, '· ' - "'· -, , . 'I. • . •~- . YEA~ aNl>INO -31~t·. riaceM.aE;g_' "'·'- . ... ' .,. ':. 1917 •t ... ,_.,, . .· . ..... .(' :·~ ..... <--/~ ;_ ·~. _:._._-~¥ .. :!.,- - - .·} ,·.t· .~ , ~-G. F._ ,ADA)\is, M.~Inst. C. E~ ''; . 'c.izief lnspect.o;- ~f M;'nes in indi~ _· . ;,··- ' ., .... ' ~~·~-· .'-- •. · . ·: CALCUT'I'A. _ · . · ~E~DENT ogVERNMENr 'PRINTING, INDIA g ' . 11118. • ' ' '' ' ~i~~~~/a~d annas.· I~-~~~·· _9d: REP.ORT Ofl THB CHIEF INSPECTOR OF MINES IN .INDIA Under the Indian Mines Act (VIII of 1901) · FO~ THB VBA~ BNDING 31st DECBMBB.R. 1917 RV G. F. ADAMS, M. lnst. C. E. Chief Inspector of Mines in India ' CALCUTTA SUPERINTENDENT GOVERNMENT "PRINTING, INDIA ' 1918. l'rir;e Rupee 1 and anna• 12 or Zf·9:l. .Agents for the Sale of Books Published by the Superintendent of Government Printing, Indi"' Calcutta.. IN EUROPE. Luz&~>& Co., 48, Great Ru,.ell Street, London, W.C. Constable & Co., 10, Orange Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C. W, Thacker & Co., 2, Creed Lane, London, E.C. Kogan Pan!, Trenoh, t"rilhner & Co., 68-74, Corter T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd., 1, Adelphi Terrace, London, Lane, E,C., and 25, Museum Street! London, W.C. w.c. Wm. Wesley & Sons, 28, Esse• Street, Strand, Londou. Bernard Quaritch, 11, Gr&fton Street, New Bond Street. ]~ndon, W. B. H. Blackwell, 50 & 51, Broad Street, Oxford, P, S. King & Son I, 2 & 4, Great Smith Street, West. Deighton Bell & Co., Ltd., Cambridge. minrder, London, S,W. Oliver & Boyd, Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh, B. S. King~ Co., 65, Cornhill, E.C., and 9, Pall Mall, E. Ponsonby, Ltd.,ll6, Grafton Stteet, Dnblin, London, W. Ernest Leroux, 28, Rue Bonapa.rte; Paris.
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