co~sLAI co~sLAI REGISTERED WITH THE DIRECTOR OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS AS A NEWSPAPER Volume V No. 1 Organ of the Democratic Party (JANUARY, 1967 OUR NATIONAL CHARACTER MANY a newspaper Correspondent that covered the Botswana Independence Celebrations in September and tried to give an assessment of the festive activities, agreed that a distinguishing characteristic of these celebrations was an absence of fuss and excitement. Many of them thought they could detect bewilderment and puzzlement in the faces of the many spectators who lined the streets of Gaberones, and watched the foreign dignitaries drive past in their flag-bearing cars, without any awareness of the significance of the occasion for their future. The South African Pictorial Magazine, "Scope", sums it up by saying that they knew "something very important was happening, but many did not seem to know what it was." The correspondent continues, however, to make some observations by which knowingly or not, he lays open the nature of the Batswana as a people, when he remarks: "In sharp contrast to the often violent events that had marked the granting of independence to Black African countries to the north of them in the preceding ten years, Botswana's great day passed off with quiet dignity, and an almost complete lack of incident ..... so subdued and noiseless were the celebrations." "Quiet dignity . . . . subdued and noiseless" - sums up adequately the distinguishing characteristic of the Batswana, for, like an individual a nation has a character by which it can be distinguished from others. These are characteristics of a Motswana that have often been mistaken for timidity, and at other times for canceit or stubbornness. Because he prefers to go about his daily tasks quietly and with a minimum of fuss and noise, he has often been looked down upon by his more boisterous neighbours, who, as a rule express themselves in high-piched voices, and move about in a swaggering gait, and put on "somebody-who-maters" airs. These are all conscious or unconscious devices to make up for the absence of that intrinsic human quality - courage, both moral and physical. It is common knowledge that a dog barks, snarls, bares its teeth, arches its tail and back, ruffles its mane, simply because it is in mortal fear, while most of us will have learned by unpleasant experience to take heed of the dog that approaches you without a snarl or a growl. Besides, the noisy and excitable make-up of an individual or a nation does not, and cannot lend itself to an impassionate and balanced assessment of issues, something in which we hope the people and government of Botswana will have a lesson or two to teach the world and the continent of Africa in particular. What has often been mistaken for stubbornness in a Motswana is an innate desire to be accorded the basic recognition that he is a human being and grown up man or woman, particularly from those who may be employers or supervisors of labour. Such recognition has the tendency of drawing from his loyalty to, nd respect for those above him, a fact which it would be worth much for members of other racial groups in this country to know. In addition a Motswana likes to be given an opportunity to voice his complaints if he has any, to be listened to with sympathy, if only to have it explained why so and so cannot be done for him. He does not have that deceptive submissiveness that is often mistaken for obedience, under which, more often than not a great deal of pained feeling and bitterness is provided with a medium within which to accumulate and smoulder, erupting somewhere into the violence that, according to Scope, has become a common experience in some African countries to the north of us. If members of other races with whom we share common boundaries, or who have come to make their homes here, to live among, and work with the Batswana, were to appreciate some of these distinguishing characteristics of the native inhabitants of this country we may yet be saved much of the heart ache and misery that has torn the rest of the Continent of Africa. TRIBESMAN KILLED IN AMBUSH S Eight African terrorists who ambushed unarmed Rhodesia tribsmen 300 miles west of Salisbury have been captured by the Rhodesian Security Forces. It is said one tribesman was killed in the ambush. For your PRINTING at STATIONERY i ,OTSWANA PRESS ," (PTY.) LTD. P.O. B of)4 Mafeking -PRINTERS OF THIS NEWSPAPER

MATONA A BOTSWANA Ke RAMSAY DIANE MOLEFE Botswana bo a ipela bo tsere Ipuso Namane tse ditona di semeletse, Tshoso-e- rweleng ke Seretse-a-Sekgoma Lelekantwa la bana ba ga Khama Seshaba sa Botswana lo ikakole Lo itlhophetse motho yo montle Seretse Le a gata lefatshe o nasa fela A nyenya le bagolo le babannye. Morwa Khama o gama a iketlile, Masire ke ene motshwara kgamelo Ba gama ka kgamelo di le thataro Ya bosupa ba setse ba e tsentse. Tiya mokwatla Masire o itsetsepele, Lefatshe la Botswana le go lebile Le mafatshe otlhe a go utlwetse 0 se nne lefufa wa rethefala. BAMANGWATO BURIAL SOCIETY (B.B.S.) LEKGOTLA LA BAMANGW ATO LA GO FITLHA BASWI A 0 ITSI KA GA BAMANGWATO BURIAL SOCIETY RE BONE GONE GOMPIENO! IKWADISE MO LEKGOTLENG LA BAMANGWATO LA GO FITLHA BASWI SE LEKGOTLA LE SE EMETSENG KA NAKO YA GO LE LOSO Bamangwato Burial Society e emetse ditiro tse di latelang fa o swetswe:(a) Re tla ntsha Lekese/Kobo ya go fitlha moswi (b) Re tla ka dikoloi tsa rona (c) Re ntsha seaparo (d) Re emetse go thusa ka Dijo; tse di tshwanang le Tea, Sukiri, Boupi jalo jalo. (e) Re dira dithulaganyo le bakokelo go re tshegeletsa Setoto go fitlhela nako ya fa re se batla. RE DITSALA TSA BA BA SWETSWENG BAMANGWATO BURIAL SOCIETY (B.B.S.) e tIa fitiha baswi ba rona ka madi a ko tlase; le ka Tiotlo e tona, le ka Phitlho e masisi. Rulaganya go nna mongwe we Lekoko la Bamangwato Burial Society gompieno! Se diege gonne ga go motho o ka laolang nako ya Loso. Rulaganya le: THE SECRETARY/BOARD OF DIRECTORS, BAMANGWATO BURIAL SOCIETY, P.O. BOX 69, SEROWE. Seshaba sa Botswana lo ipeleng Thema o lo belege ka Ipelegeng O disitse dikole le dikokelo Le ditiro o ntse a di akanya Ke utlwile Tsoebebe a ntshebetsa A re, "Thema ke ene serunya sa tiro" Kana ke mosimane wa kgopana 0 tsere emo sa phiri e kotame. Maabane ke etetse Bokalaka Ke fitlhetsa Dambe a epa tshimo A utlwa fa go tla agwa letamo La go nosa korong le katunu (cotton) A re ene ga a na sepe le tihale O batla motsoko go goga peipi Tsheko ke ene mmaya masimo 0 dule Tona ya Leruo le Temo. Haskins o fetotse seemo O tla tswa digolo di sa bolelwe O pelo-tshweu ke Lekgoa-Motswana Ke mfitlhetse a tlhobotse dibaki A tshwana le thakadu seepa- dikhuti Ga a epe maruswa o batla khumo O batla kgotlho'kwa tlase ga lefatshe Meepo ke yone boswa jwa lefatshe. Nwako ke ene morongwa kgakala O rongwa Aferika le kwa moseja Go tihola fa folaga ntse a foka E kwebu ya Botswana kokama seshaba E re file seriti re le bannye. Moja-morago ke ngwana wa ga Kgabo. Ngwana ke yoo Ma,gosi lo mmelege Fa lo o ja, lo mo ngathele lemipi. A heelele lona bana ba Botswana! to tshege-tshege lo bo lo ipitike Lo tshwane le mmutla wa maphakela Tshwarang tiro tsotlhe ka boipelo Tiro ga se fela Ofisi - Gaborone Le ya masimo ke pelega seshaba Mathata a a sa bolong go retela Lo tshwaragane le Puso lo a fedise Mafufa a mannye lo a lebale. JANUARY, 1967 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE TWO JANUARY, 1967 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE THREE BOTSWANA BECOMES 120th MEMBER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AS our readers are no doubt aware it has been the expressed intention of the Bechuanaland Democratic Party that on the attainment of the independence status Botswana would seek her place in the United Nations Organisation and its specialised agencies, the Organisation for African Unity and such other international bodies whose membership would be of benefit to Botswana. This intention - call it promise if you wish, was uppermost in the mind of the President of Botswana - Sir Seretse Khama, for so soon after independence Celebrations he dispatched a mission to New York to place before the United Nations an application for membership. The Botswana delegation comprising the Minister of State, the Hon. M. P. K. Nwako, ex Minister of Agriculture; Profesor Z. K. Mattews - ambassador designate to United States and Botswana's Permanent Representative to U.N. and Mr. Pheneas P. Makepe, one of Prof. Mattews' first Secretaries, left Gaberones on their first leg to New York on the evening of October 6th and having made a brief stop in London arrived in New York on the evening of October 8th. The delegation was met at the airport on arrival by a Mr. F. Brown of the British Mission and Were by intervention saved the hazard of immigration formalities. The first day at the United Nations was spent on the completion of the necessary protocol arrangements and on a series of introduction to several U.N. celebrities. The welcome was warm and cordial. The application by Botswana which was sponsored by Britian and other Commonwealth countries in the Security Council was considered by the Security Council on Friday 14th October, 1966. Lord Caradon, leader of the British Mission and Chairman of the current session of the Security Council led the discussions and expressed his joy and that of his Country that Botswana had ultimately attained independence and was justifiably seeking her place in the United Nations. He quoted the following from His Excellency, Sir Seretse Khama's independent speech: "Nevertheless knowing the grave difficulties which lie ahead of us we take this present step forward with confidence and with a determination that so soon as is possible we will stand on our own feet economically. We believe that through the very fact of independence and its effect on ourselves the will and the ability to make our own way in the forld will be shown" The Nigerian representative Chief Adebo, spoke next followed by other speakers who also spoke on the same happy strain and in favour of Botswana's admission to the World Body. There being no dissenting view the Security Council signified by acclamation their willingness to recommed to the Plenary Session of the General Assembly, Botswana's admission as the 120th member of the United Nations. The Chairman of the Secruity Council - Lord Caradon, duly conveyed to the President of the General Assembly the decision of the Secruity Council and accordingly the date was set for the formal induction in the General Assembly - the 17th October, 1966. There being no indication of a dissenting vote the Plenary Seccion signified by acclamation their acceptance of Security Council's recommendation whereupon the Chief of Protocol was called upon to conduct the Botswana delegation to their place in the Assembly. The President of the General Assembly called upon the leader of the British delegation - Lord Caradon who reiterated his Security Council speech as well as the quotation from Sir Seretse Khama's speech referred to earlier in this report. Then spoke the Guinean representative, Mr. Marof and the representative of South Africa, Dr. Hilgard Muller after him. Dr. Muller in his speech assured the World Body of his Government's co-operation with the governments of the new states of Botswana and Lesotho - co-operation in the field of trade, economics, cultural and social spheres. He avered his government's solemn undertaking not to allow its country to be used as a base or spring-board of subversion against Botswana or Lesotho. The South African representative, as it has b e c o m e traditional at the United Nations, addressed the Assembly which was minus the African delegations who left their places as soon as Dr. Muller rose to walk up to the rostrum. The Malawian delegation had of course, remained to maintain its honoured principle of independence of opinion. The leader of the Botswana delegation was then called upon amidst thunderous applause to proceed to the rostrum to deliver a speech which appears somewhere in the columns of this issue. Botswana had now become a member of the United Nations with its attendant obligations and responsibilities. Her representatives could henceforth take their places in the various committees and participate fully in any discussions or resolutions that came gations had the pleasure of being forward for consideration. The Botswana and Lesotho delethe guests of honour at a luncheon held by the Secretary Gereral U-Thant. Then followed the flag raising ceremony on the afternoon of the 17th October. His Majesty the King of Lesotho made a speech at the flag ceremony after which the Secretary General of the United Nations made a brief congratulatory speech at the end of which he shook hands with the King of Lesotho and the leader of the Botswana delegation. The Botswana delegation was overjoyed to behold their nation's flag gracefully go up and unpretentiously assume its place in that gorgeous array of flags of other nations of the world. JANUARY, 1967 PAGE THREE THERISANYO - CONSULTATION

Dikgang Ka Bopharci 0 Goromente wa Botswana o Kanoka megopolo ya go tihabolola seemo sa Toronko. Mr. A. M. Dambe, Tona ya tsa se-Legae o boletse fa go tla lekwa diphetogo tse di tshwanang le go badisa Magolegwa mo sekoleng sa bosigo le go ba ruta go lema dijo tsa mehuta gore ba tshele sentle mo kgolegelong ka diotla- mebele. 0 Morena R. D. Molefe, yo o leng Mothusi wa Tona-ya-Temo le Leruo, o fofetse (Taiwan) Tshaena bosheng go ya go tsaya malebela a ditiro tsa temo. N Dipuisanyo mabapi le seemo sa bafaladi ba ba teteanelang-pele mo Francistowh le Lobatsi go sika megopolo ya ditshiamelo le go nakalatsa tshwaro yotlhe ya bone di tla kopanelwa ke Goromente wa Botswana le wa Zambia bogaufing. E Moemedi, wa Russia, Mr. Avel Fedorovich Shakhov, o kopile Lekgotla le legolo la Kopano ya Ditshaba go tlhagisa banka ya lefatshe lotlhe (World Bank) go itsatsabaya mo dithulaganyong tsa yone go adima mafatshe madi. 0 itlhalositse ka gore go rona thata fa banka e e tsweletse go adima Portugal le South Afrika madi le mororo bagogi ba yone (Directors) ba itse sentle fa phuthego ya Ditshaba kwa New York bosheng e boletse fa Portugal le Republik wa South Afrika a sa tshwanelwa ke go adingwa madi ke dibanka tsa Kopakopano ya Ditshaba go fitlhela ba tihanogela kgethololo ka mehuta yotlhe. 0 Bo-maitseanape ba U.N. bo Morena Hughes le Purvis, ba ba kitso e phete mo ditseleng tse di nolo tsa Tanaseporoto (Transport), ba raletse lefatshe leno la Botswana bosheng go eleka se se tlhokegang segolo-bogolo go tlhofofatsa tsamaiso ya tsabobapadi. Dingwe tsa maikaelelo a mosepele wa bone e ne e le go eleka ka fa tanaseporoto e ka tlhofofadiwang ka teng magaring a Ghanzi le Lobatsi; kakanyetso ya seporo go ya matsheng a letswai a Makarikari le Matsittama kwa go sologesegang Kopore e ka begwa teng, jalo, jalo, * Banna ba Amerika ba le babedi ba sekisitswe mo lekgotleng la ditsheko kwa New York ka ntata ya gorera go gasagasa borogo kwa Zambia, jo bo tlhofofatsang go tlodisa Kopore (Copper) go ya lotshitshing lwa lewatle. Ba le bane ba mo go bone go fitlhetsweng mosadi wa mongwe wa basekisiwa ba tshwerwe kwa Iseraela ka morero o. Go solegile molemo thata gobo dirukhutlhi di ile tsa kgatlhwa. Lefatshe le ne le tla nyorelwa Kopore mo go hutsafatsang. E Difshwadile di bolela fa Motlotlomogi, Tau-tona (President), Mr. Charles Swart, wa puso ya Republik wa Afrika borwa, e tla re bogaufing a bo a belegolola makete a tiro ya gagwe go ya thokgamong mo polasing ya gagwe e e bodiwang De Aap. Matona a puso ya Republik boRamahatla (Senator), Jan de Klerk, yo o leng Tona ya Thuto gompieno le Morena Donges, yo leng Tona ya Matlotlo ba letile khupele-khupele ka matlho a mahibidu. Go belaesega gore ditlhako di tla re di thelwa di ganelele mo go Morena Donges go tlhotlhobala setilo. N Phuthego ya Kopakopano ya Ditshaba (U.N.) kwa New York bosheng e dumalanye ka megopolo e mentsi go fedisa kgang ka ga S.W.A. go tlosa nonofo yotlhe ya puso ya lone mo Republiking ya Afrika borwa go amogwa ke United Nations. Baeleki ba le 14 ba tla romelwa go kanoka diphekelo tsa ka fa U.N. e ka busang S.W.A. ka tsone. Barongwa ba tla busa phetolo ka kgwedi ya Mopitlo 1967. Mme kana go tewa lefura le tswa Morena Vorster le ba gagwe mo ga. nong! Ga go ope o itseng maragelo, ka moemedi wa Republic a dule phuthegong a le bete se molangwana. N E rile a gana kopo ya go iko. panya le phathi e e sale e busa Jeremanebophirima ya (Christian Democratic Union) - a tlhakanela megopolo ya tsamaiso ya puso Mr. Willy Brant, Mogogi wa phathi ya baganetsi-puso e e bidiwang (Social Democrats) a re: "Ke boifa go thela phathi ya me makgophe ka phathi e e setseng e onetse - e rethefetse bogale." Mine go utlwala a setse a fenyegile a inaakantse le megopolo x#a phathi ya puso. N Motlotlomogi, Kenneth Kaunda wa Zambia a bua kwa Kgatisong a le kwa Trinidad (Spain) a kgwa puso ya Ennyelane mathe bosheng. A re tshololo ya madi mo Rhodesia o e baya mahetleng a ga Mr. Wilson ka go nyafalela go dirisa dikgoka go diga puso ya Rhodesia ya maitirelo. A digela ka gore fa goromente wa Repaboliki wa Afrika borwa a itswakagantse le puso ya maitirelo ya ga Smith, Ennyelane o tshwanetse go dirisa nonofo ya gagwe go gasagasa marogo a tlodisang ole magaring a mafatshe ao. 8 Mr. Duncan Sundays, yo o kileng a bo a le mokwaledi wa tsa mafatshe a thari ya ga Mmamosadinyana, mo go nyatseng Tonakgolo wa Ennyelane Mr. Wilson o rile ga go bonale fa go tla tlhola go tswa sepe go diga puso ya ga Smith gonne Mr. Wilson o osaosa go tlhabantsha lefatshe la Repaboliki ya Afrika borwa ka tsa bobapadi - o bori go lwa ntwa ya marumo le Rhodesia. Mr. Sundays o bona botoka e le gore Mr. Wilson a ipeole, a neele Mr. Smith seatla gonne o paletswe. Phone 111 Lobaisa P.O. Box 85 Lobatsi Pharmacy (Pty.) Ltd. PATENT MEDICINES - VETERINARY REMEDIES EYE TEST AND SPECTACLES SUPPLIED PHARMACEUTICALS AND TOILETRIES WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOUR MAIL ORDER FANCY GOODS ENQUIRIES WHICH RECEIVE SPECIAL AND DISPENSING OPTOMETRISTS PROMPT ATTENTION JANUARY, 1967 PAGE FOUR THERISANYO - CONSULTATION Lobatsi Phone III P.O. Box 85

Difiro tsa 1pelegeng mo Dikgaolong Dingwe tsa tse ka dikoloi tsa gagwe go rwala bojang le ditihomeso. MAHETLWE: Kwa motsaneng wa Mahetlwe go epiwa letamo la go nosa batho le diruiwa; ntlwana ya bongaka e setse e tlhGmesitswe; ntlo e e dikamore nne ya sekole lobotb la yone lo setse lo le kwa godimo mo lo ka tlhomesiwang. Batho ba motse ba setse ba kgonne ditiro tsa bone tsa ntlha, mme ba simolotse tsa bobedi tse ba ntseng ba di neela Moemedi wa ( BAST, MOLEPOLOLE NORTH LE ------ot KWENENG SOUTH) 1 0 ------bone go di isa kwa Khanseleng ya kgaolo yot1he ya Kweneng go di akansthanya le go di tsenya mo thulaganyong ya bobedi ya ditiro tsa Ipelegeng. Baagi ba motse wa Mahetlwe ba na le tsholofelo e tona gore e tlare ngwaga o o tlang o ya bogaring ba bo ba setse ba kgonne ditiro tsa bone ka bontsi. , POANA, MEDIE LE DrrSHUKUDU: Baagi ba dithotana tse Is bone ba tshwere ka thata go ikepela matamo go ilola lenyora kwa masimo. Bofshweng jaana matamo, a setse a bapotse metsana e ka e bile badiri ba sa ipone tsapa go a katolosa. Ruri tiro ya 1pelegeng e tshwerwe ka mowa o montle thata ke ba kgaolo ya Lentswele-tau. Morwa Paledi o intshitse setlhabelo go direla le go emela mGrafe wa kgaolo ya gagwe re a mo leboga. LE MOGODrrSHANE: Kwa, metsaneng e mo kgaolong ya Molepolole East, go tshwerwe ditiro tsa dikago tsa JANUARY, 1967 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE FIVE matlo a dikole, a barutabana, mat1wana a boithomelo, le one matamo. Kwa go epilwe mosele (trench) wa boleela ba Ij miles go tsenya dipornpo tse di gogang metse go tswa kwa sedibeng se se kwa ntle ga motse go atametsa batho mo dikgweding tsa. selemo. Dipompo di teng me go tla senkwa modiredi wa puso, go ya go thusa go di lomaganya pele ga badiri ba Ipelegeng ba di katela mo moseleng. Ga go lekoma (lebotana) lepe le le ruletsweng mo metsaneng Ya. Kopong le Mogo-ditshane ka ntlha ya bojang le ditlhomeso go tlhokafala fa gauft. Ba Mogoditshane le fa go ntse jalo ba akanya go phutha le go koleka madinyana a ba ka ithusang ka one go reka, disanke (corrugated iron) le ditlhomes(> go rulela matlo a bone. Moemedi (Councillor) wa kgaolo e ya, Mogoditshane le Kopong, Morena Edward Lesetedi o dira ka natla, go kgothatsa batho ba kgaolo go "Tsholetsa" mo ditirong tsa bone tsa ipelegeng. (Morena Lesetedi ga a itsapele go etela kgaolo ya gagwe ka bophara lefa a tshwere tiro ya thekiso mo bentleleng ya Bonnington mo .) MOLEPOLOLE: Kwa motsemogolo ke gone go tshwerweng ka thata go bopela matlo a dikwele, a barutabana le go baakanya ditsela. Lobaka lo lo ntsi lo senyeditswe mo go gopeng mahelo a dikago di thaiwang mo go one. Ditiro tsa 1pelegeng mo, motsemogolo di ile tsa diiwa k(. gobo batho ba ile ba baya tsamaiso, ya tsone go bo-Radiphaletshe (Relief and Rehabilitation Officers). Ba ne ba solofediwa gore ba tla direlwa "diforomo" tsa setena le go thaelwa dikago tsotlhe. Baemedi ebong borre K. G. Setilo, (Sebele District); B. Seiso, (Mankgwenyana District); J. S. Mhiko, (Mogot1ha District); S. Matlhabaphiri (Bogare District); le bomme B. Ketlogetswe (Loologa District); N. B. * 0ontinued on page six (a) ntlo ya sekole ya dikamore tse nne; (b) ntlo ya go beela dijo tsa Ipelegeng; (c) ntlo ya Ofisi ya Khansele e mo go yone go nang le kamore e e tla dirisiwang ke kgo. sana ya motse, kamore ya bobedi e tla direla Mokgethisi/Mokwaledi wa kgaolo yotlhe ya ; (d) go agiwa matlo a mantle a baruta-bana a le mane (4). Ka kgothatso le bonatla ba ga Morena L, M. Paledi, ba motse wa Lentsweletau ba setse ba bolotse gabed! ba ya go senka, ditlhomeso le boiang kwa teng-teng kgakala le motse wa bone. E rile mo kgweding ya Phalane ba tswa bojannye kwa thotaneng ya Kweneng ba tlhagelwa ke kotsi; mosadi yo o bidiwang MOTLOGELGWA a wa mo l0ring e oletse bojang. Go solofelwa o tla sidilega kwa kokelong Ya Scottish Livingstone kwa Molepolole kwa o ne a tabogisediwa teng. Mo tshimologong ya kgwedi eno Ya Mosetlhe (Nov.) mokwadi o ne a supegediwa ditlhomeso tsa niarukuru tse di betlilweng ka botswerere ke Morena Paledi le bannia ba motse wa Lentsweletau. MO lobakeng la dikgang di ya k9atisong bagi ba motse o ba setse ba tshwere go aga le go rulela matlo a mabedi, ebong ya go beela dijo le ya 011si. Maikealelo ke gore e re go 1wa masimo matlo a le mane kana matlhano a bo a agilwe a ruletswe. A mangwe a tla fediwa fa go lesiwa letsema. Mothusi YO mogolo mo ditirog tsa ipelegeng kwa kgaolong ya Lentsweletau ke Mrs. C. J. Vermeulen, Ramabentlele a Leitsweletau. Is Mahetlwe yo o suleng mo dikgweding tse pedi kana tse tharo tse di fitileng. Mrs. Vermeulen o thusi- LENTSWELETAU: Kwa kgaolong ya Lentsweletau e moemedi wa yone e leng Morena L. M. Paledi, difiro tsa Ipelegeng di tsweletse ka tsela e e itumedisang thata. Morena Paledi le ba kgaolo ya gagwe yot1he ba tshwere ka thata go supa moea wa go ipelega. Difiro tse di t1hokegang tse ba setseng ba di tshwere ke tse di latelang:-

PAGE SIX THERISANVO - CONSULTATION JANUARY, 1967 PITSE E SULE KWA MAFEKING MOTORS Re etele o tsile Mafeking. Re tla go thusa matshwenyego otihe a koloi ya gago. Fa o rata go reka koloi e ncha kana e dirisitsweng, re bone re buisanye. 0 tia re duela fa o ka go kgonang. Mo go salang o tia nna o re ketla. Peterolo le yone re e go thelela kwa ntle ga tiego. Station Road Phone 21 MAFEKING NEWS IN BRIEF * On Saturday 19th November, 1966 President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia was awarded an honorary doctorate degree of laws at the Univercity of Windsor - Ontario. At the ceremony he said his nation's future hopes lay in the creation of a multiracial society where no man was judged either on his ethnic origin or the colour of his skin. N The Kenyan Parliament introduced a bill to stop practices by witchdoctors on grounds that these practices were both a handicap to national progress and cause of the toss of many lives. The minister supporting the bill admitted that it was going to be a difficult process to go through, more so because some parliament members supported witchdoctors by visiting them regularly and claim that they won the elections because bf the charms applied to them by these witchdoctors. 0 Addressing the completors at a pass-out parade of the Youth League, President Nyerere emphasised the need for Tanzanians to recognise and appreciate the fact that the prosperity of the country lay not in the use of money (which they do not possess) but in using the energy of their people which they have in abundance. He advised his people that the country and not the towns had much in store for them in the line of natural resources on which the towns themselves depended. There were about 600 completors and of these about 150 were girls and one girl and five boys were awarded certificates for their performance as leaders. Ditiro Tsa Ipelegeng Mo Dikgaolong Dingwe Tsa Kweneng * Continued from page five Gaealafashwe (St. Paul's District); le rre G. A. Khan (Borakalalo District) ba ntse ba leka ka natla go tsweledisa ditiro tsa ipelegeng kwa Molepolole, mine maswabi ke gobo go sena mowa wa tirisanyo garing ga, Radiphaletshe (R.R.O.) ka Kweneng le Baemedi (Councillors). LE GABANE: Mo metsing e e mo kgaolong ya "Kweneng South" matlo mangwe a, barutabana a setse a agilwe. Bakgatla le Balete bone ga baaka ba itiya ka go lebelela mo go bo Radiphaletshe; ba dirile ka natla yotlhe go itshokela gore e re ngwaga ono wa 1966 o fela ditiro dingwe tsa Ipelegeng di be di setse di fedile. Re ba akgolela tlhwafalo le bonatla jwa bone! Baemedi ba puso ya selegae mo kgaolong e ke borre K. Gabarongwe, N. P. Maswabi le K. Kowa. LE MANKGODI: Kwa metsaneng a le gone ba dirile ka diatla. Dipotana tsa matlo a barutabana, matlo a a bolokelang dijo tsa ipelegeng le matlwana a boithomelo di eme ka dinao. Mathata ke ka gobo bojang le ditlhomeso di le thata go bonwa gaufi le metsana e. Moemedi wa kgaolo ebong Morena Robert Seribe ga na boroko bosigo le motshegare. Senatla sa monna se se sa roromeng fela; batho bangwe ba ga gabo (ba Mankgodi) ba dikile ba rile ba mo tshosa ka dipuonyana tsa gore ba tla mo tshwara ba mo lepeletsa mo setlharing se setona sa mokgwa (mokala). Ditiro tsa Ipelegeng di tsweletse mo kgaolong ya Mankgodi le Kumakwane ka ketelelo le kgothatso ya gagwe. Madomkraga a kgaolo ya gagwe ba dirisanya nae ko mowa o montle. Re leboga go utlwa fa Puso e kgonne go lopa ba W.F.P. go oketsa lebaka la thuso ka ngwaga. Ga go na pelaela e tla a re dijo di khutla ka kgwedi ya Etebosigo 1968, Batswana ba bo ba kgonne ditiro tse dintsi tsa tlhabololo ya matshelo a bone. a a aaa~aeea a a eaa-a-a-a-.- - -a - - aa aa- -* e± **-***------w w e0 p00 JANUARY, 1967 PAGE SIX THERISANYO - CONSULTATION

DILO MAKWATI TSA POLITIKI K. P. MORAKE MOTSWANA a re 'kgomo ya banna go botsa botlhale'. Motho o ka ipona lobelo a taboga le ba bangwe e seng a taboga a le esi. Ke moo he Morena J. Anderson le nna re ne ra bolodiWa ke Domkrag go ya go itekanya lobelo le bonatla mo politiking le ba mafatshe a mangwe. Re ile Ennyelane, Scottland, Germany, Kenya la Tanzania. KWA ENNYELANE Re fitlhetse e tsentse tlhako kgamelong. Ba Labour Party (Phathi e e busang kwa Ennyelane gompieno) ba ne ba na le phuthego ya ngwaga (Annual Conference) mo toropong ya Brighton. Phuthego e tsere tshipi yotlhe e ntse e nnetswe, banna le basadi ba thubana mafatlha ka mafoko. E re ka phuthego e e diretse ka nako e puso ya Ennyelane e lebaganyeng le mathata a bo Rhodesia, molao wa go emesa koketso ya dituelo, phokotsego ya tlhotlhwa ya ponto jalo, jalo, maloko a phuthego a ne a kgwa ngopola mabapi le mokgwa o goromente wa bone a sekasekang dipolelo tse ka teng. Ba ne ba rotolela khuduthamaga matlho ba tshwaa baeteledipele ba bone diphoso mmogo le ene Tonakgolo - Morena Harold Wilson ba sa bonye. Le fa go ntse jalo, mowa wa tiotlo mo baeteleding le tshwaragano le bongwefela ja phathi di sa senngwe ke dikgogakgogano tse. TSAMAISO YA PHATHI Re feditse tshipi mo London re tshwaraganye le dithuto tsa tsamaiso ya phathi ga mmogo le go tlhotlheletsa mowa wa go TSHOLETSA lefatse. Ba-gaetsho, ga go a fosega gore e bo nene re dirisa lefoko la TSHOLETSA. Ke gore mafatshe a re a tsenyeng - Ennyelane, Jereinane, Kenya le Tanzania, baeteledipele ba one ba bua ka kgdtelelo gore bothata jo bogolo jo batho ba lefatshe lengwe le lengwe ba lebagasyeng najo ke go TSHOLETSA lefatshe le batho ba lone - DOMI. Re ne ra ya go fetsa tshipi kwa Scotland re ithuta tsamaiso ya phathi mo dikgaolong mine ra fitlhela gore mathata a dikgaolonyana tsa Scotland go le gantsi a tshwana le a rena. Teng kwa Scotland re ne ra fitlhela go anamisiwa kopo ya madi a go thusa go rotloetsa dikoporasi tsa Botswana. Mabapi le tiro e, re ne ra lalediwa go ya go kopana le Tona ya motse (mayor) wa Glasgow mine boradikgang (pressmen) ba tla go re botsa ka ga mathata a go aga dikoporasi mo Botswana le gore a di ka thusa batho ka tsela nngwe. Maikaelelo a puisanyo e e ne e le go rurufatsa tlhokafalo ya thuso go dirwa ke Batswana ka sebele. Tshipi ya bofelo mo London re e feditse re kona dithuto re bile re tlhalosediwa ditiro tsa puso re ba re supegediwa dingwe tsa tsone. Re ne ra ba ra ya go reetsa dikgang kwa palamenteng. KWA JEREMANE Bothata ya nna puo ka re sa kgone go tsaya dikgang le batho le go bala dikwalo tsa bone kwa ntle ga toloko e ba neng ba re file. Le gale e ne e a re fa tsela e re tsenela sekgweng re bue ka matlho le ka diatla. Re ne re ntse re le motlhaleng wa tsamaiso ya phathi, mine ra fitlhela namane tse di tona di tshwere politiki e e molelo. Dithulaganyo tsa re tsenya mo metseng le metsaneng re kopana le bagogi ba diphathi, bogolo thata ba "Social Democratic Party, ba re nosa mo ba go tshotseng. Mo tshiping tse tharo tse di ntseng mo West Germany, re ne ra nna mo ditoropong di le tlhano. Re ne ra fiwa tetlelelo ya go ya go tlhola letsatsi fela ka kwa morago ga lekotswana (lebotana) le le kgaogantseng motse wa Berlin (East Berlin). Ra tlhola re sa je di welang ka re ne re bonye masole ditlhobolo le dimptsa tse di disitseng batho gore ba se kgabaganye. Re ile ra supegediwa digopodiso tsa batho ba ba 70 ba ba bolaetsweng ka kwa botlhabatsatsi ke masole a Russia ba re ba tshabela ka kwa bo- phirima ja Berlin. Bontsi ja bone ba ta bolailweng ke barutegi le barutwana ba ba tshabang puso ya Sekomanisi e e sa ba letleleing go bua le go kwala megopolo ya bone ka ga dilo tse di dirafalang mo mafatshing a Sekomanisi. Lefatshe la Jeremane le ne le sentswe thata ke ntwa mme banni ba lone ba ineela ditiro tsa ipelegeng mo e leng gore ntlheng ya Bophirima go setse go agilwe sesha ka bontle jo bogolo. KWA KENYA Thuto-kgolo ke ya tiriso ya makau, makakana, bothepha le bothephana. Mo boemong jwa gore ditlhopha tse di nnele go sasankega mo mebileng di tshwenya batsadi ka 'ke batla dijo, ke batla diaparo'. oGromente o dirile gore ba ikagele matlo mo dithoteng tse di nang le metse ba reme dikgwa ba dire masimo, ba bo ba epe matamo ba dire le ditsela. Ba reketswe diterekere le bo machine ba ba epang. Ba kgaolwa ka ditlhomo go bone. Kampa nngwe le nngwe (batho ba ka tshwara 700) e ntshediwa, molemisi, makheneke moagi le mmetli, e le ba ba tla rutang makau le bothepha. Fa go dirwang tsela kgotsa letamo teng go leriwe "Engineer" mine a ruti setlhopha seo go pontiela le go aga tsela. Mo dikampeng tse re di bonyeng go ne go setse go na le masimo a a ba nayang merogo e e lekanyeng le maungo le mafsi. Dikago, dipati, ditena le tsotlhe tse di ka dirwang ka diatla baa di dira mine ba thuswe fela ka tse di rekwang jaaka disanke le mafura a bomakhine. Ba kgona go rekisa mae a dikobo tsa bone, merogo, tlhale, raese le tse dingwe go aga letlole le eka reng kwa morago la tsamaisa ditiro kwa ntle ga thuso ya puso. Gape ba thusa goromente ka gore madi a go bopa ditsela tse ba di dirang, go epa matamo, jalo, jalo, go ne go tla lopa goromente dikete tsa madi fa a ne a hirile boradikonteraka bangwe. Mo metseng go loswa ipelegeng, batho ba aga matlo a bokopanelo ja * Continued on page eight JANUARY. 1967 THERISANYO - OONSULTATION PAGE SEVEN

PAGE EIGHT THERISANYO - CONSULTATION JANUARY, 1967 PROVISIONAL TEXT M R. President, Your Excellencies, distinguished delegates. On behalf of the Republic of Botswana which regained its complete independence on September 30th, 1966 I bring you the personel greetings of the President - Sir Seretse Khama, and of the Govern- ment and people of Botswana. I use the word 'regained' advisedly because throughout the 80 years or more of their association with the United Kingdom as a Protectorate the people British subjects in the ordinary sense of independence and never became British subjects in the ordinary snese basadi, dikwele tsa bananyana (nursery schools) le ditlhabololo tse dingwe tse ba di eletsang. Paakane ya dingwaga tse tihano ke sebi se se kuelelang mo motsing mongwe le mongwe. Le batsofe tota ba itse gore go tshwanetse gore e re dingwaga tse tlhano tse di tlang di fela go bo go ka balwa ditiro dingwe tsa tlhabologo tsa ipelegeng. KWA TANZANIA Re ntse malatsi a le 6 re le baeng ba Tanzania African National Union (TANU) phathi e e busang ya ga Tautona Nyerere. Re kgatlhantshitswe ke Morena N. A. Kiondo mothusi wa mokwaledi yo mogolo wa phathi. Dijo le borobalo go ne go duela TANU kwa oteleng (Rex Hotel). Tautona Nyerere - mo maemong a gagwe a boeteledi pele ja phathi mmogo le khuduthamaga ba ne ba laotse gore TANU e hire kara e e tla re isang gongwe le gongwe kwa dithulaganyo di supang teng. Malatsi a ntlha a mabedi re ne ra nna moruti le badiredi ba phathi ka dikgaolo ba re ranolela ka ga tsamaiso ya bone ya phathi, ba bile ba re fa le dibukanyana tse di tlhalosang yone tsamaiso. MAFOKO A GA NYERERE KA BOTSWANA E rile ka letsatsi la boraro ra kopana le ene Tautona - Dr. J. K. Nyerere. 0 ne a kgaba mafoko a se kae ka Botswana a re, "Ke eleletsa puso ya Botswana letlhogonolo. Re le ba Tanzania re utlusisa mathata a lo mo go one, mine fa e le ka South Africa, le seka lwa itewa tsebe ke mathata a a tla lo emang pele fa lo ka ingaporola mo tsirisanyong le South Africa lo ise lo nonofe". A tswelela gape a re "NNa le Morena Kaunda re leka go re Ma-Afrika a batbo ba ba senkeng ba angwa ke mangwe a utlusise seemo se sa Botswana". A wetsa ka gore, "Go na le batho ba ba reng. Tanzania ga e dumalane le puso ya Domkrag, mme ga go a nna jalo. Gape go na le bangwe ba ba re bolelelang gore "Botswana ga bo batle Tanaznia, jalo he yang lo gorose mafoko a kwa Tonakgolong ya Botswana - Sir Seretse Khama". Malatsi a bofelo a mararo re a feditse re etela metse le metsana re bona ditiro tsa ipelegeng. Bagaetsho ipelegeng e dira go ba go lebelelwa. Bangwe ba duba ditena ba agelana matlo a sekgoa ka ditlhopha tsa bo 20 bo 40 ba ya le maloko a setlhopha sa bone otlhe ba a agela. Ditiro tsa temo, loruo le tse dingwe di tshwerwe fela jaaka kwa Kenya. Bagaetsho ke tshabile go golola tlou le maroo, gape ke kgomo ya pholo ga ke ntshe gotlhe. Se se leng teng ke ka re maikaelelo a go ja naga ga rona ka lonao ga se go leka go tlhomolola se se jadilweng mo mafatshing a mangwe re tla go se jala mono Botswana. Re ne re tsaya malebela, re tshwantsha ditsamaiso mo mafatshing a a umakilweng re tla re itse go inola se se re tshwanetseng le se se dumalanang le lefatshe la rona fale le fale. Re dira jaana ka kitso ya gore mathata a setho ga a farologana mo go reteledisang batho go thusanya ka ditlhaloganyo. M6gologolo o rila "Dilo makwati di kokomilwa (ngaporolwa) mo go ba bangwe". Address to the General Assembly by the Honourable M. P. K. NWAKO, Minister of State for External Affairs -Republic of BOTSWANA. of the term. Hence the amicable atmosphere in which the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Botswana have now placed their relationship on a new basis. It had been the wish of the Presi dent of Botswana to be present here in person on this occasion as he carries primary responsibility for external affairs. I assure you that it was a matter of deep regret to him that he was prevented from doing so by urgent affairs of state. When it became clear that it would be impossible for him to attend in person, he delegated to me in my capacity as Minister of State for External Affairs the duty and the honour of attendance when application was made by Botswana for membership of the United Nations. It is a matter of gratification to me that I should be present here to-day to accept membership of the United Nations on behalf of my country. I need hardly say that we consider it a signal honour to have been accorded membership of this organisation on which the peace and therefore the future of the world and mankind so largely depend. I trust that it will be possible for me to convey adequately to the President and the Government and people of Batswana something of the warmth and kindness with which you, Sir, and the distinguished delegates o f t h i s August Assembly have received us. Botswana can be counted among the small nations of the world, covering an area of 220.000 sq. miles with a population approximately 600,000 but it is our conviction that this does not imply that it can be discounted in the Councils of the world. We believe it represents a significant portion of a vital part of the continent of Africa and could play a vital role in the affairs of this region. We are not unmindful of the special interest which this organisation has already shown in our coun try. I refer to the United Nations Mission which in pursuance of a resolution of the General Assembly visited my country to study its problems and to make recommendations regarding economic assistance. We *Continued on page ten 911o Makwati Tsa Politiki JANUARY, 1967 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE EIGHT

MAKOMANISI BA RE GO NTSHIWE BOTSWANA SETLHABELO M O lokwalong lwa ntlha-ntlha lwa B.N.F. go no go le mafoko a a reng merafe yotlhe e e patikwang ke babusi ba basweu mono Afrika wa Borwa mo mafatshing a South Afrika, South West Afrika, Rhodesia, Mozambique, le Angola, ba feditse megopolo go tlhabantsha bapatiki ba bone ka marumo, ka go iponatsha pila-pila fa kgang e ya merafe e mentsho le babusi ba bone ba basweu e tla tlhoka go atlholwa ka lerumo le le losi. Mokwadi wa Front o rile Batswana ba tla bo ba iphora fa ba solofela gore ntwa e e ka ba gela-kwa ntle, a re se se tihokegang ke gore re itse fa ntwa e tla retsenya mo teng ,re rata le re sa rate. Mo koranteng e ya Therisanyo le mo dikwalong tse dingwe tsa Phathi ya Domkrag re boletse fa re dumela ka botlalo se Ma-Front a se buang, re bile re sa se tseye kafmatlhofo. Re tlhalositse fa re lemoga fa maikaelelo a "Front" e le go dirisa Botswana jaaka matlhabanelo a dintwa tsa bone tsa Sekomanisi, ba losa mafatshe a a re dikologileng. Re bile ra supa fa go bonala sentle-ntle mo dikwalong tsa bone fa ba itse maikaelelo otlhe a mebuso ya Makomanisi, le maano a a tlhangwang go tla go tlhasela Botswana, le go bo dirisa jaaka matlhabenelo go losiwa mafatshe a a re dikologileng. Mo bukaneng ya rona ya "Malomatsebe" re lekile go tlhagisa Batswana gore ba lemoge bodiphatsa ja maikaelelo a a ntseng jaana a B.N.F., a go bonalang fa e le a go ntsha Botswana sehuba, ba bo neela marena a bone a Sekomanisi. Matlhwai a ntwa e ya Sekomanisi a setse a gorogile. Ka kgwedi ya Lwetse e le 26 go tshwerwe batho ba supa gaufi le Kasane, ba tshwarwa ke mapolisi a Botswana fa meletlo ya maipelo a boipuso e simologa. Ga twe ba na ba tshotse dibetsa tse di boitshegang, ditlhobolo tsa bo sub-machine tsa modiro wa Se-China, le dipisitolo tsa Se-Russia, ba di tseetse marumo a ba neng ba ka fula ka one ga ba ga nna thata go ba tshwarwa, fa ba ne ba rata. Morago ga tiragalo e go bonetse mafoko mo koranteng ya Rand Daily Mail ka Phalane a le 17, a tserwe mo pampiring e nngwe ya Hungary, ya Sekomanisi, a a reng Makomanisi a beile Botswana leitlho, a bona fa bo ka dirisiwa jaaka matihabanelo a go tihasela mafatshe a a re dikologileng, bo South Afrika, Angola le Rhodesia a a sa ntseng a busiwa ke Basweu. Ga twe mokwadi wa koranta e ya Hungary a re boipuso jwa Botswana bo tla solega molemo bogolo thata, ka bo tla bulela dintwa tsa Sekomanisi kgoro ya go tlhasela mafatshe a Afrika kwano borwa. Ga twe Koranta e ya Sekomanisi e tlhagisa mogopolo wa gore e tla re selo se se tla direga goromente wa Domkrag a bo a tlosolositswe pele, a digilwe ka tsela nngwe fela e e ka dirisiwang, ka go twe baeteledi pele ba puso ke ditho fela tse di ikaegileng ka mmuso wa South Afrika. Mafoko a a koranta ya Hungary ga a masha, a bile a tihomamisa ditumelo tsa rona ka ga mafoko a mokwadi wa Pamphlet No. 1 ya MaFront. Re rile go bonala sentle ntle fa mokwadi wa Pamphlet No. 1 a kwala ka kitso e e tletseng ya maikaelelo le dipolane tsa baromi ba gagwe ba Makomanisi, tebagang le lefatshe leno. Fa lo badile Pamphlet No. 1, gongwe bukana ya rona ya "Malomatsebe" lo ka bona fa mafoko a Pampiri e ya Hungray a se masha. Ga twe dibetsa tse di tshwerweng mo bathung ba e ne e le tsa Se-China le Se-Russia, mafatshe a mabedi a Sekomanisi. Kana legale ea re fa go twe Ma-Front ke makomanisi ba huhule dinko, mine gompieno ba ka re tlhalosetsa gore ke go reng fa mafoko a bone a dumalana le a Koranta ya Hungary, a gore mafatse a kwano orwa a tlhaselwe, mine Botswana do birisiwe jaaka matlhabanelo. Rona re boletse kgala ntlhaneng fa re dumela gore Ma-Front ke barongwa ba Makomanisi, le gore ba tsile gae ka maikaelelo a a tletseng a go tla go thusa baromi ba bone go gapa lefatshe leno. Ba ka re ganetsa fa ba rata. KARABO YA RONA E KHUTSHWANE Ga re nke re araba dipuo tse tsa Sekomanisi ka boleele. Maikaelelo a bone a bonetse pila-pila mo dikwalong tsa Ma-Front, le maikaelelo a go bolaya Goromente wa Domkrag, ka a ba etile pele, a ba kgoreletsa, re o lemogile bogologolo, mme bosheng jaana Tau-tona ya Botswana o buile a tlhamaletse a re mmuso wa gagwe ga o nke o leseletsa lefatshe leno le dirwa matlhabanelo a dintwa tsa Makomanisi, mine karabo ya rona e kalo Ga re na tshwaragano epe le mafatshe a Afrika a mebuso ya kgatelelo, le tsamaiso ya puso ya mafatshe a ga re dumalane nayo, mme rona Mmuso wa Domkrag re senka go tlhamalatsa puo ya rona, re bolela fa kgatlhego le keletso ya rona e le go dira fela se re bonang fa se ka solegela lefatshe leno molemo, sa thusa Batswana mo matshelong a bone. Ga go utlwale ka fa re ka ntshang Botswana setlhabelo ka teng, go dirisiwa jaaka matlhabanelo a dintwa tsa sekomanisi tse di tsileng go tlhabantsha South Afrika, Rhodesia le Angola. Kana Makomanisi a tla bo a tsile go tlhasela mafatshe a, a tlogetse magae le bana ba bone kwa kgakala, bana ba bone ba le kgakala le difawa tsa marumo, mine ba rona bone go tlhabanelwa mo godimo ga bone, metse ya rona, dikgwa le majang, di supudiwa ke dibetsa tsa sesha tse di tshabegang. Kana ntwa ya se-gompieno ga e na basalagae, mine se se raya gore bana ba rona ba tla bo ba le mo diphatseng tsa marumo a ntwa e e sa ba lebaganang. Morafe wa Botswana re nale go lwa ntwa ya lehuma le malwetse, ya ditlhaelelo tsa thuto le ditiro, re na le bothata ja go aga lefatshe leno gore le tie le ipelege, le lese go ikanya makopo, a Motswana o reng ga *Continued on page ten JANUARY, 1967 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE NN

JANUARY, 1967 PAGE TEN TIIERISANVO - CONSULTATION PROVISIONAL TEXT * Continued from page eight are indebted to all those countries which have given evidence of their practical interest in our welfare by their contributions to the United Nations Fund for the High Commission Territories and to other schemes of economic assistance for these territories and we dare to express the hope that, as our needs and problems become better known among member states, the interest will grow. In this §ession also we have noted that the affairs of our country have already received some attention. A perusal of the constitution of Botswana will show that our Republic is dedicated to the preservation, protection and promotion of the fundamental rights and freedoms of all its people and to a democratic orm of government free from any discrimination based on colour, race or creed. It is our firm intention to build up a non-racial state in which different groups can live together in peace and harmony on a basis of equal opportunity, equal rights and equal responsibilities. We are aware that in the carrying out of the task on which we have embarked - the building up of an independent non-racial state - we shall encounter great difficulties and obstacles, especially having regard to our geographical position, our limited resources and our unfavourable climatic conditions, but we take courage from the knowledge that we have the good wishes of so many nations and may count on the massive support 4fttfinoral and otherwise of the more developed nations of the world represented here. It is our resolve to maintain harmonious relations with all friendly states both in Africa and in other parts of the world. It is our belief that though small in terms of population and in terms of developed material resources, the Republic of Botswana by building up a non-racial state can make a significant contribution, by way of precept as well as example, to the solution of a problem of major concern to the people of the world. We firmly support the United Nations Organisation in its peacekeeping role and its practical interest in the eccncmic and social development of all peoples in all parts of the world. It is our humble hope that as active members of the United Nations and its various specialised agencies we may be able to share in the great tasks which it has set itself. On behalf of the Republic of Botswana I should like to say that my Government has learned with deep concern about the possibility of the Secretary-General relinguishing the office which he has held with such distinction. My Government would like to add its voice to those which have been raised in earnestly requesting him to reconsider his decision and to continue to place his distinguished service at the disposal of the nations and the people of the world. I should also like to take the opportunity of congratulating you, Mr. President, on your election as President of the 21st session of the General Assembly. I have no doubt that you will bring to this office the distinguished qualities with whiclfyou have already served your country and this organisation in the past. May I in conclusion, Sir, on behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Botswana express our deep appreciation of the friendly reception we have been acorded and assure you that it will be the earnest endeavour of our delegation to be loyal to the principles laid down in the United Nations Charter and so prove to be worthy members of this Organisation. Makomanisi Ba Re Go Ntshiwe Botswana Setihabelo Continued from page nine a tshedise pitsana, mine re tla bo re itira masilo go itsenya mabote ka ntwa e e sa re lebaganang, re tswa diphuduhudu tse di dithamo di-telele, Go tihokega gore re tsenye Makomanisi le barongwa ba bone ba ba fa gare ga rona mafoko a ka ditsebe, re ba bolelele fa re senke re ntsha Botswana setlhabelo, re itsenyetsa ntwa mo gae ka bomo, re ropefatsa magae a rona, re ba re dira bana barona mojo wa manong. GABERONES HOTEL AND BOTTLE STORE Phones 4 & 31 GABERONES P.O5 Box 5 ALL KINDS OF LIQUOR STOCKED COLD BEER ON HAND A LA CARTE SERVED GABERONES HOTEL ABS BOTTLE STORE Telephone 4 GABERONES ALL GROCERIES STOCKED CHEESE, BUTTER, EGGS COLD MEATS, ETC. P.O. Box 5 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE TEN