Use of Reprocessed Uranium

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Use of Reprocessed Uranium IAEA-TECDOC-CD-1630 Use of Reprocessed Uranium Proceedings of a Technical Committee Meeting held in Vienna, August 2007 The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was: Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials Section International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna International Centre P.O. Box 100 1400 Vienna, Austria USE OF REPROCESSED URANIUM IAEA, VIENNA, 2009 IAEA-TECDOC-CD-1630 ISBN 978–92–0–157109–0 ISSN 1684-2073 © IAEA, 2009 Printed by the IAEA in Austria November 2009 FOREWORD The subject of the recycling of valuable material is essential for all industries, including the nuclear energy industry. Recent proposals for an ‘internationalisation of the nuclear fuel cycle’ entail an implicit need for the development of the closed nuclear fuel cycle with efficient use of uranium resources. Continuous attention is being given by the IAEA to the collection, analysis and exchange of information on the back end of the fuel cycle and innovative fuel cycles which are considered complex. The IAEA’s role in this area is to provide a forum for exchanging information and to coordinate and encourage closer co-operation among Member States in achieving resolutions of these issues which are of great interest to Member States. Several countries reprocess their spent nuclear fuel, either in their own facilities or through commercial contracts and possess reprocessed uranium (RepU) in large quantities. Recognizing the importance of this subject, the IAEA has prepared a report aiming to review and summarize the information on the management of RepU. A working group (WG) was formed to formulate and conduct a technical meeting (TM) on ‘re-use options for reprocessed uranium’. However, during the preparation of the TM, the WG recognized the necessity to prepare a document in the form of a handbook elaborating technical aspects of the processes involved in the utilization of RepU. It is being published separately as a publication in the Nuclear Energy Series. The TM was held in Vienna on 29-31 August 2007. The TM was attended by 52 participants from 13 Member States and 2 international organizations viz., IAEA and NEA/OECD. A total of 23 manuscripts were submitted. The TM was conducted in six sessions. They encompassed technical issues such as RepU storage, chemical conversion, re-enrichment, fuel fabrication, transport, in-core fuel management, subsequent reprocessing and disposal options, as well as assessments and comparisons of economic issues and of long-term perspectives. The IAEA wishes to express its appreciation to all the participants (listed at the end of this document) who contributed to the success of this meeting. The IAEA wishes to express its gratitude to A. Max for his critical review of the proceedings. The IAEA officer responsible for the organization of the TM and for this publication was H.P. Nawada of the Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology. EDITORIAL NOTE This CD-ROM has been prepared from the original material as submitted by contributors. Neither the IAEA nor its Member States assume any responsibility for the information contained on this CD- ROM. The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA. CONTENTS SUMMARY MANAGEMENT OF RepU: RECENT IAEA AND OECD ANALYSES (Session 1) Management of RepU: Recent analyses of the IAEA and new approach towards technical issues A. Max Management of reprocessed uranium: Main findings from an NEA study E. Bertel STORAGE, PACKAGING AND TRANSPORT OF RepU (Session 2) Key aspects of transporting reprocessed UF6 G. Owen Cost effective transport of industrial fissile packages by sea M. Flynn RepU FUEL ASSEMBLY MANUFACTURING (Session 3) Manufacture and operational experience of reprocessed uranium in WWER reactors V. Proselkov, Yu.. Pimenov The ERU fuel manufacturing at AREVA NP J.-M. Romary PROCESSING OF RepU (Session 4) Reprocessed uranium experience and UK options for NDA and Springfields Fuels Limited R.D. Grimoldby, S. Marshall, F. Munro, P. Gilchrist Reprocessed uranium handling at Siberian Group of Chemical Enterprises V.M. Korotkevich, T.G. Shikerun, AREVA’s experience and future project for reprocessed uranium management B. Morel, C. Evans Reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel at the PA ‘Mayak’ and reprocessed uranium using D. Kolupaev, V. Nikipelov Reprocessed uranium experience on conversion and enrichment in Japan M. Murata UTILITY EXPERIENCE AND POTENTIAL USE (Session 5) Reprocessed uranium: 5 years operational experience in the Gundremmingen B BWR M. Schrader The use of reprocessed uranium in light water reactors: Problem identification and solution finding M. Baumgärtner Necessary conditions for the development of reprocessed uranium recycling J. Olive, B. Calani, S. Beguin, Hing-Ip Wong Neutronic aspects of in-core fuel management with enriched reprocessed uranium – Belgian experience H. Druenne, H. de Baenst Thirty years of experience with reprocessed uranium management in Borssele J. Wieman Reprocessed uranium recycled in PWRs: Impact on the core of reactor and on the fuel cycle J.P. Grouiller, M. Delpech, J.P. Quaegebeur Utilization of reprocessed uranium in Indian reactors K. Anantharaman, V. Shivakumar, R.K. Sinha Technical feasibility of the use of RU-43 fuel in CANDU-6 reactors of the Cernavoda NPP G. Horhoianu, I. Patrulescu ECONOMICS, MARKET ASPECTS AND LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVES OF RepU UTILIZATION (Session 6) The current status of reprocessing plants and MOX fuel fabrication facility in Japan N. Tanaka, M. Murata Reprocessed uranium: Commercial resource or liability G. Varley Can reprocessed uranium become the most natural substitute to uranium P. Teyssier, M. Giroux Impact of market conditions on the economics of RepU utilization H. Bairiot ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF PARTICIPANTS SUMMARY Recent international initiatives with emphasis on the recycling of nuclear material and a significant rise of the natural uranium (Unat) spot market price have stimulated increased interest in the potential for the use of reprocessed uranium (RepU). In addition, there is a significant interest in IAEA Member States to develop advanced technologies for the recycling of fissile and fertile nuclear materials that would minimize the arising nuclear waste and reduce environmental impacts. Furthermore, the recycling and re-use of potentially valuable nuclear material is important regarding the sustainable development of nuclear energy. However, while several technologies for the recycling of RepU already exist, in some areas experience appears to be still limited and shared knowledge may not be widely available. As per the suggestion of Technical Working Group on Nuclear Fuel Cycles Options and Spent Fuel Management and to provide a forum for exchanging information as well as to coordinate and encourage closer cooperation among Member States in the area of innovative fuel cycle development a Technical Meeting (TM) on the options for the utilization of RepU was conducted. The TM was held at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna from 29 to 31 August 2007. It was attended by 48 experts from Belgium, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, The Netherlands, Romania, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, the Ukraine, the United Kingdom, OECD/NEA and 4 staff members from IAEA (see the list of participants at the end of this document). Some experts viz., from Canada, France, The Netherlands, the Russian Federation, Spain, the United Kingdom and the USA were not able to participate, due to last minute cancellations. Nonetheless, some of them have sent their presentation materials. The TM provided 23 technical presentations which were classified into 6 categories (see also Content): 1) Management of RepU: Recent analyses of IAEA and OECD; 2) Storage, packaging and transport of RepU; 3) RepU fuel assembly manufacturing; 4) Processing of RepU; 5) Utility experience and potential use; and 6) Economics, market aspects and long-term perspectives of RepU utilization. According to the titles of the different sessions, the TM discussed technical issues such as RepU storage, purification, conversion, enrichment and re-conversion, fuel fabrication, transport, in-core fuel management, subsequent ERU fuel reprocessing and disposal options. Furthermore, logistic, strategic and economic issues were discussed, assessments and comparisons of different RepU management options were made and long-term perspectives and visions were contemplated. Thus, this TM complemented in closing the information gap on the current status and future trends in the management of RepU. It identified - to the extent possible - major issues to be considered for future projects, and it supplemented the preparation of the new IAEA-TECDOC on this subject by the IAEA. 1. Session 1: Management of RepU: Recent analyses of the IAEA and OECD Two papers were presented in the 1st session. While there is currently no shortage in nuclear fuel for the operating and firmly planned reactors, the prudent management of fissile and fertile materials is a key component of sustainable future nuclear energy development which simultaneously addresses efficient use of nuclear materials including
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