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Sept. 16, 1958 _ . I w, E, ABBOTT ETAL 2,852,460 FUEL-BREEDER FUEL ELEMENT FOR NUCLEAR REACTOR Filed Aug. 6, 1956 w//%////»;:/N \QE n.V////.//////////.Dv Lwv/l'I - ././4//. mm . 1M5.NLA TOT T T0 BY mm»/ /m m _ ATTORNEY , 2,852,460 United States Patent 0 . i Patented Sept. 16, 1958 1 23 power level, and in heterogeneous reactors this has been 2,852,460 ' set by the uranium temperature in the center of the rod._ To avoid this, and yet maintain a high ?ux, fuel elements FUEL-BREEDER FUEL ELEMENT FOR comprising a cluster of relatively small diameter uranium NUCLEAR REACTOR rods have been designed. However, this only aggravates William E. Abbott, East Pittsburgh, Pa., and Ralph fabricational and decontamination costs. Balent, Tarzana, Calif., assignors, by mesne assign An object of our invention, therefore, is to provide an ments, to the United States of America as represented improved fuel-breeder fuel element. .by the United States Atomic Energy Commission Another object is to provide a fuel-breeder fuel ele ment, wherein the fertile and ?ssionable materials are Application August 6, 1956, Serial No. 602,401 separated ‘and there is a minimum of cladding. 5 Claims. (Cl. 204-1931) Another object is to provide such a fuel element which permits fabrication and decontamination economies. Another object is to provide such a fuel element, where Our invention relates to an improved nuclear reactor 15 in a single, relatively large diameter fuel element is the fuel element, and more particularly to an improved fuel equivalent of a cluster of smaller diameter rods.
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