HAFbookletcover.qxp_Layout 1 26/06/2019 16:02 Page 1 Events guide Iùl thachartasan Highland Archaeology Festival Fèis Arc-eòlais na Gàidhealtachd 28th Sept – 18th Oct 2019 Celebrating Archaeology, History and Heritage A’Comharrachadh Arc-eòlas, Eachdraidh is Dualchas 1 www.archaeologyreportsonline.com
[email protected] Don’t let archaeology ĮŶĚƐƐƚĂLJďƵƌŝĞĚ͘ 'ĞƚƚŚĞŵƉƵďůŝƐŚĞĚʹ ŽƉĞŶ͕ĂĐĐĞƐƐŝďůĞĂŶĚŽŶůŝŶĞ͘ Photo © Marjorie Wilson © Marjorie Photo Welcome to Highland Archaeology Festival 2019 Fàilte gu Fèis Arc-eòlais na Gàidhealtachd 2019 The popularity of our annual Highland Archaeology Festival goes from strength to strength and I am pleased to introduce the programme for this year’s festival which showcases all of Highland’s historic environment from brochs to burials, barrages to battlefields. We aim to celebrate our shared history and archaeology and showcase the incredible heritage on our doorstep as well as the importance of protecting this for future generations. The educational and economic benefits that this can bring to communities cannot be overstated. New research is being carried out daily by both local groups and universities as well as in advance of construction. Highland Council is committed to letting everyone have access to the results of this work, either through our award-winning Historic Environment Record (HER) website or through our programme of events for the festival. This year provides a great illustration of the incredible archaeological sites that survive across Highland and the wealth of information that can be found there. Our two keynote talks illustrate this perfectly, highlighting the significance of Highland research to the wider, national picture. These lectures, held at the council chamber in Inverness, will cover the exceptional High Pasture Cave complex on Skye and the concentration of brochs within Caithness, showing how these sites have become a focus for community-centred research and identity.