CHILDCARE REGISTRATION FORM 2016/17 This form must be fully completed for each child before you can access Tomnacross Primary School Childcare Services. This will provide a wide range of information necessary to care for your child. Please complete and return it to the School. Please note completion of this form does not guarantee you a place. Bookings are taken on a first come first served basis. CHILD DETAILS Full name: Preferred name/nickname: Date of birth: Class: Nursery P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 Teacher/Early Years Practitioner name: Doctor’s Name & Surgery: Please list any additional needs, medical conditions or allergies we should know about: Please list any medication that the child may have to self administer: Any special dietary requirements: Any other useful information Headteacher: Alison Donald Tomnacross Primary School, Kiltarlity, Inverness-shire IV4 7HW Tel - 01463 741497 E-Mail:
[email protected] PARENT/CARER INFORMATION Parent/Carers names: Home Address: Postcode: Home telephone number: Mobile numbers: Work numbers: Place of Work: Email: IMPORTANT PERMISSIONS Please read the statements below and give your consent or not. If you have any queries regarding these, please don’t hesitate to ask a member of staff. I have been informed of the childcare service Policies and Operating YES NO Procedures and I am aware I can access these at anytime. I give permission for the club to provide Boots Soltan Kids suncare cream YES NO for my child during outdoor activities in warm weather. I give permission for photos to be taken of my child at the club, which may YES NO occasionally be used in publicity for the club.