WOODRIDGE Y (39) colleges and military academies, in er to the Woodbridge aide of the. Referee: Read, Pordham. Scor- addition to the regular competitions )\ (I Tl. ger 'era: Vecaey, Woodbridge; Mopsick, Moylan, rf :t '.) for individuals and clubs affiliated Woodbridge opened the final Linden. Timers; Cacciola, Wood- Christ. If :t 7 with the association. The special tar- stanza ten points to the rear. Sher- bridge; Nogi, Linden. Time of quar- Padberg. c i R gets tised in the events are supplied man again fired the hopes of the tws: 8 minutes. Duchnrdt, rg 3 <) by the rifle association. Schihlor, lg . C The states, and other sections rep- resented in the matches that will be 1 \ 16 I! .) concluded during this month are Alas- TOTH STARS FOR ka, California, Connecticut, Colora- DE MOLAY COURT do, Canada, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, AVENEL IN FAST Inwa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, TEAM WILL OPEN (CARL ZULU) WINS Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Ne- GAME AT RAHWAY braska, Nevada, New Jersey, New SEASON TONIGHT \ OVER MEl DECKER Mexico, New Jifork, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio. Oklahoma. Ore- Americus Chapter Five To Irish Trim Orioles, 28 to 24 — Port Reading Leather Pusher gon, Pennsylvania. Tennessee, Texas, With East (and a big array of piest dream of the perfect lineman— lor, was a real wonder in the South Meet Accolade Of Bayonne Tied For Lead In Rahway Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Gets Decision In 8 Round Middle Western Stars) meeting West tremendous speed brawn and brain west City League — Pomeroy,. Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. combined. This Jewish juggernaut Sington's Hidekick, Capt. Clemen At Pamh House. Bout At Lakewood. (reinforced by some Southern sensa- among the Red Elephants is 6-foot-3, was all but his peer as a tackle an Jaeger Good. tions) at football in San Francisco weighs about 217 pounds, and is so there were a half dozen other stan LEAGUE SCHEDULE Carl Xullci, snappy Port Rra.lim Saturday in the annual game for a keen mentally that he will be gradu- in that position in the Southern Con CROWD SEES GAME leather-pusher flusheil into the lime- LANGFORD TO TALK Shriners' charity fund, grid fans still ated next June with Phi Beta Kappa ference. The Woodbridgo De Molay basket light in ring circles Friday ninh'-, have a 11)30 thrill or two coming. Of scholarship honors at the age of 20! At center, the South was partic when he won an eight-round decision hall team will open its State League Playing one of the best games of course, the yearly Rose Bowl classic Should Sinpton face Edwards in larly proud of Tulane's Lloyd Rob- their present season, the Avenel A. over Mi'lvin Decker of Rod Bunk, at - ,-. , , ., ., r, v , season tonight at the Parish House ON NEW GRID at Pasadena, Cal., on New Year's, tfiat Rose Bowl game what "a contest C. passers triumphed over the Rarv- the Lakovood armory. It was itie ill ld , h , i h , that will be! The big 'Baman can ert3,Lipscomb of North Carolina and, mee^mg the Accolade five of star b«iut of the program, and tIn- Clemens of Florida At ends, Tu-' -^ Th*RMie, which is xched- v,&y Orioles, 28 to 24 last night, la will conclude the seasoonen o-witf iths whamost function at guard equally well. And lane's Holland and 8:30 <>Vlock, is expected to Runway City league competition, to township boy was in the (link of run- Secretary Of Inter-Collegiate that brings to mind the fact that line Georgia's Capt. Maffett and dition. contests, Alabama's a capacity crowd, inasmuch us slip into a first place tie. The league Football Rules Committee To crushing Crimson Tide careering material was especially rich in Dixie fish" Smith nive some idea of how. chapters will have their team? leading Orioles fought bitterly to In the hig crowd which saw tlir during the season. Steele, of Florida, hiprh the class of wing play was in 1 against Washington State's Cougars, in tip-top shape for the encounter. stave off defeat, but the fighting Irish fray, wort' many of Zullo's bucket -. Be On Air Friday. 1930 Pacific Coast champions. seems a standout among the guards, Dixie. The decision was popular, inasnmiv i, ,,,u ,,r ti>,- Smitv, ».•.- The local team will be made up of a would not be denied. Led by Mickey That Rose Bowl event may serve but even he didn't rank Maddox and Tho : ns the local boxer had clearly out "Football Regulations" will be the as the measure of Alabama's true Leathers, of Georgia; Howard and centering ollTLLn Alabama.^ Shoul«Sd, th Ze "umber of ex-high school stars, anjToth who popped in five field goals pointed his rival. The match was a re- , g; und a foul, Braithwaite's players bat- iKjcct of a talk by William,SI. Lang- greatness and present in action the MMiller , of Alabamalb ; BodengerBd , of T\iT - , Crimson Tide inundate Washington turn affair, the two having met ;> unanimous All-American,' lane; Davis, of Duke; Forquer, of' State, claims nf Notre Dame to the tled pluckily from the opening whis- little iiVi'i u week ago. The first fight •I'd, secretary of the Intercollegiate .Tide's l f Dk To date, Amerieus Chapter ha« tle until the final gun. imiliall Rules Committee, to be "Fre(l' the year's most ti- Kentucky, or Thayer, of Tennessee'national championship will be vigor- nine league games scheduled. Th« j endeil in ti draw. tanic tackle. There's the coach's hap- by any wide margins. Koch, of Bay- ously disputed. The game was a nip and tuck af- nni over an NBC-W.IZ network, Woodbridge boys will face Burling- ] , . liday nipcht, December 26, at 7:lf> ton here on December 30th, closing ,ilv Moonf.v wa* leader for Wonder* of Nkturel their 1030 season on that dnle. The c'Rl^' Mooney was Vlm'k, Eastern Standard Time. losers, scoring five times flfpm Muhtniiii; Inics arc said i» he so 111: schedule follows: tho field. Toth of Avenel was ably out (iri-Roi! way llmt (!ioj- cntch tlicm I.nnjrford's talk will be a resume LETTERS AWARDED 'CAMP ORIGINATOR RUTGERS ATHLETES Tues. Dec. 28, Accolade, Bayonne, ^^"i 'th. work of Pomeroy and »nil p lint iliein liliiok to keop tliein f new rules adopted by the commit- from HiiscliiK trains.—I'ulhfinder Mn«- •• und the laws that will govern the TO GRID CHAMPS OF ALL-AMERICAN WILL BE INACTIVE Xes. Dec. 30, Burlington, Hurling J^th!TiaEi^ga^ tzlm>. iitin- in 1931. niT'j.n. 12, Essex, Newark, rttlu-J ^££ %** Twenty Seven Get Official In- Was Tremendous Task To Ga-Christmas Vacation End* 1930 home. The box score: Sport Term — Court Team Jan. W, Union, Rahway, signias — Ten Players Will ther Statistics — Result Wor- AVENEL A. C. (28) Be Lost Through Gradua- thy Of Tribute. Will Face N. Y, U. Jan. 3. Sat1. Jan. 31, Vigilant, Plainnold, tion. away. Denman.'rf 0 0 Since Walter Camp originated the Feb. 3, Loyalty, Summit, SEEN FROM THE SIDELINES Athletic activities at Rutgers Uni- Tues. Toth, If 5 1 11 idea of choosing an ail-American Twenty-six member^ and the man- versity will hv halted for two weeks home. Wukovets, c 0 1 1 •llv TOM I5RKNNAN. Kditor. football team from each year's leaxt fal! 1 FALCONS DEFEAT Gottfried, rg 2 hook, line and sinker Thursday night, 1,. set up a little margip. death," his official choice was announc-1 tan pools since many of .them are Swierk, Iff 11 What happened? It's history. The Legion would not be denied. cla JU D 1 1 1 1 BORO TEAM 35-26 11 2 2-11 After losing the opening match, the famous "40 and 8" crowd i '"" , ,^ If '"" ** "" - petuated by "Collier's as'a me'mo'rial keep some of tin;" natators in'condi » i n ill „ | IU ,UL | fL ,,!,„ ir.lf.v,.,rU" twina «.,,. I The lettermen are: tapt. Tony t0 the Father of America's greatest tion for their campaign for the in- Sikorski Leads Attack Wfth turiU'tl the tables, and thrashed the 1'ee Hiichers twice. Sur- Cacciola, Capt.-elect "Tony" Aquila, 8mateur pu8time. tercollegiate crown which will begin J al;k Five Field Goal* — Club Drised"' You should have seen that league leading crew. Whew! : , Campbell, George Dign, Jimmy fhis yeur, the all-America team, shortly after the holidays. BENKERT'S SCRUBS ,,.... , ,, . , ,, nQ_ .,„,.„. ,, I D.mock, Tommy Lockie, Don Mon- ;uat announced by Collier's is more Alumni basketball contests against Booking Games. And the Legion only three steps from the cellar—theieby add- |tague, Joe Ruddy, Walt Stillman, Representative than ever before. Col their local high schools will keep ing insult to injury. ZtPeti eJU111 Schmidt1 , Vic Sherman, Joe Bos- \ ,. Atlantic to the Faci- majiy of Coa;h Frank Hill's men on . . ut^Y.• i >» wi-i, ' * xiauitei, rium^s pivinun, iieu fltegw. ^j. t, f representeum ttle d in the men select- the court The Liberty Fulcons of Kurds nos- NIPPED BY LINDEN ed out st Alld rm't you imagine the Messrs. Mesick, t-hicky With- 1 Pomeroy-e, John ,Hacker Frank, PranceParsonss ,Nelnon Frank, NeBad- eficd—college an, rel)reseqs greated t inan thde smal meln selectnorth-- theTh courte wrestler. s will be able to work - Joseph's of Carteret, 3fi to ka AlfMd lr r e t ill lookinir quite dignified and saying to the loserls. - Nussbaum, Gua Hutternan, urn ani]30U thern. out only if they huve availublv some £(>. *,a e «nt tilt at Fouls. Led by W. \i. S. Seconds Show Little Tommy Currie, Jimmy Lee, Joe Mar- Ticknor, the ulmost unanimous club or other organization where th« »iKor»ki who scored live times from "Sez you!" Quick, Watson, the needle. This is too much. th<) held tnt Punch In One-Sided Prelinf- kous, Ray Predmore, Kd Nahasa, ^f,^ o{ t|,e juaKea for the center mut sport is u recognized activity. . Liberty outfit fought tcoth aml 1 1 for The Legiort pinmen have been doing that kijid of stuff oft ^ Al Kxebs und Mgr. Wai- positlon, is a Harvard undergrade Thu basketball team will swing in- "f ' victory. The Car- —Score, 36 to 9. ;and on, Every now and then, -v^ith the first three teams only p. ate. Oarideo, undisputed selection for to action before the vacation period teretians, with Harris high scorer of quarter-back, is from Notre Dame, closes when the quintet opjioaes N. Y. Ine K&me, failed to "give quarter", Showing a weak attack and Dodd, half-back, ia from the Univer- U. at New York on January 3. The w!"i thy result that the spectators game or two apart, the Legioil will "bust in" and wreck the 683 11 a scoring 'punch, the Woodbridge Sec- sity of Tennessee, and his partner on other winter sports (teams, with the w'.^ *, ^"T interesting «me. 6nd& were badly beaten by trie Lin.' hopes of one of them by taking""two out of three" or something the other side of the line is Pinckert, exception of freshtnan swimming, i The taleons would like tff book ame8 wlth 18 den Seconds yesterday afternoon at like that. "Them Legion guys", the popular saying goes, "are of Southern California. will engage in at leifct one contest in f ^a" m this vicinity. Linden by the score of 36 to 9. Led The full-back, Macaluso, is from the two week peribd between the Managers Sinalley and Ilko may be che(1 by Orlando who was high scorer, tu* dangerous." Colgate, an Eastern university; while! Christmas recess and the mid-yew. J** °V calling Perth ^mboy l.indenites swished themselves into an THE ARMY BLASTS Hein, utility lineman, comes from the examination period whith will cause !{,^ early lead which they held through' opposite end of the country, being a another two-week layoff for the Scar- The box score: out the entire garrje. Jost and Sher- With the announcement of the 1931 football schedule for student at Washington State. The let squads. Liberty Fslconi (35) man, together yti Kopi, Mayer and the Army, the hopes ana predictions of a great multitude of ends, Ualrymple and Fealer, are stu- G P TO Blair did all the storing for the lon- dents at Tulane and Ohio State. The Toth, If .... 3 ers. Kopi was rtjjh with a field goal grid fans insofar as the renewing of Army-Navy relationships tackles, Sington and Rhea, are from Bucho, If .... 2 and a foul. - v Sikorski, c . were concerned, were blaated into thin air. U looks as though the Universitieti of Alabama and Ne- HERE'S A NEW TYPE The box score: braska; the guards, Koch and Beck- Arehie, rg ... the boys at W,est Point aren't even considering Navy, for in ett, are credited to Baylor and 'Cali- Serensiki, lg WOODBRIDGE SECONDS (9) fornia. : Patrick, lg F. addition to Yale, Harvard and Notre JDalne, old opponents, the OF GOLF CHAMPION Mayer, rf .... t In rounding up the year's jelec- i Bernstein, rf 0 Army has added six new colleges. These new foes,,Knox, Ohio tiuns, tliH members of thiBrtfreatetit of 0 1 15 5 35 1 Northern, Michigan State, Colorado College, Louisiana State ull athletic juries wer« twd with an Hold* Record For Having Play- . St. Joseph ! (2«) Jort, If Harris, rf .. 3 Sherman, lf almost incredible amount of work, ed More Different Courses 11 Blair, c and Pittsburgh replace Boston College, Kurman, Swarthmore, which tihey performed with ajfine Woodhull, If '•" 2 C North Dakota, Kentucky Wesleyan and Illinois, and should mixture of earnestness and enthuii- Than Any Man Living. Donovan, c ....'^ 1 Senft, c asin, The entire country from Flori- Harrlgan, rjt 0 | ] Aquila, re - 0 3 i Shay, rg 0 give the Cadets a much stiffer schedule than they had this da to Washington, from Texas to Golf enthusiasts have dug up a Hart, lg 2 kl nu of a v xa u J^Kopi, lg 1 Mainee, swarmewarmed with vast herds ooft I™ . u l !W " "' Halph A. ned year. football players who from tate:K«1 y( ^ holda the record for 20 la ed lnor0 8 • 3 It WUB the general opinion, that after the charity game m September to mid-December were "»""« P y , different courses giving all they had in the way of th«nwy man UNDEN SECONDS (34) ,„„ York, the service boys would shake hands and bury the Hia total is 800, and he expects to G. F. speed, eklll, power, courage and t 2 Jfttchet. Such does noH appear to be the case. At any rate the brains to the game that lured them from the softer ways of college life ~ Kiddies showed the Army how to speR fight, even though the into the drudgery of training and The only other golfer who ha* ap oachl!( hi ur la Q 9 practice, heavy" physical and"mentoand mentali PP« ' ?.™ lL {»« *!^ 2?J were against them. the i *••• and man-to-man contort of , The old racket about the "Army and Navy forever, etc", hard blocking and harder tacklinkli g \™*I rounds »t „_ gflfld old fe"d between the goat and the mule, the extrava It is a stupendous task to all the atatiiUw end ganza of epaulets and brass tnrttons, the mitdily sp^^!^~ h'rtti* t''lM«uaiu"} Wnlte, It) tne Army versus Navy—is all about blasted t<> piwes. I UK ixise, us lit- uiipfuid behind tiw' Writerj Up the opinwftof 4k* pjrti.s.s throughout the [lui'k fur the New Voik Ituugeri, „«•»• Bl'M .CO •s too bad." AND PAGE TWELVE TUESDAY, DECEMHER 23. 3 030 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE TOWNSHIP Fords Notes St. James P.T.A. Has ISELIN Miss Verna Me Elroy Woodbridge Candlelight Service AVENEL Miss Anita Bartholomew of Ver MU< Marion l'rnrsiill of Main Lodgkinson Takes Two Miss Florence Ji'llyman, a student ulici't itttrndi'il (he sophohioiv hop Xmas Party Friday Of Main Street Weds at Temple University, Philadelphia, Features Meeting Of ,,na, was the guest of MjRfl' Kath '" at Hutifi is I'nivcrsity "ii Friday eve- Prizes In Bridge Play is spending the holiday season with liernard Friday evening when I ning with Nclstiii I)c Viii'.s cif I'atiT- her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. N. attended the. Benefit T Bon, N. J. For Pupils Of School ISELIN — Mrs. Gordon GUI was Stephen K. Werlock Jellyman of St. George* avenue. Christian Endeavor given by the Artsand hostess to the Monday Afternoon Miss Lon-nu l>ickilrson of Avenel Bridge Club yesterday at its Christ- Vincent Battman, son of Mr. and AVENEI, — An impressive candle The pupils of St. Jamri school Members of High School Staff] dren., formerly of "town T """; and Kicliard I'lcdmoro of Fords at- were given a delightful I'hristmax mas session. Gifts were exchanged Mrs. George Battman, of Rahwa; lifrht service was held at the Chns- tondi'd t.hf sophomore ho|i at Kutgvrs by the members through the medium Married In St. James Church avenue, arrived home Saturday for tian Endeavor meeting at the I res- Arlington, were the S, party Friday morning by the mem- and Mrs. Frank Breckk on £ bers of St. James Parent Teachers of a grab bag. Mrs. Elizabeth Hodg- the holidays, from the University of bytcriairChurch on Sunday evening. Association. The auditorium was kinson won the priie for high score, St. Janiflfl church was the scene of pitf.K,,™. ' Thihne church which wass beautifully Mi. anil Mr.", lit' .Satnyik and fam- decorated by member,} and officers Joe Hugsrard, of Dumont »>, .*„ gaily diK'oivited with lighted Christ- and Mrs. Charles Hodgkinson for low ! | a very pretty wedding Friday ily lit' Mnin Ktrcct, have moved to The club will meet again ning at eight o'clock, when Miss Ver- Mrs. S. H. Wyld at Amboy avenue of the Sunday school, was ilium mat Sunday guests of Mr Snand Mrs J 1 mas tree*. y t mb Charles Longstreet. - tlieii now hump on ('utter avenue. The following program was given next Monda»nday At the home of Mrs. j na Ruth Me Elroy, daughter of Mr. J. visited relative* in PotUvfile Pa ed only by the lights from the two by the puniln: John Hall, of Silzer avenue. | Manning Me Elroy, of Main street, over the week end. Christmas trees, and electric can- The Ladies' Aid Society of Our Carol. "Silent Night"—school. Those present were: Mrs. John ' became "the bride of Stephen K. Wer- dies by the organ. On a large table Mr. and Mrs, Fretl Foersch will Redeemer Lutheran Church recently Recitation, "Christmas Morn" *- Hall, Mrs. .Donald Batsoh, Mrs. Ed-: lock-of Woodbridgeg . The ceremonyy Mrs. B. B. Walling of High street W-fnrc the leader. Miss Martha hnve as their guest,, over the hclil a successful bazaar. i «» .* .-.I • ..... I *. —- r i u^ n «:J,U__J i r\t days Mr. and Mrs. "• - third grade pupils. ward Breen, Mrs. Charles Hodgkin- Was performed by Rev. Richard J. O'-left Sunday to spend the holidays Weimor, was a large star bearing Flatbush, Carol, "The Shepherds Watched son, Mrs. Elizabeth Hodgkin«on, Mrs. Farrell. with her son, Cheater, of Detroit many small candles. As she opened Mks Vunker is spending meeting, she lit the center can- Their Floi'ks By Nijjht/'—iKC'hnol, FFredd WlWalkerk , MMi s H.S .ftuart Morri- j a Th* bridoe,r who w«a given in mar- ich. m-veral weeks with friends in Cana- Recitation—"Christmas Secret" — son, Miss Edna Walker, Miss Grace' " ffe *>y " father, looked very at- , „„, Other„„,..„s wer....e . lighte..„ d fro-m this , Tom Cannan is chairman oi thth», da. • . stroml grade pupils. Walker, Mrs. William Lau, Mrs.' t>a«tiva in a gown of gold crepe. She Robert Prall and RoberR t Hay.len <>n<' as the different members took annual dance ,vhi,h will be given Mrs. Jennie Johnson and children, fiong, ".Jolly Old St. Nicholas" — Warren Clifton. I we a blsurk felt hat and black slip- Peddie Institute arree pendinupe g the part, each lighted candle represent- fo. the( needy by the flrem f^n Bobby and Mildred, were I he dinner school. pers, and carried an arm bouquet of elidays with their parentsf..nt. . ing? ann active part in the mepUntrmeeting, nancdance wiwilln boe helhpl.dl at ththeo r*mnk!!n <»ue-!ts of Mrs-. Chrbterisen in Rah- Recitation. "Christmas Time Is gardiniM and lilies^of-the-valley. The When all were burning, other lights Club House on Saturday, way on Sunday. Drawing Near"—third grade girls. Firemen To Give Party > bride's attendant was Mrs. Rolland Mr. and Mr*. Maxwell Logan and WITP oxtinguWied. anbl-.i arranged in a semi-cfrele, the meeting at the hnmV fM T," prize, bath salts. Louis Globe-Democriit. Mrs. Peter Me Cann, of Iselin bou- The guests were: Miss Helen Peif- levard, was a Rahway visitor the er, Mrs. W. F. Bums, Mrs. Andrew hurch. other day. Jacljson, Mrs. Derber Bartholomew. It was decid Miss Bernice Weaver, Mrs. Harold A Christmas party will bo held this Vansyckle, Mrs. P. J. Quackenbush, ^SMeM^ JS5 ^S tf-eh give an ornament] evening by the Zeta Lambda Society of Wo6dbridge. Folowmg the business meeting, a M-t,. m>p gun- etc li Christmas tree, which they J at the home of the president, Miss Harriet Fuchs, in Oak Tree road. Miss Marie Robbins, Miss Muriel | Haney, Miss Amy Riddlestorfer, Miss 1 be to Dorothy Hadden and Mrs. Willard The.protr.ra opened with ,,inffini{>-i 2", .,m ',.. u-hm-Xy1M>\ baI ^^^ *™» M™ Barth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodgkinson Anderson of Perth Araboy. of Chrwtma* Carol.,. A pluy wa.s „*. k.-r. .,( .-aimed and fresh vietebles 8nd ,M™- %*** bef°re Wedrle»(1i1Jr and Mrs. Elizabeth Hodgklnson, of en entieled, "Friday's Compositions" Wai, —• t.™> \12$! „% evening. The next meeting will be Pershing avenue, will spend the NewsYromthe Churches Christmas holiday at the home of Mr. ' ma and Lillian Anderson. and Mrs. John Hodgkinson, in Jack- Federal Road Aid Plan The following programs will be CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The members exchanged gifts, and son Heights, L. I. given in Woodbridge churches during The following program will be giv- U IO ll arriel played games. The prize winners. Is Praised by Official TW (l, T^i " J " "luzm.--tn. M--y,.r Ur-nn, John Ku were Marie Large and Marjorie he Christinas period. en at the Congregational church on D0"*?.!!^er.1.?d.MilIP«t Toft. W'-.Miam K.1-...I1 and Charles A Christmas entertainment, with Christmas morning- at 7 a. m: Donegon, Delicious refreshments Commendation of ttie federal gov- ST. JAMES R. C. CHURCH Games were played anf there" w'a^ were served by the hostess and her an elaborate program of recitations ernment's apportionment just made of Organ Prelude, "Bethlehem." — and group singing, will be presented MidrfNighl Mi» - 12 O'clock Mailing. . the usual exchange of jrift*. Tht _ . u u mother, Mrs. Chrarleg If. Senft, Sr. 1 the 1932 federal aid highway funds, Friday evening in the New Dover M. Mass in F—by A. H. Rosewig-; or- Processional, "While Shepherd chapter presented Mr*. Brbwn and t»«"»»njr > Man; Muiuw Those present were: Mrs. Clyde totaling $121,000,000, was voiced at Miss Lodge with gifts, I fiermany Ims more than lAW ma-Berry and Mrs. F. E. Barth, coun-, of which the Rev. Mr. Wil- ranist, P. H. Fenton. Watched Their Flocks By Night". eB liam Mahon is pastor. . I.QS Angeles by officials of the Feder- Carol, "On (This Christmas Morn R«fr hments were «-n-f1 all ' i'f>tuto<*H were iinkn• iiiiill sitjne of tlip ex what similar to modern curling tonga. for the show. Et Iternum venturus est"—Helen 0 nld, the years of J1O3P-31 will mark the Kolb, Mrs. J. Hughes. 11 A. It. Morning Sermon. 0 1 to 1 he Nmv world "ir Birdi Find Sobditul* peak of highway construction la the W^ows rush lu aii') (fr.jli 1' c Offertory _ "Adeste Fidelis" — 1:30 P. M.—Sunday school. o • 'lie <,f tin. plants l>urk t" Toe d|IUcullv of flmllng horse hair Uulted States. The total-to be spent where flapiiers fear to tr>«:i-J. ; choir. 7:00 "Young People's Baptist i .e... 1 wrid Hiih them. in this automobile age has driven Iselin teachers Get |iy ttie federal, state arid county high- Union." 0 -,/ Sanctus-pchoir. :i iluini Nmuw Unioa 1 many birds to substitute string as way departments In these {wo years Solo—"Bleni Sunt Coeli"—W. Keat- 8:00 P. M.—Evening sermon. And tliey were man-it.j ajj-l l,u-j! OOCr&tOCKWC neat-hulltilng material. „, Double Surprise When will aggregate $3,'5OO,O0O,'s Christmas", Wanda Pustula; Wln'u giving, utteiitlou to ilia tires, do uut forget the spare. Keep It lu the Mid-Night Clear'V-^chnecker, thee, Except 1 man be burn uf Alto Urge assortment of Boudoir WHITMAN'S CANDY yerhsard at Christmas", Elizabeth Communion service in E flat— wat«r and of the Spirit, he cannoi ; "Signs of Christmas", Sten- fitted to th* proper uriwsure, we that «nt«r into the kingdom of (,oil" O*»hflf to Five Pound Boxes J It also tifU} 9 dust cup. A tire cover Cruickshank. and novelty clock*. ~ Can Do", Kyi-ie eleieon. ijohpi 3:5). o, Amelia In to be recwnmy(ted strong. The Lesson-Sermon aUo ini-lude CHATTELAINE - powder, roug* SALT SHAKERS Gloria Tibi. 3 4*eto 98c pair Laus Chri#|. the following'. patsatje from tin lipstick """' utu *~' Chn«iga Srience lextbjok, • Sci- Pocket and wrut watches - Stattonery, fctua. •* i mi Health with Kry to the 2Jk to $3.00 bos • Perfume*, 28c up - seem htenub^ tttrei" byii|»ry Baker licJtly: Other vanities, 50c to l«c — -._ pocket. • l»'j»I.WP|p x'Hirtnn of trui- Batb Salt* uu| Powder - Fountain P«u mothers are PERFUME ATOMIZERS C«ffi*rif • Electric Curling Irons , Bridge „.' their children 0 lat alone allow the WMI Piker Sett . Noveltkw . P 1 ex- Cigarette Cases Ufhteri, $1.00 up. i Pipe* i~~ XniM Cards WINDOW