Mm Arthropod and Nematode Parasites, Parasitoids, And

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Mm Arthropod and Nematode Parasites, Parasitoids, And ' - mm Arthropod and Nematode Parasites, Parasitoids, and Predators of Acrididae in America North of Mexico Technical Bulletin No. 1460 Agricultural Research Service UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ryyscji Arthropod and Nematode Parasites, Parasitoids, and Predators of Ácrididae in America North of Mexico >, ai,*' By N. E.|Rp)S^ Technical Bulletin No. 1460 Agricultural Research Service UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D.C. Issued March 1973 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington. D.C. 20402 — Price: $2.60 domestic postpaid, or $2.25 GPO Bookstore Stock Number 0100-2624 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I express my sincere thanks to the following indi- viduals: The coleopterists of the Systematic Entomol- ogy Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, for checking the nomenclature of the Coleóptera ; George 0. Poinar, Jr., University of California, Berkeley, for his aid with the nematode section ; C. F. W. Muesebeck, U.S. National Museum, Washintgon, D.C., for advice on the Scelio ; A. S. Menke, Systematic Entomology Lab- oratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and R. M. Bohart, Entomology Department, University of Cali- fornia, Davis, for their assistance on the Tachytes; H. W. Prescott, Forest Grove, Oreg., for advice on the Nemestrinidae ; J. E. Henry, Grasshopper Investigation Laboratory, U. S. Department of Agriculture, for life information of Goniopsita oohaga ; W. F. Barr, Depart- ment of Entomology, University of Idaho, and R. L. Lavigne, Department of Entomology, University of Wyoming, for their assistance with the Asilidae. I also give my special appreciation to C. C. Blickenstaff, Grasshopper Investigation Laboratory, U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, for his advice and counsel. The maps are reproduced by permission of Denoyer- Geppert©. CONTENTS Pase Key to orders and families of larval parasites and predators.- 4 Key to orders and families of adult parasites and predators - 6 Grasshopper parasites and parasitoids '^ 9 Diptera Anthomyiidae ^ Calliphoridae ^^ Nemestrinidae ^^ Sarcophagidae ^^ Tachinidae ^^ Hymenoptera 77* ' Scelionidae "" Internal parasites °^ Nematoda |^ Mermithidae ^^ Gordiacea ^^ External parasites ^^ Hymenoptera ^^ Sphecidae ^^ Acariña Hyperparasitoids ^^° Hymenoptera ^^^ Bracomdae ^^"^ Chalcidae ^^^ Perilampidae ^^^ Pteromalidae ^^^ Sphecidae . 1^^ Diptera JJJ Calliphoridae ^^^ Predators ^^^ Coleóptera ^^^ Carabidae ^^^ Cicindelidae 1^2 Cantharidae ^'^^ Meloidae ^'^^ Diptera ^12 Anthomyiidae 212 Asilidae 215 Bombyliidae- 241 Chloropidae 248 Therevidae 250 Hymenoptera 253 Formicidae 253 Araneida 259 References 261 Index 286 IV Arthropod and Nematode Parasites, Parasitoids, and Predators of Acrididae in America North of Mexico By N. E. REES, entomologist, Grasshopper Research Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Bozeman, Mont. This bulletin includes all avail- scriptions in the references listed able information relating to ar- at the end of this bulletin. thropod and nematode parasites The date and page numbers and predators of grasshoppers under the species name in each that occur in the United States section refer to the original de- and Canada. Although the litera- scription. In parentheses preced- ture was the main source of infor- ing the date is the original mation, some data were obtained generic name. Thus from unpublished records of the Blaesoxipha reversa (Aldrich) U.S. Department of Agriculture's (Sarcophaga) 1916: 135-136 Grasshopper Investigations Lab- was described by Aldrich as Sar- oratory at Bozeman, Mont. Parts cophaga reversa on pages 135 and of these records are from near 136 of his 1916 publication. Sacramento, Calif., and are re- Italic numbers in parentheses lated to a period prior to the in the text indicate the source in establishment of the Bozeman the reference list where informa- laboratory. tion is given about the species Each species is treated sepa- under discussion. Thus, for ex- rately. Insofar as possible, ample, (307, p. 233) refers to page information includes accepted 233 of R. W. Smith's 1958 article, nomenclature and synonyms, geo- which contains information on graphical distribution, host spe- Blaesoxipha reversa. This will en- cies, life history and habits, and able the reader to refer only to the descriptions of the egg, larval, pertinent part of an original pupal, and adult stages. The brief article. descriptions of the various stages For brevity, the following are presented only to aid the abbreviations are used: SO = reader in tentative identification. seasonal occurrence (dates given For a more thorough understand- here generally indicate the ing of each species, he is directed earliest appearance of each life to the original or subsequent de- stage in the field but not the dura- TECHNICAL BULLETIN NO. 1460, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE tion of the stage unless so stated. menclature for the Diptera, and Several widely separated dates Agriculture Monograph 2, "Hy- often indicate several generations menoptera of America North of per year). LOD = length of de- Mexico," 1951, plus its supple- velopment of each stage (these ments, was the source for the are generally the results of lab- Hymenoptera. Later publications oratory investigations). OWS = and personal correspondence were overwintering stage (and location utilized for the accepted nomen- when known). G/Y = generations clature for the Coleóptera, Mer- per year or per given number of mithidae, mites, and spiders. years. SA = stage attacked (the They are also included in the ref- development stage of the prey or erence list. host that is utilized). N/H = Since the information was ob- number per host (number of tained from many sources, several parasites living at one time within points should be stressed. a single host, or the number of (1) Distributional records are prey utilized per day per pred- often few in number or for scat- ator). MOA — method of attack tered locations. It is therefore (method of parasitizing a host or highly probable that many species obtaining prey). AF — food taken listed here occupy broader ranges by the adult parasite or predator than recorded but with gaps cre- and includes plants frequented ated by sites of unfavorable en- that may or may not be eaten. vironment. Therefore the distri- HAB — habitat of the parasite or butional maps are generalized, predator. indicating the Provinces and The term "unknown" indicates States occupied by each species, that I believe no work has been and are not intended to show that conducted on this particular species distribution ends at Prov- phase. The term "not given" ince or State boundaries. means that although no mention (2) Figures given for incidence of an event was located in the of parasitism and prédation may literature, it is probably known be misleading. These generally by those working with that spe- represent the level of parasitism cies and probably conforms to and prédation at a given time and the general statement for the place and do not indicate the total family. The term "not located" effect on the host population. means that I believe the informa- (3) Seasonal occurrence rec- tion to be in print, but it was not ords are as given for the location located in my search. reported and may deviate as much Agriculture Handbook 276, "A as a month in other locations. Catalog of the Diptera of Ameri- (4) The amount of information can North of Mexico," 1965, was available indicates the amount of the main source of accepted no- work conducted on a species, but ARTHROPOD AND NEMATODE PARASITES IN AMERICA it does not present an accurate insects), incomplete descriptions, indication of its effect on grass- and because predators are less hopper populations. An investi- likely to be taken with their prey. gator's interest and location or the Such a key is impractical here. importance of a certain species Generally several references to for other economic reasons is adult descriptions are included at often responsible for where a the end of this bulletin for those study is concentrated. who wish a more complete de- Keys to orders and families are scription. References to articles greatly simplified and designed to that quote original statements are lead the reader to the correct also included, since these may be group. He must then rely on a more easily obtained than the combination of information to ar- original. Even so, not all tax- rive at the correct species. onomic articles have been listed To effectively utilize the para- here because of nonavailability, site larval key, the larvae should superfluous repetition of the sub- be taken from the host. In sim- ject, and, of course, some articles plifying the keys for use by non- may have escaped the literature taxonomists, many details were search. omitted. These details might be In addition to the insects de- needed in separating nonparasitic scribed here, others could be in- species from parasitic ones, but cluded but are only mentioned they can be disregarded if the here. I have observed several reader is certain of the parasitic species of dragonflies taking both nature of the species involved. nymphal and adult grasshoppers. With some species, difficult taxo- At least one hemipteran, probably nomic characters had to be re- Reduviidae, was observed sucking tained and these are diagramed the body juices from an adult at appropriate places in the text. Melanoplus sanguinipes (F.). On In only a few groups are parasite several occasions mosquitoes were larval descriptions
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