*rlitrfrfiE A hl.r.t!r collD.!, .tr(a irjr lA h. otlldb E!t.rpdr., 3 mf,r. 6I{-2. lat{-o+qa:ir{,Elr-(' ('cr-ttt, Rcgd. Offrc.:3rd floor, Corc-2 Pr.miscs no-O4-MAR, Plot no-AFlII, Action A!cs- lA, qrtra (frcr-l^, Tlfrsrdr-700156 qrrr{, {q{rc, N€wtoen, Rajarhat,Kolkata-7oo156 q i o$-rrrs$rq qffi{33-urtler. PHONE; 033-2324-6526, frir:oviswansthen2.c acoalindia.in FAX; 033-23246510 E- MAIL:
[email protected] tI{ItE: ww.colli'dir ln WEBSITE: !4s!.r9sl!!rUs.b Ref.No. CIL:XI(D):41 57 l4l 56:2021 : Dated: 16.08.2021 To, To, Listing Department, Listing Department, Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, National Stock Exchange of India Limited, 146 Floor, P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai - 400001 Bandra (E). Mumbai - 400051. Scrip Code 533278 Ref: ISIN - INE522F0l0l4 Sub: Notice of AGM. Record Date. Annual Reoort and Accounts 2020-21 of Coal India Limited. Sustainabilitv Reoort for 2020-21 and Dividend pavment Dear Sir, l. Pursuant to Regulation 34(1) of the SEBI (LoDR) Regulations 2015, we are enclosing Notice of AGM, Annual Report & Accounts 2020-21 and Sustainability Report for 2020-21. CIL AGM is scheduled to be held on 15th September' 2021 at 11.00 AM, IST through Video Conferencing("VC")/Other Audio Visual Means("OAVM"). 2. The Annual Report for the Financial Year 2020-21, comprising of Notice of the AGM and the Standalone and Consolidated Audited Financial Statements, along with Board's Report, Auditors' Report, CAG comments and other documents which are required to be attached thereto, will be sent in electronic mode to all the Members of the Company whose email address is registered with the Company / Company's Registrar and Transfer Agent, M/s Alankit Assignments Limited / Depository Participant(s).