2016 FACTBOOK Santa Ana College Santa Ana College At-A-Glance Fall 2016 except where indicated SAC Enrollment All credit (3rd week) 18,973 100% Demographics (Credit) Gender Female 9,827 52% Male 9,077 48% Decline to state 69 < 0% Ethnicity/Race American Indian, Native 63 0% Asian 1,977 10% Black/African American 325 2% Filipino 261 1% Hispanic/Latino 12,455 66% Pacific Islander 86 < 0% White/Caucasian 2,147 11% Other/Decline to State 1,659 9% Age Group Under 18 593 3% 18 -19 4,113 22% 20 - 24 7,317 39% 25 - 29 3,108 16% 30 - 34 1,438 8% 35 - 39 753 4% 40 - 44 557 3% 45 - 49 456 2% 50 - 54 307 2% 55 and older 331 2% Full-time/ Part-time status Part-time 13,067 69% Full-time 5,906 31% SAC Enrollment - Non-Credit 9,383 Fall 2015 Degrees Awarded: 2015-2016 4,733 100% AA 1,606 34% AS 805 17% Certificates 2,322 49% Transfers to 4-year instititutions 2,123 2014-2015 Staffing Total 2,722 100% Administration 26 1% Full-time Faculty 260 10% Part-time Faculty 1,424 52% Supervisory & Confidential 13 < 0% Full-time Classified 222 8% Part-time Classified 454 17% Instructional Assoc/Asst 323 12% Source: RSCCD Research Department Data Warehouse Santa Ana College 2015-2016 2 Table of Contents At-A-Glance 2 Overview 4 Santa Ana College Service Area 9 Recruitment and Outreach 11 Student Profile 13 Non-Credit (School of Continuing Education) 22 Academic Outcomes and Achievement 26 Programs 38 Student Experience 42 Feeder High Schools 49 Six Success Factors 52 Student Success Scorecard 55 Student Success and Equity 60 Santa Ana Partnership 64 Faculty and Staff 69 Appendix 73 Santa Ana College 2015-2016 3 Overview Santa Ana College 2015-2016 4 History and Location Santa Ana College is a two-year community college founded in 1915.
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