Unexpected outcome (positive or negative) including adverse drug reactions Unusual presentation of a femoral stress fracture Leandro Ejnisman,1 Andre Wajnsztejn,1 Roberto Dantas Queiroz,2 Benno Ejnisman3 1Department of Orthopaedics, SUMMARY elective MRI with the hypothesis of trochanteric Federal University of São Stress fractures are common injuries in sports medicine. bursitis. Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil fi 2Department of Orthopaedics, Among these fractures, femoral neck stress fractures After 5 days, the patient returned to our of ce Hospital do Servidor Publico frequently have a benign course, especially when it reporting worsening of the pain despite medica- Estadual, São Paulo, Brazil happens in the medial aspect of the neck. This case tion. The MRI demonstrated oedema of the medial 3 Department of CETE, Centro report describes a stress fracture of the medial aspect of femoral neck with no evidence of a fracture line de Traumatologia do Esporte, the femoral neck that developed a complete fracture and (figure 2). A medial (compression) stress fracture of Universidade Federal de São fi Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil underwent surgical xation. the femoral neck was diagnosed, and the patient was advised to use crutches with no weight bearing Correspondence to on the affected limb. Because of the atypical Dr Benno Ejnisman, BACKGROUND
[email protected] Stress fractures are common injuries both in recre- ational and professional athletes. Repetitive load causes microlesions of the bone and leads to mech- anical failure, usually characterised by a stress bone reaction with no cortical discontinuation. Most fre- quently, it affects weight-bearing bones, as seen in runners, jumpers, skaters and military.12 Stress fractures have been described since the forties.34Initially, they were known as march frac- tures because the first reported cases occured in sol- diers during the World War II.