Not There Yet Canada’s implementation of the general measures of the Convention on the Rights of the Child A joint publication of the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre and UNICEF Canada UNICEF IRC publications are contributions to a global debate on child rights issues and include a wide range of opinions. For that reason, the Centre may produce publications that do not necessarily reflect UNICEF policies or approaches on some topics. The views expressed are those of the authors and are published by the Centre in order to stimulate further dialogue on child rights. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate UNICEF IRC publications should be addressed to: Communication and Partnership Unit, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre,
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[email protected] Front cover photo: © UNICEF Canada/2005/Sri Utami Design and layout: Bernard & Co., Siena, Italy Printing: ABC Tipografia srl, Florence, Italy © United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), August 2009 ISBN: 978-88-89129-92-0 CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................................. v ABBREVIATIONS