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nimmMmrsi JUNE*1941 TWENTY CENTS FANTASY FICTION SHAPE OF DESIRE Cleve Cartmill It was—something. It was an ancient, fabled gem, it was a pair of tailor's sliears. It was a gun, a great emerald, or a hacksaw blade. It was—the shape of desire! YESTERDAY WAS MONDAY . Theodore Sturgeon Slight error somewhere! He gut behind the scenes, and woke up Wednesday morning although Yesterday was Monday. The Build y^i&ieikvissikl^mk''^ ers hadn't finished making Wednesday yet— NOT ACCORDING TO DANTE . Malcolm Jameson Hell wasn't what it used to be, what with all the imps on relief, and a steady rain of broken shoelaces, inoperable gadgets, and broken-down cars. But there was a very special hell for him— THE FOUNTAIN Nelson S. Rond Ponce de Leon was right—the Fountain of Youth was there in Florida. But he was wrong—for it was the fountain of death, too! PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED %>ss esf^t^s 'imk^^J /•.•-> "1^ rHEN ugly flakes and scales begin to speck complete disappearance of, or marked improve^ ' ' your elotlies, when your scalp begins to itch nient in, the symptoms. annoyingly, it's time to act—and act fast! If you've got the slightest sym]5toni of this Nature may be warning you that infectious trouble, don't-waste any time. • You may have a dandruff has set in . may be telling you'to do real infection, so begin today with Listerine something about it before it gets any worse. Antiseptic and massage. To save yourself money, Start now with Listerine Antiseptic. Just douse buy the large econoniy-size bottle. V it on your scalp and hair morning and liight LAMBERT PHARMACAL CO., St. Louis, Mo. and follow with vigorous and persistent massage. This is the simple medical treatment which has shown such outstanding results in a substantial THE TREATMENT majority of clinical test cases . the easy method used by thousands in their own homes. that brought improvement to Listerine often brings quick improvement, be- 76% of cases in a clinical test cause it giyes both hair and scalp an antiseptic MEN: Douse full strength Listerine on the scalp morning and night. WOMEN: Part bath. The loosened dandruff scales begin to hair at various places, and apply Listerine disappear. Your scalp feels healthier, more invig right along the part with a medicine drop orated. And meanwhile, Listerine is killing per, to avoid wetting the hair e.xcessively. Always foUow with vigorous and per millions of germs on scalp and hair, including the sistent massage with fingers or a good hair queer "bottle bacillus," recognized by outstand brush. Continue the treatment so long as ing authorities as a causative agent of the dandruff is In evidence. And even though you're free from dandruff, enjoy a Listerine infectious type of dandruff. massage once a week to guard against in Clinical results of this simple, pleasant treat fection. Listerine' Antiseptic is the same antiseptic that has been famous for more ment, have been literally amazing. In one test, than 50 years as a mouth wash and gargle. 76% of dandruff sufferers who used Listerine and massage twice a day, within a month showed - PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED • • • •'• • • • ••; • •k ilr •k • ^^ U. S. defense prograinsiee'ds.'TRAINEffi MEN! The demand is urgent I Enrbll NOW for spare-time study vrith Int'ematlonal • CorsresipondeiEce-Sclioo.lB —r'-get/MOPERN" .T«r IKiyiNING in a few montlas^ ::400'up-t<i>- date<Io CM Si Courses to claiDOse from,- in- • .'.eluding vital defense subjecteV.llioujBands, -k V^ .; -of .•former X-C..S.'Mudemts-.areJeadersl of- -k] -^Bu8ine88"smdIndiSBtr7''today. ;pe<a .better. ic . •'k-; PATRIOT'— and BETTER' PAroi/Mail this": ' eonpora TODAY for complete information. k- INTERNATiONAt CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS CELEBRATESO YEARS OFSER VICE TO AMBITIOUS AMERICANS '§SI^!S4i BOX 490S-L, SCRANTON, PENNAl Without cost or pbHgation,'p]ease send me a copy, of your bookJet,/Who Wins and Why,r.and full particulars about the course ^^/or^. which Ihayc marked X: TECHHICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES D Acriculture • Air Brake D Cotton ManufactuTiDS D Mfs. of Pulp and Paper D H-.n. Section Foreman- Q Air Conditio nine O Diesel EoBioes O Marine Ensinea ' D R.'it. 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Present Position , .•^--Cawidian retideiiU send-coupon to IntermitUmal Correspondenee Schools Catuidian, TAmited, Montreal, Concda • British rcMidenta ^end coupon to I. O. 8., 71 Kingswav, London, ir. C.-^S, England UN—1 PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED STREET & SMITH'S TITLE REGISTERED U.S. PATENT .OFFICE , CONTENTS FOR JUNE. 1941 . VbL. V NO. 1_ The editorial contents of this magazine have not been published before, are protected bycopyright and cannot be repriniedvwithoutthe publisher's permission. ., ^ NOVEL- ./ -.'^'^~ - ' / -'•••' ,4 THE FOUNTAIN ... • '• ° • • •-• • Nelson $. Bond • ?"• ^ Ponce de Leon was right! The Fountain of Youth was in Florida • —but it was not quite, the happy thing de Leon thought it to be. ' '. NOVELETTE . - NiG.HT^ARE ISLAND' E. Waldo Hunger . 132 . Only a man who'd Ueen in his condition for a long time, could have 0 . understood, accepted, and acted reasonably on Nightmare Island! • SHORT STORjES ^ NOT ACCORDING T© PANTE .-. Malcolm Jameson . 59 Even Hell should be modernized a little once in a while .- ^t makes, for a more effective, more subtle result. " ^ ,THE CREST OF THE WAVE . ... Jone Rice . ... 71 He rode the crest—till a Judas and a Delilah tricked him, and dropped him in the river. Thereafter—he rode them! JlHi HOWLING TOWER" . •' WiH Lciber. Jr. 9® ' On the vast, bleak plain there was only, one , thing^the lone tower. And the tower—hovyled! ' -v,- - . SHAP^E OF DESIRE". - ." . Cleve Cartmill ...'.101 No man could see what it was—and yet,-to every man . '" ' ~ who saw it, it was whatever thing he most wanteds— ' • i . YESTERDAY WAS'MONDAY ^. Theodore SSurgeon .'.112 The Actor slipped behind the scenes—to find the Scene- ' ' shifters at work' building Yesterday and Tomorrow! JOSHUA . ...... .'. .^'R.Creighton Buck . .124 .A strange old clock, that kept, quite liter- :. ally, marvelous time! It was never wrong. READERS* DEPARTMENTS ' _' ' OF THINGS BEYOND ................. 5 Concerning Inhabitantstof Mythology. , —AND HAVING WRIT— ,. ... '. 159 The leaders speak their minds. - "' .^Illustrations by: Cartier, M. Isip, R. Isip; Kramer and Schneeman All stories fn this magazine are fiction. .No actual persons are designated either by name or character. Any similarity is coincidental. -.^ Bimonthly publication issued by'Street &'Smith Publications. Incorporated, 79 Seventh Avenue. New* York City. Allen L. Gmmmer, President: He'nry W. Ralston, Vice President; Gerald H. Smith, Treasurer and Secretary. Copyright, 1941, in U. '3. A. and Great Britain by Street &. Smith Publications, Inc. Subscriptions to Countries in Pan American Union, $1.10 per year; elsewhere $f;50 per year. We eannot accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Any material submitted must include.return postage. ' Printed In <^^^9ia the D. S. A. STREET' & SMITH PUBLICATIONS. INC. © 79 7th AVE.. NEW YORK J- PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED THE IlISH "PUCK" IN the folklore of most nations there appears some type of "mischievous being —the personified essence of the orneriness of the inanimate. Considering the fiendish skill with which a collar button can conceal itself, or a pencil seen in its proper place not ten minutes ago can vanish, it is abundantly clear that some invisible—and ill-natured—visitant must be at work. • The English—see Shakespeare—called it the work of Puck, the jokester fairy. The Irish seemingly had more trouble; they required a whole race of jokester- tricksters to explain away their difficulties. Ireland had the Leprechaun-r-or at least they were so called in the Leinster district. -In south Ireland they were the Cluricaune, but Cluricaune or Leprechaun, they were a troublesome lot. Normally, they were pretty much solitary beings, unlike the friendly fairy folk who generally went in troops. There were suggestions, as a matter of fact, that the Leprechauns were outcasts from the fairy folk, exiled for their bad dis positions, a fact which naturally did nothing to improve those dispositions.