AUSTRALIA $1.50 · canada $1.50 · france 1.00 euro · new zealand $1.50 · uk £.50 · u.s. $1.00 INSIDE Nan Bailey: ‘True to her revolutionary convictions every day of her life’ — PAGEs 6-8 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE vol. 83/no. 2 January 14, 2019 SWP members Judge affirms Join Socialist Workers gear up to take Chicago cops Party 2019 campaign! Militant, books used torture in door to door frame-up case by Roy Landersen BY JOHN HAWKINS Members of the Socialist Workers CHICAGO — More than 28 years Party are starting the new year with after his conviction for a double mur- a bang, organizing teams to take the der he didn’t commit, and over eight party, its program and its support for years after the Illinois Torture Inqui- working-class struggle to working ry and Relief Commission ruled that Chicago cops had tortured him into SWP speaks in interests making a false confession, Gerald Reed, now 54, came one step closer to of working people freedom Dec. 19. Circuit Court Judge Thomas Gain- people on their doorsteps. They are er ruled that Reed’s confession was traveling to cities small and large, likely the result of the beating he suf- towns and farming areas in different fered at the hands of Chicago Police parts of the country. They are dis- Department detectives Victor Breska cussing how to resist the only future and Michael Kill. They were both Militant/George Chalmers offered by the political parties of the part of former police Commander Jon , SWP candidate for Dallas mayor, speaks with Dakotah Luster Dec. 30. capitalist rulers — the worsening con- Burge’s notorious “midnight crew.” “Democrats and Republicans are parties of the bosses,” she said. “We need our own party.” sequences of debt and wage slavery. The torture inquiry commission The launching of SWP election was set up by the state government in US troops out of Middle SWP candidates are campaigns across the country will 2009 under pressure from the grow- East, Afghanistan now! ‘tribunes of the people’ help advance this work, the central ing outrage at continuing revelations axis of the party’s activity. SWP about decades of Burge’s torture and The following statement was issued by BRIAN WILLIAMS members — and members of sister frame-up operations. Burge, who died Jan. 2 by Alyson Kennedy, Socialist The Socialist Workers Party has Communist Leagues in Australia, in September, was fired in 1993 and Workers Party candidate for Dallas announced plans to run candidates for Canada, New Zealand and the United convicted in federal court in 2010 for mayor. more than a dozen municipal and state Continued on page 3 Continued on page 5 offices across the country in 2019, in- cluding in Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, SWP statement , New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington. Los Angeles teachers, supporters The Socialist Workers Party de- They will be the only working-class mands the immediate and uncon- voices in the elections and speak out rally before Jan. 10 strike deadline ditional withdrawal of U.S. troops, as tribunes of the people. bombers and warships from the Mid- “My campaign will not just be dle East and Afghanistan! about workers who live in Dallas but The Donald Trump administra- about working people worldwide,” tion’s proposed drawdown of U.S. Alyson Kennedy, the SWP candidate troops from Syria and reduction of for mayor there, said by phone Jan. U.S. forces in Afghanistan are only 1. “Whatever the capitalist rulers do a small fraction of the vast weaponry to us here, they do the same thing to and troop deployments the U.S. rul- working people internationally. That’s ers keep in the Middle East and else- why I speak out against U.S. wars where worldwide. They’re ready to abroad from Afghanistan to Syria and unleash this whenever it seems neces- Iraq. Bring the troops home now!” sary to protect their interests against Kennedy, a worker at Walmart, was capitalist rivals and above all against the party’s presidential candidate in Continued on page 9 Continued on page 9 Trump plan to draw down troops in Syria, Afghanistan stirs debate Militant/Deborah Liatos Teachers marched Dec. 15 demanding more funds for schools, smaller classes, higher pay. by terry evans President Donald Trump an- BY sea of thousands of teachers and their nounced plans Dec. 19 to withdraw Also Inside LOS ANGELES — The Los An- supporters joined a March for Public U.S. troops from Syria and cut by geles Unified School District is on a Education here Dec. 15. nearly half Washington’s forces in ‘Yellow vests’ actions continue collision course with 34,000 teachers, One teacher wore a sign saying, Afghanistan. The decision galvanized to press needs of French toilers 2 as their union has set Jan. 10 as the “Why strike? 50+ students per class. some in his administration, and pro- deadline for a new contract or they No full-time nurse. No full-time li- war liberal Democrats and Republi- ‘Militant’ fight against prison will go on strike. The district has brarian. Overloaded counselors.” cans alike, into calling for the troops censors draws attention 3 640,000 students, the second largest “The school board is offering 6 per- to remain. in the country. cent, but with strings attached like Trump had campaigned on and Wearing red — the color of teacher extra work. We need school nurses. promised during the presidential elec- The Kurds’ decadeslong fight strikes and protests last year in West Right now the district only pays for tion that he would pull U.S. troops to gain a homeland 4 Virginia, Kentucky, Arizona, Colo- a nurse one day a week,” Daisy Fer- out of these “never ending wars.” He rado, Oklahoma and elsewhere — a Continued on page 5 Continued on page 4 ‘Yellow vest’ actions continue to press needs of French toilers BY HUGO WILS there had written “We aren’t vandals” LONDON — Thousands of “gilets on the back of their yellow vests. jaunes” — yellow vests — continue to protest in France, especially in cit- Gov’t forced to make concessions ies and rural areas outside Paris and The catalyst for the yellow vest re- other large cities, despite government volt was a hike in vehicle fuel taxes concessions and a police crackdown aimed at forcing workers to drive on roadblocks and roadside encamp- less in the name of “climate change.” ments in some areas. The protests forced the government “Police shut down the roundabout of President Emmanuel Macron to protests in Dieppe and Forges-Les- abandon these taxes and other mea- Eaux Dec. 16,” Arnold, who had sures he planned to impose. The taxes helped Militant reporters from the were, as many workers said, the straw U.K. visit roadblock protests there in that broke the camel’s back after de- mid-December, said in a telephone cades of declining living standards interview. for workers, family farmers and other In the south of France, Militant small proprietors in France. Workers Vincent Feuray/ABACA/Sipa USA via AP Yellow vest protesters march in Rennes, France, Dec. 29. “We fight for you,” sign on left correspondent Jacques Salfati vis- and tradesmen outside of Paris de- says. Protesters continue pressing for further concessions from the French government. ited coastal Hyeres, where he reports pend on their cars to get to work, to the protests, though smaller, are still the store, to live. on small businesses. cial Times, Wolfgang Munchau la- well attended. Macron, a former investment bank- “The most important thing is living mented Macron’s decline. He called “I’m in the countryside near Ales, er, has been a central target of the standards, wages and retirement ben- the French president crucial for his an industrial town of 40,000 inhabit- yellow vests. His disdain for working efits,” 64-year-old Marie-Andree told “vision for the future of the EU and ants inland,” Nat London reported. “I people is legion, echoing Hillary Clin- Nat London. “Everyone should have a the eurozone.” But he’s been dam- counted about 35 at the Route de Ba- ton calling workers who didn’t vote for livable income when we retire.” aged by having to make concessions gnol traffic circle protest. The other her “deplorables.” Macron says their “The anger has not gone away,” to the protesters. “It is not hard to four I visited were slightly smaller.” French fellow workers are infected Arnold told me on the phone. “While see why he had to do this,” Munchau The French big business media fo- with populist “leprosy.” Workers call the roadblocks have been cleared in wrote. But a failure to regain his stat- cus on declining participation in the him the “president of the rich.” Nor- Dieppe and Forges, a farmer sym- ure “would probably end any hopes Saturday actions in Paris and some mally hugging the limelight, Macron pathetic to the yellow vests provided of further European integration for a other larger cities — many marked has conspicuously pulled back over roadside land for an ongoing visible long time.” by cop tear gas and violence, and the last couple of weeks. protest. In nearby Rouen, the region’s Workers in Bury St Edmunds, a provocations by antifa types. But the Dominique, a retired ironworker capital city, yellow vests have re- town of 40,000 in East Anglia, 85 bulk of the protests remain in places and one of the protesters in Ales, turned over and over after being regu- miles northeast of London, had quite a like Ales, where yellow vests opted to railed against “politicians and bank- larly expelled by the cops. Many have different reaction to the gains won by stay put on Saturday rather than join ers” like Macron. “The people should said that they’ll be back in the New the yellow vests. “We need to be do- other actions. have the power to decide for them- Year. So we’ll see.” ing something like that here,” retired “They take us for savages,” one of selves,” he said. Wine merchant Fran- Regular acts of solidarity with the construction worker Ronald Hubbard the demonstrators at a protest camp cis called for the nationalization of the yellow vests continue. “On Tuesday told Communist League members in Frejus, complained to the south telecommunications system, the high- an Algerian couple brought us three who knocked on his door Dec. 29 to French paper Var-Matin. “They’re ways and the largest banks; for raising enormous plates of couscous,” Noel introduce the party. mistaken.” Many at the protest camp the minimum wage; and cutting taxes enthusiastically told Var-Matin at the camp in Frejus. A couple from Paris, Pierre and Sophie, brought fruit to Discounted books protesters at the camp. for prisoners Protests deepen crisis of EU Pathfinder Press offers books at a 50% The continuing force of the yellow discount plus $2.75 shipping per order. vests revolt has put fear into the souls Prisoners can mail their prepaid orders to: Solidarity is crucial to build the unions! of capitalist politicians and bourgeois Pathfinder Press, PO Box 162767 Atlanta GA 30321-2767 commentators as to the future of the Friends and family members can The resolute fight by men- Macron government and to prospects order for them online. For more info: tal health clinicians across of holding together the European California during their re- Union, already ripping at its seams. cent 5-day strike for more In a Dec. 30 article in the Finan-

staff and better patient care Africa, Asia, and the Middle East: For won solidarity from other one year send $85 drawn on a U.S. bank to workers. The ‘Militant’ Vol. 83/No. 2 above address. champions the struggles of Closing news date: January 2, 2019 Canada: For one year send Canadian $45 to the Militant, 7107 St. Denis #204, Mon- Militant/Dennis Richter Editor: John Studer workers across the country Health workers picket Kaiser’s Los Angeles treal, Quebec H2S 2S5. and worldwide. Medical Center Dec. 12 during 5-day strike. Editorial volunteers: Róger Calero, Terry United Kingdom: Send £26 for one year Evans, Seth Galinsky, Emma Johnson, Mar- by check or international money order tín Koppel, Jacob Perasso, Brian Williams. made out to CL London, 2nd Floor, 83 Published weekly except for one week in Kingsland High St., Dalston, London, E8 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! January, one week in June, one week in 2PB, England. July, one week in September, one week in Republic of Ireland and Continental December. Europe: Send £85 for one year by check or NEW READERS NAME The Militant (ISSN 0026-3885), 306 W. 37th international money order made out to CL Street, 13th floor, New York, NY 10018. London at above address. Telephone: (212) 244-4899 q.$5 for 12 issues ADDRESS France: Send 100 euros for one year to Fax: (212) 244-4947 Diffusion du Militant, BP 10130, 75723 E-mail: [email protected] Paris Cedex 15. RENEWAL CITY STATE ZIP Website: New Zealand and the Pacific Islands: Correspondence concerning subscriptions Send NZ$55 for one year to P.O. Box PHONE e-mail or changes of address should be addressed q.$10 for 12 weeks to the Militant, 306 W. 37th Street, 13th 13857, Auckland 1643, New Zealand. floor, New York, NY 10018. Australia: Send A$70 for one year to Suite 22, q.$20 for 6 months UNION/SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY. 10 Bridge St., Granville NSW 2142, Australia. Submissions to the Militant may be pub- POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Clip and mail to the militant, lished in the newspaper in print and digital q.$35 for 1 year 306 W. 37th st., 13th Floor new york, ny 10018. the Militant, 306 W. 37th Street, 13th floor, New York, NY 10018. format. By submitting, authors represent that their submissions are original and SUBSCRIPTIONS: United States: For consent to publication in this manner. 12 weeks of the Militant outside the U.S.: Australia, A$10 • United Kingdom, £3 • one year send $35 to above address. Canada, Can$7 • Caribbean and Latin America, US$10 • Continental Europe, £10 • Signed articles by contributors do not France, 8 euros • New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, NZ$7 • All other areas, US$16 Latin America, Caribbean: For one year send necessarily represent the Militant’s views. (Send payment to addresses listed in business information box) $85 drawn on a U.S. bank to above address. These are expressed in editorials.

2 The Militant January 14, 2019 SWP uses ‘Militant,’ books Continued from front page ist Workers Party candidate for Public Kingdom — introduce the Militant Advocate in New York City, to speak at and books by leaders of the SWP and his group’s next meeting. other revolutionary working-class fighters. They offer to keep in touch US rulers’ wars abroad and at home and work together to join labor strug- Campaigning in Spanaway, Washing- gles, actions against police brutality, ton, Socialist Workers Party members for the rights of women, and more. Rachel Wilson and Jeanne Fitzmaurice Paul Mailhot, Willie Cotton and Sara met Drake, a young hydraulic mechanic. Lobman from New York went to Mid- Conditions in Spanaway, an hour’s drive dletown and Ellenville, 80 miles north south of Seattle, are interlinked with the of the city, Dec. 30 where they met with sprawling Lewis-McChord joint army Rey Virgen, a hardwood floor finisher. and air force base nearby. He had subscribed to the Militant and Wilson and Fitzmaurice asked got a couple of books from Lobman at Drake’s opinion about President Don- a national protest in support of the rights ald Trump’s intention to withdraw some of immigrant workers in Washington, U.S. troops from Syria and Afghanistan. D.C., a year ago. “They should stay to help secure the Militant “I used to work more with groups area and to rebuild,” he said, adding that Luis Antonio, an unemployed mechanic, talks with SWP members Lea Sherman and John in New York City,” he said. “But they he was “not for U.S. forces being there, Staggs, right, in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Dec. 19. “Every politician in this political system is cor- rupted by big business and the only way to change this is to make a revolution,” Antonio said. weren’t interested in the things that were but they can’t leave like this.” most important to us, especially the abil- Wilson explained that “the magazine back shattered.” brigade, an opportunity for workers and ity of immigrants to get driver’s licenses New International describes how reac- “I am against how they treat the vets,” young people to learn about the revolu- to work and get around. In NYC people tionary Islamic State and al-Qaeda ter- Drake said. He got two issues of the Mil- tion and its 60-year history firsthand. take the subway and buses. They’re ror groups emerged because of the vac- itant, asking to stay in touch. This column reflects discussions more concerned with the cost of hous- uum of working-class leadership today.” Many workers ask SWP campaigners SWP and Communist League cam- ing and things like that. But here, if you “The war needs to end for workers to if there is any place in the world where paigners have among working people can’t drive, you can’t do anything.” begin to organize. It’s working people workers and farmers fought successfully they engage with every week. Read- He was excited to discuss the yellow who have to deal with the problems they to control their own destiny. We explain ers are welcome to send in reports vest protesters in France, who pushed face, from rebuilding to preventing the that the Cuban Revolution is an example about door-to-door experiences and back against a rise in gas taxes making return of IS and confronting their own for all workers and farmers. It shows plans to expand the reach of the party, it harder for workers to drive. ruling capitalist class. The U.S. rulers how we can make a socialist revolution its campaigns, newspaper and books. Virgen renewed his Militant sub- care only for their imperial interests in the U.S. and elsewhere. To join with us and to find out more scription for six months and purchased against their rivals. They care neither for SWP members join with others to de- about the May Day brigade, contact the The Clintons’ Anti-Working-Class Re- the needs of working people there nor fend the Cuban Revolution and build the SWP or Communist League branch cord by SWP National Secretary Jack for all too many of the vets who come April 21-May 5 International May Day nearest you. (See directory on page 5.) Barnes. He was interested in its expla- nation of the 2016 elections. “We need people who come out of our struggles to run for office,” he said. ‘Militant’ fight against prison censors draws attention This is one of five books SWP cam- by seth galinsky reaching out for support from civil lib- deal with the fight for Black rights — paigners offer at a special price, along “While literature lovers across the erties organizations, church groups, were banned. with Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and world say reading expands the mind, for unionists and others. As a result the Support for anti-censorship fight the Road to Workers Power and Are inmates the list of acceptable reading Militant succeeded in getting the prison They Rich Because They’re Smart? also material only expands so far,” reporter system’s Literature Review Committee Easker interviewed Studer and by Barnes; Is Socialist Revolution in the Anne Easker writes in a Dec. 24 feature to overturn all but five of the bans. Chris Finan, executive director of the US Possible? by SWP leader Mary-Al- in the daily Charlotte Sun, published in “Workers behind bars have a right to National Coalition Against Censor- ice Waters; and “It’s the Poor Who Face Port Charlotte, Florida, titled “Security read a wide variety of views and litera- ship, about the growing support for the the Savagery of the US ‘Justice’ Sys- or Censorship?” Easker says the state ture — including the Militant’s view Militant’s effort to get Florida officials tem”: The Cuban Five Talk About Their Department of Corrections has upheld that working people need to organize to stop censoring the paper. Lives Within the US Working Class. the ban on nearly 76 percent of the 9,637 to take political power out of the hands “Though NCAC typically focuses its These books are central to under- books and periodicals impounded by lo- of the capitalist class,” Militant editor efforts more on rights of young people standing the economic and political cri- cal prison officials over the last six years. John Studer said Jan. 1. “We are part to access materials and the censorship sis wracking the capitalist system today The impoundments include at least of important fights for inmates’ right of art,” Easker writes, “Finan said the and a course to change it. 18 issues of the Militant in the last two to get papers, magazines and books of coalition was happy to join in the cause Virgen invited Seth Galinsky, Social- years. The paper appealed each one, their choosing to be better prepared to fighting censorship in prison, where he join in the working-class movement to said there’s been a lot of abuse and not change society.” enough guidance from the courts.” The American Civil Liberties Union The Sun article also reports on a Books on special offer... of Florida is one of many organizations lawsuit by Prison Legal News, which Below: $7 each, $5 with subscription. Normally $10. that have spoken out against the censor- has been completely banned from ship of books and periodicals, including Florida prisons for years, allegedly the Militant. because its advertising includes pen “To put individuals into this system pal services and the purchase of prod- and then not allow them to read and ucts with postage stamps. understand the history and what has As the public outcry against censor- caused this crisis we’re in today really ship of the Militant increased, Florida seems inappropriate to me,” Raymer officials haven’t blocked the paper since Maguire, Campaign for Criminal Jus- the Sept. 17 issue. tice Reform manager for the ACLU of “Our success shows that it’s possible Florida, told the Sun. to defend the right for prisoners to read Department of Corrections press sec- political news of your choosing,” said retary Patrick Manderfield told Easker Militant editor Studer. “Keep the letters that he simply enforces the rules that of support for our fight coming.” allow banning publications “found to be detrimental to the security, order or disci- Fight Florida prison censorship plinary or rehabilitative in- terests” of the prisons. Get out the word. Distribute copies of Militant articles on this fight. Easker brings atten- At left: $15, $10 with tion to the arbitrariness of Get statements of support for the Militant’s much of the censorship. appeal from unions, churches and defenders subscription. Normally $20. Fifty Shades of Gray, an of workers rights and free speech. Send to: erotic novel, is permitted, [email protected] See list of distributors on page 5 but The New Jim Crow by Send a check to the Militant, 306 W. 37th St., Michelle Alexander and 13th floor, New York, NY 10018, earmarked For full catalog visit: Black Klansman by Ron “Prisoners Rights Fight.” Stallworth — books that The Militant January 14, 2019 3 US troops in Syria, Afghanistan Continued from front page and air cover to the YPG and stationed tweeted Dec. 31, “Just doing what I their small troop deployment in areas said I was going to do.” of eastern Syria that the YPG controls. Such a move doesn’t mean the U.S. The Kurds are an oppressed people rulers aim to give up defense of their who have fought for their national position in the Middle East and South rights against the rulers in Iran, Iraq, Asia. They have a series of bases; some Turkey, as well as in Syria. 50,000 troops; massive armories of mis- During Syria’s civil war the YPG siles, bombs and artillery; hundreds of carved out an autonomous Kurdish warplanes; and the Fifth Fleet all de- zone that the Syrian government vows ployed there. to retake. Their territory lies on the Trump told Fox News Dec. 31 that border of the Kurdish-majority region Washington would remain fully en- in Turkey. gaged in Syria and the region. “We have other bases in the general area,” he said. Ankara threatens war on Kurds “In particular, we have one in Iraq.” With Trump’s withdrawal announce- The U.S. rulers’ intervention in Syria ment, the YPG feared it would be left followed the two wars they fought in to face attacks from the capitalist rulers Reuters/Hassan Abdallah Iraq and their 17-year-long war in Af- in Turkey. The government of Turkish Syrian child in refugee camp, in Lebanon, 2014. Yearslong war grew out of Syrian dictatorship’s ghanistan. In each conflict they acted President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has brutal assault on popular rebellion, and interventions by Washington, Tehran, Moscow and other capitalist powers, leading to over 400,000 killed and millions driven from their homes. on the illusion that they had won the massed troops and tanks on the bor- Cold War and could impose subservient der and pledged to invade and destroy Post reported. country’s oil exports. The subsequent governments wherever they chose. But the YPG, fearing its gains will inspire The 2,000 troops Washington says it rise in prices of basic necessities has hit Washington’s wars in Iraq furthered the Kurds in Turkey to step up efforts to will withdraw from Syria are not cen- working people there hard. breakup of the imperialist-imposed or- win autonomy there. tral to its drive against the Iranian rulers The president’s withdrawal an- der in the Middle East. The U.S. rulers In the wake of the Trump administra- expanding military influence. Trump nouncement was opposed by forces also failed to defeat the Taliban and ex- tion’s announcement of plans to pull out, dispatched Secretary of State Mike within his own administration who dis- tend the rule of the Afghan government the Turkish government said it would Pompeo to meet with Israeli President agree with his general course. Defense across the country. hold off its threatened assault on the Benjamin Netanyahu Jan. 1 to organize Secretary James Mattis resigned. The devastating results of the Syrian YPG. Around 300 Syrian government stepped-up collaboration in the region. The announcement was also de- civil war fall most heavily on working troops were deployed to the outskirts of “The counter I[slamic] S[tate] cam- nounced by Republican Sen. Lindsey people. As does the efforts of the Irani- Manbij in late December, after the YPG paign continues, our efforts to counter Graham, who claimed it was “a big an rulers to extend their counterrevolu- called on the Syrian government to de- Iranian aggression continues, and our gift” to Tehran and the Iranian rulers’ tionary reach by sending their military fend the town from Ankara’s threatened commitment to Middle East stability and moves to expand their reach. forces and proxy militias into the con- assault. For now U.S.-led coalition jets the protection of Israel continues in the Trump placated some of his crit- flicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. and attack helicopters continue to fly same way,” Pompeo told Netanyahu. ics when he said the U.S. withdrawal The Socialist Workers Party has long over the area and the YPG-led Manbij Days after the troop withdrawal an- would be done “slowly,” taking at least demanded the immediate withdrawal of Military Council controls the town. nouncement, the Israeli rulers Dec. 25 four months, to assure it is done in a all U.S. forces from Afghanistan, Syria The U.S. administration is press- bombed an arms depot controlled by “safe and orderly” manner. After meet- and elsewhere around the Mideast. In ing the Turkish regime to back off the Iranian Revolutionary Guard near ing with Trump Dec. 30, Graham back- a statement “Solidarity with the Work- its invasion threats and take more re- Damascus, the Syrian capital. tracked on his criticism. ing People of Syria,” published in the sponsibility for assuring “stability” in And the U.S. rulers are having suc- Both the administration and its oppo- Militant in 2016, the party’s presidential Syria. When Trump told Erdogan on cess in forcing their capitalist rivals to nents who press for more direct military candidate, Alyson Kennedy, said: “Syr- the phone he intended to withdraw, go along with their expanding sanctions intervention seek to advance the preda- ian toilers need the space to mobilize in he said, “It’s yours,” the Washington on Iran, which have sharply affected the tory interests of the U.S. capitalist rulers. political action, to learn in struggle, to be transformed from victims into con- scious actors in history. All the imperi- The Kurds’ decadeslong fight to gain a homeland alist and capitalist forces intervening in Syria today are obstacles to this course. by terry evans population to undermine their fight for weapons attack on March 16, 1988. We oppose the U.S. rulers’ involvement The Donald Trump administration’s national rights. An unintended consequence of the in the war in Syria and Iraq and call announced intention to draw down A popular revolution swept Iran in decadeslong wars the U.S. rulers have for Washington, its allies and others — U.S. troops from Syria has been por- 1979, overthrowing the U.S.-backed waged against the people of Iraq has from London and Paris to Moscow, An- trayed by many media outlets as an regime of the shah and unleashing ad- been the establishment of a semi-au- kara and Tehran — to withdraw their unexpected betrayal of Kurdish forces vances for the workers’ movement, for tonomous Kurdish region. But when warplanes, ships and troops now.” who have been the key troops in the women and for Kurds and other op- the Kurds voted overwhelmingly for fight to liberate areas of Syria seized pressed nationalities. In the course of the independence in a September 2017 U.S. rulers’ role in Syria war by Islamic State. revolution, councils of working people referendum, Washington stood aside Washington relied on the Kurd- In fact the U.S. rulers have a de- were established nationwide, including when the Turkish, Iraqi and Iranian ish People’s Protection Units (YPG) cadeslong record backing the suppres- in Kurdish areas. The capitalist rulers governments joined forces to prevent to lead the ground fighting to drive sion of the Kurds’ fight for national responded with counterrevolutionary its implementation. Islamic State from its Syrian strong- rights as Washington seeks to create assaults and imposition of brutal repres- Despite decades of repression the holds. The U.S. rulers were unwilling stability for its imperialist interests in sion in the Kurdish region, which con- capitalist rulers across the region have to pay the political price in deaths and the region. On occasion, Washington tinues today. failed to crush the Kurds’ national aspi- injuries by deploying its own ground has provided aid to Kurds when doing Rebellions against the Turkish rulers’ rations. The fight for their national rights forces. Instead, they provided arms so advanced their own predatory ob- suppression of Kurds’ national rights can advance when it is backed by strug- jectives in the Middle East. in 1925 and again in 1937-38 were put gles by working people against landlord Some 30 million Kurds live in an area down in blood. Since 1984 the Turkish and capitalist exploitation and imperial- Opening Guns of World divided among the rulers of Iran, Iraq, government has unleashed a reign of ist domination, as opposed to search- Syria and Turkey. Kurds were denied a terror in response to an armed struggle ing for sponsorship from the capitalist War III: Washington’s homeland after the fall of the Ottoman initiated by the Kurdistan Workers Par- rulers. The history of the Kurds’ heroic Assault on Iraq Empire at the end of the first imperialist ty (PKK), a party with Stalinist roots. struggle for sovereignty has shown time by Jack Barnes world war. The British and French rul- Some 40,000 people have been killed in and again there is no future in relying on In New International no. 7 ers carved up the region to serve their this ongoing conflict. “allies” in Washington. imperialist interests. For decades the oppressed Kurds in “The Kurdish people have come to the As the capitalist ruling families in Iraq had fought regime after regime. As center stage in world these Mideast countries threw off colo- part of the wars launched by the U.S. rul- calendar politics as never nial and semicolonial control over their ers there beginning in 1991, Washing- before, not primarily country’s resources, they sought to bol- ton occasionally found it useful to back illinois as victims, but as ster their rule and defend the territory Kurds fighting for autonomy to weaken Chicago courageous and under their control by maintaining sub- the Saddam Hussein regime. But when Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Speakers include determined fighters jugation of the Kurdish people. the Kurds revolted and drove out Bagh- for national rights.” Miguel Fraga, first secretary of the Cuban —Jack Barnes In Syria the Assad family’s Baathist dad’s forces, Washington stepped aside Embassy. Cultural performance by Kuumba Party regime denied citizenship and lan- and allowed Saddam’s regime to un- Lynx. Information on May Day International $14. Also in Farsi, French, Volunteer Work Brigade to . Sat., guage rights to hundreds of thousands leash its troops, bombers and gas attacks Spanish, Swedish Jan. 26. Dinner, 6 p.m.; program, 7 p.m. of Kurds in the 1960s. It confiscated against the rebel population. Thousands Donation: $10. SEIU Union Hall, 2229 S. land owned by Kurds and settled Arabs were killed in Halabja when Saddam’s Halsted St. Tel: (312) 952-2618. Sponsored by on it, dispersing the country’s Kurdish regime carried out a deadly chemical the Chicago Cuba Coalition.

4 The Militant January 14, 2019 LA teachers fight for contract Continued from front page there is a strike,” Beutner told the Los nandez, a teacher who works coach- Angeles Daily News. He said they’ve ing and aiding other educators at an hired 400 nonunion substitutes to elementary school, told the Militant. keep schools open. “Schools have to choose between “It is outrageously irresponsible having the school psychologist there for Supt. Austin Beutner to force this more than one day a week or the strike when the district holds $1.9 bil- school nurse.” lion in reserves,” the union replied in “In high school level classes there a statement. “It is even more irrespon- are more than 50 students in some sible to think that 400 substitutes can classes. Who wants to teach that educate more than 600,000 students.” class?” she added. Cuts in class size, Meanwhile, union teachers from additional funding, a boost in the San Francisco, San Jose, Berkeley, Al- number of nurses, counselors, social ameda, Santa Cruz, Oakland and Elk workers and librarians, a 6.5 per- Grove gathered in Oakland Dec. 15 to cent raise with no strings attached, discuss how to press the state govern- and more accountability for charter ment for more funds for schools. schools — which are publicly funded And teachers in Virginia have but privately operated — are among called for a #RedForEd march in the demands United Teachers Los Richmond, the state capital, Jan. 28 Angeles is making. to protest school funding cuts and Militant/Laura Garza “I live in a one-bedroom apartment low wages. The action, set on a Mon- Thousands of teachers and supporters rallied Dec. 15 in Los Angeles for a new contract. and the rent has gone up,” said Dan day, is sponsored by Virginia Educa- Union has set Jan. 10 as strike deadline. “We’re asking for a cost-of-living raise,” said teacher Gonzales, who has been a teacher for tors United. Dan Gonzales. “A percentage of every one of my paychecks goes to educational materials.” 22 years and works at Vena Avenue Elementary School in Arleta. “A per- centage of every one of my paychecks goes to educational materials. We’re Judge rules Chicago cops used torture in frame-up case asking for a cost-of-living raise. I Continued from front page Cook County special prosecutors Rob- sion to two murders he didn’t commit. work during breaks to prepare for obstruction of justice and lying about ert Milan and Lawrence Rosen to dis- Chiampas had overturned Day’s con- class. I have 25 children in my class.” his years of torture. He was sentenced credit Reed’s claim that he was tortured. viction the day before, two years after The new school superintendent of to four and a half years in prison. Gainer said correctional officer Clar- the torture inquiry commission ruled the L.A. Unified School District is In 2015 the Chicago City Council ence English testified he had seen Reed his claim of torture was credible. Pros- Austin Beutner, a millionaire former voted unanimously to acknowledge the laying on the floor in the jail. Reed told ecutors in Day’s case agreed not to refile investment banker who served in the cops’ use of electroshock, beatings, suf- English he had been beaten by police. charges against him and he was released Clinton administration and is known focation and Russian roulette and set up Nonetheless prosecutors announced after nearly 25 years behind bars. for his support for charter schools. a special fund to pay reparations to vic- Dec. 21 they would press forward with He has claimed the district does not tims of Burge’s brutality. their frame-up case against Reed. He have the money for what the teachers Reed, who is African-American, ap- remains in jail pending a bond hearing letters are asking. peared in court in a wheelchair, the re- Jan. 9. Prosecutors said they would fight The schools reopen after the holi- sult of an injury he sustained after being against Reed’s release. Reader points in right direction day break on Jan. 7. “We have hired arrested for the 1990 murders of Pamela “The conclusions of the torture com- I believe that the article in the Jan, substitutes, we have made plans as Powers and Willie Williams and the mission clearly show that Gerald Reed’s 7, 2019, issue of the Militant titled to alternate curriculums for days that subsequent brutality-marked “interro- claim of torture, which he first made in “Walmart Worker Hits Bosses’ Abuses gation” by Breska and Kill. 1992 when he tried to get his confession Over Intercom” did not belong in the On Reed described how the two detec- thrown out, is credible,” Andrea Lyons, the Picket Line column. Now available online! tives shouted racist epithets as they Reed’s former attorney, told the Militant The article describes how a worker New International threatened him with the death penalty. after a 2012 court hearing. “In fact, the used the store intercom to voice his A magazine of Marxist politics He said that Breska knocked a chair out report clearly shows that not only was he grievances and announce that he was and theory, 1934 to present from under him and repeatedly kicked coerced to confess, but other witnesses quitting his job. It gives Militant readers Reed in the right leg, dislodging a metal were coerced into giving false testimony the idea that his action is an example for Articles, polemics and reports by rod that had been implanted after he suf- against him. other workers in how to deal with their leaders of the Socialist Workers fered a gunshot wound years earlier. “Without the confession and the false problems in the workplace. Party and world communist Reed testified that the beating stopped statements, the state has no evidence,” The action of this young worker in movement. A wealth of political only when Kill, who had been out of the she said. response to his grievances, however jus- material bringing lessons of room, returned and pulled Breska off In a separate case, Arnold Day, an- tified, did nothing to increase the confi- 80 years of the working-class him. Kill never reported the beating. other African-American from Chicago’s dence of workers or move in the direc- movement to today’s fighters. Medical records showing that Reed suf- South Side, won his freedom Dec. 19 tion of collective action toward organiz- Links at and fered the injury after his arrest did not after Judge Peggy Chiampas ruled that ing a union to advance our interests. surface until more than 20 years later. he was forced by other cops in Burge’s Compare this article to the front-page Judge Gainer rejected attempts by “midnight crew” to make a false confes- article of the same issue where Amazon workers and their supporters in Min- nesota rallied in front of a distribution if you like this paper, look us up warehouse opposing speedup and de- manding that they be treated with dig- Where to find distributors of the Zip: 68506. Tel: (402) 217-4906. Email: Granville, NSW 2142. Tel: (02) 8677 0108. Militant, New International, and a full [email protected] Email: [email protected] nity. They used their collective strength to win public support, including from display of Pathfinder books. NEW JERSEY: P.O. Box 308. Union City. CANADA Zip: 07087. Tel: (551) 257-5753. swpnewjersey@ the Service Employees International UNITED STATES QUEBEC: Montreal: 7107 St. Denis Union and the Teamsters. Their action is CALIFORNIA: Oakland: 675 #204 H2S 2S5. Tel: (514) 272-5840. Email: Hegenberger Road, Suite 250. Zip: 94621. NEW YORK: New York: 306 W. 37th St., [email protected] BRITISH the kind of example Militant readers and Tel: (510) 686-1351. Email: swpoak 13th Floor. Zip: 10018. Tel: (646) 964-4793. COLUMBIA: Vancouver: 190 E. 48th Ave., other workers can learn from. Los Angeles: 2826 S. Email: [email protected] Albany: Suite 201A. V5W 2C8. Tel: (604) 322-4223. Edwin Fruit Vermont. Suite 1. Zip: 90007. Tel: (323) P.O. Box 8304. Zip: 12208. Tel: (518) 810- Email: [email protected] Seattle, Washington 643-4968. Email: [email protected] 1586. Email: [email protected] FRANCE FLORIDA: Miami: P.O. Box 380641 PENNSYLVANIA: Philadelphia: 2824 Paris: BP 10130, 75723 Paris Cedex 15. 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The Militant January 14, 2019 5 Nan Bailey: ‘True to her revolutionary convictions every day of her life’

BY BERNIE SENTER the back of the racist violence. There party’s Trade Union Committee. While LOS ANGELES—”Selfless, disci- were mass countermobilizations in Bos- working at an aerospace plant in Seattle plined, and loving to a fault, Nan Bai- ton and other cities, as well as defense organized by the International Associa- ley remained true to her revolutionary teams on the school buses themselves, tion of Machinists, “Nan helped form a convictions every day of her adult life,” with union involvement.” women’s committee in the local,” Mar- wrote Jack Barnes, national secretary of Bailey helped lead the SWP’s partici- tin said. “The SWP saw this as a way the Socialist Workers Party, in his mes- pation in the National Black Indepen- to strengthen the union, to advance the sage to a celebration of her five decades dent Political Party, founded in 1980 at fight for women’s equality, including in of building and leading the communist a conference of 1,500. NBIPP grew out the workplace, and to build the party.” of the newly published Capitalism’s movement. The Dec. 30 event was held of the proletarian battles that ended Jim In a victory for both women and men World Disorder: Working-Class Poli- at the Japanese Crow segregation, Harris said. It adopt- on the job, the committee drew up de- tics at the Millennium by Jack Barnes American Cultural ed a far-reaching charter to advance the mands against the company’s draconian into working people’s hands. The book and Community interests of the Black community and attendance policy, which especially vic- offers invaluable background to the Center here, in a Militant photos: top, Eric Simpson beyond, setting an example for all work- timized women with children and other world capitalist crisis that sharpened in Top, Nan Bailey, SWP’s 1974 ing people of class independence from glass-walled room family responsibilities. “They pushed the early 21st century, and a working- Militant photos by Eric Simpson candidate for Washington, looking out on a the capitalist state and parties. Top left, Norton Sandler ad- D.C., mayor, debates Marion the company back and won,” she said. class course to fight its consequences beautiful garden. NBIPP organized for a few years dresses celebration of Bailey’s life. Barry, left, who later became The committee also organized a pro- for tens of millions. Above and right, comrades, Bailey died Dec. city’s first Black mayor. Left, before many of its leaders cut and ran gram on domestic violence, attended by “The successful party campaign friends, co-workers, and relatives 12 at age 66. “Nan September 1988 rally to under pressure back to the Democratic hundreds of coworkers. reached working people in cities, small of Bailey spanning generations at- drop frame-up rape charges knew the party is Party. “Nan always remained objective In 1999 Bailey led a four-month towns and rural areas,” Martin said. tended celebration, looked at dis- against Mark Curtis, seated at indispensable to and calm during those debates, often party campaign to get 1,500 copies Continued on page 8 plays and enjoyed buffet. the working-class left. Jack Barnes at podium. heated ones,” Harris said. Bailey, second from right, march to taking joined defense of Curtis that political power won worldwide support. Building a proletarian party out of the hands Mary Martin, a leader of the SWP’s ‘Selfless, disciplined, loving to a fault’ of the brutal U.S. ruling class,” Norton four college years building the SWP in Bailey was a coordinator for the D.C. union work today, talked about Bailey’s Below is the letter from Jack Barnes, Sandler told the audience, speaking on Washington, D.C., occasionally return- Women’s National Abortion Action Co- activity in the late 1990s organizing the National Secretary of the Socialist behalf of the SWP National Commit- ing to Providence. alition. WONAAC organized teach-ins, Workers Party, read to the celebration tee, the party’s leading body. Bailey SWP leader James Harris from marches and protests in defense of a by Norton Sandler. served on the National Committee for Washington, D.C., told the crowd woman’s right to choose. December 30, 2018 18 years. Over her years in the party, he first met Bailey in 1971 when she To friends, family, and comrades she shouldered responsibilities leading was there building the April 24 march Defense of Black rights gathered in Los Angeles to cel- its work in strengthening trade unions, against the U.S. rulers’ war in Viet- In 1974 federal courts implemented ebrate the life of Nan Bailey: in defense of Black rights, in propa- nam, an action that turned out to be orders to desegregate Boston schools Nan Bailey was an “army brat.” She ganda activity among working people well more than half-a-million-strong. by busing students who were Black was tough. As a small child she was and SWP election campaigns, and on “These were exciting times with big to schools in neighborhoods that were formed as much by Japanese commu- many other fronts. events, with a lot of loud and bombas- predominantly Caucasian. “The ruling nities she lived in overseas and later, a Among the 100 in attendance were tic people,” Harris said. “You could get was met by big racist mobilizations, little bit older, by French communities, comrades who worked with Bailey for pushed around and ignored. But not aimed at rolling back gains won by as she was by Americans. Right, Militant many years, as well as dozens of co- Nan. She was determined to take her Blacks in the 1950s and 1960s and in- She always said the US imperialist Above, Nan Bailey at age 8 in Ingrandes, France. Right, workers, friends, and family members place in the movement of the times.” citing violence against busing plans in army knew what they were doing when Bailey (top) with Andrea Morell at SWP leadership school, 1981. Mike Tucker (left) and Sam Manuel bookend middle spanning generations, including those Bailey debated Marion Barry on other cities,” Harris said. “Opponents they changed and said you couldn’t take your families with you abroad. This row; also in row (from left), Ilona Gersh, Barbara Graham, of her partner Hector Gomez. TV in 1974 when she was the Social- of busing demonstrated in the thou- Hattie McCutcheon. Bottom row (from left), John Gaige, Andy Participants provided food, flowers ist Workers Party candidate for mayor sands, and thugs stoned buses, often was part of the supposed “lean, mean, Rose, Arminda Yañez, George Novack, Miguel Pendas. and beverages, and browsed a display re- of Washington, D.C., Harris said –— with approval of city authorities.” killing machine” they sought. Nan, like viewing the political activity Bailey had one of several times she ran for public This was nothing like today’s false her comrade and fellow “brat” Osborne Pink Tea Cup restaurant in the West Vil- tions, and picket lines. Who carry out nees — whatever their skin color — of joined in and helped lead. Some pulled office on the SWP ticket. Before fed- claims of rising “white nationalist” ac- Hart, of course, could not imagine her lage, which was the opposite of French communist political activity in the in- the Democratic, Republican, and other out phones and cameras to photograph eral officials gutted equal-time rules for tions, Harris said. “We were mobilizing party not doing political work in the cooking, but surely had the best collard dustrial working class and unions. Who bourgeois and petty-bourgeois parties. the four panels. They looked through candidates outside the bosses’ parties in against real, organized, and large racist ranks of the armed forces. greens and related delicacies in Lower join in strikes, union organizing drives, By cadres who have never tired of get- booklets of the 20 messages from across the 1980s, Harris said, “our campaigns violence in the streets.” At the same time, this “army brat” Manhattan. Nan didn’t let me go alone and shop-floor skirmishes small and ting in the face of race-baiters, red-bait- the U.S. and other countries. got extensive media coverage. People “Nan spoke on campuses around the was a beautiful person who searched the first time she took me there — not large. Who have organized inside the ers, and outright bigots and demagogues “I knew she was involved in all these out beauty in nature, art, and in peo- so much to help me learn how to order, imperialist armed forces against racism of every stripe who have sought to deny would greet Nan on the street, often country,” Harris said, “and helped or- Militant/ Elizabeth Lariscy things,” said Morgan Jones, Bailey’s telling her what they liked or didn’t like ganize the party and YSA as we joined Bailey, SWP candidate for California governor at time, joins ple. Your choice of the location for this but so the Southern ladies would know and denial of their rights as citizen sol- that workers, farmers, and young people niece from Baltimore, as she pored over about what she said.” and helped lead the campaign that broke 2002 L.A. protest demanding amnesty and no deportations. meeting to celebrate her life is fitting to I was a friend of Nan’s, and I would be diers. Who take to the streets with oth- who are Black — and proud to be Black the display. “But Nan would never talk this side of Nan. taken care of accordingly. ers to protest cop brutality, to demand — can and will become communists about herself.” Nan learned French and had a lot Those who knew Nan can give hun- legalization for immigrant workers, along the same road and on the same po- “It is impressive all the things she of French tastes — and taste. And she dreds of examples of kindnesses such to say no to the death penalty, and to litical basis as anyone else. did,” said Bailey’s neighbor Inez Tru- Messages: ‘Nan listened. She was interested’ parlayed this knowledge to more easily as this, always done with the absence champion the right of women to choose Working together with these com- jillo, who came with her husband Hector Leaders of Communist Leagues in for equality and land rights, and immi- gained confidence that in the revolution- learn Spanish — on the job, in social- of any obligation on the part of the re- abortion. Who have participated in and rades — through many crises and con- and child. four countries — sister parties of the So- grant workers from the Pacific Islands ary party, no matter your age or experi- izing with coworkers and friends, and cipient, other than to be yourself and campaigned to build the National Black junctures, including the global capitalist cialist Workers Party in the U.S. — sent “of the need to join a party fighting for ence, there are no obstacles, and every at the Socialist Workers Party leader- to enjoy. Independent Political Party and other panic still in its early stages today — has An ‘army brat’ messages to the celebration of Nan Bai- .” encouragement, to being able to lead ship school she attended at the begin- It seemed impossible to me, if I was organizations seeking to advance Black taught me much of what readers will ning of the 1980s. to be true to Nan, not to end with the rights along proletarian lines. Who discover in these pages. Putting these “Nan Bailey was an ‘army brat,’” said ley’s political life. Below are excerpts v and act alongside other comrades to the Barnes at the opening of his message. from those messages, as well as from fullest of your capacities.” I’m grateful that one of her fellow last part of the introduction to Malcolm work to educate about and mobilize op- lessons down on paper is one of my obli- With her father a career military man, several others sent to the Dec. 30 meet- Michael Tucker for the Communist Tucker also recalled the 1981 session students at the party leadership school, X, Black Liberation, and the Road to position to the imperialist policies of the gations, and my name appears as author. her family lived abroad for much of her ing in Los Angeles. League in New Zealand, recalling the of the Socialist Workers Party leadership Sam Manuel, came from Atlanta to this Workers Power, which I was privileged U.S. government and its never-ending But I could not have come to these con- early years. same 1975 Pacific tour, said that more school he attended along with Bailey. meeting to celebrate Nan’s life. The only to write. That was almost a decade ago. march toward widening militarization clusions in any other way than as part thing that caused a second student, An- • and spreading wars. of a tested and disciplined proletarian “She was tough,” Barnes said. “As Linda Harris of the Communist than 2,000 students, young workers, v a small child she was formed as much League of Australia wrote that Nan and others turned out to hear Bailey at drea Morell from the Bay Area, to can- [Final two pages of introduction by What readers will find in these pages cadre, including these men and women by Japanese communities she lived in Bailey was one of many Socialist Work- events in six cities. Jonathan Silberman for the Com - cel her travel plans to join Sam here was Jack Barnes] is the fruit of decades of political activity of African origin, who, in their lives and overseas and later, a little bit older, by ers Party leaders to visit there and New “The highly successful tour,” he add- munist League in the United Kingdom the order of surgeons after hip surgery. Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and by communist workers and youth cam- activity, remain true to their revolution- French communities, as she was by Zealand to aid them in building revolu- ed, “culminated in the founding confer- pointed to a 1982 Militant article quoting Look at the picture in the display of the Road to Workers Power could never paigning with the Militant newsweekly ary convictions to this day. Americans.” That rearing was among tionary workers parties. ence of a national youth organisation of a report by Nan Bailey to a Young So- the student body. It’s clear Andrea and have come into being without the lead- and other publications on street corners, It is to them that Malcolm X, Black the reasons, he said, that Bailey “could Bailey toured both countries in early the party in New Zealand, the Young cialist Alliance leadership meeting. The Nan were the two school troublemakers. ership collaboration over nearly half a at plant gates, to students, on strike pick- Liberation, and the Road to Workers not imagine her party not doing political 1975, “speaking from firsthand experi- Socialists.” decision of both the SWP and YSA “to Nan was the party’s unchallenged ex- century of proletarian cadres of the So- et lines, and at social protest actions and Power is dedicated. work in the ranks of the armed forces.” ence on the battle to overturn segrega- Tucker said there had been prior tours place our members in industrial jobs,” pert on the quality of various croissants. cialist Workers Party who are Black. meetings. By proletarian cadres who NEW YORK CITY (See Barnes’s message, which Sandler tion in Boston’s schools” and the fight by veteran SWP leaders, including Bailey said, “puts us right at the center When we worked together at the nation- The book is a product of the disci- have organized and participated in com- OCTOBER 4, 2009 read at the meeting, on facing page.) for Black liberation. She spoke on this George Novack, , and Har- of the powerful working-class forces al party center at 410 West Street in New plined efforts of these and other SWP munist leadership schools, helping to • Bailey joined the Young Socialist Al- topic in Sydney, Melbourne, and Ad- ry Ring, that “played an irreplaceable who will be essential to constructing a York, she would visit two, and some- cadres, including the generations who educate themselves and others about the Selfless, disciplined, and loving to a liance in 1970 at Brown University in elaide, as well as to 1,700 students in role in aiding our political understand- movement against imperialist war.” times even three, French bakeries on the have been leading the work since the lessons of more than 150 years of revolu- fault, Nan Bailey remained true to her Providence, Rhode Island, and the So- those cities on the struggle for women’s ing of communist continuity and the This was especially important to way from the Sixth Avenue subway stop mid-1970s to build a party that is work- tionary struggle by working people. By revolutionary convictions every day of cialist Workers Party soon afterward. liberation. Leninist perspective of party building.” young communists in the U.K., since to our office. The pastry bites she would ing class in composition as well as pro- those who have run as Socialist Work- her adult life. Taking advantage of Brown’s “indepen- The tour, Harris said, helped con- Bailey, however, “was much closer to they were campaigning alongside others offer had already gone through the most gram and action. Who have been in the ers Party candidates for posts from local dent study” program and “pass or fail” vince youth involved in the abortion the age of most of us in the League here in 1982 against the imperialist regime in rigorous taste test west of Paris. front ranks standing off racist thugs office to president of the United States, Warmest comradely greetings, grading system, she spent most of her rights fight, the struggle of Aborigines at that time,” and “through her visit we Continued on page 8 She also introduced me to the small assaulting school buses, demonstra- and have done so in opposition to nomi- s/Jack Barnes

6 The Militant January 14, 2019 The Militant January 14, 2019 7 ‘True to her convictions’ Continued from page 7 serious about the party’s programmatic SWP members won readers of the conquests and its leadership continuity.” book among factory and farmworkers He read a message from Debbie La- in North Carolina, Mississippi and Vir- zar, who said she got to know Bailey in ginia; Midwest packinghouse workers; 1995, when Bailey was a secretary for miners in the Appalachian and Western SWP leaders Jack Barnes and Mary-Al- coalfields; dairy farmers in Wisconsin ice Waters. “Over the next several years and Pennsylvania; and workers in gar- Nan, more than anyone else, taught me ment shops and other workplaces from how to be a secretary for the central New York to California, Florida to leadership,” Lazar wrote. “She showed Washington. how a competent secretary can help in Bailey was a staff writer for the Mili- expanding their reach, worldwide. tant in 1980-81. She then took six months “Nan set a tone of dignity, respect, off other responsibilities to participate and kindness in the office. She had in a leadership school organized by the high work standards and challenged SWP. Party leaders studied the political her co-workers to reach,” Lazar said. writings and activity of the founders of Bailey taught her “to strive to judge Militant/Mark Satinoff the communist workers movement, Karl political priorities and not get lost in Bailey was a coordinator of Women’s National Abortion Action Coalition, organized to fight for a woman’s right to choose. Above, Nov. 20, 1971, march in Washington, D.C. Marx and Frederick Engels. myriad details.” Over the years, Bailey traveled on in- “I’m proud of Nan’s contribution to “Nan could be stubborn; that’s an part, to help from Nan.” ternational assignment for the SWP. She building the communist movement and understatement,” said Sandler. “She Celia Garza-Halstead, a nurse practi- took part in solidarity trips to of those who will follow in her foot- couldn’t be pushed around politically, tioner and close friend of Nan’s, spoke during the 1979-83 revolution in that steps,” Lazar closed. “Be like Nan!” or medically.” He described the kind of at the event. To boisterous laughter, she Caribbean island, and to South Africa health care she fought for and got, “ex- described how Bailey would calm her during the closing stages of the struggle Building SWP in Los Angeles tremely unusual in capitalist society for down when she was under deadline that toppled apartheid. She collaborated Bailey worked in garment factories a person like Nan, with little money or pressure for a school thesis she was writ- with comrades in sister parties during in Los Angeles after leaving Seattle in other resources.” ing and Bailey was editing. visits to Canada, the United Kingdom, late 1999. Messages from Rachel Wil- “Nan was determined to be in con- Garza-Halstead also described the Australia, and New Zealand. son in Seattle and Arlene Rubinstein in trol of her own decisions, right up to the aid Bailey provided to Nestor Santana, a “The impact of these international Washington, D.C., described how Bai- last hours of her life,” Sandler said. He young Guatemalan-born worker, in se- assignments is captured in messages to ley helped train them and other work- described her many-year battle to ob- curing a prosthesis after losing a leg in the meeting from Communist League ers in how to sew and get a sewing job. tain a lung transplant. Small in stature, a train accident. Today a skilled sample- leaderships in those countries,” Sandler Her efforts to learn Spanish were im- Bailey could only tolerate an adult lung making garment worker, Santana at- said. (See excerpts from these and other portant in collaborating with co-work- from a similar-sized person. She would tended the celebration and explained af- messages on page 6.) ers to pass along skills and carry out be bypassed on the list if she had a cold ter the program how Bailey had helped political activity. or other ailment, and it would take her him learn to sew following the accident. Injury to one, injury to all Bailey was forced to curtail her po- months, sometimes years, to requalify. Those who knew Nan “can give “In 1988, Bailey was working at the litical work the past 15 years, as a de- No longer able to work in industry, hundreds of examples” of such kind- Swift meatpacking plant in Des Moines, generative lung disease advanced. She Bailey got jobs editing resumes and ness, Barnes said in his message. And Iowa,” Sandler said. “One of our party continued taking assignments and postgraduate papers. Having paid at- they were “always done with the ab- members, Mark Curtis, also a worker participating in SWP meetings as she tention her whole life to conditions in sence of any obligation on the part of at Swift, was arrested, brutally beaten could. “At meetings of the Los Angeles U.S. prisons, she excelled at crafting the recipient, other than to be yourself by the cops, and framed up for raping a branch,” Sandler said, “Nan would cut resumes to help ex-inmates get jobs, and to enjoy.” 15-year-old Black woman.” to the heart of questions being debated. James Harris said. “Members of the Sandler concluded the meeting by The party went into action, Sandler Once a decision was made, she under- party in L.A. would sometimes meet urging participants to contribute to the said. It mounted a yearslong defense stood it was not a suggestion, or a good one of these people in factories where party that Bailey dedicated her life to. campaign that won national and interna- idea, but an instruction to be carried out we worked,” he said — “workers who Over $4,000 was raised to help advance tional support. “Political forces opposed with discipline.” owed their jobs and livelihood, in the work of the Socialist Workers Party. to Curtis in Des Moines misestimated Nan,” he said. “They foolishly thought she’d back away from Mark’s defense because she was a Black woman. Nan Messages to Nan Bailey celebration in L.A. proudly spoke in Mark’s defense, ex- posing the frame-up and helping win Continued from page 6 and books by revolutionary leaders at Independent Political Party in the 1980s. fighters like Edna Griffin, a decades- London, which was waging a reaction- the gate outside the GM plant in Lin- This break from the bosses’ Democratic long civil rights leader in Iowa, to the ary war against Argentina to reassert den, New Jersey. “We got to know and Republican parties had the potential defense campaign.” British colonial rule over the Malvinas quite a few workers who were glad to not only to “be a step forward for the Bailey also organized the secretariat Islands. talk with us each week and became Black community, but for the working of the SWP’s central leadership for Understanding that deepening “our regular readers of the party’s paper,” class as a whole. Nan was co-chair of several years, Sandler said. “Nan was implantation in the working class as we she said. At the time, Trowe had a the Manhattan NBIPP, and we worked campaigned against imperialism and party assignment to the print shop in together to put out a newsletter until the war,” he wrote, was central “to winning Manhattan that produced the Militant organization was dissolved.” Recommended reading our generation and helping forge a cad- and books used by the party, and Bai- v re” that founded the Communist League ley was organizing the secretariat of in January 1988. the party leadership in New York. Sara Gates of Seattle pointed to Bai- ley’s leadership in 1999 in helping sup- v v porters of the Socialist Workers Party “We live at a time when the world Martha Dowling of Spartansburg, initiate the first nationwide effort to capitalist crisis is bringing the biggest South Carolina, wrote that “Nan was organize regular monthly contributions changes in bourgeois politics in de- the organizer of the SWP branch in to finance the SWP’s political activity in cades,” wrote Michel Prairie for the Detroit at the time the Revolutionary the working class. “Nan was in the Seat- Communist League of Canada. Marxist Committee fused with the tle branch and was assigned by the party “Nan was confident that the people party” in 1977. “Nan played a major to lead this work with party supporters,” from nowhere — like today’s Yellow role making this fusion successful and Gates said. Vests in France — are the only force especially in providing guidance to After Bailey moved to Los Angeles, able to overthrow the capitalist rul- those of us ex-RMCers who stayed in the two of them kept in touch. “I sent her $15 ers and begin to build a new society Detroit after the fusion.” a calendar every Christmas with water- based on human needs and not prof- Bailey “was my first real political color scenes from Seattle. I had the same its for a few. teacher and always my inspiration,” calendar, and she would ask me where I “Nan’s life should not only be cel- Dowling said, as well as example “to me, kept mine. On top of the printer at my ebrated, but emulated by all of us.” and I know to many others” of “what it desk. She kept hers on her desk. $25 means to be a communist leader.” “Nan was like that,” Gates said. “She v v listened. She was interested.” Maggie Trowe, now a leader of the Other messages were sent by Marie- SWP living and working in Albany, Pat (Wright) Travis of Knights- Claire David, Raul Gonzalez, Toni Gor- New York, recalled participating with dale, North Carolina recalled work- ton, , Debbie Lazar, Sam Bailey in the 1980s in a “weekly early- ing alongside Bailey, as SWP and YSA Manuel, Greg McCartan, Arlene Rubin- See distributors on page 5 morning team” that sold the Militant members, in building the National Black stein, and Robbie Scherr.

8 The Militant January 14, 2019 Join the Socialist Workers Party 2019 campaign! Continued from front page with one of the largest berry growers 2016. She was among the first wave in the state. of women to become coal miners in the 1970s, strengthening the United Fight to unite cab and app drivers Mine Workers union. Most recently The Socialist Workers Party in New she joined protests by striking teach- York plans to run Seth Galinsky, a ers in Oklahoma last spring. writer for the Militant, for the city’s Supporters of the Socialist Workers Public Advocate. The deplorable con- Party in Dallas are mapping out a bold ditions faced by over 100,000 drivers plan to kick off campaigning across from app-based companies like Uber the state Jan. 12-26, including collect- and Lyft to traditional yellow cabs, as ing more than 600 signatures in Dallas well as other car services, is a big is- to get Kennedy on the ballot. sue in the city. Eight drivers weighed down by heavy debts have committed Tribunes of the people suicide in the past year. “We speak in the interests of all “The capitalists who own the cab those who are exploited, oppressed and app-based operations try to pit and discriminated against under capi- workers against each other,” Galin- talism. That’s why we say we are tri- sky said. “The bosses have succeed- bunes of the people and it’s why we ed in saddling drivers with debts and are going to campaign far and wide in lengthening the workday of tens of Texas and the region,” Kennedy said. thousands as they try to make ends “We want to speak with all working meet. people in towns big and small and “What’s needed is a unionization farming areas. Militant/Jacquie Henderson drive to organize all drivers together “Look at small farmers and ranch- Amy Husk, SWP candidate for Kentucky governor, helps build solidarity with workers under to fight for higher wages and better ers for example. They often end up attack. Above, she joined workers on strike on Allied Ready Mix picket in Louisville Oct. 19. working conditions for all,” he said. putting more money into growing Anthony Dutrow will be the SWP crops, raising cattle than they can get encourage people to join the upcom- procedure. That law is on hold as it’s candidate for City Commissioner in back. They go under or are forced to ing International May Day Brigade to being challenged in court. Miami. The party campaigned for take out high interest loans. They’re Cuba so they can see for themselves “There is a well-organized clinic working people to vote for Amend- debt slaves.” how making a revolution changed an defense every Saturday morning by ment 4, which restored voting rights “We need solidarity,” she said. entire society.” women’s rights supporters,” Husk to ex-prisoners. It passed overwhelm- “We need to fight together or we can The Socialist Workers Party in Lou- said. “The SWP encourages people to ingly in November. “That victory is never stand up effectively to the capi- isville is planning to run Amy Husk for participate and to join protests against having an impact nationally, including talist rulers.” governor of Kentucky. Husk, a medical the anti-abortion law. To unite the helping spur the recent passage of the Socialist Workers Party candi- assistant, is a longtime trade unionist. working class, to participate as equals, federal ‘First Step Act,’” Dutrow said. dates and their supporters across the “For several years opponents of women have to be able to control our The law, signed by President Donald country will talk to working people women’s right to choose abortion have own bodies.” Trump, reduces the “three strikes” on their doorsteps, walk strike picket been trying to shut down the EMW Henry Clay Dennison will be the penalty for drug felonies and retroac- lines, back drives to organize unions, Women’s Surgical Center here, the SWP candidate for City Council in tively limits the disparity in sentenc- and join protests against police brutal- last abortion clinic left in the state,” Seattle. A rail worker and member ing between crack and powder cocaine ity and other actions against attacks Husk said Jan. 1. Rightists frequently of the SMART union, Dennison has offenses, which can cut the sentences by the bosses and their government. protest outside the clinic and last year been active supporting farmworkers of 2,000 prisoners. They will use their campaigns to pushed a bill through the state legisla- in the Skagit Valley who fought and Contact the nearest SWP branch to address the conditions workers and ture that banned a common abortion won union recognition and a contract find out more and to get involved. farmers face, such as the lack of af- fordable, decent housing and health care, the opioid epidemic and falling life expectancy. They will introduce SWP: US troops out of Middle East, Afghanistan! workers, farmers, young people and Continued from front page From Vietnam to Korea, the first and and the exhaustion of bourgeois nation- others to books by SWP leaders and working people. second imperialist world wars, U.S. de- alist forces. to the Militant, crucial tools for un- The unrelenting and deadly toll on ployments against Grenada, the Domin- In the course of struggles in years derstanding where the crisis of capi- the working class of the wars waged by ican Republic, Bosnia and elsewhere, ahead workers can gain “enough politi- talism comes from and what can be Washington and its capitalist rivals in none of these were in the interests of cal combat under a proletarian leader- done to organize a movement that Syria and Afghanistan highlights the working people — there or here. ship to develop confidence in their own can take power out of the hands of pressing need for workers here to act in The U.S. rulers’ armed forces have and their class’s ability to organize and the capitalist class. solidarity with fellow toilers. been fighting in Afghanistan and the manage the economy and ‘guide the “In Texas, at least 14 hospitals have The U.S. rulers’ wars abroad are an Middle East for decades. Millions of ship of state,’” SWP National Secretary closed in rural areas since 2010, forc- extension of their attacks on workers toilers have been killed, maimed or Jack Barnes explains in Capitalism’s ing people to drive hours to see a doc- here at home. They seek to defend their driven from their homes. Long Hot Winter Has Begun, published tor,” Kennedy said. “And military vet- profits and their rule on the backs of The SWP explains that Washing- in New International no. 12. erans come back to the U.S. and face working people worldwide. ton’s intervention and the war moves That is the way forward taken by scandalous neglect. They can’t get ad- As cutthroat competition among rival of its capitalist rivals in the Middle East workers and farmers in Cuba where, equate medical care.” capitalist powers pushes the rulers into hinders the interests of working people under the leadership of Fidel Castro and sharper conflicts, they step up their ef- there. Across the region workers and the July 26 Movement, they organized Amnesty for immigrants forts to drive down workers’ wages, in- their allies need the political space and the people to overthrow the U.S.-backed “Amnesty for undocumented immi- flict life-threatening speedup on the job time to build a working-class leadership Batista dictatorship in 1959 and took po- grants is a big question in Texas and and push to extend the working day. to challenge for political power after de- litical power into their own hands. That nationally,” she said. “The bosses use The wars they wage are not our wars. cades of betrayals by Stalinist parties is an example for us to emulate here. workers without papers to try to push Their foreign policy serves their class down wages. They scapegoat immi- interests, not ours. They demand we grants to try to weaken the fighting provide the cannon fodder in their wars Meet the Socialist Workers Party candidates! capacity of the working class. Fight- for markets, resources and political in- ing for amnesty is key to rebuilding a fluence around the world. Florida New York fighting union movement.” The rulers’ callous disregard for the Anthony Dutrow, Miami City Commission Seth Galinsky, New York City Public Advocate “Workers behind bars face cruel lives of working people is reflected Illinois and unusual punishment,” Kennedy in their neglect of returning veter- Dan Fein, Chicago Mayor Pennsylvania added. “Some Texas prisoners filed a ans. Tens of thousands come home Kentucky Osborne Hart, Philadelphia Mayor lawsuit against some of these condi- with long-term injuries, forced to Amy Husk, Governor John Staggs, Philadelphia City Council tions. More than 70 percent have no wait years, and sometimes a lifetime, Minnesota Malcolm Jarrett, Pittsburgh City Council David Rosenfeld, St. Paul City Council air conditioning, and temperatures for their disability claims to be heard. Nebraska Texas in the summer reach well over 100 Opioid addiction and the suicide rate Joe Swanson, Lincoln Mayor Alyson Kennedy, Dallas mayor degrees.” among veterans have soared. New Jersey “These conditions are the result of The Socialist Workers Party has an Lea Sherman, State Assembly Washington the capitalist for-profit system,” Ken- unbroken record of intransigent opposi- Candace Wagner, State Assembly Henry Clay Dennison, Seattle City Council. nedy said. “To see an alterative we will tion to Washington’s imperialist wars. The Militant January 14, 2019 9