Edward Brown Hanged Colby League Formed. Late
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VOLUME XXIX HO/2, RED BANK, N.J.» WEDNESDAY. JULY 4, 1906. PAGES 1 TO 8. ministered.by the two ministers, who had 'ormed.bv.Rev. W; Frank Johnson, pas- EDWARD BROWN HANGED visited him regularly since the death COLBY LEAGUE FORMED. tor of the Long- Branch Baptist church, " . r • LATE JTOJVEDDINGS. DEATH FROM_A FALL; sentence was pronounced. Brown pre- The bride wore a princess gown, trim- HE PAYS THE DEATH PENALTY ferred the Baptist faith and accordingly A COUNTY ORGANIZATION TO MISS MAE TRUEX MARRIED TO med with duchesse lace>nd white silk WILLIAM Bt. GREEN DIES IN FOB MURDER. he was immersed, A large bath tub was BE EFFECTED. - ROBINSON. pplique and wpre a tulle veil caught up THE HOSPITAL. ' - used for the ceremony and it was put in . The Execution Tookplace in the A Meeting to'be Held at Mattiwan A Prettii Home Weddlua in Kpd, with lilies of the valley, Mr. and Mrs. He Was Driving a Wagon Loaded ' County Jail Xtitst Frldav-The A'e- the old part of the jail. It was the first on Friday of -This Week to Com- Bank Ixint Thursday-Many Other Shaw will spend their honeymoon in the With Sana at Fair Haven Last ' grit'Walked Bravelu to the Oal- time that Brown had been permitted to lilete the Organisation—Cardinal '• Marriages; in This Vicinity Dttv- Northern; states, after which they, will Wednesdau When He Fell From , ^lows-C'onfessed His Crime. * walk out pf his cell,since the death sen- Principles\ of the League, --,-. ino the Past Week. ive at Sunbury. ' His Seat and Waa Run-Over. , Edward Brown, who murdered Re- tence was .passed on him. He was, Arrangements for organizing a county Miss Mae M. Truex, daughter of Joseph Ttce-ifacquin. William if. Green of Red Bank died , becca TraynuiHj his common-law wife, dressed only in an old pair of overalls Republican league which will not be <i Truex of Peters place, Red Bank, and arly on Saturday morning at the Long" Mrs. Lola B. Tice of Matawan and at Long Branch two years ago, was put and a shirt. He walked to the. tub be- under the dominion' of the trusts -were Dr. Harry B. Robinson af Amesbtiry, Jranch hospital as a result of injuries ho , •• Frederick A. Jacquin of Newark were' to death on the scaffold in the county tween the two ministers', stepped into it, made last week. ..The name selected was Massachusetts,-were married Ia6t Thurs ustaine'd last Wednesday afternoon. Ott , married at Newark on Thursday, June jail last'Friday morning. All along and while one of the ministers read the "The Republican Voters League of Mon- day noon at the bride's home. The cere- hat day he Was driving a. wagon loaded • 1st. Mrs. Samuel Gordon of Marlboro, Brown had declared that he would not service the other pushed him back ward mouth County," W. H. Bannard of AB- mony was performed by Rey. John Gr. ith sand at Fair Haven to Thomas N. ' make any scene but .would walk bravely, until he was entirely submerged. Brpwn bury Park was made temporary chair- ovell of Long Branch. The wedding a sister of the bride, was present at the ceremony, which was private. The tfcCarter's place, when he fell from his tflrthe gallows, and he kept his word. was then led baok to his cell and the: man ofthe league and Clarence Hetrick was attended by the immediate relatives eat--to the ground. The wheels ran. , sacrament was administered, tho bread of Asbtiry Pa^rk was made temporary and a fe,w friends of the- couple. The ouple will make their home at Newark. About twenty-five persons, comprising iver him and a big gash was made "6H> 4 /, Sheriff Francis and his jury, the jail and wine being passed to him. through secretary. A large number of names house was beautifully, decorated with The groorn' has been ' with R. H. Macy & Co. of New York for sixteen years and iis head. He was badly cut on bis left ' officers and a number of newspaper men, the bars. One of the.preachers then had been received.from'prominent Re- ferns and roses. In the parlor was- a xm and was scratched and bruised on • witnessed the execution. '';''.. offered a prayer, after; which a hymn publicans as executive, committeemen large floral arch, under which the con- is at the head of the linen department of :he stpre. _, ither parts of his body. He was taken/,*, The bangipg was in charge of James was sung. Of late he had spent a good for their respective townships, and a tracting, parties stood during'the 'mftr- o the' office of Dr. A. A. Armstrong at ^ ' VanHise of Newark, a professional hang- deal of his time in prayer. Edward meeting will be held at Matawari the iage ceremony. The bride was dressed Applegiate- Johnson. ?air Haven, where his wounds were man, who got $500 for the job. Shortly Cashion, who was the death watch .on owing Friday to perfect the county n white silk mull over' white "taffeta The marriage of Miss Rena Applegate, ressfd. He waa then taken to the Long before ten o'clock VanHise and the jail Thursday nig;ht, said that Brown Blept organization.. and Bhd" wore. a white veil caught up daughter of Charles AppWgate of Adel- ranch hospital. * ',' .; officers entered ^Brown's pell" and ad- well the,whole night. He ate no break- Friday,. July 13th, was set apart some with forget-me-nots. She carried white' phia, to William H. Johnson; Jr., of the At first. Mr. Green seemed to be, doing justed the noose to his neck. - His arms fast the next morning, time ago by Senator Everett Colby of oses. The bridesmaid, Miss Frances same' place, was celebrated last'Wednes* ell but on Thursday night he became " were then strapped behind him and, ac- Those, who witnessed the .execution Essex county to make a visit to' Mon- Truex, a sister of the bride, was dressed day night at the bride's home. Rev. J. elirious and died a few hours later in ' " companied by his religious advisers, he were Dr. Edwin Field, former Sheriffs mouth county. Arrangements * have n white and carried ,pink rosee. - Dr. D. Webb, pastor of the Bethesda Metho- ;reat agony. Mr. Green was 51 yeara was led to the gallows. He had to turn O. C. Bogardus and 0. E. Davis, W. E. been made for a tour of several Mon- Rochette of Amesbury was groomsman dist church; performed the cerem'ony, old and 'was the son of Henry Green, ' two corners to reach the corridor where McDonald, Dri D. M. Forman, W. A- mouth county towns that day; 'The and, the bride's niece, Miss Gladys Em- The bride wore cream silk mull trimmed who'died many years ago. His mother the gallows had been erected,.and he Sweeney, .George J. Taylor, Henry J. tour will begin at Key port, and will com- mons of Lakewood, was flower girl,\ with lace and carried a boquet of white died last fall. He leaves* a sister, .Mrs. walked past the witnesses as.uncon- Bodine, Dr. John W. Bennett, Dr. Harry prise meetings at Keyporr, Matawan, Mia Mabel Truex, a sister of the bride, roses and ferns., / played the wedding march. The bride's eWitt Quackenbush of Herbert street,' , cerned as if he were going to leave the E. Shaw, William Walling, Alonzo Marlboro, Freehold, EatontownV' Red Tobias-Conover, * It the time of his death' Mr. Gieen waa jail for a stroll. He nodded to all pres- Brower, Dr. Harry Neafle, A. J. G. Bank and Atlantic Highlands. Senator traveling dre,es was of Alice blue. Last Wednesday J. D. Conover,. the jruployed by Jacob Brasch,.a teamster' ent and said "Good morning" a number Stokes, Samuel Kirkbride, E. I. Vander- Colby, Mayor Mark M. Fagan and George While the ceremony was being per- collector of Matawan township, was if Middlelowjn township. 'He had been t of times. Just.before he took his place veer, Seymour Francis, Dr., Andrew. L. Record will speak, at all the meetings. formed some of the f rie'nds of thebride married in New York to Miss Lenora orking for Mr. Brasch only three day's, under the danglingrope he was heard to Jackson, Dr.-James J. Reed,.Walter S. In; addition there are expected to be had been busy decorating the wagon Tobias of that place. The wedding was 'revious to that time he had been em- Reed, E. P. Thompson, Charles E. Close, which was to take the couple to the sta-' ""murmur " God have mercy on my soul." pecial speakers at some of the meetings, private. J. McDonough Conover of >loyed at William >E. belly's American Arthur W. Kelly, Revs. J. R. Brown and tion. Old shoes, rags and about 25 baby Brown wore a black suit, a low .white including some men of national promi- F^eneau.'a nephewof the groom,-was iotel at Red Bank, where he lived. J. A. Jordan, George A. Longstreet and Bhpes tied with ribbon were attached to collar and black tie. nence. • \ .- ••••>•-:• ' ;roomsman. , ' ' The'funeral was held at Mrs. Quacken; , .No.t* a word was spoken by the con- David Buck. < , • The meeting at Keyport will be'held the-wagon. Three large placards were lush's on Monday and was in charge of demned man after he reached the gal- Brown was a native of Richmond, at one o'clock in the afternoonl' The tacked on the vehicle.