4 Friday, July 8, 2016 Precipitation brought by the typhoon will definitely take the lake to a more dangerous level.” Zhang Tao, chief forecaster at the National Meteorological Center, CHINA speaking of Taihu Lake near Shanghai CHINA DAILY » CHINADAILY.COM.CN/NATION DEVELOPMENT STORMS COURTS Tibetan culture, Greek firm told to pay education thriving for Chinese By WANG XIAODONG medical and astrological in Lhasa school — plus around 20 sec salvage work wangxiaodong@chinadai ular private schools and no ly.com.cn public schools, he said. By the end of last year, the By CAO YIN Modernization of the number of various types of
[email protected] Tibet autonomous region schools and colleges in Tibet will contribute to the protec exceeded 1,500, and the pri China’s top court ordered a tion of traditional Tibetan maryschool enrollment rate Greek company to pay a Chi culture, experts said at a con reached nearly 99 percent, nese transport authority 6.59 ference on Tibet’s develop according to the regional million yuan ($985,000) on ment in Lhasa on Thursday. government. Thursday for breaching a sal More than 130 scholars, The central government vage agreement, overturning officials and correspondents has made significant efforts the original ruling. from more than 30 countries over the past decades to help Archangelos Investment and regions were in attend preserve and modernize tra E.N.E, the Greek corporation, ance at the 2016 Forum on ditional Tibetan culture, had agreed that the Nanhai the Development of Tibet, including improving educa Rescue Bureau of the Ministry hosted by the State Council tion and research in Tibetol of Transport would salvage its Information Office and the ogy, Zheng said.