A Survey of Adversarial Learning on Graph
A Survey of Adversarial Learning on Graph LIANG CHEN, Sun Yat-sen University of China JINTANG LI, Sun Yat-sen University of China JIAYING PENG, Sun Yat-sen University of China TAO XIE, Sun Yat-sen University of China ZENGXU CAO, Hangzhou Dianzi University of China KUN XU, Sun Yat-sen University of China XIANGNAN HE, University of Science and Technology of China ZIBIN ZHENG∗, Sun Yat-sen University of China Deep learning models on graphs have achieved remarkable performance in various graph analysis tasks, e.g., node classication, link prediction and graph clustering. However, they expose uncertainty and unreliability against the well-designed inputs, i.e., adversarial examples. Accordingly, a line of studies have emerged for both aack and defense addressed in dierent graph analysis tasks, leading to the arms race in graph adversarial learning. Despite the booming works, there still lacks a unied problem denition and a comprehensive review. To bridge this gap, we investigate and summarize the existing works on graph adversarial learning tasks systemically. Specically, we survey and unify the existing works w.r.t. aack and defense in graph analysis tasks, and give appropriate denitions and taxonomies at the same time. Besides, we emphasize the importance of related evaluation metrics, investigate and summarize them comprehensively. Hopefully, our works can provide a comprehensive overview and oer insights for the relevant researchers. More details of our works are available at hps://github.com/gitgiter/Graph-Adversarial-Learning. CCS Concepts: •Computing methodologies ! Semi-supervised learning settings; Neural networks; •Security and privacy ! So ware and application security; •Networks ! Network reliability; Additional Key Words and Phrases: adversarial learning, graph neural networks, adversarial aack and defense, adversarial examples, network robustness ACM Reference format: Liang Chen, Jintang Li, Jiaying Peng, Tao Xie, Zengxu Cao, Kun Xu, Xiangnan He, and Zibin Zheng.
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