SENATE FEBRUARY 2 Election of President, Vice President, and Day, Come Down Thy Secret Stair to Our PETITIONS Representatives in Congress
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1036 CONGRESSIONAL RE-CORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 2 Election of President, Vice President, and day, come down Thy secret stair to our PETITIONS Representatives in Congress. deepest needs. as one by one we open The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem 4650. By Mr. MOTT: Petition signed by our hearts to Thee. Amen. C. R. Aimes, of Hillsboro, Oreg., and 87 other pore laid before the Senate petitions, citizens of Washington County, Oreg., urg DESIGNATION OF ACTING PRESIDENT etc., which were referred as indicated: ing enactment of House bill 2082; to the PRO TEMPORE A resolution adopted by the Common Coihmittee on the Judiciary. A. Council of Detroit, Mich., favoring the enact 4651. By Mr. SCHIFFLER: Petition of The Secretary, Edwin Halsey, read ment of ·legislation providing a wartime Mayor Raphael P. Deegan and other citizens the followin~ letter: method of vot ing by members of the armed of Benwood, W. Va., urging the passage of WASHINqToN, D. C., February 2, 1944. forces; ordered to lie on the table. the G1·een-Lucas soldiers-vote bill, the sub To the Senate: The petition of the California Progressives, sidy bill, anti-poll-tax bill, socia:. -security bill, Being temporarily absent from the Senate, Los Angeles, Calif., praying for the enact tax bill, and favoring the small laboring I appoint Han. D. WoRTH CLARK, a Senator ment of legislation providing a wartime man; to the Committee on Election of Presi from the State of Idaho, to perform the method of voting by members of the armed dent, Vice President, and Representatives in duties of the Chair during my. absence. forces; ordered to lie on the table. Congress. CARTER GLASS, The petition of the California Progressives, 4652. By Mr. STEFAN: Petition of .Mrs. W. President pro tempore. Los Angeles, Calif.,. praying for the adoption F. Fayne and 81 citizens of Gresham, Bene of a consumer food-subsidy program; ordered dict, and Waco, Nebr., urging enactment of Mr. CLARK of Idaho thereupon took to lie on the table. House bill 2082; to the Committee . on the the chair as Acting President pro tem Judiciary. pore. WARTIME METHOD OF VOTING BY MEM 4653. By Mr. WADSWORTH: Petition of THE JOURNAL BERS OF THE ARMED FoRCE8-PETI TIONS FROM NEW JERSEY E. Kovalslci, of Rochester, N. Y., and others, On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by protest ing against prohibition legislation; to Mr. WALSH of New Jersey. Mr. the Committee on the Judiciary. unanimous corlsent, the reading of the 4654. By Mr. WEISS: Petition protesting Journal ·of the proceedings of the cal President, I ask unanimous consent t6 against prohibition; to the Committee on the endar day Tuesday, February 1, 1944, present for appropriate reference and to Judiciary. was dispensed with, and the Journal was have notation thereof made in the REC 4655. Also,· petition protesting against pro approved. ORD that I have today.received petitions hibition; to the Committee on the Judiciary. from New Jersey citizens pra;ying for the 4656. By the SPEAKER: Petitipn of the MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIOENT enactment of the so-called Green-Lucas Order of Railroad Telegraphers, San Fran Messages in writing from the Presi soldiers' vote bill.. I am informed that cisco, Calif., petitioning conl'!ideration of their resolution with reference to freezing to jobs dent of the United States submitting th-e petitions are signed by 25,000 per and the purchasing power of wages; to the nominations were communicated to the sons in New Jersey, each of whom indi Committee on Military Affairs. Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre cates that he or she has one or more 4657. Also, petition of the Retail Credit In taries. relatives in the armed forces of the stitute of .America, Washington, D. C., pe CALL OF THE ;ROLL United States. ti1ioning consideration of their resolution Mr. BARKLEY. I suggest the absence There being no objection, the peti with reference to purchasing power of the of a quorum. tions praying for the enactment of returning soldiers, sailors, and marines to pending legislation providing a wartime private life; to the Committee on ~anking The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem and Currency. pore. The clerk will call the roll. method of voting by members of the 4658. Also, petition of the United Federated The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the armed .forces were received and ordered War Workers Union, Deep River, Conn., pe following Senators answered to their to lie on the tabla. titioning consideration of their resolution names: RESOLUTION OF THE KENTUCKY LEGIS with reference to soldier-vote bill; to the Committee on Election of President, Vice Aiken Gerry Overton LATURE-MEAT SUPPLY AND MARKET Andrews Gillette Radcliffe ING OF PORK President, and Representatives in Congress. Austin Green Reed Bailey Gufi'ey Revercomb Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, from Ball Gurney Reynolds Bankhead Hatch Robertson · the chief clerk of the House of Rep Barkley Hawkes Russell resentatives of the Legislature of Ken SENATE Bilbo Hayden Shipstead tucky I have received Joint Resolution 21 Bone H111 Smith Brewster Holman Stewart of the Kentucky Legislature urging Con VlEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1944 . Bridges Jackson Taft gress to pass appropriate legislation pro Brooks Johnson, Colo. · Thomas, Idaho viding for the conservation of the meat (Legislative day of Monday, January 24, Buck Kilgore Thomas, Okla. supply of the Nation and also for ade . 1944) Burton La Follette Thomas, Utah Bushfield Langer Tobey quate and reasonable regulations con Butler Lodge Truman cerning the marketing of pork. I ask The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m .• Byrd Lucas Tunnell unanimous consent that the joint resolu on the expiration of the recess. Capper McCarran Tydings The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Caraway McClellan Vandenberg tion which has been adopted by both Chandler McFarland Wagner houses of thr legislature be printed in Harris, D. D., offered the following Chavez McKellar Wallgren the RECORD, under the rule, and appro prayer: Clark, Idaho Maloney Walsh, Mass. Clark, Mo. Maybank Walsh, N.J. priately referred. Eternal God, Father of our spirits, Connally Mead Wheeler There being no objection, the joh:it from all the busy traffic of life's way and Danaher Millikin Wherry resolution was referred to the Commit Davis Moore o White from united actions and group decisions Downey Murdock Wiley tee on Banking and Currency ..and or we turn, as alone we face Thy searching Eastland Murray Willis dered to be printed in the RECORD, under eyes. One by one, we confess the sins Ellender Nye Wilson the rule, as follows: Ferguson O'Daniel which mar our service and drag us from George O'Mahoney IN THE HOUSE OF REFRESENTATIVES, the high levels of our best. One by one, COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, in our bewilderment we seek Thy guid Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sen January 27, 1944. ance, for our wisdom is but an unstable ator from Virginia [Mr. GLASS] is absent Joint Resolution 21 and fallible compass for the tangle of from the Senate because of illness. A joint resolution urging the Congress of the the dim distance. One by one, in our The Senator from Nevada [Mr. SCRUG United States to pass appropriate legtsla: weakness we would recharge our puny HAM] is absent on official business. tion· providing for the conservation of the powers from Thine infinite resource, that The Senator from Florida [Mr. PEP meat supply of the Nation and for ade we may be able to stand in an evil day, PER] is detained on public business. quate and reasonable regulations concern with principles never compromised, with Mr. WHITE. The Senator from Ore ing the marketing of pork integrity never sullied. gon [Mr. McNARY] is absent because of Whereas the meat supply of the Nation is illness. now being dissipated because of the existing This dedicated moment of prayer is rules and regulations of the various Federal but the confession that oui· greatest de The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem agencies; and cisions have to be made triumphantly pore. Ninety-one Senators having -an Whereas it is of the utmost importance to within before they can be made trium swered to their names, there is a quorum conserve the meat supply for the future needs phantly without. At the threshold of this present. of our· armed forces; and 1944 CONGRESSIONAL RE.CORD-SENATE 1037 Whereas present rules and regulations of There being no objection, the letter By Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado: the various Federal agencies relating to the and resolution were referred to the Com S. 1685. A bill to provide disability benefits marketing of swine and pork products are for certatn Army officers; to the Committee economically unsound and are imperiling the mittee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: on Military Affairs. agricultural structure of the Nation: Now, By Mr. WILEY: therefore, be it · THE STAMFORD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC., S. 1686. A bill granting a pension to Celon Resolved by the General Assembly of the Stamford, Conn., February 1, 1944. Elizabeth Sargent; to the Committee on Commonwealth of Kentucky: • Hon. FRANCIS T. MALONEY, Pensions. 1. That the Congress of the United States United States Senate, Washington, D. C. is urged to pass appropriate legislation pro DEAR SENATOR MALONEY: We enclose for your WARTIME METHOD OF VOTING BY MEM viding for the removal of all rationing of information a resolution passed upon at the BERS OF THE ARMED FORCES-AMEND pork and pork products so as to increase the annual dinner - meeting of the Stamford MENTS consumption of pork and thereby conserve Chamber of Commerce, Inc., held Monday the beef supply of the Nation for the better evening, January 17, 1944.