© 2018 Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati Palazzo Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto Piazza Rosmini 5, I-38068 Rovereto (TN) tel. +39 0464 43 66 63 - fax +39 0464 48 76 72 www.agiati.it
[email protected] Copertina, impaginazione e stampa: Osiride - Rovereto ISSN: 1122-6064 Atti ACCADEMIA ROVERETANA DEGLI AGIATI CCLXVIII ANNO ACCADEMICO 2018 ser. IX, vol. VIII, A Classe di Scienze umane Classe di Lettere ed Arti Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati Fabio Coden (a cura di) MINIMA MEDIEVALIA Abstract - Th is issue of Minima medievalia hosts fourteen original studies, which, fol- lowing the tradition of the series, starting from a specifi c point of view converge around the monographic topic chosen for the occasion. In the following essays, Byzantine sculpture is approached in its various forms, iconographies, techniques, and typologies, over a chronology that spans from the Proto Byzantine period to the Palaiologan era. From the point of view of artistic geography, ample space is given to works of art distributed in areas that are also con- siderably distant from each other: from the Balkans to the capital Constantinople, including peripherical areas if compared to the main centers of cultural elaboration. Th e Paleo Byzantine period begins with the capital of the honorifi c Column of Julian the Apostate in Ankara (Claudia Di Bello); then moves on to the marble icon now preserved in the cathedral of Adria, near Rovigo (Fabio Coden), on some marble slabs with mastic incrustation from Gortyna (Christina Tsigonaki), and ends with the examination of some capitals in Th essaloniki (Konstantinos T.