magazine winter 2011 magazine winter 2011 Scotland 09/11/2011 14:38 01 Crinan Canal, Argyll & Bute 02 Falls of , Highlands Distance 14km/9 miles time 4hrs type Canal and forest l Distance 10km/6 miles l time 4hrs l type Forest and waterfall

NavigatioN FitNess NavigatioN FitNess 1 level 1 1 level 1 1 level 1 2 level 2

feature p61 plan your walk plan your walk see

aRgYLL & BUte

CRiNaN CaNaL glasgow l

l Kilwinning

l Newtown l l Prestwick l Campbeltown HigHLaNDs FoYeRs

Where: Linear walk along Where: Circular walk from the Crinan Canal between inverfarigaig to the Falls Crinan and ardrishaig. of Foyers. hy: StEVE MorgaN PhotograPhy: Start: Crinan Basin car Eith fErguS k PhotograPhy: Start/end: Forestry park (NR787943). The Crinan Canal is frequently follow a track towards the canal Commission car park, The Falls of Foyers are a must- before leaving it by taking a end: ardrishaig (NR853853). called the most beautiful short-cut to reach a lock. For a short, inverfarigaig (NH522238). see on any visit to . sharp R at a signpost for a Loch terrain: Level walking, in Scotland: the short-cut being optional diversion, turn R here terrain: Waymarked Robert Burns, visiting the area Ness viewpoint. after taking in predominantly along the between the Sound of Jura at and climb a path through lovely paths, forestry tracks and on the then newly built military the view, continue along the canal towpath, with a short Crinan and loch Fyne at woodland to reach a viewpoint minor roads, with some Wade road, called the Falls path up through woods before section of minor road. Ardrishaig, which avoids a long (NR787943), which grants a steep sections and areas of a “horrid cauldron”. Today’s descending sharply down to MapS: os explorer 358; diversion around the Kintyre stunning vista over the sound of boggy, heathery moorland. visitors have the benefit of well- the main trail. turn L, as if Landranger 55. peninsula for boats sailing Jura to the distinctive Paps of MapS: os explorer 416; made wooden steps and safety going back to the car park, for GettinG there: the between the Clyde estuary and Jura. otherwise, cross over the Landranger 26. railings from which to admire a short distance before turning regular Citylink Bus service the Inner Hebrides. The towpath lock and turn R on to the Crinan GettinG there: D&e this series of impressive falls, R and following the yellow 926 runs from glasgow to that hugs the 14km/9 miles of the Canal towpath (NR789944). Coaches’ bus number including one drop of more than waymarkers. Lochgilphead, from where canal provides a relaxed linear 302 from inverness to 100ft. This lovely circular walk – the iF anderson Bus service walk through some of Scotland’s 2. Follow the towpath beneath inverfarigaig runs every day which includes short sections of 2. Follow this wide track up 426 takes you to Crinan. finest scenery. Work started on Crinan Wood, with the Crinan except sunday (✆ 01463 the South loch Ness Trail – takes through trees for about half a on your return leg, take the canal in 1794 under the Canal to your R and the sea to 222444, www.decoaches. you through conifer plantations mile. You will come to another the West Coast Motors guidance of the civil engineer your L, enjoying fine views across inverness is well to viewpoints over the loch and great viewpoint overlooking Bus service 423 from John Rennie, but problems with to Crinan Ferry and over the served by trains from all on to the falls (and an adjacent Loch Ness and the massive ardrishaig to Lochgilphead the design and locks meant it historic argyll countryside. after over the UK. café). Although you may not rock buttress of Dun Deardail. to reconnect with the was not completed until 1816, a cottage beside a swing bridge eatinG & drinkinG: spot Nessie, there’s a good From here, continue for a short 426 (✆ 0871 200 2233, after a major redesign by the (NR793938), the canal swings L Waterfall Café, Foyers chance of seeing red squirrels distance and you will come to great Thomas Telford. The 15 locks and continues by the marina (✆ 01456 486233). en route. the small, picturesque Lochan eatinG & drinkinG: along the Crinan Canal are not (NR797928) at Bellanoch – home SleepinG: in Foyers, there’s torr an tuill. Past the lochan, the Cairnbaan Hotel, automated, so anyone can help to to some impressive yachts. Craigdarroch House Hotel 1. Start from the Forestry track meanders slowly downhill Cairnbaan (✆ 01546 603668, open and close them, making for (✆ 01456 486400, www. Commission scotland car park for half a mile before emerging a fun addition to this superb walk. 3. Just after Bellanoch, you cross and at inverfarigaig (NH522238) and at the side of the road through

SleepinG: Crinan Hotel, a minor road at the islandadd Foyers Bay Country House follow the blue south Loch Ness gleann Liath. at this point, stay

Crinan (✆ 01546 830261, ▲ 1. Start From the car park at the Bridge (NR805924), where the (✆ 01456 486624, trail (sLNt) waymarker steeply on the track-side of the road back of Crinan Basin (NR787943), sea is left behind and the canal upwards for a short distance, and head back into the woods ▼ ▼ 49-50 ScotlandRoutemaster_Walk33.indd 1 49-50 ScotlandRoutemaster_Walk33.rev2.indd 2 Ordnance Surveymapping©Crowncopyright.AM34/08 Ordnance Surveymapping©Crowncopyright.AM34/08 continued... START 1 1 FINISH START Visitor information: Fort Augustus TIC (✆ 01320 366779, www.visitscotland. 2 com). Guidebooks: South Loch 2 3 Ness by the South Loch Ness Heritage Group (£3 plus p&p, www.southlochnessheritage.; A Country Called Stratherrick by Alan B Lawson (£9.99, South Loch 4 Ness Heritage Group, ISBN 9780955318801). Both on 7 sale at Waterfall Café, Foyers. LocaL rambLers Group: Inverness Ramblers 3 (✆ 07821 936297, www. 4 inverness).

on a much narrower and 6 steeper path.

The path makes its way up 3. 5 Map not to scale. 5 through trees before emerging Representation of into a more open area. Shortly OS Landranger MAP 26 1:50,000 after the path splits, take a L and follow the red waymarkers. Map not to scale. The path rises steeply through Representation of dense woods before emerging signposted for Lower Foyers. It Immediately after the lodge, OS Landranger MAP 55 into heather and small trees. 1:50,000 meanders along the edge of the take the path to the L, signed to This is the highest point on gorge before emerging at the Inverfarigaig, and descend FINISH this walk, with views of Loch Foyers Bay Country House. There through mixed woodland to a Ness and the Monadhliath are some blue markers (not SLNT single-track road. Turn R here the ancient kingdom of Dalriada, 4. Cross the road and then turn Mountains. ones) for guidance. and walk up past the electrical continued... where many of the first Scottish R through an opening in a wall substation. Just past here, turn L kings were crowned. The (the Cairnbaan Hotel, to the L of 4. From here, the path descends 6. From the entrance to the on to a path that descends towpath then approaches a the canal here, is a fine place to steeply until you reach a guest house, turn L and descend gradually, almost to loch level, Visitor information: series of locks between Dunardry stop for a drink). Turn L on to the forestry track. At this point, to the road. Here, turn L again, before emerging beyond a house Tarbert TIC (01859 502011, and Cairnbaan, where the canal towpath and simply follow the turn R and follow it down past past the medical centre and on the R. (A short distance past rises to its highest point – some line of the canal. After a couple a hydro service tunnel, until down to where the road splits the house, there is a small track Guidebooks: Walking 21m/68ft above sea level. As you of miles you reach the outskirts you pass the back of a primary again. At this point you will see down to the shore of the loch Argyll and Bute by Mary watch the water rise and fall of Lochgilphead, whose shops, school on your R and come out a large stone building: the old with a seat.) Back on the path – Welsh (£6.99, Clan Walk between locks you can really pubs and restaurants are easily on to the road. Turn L here, at aluminium works. Follow the now a rough track – you pass a Guides, ISBN 9781873597262). appreciate what a marvel of visited. Otherwise, continue the SLNT waymarker, and walk road past this and, immediately few more houses before coming LocaL rambLers Group: engineering the canal is. It’s along the towpath beside more a short distance uphill to the after the fish hatchery, look out out at Inverfarigaig Pier. From Mid Argyll & Kintyre also fun helping with the locks woodland and cross the swing Waterfall Café and shop. for a blue waymarker (again, the pier, head up the tarred track Ramblers (✆ 01546 886680, along this stretch, although be bridge at Oakfield (NR856879). not an SLNT one). Turn R here to join the B852. At the road, prepared for slow progress if you 5. Directly opposite is the and then, at the first bend, turn turn L and then first R, signed do! From Dunardry (NR819913) 5. Keep along the canal, from gated path down to the Falls L and follow the track uphill to to Errogie, to return to the continues alongside the great the towpath develops into a where you will approach of Foyers. There are two the road. car park. expanse of the Moine Mhor (the single-track road near Cairnbaan, Ardrishaig to reach the A83 viewpoints. After your visit, Route devised by Graeme Ambrose Great Moss). Rising above the passing by locks and several and the end of this beautiful 15/11/2011 11:00 climb back up to a junction 7. At the road, turn L for a short of Destination Loch Ness moor is the conspicuous outline houses to reach the swing bridge and historic stretch of water. in the path. Follow the one distance past Foyers Lodge. ( of Dunadd, once the capital of beside the B841 (NR839908). Route devised by Keith Fergus