Asterism: Decentralized File Sharing Application for Mobile Devices Olli-Pekka Heinisuo Valentina Lenarduzzi Davide Taibi Tampere University Tampere University Tampere University Tampere, Finland Tampere, Finland Tampere, Finland
[email protected] Abstract—Most applications and services rely on central au- To avoid the issues of centralization, data can to be stored thorities. This introduces a single point of failure to the system. without any central authorities. Decentralized storage and The central authority must be trusted to have data stored by the content distribution can be achieved with peer-to-peer (P2P) application available at any given time. More importantly, the privacy of the user depends on the service provider capability to networking. In peer-to-peer networking every node of a network keep the data safe. A decentralized system could be a solution to is both a client and a server [4]. The nodes then talk to each remove the dependency from a central authority. Moreover, due other without any central service as opposed to centralized to the rapid growth of mobile device usage, the availability of systems where all communication goes through dedicated decentralization must not be limited only to desktop computers. central servers. In this work we aim at studying the possibility to use mobile devices as a decentralized file sharing platform without any Peer-to-peer (P2P networks and file sharing are rather central authorities. This was done by implementing Asterism, common on desktop environments but they have been rarely a peer-to-peer file-sharing mobile application based on the Inter- used on mobile devices due to more restricted resources.