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Methodist History METHODIST HISTORY Volume VII October 1968-July 1969 Methodist History is indexed in the INDEX TO RELIGIOUS PERIODICAL LITERATURE Edited by JOHN H. NESS, JR. Printed for the Commission on Archives and History The United Methodist Church by The Parthenon Press Nashville CONTRIBUTORS ANP) ARTICLES Allen L. Scott: Toward Preserving the History of the Central Jurisdiction ...........................................0 24 Baker, Frank: Salute to Susanna .....................................A 3 Beegle, Dewey M. : Cokesbury College Excavation .........................Ju 9 Bull, Robert J. : Lewis Myers' Reminiscences of Francis Asbury ...........0 5 Corbin, J. Wesley: Christian Perfection and the Evangelical Association through 1875 ..........................................Ja 28 Howell, Erle : James Harvey Wilbur: Indian Missionary-Founder of Methodism in the Inland Empire .....................Ja 17 Hutson, Harry M. : Methodist concern with Social Problems in England, 1848-1873 .....................................A 13 Keever, Homer M. : A ~utheranPreacher's Account of the 1801-02 Revival in North Carolina ..............................0 38 King, Willis J.: The Negro Membership of the (Former) Methodist Church in the (New) United Methodist Church ........., 4 32 Kirby, James E. : The Bishop Who Almost Stood with Lincoln ..............0 31 McCulloh, Gerald 0. : Cokesbury College, An 18th Century Experimental Model ................................................Ju 3 Melton, J. Gordon: An Annotated Bibliography of Publications About the Life and Work of John Wesley, 1791-1966 ................Ju 29 Morris, Jim W.: Beginnings of the Methodist Protestant Church in Iowa . Ja 45 Ness, John M., Jr. : Evangelical United Brethren Bishops ...................A 44 Paulsen, George E. : The Chengtu Anti-Missionary Riot .....................A 34 Short, Roy EX. : Methodist Bishops, Their Ordination as Deacons and Elders ............................................0 11 Vickcrs, John A. : The Churchmanship of Thomas Coke ...................311 15 Zcuner, Rol~crtW. : The Appeal to Caesar: A History of the Methodist Church Property Case of 1819 .........................Jn 3 GENERAL INDEX Article titles are in italics. Page num- Badley, Brenton Thoburn, 0 18 bers are preceded by letters indicating Baker, C. W., Ju 12 month: 0-October; Ja.-January; Baker, Franlr, 0 56, 57, A 2, 47 A-April; Ju-July. Baker, Gordon P., Ju 54 Baker, James Chamberlain, 0 18 Abingdon, Maryland, Ju 3, 5 Baker, Osman Cleander, 0 12 Academy of Music, New York, 0 36 Baker, William, 0 5, 8n, 9n African corner, A 34 Baker University, Ju 4 A.M.E. Zion Church, A 33 Balaram, Prabhakar Christopher Ben- Agnew, Theodore, Ju 51 jamin, 0 23 Ainsworth, William Newrnan, 0 17 Baldwin, Charles W., Ju 12 Alabama, A 39 Balloch, Enrique Carlos, 0 19 Alabama Conference, A 38 Baltimore, Ja 33, Ju 3, 5, 9, 12, 20, 21, rr Albright, Jacob, Ja 44, A 44 33 Alejandro, Dionisio Deista, 0 20 Baltimore Conference, 0 5, Ja 4, A 49, Allen, L. Scott, 0 2, 23, 24 50, Ju 9, 54 Allen, Richard, A 35 Baltimore Woman's College, Ju 9, 14 Alton, Ralph Taylor, 0 22 Bangs, Nathan, Ja 29 American University, A 49, 52, Ju 9, Bannock Indians, Ja 21 12 Baptists, 0 39, 40, 53, 54 Ames, Edward Raymond, 0 12 Barbieri, Sante Uberto, 0 21 Amos, Edison M., 0 60 Barclay, Wade Crawford, A 33, 34, 38 Amstutz, Hobart E., 0 22 Barnes, John Horace, Ja 52 Andreassen, Harry P., 0 23 Bascom, Henry Bidleman, 0 12, Ja 8 Anderson, William Franklin, 0 15 Bashford, James Whitford, 0 15 Andrew, James Osgood, 0 12, Ja 10, Bast, Anton, 0 17 0 8n, 9n Batdorf, Grant D., A 46 Andrews, Edward Gayer, 0 13 Baughman, L. L., A 46 Andrews, John, Ju 20 Baxter, Bruce Richard, 0 19 Annesley, Elizabeth, A 4 Bearden, R. E. L., 0 56, Ju 49 Annesley, Samuel, A 3, 4 Beauchamp, William Benjamin, 0 6,17 Annesley, Susanna, A 4 Beecher, Henry Ward, 0 31 Anniversaries, A 55, Ju 56 Beegle, ~eweyM., JU 2 Annotated Bibliography of Publica- Beginnings of the M etho,dist Protestant tions About the Life and Work of church in-Iowa, Ja 45-51 - John Wesley, 1791-1966, An, Ju 29-46 Beiler, Samuel L., Ju 9 Annual meeting of Commission on Bell, Raymond M., Ju 47 Archives and History, Ju 49 Bell, William M., A 45 Apache Indians, Ja 20n Bell's Cross Roads, 0 43n Appeal to Caesar: A History of the Berry, George M., Ja 17, 23 Methodist Church Property Case of Berry, Joseph Flintoft, 0 15 1849, Ja 3-16 Berthamy Convention, A 25 Archer, Raymond Leroy, 0 21 Bethany Church, N. C., 0 43n Archibald, W. D., Ju 51 Bible Christians, A 15 - Archivist-Historians Workshop, Ju 55 Bible teaching, A 16 \ Arkansas Conference, A 38 Bibliography about Wesley, Ju 29-46 Arkler, J., Ja 35 Bicentennial of American Methodism, Arthur, William, A 20 0 58, Ja 53 Arvidson, Theodor, 0 20 Bickley, George Harvey, 0 17 Asbury, Daniel, 0 44n Birmingham League, A 17 Asbury, Francis, 0 5-10, 11, 39, Ja 48, Birney, Lauress John, 0 17 A 33, 34, 35, 50, Ju 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 18, Bishops, E.U.B. Church, A 44 20, 22, 23 Bishops, Ordination of Methodist, O Asbury College, 0 5 11-23 - Association of Methodist Historical So- Bishop Who A.lnzost Stood With Lin- cieties, 0 56 coli, The, 0 31-37 Atkins, James, 0 15 Black Harry, 0 26 Atlay, John, Ju 47 Black River Conference, Ja 22 Atwood, Oliver, Ja 45 Blair, Montgomery, 0 33 Awards Program, Ju 50 Blalre, Edgar, 0 17 Blake. 'William, A 11 Bacon, Henry, 0 36, 37n Blue ~ount.ainUniversity, Ja 24 63 64 METHODIST HISTORY Board of Education for Negroes, A 40 Carter, Thomas C., A 45 Boardman, Richard, A 33, 47, Ju 53 Cascade Conference, Ja 56 Boardman-Pilmore Bicentennial, Ju Case, Ernest R., 0 56, Ja 56, 'Ju 50 51, 53 Case, Leland D., 0 56, A 52 Boaz, Hiram Abiff, 0 17 Castle, Nicholas, A 45 Boehm, Henry, 0 9 Catawba County, N. C., 0 4111 Boehrn, Martin, A 45 Ce,ntenary film, Ju 52 Boigegrain, Walter J., Ja 56 Central Illinois Conference, Ja 34, A Bond, John Wesley, 0 7 48, 50, Ju 54 Bonn, Frederick, Ja 25 Central Jurisdiction, 0 24-30, A 32, 33, Book Agents, Ja 5 41, 42 Book of Common Prayer, A 3 Central Pennsylvania Conference, Ja Book Concern, Ja 3-16 33, 36 Booth, Newel1 Snow, 0 20 Chafee, Robert, Ja 56 Boswell, Mildred Kunkel, 0 57 Charleston, S. C., 0 7, Ja 14 Bowen, John Wesley Edward, 0 20 Chase, Don M., Ju 51 Bowman, Thomas, 0 13, A 44 Chattin, W. C., Ja 24 Boyd, William K., 0 40 Chen, Wen-yuan, 0 19 Brandstatter, Robert, Ju 54 Chengtu Anti-Missionury Riot, The, Branscomb, John W., 0 21 A 24-31 Brashares, Charles Wesley, 0 20 Children, oppression of, A 22 Brewer, James, Ja 30 Childs, George, 0 32 Breyfogel, S. C., A 44, 45 China, A 24-31 Bristol, Frank Milton, 0 15 China Inland Mission, A 24, 27, 28, 29 Bristol, England, Ju 24 Chitambar, Jashwant Rao, 0 18 British Conference, 0 8 Choate, Rufus, Ja 8 Brooklyn Hospital, Ju 49 Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Brooks, Robert Nathaniel, 0 20 A 36 Broomfield, John Calvin, 0 19 Christian Perfection and the Evangeli- Brown, Mrs. Lillian, A 49 cal Association through 1875, Ja 28- Brown, Wallace Elias, 0 18 44 Brown, William, A 45 Christmas Conference, A 33, Ju 3, 5, 19 Bull, Robert J., 0 2, 5, 56 Chungking, China, A 29, 30, 31 Bunyan, John, A 11 Church of England, A 3, 16, Ju 15-28 Burns, Charles Wesley, 0 17 Churchey, Walter, Ju 16 Burns, Francis, 0 12, A 38 Churchmanship of Tltomas Coke, The, Burt, William, 0 15 JU15-28 By-Laws Adopted, Ju 50 Church schools, A 16 Cincinnati, Ja 3, 14, 47, 48, A 39 Cabarrus County, N.C., 0 46 Clark, Davis Wasgatt, 0 12 Caldwell, Alexander, Ja 50 Clark, Elmer T., Ja 52 California, 0 32n Clair, Matthew Wesley, Jr., 0 21, A 51 California Conference, Ja 53 Clair, Matthew Wesley, Sr., 0 17 California-Nevada Conference, A 50, Clemmons, Robert S., 0 29 52 Clewell, Theophilus G., Ja 32, 33, 34 Calkin, Homer L., 0 56, Clio's Nursery of Arts and Sciences, Cameron, Simon, 0 34 0 49n Cammack, Eleanore,, Ju 51 Clippinger, Arthur R., A 46 Camphor, Alexander Priestley, 0 16, Cochise, Ja 20n A 39 Coe, Jesse, 0 44n Canada, Ja 9 Coffee, J. Hillman, Ju 53 Canadian conferences, Ja 11 Coke, Bartholomew, Ju 15 Canadian Methodists, Ja 14 Coke, Thomas, 0 8, 11, A 35, Ju 5, 15- Canadian Methodist ~ission,A 24, 29, 28 31 Cokesbury bell, Ju 14 Candler, Warren Akin, 0 14 Colcesbury College, An 18th Century Cane Ridge Camp Meeting, 0 41n Experimental Model, Ju 3-8 Cannon, James, Jr., 0 17 Cokesbury Col7,ege Excnvntion, Ju 9-14 Cannon, William R., 0 56 Cokesbury Memorial Chapel, Ju 9, 11 Canright, Harry L., A 26 Collins, Mrs. Trueman, 0 7n Capers, William, 0 12, A 36 Collins, William, Ja 50 Capps, Florence Kunkel, 0 57 Collins Collection of Simpson Papcrs, Carothers, M. J., Ja 36 0 7 INDEX 65 Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, Duncan, William Wallace, 0 14 A 36 Dunlap, John F., A 45 Colville, Washington, Ja 17 Dunton, John, A 3, 4 Colville Indians, Ja 19 Dutchman's Creek, 0 44 Columbia River Conference, Ja 24 Columbia River District, Ja 17 Early, John, 0 12, Ja 6 Commission on Archives and History, East Hartford Circuit, Ju 9 0 56, A 48 Eckles, Bro., 0 8, 9 Committee of Nine, Ja 3 Education of Negroes, 0 29 Concordia Historical Institute, Ju 55 Edwards, David, A 45 Connecticut, 0 57, Ju 21 Edwards, Maldwyn, 0 56 Cooke, Richard Joseph, 0 16 Elliott, Charles, Ja 5, 13, 14 Coons, John, A 45 Elphick, Roberto, 0 18 Coors, D.
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