THE INDEPENDENT WILL NOT *BE PUBLISHED ON 24 Pages Today FRIDAY THIS WEEK Three Sections VOL. XII, No. 42 W I)II|II:KIIM,K. N .1 . ITKSDAY. l>K<T.MK PRICE THREE CENTS U. S. DredgeArrives To Deepen Woodbridge Creek Iselin Girl Killed "De Witt Clinton" Here By Hit-Run Driver Katherine Jan.en, 16, Die, Of Fractured Skull At Hospital Af- To Carve 10 Foot Channel ter Being Struck By Truck On Green Street Near Chain O> Hill Road — Truck Speeds Off — Injured Girl and Com- panion Also Hit Found By Motorcycle Officer. Leading To Township Dock Struck by a hit and run driver who sped of! into the dark- ve* Saturday Morning With HouseboM and Crew Of 48 ness, Katherine Jamen, a pretty 16*year-old Iselin girl, was Men—Anchor* At Cutter'* Dock and Will Dredge Channel "1 fatally injured while walking on Green street near Chain 0' From There Up—Work To Take Over 2 Month*—Water- I Hill road shortly before 6 p. m. Sunday. She died at Perth Am- way Will Boom Woodbridge-Arrival Mark* End Of Long boy Hospital a few h.-urs later. Another girl walking with her Fight For U. S. Aid. was also hit and seri'.usly injured. U. S. GOVERNMENT DREDGE "DE WITT CLINTON After bt'inu expected for over n month, the government Motorcycle Officer C. 7M CRI'O, rid- 3 retire opcnites hy swinging left roar end firm and twisting it to in H to begin his night p;i<rol, came Tin • 'iljre, "De Witt Clinton" finully arrived nt Woodbridge Creek ahead in ;i iK /.Bg manner, pivot- the left; then holding the right rear upon the scene a few niin ites after end tirm and swinging to tho right. I tunlay morning, and tied up at Cutter's Dock, at the end of the girls were struck. He I and Misn in(j; mi two piles sel upright at tho RELIEF FUND FOR back of the dredge. It is pulled (Try this with a cigar box). .liinsen, who is the daughti-i of l'hilij) A powerful steam engine and boil- ilton street, Woodliridge. Headquarters of the government ,lan«pn, of Creamer uvenii , laelin; Mieiu! by hawsers fsistr-ned to nnchor- ers boused on the De Witt Clinton' ri! will l>e maintained at Cutter's Dock while they carve out and also Miss Florence T. saronia, POOR IS $2,150 ages nn the sides of the creek ahead, operate the dredge, serving ns mo- Hi, of 223ft West First aye,, ie, Con- power being supplied by steam tive power for both the operation i he clinnnel of Woodliridjte Creek up as far as the new towti- ey Island, N. Y., lying in le road- winches. The rear piles, seen in of moving ahead, and also running <h\\) clock at the foot of Berry street. way. Standing at the side u ,s Rose GARDNER REPORTS the picture of the dredge, are called tho rotary cutter, consisting of a Mielc, of\Bloomfield avenue, Iselin, "spuds." When ready to go ahead, number of sharp blades set fan-wise. Tho dredge left Albany on December 12, and arrived at ulio was walking with the iii'er two Football Game Raises $383, onc P'le ia lowered and sunk firmly Power for pumping out the muck is New York on the 11th. It tied up at 155th street, New York, giiis. A J D i i •• r. |in ^e bed of the creek. The front also supplied by the steam engine. Between sobs, the Miele kr 1 told until Friday morning, when it left for Woodbridge, arriving And Kailroad Men Donate' r the dredge is then swung around Fresh water for the boilers is Zuecaro, "It was a little tnu with Over $600 _ Every Cent To. as far as possible to the side toward carried on a barge accompanying the j here Friday night, but anchoring outside the mouth of the a rack on back," but that was 11 the the imbedded pile. Then the other dredge; and the coal tender carries description she could give. /. ccaro Go For Unemployed. pile is droj^ped, the first one loos- 100 tons of coal. Water from the! inek, and finishing the rest of the trip Saturday. had his handa full with the two njur- ened, and the dredge hauled backcreek is not suitabl* for the dredge, I With the dredge is tho houseboat ping costs is bound to coma increM* ed girls, and could not trail tin flee- WARNS OF COLLECTORS the other way. It is as if a box were Cox said, as it is salt, and would Urlipse," which is tied up to Cut- od activity, with resulmnt prosperity ing truck. Later investigation how- moved forward by first holding the ruin the boilers. I ter's Dock, and will be there for the and growth for Woodbridge. ed it had crashed into the fen • by With $2,1".() collected so far, the BOSSES OF DREDGE next two months or more, serving! Business men throughout till* dte* the brook at a turn shortly belov the township fund for relief of the un- j Left to Right, Junior Engineer Juhn as shelter and cooking quartern for trict will be able to use th« w»t«r i-.cene of the accident, ripped ;rvay employed i* growing like a snowball j Cox, Impector Sidney B«llnnce, and the -IK men attached to the dredfl* fueilttiw afforded by the drtdftngb a part of the fence, and batUiri"! tho The first big push came with the Chief Engineer Juhn Howatt. so Acromtpanying the "De Witt which will enable tugs and bug** culvert wall. Evidently the ilrver IJGOO raised by the benefit show run State Urged To Build Clinton" are a water carrier, and a to come within almost ft stont'l was speeding on his way from 'he by the fraternal orders, and the sec- coal barge; making a fleet of four, throw of the center of Woodbridm; death scene. ond when workers of the Philadel- WHITE CHRISTMAS MAY In charge of the forces sent here and good connecting roadi maks Zuccaro took the Jansen girl to hephia and Port Heading Railroad con- Edison Memorial Blvd. BLOCK NEW MAIL RECORD liy the U. S. War Department to' transportation by truck to the dock hospital, where she was attended >y tributed $fi;S4.7ft. The Woodbridge- lredge the channel are junior Engi-1 easy. Perth Amboy football game swelled Dr. Skwarb, but proved to be p::»t The township committee passed ii The new boulevard was tentatively Chr!ttm.>i mail at the Wood- aid. Death came from a fractui ,'(i!the fund by"$383. resolution at its meeting yesterday laid out three years ago by the state. bridge postoffice threatens to skull, the hospital reported. Miss T r The, ,abov r e >••figure s™ camcameu li:omfrom-"i Wil1'!afternoon- , going on record as favor- It was planned to run westerly from break all recordi this year. saronia was taken to Rahway Hu- liam H. Gardner Treasurer of the •K ,.the i.^djate construction" of the Outerbridge Crossing to the su- tal, where she was found sufTeii: Fund. He .stated a detailed account | a ^te highwayi t0 ,be called "the per highway, and from there to Plain- Up with the dawn, by 8 a. m. from a three inch cut on the back of the various donations will be given Edison Memorial Boulevard", run- field and the Watehung hills. The thii morning the poitoffice had the head, and lacerations about I out shortlysiiomy. j'ning from "the Watehung Mountains route goes through Woodbridg*, already handled, 7,603 pfecet hands and face, also bruises, Ti. Every cent of the fund collected t fgh Quterbridge Crossing"g , starting at Waltroua Lane, thence to of mail, and teemed well it»rt- lf ll tthhe d" f Quterbridge Crossing third girl was unhurt. for relief will go to needy," t copieh s of the resolution were or- the Fords Gun Club, and from there ed to break yetterday'* mark Art alarm was quickly sent out 1 stalef lhde Mr. Gardner. "The expenses |d ^ gent to th t t hj h straight to the Edison Memorial at of 15,225 piece*. The totali for Woodbridge police, and a state wir °f lh,e «'P oyment bureau are paid — to the Port of Ne^ York Au- Menlo Park, then across open land ° , «'P oyment bureau are paid — h P f ^ Y lait week were: On Wedneidav, search was begun for the death c:i for^from the, townsh.^ contingent |thority and to Henry Ford and Tho- back of the Metuchen Golf and Coun- 2,696, and Thursday, 4,636; fundff , and ththe Red Crostohs worker tislt m!.a IIJ:Q-_ try Club, to connect with routes 28 The body of the dead girl w; Ld showing a rapid rise, «lmo«l turned over to Coroner Kenny < paid by that organization, Collet--! T^™The purpos" e of the resolution, and 29. Perth Amboy, and her parents not tors and distributors of aid are all [which is~similar to those passed by This new highway is planned for double. Friday hit a high mark volunteer workers." the Cjty Commissioners of Perth Am- an ornamental parkway 15 miles of 5,885, and Saturday hopped ed to the Greiner Funeral Horn Mr. Gardner issued a warning boy, and other organizations, is tolong. Construction would help solve it up to 9,316, again almost here. The. grief stricken parents sai' anainst giving money for poor relief get the state to spend part of the double.
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