Inverness Local Plan Public Local Inquiry Report- Volume 3

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Inverness Local Plan Public Local Inquiry Report- Volume 3 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997 REPORT OF PUBLIC LOCAL INQUIRY INTO OBJECTIONS TO THE INVERNESS LOCAL PLAN VOLUME 3 THE HINTERLAND AND THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT AREA Reporter: Janet M McNair MA(Hons) MPhil MRTPI File reference: IQD/2/270/7 Dates of the Inquiry: 14 April 2004 to 20 July 2004 CONTENTS VOLUME 3 Abbreviations The A96 Corridor Chapter 24 Land north and east of Balloch 24.1 Land between Balloch and Balmachree 24.2 Land at Lower Cullernie Farm Chapter 25 Inverness Airport and Dalcross Industrial Estate 25.1 Inverness Airport Economic Development Initiative 25.2 Airport Safeguarding 25.3 Extension to Dalcross Industrial Estate Chapter 26 Former fabrication yard at Ardersier Chapter 27 Morayhill Chapter 28 Lochside The Hinterland Chapter 29 Housing in the Countryside in the Hinterland 29.1 Background and context 29.2 objections to the local plan’s approach to individual and dispersed houses in the countryside in the Hinterland Objections relating to locations listed in Policy 6:1 29.3 Upper Myrtlefield 29.4 Cabrich 29.5 Easter Clunes 29.6 Culburnie 29.7 Ardendrain 29.8 Balnafoich 29.9 Daviot East 29.10 Leanach 29.11 Lentran House 29.12 Nairnside 29.13 Scaniport Objections relating to locations not listed in Policy 6.1 29.14 Blackpark Farm 29.15 Beauly Barnyards 29.16 Achmony, Balchraggan, Balmacaan, Bunloit, Drumbuie and Strone Chapter 30 Objections Regarding Settlement Expansion Rate in the Hinterland Chapter 31 Local centres in the Hinterland 31.1 Beauly 31.2 Drumnadrochit Chapter 32 Key Villages in the Hinterland 32.1 Kirkhill 32.2 Kiltarlity 32.3 Dores Chapter 33 Other settlements in the Hinterland 33.1 Strathnairn 33.2 Abriachan 33.3 Inchmore 33.4 Culloden Moor, including improvements to the B9006 33.5 Daviot The Rural Development Area Chapter 34 Countryside locations in the Rural Development Area 34.1 The Kinneras area 34.2 Ault-na-goire 34.3 Soilshan Chapter 35 Local centre in the Rural Development Area - Fort Augustus Chapter 36 Key village in the Rural Development Area - Tomatin Chapter 37 Settlements in the Rural Development Area 37.1 Balnain 37.2 Invermoriston 37.3 Dalreichart ABBREVIATIONS ABDS Agricultural Business Development Scheme ABIS Agricultural Business Improvement Scheme AOD Above Ordnance Datum AQMA Air Quality Management Area BP Background Policy BMW Biodegradable Municipal Waste BPEO Best Practicable Environmental Option BWS British Waterways Scotland CAA Civil Aviation Authority CD Core Document CLEUD Certificate of Existing Lawful Use and Development DDILP Deposit Draft Inverness Local Plan DDMILP Deposit Draft Inverness Local Plan with Modifications DfT Department for Transport DPPG Development Plan Policy Guidance EC European Community IEL Inverness Estates Ltd EfW Energy from Waste EIA Environmental Impact Assessment FADLP Adopted Fort Augustus & Drumnadrochit Local Plan FAG Flood Appraisal Group FLAG Flood Liaison and Advice Group FRA Flood Risk Assessment GHS Garden History Society GP General Policy (H)AWP (Highland) Area Waste Plan HIAL Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd HIE Highlands and Islands Enterprise HLA Housing Land Audit HLF Heritage Lottery Fund HMA Housing Market Area HNS Housing Needs Study HQ Headquarters HS Historic Scotland HSCHT Highland Small Communities Housing Trust HSE Health and Safety Executive HSP The Highland Structure Plan HWSIP Highland Waste Strategy Implementation Plan ICALP Adopted Inverness, Culloden & Ardersier Local Plan ICTP Inverness Caledonian Thistle properties Ltd IMF Inner Moray Firth IMFHS Inner Moray Firth Housing Strategy INE Inverness and Nairn Enterprise IRBP Inverness Retail and Business Park ISCRN Inverness Strategic Cycle Route Network KPG Kilmartin Property Group LAQM Local Air Quality Management LCA Landscape Character Assessment LHS Local Housing Strategy LLCT Local Landscape Character Type ME Moray Estates Development Company MSW Municipal Solid Waste NCR National Cycle Route NID Notice of Intention to Develop NNR National Nature Reserve NOSWA North of Scotland Water Authority NPPG National Planning Policy Guidance NSA National Scenic Area NWS National Waste Strategy: Scotland OS Ordnance Survey PAN Planning Advice Note PFI Private Finance Initiative PPG Planning Policy Guidance PPP Public/Private Partnership pfs petrol filling station R & D Research and Development RSA Royal & Sun Alliance RSL Registered Social Landlord RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds RTS Round Table Session (c)SAC (candidate) Special Area of Conservation SAPT Scottish Association for Public Transport SDR Southern Distributor Road SE Scottish Executive SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SEDD Scottish Executive Development Department SEERAD Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department SE RNMD Scottish Executive Road Network Management Division SNH Scottish Natural Heritage SPA Special Protection Area SUDS Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems SSLNELP Adopted Strathdearn, Strathnairn & Loch Ness East Local Plan SSS1 Site of Special Scientific Interest SW Scottish Water THC The Highland Council TPO Tree preservation order UHI University of the Highlands and Islands UWWT Urban Waste Water Treatment WFD Water Framework Directive WTW Water Treatment Works WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant 24.1 LAND BETWEEN BALLOCH AND BALMACHREE ___________________________________________________________________________ Objector: Moray Estates Development Company (118) Procedure: Written submissions ___________________________________________________________________________ Synopsis of objection 24.1.1 Balloch could expand to the east as far as the natural gully at Balmachree. Factual background 24.1.2 Balmachree is about 300 m east of the eastern edge of Balloch. The adopted local plan shows the intervening agricultural land subject to an agricultural land safeguard, to a strong presumption against development on account of its proximity to the urban edge, and to a general presumption against development due to serious drainage sub-soil problems. The DDILP and the DDMILP include the site in the A96 Corridor, where Policy 3:1 is intended to apply. This states: “Developing the principle established in the HSP, the A96 corridor (as identified on the Proposals Map) presents a strategic development opportunity vital to the economic prosperity of Inverness and the Highlands. The Council will apply a strict presumption against any piecemeal development in this area. Other proposed changes in the use or management of land will be assessed to ensure that they do not prejudice post-2011 opportunities and that they comply with the overall landscape structure for the corridor”. Brief summary of the main points raised by the objector 24.1.3 The DDILP states that housing development land at Balloch is virtually exhausted. Expanding the settlement to the east, as far as the natural, part-wooded, gully at Balmachree would relate development to natural features as opposed to the current "hard" eastern edge to the built-up area. Access could be taken via Cullernie, off the A96, or via existing development in Balloch. Brief summary of the Council’s response to the objection 24.1.4 Policy 3:1 presumes against piecemeal development in this area. The local plan makes abundant provision for long-term development within the Corridor. The site is also physically dislocated from Balloch, and the inability to provide a coherent link would prevent the site from functioning as an integral part of the neighbourhood. In particular, access to the A96 should not be permitted. Other objections seeking the expansion of Balloch raise important considerations relating to the size of the community, its infrastructure, and services. Significant extra growth would stretch the capacity of local schools, and the main distributor road network and A96, which are operating close to, or beyond, capacity. 24 - 1 Conclusions 24.1.5 I adopt the account of the factual background to this objection, in paragraph 24.1.2. together with my conclusions regarding housing land supply in the local plan area, at paragraphs 22.35-22.53. These are to the effect that there is no need for the local plan to allocate more land in order to meet to meet HSP housing land requirements for the period to 2011, in quantitative terms. The prospect of longer-term development along the A96 Corridor does not alter these HSP requirements. I also adopt my conclusion at paragraph 23.2.7, to the effect that the local plan provides for an adequate range and choice of housing opportunities. 24.1.6 That said, as stated at paragraph 23.14.19, local circumstances have also to be taken into account. Both versions of the local plan acknowledge that land for housing development at Balloch is virtually exhausted. However, housing allocations ought to be on suitable sites. The objection site is part of the open agricultural landscape that extends to the east of Balloch. The gully and patches of woodland at Balmachree are a minor, incidental feature in this wider context. 24.1.7 As SPP 3 acknowledges, extensions to settlements can have advantages. However, it also stresses that such extensions need careful planning, and that the landscape setting of towns and villages must be respected. 24.1.8 The objection site would represent a substantial extension beyond an existing clearly defined settlement edge. Although arguably “imposed” on the ground, this existing edge is clear and well established. 24.1.9 The housing allocation sought by the objector would also encroach into an area that is currently the subject of a comprehensive Master
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