
of the Forty-Third Session

Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference The

held at the Salem Conference Center Salem, Oregon

June 16-19, 2011

Bishop Robert T. Hoshibata, Presiding

Laura Jaquith Bartlett, Secretary

Volume II Table Of Contents

Conference Staff...... 4 Boards and Agencies...... 9 Conference Policies...... 31 Structure of the Annual Conference...... 51 Strategic Direction for the Annual Conference...... 52 Clergy Directory...... 53 Laity Directory...... 79 Institutions Directory...... 98 Appointment List...... 108 Salary Schedules...... 118 Index...... 124 Daily Proceedings...... 128 Ordination...... 140 Roster of Attendance at Annual Conference...... 142 Legislative Action ...... 144 Standing Resolutions...... 149 Business of the Annual Conference (Disciplinary Questions)...... 160 Reports...... 177 Jason Lee & Bishop’s Awards...... 214 Conference Rules...... 216 Memoirs, List of Honored Dead, Memorial Gifts...... 236 History of Oregon-Idaho...... 257 History of OR-ID Annual Conference Sessions...... 261 History of District Superintendent Appointments...... 267 History of Local Church Appointments...... 268 General/Jurisdictional Conference Delegates (current & historical)...... 285 Roster of Lay Members...... 286 Clergy Service Records...... 289 Roster of Certified Persons, Certified Candidates, Mentors...... 316 Roster of Certified Lay Speakers...... 317 Persons in Mission...... 319 Index of Financial/Statistical Informaton...... 324 Conference Budget...... 323 Report from the Director of Stewardship & Finance...... 341 Financial and Statistical Tables...... 354 Index...... 387 128 Daily Proceedings Daily Proceedings 2011 Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference Session

Living the Connection Thursday, June 16, 2011 1:15 pm

CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING WORSHIP Bishop Bob Hoshibata called the 43rd session of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference to order with his “trusty” antique potato masher from Idaho. We then turned to Jeff Lowery, who led us in singing the traditional Wesley hymn, And Are We Yet Alive, followed by a time of worship, including an address by Bishop Hoshibata, with a time to proclaim loudly our belief that “God’s steadfast love endures forever!”

INTRODUCTION OF BISHOP INNIS Bishop Hoshibata introduced Bishop John Innis, our guest for the week and the preacher at Friday night’s worship service. Bishop Innis is the bishop of the Liberia Annual Conference, our partner conference in Africa. The visiting bishop spent much of the conference at the head platform, frequently offering prayer.

ORGANIZATIONAL MOTIONS The conference secretary presented these Organizational Motions: 1. The printed conference program is hereby adopted as the official agenda with such changes as will be proposed from time to time by the Agenda chair. 2. The pre-conference reports are hereby accepted for changes and perfections as determined by annual conference actions. 3. The bar of the conference shall be established as the seats at the tables in the meeting room, excluding the hospitality table, the floor manager’s table, the tech booth, and tables in the conference office. 4. The conference staff, interpreters, readers, mentors, technicians, and pages who do not hold voting privileges are allowed the privilege of working within the bar of the conference. 5. Clergy members of other annual conferences currently serving within the bounds of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference under par. 346.1 of the Book of Discipline shall be allowed seats within the bar of the conference, with voice but no vote. 6. The printed minutes of each Living the Connection session will be available at the conference office onsite in Salem at the end of each day. Corrections should be given to the Conference Secretary. Motions passed.

GENERAL/JURSIDICTIONAL VOTING Laura Jaquith Bartlett, conference secretary, explained the process for balloting.

Greg Nelson moved that in addition to our assigned delegates from the General Conference Secretary, we shall elect two lay and two reserve delegates to General and Jurisdictional Conference. Seconded. Motion passed.

Greg Nelson moved that the head of the delegation work with the Director of Finance and Stewardship to provide funding for all delegates and reserves to attend General and Jurisdictional Conference, utilizing the delegation and general reserve funds. Seconded.

Motion passed.

FIRST GC/JC BALLOT The first laity and clergy ballots were taken.

NOMINATIONS REPORT Scott Harkness reported that the Nominations Committee has done most of its work electronically this year. He led us in some last-minute changes to the printed report. Scott explained that the names are Daily Proceedings 129 being presented at this point for review. He asked for persons to use the correction/input form to submit items from the report that need to be changed, by Saturday at noon. The vote on the Nominations report is scheduled for Sunday morning.

We took a fifteen-minute break at 2:40.

REPORT OF THE FIRST BALLOT Laity ballots cast: 215, valid ballots: 207. Number needed for election: 104. Clergy ballots cast: 151, valid ballots: 148. Number needed for election: 75. There was no election for either laity or clergy.

We took the second laity and clergy ballots.

TIME TO GROW Todd Bartlett, Ken Thrasher, and Helen Ober showed a video about the amazing transformations that happen in people’s lives through camp and retreat ministry, and then outlined how the Time to Grow campaign offers the opportunity to expand and improve our already excellent ministry. Donations to Time to Grow will also be channeled into mission (through Gulfside Assembly in the U.S. and Camp Bob Buescher in Guatemala) and “foundation” (through the Northwest United Methodist Foundation). Helen is retiring from her role as co-chair of Time to Grow, but she introduced Ken Thrasher as the new co-chair. Jim Fellers and Richard Flanigan of the Gresham UMC presented to Ken a check for about $20,000, which is Gresham’s tithe to Time to Grow from a bequest recently received by the church.

LEGISLATION Steve Mitchell gave a bit of an overview of the type of work before us: Action Requests, Standing Resolutions, and General Conference Petitions; we will also deal with actions presented by annual conference agencies. Steve presented the Consent Calendar for consideration.

Matt Henry moved to lift GC#5/6 “Interconference Itineration of District Superintendents,” from the Consent Calendar. Seconded. There were not 40 votes so it remains on the Consent Calendar.

Matt moved to lift GC#7, “Establish a UM Economic Justice Program” from the Consent Calendar. Seconded. There were not 40 votes so it remains on the Consent Calendar.

David Bean moved to lift SR#5 “Consumer Rights in Health Care” from the Consent Calendar. Seconded. There were not 40 votes so it remains on the Consent Calendar.

Steve moved the adoption of the portion of the Consent Calendar requiring a majority vote (recommend for adoption: AR#23 “Support Native American Ministries Council – Act of Repentance and Reconciliation;” recommend for defeat: AR#9 “Clergy Compensation Equalization;” recommend General Conference petitions for adoption with no changes: GC#9 “Update Civil Equal Rights,” GC#13 “Delete Prohibition of Celebration of Homosexual Unions;” recommend General Conference petitions for defeat: GC#6 “Inter-Conference Itineration of District Superintendents,” GC#7 “Establish a United Methodist Economic Justice Program”). Motion passed.

Steve moved the adoption of the portion of the Consent Calendar requiring a two-thirds vote (recommend for adoption: AR#5 “Delete Conference Rule 1.300 and 1.301,” AR#17 “Delete Conference Rule 5.146,” AR#19 “Delete Conference Rule 5.147,” AR#21 “Reword Conference Rule 5.600;” recommend for adoption as amended: AR#15 “Conference Rule 5.004 – Remove Reference to 5.400;” Standing Resolutions recommended for adoption with no changes: SR#11 “Ban on Torture 24,” SR#13 “Rejection of War as Foreign Policy;” Standing Resolutions recommended for adoption as amended: SR#5 “Consumer Rights in Health Care,” SR#7 “Capital Punishment;” Standing Resolution recommended for adoption as substituted: SR#21 “Global Warming/Climate Change”). Motion passed.

On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, Ted Wimer moved the adoption of AR#7 (“Addendum Requiring 130 Daily Proceedings

Security Deposit to the Clergy/Church Parsonage Agreement”). Seconded. Motion passed.

On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, Brian Shimer moved the adoption of AR#11 (“Delete CEU requirement from Rule 10.024”). Seconded.

Zack Pauls moved to amend Line 22 to add the word “active” between “all” and “clergy” so that the phrase would read “all active clergy.” Seconded. Motion passed.

Betty Weida moved to amend line 24 to add these words after 15 contact hours annually: “or 70 contact hours and three Continuing Education Units.” Seconded.

Action was suspended as time ran out on the session.

REPORT OF THE SECOND BALLOT Laity ballots cast: 223, valid ballots: 223. Number needed for election: 112. Clergy ballots cast: 139, valid ballots 139. Number needed for election: 70. There was no election for either laity or clergy.

CLOSING PRAYER Bishop John Innis offered a closing prayer at 4:20. Members of the conference took a break before gathering for the fiesta dinner and awards celebration, followed by the Memorial/Communion service of worship at Salem First UMC.

Living the Connection #2 Friday, June 17, 2011 8:30 am

We began the morning with a time of prayer and praise, led by the Rev. Jorge Rodriguez, assisted by musicians.

Bishop Hoshibata asked Beverly Walker, the chair of the Task Force on Liberian Partnership, to introduce Irene Innis, the spouse of Bishop John Innis.

THIRD GC/JC BALLOT The third laity and clergy ballots were taken.

CONFERENCE LEADERSHIP PRESENTATION The presentation began with an inspiring video showing a year (525,600 minutes) of love in the life of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, accompanied by a song sung by Kathy Boyes. After some rearranging of deck chairs, Kim Fields, Beth Estock, Donna Pritchard, and Cesie Delve Scheuermann reported on a year of change in Oregon-Idaho. Changes include 1) the district A2B’s have focused more time on leadership development and less on the routine administrative work of the district, 2) Pastoral Leadership Development groups have been established (next year this training program will include laity), and 3) the cabinet is learning new ways to work together in appointment-making. New church development is an ongoing challenge, but the team has made great strides in learning new insights this year—including the valuable experience that has resulted from closing the new church start effort in West Ada County, Idaho. Clergy-laity partnerships have been greatly enhanced over the past year—five of these (one per district) were celebrated at the fiesta dinner last night. The new Annual Conference Oversight Board (ACOB) is working hard to hold the Ministry Leadership Team (MLT) and the Cabinet accountable and focused on the mission. The MLT is committed to Ghandi’s idea that “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” The cabinet members have tried to “get out there” more in order to keep a balcony perspective on their ministry. Lynn Egli was introduced as a gift from the Holy Spirit; Lynn has recently retired and is now volunteering 20 hours a week as a Church Development Team staff member. Peg Lofsvold and Lowell Greathouse directed conference members in a time of Table Talk to share about the changes that are happening in local settings. Daily Proceedings 131

After Table Talk, Cesie delivered the Lay Leader’s Address with her usual grace, energy, and insights. She reminded us that the Holy Spirit is available as both cheerleader and coach. She closed with Psalm 40, a psalm of “pure joy,” and then led us in singing a new song!

REPORT OF BALLOT #3 Laity ballots cast: 190, valid ballots: 188. Number needed for election: 95. There was no lay election. Clergy ballots cast: 126, valid ballots 125. Number needed for election: 63. Laura Jaquith Bartlett was elected as the clergy delegate to General Conference and the first clergy delegate to Jurisdictional Conference. Laura will serve as the head of the delegation.

The fourth laity and clergy ballots were taken.

COUNCIL ON FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Ted Wimer acknowledged the members of the Council as well as the conference staff in the Office of Stewardship and Finance, and outlined the main tasks of CF&A. Ted pointed out that our Reserve Fund made a slight recovery in 2010, due at least in part to a number of austerity measurers. Forty-four percent of our churches were able to pay 100% of their apportionments in 2010. Ted shared that local churches can find their own record online through the OR-ID website.

Ted directed attention to the Unified Budget; he highlighted changes in the budget and answered questions in preparation for voting on the budget this afternoon.

REPORT OF BALLOT #4 Laity ballots cast: 239, valid ballots: 237. Number needed for election: 119. Jan Nelson was elected as the laity delegate to General Conference and the first laity delegate to Jurisdictional Conference.

Clergy ballots cast: 143, valid ballots 142. Number needed for election: 72. There was no clergy election.

The fifth laity and clergy ballots were taken.

EQUITABLE COMPENSATION John Grimsted reported on this year’s work of the Equitable Compensation Commission. John encouraged churches receiving equitable compensation support to contact the Commission if they would like to get help in crafting the salary package for their pastors. The commission is recommending a 2% increase this year. John moved the following: That $35,600 (for elders in full connection), $33,800 (for provisional members), and $32,000 (for local pastors). We strongly urge local churches to put at least $4,500 of that money in parsonage/utilities allowance (more if possible). In addition, the minimum salary package should be increased by $100 per year of service in the United Methodist Church, capped at a maximum of ten years or $1,000. The Commission also recommends, but cannot require, that business and professional expenses be set at no less than $3,000 per year. This represents a $300 increase over what this amount has been for many years. Housing is to be considered as part of the ministerial compensation package. Here is our recommendation for 2012-2013: For our purposes, every parsonage will be considered as meeting the minimum salary package. This is true whether the clergy is working full-time or part-time. That a percentage of housing allowance be paid to each pastor that is commensurate to the percentage they work (e.g. one quarter-time receives one quarter the housing allowance, one-half time receives one- half the housing allowance, etc.). In lieu of a parsonage, churches will pay a minimum housing allowance as part of the total compensation package. A two-tier formula will be applied consisting of $12,000 for most areas and $14,000 for 132 Daily Proceedings churches in areas with unusually high housing costs (so far this means only Portland). Tier designations will be determined by the Equitable Compensation Commission. These two tiers will be reviewed every two years. Appeals may be made to the Commission. Churches and pastors may apply for an exemption to housing allowances under certain conditions (for example, a pastor already has a home in the area, etc.). If the Commission does not grant an exemption, then churches must pay the housing portion of the ministerial compensation package. The Commission has requested that the Council on Finance and Administration set our budget for 2012 at $60,000, including $2,000 for the administrative costs of the Commission. This represents a decrease of $40,000 or 40%. Motion passed.

LEGISLATIVE ACTION We returned to our work on AR#11.

After considerable discussion, Matt Henry moved the question and all that is before us. Seconded. Motion passed.

Voting moved to the Weida amendment. Motion failed.

Voting moved to the main motion as amended. Motion passed.

On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, Mary Foote moved the adoption of AR#13 (“The Sense of the Western Jurisdiction of The UMC, ¶ 304.3”). Motion passed.

REPORT OF BALLOT #5 Laity ballots cast: 240, valid ballots: 237. Number needed for election: 119. David Armstrong was elected to be the second laity delegate to Jurisdictional Conference and the first reserve delegate for General Conference.

Clergy ballots cast: 148, valid ballots 148. Number needed for election: 75. There was no clergy election.

The sixth laity and clergy ballots were taken.

Cesie Delve Scheuermann offered a prayer of thanks and the conference members took a break for lunch.

Living the Connection #3 Friday, June 17, 2011 1:30 pm

We reconvened after lunch with praise and prayer led by Jeremy Hajdu-Paulen and David King.

REPORT OF BALLOT #6 Laity ballots cast: 235, valid ballots: 233. Number needed for election: 117. Bonnie McOmber was elected to be the third lay delegate to Jurisdictional Conference.

Clergy ballots cast: 138, valid ballots 138. Number needed for election: 70. Clay Andrew was elected to be the second clergy delegate to Jurisdictional Conference and the first reserve to General Conference.

The seventh laity and clergy ballots were taken. Daily Proceedings 133

IMAGINE NO MALARIA Greg Nelson opened the presentation with this statement: “We used to say that a child dies of malaria in Africa every 30 seconds but we have now improved so that we can say a child dies of malaria every 45 seconds.” Greg showed a video that introduces a campaign that goes beyond Nothing But Nets to incorporate a broad program of education, prevention, treatment, and communication in order to completely eradicate malaria. The offering at tonight’s worship service will go to Imagine No Malaria, with half the funds earmarked specifically for Liberia. Greg, along with Karen Nelson, challenged conference members to hold church events and house parties to raise awareness and funds for Imagine No Malaria. The website is, with many resources, including ideas for how to host your own party.

HISTORICAL WESLEYAN QUESTIONS The candidates for full clergy membership and ordination were called forward, along with Phil Airhart (chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry) so that Bishop Hoshibata could ask them the traditional questions that we have inherited from John Wesley. Linda Freund (deacon in full connection) and Susan Boegli, Janine DeLaunay, and John Go (elders in full connection) answered each question appropriately.

REPORT OF BALLOT #7 Laity ballots cast: 235, valid ballots: 233. Number needed for election: 117. Vincent Myers was elected to be the fourth lay delegate to Jurisdictional Conference.

Clergy ballots cast: 129, valid ballots 128. Number needed for election: 65. There was no clergy election.

The eighth laity and clergy ballots were taken.

WESTERN JURISDICTION REPORT Donna Pritchard, chair of the Western Jurisdiction Leadership Team, noted that the WJC has an excellent website: Donna also serves on the newly formed Mission Cabinet, comprised of the bishops serving in the WJC, the Directors of Connectional Ministries in our jurisdiction, as well as Donna. The Mission Cabinet will be working on looking for ways that United Methodists in the West can work collaboratively on ministry and mission. Donna reminded us that, beginning September 1, 2012, the WJC will have one less active bishop. The plan, which has been developed by the College of Bishops, calls for a shared episcopal leader for Oregon-Idaho, Pacific Northwest, and Alaska. Donna stressed that there is nothing in the plan about merging annual conferences; there is no current plan to merge any of the annual conferences in the Jurisdiction. Lowell Greathouse is serving as the co-chair of the Episcopal Area Transition Team, which is working with a consultant to help all three conferences think strategically about how to best be in partnership as we share a bishop. The WJC Episcopacy Committee has the responsibility of assigning bishops to their episcopal areas. Laura Jaquith Bartlett and Greg Nelson are OR-ID’s representatives on this committee (and Greg serves as the chair). The Western Jurisdiction Conference session will be in July of 2012 in San Diego, CA.

Bishop Hoshibata reported on some of the ramifications of the shift. Beginning in July of 2012 there will be one less district for OR-ID; at the same time there will be added a general Assistant to the Bishop. We anticipate a possible reduction in the number of district offices, although at this time we do not yet know how we will accomplish the reduction in districts or district offices. A team is working on the details about this plan. The bishop then took questions about this plan.

BOARD OF PENSIONS Jamie Kienzle, chair of the Board of Pensions, directed attention to the BOP pre-conference report. He reported on some good news in the Clergy Wellness rewards program. There is also good news in health insurance: our active loss ratio for 2010 was 90% (the 2009 ratio was 116%)! Dann Houghton, recently retired clergy, challenged each person who is receiving a pension to make a one-time donation to the Central Conference Pension Initiative Fund sometime in the next three months (checks can be sent to the conference center). 134 Daily Proceedings

Jamie moved, on behalf of the BOP, the adoption of the recommendations under the heading “Health Insurance Plan,” found on pages 19, items 1-6. [see page 194 of this Journal] Motion passed.

Jamie moved adoption of the recommendations under the heading Pensions and Welfare Plan on page 21, items 1-6. [see page 195 of this Journal] Motion passed.

REPORT OF BALLOT #8 Laity ballots cast: 235, valid ballots: 234. Number needed for election: 118. Mark Bateman was elected to be the first reserve lay delegate to Jurisdictional Conference.

Clergy ballots cast: 142, valid ballots 142. Number needed for election: 72. There was no clergy election.

The ninth laity and clergy ballots were taken.

The members took a brief break.

COUNCIL ON FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Ted Wimer returned to the podium to lead voting on the budget.

On behalf of CF&A, Ted moved the adoption of the 2012 Unified Conference Budget, found on pages R-3 through R-8 line 31. [see page 323 of this Journal] Motion passed.

On behalf of CF&A, Ted moved the adoption of the 2012 Non-Budget Askings portion of the budget found on page R-9. [see page 326 of this Journal] Motion passed.

On behalf of CF&A, Ted moved the adoption of the 2012 Annual Recommendations of the CF&A to the annual conference, found on pages 15 and 16 of the pre-conference reports. [see page 191 of this Journal] Motion passed.

REPORT OF BALLOT #9 Laity ballots cast: 236, valid ballots: 235. Number needed for election: 118. Norm Dyer was elected to be the second lay reserve to Jurisdictional Conference. The laity have now completed their election work!

Clergy ballots cast: 137, valid ballots 137. Number needed for election: 69. Donna Pritchard was elected to be the third clergy delegate to Jurisdictional Conference.

The tenth clergy ballot was taken.

LEGISLATIVE ACTION On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, Mary Foote moved the adoption of SR#17 (“Living Within the Discipline While Moving Forward With Ministry: The Sense of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference ¶ 2702.1(b)”). Seconded.

Alicia Webb moved the previous question and all that is before us. Seconded. Motion passed.

Voting moved to the main motion, SR#17. Motion passed.

On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, Kaye Garver moved the adoption of SR#9 (“Planetary Daily Proceedings 135

Stewardship”). Seconded.

Kaye pointed out an editorial correction: on line 29, between the word “toward” and “climate” add the word “catastrophic.” The corrected line would read “…is pushing our planet toward catastrophic climate change.” Motion passed.

On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, Ruth Marsh moved the adoption of SR#15 (“A Statement of Conviction”). Seconded. Motion passed.

On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, Courtney McHill moved the adoption of SR#19 (“Living Within the Discipline While Moving Forward with Ministry: The Sense of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, ¶304.3”). Seconded.

David King moved the previous question. Seconded. Motion passed.

Voting moved to the main motion, SR#19. Motion passed.

Steve Mitchell moved that we allow our page, Noah Wilson-Fey, voice at this session so that he can present the next piece of legislation. Seconded. Motion passed.

On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, Noah moved the adoption of SR#23 (“Strengthening Relationship with Native Americans and Alaska Natives”). Seconded. Motion passed.

Bishop Hoshibata asked for permission to extend the session for 15 minutes so that we can finish work on legislation.

Steve reported a correction in the printed report of the vote of the Legislative Assembly on GC#11. It should read “for: 28, against: 5.”

On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, Carole Sullivan moved that the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference send to the 2012 General Conference the legislation in GC#11 (“Remove Discrimination from ¶161f”). Seconded. Motion passed.

Steve Mitchell thanked the members for their work in completing our legislation!

PERSONAL PRIVILEGE Alicia Webb, who is on her way to Camp Magruder tomorrow, led the members in a sung prayer.

REPORT OF BALLOT #10 Clergy ballots cast: 137, valid ballots 137. Number needed for election: 69. There was no election.

The eleventh clergy ballot was taken.

As the conference members left for dinner, an offering for the pages was taken at the door.

Friday evening’s worship service was held at the Salem Conference Center. We honored this year’s retirees, and commissioned Kathy Abend as a provisional member. Licensed Local Pastors, including those receiving licenses for the first time this year, were recognized. Bishop John Innis was the preacher. On Saturday members and many others from around the conference attended the “Change the World: 136 Daily Proceedings

Taking it Out There” training workshop led by Mike Slaughter. Persons who attended the workshop as a group were given the opportunity to debrief together following the conclusion of the training. Saturday afternoon’s Living the Connection Session #4 featured time to interact with those persons staffing the Ministry Marketplace booths.

The service of ordination took place Saturday evening at Salem First UMC, with preaching by the Rev. Christina Thompson. The worship music included a piece written by Todd Johnson for didjeridu (which he played) and handbells (rung by Salem First’s Angelus Bells). A reception for the ordinands followed in the MICAH building, hosted by the district administrative assistants of Oregon-Idaho.

Living the Connection #5 Sunday, June 19, 2011 8:30 am

Conference members gathered on the Lord’s Day with a time of prayer and praise led by Roberta Egli, assisted by Jeff Lowery and David King.

REPORT OF BALLOT #11 Clergy ballots cast: 134, valid ballots 133. Number needed for election: 67. April Hall Cutting was elected as the fourth Jurisdictional Conference clergy delegate.

The twelfth clergy ballot was taken.

CONFERENCE LEADERSHIP PRESENTATION Kim Fields opened with a video clip showing two persons “stuck” on an escalator that had stopped running. Kim compared their perceived helplessness to the situation in The United Methodist Church today. Then Kim reminded us of our new perspective: the annual conference itself is not called to make disciples, but the conference IS called to equip churches and leaders to make disciples for the transformation of the world. Toward that end, Kim described our new Vital Church Project, which has three components: Church Leadership Development, New Start Initiative, and Vitality “U.” Kim challenged us to embrace change and start walking up the escalator!

Peg Lofsvold and Lowell Greathouse directed conference members to take a few minutes to write down on cards the answers to these questions: 1) What have you seen at this Annual Conference that was worth remembering? and 2) What will you take home to your congregation? The cards were then collected to be given to the Ministry Leadership Team. Peg and Lowell led in small group discussions around tables, based on these two questions: 1) What change in your local church would be worth celebrating 525,600 minutes from now, when we gather at our next annual conference session? and 2) What will you see happening that will tell you—and your neighborhood—that you have accomplished this change?

REPORT OF BALLOT #12 Clergy ballots cast: 103, valid ballots 102. Number needed for election: 52. Scott Harkness was elected as the first Jurisdictional Conference reserve.

The thirteenth clergy ballot was taken.

MOTION TO SUSPEND RULES Kim moved the suspension of Conference Rule 2.300. Seconded. This rule dictates that the conference session will be held once per quadrennium within the bounds of the old Idaho conference. Kim outlined the situation: we could find no adequate, affordable meeting facility in order to conform to this rule in 2012, but there is an excellent facility available in Boise for 2013 (for less money than we pay in Salem, and less expensive hotel rooms!). Motion passed.

NOMINATIONS REPORT Daily Proceedings 137

Scott Harkness thanked members of the nominating team, who work year-round. He also noted that Kim Fields will take over as the chair of Nominations for the coming year. Scott directed attention to the Addendum to the printed report, and made a couple of oral corrections. Scott then moved the approval of the Conference Nominating Report as amended. Seconded. Motion passed.

PRAYERS Bishop Hoshibata offered a prayer of healing for Glenn Jaquith, a retired clergy member of the conference who is struggling with a serious illness. Ruth Marsh presented a prayer shawl, made by Kolette Longworth and prayed over by all the conference members, to Bishop John and Irene Innis.

REPORT OF BALLOT #13 Clergy ballots cast: 110, valid ballots 109. Number needed for election: 55. There was no election.

The fourteenth clergy ballot was taken.

PRAYERS Bishop Hoshibata led all of us in prayers for Cesie Delve Scheuermann, whose mother joined the communion of saints late yesterday afternoon. We gave thanks for her life and offered prayers of support and assurance to Cesie.

READING OF THE APPOINTMENTS Steve Ross announced that the Central District has voted to change its name to the Oregon Trail District.

Bishop Hoshibata, along with the assistants to the bishop, read the appointments for the coming year. The bishop announced that Kate Conolly will be the new dean of the cabinet.

REPORT OF BALLOT #14 Clergy ballots cast: 109, valid ballots 108. Number needed for election: 55. There was no election.

The fifteenth clergy ballot was taken.

APPRECIATION Bishop Hoshibata thanked the district administrative assistants, who work tirelessly all year round, but work even harder at annual conference. He also thanked Greg Nelson and his entire tech crew for serving us so well. The bishop noted that we have been richly blessed by our worship experiences this year, led by Dan Pitney. The good people at Salem First UMC have hosted us well, and we express appreciation to them; we are also grateful for the hospitality provided by the staff of the Salem Conference Center. Bishop Hoshibata thanked Brett Strobel for serving as the coordinator for Saturday’s training event. Steve Mitchell and Mary Frances Gunn led us well at the Legislative Assembly and at annual conference. The bishop also thanked those at the head table: Paul Cosgrove, Wendy Woodworth, Laura Jaquith Bartlett, Cesie Delve Scheuermann, and Becky Delurey, who sits at the back of the platform but provides amazing support. The conference members offered a standing ovation to our tireless conference manager, Turella Woods. Thanks were also expressed to Dan and Karen Benson, conference youth coordinators, and to Daryl Blanksma, floor manager and to Karen Nelson (head teller) and her energetic crew of tellers—who had to distribute, collect, and then count the results of nine lay and 15 clergy ballots!

REPORT OF BALLOT #15 Clergy ballots cast: 109, valid ballots 109. Number needed for election: 55. John Go was elected as the second Jurisdictional Conference clergy reserve delegate. At the very last minute, the clergy have completed their balloting!

PERSONAL PRIVILEGE Elisa Chandler from Halsey announced a sequel to the story begun when the annual conference voted to close the Shedd UMC. Recently the Shedd church building has been purchased by Green Willow Farms, 138 Daily Proceedings which mills organic flour from locally grown grain. Elisa presented a bag of flour to Bishop Hoshibata as a symbol of the new life that has come from the grief of the church closure process.

INVITATION TO THE 2012 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Kate Conolly invited us back to the Western District for the next annual conference session, June 14-17, 2012.

RECOGNITION OF THE GENERAL/JURISDICTIONAL CONFERENCE DELEGATION Bishop John Innis and his spouse Irene joined Bishop Hoshibata and the entire delegation to pray over the persons who will serve the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference at General and Jurisdictional Conferences.

PERSONAL PRIVILEGE Bishop Hoshibata took a moment to state publically his pride at being the bishop of this annual conference. He expressed appreciation for the loving and thoughtful way in which we have conducted our business.

ADJOURNMENT Laura Jaquith Bartlett, conference secretary, moved that the 43rd session of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference be adjourned sine die following worship; and that the daily proceedings of this Annual Conference be printed as the official minutes in theJournal, with such editorial corrections as are necessary. Seconded. Motion passed.

Conference members remained in the plenary space for a time of closing worship, designed by Dan Pitney and his worship team.

Clergy Session Thursday, June 16, 2011 9:00 am

Phil Airhart, chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry, welcomed the gathered clergy and introduced the persons leading the session: Jeremy Hajdu-Paulen (chair-elect), Amy Overton-Harris (deacons’ and elders’ registrar), Dan Wilson-Fey (secretary of the BOM), Laura Jaquith Bartlett (conference relations registrar and conference secretary). Bishop Hoshibata and Bishop John Innis joined the Session after first addressing the Laity Session. Phil opened with prayer, then the BOM led the Session members in a song (Jesus in the Morning).

ORGANIZATIONAL MOTIONS Laura moved: 1) that ministers of other denominations be allowed to be present without voice or vote; an individual minister of another denomination may be allowed voice upon approval by a 2/3 vote of the session. 2) that clergy members of other annual conferences, who are currently serving within the bounds of Oregon-Idaho (under par. 346.1) be allowed in clergy session, with voice but no vote. 3) that the administrative assistant to the bishop be allowed to be present at the clergy session without voice or vote. 4) that the technical support staff, including sound technicians, be allowed to be working in the room without voice or vote. Motions passed.

INTRODUCTION OF GUEST Bishop Hoshibata introduced Bishop John Innis, the bishop of Liberia, our partner annual conference, who is our guest this week. Bishop Innis offered greetings from Liberia. Daily Proceedings 139

CCEF REPORT Judith Johnson presented the 2011 report of the Conference Clergy Emergency Fund (CCEF). This is a voluntary death benefit, with 154 clergy families participating at present. In the past year, the fund has answered 15 calls; $1000 was sent to each family..

ADDRESS BY BISHOP HOSHIBATA Bishop Hoshibata addressed the Session with a reminder that we are part of clergy covenant together. After extensive sharing and discussion in small groups, he led in prayer.

BUSINESS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE (BAC) The bishop asked each Assistant to the Bishop in turn to report on the clergy in their district, and asked the members of each district to report on their A2B. In every case, the answer was affirmative.

Candidates for ordination and full membership: Linda Freund (deacon), Susan Boeglie, Janine DeLaunay, John Go (elder). All votes affirmative.

Candidate for provisional membership: Kathy Abend (commissioning and provisional membership) Vote was affirmative.

Retirement (elders): Ron D. Borden (10-22-10), Daniel O. Houghton (1-1-11), Judith Johnson, Arvin R. Luchs, Emmett Shortreed. All votes affirmative.

Voting continued on the Business of the Annual Conference. For a full report of the voting on the BAC, see page 163 of this Journal.

THE NETWORK Gary Powell, chair of The Network, reported that The Network was created by the 2007 Clergy Session, with four broad mandates: 1) to develop and fund a program of offerings for continuing education in accordance with the Annual Conference vision and focus, 2) to build a clergy culture where good morale and wellness flourish, 3) to foster the sharing of experience and expertise in ministry, and 4) to provide forums for ongoing dialogue about healthy ways to live out our mutual convenatn for collegiality and accountability Members include the chairs of the Orders of Elders and Deacons, and the Fellowship of Local Pastors and Associate Members, along with representative of the BOM, the bishop, clergy and laity. Currently, there are several vacancies, and Gary senses a need to re-define the original vision of The Network. Although the group did not meet this past year, Gary plans to work with the bishop over the summer to shape a new direction for The Network.

FELLOWSHIP OF LOCAL PASTORS AND ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Linda Quanstrom gave a report as the chair of the Fellowship of Local Pastors and Associate Members.

ORDER OF DEACONS Ann Bateman and Joyce Sluss, co-chairs of the Order, offered a video report depicting just a few of the ways that members of the Order of Deacons serve as “bridges” between the church and the community.

ORDER OF ELDERS Thom Larson reported as the chair of the Order of Elders. Peg Lofsvold has retired as the co-chair of the Order. Thom presented the Board of Ordained Ministry’s nominee to be co-chair, April Hall Cutting. Members of the Order of Elders in the room elected April, who then joined Thom at the podium as they presented a brief report. The Order will have a gathering in October of 2012 in Bend.

The clergy session was adjourned at 11:40 am. 140 Ordination

This is to certify that Bishop Robert Hoshibata of The United Methodist Church ordained the following persons at the ordination service of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference held at Salem First United Methodist Church Salem, Oregon June 18, 2011

Ordained Deacon and received into full connection: Linda Freund

Ordained Elder and received into full connection: Susan Boegli Janine DeLaunay John (Joung Youl) Go

Robert Hoshibata Laura Jaquith Bartlett Presiding Bishop Conference Secretary Ordination 141

The new full members with the bishops (left to right): Bishop John Innis (Liberia), Janine DeLaunay, Susan Boegli, Linda Freund, John Go, Bishop Robert Hoshibata

(Left to Right) Bishop Hoshibata, newly comissioned Kathy Abend, and Bishop John Innis. 142 Roster of Attendance Roster of Attendance: Annual Conference Session 2011 Turella Woods, Section Editor Oregon-Idaho Burkhart, Janet Flanagan, Emily Holland, Jerry Bynum, Jack Flanagin, Richard Hollomon, Dean Conference Bynum, Joshua Foote, Mary Hollomon, Michael Members Carlson, Roger Ford, Harold Hopkins, Gerald (including non- Carnagey, Nita Ford, Janet Houghton, Daniel Carol, Brown Foster, Colleen Hughes, Donna Conference Carter, Catherine Foster, Tom Hunefeld, Leland members serving Castle, Frank Fothergill, June Hunt, Crystal within OR-ID): Chamberlin, Ruth Franklin, Robin Hurd, David Chandler, Elisa Freund, Linda Hurd, Danielle Abell, Larry Chase, Charles Freund, Linda Huston, Dean Abend, Chris Chen, Jennifer L Frisbie, James Hwang, Sinhee Airhart, Philip Childress, David Frisbie, Rinya Ives, James Allen, Anna Christianson, Penny Fuapau, Tuinauvai Ivie, Florence Allen, Bert Clark, Edward Fuss, Richard Jabs, AuraLee Allen, Sarah Clark, Glen Garver, Kaye Jabs, Edward Allison, Donna Clarkson, Linda Gates, Bill Jeffery, Gay Anderson, Betty E. Collins, Marcie Geoffrion, Erin Jensen, Shannon Anderson, Judy Collison, Joan Gilmore, Edson Jensen, Susan Andrew, Clay Conklin, Eric Gilmore, Nadine Johnson, Carol Armstrong, David Conklin, Mira Glynn, Dorothy Johnson, Darlene Atchley, Clen Conolly, Katherine Go, John Johnson, Eva Aubrey, Jennifer Conrad, Virginia Goodman, Barb Johnson, Judith Baker, Leila Cook, Joan Gordon, Jeffrey Jones, Azzie Balcomb, Marcey Cook, William Gornick, Joanne Jones, Louie Barley, Norman Corbett, Colin Graven, Kay Jones, Ron Barnhart, Donald Crawford, Curtiss Graves, Joyce Jones, Sally Bartlett, Laura Jaquith Cutting, April Hall Greathouse, Lowell Katoa, Krystonia Bartlett, Todd Cutting, Craig Hall Green, Dick Keefe, Rich Baskins, Lela Darling, Paul Eugene Gregor, Michael Kendrick, Alan Bateman, Ann Dauenhauer, Lila Grimsted, John Kenyon, Vera Baumgartner, Mildred Dawson, Lisa Gulbranson, Peggy Kidner-Miesen, Lura Beach, Byron Day, Judi Gunn, Mary Frances Kienzle, Louise Bean, Dave Delaney, Susan Gurley, Pamela Kienzle, Jamie Beck, Eileen DeLaunay, Janine Gutierrez, Rebecca Kimbrow, Sandra Bell, Sydney Wade DeVore, Howard Haines, Donna King, David Belliston, Rick Dobbs, John Hajdu-Paulen, Jeremy Kinman, David Belliston, Sheila Dolan, Denny Hall, Flora Kley, Gloria Benson, Daniel Dolan, Sue Ann Hall, Leslie Knepp, Shirley Manning Bergacker, Juanita Dolmage, Dorothy Hall, Michael Knight, Shirley Bernel, Dave Dougherty, Alita Hampton, Laura Knotts, Alice Beville, Laura Drake, Gwendolyn Hand, Ann Kriesel, Ronald Beville, Marshall Dyer, Norman Hanni, Philip Kroen, Emilie Biggs, Linda Edwards, Patricia Hantke, Cheryl Kuessel, Karl Birckhead, Mary Edy, Gerry Harkness, Scott Lamb, Mike Birge, Robert Egersdorf, Karen Harkness Haugen, Melissa Lamberson, Janet Bittle, Cheryl Eggleston, Babs Harshbarger, Shirley Langenwalter, Gary Bjork, Lorraine Egli, Roberta Hastings, Danna Langenwalter, Jon Blanksma, Daryl Elliott, Kelly Hauer, Marcia Larson, Thomas Bodeen, Sherry Enz, Jonathan Hauser, Joshua LaRue, Paul Boegli, Susan Estock, Beth Haushalter, Carrol Laulaupeaalu, Suliasi Bolin, Karen Fairbairn, Jean Hays, William Lawrence, Audrey Bolster, Bryan Fairweather, Carolynne Heisel, Carol Lawrence, Ralph Borgerson, Dorita Betts Farrell, Janet Henry, Matt Ledden, Robert Bowers, Carolyn Farrell, Sunni Hereau, Marilyn Lefler, Davey Boyes, Kathleen Fellers, Jim HIll, Gerry Letey, Ardis Braudt, Marcia Felton, Jody Hill, Jane L. Light, Warren Brown, Bill Fernandez, Arturo Hine, Patricia Ling, Marci Buechler, Dave Fields, Kim Hobson, Mary Lou Lofsvold, Margaret Bulcher, Bruce Fitch, Donna Hodges, Penny Long, Karla Buntele, Ruth Flaherty, Robert Hoefner, Lisa Jean Longworth, Kolette Roster of Attendance 143 Lorts, Jack Osborne, Sheryl Shaw, Stuart R. Wattman-Turner, Marshall Love, Donald Overton-Harris, Amy Shimer, Brian Watts, John Love, Jane Overton-Harris, Timothy Shimer, Karen Weaver, Morris Love, Joanne Page, Victoria Shimotakahara, Eva Webb, Alicia Lowery, Eilidh Park, Charlotte Shinkle, Sandie Weekley, David Lowery, Jeff Park, Samuel Eunsoo Siegel, Constance Weida, Betty Luchs, Arvin R Parrish, Marilyn Silfies, Jeri Dotson Weld-Martin, Anne Luckman, Peggy Pauls, Zachary Simmons, James Wenigmann, Bruce Marcus, Melanie Payton, Lisa Simpson, LoErna White, David Maria, Deborah Perin, Loa Siville Tidey, Esther White Sr., Gerald Markus, Rhoda Peterson, Ronald Sloan, Lynda Whittenburg, Jimmy Marple, Gloria G. Philipson, Bonnie Sluss, Joyce Wilcox, Ronald Mars, John Philipson, Jim Parr Smedema, Kathryn Wiles, Nadine Marsh, Ruth Pitney, Daniel Smith, David Wills, Brenda Martin, Erin Pitney, Deborah Smith, Ernest Wilson-Fey, Dan Mason, Judi Pitney, John Smith, Neva Wimer, Ted Matson, Christy Pollard, Trudy Smith, Sharon Winslea, Elizabeth Mattern, Jeanie Powell, Gary Sorsoli, Patricia Winslea, Timothy McAlister, Karen Powell, Michael Spears, Carol Witt, Kevin McCann, Rose Pritchard, Donna Spencer, Jo Wolff, Steven McClure, Eleanor Pritchard, Kate Sprecher, Steven Woods, Gayle McCoy, Mary Puckett, Karen Sroufe, Dean Woodworth, Wendy McDonald, William Quanstrom, Linda St. Clair, Brenda Woody, Judy McElroy, Marsha Rabenstein, Lynn Stanton, Ed Wright, Ken McElroy, Marvin Radford, Lisa Stark, Anne Yamamoto, Dean McGaughy, Lane Raines, Becky Stark, Jean Yarber, David McHill, Courtney Raines, Dave Steele, Elaine Yim, Robin McKay, Doug Raines, Kathy Steele, Jerry Yoss, Margret McNary, Robert Rankin, Pat Stevens, Janice Young, Barbra McNeil, Donna Rannells, Joanne Stevens, Kathy Zemke, Kay McOmber, Bonnie Rannells, Thomas A Stone, Jean Meese, Pam Reasoner, Robert Stoneberg, Kristine Mercer, Jennifer Remington, Wanda Stover, Timothy Meyer, Patti Rempel, Gerald (Jerry) Strobel, Brett Meyers, Patty Riker, Joseph Strobel, Craig Miller, Nancy Roach, Pat Sullivan, Carole Mitchell, Steven Roberts, Claudia Tate, Thomas Moffitt, Zackerie Robertson, Jere Tatti, Sandra Clergy Members Moli, Tau Rodgers, Jana Taylor, Dee With Excused Montgomery, Lynda Rodriguez, Jorge Taylor, Ronald Moore, Anne Rose, Robert Terdal, Marjorie Absence Morray, Karen Rosenbusch, Robert Thiers, Gerald (excluding retired Morris, Wesley Ross, Gary Thompson, Carol members) Mullette-Bauer, William Ross, Phyllis Thompson, Christina Murphy, Alan Ross, Stephan Thompson, David Allen, D. Scott Myers, Thomas Rowe, Kelley Thornberry, Milo Erbele, Evelyn Myers, Vincent Rowton, Linda Tindell, John Erbele, Teri Naapi, Leo Rudawitz, Rebecca Titus, Richard (Dick) Goodman, Viola Natland, Chris Russell, Sierra Tollefson, Steve Kimbrow, Quinton Neely, Jean Sadler, Paula Trachsel, Allen Little, Karen Nelson, Greg Salyer, Teresa Truby, Thomas Seckel, Carol Ann Nelson, Jan Sargent, Rand Tuck, Julian Seckel, R. Kevin Nelson, Karen Satta, ‘Andy’ Maurizio Tuck, Sharon Thompson-Aue, Dan Nelson, Rachel Scheuermann, Cesie Delve Tucker, John Wagner, Lois Nelson-Munson, Brian Schitoskey, Virginia Tucker, Linda Whistler, Pearl Nelson-Munson, Pamela Schmidt, Scott Udy, Betty Wingfield, Brenda Nitschelm, Betty Schreiber, Robert Vedamuthu, Ebenezer Nixon, Barbara Schumann, Julia Villarreal, Juanita Novak, H. Tim Schwiebert, John Walker, Beverly Oakberg, Theodore Scott, Joanne Wallace, Charles Oh, HyeNa Seagren, William Walton, Ruth L. Oh, HyeRi Sene, Brenda Wardenaar, Suzanne Oh, Kwang Seog Shaffer, Jane Waters, Jim Oliveira, Ronald Sharma, Elke Watkins, Sheilia 144 Actions & Resolutions

Legislative Action Table of Contents

Action Requests: AR#5 Delete Conference Rules 1.300 and 1.301...... 135 AR#7 Change to Conference Policy to Require Security Deposit in the Clergy/Church Parsonage Agreement...... 135 AR#9 Clergy Compensation Equalization...... 135 AR#11 Delete CEU requirement from Rule 10.024...... 135 AR#13 The Sense of the Western Jurisdiction of The UMC, paragraph 304.3...... 136 AR#15 In Conference Rule 5.004 - remove reference to 5.400...... 136 AR#17 Delete Conference Rule 5.146...... 136 AR#19 Delete Conference Rule 5.147...... 136 AR#21 Reword Conference Rule 5.600...... 136

Standing Resolutions: SR#6 Call to Civility...... 138 SR#8 National Health Care Reform...... 138 SR#10 Children of Same Gender Relationships...... 138 SR#12 We Will Not Discriminate...... 138 SR#14 Open Membership...... 138 SR#16 Community Based Corrections...... 138 SR#18 Cuba Embargo...... 139 SR#20 Gun Violence And Child Protection...... 139 SR#22 Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Free World...... 139 SR#24 Seeking Peace And Justice In The Holy Land...... 139 SR#26 Confronting Heterosexism...... 139 SR#28 Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform...... 139

Petitions to General Conference: GC#6 Inter-Conference Itineration of District Superintendents...... 137 GC#7 Establish an UMC Economic Justice Program...... 137 GC#9 Update Civil Equal Rights, Par. 162J...... 137 GC#11 Remove discrimination from paragraph 161F...... 137 GC#13 Delete Prohibition of Celebrations of Homosexual Unions Par. 341.6...... 137 Actions & Resolutions 145 Annual Conference Actions and Resolutions Mary Frances Gunn, section editor Conference Actions Recorded below is the text of each petition as passed by the 2011 Annual Conference, along with the titles of petitions that were defeated or referred. For the text of Standing Resolutions, see the next section, beginning on page 149

AR#5 Delete Conference Rules 1.300 and 1.301 Sponsor: OR-ID Conference Board of Ordained Ministry Responsible Parties: Conference Secretary Adopted. Delete Conference Rules 1.300 and 1.301 Conference Rule 1.300 – Clergy members shall be eligible for two types of leaves: 1. A full year sabbatical-leave, without pay or pastoral charge, as provided by the Discipline (¶352) 2. A study-travel leave of three months with full pay, regular appointment, and stipend for tuition, as recommended by the Board of Ordained Ministry and approved by the Clergy session. The Board of Ordained Ministry may provide for payment of an interim clergy for clergy on study-travel leave on the basis of need and available funds (¶351). Conference Rule 1.301 Clergy members granted leaves in access of one full year shall take a Leave of Absence for any period beyond the sabbatical year (1.300.1). AR#7 Change to Conference Policy to Require Security Deposit in the Clergy/Church Parsonage Agreement Sponsor: Myrtle Creek/Canyonville UMC Board of Trustees, 2011 Responsible Parties: Conference Secretary Adopted. C.4.a) Append to the current text: The clergy shall make a security/cleaning deposit to cover damage and cleaning costs for the parson- age. The deposit will be obtained via payroll deduction during the first 6 months of the clergy use of the parsonage. The church will place the deposit in trust to be refunded at the end of the clergy ap- pointment if the parsonage is in reasonable condition considering normal wear and tear. Any cleaning and damage costs incurred by the church for the parsonage would be deducted from the deposit. C.5) Change the text: “…sending the bill to the outgoing pastor.” To read: “… deducting the expenses from the security/cleaning deposit before refunding the deposit to the outgoing pastor.” AR#9 Clergy Compensation Equalization Sponsor: MFSA Defeated. AR#11 Delete CEU requirement from Rule 10.024 Sponsor: Lura Kidner-Miesen Responsible Parties: Conference Rules Committee Adopted as amended. Change the phrase “70 contact hours” to “100 contact hours” and delete the phrase “and 3 continuing education units (CEUs)” from Conference Rule 10.024. Rule 10.024 will read as follows: Continuing Education. All active clergy members (Rule 1.200) shall maintain a program of study leading to professional growth. The minimal quadrennial requirement shall be 100 contact hours with a minimum of 15 contact hours annually. In most cases the clergy member’s continuing education pro- gram should allow for leaves of absence for study at least one week each year, and at least one month during one year each quadrennium. 146 Actions & Resolutions

AR#13 The Sense of the Western Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church, Paragraph 304.3 Sponsor: Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists; Oregon Idaho MFSA; Jeanne Knepper Responsible Parties: Western Jurisdiction Conference Session 2012 Adopted. Submit to the 2012 Jurisdictional Conference the following resolution on behalf of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference: The Sense of the Western Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church, Paragraph 304.3 Whereas the Constitution of The United Methodist Church reserves to the clergy members of each An- nual Conference the exclusive right to vote “on all matters relating to the character and conference rela- tions of its clergy members,” [The Constitution, ¶33, 2008 Book of Discipline, p. 31]; And whereas The United Methodist Church reserves to the clergy members of each Jurisdiction the ex- clusive right to sit on a trial court if a bishop from that jurisdiction is charged and tried for a violation of a disciplinary provision [¶2712, 2008 Book of Discipline, p. 773]; And whereas The Book of Discipline establishes among the laws of the Church that “… self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church” [2008 Book of Discipline, ¶ 304.3, p. 206]; And whereas the Western Jurisdiction has adopted resolutions and statements that are specifically wel- coming of people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity; Be it hereby resolved that the sense of the Western Jurisdiction is that if any bishop of the Western Jurisdiction be charged with ordaining or appointing a self avowed practicing homosexual, and after due Disciplinary process is tried and convicted of such an offense, that an appropriate penalty to assign would be the suspension of said convicted bishop from the exercise of episcopal office [2008 Book of Disci- pline, ¶2712.6, p. 774] for a period of 24 consecutive hours. AR#15 In Conference Rule 5.004 - remove reference to 5.400 Sponsor:Council on Finance & Administration Responsible Parties: Conference Rules Committee Adopted as amended by Legislative Assembly. Delete the parenthetical statement in Conference Rule 5.004. AR#17 Delete Conference Rule 5.146 Sponsor: Council on Finance & Administration Responsible Parties: Conference Rules Committee. Adopted Delete Conference Rule 5.146 Money remitted by local charges for World Service and Conference Benevolences unless otherwise specified by the donors, shall be shared on a pro rata basis betweenWorld Service and the Conference Benevolences division of the Budget. AR#19 Delete Conference Rule 5.147 Sponsor: Council on Finance & Administration Responsible Parties: Conference Rules Committee Adopted. Delete Conference Rule 5.147. Rule 5.147 – Each church shall pay by May 31 if each year, 5/12th of its Ministerial Support Shared Ministries. AR#21 Reword Conference Rule 5.600 Sponsor: Council on Finance & Administration Responsible Parties: Conference Rules Committee Adopted. Rule 5.600 - Approval is given to the district church extension societies to or their equivalents to raise funds with the specific district (¶658.4). 1. Approval for the expenditure of the funds will be given by the district extension society members as designated in the individual districts. Actions & Resolutions 147

ACTION REQUESTS FOR STANDING RESOLUTIONS Note that the text of Standing Resolutions that were adopted can be found with all the Oregon-Idaho Standing Resolutions, beginning on page 149.

SR#5 Consumer Rights in Health Care Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action Adopted. SR#7 Capital Punishment Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action Adopted. SR#9 Planetary Stewardship Sponsor: Planet Church Committee Members at Portland First United Methodist Church Adopted. SR#11 Ban on Torture Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action Adopted. SR#13 Rejection of War as Foreign Policy Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action Adopted. SR#15 A Statement of Conviction Sponsor: Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists; Oregon-Idaho Methodist Federation for Social Action; Marcia Hauer; Administrative Council of University Park UMC Adopted. SR#17 Living Within the Discipline While Moving Forward with Ministry: The Sense of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, Paragraph 2702.1(b) Sponsor: Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists; Oregon-Idaho Methodist Federation for Social Action; Dave Bean Adopted. SR#19 Living Within the Discipline While Moving Forward with Ministry:The Sense of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, Paragraph 304.3 Sponsor: Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists; Oregon-Idaho Methodist Federation for Social Action; Jeanne Knepper Adopted. SR#21 Global Warming/Climate Change Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action Adopted. SR#23 Strengthening Relationships with Native Americans and Alaska Natives Sponsor: Council on Native American Ministries Adopted.

PETITIONS FOR GENERAL CONFERENCE 2012 The following are to be submitted to the 2012 General Conference as petitions from the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference. GC#6 Inter-Conference Itineration of District Superintendents Sponsor:Matt Henry Defeated. GC#7 Establish an UMC Economic Justice Program Sponsor: Economic Justice Project ( Defeated. 148 Actions & Resolutions

GC#9 Update Civil Equal Rights, Par. 162J Sponsor: Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists; Oregon-Idaho Methodist Federation for Social Action; Jan Nelson Adopted. Amend ¶162J as follows: Equal Rights regardless of Sexual Orientation—Certain basic human rights and civil liberties are due all persons. We are committed to supporting those rights and liberties for all persons, regardless of sexual orientation. We see a clear issue of justice in protecting the rightful claims where people have shared material resources, pensions, guardian relationships, mutual powers of attorney, civil marriage, civil unions, and other such lawful claims attendant to contractual relationships including that involve shared contributions, responsibilities, and liabilities, and equal protection before the law. Moreover, we support efforts to stop violence and other forms of coercion against all persons, regardless of sexual orientation. GC#11 Remove discrimination from paragraph 161F Sponsor: Oregon-Idaho Rreconciling United Methodists, Oregon-Idaho Methodist Federation for Social Action, Deborah Maria Adopted. Amend ¶161F as follows: F) Human Sexuality—We affirm that sexuality is God’s good gift to all persons. We call everyone to responsible stewardship of this sacred gift. Although all persons are sexual beings whether or not they are married, sexual relations are affirmed only with the covenant of monogamous, heterosexual marriage. We deplore all forms of the commercialization, abuse, and exploitation of sex. We call for strict global enforcement of laws prohibiting the sexual exploitation of children and for adequate protection, guidance, and counseling for abused children. All persons, regardless of age, gender, marital status, or sexual orien- tation, are entitled to have their human and civil rights ensured and to be protected against violence. The Church should support the family in providing age-appropriate education regarding sexuality to children, youth, and adults. We affirm that all persons are individuals of sacred worth, created in the image of God. All persons need the ministry of the Church in their struggles for human fulfillment, as well as the spiritual and emotional care of a fellowship that enables reconciling relationships with God, with others, and with self. The United Methodist Church does not condone the practice of homosexuality and consider this practice incompatible with Christian teaching. We affirm that God’s grace is available to all. We will seek to live together in Christian community, welcoming, forgiving, and loving one another, as Christ has loved and accepted us. We implore families and churches not to reject or condemn lesbian and gay members and friends. We commit ourselves to be in ministry for and with all persons. GC#13 Delete Prohibition of Celebrations of Homosexual Unions Par. 341.6 Sponsor: Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists; Oregon-Idaho Methodist Federation for Social Action; Dave Bean Adopted. Amend ¶341.6 of the Book of Discipline as follows: 6. Ceremonies that celebrate homosexual unions shall not be conducted by our ministers and shall not be conducted in our churches. Actions & Resolutions 149 Standing Resolutions

We commend these issues to local churches for continued and further study and action. The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference recognizes that sincere and dedicated Christians can differ on matters of proper Christian ethics and actions. These resolutions are the expression of the belief of the majority of those gathered in the Annual Conference Session. They are commended to the membership for their prayerful study and individual consideration. Table of Contents for Standing Resolutions

1. Ban on Torture...... 149 2. Call to Civility...... 149 3. Capital Punishment...... 150 4. Children of Same-Gender Relationships...... 150 5. Close School of Americas...... 151 6. Community Based Corrections...... 151 7. Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Free World...... 151 8. Confronting Heterosexism...... 151 9. Consumer Rights in Health Care...... 152 10. Cuban Embargo...... 152 11. Embracing the Sojourner...... 152 12. Global Warming/Climate Change...... 152 13. Gun Violence and Child Protection...... 152 14. Living Within The Discipline While Moving Forward With Ministry: The Sense Of The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, Paragraph 304.3...... 153 15. Living Within The Discipline While Moving Forward With Ministry: The Sense Of The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, Paragraph 2702.1(B)...... 153 16. Middle East Conflicts...... 154 17. National Fair Trade Policy...... 154 18. National Health Care Reform...... 154 19. Open Membership...... 154 20. Planetary Stewardship...... 155 21. Pre-Emptive Nuclear Strikes...... 155 22. Pregnancy and Family Planning; Continue Support of Right of Choice...... 155 23. Rejection of War as Foreign Policy...... 156 24. Seeking Peace and Justice in the Holy Land...... 156 25. A Statement of Conviction...... 157 26. Strengthening Relationship with Native Americans and Alaskan Natives...... 158 27. Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform...... 158 28. Support the Abolition of Human Trafficking...... 159 29. United Nations Suppport...... 159 30. We Will Not Discriminate...... 159

1. BAN ON TORTURE (2008, 2011) Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action We support a ban on torture in any form by the U.S. government, its agencies, agents, military or the use of non-U.S. government entities to torture on its behalf.

2. CALL TO CIVILITY (2010) Sponsor: Methodist Federation For Social Action “Civility is more than a rule for polite conduct. It is a way of life formed around values that unite rather than divide.” These words of Will Rogers are no less true today than when he said them during the Great Depression. In today’s highly polarized cultural environment, incivility has become systemic, spreading corrosively like a cancer in our communities, our nation and the body politic. As Persons of faith it is our 150 Actions & Resolutions individual as well as corporate responsibility to call for and to embody the civility reflective of the gospel values that unite us. Therefore, we call upon all United Methodists, clergy, and laity, to act as agents of peace, tolerance and mutual respect of all persons. Further, every United Methodist is called upon to challenge with civility those persons and media who promote hate, fear, misinformation and lies. Civility is the currency of civilization, of community. Civility is not an issue of ideology or political affiliation, it is an issue at the core of our gospel faith.

3. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT (1980, 1982, Revised 1986, 1989, 1990, 1993, Revised 1996, 1999, 2002, Revised 2005, 2008, revised 2011) Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, continuing its witness since 1980 and in harmony with the historic position of our United Methodist Church, reaffirms its opposition to the death penalty, and urges all members of the Conference to actively oppose capital punishment in the states of Oregon and Idaho. Our position is based on our understanding of justice in the teachings of Jesus, and is supported by studies indicating that the death penalty is not a deterrent to murder, and that the penalty is imposed almost entirely on those unable to pay for an adequate defense. We regard the deliberate taking of life as profoundly incompatible with the Gospel’s core teaching of love, mercy and forgiveness. As United Methodists, who have long preached and practiced a social gospel, we are deeply troubled by the fact that the death penalty is imposed disproportionately often on the poor and on members of minority groups. We also believe the unacceptably high error rates in death penalty cases demonstrate that the state is making God-like decisions without God-like powers. Our faith persuades us that there is an image of God in everyone, that each of us is better than the worst thing we have ever done, and that repentance and rehabilitation is always possible. We encourage action for alternatives to the death penalty, such as those proposed in Oregon by “Oregonians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty,”; PO Box 361, Portland, OR 97207- 0361). In Idaho information can be obtained from the Oregon website or from www.deathpenaltyinfo. org.

4. CHILDREN OF SAME-GENDER RELATIONSHIPS (2007, 2010) Sponsor: University Park UMC, Morningside UMC, Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists The 2000 Census established that same-gender couples are raising children in 96% of all counties in The United States. Children of same-gender parents often experience economic, legal, and familial insecurity when their bonds to non-biological parents are not legally recognized. Moreover, legal recognition of same-gender relationships increases the ability of adult couples to provide and care for one another and fosters a nurturing and secure environment for their children. Because scientific data overwhelmingly demonstrates that there is no relationship between the sexual orientation of parents and any measure of children’s emotional, psychosocial, and behavioral adjustment [Pediatrics, July 2006]; and because The United Methodist Church believes “the family to be the basic human community through which persons are nurtured and sustained in mutual love, responsibility, respect, and fidelity” [Paragraph 161A, page 99, 2004 Discipline]; and because The United Methodist Church “encourage[s] social, economic, and religious efforts to maintain and strengthen relationships within families” [Paragraph 161A, page 99, 2004 Discipline]; we conclude that civil marriage, civil unions, and legally recognized domestic partner- ships are beneficial to children, regardless of the gender of the parents, because they strengthen families and help foster financial and legal security, psychological and social stability, and an enhanced sense of societal acceptance and support. We support efforts to legally recognize same-gender relationships and claim that laws which ban the legal recognition of same-gender relationships actively harm the health and well-being of children all over the nation. Actions & Resolutions 151

5. CLOSE SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS (Revised 2003, Renewed 2006, Renewed 2009) Sponsor: Conference Witness Team Continue to support the endeavor to close the Western Hemispheric Institute for Security Cooperation (formerly School of the Americas or SOA) located on the U.S. Army Base at Fort Benning, Georgia. The SOA trains Latin American personnel in inhumane, oppressive tactics such as torture, assassination and kidnapping, to control their populations. This resolution is consistent with the Social Principles, which clearly oppose the kinds of actions taken by graduates of the Western Hemispheric Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC). Congregations and individuals are encouraged to bring this matter to the attention of the membership with appropriate action, especially expressing their will to the President and Members of Congress.

6. COMMUNITY-BASED CORRECTIONS (1982, 1986, 1989, 1992, Revised 1995, 1998, 2001, Revised 2004, Revised 2007, 2010) As Christians we believe in the redemptive potential of all people. Therefore, we urge members of the churches within the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference to join with others of like mind in helping the correction systems of Oregon and Idaho in the use of community-based restitution, work programs, and other alternatives aimed at rehabilitation of those who have been convicted of crimes. We further encourage members, when necessary, to actively seek to change regulations which impede or restrict development and placement of such facilities or programs. Remembering the words of Jesus, “I was in prison and you visited me,” (Matt. 25:36) we encourage pastors and lay persons in our congregations to visit and/or minister to persons in correctional institutions, and where possible, upon their release from prison, to assist them in their re-entry into local communities, by helping them secure jobs and housing and inviting them into the fellowship of the church. We also urge congregations to identify and support families of these who have or have had members incarcerated in correctional institutions. We commend the work of organizations such as the Center for Dispute Resolution of the Willamette University College of Law, the Victim Offender Reconciliation Program/Community Mediation Service and the Alternatives to Violence Project. We encourage our churches to seek out ways to actively support and/or establish these services in their communities.

7. COMPREHENSIVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS FREE WORLD (1993, Revised 1994, Revised 1997, Revised 2000, Revised 2004, Revised 2007, Revised 2010) Be it resolved: That the Oregon Idaho Annual Conference call upon its United Methodist members to advocate for and to continue to call for legislation to ratify the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), and to contact members of the U.S. Senate and urge them to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). The United Nations will convene a Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in May 2010. We affirm the prophetic position of our bishops in their 2009 foundation document and statement in God’s Renewed Creation: Call to Hope and Action: “We persist in demanding that the major nuclear powers reduce their arsenals, step by verifiable step, making a way to a more secure world totally disarmed for nuclear weapons.”

8. CONFRONTING HETEROSEXISM (2010) Sponsor: Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists In communities of transition, the local church shall be regarded as a principal base of mission from which structures of society shall be confronted, evangelization shall occur, and a principal witness to the chang- ing community shall be realized. [Paragraph 212.2] Many of our local churches and the communities they serve are facing transition and have a need to be open to change. Churches that discriminate against gay men, lesbians, bisexual & transgender people re- pel many youth/young adults, limiting the evangelistic ministry of churches in transitional communities. Each local church is called to confront unjust heterosexist structures, and to embrace people long told they are not welcome at church. Together we witness God’s inclusive love for all people. 152 Actions & Resolutions

9. CONSUMER RIGHTS IN HEALTH CARE (1996, Revised 1999, 2002, Revised 2005, Revised 2008, revised 2011) Sponsor: 2011 Revision sponsored by Methodist Federation for Social Action The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, in harmony with the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church, believes in health care as a basic human right. We believe it is the responsibility of individuals to live healthy life-styles and the shared responsibility of society to ensure affordable access to health care for all persons. We believe that health care must be accessible to every person, inclusive of every person, affordable to every person, and of the highest possible quality. We support the work of organizations at the state and national levels to achieve these goals. We encourage all members of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference to become educated about these issues and organizations: - General Board of Church and Society (Health Care): - Faithful Reform in Health Care: - Families USA: - Universal Health Care Action Network: - Idaho Community Action Network: - Oregon Health Action Campaign:

10. CUBA EMBARGO (1995, Revised 1998, 2001, Revised 2004, Updated and Rewritten 2007, 2010) We continue to call for our Government to lift the Cuban embargo and seek to resume better diplomatic relations with Cuba, and that we encourage individual members of all churches within the conference to urge their U.S. Congressional Representatives to work for legislation to lift this embargo.

11. EMBRACING THE SOJOURNER (2007) Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action; OR-ID Hispanic Ministry Training Institute We propose that the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference and its congregations study and call upon local and state governments to enforce fair and just immigration policies that will protect the rights and well being of all immigrants in our midst, and that they promote educational resources in local churches to help members advocate for the same.

12. GLOBAL WARMING/CLIMATE CHANGE (2005, revised 2008, revised 2011) 2011 Revision Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action We resolve to take positive action to curb emissions which may contribute to global warming. As stewards of God’s creation we acknowledge our way of living, specifically our use of energy, creates emissions that warm the planet and threaten all life. We resolve to support the creation of laws and policies that will lead to decreases in the dangerous emissions that threaten our planet. We encourage members to take simple steps to reduce greenhouse gas emission by driving conscientiously by conserving energy in homes and workplaces and by using alternative energy sources whenever possible. We recognize that the global climate is already changing, and stand ready to participate in the church’s response to the likely increase in weather-related disasters. We urge local ministry settings and members to be better stewards of the world’s resources by conserving energy. More information and resources are available from the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, the National Council of Churches, and Oregon PeaceWorks to assist us in conversation and provide us with information for action

13. GUN VIOLENCE AND CHILD PROTECTION (2001, 2004, Revised 2007, Revised 2010) We propose that the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference stand in public witness against gun violence in the towns, cities and rural areas in Oregon and Idaho and across the United States. We call upon our churches Actions & Resolutions 153 and upon individuals to join in a national commitment against gun violence in America so that children can play in their yards and walk to school without fear, by taking some or all of the following actions: • Support common sense gun safety, and gun safety education measures by participating with their respective member of Congress in expressing the need for legislative action on gun measures protecting their children. • Remove handguns and automatic weapons from their home if at all possible, and provide adequate locked gun cabinet storage. • Foster a climate of nonviolent conflict resolution in their home, children’s school, congregations and community. • Monitor the television programs their children/youth watch; monitor how they use the internet, use of violent video games, and educate themselves regarding rating systems. • Focus public attention on child gun deaths. Talk about this crisis in church; lift up the names of children/youth in the community killed by gun violence; contact the media; and above all, talk with their children/youth. • Research community needs, provide children/youth with alternatives to violence so they can be safe and protected.

14. LIVING WITHIN THE DISCIPLINE WHILE MOVING FORWARD WITH MINISTRY: THE SENSE OF THE OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL CONFERENCE, PARAGRAPH 304.3 (2011) Sponsor: Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists; OR-ID MFSA; Jeanne Knepper Whereas the Constitution of The United Methodist Church reserves to the clergy members of each Annual conference the exclusive right to vote “on all matters relating to the character and conference relations of its clergy members,” [The Constitution, ¶33, 2008 Book of Discipline, p. 31]; And whereas The Book of Discipline establishes among the laws of the Church that “… self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church” [2008 Book of Discipline, ¶ 2702.1(b), p. 754] And whereas the Oregon Idaho Annual Conference has adopted resolutions that are specifically welcoming of people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity; Be it hereby resolved that the sense of the Oregon Idaho-Annual Conference is that if any clergy member of the Oregon Idaho Annual Conference who is a member of a district committee on ministry, The Conference Board of Ordained Ministry or a member of the appointive cabinet be charged with certifying a self avowed practicing homosexual as a candidate, or recommending that a self avowed practicing homosexual be ordained, and after due Disciplinary process is tried and convicted of such an offense, that an appropriate penalty to assign would be the suspension of said convicted minister from the exercise of pastoral office [2008 Book of Discipline, ¶2711.3, p. 773] for a period of 24 consecutive hours.

15. LIVING WITHIN THE DISCIPLINE WHILE MOVING FORWARD WITH MINISTRY: THE SENSE OF THE OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL CONFERENCE, PARAGRAPH 2702.1(B) (2011) Sponsor: Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists; Oregon-Idaho MFSA; Dave Bean Whereas the Constitution of The United Methodist Church reserves to the clergy members of each Annual conference the exclusive right to vote “on all matters relating to the character and conference relations of its clergy members,” [The Constitution, ¶33, 2008 Book of Discipline, p. 31]; And whereas The Book of Discipline establishes among the laws of the Church that “ a bishop, clergy members of the annual conference, local pastor, clergy on honorable or administrative location or diaconal minister may be tried when charged” with “practices declared by The United Methodist Church to be incompatible with Christian teachings, including but not limited to: being a self-avowed practicing homosexual; or conducting ceremonies which celebrate homosexual unions; or performing same-sex wedding ceremonies” [2008 Book of Discipline, ¶ 2702.1(b), p. 754] And whereas the Oregon Idaho Annual Conference has adopted resolutions that are specifically welcoming of people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity; 154 Actions & Resolutions

Be it hereby resolved that the sense of the Oregon Idaho-Annual Conference is that if any clergy member of the Oregon Idaho Annual Conference be charged with any of the above mentioned offenses, and after due Disciplinary process is tried and convicted of such an offense, an appropriate penalty to assign would be the suspension of said convicted minister from the exercise of pastoral office [2008Book of Discipline, ¶2711.3, p. 773] for a period of 24 consecutive hours.

16. MIDDLE EAST CONFLICTS (2007, revised 2009) The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference resolves to: Pray for the military personnel and their families who have sacrificed as a result of the conflicts in the Middle East, including Iraq, Afghanistan and Gaza, and for a swift end to the destructions and violence that war rages within this area of the world, Support withdrawal of all troops and bases from the Middle East, Support the call for the United Nations to appoint a Peace Envoy to encourage and cooperate in talks to explore a political settlement to all Middle East conflicts, and Call for multinational support for regionally generated plans to rebuild the Middle East, including Iraq, Afghanistan and the Gaza area as well as other Middle Eastern Nations. Urge the churches in our conference to study the causes of war and the ways of Biblical and just peacemaking. Links to curricula will be made available on the conference website. Encourage churches and persons to spend time in prayer and meditation, to discover ways to be peacemakers and discover ways to help bring peace and reconciliation to the nation of Iraq and throughout the Middle East. We would also urge our churches to seek ways to advocate for peace in Iraq with our national leaders, and to help our nation bring our troops home at the earliest time possible.

17. NATIONAL FAIR TRADE POLICY (2009) Sponsor: Methdoist Federation for Social Action We propose that the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church support a national policy of “Fair Trade” with foreign nations for all trade agreements. Further, we support the renegotiation of all existing “Free Trade” agreements to reflect Fair Trade practices and principles. Accordingly, we call for the Conference Witness Team to annually notify each Oregon and Idaho United States Congressperson of our support of this action and that the Bishop be a signatory of this annual notification.

18. NATIONAL HEALTH CARE REFORM (2010) Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action The health care system in the United States is predominantly provided through for-profit insurance companies whose annual rates rise dramatically, whose incentive is to provide the least care for the maximum profit, and who leave a staggering number of persons without health care. According to widely published reports, our health care system costs each person nearly twice as much as any other nation while delivering lower quality outcomes. Accordingly our current health care delivery system is incompatible with United Methodist understanding of the Gospel as expressed in our Social Principles. Paragraph 162V (of the 2008 Book of Discipline) declares that health care is a “basic human right” and that the “government has a responsibility to provide all citizens with health care.” Therefore, the OR-ID Annual Conference supports Healthcare being available to all persons of all ages to provide comprehensive care (including vision and dental). Such a system is inclusive, effective, and affordable, equitable and secure and reflects our UM Social Principles.

19. OPEN MEMBERSHIP (2007, 2010) Sponsor: University Park United Methodist Church The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference expects and encourages its congregations and clergy to abide by the principle: Membership in any local church in the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference shall not be denied on the basis of race, color, age, national origin, economic condition, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental or physical ability, or any other status. Actions & Resolutions 155

20. PLANETARY STEWARDSHIP (2011) Sponsor: Planet Church Committee Members at Portland First United Methodist Church Whereas, our planet with its life-nourishing balance of water, air, nutrients and climate is a precious gift and sacred trust from our Creator and whereas climate scientists continue to warn with increasing urgency that we humans are inflicting dangerous damage to this gift, - being virtually unanimous in their peer reviewed reports saying that continuing growth of green house gas emissions is pushing our planet toward catastrophic climate change; Whereas, the human produced emissions are coming mainly from the developed countries and wealthier peoples, while it is the less developed countries and peoples living in poverty who are least able to cope with resulting droughts, floods, growing food shortages, rising sea levels and other extreme weather events; Whereas, in many places population growth itself continues to stress our planet as a driver of climate change, food shortages and rapid species loss, while it is widely forecast that business as usual during the next 40 years will add another 2 billion people to our planet; Therefore, be it resolved that, as people of faith living in one of the world’s wealthiest nations, our responsibilities include answering the call to planetary stewardship by; • Adopting science based lifestyle changes and policies that will reduce human produced greenhouse gases; • Promoting policies that reduce human population growth to sustainable levels; • Assisting the globe’s most vulnerable populations to adapt to climate change. So may we move toward humanity’s reconciliation with this awesome God-given life-sustaining place called earth. Action resources are available on the internet: ministries;;;; and

21. PRE-EMPTIVE NUCLEAR STRIKES -- OPPOSITION TO (2003, revised 2006, revised 2009) Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for God will speak peace . . .Psalm 85 The United Methodist Church has continually reaffirmed its unequivocal stand against the use of nuclear weapons and has affirmed the Council of Bishops’ statement (in their document In Defense of Creation, The Nuclear Crisis and a Just Peace, “We say a clear and unconditional NO to nuclear war and to any use of nuclear weapons. We conclude that nuclear deterrence is a position that cannot receive the church’s blessing.” The United Methodist Church in the 2008 Book of Resolutions affirms its stand against “first strike policy” in the following resolution: “We call upon all nations that possess nuclear weapons to renounce these vile instruments of mass destruction and to move expeditiously to dismantle all nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles. As a first step, we support all movement to ban the ‘first strike’ policy from all North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) doctrine.” As members of The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, we affirm and commit ourselves to actively support the efforts of the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church as well as the denomination’s general boards and agencies and other organizations and individuals within both religious and secular communities who are speaking in opposition to the use of preemptive nuclear strikes. We call on all political leaders throughout the world to work with the international community, especially the United Nations, to end the prospect of the use of preemptive nuclear strikes for any reason by any nation state in the world.

22. PREGNANCY AND FAMILY PLANNING, CONTINUE SUPPORT OF RIGHT OF CHOICE (1988, 1991, 1994, Revised 1997, Revised 2000, Revised 2003, Renewed 2006, Renewed 2009) Sponsor: Conference Witness Team We move that the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference continue its long-standing support with the General Board of Church and Society and the Women’s Division of the Board of Global Ministries of the UMC, as well as the more than 30 organizations representing many of the mainline denominations and faith groups in the United States, in taking the position in favor of a woman’s right of choice regarding pregnancy and family planning, including the right to terminate pregnancy as guaranteed by the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade, 1973. It is important that the UMC maintain its position of openness and 156 Actions & Resolutions respect for the moral agency of women, as reflected in our Social Principles: “In continuity with past Christian teaching, we recognize tragic conflicts of life with life that may justify abortion, and in such cases, support the legal option of abortion under proper medical procedures.”

23. REJECTION OF WAR AS FOREIGN POLICY (2005, revised 2008, revised 2011) Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action, OR-ID Chapter 2011 Revision Sponsor: MFSA WHEREAS, the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church (para. 165c) declare, “We believe war is incompatible with the teachings and example of Christ. We therefore reject war as an instrument of foreign policy, to be employed only as a last resort in the prevention of such evils as genocide, brutal suppression of human rights and unprovoked international aggression. We insist that the first moral duty of all nations is to resolve by peaceful means every dispute that arises among them…” THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Oregon-Idaho Conference of the United Methodist Church affirms its commitment to paragraph 165c of the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church, declaring the policy of using the military might of the United States as an instrument of foreign policy to be incompatible with the Social Principles, calling on the current administration to cease and to desist from this policy, to exercise restraint in its disputes with other nations and “to seek to resolve by peaceful means every dispute that arises…” BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we call upon the laity and clergy of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference to be actively involved in efforts for peace through the local church and in the connectional life of the United Methodist Church, by being in touch with their Representatives and Senators, through public venues such as newspapers, periodicals and the venues offered by the internet, by praying daily for peace in our world, and through other opportunities as they arise.

24. SEEKING PEACE AND JUSTICE IN THE HOLY LAND (2007, Revised 2010) Sponsor: Methodist Federation for Social Action; Active for Peace and Justice (Corvallis First UMC) What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 Truly I tell you, just as you did it to the least of these who are the members of my family you did it to me. Matthew 25:40. WHEREAS, we affirm Israel’s right to exist within permanent, recognized and secure borders, and affirm Palestinians’ rights to self-determination and formation of a viable state with secure borders and air space, water rights, and passage rights to the land in their state, whether it is through a one-state or two- state solution, WHEREAS, the General Conference in 2004 and again in 2008 resolved that, “The United Methodist Church opposes continued military occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, the confiscation of Palestinian land and water resources, the destruction of Palestinian homes, the continued building of illegal Jewish settlements, and any vision of a ‘Greater Israel’ that includes the occupied territories and the whole of Jerusalem and its surroundings.” [Book of Resolutions, 2008, Para. 6073, pg. 833], and WHEREAS, we are called to support members of Christ’s church around the world, including Palestinian Christians who are being forced to leave the Holy Land due to Israel’s confiscation of their property and the severe hardships of living under occupation, and WHEREAS, the illegal destruction of Palestinian homes and economy, the confiscation of Palestinian land, and the loss of Palestinian lives, primarily innocent children and civilians, are made possible by the use of armored bulldozers, helicopters, gunship’s, tanks and other equipment supplied to Israel; while the destruction of Israeli property, violence, and loss of innocent Israeli lives are made possible by the use of mortars, guns and bombs supplied to Palestinians; thereby creates harm on both sides from complex and simple weapons, equipment, and supplies provided by national and multinational corporations that profit from such deadly activities, and WHEREAS, the Kairos Palestine Document was issued by 16 Palestinian Christian leaders in Bethlehem Actions & Resolutions 157 on December 11, 2009 (and now signed by over 1200 Palestinian Christians) and calls on churches of the world “to take a position of truth with regard to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land. …We see boycott and disinvestment as tools of non-violence for justice, peace and security for all. ... We repeat once again that this is not revenge but rather a serious action in order to reach a just and definitive peace that will put an end to Israeli occupation of Palestinian and other Arab territories and will guarantee security and peace for all.” [Kairos Palestine Document, December 11, 2009, #6.3 and 7. and http://www.oikoumene. org/fileadmin/files/wcc-main/2009pdfs/Kairos%20Palestine_En.pdf ] WHEREAS, the United Methodist Church should not profit from the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land or the destruction of Palestinian homes, orchards, and lives, and is committed to ensuring that our Church’s finances are used in a manner consistent with Christ’s teaching, our beliefs, and international law. The Investment Ethics resolution states our policy on “Avoidance by Divestment”: “This policy prohibits investment in enterprises that have policies or practices that are so morally reprehensible that investment in these companies is not tolerated by the church. …Historically many church investors have refused to invest in major military contractors, companies with nuclear weapons contracts, or companies when they were doing business in South Africa under apartheid, [Book of Resolutions, Para. 4071, pg. 592], THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference call upon local churches, the Oregon-Idaho Board of Pensions, the Oregon-Idaho Conference, the North West UM Foundation, the Oregon-Idaho United Methodist Ministers Retirement Fund and all others in the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference who invest UM funds to identify the companies that profit from sales of products or services that cause harm to Palestinians or Israelis using the report ‘Companies Supporting the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Land, October 2009” by the New England United Methodist Divestment Task Force (www., and to divest from these companies.

25. A STATEMENT OF CONVICTION (2011) Sponsor: OR-ID Reconciling United Methodists; OR-ID MFSA; Marcia Hauer; Administrative Council of University Park United Methodist Church Out of concern for the welfare of all God’s people, and out of special concern for the people of The United Methodist Church, we, the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, believe The United Methodist Church should remove the following statement from The Book of Discipline (2008): “…The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. Therefore self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church.” ¶304.3 Our lives and ministries over the years have included prayerful, thoughtful consideration of our Holy Bible, our Wesleyan heritage, reflection on our experience of the church and world, and our conviction of God’s intention for a world transformed. With this statement of conviction and counsel we seek: • To affirm that the historic tests of “gifts and evidence of God’s grace” for ordained ministry override any past or present temporal restrictions such as race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. • To urge the Church, ecumenical and denominational, to change the manner in which it relates to gay, lesbian and transgendered persons in official statements, judicial proceedings, and in congregational life. • To declare our conviction that the current disciplinary position of The United Methodist Church, a part of our historical development, need not, and should not, be embraced as the faithful position for the future. • To make known our conviction on this matter and to encourage other church conferences to do the same. With increasing frequency we observe and experience the following disturbing realities and know them to be detrimental to the mission of a Church of Jesus Christ: • Laity and clergy, gay and straight, withdrawing membership or absenting themselves from the support of congregational and denominational Church life in order to maintain personal integrity. 158 Actions & Resolutions

• Young adults, especially, embarrassed to invite friends and expressing dismay at the unwillingness of our United Methodist Church to alter an exclusionary stance adopted in 1972, long before we came to know of the gifts and graces of lesbian and gay laity and clergy. • Closeted pastors, currently called and ordained in our church, living divided lives while offering effective appreciated ministry. • Bishops being drained of energy by upholding Church Discipline while regarding it as contrary to their convictions. • Bishops caught between care for the Church by reappointing an effective gay or lesbian pastor and care for the Discipline by charging them under current legislation. • Seminary leaders desiring greater flexibility and openness from the church in order to advance their mission of identifying, recruiting, enrolling, educating and spiritually forming Christian leaders. • Christian gay men and lesbian women understanding themselves called of God to seek ministry opportunities within their United Methodist family Church home, but having to decide between: o leaving to go to accepting denominations, or o staying and praying for change, or o challenging Church law and accepting punitive actions. Our United Methodist Church, ashamed and repentant in the past, ended official and unofficial restrictions on candidacy, ordination and appointment for reason of race, gender and ethnicity. We believe the God we know in Jesus is leading us to issue this counsel and call – a call to transform our church life and our world.

26. STRENGTHENING RELATIONSHIPS WITH NATIVE AMERICANS AND ALASKA NATIVES (2011) Sponsor: Council on Native American Ministries Whereas The United Methodist Church adopted Resolution 3322 (Confession to Native Americans) in 1992 and readopted the same in 2004 and 2008 recognizing the worth and dignity of all persons and respecting the Native American people, culture and religious practices, and Whereas The United Methodist Church adopted Resolution #121 (Healing Relationships with Indigenous Persons) in 2000, readopted as Resolution 133 in 2004, and revised and readopted as Resolution 3323 in 2008 that recognized that the history of Christianity’ s spread across the world often accompanied by actions which damaged the culture, life, ways and spirituality of indigenous persons, and Whereas Resolution 3323 directs the 2012 General Conference of the The United Methodist Church to hold an Act of Repentance Service for Healing of Relationships with Indigenous Persons which would launch study, dialogue, and acts of repentance in all conferences over the following quadrennium Therefore, Native American Ministries will begin the conversation in the Oregon Idaho Conference in 2011-2012 by providing guidance and partnering with congregations, conference history and archives and United Methodist Women in study and dialogue regarding Native American issues and actions to involve Native Americans in spiritual journeys within the conference.

27. SUPPORT COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM (2010) Sponsor: MFSA and Conference Hispanic Ministries Council 1) The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference supports comprehensive immigration reform by the U.S. Congress consistent with the Council of Bishops “Statement on the U.S. Immigration Situation” (May 2009) that would: • Provide a pathway to citizenship for immigrants • Unite, instead of divide, immigrant families • Increase the number of visas for short-term workers • Extend legal protection and human rights to all workers including immigrants •Eliminate privately operated detention facilities not regulated by federal or state governments • End all indiscriminate raids. 2) Churches are encouraged to engage in ministries of mercy and justice with immigrants such as Bible studies and worship in indigenous languages, pastoral care for immigrants, sanctuary for undocumented immigrants, English as a Second Language classes, and other forms of education that help immigrants experience abundant life. Actions & Resolutions 159

28. SUPPORT THE ABOLITION OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING (2009) Sponsor: MFSA & Active for Peace & Justice Group at Corvallis 1st United Methodist 1. The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church supports the abolition of the modern slave trade, or human trafficking as it is called now, that is happening in Oregon and Idaho, in the U.S. and worldwide. 2. The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church urges all local churches to participate in the new 2009-2012 quadrennium study of “Abolition of Sex Trafficking,” as approved and recorded in the General Conference 2008 Book of Resolutions. (p 733) 3. After study, dialogue, and prayer, the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church will then discern if it will join the call of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church for “all of the Annual Conferences of the UMC to declare themselves Abolitionist Conferences.” In June 2007 the Greater New Jersey AC “declared itself to be an ‘Abolitionist Conference’ opposed to all forms of slavery and committed to its elimination from the earth.” (see Not For Sale Abolitionist Church Handbook, p 26, )

29. UNITED NATIONS SUPPORT (1993, Revised 1997, Revised 2000, Revised 2003, 2006, 2009) Sponsor: Conference Witness Team In concert with the statements of the General Church (see ¶165D, 2008 Book of Discipline), we the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference believe that our Christian faith compels us to work for justice and peace throughout our global community, recognizing the inherent dignity of all God’s people. We support the unprecedented cooperation of the vast majority of the countries of the world to solve international problems of health, education, and the welfare of people through the United Nations and its specialized agencies. Therefore, the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church reaffirms its commitment to the United Nations as an instrument of peace in the building and maintaining of a just and stable world. We affirm our support for our United Methodist presence in programs of the United Nations (including UNICEF). We support the active participation of United Methodists in the NGO (Non Governmental Organizations) network uniquely afforded through the United Methodist Office for the United Nations, located across the street from the United Nations. We urge the U.S. government to become current in paying its dues. (The US debt to the UN in both the regular and peacekeeping budgets exceeded $1.5 billion at the start of 2009. The largest amount is for peacekeeping --$1.3 billion.) We encourage local churches to observe United Nations Sunday in our local churches and to become more involved in the programs of the United Nations such as the United Methodist Seminars on National and International Affairs.

30. WE WILL NOT DISCRIMINATE (2010) Sponsor: Sweet Home United Methodist Church Adult Sunday School When our predecessors framed The United Methodist Church, they built the characteristic of Inclusiveness into our church constitution. Later General Conferences specified that “Inclusiveness means openness, acceptance, and support that enables all persons to participate in the life of the church, the community and the world; therefore, inclusiveness denies every semblance of discrimination,” and adding that “the mark of an inclusive society is one in which all persons are open, welcoming, fully accepting, and supportive of all other persons, enabling them to participate fully in the life of the church, the community and the world.” [Paragraph 139, 2008 Discipline] There are those in our worldwide church who have argued that non-heterosexuals should be excluded. Some people have promoted legislation that gay men and lesbians should be imprisoned or killed for loving each other. We now must speak out, before God, the church and the world, to insist that this is wrong. We therefore admonish members and clergy of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference to safeguard the constitutional requirement of inclusiveness, avoiding “every semblance of discrimination” as we represent the church and administer its business. We can do no less. 160 Business of the Annual Conference The Business of the Annual Conference The Minutes of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference Held at Salem Conference Center in Salem, Oregon, from June 16 through June 19, 2011 Bishop Robert Hoshibata, Presiding Date When Organized: 1969 Number of This Session: 43

PART I ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Who are elected for the quadrennium (¶¶603.7, 618): Secretary? Laura Jaquith Bartlett Mailing Address: 32865 SE Highway 211, Eagle Creek, OR 97022 Telephone: 503-637-5140 Statistician? Craig Hall Cutting Mailing Address: 1975 SE Crystal Lake Dr. #192, Corvallis OR 97334 Telephone: 541-754-7040 Treasurer? William Mullette-Bauer Mailing Address: 1505 SW 18th, Portland, OR 97201 Telephone: 503-802-9220 2. Is the Annual Conference incorporated (¶603.1)? Yes. 3. Bonding and auditing: What officers handling funds of the conference have been bonded, and in what amounts (¶¶617, 2511)? The Conference Treasurer, Conference Treasurer’s office staff, all trustees, and the President of the Council on Finance and Administration: $1,000,000. All other persons authorized to handle Conference Funds: $100,000. Have the books of said officers or persons been audited (¶¶616, 2511)? Yes (page 340 of Journal.) 4. What agencies have been appointed or elected? a) Answer Yes or No for each of the councils, boards, commissions, or committees listed: (1) Board of Ordained Ministry (¶634)? Yes (2) Board of Pensions (¶638)? Yes (3) Board of Trustees of the Annual Conference (¶2512)? Yes (4) Committee on the Episcopacy (¶636)? Yes (5) Committees on Investigation (¶2703.2, .3)? Yes (6) Administrative Review Committee (¶635)? Yes b) Indicate the name of the agency (or agencies) in your annual conference which is (are) responsible for the functions related to each of the following general church agencies (¶609.1): (1) General Council on Finance and Administration? Conference Council on Finance and Administration (2) General Board of Church and Society? Witness Ministry Team (3) General Board of Discipleship? Nurture Ministry Team (Worship, Christian Ed., Stewardship, Spiritual Formation) Witness Ministry Team (Evangelism) (4) General Board of Global Ministries? Outreach Ministry Team (5) Higher Education and Campus Ministry? Higher Education and Campus Ministry Team (6) General Commission on Archives and History? Conference Commission on Archives and History (7) General Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Concerns? Conference Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Concerns (8) General Commission on Religion and Race? Conference Commission on Religion and Race Business of the Annual Conference 161 (9) General Commission on the Status and Role of Women? Conference Commission on the Status and Role of Women (10) United Methodist Communications? Conference Communications Committee c) Indicate the conference agencies which have responsibilities for the following functions: (1) Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries (¶655)? Witness Ministry Team (2) Disability Concerns (¶652)? Joint Committee on Incapacity (3) Equitable Compensation (¶624)? Commission on Equitable Compensation (4) Laity (¶630)? Conference Board of Lay Ministry (5) Native American Ministry (¶653)? Native American Ministry Council (6) Small Membership Church (¶644)? Conference Ministry Leadership Team d) Answer Yes or No for each of the following conference or district organizations: (1) Conference United Methodist Women (¶646)? Yes. (2) Conference United Methodist Men (¶647)? Yes. (3) Conference Council on Youth Ministry (¶648)? Yes. (4) Conference Council on Young Adult Ministry (¶649)? Yes. (5) District Boards of Church Location & Building (¶2518)? Yes. (6) Committees on District Superintendency (¶666)? Yes. (7) District Committees on Ordained Ministry (¶663)? Yes. e) What other councils, boards, commissions, or committees have been appointed or elected in the annual conference? Conference Oversight Board, Conference Sessions Committee, Camp & Retreat Ministries Team, Conference Nominating Committee, United Methodist Volunteers in Mission Committee, Task Force on Liberian Partnership, Council on Racial/Ethnic Leadership/Ethnic Minority Local Church, Hispanic Ministries Council, Korean Ministries Council, Conference Church Development Team, Rules Committee, Episcopal Residence Committee, District Leadership Teams, District Church Extension Societies, Disaster Response Team, Bishop’s Task Force on Excellence, Bishop’s Task Force on the Elimination of Hunger, Bishop’s Task Force to Abolish the Death Penalty. 5. Have the secretaries, treasurers, and statisticians kept their respective records according to the prescribed forms (¶606.8)? Yes 6. What is the report of the statistician? (See report, page 354 of Journal.) 7. What is the report of the treasurer? (See report, page 340 of Journal.) 8. What are the reports of the district superintendents as to the status of the work within their districts? (See report, page 204 of Journal.) 9. What is the schedule of minimum base compensation for pastors for the ensuing year (¶¶342, 24.3)? Minimum cash salary for Elders in Full Connections: $35,600 Minimum cash salary for Provisional Members: $33,800 Minimum cash salary for Local Pastors: $32,000 (For details, see Equitable Compensation Report, page 189 of this Journal.) 10. What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the district superintendents for the ensuing year (¶613.1a)? $898,111 11. a) What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the pension and benefit programs of the conference for the ensuing year (¶¶614.1d, 1507)? $350,000 b). What are the apportionments to this conference for the ensuing year: (1) For the World Service Fund? $391,068 (2) For the Ministerial Education Fund? $129,749 (3) For the Black College Fund? $51,751 (4) For the Africa University Fund? $11,582 162 Business of the Annual Conference (5) For the Episcopal Fund? $119,121 (6) For the General Administration Fund? $44,644 (7) For the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund? $10,270 12. If the annual conference apportions to the local church a fund that combines two or more general apportioned funds with one another, or that combines one or more general apportioned funds with funds other than a general apportioned fund, list below for each combined fund: a) the name and amount of each general fund included in the apportionment; b) the percentage of the combined fund total that corresponds to each general fund apportionment (¶¶614.3d, 615.4). World Service Fund 9.34% Ministerial Education Fund 3.10% Black College Fund 1.24% Africa University 0.28% Episcopal Fund 2.85% General Administration Fund 1.07% Interdenominational Coop 0.25% Annual Conf./Jurisdictional Conf. Funds 81.88% 13. Conference and district lay leaders (¶¶603.9, 659): a) Conference lay leader: Name: Cesie Delve Scheuermann Mailing Address: 1089 High St. SE, Salem, OR 97302 b) Associate conference lay leaders: None. c) District and associate district lay leaders: Metropolitan: Norm Dyer; Oregon Trail: Lisa Radford; Snake River: Carole Sullivan; Southern: David Armstrong; Western: Mary Foote 14. What local churches have been: a) Organized or Chartered? (1) New Church Start (¶259.2,.3) Lents Tongan Fellowship (2003); Wilshire Native American Fellowship (2004); Amistad y Fe Hispanic Fellowship (2006) (2) Mission Congregation (¶260.1a) None (3) Chartered Local Church (¶259.5) (List only churches chartered this year.) None b) Merged (¶¶2545, 2546)? None (1) United Methodist with United Methodist Drain and Yoncalla UMC’s have merged to become Hope UMC. (2) Other mergers c) Discontinued or abandoned (¶¶229, 341.2, 2548)? (State which for each church listed.) (1) New Church Start (¶260.2,.3) None. (2) Mission Congregation (¶259.1a) None (3) Chartered Local Church (¶259.5) Ontario Community (abandoned). d) Relocated and to what address? None e) Changed name of church? (Example: “First” to “Trinity”) None f) Transferred this year into this conference from other United Methodist conference(s) and with what membership (¶¶41, 260)? None g) What other changes have taken place in the list of churches? None 15. Are there Ecumenical Shared Ministries in the conference? (¶208) a) Federated church McMinnville Cooperative Ministry, Western District, ELCA b) Union Church Christ’s Church (Monmouth), Western District, Presbyterian, USA c) Merged Church None. d) Yoked Parish Asbury Hood River UMC and Our Redeemer ELCA (Hood River, OR) 16. What changes have been made in district and charge lines? Central District has been renamed Oregon Trail District. Business of the Annual Conference 163 PART II PERTAINING TO ORDAINED MINISTERS AND LOCAL PASTORS (Note: A (v) notation following a question in this section signifies that the action or election requires a majority vote of the clergy session of the annual conference. If an action requires more than a simple majority, the notation (v 2/3) or (v 3/4) signifies that a two-thirds or three-fourths majority vote is required. Indicate credential of persons in Part II: FD, FE, PD, PE, and AM when requested.) 17. Are all the clergy members of the conference blameless in their life and official administration (¶¶604.4, 605.6)? Yes. 18. Who constitute: a) The Committee on Investigation (¶2703.2)? (v) Clergy in full connection: Christina Thompson, Gary Ross, Linda Baker, Glen Clark Lay Observers: Howard Banta, Jamie Kienzle Clergy Alternates: Gregg Monroe, Larry Abell, Ernest Smith, John Mars Lay Observer Alternates: Lew Schaad b) The Administrative Review Committee (¶635)? (v) Ann Bateman, Linda Biggs, Don Barnhart Alternates: Steve Wolff, Debbie Pitney 19. Who have received the certificate of candidacy for ordained ministry? (¶¶311, 312 —Include the names and year of certificate of all candidates for ordained ministry who have been certified or approved for continuance by the district committee on ordained ministry. Do not list as continued those licensed as local pastors in question 21 or as provisional members in #28.) a) This year? Southern District Sandy Cheatham ‘11 Snake River District Paul Aitken ‘11 Western District David Hurd ‘10, Dexter Danielson ‘10, Mira Conklin ‘11 b) Continued? Oregon Trail District: Jill Plant ‘10 Snake River District: Janessa Chastain ‘10, Soane Lolo Raass ‘10 Western District Donna Sperry (certified ‘08; transferred from Detroit Conf.‘11) c) Discontinued? Bonnie Knight (Teresa Adams transferred candidacy to Desert Southwest) 20. Who have completed the studies for the license as a local pastor, are approved, but are not now appointed? (¶315 —Indicate for each person the year the license was approved.): Name Year Licensed/Approved Education Peter Geoffrion 2009 0 years Melanie Marcus 2010 seminary Curtis Naeve 2009 0 years 21. Who are approved and appointed as: (indicate for each person the first year the license was awarded. Indicate what progress each has made in the course of study or the name of the seminary in which they are enrolled. Indicate with an asterisk those who have completed the five year course of study or the M.Div. [¶319.4])? (v) a) Full-time local pastors (¶318.1)? Name Year Licensed in OR-ID Educ. Progress Erin Geoffrion* 2010 seminary David Hurd 2010 2 years Davey Lefler* 2006 completed Warren Light* 2006 seminary Jennifer Mercer 2007 0 years Kelly Raths* 2008 seminary Jeffery Rickman* 2011 seminary

164 Business of the Annual Conference b) Part-time local pastors ? (¶318.2) (fraction of full-time in one-quarter increments) : Name Licensed in OR-ID Educ. Progress fraction of full-time Juanita Bergacker* 2004 seminary .75 Eric Conklin* 2010 seminary .50 Tui’nauvai Fuapau* 2005 completed .25 Vi Goodman 2006 .5 year .75 Jerry Holland* 2000 completed .50 Tauileata Moli 2011 0 .75 Robert Reasoner 2000 4 years .75 Teresa Salyer 2010 36 hrs seminary .25 Jeri Soens 2011 0 .25 Elaine Steele 2006 2 years .75 Pearl Whistler 2008 .25 year .50 c) Students from other annual conferences or denominations serving as local pastors and enrolled in a school of theology listed by the University Senate (¶318.4)? None. d) Persons serving as local pastors while seeking readmission to conference membership (¶¶365.4, 366, 368.3)? None. 22. Who have been discontinued as local pastors (¶320.1)? David Buechler 23. Who have been reinstated as local pastors (¶320.4)? None. 24. What ordained ministers or provisional members from other Annual Conferences or Methodist denominations are approved for appointment in the Annual Conference while retaining their conference or denominational membership (¶¶331.8, 346.1)? (List alphabetically; indicate Annual Conference or denomination where membership is held. Indicate credential.) a) Annual Conference. Name Annual Conference Credential Years Catherine Davis Western North Carolina FE 1 William Mullette-Bauer Yellowstone FE 4 b) Other Methodist Denominations Name Annual Conference Credential Years Sin Hee Hwang Korean Methodist Church FE 6 Jorge Rodriguez Mexican Methodist Church FE 6 25. What clergy in good standing in other Christian denominations have been approved to serve appointments or ecumenical ministries within the bounds of the Annual Conference while retaining their denominational affiliation (¶¶331.8, 346.2)? v( ) (Designate with an asterisk those who have been accorded voting rights within the annual conference. Indicate credential.) Name Denomination Credential Bob Adams Episcopal Church Ordained Rich Christensen* Presbyterian Church USA Ordained Elizabeth Damico* ELCA Ordained Andy Satta Nazarene Church Ordained William Shields* Presbyterian Church USA Ordained William E. Taylor* Presbyterian Church USA Ordained Laura Truby* Episcopal Church Ordained Andy Wendle* ELCA Ordained Elizabeth Winslea* Presbyterian Church USA Ordained Tim Winslea* Presbyterian Church USA Ordained 26. Who are affiliate members: (List alphabetically; indicate conference where membership is held.) a) With vote (¶586.4 [v])? None Business of the Annual Conference 165 b) Without vote (¶¶334.5, 344.4)? (v 2/3) Amy Jo Jones Northern Illinois Annual Conference Douglas McGaughey Upper New York Annual Conference 27. Who are elected as associate members (¶322)? (v) (List alphabetically—see note preceding Question 27): None. 28. Who are elected as provisional members and what seminary are they attending, if in school? (under ¶¶322, 324, 325) a) Provisional Deacons: (1) Under the provisions of ¶¶ 324.4a, c? (v) None. (2) Under the provisions of ¶324.5? (v) None b) Provisional Elders: (1) Under the provisions of ¶¶ 324.4a, b? (v) Kathy Abend (2) Under the provisions of ¶324.6? (v) None (3) Under the provisions of ¶322.4? (v 3/4) None 29. Who are continued as provisional members, in what year were they admitted to provisional membership, and what seminary are they attending, if in school (¶326)? a) In preparation for ordination as a deacon? (PD) (¶326.1) Carol L. Brown 2009 b) In preparation for ordination as an elder? (PE) (¶326.2) Robin Franklin 2009 Jeffrey A. Gordon 2009 Gary A. Langenwalter 2011 (PD 2009) Eilidh Lowery 2008 Karen Puckett 2010 Karen Shimer 2009 Lois Wagner 2008 c) Provisional deacons who became provisional elders? None. d) Provisional elders who became provisional deacons? None. e) Provisional members who transferred from other conferences or denominations? (¶347) Pam Gurley 2010 Amy Pearson 2006 James Simmons 2010 30. Who have been received from other Christian denominations (¶347.3): (List alphabetically—see note preceding Question 27): a) As provisional members (¶347.3a,b)? (v)(date received) None. b) As local pastors (¶347.3a)? (v) (date received) None. 31. Who are elected as members in full connection? (List alphabetically—see note preceding Question 27. Anyone appearing on this question must also be listed somewhere in questions 32-33 or 35, unless the clergy’s orders from another denomination were recognized on question 39 in a previous year.): a) Deacons Linda Freund b) Elders Susan Boegli Janine DeLaunay John (Joung Youl) Go 166 Business of the Annual Conference 32. Who are elected for ordination as deacons in full connection, and what seminary did they attend? (List alphabetically—see note preceding Question 27) a) After provisional membership (¶330)? (v 2/3) Linda Freund (Illiff School of Theology) b) Transfer from elder in full connection (¶ 309.3)? (v 2/3) None 33. Who are elected for ordination as elders, and what seminary did they attend? a) After provisional membership (¶335)? (v 2/3) Susan Boegli (Candler School of Theology) Janine DeLaunay (Iliff School of Theology) John (Joung Youl) Go (Drew Theological School) b) Transfer from deacon in full connection (¶ 309.3)? (v 2/3) None. 34. What provisional members, previously discontinued, are readmitted (¶364)? (v) None. 35. Who are readmitted (¶¶365–365 [v], ¶368 [v 2/3]): a) As associate members? None b) As members in full connection? None 36. Who are returned to the effective relationship after voluntary retirement (¶358.7): (v) a) As associate members? None b) As provisional members? (Indicate credential) None c) As members in full connection? (Indicate credential) None 37. Who have been received by transfer from other annual conferences of The United Methodist Church (¶¶347.1, 416.5, 634.2m)? None. 38. Who are transferred in from other Methodist denominations (¶347.2)? (List alphabetically. Indicate credential.) None.

39. What clergy, coming from other Christian denominations, have had their orders recognized (¶348): (v) a) As deacons? None. b) As elders? None. 40. Who have been ordained as a courtesy to other conferences, after election by the other conference? (See note preceding Question 27. Such courtesy elections or ordinations do not require transfer of conference membership.) a) Deacons in full connection? None b) Elders in full connection? None 41. Who have been transferred out to other annual conferences of The United Methodist Church (¶416.5)? (List alphabetically. Indicate credential. See note preceding Question 27.) Name Annual Conference Date Credential Eric Brown Desert Southwest 7-1-2011 FE Darcey Gritzmacher Johnson Virginia 7-1-2011 FE 42. Who are discontinued as provisional members (¶327.6)? (Indicate credential) (v). None. 43. Who are on location? a) Who has been granted honorable location (¶359.1) ? (Give date when this action became effective. Record Charge Conference where membership is held. Indicate credential.): (1) This year? (v) None. (2) Previously? Business of the Annual Conference 167 Name Date Charge Conference Credential Mark Anderson 2004 Portland: Metanoia HL Robert Andrews-Bryant 2007 Boise: First HL Kristan Burkert 2001 Portland: First HL Donavan Burkert-Kerr 1992 Portland: First HL Edward T. Cobo 1977 Milwaukie: St. Paul HL Sandra Daniels 1997 Cupertino, CA:Good Samaritan HL L. Eugene Groves 1984 Turnagain, AK HL Janice K. Haftorson 2008 Portland: Capitol Hill HL Don Hanna 1999 Baker HL Patricia Hetrick 1996 Wilder HL Fredrick C. Kane 2008 Corvallis: First HL Michael Kennedy 2006 Idaho Falls: St. Paul’s HL Thomas Kirk 2010 Madras HL Joseph Pritchard 1997 Monmouth HL Susan Staley 2007 Paradise Valley, AZ HL b) Who on honorable location are appointed ad interim as local pastors? (¶359.2) None c) Who has been placed on administrative location (¶363.1)? (Give date when this action became effective. Record Charge Conference where membership is held. Indicate credential.): (1) This year? (v) None (2) Previously? None 44. Who have been granted the status of honorable location–retired (¶359.3)? (Record Charge Conference where membership is held. Indicate credential.): a) This year? (v) None. b) Previously? Name Charge Conference Credential Bruce Andrews Corvallis: First HR Richard Burdon Portland: University Park HR Stanley W. Day Portland: Christ HR Charles Johnson Salem: Morningside HR Edward Liebman, Jr. Portland: Rose City Park HR John F. Luebke Gainesville, TX HR James McCobb Tigard HR Milton L. Nelson Medford HR John Page St. John (Anchorage, AK) HR 45. Who have had their status as honorably located and their orders terminated (¶359.2)? (v) (Give date when this action became effective. Indicate credential.) None 46. Who have had their conference membership terminated? (Give date when this action became effective. Indicate credential.) a) By withdrawal to unite with another denomination (¶360.1, .4)? (v) Name Date Credential Cindy McNutt-Kaestner 05-23-2011 HL b) By withdrawal from the ordained ministerial office (¶360.2, .4)? v( ) None. c) By withdrawal under complaints or charges (¶¶360.3, .4; 2719.2)? (v) Name Date Credential Kirk Jeffery 03-15-2011 FE d) By termination of orders under recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶635.2k(8)? (v) None. e) By trial (¶2713)? (v) None. 168 Business of the Annual Conference 47. Who have been suspended under the provisions of ¶361.1c, ¶2704.2c or ¶2711.3? (Give effective dates. Indicate credential.) Name Date Credential Kirk Jeffery 03-05-2011 FE 48. Deceased (List alphabetically in the spaces provided) a) What associate members have died during the year? Effective: Name Date of Birth Date of Death Jerry Peters 07/07/1947 03/05/2011 Retired: None. b) What provisional members have died during the year? (Indicate credential.) None c) What elders in full connection have died during the year? Effective: Name Date of Birth Date of Death Marvin Jones 08/05/1951 02/11/2011 Retired: Name Date of Birth Date of Death Wayne F. Kildall 12/21/1922 04/28/2010 Paul D. Walker 02/27/1926 07/06/2010 Elwyn M. Williams 12/21/1922 07/14/2010 Darwin E. Secord 10/12/1921 08/25/2010 William H. Lavely 09/21/1921 08/26/2010 James Airey 12/05/1923 09/09/2010 William Frank 09/18/1918 10/12/2010 Delbert Remaley 05/30/1921 11/14/2010 George H. Allen 08/14/1919 03/06/2011 Adele Hustis 11/24/1936 04/30/2011 d) What deacons in full connection have died during the year? None. e) What local pastors have died during the year? Active: None. Retired: Name Date of Birth Date of Death Larry Ward 11/27/1943 01/20/2011 49. What provisional or ordained members (elders and deacons) have received appointments in other Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church while retaining their membership in this Annual Conference (¶¶331.8, 346.1)? (List alphabetically; indicate annual conference where appointed. Indicate credential.) Name Conference Credential Janet Cromwell Oregon-Idaho FE Linda Freund Rocky Mountain FD Gary Oba California-Pacific FE Lynn Rabenstein Pacific Northwest FD Elke Sharma Illinois Great Rivers FE Brenda Wingfield Wisconsin FD 50. Who are the provisional or ordained members on leave of absence and for what number of years consecutively has each held this relation (¶354)? (Indicate credential. Record Charge Conference where membership is held.) a) Voluntary? (v; v 2/3 after 5 years)

Business of the Annual Conference 169 (1) Personal (¶354.2a) Name Number of Years Charge Conference Credential Sydney Bell 1 year Pendleton FE Myoungsub Cho 2 years Portland-Korean FE Matthew Henry 1 year Pendleton FE Amy Pearson 3 years Pendleton PE Lois Wagner 2 years Bennett Chapel PE (2) Family (¶354.2b) Name Number of Years Charge Conference Credential Melissa Harkness Haugen 1 year Medford First FE (3) Transitional (¶354.2c) None. b) Involuntary? (v 2/3) None. c) Who have been placed on leave of absence since the last session of the annual conference (ad interim)?: (1) Voluntary? (v) (i) Personal Name Effective Date Charge Conference Credential Steve Wolff 01-01-2011 Portland: Christ FE (ii) Family None. (iii) Transitional None. (2) Involuntary? (v 2/3) None. d) Who on leave of absence have had their leaves terminated since the last session of the annual conference (ad interim)? Dorita Betts Borgerson (09-01-2010) 51. Who are granted sabbatical leave (¶352)? (v) (Give date when this relation became effective; indicate credential.) None. 52. What actions have been taken concerning disabled members (¶357)? (Indicate credential.) a) Who were granted incapacity leave since the last annual conference session (¶357.2)? (Give effective dates ) None. b) Who have had their incapacity leave terminated since the last conference session (¶357.3)? (Give effective dates of terminations): James Parr Philipson, FE (08-14-2010) c) Who are granted incapacity leave at this session (¶357.1)? (v) Barbara Bellus FE Sidney Harris FE Phillip Kearse FE David Kinman FE Jeremy Landau FE Brian Nelson-Munson FE 53. What members in full connection have been retired (¶358): (List alphabetically giving full name— first, middle, last—in that order. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶358.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶358.1, no vote required; under ¶358.2, v; under ¶358.3, v 2/3) Deacons a) This year? None. b) Previously? Linda Baker, Ann C. Bateman, Judith Fiske, Marianne Gallagher, Mary Ann Googins, Annis Rae Henson, Glenn W. Jaquith, Rhoda Pittman Markus, Barbara Shultz, Carol Heir Thomason, Janine Watkins Elders a) This year? Ron D. Borden (10-22-2010), Daniel O. Houghton (01-01-2011), Judith Johnson, Arvin R. Luchs, Emmett Shortreed 170 Business of the Annual Conference b) Previously? Elam J. Anderson, William Apel, Raymond E. Balcomb, Norman Barley, Earnest R. Bell, Robert L. Benefiel, Fred Brooks, Jon Brown, Dana Brown, Keith J. Brudevold, Robert W. Burtner, Ralph Cairns, Donald E. Colburn, Jack Freeman Cornell, Ronald J. Crandall, Karen Eleice Crooch, Glen Davidson, Margie (Mai) Davis, John L. Dawson, Jr., Robert L. Deal, Howard L. DeVore, Grace E. Drake, Clark Enz, Gerry Etchison, Arturo Fernandez, James A. Fiske, William S. Flanery, Charles Foster, Thomas W. Foster, Edson Gilmore, Meredith R. Groves, Vernon Groves, Henry L. Haines, Flora B. Hall, James A. Hand, Phil Hanni, Phil Harder, William E. Hare, Dale Harris, Robert Hefty, C.M. Kempton Hewitt, Wayne L. Hill, Ray Hinton, Joseph Housh, Ted Hulbert, James Hulett, Aura Lee Jabs, Perry L. Jackman, Charles C. Kerr, Robert G. Kingsbury, Alice Knotts, Kjell C. Knutsen, Eugene V. Lamb, George Larsen, Paul V. Larue, Denis Lawrence, Ralph A. Lawrence, Linda Layne, Robert Ledden, William Lineberry, Laurence A. Loftus, Betty N. Luginbill, Fred F. Lydum, Charles L. McCarthy, Bruce E. McConnell, Gerald McCray, Willam E. McDonald, Lane C. McGaughy, Robert D. McNeil, Gary M. Miller, James V. Miller, Ross Miller, Verle L. Mitchell, Lawrence E. Monk, W. Gregg Monroe, James P. Monroe, Bruce Montgomery, Herbert E. Morris, Dennis Mullins, Gerald C. Nelson, Susan Nelson, Robert Newberg, Jr., George Douglas Nicoll, Orville N. Nilsen, Willard D. Norman, Sue Owen, Benjamin L. Owre, Robert N. Peters, Donald Piercy, Paul H. Pike, Kenneth Plummer, David Poindexter, E. John Powers, Joanne Tilton Rannells, Tom Rannells, Ronald Ray, Delbert A. Rice, A. Harper Richardson, Earl W. Riddle, Allyn C. Rieke, Lorenz Schultz, John T. Schweibert, Herbert M. Scott, Virden Seybold, Jane Shaffer, Stuart R. Shaw, Rebecca Shields, Ruth Shirley, Barbara Eicher Shumar, John D. Skien, Karen Slotta, Ernest Irving Smith XXVII, Howard A. Smith II, James H. Smith, Judith E. Smith, Nevitt B. Smith, Edmund B. Stanton, William James Stuart, Luther Sturtevant, Wesley Taylor, Roberta Thomas, James S. Thompson, Raymond A. Thompson, Milo Thornberry, Lloyd G. Uecker, Fred C. Venable, Joe W. Walker, Eugene H. Walters, Glenn A. Waltman, T. Wayne Weld-Martin, Robert J. Wetzel, Boone L. White, David G. White, Thomas Whitehead, Ralph W. Wilde, David B. Williams, Keith Wise 54. What associate members have been retired (¶358): (List alphabetically giving full name—first, middle, last—in that order. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶358.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶358.1, no vote required; under ¶358.2, v; under ¶358.3, v 2/3) a) This year? None b) Previously? H. Lee Baker, Letha Essinger, Stacy Hance, Albert Hanson, D. Glen Hughes, Shirley A. Knight, Elliot L. Nichols, Jeannie Stoppel, Donald West 55. What provisional members have been retired (¶358): (Indicate credential. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶358.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶358.1, no vote required; under ¶358.2, v; under ¶358.3, v 2/3) a) This year? None b) Previously? None 56. Who have been recognized as retired local pastors (¶320.5): a) This year? None. b) Previously? Joyce M. Cann-Caspell, George Cobb, Margaret Anne Golden, David Goodrich, Mary Ellen Hare, Delores Hodney, Jim Ives, Ed Jabs, Donald Knepp, Shirley Manning Knepp, Lavonne Lacey, Noel Morfin, Tim Novak, Martha Oldham, Robert L. Reynolds, Richard Titus 57. Changes in clergy membership: What is the number of ordained ministers: (NOTE: The numbers in parenthesis following each category listing are the question numbers in this report form where ministers in that category are listed. The number reported below should agree with the number of names listed in the corresponding questions.) a) Elected as associate members? (27) 0 b) Elected as provisional members? (28a, b) 1 Business of the Annual Conference 171 c) Elected as deacons in full connection? (32a) 1 d) Elected as elders in full connection? (33a) 3 e) Readmitted? (34, 35a, b) 0 f) Retired made effective? (36a, b, c) 0 g) Transferred in? (30a, 37, 38) 0 h) Transferred out? (41) 2 i) Discontinued as provisional members? (42) 0 j) Honorably located this year? (43a1) 0 k) Administratively located this year? (43c1) 0 l) Withdrawn? (46a, b, c) 2 m) Termination of orders? (46d) 0 n) Terminated by trial? (46e) 0 o) Deceased? (48a, b, c, d) 12 58. What is the number of: a) Pastoral charges? 190 b) Local churches? 206 59. What is the number of clergy members of the Annual Conference: 351 a) By appointment category and conference relationship? (NOTES: (1) Where applicable, the question numbers on this report form corresponding to each category have been placed in parenthesis following the category title. Where these question numbers appear, the number reported in that category should agree with the number of names listed in the corresponding questions. (2) For the three categories of Appointments to Extension Ministries, report as follows: ¶344.1a, c): the number of clergy members appointed within United Methodist connectional structures, including district superintendents, or to an ecumenical agency. ¶344.1b, c): the number of clergy members appointed to extension ministries, under endorsement by the Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. ¶344.1d): the number of clergy members appointed to other valid ministries, confirmed by a two- thirds vote of the Annual Conference. See the Discipline paragraphs indicated for more detailed description of these appointment categories.) (Licensed Local Pastors not currently under appointment should not be counted as clergy members of the conference) 172 Business of the Annual Conference

Associate Deacons Elders Members & Full–time Part–time Provisional Provisional in Full in Full Affiliate Local Local Categories Deacons Elders Connection Connection Members Pastors Pastors With Vote Pastors and deacons whose primary appointment is to 4 106 0 9 2 5 11 a Local Church (¶¶331.1c, 339) Deacons (in full connection and xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx provisional) serving 5 xxxxx 1 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Beyond the Local xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Church (¶331.1a, b) (81a,b) Appointments to xxxxx xxxxx Extension Ministries xxxxx 16 xxxxx 0 0 1 0 (¶316.1; 344.1a, c) xxxxx xxxxx (80a) Appointments to xxxxx xxxxx Extension Ministries xxxxx 5 xxxxx 0 0 0 0 (¶316.1; 344.1b) xxxxx xxxxx (80b) Appointments to xxxxx xxxxx Extension Ministries xxxxx 5 xxxxx 0 0 1 0 (¶316.1; 344.1d) xxxxx xxxxx (80c) Appointments to xxxxx xxxxx 0 1 0 0 0 Attend School (82) xxxxx xxxxx Appointed to Other xxxxx xxxxx Annual Conferences 2 3 0 0 0 xxxxx xxxxx (49) On Leave of xxxxx xxxxx 0 3 0 2 0 Absence (50a, 50b) xxxxx xxxxx On Family Leave xxxxx xxxxx 0 1 0 0 0 (50a2, c2) xxxxx xxxxx On Sabbatical Leave xxxxx xxxxx 0 0 0 0 0 (51) xxxxx xxxxx On Incapacity Leave 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 (52c) On Transitional xxxxx xxxxx Leave (50a3, 0 0 0 0 0 xxxxx xxxxx 50c1iii) Retired xxxxx xxxxx 11 142 0 0 9 (53, 54, 55) xxxxx xxxxx Total Number, 22 288 1 11 11 7 11 Clergy Members Grand Total, All Conference 351 Clergy Members Business of the Annual Conference 173 b) By gender and racial/ethnic identification? (NOTE: See the instruction for item 59 for guidelines to assist in the racial/ethnic identification count.) Female Clergy Members Associate Members & Categories Deacons Elders Affiliate Full–time Part–time in Full in Full Provisional Provisional Members Local Local Connection Connection Deacons Elders with Vote Pastors Pastors 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 African American/ Black 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hispanic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 19 75 1 8 3 3 6 White 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Multi-Racial 19 75 1 8 4 3 6 Total Number, Female Clergy Members* Grand Total, All Conference 116 Female Clergy Members*

Male Clergy Members Associate Members & Categories Deacons Elders Affiliate Full–time Part–time in Full in Full Provisional Provisional Members Local Local Connection Connection Deacons Elders with Vote Pastors Pastors 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 Asian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 African American/ Black 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hispanic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Pacific Islander 3 205 0 3 7 4 3 White 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Multi-Racial 3 214 0 3 7 4 5 Total Number, Male Clergy Members* Grand Total, All Conference 235 Male Clergy Members*

*The sums entered in these spaces should agree with the comparable totals in the bottom two lines of question 59). 174 Business of the Annual Conference PART III CERTIFICATION IN SPECIALIZED AND CERTIFIED LAY MINISTRY (¶635.2u, v, The Book of Discipline) Note: Indicate credential of persons in Part III: FD, FE, PD, PE, AM, FL, PL, and LM. 60. Who are the candidates in process for certification in specialized ministry? Miranda Lovegren LM Toyomi Yoshida LM 61. Who is certified in specialized ministry? (List the areas of specialized ministry. Indicate by an asterisk those certified this year.) Lisa Jean Hoefner Camping and Retreat Ministries FE Patricia Meyers Christian Education and Music FD Jane Petke Camping and Retreat Ministries LM Joanne Scott Music LM Kevin Witt Camping and Retreat Ministries FE 62. Who are transferred in as a certified person in specialized ministry? None 63. Who are transferred out as a certified person in specialized ministry? None 64. Who have been removed as a certified person in specialized ministry? None 65. Who are certified as lay ministers (¶ 271, 635.2v, and 665.10)? (List alphabetically giving full name—first, middle, last—in that order, by district) None.

PART IV DIACONAL MINISTERS (Paragraph numbers in questions 67-75 refer to The 1992 Book of Discipline)

66. Who constitute the Committee on Investigation (¶2703.3)? (v) Jane Hill and three to be nominated by the bishop; Alternate: Larry Abell 67. Who are reinstated as diaconal ministers (¶313.3c)? (v) None 68. Who are transferred in as diaconal ministers (¶312)? None 69. Who are transferred out as diaconal ministers (¶312)? None. 70. Who have had their conference relationship as diaconal ministers terminated by Annual Conference action (¶313.3)? (Under ¶313.3a, no vote; under ¶313.3b, v 2/3) None 71. What diaconal ministers have died during the year? a) Effective: None b) Retired: None. 72. What diaconal ministers have been granted leaves of absence under ¶313.1a, c, d) (disability, study/ sabbatical, or personal leave): (v) a) Since the last session of the Annual Conference? (Give effective date of each): None b) At this session of the Annual Conference? (Include names of persons listed in Question 72a, if their leaves of absence are continuing): None 73. What diaconal ministers have been granted an extended leave (¶313.1e): a) Since the last session of the Annual Conference? (Give effective date of each): None b) At this session of the Annual Conference? (Include names of persons listed in Question 73a, if their leaves of absence are continuing): None 74. Who have returned to active status: a) From disability, study/sabbatical, or personal leave of absence (¶313.1a, c, d)? None b) From extended leave (¶313.1e)? (v) None Business of the Annual Conference 175 75. Who have taken the retired relationship to the Annual Conference as diaconal ministers (¶313.2): (Under ¶313.2b, v 2/3) a) This year? None b) Previously? Colleen Foster, Ruth Walton, Karen Warren PART V APPOINTMENTS AND CONCLUDING BUSINESS 76. Who are approved for less than full-time service? a) What associate members and elders are approved for appointment to less than full-time service, what is the total number of years for which such approval has been granted to each, and for what fraction of full-time service (in one-quarter increments) is approval granted (for purposes of equitable compensation claim and pension credit) ¶¶338.2, 342.2, 1506.4b)? (v ¾): Name Credential Total Years Fraction Roger Carlson FE 9 .75 Achsah Clark FE 1 .50 April Hall Cutting FE 6 .50 Paul Darling FE 11 .75 Beth Estock FE 6 .75 Robin Franklin PE 2 .25 Jeffrey Gordon PE 3 .50 Leslie Hall FE 4 .50 Marcia Hauer FE 11 .25 Pam Gurley PE 2 .75 Gary Langenwalter PE 3 .50 Jon Langenwalter FE 2 .50 Jeanne Knepper FE 3 .75 Karen Nelson FE 3 .50 Kwang Seog Oh FE 2 .50 Gary Powell FE 9 .50 John Pitney FE 12 .75 David Raines FE 1 .25 David Thompson FE 3 .75 Linda Tucker FE 3 .50 Anne Weld-Martin FE 12 .50 Bruce Wenigmann FE 3 .75 Steve Wolff FE 1 .75 b) What deacons in full connection and probationary (provisional) deacons are approved for appointment to less than full-time service (¶331.7)? Name Credential Fraction Larry Abell FD .25 Carol Brown PD .50 Laura Jaquith Bartlett FD .25 Linda Freund FD .75 Ardis Letey FD .50 Jeffery Lowery FD .50 Lynn Rabenstein FD .50 Joyce Sluss FD .50 Brenda Wingfield FD .50 77. Who have been appointed as interim pastors under the provisions of ¶338.3 since the last session of the annual conference, and for what period of time? Rinya Frisbie (FE), Beaverton, 1/11/2011-6/30/2011 Paul Darling (FE), Hood River: Asbury, 1/15/2011-6/30/2011 Jennifer Mercer (FL), Ontario Community, 7/15/2011-9/15/2011 Jane Shaffer (RE), Sherwood, 3/15/2011-6/30/2011 176 Business of the Annual Conference 78. What changes have been made in appointments since the last annual conference session? (Attach list. Include Appointments Beyond the Local Church and Appointments to Extension Ministries. Give effective dates of all changes.) 7/15/2010, Jennifer Mercer (FL) from Vale/Ontario First UMC to Vale/Ontario First/Ontario Community UMCs 8/15/2010, James Parr Philipson (FE) from Incapacity Leave to Corvallis First UMC 9/1/2010, Dorita Betts Borgerson (FD) from Personal Leave of Absence to Ashland First UMC, Ministry of Spiritual Growth and Outreach 9/15/2010, Jennifer Mercer (FL) from Vale/Ontario First/Ontario Community UMCs to Vale & Ontario First UMC 10/4/2010, Scott Harkness from Assistant to the Bishop for Transition to Assistant to the Bishop 1/1/2011, Steve Wolff (FE) from Beaverton First UMC to Personal Leave of Absence 1/11/2011, Rinya Frisbie (FE) from Hood River Asbury UMC to Beaverton First UMC 1/16/2011, Paul Darling (FE) from Pioneer UMC & Wilshire UMC/Native American Fellowship to Hood River Asbury UMC. 1/16/2011, Julie Davis (OE) from retired to Wilshire UMC/Native American Fellowship. 1/17/2011, Patricia Kessel (OE) from retired to Pioneer UMC 2/21/2011, Marshall Wattman-Turner (FE) from Hospice NW to Hospice NW (3/4) & Pioneer UMC (1/4) 3/15/2011, Jane Shaffer (RE) from retirement to Sherwood UMC 5/15/2011, Tim Novak (RL) from Echo UMC to retirement 79. What elders (full connection and provisional), associate members, and local pastors are appointed to ministry to the local church and where are they appointed for the ensuing year? (Attach a list.) See Appointment List on page 108 of this Journal. 80. What elders (full connection and provisional), associate members, and local pastors are appointed to extension ministries for the ensuing year? (Attach a list) See List page 114. a) Within the connectional structures of United (¶344.1a, c)? b) To ministries endorsed by the Board of Higher Education and Ministry (¶344.1b, c)? c) To other valid ministries under the provisions of ¶344.1d? (v 2/3) 81. Who are appointed as deacons (full connection and provisional) for the ensuing year? (Attach a list.) See Appointment List page 108. a) Through non-United Methodist agencies and settings beyond the local church (¶331.1a)? b) Through United Methodist Church-related agencies and schools within the connectional structures of The United Methodist Church (¶331.1b)? c) Within a local congregation, charge, or cooperative parish (¶331.1c)? 82. Who are appointed to attend school (¶416.6)? (List alphabetically all those whose prime appointment is to attend school.) Associate Members: None. Provisional Members: None. Members in Full Connection: David King (FE) 83. Where are the diaconal ministers appointed for the ensuing year (¶310) [1992 Discipline]? Jane Hill Mediation Services Provider, Sunset Empire Resolution Services

84. What other personal notations should be made? (Include such matters as changes in pension credit (¶1506.6), corrections or additions to matters reported in the “Business of the Annual Conference” form in previous years, and legal name changes of clergy members and diaconal ministers.) Christina Fridel has reclaimed her former name of Christina Thompson. Wayne Kildall (RE) died on 4/28/2010 but that information was not included in the 2010 BAC. 85. Where and when shall the next Conference Session be held (¶603.2, 3)? June 14-17, 2012, at the Salem Conference Center (Salem, OR). Reports 177 Reports

NOTE: Members and leaders of each team are listed in the Boards and Agencies section of the Journal, beginning on page 9 of Volume I.

Conference Boards and Agencies: Ministry Leadership Team...... 178 Annual Conference Oversight Board...... 179 Camp and Retreat Ministries Team...... 180 Nurture Team...... 181 United Methodist Volunteers in Mission...... 181 Partnership with Liberia Task Force...... 182 Witness Team...... 182 Hispanic-Latino Ministries Council...... 183 Committee on Native American Ministry...... 184 Campus Ministry and Higher Education Ministry Team...... 184 Commission on Religion and Race...... 185 Commission on the Status and Role of Women...... 186 Conference Lay Leader...... 186 Youth Ministry...... 187 United Methodist Women...... 187 Young Adult Ministry...... 188 Board of Ordained Ministry...... 188 Commission on Equitable Compensation...... 189 Council on Finance and Administration Report...... 189 CFA Annual Recommendations...... 191 Conference Rules Committee...... 191 Board of Pensions & Health Benefits...... 192 Board of Pensions Addendum C...... 197 Board of Pensions Funding Plan...... 198 Board of Pensions Informational Data...... 199 Board of Trustees...... 200 Commission on Archives and History...... 201 United Methodist Ministers’ Retirement Fund...... 201 Church Development Team...... 202 Bishop’s Initiative to Eliminate Hunger...... 203 Central District...... 204 Metropolitan District...... 205 Snake River District...... 206 Southern District...... 206 Western District...... 207 Africa University...... 208 Boston University School of Theology...... 209 Candler School of Theology...... 210 Drew Theological School...... 211 Pacific School of Religion...... 212 United Theological Seminary...... 213 178 Reports 2011 Pre-Conference Reports Boards & Agencies of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference The United Methodist Church Ministry Leadership Team Scott Harkness, General Assistant to the Bishop

Chatter about the need for “paradigm-shifting” change has been rumbling around our conference for a number of years. But in the last two years we moved from talk to action! What began as a study of our conference budget as a mission document evolved into a full-blown assessment of the annual conference’s role in moving the Oregon-Idaho United Methodist connection towards effective disciple- making/world-transforming ministry in the 21st century – a ministry best accomplished by local churches in their communities. Guided by books such as J. Russell Crabtree’s Fly In the Ointment: Why Denominations Aren’t Helping Their Congregations and How They Can and Paul D. Borden’s Hit The Bullseye: How Denominations Can Aim Congregations at the Mission Field, a new vision for conference leadership began to emerge and take shape.

The clarified commitment to growing “healthy, vital congregations” led to some major and bold steps being presented to and adopted by the 2010 Session of the Annual Conference. One of those bold steps was a reconfiguration of the conference leadership structure. Conference rules that defined the nature and make up of the Conference Leadership Team were suspended for two years to allow experimentation with two new bodies: the Ministry Leadership Team (MLT) assigned with the responsibility for ministry, and the Annual Conference Oversight Board (ACOB) given the role of governance and accountability.

This is the report of the Ministry Leadership Team, which has met monthly under the leadership of Bishop Hoshibata.

Created with the expectation to actually “get things done” on the Mission and Vision of the Conference, the Ministry Leadership Team is comprised mostly of conference staff: Conference Lay Leader, Cesie Delve Scheuermann; Conference Communications Director, Greg Nelson; Executive Director of Camp and Retreat Ministries, Lisa Jean Hoefner; Director of New Faith Communities, Beth Estock; Director of Stewardship & Finance, Bill Mullette-Bauer; General Assistant to the Bishop, Scott Harkness; and the five district Assistants to the Bishop – Donna Pritchard, Kim Fields, Kate Conolly, Steve Ross and Lowell Greathouse.

Our first order of business was to fully grasp the vision of healthy, vital congregations, to set priorities and to determine first steps. Last July, less than a month after our 2010 Session, the MLT sponsored a workshop that featured the Rev. Bob Farr, the Missouri Annual Conference staff person that oversees their Healthy Church Initiative (HCI). Joined at the workshop by other leaders of our conference and districts, the MLT became convinced that the Healthy Church Initiative offered a model that would transform our annual conference. We made a decision then and there to take Missouri’s HCI for a trial run in our conference. In September, a team of five people attended an HCI training in St. Louis and we returned with the confidence to launch three pilot groups for pastors throughout our annual conference using the curriculum and reading list developed in the Missouri Conference. The first pilot group of 10 pastors from the Central and Snake River Districts began their eight-month course in October. In January, a pilot group of 16 pastors from the Metro and Western Districts began meeting and a week later a pilot group of eight Southern District pastors started the same eight-month course. Two Assistants to the Bishop lead each group so they will have firsthand experience with the course. Upon completion of these classes, the curriculum will be evaluated and re-written to fit the Oregon-Idaho context, a new round of leadership groups for clergy and laity will be formed this fall, and persons from the pilot groups will be invited to be the next generation of leaders – a process that is already underway.

Three of the A2B’s and two laypersons participated on Church Consultation teams in Missouri in March. They returned as witnesses to the transforming effect that this weekend “diagnosis-and- prescription” event has on a congregation and its leaders. A weekend Consultation is a culminating event Reports 179 for those churches whose leaders have participated in the leadership development course. It is often the precipitating event for lasting change in a congregation and is a key component of our Healthy, Vital Church Initiative.

What we call the Healthy, Vital Church Initiative (HVCI) has become a primary driver of the MLT’s work this year. Add to it the other primary drivers, the New Start Initiative (NSI) managed by the conference Church Development Team (look for their report elsewhere in the Journal), and the general continuing education initiative we’ve nicknamed Vitality U. and you have the main components of a conference vision that the MLT has labeled: THE VITAL CHURCH PROJECT… revitalization through leadership development and starting new faith communities. This is the star around which our efforts now orbit.

An unexpected turn of events has led to the difficult decision to eliminate the GeneralAssistant to the Bishop position on July 1st due to budget constraints. And this has led many people to wonder how the conference intends to keep its momentum into the vision of healthy vital congregations with one fewer Assistant to the Bishop. While details are still being figured out, some general decisions have been made about the major parts of Scott Harkness’ portfolio, which will be parceled out to the other Assistants to the Bishop…

The role of Director of Connectional Ministries (DCM) will be filled by Lowell Greathouse who, as our conference DCM, will sit at jurisdictional and denominational tables. Steve Ross will administrate the Healthy, Vital Church Initiative process with Gwen Drake, who will organize the coaching aspects of the HVCI. Eventually, Steve will act as “dean” of Vitality U. when it is developed. Kim Fields will pick up various administrative tasks related to Scott’s job, e.g., chairing the conference nominating committee, providing staff support to the legislative assembly, overseeing the annual Collins Foundation Grant process, etc. Kate Conolly, who will become the dean of the cabinet in July, will concentrate on personnel matters.

As the MLT looks forward in the months to come, they hope to be ready this fall to roll out an innovative process of congregational self-assessment, providing new reference tools for measuring and benchmarking a congregation’s priorities and plans, along with a redesigned church profile form. We will also focus on coaching and the many ways it can be used in our conference for transformation and growth.

Finally, we are working diligently to understand and develop a healthy relationship with the new Annual Conference Oversight Board - making the distinction between governance and ministry, holding ourselves accountable to the conference Mission/Vision, learning how to be realistic about those things that will make a real difference and to be transparent in our efforts to pursue them.

Annual Conference Oversight Board Cesie Delve Scheuermann, Chair

During the 2010 Annual Conference Session, legislation was adopted to suspend rules that establish the Conference Leadership Team for two years. In its place, the “Annual Conference Oversight Board” (ACOB) was formed. Action Request #12 created the ACOB and charged it with the responsibility of “holding the Ministry Leadership Team accountable to the vision and strategic direction of the Annual Conference.” The ACOB membership consists of:

Conference Lay Leader: Cesie Delve Scheuermann District Lay Leaders: Carole Sullivan, David Armstrong, Norm Dyer, Mary Foote, and Lisa Radford At-Large Lay Persons: Trudy Pollard, Jeff Grimm, Robert Potter, Deb Payne, and Laila Umpleby.

Much of this first year has been spent becoming aware of and grounded in the work of theAnnual 180 Reports Conference and Ministry Leadership Team. The ACOB began its work by reading two books that informed much of the vision of the MLT: The Fly in the Ointment: Why Denominations aren’t Helping the Congregations and…How they Can (J. Russell Crabtree) and Hit the Bullseye: How Denominations Can Aim the Congregation at the Mission Field (Paul Borden).

After an all-day joint meeting with the MLT in October, the ACOB began meeting once a month via teleconferencing. During these meetings, we reviewed the minutes of the previous MLT meetings and hosted a “guest” from the MLT in order to better understand its work.

Most recently, the MLT and ACOB met together in May to discuss Winning on Purpose: How to Organize Congregations to Succeed in Their Mission by John Edmund Kaiser. Both groups will be soon reading and discussing a book on a similar topic by Dan Hotchkiss, Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership. This will undoubtedly help the ACOB enter into the next phase of its work by providing a road map to appropriately and helpfully guide the work of the MLT.

The members of the ACOB have felt privileged to have this opportunity to be at the forefront of an exciting and revitalizing time in the life of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference. We believe that God is indeed in the midst of our work. Even though change can be slow and painful, we are confident the rewards will bear much fruit in our local congregations. Praise be to God!

Board of Camp and Retreat Ministries Rev. Bill Gates, Chair

Camp and Retreat Ministries of this Conference continues to move faithfully in its mission of Christian discipleship. These are among our board’s priorities and a sample of how they are being worked out in the mission field of our communities.

Focus on spiritual practices: Set in the mystical beauty of God’s creation our ministries engage pilgrims from all ages and walks of life in the great spiritual practices of our faith tradition. Passionate worship, intentional faith development, and radical hospitality are among those taught and practiced. We offer over 120 events that intentionally engage leadership development, spiritual nurture, just community, and pathways of healing.

Addressing Culture Shifts in our communities: In his book, Recreating the Church: Leadership for the Postmodern Age, Richard Hamm writes about the ‘perfect storm’ that has confronted the mainline church in recent decades. He identifies the triple threat of culture shifts (modern to postmodern), obsolete organizational forms inherited from earlier times, and the resulting fear “that has turned us inward toward maintenance and survival rather than mission.” We continue to address these culture shifts head- on. Speaking the language of today’s children, youth and young adults we support local congregations through Confirmation Weekend, winter retreat weekends, leadership councils, Youth 2011 promotion, and youth leadership training. Google ads have recently replaced newspaper ads in promotion strategy to wider audiences. Cooperative camping programs with the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon have created opportunities to reach ethnic youth. Our day camps in southern Oregon communities are assisting with outreach to children in those towns. And our multi-generational camps continue to provide a relational link that our hyper-consuming, rapid-paced culture threatens to leave in the dust. As our culture continues to shift generationally, ethnically, and economically, our mission remains constant and unchanging. How we carry out that mission will continue to shift with the tides.

Strengthening the relationship between local congregations and Camp and Retreat Ministries: In the non-profit world, where Camp and Retreat Ministries and our local congregations both hold a place, it is easy to get wrapped up in the drive for “success.” Numbers and statistics and money often tend to be the drivers of our decisions unless we remember that it is “faithfulness” and not success that is central to our existence. Our mission for Camp and Retreat Ministries is clear: We are dedicated to creating quality environments of Christian hospitality and learning. We nurture persons so that they may: Grow in wisdom and healthy self-esteem; Develop lifestyles of loving interdependence with each other Reports 181 and all of creation; Affirm and expand their faith in God and their service as Christian disciples within God’s world. It is the faithful relationship with local congregations that makes this mission so rich and meaningful.

Attending to Financial Sustainability: Funding our missional work with an eye on sustainability has required a constant vigilance of policy and opportunity. We continue to work toward efficiency in scheduling and equity in fee structuring with the faithfulness of our mission in mind. The Time to Grow campaign is also beginning to bear fruit in preparing us for a bright future. This year we have constructed 2 two-bedroom yurts at Wallowa Lake, a year-round showerhouse has been framed in at Suttle Lake, renovations to cabins have been completed at Magruder, with plans being made for a new office and small group meeting space at Sawtooth.

Nurture Team Jill Plant, Chair

The Nurture Team encompasses Worship, Christian Education, and Spiritual Formation. The Team did not meet in person this year, but kept in contact by email to make decisions on the distribution of Christian Education Sunday Funds. Cooperation with the Oregon-Idaho Christian Educators Fellowship has brought national workshops and networking to the conference. We will continue to pursue these avenues to provide conference members with training, information and support. We are also working on placing support materials on the conference website, including links to the Global Board of Discipleship resources.

Thank you to all of the congregations who gave offerings on Christian Education Sunday in September. We received $2,374.49 from 19 congregations in the Conference. We continue to communicate not only the importance of this offering, but also the availability of grants for local churches in our conference for Christian Education programs because of these funds. Some of the grants given in 2010/2011 include: funding for young adults to attend the National Camp Leaders Training ($1350); for Sharon Gutierrez to attend the 2010 Impact Conference ($119); and partial funding for the Adult Spiritual Formation Training held at Montavilla UMC (up to $2000).

United Methodist Volunteers In Mission Brenda St. Clair, Chair

“Christian Love in Action” is the United Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM) theme. Fifteen teams from the Oregon-Idaho Conference demonstrated this theme in 2010. Teams served internationally in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Kenya, Guatemala and Haiti. A couple of teams worked at the UMCOR Depot in Salt Lake City, UT and a team went to the UMCOR Depot in Baldwin, LA. Teams also served in Lewis County, WA and New Orleans, LA. There was an individual who shared love and skills as a Primetimer in Albuquerque, NM and a couple spent several months in Peru and Bolivia as Individual Volunteers In Mission working and receiving teams to further the progress of that mission.

With earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and Guatemala, there was great need for support in the form of extra hands, financial support, loving and nurturing. UMVIMers are a tremendous resource for those things plus much more! UMVIMers would not be able to be as effective as they are without the support of our local churches. Thank you to everyone who donates and lifts our individuals and teams in prayer during their mission experiences!

“Christian Love in Action” is alive and well in the Oregon-Idaho Conference. 182 Reports Oregon-Idaho Partnership Task Force with the Partnership with Liberia Beverly J. Walker, Chair

We have a committed group of people who serve on the Partnership Task Force with Liberia. These people meet one or two times a year and pay their own expenses for our meeting. Other decisions are made by phone calls and email during the year.

Our Task Force Members are: Larry Calkins, Jim & Rinya Frisbie, Gbayou Garmondeh, Geraldine Hammond, Verna Harelson, Sandy Harland, Linda Hurley, Rochelle Killett, Jackee & Larry Mehl, Steve Mitchell, Tom & Corinne Tate, Colleen & Dick Todd, and Joe & Beverly Walker.

We are pleased that Bishop John G. Innis will be at our Annual Conference this year. John has visited our Conference and met many of our Conference members in their local churches. John’s wife, Irene, will be with him. We are so glad that the two of them will be with us and will to get to know Oregon-Idaho!

We will have a dinner on Saturday afternoon and John & Irene will be speaking. They will be able to tell us how things are going in Liberia now and how important Volunteers-In-Mission Teams will be warmly greeted at Camphor Mission School.

We will be selling our Liberia Task Force Pins to raise money for scholarships for students to attend Camphor Mission. If you want to help raise money before Annual Conference, please contact Beverly Walker by phone or e-mail and she will send some pins for you to sell in your local church. Or maybe you would want to sell them in August just before school starts here in Oregon and Idaho, but school will also start in Liberia! We have funds to send for this year and next year, but we have to raise money for future years!

Camphor Mission School has gotten the attention of the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission community and there have been several long-term volunteers that have been at Camphor Mission School. Kathy & Danny Dickriede are taking a UMVIM Team to Camphor Mission School in Late June. They will have a team of 10 persons and then another six people after that. Cecilia Cephas is the new director for the school. She came in mid-March. There is a long-term volunteer, Lindsey Brown, that has been there since January and will be there until sometime this summer. Her blog, http://inpursuitofhisglory. can be accessed on the Internet. The new business manager, Obediah Dehwain, was a former teacher at Camphor Mission School. The school is going strong and any assistance for scholarships is appreciated!

We hope to have another team from Oregon-Idaho in the next few years!

Witness Ministries Team April Hall Cutting, Chair

With the loss of Conference funding, the Witness team did not meet in person this year but via conference call and email communication. We are grateful for the resources of the Peace with Justice offering fund that we continued to administer. With a smaller team, we are reevaluating our role in raising the voice of justice as the Annual Conference structure changes.

We continue to provide copies of the UM Social Principles at events and encourage local churches and clergy to engage with the Principles. We work collaboratively with the Methodist Federation for Social Action and the Reconciling Ministries network on legislative issues, tracking the AC Standing Resolutions and discerning new areas of work.

We welcome Claudia Roberts as the new Peace with Justice Coordinator for the Conference. She is a respected voice in our midst and looking forward to stepping into the job with her unique gifts. Reports 183 This winter, Peace with Justice funds provided travel for the Rev. Eilidh Lowery to attend the Young Clergy Forum of the General Board of Church and Society. PWJ also awarded two $500 mini grants – one to the Salem Peace Mosaic project (see and one for a speaker at Oregon State United Campus ministry seminar titled “Addicted to Failure: The US Drug War Policy in the Americas” that was held on April 18, 2011. Check the conference website or contact Claudia Roberts to apply for these funds, supported by our annual Special Sunday offerings.

Hispanic-Latino Ministries Council Vera A. Kenyon, chair

This past year since Annual Conference a year ago has been very challenging. While we have been successful in creating an awareness of, and interest in ministering to our Hispanic/Latino brothers and sisters our budget was cut and will be again this coming year due to the lack of apportionment support. In an effort to make up for the lost funds an anonymous donor assisted us with the expenses so we could appeal to each congregation within the Oregon-Idaho conference to fulfill their HispanicAskings. Some of you were able to do so 100% and some of you were able to send at least a portion of the asking. For your support we are very grateful. As we face the reality that funding is not adequate for us to provide the programming we have done previously we are saddened and challenged.

Another loss is the resignation of Rev. Ron Whitlatch who has been our Conference Director of Hispanic/Latino Ministries and Director of the Hispanic Ministries Training Institute. Rev. Whitlatch and his wife, Cathy, are both GBGM missionaries and will be in New York City beginning in June. We are so very grateful for the leadership Ron has been able to provide us during the past three years.

At this writing we do not know how we will be able to provide the trainings and assistance at the level Rev. Whitlatch provided, but your conference council is working hard to be able to assist you. We are currently in consultation with Rev. Pat Bruns and Dionicio Salazar from GBGM in writing a grant which is matchable with your Askings gifts and will assist us in continuing programming for you.

While I have reported the bad news there certainly is good news too, for which we praise God. We anticipate announcing at Annual Conference a new Hispanic UMC congregation! In addition, Mira Conklin and her husband, Rev. Eric Conklin, continue their work in developing a Hispanic ministry in Cornelius, Oregon. They are working with others in their area to expand this ministry in neighboring UMC’s. Juanita Villarreal, Beaverton UMC, is conducting a Bible study at the church on Sundays as well as reaching out into the community. She has worked with several within her congregation to establish a Hispanic Resource Center which opened this spring and is extremely busy serving families. An ESL class has also begun at their church. Hillsboro is just completing its fourth year offering a very successful ESL program and beginning to offer faith-based activities. There are many other churches within our conference who are offering ESL courses in their communities. This is a great first step to reach out to others and get them into worship settings.

Rev. Jorge Rodriguez, a team of his laity from his Wilder mission church, and Rev. Al Trachsel are beginning a ministry in Caldwell, Idaho. This is an exciting and energetic ministry which will spread and grow through the area and beyond. During this past year a mix of youth and adults have formed a praise band and are assisting in the worship services. They are currently conducting Home Bible studies in Wilder, Homedale, Parma, Caldwell, and Boise. The Hispanic congregation in Wilder continues to grow and flourish.

Western District, Metro District and the Lower Snake River area of the Snake River District each have councils who are actively working with local churches assisting as they can to reach out to our Hispanic brothers and sisters. If you would like to become involved with one of these councils or start one in your area, we are happy to help. Check your Conference Journal for contact names and numbers. 184 Reports Committee On Native American Ministry Eva Johnson, Chair

The Committee on Native American Ministry (CONAM) has been active in this conference for over 25 years. When I become a committee member Carol Youngbird-Holt was the chairperson. Her love and commitment was ministering with Native people. Our CONAM committee is small and unknown to many in the conference, but I believe we continue that same love and commitment that Pastor Carol had.

A brief description of CONAM activities in 2010-2011 is shared. We continue our support of two summer camps, Hawtnin Weetes Hallowed Ground Culture Camp at Wallowa Lake and Huckleberry Family at Camp Magruder; we made a financial contribution to the Sierra Service Project who built wheelchair ramps for seniors on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho; we sponsored a young person to attend a Leadership Academy/Family Camp and supported a committee member who is attending classes to become a Deacon.

Two committee members attended the Native American International Caucus/NAIC conference to learn about issues and advocate for Native people in North, Central, and South America and we make a yearly contribution to the Carol Youngbird-Holt Scholarship. CONAM received a $2,000 Zimmerman grant for a Native Woman’s Wellness Day in Portland with a follow-up presentation to Native youth promoting a healthy summer through nutritious snacks and Native dancing.

CONAM would like to thank individuals who contributed to Native American Awareness Sunday. The money is divided -- 50% remains in the conference to support CONAM actions and 50% is sent to the General Council on Finance and Administration. Two major uses of the national Funds are a) support scholarships for Native Americans attending United Methodist schools of theology and b) expansion/ support of Native American Urban Ministries programs throughout the United States. Wilshire United Methodist Native American Fellowship, Portland received a grant in 2003. CONAM asks that all churches in our conference promote and observe Native American Sunday, May 8, 2011 but can be celebrated at anytime. Free resources are available at or request guest speakers by contacting Cheryl Bittle or Eva Johnson, in the conference directory. Future plans are to concentrate on camping ministry with Native youths so they may experience the presence of God outdoors and in worship.

Campus Ministries and Higher Education Team Dan Thompson-Aue, Chair

The work of this group continues to be informed by these convictions:

Campus Ministry programs in Oregon and Idaho impact hundreds of lives in the name of Jesus Christ. Stories of life-changing experiences, spiritual growth, and leadership emergence abound, reminding us of the missional nature and effectiveness of these programs. As they nurture and support students and empower them for important roles in the church, they also challenge universities, churches and the culture at large to aspire to a just and peaceful world.

Supporting Campus Ministries is crucial to the growth and vitality of God’s church in the world. Campus Ministries actively develop and support growth strategies for the church in our region, effectively implementing the Strategic Direction priorities of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference. Failure to prioritize and support them would not only jeopardize the Conference’s Strategic Direction, but also compromise opportunities to inspire and shape the lives of the church’s future leaders at a critical time.

Last year we identified these goals and activities as vital to support of our Campus Ministries, and can report some progress on each, as follows: a. Designing and maintaining such Annual Conference administrative structure as is needed to support collaboration, cooperation, and collegiality among Conference Campus Ministry leaders and programs. Reports 185 We have agreed, as a team, that our existence matters. We are in the process of changing our function from a group distributing Conference funds to one that informs, empowers, and gives relational and spiritual support to our Campus Ministry programs. b. Prioritizing the building of a strong culture of awareness, ownership, and support for Campus Ministry programs in local congregations and communities of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference.

We have made limited progress on this one, but will seek ways to provide effective support for ownership, awareness, and support in the coming year as our team reorganizes for its new functions. c. Resourcing of local Campus Ministry boards through provision of grant funds and identification of resource persons to develop and redevelop local board structures and strategies.

We hope to have designed an effective process for providing local campus ministry board development grants by the beginning of this 2011 Annual Conference session. These grant allocations will be available to those Campus Ministries historically supported by the Oregon-Idaho Conference. Application for funds must be completed by the beginning of the 2012 Annual Conference session. d. Assigning advocacy roles for Campus Ministries to District Leadership Teams and/or Assistants to the Bishop.

We hope this advisement will be acted upon by the Ministry Leadership Team and/or District Leadership Teams.

In addition, this team will continue to facilitate the awarding of the several college scholarships to deserving students.

We covet your continuing prayers and active support for Campus Ministries and Higher Education.

Commission on Religion and Race John Go, chair During 2010 to 2011 CORR has been in transition in terms of leadership and finding resources to continue its ministry advocating for racial/ethnic justice, reconciliation and inclusiveness in the church and in society.

In response to Arizona SB1070, the General Church CORR calls upon all United Methodist Churches to denounce and oppose the rise of xenophobic, racist, and violent reactions against migrants in the United States, and to support all efforts to build relationships between diverse ethnicities and cultures. Meantime, we have signed on to endorse the ‘Drop the I-Word campaign,’ which helps to eliminate the racially derogatory term, “illegals” from use within the church, popular usage and public discourse and to choose instead to use language that affirms the inherent worth of all people in the eyes of God. More information will be provided at our Marketplace display at Annual Conference 2011. The following GCORR webpage, also provides a way to support this campaign.

From the fall of 2010 to spring 2011, GCORR and the leadership of the CORRs from many Annual Conferences have been gathering in online workshops to rebuild a connection and provide a leadership manual to each Annual Conference. Last February, CORR chairs and COSROW (Commission on the Status and Role of Women) chairs from each Annual Conference also had an online workshop in Texas about a “monitoring program,” which our Annual Conference may adopt as a model in the near future.

The CORR in Oregon-Idaho is in the process of building a way to communicate more effectively, so that we may also build up our team-work to provide solid action throughout the Annual Conference fighting against racial prejudice and discrimination, as well as creating and healing relationships between communities in the name of Jesus Christ. Prayerfully, we hope to work actively with local churches to adopt and create programs that respond to our call to serve in the CORR ministry. 186 Reports Commission on the Status and Role of Women Lynda Montgomery, Chair

The ministry of the Commission on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) is the full and equal responsibility and participation of women in the total life of the church and society. The need for the Commission is affirmed inThe Book of Discipline. The tasks of the Conference Commission are: • to be informed about the status and role of women in the total life of the church, • to work cooperatively with United Methodist Women to achieve full participation of women • in the decision-making structures, • to develop ways to inform and sensitize the leadership within the conference on issues that • affect women, and • to focus on major issues related to women which may include, but are not limited to, sexual harassment policies and procedures. The Oregon-Idaho Conference Commission is committed to fulfilling these responsibilities. Annually, the Commission monitors the plenary sessions of the Annual Conference to track participation by male and female, clergy and lay designations.

Lay Leader’s Report Cesie Delve Scheuermann “I prayed for twenty years and received no answer until I prayed with my legs.” Frederick Douglass, freed slave

We have often used the image of the ocean liner to describe our annual conference. We use this visual aide to remind us that, unlike a speedboat, a big, huge, hulking, massive piece of steel takes a lot longer to turn around than a nimble and lightweight boat with an external motor. For years (maybe decades?) we wrung our hands because our numbers were declining and our churches lost their vitality. There were undoubtedly many prayers lifted up. But just like Fredrick Douglass observed – in the last two years, “our prayers have legs.” We have been working hard to turn the ocean liner around and although it’s not fast enough for most of us, we are beginning to see glimpses of a culture shift throughout our Annual Conference.

For another year, I have had the very real privilege of representing the laity on the Ministry Leadership Team. The work has been diligent and focused on seeing health and vitality in all of our churches, no matter the size or geographical location. Many new things are been bubbling up as a result.

Each District has played a role in this new way of looking at ourselves. The laity, along with the clergy, have also played an enormous role in this gradual shift. The work that they (you) have been doing has been significant. For example, the Western District hosted a number of leadership development and skill- building seminars during the year. Most notably, Reggie McNeal, the author of Missional Renaissance, spoke to over 125 people about the church as a verb and being “the people of God partnering with Him in His redemptive mission in the world.”

The Southern District offered an exciting enrichment event, “Takin’ it to the Streets,” with the provocative subtitle, “God is active in our communities. Are we?” Peter Nathan from Portland and Mark McMurray of Vancouver, Washington inspired 160 attendees with evidence of the many creative ways God works in and through ordinary individuals to touch lives in Jesus’ name. Because of their geographical proximity, the Metro District hosted a number of half-day workshops focusing on leadership development and gaining a greater understanding of the changes that are happening in the Annual Conference.

Each of these events yielded new insights and excitement on ways to change the world as the people of God. These are just a few of the ways that we are responding to a changing world. These are indeed signs that our “prayers do have legs.” Once again, thank you for allowing me to be a part of this exciting time in the life of the Annual Conference. God is indeed good…all the time! Reports 187 Conference Youth Ministry Report Dan Benson, Conference Youth Coordinator

I begin by thanking the many churches that have responded positively in supporting Conference Youth Ministry through Conference Askings, as our operations are no longer a part of the Annual Conference budget. Your generosity has been an important part of the sharing of the gospel with youth and in strengthening leaders to be more effective in their work.

We also credit the District Youth Coordinators and District Youth Councils for preparing and leading powerful youth retreats. And we are thankful for the work of the Camp and Retreat Ministries that provide excellent spiritual development for youth in transforming ways.

The work of the Conference Youth Ministry Team has been to find ways to focus upon the strengths that already exist within our Conference and to build upon them. Our goals are to promote communication and connection for those who are involved in working with youth in United Methodist settings, and to promote outreach to youth not yet connected with the church.

To this end, we have been working on gathering and compiling the contact information of all active youth groups within our conference, as well as contact information for the churches without youth groups that they may find ways of interacting with other groups. Also, towards this end, there has been some collaboration between area groups that has formed through the desire of the leaders, other collaboration has been necessary due to the numbers youth in the churches, and finally other groups are being helped to identify partners in their area with whom they might work for mutual benefit.

United Methodist Women Carol Johnson, Conference President

United Methodist Women (UMW), Oregon-Idaho Conference, have had an excellent year. Once again the 2010 Schools of Christian Mission were excellent. Our geographic study of Sudan was particularly timely. We had over 20 first-time attendees and are looking forward to the 2011 Schools with the topics of “Reconciliation: Coming out on the Side of Grace,” “Haiti Mission Study,” and “Joy to the World: Mission in the Age of Global Christianity.”

Our Annual Meeting in October 2010 featured a visit with Missionary Janice McLain and a Skype conversation with UMCOR. The reaction to both of these well-done presentations was very favorable.

In November the 2010 Zimmerman Trust Grant administered by the Oregon-Idaho Conference UMW sponsored a highly successful Native American Wellness Day along with a follow-up session in March 2011. Additionally the recipients of the 2010 Charter for Racial Justice Recognition Award, also sponsored by the Conference UMW, were Mira and Eric Conklin along with the Cornelius United Methodist Church congregation for the important work they have done in establishing and supporting racially diverse church services. In March 2011 we sponsored our Legislative Education Event with a large group of men and women meeting in Salem, visiting the capitol and their legislators. On May 21, 2011, we are sponsoring a Young Women’s Event to be held at Aldersgate Retreat Center in Turner. Oregon.

We are looking forward to our 2011 Annual Meeting and are inviting all women of the church to join us at Hillsboro United Methodist Church on October 22. It will be a party with the theme of “Celebrating Creativity.” We expect to have special music, dancing, balloons and all the other things you associate with a party!

We continue to follow our purpose with a new logo and tag line saying, “Faith, Hope, Love in Action” to guide us in our work in bettering the well-being of women, children and youth both in our own neighborhoods and also throughout the world. With God’s help we will continue in these endeavors. 188 Reports Young Adult Ministries Eilidh Lowery, Conference Young Adult Coordinator

The young adult ministry team this year has focused on creating a support network for young clergy, helping nominate young adults for the legislative assembly, and working with leadership from the Annual Conference Sessions team to create informal activities for young adults at annual conference.

The centerpiece of our focus on young clergy networking was a retreat at Camp Magruder in February focused on spiritual renewal and deepening our collegial relationships. We plan to hold another retreat in 2012. The efforts to find young adults to serve on the Legislative Assembly and to provide a little bit of coordination for activities at conference provide a voice for young adults and a way for young adults to connect with one another.

We continue to also offer the Young Adult Ministry Mentor program, which works with churches that are passionate and interested in young adults and help them with all the knowledge we have been able to acquire at various trainings over the years and with our own perspectives as young (or youngish) adults. We have not worked with any churches this year.

Board of Ordained Ministry Philip J. Airhart, Chair

The mission of the Board is to provide excellent ministerial leadership for the church so that we might boldly make disciples of Jesus Christ, revitalize the church and transform the world.

The Board of Ordained Ministry is responsible to the Annual Conference for overseeing the enlistment, certification, and theological education of candidates for ministry through the work of the District Committees on Ordained Ministry; to examine candidates for fitness, readiness and effectiveness for ministry; to train and provide mentors and residency experiences for candidates for ministry; to recommend approval to the clergy session the licensing of local pastors, commissioning of provisional members, and ordination and full membership of deacons and elders; to provide continuing education and other support for clergy; to recommend to the clergy session approval for individuals to take leave of absence, return from leave, retirement, and other changes in status; and to monitor the well-being of the clergy so that the work of Jesus Christ through the local church may be faithfully fulfilled (¶635).

As of this writing, the Board is composed of 25 members: 12 elders in full connection, including one Assistant to the Bishop; 4 deacons in full connection; 2 associate members; and 7 lay persons. The member directory and other information about the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry can be found using the links from the Conference website.

We are committed to aligning our work with the conference strategic direction in light of our Disciplinary requirements and budget constraints. Our primary focus has been on the missional priority to encourage excellence in lay and clergy leadership. We understand that calling forth effectiveness and excellence in our clergy promotes excellence in our laity and effectiveness in the ministry of our local churches. To that end the Board of Ordained Ministry is working with the Cabinet to determine standards of effectiveness and excellence, and ineffectiveness in ministry. To help us recognize, affirm and develop our ministerial candidates’ spiritual gifts for leadership some of our requirements for residency, evaluation, and interview processes for commissioning and ordination are undergoing significant change. Members of the Board of Ordained Ministry interviewed a class of five applicants for commissioning or ordination this past January, and we will be recommending that the clergy session approve one candidate for provisional membership as an elder, one candidate for full membership as a deacon, and three candidates for full membership as an elder.

Members of the Board of Ordained Ministry continue to count it a privilege to serve the Annual Conference in this significant aspect of our life together. Reports 189 Commission on Equitable Compensation John A. Grimsted, Chair

Every year our Commission helps to establish a minimum salary package. This is a difficult task. We know that the salary package has to reflect what the church can afford, but at the same time it needs, as the Discipline says, to enable clergy “to devote all your time to the work of God.”

Pastors and churches need to be aware that what the Equitable Compensation Commission sets is a minimum salary package. Once that package is established, the church and pastor are free to move the money into categories that would be of the greatest benefit to them. Moving money out of salary and into either: (A) parsonage/utilities allowance or, if possible, (B) housing allowance would be very beneficial to pastors. We recommend that you place the maximum amount possible in these funds.

Two years ago, we recommended no increase in minimum salary packages and last year, we recommended a 2% increase. We are once again recommending a 2% increase. We feel that this modest increase is within the reach of most churches. We recommend that minimum salary packages for 2012 be set as follows: $35,600 (for elders in full connection), $33,800 (for provisional members), and $32,000 (for local pastors). We strongly urge local churches to put at least $4,500 of that money in parsonage/ utilities allowance (more if possible).

In addition, the minimum salary package should be increased by $100 per year of service in the United Methodist Church, capped at a maximum of ten years or $1,000.

The Commission also recommends, but cannot require, that business and professional expenses be set at no less than $3,000 per year. This represents a $300 increase over what this amount has been for many years.

Housing is to be considered as part of the ministerial compensation package. Here is our recommendation for 2012-2013:

1. For our purposes, every parsonage will be considered as meeting the minimum salary package. This is true whether the clergy is working full-time or part-time. 2. That a percentage of housing allowance be paid to each pastor that is commensurate to the percentage they work (e.g. one quarter-time receives one quarter the housing allowance, one-half time receives one-half the housing allowance, etc.). 3. In lieu of a parsonage, churches will pay a minimum housing allowance as part of the total compensation package. A two-tier formula will be applied consisting of $12,000 for most areas and $14,000 for churches in areas with unusually high housing costs (so far this means only Portland). Tier designations will be determined by the Equitable Compensation Commission. These two tiers will be reviewed every two years. Appeals may be made to the Commission. 4. Churches and pastors may apply for an exemption to housing allowances under certain conditions (for example, a pastor already has a home in the area, etc.). If the Commission does not grant an exemption, then churches must pay the housing portion of the ministerial compensation package.

The Commission has requested that the Council on Finance and Administration set our budget for 2012 at $60,000, including $2,000 for the administrative costs of the Commission. This represents a decrease of $40,000 or 40%.

Council on Finance and Administration Ted Wimer, President

God blesses us with gifts that are both amazing and plentiful. As Christians we are called to take care of all God has provided. One of CF&A’s tasks is to faithfully steward the funds of the Annual Conference 190 Reports throughout the year. The Oregon-Idaho Conference had an exciting year full of blessings and challenges. In 2010 we started making dramatic, transitional changes in our organizational structure and in our budget. We have taken on the task of changing our operation to be more sustainable as we do what God is calling us to do.

In 2009 and 2008 we faced large drops in our General Fund reserve. In response our Conference team made many cuts in programs and salaries. Some areas had to curtail activities. We reduced and/or froze staff salaries. In 2010 we maintained these austerity steps including the invoking of a spending plan early in the year.

We are starting to see the results of these tactics. Because of the conscientious efforts of all Boards and Agencies we were able to spend $446,000 less than in 2009. The operating results for 2010 showed we spent $3,485,324. We received $3,354,785 in apportionment income from local churches. Designated Reserve funds were able to cover some of the shortfall. Our other income sources and earnings on our investments allowed the General Fund to end at $651,682. This is good news; the General Fund stopped decreasing. The General Fund needs to have sufficient reserve to allow for three to four months of operations (approximately $1.5 million). A chart of the recent history of the General Operating Fund Reserve is shown below.

The other good news is we are finding new ways to do what God is calling us to do. Disciples are made and nurtured at the Local Church level: Our Conference operations and budget are focused on supporting the health, vitality and fruitfulness of local churches and their leadership.

At our 2010 Annual Conference Session CF&A proposed a “Unified Budget” which was adopted. In the Unified Budget, common areas of expense are gathered under descriptive titles with a single bottom line. The reaction to this new view has been positive from local church treasurers. We moved our Conference programs off-budget to encourage and allow local churches to be more intentional in their support of mission & ministry. In this new paradigm, local churches that become more healthy and vital in their settings will grow; and our entire United Methodist Connection will benefit from each success.

As we entered 2011, CF&A noted that the 2010 apportionment income came in at a lower percentage of the budget than in 2009, even though the 2010 budget had decreased. Therefore CF&A has invoked a 2011 Spending Plan!

There is good news in our report for 2010. Our national economy continues to recover, and our states are following. As we go ahead during this time of transition and change in our Annual Conference, every person’s efforts are needed; we need every local church to be growing in their discipleship. We want to thank you for offering back to God the gifts of your continued prayers, presence in mission and ministry, your time in stewarding God’s people and God’s word, and your financial gifts. We are all a part of Christ’s Church and we need to nurture our United Methodist connections; the ties that bind us together. May God’s abundant blessings continue and may we always be thankful. Reports 191 ANNUAL RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COUNCIL ON FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION

1. Between sessions of the Annual Conference, the Council on Finance and Administration shall implement a spending plan based upon anticipated receipts and projected expenses. This plan shall be determined by the Council after consultation with the Bishop, the Ministry Leadership Team and the Director of Stewardship and Finance. 2. The first 200 miles to theAnnual Conference session will be exempted from mileage reimbursement. 3. Lay Members entitled to reimbursement under Conference Rule 1.030 will be reimbursed for housing and meals while attending the session; the maximum amount of reimbursement is set at $277 for 2011. 4. The Oregon-Idaho Conference Council on Finance and Administration is authorized to borrow up to $500,000 on an open line of credit to cover essential and authorized expenditures during intervals dictated by cash flow needs. Interest on such borrowed funds will be paid from the “Contingency” line item in the budget. 5. The General Fund is maintained and administered by the Council on Finance and Administration. The General Fund reserve (balance) provides working capital (cash flow) for the operation of the Conference, emergencies and unexpected needs that arise from time to time. The annual net operating results in the budget funds not otherwise designated will provide the basis for the General Fund. The General Fund reserve needs to be large enough ($1.5 million) to support several months of operating expenses for the Conference – to act as a cash flow. 6. The following organizations are given permission to solicit funds among the churches of the Conference without quota: Willamette University Pacific School of Religion Alaska Pacific University Rust College United Methodist Campus Ministries of the Conference Willamette View Foundation United Methodist Retirement Center, Salem Clergy-mates Emergency Fund Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Northwest United Methodist Foundation Oregon-Idaho United Methodist Minister’s Retirement Fund Partnership with Liberia Annual Conference

Rules Committee David Armstrong, Chair

The Rules Committee is not proposing any changes to the Conference Rules for the 2011Annual Conference. Action Requests 5, 11, 15, 17, 19 and 21 involved rules changes and were approved by the Rules Committee before consideration at the 2011 Legislative Assembly. If any other legislation is submitted to the 2011 Annual Conference, the Rules Committee will review the changes to confirm there are no conflicts with the Book of Discipline or other parts of the Conference Rules.The Conference Rules will be revised based on the legislation approved at Annual Conference.

I’d like to welcome Colleen Todd to the Rules Committee and thank Kirk Jeffrey, Warren Light and Jim Murch for their continued service. 192 Reports Board of Pensions & Health Benefits Jamie Kienzle, Chair

At the April, 2011 Board of Pensions and Health Benefits (BOP) meeting, we reviewed how the Oregon- Idaho Annual Conference mission and vision related to the annual conference BOP. Some of our top BOP VALUES include: Equity (retired and active, lay and clergy), Wellness, Stewardship of all resources available to the board, and Protection—for churches and clergy. It is easy to get involved in the numbers and forget the overall mission of the local church.

The reserve funds used for the Board of Pensions and Health Benefits (BOP) health and pension programs have made a modest comeback in 2010. However, all the 2008 stock market losses have not yet been fully restored. Draws from a number of BOP reserve funds will be required to balance the current 2011 budget. The same will be required for the proposed 2012 budget. The 2012 conference BOP budget is being held at the same level as 2011 with reserve funds used for balancing the pensions and health insurance budget items.

This is a challenging financial time for both the annual conference and local churches.To contain premium increases, the Board instituted a cost-sharing measure that requires a $50 per month contribution for participants with one or more dependents. This has also encouraged clergy spouses who have group health insurance coverage from their own employment to drop HealthFlex coverage. Any dependent who loses their group coverage can return to HealthFlex at any time or upon retirement if the enrollment change is done during the annual open enrollment or upon loss of eligibility of the other coverage.

The total HealthFlex plan premium rates are determined by three factors: First, the loss ratio, second, the available reserve accounts, and third, the increased costs of health care. We should celebrate a drop in the loss ratio from 120% in 2009 to 90% in 2010! The 2012 blended active premium rate for 2012 is recommended to be $1240 per month. This is a 3 percent increase. Two 2011 HealthFlex options will continue to be available for 2012. The first option, for the active participant’s health plan choice is PPO B1000 (P2) premium. The second option is the Consumer Driven Health Plan--CDHP (P2) plan.

There were some immediate changes required in HealthFlex as a result of the passage of the national healthcare bill such as dependent coverage for children up to the age of 26. HealthFlex is continuing to study the healthcare bill to understand immediate and future changes (if any) to the current HealthFlex health insurance plans.

Policy Changes: The BOP is continuing a careful consideration of all past policies. Some policies have been rendered no longer valid by more recent action and have been dropped. Several policies and conference rules are being discussed and revisions will be suggested to represent current practices. The BOP has made several recent policy changes to address specific issues:

1. The BOP will use available overfunding in the Pre-1982 pension funds to make payments for any defined benefit pension plans, as needed. 2. The BOP will provide some funds from reserves to the Central Conference Pension Initiative (CCPI). 3. The BOP has established a study committee to examine a new HealthFlex retiree health insurance option and to make a recommendation for 2013.

Current Pension Program (Clergy Retirement Security Program-CRSP) Clergy participants in the United Methodist pension program are now participating in the pension plan called the Clergy Retirement Security Program, Defined Benefit (CRSP-DB and CRSP-DC, Defined Contribution) approved by the 2004 General Conference.

Funding for the CRSP-DB (defined benefit) pension program will come from billings to local congregations. For 2012, local congregations will pay 13% of the pastor’s compensation. Some funds from other pension reserve funds will be used to pay the actual billing for CRSP-DB. Reports 193 CPP – The Comprehensive Protection Plan (CPP) provides clergy death benefits, survivor children benefits, minimum surviving spouse benefits, disability benefits, and pension supplements to CRSP-DB accounts.

The Board of Pensions (BOP) met on 10/10/2009 and discussed the three-year Comprehensive Protection Plan (CPP) premium holiday from the GBOPHB. We also discussed the 2011 Clergy Retirement Security Program Defined Benefit (CRSP-DB) and Ministerial Pension Plan (MPP) expected increase payments due to the 2008 stock market losses. We chose to select the CPP premium holiday for the years 2010, 2011, and 2012.

The CRSP-DB and MPP pension plans are now underfunded. This will require a new conference contribution estimated at $256,926 for MPP in 2011 and an estimated increase of $65,034 for 2011 CRSP-DB payments. The projected conference FTE of 152.5 for the 2012 payments will require the total conference CRSP-DB contributions of $992,503. The BOP has proposed to use a new term to replace the CPP in the 2010 annual conference budget in the line item “Apportioned Pension & Benefits Funding.” We shall rename “CPP” with Clergy Pension Restoration (CPR) for the years 2010, 2011, and 2012. The equivalent apportioned Ministerial Support funds available from the CPP holiday (now called CPR) will be reserved for the 2010, 2011, and 2012 increased CRSP-DB conference contributions and the new 2011 MPP conference contributions.

Pre-1982 Pension Plan: This is the 8th year we have been able to report that our pre-1982 pension obligation is fully funded. As required by the 2000 General Conference, the General Board approved our funding plan for this obligation. The BOP recommends raising the 2012 pension rate for the Pre-82 plan to $536 per service year. This is 1 % of the Conference Average Compensation (CAC).

Health Insurance Matters: Our loss ratio was 102.7% for 2008 and was up from 81% in 2006. The 2009 active plan loss ratio was 116% and the Medicare Companion Plan loss ratio was 89.9%. The HealthFlex program continues to put health associated incentives into the program to try to keep costs and claims down. The good news is that the 2010 HealthFlex loss ratio was 90%!

The HealthFlex Program continues its pharmaceutical benefits for retirees rather than have them participate in Medicare Part D (the Medicare pharmaceutical program).

The Board is sensitive to the increased costs of those clergy who serve in areas without network health care providers. We are seeking ways to address this inequity.

Wellness: Increasing clergy wellness remains an important way to lower costs and to increase effectiveness in and satisfaction with ministry. We encourage dialogue between clergy and SPRCs on clergy wellness. Our Board has developed an excellent “Clergy Wellness Agreement” which could be a basis for conversation. We also encourage the Assistants to the Bishop to discuss wellness issues with congregations. We strongly encourage all clergy to have an annual wellness exam and to complete their Health Quotient (HQ) available through the General Board at The HealthFlex Program has many aids available to help each participant to get healthier and many of these aids are keyed to the HQ data.

The HealthFlex incentive program was changed in 2010. It is the expectation of HealthFlex that ALL active participants or retired participants under the age of 65 continue to complete their Health Quotient (HQ). The HealthFlex associated programs like WebMD and a number of other HealthFlex programs are keyed to the HQ information. Those participants that don’t want free personal health coaching can specify at the first call or at any time and the health coaching calls will stop! Other online HealthFlex helps are also available.

The HQ can be completed without having all the blood work or other health numbers or even knowing your ID number. The HQ can be updated at any time during the year when the health numbers are available using the VERY SECURE HQ website. The yearly HQ completion requirement will continue into future years. 194 Reports Health Insurance Endowment Fund: Earnings from this fund subsidize health insurance premiums for seminary students and those participants on disability. The endowment is currently valued at $ 4.69 million (4 million as of 1/1/2010, down from $4.4 million as of January 1, 2008).

Health Insurance Retiree Subsidy: The unfunded liability increased from $18 million (2006 actuarial report) to $20 million in the 2008 actuarial report. The subsidy changes and plan changes approved at the 2009 annual conference will provide considerable help in reducing the unfunded retiree health insurance liability in 2011 and 2012. The December 31, 2010 actuarial report places our unfunded liability based on the Retiree Health Insurance subsidy changes, now at $11.5 million! This decrease in our unfunded liability and the decreased future related annual costs to the Annual Conference budget should be celebrated. However, even though there was a necessary change in the subsidy, the BOP is still concerned about the increased health insurance costs to the retired clergy.

Your Conference Board of Pensions and Health Benefits present the following recommendations for your consideration and action. The Recommendations and the Pensions and Welfare plans below require annual conference vote.


Health Insurance Plan The Conference will continue to participate in the HealthFlex Program offered through the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits.

1. That the Conference Board of Pensions, in consultation with the Council on Finance and Administration, is authorized to adjust the Conference Budget for Health Insurance Premiums and the monthly billed amount between sessions of the Annual Conference, if necessary, due to the receipt of new premium rate information from the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits. 2. That the Conference Board of Pensions is authorized to adopt new eligibility policies as required by the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits for the HealthFlex Program. These policies may include procedures for the cancellation of coverage due to various circumstances. The effective date of these policies will be determined as required by the General Board. 3. That 100% of the Health Care Insurance Premiums be billed to local churches. Fifty dollars will be billed to the participant for coverage other than the participant. 4. That the active HealthFlex plan be either choice (1) PPO B1000 (P2)—prescription Percentage copay or P2) OR Choice (2) the Consumer Driven Health Plan—(CDHP P2). 5. That the Medicare Companion Plan be the Medicare Companion Plan 1 (P2—Percentage copay). 6. That the following Health Insurance policies be continued: a. No premium subsidy will be granted to participants retiring prior to the age of their Medicare eligibility. They shall be responsible for the full payment of their health insurance premium. Those who are eligible to retire under the forty-year rule, (¶359.2) will be granted an exception to receive the retired subsidy for their health care premium. Upon reaching the age for Medicare eligibility, and enrolling in the Medicare program, the clergy member shall be eligible for conference subsidy based on the then current schedule as approved by the annual conference provided the member has remained a participant in the conference health insurance plan since retiring. b. 100% of the premium payment for those persons eligible for benefits under CPP or BPP Disability programs. c. That the Subsidy Supplement Formula, outlined below, continue as previously approved.

Current Retirees (or surviving spouses) with twenty or more years of Pre-82 service credit No Change

All Other Retirees who retired before 1/1/2011 Beginning in 2011, reduce subsidy formula by 5 percentage points each year for five years to stabilize premiums. Spouses receive same subsidy as participant. Reports 195 (Through 2010) 2011 2012 Years of Conference Participant Service Pays Pays C P C P 1-4 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 5-9 50% 50% 45% 55% 40% 60% 10-14 60% 40% 55% 45% 50% 50% 15-19 70% 30% 65% 35% 60% 40% 20+ 75% 25% 70% 30% 65% 35%

2013 2014 2015 Years of Conf. Participant Service Pays Pays C P C P 1-4 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 5-9 35% 65% 30% 70% 25% 75% 10-14 45% 55% 40% 60% 35% 65% 15-19 55% 45% 50% 50% 45% 55% 20+ 60% 40% 65% 45% 50% 50%

Retirees who retire after 12/31/2010 Retirees must be in the HealthFlex program five years prior to retirement. Years of Service Conference Pays Participant Pays 1-9 0% 100% 10-14 25% 75% 15-19 30% 70% 20-24 35% 65% 25-29 40% 60% 30-34 45% 55% 35+ 50% 50% When applicable: Spouses pay 50% of the subsidy their spouse receives; Conference pays remaining balance.

Retirees must be in the HealthFlex program five years prior to retirement.When applicable: spouses of retirees will receive 50% of the subsidy the retiree receives. Surviving spouses receive the same subsidy as the participant. For clergy couples, the higher participant years of service will be used to determine the subsidy.

NOTE: The Annual Conference has adopted the Small Employer Exemption to the Medicare Secondary Payer Rules. These rules REQUIRE any participant, active or retired, to enroll in the Medicare Program at age 65. At age 65, the Medicare Program will become the Primary Health Coverage for ALL PARTICIPANTS OVER AGE 65.

Pension and Welfare Plans 1. That effective January 1, 2012, the Pre-82 (MRPF) pension rate for ordained and local pastors shall be $536.00 per service year, with 70% continuing payment to surviving spouse, and that Addendum A of the Clergy Retirement Security Program be so amended. 2. That concerning the Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP): The Conference Treasurer will bill each local church for CRSP at the rate of 13% of the pastor’s compensation (including cash salary plus utilities and housing allowance [25% of cash salary if a parsonage is provided], plus any tax deferred annuity and/or contribution towards Social Security). Local churches served by retired clergy are exempt from this billing. 3. The CPP contribution is 3% of plan compensation and the estimated cost, $270,000, is included in the Shared Ministries Apportionment for the 2012 budget. The General Board of Pension and Health Benefits has declared a CPP premium holiday for three years to allow annual conferences to use the funds for unfunded pension programs. The BOP has chosen to select the three years starting in 2010—see 4. Below. 196 Reports 4. That the CPP apportionment be designated as Clergy Pension Restoration (CPR) for the years 2010, 2011, and 2012. The CPR funds will be used to fund shortfalls in CRSP-DB and MPP pension funds, which are now underfunded due to 2008 stock market losses. 5. Up to 100% of the year 2012 payments to retirees and disabled Clergypersons be designated as housing allowance in accordance with the “Resolution Relating to Rental Housing Allowance for Retired or Disabled Ministers of the Annual Conference” as stated in the attached Addendum C. 6. That the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference meeting in Salem, OR June 15-18, 2011 approves the Funding Plan for Supplement One to the Ministerial Pension Plan, for 2011, as submitted by the Conference Board of Pensions and approved by the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits.

The Board of Pensions recognizes the following persons:

For Retirement at this Annual Conference Emmett Shortreed Judith Johnson Arvin Luchs Daniel Houghton Ron D. Borden

The following clergy have been approved for Disability Benefits Barbara Bellus Phillip Kearse Sidney Harris David Kinman Brian Nelson-Munson Reports 197 ADDENDUM C: Board of Pensions


The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference (the “Conference”) adopts the following resolution relating to rental/housing allowances for active, retired or disabled clergypersons of the Conference:

WHEREAS, the religious denomination known as The United Methodist Church (the “Church”), of which this Conference is a part, has in the past functioned and continues to function through ministers of the gospel (within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code section 107) who were or are duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed ministers of the Church (“Clergypersons”); and

WHEREAS, the practice of the Church and of this Conference was and is to provide active Clergypersons with a parsonage or a rental/housing allowance as part of the gross compensation; and

WHEREAS, pensions or other amounts paid to active, retired and disabled Clergypersons are considered to be deferred compensation and are paid to retired and disabled Clergypersons in consideration of previous active service; and

WHEREAS, The Internal Revenue Service has recognized the Conference (or its predecessors) as the appropriate organization to designate a rental/housing allowance for Clergypersons who are or were members of this Conference and are eligible to receive such deferred compensation;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: THAT an amount equal to 100% of the pension or disability payments received from plans authorized under The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church (the “Discipline”), which includes all such payments from the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits (“GBOPHB”), during the year of 2012 by each active, retired or disabled Clergyperson who is or was a member of the Conference, or its predecessors, be and hereby is designated as a rental/housing allowance for each such Clergyperson; and

THAT the pension or disability payments to which this rental/housing allowance applies will be any pension or disability payments from plans, annuities, or funds authorized under the Discipline, including such payments from the GBOPHB and from a commercial annuity company that provides an annuity arising from benefits accrued under a GBOPHB plan, annuity, or fund authorized under theDiscipline , that result from any service a Clergyperson rendered to this Conference or that an active, a retired or a disabled Clergyperson of this Conference rendered to any local church, annual conference of the Church, general agency of the Church, other institution of the Church, former denomination that is now a part of the Church, or any other employer that employed the Clergyperson to perform services related to the ministry of the Church, or its predecessors, and that elected to make contributions to, or accrue a benefit under, such a plan, annuity, or fund for such retired or disabled Clergyperson’s pension or disability as part of his or her gross compensation.

NOTE: The rental/housing allowance that may be excluded from a Clergyperson’s gross income in any year for federal income tax purposes is limited under Internal Revenue Code section 107(2) and regulations there under to the least of: (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the Clergyperson’s employer or other appropriate body of the Church (such as this Conference in the foregoing resolutions) for such year; (2) the amount actually expended by the Clergyperson to rent or provide a home is such year; or (3) the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances (such as a garage), plus the cost of utilities in such year. 198 Reports Funding Plan Oregon-Idaho Conference of The United Methodist Church For Supplement One to the Clergy Retirement Security Plan For 2011

The Past Service Rate (PSR) for the Oregon-Idaho Conference is established annually by action of the Annual Conference. For the year 2011, our Annual Conference set this PSR amount at $524.00

Paragraph 1506.7 of The Book of Discipline mandates that this rate cannot be less than 0.8% of the Conference Average Compensation (CAC) and recommends that the rate be not less than 1% of the CAC. For 2011, our CAC is $52,409. At $524.00 we are in compliance with that mandate at 1.00% of our CAC.

In the long term, we project earnings on our present assets to average 7%.

In the long term, we project that we will annually increase our PSR in the range of 4%. The actual increase will vary since it is our intention not to fall below the rate of 1.0% of the CAC as indicated above.

We recognize that the actuarial projection of our pre-1982 liability totals $18,644,574. This liability is calculated using RP2000 mortality table. We have been paying into that obligation for a number of years and, as reported by the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits (GBOPHB), are currently in an over-funded situation. In other words, following acceptable guidelines for investment growth and future payout requirements, we now have enough money set aside to meet our future needs.

It is our intention to utilize a portion of the overfunding in our pre-1982 Plan to cover some of the cost of the Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP). Funds in excess of 100% funding of our Pre-82 Plan will be used to cover some or all of the costs of annual CRSP payments as well as the required additional MPP payment in 2011.

The philosophy of our conference related to the Past Service Rate is to maintain that funded position. In other words, we will not attempt to raise the rate in any manner that re-establishes an unfunded liability. Along with that core concept, we will also 1. try to match or exceed, if possible, the cost of living, and 2. keep our traditional tie to the Conference Average Compensation All of the assets dedicated to this pre-82 obligation are on deposit with the GBOPHB and are invested in the Multiple Asset Fund (MAF). Because our investment earning projections are identical to the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits assumptions, and since they also manage the MAF, we feel confident that the investment growth of the Multiple Asset Fund will be sufficient to meet our PSR goals as stated above. Because the basis of our PSR philosophy is to avoid an unfunded position, we do not believe a long discussion of the GBOPHB investment philosophy, history and guidelines is relevant to the purposes of this document.

Our funding plan, as of January 1, 2009 for 2011, is summarized as follows: Present Value of Benefits as defined by GBOPHB Funds in the plan $18,644,574 $21,837,046

Jamie Kienzle, Chair Rev. William R. Mullette-Bauer, Conference Board of Pensions Treasurer/CPBO


Denominational Average Salary (DAC) Conference Average Salary (CAC) 1993 - $31,520 1993 - $24,665 1994 - $33,017 1994 - $25,639 1995 - $34,832 1995 - $26,788 1996 - $36,602 1996 - $28,005 1997 - $37,084 1997 - $28,685 1998 - $38,298 1998 - $29,298 1999 - $39,700 1999 - $31,275 2000 - $40,805 2000 - $32,672 2001 - $42,233 2001 - $33,990 2002 - $42,930 2002 - $34,689 2003 - $45,717 2003 - $37,196 2004 - $49,325 2004 - $43,536 2005 - $50,931 2005 - $43,983 2006 - $52,394 2006 - $45,287 2007 - $54,081 2007 - $46,616 2008 - $56,044 2008 - $48,824 2009 - $58,226 2009 - $49,931 2010 - $60,341 2010 - $51,153 2011 - $61,716 2011 - $52,409 2012 - $62,781 2012 - $53,534

Health Insurance Apportionment Past Service Rate For Local Church Pastors 1992 - $269.45 1992 - 70% 1993 - $281.50 1993 - 70% 1994 - $293.00 1994 - 70% 1995 - $302.00 1995 - 70% 1996 - $311.00 1996 - 70% 1997 - $321.00 1997 - 70% 1998 - $331.00 1998 – 70% 1999 - $341.00 1999 – 60% 2000 - $352.00 2000 – 50% 2001 - $363.00 2001 – 40% 2002 - $375.00 2002 – 30% 2003 - $387.00 2003 – 20% 2004 - $398.50 2004 – 10% 2005 - $411.00 2005 – 10% 2006 - $425.00 2006 – 10% 2007 - $451.00 2007 – none 2008 - $488.00 2010 - $514.00 2011 - $524.00 2012 - $536.00

*Beginning in 2007, the health insurance premium for active clergy will be billed directly to the local congregations. 200 Reports Board of Trustees Gregory C. Tollefson, Chair

I am pleased to report to you on the activity of the Oregon-Idaho Conference Board of Trustees during the past year. The Trustees met twice in the last year in Portland (October 1, 2010 and April 1, 2011) and reviewed issues of insurance, finance, facilities and properties for which theTrustees are responsible.

Property matters have been a major agenda item for the Board over the past year. In particular, the Board has responsibility for the property of congregations that have closed. We are nearing completion of the transfer of the Williamson River property to the Klamath Tribes. This is the culmination of several years of work. We have entered into a buy-sell agreement for the property from the Shedd Church, and hope to have the transaction finalized prior to annual conference. We are extremely grateful to Bruce Nelson of the Trustees and to Elisa Chandler from the Shedd congregation for their excellent work and dedication to this matter. Some years ago the conference entered into a lease-purchase arrangement with a congregation in Myrtle Point. Since it is apparent that the agreement will never be realized, we have begun negotiations to sell the deteriorating property immediately. We are maintaining the Prairie City church property as we seek a potential buyer. The Trustees further continue to seek out properties of the United Methodist Church in the Conference that have been lost, abandoned or ceased to be used for purposes in service to the Methodist Church. Any information on this subject should please be directed to Bill Mullette-Bauer in the conference office.

The Trustees have also been involved in a lawsuit filed in November 2010 in Malheur County Circuit Court against Ontario Community Church Inc. (an independent non-denominational church in Ontario, Oregon), its corporate directors, and its pastor. The suit was filed by the Trustees in order to recover property and funds that are held in trust for the mission and ministry of The United Methodist Church. The complaint the Trustees filed contends that members of the church did not have the right to take United Methodist Church property and divert it for use as a non-denominational church. In addition to the church building itself, the lawsuit calls for the turnover of bank accounts and other property in the building including historic documents and membership records. For context, the United Methodist Church (formerly The Methodist Church) founded the Ontario Community UMC in 1945 and it has operated as a constituent part of The United Methodist Church since that time. The Trustees’ position is that the United Methodist Church’s rules have always made clear that local church property is held in trust for the entire denomination. In June of 2010, some members of the Ontario Community United Methodist Church took that church’s property from The United Methodist Church, action which is not permitted by church law. Since then they have been operating as “Ontario Community Church, Inc.”

After unsuccessful attempts to negotiate a resolution of the dispute, the Trustees voted to file suit in order to regain possession of the church property and funds. Greg Tollefson made the following statement to the press in his capacity as Chair of the Board: “It’s unfortunate when a church dispute must be resolved in court; however we have been unsuccessful in trying to resolve the matter short of litigation. In addition, we have an important responsibility to protect property which has been part of The United Methodist Church for 65 years. We understand that certain current members wish to leave the denomination, but this departure does not entitle them to occupy property of The United Methodist Church or appropriate church funds for other purposes.”

There was an initial hearing in March 2011, where the Court rejected the Community Church’s initial challenge to the UMC’s claims and the Court also commented favorably with regard to the Trustees’ contention that the UM Book of Discipline should govern the issues in dispute. It now appears, however, that the parties have reached a tentative agreement. The settlement will uphold the trust clause that applies to property held by all congregations for the use and benefit of the United Methodist Church. Further reports will follow.

We have established two task forces: one to develop detailed procedures for handling the closure of churches and the other to establish minimum standards for insurance for our local congregations. We still continue to work with UMPACT in their re-structuring in hopes that the ultimate outcome will be affordable, quality insurance for the conference and our churches which choose to participate. Reports 201 Commission on Archives and History Charles W. Chase, chair

The Conference Archives has been located in the MICAH Building at First United Methodist Church in Salem, Oregon. This past year the Archives in the MICAH Building was devastated when it was flooded with water and then experienced extensive damage from mold and mildew. Both Don and Shirley Knepp, our Oregon Records Archivists have worked hard to salvage our priceless materials.

Currently, all the materials have been moved to another room in the MICAH Building awaiting decisions that need to be made regarding the future placement and care of our Archives. We are working to keep the Archives materials available as best we can at this time.

Idaho Records Archivist Linda Tewksbury oversees the archival materials stored in Boise, Idaho which include the churches, camps and colleges from the former Idaho Conference. To gain access to these records you will need to contact Linda.

Each church is asked to submit their histories in one of three categories: 1) New Local History, 2 Updated Local History, and 3) Annually Updated Local History. If you have a Church History, please send at least two copies to the Commission for the Conference Archives. If you are uncertain as to whether a copy of your church history has ever been submitted to the Commission, please check with our Archivists, Shirley and Don Knepp at the Conference Archives in Salem or with Linda Tewksbury in Idaho.

The Commission is continually working to seek out and designate places of historical significance to the Annual Conference. The Commission continues to ask all churches to re-examine their historical background and submit applications for Conference Historic Sites if they meet the Guidelines for Official United Methodist Historic Sites which are available from the Commission.

Those Conference Historic Sites currently recognized by the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference are: 1) First United Methodist Church of Salem, Oregon; 2) Mission Mill Museum in Salem, Oregon; 3) Jason Lee United Methodist Church at Blackfoot, Idaho; 4) Willamette Mission State Park, at Gervais, near Salem, Oregon, 5) Newman United Methodist Church at Grants Pass, Oregon, 6) the Gooding College site at Gooding, Idaho; 7) Waller Hall on the campus of Willamette University, in Salem, Oregon; 8) Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Oregon; 9) the Belknap Settlement (which includes the Bellfountain Campground, as well as the sites of the Ebenezer School and Simpson Chapel), near Monroe, Oregon; 10) Philomath College, Philomath, Oregon; 11) Pleasant Home United Methodist Church, Gresham, Oregon; 12) Tabor Heights United Methodist Church, Portland, Oregon; and 13) Pulpit Rock in The Dalles, Oregon, part of the Wascopam “Dalles” Mission founded in 1838.

The Commission requests that all Conference Boards, Agencies and Commissions read and review Chapter 7 of the Conference Rules Relating to Archives and History. It is important that all written documents placed into the Conference Archives are filed on acid free paper. We need your minutes and reports sent into us on a regular basis.

The Commission would like to receive notices of church anniversaries or other historic celebrations. Please send two copies of your Anniversary and Historical Books or materials to the Archives for safekeeping. Remember to include copies of your special programs, bulletins or newsletters to the Conference Archives.

United Methodist Ministers’ Retirement Fund Betty Foster, President

For over a hundred years, the United Methodist Ministers’ Retirement Fund has provided financial support to the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference to assist in its support of our retired clergy. Although our investment portfolio has not yet fully recovered from the stock market decline of 2008-2009, we 202 Reports have stayed committed to both our long-term investment strategy and our policy of distributing funds to the Conference Board of Pensions. Even in the down years, we continued to contribute 5% of the three- year average ending balance of our funds. In 2010 we were able to contribute $91,181, and this year the amount will be $85,148.

As a denomination, and as a society, we have become aware of the increasing challenges faced by pension funds and we are all conscious of the stress on the finances of our local congregations.The net result of the UMMRF annual contribution is a reduction in costs for our local congregations. In addition to investment earnings, we solicit contributions annually during the third quarter of the year. Additionally, this past year we received a bequest from the estate of Howard Somers in excess of $20,000. Howard was a long-time supporter of UMMRF and served as investment counselor to the fund for years. We are grateful for his gift and hope his generosity might inspire others to consider the fund in their estate planning.

The UMMRF is directly connected to the annual conference. We ask that you elect the members of the Board of Directors that we have placed in nomination.

Church Development Team Peg Lofsvold, chair

New places for new people! The United Methodist Church is seeking new ways to share the good news of new life in Christ. Building healthy, vital congregations! The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference is committed to re-energizing congregations for mission and ministry and creating new relationships with spiritually thirsty people. The Church Development Team (CDT) is passionate about this work. Let me share a few highlights of the past year.

Leadership development is now the primary focus for CDT’s work. Excellent leaders who are called, equipped, assessed, and deployed for new ministry, are key to developing vital, new ministry settings. We are identifying a large pool of leaders and assisting them with their discernment process, in partnership with our Ministry Leadership Team, Hispanic Ministries Council, and Path1 of the General Board of Discipleship.

Providing resources for dreamers and planters, whether individuals or local churches, is our second strategy. We are pleased to offer Micro-grants for new, innovative ministries to new people. Here’s a chance for seed money for a project a leader or church is interested in starting in their neighborhood. The best ideas will be shared with others. Thanks to a Collins Family Grant, funds are available for projects in Hispanic and Anglo settings. Lee Hunefeld administers the Micro-grant program. Please contact him for your application.

We are developing a team of resource people to support these new enterprises. No one has all the tools and skills needed to launch something new. Right now, we are building a pool of volunteer consultants to assist with marketing, finance, worship and social media, or business practices. Contact Beth Estock or Lynn Egli for more information on volunteering, or requesting help. Faith Communities are coming to life! We celebrate new faith communities in Oregon and Idaho. A Hispanic ministry is growing in Caldwell, Idaho and La Cena/The Table is bringing people together in Cornelius, Oregon. A fellowship for women flourishes in the Sherwood, Oregon area. A new coffeehouse ministry is in the works in Tigard. A Spanish-speaking congregation is exploring becoming a United Methodist fellowship in partnership with an urban Portland congregation. Leaders interested in New Monastic Communities have begun meeting to support the birth of at least two new communities grounded in the intentional practices of prayer and ministry.

Strong local churches are important partners in many of these enterprises. Local congregations can begin something new by starting a ministry, class, or outreach that builds lasting relationships with new people. Churches can provide leadership, space, seed money, or skilled assistance to support someone else’s idea. Churches can encourage their best leaders to consider the leadership discernment and training available. Reports 203 Churches can pray for the new places for new people, their leaders, and their ministry. We believe these efforts touch and change the lives of seeking people--and change the lives of established congregations-- bringing new energy and strengthening disciples of Christ. We believe it because we’ve seen it.

Last year, we announced the launch of ANEW Experience in west Ada County, Idaho. A talented planter, Teresa Adams, her husband Scott, and their team hoped to establish a family community in a growing area of our Conference. They received the best training the general church has to offer, had a strong plan with clear benchmarks for success, and support from Beth Estock, staff with CDT, Kim Fields, the A2B for Snake River District, and John Grimstead, her mentor. Many thanks, John! Teresa put her heart into this first new church launch in 20 years. But new church starts are tough, especially in the Pacific Northwest. Despite her efforts, ANEW did not meet its benchmarks, and the launch was closed down in February. We offer deep gratitude for Teresa, her family, and her team for answering the call to create new places for new people, and pray God’s blessings be on them.

We learned a great deal from the ANEW Experience launch. We will continue to follow the best practices of the general church for launching new faith communities, but we will also ask more questions about our Northwest context and people. We will ask leaders to share their vision with others early in the process, asking for “buy in” from potential supporters and members. We will look to many different models for faith communities, learning which are most fruitful in our part of the world. We will be looking for active partnerships with strong, vital congregations. And we have learned to fail--with hope. As resurrection people, we are called to rise up with each death, to plant again the seeds of faith. Each ending is the opportunity for a new beginning.

A last word of heartfelt thanks to our staff and volunteer Team. In Beth Estock, we have a nationally- known leader in developing new faith communities. She has traveled, learned, and led on our behalf here in Oregon and Idaho, and across the country. In March, she was the local organizer for the national Network for Church Planters conference hosted in Portland. It was a smashing success as she introduced national leaders to new models and partnerships developed in the Northwest. Her address to the group was published in the Path1 e-newsletter for the wider church. We welcome Lynn Egli, who is volunteering in retirement as a staff person. His experience in launching new businesses has brought energy and clarity to CDT’s work. His expertise in planning, development, and quickly adapting new projects is already bearing fruit.

We thank CDT member Dan Pitney who was instrumental in re-organizing the mission of CDT these past few years. You are missed, Dan! And finally, many thanks to out-going chairperson Lee Hunefeld for his great contributions to the Team. We are glad he continues as the Micro-grant Administrator.

God is making all things new, in us and through us. May God lead us in this next year of creating new faith communities for people yearning for connection, healing, and joy in their lives.

The Bishop’s Initiative to Eliminate Hunger Jonathan Enz and Gayle Woods, Co-Chairs

In this year of increasingly difficult financial news, as more of our families, friends and neighbors struggle, many for the first time, with issues of hunger or food insecurity, the ministries provided by the congregations of this Annual Conference have taken on an even greater urgency. Heeding the call to “feed the hungry,” United Methodists in Idaho and Oregon have stepped out in faith, beginning new ministries or expanding existing ones to meet the needs.

The highlights of each year are the opportunities to award grants to congregations to enable them to begin or expand hunger ministries. These grants are funded primarily through the Change Hunger Fast offering which congregations bring to Annual Conference each June. In 2010, $12,927.74 was received. Additional gifts provided another $2600. Because of this, the task force was able to award nine grants in 2010/2011 totaling over $18,000 dollars. Grants were awarded to Beaverton UMC; Portland First; Asbury, Emmett, Halsey, Jason Lee Memorial, John Day, Joseph, and Shelley UMC’s. Many of these 204 Reports ministries are ecumenical and involve partnerships with a variety of community organizations and agencies.

Three extensive community gardens will provide fresh, healthy food and model sustainability, offer nutrition education, and give recipients the opportunity to participate in providing for their own needs. A meal for homeless and at-risk teens will not only fill their stomachs, but will also provide an opportunity to develop relationships and assess their other needs. Expansion of an existing weekend meal program will allow even more elementary-age students to have a nutritious meal on weekends when school lunch is not available. Other existing ministries have seen a need to replace existing equipment or provide for the responsible maintenance of the part of their facility used for the hunger ministry.

Grant guidelines and applications are available on the Conference web site. Grants may be awarded for start-up expenses, infrastructure, equipment, or other one-time expenses. Programs must have a plan for self-sufficiency and have additional funding from other sources. Applicants are also provided guidance and assistance in locating and connecting with other available funding resources and following “best practices.”

Our Laity Workshop offering – Creating Hunger-Free Communities – is an opportunity for participants to learn how to identify community needs, and then plan and evaluate ministries to most effectively meet those needs.

There are currently vacancies for District Hunger Coordinators in Central and Southern Districts. District Hunger Coordinators continue to be available for consultation, training and assistance in implementing new ministries. Current District Coordinators are: Snake River District – Shannon Jensen; Metro District – Janice Stevens; and Western District – Gerry and Dotty Edy. Hunger Task Force members include Bishop Hoshibata, Jonathan Enz, Sharon Thornberry, Linda Jones and Gayle Woods.

We have been working extensively this year to find ways to more effectively communicate with congregations. For this reason, we are asking each congregation to identify a contact person who can provide information about hunger programs in that church and is willing to receive and share hunger-related information with the rest of the congregation. We are also eager to hear about the amazing hunger-related ministries currently provided throughout Idaho and Oregon. Congregations are encouraged to share their stories (preferably in writing) with any member of the task force or district hunger coordinator.

Central (Oregon Trail) District Stephan Ross, Assistant to the Bishop

The first year serving as Assistant to the Bishop for the Central District has been a wondrous experience and a steep learning curve.

We have been rebuilding and reinforcing the colloquy networks in order to provide greater collegiality and peer support for the pastors of our congregations. We have piloted leadership development processes in two ways: Pastoral Leadership Development and Congregational Leadership Development. Those pilot experiences have been very useful and we will be modifying the leadership development process to incorporate what we learned. Congregational Leadership Development will become a prominent experience for many in the Central District (and throughout the conference) over the next few years.

We have been moving into a new way of relating with congregations, focusing on leadership development rather than administrative process. Charge Conferences (rather than all-church conferences) were implemented this year. These were chaired by visiting elders instead of by the Assistant to the Bishop. This allowed me time to visit with church leaders more often around issues of church renewal that are important to the local congregation. We have been in churches more in response to their expressed needs and that seems to be fruitful. Reports 205 The people and congregations of the Central District are molded in almost every way by the dramatic and beautiful geography of the region and by the way that our people are so widely scattered across the landscape. With notable exceptions we live here in big country and very small towns.

I have been amazed at the persistence of the congregations that embody the Methodist tradition and faith in Eastern Oregon. In many places our congregations are the only functioning non-government institution in their community. Our congregations in the Central District are often the primary places where people of faith and good will for their neighbors find partners, encouragement and support for the work they do to sustain their communities.

As is true across the connection, many of our congregations worry about their future viability. Dramatic economic shifts, declining populations, and political marginalization are affecting our churches in ways that are forcing us to reinvent how we define and do ministry. As is so often in the story of God’s people, these very challenges are often occasions for heroic faith, courageous mission, and inspiring innovation.

If you are wondering how we Methodists can remain faithful and fruitful in ministry in a time of limited finances, an uninterested and unsupportive general culture, and with a small number of people – look to many of our congregations of the Central District. We have been facing these challenges for years now, and many of our churches have moved through the difficult process of finding ways to do God’s will in the world as we find it, rather than the way we would like it to be.

I am filled with gratitude for all those who have kept the faith in the Central District. I am inspired to contemplate the ways in which God is preparing to share the faith with a whole new generation of disciples through our obedience and faithfulness today.

Metro District Lowell Greathouse, Assistant to the Bishop Norm Dyer, District Lay Leader

Although the names are Lincoln Street, Westside, Montavilla, Vermont Hills, and Fremont rather than being Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, and Antioch, the churches of the Metro District resemble their earlier counterparts in many ways. Like these early churches, we are actively engaged in figuring out what it means to live our faith in the context of rapidly changing times. We are working through our own internal struggles and shortcomings as we live in community with one another. We are finding new ways to be in ministry in the settings in which we are located.

There are examples of churches in the district that have launched new ministries, such as the Hispanic Resource Center in Beaverton (which has already served the needs of hundreds of Hispanic individuals), and the work of Sunnyside UMC, which still serves weekly meals to the homeless, but now had opened their church facilities to the wider community through their Swap Shop. But there are also churches that are still trying to figure out what their mission really is and determine how to align their ministries to their mission fields. In short, we are a mixture of churches that are at various stages of health and vitality. We still have much to learn about what it means to be faithful today.

When you look around at what is happening at local churches in the Metro District, you see: more churches growing community gardens on their property, a significant number of churches hosting other congregations so that they can worship in their facilities, and an increasing number of churches exploring what it means to be more inclusive of all people.

While our district focus is on how to assist local churches as they develop their sense of health and vitality, nonetheless there have been a number of activities that happened at a district level that are worth noting: in January, 170 church leaders participated in a training event focused on the five practices of fruitful congregations; in February, 40 individuals gathered to learn how we can address the issue of poverty in our midst; in April, 40 leaders attended workshops on key local church responsibilities, looking at issues of leadership and organizational health; over 600 people participated in 40 Local Church 206 Reports Leadership Conversations this fall/winter; in January, eight pastors began participating in our Pastoral Leadership Development pilot project; and in August, a team of 15 individuals, representing five district churches, will be a part of a Volunteers in Mission team to UMCOR West in Salt Lake City.

These are simply the outputs of our assorted activities, not the real fruit of our missional work. But many of us are shifting our strategic efforts in ways that focus outward, create opportunities for systematic learning, engage people in deeper dialogue, and create experiments to shake us out of old patterns. There is still much to do as we begin walking together in new ways.

The most important work is happening at the local church level, where many are refocusing on mission and reaching out in new ways. There are signs of hope, but there are also examples of dysfunction and places where we are stuck. Mostly, we are a work in progress. As we introduce the Vital Church Project and deepen our focus on local church health and vitality, it is my hope that we’ll (1) establish a stronger learning community, (2) create more experiments in ministry, and (3) establish clear measurements so we know how we are making progress.

Snake River District Kim Fields, Assistant to the Bishop

This past year has been a year of change in the Snake River District. It all began with a name change. Last year at the Eastern District breakfast Mike Holloman led a successful campaign to change the name of our district from Eastern to Snake River. After four years of faithful service our District Superintendent Bob Flaherty left to become the pastor of the church in Newberg, Oregon, and Kim Fields was appointed to fill his shoes, but with the new title ofAssistant to the Bishop. As the Assistant to the Bishop Kim turned over charge conferences to presiding elders and appointed connecting elders to oversee the four colloquies. This enabled him to free up time to focus on equipping churches to be vital congregations. The first Pastoral Leadership Development group was kicked off in the Treasure Valley, churches were visited and consultations begun.

But that was just the beginning of the exciting things happening in the Snake River District. The Crossroads congregation faced the loss of their new church building one month only to receive it back the next month through the faithful work of their pastor, Gary Ross; the diligent efforts of hard working, generous laity; a complex package of conference assistance; and most of all the grace of God. Thanks to churches working together the UMYWE youth retreat was a great success again and the Treasure Valley youth added a second state-wide rally. Speaking of churches working together to do great things, the Church Leadership Institute featuring the trainers from the Church of the Resurrection was as inspirational as it was educational and we look forward to a second annual Leadership Institute next year on March 9 and 10, featuring Eric Geiger (author of Simple Church) and Sue Nelson Kibbey (recently of Ginghamsburg UMC). Despite the loss of membership across the denomination we can boast several churches that are doing very well and, with the recent growth at Meridian and Eagle, we now have the three largest churches in the conference. Still not all news is good and so it is with sadness that we say goodbye to Jody Felton who is moving to Nehalem Bay, Oregon and David Buechler who is stepping out of the pastoral ministry for a time but we are excited to welcome Kathy Abend and Jeff Rickman who join us from seminary.

All in all, though the workers may be few, the fields of the Snake River District are ripe for harvest, so the good news from the east is good news with potential to get even better.

Southern District Donna M.L. Pritchard, Assistant to the Bishop

“Growing healthy, vital churches who make disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world.” That has been the goal of the Southern District in this year! The change in title, from District Superintendent Reports 207 to Assistant to the Bishop, is just one outward and visible sign of some deeper, inward change designed to keep the focus on the local church and its mission.

Presiding Elders were recruited and trained to lead Charge Conferences throughout the district this year, freeing up the A2B to help congregations envision their ministry and its impact on their communities. To that end Local Church Leadership Conversations (LCLCs) were held in nearly every one of our churches. These meetings helped to clarify and inspire outwardly-focused, sustainable ministry. They also helped to strengthen our connection by brokering resources that can help congregations meet their ministry goals.

In January the first Pastoral Leadership Development (PLD) group began meeting monthly. Eight clergy from around the District are being led by two A2Bs in learning about leadership and the missional church. Monthly class sessions are augmented by significant reading and coaching toward action. In February the District Leadership Team presented “Takin’ It to the Streets,” an excellent Enrichment Event for laity and clergy, offering both inspiration and concrete help for churches to engage those beyond themselves. All of this learning and stretching is beginning to bear fruit in deeper lay/clergy partnerships for mission and in creative responses to the needs of our neighbors.

It has been my pleasure to serve the Southern District for the past eight years. As I leave this position I give God thanks and praise for the faithfulness of our churches and the courage of our people in facing the changes we must make to remain vital disciple-making congregations.

Western District Rev. Dr. Katherine Simmons Conolly, Assistant to the Bishop Mary Foote, District Lay Leader Linda Grund-Clampit, District Administrative Assistant

“My friends, what good is it to say you have faith, when you don’t do anything to show that you really do have faith? …Faith that doesn’t lead us to do good deeds is all alone and dead!” James 2:14a,17 (CEV)

The United Methodist congregations of the Western District have been living out their response to the Apostle James’ challenge. In March we gathered together to hear from Rev. Reggie McNeal about “missional church.” This was the latest in a series of annual Western District renewal events that provided food for thought and practical skills in turning our faith outward. All our learning and conversations are bearing fruit. We’ve seen God’s hand in our daily work and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our communities.

WD ministries are expanding in new directions. In Cornelius, “The Table” – a monthly dinner and bi-lingual discussion group, gathers to unite the community through the love and harvest of the Lord. In Forest Grove, The Grand Lodge is the setting for “Theology on Tap” – an unofficial but spiritually alive conversation group. Following the lead of Tillamook UMC, in-door playgroups are blessing Fellowship Halls during previously quiet hours. Most WD congregations are involved in some type of hunger ministry from food bank support to backpack programs to community gardens. In Salem, Trinity UMC hosts a food bank and community garden where students from the school next door share in the giving and the receiving. Dallas UMC has opened their building for a community meal called “James 2 Kitchen” and has experienced their first mission trip outside their community.

Keizer’s Clear Lake UMC sponsored their 12th annual trip to Mexicali, Mexico. This year a group from Clear Lake UMC, Canby UMC, and Wilsonville UMC supported their Mexican host church in planting seeds for a new congregation, even as they celebrated the growth of a satellite congregation they nurtured in the first six years of their trips. God rewards faithfulness in our work!

Relationships are valued and accepted on a “come as you are” basis. In McMinnville, 12 Step groups are welcomed any time, any day. Will the participants be in a pew on Sunday? Who cares – it’s their church, 208 Reports in their way, for their time. Silverton UMC welcomes teens and elders to the informal, contemporary “Dirt Road to Glory” Bible Study and Worship on Sunday evenings. Oregon City UMC’s “Ashley’s Closet” is the mission arm of the youth group, with a special focus on learning about and serving homeless youth in Oregon City and beyond.

These are just an intriguing sampling of the wonderful ministries being done in Western District communities by congregations whose concern and faith spill out of their church buildings.

In the months since our last Annual Conference, we’ve celebrated the lives of dear friends while weeping for our loss. These servants of Christ who’ve built our churches and energized our mission are remembered and honored by our continued dedication. In the United Methodist Church, our history fuels our future.

As the new year unfolds, we’ll stay open to the possibilities the Lord presents while walking the Christian path we cherish. Thanks be to God!

Seminaries & United Methodist-Related Schools

Africa University James H. Salley, Associate Vice-Chancellor for Institutional Advancement Africa University: Serving God. All the Time. Everywhere. Support from United Methodists around the world has enabled Africa University to strongly emerge from Zimbabwe’s recent economic and political crises.

“As we have endured Zimbabwe’s national crisis, we have, indeed discovered not only what we are, but reinforced whose we are,” says Dr. Fanuel Tagwira, vice chancellor. “We are preparing Africa’s newest generation of leaders while proclaiming our faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ.”

The University is preparing to celebrate its 20th anniversary of ministry and service to Africa in 2012.

The University offers its thanks to the 21 annual conferences that met 100 percent of their apportionments for the Africa University Fund. In 2010, United Methodists contributed nearly $2.2 million to the Africa University Fund. That represents more than 86 percent of the $2.5 million goal. The Fund supports general operating costs, such as faculty and staff salaries and upkeep of facilities.

While meeting apportionments is important, second mile giving to the University’s endowment for student scholarships is vital. Our students have a great need for scholarship support.

Africa University graduated 349 students in June 2010, and opened the 2010-2011 school year with 1,200 students representing 25 African countries. Since opening in 1992, more than 3,500 students have earned bachelor and master’s degrees. Africa University prepares leaders in theology, agriculture, business and social sciences, health sciences, and peace and justice.

Africa University’s curriculum and support of the surrounding community reflects our biblical commitment to service and our Wesleyan heritage. Our graduates are prepared to serve Africa in ways that reflect the church’s four areas of focus, ministering to the poor, combating diseases of poverty, creating and revitalizing congregations, and developing principled Christian leaders.

The 2010 graduating class included 39 recipients of the University’s inaugural Master’s Degree in intellectual property. They represented 15 African countries. Africa University is the first university in sub-Saharan Africa to offer this degree. It stresses the value of protecting intellectual property for the people of Africa. It is one more example of the ethos of the University – preparing leaders who remain in Africa to serve Africa. Reports 209 Another important aspect of the University is our commitment to gender diversity. Our student body is nearly evenly divided between females and males. That is a significant development in Africa – a positive sign for the expanding role of women across the continent.

Another positive sign is the commitment of African United Methodists to take an even more active role in supporting the University. African bishops broke ground in the 2010-2011 academic year on a new housing facility for staff – funded by annual conferences in Africa. This housing unit is expected to be ready for the opening of the 2011-2012 academic year in September.

Africa University is preparing to add additional cyber campuses. Student applications far outstrip our ability to educate students on our Old Mutare campus. That is why we are adding more locations to our on-line cyber courses. Our first virtual campus is located in Maputo, Mozambique.As we broaden our service to all of Africa, we are planning virtual campuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire and Sierra Leone. A key to the success of these cyber campuses will be our new, expanded ability to reach the world through the Internet. We recently finished connecting with a new high speed, fiber optic cable system that links Zimbabwe with the world.

All of this is happening through the prayers and financial support of United Methodists around the world. Encourage your church to meet its Africa University Fund shared ministry obligation this year. Your support is part of The United Methodist Church’s response to God’s call to serve Africa. Your support helps to prepare Africa’s next generation of leaders. They will spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, improve health care and living conditions, expand business and commerce, and educate another generation of leaders in this rapidly changing region of the world.

Boston University School of Theology Mary Elizabeth Moore, Dean

Greetings from Boston University School of Theology, one of your United Methodist partners in mission! We thank you for your prayerful support of us through the past year, and will share some new developments in our School.

News flashes from the School! • New Faculty: We welcomed three new faculty this year and they are already contributing mightily to the life of STH. Dr. Walter Fluker is the Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Ethical Leadership. He teaches exciting courses, consults with international organizations on ethical leadership, and leads the Howard Thurman Papers Project, now based at STH. Dr. Christopher Evans is Professor of the History of Christianity and Methodist Studies. He brings expertise in American Christianity and the history and theology of Wesleyan traditions. Besides, he is a great teacher. Dr Courtney Goto is Assistant Professor of Religious Education, reviving the STH program in educational ministry with her distinctive interest in teaching and the arts. She has recently studied the artful ministry of her Japanese-American UMC congregation, especially its sanctuary art, worship, and Japanese garden. • New Curriculum: The new curriculum – “Faith Engaging the World” – has arrived, and we are discovering the potential of this curriculum to prepare spiritually-centered, prophetic, intelligent, practical religious leaders who can contribute to renewing and transforming the church and the world. Not only are M.Div. and M.T.S. students benefitting from the new curriculum, but we have also launched our new one-year Master of Sacred Theology program for military chaplains, responding to their increasing needs to address issues of ethics, trauma, and conflict transformation. • Church Connections: United Methodist Women will read two books authored or co-authored by our faculty in the UMW Mission Studies this summer: Dana Robert’s Joy to the World!: Mission in the Age of Global Christianity and Stephanie Hixon and Tom Porter’s The Journey: Forgiveness, Restorative Justice and Reconciliation. In addition, Bryan Stone and his students continue to initiate and support new church starts; several of our faculty and students have spoken or consulted with church boards and agencies; and our graduates are giving strong leadership in their home churches and conferences. 210 Reports • Global Connections: Travel seminars have studied this year in Ephesus (modern Turkey) and Russia, and the School has collaborated with people in Korea, China, South Africa, Norway, and Australia. Dr. Thomas Thangaraj has been Visiting Professor in Global Christianity and Mission, teaching courses in Images of Christ and Christian Encounters with Hinduism. Professor Dana Robert, Truman Collins Professor of World Christianity and Mission, delivered the opening keynote address in the 100th anniversary of the Edinburgh World Missionary Conference and in the opening convocation of the 2010 Boston Conference: The Changing Contours of World Mission and Christianity. The Reverend Canon Ted Karpf, recently of the World Health Organization, has joined our team as Director of Development. He is already building new global connections that will challenge and stretch us! • Contextual Engagement: The School received a grant of $200,000 to support its LINC program – Learning in a Nexus of Communities. We continue to build partnerships with local churches and service agencies, as we contextualize theological education at STH. We are grateful to the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations for supporting these efforts. • Community Building: Community life is buzzing with dynamic weekly worship, followed by a community meal, and with daily morning prayer. We have expanded our efforts to strengthen community and spiritual life with the addition of a Spiritual Life Coordinator, the Reverend Robin Olson, and the addition of a Coordinator of Communications and International Student Life, Philippa Mpunzwana. • Sustainability Charge: We have charged ourselves to build toward greater sustainability, having implemented energy conserving practices, designed a green community center for our basement, and launched an intentional living community for some of our students in the “Green House.”

Still to Come! • New faculty searches: We are presently searching for faculty in preaching, pastoral theology, and history of Christianity. • People’s History: The STH People’s History Project continues, and we have had some wonderful oral history interviews with alums this year. Contact the Alumni Office if you are interested in sharing your story with us: (617) 353-2349. • Lifelong Learning: Our work in lifelong learning has just begun, but we have begun collaborations with churches and other educational institutions to respond to the needs of local churches, clergy, and lay leaders. We welcome your ideas. • Alumni Networking: We are decentralizing alumni activity to conferences and regions in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas, knowledge and collaborations. Jaclyn Jones is the point of contact for these efforts to stimulate the connection between alumni and Boston University School of Theology. Jaclyn is reached at [email protected].

We are abundantly grateful for our BU graduates and friends in your conference, and also for our church partners throughout the United Methodist connection. We continue to pray for you and we welcome your prayers for us. We are in this ministry together!

Candler School of Theology Jan Love, Dean and Professor of Christianity and World Politics

Candler School of Theology prepares real people to make a real difference in the real world. Our distinctive commitment to authentic discipleship and relevant ministry enables us to develop uniquely well-rounded leaders who are challenged academically, encouraged spiritually, and immersed in Christian service from the first day they arrive on campus.

Candler’s student body continues to reflect the diversity and breadth of the Christian faithful. Our enrollment stands at 469, with 358 seeking the Master of Divinity, 67 the Master of Theological Studies, 16 the Master of Theology, 14 the Doctor of Theology, and 14 enrolled as Special, Non-Degree students. The total student population is 25% US ethnic minority, 9% international, and 52% women. Forty-six denominations are represented, with 52% of MDiv students being United Methodist. The median age of our entering class of MDiv students is 26, with 57% of total enrollment under thirty. Reports 211 To ensure that our students are prepared for leadership in an increasingly global context, Candler continues its emphasis on internationalizing the curriculum. This fall, Rev. Dr. Beauty Maenzanise, dean of the theology faculty at Africa University in Zimbabwe, joined us as the 2010-11 McDonald Chair in the Study of Jesus and Culture, and the Rev. Dr. Margot Kaessmann, former head of the 14 million- member Protestant church in Germany, joined us for a semester as visiting Theologian-in-Residence. This year, Candler has academic exchange partnerships with theology schools across five continents and nine countries, including many related to The United Methodist Church. In addition to our ongoing summer internship program with the Methodist Church in the Bahamas, Candler once again partnered with International Relief and Development, Inc., to send eight student interns as far as Cambodia and as near as Gulfport, Miss., to address a broad range of issues, including democracy and governance, HIV/AIDS, child poverty and mortality, and community development. Travel seminars in 2010-2011 include the Middle East Travel Seminar in May-June and World Methodist Evangelism Institute evangelism seminars to the Philippines, India, and Colombia.

A hallmark of the Candler MDiv experience, the two-year Contextual Education program shapes our students’ pastoral identities by interweaving service at ministry sites and churches with academic analysis in the classroom and spiritual reflection in pastor-led small groups. In any given week, Candler deploys more than 250 ConEd students throughout the region to minister to people in congregations, hospitals, and social service agencies. This year, we will expand Candler Advantage, a program designed to pay rising third-year MDiv students for summer internships in congregations so they can concentrate fully on honing their pastoral skills beyond the first two years of ConEd.

Candler’s Lifelong Learning events strengthen the church by providing opportunities for clergy and lay leaders to learn more about the practice of ministry. Fall Conference 2010 focused on conflict transformation; the spring event featured poet, author, and funeral director Tom Lynch along with Candler’s own Tom Long, addressing “The Good Funeral.” The 2011 Fall Conference highlights “The Art of Preaching in the 21st Century,” with a chance to learn from some of the most respected names in preaching.

In addition to our Lifelong Learning events, Candler oversees the educational process of more than 900 people each year through the Course of Study regional school and our five extension schools in the Southeast.

Candler draws considerable vitality and inspiration from its relationship with The United Methodist Church. Our ability to fulfill our mission ofeducating faithful and creative leaders for the church’s ministries in the world depends upon your support, gifts, and prayers. Thank you for the countless ways you strengthen this essential ministry in the life of our denomination. We invite you to visit us in person in Atlanta or online at to see firsthand how Candler preparesreal people to make a real difference in the real world.

Drew Theological School The Rev. Dr. Kah-Jin Jeffrey Kuan, Ph.D., Dean/Professor of Hebrew Bible

My predecessor, Dean Maxine Beach, has said me that Drew University Theological School is “a special place” on more than one occasion. Since coming to Drew, I have begun to see how right she is. It is a welcoming, hospitable, and caring community. We do not pretend to be a perfect community but we strive hard to welcome all who come through our doors and care for the shalom, the well-being, of each individual and as well as the Common Good.

Drew is “a special place” because of the many ways we seek to equip and empower leaders for Christian ministry through the numerous programs we offer: • M.Div., S.T.M., M.A., M.A.Min., D.Min., and Ph D.; • Continuing Education opportunities for pastors and lay people; • Internships through Communities of Shalom in Shalom zones world wide • Partnership for Religious Education in Prisons program in a local men’s prison and women’s prison, 212 Reports where Drew students and inmates study and learn together; • Certification in Spiritual Formation and Camp and Retreat; • Cross-Cultural Courses in India, Turkey, El Salvador, Mexico, Taize, and Ghana; • United Methodist Liaison and Deacon Liaison to assist students in their discernment.

In my first weeks, I have begun to visit churches and alumni in the vicinity. I believe very strongly that we can only do theological education with communities, both communities of faith and other kinds of communities that our alumni serve. In many ways, we owe a debt to our churches and other agencies that work with us to train and form our students for leadership.

We take pride in having a faculty that is perhaps one of the most diverse in theological education with an almost equal number of women and men. Our student body is equally diverse. We take seriously our United Methodist identity. Drew is well positioned to be a leading progressive United Methodist seminary. I welcome ongoing dialogue as we work together to shape a vision in equipping the saints for ministry. Together we can make Christian disciples that transform the world.

Pacific School of Religion Kathi McShane, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Pacific School of Religion and its President Riess Potterveld send greetings to the Oregon-Idaho Conference of the United Methodist Church.

A multidenominational Christian seminary, PSR has been preparing bold leaders for historic and emerging faith communities since its founding in 1866. Our graduates are known for innovative ministries of compassion and justice around the globe—in urban and rural parishes, higher education, pastoral counseling, the arts, public policy, and many other fields. PSR is a member of the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), a consortium of nine Bay Area seminaries.

This year, 248 students are studying in a variety of degree programs at PSR. 55% are female; 45% are male. 26% are under 30; 24% are over 50. 27 students (18%) are United Methodist, and they are surrounded by a cohort of United Methodist faculty and staff: Boyung Lee (Associate Professor of Educational Ministries and member of the New England Annual Conference), Virginia Chase (Director of Field Education and member of the Rocky Mountain Annual Conference), Karen Oliveto (Adjunct Professor of United Methodist History, Doctrine and Polity), and Kathi McShane (Vice President for Institutional Advancement). We both celebrate and mourn the loss of Jeffrey Kuan to his new position as Dean of Drew University School of Theology!

Annual tuition for a full-time student is just over $15,000. All across the country, seminary enrollment is declining, as churches shrink and full-time positions for clergy are harder to find. While we have always been concerned about the level of student debt that PSR students graduate with, those concerns have taken on a new urgency and have contributed to lower enrollment figures for several years now.

Like many other seminaries, PSR is in the process of “right-sizing” its operations to meet these new realities. Some staff positions have been eliminated, and the size of the faculty has been reduced. All faculty and staff have taken reductions in the rate of pension contributions and compensation. Some programs have been modified. The Earl Lectures move to an every-other-year schedule.

These reductions will allow PSR to be a better steward of the generous support of its friends and donors. They also allow the school to move forward with a renewed vision for the future of theological education. We will move toward more collaborative work with our GTU partners, including shared faculty and administrative resources. We will be offering more classes on-line, not only to students in degree programs, but to lay persons who are seeking intellectual and academic content to bolster their spiritual lives and to enhance their leadership abilities in local churches. There will be more continuing education offerings for clergy, in a “flexible learning” environment—both in person and on-line. The Doctor of Ministry program is being substantially revised. Reports 213 The challenges being faced by the seminary parallel those being faced by the church. We are together imagining new shapes for communities of faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, and Pacific School of Religion takes seriously its mission of preparing leaders for those communities.

United Theological Seminary Wendy J. Deichmann, President “Spirit led: Renewing the Church!”

United has one goal: to train dynamic leaders for the ministry of Jesus Christ. As you consider whether God is calling you or someone you know into ministry, we invite you to explore the opportunities at United!

United offers: • Degree and certificate programs relevant to today’s followers of Jesus Christ! • Emphases in Christian Ministry, Pastoral Care and Church Renewal! • New: An Online/Hybrid Master of Divinity that meets UMC and ATS standards! • A growing number of Life-Long Learning courses online and on campus! • New Doctor of Ministry degree focus groups and mentors! • Deep learning opportunities for both clergy and laity! • Appreciative theological reflection on the central teachings of the Bible and the doctrines of the Christian faith! • Spiritual formation in a variety of cultural contexts, including international communities! • A technologically advanced, fully accessible, state-of-the art campus! • A youthful, diverse, widely published faculty committed to the Christian faith! • Friendly and helpful staff and students! • A UM matching scholarship program and scholarships for others as well!

At United, we are committed to following the Spirit’s lead in renewing the Church for the mission of Jesus Christ in the world!

Enrollment at United is growing steadily and we invite you to call, visit or sign up for a class or program that meets your needs!

For more information, contact [email protected].

Thank you for your prayers, partnership and service in the ministry of Jesus Christ! 214 Jason Lee Award


Jason Lee’s frontiers were geographic and religious. The frontiers of our honorees are electronic, the printing press, the camera. They cover the ethical spiritual spectrum. With them we share our legacy, the spirit of Jason Lee.

Believing that the Christian mission today ranks high among human endeavors for good and, at its best, constitutes divine action in meeting human needs; and

Believing that prompt and skillful presentation through the mass media is essential for optimum impact of the work of Christ, in this fast moving age;

The Jason Lee Award was instituted by the Public Relations Commission (now the Communications Committee) of the Oregon Annual Conference (of which the Oregon-Idaho Conference is the successor), and was given to persons cited for “excellence through work in or use of media that reaches beyond the local church.” Although the award was discontinued in 2007, it continues to be recorded here for historical purposes.

Miss Gloria Chandler 1967 Paul Nickell 1988 Miss Ruth Peterson 1966 Kris Tucker 1989 Mr. Watford Reed 1967 Arvin Luchs 1990 Mr. Robert Arnott 1968 Patricia Ann Meyers 1991 The Reverend Ira Gillett 1969 Joe and Barbara Myers 1991 Mr. Jim Sawyer 1970 Ardis Letey 1992 The Reverend George Trobough 1971 First UMC, Nampa, Idaho 1993 Mr. Drury Brown 1971 Thom Larson, Pastor Mr. Alden Munson 1972 Rochelle Killett, Lay Member Mrs. Wayne Wagler 1973 Vi McIndoo, Lay Member Mr. Earle Jester 1974 Barbara Sawyer 1994 Mayor Dick Eardley 1975 Marvin Fourier 1995 The Rev. Herbert E. Richards 1975 Ann Bateman 1996 Elbert Hawkins 1976 Beverly Walker 1997 The Rev. Earl W. Riddle 1977 Loisfaye Griffith (posthumously) 1998 The Rev. Eric Robinson 1978 Chris Kester, Marcey Balcomb, and 1999 Loisfaye Griffith 1979 Christy Dirren The Rev. Asa Mundell 1980 Laura Jaquith Bartlett 2000 The Rev. Myron “Mike” Halll 1981 Gary L. Ross 2001 Lois Marcey Richards 1982 Marvin Jones 2002 Erma Easley 1983 Jim Monroe 2003 The Rev. Judith Smith 1984 Rupert UMC (Idaho) 2004 John Grund 1985 Rose City Park UMC Computer Ministry 2005 Gladys Colburn 1986 Larry McDowell, Jack Ball, Linda Woods 1987 & Dick Moser Brian Sludder 1987 Rod Fielder 2006 Bishop’s Award 215

Bishop’s Award

In June of 2005, Bishop Robert Hoshibata insti- tuted a new honor in the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference. Titled the Bishop’s Award, this recognition is bestowed upon lay persons who have demonstrated exemplary service to the An- nual Conference. Bishop’s Award recipients do not know before the presentation that they are to receive this special honor, so annual conference members enjoy seeing the surprise unfold.

2005 2009 Marilyn Outslay Paul Cosgrove Ervin Williams

2006 2010 Jerry Beeson (awarded Gerry and Dottie Edy posthumously) Kathy Campbell-Barton Bonnie McOmber Gregory Paul Nelson

2007 2011 D. Joan Collison Ted Wimer Maribeth Wilson Collins Ruth Walton Cesie Delve 2008 Scheuermann Tom Wogaman Jo Japs 216 Conference Rules Conference Rules David Armstrong, Section Editor

Chapter 1: Rules Relating to Membership ...... 216

Chapter 2: Rules Relating to Procedure in Conference Sessions ...... 218

Chapter 3: Rules Relating to Districts and Superintendents ...... 221

Chapter 4: Rules Relating to Officers, Minutes, and Journal ...... 221

Chapter 5: Rules Relating to Finance ...... 223

Chapter 6: Rules Relating to Organization of the Annual Conference ...... 226

Chapter 7: Rules Relating to Archives and History ...... 229

Chapter 8: Rules Relating to Property ...... 229

Chapter 9: Rules Relating to the Conference Leadership Team ...... 229

Chapter 10: Rules Relating to Ordained Ministerial Membership ...... 231

Chapter 11: Rules Relating to Diaconal Ministerial Relationship ...... 232

Chapter 12: Rules Relating to Procedure by Local Churches ...... 232

Chapter 13: Rules Relating to Conference Nominations and Elections ...... 233


1.000 Lay Members. Each charge within the Conference shall at the Charge Conference succeeding each General Conference elect for four-year terms one lay member to the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference and two reserve lay members (¶¶32, 249.5). 1.001 A charge served by more than one clergy shall be entitled to as many lay members as there are clergy members. The number of lay members chosen under this provision, however, shall not exceed the number of churches on a circuit unless the number of clergy serving that circuit exceeds the number of churches. 1.002 A charge consisting of more than one church shall be entitled to elect one lay member from each church on the circuit. Each church shall be represented by a lay member before any church on the circuit is entitled to representation by a second lay member. 1.006 Lay and clergy membership in the Annual Conference shall be equalized quadrennially on the basis of information provided in the last printed Annual Conference Journal of each Quadrennium. The Conference Secretary shall certify the number of lay members to be elected (if any) and identify churches entitled to elect additional lay members. 1.007 The number of additional lay members to be elected under provisions of rule 1.006 (if any) shall be allocated, one per church, starting with the largest church, and continuing in descending order according to membership, until the required number is provided. 1.010 Lay members of the Annual Conference to be elected by districts (Rule 1.012) and District Lay Leaders (Rule 1.014) shall be nominated by the District Committee on Nominations and elected at a District Conference or a district caucus at the Annual Conference session next succeeding the adjournment of the regular session of the General Conference. Should a vacancy occur during a quadrennium the replacement shall be named by the District Nominating Committee. 1.011 Each District Youth Ministry Team annually shall name two youth as members. Conference Rules 217

1.012 Each district shall elect as lay members two young adults who shall be at least 19 and not more than 30 years of age at the time of election and one student enrolled at a college or university at the time of election. 1.013 Two lay persons from ethnic minority groups (Asian American, Black American, Hispanic American, Native American, or Pacific Islanders) from each district, selected in accordance with procedures determined by the Racial/Ethnic Ministries Coordinating Team and in consultation with the chair of the Nominating Committee, shall be members. 1.014 District Lay Leaders shall be lay members (if not already) (¶602.4). 1.015 District Presidents of United Methodist Women shall be lay members (if not already). 1.016 District Presidents of United Methodist Men shall be lay members (if not already). 1.017 The Conference Adult Coordinator shall be a lay member (if not already). 1.018 The Conference Older Adult Coordinator shall be a lay member (if not already). 1.019 The Conference Young Adult Coordinator shall be a lay member if not already). 1.020 The Conference Secretary, Treasurer, and Statistician shall be members of the Annual Conference (if not already). 1.021 Elected lay chairpersons of conference ministry teams shall be lay members (if not already). Prior to establishing the conference lay member equalization formula, the director of connectional ministries shall submit to the conference leadership team for review and approval a list of conference ministry teams to which this rule shall apply. Ministry teams having co- chairpersons shall determine in advance which is to serve as the voting member of the annual conference. The other may be seated with a voice but without a vote. 1.022 The chair of the Conference Rules Committee shall be a member (if not already). 1.023 Persons having Conference membership by Rules 1.017, 1.018 and 1.019 shall not be compensated for expenses by the Annual Conference. 1.024 Lay Delegates to Jurisdictional Conference shall be lay members (if not already). 1.025 Lay persons who are elected as members of General Boards, Jurisdictional Boards or Commissions shall be seated at Annual Conference as equalization members. 1.026 The Idaho Archivist and the Oregon Archivist shall be lay members (if not already). 1.027 Lay persons who are Conference Executive Staff shall be lay members (if not already) by virtue of their position, provided they hold membership in a United Methodist congregation. 1.028 The Conference Youth Coordinator shall be a member (if not already). If unable to attend the CYMT shall designate an alternate adult who is also a member of CYMT. 1.029 The Conference Director of Lay Speaking Ministries and the District Directors of Lay Speaking Ministries shall be members of Annual Conference (if not already) without Annual Conference Compensation. 1.030 Persons elected as lay members of the Annual Conference under Rules 1.011, 1.012, 1.013, 1.014, 1.015 and 1.016, may submit expense vouchers for room and board to the Conference Treasurer for payment. 1.031 The at-large lay members of the Conference Leadership Team shall be lay members (if not already). 1.032 The Conference Peace with Justice Coordinator shall be a member (if not already). 1.033 A lay person assigned to serve as the pastor of a local church within the annual conference shall become a lay member of the conference as of the date he/she begins the assignment and shall continue in membership as long as his/her assignment is active. The membership of the lay pastor assigned does not replace that of the local church’s elected lay member of annual conference. 1.200 The clergy membership of the Conference shall consist of deacons and elders in full connection, probationary members, associate members, affiliate members and local pastors under full-time and part-time appointment to a pastoral charge (¶¶602.1, 368.1, 316.6, 321.1, 329.2, 334.1, 586.4d) 1.202. Missionaries may be given Affiliate Membership in the Annual Conference (¶¶344.4, 602.9) 218 Conference Rules

1.305 Every person under Episcopal appointment whose salary paying unit is a local church within this Conference, or the Annual Conference itself, is entitled to 30 days of vacation at regular pay during the Conference year. All other vacations are subject to written agreements or negotiation between the parties involved. A person in his or her first year under appointment in the Annual Conference may take up to 15 days of the yearly vacation during the first six months in the new appointment. 1.310 Pastoral Appointments, unless otherwise terminated in writing, shall terminate the last day of June. 1.311 Parsonage Possession. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the incoming and outgoing clergy, the Chairs of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committees, and the District Superintendent, a clergy moving from a parsonage shall fully vacate it of his or her personal property, furnishings, and effects not later than 12 noon on the last Wednesday before the first Sunday in July. 1.320 The Conference Board of Pensions shall provide for and administer a conference group hospitalization and medical expense program.


2.010 All expenses of the Annual Conference session shall be assumed by the Annual Conference. 2.011 The Conference shall assist with travel expenses to and from the seat of the Conference, exempting the first 200 round trip miles, on an equitable basis for all members of the Conference. (For members appointed outside the boundary of the Conference, the maximum reimbursement shall be $600.00). 2.012 All members (lay and clergy) shall attend the sessions of the Annual Conference. Attendance may be excused by the appropriate superintendent. Persons unable to attend shall request by letter to the appropriate superintendent, setting forth the reason for absence. The names of ordained clergy in the effective relationship and full-time local pastors who are absent from the Annual Conference session without satisfactory reason shall be submitted to the Board of Ordained Ministry by the Conference Secretary. The names of Diaconal ministers absent from the Annual Conference Session without satisfactory reason shall be submitted to the Board of Ordained Ministry, Division of Deacons by the Conference Secretary. 2.014 All members of the Conference shall register upon arrival. This registration may constitute a roll call at the discretion of the Conference Secretary. 2.016 Child and dependent care information and scholarships will be provided, as requested, for each session of the annual conference. The Sessions Committee will continue to study the need and options for child and dependent care. 2.020 There shall be a Conference Sessions Team and a Conference Arrangements Team. The Conference agenda shall be set in accordance with procedures established by the Conference. (See the Conference Sessions Report to the 1987 Annual Conference). 2.021 The printed program, as prepared by the Conference Sessions Team (2.020) subject to such changes as they recommend shall be the official program. 2.022 A Memorial Service shall be provided at each session of the Annual Conference for members who have died during the year. 2.023 The Conference Sessions Team shall provide for such study sections, legislative committees, small group meetings or task groups as necessary for the adequate consideration of the Annual Conference proposals and actions. The Annual Conference in Plenary Session shall make the final determination of all action. 2.024 If the Legislative Committees are constituted in such a way that their membership is representative of the Annual Conference membership, there shall be a Consent Calendar which will include any Action Requests, General Conference Petitions, or Reports approved or disapproved by 90% or more of the members of the Legislative Committee present and voting except for Mandated Reports, New Standing Resolutions, and actions including budgetary Conference Rules 219

requests. Items will be lifted from the Consent Calendar for debate in the plenary session by a motion made at the time the Consent Calendar is first presented to the Conference if the motion is supported by 40 or more votes. 2.026 No material shall be distributed to members in study sections or plenary sessions without the express authorization of the Conference Sessions Team. 2.030 Pre-Conference Reports shall be submitted to the Conference office not less than 60 days before the Annual Conference Session. 2.032 Pre-Conference Reports shall be duplicated with lines numbered at the left of the page. 2.034 Pre-Conference Reports shall be mailed to all Conference members not less than 30 days before the Annual Conference Session. 2.039 An action request is in the nature of a petition. It is a request for Annual Conference deliberation and adoption which has been submitted by an individual member of the UMC within this Conference; or a group of such members; or agencies of the annual conference or of a local church. 2.040 All Action Requests must be in the Conference Office no later than 60 days before the Annual Conference Session is to convene. All Action Requests thus submitted shall be reviewed by the Legislative Coordinator, and entered into standardized computer format for uniformity. Any changes deemed necessary by the Legislative Coordinator shall be made only in consultation with the sponsor of the Action Request. All Action Requests thus submitted shall be printed and distributed in the Pre-Conference Mailing. Emergency action requests arriving later than the 60 day deadline will be assigned to a Legislative Committee and will appear to the full membership only as directed by the Legislative Committee. 2.050 All Reports to Annual Conference Sessions shall be reproduced with lines numbered at the left of the page; each duplicated page shall be given a separate number. 2.052 All Reports shall be in the hands of Conference members in duplicated form not less than three hours before their presentation. Publication in the Pre-Conference Reports automatically fulfills this requirement. 2.054 In accordance with Discipline ¶613.2, any actions with budgetary implications which have not previously been considered by the Conference Council on Finance and Administration shall be referred to them for a report and recommendation at the next regularly scheduled plenary session. 2.056 Any person who makes a motion which directs that the Secretary shall take a particular action (such as write a letter) shall provide in writing the information necessary for completing the task (complete name, address, draft of letter with all pertinent information regarding the issue to be addressed) before the close of the Conference Session. 2.100 The Rules of Order of the preceding General Conference shall be authoritative on all questions not referred to or fully treated in these Conference Rules. 2.101 When a matter is under debate, the presiding officer shall encourage alternation between lay and clergy speakers. 2.102 Upon request by three members of the Conference, a vote shall be recorded in the following three categories: “Yes,” “No,” “Abstain.” 2.104 A member may vote only when within the bar of the Conference. 2.106 Any member of the United Methodist Church, though not a member of the Annual Conference, may be given the privilege of the floor, but shall not have the privilege of voting. 2.120 No system of balloting for persons for any office, agency membership, or delegation by the Annual Conference or any of its agencies or institutions shall be used which requires voting for some eligible persons in a manner different from that used to vote for the total of those eligible. 2.200 The election of General and Jurisdictional Conference Delegates: 1. Clergy and lay ballots shall be taken separately. 2. The Secretary shall appoint tellers for the Clergy Ballot and tellers for the Lay Ballot. The tellers shall distribute the ballots, collect them, count them, and report at once in a sealed envelope the result of each ballot to the Conference Secretary and to no one else. 220 Conference Rules

3. For the first ballot 3 minute nominating speeches may be allowed. There shall be no seconding speeches. The names of those nominated shall be posted in alphabetical order, together with their initials, district, and local church. 4. Before each ballot, the presiding officer shall announce the number of candidates that ballot may elect. 5. A ballot to be effective must include the exact number of names that the ballot may elect. All other ballots are defective and shall not be counted. 6. When the ballots have been distributed and sufficient time has elapsed to mark them, the Bishop shall call upon all the clergy members in full connection or all the lay members (or reserves), according to the ballot being taken, to stand and remain standing until their ballot has been collected. As soon as a member has thus voted he or she shall be seated. 7. In counting the ballots, the intent of the voter shall be allowed regardless of mistakes in spelling, omission or mistakes in Christian name or initial, etc. If the tellers are not able to agree unanimous on the intent, the vote for that name only shall not be counted. 8. When the whole number of regular delegates has been elected, a separate ballot shall be taken for the reserve delegates. 9. In each ballot a majority of all the effective ballots shall be necessary for election. 10. Members may write in on their ballots names of persons who have not been nominated. 2.210 The procedure for nomination of Clergy delegates to General and Jurisdictional Conference shall be as follows: 1.In January of the year for which delegates are to be elected, a mailing will be sent by the Conference Secretary to all clergy members in full connection asking them to nominate five clergy and/or self nominate to be considered for General and Jurisdictional Conference delegates, and encouraging nominations to be inclusive as well as representative of the Annual Conference. 2. Clergy who receive 10 or more nominations and/or self nominate will be sent a form inviting them to respond to three of the following questions (no more than 200 words for the total of all responses): a. “What is the most important issue facing the UMC today and how would you address it?” b. “What does the UMC need most in order to experience revitalization?” c. “What gifts and graces would you bring as a participant around the General Church table?” d. “Name an Oregon-Idaho strength or concern which you would carry to General or Jurisdictional Conference?” 3. Responses will be mailed to all clergy in pre-conference packets. 4. Voting at Annual Conference shall proceed as outlined in Rule 2.200. 2.250 Names of Ordained Elders who are members in full connection of an Annual Conference may be submitted to the session of Annual Conference preceding Jurisdictional Conference for the purpose of consideration for nomination to the Episcopacy by the following process: 1. The names of ordained elders who are member in full connection of an Annual Conference may be placed before the session of the Annual Conference preceding Jurisdictional Conference by submitting to the secretary of the Annual Conference session a petition on behalf of the named elder containing the signatures of at least 25 persons who are members, lay or clergy, of the Annual Conference. Petitions are due to the Annual Conference Secretary by May 1. 2. The names of all persons so qualified shall be presented during a plenary session of the Annual Conference session preceding the Jurisdictional Conference. Any number of persons may be nominated for Episcopal election by the Annual Conference. Written ballots shall be taken seriatim on all names submitted. Each individual receiving at least a 2/3 majority of the vote taken shall be nominated for Episcopal election. 2.300 In accordance with the intent of the Idaho and Oregon Merger Report (p. 62, 1968 Idaho Conference Journal), once each quadrennium the Annual Conference Session will be held within the boundary of the former Idaho Annual Conference. Conference Rules 221

2.400 Only members of the Conference shall be permitted to sit in Closed Sessions. (Rule 10.040 for Clergy Session).

CHAPTER 3. RULES RELATING TO DISTRICTS AND SUPERINTENDENTS (See also rules 1.010, 1.030, 1.041, 1.311, 1.330, 2.012, 5.600, 8.020, 12.062 and 12.066)

3.000 There shall be five districts in the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference. 3.010 Each District Superintendent shall report the supplementary salaries received by any clergy members from any church-related source by January 15 to the Conference Treasurer for inclusion in the Pre-Conference Reports and Journal. This shall include all General, Conference, and District Missionary Funds, promotion funds, minimum salary support, etc. 3.020 Each District Superintendent shall file with the Board of Ordained Ministry, not less than 10 days prior to the scheduled interviews, statements relative to the character, fitness, training and effectiveness of all Local Pastors, Probationary Members, Associate Members in the course of study, and any other person related to his or her district who will be appearing before the Board. 3.025 Each District Superintendent shall report to the Director of Stewardship and Finance by July 15 the name, appointment and amount of the Pension Plan Compensation for every clergy member in their district appointed for the first time in the conference.The Director of Stewardship and Finance shall, in turn, notify the Board of Pensions. The District Superintendents are also responsible for such notifications regardingfirst-time appointed clergy between sessions of the annual conference. 3.030 Each District Superintendent shall send the names and addresses of the local church chair of Records and History to the Commission on Archives and History annually. 3.031 Each District Superintendent shall file with the Commission on Archives and History all records of local congregations which have been discontinued. 3.040 Each District Superintendent shall file with the Conference Secretary a list of persons known to have a valid License as a Local Pastor for listing in the Journal. 3.050 In advising the Bishop with respect to the making of pastoral appointments, the superintendents shall observe the following procedures, except in emergencies: 1. There shall be a joint consultation between the superintendent, pastor, and Pastor(Staff)- Parish Relations Committee to consider together the needs and mission of the local church (or churches) involved before the superintendent makes any final recommendation regarding a change in appointment. 2. When a change of pastors is advisable the superintendent shall consult with the Pastor(Staff)-Parish Relations Committee, in the light of the needs and mission of the local church, regarding possible successors. In such consultation the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee shall follow the process set forth in the Discipline, ¶¶430 through 434. 3.060 The names of all persons excused from attendance at Annual Conference under Rule 2.012 shall be submitted by the superintendent(s) to the Secretary for printing annually in the Conference Journal. CHAPTER 4. RULES RELATING TO OFFICERS, MINUTES AND JOURNAL (See also Rules 1.006, 1.041, 2.012, 2.014, 2.056, 2.200, 3.010, 3.040, 3.060, 5.500, and 6.001)

4.010 The Conference Secretary shall be nominated and elected at the Annual Conference session next succeeding the adjournment of the regular session of the General Conference and shall serve beginning January 1 for the succeeding quadrennium. 4.012 The Conference Secretary shall keep a record of all the proceedings of all sessions, and when approved, the minutes shall be the official record of the Conference. 4.013 The Conference Secretary may require any motion, resolution or other offering from the floor of the Conference to be furnished in writing at the time of presentation. 4.014 The Minutes of Conference Sessions shall be duplicated and distributed daily by the secretary. 222 Conference Rules

4.015 The Conference Secretary shall be responsible for the care and security of current Conference papers, documents and records. All such records and papers no longer in current use shall be filed by him or her with the Commission on Archives and History. 4.020 The Conference Statistician shall be nominated and elected at the Annual Conference session next succeeding the adjournment of the regular session of the General Conference and shall serve beginning January 1 for the succeeding quadrennium. 4.030 The Conference Treasurer shall be nominated quadrennially by the Conference Council on Finance and Administration and elected by the Annual Conference. (¶619). 4.040 Assistants to the Secretary, Treasurer and Statistician shall be subject to the approval of the Annual Conference. 4.050 Materials to be printed in the Journal shall be typed and delivered to the Secretary in digital format before the end of the Annual Conference Session, unless other specific arrangements are made with the Conference Secretary. 4.051 The Conference Journal shall be edited by the Conference Secretary. He or she may condense and edit any report submitted for publication in the Journal. 4.052 All Members of the Annual Conference shall be entitled to receive at no charge a copy of the Annual Conference Journal within three months of the adjournment of the Annual Conference session. General distribution of the Journal to the membership may be in digital form with the option to substitute a printed copy by request. 4.053 Each local ministry setting of the Annual Conference shall be entitled to receive at no charge two printed copies of the Conference Journal within three months of the adjournment of the Annual Conference session. A ministry setting may purchase additional print Journals at a price to be established by the Conference Secretary and relative to the cost of production. Orders for such additional Journals shall be placed with the Conference Secretary not later than thirty days following the adjournment of the Annual Conference session. 4.060 The Conference Journal shall include: 1. names and addresses of Conference officers; a Directory (Rule 4.061); 2. the names of all Registered Ministerial Students and Candidates for the Ministry; 3. all assessments, shared ministries, percentages and grade figures upon charges; 4. the Conference budget as adopted; 5. the Treasurer’s and Statistician’s reports for each charge; 6. essential sections of all reports made to the Annual Conference; 7. minutes of the daily proceedings; all errata in the previous Journal reported by the close of Annual Conference Session; 8. The Organizational Structure of the Annual Conference. 9. The Boards, Councils, Commissions, Committees and Ministry Teams of the Annual Conference including the ex-officio members of each group. 10. The Conference Secretary shall publish annually in the Journal a list of organizations in which the Annual Conference holds membership and/or with which the Annual Conference is formally affiliated. 4.061 All members of Conference Bodies, including Annual Conference, shall be listed in the Conference Journal Directory by name, address, phone number, and church. 4.062 Service Records: 1. The Service Records of all clergy members shall be published in the Conference Journal each year in the following categories: Full, Associate, Probationary, Retired, Full Time Local Pastors, Part-Time Local Pastors, Student Local Pastors, Honorably Located Elders, Retired Local Pastors, and retired Local Elders, and a list of each clergy whose active relationship with the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference has ended during that conference year, the new status (retirement, location, transfer, etc.), and, in the case of transfers, the annual conference or denomination to which the clergy has transferred. 2. The Service Records of all Diaconal Ministers shall be published in the Conference Journal. Conference Rules 223

4.063 Salary, utility allowances, travel expense, housing allowance, and other compensation given to pastors shall be listed separately in the Conference Journal precisely as designated. (¶¶344.1, 344.2, 627, 628, 807.9). 4.070 Standing Resolutions. The Annual Conference has established a category of “Standing Resolutions” that states the position of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference on social issues. They shall be printed each year in the Conference Journal and carry with them notations of the year(s) approved and the group that submitted them. 1. New Standing Resolutions may not be passed on the consent calendar (Rule 2.024), but must be voted on individually by the Annual Conference. Standing Resolutions must be adopted by a 2/3 majority of those present and voting. Standing Resolutions receiving a majority vote but less than a 2/3 majority shall be printed as an Annual Conference Action. 2. Any specific action required of the Annual Conference by a Standing Resolution must specify how the action is to be undertaken and by whom. If a letter is to be written or a statement to be made by the Annual Conference, the text of said letter or statement shall be part of the Standing Resolution. If there is a specified recipient of a letter of statement, contact information must be provided to the person or group sending the information on behalf of the Annual Conference. 3. A Standing Resolution shall expire after the third anniversary of its adoption or continuation, and shall be removed by the Conference Secretary from the list of Standing Resolutions unless it is reintroduced to the Annual Conference session for revision and/or renewal. The process outlined above shall apply. 4. Any Standing Resolution may be removed for debate or challenged at any Annual Conference session by submission of an Action Request to delete a Resolution. 5. The following introductory statement shall precede any listing of the Standing Resolutions: We commend these issues to local churches for continued and further study and action. The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference recognizes that sincere and dedicated Christians can differ on matters of proper Christian ethics and actions. These resolutions are the expression of the belief of the majority of those gathered in the Annual Conference Session. They are commended to the membership for their prayerful study and individual consideration.

CHAPTER 5. RULES RELATING TO CONFERENCE FINANCE (See also Rules 2.054, 4.030, and 9.035)

5.000 The Conference Fiscal Year shall begin January 1 and end December 31. 5.002 All persons handling Conference Funds shall annually file a copy of their audit report with the Conference Treasurer. 5.004 Budgeted travel and facilities cost of holding Annual Conference Sessions shall be pro-rated over a 4 year period on an equal basis annually including the amount of extra funding required when sessions are held within the bounds of the former Idaho Annual Conference. Funds are to be accrued at interest. 5.006 Expenses for meetings or programs planned during Annual Conference will be paid by the Conference only if the Annual Conference has made provision for funds to meet those expenses. 5.010 Budget requests from all boards and agencies responsible to the Conference Leadership Team (CLT) shall be submitted to the CLT not less than 120 days before the opening of Annual Conference. 5.012 Budget requests from all Conference agencies shall be submitted to the Conference Council on Finance (CCF&A) and Administration not less than 90 days before the opening of Annual Conference. 5.020 A Recommended Budget shall be published in the Pre-Conference Reports, together with other required information, by the CCF&A. 5.021 Any budget item with a 30% or greater increase or decrease shall have a written explanation included as a part of the Pre-Conference Reports. 5.030 The Conference Budget shall be as established by vote of the Conference. 224 Conference Rules

5.032 Expenses for committees formed by action of Annual Conference will be paid by the Conference only if Annual Conference has made provision for funds to meet those expenses. 5.033 Petitions for programs adopted by the Annual Conference which require funding not already included in the budget line items shall be referred to the appropriate program agency for implementation in so far as possible and for inclusion in the proposals submitted to the CCF&A for the following year. 5.140 All financial shared ministries shall be apportioned to the local congregations based on a Grade Figure. The Grade Figure shall be computed and distributed by the Conference Treasurer not less than 30 days before the Annual Conference session and shall be effective on January 1st. of the following year concurrent with the budget. 5.141 The Grade Figure formula shall be calculated as follows: 75% based on the current expenses as reported on the latest year’s Local Church Report to the Annual Conference. These include Pastor’s and Associate pastor’s salaries, housing and parsonage allowances and business and professional expenses, other allowances and benefit expenses, staff salaries, program expenses, and other current expenses. 25% based on the average of the last two year’s current expenses as indicated above. 5.142 All financial shared ministries to the charges shall be based on grade figures. If the total apportionments as calculated by the grade figure would increase more than 15% in any one year, the increase shall be limited to 15%, except as follows: 1. If required by Rule 5.143. 2. If required by vote of the Annual Conference Session. 3. If a charge shall have benefited for two consecutive years from the 15% limitation in this Rule, its apportionments shall thereafter rise at whatever rate is necessary to bring them to the full amount indicated by its grade figure in four additional years. (i.e., six years from the time the 15% limitation took effect.) 5.143 Shared Ministries for newly organized congregations shall be calculated on the basis of 1/3 of a normal full apportionment during the second year of existence; 2/3 during 3rd year; and full shared ministries after the 4th year. 5.144 The shared ministries for charges merged during a fiscal year shall be the sum of those of the previous separate charges. 5.145 Payment by Charges on shared ministries, including benevolences, shall be remitted to the Conference Treasurer in equal monthly amounts so far as possible. 5.148 The Conference Treasurer shall communicate to the Annual Conference Session the churches which paid 5/12 of all apportionments by May 31 of each year. 5.200 Necessary Expenses for travel, meals, appropriate arrangements for children and dependent in connection with interim meetings of Conference Boards and Agencies shall be reimbursed at a rate established by the CCF&A. 5.205 Conference agencies receiving funds from the budget shall not use them for any other purposes than those designated, without the previous consent of CCF&A. Conference agencies may transfer funds between line items within each agency’s budget without the previous consent of CCF&A. Conference agencies receiving funds from the budget may not exceed their agency’s budget without the previous consent of CCF&A. 5.206 All Conference Agencies receiving funds from the budget shall send a copy of their adjusted budget to the Conference Treasurer not later than thirty days after the adjournment of Conference. 5.300 MOVING POLICY 1. Moving Expenses: Expenses for moving clergy and their families and lay professional staff of the Annual Conference shall be administered under the following policies. These policies apply to the amount of reimbursement that will be paid by the Conference and the maximum amount required of the local congregation. a. The moving fund shall assist in paying the moving expenses for household goods, office furniture, and equipment of itinerant clergy appointed to a pastoral charge, a conference staff position, or as district superintendent. Clergy included in this provision shall include full members, probationary members, associate members, local pastors, seminary students Conference Rules 225

appointed to a local charge, a retiring clergy person to his/her retirement residence, and those under disability leave. If a clergy person receives payment for a retirement move and later is appointed to serve a local charge, additional retirement moves will not be paid. b. This policy shall also cover the following personnel: 1.) Lay persons hired as professional staff of the Conference. 2.) The moving expenses for the first move for divorced spouses from the parsonage shall be paid by the Conference within the provisions of this policy. The District Superintendent shall notify the Conference Treasurer when this provision becomes applicable. 3.) Surviving spouses and/or dependents of clergy who die while under appointment to local charge, conference staff position, or a district superintendent may have their moving expenses paid by the Conference within the provisions of this policy. The District Superintendent in consultation with the Conference Treasurer shall determine the total amount paid. c. Clergy leaving an appointment in Oregon-Idaho for leave of absence, honorable location, or transfer to another conference or denomination will not be eligible for moving expense payments. d. Clergy members of the Conference returning from special appointment, sabbatical leave, leave of absence, or school appointment beyond the M. Div. degree and retired clergy members of other conferences or denominations moving into or out of the Conference for any reason are not eligible to receive reimbursement from the Fund. e. Clergy moving to Oregon Idaho from outside the boundary of the Conference are eligible to participate in the reimbursement fund as indicated in section 2. 2. Expense Payment Parameters: The following parameters shall apply to the payment of moving expenses: a. The total allowed weight for reimbursement shall be 12,000 pounds. Clergy couples shall be allowed 15,000 pounds. b. The total allowance for packing materials shall be $400. Clergy couples shall be allowed $500. No conference reimbursement is authorized for actual packing or unpacking. c. One extra stop charge at the points of origin and destination will be allowed for each move. Clergy couples shall be given an additional stop allowance of up to $500 provided the move is to a multiple point charge. d. The cost of appliance hook-ups shall be the responsibility of the person being moved. e. The Conference shall not pay for “extra carry” charges, storage or delays, unless approved before the move. f. Charges for vehicles, motorcycles, canoes, firewood, lumber, potters clay, kilns, and other oversize or overweight items shall be the responsibility of the person being moved. g. The cost of motel, meals, and mileage during the actual days of the move are not reimbursed by the Conference. 3. Reimbursements: a. The receiving church or charge is responsible for payment of the entire moving bill unless the move is made through a Conference approved moving company. The Conference Treasurer shall reimburse the church or charge 50% of the moving charges within the parameters described herein and upon receipt of the following: 1) an invoice; 2) weight tickets; and 3) a bill of lading signed by the person being moved or an authorized family member. b. If the move is made through a Conference approved moving company, the Conference Treasurer will pay the entire moving bill and will send a bill to the local church for the amount due under this policy. The local church shall pay this bill within 30 days of its receipt. c. The maximum amount the Fund will reimburse to any one church or charge for any one move will be equal to 10% of the current year’s Conference Minimum Cash Salary as established in the report of the Equitable Compensation Commission.

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d. The maximum amount the local church will be required to pay will be equal to 13% of the current year’s Conference Minimum Cash Salary as established in the report of the Equitable Compensation Commission. e. Any amount over the sum of 3c & 3d will be the responsibility of the individual. If the move is made under the provision of 3b, any amount due shall be paid to the Conference Treasurer within 30 days of the completion of the move. f. The Fund shall reimburse each retiring clergy member, lay member of the professional staff, disabled member, or surviving spouse up to 12.5% of the Conference Minimum Cash Salary to help with his or her moving expenses provided the move is made within 24 months following retirement or change of status. g. The maximum amount the Fund will reimburse to a divorced spouse shall be 10% of the Conference Minimum Cash Salary. h. At the end of the previous fiscal year, any unexpended funds will be retained in the Moving Fund Reserve. 4. Self-Moves: Self-moves may be made by the individual. In addition to items in section 2, reimbursement shall include the charges for truck & trailer, fuel for the trucks used in the move and insurance. The contents of all property in a self-move shall be insured for the full replacement value up to a maximum of $50,000 with a $500 deductible. If the goods being moved have a value higher than the maximum, the clergy may buy additional insurance at his/ her own expense. In order for the local church to receive reimbursement under this policy, proof of insurance on household goods must be provided along with the rental agreement, fuel slips, and receipts for packing materials. 5. Exceptions: Exceptions to any of the above may be approved or denied by the Conference Treasurer after consultation with the District Superintendent, if appropriate. Appeals of any decision by the Conference Treasurer may be directed to the Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CFA). CFA shall have the final authority to interpret the moving policy and make decisions regarding its implementation. 6. Procedures: The Conference Treasurer shall establish and administer all procedures for implementing the moving policy contained herein. 5.500 Any organization operating within the Conference and under the name of the United Methodist Church in Oregon and/or Idaho shall submit a complete financial statement to the Conference Treasurer each year for publication in the Journal. 5.600 Approval is given to the district church extension societies to or their equivalents to raise funds with the specific district (¶658.4). 1. Approval for the expenditure of the funds will be given by the district extension society members as designated in the individual districts.


6.001 The annual conference shall be organized to fulfill its expressed purpose of “making disciples of Jesus Christ by equipping its local ministry-settings for ministry and providing a connection for ministry beyond the local setting; all to the glory of God” (¶ 601). The annual conference structure shall provide for the connectional relationship of the local church, district, and conference with the general agencies.

6.005 The annual conference structure shall be based on an interactive ministries model comprised of three primary empowerment systems – 1) Connectional Ministries, 2) Servant Leadership, and 3) Finance and Administration. Within each empowerment system are affiliated teams that plan, coordinate, and apply the ministries of their empowerment system to the disciple-making mission of the annual conference. 1. The Connectional Ministries Empowerment System A. Connectional ministries teams steward the program ministries of the connection. Conference Rules 227

B. Teams affiliated with the connectional ministries empowerment system include: 1) The nurture ministry team, which corresponds to the board of discipleship (¶ 630) and has responsibility for conference ministries related to Christian education, worship, and stewardship. 2) The outreach ministry team, which corresponds to the board of global ministries (¶ 633) and has responsibility for conference ministries related to health and welfare, urban and rural ministries, local and global missions, United Methodist volunteers in mission, missionary itineration, and disaster response. 3) The witness ministry team, which corresponds to the board of church and society (¶ 629) and the board of discipleship (¶ 630) and has responsibility for conference ministries related to church and society, peace with justice, evangelism, and spiritual formation. 4) The council of racial and ethnic leadership (¶ 632), which coordinates the work of the Native American Ministries Council (¶ 654) as well as other established ethnic ministries councils, and has responsibility for strengthening ethnic local churches and developing ethnic ministries in and through Anglo ministry-settings. 5) Age-level ministry teams, including conference ministry teams focused on children ministries, youth ministries (¶ 649), young adult ministries (¶ 650), adult ministries and older adult ministries (¶ 651). 6) The campus ministries and higher education team (¶ 634). 7) The commission on Christian unity and interreligious concerns (¶ 642). 8) The commission on religion and race (¶ 643). 9) The commission on the status and role of women (¶ 644). 10) The board of lay ministry (¶ 631) 11) United Methodist Women (¶ 647) 12) United Methodist Men (¶ 648) C. There shall be a connectional ministries table (CMT), which corresponds to the conference council on ministries and which develops and coordinates the work of the connectional ministries teams. 1) Members of the connectional ministries table include: a. the chairperson of the CMT b. the nurture ministry team leader c. the outreach ministry team leader d. the witness ministry team leader e. the conference secretary of global ministries f. the campus ministries and higher education team leader g. a youth or young adult from their age-level ministry team h. the council of racial and ethnic leadership leader i. the commission on religion and race chairperson j. the executive director of camp and retreat ministries k. the conference lay leader l. the conference treasurer m. the director of connectional ministries n. a district superintendent o. an additional youth or young adult representative 2. The Servant Leadership Empowerment System A. Servant leadership teams steward the annual conference’s responsibilities for the recruitment, credentialing, equipping of and advocacy for lay and clergy leadership. B. Teams affiliated with the servant leadership empowerment system include: 1) The board of ordained ministry (¶ 635) 2) The committee on episcopacy (¶ 637) 3) The commission on equitable compensation (¶ 625) 228 Conference Rules

4) The committee on investigation (¶ 2703) 5) The diaconal committee on investigation (¶ 2703.3) 6) The joint committee on incapacity (¶ 652) 7) The administrative review committee (¶ 636) 8) The ministry cabinet 3. The Finance and Administration Empowerment System A. Teams related to this empowerment system steward the fiscal and administrative ministries of the annual conference. B. Teams affiliated with the finance and administrative empowerment system include: 1) the council on finance and administration (¶ 611) 2) the rules committee (Rule 6.010) 3) the Episcopal residence committee (¶ 638) 4) the conference board of pensions (¶ 639) 5) the conference board of trustees (¶ 640) 6) the archives and history committee (¶ 641) 7) the Oregon-Idaho United Methodist foundation (¶ 613.17) 8) United Methodist ministers’ retirement fund 6.010 There shall be a Conference Rules Committee. It shall codify, condense, phrase, and include within these rules all actions of the Conference designed as permanent regulations. The committee shall harmonize the rules with such Disciplinary changes as are made from time to time. It shall secure the removal of obsolete rules by proper Conference action. 6.011 At the organizational session of the Conference the Rules Committee shall be prepared to submit such session rules as may facilitate the organization and work of the Conference. 6.012 A Conference Rule may be suspended or amended by action of the Conference at any regular session by a two-thirds majority, except as may be otherwise provided in specific rules. 6.013 Changes, amendments, or new rules may originate in any of the following ways: 1. by Board, Council, or Committee resolution or recommendation; 2. by the Rules Committee; 3. by the lay sections; 4. by the clergy section; or 5. from the floor, provided that when originating from the floor the resolution shall carry the signatures of at least five members, and provided that no change, amendment, or new rule may be submitted to the conference without a copy being submitted to the Rules Committee 24 hours in advance. 6.014 There shall be a Conference Board of Pensions auxiliary to the General Board of Pensions. It shall have charge of the interests and work of providing for the support of conference claimants, except as otherwise provided for by the General Board of Pensions. 1. The Conference Board of Pensions shall be composed of not less than twelve members qualified as provided in the 2008 Book of Discipline ¶639.2, the membership to be made up of clergy and lay persons in the proportion of 1/3 clergy, 1/3 lay women and 1/3 lay men. 2. Members shall be elected for a term of eight years, one half of the membership to be elected quadrennially; provided, for the purpose of properly instituting the first new Board, there shall be nominated and elected one-half of the membership for the period of four years only. 6.090 The Annual Conference shall not hold membership in nor affiliate with any organization except by action of the Annual Conference. The means of selecting the representation to that organization shall be stated in the enabling legislation. Conference Rules 229

CHAPTER 7. RULES RELATING TO ARCHIVES AND HISTORY (See also Rules 3.030, 3.031, 4.015) 7.010 At the first charge or church conference of a new quadrennium (i.e.: 1984, 1988, etc.), each District Superintendent shall include in the required reports of the local church a copy of the historical reporting form provided by the Conference Commission on Archives and History. Each District Superintendent shall send these gathered reports to the chair of the Conference Commission on Archives and History. 7.020 Each charge shall file with the Commission on Archives and History a copy of its history. At the beginning of each new decade (i.e.: 1980, 1990, etc.) each charge shall file a supplementary history covering the previous ten years. 7.030 All Boards, Commissions, Committees, Councils, etc. of the Annual Conference shall file copies of their minutes, soon after each meeting, with the Commission on Archives and History except for the minutes of the Board of Ordained Ministry, and other minutes deemed to be confidential, which minutes shall be filed with the office of the Bishop.

CHAPTER 8. RULES RELATING TO CONFERENCE PROPERTY 8.010 All equipment or other personal property for which $10 or more has been paid, purchased in whole or in part from Conference Funds, shall be the property of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference and title, taken in the name of the Oregon-Idaho Conference Trustees. An annual inventory, noting additions and deletions, shall be taken of such property and submitted in writing to the Conference Trustees. It shall be the duty of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference Trustees to obtain such inventories and include the same in the Trustees’ annual report to the Conference. 8.020 Abandoned Church property. When a District Superintendent has decided to request the Annual Conference to declare a certain property abandoned, he or she shall first record the individual trustees of the Annual Conference as the elected trustees of the church property in such a way as to make them the trustees of said property. 8.030 Beginning on January 1, 2008: When properties are sold by the Conference Trustees from the discontinuation or abandonment of a congregation, the proceeds will be divided equally, with 50% going to the Annual Conference Church Development/Redevelopment Fund and 50% to the District Church Extension Society to be disbursed in compliance with the Discipline and as part of an overall strategy of church development and redevelopment in the conference.

CHAPTER 9. RULES RELATING TO THE CONFERENCE LEADERSHIP TEAM (See also Rules 1.330, 4.070, 5.010, 5.012, 5.200, 5.400, 6.001, 6.030, 6.035)

Rules 9.000, 9.010 and 9.015 are suspended until June 30, 2012. They appear in italics below. 9.000 There shall be a conference leadership team (CLT) to focus and guide the mission and ministries of the United Methodist Church within the boundaries of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference. 9.010 The purpose of the conference leadership team to support and encourage the mission of our ministry settings through the discernment and articulation of the conference vision and the stewardship of the mission, ministries and resources of the annual conference. The essential functions of the CLT are: 1. To provide a forum for the understanding and implementation of the mission, vision and ministries of the United Methodist Church in Oregon and Southern Idaho. 2. To hold the agencies of the annual conference (¶701) accountable to the conference vision which pursues the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ by equipping local ministry-settings for ministry and providing a connection for ministry beyond the local level. 3. To enable the flow of Information and communication among the local churches, conference leadership, staff and agencies of the annual conference. 4. Consistent with the actions of the annual conference, to coordinate the program life of the church with the mandates of the gospel, the mission of the church, and the needs of the global community by listening to the expression of needs, addressing emerging issues, and determining the most effective, cooperative, and efficient way to provide optimum stewardship of ministries, personnel, and resources. 230 Conference Rules

5. To review and evaluate the missional effectiveness of conference agencies and connectional structures of the conference as they collectively seek to aid districts, mission clusters and local churches in their fulfillment of the mission of the United Methodist Church. 6. To provide leadership in planning and research, assisting all levels of the conference to evaluate needs and plan strategies to carry out the mission of the church. 7. To collaborate with the Council on Finance and Administration in the preparation of budgets for the apportioned funds and to make recommendation regarding all other funding considerations to come before the annual conference. 8. To give a report each year at the annual conference session. The report shall include: A. an accounting of its fulfillment of the Church’s mission and the conference vision through the conference empowerment systems and ministry teams, and B. missional priorities in the upcoming year, presented for consideration and endorsement 9.015 The bishop shall be the chairperson of the conference leadership team. The membership of the conference leadership team shall consist of “seats” reserved for conference officers, representatives of specified conference agencies, and at large members. They include: 1. Two seats for annual conference officers 1) the conference lay leader 2) the chairperson of the Connectional Ministries Table 2. Five seats for specified conference agencies. At any duly called meeting of the leadership team, each agency shall attempt to guarantee that a representative is present. 1) the council on finance and administration chairperson (or designee) 2) the board of ordained ministry chairperson (or designee) 3) the dean of the appointive cabinet (or designee) 4) the camp and retreat ministries team chairperson (or designee) 5) the board of trustees president (or designee). 3. Seven seats for at large members selected on a basis that insures diversity and balance 1) three clergy at large members 2) three lay at large members 3) one ethnic at large member 4. Seats for ex-officio members without vote, including conference staff and the chairperson or designee of the commission on religion and race 9.021 There shall be Ministry Teams directly responsible to the MLT, each performing services for the Annual Conference as follows: 1. The conference communications committee 2. The conference nominating committee 3. The camp and retreat ministries team 4. Other ministry teams as established by the conference leadership team 9.025 The conference leadership team may create new and/or re-affiliate existing conference ministry teams, ad interim. However, the MLT shall present revisions to the conference structure to the following annual conference session for ratification. 9.033 A program or ministry agency of the Annual Conference may make a written request for additional temporary staff to the MLT. After approval by the MLT, a positive recommendation from the Ministry Cabinet, and consultation with the congregation(s) involved, the Bishop may appoint a clergy person part-time as adjunct staff to a Conference agency. In order to be continued, the staff position must be approved at a Plenary Session of the next Annual Conference. 9.035 Clerical and office staff responsible to the MLT shall be hired, supervised and discharged by the Director of Connectional Ministries or another appropriate person. Clerical and office staff responsible to the Council on Finance and Administration (CCF&A) shall be hired, supervised, and discharged by the Conference Treasurer/Director of Financial Services. 9.041 The director of connectional ministries shall have the responsibility to make leadership assignments for the connectional ministries executive staff, subject to consultation with the conference leadership team. Conference Rules 231

9.043 The MLT shall prepare a program budget in consultation with CCF&A. The Conference Executive Staff Member in cooperation with the Treasurer/Director of Administrative Services shall serve as Budget Director for Program Agencies. The MLT budgets shall be submitted to the CCF&A(Rules 5.012, 5.020 and 5.030).

CHAPTER 10. RULES RELATING TO ORDAINED MINISTERIAL MEMBERSHIP (See Rules 2.012, 3.020 and 7.030) 10.010 The minimum requirements for Clergy orders in this Conference shall be those established by the current Book of Discipline. The Board of Ordained Ministry may, at its discretion, establish procedures for candidates to follow, and shall enforce such additional requirements as the Conference may authorize. 10.011 The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference shall require psychological testing and evaluation of all who desire to be certified as candidates for licensed or ordained ministry, local pastors, candidates seeking associate membership, candidates seeking to be ordained as elders or deacons. The cost of testing for a person applying for certified candidacy shall be shared as follows: $200 paid by the candidate, $200 paid by the recommending charge conference, the balance paid by the Board of Ordained Ministry. 10.012 A candidate for Associate Membership shall have served for two years as a Full Time Local Pastor in this Annual Conference before being admitted to Associate Membership. 10.015 Clergy who transfer in as Probationary Members to this Annual Conference shall serve at least two full years of Probationary Membership under full time appointment in this Conference before being received into full connection. 10.018 Clergy coming from other denominations shall serve as Probationary Members under the supervision of a District Superintendent in this Conference at least two years and fulfill all other disciplinary requirements before admission into full connection. 10.024 Continuing Education. All active clergy members (Rule 1.200) shall maintain a program of study leading to professional growth. The minimal quadrennial requirement shall be 100 contact hours with a minimum of 15 contact hours annually. In most cases the clergy member’s continuing education program should allow for leaves of absence for study at least one week each year, and at least one month during one year each quadrennium. 10.040 There shall be a Clergy Session. 1. All clergy members of the Annual Conference deacons and elders in full connection, probationary members, associate members, affiliate members, and local pastors under full- time or part-time appointment to a pastoral charge and the elected lay members of the Board of Ordained Ministry may attend and shall have voice in the Clergy Session. (¶605.6). The secretary of the presiding bishop may attend the clergy session, without voice or vote. Others may be admitted by the express action of the Clergy Session but shall not have vote, nor unless specifically granted by the Clergy Session, shall have voice. 2. The Clergy Session shall meet as prescribed by the orders of the day to consider questions relating to matters of ordination, character and conference relations of clergy. (¶605.6) 3. The clergy session may grant all clergy members the right to vote on certain matters, however only members in full connection shall have the right to vote on matters of ordination, character and conference relations of clergy. (¶605.6) 4. When a clergy member makes a request of the Board of Ordained Ministry for a “Leave of Absence”, the Board will share the reasons for such a request (as stated by the clergy in his/her request). Information on Leave of Absence will be given in the year the leave is first granted, or the year the leave is terminated. (Business of the Annual Conference Questions 50). 5. When the Board of Ordained Ministry recommends to discontinue a Probationary Member, the Board will make a statement regarding which qualifications were not met by the member. (Business of the Annual Conference Questions 42)

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6. When a clergy member withdraws “under complaint” or “under charges,” the Board of Ordained Ministry will make a statement including all relevant factual information, summarizing the complaint or charges pending against the member. (Business of the Annual Conference Questions 46c). 7. When a clergy member has his/her membership terminated, the Board of Ordained ministry will make a presentation including all relevant factual information to the Clergy Session, regarding the conclusions of the review process together with a supporting statement of why the BOM recommends termination. (Business of the Annual Conference Questions 46d) 8. When a clergy member has his/her membership terminated by administrative location, the Administrative Review Committee automatically will conduct a review and the Board of Ordained ministry will make a presentation including all relevant factual information to the Clergy Session, regarding the conclusions of the review process together with a supporting statement of why the BOM recommends termination. (Business of the Annual Conference Questions 43c). 9. When a clergy member is suspended under the provisions of The Book of Discipline ¶2704.2, no report will be made by the Board of Ordained Ministry or the Cabinet until after the matter has been resolved. (Business of the Annual Conference Questions 47) 10. The Joint Committee on Disability will make a report on the status of each clergy member who is on disability. (Business of the Annual Conference Questions 52) 11. Record of the final actions taken in Clergy Sessions relative to each personnel case shall be included in the minutes of that day’s proceedings. 12. Any change in this rule shall be permitted only by a two-thirds vote of Annual Conference members present and voting. 10.042 Recommendations by the Board of Ordained Ministry to the clergy session pertaining to the election of persons to associate membership, probationary membership, or full membership, shall require a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting in a duly called session of the Board of Ordained Ministry.

CHAPTER 11. RULES RELATING TO DIACONAL MINISTERIAL RELATIONSHIP (See also Rules 2.012, 4.062 and 7.030) 11.011 Continuing Education. All Diaconal ministers shall maintain a program of study leading to professional growth. The minimal quadrennial requirement shall be 70 contact hours plus 3 continuing education units (CEUs) with a minimum of 15 contact hours annually. This program shall include at least one extended, organized educational activity during the quadrennium.

CHAPTER 12. RULES RELATING TO PROCEDURES BY LOCAL CHURCHES (See also Rules 1.000-1.002, 1.007, 1.305-1.321, 2.012, 3.050, 4.053, 5.140-5.148, 7.010, 7.020, 10.011, 10.024, 11.011 and 11.024) 12.050 The salary(ies) paid by the local church(es) to the pastor(s) shall be at least equal to the provisions of the Equitable Salaries Report as printed in the current Journal. It is required that both housing and adequate health insurance be provided in addition to equitable salary. 12.061 Parsonages shall be furnished, a minimum, with a kitchen range, refrigerator, automatic washer, automatic dryer, living and dining room carpet (floor covering), curtains, draperies, shades, TV antenna or cable installation, fireplace equipment (if needed), lawn and garden tools and equipment. 12.062 The sale of a parsonage shall be carried out according to the Book of Discipline in current use. In addition, the Cabinet must vote its approval of such sale except when the sale is for the purpose of purchasing another parsonage. If the Cabinet does agree that it is ap¬propriate to authorize the sale of a parsonage, the following procedure shall be followed by the local church: The amount realized from the sale of the parsonage shall be invested in a prudent and wise manner so as to realize earnings consistent with the interest market at the time. No part Conference Rules 233

of the corpus shall be used for any other purpose than the future purchase of a parsonage. In addition to the original corpus, interest amounting to at least half the amount earned annually shall be compounded and added to the amount to be held in trust for a future parsonage purchase. Up to one-half of the interest earned may be utilized by the church in providing a housing allowance for the pastor. Variations in this stated policy may be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the Cabinet. If after five years following the sale of a parsonage and the investment of the proceeds, a congregation still wishes to pay a housing allowance in lieu of providing a parsonage, with the approval of the Cabinet 100% of the interest earned may be used for providing a housing allowance. If after eight (8) years the congregation still wants to continue pay¬ing a housing allowance instead of providing a parsonage, the congregation may, with the approval of the Cabinet and the decision of a duly called Charge Conference, use all or any part of the corpus of the investment for any capital improve¬ment or construction of any building owned by the congregation.. 12.064 Each local church shall conduct a well-planned and comprehensive stewardship campaign annually which contacts each member. 12.066 Any church receiving Equitable or Supplemental salary support from the conference shall be required to conduct an annual planned giving program (Loyalty Sunday, Every Member Visitation, Circuit Rider, etc.) approved by the District Superintendent. 12.070 Clergy Salaries. In the event of a change in appointment, all clergy remuneration paid by the local church shall be paid to the out-going clergy through June 30, unless other arrangements are made in writing to the satisfaction of the superintendents, church and clergy involved. 12.071 All clergy remuneration paid by the local church for a pastor transferred between Conference sessions, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, shall begin when the pastor assumes his or her responsibilities. Moving costs (Rule 5.310) shall be paid in addition. 12.080 Local Church Reports to Annual Conference (statistical and financial) shall be submitted annually from each pastoral charge to their respective District Superintendent not later than January 31.

CHAPTER 13. RULES RELATING TO CONFERENCE NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS 13.000 There shall be a Conference Nominating Committee. 1. This committee shall be composed of two persons, one lay and one ordained, from each District. They shall be elected by District Conferences or district caucuses of Annual Conference members at the seat and time of the Annual Conference session next succeeding the adjournment of the regular session of the General Conference. 2. Ex-officio members of the Conference Nominating Committee shall include the District Superintendents, District Lay Leaders, one youth designated by the Conference Youth Ministries Team, and one ethnic representative named by the Conference Commission On Religion and Race. 3. The chair of the Conference Nominating Committee shall be designated by the Ministry Cabinet and may be either clergy or lay. The Director of Connectional Ministries shall serve as a consultant to the committee. 4. An Executive Committee from the Conference Nominating Committee shall be composed of the Chairperson, the Director of Connectional Ministries, one District Superintendent and two others. The total membership shall include at least two lay persons and two clergy persons. 13.010 The Conference Nominating Committee 1. Shall nominate and the Conference elect such bodies and officers as are required by the current Discipline, by these rules, and by the Structure Plan as revised and published in the current Journal. In addition the following shall be nominated and elected by the same process: appropriate representatives to ecumenical agencies within Oregon and Idaho; Board of Directors, the Lee Mission Cemetery; [and Directors of the Oregon-Idaho United Methodist Foundation]. The nomination report shall include nominations made by other persons or groups for election by the Annual Conference.

234 Conference Rules

2. Election for service on quadrennial Councils, Boards, Commissions and Committees shall be at the Annual Conference session next succeeding the adjournment of the regular session of the General Conference. The term of service is to begin with the adjournment of the Annual Conference session. 3. Between Annual Conference Sessions the Executive Committee of the Conference Nominating Committee may act to fill any vacancies on an Ad Interim basis, subject to election at the next session of the Annual Conference. The Executive Committee shall report all actions to the Conference Leadership Team (CLT). 4. At the beginning of the quadrennium the total membership of all the divisions and each board shall be balanced by having no fewer than 15% from each district. The nominations whenever possible shall be inclusive of laywomen and men, clergy women and men, racial and ethnic minorities, and persons with handicapping conditions. (For the purpose of this rule, “clergy” is defined by Rule 1.200.) 5. Persons elected to a board or division shall serve for the quadrennium, even if they should move to another district in the Annual Conference, unless they are district coordinators, in which case replacements shall be elected. 6. All CLT board and division chairs shall be nominated by the Conference Nominating Committee, and elected by the Annual Conference. Board Chairs shall be named “at large” members of their respective boards. 7. The Conference Nominating Committee shall make its report not later than the first full day of a Conference session. 8. Any person related to and/or living in the same household as a full or part-time Conference Staff Person will not be allowed to serve on the CLT Personnel Committee. 13.020 The Conference Boards, Councils and Committees shall be under two general heads: Disciplinary and Annual Conference. Under each of these headings they shall be grouped as Quadrennial, Term, and Annual. 13.030 Service on Boards and Committees. No person shall serve on any one Board, Council or Committee of the Annual Conference, or on any district board or committee whose members are elected by the Annual Conference, more than eight consecutive years, with the following exceptions and provisions: 1. One or two years’ service to fill a vacancy on a quadrennial Board, Council or Committee shall not be counted for the purpose of applying this rule. 2. In the case of Committees or Boards elected in three-year or other term classes, the maximum service shall be three terms, with the provision that a one-year appointment to fill a vacancy prior to the first term shall not be counted for the purpose of applying this rule. 3. Persons who are members of a Board ex-officio shall not be affected by this rule, except that non-salaried Conference or Board officers, such as Conference Secretary and Statistician, and Conference and District Lay Leaders and Associate Lay Leaders, shall be limited to eight consecutive years in any one of these Boards, Councils and Committees. 4. The Board of Trustees of the Annual Conference, and the Board of Conference Claimants, Inc., are requested to follow the above-stated limitations of this section in nominating persons as trustees of said corporations. 5. No member of the Conference shall serve simultaneously on more than one Ministry Team or Council unless in an ex-officio capacity, by disciplinary requirement or otherwise provided for in these rules. Division members who are thereby members of a Board are recognized as serving only on a single Board/Division and are in compliance with this rule. 6. Members of the Board of Pensions shall be limited to one eight-year term, although two years’ service to fill a previous vacancy shall not be counted for the purpose of applying this rule. 7. If a member of any program board, division or committee of the Annual Conference is absent from two consecutive regularly stated meetings without cause, that body may, after notice to the individual, request the CLT to declare the position vacant. The CLT will then declare such vacancy to the Conference Nominating Committee. Conference Rules 235

8. Any changes in committee membership between sessions of the Annual Conference must receive the approval of the Executive Committee of Conference Nominating Committee before becoming effective. 9. An elected member of the Board of Ordained Ministry may serve a maximum of three consecutive four-year terms (¶635.1a). 13.040 Rules for the organization of Boards, Commissions and Committees: 1. Conference Boards and Agencies whose chairs are elected by the Annual Conference: The newly elected chair shall within 30 days of the end of the Annual Conference Session notify all elected members of the newly elected Board or Agency. The chair shall designate one of the persons as head of the nominating committee. 2. Conference Boards and Agencies who elect their own chair: The person who has been serving as the Chair, whether or not he or she is eligible for re-election to the same group and whether or not he or she is eligible for re-election as its chair, shall schedule a meeting during the Conference Session for the new Board or Agency to organize, and shall appoint a nominating committee of not less than 3 persons from the membership of the newly elected Board or Agency. The chair shall designate one of the persons as head of the nominating committee thus formed. 3. The nominating committee appointed in 1) above shall meet at a time and place convenient to them on call of the head of the committee and nominate at least two persons for each position (normally vice-chair and secretary), securing if possible the consent of each to serve if elected. Whenever the Discipline allows, both clergy and lay persons shall be represented among the nominees. 4. The nominating committee appointed in 2) above shall meet promptly at a time and place convenient to them on call of the head of the committee and nominate at least two persons for each position (normally chair, vice-chair and secretary), securing if possible the consent of each to serve if elected. Whenever the Discipline allows, both clergy and laypersons shall be represented among the nominees. 5. All voting shall be done by secret ballot for each position individually. (Rules Committee note: Under Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised Ed. 1970, p. 348 “this requirement cannot be suspended even by a unanimous vote. . . It is out of order. . . to move that one person . . . cast the ballot. . .”) 6. Ad hoc committees shall be convened and organized in the manner specified in the resolution establishing them. If no other method is specified the group shall be convened by the first named person at a time and place determined by the Bishop and shall, without nominations of any sort, elect officers by secret ballot. 7. Those elected by the Annual Conference or district caucuses (or equivalent) shall be notified by mail of their election by either the Conference or district nominating committee. The letter will include information contained in Rule 13.030(7). 13.050 The Conference Lay Leader shall be elected quadrennially by the lay members in attendance at a Laity Session at the Annual Conference succeeding the adjournment of the regular session of the General Conference. The Board of Lay Ministry shall nominate at least one candidate. Biographical information on the Board of Lay Ministry nominee(s) will be provided in the Pre- Conference Reports. Nominations will be accepted from the floor of the session. All nominees will be informed of the nature of responsibilities of the elected Conference Lay Leader and give their consent to be nominated. Any vacancy which may occur shall be filled by the Nominations Committee from the membership of the Board of Lay Ministry to serve through the quadrennium. 13.060 The Conference Lay Leader may nominate a professing member of a United Methodist Church within the annual conference to serve as Associate Conference Lay Leader. This nomination will be subject to ratification by the Board of Lay Ministry and the Ministry Cabinet. At the request of the Conference Lay Leader, the Associate Conference Lay Leader is authorized to serve in the place of the Conference Lay Leader. 236 Memoirs MEMOIRS Hannah Bartlett, Section Editor In Memory The following have died in the faith during the past Conference year. May the merciful God receive them into eternal life.

Clergy Members Spouses of Retired Clergy James Airey Dorven Kier Crooch George Henry Allen Margery Kerr William F. Frank Mildred Mae Miller Adele M. Hustis Betty Anne Morris Marvin Jones Clarissa Nichols William Howard Lavely Carolyn Avera Asmer Reynolds Jerry R. Peters Delbert Paul Remaley Darwin E. Secord Spouses of Deceased Clergy Paul Walker Evelyn Marcelle Albertson Elwyn Williams Edith Emerson Terry Goto Retired Local Pastor Olive Rahn Luchs Larry Norman Ward Neita Lucile McGhee Elizabeth Moser Smith Spouse of Active Clergy Dorothy Tennant David L. Clark Irene Zelda Wischmeier

We also remember with love and gratitude all of the faithful members of our local churches who have died this past year. Memoirs 237 CLERGY:

James Airey December 5, 1923--September 9, 2010

Rev. James Airey was born in Albany, N.Y. He served as a forward observer in the U.S. Army. Rev. Airey was a member of the Oregon-Idaho Conference and served churches at Christ Church in Portland, Pocatello, and Hillsboro before retiring in 1988. He also served in the New England and West Ohio Conferences.

Rev. Airey’s wife, Margaret, preceded him in death in 2004. Rev. Airey is survived by loving family and friends.

George Henry Allen August 14, 1919--March 6, 2011

George Henry Allen, son of Charles Henry and Mary (Quigg) Allen, was born in Moorestown, N.J. He was a graduate of Moorestown High School, Temple University (B.S. in Ed.), and Drew Theological Seminary (M. Div.). After graduation he served for two years as Boys Work Secretary at the Rahway, N.J. YMCA.

Moving west, he was appointed to the United Methodist Church in Shoshone, Idaho, where he and Lois Fischer were married. He continued serving Methodist Churches in Ashton, Gooding, Blackfoot in Idaho, and Tygh Valley, Dufur and Talent in Oregon. He was the first Protestant Chaplain at the Oregon State Hospital at Pendleton and later chaplain at the Salem State Hospital. He and his wife founded the Rogue Valley Habitat for Humanity and George served as first president. He was a life- time member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Upon retirement he moved to the Willamette Lutheran Retirement Community where he served for many years as volunteer librarian. His hobbies were model railroading and model ship building.

He is survived by a son, Laurence of Birmingham, MI; a daughter, Mea of Dallas, OR; a daughter, Rebecca Bauen of Oakland, CA; two grandchildren, Jeremy and Vanessa; and one great-grandchild, Tyler. Preceding him in death were his wife Lois and daughter Adele. 238 Memoirs William F. Frank September 8, 1918--October 12, 2010

Rev. William F. Frank, 92, United Methodist pastor, missionary, educator, musician and well-known local community volunteer, passed away in The Sanctuary at St. Paul’s, South Bend, IN. Rev. Frank leaves behind a long, rich and faithful service to God. Throughout his life, he touched and influenced many lives from all corners of the world. Family members, former parishioners, students, friends and his peers mourn his loss and will sadly miss him.

William was born in Chicago, IL, to Ida (Johnson) and William Davis Frank. He received his master degrees in education and music from Northwestern University in Chicago, and his Divinity Degree from Garret Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL. After graduation, he began his ministry as a United Methodist pastor in a historical little church in Ashton, ID. His desire to be of greater service to Christ led him on a journey of selfless service as a Methodist missionary and educator in developing countries around the world. He devoted his life to bringing the message of Christ’s love, peace and salvation to thousands. He recognized the necessity of education for everyone, and shared the joy of music as an accomplished music writer, organist and pianist. Later in life he demonstrated the need for involvement in community service and volunteerism.

William is survived by his sister, Dolores M. Craddick-Polk of South Bend; his son, Jesus Dalmiro Guana and Patricia of TX, and three grandchildren, Maria, Daniela and Gabriel. He was preceded in death by his parents, and his sister, Charlotte J. Jones-Kopence.

Adele M. Hustis November 24, 1936--April 30, 2011

Adele M. Hustis was born in Reno, Nevada, to Grant and Violet Hustis. Adele was the youngest of three daughters. Their father left the family when Adele was very young. She was then brought up by her mother and two great-aunts. They lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for most of her life. Adele graduated from Fremont High School in Oakland, CA.

She married her high school sweetheart, Gerald (Jerry) Peter Di Bene in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. He was stationed there in the Air Force. Adele attended San Francisco State University, then left school to have their family. They had two children: Jeffrey Allan Di Bene and Wendy Josephine Di Bene. Adele and Jerry remained marred for only a short while. After her divorce she attended California State College of Hayward where she received her BA in Speech and Drama in 1970. She loved the theater and did many theatrical workshops with children. She moved around a bit, until the family settled in Nevada City, CA.

Adele earned her AA degree from Sierra Nevada Collage; she taught at an alternative school (Ananda Cooperative Village) in North San Juan, CA; she managed a Health Food store, learning about natural foods and herbs; she helped develop an after-school program for youth; she wrote CITA grants; and she helped start a woman’s shelter for battered woman in Nevada City. Adele was a hands-on person: she managed many restaurants. Being a short order cook helped her take care of the family. Adele received her first calling for ministry at the Southside United Methodist Church Woman’s Group in Nampa, ID. Adele packed up and moved across the country to Washington, DC to attend Wesley Theological Seminary. While attending school, Adele was a hospital chaplain and helped at soup kitchens for the homeless. She graduated from Wesley Theological Seminary in 1988, receiving her Master of Divinity degree. Adele was ordained an elder in 1990. Her first congregation was in Shoshone, Idaho, where she was the first female pastor. Adele loved being a counselor at for children’s camps at Wallowa Lake. She was appointed to Eugene First UMC as associate pastor. From there she was went to The Dalles United Methodist Church, where she was instrumental in forming the labyrinth at Mid-Columbia Medical Center. She was then appointed to Coos Bay, Oregon where she retired in 2006 due to poor health. However her ministry still powered on to do many great things. Memoirs 239 Marvin Jones August 5, 1951-February 11, 2011

Marvin Jones was born in Portland, Oregon. After being ordained a Methodist minister, he served churches at Fossil, Aberdeen, Jordan Valley, Sunnyside Centenary, and The Dalles. Marvin served in the Oregon- Idaho Conference Center for 12 years as the Media Librarian and Computer Specialist at a time when technology was quickly changing the way the conference handled communications and information processing. It was Marvin who first started sending out the weekly e-mail that has evolved into the UM Connector.

Marvin is survived by his son, Trevor; daughter, Kelly; and mother, Ethel. He was preceded in death by his father, Ira; and wife, Peggy (Dethlefs) Jones.

William Howard Lavely September 21, 1921-August 26, 2010

As a clergy member of the Oregon-Idaho Conference Rev. Lavely served at Toledo, Siltez, University Park in Portland, Grants Pass, Rogue Valley Group Ministry, Trinity in Salem, Milwaukie St. Paul, and at the Portland Job Corps Center before retiring in 1986. He and his wife of nearly sixty-four years, Doris, also served in the Nebraska Conference.

Rev. Lavely is survived by his wife, Doris; son, Steve; daughters, Diane and Linda; and loving family. His son Rick preceded him in death.

Jerry R. Peters July 27, 1947--March 5, 2011

Jerry R. Peters, 63, of Elgin, passed away at his residence. Jerry was born in Hillsboro, Oregon, the adopted son of Larry and Hele (Weber) Peters. He grew up in Oregon and graduated from Hillsboro High School. He attended Lane Community College and St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, Missouri. Jerry was an entertainer and a minister. He served many churches in the Oregon-Idaho conference of the United Methodist Church, including Elgin for 10 years. His last appointment was the Buhl/ Castleford United Methodist Churches in Idaho.

Jerry and Shirley were married on July 5, 1975. Jerry enjoyed tennis, fishing, bird hunting, camping and watching Mariner’s baseball. He was a member of the American Legion, Elgin City Council and the “Clowns of America.” He was elected president of the Young Republicans in 1967, and was a veteran of the United States Navy. On June 18, 1994, he became an Associate Member of The United Methodist Church, and was ordained a deacon.

Jerry is survived by his wife Shirley; his children and their spouses, Carl and liana Peters of Rockaway Beach; Josh and Laurel Peters of La Grande; Chris and Tiffany Penn of Beaverton; his aunt Barbara Weber; and eight grandchildren. 240 Memoirs Delbert Paul Remaley May 20, 1921--November 14, 2010

Rev. Delbert Paul Remaley, 89, passed away peacefully at River Ridge Rehabilitation and Care Center in Twin Falls, Idaho. Bert was surrounded by many of his loving family as he made the transition from this earthly life. He was born in Phillipston, Pa. His parents were Paul Raymond and Lana Isabel (Neely) Remaley. Bert graduated from high school in Oil City, Pa., in 1938. He attended Clarion State College for two years and then joined the United States Army in 1940. He served in the Army during World War II for five years, achieving the rank of master sergeant. It was during this time that he met Letha Mae Barlow. They were married at Camp Polk, La., on Dec. 16, 1944. He received an honorable medical discharge in 1945. Bert then moved back to Oil City and became the plant manager of International Harvester Company.

His educational quests were in pursuit as he attended the University of Arkansas, graduating in 1950 with a Bachelor of Science degree in education. While there, he received the calling to go into the ministry of the Methodist Church. First, he was the youth director for the Springdale, Ark., Methodist Church. He then attended Southern Methodist University, where he graduated with a master’s degree in divinity. The Remaley family moved often during his dedicated ministry. He served the Methodist Churches in Anna and Melissa, Texas; Widner Round Pond, Madison, Tuni and Sulpher Springs, Ark.; DuBois, Reynoldsville, Brockway, Mars and Monaca, Pa.; Tillamook, Ore.; and in Kimberly, Murtaugh, Blackfoot, Payette and Gooding, Idaho. Following his retirement, he served as interim pastor at the First Presbyterian Church of Burley, the Christian Church in Jerome, and Valley Presbyterian Church in Hazelton. Bert touched many lives in the churches that he served.

Bert’s civic involvements included active leadership in the Masonic Lodge, as well as substitute teaching for Magic Valley schools, officiating at sports events, the American Legion, and Twin Falls County chairman for the March of Dimes. He also held several offices within the Oregon-Idaho Conference.

Bert and Letha’s travels to 49 states were a highlight of their 66 years together. He relished in his fishing and camping adventures whenever the opportunity presented itself. He was the happiest surrounded by his family – no matter the occasion. His claim to fame was that he baptized each of his children, nine grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. He also performed many of their wedding ceremonies. Bert is survived by his loving and caring wife, Letha; his children Paul (Sue) of Twin Falls, Paula von Lindern (Sean) of Boise, Wes (Benita) of Jerome, and Philip (Sonja) of Yearington, Nev. He also leaves 14 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. His family will truly miss his sense of humor and quick wit.

Darwin E. Secord October 12, 1921--August 25, 2010

Darwin Secord was born in Durrand, Michigan, to William and Blanche (Graham) Secord. His father was a steamfitter on the Grand Trunk Railroad and his mother, a homemaker to seven children, enjoyed dancing and whistling. Known as “the kid” by his siblings, Darwin led an adventurous life: cat fishing at night in his youth, helping build a Snake River ferry with a sledge hammer and getting a four- point buck while living in Wallowa, age 48. For 43 years he served in Christian ministry with the United Methodist Church in Ohio, Texas, Michigan and the Pacific Northwest. He retired, in body but not in spirit, to the John Day-Prarie City area in 1988.

Leaving behind a remarkable heritage in his passing, Darwin’s life’s challenge was to establish his own family on higher ground than that which he was born.

He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Jeanne M. Duncan Secord; eight children; 16 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and two great-great grandchildren. Memoirs 241 Paul Walker June 30, 1929--September 29, 2010 Rev. Paul Walker, 81, died at Fieldstone Retirement Center. He was born in Newport, TN, son of the late Edward and Pauline Shields Walker. He served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean Conflict.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Margaret Wolcott Walker and second wife, Anne Ragon. His is survived by three sons, Stephen Walker, Covington, TN; John Walker, Hilton Head, SC; and Mark Walker (Carole), Lebanon, TN; a daughter, Julia W. Perez, Clarksville; step-son, Bruce Ragon (Karen), Powell, TN; six grandchildren, Christopher Walker, Jordan Walker, Margaret Perez, Thomas Perez, Sarah Perez, and Shania Ragon; and one great-grandson, Grayson Walker.

Elwyn Williams December 21, 1922--July 14, 2010 Elwyn Williams was born into a parsonage family in Ilion, NY on December 21, 1922. He graduated from Camden High School, Camden, NY in June 1940, and started his college education at Syracuse University. With the country at war, Elwyn enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Force, eventually serving as a weather observer in both India and Burma. After his discharge he completed his college education at Syracuse where he met his future wife, Annette Smith. They were married on May 29, 1949 in Baltimore, Maryland and would eventually welcome four children into their family: Gail, Mark, Tom and Rob.

Responding to a call into ministry, Elwyn enrolled at Boston University School of Theology where he graduated with a Master of Sacred Theology in 1951 and was ordained as a Methodist minister in May 1951. The Williams family served pastorates in New York, Virginia and Southern India before Elwyn assumed a position fundraising at Rockford College in Rockford, Illinois. Three years later he became Vice President for Development at Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio. Nine years later he moved to the Vice Presidency of Pacific University in Forest Grove and later to Willamette University in Salem. In 1958 he and his wife moved to Florida where he continued his career in development work, first for the University of Florida and, after retirement, for his alma mater, Syracuse University.

In 2005, Elwyn and Ann moved back to Oregon to be near two of their sons and four of their grandchildren. Elwyn was proud of his Welsh heritage; he was president of a Welsh Singing Society, and with his wife, Anne, toured Wales. Among his interests was reflecting on his experiences through poetry. In December 2009, his family surprised him by publishing a collection of poems, Cobwebs to Lightning.

RETIRED LOCAL PASTOR: Larry Norman Ward November 27, 1943--January 20, 2011 Larry Norman Ward, husband, father and friend, passed away quietly at home after two years of living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Larry grew up in Long Beach, California. He met his wife, Donna, in college, and moved to Oregon in 1971. He fell in love with the nature here, and the outdoors played an important part of his life. He enjoyed climbing the peaks of the Cascades and hiking in the Columbia Gorge; both were places of joy for him. He played many roles throughout his life: computer programmer and manager, pastor, Cub Scout leader, climbing teacher, even Santa Claus. He enjoyed them all. He is and will be missed.

Larry is survived by his wife of 44 years, Donna; sons, Geoff and Kevin (wife, Liz, and son, Asher); mother, Marjorie; sisters, Karen Ward and Nancy King; and nephew, Elliott King. 242 Memoirs SPOUSE OF ACTIVE CLERGY:

David L. Clark August 7, 1946--November 1, 2010

David L. Clark, 64, of Cottage Grove passed away from lung cancer. He was born in Salt Lake City, Utah to Franklin and Florence (Butts) Clark.

David grew up and attended school in Washington, DC. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Washington, and earned a MBA from Harvard Business School. He also was in the Army Security Agency and served in Ethiopia and Turkey. On Aug. 12, 1972 in Seattle, Wash., he married Achsah Neyland.

David worked in business administration. He lived in Boston, Mass. for eight years; lived in Seattle, Wash. for nine years; moved to Salem, Ore. in 1989; lived for a brief time in Harrisburg, Ore.; then moved to Cottage Grove in 2008.

David loved spending time with his family. He enjoyed singing and was a member of the Master Chorus in Salem, Ore. He was very active in the United Methodist Church and supported Achsah in her pastorate. He was also active, regionally, in the Oregon-Idaho United Methodist Conference.

He is survived by his wife, Achsah Clark; two sons, Andrew Clark of Boston, Mass. and Bruce Clark and wife, Rachael, of Snohomish, Wash.; a daughter, Annah Clark of Cottage Grove; and two sisters, Catherine Clark of Egremont, Mass. and Candyce Clark of Washington, DC.


Dorven Kier Crooch September 6, 1940--November 25, 2010

Dorven “Dee” Kier Crooch was born to parents Wayne and Myra Crooch in Eugene, Oregon. When Dee was six, his family moved to Roseburg, where he grew up. During his high school years, the family experienced and weathered a major crisis when their appliance business was destroyed in the infamous downtown Roseburg blast.

Dee loved sports from an early age and played football from third grade through his college years at Willamette University. There he met Karen Eleice Smith. In 1962, Dee graduated from Willamette, was commissioned a 2nd Lt. in the USAF, married Karen (his wife of 48 years) and reported for active duty at Griffiss AFB in Rome, New York.

His older son, Brian Wayne, was born in 1963 followed by son Allen Kier, in 1965. Dee served at Air Force bases in New York; Spokane, WA; Viet Nam; Hawaii; Colorado; Alabama; Washington D.C.; Texas and again in D.C. where he retired in 1986 as a Lt. Col. Dee’s second career was as a “clergy spouse extraordinaire” for wife Karen, an ordained United Methodist minister. Together they served University Park UMC, Portland; Newman UMC, Grants Pass; on the Western District of the Oregon-Idaho Conference; and Morningside UMC in Salem, Dee’s church family for the past 10 years. Memoirs 243

Dee’s great joy was playing bass guitar in the church praise band. In recent years, he was blessed by the opportunity to travel with Karen and other family and friends to places near and far. He was a man of faith and integrity; a family man who loved his wife, was immensely proud of his two sons, and enjoyed any time spent with his three grandsons and two granddaughters. His life was full of love, given and received.

Dee is survived by his wife, Karen; sister, Kathy and husband Cameron Provost; son Brian and wife Marianne; son Allen; grandsons, Kyle, Austin and Clayton Crooch; and granddaughters, Lauren and Lacey Bonner.

Margery Kerr July 18, 1928--November 30, 2010

Born in Brooklyn, New York in 1928, Margery “Midge” Kerr was one of eight siblings – all of whom are still alive today. Midge’s family loved music and from a very early age she also fell in love with music. Midge learned to play the piano, organ and cello.

Midge wanted to go to college to study music, but because of all the soldiers returning from World War II and taking advantage of the GI Bill, she was not able to attend school in New York. So she left home and went to college at the Western School for Girls in Ohio where she majored in Music. It was in college on a blind date that Midge met her future husband, Chuck Kerr, who was studying to be a minister at another college. They married in 1951. Midge gave birth to three children – Nat, David and Tim, and adopted Lauri and Peter. She has six grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

Midge spent many years working with computers. Early in her career she worked as a computer data processor in the insurance industry. She worked in similar positions for Mount Hood Community College and the Oregon State Mental Hospital before retiring.

The Kerr family loved to camp together. Sometimes they would spend up to two weeks out in the woods camping, fishing, eating and just enjoying each other’s company. They also took trips back east to New York, New Jersey and Ohio to visit family. Midge and Chuck had the good fortune to be sponsored for a 24-day trip through Europe and the Holy Lands. They toured England, Israel, Germany and Austria. They enjoyed the adventure, but after 24 days of living out of a suitcase, they were glad to be home.

After 20 years in the Keizer-Salem area, the Kerrs retired and enjoyed spending more time together. While living on a golf course, Midge learned to play golf. She continued to exercise her love of music by performing with many musical groups: Midge played cello with the Salem Pops, and in many string quartets and trios before moving to Rose Villa in 2007. 244 Memoirs Mildred Mae Miller January 16, 1921–February 23, 2011

Millie was born and reared in Rushville, Indiana. Her father Perry Hockersmith met every setback with quiet fortitude, a characteristic shared by Millie. She died peacefully from complications following a stroke in January.

The first of her family to seek a college degree, she worked her way to a Bachelor of Artsinmusic with a minor in accounting and did so, with honors, in four years. She graduated from the University of Indianapolis in 1943 and married Jim Miller. Her husband, daughters Maryllyn Neely and Rachel Reeder, son-in-law Paul Reeder, and granddaughter Elisabeth Neely live in Richland, granddaughter Katie (Reeder) Lewis lives in Boulder, Colorado, and sister Donna Cunningham lives in Indianapolis. Millie and Jim lived in Indiana, Ohio, Massachusetts, Maine, Oregon, and twelve years in Richland.

Millie taught high-school business subjects in Ohio and Concord, Massachusetts and was considered by her peers as an excellent teacher. A soprano, she sang in church and community choirs. She aided her husband’s career in higher education from graduate school through two college presidencies. Millie was a skillful and gracious hostess to thousands of college students, faculty, and college guests.

She served several years on the board of Mowry Square condominium and attended Shalom United Church of Christ in Richland.

Betty Anne Morris August 16, 1931--March 25, 2011

Betty Anne Morris died at Hopewell Hospice, Portland, Oregon. Betty was born in Graham, TX, to William Doddridge McFarlane and Alma Carl McFarlane. She attended Graham schools and graduated from Central High School, Washington, D.C. in 1948, and attended Texas State College of Women (TSCW) in Denton, Texas. In 1950, Betty married Herbert E. Morris, and together they completed their undergraduate degrees at American University. They moved to Mendham, N.J., where they resided until Herb completed his theological degree. Over the next 30 years Herb and Betty served United Methodist Churches in Mendham, New Jersey; Duluth, Minnesota; Portland, Oregon; Oak Grove, Oregon;Twin Falls, Idaho; Albany, Oregon; and Canby, Oregon.

Betty was active in her church and community while teaching elementary students and working as a librarian at the Wilsonville Public Library. She belonged to many organizations and served in leadership roles, including the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Order of the Eastern Star. She was extremely gifted, intelligent, and musical. She especially enjoyed reading, cooking, needlework, quilting and crossword puzzles. She loved family gatherings and events, especially those held at the Oregon Coast or in Graham, Texas. Her strong Christian faith and joy in life were a gift to everyone who knew her.

Betty is survived by her husband, the Rev. Herbert Morris of Wilsonville, Oregon; her children: Mary Morris Jones and her husband Douglas Jones of Meridian, Idaho; John and his wife Mitzi Morris of Seattle, Washington; Ruth Morris Villaverde, and her husband Ignacio Villaverde, of Enterprise, Alabama; her siblings: William McFarlane, West Palm Beach, Florida; Mary Pitcock, of Graham, Texas; Barbara Staton of University Park, Florida; and Robert McFarlane, of Washington, D.C.; her grandchildren: Jennifer Casperson of Bothell, Washington; Heather Dillon of Kelso, Washington; Douglas Jones, Jr. of Meridian, Idaho; David Morris of Birmingham, Alabama; Kat Morris of Seattle, Washington; Matthew Villaverde, of Enterprise, Alabama; and her great-grandchildren: Sydney Casperson, Nicholas Casperson and Emily Jones. Memoirs 245 Clarissa Nichols May 2, 1923--March 14, 2011

Clarissa “Curty” Nichols was born in Dallas, Oregon. Along with her siblings Alvin, Wilma and Ruthie, she grew up in the Willamette Valley, graduating from Salem High School in 1941. While in high school, she met the love of her life, Elliot “Nick” Nichols, whom she first dated at her high school senior prom. They married on August 28, 1942, and enjoyed a good marriage for over 68 years. Curty was invested in raising her four children: Janice, Larry, Kent and Brian. Cherished by family and friends for her persistently positive attitude and playful way of being, Curty was a fine baker, a lover of pinochle and a person always ready to open her heart to others. She was also a very strong and resourceful person, raising her first child Jan, for a year and a half on her own while Nick was in the service, and later stepping up to help out in the various clothing stores Nick managed or owned. Being an activities director at a nursing home for several years gave her a fine outlet for her good cheer and ability to love unconditionally. When Nick became a Methodist minister in middle life, Curty became his partner in yet another way, serving as a very popular minister’s wife in the several churches they served together in Oregon. Curty loved to read and to learn with others, and was a wonderful mentor to everyone she came in contact with, simply by being herself.

Curty is survived by her husband, Nick, her four children and their spouses, her five grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. She will be missed greatly, tough her family will remember her especially in trying to emulate the friendly compassion and persistent kindness that she expressed so fully for nearly 88 years.

Carolyn Avera Asmer Reynolds June 1, 1929 – March 13, 2011

Mrs. Carolyn Avera Asmer Reynolds, 81, of Rock Hill, died Sunday, March 13, 2011, at Piedmont Medical Center.

Born in Lakeland, Fla., Mrs Reynolds was the daughter of the late Henry Avera and Azilee Harden Avera. She was a member of India Hook United Methodist Church and was preceded in death by her first husband, John Asmer. Carolyn married again, to Robert Reynolds, retired local pastor who served the Dundee church in Oregon-Idaho Conference before retiring in 1996.

Survivors include her husband, Robert; daughter, Patricia Shook of Kingman, Az.; sons, Louis Asmer of Gainsville, Ga., and Richard Asmer of Suwanee, Ga.; her stepdaughters, Karen Walsh and Melody Maher, both of Unionville, Conn.; brother, Elois Avera of Satsuma, Fla.; sister, Evelyn Carter of Chaserville, Ga.; 11 grandchildren; and 20 great-grandchildren. 246 Memoirs SPOUSES OF DECEASED CLERGY:

Evelyn Marcelle Albertson October 27, 1916--February 24, 2011

Evelyn “Sally” Marcelle Albertson was born in Valley City, North Dakota. She moved west to Tacoma with her parents, Henry and Anna Jenson, and her sister, Marjorie. She attended the College of Puget Sound in Tacoma, graduating in 1939. There she met C. Gene Albertson. Gene and Sally married in 1942, and they served in United Methodist churches in Washington and Oregon throughout their lives, including a Japanese church in the Bay area before the members were sent to interment camps.

Love of family, music, people, arts and crafts, and church filled Sally’s days. She was active in UMW, PEO, Church Women United and taught many years at UMW mission school. She loved birds and flowers and was a tole painter (decorative painting on tin and wooden utensils, objects and furniture). Many described her as the “quintessential” minister’s wife.

She is survived by her sister, Marjorie Deines, Port Angeles, Wash.; children, Kathy Warnaca, Seattle, Margie Arvidson, Portland, Ron Albertson, Portland, Holly Albertson, Salem; seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Daughter, Marilyn Neu, great-grandson, Jack Warnaca and husband, Gene preceded her in death.

Edith Emerson August 24, 1919--January 16, 2011

Edith Emerson passed away peacefully in her sleep. She was 91. Born Edith Annie Spencer in Lancashire, England in 1919, Edith was an identical twin and one of five siblings. She grew up a Lancashire lass, the daughter of a shopkeeper. She spent her early 20s, during World War II, as a teacher in England. It was during this time that she met George Emerson, a handsome Royal Air Force chaplain, and fell in love. They married in 1943. Edith and George had five daughters and in 1959 the family immigrated to the U.S.

As the wife of a Methodist minister, she worked alongside George at the many churches they served in England and in Oregon. She returned to her beloved England for a holiday almost every year until she was not able to travel anymore. After 58 years of marriage, George passed away in 2002. Edith was an incredibly creative person. She was an excellent knitter and seamstress and passed her creativity on to her daughters. She loved poetry and could recite favorite verses right up until her passing. She was intelligent, well-read, well-spoken, very witty and a tireless worker. She could beat any of us at the crossword any day of the week. We will all dearly miss her spirited nature, her strong opinions and her fiery determination to stand up for what was right.

Edith is survived by her daughters, Lesley Grover, Judith Emerson, Kate McCarthy (Tom Anderson), Melanie Rollins and Faith Emerson Rogers (Dan Rogers); granddaughters, Amy, Adrienne and Megan; great-grandchildren, Savannah, Henry, James and Theo; and twin sister, Elsie Wilson of Burnley, Lancashire. Memoirs 247 Terry Goto May 2, 1921--December 25, 2010

Terry Goto, wife of the Rev. Masaji Goto, died of an aneurism. She was born Teruko Iyama in Santa Cruz, CA. She lived with her eight siblings in the Salinas/Watsonville area. Terry worked from a young age as a housekeeper for a wealthy family in Watsonville and was being groomed to be sent back to Japan for formal education & training. However, during World War II, she was incarcerated at Poston, Arizona Camp 2. While she was there, Terry worked as a nurses’ aide and was later released to attend nursing school in Chicago. Upon returning to Watsonville, she became a Christian against her parents’ wishes and became active in the Young People’s Christian Conference. She met Rev. Masaji Goto and they were married in 1949.

Olive Rahn Luchs July 30, 1907--December 1, 2010

Olive Rahn Luchs was born in Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada, the eldest of seven children of Emil and Augustina Rahn. While she was a child her family moved to Yorkton, Saskatchewan. When Olive was 13 years old her father died as the result of a construction accident. She left school to work in a variety of retail sales positions to help the family.

In 1927 they moved to Tacoma, Washington where she met and later married Oscar V. Luchs. The couple moved to Seattle where Oscar completed his college education and Olive was employed selling shoes for the Bon Marche. Her husband’s pursuit of graduate education in theology took the couple to Berkeley, California; Rochester, New York; and Chicago, Illinois.

In Chicago they welcomed a son, Arvin, into their family. Oscar was ordained in the (then) Northern Baptist Church and served a church in Belevidere, Illinois. Transferring his ordination to the Methodist Church he was appointed to congregations in Davenport, Iowa and Waterloo, Iowa. In 1955 they accepted an invitation to serve Pioneer Methodist in Portland and later First United Methodist in Lebanon, Oregon. In retirement they served part-time at Grand Ronde United Methodist Church.

Olive chose to forgo employment outside the home, dedicating herself to tending the household, raising her son, and supporting her husband in church work. She was a devout and dedicated churchwoman serving tirelessly in everything from teaching Sunday School to organizing dinners and receptions. She was especially proud of a life-mission award from the United Methodist Women.

Following retirement in 1972 the couple moved to the Salem, Oregon area. Oscar died in 1975. Olive remained in Salem, participating in First United Methodist Church and Meals-on-Wheels. In 2003 she moved to Beaverton, Oregon where she resided until her death.

She is survived by her son, Arvin R. Luchs, his wife, Susan, one cousin living in Canada and a number of nieces and nephews. 248 Memoirs Neita Lucile McGhee December 12, 1917--August 9, 2010

Neita Lucile McGhee died in her home in Clarkes, Oregon of pancreatic cancer at the age of 92. Mrs. McGhee was the wife of Rev. Austin L. McGhee who served as pastor of the Heppner United Methodist Church from 1960 to 1962. While in Heppner, she played the organ at the church, taught Sunday School, helped with youth group functions and was active in the Methodist Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS).

Neita was born as Neita Lucile Foiles in a Methodist parsonage in Fulton, KS. She was the daughter of Rev. Earl Raymond Foiles, a Methodist minister, and his wife Esther Rachel (Whitwam).

She married Austin Leonard McGhee on December 12, 1935 (her 18th birthday). They were married for over 50 years. Their first pastorate was in a small church in Parker, CO which they served while he attended Iliff School of Theology in Denver. Because this was the midst of the Depression the church was hard pressed to pay them - so they also ran the local Parker News newspaper, setting the type by hand on a linotype from their basement. The current 2010 Parker News is printed in a modern building across the street from the old parsonage.

Mrs. McGhee and her husband also ran a newspaper in LaMonte, MO for a few years before beginning full-time ministry in Toronto, KS. After serving faithfully together in four to five churches in the Kansas Conference of the church they moved to Oregon in 1957 where they served churches in Yoncalla, Heppner, Cave Junction and Wilderville, and Molalla and Clarkes. Both Austin and Neita fell in love with the beauty and the people of the Clarkes area, and retired there together on three acres with a beautiful view of Mt. Hood. Rev. McGhee died on June 17, 1989 after a long struggle with Parkinson’s disease.

Neita was an excellent pianist and known for her love of poetry and the many quotes that were a part of her daily life. She often wrote poems for her family on their birthdays and special occasions and wrote very well. She did the daily crossword everyday over the last 20 years and had an amazing knowledge of the modern world because of it.

She is survived by her sister Earline Foiles of Iola, KS; four daughters and their spouses, Melba and Harold Hauser of Gresham; Cheryl and Rodney Ayers of Lynchberg, VA; Dana and Don Reynolds of Woodburn; and Kerry and John Rietmann of lone; 14 grandchildren; and numerous great-grandchildren.

Elizabeth Moser Smith February 12, 1919--October 24, 2010

Elizabeth (Betty) Moser Smith, age 91, of Salmon, Idaho, passed away at the Discovery Care Center, where she had resided since November of 2007.

She was born in Tacoma, Washington, to Noah D. Moser and Lila V. Swafford Moser. She was the third of four children. She grew up in Tenino, Washington, where her parents were school teachers. Summers were spent on Fox Island, in Puget Sound. She attended Willamette University, Western Washington University, and received her B.A. degree from Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Montana.

In 1941, she married Don Ian Smith of Rupert, Idaho. His profession was the Methodist ministry, and together they served churches in Winthrop Harbor, Illinois; Salmon, Idaho; Burley-Albion, Idaho; Laurel, Montana; Choteau, Montana; and Boise, Idaho, before his retirement in 1983. Memoirs 249

Following retirement, they also served churches in Gilchrist, Oregon; Jordan Valley, Oregon, and Filer, Idaho.

Betty’s hobbies were western history, church history and research. In the 1970’s she compiled the histories of the Salmon National Forest and the Boise National Forest. As historian for the United Methodist Churches in Idaho, she catalogued Methodist historical materials and deposited the collection in the archives of the Idaho Historical Library. She served two four-year terms on the General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church. Betty also acted as reprint publisher for five books written by Don Ian Smith. Another hobby was bird-watching and making denim quilts for children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Betty was a member of the Salmon First Presbyterian Church, the Chapter AF of P.E.O., and the Lemhi County Historical Society.

She is survived by daughter Heather (Lynn) Thomas of Salmon; son Rockwell (Bev) of Boise, Idaho; daughter Heidi Smith (Paul Pedersen) of Tendoy, Idaho; grandchildren Michael (Carolyn) Thomas and Andrea Hansen of Salmon, Idaho; Matthew (Amie) Fisher-Smith of Burien, Washington; Benjamin Smith of Melbourne, Australia; Amanda Smith of Cape Coral, Florida; Amber Smith of Boise, Idaho; and twelve great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Dix and David Moser, sister Marjorie Durham, and husband of 66 years, Don Ian Smith.

Dorothy Tennant September 30, 1918--May 30, 2010

At age 91, Dorothy Tennant gracefully left this world from her home in Island County, Washington. Born in Jones County, Iowa, to Joseph and Dora Fisher, she was one of six children who came of age during the Great Depression. She was the first female in her extended family, not only to graduate from high school, but to attend college as well. It was during her time at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, that she met William “Bill” Tennant, whom she married in July 1940.

Prior to marriage, she was a teacher in a one-room school house in rural Iowa. Her passion for public education was solidified at this time and was a constant throughout her life. After getting married, she moved to Boston to join her spouse as he completed graduate school. Upon completing his degree work, and being ordained as clergy in the Methodist Church, they moved to Junction City, Oregon. Toward the end of World War II, Bill became a chaplain and commissioned officer in the US Navy. This took them to many places in both the United States and the world during Bill’s military career.

Dorothy’s love of people and places was evident throughout her life. Whether it was a new duty station or a place discovered during their many travels, she explored each locale with delight, learning about the culture, history, and community. She shared her experiences with family and friends, opening new windows in many lives with art, history, dance, theatre, and always music. She was a writer of letters, a lover and performer of music, a painter, a talented creator of textiles, an inspired cook, a loving parent and spouse, and a true citizen of the world. Those that met her met a friend. Those she loved had someone wise, kind, and supportive in their corner. Her children always knew that their mother was on their side, cheering them on, and loving them unconditionally. In her presence, joys were multiplied and sorrows diminished.

She is survived by her daughters and their spouses: Margot E. Tennant (Charles Skow) of Coupeville, WA., Kathryn E. Rogers (Raymond Rogers) of Greenbank, WA., Barbara E. Tennant-Batson (Miller Batson) of Twisp WA.; her much beloved grandsons Alexander Tennant-Jayne, Bradley Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Noah Tennant-Batson and Nathaniel Tennant-Batson, and her sisters Marian Tillett of Wyoming and Mildred Knight of South Carolina. Preceding her from this world were her spouse, William G. Tennant, her grandson Jacob Tennant-Batson, and her brothers Albert Fisher, Howard Fisher and Robert Fisher. 250 Memoirs Irene Zelda Wischmeier Nevember 16, 1914--March 4, 2011

Irene Zelda Wischmeier, age 96 of Holland, Ohio passed away at St. Vincent-Mercy Medical Center. Irene was born in Sargent, Nebraska to Don R. and Mabel (Wakeman) Leech. Irene graduated from Nebraska State University with a Bachelor of Arts. She taught Home Economics in Blairsburg, IA and Lexington, NE. She married Ac Chester Wischmeier (who was attending seminary in Boston) on July 4, 1939.

Ac and Irene Wischmeier served the following churches in the Pacific Northwest Conference: East Vancouver; Lewiston; Kennewick; Seattle: Haller Lake; District Superintendent of the Walla Walla District; District Superintendent of the Tacoma District; Yakima: First; and Bellingham: Garden Street. Ac and Irene Wischmeier also served in the Alaska Missionary Conference as District Superintendent and in the Oregon- Idaho Conference as District Superintendent of the Eastern District. In 1981 they retired from the Oregon-Idaho Conference.

She is survived by her three children Stephen (Sharon) Wischmeier of Tacoma, Washington; Suzanna Wells of Holland, Ohio and Don (Shirley) Wischmeier of Greeley Colorado; eight grandchildren, 14 great- grandchildren and one great-great grandson; and her sister, Genevieve Clark. In addition to her parents Irene was preceded in death by her loving husband of 69 years (February 10, 2009), Ac Chester Wischmeier. Memoirs 251 OUR HONORED DEAD Walter W. Appleyard 1975 Clergy Members of the Conference Edward A. Bawden 1975 Refer to previous Journals for the list of Our Honored Edward J. Aschenbrenner 1975 Dead prior to the 1968 uniting conference of The John B. Sims 1975 United Methodist Church. O.A. Jewell 1975 Oscar V. Luchs 1975 Elmer R. Burkey 1975 NAME DECEASED Joyce S. Kendall 1976 Charles M. Donaldson 1968 John H. McDonald 1976 Gustav A. Storaker 1968 Charles Whelchel 1976 Earl B. Horsell 1968 Harley A. Zeller 1976 Walter F. Dodge 1968 Christian W. Bauman 1976 P.M. Blenkinsop 1968 Ralph Monroe Logsdon 1977 James H. Royer 1968 Stanley Dallas McNeil 1977 H. Guy Goodsell 1968 James J. Fleming 1977 Earl W. Terry 1968 Henry J. Gernhardt, Sr. 1977 John Place 1968 Marion C. Smith 1977 John W. Warrell 1968 Roy W. Knight 1977 Robert M. Gatke 1968 Eugene V. Hamblen 1978 David C. Brooks 1969 Walter Warner 1978 Olney L. Kendall 1969 Thomas O. Hill 1978 J. Palmer Sorlien 1969 Joseph H. Coulter 1978 Milton H. Greenlee 1969 Alfred L. Lonsberry 1978 Virgil Bolen 1970 Ralph H. Richardson 1978 A.E. Davis 1970 Gertrude Boyd Crane 1978 Noah E. Hershey 1970 Herman G. Hermann 1979 Frank A. Lenz 1970 Meredith A. Groves 1979 Emory M. Petticord 1970 Gerald H. Kennedy 1979 Glen Randall Phillips 1970 (Bishop Portland Area 1949-52) (Bishop Portland Area 1967-68) John Ginter, Sr. 1979 Albert E. Place 1970 Masaji Goto 1979 Neal Raymond Van Loon 1970 Ethel Williams 1979 Andrew Langendorf 1971 Paul Means 1980 Everett W. Palmer 1971 Wayne Forbes 1980 (Bishop Portland Area 1968-71) Stanford Moore 1980 Claud H. Cowdy 1971 Cloyd V. Gustavson 1981 William W. Parker 1971 Wilmer A. Briggs 1981 P. Malcolm Hammond 1971 Samuel D. Johnson 1981 Cecil G. Hannan 1972 Floyd S. Magsig 1981 Louis C. Kirby 1972 Audree M. Thomas 1981 Alfred T. Hanson 1972 George F. Gordon 1981 Jane B. “Josie” Horine 1972 William N. Byars 1982 Donald A. Martin 1972 Cyril Dorsett 1982 Clark M. Smith 1972 Sidney Smith 1982 Edward E. Dixon 1973 Laurain M. Wahlquist 1982 Jacob C. Johannes 1973 Woodrow D. Harris 1983 Miss Leila Luckey 1973 Fenton G. Roscoe 1983 Leonard J. Ruff 1973 Wendell L. Coe 1984 S. Raynor Smith, Sr. 1973 I.L. Shaver 1984 Edward Martindale Woods 1973 Collis C. Blair 1984 Milton A. Marcy 1973 Ralph E. Smith 1984 Lennox Grove Weaver 1973 Violet L. Bolliger 1984 Jouette P. Bray 1974 Edward J. Stubbs 1984 Harold Nathan Nye 1974 Michael L. Collins 1984 Robert McIlvenna 1974 Fremont Faul 1984 Thomas Hilson 1974 Revelle E. Roach 1985 Joda L. Buck 1974 Harold S. Shellhart 1985 Aaron J. Neufeld 1974 Merle W. Burres 1985 Joseph Pope 1974 John L. Cross 1985 Rinke A. Feenstra 1975 Howard A. Seymour 1985 John Shepherd Wood 1985 252 Memoirs

Jasper M. Ricker 1986 Kenneth Simonds 1996 Mark A. Chamberlain 1986 Merle Benson 1997 Dayton Loomis 1986 Myron “Mike” Hall 1997 Francis M. Hayashi 1987 Delbert Keller 1997 William M. Orr 1987 Harry Monroe 1997 Daniel Henry Schulze 1987 Ernestine Hitchcock 1998 Alva Elmer Gilbert 1987 Arshad Haqq 1998 Raymond Conover Shaw 1988 C. Everett Moles 1998 George Roseberry 1988 Laurance A. Burdette 1998 Recter W. Johnson 1988 Paul Henry 1998 T. Askew Crumbley 1988 Sydney Gaither 1998 Frank B. Drew 1988 Ralph Kleen 1998 Ruth Cotton 1989 Luis Bové 1999 Charles Ellery Echlin 1989 John Trost 1999 Charles H. Reep 1989 James L. Wilson 1999 Ben F. Browning 1989 Alice May Woolley 1999 William C. Hartford 1989 L. Edwin Cooke 1999 Austin Leonard McGhee 1989 Robert McNabb 1999 Orville Leonard Covault 1989 Harry Christian Ryan 1999 Merrill Hurst Fox 1989 W. Maynard Sparks 1999 Harold Frank Mackey 1989 (Bishop, Portland Area 1971-1972) Floyd Edward White 1989 Clarence R. Desler 1999 Kenneth F. Abbott 1990 Edward V. Hargreaves 1999 Julaine Ann Hays 1990 Donald S. Campbell 1999 Edward Terry 1990 John Hugh Cummings 2000 Daniel F. Brose 1990 Herschel W. Hall 2000 Henry H. Dockter 1990 G. Thomas Skyler Sr. 2000 Arthur L. Hansen 1991 G. Wesley Turner 2000 Ormal B. Trick 1991 Alford Vosper 2000 Stanley Doyle Trefren 1991 James Ritchey Crowe 2000 C. Gene Albertson 1991 David Smith 2001 William G. Tennant 1991 C. Keith Mills 2001 Dwight E. Wilcher 1992 John McMurtrey 2001 Ralph S. Lawrence 1992 James Donald Crego 2001 La Vernae Hohnbaum 1992 Dale J. Nicholson 2001 William O. Walker 1992 George Boner 2001 Charles McDonald 1992 Waichi Oyanagi 2001 Stanley J. Schmelling 1992 Ernest Wilson 2001 Lyle H. Willard 1993 Wesley Hall 2001 Everett H. Gardner 1993 Paul Rademacher 2002 William B. Hoffhines 1993 Warren C. Thomas 2002 H. Laron Hall 1994 George Emerson 2002 Walter C. Hines 1994 H. James Jenkins 2002 Carl Mason 1994 Allen C. Lambert 2002 Sydney B. Corl 1994 Paul O. Jewell 2002 Orval M Whitman 1994 Hideo Hashimoto 2003 Kenneth G. Coggon 1994 Carol Youngbird-Holt 2003 Roy R. Finch 1994 H. Dwight Townsen 2003 Carl Heinmiller 1994 William D. Bray 2003 David Schneider 1994 Cecil William Stanley 2003 Maurice Gunn 1994 L. Max Wills 2003 Pio Julian Daba 1995 Edwin C. Bayly 2004 John N. Garrabrandt 1995 Albert Boyer 2004 Leonard Clark 1995 Marvyn Shay 2004 Burton C. Bastuscheck 1995 Theodore Buzzard 2004 George Trobough 1995 Elizabeth Boerl 2004 Harold Black 1995 Edwin Cutting 2005 Mark L. Lloyd 1995 David Helms-Peyer 2005 John R. Qualley 1996 Virginia Florence Shuck Curtis 2005 Hugh Tattersall 1996 Roger William Thompson 2005 Ralph Fothergill 1996 Earl Wesley Fedje 2005 Memoirs 253

Glenn Olds 2006 Easley, Mary (Charles) Ralph Doughton Ohling 2006 Echlin, Elinor D. (Charles) Robert Francis Dowrey 2006 Fedje, Joan (Earl) Charles Wilson Easley 2006 Finch, Mildred (Roy) Grace Weaver 2006 Fletcher, Rena Doris (Thomas) Eric Robinson 2006 Fothergill, Mary Jane (Ralph) Raymond Otto 2006 Hillis Slaymaker 2006 Gaither, Mary (Sydney) Harry Haines 2007 Garrabrandt, Doris (John) Don Ian Smith 2007 Hall, Katherine (Herschel) Silas Raynor Smith, Jr. 2007 Hall, Jeanne (Myron [Mike]) Kline F. Dickerson 2007 Hall, Elizabeth (Wesley) Ramiro T. Cruz-Ahedo 2007 Hashimoto, Rayko (Hideo) Herbert E. Richards, Jr. 2007 Hines, Lucile (Walter) James Asa Mundell 2008 Hohnbaum, Richard (Lavernae) Henry N. Easley 2008 Jenkins, Betty (James) Edgar A. Raynis 2008 Jewell, Ardie (Paul) Billy Lee Craig 2008 Allen R. Reesor 2008 Kildall, Lorraine (Wayne) Melvin Wilbur Dixon 2008 Kitts, Darlene Keller (Delbert) John Wood 2009 Knotts, Marge (Ross) Ac Chester Wischmeier 2009 Lavely, Doris (William) Robert C. Harvey 2009 Loomis, Mary (Dayton) Phyllis D. Stelson 2009 Maxwell, Barbara (Keith) John Wallace 2009 McNabb, Doris (Robert) Gertrude Sorlien 2009 Moles, Gloria (Everett) Thomas R. Fletcher 2009 Ohling, Maxine (Ralph) Stanley Andrews 2009 J. Ross Knotts 2010 Rademacher, Norma (Paul) Wayne F. Kildall 2010 Raynis, Lois (Edgar) Paul D. Walker 2010 Reid, Susie (Mark) Elwyn M. Williams 2010 Richards, Lois (Herbert) Darwin E. Secord 2010 Robinson, Margaret (Eric) William H. Lavely 2010 Roscoe, Eleanor (Fenton) James Airey 2010 Secord Jeanne (Darwin) William Frank 2010 Smith, Alice (David) Delbert Remaley 2010 Smith, Jeanette (Sidney) Larry Ward 2011 Stanley, Jean (Cecil) Marvin Jones 2011 Stelson, Jim (Phyllis) Jerry Peters 2011 George Allen 2011 Stubbs, Mickey (Edward) Adele Hustis 2011 Thomas, Dorothy (Warren) Thompson, Hope (Hardy) Townsen, Joan (Dwight) Turner, Mary Margaret (Wesley) Widows And Widowers Of Full Williams, Ann Smith (Elwyn) And Associate Members Wilson, Jean (James) Wood, Dorothy (John) Andrews, Patsy (Stanley) Youngbird-Holt, John (Carol) Boner, Evangeline (George) Bove, Margaret (Luis) Bray, Frances (William) Burdette, Ruth (Laurance) Coe, Janet (Wendell) Widows Of Local Pastors Corl, Lois (Sydney) Curtis, Dwight (Virginia) Craig, Janie (Billie) Cummings, Elsa (Hugh) Lockard, Pat (Murray) Dickerson, Kline Ward, Donna (Larry) Dowrey, Catherine (Robert) 254 Memoirs Memorial Gifts

Any person who contributes the sum of $500 or more to the United Methodist Ministers’ Retirement Fund of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference may desig- nate a relative or friend in whose name the gift shall be held as a memorial. Churches or Sunday Schools contributing a like amount may have the same priv- ilege. The name thus honored shall appear year by year on the special pages that follow in the Journal Legacies and gifts are solicited from all who would honor a dear one, and perpetuate his or her name and influence through the years.

For information: The Rev. Bill Mullette-Bauer 1505 SW 18th Ave Portland, OR 97201 503-802-9222 [email protected] Memoirs 255


IN HONOR OF OUR RETIRED MINISTERS Servants of God who went about doing good — Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Belknap

IN MEMORY OF EDWIN J. PEARSON He rejoiced in being a friend of man — His brother, Arthur Pearson

IN MEMORY OF OUR PARENTS Some work begun, some deed of kindness done — Mr. and Mrs. Steven Moss

A MEMORIAL TO ALEXANDER R. MacLEAN He laid the foundation on which others are now building — Mr. and Mrs. H.L. German

IN MEMORY OF THE REV. HIRAM GOULD He loved to tell the story of Jesus and His Love Mrs. V. V. Gould and Mrs. Aedene Gould

A MEMORIAL TO MILON and JENNIE VAN GILDER Their daughter, Mrs. Sargent

IN MEMORY OF DR. CLARENCE TRUE WILSON Inspiring leader in the cause of Temperance. — Mr. and Mrs. Truman Collins

IN MEMORY OF DR. FRANK L. WEMETT A good minister of Jesus Christ - The First Methodist Church of Klamath Falls

IN HONOR OF TWO DECEASED MEMBERS Faithful followers of Him who went about doing good The First Methodist Church of McMinnville

IN MEMORY OF DR. and MRS. HENRY D. KIMBALL Western Pioneers in Theological Education — Kimball School of Theology

IN MEMORY OF BRUCE R. BAXTER Educator, Friend of Youth, Bishop Beloved Members of the Oregon Annual Conference

IN MEMORY OF DR. and MRS. GEORGE C. CASPER Miss Philippa Hogan and friends — First Methodist Church of Klamath Falls

IN MEMORY OF MR. and MRS. M. S. HERRING Former members of Rose City Park Church of Portland

IN MEMORY OF ROBERT K. KELLER For many years a faithful member of First Methodist Church of Portland

IN LOVING MEMORY OF MR. and MRS. HENRY L. GERMAN Members of Sellwood church. Mr. German served faithfully as treasurer of the Methodist Ministers’ Retirment Fund


IN LOVING MEMORY OF PAUL LUDLOW A dedicated teacher and minister who in his compassionate concern for persons was courageous in speaking out and working for Christian causes. By his wife, Frances Ludlow, Family and Friends

IN LOVING MEMORY OF FLORIS CROSS HARTFORD By William Christian Hartford 256 Memoirs

IN MEMORY OF JODA LEONARD BUCK One person ... One Lifetime ... So many beautiful memories His family and many friends whose lives he touched in fifty two years in the ministry. Mrs. Floy O. Buck

IN LOVING MEMORY OF REV. STANLEY DALLAS McNEIL By his wife, Florence G. McNeil; son, Stanley Dallas, and wife, Mary Anne McNeil; and grandsons, John Dallas and Jason Paul McNeil


IN MEMORY OF REV. F. A. SCHUMANN A gifted public speaker and a successful worker in the Kingdom By his wife, Mrs. Maria D. Schumann

IN MEMORY OF OUR FRIENDS Whom we have loved and lost awhile in the churches we were given to serve Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Pope

IN MEMORY OF MRS. VIOLA FROMONG Charter member, consistent and sacrificial worker in The Methodist Community Church, Willamette, Oregon

IN HONOR OF THE LATE WILLIAM CHALMERS LAWRENCE A faithful member of Sellwood Methodist Church — By his wife, Minnie E. W. Lawrence

IN LOVING MEMORY OF M. EVELYN LAWRENCE A staunch Christian character who gave happiness to many By her mother, Nommie E. W. Lawrence

IN MEMORY OF JENNIE DOROTHY McGILVRA “Her children rise up and call her blessed.” — By Clarence T. McGilvra

IN MEMORY OF Z. FRANK SUTTON Whom we loved — By Mrs. Z. Frank Sutton and family

IN MEMORY OF MR. and MRS. S. C. TURNER AND MISS ELLA POWELL For many years active members of the First Methodist Church of Astoria

IN MEMORY OF THE REV. EDGAR L. WHITE Faithful pastor of the Idaho Conference — By his wife, Winnifred F. White

IN MEMORY OF BISHOP and MRS. A. RAYMOND GRANT Given by Jean Grant Salman and Ruth Peterson

IN MEMORY OF REV. HENRY PRYER AND MRS. MARY JANE PRYER Who served faithfully in the Idaho Conference Given by their daughter, Mrs. Winifred White

IN MEMORY OF DAVID O. and JULIA B. LEAR Always active Christians and life-long Methodists Given by their son and his wife, Dwight and Margaret Lear

IN MEMORY OF REV. GEORGE WILLIS BARNES, D.D. A long-time pastor, Presiding Elder, and District Superintendent of the former Idaho Conference — Given by his daughter, Marion Barnes

IN LOVING MEMORY OF THE REV. DR. CARL HEINMILLER Leader and supporter of Missions around the world — Given by his wife, Ruth Heinmiller

IN MEMORY OF HAROLD and LUCILLE ROSE Servant leaders at Pioneer United Methodist Church, St. John (Portland) Historical 257 A SHORT HISTORY OF THE OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL CONFERENCE

Organized Christianity began in the Oregon Territory in 1834 when Jason Lee, a Methodist minister from New England, responded to a call seeking a preacher to fulfill a request by Native Americans who had visited St. Louis. The exact reason for their visit is uncertain, but it was widely reported in church circles at the time that these Indians were seeking religious instruction for their people about “the white man’s Book of Heaven” they had heard about from white fur traders and trappers. The report of their visit fired the imagination of many people in the churches.The Methodist Board of Missions was the first to react by sending Lee over the Oregon Trail as head of a party consisting of his nephew and three lay persons. Their purpose was to establish a missionary effort aimed at converting the indigenous Native Americans and teaching them the arts of civilization. On the way to Oregon, near the present town of Blackfoot, Idaho, Lee preached to a gathering of trappers in a service that is regarded as the first formal Protestant sermon in theWest. The party reached Fort Vancouver, according to Lee, “after a long and fatiguing journey, replete with mercies, deprivations, toil, and prosperity” and received a warm welcome by John McLoughlin of the Hudson’s Bay Co. McLoughlin advised Lee to establish his mission in the Willamette Valley. The first station was about ten miles north of the present Salem where Lee organized a Class, the normal 19th century way for Methodism to begin a local church. Almost immediately they began caring for several orphaned Indian children. They moved later to a place they called by an Indian name, Chemeketa, on a site which is now Willamette University. They wasted no time in putting up buildings and establishing gardens for food. Soon Lee saw the need for more personnel. In 1837 a physician, a blacksmith, a carpenter, four unmarried female teachers and two more ordained ministers arrived to reinforce the mission. Then in 1838 Jason Lee set out on the long journey east to recruit more missionaries and to raise money for the Oregon Mission. On this same trip he also delivered a petition to Congress urging them to make Oregon a territory of the United States. Lee and his associates were not notably successful at converting Indians, although they believed they were preaching the pure Gospel. One of the early reinforcements of clergy to the mission, Gustavus Hines, described their preaching in this way: “We preached to them the Gospel as well as we could... giving them an account of the creation of the world, the fall of man, the advent, sufferings, death, and resurrection, ascension and intercession of Christ to save mankind from sin, death, and hell.” The lack of response by the Indians was due in part to the heavy losses among the Indian people to various white- born diseases for which they had no immunities. By 1840 there were stations fixed at Nisqually, Clatsop, Umpqua (Wilbur), Wascopam (The Dalles), Willamette (Chemeketa—now Salem), and Willamette Falls (Oregon City). (The Nisqually mission at the southern end of Puget Sound, was the first U.S. settlement north of the Columbia River and West of the Cascades.) What started out as a foreign mission to the Indians in the Oregon Territory, soon became a ministry to the increasing number of white American settlers coming by wagon train over the Oregon Trail and by ship around the Horn. To meet this unexpected need, Lee helped found the white-settler oriented churches in Salem and Oregon City. Lee’s tenure as head of the mission ended, however, when the Methodist Episcopal Board of Missions judged (from unclear evidence) that the mission operations were becoming a secular rather than a spiritual mission. Taking action unknown to Lee at the time, they recalled him and appointed George Gary to de-secularize the Oregon Mission. Gary followed orders but soon resigned to be replaced in 1847 by William Roberts, a friend of Lee’s who shared Lee’s missionary zeal to both Indians and whites. In 1849 William Roberts formally organized the Oregon and California Mission Conference that included the present states of Oregon, Idaho, Washington, California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and part of Montana! Though this vast territory included many Methodist “preaching places” most of the churches were in the Willamette Valley — Salem Circuit, Oregon City, Portland, Yamhill Circuit, Marys River Circuit and Astoria and Clatsop, a few in northern California, and one in Santa Fe. The gold rush to California soon changed everything as more preaching places arose in California than in all the rest of the Conference combined. It also caused a huge migration of men out of the Willamette Valley. In 1852 the Oregon and California Mission Conference was divided; the northern part became The Oregon Conference. At its first session in 1853 there were twenty-one traveling preachers who along with 258 Historical

Superintendent William Roberts and Bishop Edward Ames organized the conference. Gold was discovered in the Boise Basin in 1860, swelling the population to nearly 15,000 persons, most of whom rushed from one “strike” to another. These soldiers of fortune seemed like a “different breed” from the pioneer farmers of the Willamette Valley; they were much harder to evangelize, as ministers sent by the Oregon Conference soon realized. C. S. Kingsley, a retired Methodist preacher living in Idaho City, comments on this in a letter he wrote to a friend: “It is a hard soil to cultivate. People forget God up here, except to profane his name. You can hardly appreciate our difficulties, if you have never been in a mining camp.” Idaho City was one of the richest gold camps and rife with corruption and lawless behavior (“sheriffs were bandits, bankers were thieves, and drifters, gamblers, whores, pimps, and other social leaches pretty well ran the city”). In 1863 a miner who had been converted to Methodism in the gold fields of California arrived in Idaho City before any Methodist circuit riders.Within a week of his arrival, he canvassed the town and discovered four Methodists. He organized them into a Class. Three months later C. S. Kingsley organized a Society and within a year a building was built. In 1864 the General Conference designated the Boundaries of the Oregon Annual Conference to include only the State of Oregon and the Washington Territory. Idaho was not included, though in 1865 William Roberts, then Presiding Elder of the Willamette District, was appointed by the Missionary Society as the superintendent of Methodist work in Idaho with the expectation that a new Conference would soon be organized. It was not until 1873, however, that the Oregon Annual Conference was divided along the crest of the Cascades, creating two conferences, one of which included eastern Oregon, eastern Washington Territory, and Idaho Territory. Then in 1884 a Conference was formed that included only eastern Oregon and Idaho Territory. Two of the new conference’s most famous pioneer preachers were “Brother Van” Orsdell from Montana, and Thomas Iliff from Utah. The United Brethren Church had a number of members who migrated to Oregon. In 1849 a German American farmer, George Bethers, who lived on a land claim near Corvallis, wrote a letter to a United Brethren periodical asking for a preacher to be sent to Oregon. It took four years to raise enough money to send Rev. Thomas Jefferson Connor who established the first Class at the Union School house in Benton County in 1854. In 1867, Rev. Connor organized Philomath College with a starting enrollment of 100 students. In addition to the United Brethren, the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, began work in Oregon in 1858, establishing their first Class at the McFarland School House (between present day Corvallis and Monroe). The Class established in Corvallis later on bought the buildings and grounds of a bankrupt school called Corvallis College. The church made it a very successful school that ultimately was designated as the Agricultural College of Oregon. The Methodist Church, South, however, in a few years gave up its part of the school, which then became Oregon Agricultural College (later, Oregon State University). The work of these early pastors and circuit riders was not for the faint of heart. One early preacher records that “we [he and his wife] have slept many times in barns with the horses and cattle, sometimes in the wagon, or on the ground under the trees of the forest: in weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst.” He adds, “But we are richer today for these experiences, and would gladly spend another life in the same way.” Camp Meetings were the primary tool for recruiting church members in Methodism up until about 1900. In 1843 Jason Lee conducted the first camp meeting for white people ever held in Oregon. A pioneer describes a camp meeting held in the Willamette Valley about 1855: “Perhaps a thousand people were gathered. They had come in their ox wagons...many had traveled fifty renew here the experiences and rekindle the emotions of the old life beyond the Rocky Mountains...One of the older missionaries preached at 8 o’clock...At 11:00 the Presiding Elder of the Willamette District ascended the stand and delivered one of his great religious orations. At 2:00 p.m. one of the younger men who had entered the work...was the preacher. At night a still younger man...was put on the stand.” Camp Meetings gradually declined as preachers moved toward large revival meetings sponsored by local churches in their communities. Both provided a working model for the Sunday morning worship services in early northwest Methodist churches. One of the most urgent concerns of the Oregon Mission was to establish schools, at first for Indians and later for white children. This task was originally delegated to Cyrus Shepherd, a trained teacher with experience in New England schools. Lee was proud of what Shepherd was doing in what Historical 259 became known as the Indian Mission Manual Labor School. The school didn’t survive Lee’s replacement who sold the building to the Oregon Mission, which had formed a school for white children, The Oregon Institute, of which Willamette University was the direct outgrowth and successor. During the early years of the Mission, there were no public schools, but there was intense interest in children receiving an education. Methodist clergy often led moves to develop facilities and instruction either sponsored by the church or the community. From 1858 to 1865 there were five Methodist preachers who were county superintendents of common schools. In addition, the church started several schools of its own: The Portland Academy, Santiam Academy, Umpqua (or Wilbur) Academy, Oregon City Academy and Female Seminary, Sheridan Academy, Ashland College, Drain Academy and the aforementioned Corvallis College of the M.E. Church, South. Membership in the Oregon Conference showed both periods of growth and periods of decline beginning from the 1850s. By 1970 the membership was 67,215. However, this figure is the result of the 1969 merger of the Oregon and Idaho Conferences and does not reflect the time when membership in both conferences was declining. This decline continued down to 1997 when the membership was reported as 39,129. A number of mergers have enriched and pluralized Methodism in Oregon since 1900. Oregon members of the Pacific German Conference (which was organized in 1905) were merged with the Oregon Conference in 1928. Nationally, three Methodist bodies—Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and Methodist Protestant Church—in 1939 agreed, as one church historian wrote, “to kiss and make peace.” This merger created The Methodist Church and involved the merger of several Oregon congregations and conferences. A Japanese Provisional Conference had been established in 1940 on the west coast but then the members in Oregon merged with the Oregon Conference in 1964. In 1968 the Evangelical United Brethren Church nationally merged with the Methodist Church, creating The United Methodist Church. Most EUB churches in Oregon chose to form a new denomination, though a few congregations merged with the Oregon Conference. In 1969 negotiations were completed for the merger of the Idaho Conference with the Oregon Conference to form the present Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference. Currently, in Oregon Methodism the fastest growing ethnic group has been the establishment and growth of Korean Methodist congregations. Two new Korean congregations have been established within the bounds of the conference. Women preachers have been an important part of Oregon and Idaho Methodism. Some revivalist preachers were women and over the years the conference (and its predecessors) have had many women who were “supply” pastors serving local congregations, some of whom had what was termed a “local ordination.” The Idaho conference received its first woman, Grace Weaver, into full connection in 1958. The Oregon conference received its first woman, Ernestine Hitchcock, into full connection in 1960. In 1997 the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference was among the top 11 conferences with the highest percentage of women clergy (21.3% compared with the national average of 15.2%.). The style and content of preaching in Methodist churches in the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference has evolved in many forms. The circuit riders and itinerant preachers preached a message aimed at the sinner to repent and be converted. Thomas Pearne, the longtime editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate wrote in his memoirs that Methodist preaching in Oregon stressed the guilt and danger of sinners. Humor and sentiment were common in preaching. It was said that a Methodist preacher judged his (there were no ordained women among the circuit riders) sermon by the number of people weeping and thus ready to seek a new life. It took the pragmatism of an Oregon preacher, however, to remind his readers that it is not best to keep penitent people kneeling too long because they might “forget the sorrow of a broken heart by feeling the tortures of painful knees.” The style and content of Methodist preaching gradually evolved from preaching for a conversion and preaching the moral and good life, to preaching toward problems and issues facing the lives of people. Many preachers today use the Revised Common Lectionary as the basis for sermons. Issues that the Oregon-Idaho Conference has dealt with have varied from how to keep the many schools and academies afloat financially, how to increase membership in the conference, how to increase the life of the Spirit among Methodists, and how best to organize themselves for effective ministry. Over the years, the Conference recognized the importance of camping experiences for young people. A camping program using several camp and retreat sites in both states has been developed that is currently one of the finest in United Methodism. Many social issues have concerned the conference through the years. The internment of Japanese- 260 Historical

Americans on the west coast at the outset of World War II was denounced by several Methodist clergy who brought the issue to the conference. A couple of them paid a severe price for their advocacy of justice for the Japanese-American people. Various forms of pacifism were advocated in conference debates during World War II, culminating in official censure ofWillamette University for its acceptance of an Air R.O.T.C. training program on the campus. At the end of the twentieth century, the liveliest debates were on issues surrounding homosexuality. Two preachers from this Annual Conference have been elected to the episcopacy. The first was Bruce R. Baxter, who was president of Willamette University when he was elected in 1940. The second person was Minerva Carcaño, who was serving as the superintendent of the Metropolitan District when she was elected by the Jurisdictional Conference in 2004. What of the future? According to Shakespeare, “the past is prologue.” But prologue to what? It is not given to us to know. Perhaps what we can be most sure of was summed up by an historian of Oregon Methodism, Robert Peters (a retired member of the Conference): This conference has had to think of the plodding task, the often disappointed task of seeing that we’re not living in the glory days. Our glory, as a matter of fact, is not in spectacular achievement. It is rather in being faithful to the witness, to the word of hope. ... God called us to this place when it was a rustic frontier to remind each Indian, each settler, that God cared what happened here, how we live with our lives and how we built our society. And that God does not leave us alone ever, wherever we may be in seeking to be faithful. That’s our task. It’s ever been our task, and it shall be our task on into our future.

© Raymond E. Balcomb and Robert W. Burtner Historical 261 Ames Wilbur* Ames . Clark Thompson esiding Bishop illiam Roberts Edmund S. Janes Levi Scott O.C. Baker E.R. C.S. Kingsley Matthew Simpson E.S. Janes D.W James H. H.C. Benson* E. Pr W Edward R. Matthew Simpson Osman C. Baker Levi Scott


Washington Washington

ancouver, Washington Washington ancouver, Portland Eugene City V Lebanon Salem Olympia, Albany Portland Salem Belknap Settlement Oregon City Portland Corvallis Salem Albany Location

1, 1858

Note: James H. Wilbur (1885), E. C. Benson (1886), and C. S. Kingsley (1861 and 1869) are listed as presiding over the Oregon Conference but were not bishops. but were over the Oregon Conference S. Kingsley (1861 and 1869) are listed as presiding (1885), E. C. Benson (1886), and C. Wilbur Note: James H. The list below begins with that first Oregon conference in 1853. The Idaho conference began as a separate conference in 1884 and is in- - Oregon Dis “the with two districts, Conference” Mission California Oregon and “the of the formation of 1849 authorized Conference The General August 1 August 10, 1859 August 22, 1860 August 7, 1861 August 6, 1862 August 12, 1863 August 18, 1864 August 8, 1866 August 7, 1867 March 17, 1853 Date (1851), and Portland (1852). Salem (1849), Oregon City (1850), Salem 1849 - 1852 Oregon District: March 16, 1854 August 1, 1855 Sept. 18, 1856 August 13, 1857 August 10, 1865 cluded in the Breth- United Evangelical of the Conference Annual Northwest the include it 1939. Nor does in merged South, which Church, Methodist the clude list. The merger Journal.) (E) 1971 PNW the found in be sessions can conference of its listing 1968. (The in Oregon Conference the with merged that Church ren of these two conferences took place in 1969 to form the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference. This list does not in- trict,” and “the California District.” With this impossible geographical spread it is not surprising that the two never met together as one conference. as one conference. never met together that the two it is not surprising spread geographical this impossible With District.” “the California and trict,” the inevitable transportation Conference faced The 1852 General presiding. Roberts William to 1852 with on its own from 1849 District met four times The Oregon 13 pastoral in 1853 with was organized Annual Conference The Oregon Oregon and California. of two annual conferences: authorizing the formation problem by were appointed. which clergy institutions to and a few educational charges 262 Historical incent (ID) J.H.V Thomas Bowman (ID)

Vincent W. Joyce W. Andrews Andrews Walden Walden Ames . Warren . . Wiley . . Peck . Peck . Hurst . Newman (OR) esiding Bishop esiding illiam L. Harris illiam L. Harris illiam L. Harris .X. Ninde J.P J.N.Fitzgerald (OR) J.M. D.A. Goodsell Isaac Thomas Bowman Earl Cranston Cyrus D. Foss C.C. McCabe John H. E.G. Pr Levi Scott C.S. Kingsley E.R. E.S. Janes R.S. Foster J.T S.M. Merrill J.T W Thomas Bowman E.G. Gilbert Haven I.W W J.F H.W Charles H. Fowler J.M. W R.S. Foster W Thomas Bowman

, OR

, OR , OR , OR

Union, OR Boise, ID Payette, ID Baker City Boise, ID Union, OR Blackfoot, ID Caldwell, ID Idaho Falls, ID Boise, ID Baker City Location (ID) Location Boise, ID Canyon City Union, OR Baker City Boise, ID LaGrande, OR

1, 1892 Aug. 19, 1897 Aug. 25, 1898 Aug. 31, 1899 Aug. 30, 1900 Sept. 17, 1884 July 30, 1885 July 29, 1886 Sept. 21, 1887 Sept. 27, 1888 Sept. 25, 1889 Aug. 21, 1890 Aug. 12, 1891 Aug. 1 Aug. 9, 1893 Aug. 16, 1894 Aug. 21, 1895 Aug. 19, 1896

Date (ID)

Washington Washington

g g

Washington Washington

ancouver, Washington Washington ancouver, ancouver, Washington Territory Territory Washington ancouver, Eugene City Portland (First Church) Rosebur Corvallis McMinnville Salem Ashland Forest Grove Portland (Grace Church) Eugene City Portland (First Church) Grants Pass Salem Portland (Centenary Church) Albany Portland (First Church) Portland (First Church) Eugene East Portland Albany V Salem Rosebur Portland (First Church) Portland (First Salem Olympia, Church) Portland (First Salem Albany Seattle, Salem Location (OR) Location Salem City Eugene V

1, 1875 August 22, 1883 August 27, 1884 August 26, 1886 August 31, 1887 August 28, 1889 August 19, 1891 August 25, 1892 August 23, 1893 September 25, 1895 September 19, 1900 August 13, 1868 August August 9, 1871 1874 August 12, August 23, 1876 August 29, 1877 August 20, 1879 August 18, 1881 August 23, 1882 September 19, 1894 September 23, 1896 September 9, 1897 September 14, 1898 September 20, 1899 Date (OR) August 5, 1869 August 1870 August 25, 1872 August 29, 1873 September 3, August 1 August 28, 1878 August 19, 1880 August 26, 1885 August 30, 1888 August 21, 1890 Historical 263 W. Burns (ID) W. Welch (ID) Welch W. Burns (ID) W. Burns (ID) W. . Warren (ID) Warren . esiding Bishop (ID) esiding allace E. Brown (ID) allace E. Brown (ID) itus Lowe (ID) . Hamilton (ID) Charles H. Lester Smith (ID) C. Edward Locke (ID) H. Lester Smith (ID) E.G. Richardson (ID) W W Herbert T Pr (ID) Earl Cranston H.W N. Luccock (ID) N. Luccock (ID) N. Luccock (ID) N. Luccock (ID) R.J. Cooke (ID) F R.J. Cooke (ID) Chas. Chas. Charles L. Mead (ID)

W. Smith W. Smith W. . Leonard (OR) . Warren . . Hamilton W. Smith (OR) W. esiding Bishop (OR) esiding .F. Mallalieu .F. McDowell .F. itus Lowe (OR) itus Lowe (OR) itus Lowe itus Lowe Wm. O. Shepard (OR) E.S. Johnson (OR) Wm. O. Shepard (OR) A.W Wm. O. Shepard (OR) T T H. Lester Smith (OR) Edgar Blake (OR) T T Pr W Earl Cranston J.W Henry Spellmeyer W H.W (OR) David H. Moore Edwin H. Hughes C. Charles Charles R.J. Cooke (OR) R.J. Cooke (OR) R.J. Cooke (OR) R.J. Cooke (OR) Matt S. Hughes (OR) Matt S. Hughes (OR) Wm. O. Shepard Matt S. Hughes (OR) Wm. O Shepard (OR) Wm. O. Shepard (OR) Wm. O. Shepard (OR)

, OR

, OR

, ID , ID , OR eiser, ID eiser, ID eiser, eiser, ID eiser, win Falls, ID win Falls, ID win Falls, ID Baker Gooding, ID Cascade, ID Union, OR Burley Boise, ID T W Buhl, ID Nampa, ID Rupert, ID Location (ID) Location ID Pocatello, ID Caldwell, Boise, ID Hailey Baker City ID Idaho Falls, Boise, ID W Blackfoot, ID Joseph, OR Caldwell, ID T LaGrande, OR Payette, ID Boise, ID Gooding, ID Emmett, ID Idaho Falls, ID W Canyon City T Caldwell, ID


Aug. 20, 1930 Aug 19, 1931 Aug. 31, 1932 Aug. 30, 1933 Sept. 13, 1916 Aug. 29, 1917 Aug. 28, 1918 Aug. 27, 1919 Sept. 8, 1920 Aug. 31, 1921 Sept. 6, 1922 Sept. 5, 1923 Sept. 3, 1924 Sept. 23, 1925 Sept. 1, 1926 Aug. 31, 1927 Aug. 29, 1928 Sept. 4, 1929 Aug. 29, 1901 Aug. 29, 1902 Aug. 28, Aug. 27, 1903 Aug. 24, 1904 Aug. 17, 1905 Aug. 23, 1906 Aug. 20, 1907 Aug. 20, 1908 Aug. 12, 1909 Aug 18, 1910 Aug. 17, 191 Aug. 28, 1912 Aug. 27, 1913 Sept. 16, 1914 Sept. 15, 1915 Date (ID)

ilbur) ilbur)


Salem (First Church) Hood River Portland (Centenary-W Astoria Eugene Portland (Centenary-W Portland (Sunnyside Church) Salem (First Church) McMinnville Forest Grove Salem (First Church) Portland (First Church) Medford Eugene Corvallis Ashland Eugene Portland (Centenary Church) Rosebur Lebanon Springfield Portland (First Church) Eugene Albany Church) Portland (Sunnyside Church) Portland (Grace Church) Salem (First Cottage Grove Hillsboro Salem Location (OR) Location Hillsboro Pass Grants Salem

September 25, 1918 October 5, 1921 September 6, 1922 September 17, 1924 September 30, 1925 September 22, 1926 September 21, 1927 September 18, 1928 September 24, 1929 June 24, 1930 June 23, 1931 June 21, 1932 June 20, 1933 September 25, 1901 25, 1901 September 25, 1902 September 1904 September 28, 1906 September 26, 1907 September 25, 1908 September 23, September 21, 1910 September 20, 1911 September 18, 1912 September 24, 1913 September 23, 1914 September 22, 1915 September 27, 1916 September 26, 1917 September 24, 1920 September 12, 1923 Date (OR) September 30, 1903 September 30, 1905 September 20, September 15, 1909 October 1, 1919 264 Historical Tippett (ID) Tippett esiding Bishop (ID) esiding Pr C. Baker (ID) James (ID) J. Ralph Magee (ID) J. H. Straughn Donald H.

Waldorf (OR) Waldorf esiding Bishop (OR) esiding allace E. Brown . E. Brown (OR) . E. Brown itus Lowe itus Lowe itus Lowe A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant Pr E.L. T T T W W (OR) Wm. C. Martin Bruce R. Baxter Bruce R. Baxter Bruce R. Baxter Bruce R. Baxter Bruce R. Baxter Bruce R. Baxter Bruce R. Baxter Francis J. McConnell Gerald H. Kennedy Gerald H. Kennedy Gerald H. Kennedy Gerald H. Kennedy (OR) A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant A. Raymond Grant

, ID , ID , OR win Falls, ID win Falls, ID win Falls, ID win Falls, ID Ontario, OR T Nampa, ID Salmon, ID Caldwell, ID Boise, ID LaGrande, OR Rupert, ID Payette, ID Burley Ontario, OR Location (ID) Location ID Boise, OR LaGrande, Pocatello, ID Caldwell, ID ID Idaho Falls, Baker Boise, ID T Nampa, ID Buhl, ID Caldwell, ID Burley Boise, ID Idaho Falls, ID Nampa, ID T Caldwell, ID Pocatello, ID LaGrande, OR Gooding, ID Boise, ID Idaho Falls, ID

May 28, 1963 June 2, 1964 May 24, 1965 May 23, 1966 May 24, 1949 May 30, 1950 May 29, 1951 June 3, 1952 June 2, 1953 May 25, 1954 May 24, 1955 May 22, 1956 May 21, 1957 May 20, 1958 May 20, 1959 May 23, 1960 May 23, 1961 May 29, 1962 Sept. 4, 1934 Sept. 1935 Aug. 27, Aug. 26, 1936 Aug. 24, 1937 Aug. 16, 1938 Sept. 5, 1939 May 29, 1940 June 4, 1941 June 3, 1942 June 2, 1943 June 6, 1944 June 7, 1945 June 4, 1946 June 3, 1947 June 1, 1948 Date (ID)


illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, illamette University, Salem illamette University, Portland (Rose City Park) Portland (First Church) W W W W W Portland (Rose City Park) Portland (Rose City Park) Salem (First Church) Portland (First Church) Eugene (First Church) Portland (First Church) Corvallis Portland (First Church) Medford Salem (First Church) Seaside Portland (First Church) Portland (Centenary-W Ashland Portland (Sunnyside Church) W Klamath Falls Klamath Falls The Dalles Forest Grove Church) Portland (First Eugene Portland (First Church) Portland (First Church) Portland (First Church) Location (OR) Location (First Church) Portland (First Church) Salem Corvallis

1, 1957 June 19, 1934 June 19, 1935 June 25, June 23, 1936 June 22, 1937 June 21, 1938 June 21, 1939 June 19, 1940 June 18, 1941 June 16, 1953 June 1 June 17, 1958 May 27, 1959 May 30, 1960 May 30, 1961 June 5, 1962 June 4, 1963 June 9, 1964 June 8, 1965 June 7, 1966 Date (OR) June 17, 1942 June 16, 1943 June 22, 1944 June 21, 1945 June 19, 1946 June 18, 1947 June 15, 1948 June 19, 1949 June 13, 1950 June 12, 1951 June 17, 1952 June 15, 1954 June 21, 1955 May 29, 1956 Historical 265 esiding Bishop (ID) esiding Pr (ID) Stuart R. Marvin

Tuell Tuell Tuell Tuell Tuell Tuell Tuell Tuell W. Palmer W. Palmer W. esiding Bishop esiding esiding Bishop illiam W. Dew, Jr. Dew, W. illiam Jr. Dew, W. illiam Jr. Dew, W. illiam Jr. Dew, W. illiam Jr. Dew, W. illiam Jr. Dew, W. illiam Jr. Dew, W. illiam Jr. Dew, W. illiam . Maynard Sparks . Maynard Sparks Calvin D. McConnell Calvin D. McConnell Calvin D. McConnell W W W W W W W W Pr (OR) R. Phillips Glenn R. Phillips Glenn Pr Everett Everett W W Jack M. Jack M. Jack M. Jack M. Jack M. Jack M. Jack M. Jack M. Calvin D. McConnell Calvin D. McConnell Calvin D. McConnell Calvin D. McConnell Calvin D. McConnell

Location (ID) Location ID Boise, Falls, ID Idaho

1, 1968 1, 1968

May 22, 1967 May 22, June 1 Date (ID)

Annual Conferences]

, Boise , Boise , Boise , Boise , Pocatello

illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, illamette University, Salem University, illamette Salem University, illamette W Boise State University W W Boise State University W W W W W W W Boise State University W W W W LaGrande Eastern Oregon State College, W W W Idaho State University Location W College, Nampa Northwest Nazarene W W W Boise State University Location (OR) Location W W

June 19, 1979 June 10, 1980 June 2, 1981 1990 June 11, June 17, 1991 June 8, 1992 June 9, 1993 June 15, 1994 June 14, 1995 June 12, 1996 June 6, 1967 June 6, 1968 June 4, Date June 3, 1969 June 17, 1970 May 31, 1971 June 6, 1972 June 4, 1973 June 4, 1974 June 3, 1975 June7, 1976 June 15, 1977 June 6, 1978 June 15, 1987 June 13, 1988 June 12, 1989 Date (OR) [Concluding sessions of both the Oregon and Idaho sessions of both the Oregon [Concluding June 8, 1982 June 6, 1983 June 5, 1984 June 10, 1985 June 9, 1986 266 Historical - W. Paup W. Paup W. Paup W. Paup W. Paup W. Paup W. Paup W. Paup W. T. Hoshibata T. T. Hoshibata T. Hoshibata T. Hoshibata T. Hoshibata T. Hoshibata T. Hoshibata T. esiding Bishop esiding Pr Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert As the church grew and more bishops were elected, there were debates about the office of As the church grew and more bishops were elected, Historical Note

, Nampa, ID

, Salem , Salem , Boise , Boise

illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, Salem illamette University, illamette University, Salem University, illamette Salem illamette University, W W Salem Conference Center Salem Conference Center W W W Boise University & First UMC, Boise State W W Northwest Nazarene University W Location W State University Boise W

The merger of Methodist denominations in 1939 brought about a new system of electing and assigning bishops to annual conferences. Instead of the General Confer- in 1939 brought about a new system of electing and assigning bishops to annual of Methodist denominations The merger Before 1939 the prevailing practice was to consider the bishop as a general superintendent over the whole church and not assigned to any one annual conference. Up the bishop as a general superintendent over the whole church and not assigned to any Before 1939 the prevailing practice was to consider It was Wesley’s strong advice to designate Asbury and Coke as general superintendents of the new church (Wesley refused to use the word “bishop.”). This advice refused to use the word “bishop.”). of the new church (Wesley Asbury and Coke as general superintendents strong advice to designate Wesley’s It was In 1784 at the organizing conference of the Methodist Church in America it was noted in the minutes that “following the counsel of Mr. Wesley, who recommended Wesley, the minutes that “following the counsel of Mr. America it was noted in Church in conference of the Methodist In 1784 at the organizing until 1939 all bishops were elected by the General Conference. There were designated cities in which they were asked to reside but the actual assignments of bishops to There were designated cities in which they were asked Conference. until 1939 all bishops were elected by the General found on our roster. bishops by the bishops themselves, hence the many different preside at each annual conference were made June 12, 1997 June 12, 1998 June 11, June 9, 1999 June 14, 2000 June 13, 2001 June 12, 2002 June 9, 2003 June 9, 2004 June 8, 2005 June 7, 2006 June 12, 2007 June 18, 2008 June 12, 2009 June 10, 2010 June 13, 2011 were designated as “bishops.” was followed with the exception that these two a bishop should be “localized,” that is assigned to a given annual conference. bishop. One lingering issue was whether or not the Episcopal mode of Church government, we thought it best to become an Episcopal Church, making the Episcopal office elective, and the elect superintendent or thought it best to become an Episcopal Church, making the Episcopal office elective, and the Episcopal mode of Church government, we preachers.” bishop amenable to the body of ministers and Date tion. ence electing bishops, each geographical jurisdictional conference elects its own bishop, and each bishop is assigned to specific annual conferences within that jurisdic conference elects its own bishop, and each bishop is assigned to specific annual conferences ence electing bishops, each geographical jurisdictional Historical 267 District Superintendent Appointment History

Note: The present configuration of districts was established in 1973. See the bottom of the page for the history of the districts from 1969 (the first year of the Oregon-Idaho merger) until 1973. Beginning in 2010, the title is “Assistant to the Bishop.”

Metropolitan Henry L. Haines 1973-1976; William O. Walker 1976-1982; Raymond E. Balcomb 1982-1988; James Wenger-Monroe 1988-1993; Steve Sprecher 1993-1999; Sue Owen 1999-2000; Minerva Carcaño 2000- 2003; Bonnie Parr Philipson 2004-2010; Lowell Greathouse 2010.

Oregon Trail (was titled Central District from 1973-2011) T. Askew Crumbley 1973-1978; Clark S. Enz 1978-1984; Joe W. Walker 1984-1988; Dennis Mullins 1988-1994; Sue Owen Bofferding 1994-1997; Sue Owen 1997-1999; Jim Monroe 1999-2003; John Watts 2003-2010; Stephan Ross 2010.

Snake River (was titled Eastern District from 1973-2010) C. Keith Mills 1973-1974; Thomas Whitehead 1974-1978; A.C. Wischmeier 1978-1981; Ralph A. Lawrence 1981-1987; Arvin Luchs 1987-1991; Debbie Pitney 1991-1999; James Fellers 1999-2006; Robert Flaherty 2006-2010; Kim Fields 2010.

Southern Ralph G. Kleen 1973-1975; Bruce McConnell 1975-1981; Charles L. McCarthy 1981-1986; Robert Burtner 1986-1992; Thomas M. Whitehead 1992-1997; Gary Oba 1997-2003; Donna Pritchard 2003- 2011; Gwen Drake 2011.

Western Cyril Dorsett 1973-1975; Carl B. Mason 1975-1980; Dale C. Harris 1980-1986; Carol Seckel 1986-1988; Priscilla “Dee-Dee” Buffington 1988-1992; Arturo Fernandez 1992-1998; Karen Crooch 1998-2002; James Monroe 2003-2004; Katherine Simmons Conolly 2004.

District Superintendents 1969-1973: Portland-East C. Gene Albertson 1969; George Emerson 1970-1973.

Snake River C. Keith Mills 1969-1973.

Portland-West George Emerson 1969-1970; Henry Haines 1970-1973.

Eugene-South Ralph G. Kleen 1969-1973.

Salem-Central Cyril Dorsett 1969-1973. 268 Appointment History A History of Local Church Appointments Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, 1966-2011 ABERDEEN: 1967 Edward A. Bawden; 1970 Edward J. Stubbs; 1974 Grace M. Weaver; 1977 Robert A. Ledden; 1980 Daniel Pitney; 1985 Marvin Jones; 1986 Robert F. Dowrey; 1989 Glen T. Clark; 1992 Kim Fields; 1998 Donald Boyce; 2001 Linda S. Biggs; 2005 Marcie Collins; 2009 Davey Lefler. ALBANY: 1968 Orville Coats; 1969 Assoc: Edson Gilmore; 1971 Assoc: Wesley Taylor; 1974 Herbert E. Morris, Assoc: Willard D. Norman; 1978 Meredith R. Groves; 1983 Assoc: Curtis Torp; 1987 Gary Miller; 1991 Pamela Nelson-Munson, Assoc: Brian Nelson-Munson, Darrell James (DM); 1998 Donna Pritchard; 2001 Assoc: Barbara Nixon; 2003 Craig Hall Cutting; 2004-07 Laura Jaquith Bartlett (FD); 5/1/07 Gregg Monroe; 2007 Rich Fuss; 2011 Rinya Frisbie. ALOHA: 1972 Eugene Walter; 1981 Norman J. Brown; 1984 James O. Burch; 1989 Daniel Thompson; 1/1/92 Donald Barnhart; 1997 Beth Estock; 2001 Patricia Meyers (FD); 2004 Angela Horton Gapay; 2/1/07 Laura Truby; 2007 Michael Cowan. ALSEA: 1962 D. Glen Hughes; 1970 Wesley Hall; 1975 Elam J. Anderson; 1979 David R. Kinman; 1985 Stephan Ross; 1988 Elliot L. Nichols; 1990 Warren Sherk; 1991 George Trobaugh; 1993 Ruth Perrill; 2001 Discontinued. AMERICAN FALLS: 1967 Edward A. Bawden; 1970 Edward Stubbs; 1974 Grace M. Weaver; 1977 Robert A. Ledden; 1980 Daniel Pitney; 1985 Marvin Jones; 1986 Robert F. Dowrey; 1989 Glen T. Clark; 1992 Kim Fields; 1998 Donald Boyce; 2001 Linda S. Biggs; 2005 Marcie Collins; 2009 Davey Lefler. AMITY (OR): 1967 Wesley Hall; 1970 Ralph Ohling; 1977 Willard Norman; 1986 Karen Little; 1990 William Hare; 1994 Sandra Daniels; 1995 Mark Anderson; 1999 Ruth Marsh; 2003 Margaret Golden; 2008 Carol Swanson; 2010 Melanie Marcus; 2011 Ken Johnson. ARLINGTON: 1968 Robert Dowrey; 1971 Perry Jackman; 1973 Luther Sturtevant; 1977 David T. Rieck; 1980 Daniel Nichols; 1982 Hardy L. Thompson; 1984 Daniel Secord; 1987 Mark Johnson; 1989 Supplied; 1990 Norman Barley; 1994 David G. White; 1998 Jerry Gilmer; 2000 Bob Reasoner. ASHLAND: 1966 Warren Thomas; 1979 James L. Cox; 1981 Nevitt B. Smith; 1991 Sue Owen- Bofferding; 1994 Michael Powell; 2007 Thomas Myers; 2010 Pamela Nelson-Munson; 2011 Dorita Betts Borgerson (deacon). ASHTON COMMUNITY: 1964 Woodrow Harris; 1969 Allen Lambert; 1972 Harold W. Black; 1975 Emmett Shortreed; 1978 Mark H. Rolfsema; 1981 Grace Drake; 1986 Kent Stangland; 1988 Robin Yim; 1992 Judith Johnson; 2000 Denny Diezel; 2002 Martha Oldham; 2004 Janice Barber; 2005 Barbara Bunsold; 2009 Greg Lindsay. ASTORIA: 1969 W. Harry Monroe; 1973 S. Raynor Smith Jr.; 1976 Dennis L. Mullins; 1981 Edwin Bayly; 1982 Assoc: Susan West; 1984 Robert Kingsbury; 1988 Sue Owen-Bofferding; 1991 Steven L. Mitchell; 1992 Jane Hill (DM); 1999 David R. Kinman; 2005 Judith Johnson; 2011 Jennifer Mercer. BAKER: 1967 Robert McNeil; 1972 Gerald C. Nelson; 1982 Gregory L. Eicher; 1988 Gregory M. Lindsay; 1993 Karen Slotta; 1998 Lura Kidner-Miesen; 2003 Jack Bynum; 2007 Juanita Bergacker. BANKS COMMUNITY: 1967 Robert Hayes; 1975 William A. Hulet; 1982 George Cobb; 1984 John Freeman; 1985 David R. Kinman; 1994 Brian Shimer; 2010 Dan Benson. BAY CITY: 1963 Wesley Hall; 1965 Roger De Francisco; 1967 Ronald J. Crandall; 1970 William Rademacher; 1972 Terry Edin; 1976 Kenneth Coggon; 1978 Wendell L. Coe; 1982 David Thompson; 1987 Penny Christianson; 1990 Daniel O. Houghton; 1996 Patty Hale; 1999 Joyce Cann; 2002 David Hurd. BEATTY: 1969 Merle G. Benson; 1971 John Lubke; 1975 Gerald McCray Sr.; 1978 Carol Seckel & Kevin Seckel; 1982 Gregory J. Johanson; 1986 Patricia Davidson; 1988 Deanna Self-Price; 1995 Discontinued. Appointment History 269

BEAVERTON: 1969 Bruce McConnell; 1975 Robert L. Benefiel; 1983 Fred Abney; 1992 Lowell Greathouse; 1996 Assoc: Vijay Buck; 1999 Wayne Weld-Martin; 2001 Steven Wolff; 1/11/2011 Rinya Frisbie; 2011 Kathy Boyes. BEND: 1965 Wayne Hill; 1970 Dale Harris; 1980 Paul O. Jewell; 1983 Assoc: John W. Grimsted; 1987 Verle L. Mitchell; 1992 Assoc: Todd Bartlett, Laura Jaquith Bartlett (DM); 1993 Bonnie & James Parr Philipson; 1997 Annis Henson (FD); 2001 Milo Thornberry, Assoc: Sue Owen; 2003 Assoc: Kathy Boyes; 2005 Thomas Larson, Assoc: Linda Biggs; 2007 Thomas Larson. BLACKFOOT JASON LEE: 1968 David Brooks; 1970 Walter Warner; 1972 William E. Lineberry; 1977 Delbert P. Remaley; 1981 George Allen; 11/83 Kristan Burkert; 1984 Thomas K. Larson; 1990 David B. Thompson; 1997 Janet Farrell; 2001 Gay Jeffery. BOISE AMITY: 1/1/79 James Cox; 6/15/79 Steven A. Tollefson; 1987 David Grauer; 2/1/89 Rand Sargent; 1994 Brian O’Grady; 1997 Janet Burkhart; 2003 Lisa Payton. BOISE COLLISTER: 1966 Cecil Stanley; 1974 S. Michael Sheridan; 1978 Norman J. Brown; 1981 Dale Metzger; 1983 Lawrence G. Martin; 1984 David C. Coulter; 1985 Edward E. Springman; 1989 Betty M. Luginbill; 1994 June Fothergill; 1998 Keith Brudevold; 2002 Deanna Self-Price; 2004 Amy Pearson; 2009 David B. Thompson. BOISE FIRST: 1969 Daniel E. Taylor; 1970 Assoc; John Dawson, Wesley Taylor; 1971 David L. Aasen; 1974 Assoc: A. Joseph Housh; 1975 Fred Venable; 1978 Assoc: James L. Cox; 1978 Assoc. Brenda S. Wills: 1979 Assoc: Stanley Andrews; 1980 Assoc: Arvin Luchs; 1987 Assoc: Scott Allen; 1988 Joe W. Walker; 1990 R. Thomas Tucker; 1990 Assoc: June Fothergill; 1992 Assoc: Jon K. Brown; 1995 Steven A. Tollefson; 1996 Assoc: Daryl M. Blanksma; 1998 Assoc: Lisa Payton; 2002 Assoc: Sandra MacFadden; 2003 Assoc: Claire McNulty-Drewes. BOISE HILLVIEW: 1962 Dwight Williams; 1969 Don Ian Smith; 1981 Assoc: Dan Thompson; 1983 James D. Hulett; 1992 Fredrick C. Kane; 1997 David B. Thompson; 2002 Assoc: Claire McNulty- Drewes; 2006 Assoc: Eilidh Lowery, Young Adult Ministry: Jeff Lowery (FD), Congr. Care & Development: Janine Watkins (FD); 2008 John Tindell (Janine Watkins continued); 2009 Barbara Nixon; 2010 Barbara Nixon & Jon Brown. BOISE IMMANUEL: 1972 Milton S. Jordan Jr.; 1975 Supplied; 1976 Discontinued. BOISE WHITNEY: 1965 Raymond A. Thompson; 1969 Harold Shellhart; 1971 Edmund B. Stanton; 1978 Laron Hall; 1981 Raymond Wright; 1990 W. Joseph Housh; 1997 Paul D. Self-Price, Elizabeth Boerl (FD); 1998 Assoc: Deanna Self-Price; 2004 Matthew Henry; 2009 Christina Thompson. BORING: 1968 Wendell Coe; 1975 John F. Luebke; 1980 Supplied; 1981 Elizabeth Gray; 1984 Emmett Shortreed; 1986 Terry L. Unger; 1991 Carol Ann Unger; 2002 Discontinued. BUENA VISTA: 1969 James Patterson; 1972 Dayton Loomis; 1974 Wesley Taylor; 1977 Supplied; 1979 Curt McCormack; 1980 Elmer Yoder; 1983 Roderick Leupp; 1984 Orval Whitman & Stanley Schmelling; 1985 Supplied; 9/1/85 Phil Hanni; 1986 Discontinued. BUHL: 1965 Paul V. LaRue; 1969 Glenn Waltman; 1975 George A. Trobough; 1977 Edwin Bayly; 1981 Marlin M. Brownell; 1985 Richard C. Rash; 1987 Gerald Hill; 1994 Roberta Patterson; 1997 Gay Jeffery; 2001 Margie Mai; 2005 Jerry Peters; 2009 Penny Hodges. BURLEY: 1964 Paul Ludlow; 1969 George Trobough; 1972 Stanley E. Andrews; 1979 Wesley Hall; 1985 John I. Watts; 1992 Stephan Ross; 1998 Allen Trachsel; 2003 Darcey Gritzmacher; 2008 Karen Puckett; 2011 Kathy Abend. CALDWELL: 1968 David Smith; 1975 Kenneth S. Simonds; 1977 David Guard; 1978 Raymond A. Thompson; 1992 Philip S. Hanni; 1993 James Burch; 1994 Assoc: Gay Jeffery; 1997 John Mars; 2007 Kirke Jeffrey; 2008 Allen Trachsel. CAMAS VALLEY: 1963 Ruth Cotton; 1971 Edward E. Springman; 1972 Merle Burres; 1974 Raymond Hinton; 1986 Mary Ellen Hare & William Hare; 1990 Karen Little; 1994 Ramiro Cruz-Ahedo; 1998 Martha Oldham; 1999 Jerry Peters; 2000 Phyllis Stelson; 2008 Aura Lee Jabs & Ed Jabs. 270 Appointment History

CANBY: 1968 Stanley Schmelling; 1973 George Boner; 1980 Herbert E. Morris; 1987 Meredith Groves; 1991 Earnest R. Bell; 1995 Leland Hunefeld; 2002 Susan Staley; 2004 James Frisbie; 2008 William Taylor; 2010 Karen Shimer. CANYONVILLE: 1966 Clarence Desler; 1970 John Wood; 1978 Bonnie Parr Philipson & James Parr Philipson; 1984 Norman H. Barley; 1989 Shirley Knight; 1996 Don Knepp & Shirley Manning Knepp; 1998 June Fothergill; 2007 James Anderson; 2009 Matt Henry; 2011 Tauileata Moli. CARUS: 1968 Stanley Schmelling; 1973 George Boner; 1976 Dwight Townsen; 1977 George Izzett; 1983 David White; 1985 Amy Overton-Harris; 1989 Eugene Walters; 1995 William Seagren; 2001 Daniel Houghton; 2003 Rand Sargent. CASTLEFORD: 1965 Paul LaRue; 1969 Glenn Waltman; 1975 George A. Trobough; 1977 Edwin Bayly; 1981 Keith Drew (intern); 1982 Jeffry L. Uecker; 1984 Dan Cotton; 1985 Lura Kidner-Miesen; 1991 Susan T. Staley; 1997 Gay Jeffery; 2001 Margie Mai; 2005 Jerry Peters; 2009 Jana Blick. CAVE JUNCTION IMMANUEL: 1966 Stanley Day; 1970 D. Glen Hughes; 1979 G. Thomas Skyler; 1980 Gregory M. Lindsay; 1983 Donna Pritchard; 1987 John Skien; 1988 Sue Anne Smith; 1989 Jack Cornell; 1993 Robert Ledden; 1999 David Goodrich; 2006 Charles Chase. CHILOQUIN: 1966 Eleanor Stanley; 1970 Robert Benson; 1975 Frank Shields; 1978 Carol Seckel & Kevin Seckel; 1982 Gregory J. Johanson; 1987 William Seagren; 1988 Deanna Self-Price; 1990 Susan Nelson; 1998 John Maricle; 2000 Rich Christensen. CHRIST THE RECONCILER NEW CONGREGATION PROJECT: 2004 Chuck Cooper. CHUBBUCK: 1986 James D. Frisbie & Rinya L. Frisbie; 1994 Frank Hancock; 1999 Amy Lamb; 2002 Marcie Collins; 2009 Davey Lefler. CLARKES: 1969 Austin McGhee; 1979 Arshad Haqq; 1986 Raymond Hinton; 1998 Dale Beeghly; 1999 Peggy Luckman; 2004 Eric Conklin; 2006 Tom Truby. CLATSKANIE: 1966 Raymond Hinton; 1972 L. Samuel Sebring, Jr.; 1974 Cecil W. Stanley; 1978 Flora “Bee” Hall; 1982 Gerry D. Etchison; 1986 Marshall Wattman-Turner; 1988 Richard C. Rash; 1989 Robert Kingsbury; 1993 John Mars; 1997 Gwen Drake; 1998 Paul Darling; 2001 Joyce Cann; 2002 Patsy Sturtevant; 2007 Carolyn Bowers. COBURG: 1966 Everett Kennedy; 1967 Peter Warner; 1971 Virden Seybold; 1974 Stanley J. Schmelling; 1976 Donald G. Barnhart; 1979 Elam J. Anderson; 1982 Otis C. Harden; 1986 Supplied; 1987 Leslie Hall; 1988 Barbara Emery; 10/2/88 Barbara Eicher; 11/1/92 Roger Carlson; 1994 Joan Pierson; 1996 Brian Nelson-Munson; 1999 Danna Drum Hastings; 2003 Gary Powell. COOS BAY: 1965 Stanley Andrews; 1970 Stanley Day; 1975 E. John Powers; 1981 Kline F. Dickerson; 1984 David A. Stewart; 1990 Robert Hefty; 1996 Randall Jones; 2001 Adele Hustis; 2006 David D. M. King; 2010 Laura Ann Beville. COQUILLE PIONEER: 1966 Hillis Slaymaker; 1967 Robert McNabb; 1971 John Qually; 1973 Earnest R. Bell; 1976 Edwin A. Cutting; 1980 Robert A. Ledden; 1986 Gerald C. Nelson; 1996 Shirley Knight; 2002 Roderick Gabbert; 2006 Karen Nelson; 2007 Jeanie Stoppel; 2008 Elaine Steele. CORNELIUS: 1969 Orville Covault; 1970 Alice Morrison; 1974 Eric Robinson; 1977 Arvin Luchs; 1980 G. Thomas Skyler; 1982 Michael Runyon; 1992 David Grauer; 1995 David Odell; 2002 Richard Parker; 2003 Rinya Frisbie; 2004 Gerry Etchison; 2008 Eric Conklin. CORVALLIS: 1965 Assoc: John Wood; 1968 William O. Walker; 1970 Assoc: Wayne Hill: 1976 Robert Burtner, Assoc: Earnest Bell; 1986 Dale C. Harris, Assoc: Deborah G. Pitney; 1991 Assoc: David Weekley; 1993 James Wenger-Monroe, Assoc: Rebecca Wenger-Monroe; 1997 Bert Scott, Ann Bateman (FD); 2000 Assoc: Sue Joiner; 2004 Deanna Self-Price & Paul Self-Price; 2006 Jim Fellers, Assoc: Courtney McHill; 2010 Bonnie Parr Philipson & James Parr Philipson. COTTAGE GROVE: 1969 Melvin Dixon; 1975 John N. Garrabrandt; 1977 Karl C. Evans; 1982 Norman H. Barley; 1984 C. Keith Mills; 10/1/86 Stacy S. Hance: 1989 Sandra Daniels; 1992 Glen Clark; 2004 Billy Craig; 12/01/2007 Gregg Monroe; 2008 Achsah Clark. Appointment History 271

COVE COMMUNITY: 1969 Alfred Boshee; 1965 Dennis Mullins; 1971 Dudley Johnson; 1973 Gregory J. Johanson; 1978 James Frisbie; 1980 Supplied; 1981 Edmun L. Frankie; 1982 Elliot Nichols; 1988 Thomas R. Kirk; 1992 Gerry Etchison; 1995 Ernest Smith; 2001 Jerry Peters; 2004 Elmer Yoder; 2006 Mike Lamb. CRESWELL: 1967 Al Hanson; 1969 Luther Sturtevant; 1970 Carl B. Mason; 1971 No appointment; 1974 Discontinued. CROSSROADS: 1999 Jerry Steele; 2005 William Lineberry; 2008 Robyn Morrison; 2009 Gary Ross. DALLAS: 1968 Revelle E. Roach; 1976 Paul LaRue; 1982 John Page; 1984 Robert Flaherty; 1988 William Seagren; 1994 David R. Kinman; 1999 Gwen Drake; 2006 Jeremy Hajdu-Paulen. DAYS CREEK COMMUNITY: 1966 Clarence Desler; 1970 John Wood; 1978 Bonnie Parr Philipson & James P. Philipson; 1984 Joyce Cann; 1987 Shirley Knight; 1991 Ruth Perrill; 1992 Patti Hale; 1993 Supplied; 1996 Don Knepp & Shirley Manning Knepp; 1999 Discontinued. DRAIN: 1964 Edwin Cooke; 1970 Edwin Bayly; 1977 Ralph D. Ohling; 1980 Brenda S. Wills; 10/84 George W. Cobb; 1986 Henry N. Easley; 1988 Daniel Wilson-Fey; 1993 Gary D. Hull; 1994 Marcia Hansen; 1998 Donald Piercy; 2003 Daniel Houghton (2011 combined with Yoncalla to become Hope) DRAIN HOPE: 2011 Daniel Houghton. DILLARD/WINSTON: 1968 Gerald Nelson; 1972 Raymond Hinton; 1986 William Hare & Mary Ellen Hare; 1990 Karen Little; 1994 Ramiro Cruz-Ahedo; 1998 Martha Oldham; 1999 Jerry Peters; 2000 Phyllis Stelson; 2008 Aura Lee Jabs & Ed Jabs. DUFUR: 1969 Ronald Crandall; 1971 Grace Weaver; 1978 George Allen; 1980 George Trobough; 1982 Stephen L. Allgeier; 1987 Bruce S. Andrews; 1990 Allen C. Trachsel; 1995 Donald Piercy; 1998 Jerry Holland. DUNDEE: 1969 Orval Whitman; 1974 Dayton Loomis; 1979 Fred E. Hoadley; 1981 Murray Lockhard; 1989 Robert L. Reynolds; 1996 Margaret Golden; 2006 Gary Langenwalter. EAGLE: 1966 Cecil Stanley; 1974 S. Michael Sheridan; 1978 Norman J. Brown; 1981 Ernest I. Smith; 1983 Lawrence G. Martin; 1993 John Grimsted. EASTERN IDAHO HISPANIC MINISTRIES: 1998 Noel Morfin. ECHO: 1968 James L. Wilson; 1972 Edwin Cutting; 1976 Stanley Trefren; 1978 Patricia and Wesley Simpson-Stanton; 1979 Bruce T. Montgomery; 1986 Stacy S. Hance; 10/1/86 Donald Boyce; 1988 Don Knepp & Shirley Manning Knepp; 1991 Walter Robinson; 1995 Billy Craig; 2004 Ervin Williams; 2005 Al Fisher; 2006 Laurie Keizur; 2007 Ervin Williams; 2008 Tim Novak; 2011 Ervin Williams. ELGIN: 1965 Dennis Mullins; 1971 Dudley Johnson; 1973 Gregory J. Johanson; 1978 James Frisbie; 1980 Supplied; 1981 Edmun L. Frankie; 1982 Elliot Nichols; 1988 Jay Lucas; 1990 Jerry Peters; 1999 Delores Hodney; 2000 Elmer Yoder; 2002 Kaye Garver; 2009 Rebecca Scott & Gerald Hopkins. EMMETT: 1964 Mervyn C. Shay; 1969 William Lineberry; 1972 Elam J. Anderson; 1975 Harold W. Black; 1978 Donald West; 1982 Edgar A. Raynis; 1985 David T. Rieck; 1988 Kjell Knutsen; 1994 D. Scott Allen; 2002 Kirk Jeffery; 2007 Linda Biggs. ESTACADA: 1961 Ormal Trick; 1970 Denis Lawrence; 1976 Gregory J. Johanson; 1979 Luis Bove; 1983 Dana Brown; 1987 Tim Overton-Harris; 1989 David Williams; 1991 David Peyer; 1992 Mark Bettinger-Anderson; 1996 Bill Cunnings; 2000 Marcia Hauer; 2004 Charles Cooper; 2005 Discontinued. EUGENE ASBURY: 1968 Edward Liebman; 1970 J.E. Coppedge; 1974 Thomas Fletcher; 1979 A. Harper Richardson; 1981 Charles W. Easley, Jr.; 1984 Fred Lydum; 1994 Gary Oba; 1997 Howard DeVore; 1998 Brian Nelson-Munson; 1999 Greg Hastings; 2000 Bryn Wittmayer; 2002 Melissa Harkness; 2006 Achsah Clark; 2008 Jeanie Stoppel. 272 Appointment History

EUGENE FIRST: 1969 Herbert E. Richards, Assoc: Meredith R. Groves; 1978 T. Askew Crumbley, Assoc: James P. Monroe; 1981 Assoc: Alan Birr; 1982 William O. Walker; 1984 Assoc: Fred Kane; 1988 Assoc: Peter Shumar; 1/1/92 Assoc: Adele Hustis; 1992 Gary Powell; 1995 Assoc: Margaret Lofsvold; 1998 Karen Warren (DM); 1999 Deborah Pitney, John Pitney; 2001 Assoc: Laura Rockwell; 2004-08 Assoc: Lyda Pierce. EUGENE TRINITY: 1969 Paul Henry; 1975 Assoc: Paul G. Rademacher; 1977 John R. Qualley; 1979 Keith Mills; 1985 Ross J. Miller; 1994 Dennis Mullins; 1996 Ardis Letey (DM); 1997 James Burch; 2000 Pamela Nelson-Munson; 2010 Roberta Egli. EUGENE WESLEY: 1961 Luis Bove; 1970 Stanley Andrews; 1972 Allen R. Reesor; 1981 Laura Lee Luce (DM); 1985 Ted Hulbert; 4/88 Myron Hall; 1988 Gregory L. Eicher; 1991 Assoc: Rebecca Irelan; 1996 Lorenz Schultz; 1999 Brian Nelson-Munson; 10/29/08 Donald Inlay; 2009 Erin Martin-Christian Education Director; 2008 Donald Inlay; 2009 Erin Martin, Jeff Lowery-Deacon, Youth & Family Ministries (until 2011). FALLS CITY: 1956 Rinke Reenstra; 1975 Walter Erbele; 1979 Supplied; 1980 Walter Erbele; 1982 Sydney Gaither; 1983 Supplied; 1987 Robert Reynolds; 1990 Paul LaRue; 1996 Robert Reynolds; 1998 Lay Person Assigned; 1999 Robert Ledden; 2004 Robert Burns; 2007 James Simmons. FILER: 1967 Ralph Cairns; 1969 Elam J. Anderson; 1972 J. Donald Crego; 1975 Otis C. Harden; 1978 Grace Drake; 1981 David E. Upp; 1986 Lowell R. Greathouse; 1989 Rebecca Irelan; 1991 Damon Wright; 1994 Rinya Frisbie; 1999 Sandra Kimbrow; 2004 Noel Morfin; 9/21/08 Carol Thompson. FLORA: 1969 Gertrude Sorlein; 1973 Discontinued. FLORENCE: 1981 Karl C. Evans; 1982 Russell Robinson; 1985 Supplied; 9/96 Jeff Strobel; 1990 Mary Goldstein; 1994 Roger Carlson; 2002 Colleen Fulmer; 2006 Ruth Marsh. FOREST GROVE: 1967 Nevitt Smith; Assoc: Tom Hilson; 1974 Delbert M. Keller; 1981 Lloyd G. Uecker; 1985 Assoc: Dean S. Yamamoto; 1986 Donald Colburn; 1989 James O. Burch, Assoc: Donald G. Barnhart; 1993 David Weekley; 1999 Lorenz Schultz; 2001 Joanne Rannells; 2005 Daniel Wilson-Fey. FORT KLAMATH: 1965 Eleanor Stanley; 1970 Robert Benson; 1975 Frank Shields; 1978 Carol Seckel & Kevin Seckel; 1982 William Seagren; 1987 Paul Self-Price; 1990 Susan Nelson; 1998 Bob Chavez; 1999 Bob Adams. FOSSIL: 1968 Dayton Loomis; 1970 Thomas H. Hill; 1971 Perry Jackman; 1977 Bruce Montgomery; 1979 Jon F. Langenwalter; 1982 James Frank Mitchell; 1983 Marvin O. Jones; 1985 Lavonne Lacey; 1991 Valerie Jean Rumble; 1995 Allen C. Trachsel; 1998 Craig Strobel; 1999 Tim Novak; 2008 Pearl Whistler. FRUITLAND: 1967 Grace M. Weaver; 1970 Keith Maxwell; 1972 Hardy L. Thompson; 1982 Ron D. Borden; 1984 Rand D. Sargent; 1989 Linda K. Perry; 1992 Jody E. Felton; 1997 James Anderson; 2007 John Go. GARIBALDI: 1965 Kenneth Coggon; 1973 Alfred E. Vosper; 1981 Robert F. Dowrey; 1984 merged with Bay City UMC. GILCHRIST COMMUNITY: 1969 A. Arthur Weber; 1978 George Cobb; 1982 Kristan M. Burkert; 1984 Roger L. Crabree; 1986 Leland E. Hunefeld; 1988 Kent D. Stangland; 1991 Supplied; 1992 Steve Wardrum; 1996 Ed Hannah; 2002 Joe Spinelli; 2006 Verle Mitchell; 2008 Sue Ludemann; 2010 TBS. GLENNS FERRY: 1967 Dwight E. Wilcher; 1970 Edward A. Bawden; 1973 James More; 1976 Archie Thornton; 1978 Robert R. Bryant; 1981 Sandra Alden; 1987 Kristin Oslin; 1989 Robert F. Dowrey; 1992 Norm Naugler; 1993 John Payne; 2003 Juanita Bergacker; 2007 W. Curtis Naeve; 2010 To Be Supplied. GOLD HILL: 1967 Raymond White; 1971 Ronald Crandall; 1975 L. Samuel Sebring Jr.; 1978 J. Ross Knotts; 1981 Betty N. Luginbill; 1985 Ralph D. Ohling; 1987 Charles Cooper; 1990 Janet Campbell; 1998 Jack Cornell; 2003 Richard Titus; 2011 Jeri Soens. Appointment History 273

GOODING: 1968 Edmund Stanton; 1971 Edson Gilmore; 1974 Edward J. Stubbs; 1976 John H. Mann; 1980 Robert Hefty; 1983 Delbert P. Remaley; 1985 David G. White; 1991 Ronald Crandall; 1994 David Bean; 1999 Michael Gregor; 2004 Elke Sharma; 2006 Shirley Knight; 2007 David Buechler; 2011 Jeffery Rickman. GRAND RONDE: 1969 D.A. Martin; 1971 Don Martin; 1972 Oscar V. Luchs; 1976 Mike Powell; 1976 Dick Sez; 1979 Larry McCann; 1980 Tim Voegile; 1981 Roderick Leupp; 1983 Rick A. Hohnbaum; 1984 Roderick Leupp; 1987 Jerry Peters; 1989 Robert Reynolds; 1996 Gloria McNally; 2005 Delores Hodney; 2008 Robert Ledden. GRANTS PASS NEWMAN: 1968 Charles McCarthy, Assoc: Stanley Day; 1970 Assoc: D. Glen Hughes; 1974 V. Leon Bolen; 1979 Howard A. Smith & Judith E. Smith; 1981 Dennis Mullins; 1984 Assoc: Joseph A. Lowman-Pritchard; 1987 Assoc: Brenda Wills; 1988 Lorenz Schultz; 1995 Karen Crooch; 1998 Brett Strobel; 2006 Melissa Harkness Haugen; 2011 Richard Fuss. GRESHAM: 1968 Wendell Coe; 1974 Assoc: Alice G. Morrison; 1974 Clark Enz; 1978 C. Gene Albertson; 1975 Clark Enz; 1985 Perry Jackman; 1989 James W. Buffington; 1993 David Guard; 2/1/07 Penny Christianson; 2007 Jim Parr Philipson; 2010 James Fellers. GRESHAM HISPANIC FELLOWSHIP: 2002 Alejandro Hinojosa. HAGERMAN: 1964 E.V. Hargreaves; 1969 Woodrow Harris; 1975 Donald West; 1978 Gary M. Miller; 1981 Charles V. Chesson; 1982 G. Thomas Skyler; 1983 Dale Metzger; 1986 Patricia Ann Hetrick; 1989 Sidney S. Harris; 1993 William Flanery; 1996 Daniel Houghton; 2001 Michael Hollomon. HAINES: 1967 Robert McNeil; 1972 Gerald C. Nelson; 1982 Gregory L. Eicher; 1988 Janice King; 1989 Don Knepp & Shirley Knepp; 1996 Sally Wiens. HALSEY: 1969 Roy Finch; 1970 Clarence Desler; 1977 Raymond L. Otto; 1980 Ralph D. Ohling; 1985 Elam J. Anderson; 1/1/91 Ruth Shirley; 1999 Bruce Andrews; 2003 Ruth Marsh; 2005 Sharon Tuck; 2007 Karen Nelson; 2010 Kathy Raines. HARRISBURG: 1967 Peter Warner; 1971 Virden Seybold; 1973 Stanley J. Schmelling; 1976 Donald G. Barnhart; 1979 Elam J. Anderson; 1982 Otis C. Harden; 1995 Joan Pierson; 1996 Brian Nelson- Munson; 1999 Greg Hastings; 2000 Bryn Wittmayer; 2002 Melissa Harkness; 2006 Achsah Clark; 2008 William Hays; 2010 Kathy Raines. HEPPNER: 1962 Melvin Dixon; 1969 Edwin Cutting; 1976 Steven A. Tollefson; 1979 S. Michael Sheridan; 1983 Robert R. Andrews-Bryant; 1984 M. Susan West; 1986 Donald Boyce; 1989 Gerry R. Etchison; 1992 Robert F. Dowrey; 1995 Heppner; 1998 Craig Strobel; 2002 Keith Brudevold; 2008 Jonathan Enz. HERMISTON: 1966 V. Leon Bolen; 1970 Robert McNabb; 1974 Howard De Vore; 1975 David Stewart; 1979 Assoc: Bruce Montgomery; 1980 Gary M. Miller; 1987 W. Terence Erbele; 1989 Michael D. Powell; 1995 Craig Hall Cutting; 2003 Syd Bell; 2011 D. Scott Allen. HILLSBORO: 1969 Kenneth Simonds; 1975 Wendell Coe; 1977 James L. Airey; 1978 Assoc: Michael Sheridan; 1979 Assoc: Robert Melhorn; 1985 Assoc: William R. Hays; 1988 Fred Venable; Assoc: Janice Haftorson; 1989 Assoc: David Grauer; 1993 Dale Harris; 1998 Fredrick C. Kane; 1999 Assoc: Mark Anderson, Linda Baker (DM); 2002 Linda Baker (FD), Barbara Schultz (FD); 2005 Beth Ann Estock, Joyce Sluss (FD); 2006 Gwen Drake; 2011 Clay Andrew. HOOD RIVER ASBURY: 1966 Francis Hayashi; 1967 Charles McDonald; 1972 Wayne Kobes; 1976 Ralph Wilde; 1980 T. Jeffrey Low; 1982 Gerald C. Nelson; 1986 Barbara Bellus-Upp; 1988 Thomas Fletcher; 1990 Charles Chase; 1998 Ginger Hollingsworth; 2000 Christina Thompson; 2006 David Paulson; 2008 Rinya Frisbie; 1/16/11 Paul Darling; 2011 Andy Wendle. HOOD RIVER JAPANESE-AMERICAN: 1970 Masaji M. Goto. HUNINGTON: 1970 Grace Weaver; 1971 Robert Wallace; 1974 Paul W. Burroughs; 1978 Darwin Secord; 1986 Gary Shoemaker. 1996 Discontinued. 274 Appointment History

IDAHO FALLS ST. PAUL’S: 1967 Allen R. Reesor; 1972 James H. Smith; 1979 Glenn W. Waltman; 1984 James Parr Philipson & Bonnie Parr Philipson; 1992 S. Michael Sheridan; 1993 Assoc: Luann Howard; 1998 Kim Fields; 2005 Daniel Thompson-Aue. IDAHO FALLS TRINITY: 1962 Robert L. Benefiel; 1966 Assoc: Milton S. Jordan, Jr.; 1969 H. James Jenkins; 1976 Boone L. White; 1979 Assoc: Katherine Tomera; 1982 Laron H. Hall; 1983 Assoc: Lura Kidner-Miesen; 1985 Assoc: William D. (Phillips) McFarland; 1985 Emmett L. Shortreed, Assoc: David B. Thompson; 1990 Assoc: Marcie Collins; 1995 Lorenz Schultz, Assoc: Michael Kennedy; 1996 Thomas Larson; 2005 Brenda Sene. JEFFERSON: 1968 C. Oren Walters; 1970 Luther Sturtevant; 1973 Charles Whelchel; 1974 Everett Manes; 1978 Myron Hall; 1985 Wesley Hall; 1991 Craig Tarter-Strobel; 1992 “Nick” Nichols; 1995 Barbara Bellus-Upp; 1999 Karen Nelson; 2000 James Welty; 2004 Katherine Raines; 2010 Teresa Salyer. JEROME: 1965 John Garrabrandt; 1975 Glenn W. Waltman; 1979 Raymond Wright; 1982 William E. Hare; 1986 Susan Nelson; 1990 D. Scott Allen; 1994 Jack Bynum; 1999 Quinton Kimbrow; 2004 Laura Rockwell; 9/21/08 Carol Thompson. JOHN DAY: 1967 Darwin Secord; 1973 Karl C. Evans; 1977 John Page; 1982 Robert F. Newberg, Jr.; 1986 Robert A. Ledden; 1989 Marlin M. Brownell; 1998 Albert Hanson; 2002 Denny Diezel; 2006 Daniel Benson; 2009 Marcie Collins. JORDAN VALLEY: 1966 J.D. Crego; 1971 Harold Shelhart; 1971 Edmund B. Stanton; 1974 David S. Smith; 1975 Edmund B. Stanton; 1976 Tom Tate; 1978 David E. Guard; 1981 Susan Caille; 1982 William Hays (intern); 1983 Riley McRae (Intern); 1984 Kent Stangland; 1986 John Skien; 1987 Don Ian Smith; 1988 Marvin Jones; 1989 Joyce Cann; 1999 Supplied; 2000 Sarah Anderson; 2002 Claire McNulty-Drewes; 2003 Erin Geoffrion; 2004 Richard Brown; 2005 Leo Berry; 2009 Michael Quintaro; 2010 Carole Sullivan. JOSEPH: 1966 Allen C. Lambert; 1969 Gertrude Sorlein; 1975 Robert Hefty; 1980 Donald Hawkins; 1983 Donald A. Boyce; 1984 Charles W. Chase; 1990 Bruce S. Andrews; 1997 Margie Mai; 2001 Robert Andrews-Bryant; 2002 Craig Strobel; 2009 Kaye Garver. JUNCTION CITY: 1964 Al Vosper; 1973 John Qualley; 1976 Edwards C. Liebman; 1979 George Emerson; 1981 Virginia Curtis; 1984 Donald E. Hannah; 1990 Edmund B. Stanton; 1993 Vernon Groves; 1997 Todd Bartlett; 2004 Barbara Nixon; 2009 Susan Boegli; 2011 Catherine Davis. KEIZER CLEAR LAKE: 1968 Henry Dockker; 1973 Leicester R. Longden; 1977 William Walles; 1979 Mervyn Shay; 1981 Anne Weld-Martin; 1985 LaVernae Hohnbaum; 1989 Amy Overton-Harris; 1994 Bruce Wenigmann; 2005 David Childress. KIMBERLY: 1967 Delbert P. Remaley; 1973 Darwin E. Secord; 1978 John Wood; 1987 Dale Metzger; 1993 Jerry Steele; 1999 Merged with Murtaugh to become Crossroads. KLAMATH FALLS: 1969 Robert Benefiel; 1975 David R. Schneider; 1978 Ralph Fothergill; 1985 Marlin M. Brownell; 1989 Stuart R. Shaw; 1998 Ted Myers; 2007 Steve Mitchell. KUNA: 1960 I.L. Shaver; 1970 Mervyn Shay; 1972 Fred Abney; 1976 Deborah G. Pitney & John E. Pitney; 1981 John F. Luebke; 1982 W. Terence Erbele; 1987 Daniel Houghton; 1990 Steve W. Wolff; 1995 Thomas Kirk; 2000 Judith Johnson; 2005 Jody Felton; 2011 Karen Puckett. LA GRANDE: 1968 Paul Jewell; 1977 David S. Smith; 1984 James Wenger-Monroe & Rebecca Wenger-Monroe; 1988 Bruce McConnell; 1992 Keith Wise; 1994 Amy & Tim Overton-Harris; 2001 Janet Farrell; 2005 Clay Andrew; 2011 Steven Wolff. LAKE OSWEGO: 1962 Dale Harris; 1970 Luis Bove; 1971 Vernon Groves; 1972 Assoc: David Albright; 1976 Henry L. Haines & Denis G. Lawrence; 1979 Joe W. Walker; 1980 Assoc: Thomas H. Tate; 1982 Boone L. White; 1989 Assoc: Lowell Greathouse; 1992 James D. Hulett: 1992 Assoc: Brett C. Strobel; 1995 Assoc: William Gates; 2000 Assoc: Carol Davies; 2003 Steve Sprecher; 2007-09 Assoc: Margaret Lofsvold. Appointment History 275

LAKEVIEW: 1969 Merle G. Benson; 1971 John Luebke; 1975 Fred Lydum; 1980 William E. Hare; 1982 John D. Skien; 1984 Thomas E. Myers; 1987 Steven T. Mitchell; 1991 H. Lee Baker; 1993 Damon Wright; 1996 Gene Hammond; 1998 Rodderick Gabbert; 2002 Charles Chase; 2006 Viola Goodman. LEBANON: 1964 Oscar Luchs; 1971 Ralph Fothergill; 1978 Willima E. Lineberry; 1987 David Guard; 1993 Phillip Hanni; 1997 Katherine Conolly; 2004 Todd Bartlett; 1/1/09 Kirk Jeffery; 2009 Sue Owen. LENTS TONGAN FELLOWSHIP: 2003 Amy Overton-Harris; 2004 Sione Malua; 2005 Tui’nauvai Fuapau. LYONS: 1968 Gregory Johanson; 1970 Ed Springman; 1971 H. Laron Hall; 1972 Arthur L. Hansen; 1983 Michael Powell; 1987 Joyce Cann; 1989 Janice F. King; 1994 Andrew Nagappan; 1995 Barbara Bellus-Upp; 1998 Lay Speakers; 1999 Carol Thompson; 2002 Achsah Clark; 2006 Terry Kester; 2008 Discontinued. MACKAY: 1967 Tom O. Hill; 1970 H. James Jenkins; 1973 Discontinued. MADRAS: 1968 Thomas W. Foster; 1977 Perry Jackman; 1981 Emmett Shortreed; 1983 James E. Coppedge; 1985 Dwight Townsen; 1988 Fredrick C. Kane; 1992 Gary Ross; 1999 Thomas Telfer; 2005 Janet Farrell; 1/1/2007-10/5/2009 Danna Drum Hastings (secondary appt). MAGIC VALLEY HISPANIC MINISTRIES: 2003 Noel Morfin. MARQUAM: 1968 Merlin McGladrey; 1972 Burton Bastuscheck; 1977 Clarence R. Desler; 1979 Ashad Haqq; 1982 Stephan Ross; 1985 Al Boyer; 1986 Tim Overton-Harris; 1989 Eugene Walters; 1995 William Seagren; 2001 Daniel Houghton; 2003 Rand Sargent. McCABE: 1967 Wesley Hall; 1970 Ralph Ohling; 1977 Willard Norman; 1986 Karen Little; 1990 William Hare; 1994 Sandra Daniels; 1995 Mark Anderson; 2000 Margaret Golden; 2011 Gary Langenwalter. McMINNVILLE: 1967 Charles Kerr; 1973 Verle Mitchell; 1979 Warren C. Thomas; 1986 Charles McCarthy; 1994 William Lineberry; 1999 Stephan Ross; 2010 Courtney McHill. MEDFORD FIRST: 1967 T. Askew Crumbley; Assoc: Ross Knotts; 1978 Lloyd G. Uecker, Assoc: Jeffrey Low; 1981 Delbert M. Keller, Assoc: John I. Watts; 1985 Assoc: Sue Wildman; 1988 Assoc: Ronald J. Crandall; 1991 Assoc: Brenda Bettinger-Anderson & Mark Bettinger-Anderson; 1992 Assoc: Cora “Bunny” Oliver; 1995 Emmett Shortreed; 1999 William E. McDonald, Assoc: Darey Burkhalter; 2001-2009 Dorita Betts Borgerson (PD); 2004 Assoc: Caren Caldwell; 2008 John Tucker, Assoc: Linda Tucker. MEDFORD ST. LUKE’S: 1968 Ross Knotts; 1970 Merged with Medford First. MERIDIAN: 1965 Ralph Fothergill; 1971 Charles W. Easley, Jr.; 1975 Stanley W. Day; 1979 Verle L. Mitchell; 1986 Assoc: Dale Metzger; 1987 Ralph A. Lawrence; 1995 William Hays; 2002 Leland Hunefeld; 2007 John Mars. MIDDLETON: 1969 L. Dwight Williams; 1970 Keith Maxwell; 1972 Mervyn C. Shay; 1974 David R. Kinman; 1979 Charles W. Chase; 1984 Mark Johnson; 1987 Daniel Secord; 1988 H. Lee Baker; 1991 Lura Kidner-Miesen; 1998 Robert Andrews-Bryant; 2001 Carolyn Buss Bowers; 2007 June Fothergill. MILWAUKIE ST. PAUL’S: 1962 Thomas Whitehead; 1970 William Lavely; 1976 Fred E. Abney; 1983 Asa Mundell; 1987 James Fiske; 1994 Norman H. Barley; 1996 Linda Perry; 2005 Kathy Boyes; 2011 Daryl Blanksma. MILTON-FREEWATER: 1968 Norman Barley; 1975 Melvin W. Dixon; 1980 James D. Frisbie; 1986 Philip S. Hanni; 1992 Robin Yim; 1997 Jody Felton; 2001 Amy Pearson; 2004 Quinton Kimbrow. MOLALLA: 1967 Austin McGhee; 1974 Edward V. Hargreaves; 1978 Arshad Haqq, Assoc: Burton C. Bastuscheck; 1986 Ray Hinton; 1997 Thomas Rannells; 2000 Daniel Thompson-Aue; 2005 Pam Gurley. MONMOUTH: 1968 Verle Mitchell; 1973 Howard A. Smith; 1976 Assoc: Judith Smith; 1977 Assoc: John Goff (U.P.); 1978 Merged with United Presbyterian to form Christ Church Methodist & Presbyterian United. 276 Appointment History

MONMOUTH CHRIST CHURCH METHODIST & PRESBYTERIAN UNITED: 1978 Stuart R. Shaw, Assoc: John Goff (U.P.); 1981 E. John Powers; 1987 William Barlow; 1994 Gerry Hill; 2000 Chris Whitehead; 12/3/06 Carol Swanson; 2007 James Simmons. MONROE: 1962 D. Glen Hughes; 1970 Wesley Hall; 1975 R. Thomas Tucker; 1978 Edward V. Hargreaves; 1982 Elam J. Anderson; 1985 Carol J. Thompson; 1994 Sue Joiner; 2000 Jerry Gilmer; 2001 Jonathan Enz; 2008 Kirk Jeffrey; 2009 Jeffrey Gordon. MOUNTAIN HOME: 1971 Henry Dockter; 1972 Orville Covault; 1974 Dayton Loomis; 1979 Fred E. Hoadley; 1982 La Vernae Hohnbaum; 1985 John Freeman; 1989 Donna Lowman-Pritchard; 1992 Orville Nilsen; 1996 John Caylor; 2000 Anne Weld-Martin. MURTAUGH COMMUNITY: 1967 Delbert P. Remaley; 1973 Darwin E. Secord; 1978 John Wood; 1987 Dale Metzger; 1993 Jerry Steele; 1999 Merged with Kimberly to form Crossroads UMC. MYRTLE CREEK: 1966 Clarence Desler; 1970 John Wood; 1978 Bonnie Parr Philipson & James Parr Philipson; 1984 Norman H. Barley; 1990 Shirley Knight; 1996 Don Knepp & Shirley Manning Knepp; 1998 June Fothergill; 2007 James Anderson; 2009 Matt Henry; 2011 Tauileata Moli. MYRTLE POINT: 1965 Gerald C. Nelson; 1968 Wilmer Brigg; 1970 Eleanor Stanley; 1971 Edward E. Springman; 1973 Wilmer Briggs; 1974 John A. Ulrich; 1977 Thomas Skyler; 1979 D. Glen Hughes; 1987 Gwen Drake; 1991 Janet Farrell; 1997 Marcie Collins; 2002 Lorel Bresko; 9/1/06 Ken Autrey; 2007 Discontinued. NAMPA FIRST: 1968 Ernest Wilson; 1978 A. Joseph Housh; 1980 Assoc: Michael Runyon; 1982 Assoc: Donald E. Hanna; 1990 Thomas Larson; 1996 Jon K. Brown; 1999 Frank Hancock; 2005 Kim Fields; 2010 John Watts. NAMPA SOUTHSIDE: 1968 Mervyn Shay; 1973 Fred Abney; 1976 Deborah Pitney & John Pitney; 1981 David Guard; 1986 Chris Torp; 1989 Ron Adcock (Interim); 1990 Aura Lee Jabs; 1993 Daniel Wilson-Fey; 2001 Margaret Lofsvold; 12/1/06 Joseph Housh; 2007 Jack Bynum. NEHALEM BAY: 1965 Kenneth Coggon; 1973 Alfred E. Vosper; 1981 Robert F. Dowrey; 1986 Donald West; 1992 Linda Perry; 1996 Robert Hefty; 2000 Ron Crandall; 2002 Scott Allen; 2009-10 Carol Brown (secondary appt); 2011 Jody Felton. NEWBERG: 1969 Orval Whitman; 1976 Hillis B. Slaymaker; 1979 Assoc: Leslie Hall; 1980 Assoc: W. Terence Erbele; 1982 James R. Fellers, Assoc: David Grauer: 1987 Assoc: Donna Lowman-Pritchard; 1988 Robert Kingsbury; 1989 Thomas H. Tate; 1995 Steve Wolff; 2001 Jane Shaffer; 2010 Rebert Flaherty. NEW MEADOWS: 1968 Douglas Tiffany; 1975 Woodrow D. Harris; 1977 Michael D. Powell; 1983 Mervyn C. Shay; 1986 Douglas J. Hale; 1987 Harvey Rindfliesh; 1989 Letha Essinger; 1999 Kirk Jeffery; 2002 Carol Thompson; 2003 Richard Fuss; 2007 Martha Caputo; 2008 Letha Essinger; 2009 Peter Geoffrion; 2010 To Be Supplied; 2/6/11 Andy Satta. NORTH BEND: 1967 Richard Burdon; 1970 L. Edwin Cooke; 1973 John H. Mann, Jr.; 1975 Luis Bove: 1977 Donald R. Forbes; 12/83 R. Park Anderson; 1983 Stuart R. Shaw; 1989 Brenda Wills; 1994 Pamela Meese; 2008 Jerry Steele. NORTH POWDER: 1969 Alfred Boschee; 1971 Robert Dowrey; 1975 Grace E. Drake; 1978 James D. Frisbie, Maurice A. Gunn; 1982 Robert L. Flaherty; 1/1/86 James Wenger-Monroe; 1988 Janice King; 1991 Don Knepp & Shirley Manning Knepp; 1996 Sally Wiens; 2004 Jerry Peters; 2005 Bob Swales; 2008 Ernest Smith. NYSSA: 1964 Ralph A. Lawrence; 1968 J. Donald Crego; 1972 Robert Hutchinson; 1975 James Monroe; 1978 Darwin E. Secord; 1981 Mark Rolfsma; 1984 Rand Sargent; 1/89 David Grauer; 1989 Linda Perry; 1992 Jody Felton; 1997 James Anderson; 2007 John Go; 2011 TBS. OAK GROVE: 1963 Herbert Morris; 1970 Harold Nye; 1974 C. Keith Mills; 1979 Stanley W. Day; 1981 David A. Stewart; 1982 Assoc: R. Scott Harkness; 1984 R. Scott Harkness, Assoc: Kristan Burkert; 1991 Lawrence A. Loftus; 1994 Wayne Weld-Martin; 1999 Donald Barnhart; 2008 James Frisbie. Appointment History 277

OAK GROVE CHAPEL: 1971 Discontinued. OAKRIDGE: 1967 John Luebke; 1971 Merle Benson; 1978 Otis C. Harden; 1982 Ronald J. Crandall; 1988 David Upp; 1989 Karen Slotta; 1993 Susan Priest; 1999 Jack Bynum; 2003 Jack Cornell; 2007 Chuck Cram; 2010 Erin Geoffrion. ODELL: 1967 Al Boyer; 1974 Sydney B. Gaither; 1976 Edward J. Stubbs; 1982 Linda Perry; 1989 Robert A. Ledden; 1993 Todd Bartlett, Laura Jaquith Bartlett (DM); 1997 May Gustafson; 1999 David Kirkwood; 2000 Joined with Pine Grove as one charge (Pine Grove-Odell). ONTARIO FIRST: 1968 Milton Jordan, Jr.; 1971 Robert Wallace; 1974 James W. Buffington; 1978 Thomas H. Tate; 1980 Robert McNabb; 1983 Michael Sheridan; 1992 Donald West; 1997 Roberta Patterson; 2002 Linda Tucker; 2008 Jennifer Mercer; 2011 John Go. ONTARIO COMMUNITY: 1959 George Uyemura; 1971 Supplied; 1972 Masayoshi Kawashima; 1981 Tong H. Liu; 1989 David E. Upp; 1995 Keith Igarashi; 1/1/07 Ralph Lawrence; 2007 Eugene Hall; 2010 To Be Supplied. OREGON CITY: 1968 Boone White; 1972 Dwight Townsen; 1973 Assoc: John McMurtrey; 1979 James H. Smith, Assoc: Wesley D. Taylor; 1985 Wesley D. Taylor, Assoc: Tim Overton-Harris; 1987 Assoc: Larry Monk; 1990 Assoc: Jeff Strobel; 1991 Wayne Hill; 1994 Anne Weld-Martin; 1999 Gary Ross; 2009 Gerry Hill. PAISLEY: 1969 Merle G. Benson; 1971 John Luebke; 1974 Fred Lydum; 1980 William E. Hare; 1982 John D. Skien; 1984 Thomas E. Myers; 1987 Steven L. Mitchell; 1991 H. Lee Baker; 1993 Damon Wright; 1996 Gene Hammond; 1998 Rodderick Gabbert; 2002 Charles Chase; 2006 Viola Goodman; 2011 Steve Mitchell. PAUL: 1968 Alice May Woolley; 1978 Cecil Stanley; 1981 Darwin Secord; 1983 James Frank Mitchell; 1984 Assoc: Darlene Mitchell; 1985 Byron W. Kaiser; 1987 Jody E. Felton; 1992 Frank Hancock; 1994 Michael Kennedy; 1995 Karen Martin; 1996 Steve Wardrum; 1999 Elaine Steele; 2008 James DeVall; 2010 To Be Supplied; 2011 Pamela Meese. PAYETTE: 1969 Edward V. Hargreaves; 1974 Ralph A. Lawrence; 1981 Delbert P. Remaley; 1983 Robert E. Hefty; 1990 David Stewart; 1998 Jonathan Anderson; 2002 John Tucker; 2008 Phillip Kearse; 2010 William Hays. PENDLETON: 1964 Dwight Townsen; 1972 Paul LaRue; 1976 James R. Fellers; 1982 Karl C. Evans; 1984 Katherine Tomera; 1987 John Wood; 1993 Daryl Blanksma; 1996 Wendy Woodworth; 2000 Matt Henry; 2004 Sandra Kimbrow. PHILOMATH COLLEGE: 1971 Otis Harden; 1975 Elam J. Anderson; 1979 David R. Kinman; 1985 Stephan Ross; 1992 Sheryl Hill-Tanquist; 1995 Jonathan Enz; 2001 William Seagren. PINE GROVE: 1967 Charles McDonald; 1971 Alfred Boyer; 1974 Sydney B. Gaither; 1976 Edward J. Stubbs; 1982 Linda Perry; 1989 Robert A. Ledden; 1993 Todd Bartlett, Laura Jaquith Bartlett (DM); 1997 May Gustafson; 1999 David Kirkwood; 2000 Joined with Odell as one charge (Pine Grove-Odell). PINE GROVE-ODELL: 2000 David Kirkwood; 2005 Marvin Jones; 2006 Larry Ward; 2010 Christy Matson. PLEASANT HOME: 1962 Kenneth Abbott; 1975 John F. Luebke; 1981 Katherine Tomera; 1984 Ron D. Borden; 1986 Bruce Montgomery; 2005 John Tindell; 2008 Laura (Rockwell) Beville; 2010 Bill Taylor. POCATELLO: 1968 William Hoffhines; 1970 James V. Airey; 1974 Assoc: L. Samuel Sebring, Jr.; 1977 Thomas W. Foster; 1979 Assoc: Susan Caille; 1985 Wayne L. Hill; 1987 Assoc: Craig Hall Cutting; 1991 R. Scott Harkness, Assoc: Michael Hollomon; 1995 Thomas H. Tate; 2003 Eric Brown; 2008 Michelle Gowin; 2009 Craig Strobel. PORTLAND BENNETT CHAPEL: 1965 Arshad Haqq; 1971 Ray Otto; 1977 Lawrence Monk; 1979 Jeremy Landau; 1981 Terry Voss; 1985 James H. Smith; 1989 Gerald R. Tanquist; 1993 Marianne Gallagher (DM); 1993 James Green; 1998 Ezekiel Ette; 2003 Roger Carlson; 2009 Marcia Hauer. 278 Appointment History

PORTLAND CAPITOL HILL: 1967 Arthur Hansen; 1972 Laron Hall; 1978 Gerald Tanquist; 1982 Roger W. Weeks; 1984 R. Alan Birr; 1985 Donavan Burkert-Kerr; 1988 Kenneth Haftorson; 1997 David Buss; 2000 Sid Harris; 2006 Myoung Sub Cho; 2010 David Weekley. PORTLAND CENTENARY WILBUR: 1965 A. H. Richardson; 1979 Donald G. Barnhart; 1987 James Coppedge; 1988 Merged with Sunnyside to form Sunnyside Centenary UMC. PORTLAND CHERRY PARK: 1969 W. Gregg Monroe; 1973 Edward E. Springman; 1977 Luis Bove; 1978 Hugh Tattersall; 1982 Fred Kane; 1984 Emmett Shortreed; 1987 John Grimsted; 1993 Cynthia Greene; 1998 Jeanie Stoppel; 2002 Roberta Patterson; 2006 David Bean. PORTLAND CHRIST: 1963 James V. Airey; 1970 Asa Mundell; 1977 Donald Colburn; 1980 Assoc: Stephen S. Kim; 1982 Assoc: Yen Pyo Hong; 1986 Eugene Walters; 1989 Edward E. Springman; 1991 William E. McDonald; 1999 Amy Overton-Harris & Timothy Overton-Harris, youth pastor: David Weekley; 2004 Rinya Frisbie; 2006 Brett Strobel. PORTLAND EPWORTH: 1966 Francis Hayashi; 1970 Masaji M. Goto; 1978 Chester V. Earls; 1990 Gary A. Oba; 1994 Dean S. H. Yamamoto; 2001 Barbara Bellus; 4/1/07 Patricia Kessel; 2007 David Weekley; 2010 Robin Yim. PORTLAND ERROL HEIGHTS: 1969 Collis Blair; 1971 Stuart R. Shaw; 1973 David Schneider; 1975 Norman Barley; 1982 Donald B. West; 1983 Merged with Laurelwood UMC. PORTLAND FIRST: 1963 Raymond Balcomb; 1965 Assoc: Burton Bastuscheck; Chester V. Earls; 1971 Assoc: John Ulrich; 1978 Assoc: Robert D. McNeil: 1982 T. Askew Crumbley, Assoc: Kathleen P. Dintruff; 1985 Assoc: T. Jeffrey Low; 1987 H. Laron Hall, Assoc: William McFarland; 1990 Assoc: Paul Self-Price; 1994 Ross Miller, Assoc: Wendy Woodworth; 1996 Assoc: Malcolm Buck; 1997 Assoc: Scott Warden; 1998 Assoc: Brenda Sene; 2001 Arvin Luchs; 2005 Assoc: Lowell Greathouse; 2010 Assoc: Peggy Luckman; 2011 Donna Pritchard. PORTLAND FREMONT: 1968 Laurence Loftus; 1976 Wayne L. Hill; 1985 Daniel S. Pitney; 1995 Lawrence C. Martin; 1998 David Helms-Peyer; 2003 Assoc: Patricia Hessel; 2004 Wendy Woodworth. PORTLAND GARDEN HOME: 1969 Roy Ludlow; 1970 Edward Liebman; 1972 Lawrence Monk; 1977 Mervyn C. Shay; 1979 Orville N. Nilson; 1986 Gary Ross; 1992 Sandra Daniels; 1995 Discontinued. PORTLAND GRACE KOREAN: 1991 Dai Kyu Lee; 2002 supplied; 2004 Kwang-Won Kim; 2005 Sin Hee Hwang. PORTLAND HUGHES MEMORIAL: 1968 J. Hugh Cummings; 1970 Richard Parker; 1973 John Ulrich; 1978 Austin V. Ray; 1981 Wayne M. Reynolds; 1986 Curtis Kirkpatrick; 2003 Ezekiel Ette; 2005 Patricia Kessel & Joseph Friedman; 2006 Michael Cowan; 3/15/07 Lois Wagner; 2010 Robin Franklin. PORTLAND KOREAN: 1980 Stephen S. Kim; 1982 Yen Pyo Hong: 1991 Tae Kun Kim; 1993 Jay Sung Yang; 2000 supplied; 2003 Kil Sang Yoon; 2004 Kwang Seog Oh. PORTLAND LAURELWOOD: 1968 Stuart Shaw; 1973 David R. Schneider; 1975 Norman H. Barley; 1982 Donald B. West; 1986 A. Harper Richardson; 1988 James Coppedge; 1995 Robert Dan Simmons; 1999 Bob Leverenz; 2000 Nse Ette-Umoh; 2004 Marvin Jones (pastor of record); 2005 Tim Winslea (pastor of record). PORTLAND LENTS: 1967 Collis Blair: 1971 Ray Otto; 1975 Lawrence e. Monk; 1977 Jeremy Landau; 1979 Supplied; 1980 Curtis Kirkpatrick; 1986 Brenda Wills; 1987 Roderick Leupp; 1988 Edgar Raynis; 1992 Mark Bettinger-Anderson; 1993 James Greene; 1995 Discontinued. PORTLAND LINCOLN STREET: 1967 J.C. Johannes; 1971 M.A. Groves; 1977 John T. Schwiebert; 1986 Gerry Etchison; 1989 Cindy McNutt-Kaestner; 1991 David Williams; 1993 Robert Dan Simmons; 1999 Bob Leverenz; 2000 Tim Lewis; 1/1/05 Tim Winslea & Elizabeth Winslea. PORTLAND METANOIA PEACE COMMUNITY: 1986 John T. Schwiebert. Appointment History 279

PORTLAND METZGER: 1968 Waichi Oyanagi; 1974 Ralph H. Richardson; 12/78 Penny Christianson; 1979 Leland E. Henefeld; 1982 Laurence A. Loftus; 1991 Lawrence Monk; 1997 Robin Yim; 2003 formed Metzger-West Portland Cooperative Ministry. PORTLAND METZGER-WEST PORTLAND COOPERATIVE MINISTRY: 2003 Robin Yim; 9/1/08 Janine DeLaunay PORTLAND MONTAVILLA: 1969 Raymond A. Thompson; 1974 Orville A. Coats; 1978 Tom Tucker; 1983 Roger W. Thompson; 1985 Edgar A. Raynis; 1987 Allyn Rieke; 1989 Donald Colburn; 1994 Brenda Wills; 1996 Daniel Thompson-Aue; 1998 Rhoda Pittman Markus (FD); 2000 David Weekley; 2007 Laura Truby; 2009 Margaret Lofsvold. PORTLAND PATTON CENTRAL: 1966 Dale J. Nicholson; 1972 Michael L. Collins; 1975 Robert F. Dowrey; 1988 Merged with Portland Woodlawn. PORTLAND PARKROSE: 1965 Vernon Groves; 1969 Assoc: M.A. Groves; 1971 Peter Warner; 1972 Assoc: Arvin Luchs; 1978 Assoc: Luis V. Bove; 1980 Kline F. Dickerson; 1981 James P. Monroe; 1984 Ralph Wilde; 1988 William Hays; 1995 Brett C. Strobel; 1998 John Preer; 1999 Frank Shields; 2000 Jeff Low; 2001 Tom Rannels; 2002 William Gates. PORTLAND PIONEER: 1968 Ralph Lawrence; 1974 James F. Coppedge; 1977 William E. Lineberry; 1978 Emmett Shortreed; 1981 Perry Jackman; 1985 John Page; 1986 Robert F. Newberg; 1995 Allyn C. Rieke; 2001 Ezekiel Ette; 2003 Paul Darling; 2/21/11 Marshall Wattman-Turner. PORTLAND ROCKWOOD: 1966 Gerald Tanquist; 1973 Charles Kerr; 1982 Keith Maxwell; 1985 Ralph C. Fothergill; 1994 Perry Jackman; 2004 Alejandro Hinojosa; 1/05 Julie Davis; 2010 Thomas “Ted” Myers. PORTLAND ROSE CITY PARK: 1966 Robert W. Burtner, Assoc: James Smith, Assoc: S. Dallas McNeil; 1972 Assoc: John T. Schwiebert; 1976 H. James Jenkins; 1977 Assoc: Leicester R. Longdon; 1982 Assoc: Leland E. Hunefeld; 1987 Thomas Whitehead; 1992 John I. Watts; 1994 Assoc: Ruth Gray; 2003 Thomas Tate. PORTLAND SELLWOOD: 1966 John McMurtrey; 1973 L. Max Wills; 1977 R. Scott Harkness; 1982 Gary Nedelisky; 10/84 Brenda Wills; 1987 Kristan Burkert; 1990 Donald A. Boyce; 1994 Paul D. Self- Price; 1997 Malcolm Buck; 1999 William Cunnings; 2001 Paul Darling; 2003 Luther Sturtevant; 2006 Myoung Sub Cho; 2010 David Weekley. PORTLAND SELLWOOD KOREAN FELLOWSHIP: 2003 Cha Ok Kyung. PORTLAND SUNNYSIDE: 1969 Paul V. LaRue; 1972 Robert D. McNeil; 1978 Frank W. Shields; 1988 Merged with Centenary Wilbur to form Sunnyside Centenary. PORTLAND SUNNYSIDE CENTENARY: 1988 Frank W. Shields; 1999 Mark Reid & Tim Lewis; 2001 Marvin Jones; 2005 Tim Winslea & Elizabeth Winslea. PORTLAND TABOR HEIGHTS: 1964 Lloyd G. Uecker; 1977 Assoc: T. Jeffrey Low; 1978 Herbert E. Richards; 1981 Assoc: La Vernae Dick; 1982 Assoc: T. Jeffrey Low; 1985 V. Leon Bolen; 1988 James Fellers; 1992 Priscilla Buffington; 1994 Ronald Crandall; 1999 MarshallWattman-Turner; 2008 Don Barnhart. PORTLAND TONGAN FELLOWSHIP: 2003 Amy Overton-Harris; 2004 Sione Malua; 2005 Tui’nauvai Fuapau; 2006 Changed name to Lents Tongan Fellowship. PORTLAND TRINITY: 1969 Ralph Richardson; 1974 George Emerson; 1977 James Hulett; 1983 Allyn C. Rieke; 1987 T. Jeffrey Low; 2000 Wendy Woodworth; 2004 Amy Overton-Harris; 2011 Laura Truby. PORTLAND UNIVERSITY PARK: 1967 Earnest Bell; 1972 Ronald Ray; 1978 Roger Weeks; 1981 Rand D. Sargent; 1984 Glenn Waltman; 1988 Karen Crooch; 1995 Priscilla Walters; 1999 David Jenkins; 2001 Jeanne Knepper; 2004-09 Assoc: Marcia Hauer. 280 Appointment History

PORTLAND VERMONT HILLS: 1968 Terry Kent; 1970 James Hulett; 1977 Lawrence Martin; 1983 John A. Wallace; 1986 Thomas Fletcher; 1988 Rebecca Wenger-Monroe; 1993 Charles Cooper; 2004 Timothy Overton-Harris. PORTLAND WEST PORTLAND: 1962 Delbert Keller; 1974 Edson G. Gilmore; 1984 Virginia Curtis; 1987 Sidney Corl; 1994 Rand D. Sargent; 2003 Joined with Metzger to become Metzger-West Portland Cooperative Parish Ministry. PORTLAND WESTSIDE: 1995 Daniel Pitney; 2009 Brian Shimer. PORTLAND WILSHIRE: 1967 David Schnieder; 1972 George A. Trobough; 1975 Wesley O. Hall; 1979 Thomas R. Fletcher; 1982 Flora “Bee” Hall; 1989 Janice Haftorson; 1996 Paul Darling; 1998 Lois Wagner; 2010 To Be Supplied. PORTLAND WILSHIRE NATIVE AMERICAN FELLOWSHIP: 2004 Lois Wagner; 2010 To Be Supplied; 2011 Gloria Marple. PORTLAND WOODLAWN: 1967 Benjamin Owre; 1973 John Ulrich; 1974 Waichi Oyanagi; Robert Andrews-Bryant; 1983 Luther E. Sturtevant; 1988 Merged with Patton Central: 2003 Ezekiel Ette; 2005 Patricia Kessel & Joseph Friedman; 2006 Michael Cowan; 3/15/07 Lois Wagner; 2009 Roger Carlson. PRAIRIE CITY: 1969 Darwin Secord; 1973 Karl C. Evans; 1977 John Page; 1982 Robert F. Newberg, Jr.; 1986 Robert A. Ledden; 1989 Marlin M. Brownell; 1998 Albert Hanson; 2002 Denny Diezel; 2006 Daniel Benson; 2009 Marcie Collins; 2010 Discontinued. RAINIER: 1969 David A. Stewart; 1972 Ralph Cooper; 1973 James Bradshaw; 1976 Sidney Corl; 1987 Richard C. Rash; 1989 Robert Kingsbury; 1993 John Mars; 1997 Gwen Drake; 1998 Paul Darling; 2001 Joyce Cann; 2002 Patsy Sturtevant; 2007 Carolyn Bowers. REEDSPORT COVENANT: 1967 Ted Hulbert; 1970 Calvin Sutherlin; 1971 Violet Bolliger; 1976 Luis Bove; 1977 Donald R. Forbes; 1979 Joseph Bowman; 1983 Supplied; 1985 Jeanie Stoppel; 1993 Supplied; 1994 Roger Carlson; 1999 Robert Hefty; 2002 James Ives. RICHFIELD COMMUNITY: 1968 Hardy Thompson; 1973 Nathan Ware; 1976 Robert A. League; 1979 Ron Borden; 1982 David E. Weekley; 1986 Arthur P. Knight; 1988 Adele Hustis; 1992 Daniel Thompson-Aue; 1996 Robert Andrews-Bryant; 1998 William Lineberry; 2007 David Buechler; 2011 Jeffery Rickman. RICHLAND: 1968 Russell Booher; 1978 Sidney Sandusky; 1982 Judy Marshall; 1989 Keith Thornberg; 1991 William E. Shields. ROGUE ROCK: 1999 Alice G. Knotts. ROSEBURG: 1967 Hillis Slaymaker; 1968 Assoc: Gerald Neslon; 1972 Assoc: Raymond E. Hinton; 1976 Vernon A. Groves; 1977 Assoc: Ted L. Hulbert; 1985 Lawrence Monk & Susan Nelson Caille; 1986 Lawrence Monk; 1987 Thomas Foster; 1990 Colleen Foster (DM); 1996 Robert Flaherty; 12/4/01 William Gates; 2002 Shirley Knight; 11/15/02 Robert Flaherty; 2006 Daryl Blanksma; 2011 R. Scott Harkness. RUPERT: 1967 Warren H. McConnell; 1969 Everett Gardner; 1971 Sydney B. Gaither; 1974 Mervyn C. Shay; 1977 Kline F. Dickerson; 1980 Ralph Wilde; 1984 David S. Smith; 10/86 William Lineberry; 1994 Keith Wise; 2005 Jerry Steele; 2008 Pamela Meese. ST. HELENS: 1962 Donald Colburn; 1970 Willard Norman; 1973 Stuart R. Shaw; 1977 Allyn C. Rieke; 1983 Luis Bove; 1990 Penny Christianson; 1994 Gerry Etchison; 2004 Michael Gregor. SALEM CHEMAWA: 1968 Gerald McCray; Discontinued 1975. SALEM ENGLEWOOD: 1968 Chelus E. Fried; 1973 Keith Maxwell; 1982 Charles C. Kerr; 1988 Susan West; 1990 William D. McFarland; 1994 John Caylor; 1996 David Upp; 1999 Sydney Bell; 2003 Steven Mitchell; 2006 Rinya Frisbie, Assoc: Roberta Egli; 2008 Roberta Egli; 2010 Jon Langenwalter. Appointment History 281

SALEM FIRST: 1960 Henry Haines; 1968 Assoc: James Hulett; 1970 C. Gene Albertson, Assoc: Ted L. Hulbert; 1977 Assoc: Judith Smith; 1978 Thomas Whitehead, Assoc: Virginia Curtis; 1980 Assoc: Timothy Stover; 1984 Assoc: Gerald Hill; 1987 Steve Tollefson, Assoc: Jane Shaffer; 1993 Assoc: Lynn Rabenstein; 1998 Scott Harkness; 2001 Mary Ann Googins (PD); 2003 Sue Owen; 2005 Susan Boegli; 2009 Dan Pitney, Robyn Morrison, Assoc. (through 2010). SALEM JASON LEE: 1963 Myron Hall; 1965 Assoc: George Roseberry; 1974 Nevitt B. Smith; 1981 A. Harper Richardson; 1986 David Weekley; 1991 Gwen Drake; 1997 William Ripley; 1999 Barbara Bellus; 2001 Karen Nelson; 2006 Rinya Frisbie, Assoc: Roberta Egli; 2008 Edson Gilmore. SALEM LESLIE: 1963 Gerald McCray; 1975 Kenneth F. Abbott; 1981 Discontinued. SALEM MORNINGSIDE: 1969 Charles W. Easley, Jr.; 1971 William B. Hoffhines; 1981 Robert C. Harvey; 1987 Katherine Tomera; 1988 Assoc: Sandra Daniels; 1989 Assoc: Tim Overton-Harris; 1994 Assoc: Brian Nelson-Munson; 1997 Rebecca Wenger-Monroe; 2003 Karen Crooch; 2007 Michael Powell. SALEM TRINITY: 1968 William Lavely; 1969 Assoc: Donald Campbell; 1970 James Thompson; 1972 Assoc: David Stewart; 1976 Assoc: Mary Ellen Eichelberger; 1979 V. Leon Bolen; 1/84 Assoc: Jane Shaffer; 1985 Thomas W. Foster; 1987 Paul Jewell, Assoc: R. Kevin Seckel; 1993 Jon Langenwalter, Assoc: Lori Woodruff; 1994 Assoc: David Youngblood; 2003 Janet Burkhart. SALEM WEST SALEM: 1969 James Patterson; 1972 Dayton Loomis; 1974 Wesley Taylor; 1977 George A. Trobough; 1981 Wayne Weld-Martin; 1985 Benjamin L. Owre; 1987 Daniel Thompson; 1989 La Vernae Hohnbaum; 1992 Leland Hunefeld; 1995 David Upp; 1996 Sid Harris; 2000 Richard Parker; 2002 Greg Poland; 2004 Arturo Fernandez; 2006 Norm Barley. SEASIDE: 1968 Wayne Kobes; 1972 Edward Liebman; 1976 Henry N. Easley; 1986 Orville Nilsen; 1992 David Helms-Peyer; 1998 Daryl Blanksma; 2006 Christina Fridel; 2009 John Tindell. SHEDD: 1967 John T. Elmore; 1970 Clarence Desler; 1977 Raymond L. Otto; 1980 Ralph D. Ohling; 1985 Elam J. Anderson; 1/1/91 Ruth Shirley; 1999 Bruce Andrews; 2003 Ruth Marsh; 2005 Sharon Tuck; 2007 Karen Nelson; 2009 Discontinued. SHELLEY: 1968 Harold Black; 1970 Karl Evans; 1973 Edward A. Bawden; 1977 Delbert P. Remaley; 1979 Katherine Tomera; 1981 Linda Phillips; 1985 Lisbeth K. Linley; 1987 James Green; 1989 Janet Burkhart; 1993 Luann Howard; 2004 Michael Kennedy; 2006 Davey Lefler. SHERIDAN: 1969 Robert Wallace; 1973 Benjamin L. Owre; 1978 Gerald T. McCray, Sr.; 1983 William B. Hoffhines; 1986 Craig Tarter-Strobel; 1991 Kent D. Stangland; 1993 Albert Hanson; 1999 Ruth Marsh; 2003 Margaret Golden; 2006 TBS; 2008 Carol Swanson; 2010 Melanie Marcus; 2011 Ken Johnson. SHERWOOD: 1965 Otis Harden; 1971 Arshad Haqq; 1978 Benjamin L. Owre; 1982 Dan Thompson; 1987 Joseph Lowman-Pritchard; 1992 Brenda Bettinger-Anderson; 1995 Marcie Collins; 1997 Eric Brown; 2003 Gerry Hill; 2009 Kirk Jeffery; 3/15/2011 Jane Shaffer; 2011 Penny Christianson. SHOSHONE: 1968 Hardy Thompson; 1973 Nathan M. Ware; 1976 Robert League; 1979 Ron D. Borden; 1982 David E. Weekley; 1986 Arthur P. Knight; 1988 Adele Hustis; 1/92 Daniel Thompson; 1992 Daniel Thompson-Aue; 1996 Robert Andrews-Bryant; 1998 William Lineberry; 2007 David Buechler; 2011 Jeffery Rickman. SILVERTON: 1966 Willard Norman; 1970 Donald Colburn; 1977 James E. Coppedge; 1980 Assoc: Larry McCann; 1982 Assoc: Stephan Ross; 1983 Robert L. Benefiel; 1985 Gary Powell; 1992 Donna Pritchard; 1999 Steven Mitchell; 2003 Allen Trachsel; 2008 Linda Quanstrom. SPRINGFIELD EBBERT MEMORIAL: 1967 Carl Mason; 1974 Charles I. McCarthy; 1978 Assoc: Rand D. Sargent; 1981 Eugene H. Walters, Assoc: Austin V. Ray; 1986 Earnest R. Bell; 1991 Vernon Groves; 1993 Verle Mitchell; 1996 Gregg Monroe; 2004 David Raines; 2011 Paul Darling. SPRINGFIELD ST. PAUL CENTER: 1967 Laron Hall; 1971 Gene Hamblen; 1974 Edward A. Bawden; 1976 David Albright; 1980 Fred F. Lydum; 1984 Supplied; 1985 Ed McIndoo; 2001 Danna Drum Hastings; 2003 Gregg Monroe; 2004 David Raines. 282 Appointment History

STAYTON: 1969 Donald Diegelman; 1972 Arthur Hansen; 1983 Michael Powell; 1989 Flora “Bee” Hall; 1990 Charles F. Cooper; 1993 Sydney Harris; 1996 Norm Barley; 2001 Roger Carlson; 2003 Lura Kidner-Miesen. SUMMIT: 1977 Discontinued. SUTHERLIN: 1966 Violet Bolliger; 1971 James Buffington; 1974 Ralph A. Cairns; 1976 James R. Bradshaw; 1979 Stacy Hance; 1986 James E. Coppedge; 1987 Douglas Hale; 1993 Aura Lee Jabs; 2002 Albert Hanson; 2004 Glen Clark. SWEET: 1964 Mervyn Shay; 1969 William E. Lineberry; 1972 Elam Anderson; 1975 Harold W. Black; 1978 Donald West; 1982 Edgar A. Raynis; 1985 David R. Rieck; 1988 Kjell Knutsen; 1994 D. Scott Allen; 2002 Kirk Jeffery; 2007 Linda Biggs. SWEET HOME: 1965 Raymond Otto; 1971 Dennis L. Mullins; 1976 Sydney B. Gaither; 1/1/79 Lawrence E. Monk; 1985 Betty Luginbill; 1989 David Odell; 1994 Karen Little; 2003 April Hall Cutting. TALENT: 1966 Warren Thomas; 1974 Raymond C. Shaw; 1984 George Allen; 1986 Janet Kalita; 1988 Ross Knotts; 1991 Mark Bettinger-Anderson; 1992 Mary Ellen Hare; 1994 Supplied; 1995 William E. Hare; 1999 Alice G. Knotts; 2004 Mary Ellen Hare; 2008 Carol Heisel; 1/4/09 William E. Hare. TENMILE COMMUNITY: 1968 Gerald Nelson; 1972 Merle Burres; 1973 L. Edwin Cooke; 1974 Supplied; 1980 Emmett Dosier; 1986 Mary Ellen Hare & William Hare; 1990 Karen Little; 1/92 Stacy Hance; 1993 Karen Little; 1996 Ed Jabs; 2005 Ed Jabs; 2007 Sarah Anderson; 2009 Jane Davis. THE DALLES: 1969 E. John Powers; 1975 Charles W. Easley, Jr.; 1981 Roger W. Weeks; 1982 Gerald Tanquist; 1989 Allyn C. Rieke; 1995 Adele Hustis; 2001 Jody Felton; 2005 Marvin Jones; 2009 Robin Yim; 2010 Vallory Williams; 2011 Elizabeth Damico. TIGARD: 1967 Clark Enz, Assoc: Darlow Johnson; 1972 Assoc: R. Thomas Tucker; 1975 David Smith, Assoc: Gregory J. Johanson; 1977 Richard R. Smith; 1979 Dwight Townsen; 1985 Vernon A. Groves; 1990 Assoc: Deanna L. Self-Price; 1991 Wesley D. Taylor; 1996 assoc: David Jenkins; 1999 Assoc: supplied; 2001 Bonnie Parr Philipson & James Parr Philipson; 2004 Carol Hier Thomason (FD); 2/1/05 Mary Ann Googins (FD); 2007 Leland Hunefeld. TILLAMOOK: 1963 Sydney Gaither; 1971 Harold Shellhart; 1973 Delbert T. Remaley; 1977 Wendell L. Coe; 1982 Thomas A. Fletcher, Assoc: David Thompson; 1986 Jon Langenwalter; 1993 Lawrence Martin; 1995 Douglas Hale; 1999 Phillip Kearse; 2004 Peggy Luckman; 2010 David Hurd & Carol Brown (secondary appt) & Danielle Hurd. TOLEDO TRINITY: 1968 Conrad Holmes; 1968 John Trost; 1969 E. Max Wills; 1971 Collis Blair; 1975 Ronald J. Crandall; 1982 Edward V. Hargreaves; 1987 Thomas E. Myers; 1993 Janet Burkhart; 1997 Carol Youngbird-Holt; 2000 Ardis Letey (FD); 2001 Ernest Smith XXVII; 2007 Sharon Cram Tuck. TROUTDALE FAITH: 1979 Orville A. Coats; 1980 James O. Burch; 1984 Thomas H. Tate; 1989 Donald A. Boyce; 1990 Brian O’Grady; 1994 Deanna Self-Price; 1997 Carolyn Buss Bowers; 2001 Bob Leverenz; 2007 Nanci Hicks; 2008 Laura (Rockwell) Beville; 2010 Karen Nelson. TUALATIN: 1965 Otis Harden; 1971 Arshad Haqq; 1978 Roger W. Thompson; 1983 George Izzett; 1984 James Buffington and Priscilla Anne Buffington; 1989 Perry Jackman; 1994 Edson Gilmore; 2001 Wesley Taylor; 12/1/07 Penny Christianson; 2011 Amy Overton-Harris. TURNER: 1968 C. Oren Walters; 1970 Luther Sturtevant; 1973 Discontinued. TWIN FALLS: 1965 Harold N. Nye; 1970 Herbert Morris; 1974 Raymond A. Thompson; 1975 Assoc: Brian Munson; 1978 Ernest E. Wilson, Assoc: Ron D. Borden; 1980 Assoc: John A. Wallace; 1981 John A. Wallace, Assoc: Barbara Bellus-Upp; 1983 R. Thomas Tucker & Gregory M. Lindsay; 1990 T. Wayne Weld-Martin & Anne E. Weld-Martin; 1994 James D. Frisbie, Assoc: Rinya Frisbie; 1998 Assoc: Susan Staley; 2003 Gregory Lindsay; 2008 Phil Airhart. TYGH VALLEY: 1969 Ronald Crandall; 1971 Grace Weaver; 1978 George Allen; 1981 George Trobough; 1982 Stephen L. Allgeier; 1987 Bruce S. Andrews; 1990 Allen C. Trachsel; 1995 Donald Piercy; 1998 Jerry Holland. Appointment History 283

UNION: 1969 Alfred Boschee; 1971 Robert Dowrey; 1975 Grace E. Drake; 1978 James Frisbie & Rinya Frisbie; 1980 Maurice A. Gunn; 1982 Robert L. Flaherty; 1985 Donald A. Boyce; 1986 Rebecca Wenger- Monroe; 1988 Thomas R. Kirk; 1992 Gerry R. Etchison; 1995 Ernest Smith; 2001 Jerry Peters; 2005 Bill Bishop; 2010 Mike Lamb. UPPER ROGUE: 1967 Ross Knotts; 1971 Ronald Crandall; 1975 L. Samuel Sebring, Jr.; 1978 J. Ross Knotts; 1981 Betty N. Luginbill; 1987 Charles Cooper; 1990 Janet Campbell; 1998 Jack Cornell; 2002 William Hare; 2008 David Goodrich. VALE: 1964 Virden R. Seybold; 1969 Ralph Cairns; 1974 David Wetzel; 1975 Paul W. Burroughs; 1979 Maurice A. Gunn; 1980 Thomas K. Larson; 1984 Aura Lee Jabs; 1990 Daryl M. Blanksma; 1993 Jeanie Stoppel; 1999 Charles Chase; 2002 Sarah Anderson; 2007 Jennifer Mercer; 2011 Sue Faw. VENETA VALLEY: 1967 Ralph Ohling; 1970 Dayton Loomis; 1972 Supplied; 1979 Sydney B. Gaither; 1980 Brian K. Nelson-Munson; 1981 Pamela Nelson-Munson; 1991 David G. White; 1994 Jack Cornell; 1997 Raymond Hinton; 2000 Thomas Kirk; 2004 Phillip Airhart; 2008 Eilidh Lowery. WALLOWA: 1969 Gertrude Sorlein; 1975 Robert Hefty; 1980 Donald Hawkins; 1983 Donald A. Boyce; 1984 Charles W. Chase; 1990 Jerry Peters; 1999 Kaye Garver. WARRENTON: 1967 Reuben Tanquist; 1971 Paul Means; 1974 Kenneth G. Coggon; 1979 Keith Mendenhall; 1982 Susan West; 1986 Glen Stumbaugh; 1987 John Caylor III; 1989 Jerry Peters; 1990 Supplied; 1991 Albert Hanson; 1993 Delores Hodney; 1999 David R. Kinman; 2000 Delores Hodney; 2005 Judith Johnson; 2011 Jane Hill. WASCO: 1968 Perry Jackman; 1971 Larry McGhee; 1972 Allen C. Lambert; 1974 Alfred N. Boyer; 1983 Ernest I. Smith; 1985 June Fothergill; 1990 Norman Barley; 1995 David White; 1998 Jerry Gilmer; 2000 Bob Reasoner. WEISER: 1970 Grace Weaver; 1971 Merged with Weiser United Presbyterian. WENDELL: 1969 Woodrow Harris; 1975 Donald West; 1978 Gary M. Miller; 1981 Charles V. Chesson; 1982 David Knighton (Intern); 1983 Amy Jennings (Intern); 1984 Mary Ellen Hare; 1986 Janice K. Haftorson; 1988 Patricia Ann Hetrick; 1989 Sidney S. Harris; 1993 William Flanery; 1996 Daniel Houghton; 2001 Michael Hollomon. WESTON: 1968 Norman Barley; 1975 Melvin W. Dixon; 1980 James D. Frisbie; 1986 Philip S. Hanni; 1992 Robin Yim; 1997 Jody Felton; 2001 Amy Pearson; 2003 Quinton Kimbrow. WILBUR: 1966 Violet Bolliger; 1971 James Buffington; 1974 Ralph Cairns; 1976 James R. Bradshaw; 1979 Stacy Hance; 1986 James E. Coppedge; 1987 Douglas Hale; 1993 Aura Lee Jabs; 2002 Albert Hanson; 2004 Glen Clark. WILDER: 1966 J.J. Fleming; 1973 Grace Weaver; 1974 Merle Burres; 1975 Thomas Tate; 1978 David E. Guard; 1981 Susan J. Caille; 1985 Ramiro Cruz-Ahedo; 1994 Gay Jeffery; 1997 Kenneth Daugherty; 1998 Robert Andrews-Bryant; 2001 Carolyn Buss Bowers; 2007 June Fothergill. WILDERVILLE T.L. JONES MEMORIAL: 1966 Stanley Day; 1970 D. Glen Hughes; 1979 G. Thomas Skyler; 1980 Gregory M. Lindsay; 1983 Donna Lowman; 1987 John Skien; 1993 Robert Ledden; 1999 David Goodrich; 2006 Charles Chase. WILLAMETTE: 1968 Ronald Ray; 1970 Orville Covault; 1973 Everett H. Gardner; 1976 John McMurtrey; 1980 Gary Powell; 1984 Clark Enz; 1988 Myrna Bernadel-Huey; 1993 Joanne Rannells; 1999 Marianne Gallagher; 1999 Susan Staley; 2002 Michael Cowan; 2007 Tom Truby. WILLAMINA: 1969 Robert Wallace; 1973 Benjamin L. Owre; 1978 Gerald T. McCray, Sr.; 1984 Roderick Leupp; 1986 Craig Tarter-Strobel; 1990 Discontinued. WILLIAMSON RIVER: 1966 Eleanor Stanley; 1970 Robert Benson; 1971 Supplied; 1975 Gerald McCray, Sr.; 1978 Carol Seckel & Kevin Seckel; 1982 William Seagren; 1987 Patricia Dumont- Davidson; 1988 Paul Self-Price; 1990 Susan Nelson; 1995 Pattie Miske; 1996 Rachel Witcraft Chavez; 2001 Rachel Chavez & Bob Chavez; 2010 Discontinued. 284 Appointment History

WILSONVILLE: 1968 Stanley Trefren; 1973 John McMurtrey; 1980 Gary Powell; 1985 Kathleen P. Dintruff; 10/1/86 Priscilla Buffington; 1988 Marshall Wattman-Turner; 1999 David Bean; 2005 Bruce Wenigmann. WOODBURN: 1965 Orville Covault; 1969 John Ginter; 1979 James S. Thompson; 1984 Edson Gilmore; 1994 James Fiske, Judith Fiske (DM); 1995 Assoc: Jon Anderson; 2000 Katherine Raines, Assoc: David Raines; 2004 James Monroe; 2007 Minister of Small Groups: Joyce Sluss (FD). WOODBURN HISPANIC MINISTRIES: 1988 Carlos Nuñez; 1995 Supplied; Eleazar Rivera Garcia; 2003 Arturo Fernandez; 2004 Sarah Harkness; 2006 Laura Truby; 2008 Discontinued. YAMHILL: 1969 Merle Burres; 1973 Stephen A. Westfall; 1975 Collis C. Blair; 1980 George Compton; 1984 Rick Hohnbaum; 1989 Carol Ann Unger; 1991 Garry Hall; 1994 Penny Christianson; 2000 Kathy Boyes; 2001 Norm Barley; 2006 Gerry Etchison; 2008 Eric Conklin; 2011 Dexter Danielson. YONCALLA: 1964 Ed Cook; 1970 Edwin Bayly; 1977 Ralph Ohling; 1980 Brenda S. Wills; 10/84 George W. Cobb; 1986 Henry N. Easley; 1988 Daniel Wilson-Fey; 1993 Gary Hull; 1998 Donald Piercy; 2003 Dann Houghton (2011 combined with Drain to become Hope). General & Jurisdictional Conference Delegations for Oregon-Idaho printed in order of election Clergy Laity Dale Harris George Stewart Tom Whitehead Judy Heath 2012 Laura Jaquith Bartlett Jan Nelson Ralph Lawrence Ann Bateman Clay Andrew David Armstrong Ray Balcomb Donald McGalliard Donna Pritchard Bonnie McOmber Austin Ray Colleen Foster April Hall Cutting Vincent Myers Katherine Tomera Watford Reed Scott Harkness Mark Bateman John Go Norm Dyer 1980 William O. Walker Erwin Schwiebert Thomas Whitehead Dorothy Patch 2008 Donna Pritchard Greg Nelson Robert W. Burtner Hero Shisosaki Laura Jaquith Bartlett Karen Bolin Dale C. Harris Ann Bateman Bob Flaherty Joan Collison Bruce McConnell Gloria Bailey Scott Harkness Jan Nelson Raymond Balcomb Colleen Foster 2004 Minerva Carcaño Tom Wogaman Alice (Knotts) Morrison Eleanor Blair Steve Sprecher Greg Nelson Wayne Hill Watford Reed Debbie Pitney Joan Collison T. Askew Crumbley Norman K. Lee Laura Jaquith Bartlett Karen Bolin Boone White Tom Yoshikai 2000 Dean Yamamoto Marilyn Outslay Earl Riddle Donna Boe Debbie Pitney Stephen Frantz 1976 William O. Walker Erwin Schwiebert Steve Sprecher Erin Pitney Thomas Whitehead Dorothy Patch Ann Bateman Greg Nelson Robert W. Burtner Jeanie Stoppel Scott Harkness Denise Roberts Alice (Knotts) Morrison Donald McGalliard Sue Owen Robert Meyers C. Gene Albertson Eleanor Blair 1996 Debbie Pitney Donna Boe H. James Jenkins Floyd C. Hill Lowell Greathouse Bill Cook Dale C. Harris Dorenne Uppinghouse Sue Owen Marilyn Outslay Henry L. Haines Floyd A. Query Dean Yamamoto Beverly Walker Raymond Balcomb George Fields Wes Taylor Robert Meyers Bruce McConnell Harold E. Rose Arturo Fernandez Marianne Gallagher 1972 Robert W. Burtner Erwin Schweibert 1992 William Walker Carol Colley H. James Jenkins Mrs. Russell Watson Priscilla Buffington Marilyn Outslay C. Gene Albertson Harold E. Rose James Hulett William Cook William O. Walker Ralph E. Cox Arvin Luchs Gregory Hastings Robert N. Peters Mrs. Douglas Blair Delbert Keller Donna Boe Raymond Balcomb Watford Reed Debbie Pitney Fred Cowan Henry L. Haines Doreen Uppinghouse E. Bernadel-Huey Beverly Walker Earl W. Riddle Floyd A. Query Katherine Tomera Ann Bateman Boone L. White Don E. Haasch Carol Thompson Audrey Lawrence Dale C. Harris Donald Redfield James Wenger-Monroe Kay Buescher 1968 Gene Albertson Elizabeth Watson Wesley Taylor Robert Meyers OR James Jenkins Clyde Walker 1988 William Walker Donna Boe William Walker Harold Rose Carol Seckel Rene Pino Robert Burtner Walter Higgins Bruce McConnell Donna Herbert Daniel Taylor Doreen Uppinghouse Katherine Tomera Audrey Lawrence T. Askew Crumbley Robert Newburn Robert Burtner Judy Heath Mike Hall Jack Frost John Schwiebert Ann Bateman Lawrence Guderian Jerry Whipple Debbie Pitney Watford Reed Raymond Balcomb Wayne McMurray Tom Whitehead Colleen Foster 1968 Earl Riddle Erwin Schwiebert James Wenger-Monroe Carol Colley ID Orville Coats Homer S. Deal Dale Harris Bea Kilborn Herbert E. Richards Thomas P. Mahan Raymond Balcomb William Cook Dennis Mullins Henry Eagle 1984 Bruce McConnell Donna Boe Robert D. McNeil Bonnie Atchley Judy Smith Carol Colley William O. Walker Jerry Young John Schwiebert Lorene Taylor 286 Rosters Roster of Lay Members: Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference Elected for the 2009-2012 Quadrennium Metropolitan District Oregon Trail District Filer First: Bill Shropshire Aloha: Jeri Silfies Arlington: Ed Gill Glenns Ferry: Mary Printz Beaverton First: Jack Cone Baker: Suzanne Moses Gooding: Duke Morton Beaverton First: Juanita Villarreal Bend First: Rob Byrd Hagerman: Tina Bolduc Bennett Chapel: Joanne Gornick Bend First: Ann Hand Hillview: Karen McAlister Capitol Hill: Colin Corbett Cove Community: Neva Smith Idaho Falls-Trinity: Betty Cherry Park: Marj Irvine Dufur: Millie Baumgartner Anderson Christ: Susan Delaney Echo: Donna Jantzen Idaho Falls-Trinity: Patti Edwards Christ: Patti Meyer Fossil: Jack Lorts Jerome: Claire McClure Clatskanie: Sally Jones Fruitland First: Donald Essinger Jerome: Sandra Tatti Epworth: Masako Hinatsu Haines: Mary Rider Jordan Valley: Sheila Quintero Fremont: Claudia Roberts Heppner: Lisa Nelson Kuna: Leila Baker Fremont: Suzanne Wardenaar Hermiston First: Judi Mason Meridian: Harold Ford Grace Korean: Adam Ahn Hood River-Asbury: Donna Fitch Meridian: Janet Ford Gresham First: Christy Benoit John Day: Louise Kienzle Middleton: Gloria Kley Gresham First: Richard Flanagin Joseph: Lisa Dawson Nampa First: Rochelle Killett Hughes Memorial: Azzie Jones Klamath Falls: Byron Beach Nampa First: Jim Waters Korean: Young Soo Han Klamath Falls: Ruth Chamberlin Nampa Southside: Curtiss Crawford Lake Oswego: Deborah Maria La Grande: Doug Campbell Nampa Southside: Barbra Young Lake Oswego: Rebecca Rudawitz Madras: Nita Carnagey New Meadows: Gwen Kimball Laurelwood: Jean Vann Madras: Gary Plant Paul: Kay Zemke Lincoln Street: David Yarber Milton-Freewater: Lura Cooper Pocatello First: Marla Vik Metanoia Peace: Jim Whittenburg Nyssa First: Norvin Shuster Pocatello First: Peter Vik Metzger: Elisabeth Hampton Gray Ontario First: Jeanette Olund Richfield: Kay Billington Montavilla: Dennis Dolan Paisley: Jo Hoppe Rupert First: Peggy Gulbranson Montavilla: Sue Dolan Payette First: Jeanie Hershey Rupert First: Marion Weickum Oak Grove: Jean Fairbairn Pendleton First: Wanda Remington Shoshone: Arlene Ballard Oak Grove: Ron Kriesel Pine Grove-Odell: Jean Stone St. Paul’s: Jill Ecklesdafer Parkrose: Jeni Aubrey The Dalles: Robert McNary Sweet: Karen Bruner Pleasant Home: Dean Sroufe Tygh Valley: Kerrie Conley Twin Falls First: Ron Jones Portland First: Bill Birge Union: Dolores Roper Wendell: Becky Allred Portland First: Cheryl Bittle Vale: Carol Spears Wilder: Betty Hetrick Portland First: Lori Clarke Portland-Pioneer: Florence Ivie Rainier: Ronald Taylor Snake River District Southern District Rockwood: Alita Dougherty American Falls: Bonnie Anderson Albany First: Karl Kuessel Rose City Park: Richard Green Ashton Community: Clen Atchley Albany First: Karla Long Rose City Park: Beverly Walker Blackfoot-Jason Lee Memorial: Ashland First: William Brown Sellwood: Bryan Bolster Thom Garrett Ashland First: Carol Heisel St. Helens First: Nanette Gregor Blackfoot-Jason Lee Memorial: Ashland First: Pat Sorsoli St. Paul’s: Linda Cook Shannon Jensen Camas Valley: Scott Schmidt Tabor Heights: Dorothy Glynn Boise First: Jean Stark Canyonville: Marcie Braudt Tigard: Kalina Katoa Boise-Amity: Mary Lou Hobson Cave Junction: Jo Spencer Tigard: Paula Sadler Boise-Collister: Loa Perin Coburg: Kristine Stoneberg Trinity: Patricia Roach Boise-Whitney: Bert Allen Coos Bay: Mary Wargo Troutdale-Faith: Shirley Harshbarger Boise-Whitney: Rich Keefe Coquille: Constance Siegel University Park: Scott Jensen Buhl: Judy Anderson Corvallis First: Jennifer Chen University Park: David White Burley: Richard (Rick) Belliston Corvallis First: Joan Collison Vermont Hills: Karen Bolin Burley: Sheila Belliston Corvallis First: Joan Cook West Portland: Morris Weaver Caldwell: Vera Kenyon Dillard-Winston: Sheryl Osborne Westside: Lynette Podkranic Caldwell: Judi Russell Drain: Crystal Hunt Wilshire: Gloria Marple Castleford: Jana Rodgers Ebbert Memorial: Mary Birckhead Woodlawn: Trudy Pollard Crossroads: Gail Watson Eugene First: Donna Haines Crossroads: Rod Watson Eugene First: Patricia Hine Eagle: Don Love Eugene First: Karen Morray Eagle: Jane Love Eugene-Trinity: Pat Rankin Emmett: Victoria Page Eugene-Trinity: Sierra Russell Rosters 287

Eugene-Wesley: Doug McKay McMinnville: Patty Munday Eugene-Wesley: Donna McNeil Molalla: Carrol Haushalter Eugene-Wesley: Sheilia Watkins Morningside: Jan Nelson Florence: Eileen Beck Morningside: Lynda Sloan Gold Hill: Rose McCann Mountain Home: Carol McKennett Grants Pass-Newman: Babs Eggleston Nehalem Bay: Joanne Love Grants Pass-Newman: Dee Taylor Newberg First: Lorraine Bjork Halsey: Stacey Schulte Newberg First: Patricia Werth Harrisburg: Mary Reynolds Oregon City First: Marsha McElroy Junction City: Peggy Potterf Oregon City First: Marvin McElroy Lebanon First: Darlene Johnson Salem First: Esther Siville Tidey Lebanon First: Virginia Schitoskey Salem First: Kathryn Smedema Medford First: Bill Anderson Salem First: Theodore Stang Medford First: Joyce Anderson Salem-Trinity: Gerald Rempel Medford First: Dorothy Dolmage Salem-Trinity: Joanne Scott Monroe: Michael Hall Seaside: Gerald Thiers Myrtle Creek: Gerald White Sheridan: Julia Schumann North Bend First: Kelley Rowe Sherwood: Gerry Edy North Bend First: Eva Shimotakahara Silverton: Frank Castle Oakridge: Ken Wright Silverton: Emily Flanagan Philomath-College: Ebenezer Vedamuthu Stayton First: Steve Cromer Reedsport-Covenant: Leo Naapi Stayton First: Bob Rosenbusch Roseburg First: Mary McCoy Tillamook: Cheryl Hantke Roseburg First: Anne Moore Tillamook: Marilyn Parrish St. Paul: Bob Rose Tualatin: Emilie Kroen Sutherlin: Bob Weaver Tualatin: Eleanor McClure Sweet Home: Bob Hartsock Warrenton: Anne Stark Talent: Sharon Snyder West Salem: Margaret Yoss Tenmile Community: Merrie Jo Rodriguez Willamette: Debra Hansen Toledo-Trinity: Janet Lamberson Wilsonville: Wesley Morris Toledo-Trinity: Julian Tuck Woodburn: Joyce Graves Upper Rogue: Joe Riker Woodburn: Penny Higgins Valley: Alan Murphy Yamhill: Sherry Bodeen Wilbur: Ronald Oliveira Wilderville Community: Sandie Shinkle

Western District District Equalization Members Amity: Lila Dauenhauer Astoria First: Mary Frances Gunn Campus Ministry Equalization Banks Community: Dave Bernel ISU: Danette Fredericksen Bay City: Jean Neely OSU: LoErna Simpson Canby: Sheila Brown UofO: Leslie Weilbacher Canby: Becky Guttierez Clarkes: Margaret Smida College/University Student Equalization Dallas: Sharon Smith Metropolitan District: Hye Ri Oh Dundee: William Roberts Oregon Trail District: Lindsay Freeland Englewood: John Dobbs Snake River District: Joshua Bynum Falls City: Barbara Goodman Southern District: Kate Pritchard Forest Grove: Lela Baskins Western District: Patrick Miesen Forest Grove: Ted Oakberg Grand Ronde: Kolette Longworth Ethnic Equalization Hillsboro First: Mira Conklin Metropolitan District: Lois Chilcott Hillsboro First: Christine Webb Metropolitan District: Suliasi Laulaupea’alu Jason Lee: Sunni Farrell Snake River District: Margaret Johnson Jefferson: Mark Manning Snake River District: Llew Murphy Keizer-Clear Lake: Laurel Wells Southern District: Mike Cay Marquam: Linda Fuellas Western District: Agatha Brown McCabe: Ruth Buntele Western District: Eva Johnson McMinnville: Laura Z Hampton 288 Rosters

Young Adult Equalization Members by Virtue of Office Metropolitan District: Krystonia Katoa AC At-Large Member from CLT: Paul Adams Metropolitan District: Chris Natland AC At-Large Member from CLT: Jesse Bynum Oregon Trail District: Cathy Carter AC At-Large Member from CLT: Jo Japs Oregon Trail District: Courtney Nelson Bishops Task Force/Elimination of Hunger Chair: Snake River District: Sarah Bettinger-Anderson Gayle Woods Southern District: Sarah Allen Board of Trustees Chair: Gregory Tollefson Southern District: Melissa Mitchell Commission on the Status and Role of Women Chair: Western District: Alicia Webb Lynda Montgomery Western District: Anna Allen Communications Committee Chair: Brian Kennedy Conference Archivist: Donald Knepp Youth Equalization Conference Archivist: Shirley Knepp Metropolitan District: Josh Hauser Conference Archivist: Linda Tewksbury Metropolitan District: HyeNa Oh Conference Lay Leader: Cesie Scheuermann Snake River District: Zachary Pauls Conference Lay Speaking Coordinator: Susan Jensen Southern District: Zackerie Moffitt Conference Youth Ministry Team Chair: Southern District: Becky Raines Zackerie Moffitt Western District: Vincent Myers Council on Finance and Administration President: Western District: Rachel Nelson Ted Wimer Central District Lay Leader: Lisa Radford Lay Persons Assigned Metro District Lay Leader: Norman Dyer Banks: Dexter Danielson Snake River District Lay Leader: Carole Sullivan Buhl: Penny Hodges Southern District Lay Leader: David Armstrong Castleford: Jana Blick Western District Lay Leader: Mary Foote Cove: Mike Lamb Snake River District Lay Speaker Chair: Elgin: Gerald Hopkins Patti Edwards Elgin: Becci Scott Southern District Lay Speaker Chair: Nadine Wiles Haines: Sally Wiens Western District Lay Speaker Chair: Susan Jensen Jordan Valley: Carole Sullivan General Board Assignments: Dean Hollomon Joseph & Wallowa: Kaye Garver Jurisdictional Committee Assignments: Chris Abend Pine Grove-Odell: Christy Matson Jurisdictional Committee Assignments: Jamie Kienzle Sheridan: Ken Johnson Jurisdictional Committee Assignments: Tenmile: Jane Davis Bonnie McOmber Tillamook: Danielle Hurd Jurisdictional Committee Assignments: Greg Nelson Wilshire: Gloria Marple Nurture Ministry Team: Jill Plant Older Adult Ministry Coordinator: Dee Poujade Diaconal Ministers Rules Committee Chair: David Armstrong Colleen Foster UMM Metro District President: Bill Kaer Jane Hill UMM Oregon Trail District President: Alan Kendrick Ruth Walton UMM Snake River District President: Ron Blakeley Karen Warren UMM Southern District President: Leo Naapi UMM Western District President: Ed Clark UMVIM - UM Volunteers in Mission Chair: Deaconesses/Home Missioners Brenda St. Clair Judi Hill UMW Metro District President: Gloria Marple UMW Oregon Trail District President: Neva Smith UMW Snake River District President: Rochelle Killett UMW Southern District President: Charlotte Park UMW Western District President: Nadine Gilmore UMM Conference President: Bill Cook UMW Conference President: Carol Johnson Rosters 289 ROSTER OF MINISTERIAL MEMBERS ORDAINED FULL MEMBERS--ACTIVE Deacons and Elders

ABELL, LARRY - ‘04 FD; ‘04 Laurelwood. ALLEN, D. SCOTT – ‘86 PM, In School; ‘87 Boise First, Associate; ‘90 Jerome; ‘91 FE; ‘94 Emmett/Sweet; ‘02 Nehalem Bay; ‘11 Hermiston. ANDREW, CLAY– 9/15/05 La Grande/EOU Campus Ministry (Lay Person Assigned); 12/13/05 FL; ’07 PE; ‘10 FE, La Grande; ‘11 Hillsboro. BARNHART, DONALD G. - ‘73 PM, In School; ‘76, Harrisburg/Coburg; ‘78 FE; ‘79, Portland: Centenary- Wilbur; ‘87 Sabbatical; ‘89 Forest Grove Associate; 1/1/92 Aloha; ‘97 Leave of Absence (c.c. Portland: First); ‘99 Oak Grove; ‘08 Tabor Heights. BARTLETT, LAURA RAE JAQUITH - 1992 Consecrated, Diaconal Minister of Music, Bend; ‘93 Diaconal Minister of Music, Pine Grove/Odell; ‘97 FD, Family Leave; 1/99 Director of Music, Junction City; ‘04 Minister of Music, Albany; ’07 Family Leave; ‘09 Personal Leave of Absence; ‘10 Program Director, Alton L. Collins Retreat Center, secondary appointment: Eagle Creek Presbyterian Church (c.c. Oregon City). BARTLETT, TODD J. - ‘88 PM Minnesota, In School: Boston Univ.; ‘90 Oregon-Idaho, Bend Associate, ‘92 FE; ‘93 Odell/Pine Grove; ‘97 Junction City; ‘04 Lebanon; 1/1/2009 Director, Alton L. Collins Retreat Center (c.c. Sweet Home). BEAN, DAVID - ‘94 PM, Gooding; ‘96 FE; ‘99 Wilsonville; 4/1/05 Leave of Absence; ’06 Portland: Cherry Park. BELLUS, BARBARA - ‘77 Kansas; PM, Southwest Texas, In School; ‘77 Intern, Wichita, KS/St. Paul’s; ‘79 Faculty Gbarnga School of Theology, Liberia, West Africa; ‘81 Twin Falls Assoc; ‘83 Membership OR-ID, Leave of Absence; ‘86 Hood River, Asbury; ‘88 Conference Approved Evangelist; ‘89 In School; ‘93 Faculty, Treasure Valley CC and Eastern OSC; ‘95 Jefferson/Lyons; ‘97 Jefferson; ‘99 Salem: Jason Lee; ‘01 Portland: Epworth; 4/1/07 Incapacity Leave (c.c. Portland: Christ). BELL, SYDNEY - ‘74 Calhoun City Parish; ‘78 Candler School of Theology; ‘84 Lake Cormorant Charge/ Southaven UMC associate, Mississippi Annual Conference; ‘85 Independence/Hebron; ‘86 FE Mississippi; ‘88 Clarksdale associate; ‘90 Benoit Union Church; ‘93 Pastoral Counselor, Georgia Baptist Medical Center, UM Children’s Home, Decatur, GA, Human Services Technician, Georgia Mental Health Institute; ‘99 Salem: Englewood; ‘01 Oregon-Idaho; ‘03 Hermiston; 6/1/05 Incapacity Leave; 9/1/05 Hermiston; ‘11 Personal Leave of Absence (c.c. Pendleton). BENSON, DANIEL – ’06 John Day/Prairie City (Lay Person Assigned); 10/25/06 FL; ‘08 PE; ‘09 Banks; ‘10 FE. BEVILLE, LAURA ROCKWELL -- ‘01 Eugene: First Associate; ‘03 PE; ‘04 Jerome; ’06 FE; ‘08 Pleasant Home/Troutdale: Faith; ‘10 Coos Bay. BIGGS, LINDA – ‘01 Aberdeen/American Falls; ‘02 PE; ‘05 FE, Bend Associate; ’07 Emmett/Sweet. BLANKSMA, DARYL - ‘89 PM, In School: Duke University, The Divinity School, Durham, NC; ‘90 Vale, ‘92 FE; ‘93 Pendleton; ‘96 Associate, Boise: First; 11/97 Wilder; ‘98 Seaside; ’06 Roseburg; ‘11 Milwaukie: St. Paul’s. BOEGLI, SUSAN – ’07 PD, Salem: First, Minister of Discipleship; ‘08 PE; ‘09 Junction City; ‘11 FE, Juneau, AK: Aldersgate (GBGM missionary). BORGERSON, DORITA BETTS - ‘01 PM, Medford; ‘04 FD; ‘09 Transitional Leave; ‘10 Personal Leave of Absence (c.c. Ashland); 9/1/10 Ashland. BOWERS, CAROLYN J. BUSS - ‘95 PM, In School; ‘97 Troutdale, Faith; ‘01 FE, ‘01 Middleton/Wilder; ’07 Rainier/Clatskanie. BOYES, KATHLEEN - ‘03 PE, Bend Associate; ‘05 Milwaukie, St. Paul’s; ’06 FE; 8/1/07 Incapacity Leave; ‘08 Milwaukie, St. Paul’s; ‘11 Beaverton. BURKHART, JANET - ‘89 PM Shelley; ‘93 FE, Toledo; ‘97 Boise: Amity; ‘03 Salem: Trinity. 290 Rosters

BYNUM, JACK - ‘93 PM, In School; ‘94 Jerome; ‘96 FE; ‘99 Oakridge; ‘03 Baker; ’07 Nampa: Southside. CARLSON, ROGER - ‘92 Coburg; ‘94 Florence; ‘95 Florence/Reedsport; ‘96 PM; ‘98 FE; ‘99 Florence; ‘01 Stayton; ‘03 Portland: Bennett Chapel; ‘09 Portland: Woodlawn/Pastoral Counselor. CHASE, CHARLES W. - ‘78 PM, In School; ‘79 Middleton; ‘81 FE; ‘84 Joseph/Wallowa; ‘90 Hood River- Asbury; ‘98 Vale; ‘02 Lakeview/Paisley; ’06 Wilderville/Cave Junction. CHILDRESS, DAVID – ’05 Kiezer, Clear Lake; ’07 PE; ‘10 FE. CHO, MYOUNGSUB – ’06 Portland: Capitol Hill/Sellwood; ‘08 PE; ‘10 FE, Personal Leave of Absence (c.c Portland: Korean). CHRISTIANSON, PENNY J. – 12/10/78 Metzger; ‘79 PM, In School; ‘83 Riverside Methodist Hospital; ‘85 Leave of Absence; ‘87 Bay City; ‘89 FE, ‘90 St. Helens; ‘94 Yamhill; ‘00 In School; Counselor, Columbia River Mental Health Services, Vancouver, WA/Samaritan Counseling Center, Tigard, OR; 2/1/07 Gresham/ Life Works NW/Your Growing Edge; ’07 Your Growing Edge Counseling Services, Portland, OR (c.c. Tigard); 12/1/07 Tualatin; ‘11 Sherwood. CLARK, ACHSAH – ’02 Lyons; ’06 PE (American Baptist ordination recognized), Eugene: Asbury/ Harrisburg; ‘08 Cottage Grove; ‘10 Membership (orders previously recognized). CLARK, GLEN T. - ‘89 PM, Aberdeen/American Falls; ‘92 Cottage Grove; ‘94 FE; ‘04 Sutherlin/Wilbur. COLLINS, MARCIE - ‘90 PM Idaho Falls: Trinity Associate; ‘92 FE; ‘95 Sherwood; ‘97 Myrtle Point; ‘02 Chubbuck; ‘05 Aberdeen/American Falls/Chubbuck; ‘09 John Day/Prairie City; ‘10 John Day. CONOLLY, KATHERINE S. - ‘77 PM, In School; ‘79 Idaho Falls: Trinity Associate-Shelley; ‘81 FE, Pleasant Home; ‘84 Pendleton; ‘87 Salem: Morningside; ‘97 Lebanon; ‘04 Western District Superintendent; ‘10 Assistant to the Bishop for Western District. COWAN, MICHAEL - ‘02 Willamette; ‘05 Transferred from New York to Oregon-Idaho; ’06 Willamette/ Hughes Memorial/Woodlawn; 1/1/07 Willamette; ’07 Aloha. COX, JAMES LELAND - ‘72 PM, North Illinois, Winfield Community; ‘74FE; ‘75 In School; ‘77 Green Garden; ‘78 Oregon-Idaho, Boise: First Associate; ‘79 Ashland; ‘81 Alaska Pacific University Assistant Professor; ‘83 Leave of Absence; ‘86 Research Fellow, Univ. of Aberdeen, Scotland; ‘89 Lecturer in the Phenomenology of Religion, University of Zimbabwe; ‘93 Lecturer in African Christianity, University of Edinburgh (c.c. Ashland). CROMWELL, JANET - ‘86 PM Eastern Pennsylvania, In School; ‘87 Rehoboth/Central Associate; ‘88 Leave of Absence; ‘90 Oregon-Idaho, Wesley Foundation, University of Oregon; ‘92 FE; ‘02 Sabbatical Leave; ‘03 Director of Admissions, Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, CA; 11/18/06 Leave of Absence; ‘09 Director of Recruitment & Admission, Pilgrim Place Retirement Community, Claremont, CA (c.c. Eugene: First). CUTTING, APRIL HALL - ‘03 Sweet Home; ‘05 PE, Sweet Home and Program Associate, Camp & Retreat Ministries; 1/1/07 Sweet Home; ‘08 FE. CUTTING, CRAIG HALL - ‘85 PM In School: Intern, Glenville-Gordonville, Minn.; ‘87 Pocatello Associate; ‘89 FE; 7/1/91 Leave of Absence; 10/1/91 Centerville/Shady (New York Conference: 426.1); ‘95 Hermiston; ‘03 Albany; 4/16/07 Chaplain, MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility, Woodburn, OR (c.c. Woodburn). DARLING, PAUL EUGENE – ‘66 Latham: First (Illinois); ‘68 Henning-Jamesburg (IL), ‘69 Fairmount- Jamaica, Osman-Walker (IL), ‘71 Wapella (IL);’73 PM California-Nevada, Berkeley: Trinity Associate and Campus Minister, Sather Gate Campus Ministry, UC Berkeley; ‘75 San Jose: Roselawn; ‘76 Leave of Absence; ‘78 Campus Minister, Oklahoma East Central University, Ada, OK; ‘79 transfer to Oklahoma (PM), Campus Minister, Oklahoma East Central University and Roff-Fitzhugh; ‘80 FE, Coalgate; ‘82 Wickline Midwest City Associate; ‘83 Oklahoma City: Christ; ‘85 Study Leave, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, CA; ‘96 Portland: Wilshire; ‘98 Rainier/Clatskanie; ‘99 Oregon-Idaho (transfer from Oklahoma); ‘01 Portland: Sellwood; ‘03 Portland: Pioneer; 1/16/11 Hood River: Asbury; ‘11 Springfield: Ebbert Memorial. DeLAUNAY, JANINE -- 9/1/08 FL, Metzger-West Portland Cooperative Parish; ‘09 PE, ‘11 FE. DRAKE, GWENDOLYN M. - ‘86 PM In School; ‘87 Myrtle Point; ‘89 FE; ‘91 Salem: Jason Lee; ‘97 Rainier/ Clatskanie; ‘98 Dallas; ’06 Hillsboro; ‘11 Assistant to the Bishop for the Southern District. Rosters 291

EGLI, ROBERTA – ‘05 FL Director of Deep Well Ministry, Corvallis (c.c. Corvallis); ’06 PE, Salem: Englewood/Jason Lee Associate and Director of Deep Well Ministry, Corvallis; ‘08 Salem: Englewood/Durector of Deep Well Ministry, Corvallis; ‘09 FE; ‘10 Eugene: Trinity. ENZ, JONATHAN - ‘94 PM, In School; 1/95 Philomath; ‘97 FE; ‘01 Monroe; ‘08 Heppner. ERBELE, EVELYN – ‘02 PD, Missionary, Central Conference: Russia, Lithuania, & Latvia; ‘05 FD; ’07 FE, GBGM Missionary-in-Residence, NEJ; ‘08 Ketchikan, AK, GBGM (c.c. Hermiston). ERBELE, WALTER TERENCE - ‘80 Trial, Newberg Associate; ‘82 Membership, Kuna; ‘87 Hermiston; ‘89 Missionary: Area Financial Executive, GBGM, Nigeria; ‘96 Missionary: Area Financial Executive, GBGM, Russia; ’06 District Superintendent of Lithuania, and Area Financial Executive in Latvia and Eurasia, GBGM; ’07 GBGM Missionary-in-Residence, NEJ; ‘08 Ketchikan, AK, GBGM (c.c. Hermiston). ESTOCK, Beth Ann – ‘87 PM East Ohio; ‘90 Culloden/Rodgers (North Georgia); ’91 Druid Hills (North Georgia), ‘93 FE, North Georgia, ‘97 Aloha; ‘99 Transfer to Oregon-Idaho;’04 Family Leave; 10/19/05 Hillsboro; ’06 Portland: new faith community--Crossbridges (in collaboration with Zimmerman Community Center); ‘08 Church Development Consultant; ‘09 Director of New Faith Communities (c.c. Portland: Christ). FARRELL, JANET - ‘86 Talent; ‘88 In School; ‘91 PM, Myrtle Point; ‘93 FE; ‘97 Blackfoot; ‘01 La Grande; ‘05 Madras. FELLERS, JAMES R. - ‘66 Belvedere Associate (North Georgia); ‘67 Trial Central Kansas; ‘69 Membership Kansas West; ‘69 Missionary to Alaska-North Star; ‘70 Soldotna-North Star; ‘72 Ketchikan;’76 Oregon- Idaho, Pendleton; ‘82 Newberg; ‘88 Portland: Tabor Heights; ‘92 St. John UMC, Anchorage, GBGM; ‘99 Eastern District Superintendent; ’06 Corvallis First; ‘10 Gresham. FELTON, JODY E. - ‘85 PM Pacific Northwest, In School; ‘87 Paul; ‘88Oregon-Idaho , Paul; ‘89 FE; ‘92 Fruitland/Nyssa; ‘97 Milton-Freewater/Weston; ‘01 The Dalles; ‘05 Kuna; ‘11 Nehalem Bay. FIELDS, WESLEY KIM - ‘91 PM, In School; ‘92 Aberdeen/American Falls; ‘94 FE; ‘98 Idaho Falls: St. Paul’s; ‘05 Nampa: First; ‘10 Assistant to the Bishop for the Snake River District. FLAHERTY, ROBERT L. - ‘81 PM, In School; Jan. ‘82 Union/North Powder; ‘84 FE; Oct. ‘84 Dallas; ‘88 Chaplain, U.S. Army; ‘96 Roseburg; 12/11/01 Active Duty, Chaplain, Ft. Hood, Texas; 11/15/02 Roseburg; ’06 Eastern District Superintendent; ‘10 Newberg. FOTHERGILL, JUNE ANN - ‘84 PM In School; ‘85 Wasco; ‘87 FE; ‘90 Boise: First Associate; ‘94 Boise: Collister; ‘98 Myrtle Creek/Canyonville; ’07 Middleton/Wilder. FREUND, LINDA -- ‘07 PD, Attend School; ‘09 Erie UMC, Erie, CO & Lyons Community UMC, Lyons, CO; 7-6-09 Erie/Lyons Community and Chaplain, McKee Medical Center; ‘10 Lyons Community UMC and Chaplain, McKee Medical Center; ‘11 FD, Erie UMC, Erie, CO. FRISBIE, JAMES D. - ‘72 PM, Wisconsin, In School; ‘75 Oregon-Idaho Elgin-Cove; ‘77 FE; ‘78 Elgin/ Cove/Union/North Powder; ‘80 Milton-Freewater/Weston; ‘86 Chubbuck; ‘94 Twin Falls; ‘03 Canby; ‘08 Oak Grove. FRISBIE, RINYA LINNETTE - ‘73 PM Central Illinois, In School; ‘75 Oregon-Idaho, Elgin/Cove/Union/ North Powder; ‘77 FE; ‘80 Leave of Absence; ‘86 Chubbuck; ‘94 Filer/Twin Falls Associate; ‘99 Sabbatical Leave; ‘00 In School; ‘01 Asset Consultant and Trainer; 1/5/03 Glenns Ferry; ‘03 Asset Consultant; ‘08 Hood River: Asbury.and Trainer; 10/16/03 Cornelius UMC; Asset Consultant & Trainer, Canby, OR.; ‘04 Portland: Christ (¶329.3); ’06 Salem: Englewood/Jason Lee (¶338.3); 1/11/11 Beaverton; ‘11 Albany (interim). FUSS, RICHARD - ‘03 New Meadows; ‘05 PE; ’07 Albany; ‘08 FE; ‘11 Grants Pass: Newman. GATES, WILLIAM - ‘92 PM, In School; ‘95 Lake Oswego Associate; ‘97 FE; ‘00 Organizer, Metropolitan Broad Based Organizing Project, Portland, OR; 2/4/02 Interim Pastor, Roseburg UMC; ‘02 Portland: Parkrose. GO, (JOUNG YOUL) JOHN – ’07 FL, Fruitland/Nyssa; ‘09 PE; ‘11 FE, Fruitland/Ontario First. GREATHOUSE, LOWELL - ‘83 PM Catholic Social Service of San Francisco; ‘86 Filer; ‘88 FE; ‘89 Lake Oswego Associate; ‘92 Beaverton; 9/28/98 Community Resource Manager, Community Action Organization of Washington County; ‘00 In School; ‘01 Vision Council Manager, United Way of Columbia-Willamette; ‘05 Portland: First Associate; ‘10 Assistant to the Bishop for Metro District. GREGOR, MICHAEL - ‘98 PM, In School; ‘99 Gooding; ‘01 FE; ‘04 St. Helens. 292 Rosters

GRIMSTED, JOHN A. - ‘83 PM, Bend Associate; ‘86 FE; ‘87 Portland: Cherry Park; ‘93 Eagle. HAFTORSON, KEN - ‘88 Portland: Capitol Hill; ‘90 PM; ‘92 FE; Army Reserve Chaplain; ‘97 Chaplain, U.S. Army (c.c. Portland: Capital Hill). HAJDU-PAULEN, JEREMY - ‘02 Campus Pastor/Director, University of Oregon; ‘03 PE Pacific Northwest; 3/1/05 Transfer to Oregon-Idaho PE (c.c. Eugene: First); ’06 FE, Dallas. HALL, LESLIE D. - ‘77 PM, In School; ‘79 Associate, Newberg; ‘80 In School; ‘81 Associate, Modesto, First; ‘83 FE, California-Nevada; ‘83 Pittsburg; 9/86 Wesley Foundation, Univ. of Oregon; ‘87 Wesley Foundation/ Coburg; ‘88 Oregon-Idaho, ‘89 Leave of Absence; ‘90 Consultant and Speaker, Issues of Gender and Communication, Eugene, OR; ‘96 Faculty, University of Oregon; ‘04 Faculty, Univ. of Oregon/Pastoral Care Coordinator, Central Presbyterian Church, Eugene; ‘08 McKenzie Valley Presbyterian, Walterville, OR (c.c. Junction City). HARKNESS, ROBERT SCOTT - ‘75 PM, In School; ‘77 Sellwood; ‘79 FE; ‘82 Oak Grove Associate; ‘84 Oak Grove; ‘91 Pocatello; ‘95 Salem: First; ‘03 Director of Connectional Ministries; 2-1-10 Assistant to the Bishop for Transition; 10/4/10 Assistant to the Bishop (c.c. Salem: Morningside); ‘11 Roseburg. HARRIS, SIDNEY S.- ‘89 PM Hagerman/Wendell; ‘91 FE; ‘93 Stayton; ‘96 West Salem; ‘00 Portland: Capitol Hill; 3/1/06 Incapacity Leave. HASTINGS, DANNA DRUM – ‘01 PE, Coburg/Springfield: St. Paul Center; ‘03 Family Leave (c.c. Madras); 10/06 PD; 1/1/07 Ministry of Prevention & Case Management Services, Jefferson County Health, Madras, OR, secondary appointment: Madras; ‘08 FD; 10/5/09 Program Manager, Chronic Disease Prevention, OR Dept of Human Services, secondary appointment: Lake Oswego. HAUER, MARCIA - ‘94 PM Rocky Mountain Conference, Drain/Yoncalla; ‘95 PM Oregon-Idaho; ‘98 Leave of Absence; ‘99 Estacada; ‘00 FE; 3/29/04 Extension Ministry; ‘04 Portland: University Park Associate; ‘09 Portland: Bennett Chapel. HAUGEN, MELISSA HARKNESS – ‘02 PE, Eugene: Asbury/Harrisburg; ‘05 FE; ’06 Grants Pass: Newman; ‘11 Family Leave of Absence (c.c. Medford). HAYS, WILLIAM R. - ‘82 PM Northern Illinois, Intern Jordan Valley, OR; ‘83 Leave of Absence; ‘84 In School; ‘85 Oregon-Idaho Hillsboro Associate; ‘87 FE; ‘88 Portland: Parkrose; ‘95 Meridian; ‘02 Leave of Absence; ‘08 Harrisburg /Ann. Conf. Capital Campaign Manager; ‘10 Payette. HENRY, MATTHEW – ‘00 Pendleton, ‘02 PM; ‘04 Boise: Whitney; ‘05 Membership (orders previously recognized); ‘09 Myrtle Creek/Canyonville; ‘11 Personal Leave of Absence. HILL, GERALD WAYNE - ‘83 PM, In School; ‘84 Salem: First Assoc; ‘86 FE; ‘87 Buhl; ‘94 Monmouth, Christ’s Church Methodist/Presbyterian United; ‘00 Redmond, Cascade Fellowship (River of Life); 9/10/02 Madras-Redmond Greater Parish; ‘03 Sherwood; ‘09 Oregon City. HOADLEY, FREDERICK E. - ‘77 PM, In School; ‘79 Mountain Home/Dundee; ‘81 FE; ‘82 Chaplain US Army; 9/1/06 Clinical Director of Methodist Counseling Center, Boise, ID (c.c. Boise: First); ‘11 Staff Counselor, Methodist Counseling Center, Nampa, ID. HOEFNER, Lisa Jean – ‘75 Trinity, New Britain, CT; ‘77 PM New York Conference; ‘78 Wesley, New Haven CT; 11/79 Program Manager, Wesley Forest, Central Pennsylvania Conference; ‘80 FE, Central Pennsylvania Conference; ‘83 Transfer to Wyoming Conference; Associate Council Director, Wyoming Conference; ’87 Director, Caring Covenant Cooperative Parish, Newark Valley; ‘94 Chenango Bridge; ‘97 A.G.A.P.E. Cooperative Parish/Chenange Bridge; ‘98 Director-Manager, Suttle Lake Camp; 4/99 Director Camp and Retreat Ministries; ‘99 Transfer to Oregon-Idaho Conference (c.c. Metzger). HOLLOMON, MICHAEL – ‘91 (Lay Person Assigned) Pocatello Associate; ‘91 FL; ‘94 Discontinued; 6/16/01 Reinstated FL, Hagerman/Wendell; ‘04 PM; ’07 FE. HUNEFELD, LELAND E. - ‘76 PM, In School; ‘79 Tigard Associate and Metzger; ‘80 Metzger; ‘82 FE, Portland: Rose City Park Associate; ‘86 Gilchrist; ‘88 Leave of Absence; ‘92 West Salem; ‘95 Canby; ‘02 Meridian; ’07 Tigard. JEFFERY, GAY - ‘94 PM, Caldwell Associate/Wilder; ‘96 FE; ‘97 Buhl/Castleford; ‘01 Blackfoot. Rosters 293

KEARSE, PHILLIP – ’79 FL South Carolina Aiken: St. John’s; ’80 PM; ’82 FE John Wesley; ’85 Elloree; ’87 Grace Williamston; ’93 Sabbatical; ’94 Albany (California-Nevada); ‘99 Tillamook; ‘01 Transferred to Oregon- Idaho; ‘04 In School: University of Manchester, United Kingdom (c.c. Tillamook); ‘08 Payette; ‘10 Incapacity Leave. KIDNER-MIESEN, LURA J. - ‘82 PM, In School; ‘83 Idaho Falls: Trinity, Associate; ‘85 FE, Castleford; ‘91 Middleton; ‘98 Baker City; ‘03 Stayton. KIMBROW, QUINTON - ‘80 Red Lick UMC, Texas; ‘81 Forest Grove/Shady Grove, Texas; ‘82 Intern, First UMC, LaPorte, Texas; ‘83 Intern, UMC, Houston; ‘84 Kilgore College Wesley Foundation/ Associate Pastor, St. Lukes, Kilgore, Texas; ‘87 Garrison/Caledonia, Texas; ‘88 Spring Woods, Houston; ‘91 First UMC, East Bernard, Texas; ‘96 Ketchikan, Alaska; ‘99 Jerome; ‘01 (Transfer from Texas Conference); ‘04 Milton-Freewater/Weston. KIMBROW, SANDRA - ‘82 Intern, First UMC, Texas City; ‘84 Carlisle/Henry’s Chapel, Texas; Greggton, Longview, Texas; ‘86 Leave of Absence; ‘86 Blossom Hill/Pine Hill, Texas; ‘87 Tenaha/Tennessee, Texas; ‘88 Spring Woods, Houston, ‘89 CPE Methodist Hospital, Houston; ‘92 Lissie/Wallis, Texas; ‘96 Ketchikan, Alaska; ‘99 Filer; ‘01 Membership (Transfer from Texas Conference); ‘04 Pendleton. KING, DAVID – ’06 PE, Coos Bay; ‘09 FE; ‘10 Attend School. KINMAN, DAVID ROGER - ‘72 PM, In School; ‘74 Middleton; ‘76 FE; ‘79 Philomath-Alsea; ‘85 Banks; ‘94 Dallas; ‘98 Astoria; ‘99 Astoria/Warrenton; ‘00 Astoria; 4/1/05 Incapacity Leave. KNEPPER, JEANNE - ‘82 PM, In School; ‘87 Leave of Absence; ‘94 Shalom Ministries; ‘96 FE; ‘01 Portland: University Park. LANDAU, ERIC DAVID “JEREMY” - ‘76 PM, California-Nevada, In School; ‘77 Oregon-Idaho, Veneta; ‘79 Portland: Bennett Chapel; ‘80 FE; ‘81 Leave of Absence; ‘85 Coordinator Pacific Center for Human Growth and AIDS Interfaith Network, Berkeley, CA (c.c. Albany, CA); ‘91 Leave of Absence; ‘92 Sabbatical; ‘93 Leave of Absence; ‘96 Disability Leave. LANGENWALTER, JON F. - ‘76 PM, In School; ‘79 Fossil; ‘81 FE; ‘82 Missionary to Alaska Chugiak; ‘86 Tillamook; ‘93 Salem: Trinity; 12/9/02 Leave of Absence (c.c. Keizer, Clear Lake); ‘10 Salem: Englewood. LARSON, THOMAS K. - ‘79 Trial, In School; ‘80 Vale; ‘82 FE; ‘84 Blackfoot; ‘90 Nampa: First; ‘96 Idaho Falls: Trinity; ‘05 Bend. LETEY, ARDIS L. ANDERSON – ‘92 Consecrated Diaconal Minister; ‘92 Artist in Residence & Director of Spirituality and the Arts Project, Wesley Foundation, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon; 4/15/99 Artist, Spirituality and Art Ministry, Southern District; ‘99 FD, Coburg: Artist, Spirituality, and Art Ministry; ‘00 Toledo: Artist, Spirituality, Art Ministry and Gallery Director; 4/30/07 Chaplain, Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital, Newport, OR (secondary appointment—Toledo: Trinity); 8/28/07 Toledo: Trinity, Artist, Spirituality & Art Ministry. LINDSAY, GREGORY M. - ‘77 PM, In School; ‘80 Cave Junction/Wilderville; ‘82 FE; ‘83 Twin Falls Associate; ‘88 Baker; ‘93 Northern Light United Church, Juneau, AK; ‘03 Twin Falls; ‘08 Leave of Absence (c.c. Wendell); ‘09 Ashton. LITTLE, KAREN L. - ‘85 PM, In School; ‘86 Amity/McCabe; ‘88 FE; ‘90 Dillard-Winston/Camas Valley/ Tenmile; 1/1/93 Dillard-Winston/Camas Valley; ‘93 Dillard-Winston/Camas Valley/Tenmile; ‘94 Sweet Home; ‘03 Sabbatical Leave; ‘04 Chaplain, Klamath Hospice, Klamath Falls (c.c. Klamath Falls). LOFSVOLD, MARGARET - ‘95 PM, Eugene First, Associate; ‘98 FE; ‘01 Nampa: Southside Blvd; 11/18/06 Leave of Absence; 4/3/07 Chaplain, Guardian Hospice & Home Health, Nampa, ID; ’07 Lake Oswego, Associate; ‘09 Montavilla. LOWERY, JEFF - ‘06 PD Pacific Northwest; 8/15/06 Boise: Hillview staff; ‘07 FD Pacific Northwest; 2/26/08 Boise: Hillview/Director, BSU Wesley Foundation; ‘09 Oregon-Idaho, Eugene: Wesley, Director of Youth and Family Ministries; ‘11 Program Director, Living And Serving Together (LAST), secondary appointment: Veneta: Valley. LUCKMAN, PEGGY - ‘99 Clarkes, ‘02 PM, ‘04 FE (Received from Presbyterian Church USA), ‘04 Tillamook; ‘10 Portland: First, Minister of Discipleship. 294 Rosters

MARS, JOHN - ‘92 PM, Mississippi; ‘93 Rainier/Clatskanie; ‘96 Membership, Oregon-Idaho; ‘97 Caldwell; ’07 Meridian. MARSH, RUTH - ‘99 PM, Amity/Sheridan; ‘03 Halsey/Shedd; ‘05 Leave of Absence; ’06 Florence; ’07 FE. MARTIN, ERIN – North Carolina, FE; ’06 Eugene: Wesley, Christian Education Director; ‘08 Oregon-Idaho; ‘09 Eugene: Wesley. McHILL, COURTNEY – ’06 PE, Corvallis First Associate; ‘09 FE; ‘10 McMinnville. MEESE, PAMELA - ‘94 PM, North Bend; ‘96 FE; ‘08 Rupert; ‘11 Paul/Rupert. MEYERS, PATRICIA ANN - ‘80 Certified Director of Music, Northern Illinois Conference, Grace UMC, Elgin, IL; ‘80 Consecrated Diaconal Minister, Northern Illinois; ’79 In School, Certified Director of Christian Education, ‘82 Oregon-Idaho; ’81 Eugene: First Director of Christian Education and Children’s Choir; ‘84 Lake Oswego; ‘89 Faculty, Marylhurst College, Religion & Ethics Dept.; ‘91 Diaconal Minister of Music, University Park/Faculty, Marylhurst College; ‘94 Faculty, Marylhurst College; ‘95 Aloha, Minister of Music & Children’s Ministries; ‘99 FD, Aloha: Minister of Music & Children’s Ministries/Faculty, Religious Studies & Philosophy Dept., Marylhurst University; ‘01 Associate Professor of Christian Education, Pfeiffer University, Misenheimer/Charlotte, NC; ‘02 Chair, Department of Christian Vocations, Pfeiffer University, secondary appointment: Salisbury First UMC, NC, (cc: Aloha; affiliate cc: Salisbury First UMC). MITCHELL, STEVEN - ‘86 PM, In School; ‘87 Lakeview/Paisley; ‘89 FE; ‘91 Astoria; ‘98 Silverton; ‘03 Salem: Englewood; ’06 Sabbatical (c.c. Salem: Morningside); ’07 Klamath Falls. MYERS, THOMAS E. - ‘84 PM Lakeview/Paisley; ‘86 FE; ‘87 Toledo; ‘93 North Star UMC, Nikiski, AK; ‘98 Klamath Falls; ’07 Ashland; ‘10 Portland: Rockwood. NELSON, KAREN – ‘01 Salem: Jason Lee, ‘02 PE; ‘05 FE; ’06 Coquille Pioneer; ’07 Halsey/Shedd; ‘09 Halsey; ‘10 Troutdale: Faith. NELSON-MUNSON, BRIAN K.- ‘74 PM, In School; ‘75 Twin Falls Associate; ‘76 New Meadows; ‘77 FE, In School; ‘80 Veneta; ‘84 Wesley Foundation-Eugene; ‘86 In School; ‘90 Leave of Absence; ‘91 Albany Associate; ‘94 Salem: Morningside Associate; ‘96 Coburg/Harrisburg; ‘98 Coburg/Harrisburg/Eugene: Asbury; ‘99 Eugene: Wesley; 10/29/08 Incapacity Leave (c.c. Eugene: Trinity). NELSON-MUNSON, PAMELA G. - ‘81 PM, Veneta; ‘83 FE; ‘91 Albany; ‘98 In School; ‘00 Eugene: Trinity; ‘10 Ashland. NIXON, BARBARA - ‘99 PM, In School; ‘00 Albany Associate; ‘02 FE; ‘04 Junction City; ‘09 Boise: Hillview. OBA, GARY A. - ‘79 PM, California-Nevada - Alameda-Buena Vista; ‘81 San Francisco: Pine Associate; ‘83 FE; ‘84 Oakland-Lake Park; ‘90 Oregon-Idaho, Portland: Epworth; ‘94 Eugene: Asbury; ‘97 Southern District Superintendent; ‘03 Associate Director, Church Relations & Planned Giving, Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, CA.; ‘04 Executive Assistant to the President, Claremont School of Theology; ’06 Associate Director of Planned Giving, Claremont School of Theology; ‘10 West Los Angeles (Cal-Pac). OH, KWANG SEOG – ‘04 Portland: Korean; ’07 transferred from Korean Methodist Church (FE). OVERTON-HARRIS, AMY J. - ‘84 PM, Wyoming; ‘85 Carus; ‘87 Membership, Oregon-Idaho; ‘89 Keizer: Clear Lake; ‘94 La Grande; ‘99 Portland: Christ; ‘03 Tongan Fellowship; ‘04 Portland: Trinity; ‘11 Tualatin. OVERTON-HARRIS, TIMOTHY LEWIS - ‘82 PM, In School; ‘83 Back Bay Aging Concerns Committee, Boston; ‘85 Oregon City Associate; ‘87 FE, Estacada/Marquam; ‘89 Salem: Morningside Associate; ‘94 La Grande; ‘99 Portland: Christ; ‘04 Portland: Vermont Hills. PARK, EUN SOO – ’94 MOD, Portland: Grace Korean; ‘98 Oregon-Idaho; ‘02 Executive Director, Oregon Korean Community Center, Beaverton. PAYTON, LISA - ‘98 PM, Boise: First Associate; ‘00 FE, ‘03 Boise: Amity. PHILIPSON, BONNIE PARR - ‘75 PM South Georgia, In School; ‘78 Oregon-Idaho South Douglas Parish (Canyonville/Days Creek/Myrtle Creek); ‘80 FE; ‘84 Idaho Falls: St. Paul’s; ‘92 Leave of Absence; ‘93 Bend; ‘01 Tigard; 1/1/05 Metro District Superintendent; ‘10 Corvallis. Rosters 295

PHILIPSON, JAMES PARR - ‘77 PM, In School; ‘78 South Douglas Parish (Myrtle Creek/Canyonville/ Days Creek); ‘80 FE; ‘84 Idaho Falls: St. Paul’s; ‘92 Sabbatical; ‘93 Bend; ‘01 Tigard; ’07 Gresham; 5/22/10 Incapacity Leave; 8/15/10 Corvallis. PITNEY, DANIEL STEWART - ‘79 Trial, In School; ‘80 Aberdeen/American Falls; ‘82 FE; ‘85 Portland: Fremont; ‘95 Portland: Westside; ‘09 Salem: First. PITNEY, DEBORAH G. - ‘75 Trial, In School; ‘76 Nampa: Southside Blvd.; ‘78 FE; ‘81 Missionary to Alaska: Nome; ‘86 Corvallis Associate; ‘91 Eastern District Superintendent; ‘99 Eugene: First. PITNEY, JOHN EDWARD - ‘74 Trial, In School; ‘76 Nampa: Southside/Kuna; ‘78 FE; ‘81 Missionary to Alaska: Nome; ‘86 Sabbatical; ‘87 Farm Project on Church and Land, Junction City, OR; ‘89 Oregon Ecumenical Center for Environmental Action; ‘91 Adjunct Volunteer Staff Western Small Church/Rural Life Center, Filer, ID; ‘99 Eugene: First Associate. POWELL, GARY D. - ‘77 PM, In School; ‘80 Willamette/Wilsonville; ‘82 FE; ‘84 Wilsonville; ‘85 Silverton; ‘92 Eugene: First; ‘99 Family Leave; ‘03 Coburg. POWELL, MICHAEL DALE – ’70 PM, In School;‘73 Leave of Absence; ‘77 New Meadows; ‘78 FE; ‘83 Stayton/Lyons; ‘85 Stayton; ‘89 Hermiston; ‘94 Ashland; ’07 Salem: Morningside. PRITCHARD, DONNA - ‘82 Trial, In School; ‘83 Cave Junction: Immanuel/Wilderville: T.L.Jones Memorial; ‘85 FE; ‘87 Newberg Associate; ‘89 Mountain Home; ‘92 Silverton; ‘98 Albany; ‘03 Southern District Superintendent; ‘10 Assistant to the Bishop for Southern District; ‘11 Portland: First. RABENSTEIN, LYNN - ‘92 PM, In School; ‘93 Associate, Salem: First; ‘97 FD, Leave of Absence; 1/99 First UMC, Mt. Vernon, WA; 8/1/07 Leave of Absence; 8/1/09 Chaplain, Skagit Hospice, secondary appointment: Mt. Vernon First UMC (c.c. Salem: First); RAINES, DAVID – ’88 PM Iowa, Orient; ’90 FE Iowa; ’95 Vinton: Wesley; ‘00 Woodburn, Associate; ‘04 Springfield: Ebbert Memorial/St. Paul Center; ‘05 Transferred to Oregon-Idaho; ‘11 Springfield: St. Paul Center. RAINES, KATHERINE LEONARD - ‘88 PM, Creston: First Associate (Iowa, par. 425.1); ‘89 Hebron, Macksburg, Wesley Chapel; ‘91 FE, Iowa, Leave of Absence; ‘92 Family Leave; ‘95 Vinton: Wesley Co-pastor; ‘00 Woodburn (OR-ID); 1/1/04 Jefferson; ‘05 Transferred from to Oregon-Idaho; ‘10 Halsey/Harrisburg. ROSS, GARY LEE - ‘85 PM, In School; ‘86 Portland: Garden Home; ‘88 FE; ‘92 Madras; ‘99 Oregon City; ‘09 Crossroads. ROSS, STEPHAN W. - ‘82 PM, Silverton Associate-Marquam; ‘85 Philomath/Alsea; ‘86 FE; ‘88 Philomath; ‘92 Burley; ‘98 McMinnville; ‘10 Assistant to the Bishop for Central District. RUNYON, MICHAEL - ‘71 Bone Gap Simpson (Southern Illinois); ‘75 Xenia; ‘78 PM Southern Illinois, In School; ’80 transferred to Oregon-Idaho (PM), Nampa: First Associate; ‘82 Cornelius; ‘83 FE; 1/1/92 Chaplain, Venice Hospital, Venice, FL; ‘05 Leave of Absence; 5/4/07 Director of Pastoral Care, Peace River Regional Medical Center, Port Charlotte, FL; ‘08 Chaplain, Tidwell Hospice, Port Charlotte, FL (c.c. Cornelius). SARGENT, RAND DEE - ‘77 PM, In School; ‘78 Springfield: Ebbert Memorial Associate; ‘80 FE; ‘81 Portland: University Park; ‘84 Fruitland/Nyssa; ‘89 Boise: Amity; ‘94 Portland: West Portland; ‘03 Carus/ Marquam. SEAGREN, WILLIAM - ‘82 PM, Williamson River/Ft. Klamath; ‘85 FE; ‘87 Fort Klamath/Chiloquin; ‘88 Dallas; ‘94 Sabbatical leave; ‘95 Carus/Marquam; ‘01 Philomath. SECKEL, CAROL ANN - ‘75 PM, West Ohio, In School, Middleburg; ‘78 Oregon-Idaho Chiloquin/Ft. Klamath/Williamson River/Beatty; ‘80 FE; ‘82 Alaska Missionary: Sitka; ‘86 Western District Superintendent; ‘88 Alaska Missionary Conference Superintendent; ‘94 Alaska Missionary: First UMC, Anchorage; ‘96 Co- Spiritual Life Director, Alaska Children’s Services, Anchorage; ‘00 Missionary in Residence, NY; 8/00 GBGM Missionary, Latvia; ‘05 Mission Interpreter in Residence, NEJ; ’07 English Language Ministries, Frankfurt, Germany, GBGM; ‘10 Language & Migrant Ministries, Germany Central Conference, GBGM (c.c. Klamath Falls). 296 Rosters

SECKEL, RICHARD KEVIN - ‘77 PM; West Ohio, In School; ‘78 Oregon-Idaho Chiloquin/Ft. Klamath/ Williamson River/Beatty; ‘80 FE; ‘82 Alaska Missionary: Sitka; ‘84 Therapist, Alcoholism Therapy Services Mt. Edgecumbe PHS Hospital, Sitka; ‘86 Leave of Absence; ‘87 Salem: Trinity Associate; ‘88 Alaska Missionary: East Anchorage UMC; ‘89 Spiritual Life Director, Alaska Children’s Services, Anchorage. ‘96 Co-Spiritual Life Director, Alaska Children’s Services, Anchorage AK; ‘00 Missionary in Residence, NY; 8/00 GBGM Missionary, Latvia; ‘05 Mission Interpreter in Residence, NEJ; ’07 English Language Ministries, Frankfurt, Germany, GBGM; Pastor, New Hope UM Fellowship; Migrant Ministries, Germany Central Conference, GBGM (c.c. Salem: Trinity). SENE, BRENDA - ‘91 PM, Medford Associate; ‘92 Sherwood, ‘94 FE; 5/95 Leave of Absence; ‘98 Portland: First, Associate; ‘05 Idaho Falls: Trinity. SHARMA, ELKE – 9/04 FL, Gooding; 8/1/05 Gooding/Shoshone/Richfield; ’06PE , Deaf Faith Community, Jacksonville, Illinois ‘09 FE. SHIMER, BRIAN – ’87 PM South Indiana, Perseverance; ’88 PM California-Pacific, San Jacinto; ’93 FE California-Pacific; ‘94 Banks, ‘99 transfer to Oregon-Idaho; ‘09 Portland: Westside. SLUSS, JOYCE – ‘96 Consecrated Diaconal Minister (Wisconsin), Green Bay: Bethany; ‘99 FD Wisconsin; 8/15/00 Green Bay: Peace; 10/20/05 Hillsboro; ‘06 Transitional Leave; ’07 Woodburn, Minister of Small Groups; ‘09 Oregon-Idaho. SPRECHER, STEVEN J. - ‘71 PM, New York, In School; ‘73 FE, Rocky Mountain; ‘72 Associate, Colorado Springs; ‘75 Denver, Montbello United Parish; ‘80 Chaplain, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA; ‘84 Oregon-Idaho OSU Wesley Foundation; ‘93 Metropolitan District Superintendent; ‘00 Assistant to the Bishop/ Director of Connectional Ministries; ‘03 Lake Oswego. STEELE, JERRY D. - ‘77 PM Oregon-Idaho, In School; ‘81 Transferred to Pacific & Southwest, Associate, Santa Barbara; ‘84 FE, Pacific & Southwest, ‘85 Chatsworth; ‘89 National City; 8/92 Disability Leave; 1/93 National City; ‘93 Transferred from California-Pacific to OR-ID, Kimberly/Murtaugh; 4/94 Disability; 8/94 Kimberly/Murtaugh; 2/98 Kimberly: Crossroads; ‘05 Rupert; ‘08 North Bend. STOVER, TIMOTHY G. - ‘76 PM, In School; ‘80 Salem: First Associate; ‘82 FE; ‘84 Leave of Absence; ‘85 Director-Manager Suttle Lake Camp; 10/15/97 Interim Campus Minister, Oregon State University; ‘98 Director of Wesley Foundation/Co-Director United Campus Ministry, Oregon State University (c.c. Corvallis). STROBEL, BRETT C. - ‘92 PM, Lake Oswego, Associate; ‘94 FE; ‘95 Portland: Parkrose; ‘98 Grants Pass: Newman; ’06 Portland: Christ. STROBEL, CRAIG STEWART - ‘83 PM, In School; ‘84 Intern Portland: Parkrose; ‘85 In School; ‘86 Sheridan/Willamina; ‘89 FE, Sheridan; ‘91 Jefferson; ‘92 In School; ‘98 Fossil/Heppner; ‘99 Heppner; ‘02 Joseph; ‘09 Pocatello. TATE, THOMAS H. - ‘72 Trial, In School; ‘75 Wilder; ‘77 FE, Wilder/Jordan Valley; ‘78 Ontario: First; ‘80 Lake Oswego Associate; ‘84 Troutdale: Faith; ‘89 Newberg; ‘95 Pocatello; ‘03 Portland: Rose City Park. THOMPSON, CAROL G. - ‘83 PM, In School; ‘85 Monroe; ‘88 FE; 1/94 Executive Director, Small Church Rural Life Center; ‘98 Lyons/Western Small Church-Rural Life Center; ‘99 Lyons/Western Small Church–Rural Life Center/Northwest House of Theological Studies; ‘02 New Meadows, ‘03 GBGM: Executive Secretary, Town and Country Ministries, New York, NY; 9/21/08 Filer/Jerome. THOMPSON-AUE, DANIEL ROBERT - ‘79 PM, In School; ‘81 Boise: Hillview Associate; ‘82 Sherwood; ‘84 FE; ‘87 Salem: West Salem; ‘89 Aloha; 1/92 Shoshone/Richfield; ‘96 Portland: Montavilla; ‘00 Molalla; ‘05 Idaho Falls: St. Paul’s. THOMPSON, CHRISTINA – ‘00 PE, Hood River, Asbury; ‘03 FE; ’06 Seaside; ‘09 Boise: Whitney. THOMPSON, DAVID B. - ‘82 PM, Tillamook Associate/Bay City; ‘85 FE, Bay City; ‘87 Idaho Falls: Trinity Associate; ‘90 Blackfoot; ‘97 Boise: Hillview; ‘08 Leave of Absence (c.c. Meridian); ‘09 Collister; 3/10/10 Collister and Director, Wesley Foundation, Boise State University. TOLLEFSON, STEVEN A. - ‘74 PM, In School; ‘76 Heppner; ‘78 FE; ‘79 Boise: Amity; ‘87 Salem: First; ‘95 Boise: First. TRACHSEL, ALLEN C. - ‘90 Tygh Valley/Dufur; ‘92 PM; ‘95 FE, Fossil/Heppner; ‘98 Burley; ‘03 Silverton; ‘08 Caldwell. Rosters 297

TRUBY, TOM – West Michigan, ’06 Clarkes; ’07 Clarkes/Willamette; ‘08 transferred to Oregon-Idaho. TUCK, SHARON CRAM – ’92 PL Central Texas, Trinity; ’93 PM Central Texas; ’95 FE Central Texas, Fort Worth: Asbury; ’00 Watauga; ’03 New World;‘05 Halsey/Shedd; ’07 transferred to Oregon-Idaho, Toledo: Trinity. TUCKER, JOHN – ‘96 New Site; ‘97 Cedar Bluff: First; ‘98 FE North Alabama; ‘01 Woodstock; ‘02 Payette; ‘03 transferred to Oregon-Idaho; ‘08 Medford. TUCKER, LINDA - PE North Alabama, ‘97 Mentore; ‘01 Bethlehem; ‘02 Ontario: First; ‘03 transferred to Oregon-Idaho PE; ‘04 FE; ‘08 Medford, Associate. WALLACE, CHARLES I. - ‘68 PM, Baltimore, In School; ‘74 Finksburg-Mt. Zion; ‘75 FE; ‘75 Campus Minister-Western Maryland College and Adjunct Professor, Wesley Theological Seminary; ‘85 Oregon-Idaho, Chaplain, Willamette University (c.c. Salem: First). WATTMAN-TURNER, MARSHALL - ‘85 PM, In School; ‘86 Clatskanie; ‘88 FE, Wilsonville; ‘99 Tabor Heights; ‘08 Clinical Pastoral Education Residency, Providence Medical Center, Portland, OR; ‘09 Chaplain & Bereavement Coordinator, Hospice Care of the Northwest; Portland, OR (c.c. Willamette); 2/21/11 Hospice Care of the Northwest/Portland: Pioneer. WATTS, JOHN I. - ‘78 PM, In School; ‘81 Medford, Associate; ‘83 FE; ‘85 Burley; ‘92 Portland: Rose City Park; ‘03 Central District Superintendent; ‘10 Nampa First. WEEKLEY, DAVID E. - ‘82 PM, Shoshone/Richfield; ‘84FE , Salem: Jason Lee; ‘91 Corvallis Associate; ‘93 Forest Grove; ’99 Portland: Christ Youth Pastor; ‘00 Portland: Montavilla; ’07 Portland: Epworth; ‘10 Portland: Capitol Hill/Sellwood. WELD-MARTIN, ANNE E. - ‘80 PM, In School; ‘81 Salem: Clear Lake; ‘83 FE; ‘85 Missionary to Alaska, Anchorage: Turnagain; ‘90 Twin Falls; ‘94 Oregon City; ‘99 Leave of Absence; 5/00 Mountain Home. WENIGMANN, BRUCE - ‘94 PM, Keizer, Clear Lake; ‘96 FE; ‘05 Wilsonville. WILLS, BRENDA SUE - ‘75 PM, North Indiana, In School; ‘78 Oregon-Idaho, Boise: First Associate; ‘80 FE, Drain/Yoncalla; ‘84 Portland: Sellwood; ‘86 Portland: Sellwood/Lents; ‘87 Grants Pass: Newman Associate; ‘89 North Bend; ‘94 Portland: Montavilla; ‘96 Leave of Absence; 9/96 Interim Director Camp & Retreat Ministry; 1/97 Interim Director of Adult Religious Education, First Unitarian Church, Portland; 8/15/97 Attend School (CPE, Legacy Emanuel Hospital & Health Center); 10/1/98 Attend School (CPE, Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, Portland); 10/25/99 Chaplain, Spiritual Care Dept., Kalispell Regional Medical Center, Montana; 8/27/07 Chaplain, Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital, Newport, OR (c.c. Portland: Metanoia). WILSON-FEY, DANIEL- ‘88 Drain-Yoncalla; ‘89 PM; ‘91 FE; ‘93 Nampa: Southside; ‘01 GBGM Missionary to Honduras; ‘05 Forest Grove. WINGFIELD, BRENDA – ‘02 FD, Turnagain, Alaska; ‘03 Administrative Assistant, Alaska Missionary Conference, Anchorage, AK (secondary appointment—Turnagain UMC); ‘08 Transitional Leave; ‘09 Personal Leave of Absence; 1/1/10 Bashford UMC, Madison, WI (c.c. Lebanon). WITT, KEVIN T. - ’83 PM Virginia, In School;‘84 Byrd Chapel/Zion; ‘86 FE, Rocky Mountain, Templed Hills UM Camp & Retreat Director; 10/15/91 transfer to Oregon-Idaho, Associate Council Director; 10/96 National Director of UM Camp/Retreat Ministry, General Board of Discipleship (c.c. Portland: Parkrose). WOLFF, STEVEN A. - ‘89 PM In School; ‘90 Kuna; ‘92 FE; ‘95 Newberg; ‘01 Beaverton; ‘11 La Grande. WOODWORTH, WENDY - ‘93 PM, In School; ‘94 Portland: First Associate; ‘96 FE, Pendleton; ‘00 Portland: Trinity; ‘04 Portland: Fremont. YAMAMOTO, DEAN S.H. - ‘85 PM, Northern Illinois; ‘85 Oregon-Idaho, Forest Grove Associate; ‘88 FE; ‘89 West Valley Japanese, Sepulveda, CA; ‘94 Portland: Epworth; 1/01 Family Leave; 3/01 In School; 3/25/02 Leave of Absence; ‘02 Chaplain, Mt. Hood Hospice, Sandy; 8/1/04 Volunteer Coordinator, Mt. Hood Hospice; 10/11/04 Chaplain, Providence Portland Hospice (c.c. Portland: Fremont) YIM, ROBIN - ‘87 PM, In School; ‘88 Ashton; ‘90 FE; ‘92 Milton-Freewater/Weston; ‘97 Portland: Metzger; ‘03 Metzger-West Portland Cooperative Parish Ministry; 9/21/08 In School (CPE, Portland Providence); 9/13/09 The Dalles; ‘10 Portland: Epworth. 298 Rosters ASSOCIATE MEMBERS--ACTIVE

AIRHART, PHILIP J. – ‘94 Wisconsin (licensed as local pastor), Beaver Dam: Trinity, ‘00 Belmont/Whig, ‘04 Oregon-Idaho, Veneta: Valley; ‘07 AM (ordained as deacon under 1992 Discipline); ‘08 Twin Falls. QUANSTROM, Linda -- ‘08 FL, Silverton; ‘10 AM.


ABEND, KATHY -- ‘11 PE, Burley. BROWN, CAROL -- ‘09 PD, Chaplain, Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office; Tillamook, OR (secondary appointment--Nehalem Bay); ‘10 secondary appointment: Tillamook UMC, ministry team. FRANKLIN, ROBIN -- ‘09 PE, Personal Leave of Absence; ‘10 Hughes Memorial. GORDON, JEFFREY -- ‘09 PE, Monroe. GURLEY, PAM – ‘05 Molalla (MOD); ‘10 PE (American Baptist ordination recognized). LANGENWALTER, GARY – 9/10/06 Dundee (Lay Person Assigned); 6/12/07 PL; ‘09 PD; ‘11 PE, Dundee/ Yamhill. LOWERY, EILIDH – ’06 Boise: Hillview, Associate (Lay Person Assigned); 10/25/06 FL; ‘08 PE; ‘08 Veneta: Valley. PEARSON, AMY – ‘01 Milton–Freewater/Weston; ‘04 Boise: Collister, ’06 PE (American Baptist ordination recognized); ‘09 Personal Leave of Absence (c.c. Pendleton). PUCKETT, KAREN -- ‘08 FL, Burley; ‘10 PE; ‘11 Kuna. SHIMER, KAREN -- ‘09 PE, Attend School; 9/1/09 Westside, Worship Pastor; ‘10 Canby. SIMMONS, JAMES – ’07 Monmouth: Christ’s Church/Falls City (MOD); ‘10 PE (Southern Baptist ordination recognized). WAGNER, LOIS – ‘98 PL, Wilshire; ‘04 Wilshire/Native American Fellowship; 3/15/07 FL, Portland: Hughes Memorial/Woodlawn/Wilshire/Native American Fellowship; ‘08 PE; ‘09 Portland: Hughes Memorial.Wilshire/ Native American Fellowship; ‘10 Personal Leave of Absence (c.c. Portland: Bennett Chapel).


DAVIS, CATHERINE -- [Western North Carolina, FE] ‘11 Junction City. HWANG, SIN HEE – [Korea Methodist Church, FE] 10/15/05 Portland: Grace Korean. MULLETTE-BAUER, WILLIAM -- [Yellowstone, FE] ‘08 Director of Stewardship and Finance.


ADAMS, BOB [Episcopal] – ‘99 Fort Klamath. CHRISTENSEN, RICH [Presbyterian Church, USA] - ‘01 Chiloquin. DAMICO, ELIZABETH [Evangelica Lutheran Church of America] -- ‘11 The Dalles. LANG, RICHARD [Presbyterian Church, USA] –’00 Campus Minister, Southern Oregon University. SATTA, ANDY [Nazarene Church] -- 2/6/11 New Meadows. SHIELDS, WILLIAM [Presbyterian Church, USA] – ‘90 Richland. TAYLOR, WILLIAM E. [Presbyterian USA] – ‘08 Canby; ‘10 Pleasant Home. TRUBY, LAURA [Episcopal] -- ‘11 Portland: Trinity. WENDLE, ANDY [Evangelica Lutheran Church of America] -- ‘11 Hood River: Asbury. WINSLEA, ELIZABETH [Presbyterian Church, USA] – ‘99 Campus Ministry, Portland State University; 1/1/05 Portland: Lincoln Street; ‘05 Sunnyside Centenary. WINSLEA, TIM [Presbyterian Church, USA] – ‘99 Portland: Sunnyside Centenary; ‘00 Portland: Sunnyside Centenary/Lincoln Street, ‘02 Lincoln Street; ‘05 Portland: Laurelwood (Pastor of Record)/Sunnyside Centenary.

LOCAL PASTORS A. Full Time Local Pastors BERGACKER, JUANITA - ‘03 Glenns Ferry; ’07 Baker City. GEOFFRION, ERIN -- ‘10 Oakridge. LEFLER, DAVEY – ’06 Shelley; ‘09 Shelley/Aberdeen/American Falls/Chubbuck. LIGHT, WARREN -- ‘06 Director, Wesley Foundation, University of Oregon. MERCER, JENNIFER – ’07 PL, Vale; ‘08 FL, Vale/Ontario First; ‘11 Astoria. RATHS, KELLY -- ‘08 FL, Chaplain, Oregon State Correctional Facility (c.c. Portland: Lincoln Street). RICKMAN, JEFFERY -- ‘11 FL, High Desert Cooperative Ministry (Gooding, Shoshone, Richfield).

STEELE, Elaine – ‘99 Paul (Lay Person Assigned); 9/13/06 PL; ‘08 FL, Coquille: Pioneer.

B. Part Time Local Pastors CONKLIN, ERIC – ‘08 Cornelius/Yamhill (Lay Person Assigned); ‘10 PL; ‘11 Cornelius. FUAPAU, TUI’NAUVAI – 11/1/05 PL, Portland: Tongan Fellowship. GOODMAN, VIOLA – ’06 PL, Lakeview/Paisley; ‘11 Lakeview. HOLLAND, JERRY – ‘98 PL, Tygh Valley/Dufur. HURD, DAVID – ‘01 Bay City; ‘10 Bay City/Tillamook (ministry team); 8/10/10 FL. MOLI, TAUILEATA -- ‘11 PL, Myrtle Creek/Canyonville. REASONER, ROBERT – ‘00 PL, Arlington/Wasco. SALYER, TERESA -- ‘10 PL, Jefferson. SOENS, JERI -- ‘11 PL, Gold Hill. WHISTLER, PEARL – ‘08 PL, Fossil. 300 Rosters DIACONAL MINISTERS AND OTHER LAY MINISTRIES DIACONAL MINISTERS--ACTIVE

HILL, JANE – ‘99 Consecrated, Mediation Services Provider, Sunset Empire Resolution Services (c.c. Astoria); ‘11


DAY, JUDI -- ‘10 Director of Outreach and Nurture, Jefferson, UMC.


OREGON TRAIL FAW, SUE -- ‘11 Vale. GARVER, KAYE – ‘99 Wallowa, ‘02 Elgin/Wallowa; ‘09 Joseph/Wallowa. HOPKINS, GERALD -- ‘09 Elgin. LAMB, MIKE -- ‘06 Cove, ‘10 Union/Cove. MARPLE, GLORIA -- ‘11 Wilshire/Native American Fellowship. MATSON, CHRISTY -- ‘10 Pine Grove-Odell. SCOTT, REBECCA -- ‘09 Elgin. WIENS, SALLY – ‘96 Haines. WILLIAMS, Ervin--’11 Echo.

SNAKE RIVER BLICK, JANNA-- ‘09 Castleford. HODGES, PENNY--’09 Buhl. SULLIVAN, CAROLE -- ‘10 Jordan Valley.

SOUTHERN DAVIS, JANE -- 1-1-10 Tenmile.

WESTERN HURD, DANIELLE -- ‘10 Tillamook (ministry team). JOHNSON, KEN -- ‘11 Amity/Sheridan. Rosters 301 RETIRED FULL MEMBERS Deacons and Elders

ANDERSON, ELAM JONATHAN - ‘64 New Hampshire: N. Charlestown W. Unity; ‘66 Trial, Credentials Rec’d from American Baptist, Salem, Pleasant St. New Hampshire; ‘69 Membership Oregon-Idaho, Filer; ‘72 Emmett/Sweet; ‘75 Philomath-Alsea; ‘79 Harrisburg/Coburg; ‘82 Monroe; ‘85 Halsey/Shedd; 12/90 Retired (c.c. McMinnville). APEL, WILLIAM DALE – ‘70 PM Western Penn. In School; ‘76 Transfer to OR-ID, Chaplain, Linfield College; ‘78 Membership; ‘84 Professor of Religion, Linfield College; ‘09Retired (c.c. McMinnville). BAKER, LINDA - 1999 Consecrated, Diaconal Minister of Education and Nurture, Hillsboro UMC; ‘02 FD; ’05 Transitional Leave; 1/30/07 Sacred Light Ministry; 8/1/09 Retired (c.c. Portland: Christ). BALCOMB, RAYMOND E. - ‘45 Holbrook, Mass.; ‘46 Trial California-Nevada Conference, In School; ‘48 Membership; ‘49 Ashland, Mass.; ‘51 Oregon, Portland: Sellwood; ‘54 Medford; ‘57 Corvallis; ‘63 Portland: First; ‘82 Metro District Superintendent; ‘88 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). BARLEY, NORMAN HENRY - ‘63 Warrenton; ‘65 Trial, In School; ‘65 Transfer to New York Livingston Manor, Parksville, Lew Beach and Beaverkill; ‘67 New York Richmond Hill: First; ‘69 Transferred from New York, Milton-Freewater/Weston; ‘75 Portland: Laurelwood-Errol Heights; ‘82 Cottage Grove; ‘84 Myrtle Creek/Canyonville; ‘90 Arlington/Wasco; ‘94 Milwaukie: St. Paul; ‘96 Stayton; ‘01 Retired, ‘01-’06 Yamhill; ‘06 West Salem. BATEMAN, ANN - ‘65 Southern California-Arizona, Arcadia Church of the Good Shepherd/Methodist Educational Assistant; ‘66 Certified Director of Christian Ed.; ‘67 Inactive (Volunteer Director of Teacher Training & Resources, Ramey AFB Protestant Chapel, Puerto Rico);’70 Riverside-Arlington; ‘72 Consecrated Lay Worker; ‘74 Oregon-Idaho, Director of Christian Ed., Roseburg; ‘77 Consecrated Diaconal Minister, Newberg/Milwaukie-St. Paul’s; ‘78 Newberg; ‘79 In School; ‘81 Leave of Absence; ‘82 Church Ed. Consultant Service, Salem; ‘97 FD, Minister for Servanthood, Corvallis; ’06 Retired (c.c. Albany). BELL, EARNEST ROY - ‘55 Alsea; ‘56 Trial, In School; ‘58 Talent; ‘59 Talent-SOC Wesley Foundation; ‘60 Membership; ‘61 Valley; ‘64 Stayton; ‘67 Portland: University Park; ‘73 Coquille; ‘76 Corvallis Associate; ‘86 Springfield: Ebbert Memorial; ‘91 Canby; ‘95Retired (c.c. Toledo: Trinity). BENEFIEL, ROBERT LEWIS - ‘43 New England-Southwick; ‘45 Lowell-Fellowship; ‘46 Trial; ‘47 Belchertown; ‘47 California-Nevada-Sacramento-Pacific; ‘48Membership , Albany; ‘51 Los Gatos; ‘55 Roseville;’56 Oregon, Portland: Trinity; ‘62 Idaho, Idaho Falls: Trinity; ‘69 Oregon, Klamath Falls-Indian Mission; ‘71 Klamath Falls; ‘75 Beaverton; ‘83 Silverton; ‘85 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). BORDEN, RON D. - ‘76 PM, In School; ‘78, Twin Falls Associate; ‘79, Shoshone/Richfield; ‘81,FE ; ‘82, Fruitland; ‘84 Pleasant Home; ‘86 Chaplain U.S. Navy; 1/2/00 Director/Educational Consultant, Hope Family Services; ‘04 Chaplain, Oregon Dept. of Corrections; 10/15/08 Chaplain, U.S. Navy; 10/22/10 Retired (c.c. Portland: Rose City Park). BROOKS, FRED R. Jr. - ‘59 Trial, Wyoming, In School; ‘61 Onconta First Assoc; ‘62 Membership; ‘63 Oregon, Eugene: Asbury; ‘68 Director of Aid and Admissions, and Asst. Dean of Students Univ. of Chicago; ‘80 Director of Admissions Vassar College, New York; 7/15/85 Asst. Vice President, State Univ. of New York, Binghamton, NY; ‘93 Director of Admissions, Marywood College; ‘99 Retired (c.c. Eugene: Asbury). BROWN, DANA -’83 PM, Estacada; ‘85 Membership; ‘87 Leave of Absence; ‘89 OR Human Rights Coalition; ‘92 Advocate, Multnomah County Community Action Program; ‘97 Co-Director Community Alliance of Tenants; ‘02 Executive Director, Dana L. Brown Consulting Services, Portland; ‘09 Retired (c.c. Portland: Metanoia). BROWN, JON K. - ‘59 Oak Island, San Antonio, South Texas (L.P. supply); ‘61 Mt. Victory, Lima, W.O.C. (student); ‘63 Trinity, Columbus (student assistant); ‘64 St. Luke’s, South Chicago, N. Illinois (student); ‘67 Methodist Union, Columbus, W.O.C.; ‘72 Action Training Network of Ohio, West Ohio; ‘79 honorable location; ‘90 Trilby Church, Toledo; Oregon-Idaho, ‘92 Boise: First Associate; ‘96 Nampa: First; ‘99 Retired (c.c. Boise: Whitney); ‘10 Minister of Congregational Care & Development, Boise: Hillview. BRUDEVOLD, KEITH - ‘98 Boise: Collister; ‘01 Membership (Transfer from South Carolina); ‘02 Heppner; ‘08 Retired (c.c. Salem: Jason Lee). 302 Rosters

BURTNER, ROBERT W. - ‘47 Trial, In School; ‘49 Membership, Eugene: Trinity; ‘61 Salem District Superintendent; ‘66 Portland: Rose City Park; ‘76 Corvallis; ‘86 Southern District Superintendent; ‘92 Retired (c.c. Eugene: Wesley). CAIRNS, RALPH ARTHUR - ‘62 PM In School; ‘64 Membership, Prairie City; ‘65 Shoshone/Richfield; ‘67 Filer; ‘69 Vale; ‘74 Sutherlin/Wilbur; ‘76 In School; ‘77 Leave of Absence; ‘78 Chaplain, Hermiston Good Samaritan Center; ‘97 Retired (c.c. Hermiston). COLBURN, DONALD ELTON - ‘53 Trial, Newark; ‘53 Oregon; ‘54 Metzger; ‘56 Membership; ‘62 St. Helens; ‘70 Silverton; ‘77 Portland: Christ Church; ‘86 Forest Grove; ‘89 Portland: Montavilla; ‘94 Retired (c.c. Portland: Trinity). CORNELL, JACK - ‘89 Cave Junction; ‘93 Leave of Absence; ‘94 Veneta; ‘95 Membership; ‘97 Leave of Absence; ‘98 Gold Hill/Upper Rogue; ‘02 Gold Hill; ‘03 Oakridge; ’07 Retired (c.c. Grants Pass: Newman). CRANDALL, RONALD J. - ‘65 PM, In School; ‘67 Bay City/Garibaldi; ‘69 Membership, Dufur/Tygh Valley; ‘71 Gold Hill/Upper Rogue; ‘75 Toledo; ‘82 Oakridge; ‘88 Medford First Assoc; ’90 Medford First Assoc/ Talent;‘91 Gooding; ‘94 Portland: Tabor Heights; ‘99 Nehalem Bay; ‘02 Retired (c.c. Seaside). CROOCH, KAREN - ‘86 PM Virginia Conference; ‘86 Wesley Theological Seminary; ‘88 University Park, ‘91 PM Oregon-Idaho; ‘91 University Park; ‘92 Membership; ‘95 Grants Pass; ‘98 Western District Superintendent; ‘03 Salem: Morningside; ’07 Retired (c.c. Salem: Morningside). DAVIDSON, GLEN WILLIAM - ‘59 Trial, In School; ‘63 Membership; ‘64 Chaplain at Colgate University; ‘67 Divinity School-University of Chicago; ‘71 University of Iowa; ‘73 Southern Illinois University School of Medicine; ‘78 Professor Southern Illinois University School of Medicine; ‘93 The Doane Professor and V.P. for Academic Affairs, Doane College, Crete, Nebraska; 10/15/97 New Mexico Highlands University; ‘00 Retired (c.c. Meridian). DAVIS, MARGIE (MAI) - ‘97 PM Joseph; ‘99 Membership; ‘01 Buhl/Castleford; ‘05 Retired (cc: Buhl). DAWSON, JR., JOHN JOSEPH - ‘57 Trial, Baltimore, Lodge Forest; ‘59 Membership; ‘61 Glen Mar; ‘69 Oregon-Idaho, Boise: First; ‘71 Sabbatical; ‘72 Mountain States Tumor Institute; ‘78 President: Patient-Family Support Institute; ‘96 Retired (c.c. Boise: Whitney). DEAL, ROBERT L. - ‘41 Trial, Colorado, Denver: Emmanuel; ‘43 Oregon, Membership, Portland: First Assistant Pastor; ‘44 Chaplain, U.S. Navy; ‘58-’59 Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas; ‘68 Dir. Religious Activities; United States International University, California Western Campus; ‘71 Sabbatical; ‘72 Retired (c.c. Walla Walla, WA: Pioneer). DEVORE, HOWARD L. - ‘48 Iowa, Fairfield Circuit; ‘50 Trial, Mt Union; ‘54 Membership, Gravity- Sharpsburg-Conway; ‘58 Menlo-Jefferson Cente; ‘62 Alaska Mission, Nome; ‘66 Alaska Mission, St. John- Hope; ‘72 Alaska Mission, Fairbanks; ‘74 Oregon-Idaho, Hermiston; ‘75 Supernumerary; ‘76 Alaska State Office of Volunteer Services, Coordinator; ‘80 Alaska State Office on Aging, Coordinator; ‘91 Leave of Absence; ‘92 Retired (c.c. Eugene: Asbury). DRAKE, GRACE ELIZABETH - ‘73 Trial, In School; ‘75 Union/North Powder; ‘77 Membership; ‘78 Filer; ‘81 Ashton; ‘86 Retired (c.c. Heppner). ENZ, CLARK S. - ‘41 Trial, In School; ‘44 Membership, New England; ‘44 Oregon, Dallas/Oak Grove Chapel; ‘48 Dallas; ‘50 Cottage Grove; ‘53 Oregon City; ‘63 Roseburg; ‘67 Tigard; ‘75 Gresham; ‘78 Superintendent Central District; ‘84 Retired; ‘88 Consultant on Congregational Development and Redevelopment (c.c. Oak Grove). ETCHISON, GERRY RAY - ‘79 Trial, In School; ‘82 Clatskanie; ‘84 Membership; ‘86 Portland: Southeast Cooperative Parish, Lincoln St; ‘89 Heppner; ‘92 Union/Cove; ‘94 St. Helens; ‘04 Cornelius; 5/1/08 Incapacity Leave; 4/1/10 Retired (c.c. St. Helens). FERNANDEZ, ARTURO M. - ‘60, Trial, Rio Grande; ‘65 Membership ‘75 Dir. Casa Amigos Comm. Center; ‘77 Conf. Coord. of Hispanic Ministries, Fresno; ‘78 California-Nevada; ‘82 District Superintendent, Bay View District; ‘85 District Superintendent, Fresno District; ‘88 Fresno: Grace/Calwa; ‘90 Calwa/Board of Global Ministries Assignment, South America; ‘92 Oregon-Idaho, District Superintendent, Western District; ‘98 Retired; ’03-‘06 West Salem/Woodburn Hispanic Ministries (cc: Salem: First). Rosters 303

FISKE, JAMES A. - ‘67 Trial; ‘68 In School; ‘70 Membership, Southern New England; ‘70 Board of Missions, World Division; ‘83 Oregon-Idaho, United Church of Christ in Japan; ‘87 Milwaukie: St. Paul; ‘94 Woodburn; ‘00 Retired; 1/1/03-6/30/03 Salem: Trinity (c.c. Salem: First). FISKE, JUDITH J. - ‘93 Consecrated Diaconal Minister, Diaconal Minister of Pastoral Counseling, Salem Counseling Center & Wilsonville Counseling Center; ‘94 Woodburn, Parish Visitor; ‘97 FD, Woodburn, Minister of Visitation/Education; ‘00 Retired (c.c. Salem: First). FLANERY, WILLIAM S. - ‘63 On Trial, Ohio, Forest Chapel, Cincinnati; ‘64 Mt. Healthy; ‘65 Membership, Rocky Mountain, Commerce City; ‘68 In School; ‘69 Santa Fe NM Model Cities Program; ‘71 Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments; ‘74 Colorado State Representative; ‘77 Executive Director, Girl Scouts/Wagon Wheel Council; ‘83 Walsenberg/Gardner; ‘86 Rifle; ‘89 Thornton; ‘93 OR-ID, Hagerman/Wendell; ‘96 Retired (c.c. Twin Falls). FOSTER, CHARLES R. - ‘61 PM, In School; ‘63 Central New York, Corning First;’64 Membership, Central New York; ‘66 In School; ‘68 Faculty, Methodist Theological School in Ohio; ‘71 West Ohio; ‘81 Faculty, Scarritt Graduate School; 1/1/87 Oregon-Idaho; ‘88 Professor of Religion and Education; ‘97 Associate Dean of Faculty Development, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, ‘99 Acting Dean, Candler School of Theology, Emory University; ‘01 Retired (c.c. Salem: First). FOSTER, THOMAS WILBER - ‘56 Trial, In School; ‘58 Haines/North Powder; ‘59 Membership; ‘63 Ontario: First; ‘68 Madras; ‘77 Pocatello; ‘85 Salem: Trinity; ‘87 Roseburg; ‘96 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). GALLAGHER, MARIANNE J. - ‘89 Consecrated Diaconal Minister, Emanuel Hospital & Health Center, Portland/Metro District Parish Nurse Program; ‘94 Cancer Care Unit, Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland/Parish Nurse Program; ‘96 Consultant, Northwest Parish Nurse Ministries/Milwaukie St. Paul’s Parish Nurse; ‘97 FD; 1/1/99 Willamette; ‘98 Retired (c.c. Milwaukie St. Paul’s). GILMORE, EDSON G. - ‘67 Trial, In School; ‘68 Corvallis-Ecumenical; ‘69 Membership, Albany Associate; ‘71 Gooding; ‘74 Portland: West Portland; ‘84 Woodburn; ‘94 Tualatin; ‘01 Retired (c.c. Woodburn); ‘08 Salem: Jason Lee. GOOGINS, MARY ANN, ‘01 PM, Salem: First; ‘04 FD; 2/1/05 Minister of Congregational Life, Tigard; 8/1/07 Transitional Leave; ‘08 Greenwood-Laurel Park (Glen Allen, VA); ‘10 Retired (c.c.: Newberg). GROVES, MEREDITH R. - ‘50 Trial, In School; ‘52 Boise: First Associate; Membership; ‘69 Eugene: First Associate; ‘78 Albany; ‘87 Canby; ‘91 Retired (c.c. Salem: First). GROVES, VERNON ARTHUR - ‘54 Southern New England Somerville-Flint Street; ‘55 Trial, In School; ‘57 Membership Oregon, Toledo/Siletz; ‘61 Madras; ‘65 Portland: Parkrose Heights; ‘71 Lake Oswego; ‘76 Roseburg; ‘85 Tigard; ‘91 Springfield: Ebbert Memorial; ‘93 Junction City; ‘97Retired (c.c. Portland: First). HAINES, HENRY LAMM - ‘39 Pacific Northwest, Duvall; ‘42 Trial, In School; ‘44 Membership, Edmonds; ‘51 Idaho, Idaho Falls; ‘60 Salem: First; ‘70 Portland West District Superintendent; ‘73 Metropolitan District Superintendent; ‘76 Lake Oswego; ‘79 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). HALL, FLORA BELLE - ‘76 PM, In School; ‘78 Clatskanie; ‘80 Membership; ‘82 Portland: Wilshire; ‘89 Stayton; ‘90 Retired (c.c. Lake Oswego). HAND, JAMES ALBERT - ‘50 Trial, Alabama-West Florida: Coden-Irvington-Heron Bay; ‘51 In School; ‘52 Mt. Vernon; ‘53 Membership; ‘54 Livingston; ‘57 Citronelle; ‘60 In School; ‘64 Professor at Willamette University; ‘65 Oregon; ‘88 Leave of Absence; ‘90 Retired (c.c. Salem: First). HANNI, PHILIP S. - ‘56 Eastern Pennsylvania, Portland-Delaware Water Gap; ‘57 West Ohio, UCF, Bowling Green State University; ‘59 Trial West Ohio, Gambier Circuit; ‘61 In School; ‘63 South Georgia, Wesley Foundation, Valdosta State College; ‘64 Oregon, UCF Oregon College of Education;’67 Membership, UCCF Central Washington State College; ‘70 In School, ‘71 UCCF Central Washington State College; ‘73 Chaplain, Willamette University; ‘85 Leave of Absence; 9/1/85 Buena Vista; ‘86 Milton-Freewater/Weston; ‘92 Caldwell; ‘93 Lebanon; ‘97 Retired (c.c. Salem: First). HARDER, PHILIP E. - ‘66 Trial, In School; ‘69 Chaplain Willamette University; ‘70 Membership; ‘72 Campus Christian Ministry at Southern Oregon State College; ‘77 Portland State Campus Ministry; ‘98 Retired (c.c. Portland: Metanoia). 304 Rosters

HARE, WILLIAM EDWARD - ‘72 PM Rocky Mountain, In School; ‘73 Oklahoma-Crescent-Marshall; ‘74 Membership; ‘75 Grace Associate; ‘76 Pawnee-Skedee; ‘78 Tulsa-St. Paul; ‘80 Oregon-Idaho-Lakeview/ Paisley; ‘82 Jerome; ‘86 Dillard-Winston/Camas Valley/Tenmile; ‘90 Amity/McCabe; ‘94 Retired;’94-’99 Talent; ‘02-’08 Upper Rogue; 1/4/09 Talent. HARRIS, DALE CHARLES - ‘56 Trial, In School; ‘58 Gilchrist; ‘60 Membership; ‘62 Lake Oswego; ‘70 Bend; ‘80 Superintendent Western District; ‘86 Corvallis; ‘93 Hillsboro; ‘97 Retired (c.c. Hillsboro). HEFTY, ROBERT EUGENE - ‘59 Trial, Iowa, In School; ‘61 Membership, Shueyville-Union; ‘65 Toledo Otterbein; ‘67 Toledo Otterbein and Fairview; ‘68 Kalona, Sharon Center & South Sharon; ‘70 Hedrick & Martinsburg; 10/75 Oregon-Idaho, Joseph/Wallowa; ‘80 Gooding; ‘83 Payette; ‘90 Coos Bay; ‘96 Nehalem Bay; ‘99 Retired; ‘99-’01 Reedsport; (c.c. Florence). HENSON, ANNIS RAE - ‘92 Consecrated. ‘92 (Jan-Aug) Lay Person Assigned: Gilchrist Community; ‘92 Associate Director of NW Habitat for Humanity International; ‘97 FD; ‘99 Affiliate Support Manager of Mountain States Habitat for Humanity International; ‘03 Leave of Absence; ‘08 Retired (c.c. Bend). HEWITT, C. M. KEMPTON - ‘61 PM, Pacific Northwest Conference, ‘64 Membership, Illinois Conference, In School; ‘69 Roscoe; ‘72 Dean of Students, Evangelical Theological Seminary, Naperville; ‘74 Faculty, St. Thomas Seminary, Denver, CO; ‘82 Dean, ‘93 Professor of Biblical Interpretation, Methodist Theological School in Ohio; ‘88 Oregon-Idaho; ‘02 Retired (c.c. Philomath). HILL, WAYNE LINWOOD - ‘53 New England, Malden-Faulkner; ‘55 Trial; ‘57 Membership; Oregon-West Salem; ‘59 Independence/Wesley Foundation OCE; ‘61 Independence/Buena Vista; ‘62 Monmouth-Wesley; ‘65 Bend; ‘70 Corvallis: Associate; ‘76 Portland: Fremont; ‘85 Pocatello; ‘91 Oregon City; ‘94 Retired (c.c. Oregon City). HINTON, RAYMOND E. - ‘60 Oregon-Marquam; ‘63 Trial In School; ‘66 Clatskanie; ‘67 Membership; ‘72 Roseburg Associate/Dillard-Winston; ‘74 Dillard-Winston/Camas Valley; ‘86 Molalla/Clarkes; ‘97 Veneta; ‘00 Retired (c.c. Eugene: Wesley). HOUGHTON, DANIEL -’86 PM, In School; ‘87 Kuna; ‘90 FE; ‘90 Bay City; ‘96 Hagerman/Wendell; ‘01 Carus/Marquam; ‘03 Drain/Yoncalla; 1/1/2011 Retired, Drain: Hope. HOUSH, A. JOSEPH - ‘53 Trial, Northern Illinois, In School; ‘57 Orangeville-Cedarville; ‘60 Membership Poplargrove-Hunter; ‘65 Carol Stream; ‘70 Park Ridge Good Shepherd; ‘74 Oregon-Idaho Boise: First Associate; ‘78 Nampa: First; ‘90 Boise: Whitney; ‘97 Retired (c.c. Boise: First); 12/1/06-6/30/07 Nampa Southside. HULBERT, TED LAVERNE - ‘66 Trial, In School; ‘67 Reedsport; ‘68 Membership; ‘70 Salem: First, Associate; ‘77 Roseburg Associate; ‘85 Eugene: Wesley; ‘88 Director Camp Magruder; ‘03 Retired (c.c. Eugene: First) HULETT, JAMES DAVID - ‘64 Trial, In School; ‘68 Salem: First Associate; ‘69 Membership; ‘70 Portland: Vermont Hills; ‘77 Portland: Trinity; ‘83 Boise: Hillview, ‘92 Lake Oswego; 4/22/03 Retired (c.c. Portland: Metanoia Peace Community). JABS, AURA LEE - ‘84 Vale; ‘85 PM Transfer from United Presbyterian; ‘87 Membership; ‘90 Nampa: Southside Blvd.; ‘93 Sutherlin/Wilbur; ‘02 Retired (c.c. Roseburg); 3/1/08 Dillard-Winston/Camas Valley. JACKMAN, PERRY L. - ‘66 Trial, In School; ‘68 Wasco; ‘69 Membership; ‘71 Arlington/Fossil; ‘73 Fossil; ‘77 Madras; ‘81 Portland: Pioneer; ‘85 Gresham; ‘89 Tualatin; ‘94 Portland: Rockwood, ‘04 Retired (c.c. Portland: Metzger). JAQUITH, GLENN – ‘95 Consecrated Diaconal Minister, Corvallis, Diaconal Minister of Music; ‘98 FD, Corvallis Minister for Music; ‘04 Retired (c.c. Corvallis). JOHNSON, JUDITH - ‘91 PM, In School; ‘92 Ashton; ‘94 FE; ‘00 Kuna; ‘05 Astoria/Warrenton; ‘11 Retired. KERR, CHARLES CLIFFORD - ‘53 Trial, Northern Illinois-Cicero-Hawthorne; ‘54 Oregon-Madras; ‘55 Membership; ‘61 Hood River/Pine Grove; ‘67 McMinnville; ‘73 Portland: Rockwood; ‘82 Salem: Englewood; ‘88 Retired (c.c. Salem: Englewood). Rosters 305

KINGSBURY, ROBERT GEORGE - ‘53 Trial New England; ‘53 Oregon, In School; ‘55 Cave Junction; ‘57 Cave Junction/Wilderville; ‘58 Wesley Foundation, Eugene; ‘66 World Student Christian Federation (Liberia), Methodist Board of Missions; ‘69 Wesley Foundation, Corvallis; ‘84 Astoria; ‘88 Newberg; ‘89 Rainier/ Clatskanie; ‘93 Retired (c.c. Eugene: First). KNOTTS, ALICE GENE - ‘68 PM, In School; ‘70 Cornelius; ‘71 FE; ‘74 Gresham Associate; ‘78 Eugene: Wesley Foundation; ‘82 Sabbatical; ‘83 In School; ‘89 Facilitator, National Corrective Training Institute, Denver, Colorado; ‘93 Shalom Ministries, Portland Urban Ministries; 8/1/96 Leave of Absence; 9/1/96 With Love, Denver, Colorado; 1/1/97 Hardin/Ashland Parish (Hardin, Montana) (337.1); ‘98 Outreach Coordinator, Peace House, Ashland, OR; ‘99 Talent; ‘00 Talent/Rogue Rock; ‘04 In School: CPE, Yuma Regional Medical Center, Yuma, AZ ; ‘08 Wesley Foundation, San Diego State Univ.; ‘09 Attend School; 11/1/10 Retired (c.c. Medford). KNUTSEN, KJELL C. - ‘50 PM, Norway Annual Conference; ‘51 Trinity Conference, Malaysia; ‘88 Oregon-Idaho, Emmett/Sweet; ‘94 Retired (c.c. Boise: Hillview). LAMB, EUGENE VERN - ‘54 Trial, Pacific Northwest, Yakima: First, Assistant; ‘55 Membership, Spokane: Lloyd; ‘60 Oregon-Canby; ‘61 Pacific Northwest-Vancouver; ‘66 Chaplain US Army; ‘85 Leave of Absence; ‘92 Retired (c.c. West Portland). LARSEN, GEORGE ROBERT - ‘59 Trial, California-Nevada, In School; ‘63 Oregon, Shedd; ‘65 Membership, In School; ‘66 Oregon College of Education; ‘68 Professor New York University; ‘71 In School; ‘73 Interfaith Counseling Service, Scottsdale, Arizona; ‘84 Director Pastoral Counseling Center, Las Vegas, Nevada;’86 Director Peer Counseling of Older Adults, Pasadena Guidance Clinic, Pasadena, CA; ‘87 Clinical Director, Inter-Church Samaritan Counseling Center, Whittier, CA; ‘93 Professor of Counseling; ‘96 Senior Professor of Marriage & Family Therapy, Azusa Pacific University; ‘05Retired (c.c. Ashland). LARUE, PAUL VERNON - ‘50 Trial, In School; ‘53 Murtaugh; ‘54 Membership; ‘55 Murtaugh/Hansen; ‘57 Gooding; ‘61 Boise: Collister/Eagle; ‘65 Buhl/Castleford; ‘69 Portland: Sunnyside; ‘72 Pendleton; ‘76 Dallas; ‘82 Sabbatical; ‘83 Leave of Absence; ‘84 Director Habitat for Humanity, Portland/United Campus Christian Fellowship, Western Oregon State College; ‘86 Director Habitat for Humanity, Portland; ‘89 Retired; ‘90-91, Falls City (c.c. Salem: Jason Lee). LAWRENCE, DENIS G. - ‘69 PM, In School; ‘70 Estacada; ‘71 Membership; ‘76 Lake Oswego Co-Pastor; ‘80 Board of Higher Education; ‘89 Director of Continuing Religious Studies, Marylhurst College-Marylhurst, OR; ‘93 Vice President for Academic Affairs; ‘01 Co-Director, Learning Assessment Center; ‘02 Director, Learning Assessment Center, Marylhurst University; 1/5/05 Retired (c.c. Tualatin). LAWRENCE, RALPH ALAN - ‘54 Trial, In School; ‘56 Membership, Shoshone/Richfield; ‘60 Idaho Falls: St. Paul’s; ‘64 Nyssa; ‘68 Portland: Pioneer; ‘74 Payette; ‘81 Eastern District Superintendent; ‘87 Meridian; ‘95 Retired (c.c. Boise: First). LAYNE, LINDA K. - ‘82 PM, Odell/Pine Grove; ‘85 Membership; ‘89 Fruitland/Nyssa; ‘92 Nehalem Bay; ‘96 Milwaukie: St. Paul; 1/15/05 Incapacity Leave; ‘10 Retired (c.c. Pleasant Home). LEDDEN, ROBERT ALLEN - ‘62 Peninsula-Seaford Circuit; ‘63 Trial; ‘64 Perryville-Asbury; ‘66 West New York-Marilla; Membership; ‘67 Pacific Northwest-Stevenson; ‘69 Orofino-Cavendish; ‘70 Voluntary Location; ‘75 Lousiana-Zwole-Converse-Noble; ‘77 Oregon-Idaho, Aberdeen/American Falls; ‘80 Coquille; ‘86 John Day/Prairie City; ‘89 Odell/Pine Grove; ‘93 Cave Junction/Wilderville; ‘99 Retired; ‘99-‘04 Falls City (c.c. McMinnville); ‘08 Grand Ronde. LINEBERRY, WILLIAM EDWARD - ‘60 Alabama-West Florida-Alford; ‘61 Akron-Havana; ‘64 Castleberry; ‘65 Skipperville; ‘66 Satsunia; ‘67 Trial; ‘69 Membership, Oregon-Idaho Emmett/Sweet; ‘72 Blackfoot/ Shelley; ‘77 Portland: Pioneer; ‘78 Lebanon; ‘86 Rupert; ‘94 McMinnville; ‘98 Retired; ‘98 Shoshone/ Richfield; 8/1/05 Crossroads through 6/30/08. LOFTUS, LAURENCE A. - ‘56 Trial, Tualatin; ‘58 Membership; ‘59 Sweet Home; ‘65 Portland: First Associate; ‘69 Portland: Fremont; ‘76 Sabbatical Leave; ‘77 Leave of Absence; ‘82 Portland: Metzger; ‘91 Oak Grove; ‘94 First Presbyterian Church, Lostine; ‘96 Retired (c.c. Wallowa). LUCHS, ARVIN RONALD - ‘68 PM, In School; ‘73 Portland: Parkrose Associate; ‘75 FE; ‘77 Cornelius; ‘80 Boise: First Associate; ‘87 Superintendent Eastern District; ‘91 Conference Council Director; 2/1/93 Associate General Secretary, United Methodist Communications; ‘01 Portland: First; ‘11 Retired. 306 Rosters

LUGINBILL, BETTY N. – ’77 Diaconal Minister; ‘78 PM, Missionary to Alaska- Fairbanks Associate; ‘80 In School; ‘81 Gold Hill/Upper Rogue; ‘83 Membership; ‘85 Sweet Home; ‘89 Boise: Collister; ‘94 Retired (c.c. Boise: Hillview). LYDUM, FRED F. - ‘74 PM, In School; ‘75 Lakeview/Paisley; ‘77 Membership; ‘80 Springfield: St. Paul Center; ‘84 Eugene: Asbury; ‘94 Retired (c.c. Lakeview). MARKUS, RHODA PITTMAN – ‘95 Consecrated Diaconal Minister, Gaston Public Schools, Gaston, OR; ‘99 FD, Montavilla: Education/Worship Team; ‘00 Newberg: Minister for Servanthood; ‘02 Consultant in Christian Nurture, RPM Consulting, Forest Grove (secondary appointment—Christian Education & Outreach, Forest Grove); ‘06 Western District Hispanic Ministries Council (secondary appointment—Christian Education & Outreach, Forest Grove); ‘09 Retired (c.c. Forest Grove). McCARTHY, CHARLES L. - ‘56 Trial, Lyons; ‘58 Membership, Willamina/Grand Ronde; ‘62 Eugene: First Associate; ‘65 Seaside; ‘68 Grants Pass; ‘74 Springfield: Ebbert Memorial; ‘81 Southern District Superintendent; ‘86 McMinnville; ‘94 Retired (c.c. Eugene: First). McCONNELL, BRUCE E. - ‘52 Trial, Rocky Mountain, Erie; ‘53 Oregon, Amity; ‘54 Membership; ‘57 John Day; ‘63 Salem: Morningside; ‘69 Beaverton; ‘75 Southern District Superintendent; ‘81 Sabbatical; ‘82 Executive Director, Western Small Membership/Town and Country Project, Eugene, OR; ‘84 Executive Director, Western Small Church/Rural Life Center, Filer, Idaho; ‘88 La Grande; ‘92 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). McCRAY, GERALD THOMAS - ‘56 North Georgia, Inman-Broods; ‘57 Trial, Florida, In School; ‘58 Membership, Florida, Missionary to Alaska: Nome; ‘62 Bowling Green; ‘64 Oregon, Portland: Woodlawn; ‘67 Salem: Leslie/Chemawa; ‘75 Williamson River/Beatty; ‘78 Sheridan/Willamina; ‘84 Sabbatical; ‘85 Disability Leave; ‘95 Retired (c.c. McMinnville). McDONALD, WILLIAM E. - ‘65 Trial, East Ohio, In School; ‘67 Membership, Lexington-Church of Cross; ‘71 Ontario Co-pastor; ‘73 Berea Associate; ‘76 Detroit, Conference Council Staff; ‘81 Oregon-Idaho, Conference Director of Youth and Outdoor Ministries; ‘85 Conference Council Director; ’91 Portland: Christ; ‘99 Medford; ‘08 Retired (c.c. Ashland). McGAUGHY, LANE C. – ’63 PM New England, In School; ’65 Membership; ’69 Professor, University of Montana; ’81 Professor, Willamette University; ‘84 transfer from New England, George Atkinson Professor of Religious & Ethical Studies, Willamette University; ’07 Retired (c.c. Salem: First). McNEIL, ROBERT DEAN - ‘56 Trial, In School; ‘58 Vale; ‘59 Membership; ‘64 Kimberly/Hansen; ‘67 Baker/Haines; ‘72 Portland: Sunnyside; ‘78 Portland: First Associate; ‘82 Sabbatical; ‘83 Oregon State Council on Alcoholism; ‘85 Director of Alcoholism, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, Portland; ‘87 Executive Director, Oregon Council on Alcohol Problems, Portland; ‘91 Project Director Drug Education Project, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon; ‘95 Retired (c.c. Rockwood). MILLER, GARY M. - ‘63 West Ohio, Hamersville; ‘64 Trial; ‘66 In School; ‘67 Membership, Belpre- Rockland; ‘69 Monroe; ‘75 Supernumerary; ‘77 Miamitown; ‘78 Oregon-Idaho, Wendell/Hagerman; ‘81 Hermiston; ‘87 Albany; ‘91 Leave of Absence; ‘93 Omak Riverside UMC, Omak, WA (¶426.1); ‘94 Retired. MILLER, JAMES VANCE - ‘42 Trial, South Indiana, In School; ‘45 Membership, In School; ‘46 Local Elder; ‘51 Professor, Bates College, Maine; ‘64 Dean Otterbein College; ‘71 President, Pacific University; ‘78 Oregon-Idaho; ‘83 Leave of Absence; ‘85 Retired. MILLER, ROSS JAMES - ‘57 Trial, In School; ‘60 Pocatello; ‘61 Membership; ‘64 Pocatello: Wesley Foundation; ‘65 In School; ‘66 Pocatello: Wesley Foundation; ‘67 In School; ‘70 Director United Christian Fellowship, Bowling Green State University, Ohio; ‘84 Eugene: Trinity; ‘94 Portland: First; ‘01 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). MITCHELL, VERLE LEON - ‘62 Jefferson; ‘65 Trial, In School; ‘68 Monmouth; ‘69 Membership;’73 McMinnville; ‘79 Meridian; ‘87 Bend; ‘93 Springfield: Ebbert Memorial; ‘96Retired (c.c. Bend); ’06-’08 Gilchrist. MONK, LAWRENCE EDWIN - ‘55 N.Y.E. Brooklyn: Fourth Ave. Associate; ‘56 Philadelphia Conestoga Circuit; ‘57 Portland-Delaware Water Gap; ‘58 Northern New Jersey-Hampton-Norton-Glen Gardner; ‘59 Trial Oregon, Salem: West Salem; ‘61 Membership; ‘62 Sheridan; ‘66 Voluntary Location; ‘68 Stayton; ‘69 Supernumerary; ‘72 Portland: Garden Home; ‘77 Portland: Bennett Chapel/Lents; ‘79 Sweet Home; ‘85 Roseburg; ‘87 Oregon City Associate; ‘91 Metzger; ‘97 Retired (c.c. Willamette). Rosters 307

MONROE, JAMES P. - ‘73 PM, In School; ‘75 Nyssa; ‘77 Membership, Nyssa-Huntington; ‘78 Eugene: First Associate; ‘81 Portland: Parkrose; ‘84 La Grande; ‘86 La Grande-North Powder; ‘88 Metro District Superintendent; ‘93 Corvallis; 9/1/97 Assistant to the Bishop; ‘00 Central District Superintendent; ‘03 Western District Superintendent; ‘04 Woodburn; 1/1/09 Retired, Woodburn. MONROE, WESLEY GREGG - ‘59 Jefferson; ‘62 In school; ‘63 Buena Vista; ‘64 Trial, In school; ‘67 West Salem; ‘68 Membership, West Salem/Buena Vista; ‘69 Portland: Cherry Park; ‘73 State of Oregon; ‘77 Chaplain US Army; ‘96 Springfield: Ebbert Memorial; ‘04Retired ; 5/1/07-6/30/07 Albany; 12/1/07-6/30/08 Cottage Grove; 1/1/10-6/30/10 Oakridge (c.c. Eugene: First). MONTGOMERY, BRUCE T. - ‘77 Fossil; ‘79 Echo/Hermiston Associate; ‘82 Trial (American Baptist Orders recognized); ‘84 Echo; ‘85 Membership; ‘86 Pleasant Home; ‘05 Retired (c.c. Rockwood). MORRIS, HERBERT EDGAR - ‘53 Northern New Jersey, Mendham; ‘55 Trial; ‘57 Membership; ‘58 Minnesota, Duluth: First Associate; ‘59 Oregon, Portland: Centenary Wilbur; ‘63 Milwaukie Oak Grove; ‘70 Twin Falls; ‘74 Albany; ‘78 Executive Director-Chaplain Valley Villa Retirement Community, Inc.; ‘80 Canby; ‘87 Retired (c.c. Woodburn). MULLINS, DENNIS LARRIE - ‘54 Trial, In School; ‘56 Membership, Prairie City; ‘63 Caldwell Associate; ‘65 EOSC Wesley Foundation/La Grande/Hendrix/Elgin; ‘66 La Grande/EOSC Wesley Foundation/Elgin; ‘69 La Grande/EOSC Wesley Foundation/Elgin/Cove; ‘71 Sweet Home; ‘76 Astoria; ‘81 Grants Pass; ‘88 Central District Superintendent; ‘94 Eugene: Trinity; ‘97 Retired (c.c. Eugene: First). NELSON, GERALD C. - ‘57 Littleton, Colorado Assistant; ‘58 Trial, Oregon, In School and Littleton, Colorado Assistant; ‘59 Pratum; ‘60 Sherwood; ‘61 Membership, Medford: First Associate; ‘65 Myrtle Point; ‘68 Roseburg Associate/Dillard/Winston; ‘69 Roseburg Associate/Dillard/Tenmile; ‘72 Baker/Haines; ‘82 Hood River; ‘86 Coquille; ‘96 Retired (c.c. Bend). NELSON, SUSAN JANE - ‘79 PM, Pocatello Associate; ‘81 Membership, Wilder/Jordan Valley; ‘84 Wilder; ‘85 Roseburg Co-Pastor; ‘86 Jerome; ‘90 Chiloquin/Ft. Klamath/Williamson River; ‘98 Retired (c.c. Coos Bay). NEWBERG, JR., ROBERT F. - ‘62 Biowa-Lamoni-Davis City; ‘65 Trial, Iowa, Churdan; ‘67 Membership; ‘68 Macedonia; ‘72 Iowa City: St. Marks; ‘75 Belmond; ‘80 Tama-Montour; ‘82 Oregon-Idaho, John Day/ Prairie City; ‘86 Portland: Pioneer; ‘95 Retired. NICOLL, GEORGE DOUGLAS - ‘53 Trial, In School; ‘56 Membership, In School; ‘58 Professor Beloit College, Wisconsin; ‘85 Retired (c.c. McMinnville). NILSEN, ORVILLE N. - ‘77 PM, In School; ‘79 Portland: Garden Home; ‘81 Membership; ‘86 Seaside; ‘92 Mountain Home; ‘96 Retired (c.c. Beaverton: First). NORMAN, WILLARD D. - ‘54 Tualatin; ‘55 Trial; ‘56 In School; ‘59 Drain; ‘60 Membership; ‘61 Portland: Garden Home; ‘66 Silverton; ‘70 St. Helens; ‘73 Supernumerary; ‘74 Albany Associate; ‘77 Amity/McCabe; ‘86 Retired (c.c. Springfield: Ebbert Memorial). OWEN, SUE - ‘84 PM, In School; ‘85 Medford First Associate ‘87 Membership; Astoria; ‘91 Ashland; ‘94 Central District Superintendent; ‘00 Metropolitan District Superintendent; ‘01 Bend, Associate; ‘03 Salem: First; ‘09 Retired, Lebanon. OWRE, BENJAMIN LLOYD - ‘60 Trial, Northern Illinois, La Moille; ‘62 Oregon, Portland: Lincoln Street; ‘63 Membership; ‘64 Gardiner; ‘67 Portland: Woodlawn; ‘72 Portland: Woodlawn/Hughes Memorial; ‘73 Sheridan/Willamina; ‘78 Sherwood; ‘83 Disability Leave; ‘85 West Salem; 2/1/87 Leave of Absence; ‘87 Retired (c.c. Salem: Englewood). PETERS, ROBERT NORTON - ‘54 Trial, In School; ‘55 Sutherlin/Wilbur; ‘56 Membership; ‘57 Corvallis Associate; ‘62 In School; ‘66 Eugene-Wesley Foundation; ‘76 Assistant Professor, University of Oregon; ‘81 Leave of Absence; ‘82 Retired (c.c. Eugene: First). PIERCY, DONALD - ‘94 PM, In School; ‘95 Tygh Valley/Dufur; ‘97 Membership; ‘98 Drain/Yoncalla; ‘03 Retired; ‘04 Stockton, CA: Grace; (c.c. Drain). PIKE, PAUL HOFFMAN - ‘52 Trial, ‘53 Mountain Home; ‘56 Membership; ‘57 Pacific Northwest, Walla Walla; ‘59 Chaplain US Air Force; ‘78 Retired (c.c. Portland: Tabor Heights). 308 Rosters

PLUMMER, KENNETH R. - ‘64 Willamina/Grande Ronde; ‘65 Trial; ‘66 In School; ‘68 Membership; Chaplain US Air Force; ‘69 In School; ‘70 San Bernardino County Probation Department; ‘99 Retired (c.c. Stayton). POINDEXTER, DAVID O. - ‘54 Trial, In School; ‘56 Membership; In School; ‘57 Portland: Parkrose Heights; ‘65 National Council of Churches; ‘70 Board of Church and Society; ‘77 President, Population Communications International; ‘98 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). POWERS, EDWARD JOHN - ‘61 Trial, Nebraska, Omaha: Ames Ave-Asbury; ‘64 Membership, Portland: Cherry Park; ‘69 The Dalles; ‘75 Coos Bay; ‘81 Monmouth; ‘87 Retired (c.c. Salem: First). RANNELLS, JOANNE TILTON - ‘89 PM, In School; ‘90 California-Nevada, Milpitas; ‘93, Membership, California-Nevada; ‘93 Oregon-Idaho, Willamette; 1/1/99 Staff Chaplain, Legacy Emanuel Hospital; 8/1/01 Forest Grove; ‘05 Retired (c.c. Bend). RANNELLS, THOMAS A. - ‘65 PM, Ohio West Conference, In School; ‘67 Membership, Wisconsin, Associate, Wauwatosa; ‘71 In School; ‘72 Appleton: First Associate; ‘76 CCOM Program Associate; ‘84 Divine Savior, Madison; ‘90 California-Nevada, Los Altos Associate; 3/1/93 Oregon-Idaho, Conference Council Director; ‘97 Molalla; ‘00 Retired (c.c. Bend). RAY, RONALD - ‘64 Trial, In School; ‘68 Willamette; ‘69 Membership; ‘70 In School; ‘73 Portland: University Park; ‘78 Missionary to Nigeria; ‘93 Sabbatical Leave; ‘94 Professor, St. Paul’s United Theological College, Limuru, Kenya, Board of Global Ministries; ’06 Retired (c.c. Forest Grove). RICE, A. DELBERT - ‘50 Trial; ‘53 Sodaville/Salem: First Assistant; ‘54 Florence; ‘55 Membership, Kinton; ‘56 Missionary to Philippines: Imugan, Santa Fe, Nueva Vizaya; ‘96 Retired (c.c. Portland: West Portland). RICHARDSON, AUSTIN H. - ‘51 Trial, Minnesota, St. Charles Stockton; ‘52 East Ohio, In School; ‘53 Pacific Northwest, In School; ‘55 Membership East Ohio, Hathaway; ‘58 Pacific Northwest, Yakima Wesley Memorial; ‘62 Oregon, Coos Bay; ‘65 Portland: Centenary-Wilbur; ‘79 Eugene: Asbury; ‘81 Salem: Jason Lee; ‘86 Portland: Laurelwood; ‘88 Retired (c.c. Portland: Epworth). RIDDLE, EARL WALDO - ‘43 Trial, Missouri East, In School; ‘44 Oregon, In School; ‘45 Missouri East, Chaplain US Navy; ‘46 Oregon, In School; ‘47 Membership; ‘50 Wesley Foundation Corvallis; ‘54 Forest Grove; ‘60 Idaho, Twin Falls; ‘65 Caldwell; ‘68 Oregon Conference Program Director; ‘71 Oregon-Idaho Conference Council Director; ‘73 Conference Council on Ministries Director; ‘85 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). RIEKE, ALLYN CLAIR - ‘75 PM, Virginia, In School; ‘77 Oregon-Idaho, St. Helens; ‘79 Membership; ‘83 Portland: Trinity; ‘87 Portland: Montavilla; ‘89 The Dalles; ‘95 Portland: Pioneer; ‘01 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). SCHULTZ, BARBARA – ‘99 Consecrated Diaconal Minister, Spiritual Director, Sacred Path Counseling (c.c. Forest Grove); ‘02 FD; ‘05 Retired. SCHULTZ, LORENZ - ‘60 PM, Rocky Mountain, In School; ‘63 Oregon, Portland: Errol Heights; ‘64 Membership, Portland: Hughes Memorial; ‘68 California-Nevada, UCCM California State at Chico; ‘70 UCCM, San Francisco State; ‘78 Davis; ‘86 Sierra Vista, Fresno; ‘88 Oregon-Idaho, Grants Pass: Newman; ‘95 Idaho Falls: Trinity; ‘96 Eugene: Wesley; ‘99 Forest Grove; ‘01 Retired (c.c. Hillsboro). SCHWIEBERT, JOHN T. - ‘61 Trial, In School; ‘63 Shelley; ‘64 Membership; ‘65 Union/Cove; ‘67 Union/ Cove/North Powder; ‘68 Union/Cove; ‘69 Eastern Oregon Community Development Council; ‘72 Portland: Rose City Park Assoc; ‘76 Sabbatical; ‘77 Portland: Lincoln Street; ‘86 Portland: Metanoia Peace Community; ‘02 Retired, Portland: Metanoia Peace Community. SCOTT, HERBERT M. (Bert). – ’60 FL Mississippi, Carlisle; ’61 West Park; ’64 PM, In School; ’66 Membership Mississippi, Wilson Springs; ’69 Merdn Okld Hts Sgevl; ’74 Magee; ’76 Dir Intern Prog Cnty; ’78 transferred to Louisiana, Director Church Career Program; 1/1/82 Centenary College; ’88 Glenn Memorial (North Georgia); 9/16/93 ‘94 United Campus Ministry, Oregon State University; ’94 transferred to Oregon-Idaho; 9/1/97 Corvallis; ‘04 Retired (c.c. Corvallis). SEYBOLD, VIRDEN R. - ‘58 Trial, In School; ‘61 Union, ‘62 Membership; ‘64 Vale; ‘69 Sabbatical; ‘70 In School; ‘71 Harrisburg/Coburg; ‘73 American Friends Service Committee, Syracuse, NY; ‘86 Regional Director, American Friends Service Committee, Baltimore, MD; ‘99 Retired (c.c. Coburg). Rosters 309

SHAFFER, JANE A. - ‘72 Church of Scotland, Richmond-Craigmillar, Edinburgh; ‘77 Presbytery of Edinburgh, Christian Education Staff; ‘81 Salem: Trinity; ‘87 PM, Salem: First Associate; ‘89 Membership; ‘01 Newberg; ‘10 Retired (c.c. Bend). SHAW, STUART ROBERT - ‘55 Trial, Pacific Northwest, In School; ‘57 Membership, In School; ‘58 Court Street, Alameda, CA; ‘60 Oregon, Stayton; ‘64 Portland: Vermont Hills; ‘68 Portland: Laurelwood; ‘71 Portland: Laurelwood/Errol Heights; ‘73 St. Helens; ‘77 Sabbatical; ‘78 Monmouth: Christ’s Church Methodist/ Presbyterian United; ‘81 Leave of Absence; ‘82 Director, Wesley Foundation, University of Oregon; ‘84 North Bend; ‘89 Klamath Falls; ‘98 Retired (c.c. Salem: First). SHIELDS, REBECCA - ‘83 PM; ‘84 La Grande; ‘85 La Grande/Union; ‘86 Membership; ‘88 Portland: Vermont Hills; ‘93 Corvallis; ‘97 Salem: Morningside; ‘03 Leave of Absence; 9/1/07 Retired (c.c. Ozark Chapel, MO). SHIRLEY, RUTH - ‘90 PM, In School; 1/91 Halsey/Shedd; ‘93 Membership; ‘99 Retired (c.c. Corvallis). SHORTREED, EMMETT - ‘71 Bern (Kansas East); ‘73 PM Kansas East; ‘75 transferred to Oregon-Idaho (PM), Ashton; ‘77 FE; ‘78 Portland: Pioneer; ‘81 Madras; ‘83 Sabbatical; ‘84 Portland: Cherry Park; ‘87 Idaho Falls: Trinity; ‘95 Medford; ‘99 Disability Leave; ‘11 Retired. SHUMAR, BARBARA EICHER – Kansas West Conf.; ’76 PM Kansas West, In School; ’77 Anchorage: First, Associate; 10/1/78 Leave of Absence; 5/25/79 Discontinued; ‘88 PL, Coburg; ‘92 Reinstated as PM, transferred to Oregon-Idaho, Leave of Absence; 11/93 Associate Chaplain, Sacred Heart Hospital, Eugene; ‘95 Membership; ‘96 Chaplain, Sacred Heart Medical Center; 4/1/99 Chaplain, Sacred Heart Medical Center; ‘03 Leave of Absence; ‘08 Family Leave; ‘09 Retired (c.c. Eugene: First). SKIEN, JOHN D. - ‘55 Trial, Texas, In School; ‘56 Summerfield; ‘57 In School; ‘58Membership , Houston: St. Paul Associate; ‘61 Newton; ‘64 Bryan, St. Pauls; ‘68 Yellowstone, Billings: Messiah; ‘71 Rocky Mountain Salt Lake City: Centenary-Grace; ‘74 Denver: Warren; ‘79 Aurora: First; ‘80 Leave of Absence; ‘82 Oregon-Idaho, Lakeview/Paisley; ‘84 Ministry to Urban Singles, Centenary, St. Louis, MO; 1/1/86 - 6/15/86 without appointment; 6/15/86 Jordan Valley; ‘87 Cave Junction/Wilderville; ‘88 Wilderville; ‘93 Retired (c.c. Wilderville). SLOTTA, KAREN - ‘89 Oakridge;’90 PM; ‘92 Membership; ‘93 Baker; ‘98 Retired (c.c. Woodburn). SMITH, ERNEST – ‘78 (FL) Weedsport, Central New York; ‘80 PM Central New York, Weedsport; ‘81 transfer to Oregon-Idaho PM, Eagle; ‘83 Wasco; ‘85 Discontinued; ‘96 Readmitted, Union/Cove; ‘00 Membership; ‘01 Toledo; ’07 Retired; ‘08 North Powder. SMITH, HOWARD AMMI II - ‘67 Trial, West Michigan, In School; ‘70 Membership, Director Admissions Southern California School of Theology; ‘73 Oregon- Idaho, Monmouth; ‘78 Sabbatical; ‘79 Grants Pass/ Director Rogue Valley Group Ministry; ‘81 In School/Director of Admissions, Scarritt College; ‘83 Associate Dean; ‘85 Regional Managing Principal, Right Management Consultants, Brentwood, TN ; ‘04 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). SMITH, JAMES HARVEY - ‘49 Kansas West, Rosbury; ‘51 Trial, Wisconsin, In School; ‘52 Oregon, In School; ‘53 Wisconsin, Waldwick Circuit; ‘54 Membership; ‘55 Oregon, Willamina/Grande Ronde; ‘58 Lake Oswego; ‘62 Portland: Patton Central; ‘66 Portland: Rose City Park Associate; ‘72 Idaho Falls: St. Pauls; ‘79 Oregon City; ‘85 Retired, ‘89 Bennett Chapel through 12/31/03; (c.c. Oak Grove). SMITH, JUDITH ELAINE - ‘76 PM, Monmouth Associate; ‘77 Salem: First Associate; ‘78 In School; ‘79 Grants Pass; ‘81 Membership. Board of Discipleship; ‘87 Sabbatical; ‘88 In School; 10/88 Associate General Secretary, Office of Interpretation, GBHEM; ‘98 Director, Special Projects/Church and Public Relations, United Methodist Publishing House; ‘01 Executive Director of Publishing and Teaching and Learning Resources, UMPH; ‘04 Associate to President/Chief Administrative Officer, UMPH ‘08 Retired (c.c. Edgehill, Nashville). SMITH, NEVITT BRENTON - ‘44 Turner; ‘45 Salem: West-Summit; ‘46 Trial, Southern New England, In School; ‘48 Oregon, In School; ‘49 Membership; ‘51 Southern New England, Medford: First; ‘54 Oregon, Portland: Sellwood; ‘59 Tigard; ‘67 Forest Grove; ‘74 Salem: Jason Lee; ‘81 Ashland; ‘91 Retired (c.c. Ashland). STANTON, EDMUND B. - ‘50 Trial, In School; ‘53 Chiloquin/Ft. Klamath; ‘55 Membership; ‘56 Missionary to Alaska: Douglas; ‘61 Metlakatla; ‘62 American Falls/Aberdeen; ‘65 Caldwell Associate; ‘68 Gooding; ‘71 Boise: Whitney; ‘72 Boise: Whitney/Jordan Valley; ‘78 Alaska Missionary Conference Superintendent; ‘83 Homer, AK; ‘90 Junction City; ‘93 Retired (c.c. Junction City). 310 Rosters

STUART, WILLIAM JAMES - ‘58 Trial, Eastern Pennsylvania; ‘59 Officer U.S. Navy; ‘62 In School; ‘65 First German; ‘68 Doctoral Studies, University Zurich; ‘70 Professor of Religion, Greenville College; ‘79 John Wesley Lecturer in Systematic Theology, College of St. John the Evangelist; ‘84 Oregon-Idaho, Chaplain Lewis and Clark College and Law School, Portland; ‘89 University Chaplain & Lecturer in Sociology and Peace Studies, University of Canterbury, New Zealand; ‘95 Senior Minister, St. Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church, Wellington, New Zealand; ’02 Wainoni Methodist Church, Christchurch, New Zealand; ’06 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). STURTEVANT, LUTHER E. - ‘63 Trial, In School; ‘65 Monmouth; ‘67 Membership; ‘68 Corvallis: Wesley Foundation; ‘69 Creswell/Unity; ‘70 Turner/Jefferson; ‘73 Arlington; ‘77 Leave of Absence; ‘83 Portland: Patton-Central Woodlawn Ecumenical Parish of N.E. Portland; ‘03 Retired; Portland: Sellwood through 6/30/06; (c.c. Woodlawn). TAYLOR, WESLEY DANIEL - ‘66 Amity; ‘68 Trial, In School; ‘70 Boise: First Associate; ‘71 Membership, Albany Associate; ‘74 West Salem: Buena Vista; ‘76 Leave of Absence; ‘77 Ministry with Youth of Salem; ‘78 Leave of Absence; ‘79 Oregon City Associate; ‘85 Oregon City; ‘91 Tigard; ‘01 Tualatin; 12/1/08 Incapacity Leave; ‘10 Retired (c.c. Tigard). THOMAS, ROBERTA F. - ‘87 Kennebec, Presho, Reliance (South Dakota), ‘89 Springview-Long Pine (Nebraska); ‘90 PM Nebraska, ‘92 Membership, Nebraska, Orchard-Royal (Nebraska); ‘94 Buhl; ‘95 Transferred to Oregon-Idaho; ‘97 Ontario: First; ‘02 Portland: Cherry Park; ’06 Retired (cc: Portland: Aloha). THOMASON, CAROL HIER – ‘91 Consecrated, Diaconal Ministry, Portland: Christ UMC, Diaconal Minister in Outreach & Youth Ministries; ‘98 FD, Portland: Christ UMC; 2/4/02 Leave of Absence; 04 Tigard; 5/16/07 Retired (c.c. Portland: Christ). THOMPSON, JAMES SAWIN - ‘50 Florida, Lake Lindsey Blanton Circuit; ‘51 Trial, Oregon, In School; ‘53 Sweet Home; ‘54 Membership; ‘57 Bend; ‘65 Conference Council Staff; ‘70 Salem: Trinity; ‘79 Woodburn; ‘84 Retired (c.c. Woodburn). THOMPSON, RAYMOND AULT - ‘49 Apple Valley; ‘53 Trial, Rocky Mountain, Erie; ‘55 Membership, Ft. Collins Student Ministry; ‘57 Idaho, Fruitland; ‘60 Rupert; ‘65 Boise: Whitney; ‘69 Portland: Montavilla; ‘74 Twin Falls; ‘78 Caldwell; ‘92 Retired. THORNBERRY, MILO Central Texas ‘56 Annetta-Temple Hall;’57 Covington-Osceola; ‘58 Covington; ‘59 Annetta-Temple Hall; ‘59 Perkins School of Theology; ‘60 On Trial; ‘62 Membership, Boston University School of Theology; ‘65 GBGM Missionary, Taiwan Provisional Annual Conference; ‘71 Transferred to New York, GBGM Missionary, New York; ‘74 NCCC Executive Staff, New York; ‘79 Alternatives, Atlanta; ‘89 GBGM, Director of Mission Resource Center, Atlanta; ‘92 GBGM Missionary, Alaska Missionary Conference, Aldersgate, Juneau; ‘96 GBGM Missionary, Fairbanks First; ‘99 GBGM Missionary, Superintendent, Alaska Missionary Conference/Fairbanks First; ‘01 Transferred to Oregon-Idaho, Bend; ‘05 Retired; ’07 through 10/15/07 Chugiak UMC (Alaska Missionary Conference); (c.c. Milwaukie-St. Paul’s). UECKER, LLOYD GUSTAV - ‘44 Pacific and Southwest, Pomona; ‘45 Pacific Northwest, Spokane: First; ‘46 Trial; ‘47 Oregon, Salem: Englewood; ‘48 Membership; ‘63 Portland: Ladd; ‘64 Portland Greater; ‘65 Portland: Tabor Heights; ‘78 Medford: First; ‘81 Forest Grove; ‘86 Retired (c.c. Forest Grove). VENABLE, FRED CONDRAY - ‘53 Trial, Rocky Mountain, In School; ‘54 Colorado Springs: First Associate; ‘56 Membership, Salida; ‘59 Salt Lake City: Christ; ‘63 Denver: Washington Park; ‘67 Littleton: First; ‘75 Oregon-Idaho, Boise: First; ‘88 Hillsboro; ‘93 Retired (c.c. Hillsboro). WALKER, JOE WILLIAM - ‘47 Oklahoma, Mounds; ‘48 Tulsa-Bethel; ‘49 La Moille; ‘50 Trial, Pacific Northwest, In School; ‘53 Membership, Washougal; ‘55 Chaplain U.S. Army; ‘57 Vancouver: East; ‘63 Bellingham: Garden Street; ‘67 Richland: Central; ‘69 General Board of Global Ministries; ‘79 Oregon-Idaho, Lake Oswego; ‘82 General Board of Discipleship; ‘84 Central District Superintendent; ‘88 Boise: First; ‘90 Retired (c.c. Portland: Rose City Park). WALTERS, EUGENE H. – ‘53 On Trial (Courtesy of Northern New Jersey), Jersey City-Linden Ave; ‘56 Membership, Portland: Vermont Hills; ‘64 Missionary to Alaska, Fairbanks First; ‘67 Anchorage: First; ‘72 Aloha; ‘81 Springfield: Ebbert Memorial; ‘86 Portland: Christ Church; ‘89 Carus/Marquam; ‘95Retired (c.c. Portland: Metanoia Peace Community). Rosters 311

WALTMAN, GLENN ALAN - ‘60 Trial, Pleasant Home; ‘63 Membership, John Day; ‘65 Roseburg Associate; ‘67 Gilchrist/Bend Associate; ‘69 Buhl/Castleford; ‘75 Jerome; ‘79 Idaho Falls: St. Paul’s; ‘84 Portland: University Park; ‘88 Missionary-Trinidad; ‘89 Sabbatical; ‘90 Leave of Absence; ‘95 Retired (c.c. Pleasant Home). WATKINS, JANINE M. – ’98 Consecrated Diaconal Minister, Associate Chaplain, St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, Boise; ‘01 FD, Boise: Hillview, Chaplain, St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center; ‘05 Leave of Absence (c.c. Boise: Hillview); ’06 Boise: Hillview, ministry of congregational care and discipleship; ‘10 Retired (c.c. Boise: First). WELD-MARTIN, WAYNE - ‘81 West Salem; ‘82 PM; ‘84 Membership; ‘85 Missionary to Alaska, Anchorage: St. John; ‘90 Twin Falls; ‘94 Oak Grove; ‘99 Beaverton; ‘01 Retired (c.c. Mountain Home). WETZEL, J. ROBERT - ‘43 Trial; ‘44 Eugene Assistant; ‘45 Florence; ‘47 Membership, Pacific Northwest, Spokane: Lingerwood; ‘52 Oregon, Dallas; ‘53 Albany; ‘61 Pacific Northwest, Seattle: First; ‘64 Oregon, Portland: Mocks Crest; ‘67 Cascade College; ‘69 Cook Publishing Co.; ‘77 Retired (c.c. West Portland). WHITE, BOONE L. - ‘54 Trial, Rock River Conference, Transferred to Oregon Conference, In School; ‘56 Salem: Morningside; ‘58 Membership; ‘63 La Grande: First; ‘66 La Grande: First/Hendricks; ‘68 Oregon City; ‘72 Missionary to Alaska, Anchorage: First; ‘76 Idaho Falls: Trinity; ‘82 Lake Oswego; ‘92 Retired (c.c. Lake Oswego). WHITE, DAVID G. - ‘55 Sodaville/In School; ‘56 Trial, Pacific Northwest (EUB), Deep Creek; ‘57 In School; ‘59 Pacific Northwest (EUB), Membership, Salem: First Assoc; ‘61 Moses Lake; ‘63 Labish Center; ‘68 Labish Center Community; ‘69 Oregon-Idaho, Supernumerary; ‘73 Children’s Services Division, State of Oregon; ‘77 Honorable Location; ‘83 Readmitted, Carus; ‘85 Gooding; ‘91 Veneta; ‘94 Arlington/Wasco; ‘98 Retired (c.c. Portland: Rose City Park). WHITEHEAD, THOMAS M. - ‘56 Trial, In School; ‘58 Membership, Bay City/Garibaldi; ‘62 Milwaukie, St. Pauls; ‘70 Turnagain/Tri Anchor Ecumenical Parish, Alaska; ‘74 Eastern District Superintendent; ‘78 Salem: First; ‘87 Portland: Rose City Park; ‘92 Southern District Superintendent; ‘97 Retired (c.c. Lake Oswego). WILDE, RALPH WILBERT - ‘48 Trial, Florence; ‘50 Portland: Collins View; ‘51 Membership; ‘53 Pacific Northwest, Missionary to Brazil; ‘64 California-Nevada, Alameda: First Associate; ‘65 Oregon, Missionary to Brazil; ‘66 Pacific Northwest, Missionary to Brazil; ‘67 Oregon, Portland: Fremont; ‘67 Pacific Northwest, Seattle: Wallingford; ‘71 Seattle: Bryn Mawr/Skyway; ‘76 Oregon-Idaho, Hood River; ‘80 Rupert; ‘84 Portland: Parkrose; ‘88 Retired (c.c. Oak Grove). WILLIAMS, DAVID B. - ‘61 Probation, Northern Illinois; ‘62 Membership, General Board of Global Ministries; ‘63 NW Philippines, Conference Missionary; ‘65 Mindanao Philippines, Director, United Methodist Rural Center and Pastor, University UMC, Kabacan; ‘69 Founder and Liaison Officer, Mindanao Agricultural Resettlement Agency; ‘74 N. Illinois, Agricultural Secretary, Melanesian Council of Churches, Lae, Papua New Guinea; ‘77 General Board of Global Ministries, Developmental Consultant; ‘80 Coordinator, Church and Society Program, Pacific Conference of Churches, Suva, Fiji; ‘83 NCC,Associate Director for Peace Issues, Office for SE Asia and the Pacific; ‘87 Sabbatical; ‘88 Peace Educator Advocate, OR-ID; ‘89 Estacada; ‘90 Oregon-Idaho; ‘91 Portland: Lincoln Street; ‘93 Retired (c.c. Seattle: First). WISE, KEITH - ‘62 Trial, East Pennsylvania (EUB); ‘64 Membership, Wiconisco-Loyalton; ‘68 Clarksboro (Southern New Jersey); ‘72 Homer (Alaska Missionary Conf.); ‘83 North Pole/New Hope Methodist- Presbyterian; ‘92 Oregon-Idaho, La Grande; ‘94 Rupert; ‘05 Retired (c.c. Pendleton). 312 Rosters RETIRED ASSOCIATE MEMBERS

BAKER, H. LEE - ‘88 Middleton; ‘90 Associate Membership; ‘91 Lakeview/ Paisley; ‘93 Retired (c.c. Pocatello). ESSINGER, LETHA - ‘89 New Meadows; ‘95 Associate Member; ‘99 Retired (c.c. Fruitland); 10/1/2008- 6/30/09 New Meadows. HANCE, STACY SAMUEL - ‘77 Licensed; ‘79 Sutherlin/Wilbur; ‘83 Associate Membership; ‘86 Echo; 10/1/86 Cottage Grove; ‘89 Retired (c.c. Wilbur). HANSON, ALBERT - ‘90 Warrenton; ‘93 Sheridan; ‘98 John Day/Prairie City; ‘00 Associate Member; ‘02 Sutherlin/Wilbur; ‘04 Retired (c.c. Aloha). HUGHES, D. GLEN - ‘60 Clarkes; ‘62 Monroe; ‘68 Monroe/Alsea; ‘69 Associate Membership; ‘70 Grants Pass: Newman Associate; ‘72 Cave Junction/Wilderville; ‘79 Myrtle Point; ‘87 Retired (c.c. Grants Pass: Newman). KNIGHT, SHIRLEY - ‘87 Days Creek; ‘90 Myrtle Creek/Canyonville/Days Creek; ‘91 Myrtle Creek/ Canyonville; ‘92 Associate Member, ‘96 Coquille; ‘02 Retired; Interim at Roseburg 7/02-11/02; 10/06- 6/30/07 Gooding/Shoshone/Richfield (c.c. Portland: Rose City Park). NICHOLS, ELLIOT L. - ‘82 Licensed, Elgin/Cove; ‘87 Associate Membership; ‘88 Retired, Alsea; ‘92 Jefferson (c.c. Dallas). STOPPEL, JEANIE - ‘85 Reedsport; ‘93 Associate Member; ‘93 Vale; ‘98 Portland: Cherry Park; ‘01 Retired; ’01-6/30/02 Portland: Cherry Park; ’07 Coquille; ‘08 Eugene: Asbury. WEST, DONALD B. - ‘74 New Meadows; ‘75 Wendell/Hagerman; ‘78 Emmett/Sweet; ‘81 Associate Member; ‘82 Portland: Laurelwood/Errol Heights; ‘84 Laurelwood; ‘86 Nehalem; ‘92 Ontario: First; ‘97 Disability Leave; ‘01 Retired (c.c. Nehalem).


FOSTER, COLLEEN C. - ‘90 Consecrated Diaconal Minister, Roseburg, Diaconal Minister in Education/ Adult & Youth Ministries; ‘92 Roseburg, Organist; ‘93 Roseburg, Diaconal Minister of Music; ‘96 Retired (c.c. Portland: First). WALTON, RUTH L. - ‘69 Salem: Morningside Associate in Christian Education; ‘77 Consecrated Diaconal Minister; ‘80 Associate in Christian Education and Business Administration, ‘85 Salem: Morningside Program Associate; ‘88 Leave of Absence; ‘89 Church Administration Service, Salem, OR; ‘92 Retired (c.c. Salem: First). WARREN, KAREN - ‘98 Transfer from Wisconsin Annual Conference, Eugene: First, Minister of Music/ Visitation; ‘02 Retired. Rosters 313 RETIRED LOCAL PASTORS

CANN-CASPELL, JOYCE - ‘84 Days Creek; ‘87 Lyons; ‘89 Jordan Valley; ‘99 Bay City; ‘01 Rainier/ Clatskanie; ‘02 Retired. COBB, GEORGE W. - ‘78 Licensed, Gilchrist; ‘82 Banks; ‘85 Drain/Yoncalla; ‘86 Retired. GOLDEN, MARGARET - ‘96 Dundee; ‘98 Dundee/McCabe; ‘03 Amity/Dundee/McCabe/Sheridan; 8/06 Amity/McCabe; 9/06 Retired; Amity/McCabe; ‘08 McCabe through 6/30/11. GOODRICH, DAVID - ‘99 Wilderville/Cave Junction; ’06 Retired; ‘08 Upper Rogue. HARE, MARY ELLEN - ‘76 Licensed, Oklahoma Conference; ‘84 Wendell; ‘86 Dillard-Winston/Camas Valley/Tenmile; ‘92 Talent; ‘94 Retired; ‘04-’08 Talent. HODNEY, DELORES - ‘91 Licensed; ‘93 Warrenton; ‘99 Elgin; ‘00 Retired, Warrenton; ‘05 Grand Ronde through 6/30/08. IVES, JIM - ‘02 Reedsport, ‘05 Retired, Reedsport. JABS, EDWARD - ‘97 Tenmile; ‘05 Retired; 8/14/05-6/30/07 Tenmile; 3/1/08 Dillard-Winston/Camas Valley. KNEPP, DONALD J. - ‘88 Echo; ‘91 Haines/North Powder; ‘96 Myrtle Creek/Canyonville/Days Creek;’98 Retired. KNEPP, SHIRLEY MANNING - ‘63 U.M. Deaconess; ‘88 Echo; ‘91 Haines/North Powder; ‘96 Myrtle Creek/ Canyonville/Days Creek; ‘98 Retired. LACEY, LAVONNE - ‘85 Fossil; ‘91 Retired. MORFIN, NOEL - ‘98 Eastern Idaho Hispanic Ministry; ‘03 Magic Valley Hispanic Ministries; ‘04 Filer and Magic Valley Hispanic Ministries; ’06 Retired, Filer/Magic Valley Hispanic Ministries through 6/30/08. NOVAK, TIM - ‘99 Fossil; ’06 Retired, Fossil; ‘08 Echo through 5/15/11. OLDHAM, MARTHA – ’01 Alaska Missionary Conference; ’02 Ashton; ’04 Retired. REYNOLDS, ROBERT L. - ‘87 Falls City; ‘89 Falls City/Grande Ronde; ‘90 Dundee/Grand Ronde; ‘96 Retired. TITUS, RICHARD – ‘04 Retired, Gold Hill through 6/30/11. 314 Rosters HONORABLY LOCATED CLERGY

ANDERSON, MARK E. - ‘88 PM, Bramhall Circuit, Cheshire, England; ‘90 In School; ‘91 Talent/Medford: First Associate; ‘92 Lents/Estacada; ‘93 Estacada; ‘95 Membership, Amity/McCabe; ‘98 Amity/Sheridan;’99 Hillsboro Associate; 4/00 Disability Leave; ‘03 Church of the Good Shepherd, Portland; ‘04 Honorable Location (c.c. Portland: Metanoia). ANDREWS-BRYANT, ROBERT RAYMOND - ‘80 PM, The Baptist General Conference of America Orders Recognized; ‘78, Glenns Ferry; ‘81, Portland: Patton Central/Woodlawn; ‘82 Membership; ‘83 Heppner; ‘84 Leave of Absence; 12/86 Tigard Associate; ‘90 Attend School; ‘96 Shoshone/Richfield; ‘98 Middleton/Wilder; ‘01 Joseph; ‘02 Leave of Absence; ’07 Honorable Location (c.c. Boise: First). BURKERT, KRISTAN MARIE - ‘81 PM, In School; ‘82 Gilchrist; 10/25/83 Blackfoot; ‘84 Oak Grove Associate; ‘85 Membership; ‘87 Portland: Sellwood; ‘90 Leave of Absence; ‘96 Office and Staff Administrator, First Presbyterian Church, Portland; 1/00 Leave of Absence; ‘01 Honorable Location (c.c. Portland: First). BURKERT-KERR, DONOVAN KATHRYN - ‘84 PM In School; ‘85 Portland: Capital Hill; ‘87 Membership; 9/1/88 Leave of Absence; ‘92 Honorable Location (c.c. Portland: First). COBO, EDWARD T. - ‘63 Trial, In School; ‘66 Medford, Minister of Education/Talent; ‘67 Membership; ‘69 Rogue Valley Minister of Education; ‘70 Voluntary Location; ‘77 Honorable Location (c.c. Milwaukie, St. Paul’s). DANIELS, SANDRA - ‘88 Salem: Morningside, Associate; ‘89 PM, Cottage Grove; ‘91 Membership; ‘92 Portland: Garden Home; 94 Amity/McCabe; ‘95 Leave of Absence; ‘97 Evergreen UMC (Fort Bragg, CA); ‘99 Honorable Location (c.c. Good Samaritan UMC, Cupertino, CA). GROVES, EUGENE - ‘59 Trial, In School; ‘61 Sutherlin Wilbur; ‘62 Membership, ‘63 Missionary to Alaska, Anchorage: First Associate; ‘66 In School; ‘67 Wesley Foundation, Fairbanks, AK; ‘69 Chugiak, AK; ‘77 In School; ‘79 Leave of Absence; ‘84 Honorable Location (c.c. Turnagain UMC, Anchorage, AK). HAFTORSON, JANICE - ‘86 PM, Wendell; ‘88 Hillsboro Assoc; ‘89 Portland: Wilshire; ‘91 Membership; ‘96 Family Leave; ‘08 Honorable Location (c.c. Portland: Capital Hill). HANNA, DONALD E. - ‘80 PM, In School; ‘82 Nampa Associate; ‘84 Membership, Junction City; ‘90 Attend School; ‘92 Leave of Absence; ‘99 Honorable Location (c.c. Baker). HETRICK, PATRICIA - ‘84 PM, In School; ‘86 Hagerman; ‘89 Membership, Leave of Absence; ‘90 Esther Davis Center, Chicago, IL; ‘91 Leave of Absence; ‘96 Honorable Location (c.c. Wilder). KANE, FREDRICK C. - ‘82 PM, Portland: Cherry Park; ‘84 Eugene: First Associate; ‘85 Membership; ‘88 Madras; ‘92 Boise: Hillview; ‘97 Hillsboro; 10/19/05 Leave of Absence; ‘08 Honorable Location (c.c. Corvallis). KENNEDY, MICHAEL - ‘93 PM; ‘94 Paul; ‘95 Idaho Falls: Trinity, Associate; ‘99 Membership; ‘03 Leave of Absence; 9/25/03 Director Christian Education, First Presbyterian Church, Idaho Falls;’04 Shelley/DCE, First Presbyterian, Idaho Falls; 1/1/05 Shelley; 3/15/06 Leave of Absence; ’06 Honorable Location (c.c. Idaho Falls: St. Paul’s). KIRK, THOMAS G.- ‘85 Oklahoma PM In School; ‘86 Broadway-Montana, New Jersey; ‘88 Oregon-Idaho Union/Cove; ‘90 FE; ‘92 Vienna UMC, Vienna, NJ; ‘95 Kuna; ‘00 Veneta; 8/1/04 Leave of Absence (c.c. Bend); ‘10 Honorable Location (c.c. Madras). PRITCHARD, JOSEPH - ‘82 PM, California-Nevada, In School; ‘83 Greenville-Taylorville; ‘84 Grants Pass: Newman Associate; ‘86 Membership, Oregon-Idaho; ‘87 Sherwood; ‘92 Leave of Absence; ‘97 Honorable Location (c.c. Monmouth). STALEY, SUSAN T. - ‘87 Irwindell Associate, Dallas, TX; ‘88 PM, In School; ‘89 Forest of Dean Methodist Circuit, Bristol District, England; ‘91 Castleford; ‘93 Membership; ‘97 Leave of Absence; ‘98 Twin Falls, Associate; ‘99 Willamette; ‘02 Canby; ‘03 Leave of Absence; ‘04 Family Leave (c.c. McMinnville); ’07 Honorable Location (c.c. Paradise Valley UMC, AZ). Rosters 315 HONORABLY LOCATED CLERGY—RETIRED

ANDREWS, BRUCE - ‘88 PM, Tygh Valley/Dufur; ‘90 Membership, Joseph; ‘97 Leave of Absence; ‘99 Halsey/Shedd; ‘03 Leave of Absence; ’06 Honorable Location; ‘10 Honorable Location-Retired (c.c. Corvallis). BURDON, RICHARD FLOYD - ‘60 Trial, Central Pennsylvania, Dudley; ‘61 Rehoboth; ‘62 Membership, Oregon, Wallowa/Flora; ‘65 American Falls/Aberdeen; ‘67 North Bend; ‘70 Voluntary Location; ‘77 Honorable Location; ‘97 Honorable Location-Retired (c.c. Portland: University Park). DAY, STANLEY WORTH - ‘56 Kuna; ‘57 Emmett; ‘59 Trial, In School; ‘60 Weston; ‘61 Membership; ‘63 Oakridge; ‘57 Cave Junction/Wilderville; ‘70 Coos Bay; ‘75 Meridian; ‘79 Oak Grove; ‘81 Sabbatical Leave; ‘82 Honorable Location; ‘00 Honorable Location-Retired (c.c. Portland: Christ). JOHNSON, CHARLES WILLIAM - ‘53 Trial, In School; ‘55 Gardiner; ‘57 Membership, Pine Grove; ‘58 Nehalem/Wheeler; ‘60 Supernumerary; ‘63 Voluntary Location; ‘77 Honorable Location; ‘97 Honorable Location-Retired (c.c. Salem: Morningside). LIEBMAN, JR., EDWARD CHARLES - ‘63 Trial, Pacific and Southwest; El Monte-Poterero Ave; ‘64 Pacific Northwest, Longview; ‘65 Oregon, Jefferson/Turner; ‘66 Membership; ‘67 Stayton; ‘68 Eugene: Asbury; ‘70 Portland: Garden Home; ‘72 Seaside; ‘76 Junction City; ‘79 Disability Leave; ‘81 Leave of Absence; ‘85 Honorable Location;’98 Honorable Location-Retired (c.c. Portland: Rose City Park). LUEBKE, JOHN F. - ‘56 Trial, North Texas, Pleasant Grove; ‘57 Blue Ridge; ‘58 Membership, In School; ‘59 Oregon, Dufur-Tygh Valley; ‘65 Canby-Carus; ‘68 Oakridge; ‘71 Lakeview-Beatty-Paisley; ‘75 Pleasant Home-Boring; ‘81 Kuna; 11/1/81 Leave of Absence; ‘82 Honorable Location; ‘96 Honorable Location- Retired (c.c. Gainsville, TX). McCOBB, JAMES EDWARD - ‘54 Southern New England, Forest Hills-Hyde Park; ‘56 Trial, Oregon, In School; ‘58 Membership, Portland: First Associate; ‘59 Beaverton; ‘63 Corvallis; ‘68 Voluntary Location; ‘77 Honorable Location ’98 Honorable Location-Retired (c.c. Tigard). NELSON, MILTON L. - ‘56 Trial, In School; ‘58 Membership, Estacada; ‘62 Gilchrist; ‘64 Grants Pass Minister of Education/Wilderville; ‘67 Medford: First, Minister of Education; ‘70 Voluntary Location; ‘77 Honorable Location; ‘96 Honorable Location-Retired (c.c. Medford). PAGE, JOHN WILLIAM - ‘64 Southern New Jersey, Camden-Bethany; ‘66 Winslow Circuit; ‘67 Trial, Fairview Village; ‘69 Membership, Cherry Hill-St. Andrews Associate; ‘74 South Amboy; ‘75 South Amboy- Clffwood; ‘77 Oregon-Idaho, John Day/Prairie City; ‘82 Dallas; ‘84 Union/North Powder; ‘85 Portland: Pioneer; ‘86 Missionary to Alaska: Douglas; ‘90 Home Missionary (St. John UMC, Anchorage, AK, GBGM); ‘92 Honorable Location; ‘99 Honorable Location-Retired (c.c. Turnagain UMC, Anchorage, AK). 316 Rosters Certified Candidates for Ordained Ministry Brian Shimer, section editor

Metro District: Melanie Marcus ‘10 Oregon Trail District:Jill Plant ‘10 Snake River District: Paul Aitken ‘11, Janessa Chastain ‘10, Curtis Naeve ‘09, Lolo Raass ‘10 Southern District: Sandy Cheatham ‘11, Peter Geoffrion ‘09 Western District: Dexter Danielson ‘10, Mira Conklin ‘11, Donna Sperry ‘08 Note: Candidates currently serving as licensed local pastors are listed in the roster of local pastors.

Mentors for Candidates for Ordained Ministry and for Provisional Members Gay Jeffery, section editor

Airhart, Phil Grimsted, John Philipson, Jim Parr Allen, D. Scott Hajdu-Paulen, Jeremy Powell, Gary Barnhart, Don Haugen, Melissa Harkness Reasoner, Robert Bell, Syd Henry, Matt Schultz, Barbara Bateman, Ann Hoadley, Fred Sene, Brenda Bergacker, Juanita Holloman, Michael Shaffer, Jane Blanksma, Daryl Hunefeld, Lee Shimer, Brian Burkhart, Janet Jeffery, Gay Steele, Jerry Bynum, Jack Johnson, Judy Stover, Tim Christianson, Penny Kimbrow, Quentin Strobel, Craig Collins, Marcie Knepper, Jeanne Thompson, Carol Cutting, April Hall Lofsvold, Peg Thompson, Christina Cutting, Craig Hall Marsh, Ruth Trachsel, Al Felton, Jody McHill, Courtney Truby, Tom Fothergill, June Meese, Pam Watkins, Janine Frisbie, Jim Nixon, Barbara Wilson-Fey, Dan Fuss, Richard Payton, Lisa Wolff, Steve

Roster of Certified Persons Kay Zemke, section editor CERTIFIED CERTIFIED IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATORS CAMP & RETREAT MINISTRY Patricia Ann Meyers Lisa Jean Hoefner Jane Petke Kevin T. Witt CERTIFIED MUSICIANS Patricia Ann Meyers Joanne B. Scott CERTIFIED CHURCH BUSINESS ADMINISTRATORS Janice McLain Norma Marie Tucker Certified Lay Speakers 317 Certified Lay Speakers (* indicates District Director) METROPOLITAN DISTRICT OREGON TRAIL DISTRICT Aloha UMC: Judy Dotson Baker UMC: Sally Farmer Aloha UMC: Jeri Silfies Baker UMC: Beverly McKinnis Aloha UMC: Jennifer Whitney Baker UMC: Maurice McKinnis Beaverton First UMC: Becky Platt Cove Community UMC: Mike Lamb Beaverton First UMC: Juanita Villarreal Cove Community UMC: Neva Smith Bennett Chapel UMC: Joanne Gornick Echo UMC: Ervin Williams Cherry Park UMC: Millie Maier Elgin UMC: Gerald Hopkins Christ UMC: Bea Cook Elgin UMC: Becci Scott Christ UMC: William Cook Elgin UMC: Rebecca Scott Christ UMC: Karen Dodge Fossil UMC: Barbara Giddeon Christ UMC: Betty Ann Green Fruitland First UMC: Jay Whitcomb Christ UMC: Melinda Strobel Haines UMC: Mary Rider Clatskanie UMC: Louis Jones Haines UMC: Sally Wiens Clatskanie UMC: Sally Jones Hermiston First UMC: Chris Early Faith UMC: Melba Hauser Joseph UMC: Ben Boswell Faith UMC: Greg Nelson Joseph UMC: Lisa Dawson Fremont UMC: Claudia Roberts Joseph UMC: Kaye Garver Hughes Memorial UMC: Ayric Payton Joseph UMC: Sharon Sherlock Lents Tongan Fellowship: Kolotile Eliesa Joseph UMC: John Ward Lents Tongan Fellowship: Kalina Katoa Klamath Falls First UMC: David Glidden Lents Tongan Fellowship: Suliasi Laulaupea’alu Klamath Falls First UMC: Nedra Kirkpatrick Metzger UMC: Norman Dyer Klamath Falls First UMC: K. Louise Lesher Metzger UMC: Toni Dyer Madras UMC: Betty Nitschelm Metzger UMC: Marisa Walloch Nyssa First UMC: Norvin Shuster Milwaukie-St. Paul’s: Teresa Foster Pendleton First UMC: Betty Udy Montavilla UMC: Janice Stevens Pine Grove-Odell UMC: Christy Matson Montavilla UMC: Rebecca Warren Union UMC: Sue Briggs Montavilla UMC: Turella Woods Union UMC: Sue Peeples Oak Grove UMC: Lydia Henry Union UMC: Dolores Roper Oak Grove UMC: Deb Payne Wallowa UMC: Deborrah Reth Pleasant Home UMC: Carlton Bruce Pleasant Home UMC: Alice Williams Rainier UMC: Alice Redding SNAKE RIVER DISTRICT Rainier UMC: Ronald Taylor Aberdeen UMC: Bob Mann Rainier UMC: Walter Winchell American Falls UMC: Bonnie Anderson Rockwood UMC: Alita Dougherty American Falls UMC: Bob Schreiber Rockwood UMC: Ethel Jane Quinn Boise First UMC: Audrey Lawrence Rose City Park UMC: Beverly Walker Buhl UMC: Judy Anderson St. Helens First UMC: Barbara Cataldo Buhl UMC: Penny Hodges St. Helens First UMC: Jo Japs Buhl UMC: Charles (Chuck) Lehrman St. Helens First UMC: Karen Wood Buhl UMC: Charlotte Maffin Tigard UMC: Kalina Katoa Burley UMC: Dave Cooper Tigard UMC: Paula Sadler Burley UMC: Lynn Osterhout University Park UMC: Stephen Hicks Caldwell UMC: Darrell Bolz University Park UMC: David (lay) White Castleford UMC: Donald Wright Vermont Hills UMC: Karen Bolin Collister UMC: John Nickerson Vermont Hills UMC: Joanna Traugh Collister UMC: Loa Perin Westside UMC: Funga Taufoou Crossroads UMC: Phyllis Berg Wilshire UMC: Gloria Marple Emmett UMC: Orah Nau Woodlawn UMC: Trudy Pollard Emmett UMC: Victoria Page Emmett UMC: Ruth Simerly Emmett UMC: Carole Sullivan Gooding UMC: Karen Egersdorf Gooding UMC: Duke Morton Hagerman UMC: Florence Mary Sandy 318 Certified Lay Speakers

Blackfoot-Jason Lee UMC: Boyd Jeffery Oakridge UMC: Mary Helikson Blackfoot-Jason Lee UMC: Shannon Jensen Roseburg First UMC: William Lapp Blackfoot-Jason Lee UMC: Marvin Jones Roseburg First UMC: Anne Nicholas Blackfoot-Jason Lee UMC: Dick Kaiser Sweet Home UMC: Delena Gilman Blackfoot-Jason Lee UMC: Richard Kaiser Sweet Home UMC: Bob Hartsock Kuna UMC: Wendi Homan Tenmile Community UMC: Jane Davis Kuna UMC: Ted Wimer Trinity-Toledo UMC: Jorj Bent Meridian UMC: Jo Reed Trinity UMC: Mina Fish Nampa First UMC: Rochelle Killett Eugene-Trinity UMC: Nicole Kiser Pocatello First UMC: Danette Fredericksen Eugene-Trinity UMC: Rick Ramsey Pocatello First UMC: Larry Morton Eugene-Trinity UMC: Pat Rankin Richfield Community UMC: Delwin Amy Upper Rogue UMC: Joe Riker Idaho Falls-Trinity UMC: Betty Anderson Veneta-Valley UMC: Rod Burch Idaho Falls-Trinity UMC: Arnold Ayers Eugene-Wesley UMC: Anita Lewis Idaho Falls-Trinity UMC: Joyce Ayers Wilderville Community UMC: Nancy Rand Idaho Falls-Trinity UMC: David Bybee Idaho Falls-Trinity UMC: Patti Edwards* Idaho Falls-Trinity UMC: Beverly Kemp WESTERN DISTRICT Idaho Falls-Trinity UMC: Dorothy Mandiloff Astoria First UMC: Jane Hill Idaho Falls-Trinity UMC: Daniel Sene Bay City UMC: Roberta Bettis Idaho Falls-Trinity UMC: Don Taylor Bay City UMC: Betty Conrad Idaho Falls-Trinity UMC: Marilyn Taylor Bay City UMC: Jean Neely Twin Falls First UMC: Eleanore Burkhart Bay City UMC: Opal Powell Twin Falls First UMC: Gilbert Deklotz Grand Ronde UMC: Kolette Longworth Hillsboro First UMC: Susan Jensen* Marquam UMC: Russell McCurdy SOUTHERN DISTRICT McCabe UMC: Ruth Buntele Albany First UMC: D. Kirke Campbell McMinnville UMC: Edward Clark Albany First UMC: Karla Long Morningside UMC: Lynda Sloan Ashland First UMC: William Brown Newberg First UMC: Sue Chambers Camas Valley UMC: Scott Schmidt Newberg First UMC: Michael Ireton Coburg UMC: Linda Lasse Oregon City First UMC: Donald Tonole Coos Bay UMC: Connie Nipgen Salem First UMC: Stevan Fallon Coos Bay UMC: Margaret Wauer Sheridan UMC: Gay Hall-Pentecost Corvallis First UMC: Marc Willis Sheridan UMC: Julia Schumann Covenant UMC: Leo Naapi Tillamook UMC: Danielle Hurd Dillard-Winston UMC: Jerry Cook Tillamook UMC: Marilyn Parrish Ebbert Memorial UMC: Sheri Stoney Tualatin UMC: Emilie Kroen Eugene First UMC: Gloria Bailey Eugene First UMC: George Ball Eugene First UMC: Donna Haines Florence UMC: Eileen Beck Gold Hill UMC: Mary Humphrey Gold Hill UMC: Rose McCann Harrisburg UMC: Mary Reynolds Cave Junction-Immanuel UMC: Connie Gammel Cave Junction-Immanuel UMC: George Savord Cave Junction-Immanuel UMC: Melanie Savord Cave Junction-Immanuel UMC: Jo Spencer Junction City UMC: Nadine Wiles* Lebanon First UMC: Sandy Cheatham Grants Pass-Newman UMC: Bob Bath Grants Pass-Newman UMC: Babs Eggleston North Bend First UMC: Alfreda Batdorff North Bend First UMC: James Batdorff North Bend First UMC: Nancy Dehart Oakridge UMC: Don Hampton Oakridge UMC: Judy Hampton Oakridge UMC: Dale Helikson Persons in Mission 319 Persons in Mission In connection with the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference

Note: This information has not been significantly updated since the 2009 Journal. For current information, visit the website of the General Board of Global Ministries (address below).

The following list includes persons in mission through the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries who have some kind of connection to this annual conference by reason of being: members of the annual conference, members of a local church in the conference, serving within the bounds of the conference, in a covenant relationship with one or more local churches, or they are missionaries who are newly being promoted by Global Ministries for the development of new covenant relationships. The following information includes contact information and a description of ministry.

To learn more about these missionaries, including information about families, their backgrounds, and their ministries visit this webpage:

BHUGEL, Devi Bahadur • Missionary Code: 14016Z • P.O. Box 3535, Katmandu, Nepal • e-mail: [email protected] • Davi Bhujel is assigned as a church worker in Katmandu, Nepal. His responsibilities include church planting, community development, and theological education in Nepal. BISWAS, Clara Mirdula • Missionary code: 13952Z • e-mail: [email protected] • Clara Biswas serves as a community worker in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, working with the poorest of the poor. ELMORE, John • Missionary code: 13109Z • Maril Casilla #441, Iquiqui, Chile • e-mail: [email protected] • Responsibilities include coordination of work teams and construction projects in the northern part of the country. ERBELE, Rev. Terence ERBELE, Rev. Evelyn • Missionary code: Evelyn 10832Z, Terence 10831Z • 400 Main St / PO Box 8515; Ketchikan, AK 99901 • email: [email protected] • Missionaries in Ketchikan, Alaska. GITOBU, Esther Karimi • Missionary Code: 13959Z • e-mail: [email protected] • Staff person to write grants for help in promoting peace in Cambodia. GITOBU, Esther Karimi • Missionary Code: 13959Z • e-mail: [email protected] • Staff person to write grants for help in promoting peace in Cambodia. 320 Persons in Mission

GREATHOUSE, Gordon GREATHOUSE, Maria Teresa (Teca) • Missionary code: Gordon 07695Z, Maria 07696Z • Mail Rua da Bahia 2577, Apt. 401 20,160-011 Bello Horizonie; MG Brazil • e-mail: Gordon [email protected] • Gordon works with the bishop to develop new urban ministry programs for the region. Teca works in the community center. HENA, Dr. Christiana Koisey • Missionary Code 11501Z • Project coordinator in Eastern Kazakhstan for Health and Relief Unit, training local health workers to promote better health practices in their communities.

JEFFREY, Rev. D. Paul • Missionary Code: 09541Z • Mail: Paul Jeffrey, 1685 Rosy Turn, Eugene, Oregon 97404 • e-mail: [email protected] • The Rev Paul Jeffrey writes about the work of the church around the world for Response, the magazine of the United Methodist Women. Paul also provides coverage of emergencies for Action by Churches Together, the Geneva-based network of church disaster agencies. McLAIN, Janice • Missionary Code: 12086Z • Mail: c/o United Methodist Church PO Box 22037, Kitwe, Zambia • e-mail: [email protected] • Janice serves as the financial officer for the United Methodist Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, working closely with leaders of the Methodist Church Southern Congo Conference and the North Katanga Conference. PARKER, Katherine • Missionary code: 15187Z • Katherine is new to the missionary field and is working in Cambodia with the Community Health and Agriculture Development Initiative. PASCUA, David • Missionary code: 13965Z • Rev. Dr. David serving with the Union Theological Seminary in Cavite, Philippines, working to supervising the academic programs, and coordinating the field education programs. RODRIGUEZ, Jorge • Missionary code: 933001 • e-mail: [email protected] • Mail: PO Box 144 Wilder, Idaho 83676 • Rev. Jorge Rodriguez is assigned to the Wilder, ID-Nyssa, OR areas by the GBGM and the Oregon-Idaho United Methodist Conference to start up Hispanic congregations nested within the current Anglo UMC congregations. He and his family come from Delicias, Mexico. SECKEL, Rev. Carol SECKEL, Rev. Kevin • Missionary code: Carol 14285Z, Kevin 931440 • e-mail: [email protected] • mail: Evangelisch-Methodistishe Kirche Ludolfusstarasse 2-4 Frankfurt am Main Hessen 60487Germany • Carol and Kevin Seckel are missionaries assigned to Germany. Carol is the Coordinator of English Language Ministries and International Congregations Ministries with the United Methodist Church in Germany. Kevin works with English Language Ministries Church Development in the South German Conference. Persons in Mission 321

WHITLATCH, Catherine • Missionary code: 150785 • email: [email protected] • Cathy is a Mission Interpreter-In-Residence for the Northeastern Jurisdiction. She previously served in that position for the Western Jurisdiction, living in Oregon-Idaho.

WHITLATCH, Ron • Missionary code: 150786 • email: [email protected] • Ron is a Mission Interpreter-In-Residence for the Northeastern Jurisdiction. He previously served as Director of the Hispanic Ministry Training Institute for the OR-ID Conference. ZIGBUO, Mary Randall • Missionary code: 10721Z • Mary is a missionary to Liberia who will assist the United Methodist Church of Liberia to develop a ministry that will cater to mentally and physically challenged persons.

OREGON-IDAHO PERSONS WHO HAVE SERVED MISSION APPOINTMENTS • Faith (Mrs. David) Bauman (India 1951-1986) • Phil and Twila Rothrock (Botswana 1970-71) • Frances (Mrs. William) Bray (Japan 1951-1981) • Lloyd and Margaret Schaad (Botswana 1941- • James and Mary Ella Bretlinger (Liberia 1989- 1980) 92 • Darrel Spores (Nigeria 1969-73) • Maude (Mrs. Bill) Caldwell (Liberia, 1952-65) • Rev. Edmund and Blythe Stanton (Alaska 1956- • Howard and Betty DeVore (Alaska 1962-1974) 62; 1978-90) • Rev. James and Faye Fellers (Alaska 1965-75; • Dr. Brian and Ann Stone (Mozambique; Nepal 1992-2005) 1970-1974) • Rev. James and Judith Fiske (Japan 1970-87) • Dorothy (Mrs. Warren) Thomas (Hawaii 1952- • Portia Foster (China 1947-49, Philippines 1950- 62) 54) • Dr. Norman Thomas (Zambia 1960-1979) • Rev. Eugene and LaRae Groves (Alaska 1969- • Winifred Thomas (1960-1970) 76) • Rev. Milo and Connie Thornberry (China 1965- • Michael Heath (Sarawak, Malaysia 1960-79) 74; Alaska 1996-2001) • Peggy and Howard Heiner (Bolivia ,Chile, • Rev. Eugene and Carol Ann Walters (Alaska Somalia, Nicaragua 1983-96) 1964-1972) • Ardie (Mrs. Paul) Jewell (Alaska 1977-80) • Rev. Glenn and Donna Waltman (Trinidad, • Rev. Robert and Shirley Kingsbury (Liberia 1988) 1966-69) • Claudia L. Webster (Philippines 1962-1969) • LuDean Knight (Alaska 1976) • Max R. Webster (Philippines 1955-1958) • Walter Kopper (Red Bird Missionary • Revs. Anne and Wayne Weld-Martin (Alaska Conference, KY 1976) 1985-90) • Rev. Jon and Laurel Beth Langenwalter (Alaska • Rev. Boone and Nancy White (Alaska 1972-76) 1982-85) • Rev. Thomas and Beverly Whitehead (Alaska • Rev. Greg Lindsay (Alaska 1993-2003) 1970-74) • Rev. Betty Luginbill (Alaska 1978) • Rev. Ralph and Barbara Wilde (Brazil 1953-63, • Rev. Gerald McCray (Alaska 1958-62) 1965-66) • Ada Morford (Rhodesia 1972, Sierra Leone • Rev. Dan and Kathy Wilson-Fey (Honduras 1977) 2001-04) • Rev. Ted and Sue Myers (Alaska 1993-97) • Rev. David B. Williams (Philippines 1962-74, • Rev. John and Rev. Deborah Pitney (Alaska Papua New Guinea 1974-77, NCCC-USA 1977- 1981-1986) 80, Fiji 1980-83, NCCC-USA 1983-87) • Dr. Ronald and Diane Ray (Nigeria, 1978; • Patricia Williams (Philippines 1962-74, Papua Kenya 1994-2006) New Guinea 1974-77, Fiji 1980-83) • Rev. Delbert Rice (Philippines 1956-1996) 322 Financial/Satistical Reports Financial/Statistical Reports

Conference Budget 2011...... 323 Apportioned Conference Budget: 2010 Report...... 329 Receipts from Churches: 2010 vs 2009...... 330 2010 Apportionment Report: Year-End Final Figures...... 332 10-Year Apportionment Report by Percentage...... 333 2010 Apportionment Report by District...... 334 Audit Report (including report from Director of Stewardship & Finance)...... 340 Ministerial Education Fund Report...... 350 United Methodist Ministers’ Retirement Fund...... 351 Camp and Retreat Ministries Fund Balances...... 352 Camp and Retreat Ministries Operating Report...... 353 Central* District Financial/Statistical Tables...... 354 Metro District Financial/Statistical Tables...... 360 Snake River District Financial/Statistical Tables...... 366 Southern District Financial/Statistical Tables...... 372 Western District Financial/Statistical Tables...... 378 Financial/Statistical Tables Summary...... 384

*The Central District has been renamed the Oregon Trail District, but these reports cover 2010, when the district still carried the name “Central.” CONFERENCE BUDGET 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 APPROVED APPROVED OTHER INCOME APPORTIONED ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION Annual Conference Session Expense & Funding 55,000 57,000 57,000 Provides funds to cover the cost of holding our annual session, including a reserve to cover additional expenses of meeting in the former Idaho Conference once each quadrennium. Annual Conference Session Manager 20,337 20,337 Provides salary and benefits for the staff person who manages the annual conference session. Previously this expense was included in the line for Assistant to the Bishop for Transition (and prior to that in the Connectional Ministries staff line). Rules Committee 250 250 250 Provides travel and meeting funds for the committee. Conference Secretary and Conference Journal 16,000 16,000 16,000 Provides for the expenses and honorarium for the Secretary of the Annual Conference. Provides funds for the publication and mailing of the Journal. Conference Statistician 200 200 200 Provides administrative funds for the statistician. Committee on Nominations 250 250 250 Provides travel and meeting funds for the Committee. This committee is responsible for the volunteer staff of our conference boards and agencies. Quadrennial Training Event 1,000 4,000 4,000 Provides funds for training programs of the General and Jurisdictional Conferences that are held at the beginning of each quadrennium. This is funded over the course of the quadrennium. Conference Delegation Expense Fund 6,000 6,000 6,000 Provides part of the cost of sending our general and jurisdictional delegates to these quadrennial meetings. This is funded over the course of the quadrennium.

EPISCOPAL OFFICE Area Expense Fund 24,000 24,000 24,000 Our share of the office expense for the Bishop’s Office. All compensation and travel costs of the Bishop are paid by the General Church through the Episcopal Fund. Bishop’s Discretionary Fund 3,000 3,000 3,000 Provides a discretionary fund for the Bishop. Episcopal Fund 116,364 119,121 119,121 Our apportionment from the General Church for our share in supporting all Bishops of The UMC including salaries, residences, pensions, travel, other benefits and office and professional expenses. The basis for the apportionment is set by the General Conference. Episcopal Housing 40,000 40,000 40,000 Our share of the housing costs for our Bishop. The General Church provides $10,000 annually toward the total cost. Costs include the lease, taxes, utilities, repairs, and maintenance. 2011 2012 2012 2012 EPISCOPAL OFFICE (continued) APPROVED APPROVED OTHER INCOME APPORTIONED Episcopal Residence Committee 200 200 200 Provides travel and meeting funds for the committee. Committee on Episcopacy 1,000 1,000 1,000 Provides travel and meeting funds for the Committee. This committee serves as the personnel committee for the Office of the Bishop. Episcopal Transition 60,000 60,000 Beginning in September, 2012, we will be sharing a bishop with the Alaska and Pacific Northwest conferences. This amount is budgeted for needs related to the new configuration that are yet to be determined.

LOCAL CHURCH VITALIZATION TEAM Assistants to the Bishop for Districts 866,500 898,111 898,111 Provides for compensation, pensions, and benefits (including Health Insurance) for our five Assistants to the Bishop and their staffs, the office expenses, a discretionary fund, and business and professional expenses for each Assistant to the Bishop. The recommended compensation for 2012 is $71,864. Assistant to the Bishop for Transition 155,952 0 0 Provides for salaries, benefits (including Health Insurance), and expenses for the Assistant to the Bishop for Transition and support staff. Healthy Vital Church Initiative 68,100 28,100 40,000 Provides financial support for the conference’s leadership development process for growing increasingly vital churches. This includes Congregational Leadership Development Groups and intensive Church Consultations. The other funding represents cost-sharing contributions from participants. Consultation on Appointments 2,000 2,000 2,000 Provides funds for travel assistance during the appointment process. District Expenses 10,000 10,000 10,000 Provides funds for the district leadership teams to meet and for district enrichment/training events. New Church Development 50,000 50,000 50,000 The budget for Church Development reflects the Conference priority on starting new faith communities. Most of the funds will be used to support the position of the Director of New Faith Communities. MLT Meeting & Operational Expenses 2,000 2,000 2,000 Provides funding to cover the meeting and operational expenses of the Ministry Leadership Team (MLT). Monthly meetings will be coordinated with Cabinet meetings as much as possible to reduce travel reimbursements. 2011 2012 2012 2012 APPROVED APPROVED OTHER INCOME APPORTIONED PASTORAL SUPPORT Apportioned Pension & Benefit Funding 350,000 350,000 350,000 Provides funding for the current cost of the Comprehensive Protection Plan (CPP) [clergy death & disability], the Clergy Retirement Security Program (pension) cost for persons on incapacity leave (with benefits), and funding for the future cost of retiree medical insurance. In 2010 - 2012 this line item will provide funds for the Pension Resoration Fund to cover additional required contributions to the Pension Plan. Additional contributions are due to the market decline of 2008. Retirees’ Health Insurance 688,000 688,000 688,000 Provides for a portion of the cost of health insurance premiums for retired clergy and conference lay staff based on years of service. Pastoral Support - Idaho Mature Ministers 6,000 6,000 6,000 Provides pastoral support for churches in Idaho who need seasoned pastoral leadership and meet the Mature Ministers Funding Guidelines. A similar Mature Ministers program for Oregon is funded through a grant from the Collins Foundation. Pastoral Support - Lay Persons Assigned 10,000 10,000 10,000 Provides pastoral support for churches served by Certified Lay Ministers Pastoral Support - Mission Church 30,000 30,000 30,000 Provides pastoral support for churches deemed to be mission situations by the cabinet. Equitable Compensation Commission 2,000 2,000 2,000 Provides travel and meeting funds for the commission. Equitable Compensation Fund 100,000 80,000 80,000 Provides salary funds needed to meet the minimum salary requirements of the annual conference and other salary assistance where needed. The recommended minimum salary for the year 2012 is $35,600 (Elder in Full Connection). Moving Expense Fund 25,000 25,000 25,000 Provides funds to assist local congregations with pastors’ moving expenses based on Conference Rule #5.300.

CONFERENCE LEADERSHIP Board of Lay Ministry 3,000 3,000 3,000 Provides meeting and administrative funds for the Conference and District Lay Leaders. Board of Ordained Ministry 32,000 32,000 32,000 Provides funds for travel, meeting and other expenses of the Board. The Board is responsible for all clergy and diaconal members of the Conference and all certified persons working within the boundary of the Conference. Board of Pensions 1,500 1,500 1,500 Provides travel and meeting funds for the Board. Board of Trustees 1,500 1,500 1,500 Provides travel and meeting funds for the Board. 2011 2012 2012 2012 APPROVED APPROVED OTHER INCOME APPORTIONED CONNECTIONAL SUPPORT Commission on Archives & History 3,000 3,000 3,000 Provides meeting and administrative expenses for this commission and a small stipend for the Oregon and Idaho Archivists. Communications Committee 110,000 114,734 114,734 Provides salary, benefits (including health insurance), and expenses for the Director of Communications, meeting expenses for the Communications Committee, maintenance of the Conference Website, contracted services for electronic media, video production featuring our Bishop, and other communications needs. Conference Council on Finance & Administration 4,000 4,000 4,000 Provides travel and meeting funds for the Council Conference Center 270,000 270,000 270,000 Provides for the operational expenses of the United Methodist Center in Portland. These include building expenses, building maintenance, equipment maintenance and replacement, the financial audit of the Annual Conference, comprehensive property and casualty insurance for all Conference property, and Directors and Officers liability insurance for all conference officers. Conference Center Administrative Assistant 49,733 49,733 Provides funding for the salary, benefits (including health insurance) and expenses of the Administrative Assistant for the Conference Center. This amount was previously included in the line item for the Assistant to the Bishop for Transition. Office of Stewardship and Finance 284,975 300,639 21,500 279,139 Provides salary, travel, and benefits (including health insurance) for the staff of the Office of Stewardship and Finance. The recommended salary for the Director is $71,864 for 2012. The other funding represents fees for administrative and fiscal services provided for our benefit programs. Conference Response Team 8,150 8,150 8,150 Provides for the expenses of the Team in responding to crisis situations in the local church or conference. Connectional Ministries 2000 2,000 2,000 Provides funding for teleconference and administrative costs related to the work of any of the connectional ministry teams.

GENERAL CHURCH APPORTIONMENTS General - Administration 45,242 44,644 44,644 An apportionment from the General Church for our share of the cost of the quadrennial General Conference Session and other general administrative costs of the church at large. Interdenominational Cooperation Fund 10,914 10,270 10,270 A General Conference apportionment covering United Methodist contributions to various ecumenical agencies. 2011 2012 2012 2012 APPROVED APPROVED OTHER INCOME APPORTIONED JURISDICTIONAL APPORTIONMENTS Jurisdictional Administration and Programs 14,460 15,608 15,608 An apportionment from the Western Jurisdiction Conference to cover our share of the costs of the quadrennial conference sessions and other administrative costs. Korean Mission 7,753 8,350 8,350 An apportionment from the Western Jurisdiction Conference to cover our share of the Korean Mission work within the Jurisdiction. General Conference 2016 Fund 4,000 4,000 Will provide funding for local expenses related to General Conference in 2016, which will be held in Portland. The manager of the General Conference has recommended we have about $150,000 available. All of the conferences in our jurisdiction have agreed to share in this cost. We are budgeting this amount for 4 years for our share.

APPORTIONED PROGRAM AREAS World Service Fund 414,609 391,068 391,068 The primary benevolent responsibility of each local United Methodist congregation. World Service is apportioned by the General Church to all conferences and provides the main source of funds for the church’s worldwide ministries. This fund provides all or a substantial part of the financial support of our general church program boards, administrative commissions and councils, and missionary personnel.

CONTINGENCY FUND General Contingency Fund 195,000 195,000 195,000 Provides funds for unanticipated expenses that occur during the year, including underpayment of Shared Ministries apportionments.

LEGAL EXPENSES Sexual Misconduct Legal Expenses 10,000 10,000 10,000 To pay for legal expenses incurred during 2008-2009 lawsuit.

OTHER GENERAL CONFERENCE APPORTIONMENTS Black College Fund 55,869 51,751 51,751 Used by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry to financially assist the twelve United Methodist related black colleges. Ministerial Education Fund 140,065 129,749 129,749 Provides funds to support ministerial education. 25% of the receipts are retained by the Oregon-Idaho Conference for use by the Board of Ordained Ministry for educational purposes for our clergy. The remaining 75% is sent to the General Church for use by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for support of our United Methodist Seminaries and other educational programs. 2011 2012 2012 2012 APPROVED APPROVED OTHER INCOME APPORTIONED OTHER GENERAL CONFERENCE APPORTIONMENTS (continued) Africa University Fund 12,504 11,582 11,582 This is a General Church Apportionment for the support of Africa University, a United Methodist University in Zimbabwe. Financial support for the University comes through this apportionment and through World Service Special Gifts.

TOTAL CONFERENCE BUDGET 4,187,257 4,234,847 49,600 4,185,247

CAMP AND RETREAT MINISTRY Administration 295,000 295,000 295,000 0 Site Operations 1,925,000 1,925,000 1,925,000 0 Total Camp and Retreat Ministry 2,220,000 2,220,000 2,220,000 0 Provides for the operational and administrative costs of our 7 camp and retreat facilities and our Day Camp and Travel Camp Programs. These include staff costs, insurance, food, maintenance & program costs. Funding for this item comes mainly from Camper Fees and other funds generated by the various sites.

NON-BUDGET ASKINGS Campus Ministry 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 Provides support for the eight Campus Ministries within the bounds of our Conference.

Conference Church Extension 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 Provides funds for projects administered by the Conference Church Development Team. These projects focus on planting new churches in Oregon and Idaho and assisting existing congregations in their efforts to start ministries that reach new people groups

Hispanic Ministry Program 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 Provides funding for the conference Hispanic Ministry Program.

Council on Young People Ministry 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 Provides funding for conference youth ministries and conference young adult ministries. Financial Reports 329


Expenditures Budgeted Expenses Apportionment Other (over) under Approved Actual Receipts Income Receipts MINISTERIAL SUPPORT Apportioned Pension & Benefit Funding 1,038,000 933,868 857,419 (76,449) Assistant to the Bishop for Districts Fund 905,480 824,946 747,892 (77,054) Assistant to the Bishop for Transition** 118,748 ** (118,748) Episcopal Fund 114,193 94,407 94,407 0 Episcopal Housing 40,000 47,900 32,955 10,000 (4,945) Bishop’s Discretionary Fund 8,000 6,591 6,591 0 Equitable Compensation Fund 125,000 61,309 103,325 42,016 Pastoral Support - Idaho Mature Ministers 6,000 17,200 5,040 (12,160) Pastoral Support - Mission Church 35,000 20,290 28,884 8,594 Moving Expense Fund 25,000 19,962 20,742 780 Contingency Fund 50,000 294 41,291 0 40,997 TOTAL MINISTERIAL SUPPORT 2,346,673 2,145,515 1,938,546 10,000 (196,969)

ADMINISTRATION Annual Conference Session Expense & Funding 57,000 72,767 38,383 27,166 (7,218) Area Expense Fund 28,000 20,000 18,851 (1,149) Board of Ordained Ministries 38,000 15,731 25,589 9,858 Board of Lay Ministry 4,000 490 2,722 2,232 Certified Lay Support 15,000 833 10,072 9,239 Board of Pensions 1,500 554 1,021 467 Board of Trustees 2,000 1,176 1,361 185 Conference Leadership Team 5,000 2,569 3,335 766 Committee on Episcopacy 1,000 37 681 644 Conference Response Team 5,000 1,793 3,335 1,542 Conference Center 277,000 184,504 186,403 1,899 Conference Secretary & Journal 18,000 13,471 12,114 140 (1,217) Conference Statistician 200 0 136 136 CF&A & Treasurer’s Office 302,975 267,220 189,465 21,515 (56,240) Consultation on Appointments 4,000 512 2,722 2,210 Contingency Fund 30,000 0 20,212 20,212 Commission on Archives & History 5,000 2,637 3,335 698 Episcopal Residence Committee 200 0 136 136 Equitable Compensation Commission 2,000 456 1,361 905 General Conference Administration 44,983 30,284 30,284 0 Interdenominational Cooperation Fund 11,061 7,418 7,418 0 Jurisdictional Administration 6,249 4,219 4,219 0 Rules Committee 250 0 136 136 Communications Committee 165,000 102,952 111,066 120 8,234 Delegate Expense Fund 6,000 4,015 4,015 0 Committee on Nominations 250 1 136 135 Quadrennial Training Travel 3,000 2,042 2,042 0 0 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 1,032,668 735,681 680,550 48,941 (6,190)

WORLD SERVICE & CONFERENCE BENEVOLENCE World Service Fund 415,156 241,558 241,558 0 Conference Benevolence Connectional Ministries Personnel Expenses** 267,775 68,378 ** 155,834 15,015 102,471 Connectional Ministries Meeting Expenses 0 243 0 (243) Campus Ministry Support 185,000 107,496 107,622 32,500 32,626 Churh Development/Redevelopment 50,000 29,114 29,114 0 Council on Youth Ministries 10,000 0 5,785 5,785 Council on Young Adult Ministries 10,000 0 5,785 5,785 Conference Hispanic Ministries 40,000 35,000 23,266 (11,734) Conference Programs 26,900 3,873 15,740 11,867 Contingency Fund 50,000 0 29,052 29,052 Jurisdictional Program 7,140 4,168 4,168 0 Jurisdictional Korean Mission 7,157 4,168 4,168 0 0 TOTAL CONFERENCE BENEVOLENCE 653,972 252,440 380,534 47,515 175,609

TOTAL WORLD SERVICE & CONF. BENEVOLENCE 1,069,128 493,998 622,092 47,515 175,609

OTHER G.C. APPORTIONMENTS Africa University Fund 12,689 7,694 7,694 0 Black College Fund 56,697 30,717 30,717 0 Ministerial Education Fund 142,119 71,720 75,186 4,965 8,431 TOTAL OTHER GC APPORTIONMENTS 211,505 110,131 113,597 4,965 8,431

TOTAL CONFERENCE BUDGET 4,659,974 3,485,325 3,354,785 111,421 (19,119) 330 Financial Reports Receipts from Churches 2010 vs 2009

Dollar Percent 2010 2009 Variance Variance Shared Ministries Apportionments $3,354,785 $3,601,486 ($246,701) -6.8% Health Insurance Program 1,904,688 1,911,324 (6,637) -0.3% Ministerial Pension Plan 870,683 815,455 55,229 6.8% Conference Church Extension 28,291 34,149 (5,858) -17.2% Northwest House of Theological Studies 3,856 4,776 (920) -19.3% Hispanic Ministry 30,962 25,374 5,588 22.0% Missionary Itineration Fund 3,525 237 3,288 1387.3% Special Givings 531,408 282,436 248,971 88.2% $6,728,199 $6,675,238 $52,961 0.8% Special Giving: General Advance Specials $408,609 $144,124 $264,486 183.5% World Service Specials 606 266 340 128.2% Conference Advance Specials 5,061 3,700 1,360 36.8% Habitat for Humanity (all projects) 2,845 4,181 (1,336) -32.0% Human Relations Day 6,695 7,126 (431) -6.1% One Great Hour of Sharing 43,602 45,135 (1,534) -3.4% United Methodist Student Day 4,016 4,463 (448) -10.0% World Communion Sunday 10,316 11,421 (1,106) -9.7% Peace With Justice Sunday 6,004 8,025 (2,020) -25.2% Christian Education Day 2,384 3,297 (912) -27.7% Native American Awareness Day 5,844 7,996 (2,152) -26.9% Golden Cross Day 15 35 (20) -57.1% Campus Ministry Day 286 10 276 2760.0% Hispanic Ministry Day 175 0 175 Youth Ministry Sunday 307 52 256 496.1% Global Aids Day 30 115 (85) -73.9% Central District Church Extension 1,560 1,969 (409) -20.8% Snake River District Church Extension 4,933 6,481 (1,548) -23.9% Metro District Church Extension 7,452 7,480 (28) -0.4% Southern District Church Extension 3,514 4,794 (1,281) -26.7% Western District Church Extension 2,784 3,162 (378) -12.0% Camp Gifts 2,160 1,513 647 42.7% Wesley Foundations 1,250 1,304 (54) -4.1% Willamette University 0 125 (125) -100.0% Prior Year Shared Ministry Apportion. 2,907 0 2,907 Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon 25 0 25 Other Gifts 8,030 15,663 (7,633) -48.7% $531,408 $282,436 $248,971 88.2%

report continued on next page Financial Reports 331

Dollar Percent CONFERENCE ADVANCE SPECIALS 2010 2009 Variance Variance Disaster Response (OR-ID) $0 $75 ($75) -100.0% Bishop’s Initiative to Eliminate Hunger 3,100 1,949 1,151 59.1% Creation Vacation 589 415 174 41.9% Hispanic Ministry - (Western Dist) 962 563 399 70.8% UM Retirement Center (Salem) 310 270 40 14.8% Volunteers in Mission 100 429 (329) -76.7% $5,061 $3,700 $1,360 36.8%

OTHER GIFTS Miscellaneous (Fund 100) $3,507 $8,666 ($5,158) -59.5% Gifts to Local Churches 0 40 (40) 0.0% Africa University Liberia Scholarship 0 215 (215) -100.0% Casa Metodista 0 100 (100) -100.0% Francis Center 0 65 (65) -100.0% Fish 1,325 2,170 (845) -38.9% Liberia Camphor Scholarships 2,044 2,887 (843) -29.2% My Daughter’s Place 0 895 (895) 0.0% Manna Ministries (UMRSF) 0 110 (110) -100.0% SNO-CAP 329 0 329 UNICEF 824 515 309 60.0% $8,030 $15,663 ($7,633) -48.7% 332 Financial Reports

2010 Apportionment Report (Year-End Final Figures)

- 2010 - - 2009 - Amount Amount % Amount Amount % Apportioned Paid Paid Apportioned Paid Paid

Ministerial Support 2,341,886 1,938,548 82.8% 2,352,818 2,008,237 85.4%

Administration 1,009,102 680,551 67.4% 1,133,868 788,456 69.5%

World Service & Conference Benevolences 1,066,941 622,090 58.3% 1,070,961 671,608 62.7%

Black College Fund 56,587 30,717 54.3% 57,692 34,600 60.0%

Africa University Fund 12,662 7,694 60.8% 12,916 12,430 96.2%

Ministerial Education Fund 141,821 75,186 53.0% 144,637 86,155 59.6%

4,628,999 3,354,785 72.5% 4,772,892 3,601,486 75.5%

Percent Variance % of Paid Paid Dollar Dollars COMPARISON: Apportion- 2010 2009 Variance Paid ments

Ministerial Support 1,938,548 2,008,237 (69,690) -3.5% -3.0%

Administration 680,551 788,456 (107,905) -13.7% -3.0%

World Service & Conference Benevolences 622,090 671,608 (49,518) -7.4% -7.0%

Black College Fund 30,717 34,600 (3,883) -11.2% -9.5%

Africa University Fund 7,694 12,430 (4,737) -38.1% -36.9%

Ministerial Education Fund 75,186 86,155 (10,969) -12.7% -11.0%

3,601,486 3,689,899 (88,413) -2.4% -1.4% Financial Reports 333 10 Year average Paid 60.6% 73.6% 72.3% 81.0% Paid 96.2% 75.5% Paid 60.7% 76.6% Paid 80.7% 85.9% Paid 64.3% 82.9% Paid 73.1% 81.4% Paid 76.7% 83.0% Paid 70.8% 82.3% (YEAR END FINAL FIGURES) (YEAR END APPORTIONMENT REPORT APPORTIONMENT Paid 71.6% 82.2% Percentage of Apportioned Budget Paid Budget of Apportioned Percentage Paid 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 80.9% 88.1% 95.8% 92.1%95.1% 91.5% 92.3% 90.4%81.5% 90.9% 89.6% 71.5% 89.9% 90.6% 72.8% n/a 92.0% 76.9% 87.0% 74.7%76.7% n/a 85.4% 76.5% 69.4% 82.6% n/a 83.1% 66.8% 89.7% 70.5% 71.5% n/a 69.5% 69.0% 67.3% 66.4% n/a 74.4% 77.3% 57.7% n/a 60.0% 54.2% 92.9% 66.9% Black College Fund Fund Africa University Health Insurance Administration & Service World Conference Benevolences 78.4% 68.9%Ministerial Education Fund 69.6% 72.7% 74.4% 69.8% 69.2% 72.5% 63.3% 77.1% 66.6% 57.7% 66.0% 62.7% 69.6% 58.2% 74.7% 107.3% 68.7% 59.6% 52.9% 70.4% Ministerial Support 334 Financial Reports Total Paid Total 150 23.0% 90 90 75.0% 88 0 52.3% 92 92 100.0% 62 11 17.2% 99 0 90.8% 59 0 0.0% 32 32 100.0% 15 15 100.0% 357 357 100.0% 734 0 19.2% 573 0 16.1% 270 270 100.0% 138 138 100.0% 442 442 66.6% 478 478 100.0% 132 0 2.8% 163 0 43.7% 290 169 58.3% 149 68 45.8% 127 127 100.0% 197 197 100.0% 298 175 26.6% 126 126 97.3% 267 267 100.0% 101 101 100.0% 428 428 40.5% 736572420 0 0 0 51.0% 37.5% 44.8% 385 385 100.0% 839 140 72.2% 659 461 70.0% 161834 0 35 61.7% 32.6% 308 308 81.6% 129 0 14.2% 226 226 100.0% 909 8 8 8 0 8 8 6 1 9 9 5 0 3 3 9 9 1 1 32 32 6651 0 51 24 24 12 12 39 70 43 43 12 0 15 15 26 15 13 6 11 11 18 18 27 16 11 11 24 24 38 38 66 66 513834 0 0 34 75 75 59 41 14 0 74 100 27 27 12 0 20 20 81 75 164 164 1,840 1,840 93.5% (78) (75) (882) (2,771) -21.0% 6 6 36 36 55 55 35 0 53 0 65 65 37 37 25 4 40 40 60 28 5124 51 0 79 79 50 50 13 13 40 40 64 0 52 0 90 90 143 143 293228 228 0 108 108 176 176 191 191 734 734 116 68 119 70 106 106 171 171 294 0 228168154 0 154 0 335 56 263 184 333 150 123 123 363 75 Black Colleges Black Africa University Education Ministerial of Percent 676 475 661 0 991 0 690 690 469 81 748 549 956 956 446 0 947 836 243 243 762 762 110 110 973 0 Conference Conference Benevolences World Service & Service World 640 760 983 983 1,039 1,039 625 0 937 10 653 653 443 76 708 708 905 905 422 0 895 895 229 229 721 721 104 104 920 200 Apportionment Report: Central District 2010 District Central Report: Apportionment 979 0 532 532 240 240 5,899 5,899 2,542 2,542 2,688 2,688 1,484 832 9,453 2,726 4,073 0 4,307 0 4,459 4,459 1,921 1,921 2,031 2,031 2,281 2,282 7,297 5,893 3,144 2,300 3,325 730 7,886 7,886 3,398 3,398 3,593 3,593 2,692 2,243 1,160 0 1,227 0 1,451 1,500 2,174 110 1,515 1,515 4,788 2,793 2,063 1,203 2,181 1,272 1,029 177 1,643 1,643 2,465 1,130 1,062 487 1,123 515 3,261 3,261 1,405 1,405 1,486 1,486 2,099 2,099 4,918 1,230 2,119 531 2,240 561 2,078 2,078 4,406 4,406 1,898 1,898 2,007 2,007 1,673 1,673 7,069 4,800 3,046 0 3,220 220 9,4486,939 5,5936,357 6,150 6,357 4,071 2,990 2,739 0 2,739 0 4,305 2,896 3,161 1,400 2,896 0 2,666 2,666 1,149 584 1,214 0 5,079 5,079 2,188 338 2,314 2,314 2,135 400 3,737 3,737 1,610 1,610 1,702 1,702 12,128 4,075 5,226 525 5,525 0 30,389 30,389 13,095 13,095 13,845 9,926 12,154 12,154 5,237 0 5,537 25 13,849 13,775 5,967 995 6,309 4,732 10,882 7,617 4,689 3,282 4,958 3,471 13,766 6,399 5,932 1,922 6,272 261 15,006 3,450 6,466 1,500 6,837 1,575 228,306 169,246 98,375 48,520 104,014 49,146 5,521 3,330 1,234 1,027 13,825 7,128 61.7% 239,255 213,406 115,301 79,066 108,905 71,300 5,865 4,342 1,312 1,102 14,707 9,899 78.1% (10,949) (44,160) (16,926) (30,546) (4,891) (22,154) (344) (1,012) Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Ministerial Support Ministerial Administration aisley Conference Totals First P Payette Pendleton Arlington Richland Baker City Baker The Dalles Bend Union Tygh Valley Tygh Chiloquin Cove Vale Vale Dufur Wallowa Echo Wasco Elgin Fort Klamath Fort Fossil Weston Fruitland Total This Year Total Total Last Year Total Gilchrist Increase/(Decrease) Haines Heppner Hermiston Hood River: Asbury Hood River: John Day Joseph Klamath Falls Klamath Falls La Grande Lakeview Madras Milton-Freewater North Powder Nyssa Odell: Pine Grove/Odell Ontario: Community Financial Reports 335 Total Paid Total 89 89 100.0% 662 662 100.2% 967 377 39.0% 763 763 100.0% 535 0 12.3% 203 203 100.0% 956 956 100.0% 547 547 100.0% 286 85 33.3% 144 144 48.3% 852 636 74.8% 291 51 23.2% 330 330 100.0% 481 241 75.1% 302 180 86.1% 367 0 33.0% 542 129 79.0% 230 232 101.0% 870 0 3.9% 233 (515) 2.1% 320 0 0.0% 122 122 100.0% 319 0 0.0% 174 175 102.2% 351 170 58.3% 380 0 51.0% 975 958 64.9% 431 431 36.3% 760 759 100.0% 354 122 34.7% 8 8 59 59 86 34 95 0 1,061 0 78.2% 68 68 18 18 4885 0 85 90 90 1,007 1,007 100.0% 49 49 26 4 13 13 76 57 26 26 29 29 43 43 27 15 33 33 48 11 21 21 78 0 21 (548) 29 0 11 11 29 0 16 25 31 34 34 0 96 96 1,078 1,078 100.0% 8738 0 38 68 66 32 13 104 104 1,160 1,160 100.0% 211 221 2,365 2,365 100.0% 118 25 1,322 0 52.4% 178 100 1,997 747 78.9% 101 0 1,129 0 73.6% 157 157 1,754 1,754 100.0% 529 629 5,924 5,924 100.1% 115 0 1,293 0 90.1% 174 258 1,948 348 83.4% 81 81 57 57 92 93 95 722 49 49 69 75 36 36 386 150 463 463 423 0 305 305 214381 381 0 402 402 218 218 944 944 114 33 340 254 116 116 527 25 132 132 192 192 121 75 797 400 147 147 216 51 450 0 700 700 347 0 516128 0 0 127 0 140 94 151 0 430 430 389172 172 0 303 303 777 209 141 48 264 264 Black Colleges Black Africa University Education Ministerial of Percent 915 915 672 672 Conference Conference Benevolences World Service & Service World 866 866 635 635 Apportionment Report: Metropolitan District 2010 District Metropolitan Report: Apportionment 3,353 3,353 1,445 1,445 1,528 1,528 8,839 1,478 3,809 662 4,027 0 9,035 9,035 3,893 3,893 4,116 4,116 4,723 1,621 2,035 665 2,152 703 2,370 900 1,021 900 1,080 250 4,802 2,013 2,069 0 2,188 0 5,452 5,452 2,349 2,349 2,484 2,484 7,938 6,153 3,420 1,533 3,616 3,616 4,991 4,991 2,151 1,580 2,274 1,650 6,064 2,021 2,613 871 2,763 887 3,800 3,838 1,637 1,653 1,731 1,748 8,950 8,950 3,856 3,856 4,077 972 5,284 0 2,277 0 2,407 0 2,009 2,009 5,271 0 2,271 0 2,402 0 2,871 2,900 1,237 1,300 1,308 1,325 5,797 3,382 2,498 1,457 2,641 1,541 1,474 1,474 6,267 5,573 2,700 0 2,855 745 7,118 51 3,067 1,165 3,243 3,243 5,837 2,024 2,515 872 2,659 921 15,961 6,225 6,878 2,683 7,272 2,836 19,161 19,161 8,256 8,256 8,730 8,730 17,511 17,511 7,546 7,546 7,978 2,025 12,606 12,606 5,432 5,432 5,743 5,743 15,784 15,784 6,801 6,801 7,191 7,191 16,630 16,630 7,166 7,166 7,577 7,577 39,055 39,055 16,829 16,829 17,793 17,793 14,061 10,487 6,059 4,582 6,406 4,776 21,824 16,701 9,404 0 9,943 5,830 32,979 32,980 14,210 9,380 15,025 7,816 28,954 28,954 12,476 12,476 13,191 13,191 18,645 18,645 8,034 8,034 8,495 461 14,364 1,113 6,189 0 6,544 0 97,821 97,821 42,151 42,151 44,567 44,567 2,363 2,363 12,496 7,747 (24,006) (1,395) 5,929 9,186 21,347 21,347 9,198 9,198 9,725 7,453 17,793 17,793 7,667 7,667 8,106 8,106 16,096 10,659 6,936 4,146 7,333 4,888 12,549 12,549 5,407 5,406 5,717 5,718 32,171 33,916 13,862 3,500 14,657 14,807 10,923 10,973 4,707 4,707 4,977 4,977 588,480 508,127 253,572 191,663 268,108 201,800 14,220 9,263 3,184 2,440 35,641 22,745 80.5% 575,984 500,380 277,578 193,058 262,179 192,614 14,125 8,541 3,163 2,988 35,408 23,260 78.8% Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Ministerial Support Ministerial Administration abor Heights Conference Totals Aloha T Beaverton Trinity Clatskanie Vermont Hills Vermont University Park University Gresham West Portland West Lake Oswego Lake Wilshire Woodlawn Milwaukie: St. Paul’s Milwaukie: Rainier Oak Grove Pleasant Home St. Helens Portland: Bennett Chapel Portland: Tigard Capitol Hill Troutdale Cherry Park Christ Westside Total This Year Total Total Last Year Total Epworth First Increase/(Decrease) Fremont Grace Korean Grace Hughes Memorial Portland Korean Portland Laurelwood Lincoln Street Metanoia Peace Metzger Montavilla Parkrose Pioneer Rockwood Rose City Park City Rose Sellwood Sunnyside 336 Financial Reports Total Paid Total 96 96 100.0% 64 64 92.3% 43 43 78.8% 73 73 100.0% 57 0 22.1% 658 0 10.4% 229 229 100.0% 247 247 100.0% 228 228 100.0% 483 242 50.0% 606 539 94.8% 650362 0 0 31.2% 6.4% 911 30 31.7% 363 0 4.2% 329 329 100.0% 208 57 12.7% 817 817 100.0% 185 0 5.0% 222 222 100.0% 254351 0 0 50.6% 81.3% 238 0 0.0% 141374278 0 0 0 24.4% 20.5% 0.0% 263 263 100.0% 485 0 15.8% 446 446 100.0% 294 294 100.0% 9 9 6 6 4 4 7 7 5 0 59 0 20 20 22 22 20 20 43 22 96 96 1,075 1,075 100.0% 54 48 5832 0 0 81 27 32 0 29 29 19 11 73 73 17 0 20 20 2331 0 0 21 0 3325 0 0 13 0 23 23 4340 0 40 26 26 100 0 1,125 0 52.1% 796 0 8,918 0 77.8% 159 159 1,786 1,786 100.0% 100 0 1,122 0 5.5% 118 0 1,317 0 36.3% 105 0 1,178 0 2.7% 172 0 1,921 0 44.1% 114 114 1,281 1,281 100.0% 137 0 1,532 0 76.1% 194 194 2,178 2,178 100.0% (23) (3,699) (218) (5,945) -8.2% 38 38 91 91 99 99 91 91 26 26 17 17 29 29 83 16 74 0 89 89 95 0 56 0 23 0 262 0 193 97 429 429 242 215 259144 0 0 364 30 713 713 145 0 447 0 131 131 525 0 326 326 470 0 101766140 0 0 0 149111 0 0 511 511 611105 105 0 194178 178 0 869 869 117 117 449 0 (87) (2,481) Black Colleges Black Africa University Education Ministerial of Percent 719 719 484 484 327 255 550 550 428 0 Conference Conference Benevolences World Service & Service World 680 680 457 457 309 240 520 520 405 0 Apportionment Report: Snake River District 2010 District River Snake Report: Apportionment 718 559 940 410 3,779 3,779 1,628 1,628 1,722 1,722 1,578 1,578 4,081 4,081 1,758 1,758 1,859 1,859 3,760 3,760 1,620 1,620 1,713 1,713 7,981 3,991 3,439 1,720 3,636 1,818 1,061 900 5,979 750 2,576 0 2,724 0 5,988 125 2,580 250 2,728 125 5,431 5,431 2,340 2,340 2,474 2,474 1,207 1,207 3,441 396 1,483 213 1,568 170 3,053 100 1,315 100 1,391 100 3,672 3,672 1,582 1,582 1,673 1,673 4,633 1,563 (25,902) (35,519) 2,333 (31,249) 3,935 0 1,695 0 1,793 0 5,804 5,804 2,501 2,501 2,644 1,023 4,191 4,191 1,806 0 1,909 0 2,334 1,125 1,006 0 1,063 0 6,1714,592 2,500 0 2,659 1,979 0 0 2,811 2,092 0 0 4,346 4,346 1,873 1,873 1,980 1,980 8,0107,362 2,500 7,362 3,451 3,172 3,172 0 3,354 3,649 3,354 0 4,849 4,849 2,090 2,090 2,209 2,209 10,859 1,118 4,679 559 4,947 559 17,755 17,755 7,651 7,651 8,089 8,089 10,004 10,004 4,311 3,882 4,558 4,052 10,737 6,624 4,626 0 4,892 0 15,049 4,703 6,485 2,485 6,856 2,142 29,493 29,493 12,708 12,708 13,437 13,437 18,521 1,080 7,980 936 8,438 0 21,749 15,329 9,371 0 9,909 261 13,497 13,497 5,816 5,816 6,149 6,149 19,456 1,020 8,384 0 8,864 0 31,719 27,661 13,668 0 14,451 0 21,147 21,147 9,112 9,112 9,634 9,634 25,296 25,296 10,900 10,900 11,525 1,871 35,970 35,970 15,499 15,499 16,388 16,388 18,568 18,568 8,001 567 8,460 0 147,251 143,479 63,449 63,449 67,086 19,428 3,558 0 551,334 436,158 237,564 156,307 251,183 104,237 13,320 4,217 2,979 970 33,388 10,539 65.4% 546,701 434,595 263,466 191,826 248,850 135,486 13,407 6,698 3,002 4,669 33,606 16,484 71.2% Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Ministerial Support Ministerial Administration aul Conference Totals New Meadows Southside Aberdeen American Falls P Ashton Pocatello Blackfoot-Jason Lee Blackfoot-Jason Richfield Boise: Amity Collister Rupert First Hillview Shelley Shoshone Whitney Buhl Sweet Twin Falls Twin Wendell Burley Wilder Caldwell Total This Year Total Castleford Total Last Year Total Increase/(Decrease) Eagle Filer Emmett Chubbuck Glenns Ferry Gooding Hagerman Idaho Falls: St. Paul Idaho Falls: Trinity Jerome Kimberly Kuna Jordan Valley Meridian Middleton Nampa: First Financial Reports 337 Total Paid Total 715 715 100.0% 174 174 100.0% 146 146 100.0% 830 830 100.0% 151 151 100.0% 289 0 31.8% 235 0 26.4% 303 303 100.0% 451 0 24.9% 177 180 101.7% 743 464 65.7% 120 120 100.0% 101 101 100.0% 480 480 100.0% 154 13 8.3% 474 474 100.3% 428 107 66.7% 519 519 100.0% 250 250 100.0% 249 249 100.0% 273 273 100.0% 268 268 100.0% 332 332 100.0% 238 20 25.1% 475 475 100.0% 196 196 100.0% 196 196 100.0% 294 294 100.0% 768 248 38.3% 844 844 100.0% 346 346 100.0% 322 0 7.8% 638 532 83.3% 418 0 74.2% 9 9 64 64 16 16 13 13 74 74 13 13 2627 0 27 21 0 16 16 66 41 4011 0 11 43 43 42 42 14 1 46 46 38 9 22 22 22 22 24 24 24 24 30 30 21 2 42 42 18 18 18 18 26 26 69 22 75 75 31 31 29 20 57 48 37 0 122 70 1,368 369 29.8% 144 100 1,615 1,117 71.0% 136 136 1,521 1,521 100.0% 274 153 3,072 1,720 88.0% 269 0 3,015 0 34.6% 123 120 1,377 1,377 46.7% 126 126 1,417 1,417 100.0% 139 139 1,551 1,551 100.0% 204 0 2,287 0 12.1% 70 70 58 58 60 60 94 0 71 71 48 48 40 40 62 5 99 99 95 8 78 78 78 78 546 120 644 447 607 607 331 331 115121 121 0 296 185 180 0 192 192 189 189 207 207 171 43 100 100 109 109 107 107 133 133 549 552 565 565 190 190 619 619 117 117 306 99 337 337 912138 138 0 129 0 254 212 167 0 285 285 Black Colleges Black Africa University Education Ministerial of Percent 900 900 762 762 Conference Conference Benevolences World Service & Service World 851 851 721 721 Apportionment Report: Southern District 2010 District Southern Report: Apportionment 2,878 2,878 1,240 1,240 1,311 1,311 2,415 2,415 1,041 1,041 1,100 1,100 2,487 2,487 1,072 1,072 1,133 1,133 3,885 2,025 1,674 0 1,770 0 4,7795,001 3,000 5,001 2,059 2,155 2,155 0 2,278 2,177 2,278 0 2,931 2,982 1,263 1,285 1,335 1,358 1,976 1,976 7,439 3,363 3,205 65 3,389 233 7,927 7,927 3,416 3,416 3,611 3,611 1,673 1,673 7,834 7,834 3,376 3,376 3,569 3,619 8,577 8,577 3,696 3,696 3,907 3,907 2,548 212 1,098 92 1,161 97 7,061 7,061 3,043 1,281 3,217 804 4,133 4,133 1,781 1,781 1,883 1,883 4,112 4,112 1,772 1,772 1,873 1,873 4,513 4,513 1,945 1,945 2,056 2,056 4,429 4,429 1,908 1,908 2,018 2,018 5,485 5,485 2,364 2,364 2,499 2,499 3,932 811 1,694 625 1,791 484 7,846 7,846 3,381 3,381 3,575 3,575 3,242 3,242 1,397 1,397 1,477 1,477 3,242 3,242 1,397 1,397 1,477 1,477 4,852 4,852 2,091 2,091 2,210 2,210 5,710 5,710 2,460 2,460 2,601 2,601 5,325 800 2,294 0 2,426 0 6,896 6,896 2,972 0 3,142 3,221 22,595 7,659 9,736 2,566 10,294 2,522 26,660 19,366 11,488 7,965 12,146 8,421 25,120 25,120 10,824 10,824 11,444 11,444 13,707 13,707 5,906 5,906 6,245 6,245 12,263 8,443 5,284 3,302 5,587 3,492 50,731 50,731 21,860 21,860 23,113 13,126 1,226 686 49,781 34,060 21,450 0 22,680 0 1,203 0 22,741 10,049 9,799 4,328 10,361 4,573 23,391 23,391 10,079 10,079 10,657 10,657 25,615 25,615 11,038 11,038 11,670 11,670 12,676 5,592 5,462 1,763 5,775 1,864 13,941 13,941 6,007 6,007 6,351 6,351 37,767 9,000 16,273 0 17,206 0 10,526 8,772 4,536 3,780 4,796 3,997 11,808 11,808 5,088 5,088 5,380 5,380 492,450 382,736 212,196 135,918 224,353 136,229 11,898 7,305 2,661 1,694 29,820 18,372 70.1% 514,387 423,195 247,894 159,904 234,138 150,677 12,612 8,274 2,824 2,114 31,622 19,722 73.2% (21,937) (40,459) (35,698) (23,986) (9,785) (14,448) (714) (969) (163) (420) (1,802) (1,350) -4.3% Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Ministerial Support Ministerial Administration Memorial


eedsport Conference Totals Albany Ashland R Camas Valley Roseburg Canyonville Springfield: St. Paul’s Cave Junction Cave Coburg Sutherlin Coos Bay Talent Sweet Home Sweet Coquille Ten Mile Ten Toledo: Trinity Toledo: Corvallis Veneta Upper Rogue Cottage Grove Dillard/Winston Wilbur Drain Wilderville Eugene: Asbury Yoncalla Yoncalla First Total This Year Total Trinity Total Last Year Total Wesley Increase/(Decrease) Florence Gold Hill Grants Pass Grants Halsey Harrisburg Junction City Lebanon Medford Monroe Myrtle Creek North Bend Oakridge Philomath 338 Financial Reports Total Paid Total 66 66 100.0% 41 41 100.0% 258 193 75.5% 145 145 100.0% 585 147 69.2% 576 576 75.3% 465 388 83.3% 181 181 60.2% 289 289 100.0% 712801 0 0 21.1% 58.2% 887 0 51.6% 907 907 100.0% 303 303 100.0% 674 451 61.1% 287 287 100.0% 837 837 100.0% 263 263 58.0% 125356 0 0 24.1% 4.3% 609 0 72.4% 752 752 100.0% 151 151 100.0% 166 166 100.0% 237 237 100.0% 905 0 85.9% 238 238 100.0% 158 158 100.0% 531 0 42.2% 275 275 100.0% 287 287 100.0% 605 605 100.0% 430 0 73.7% 479 0 32.4% 6 6 4 4 23 23 13 13 52 52 51 51 42 35 16 16 26 26 64 0 7281 0 81 27 27 79 0 60 55 26 26 75 75 23 23 1132 0 0 67 67 54 0 14 14 15 15 21 21 81 0 21 21 14 14 25 25 47 0 26 26 54 54 38 38 43 0 179 179 2,000 2,000 100.0% 103 0 1,150 0 58.8% 132 0 1,477 0 75.0% 133 0 1,491 0 50.6% 126 63 1,411 705 69.6% 109 109 1,221 1,221 100.0% 109 109 1,224 1,224 100.0% 128 0 1,435 0 48.6% 282 282 3,157 3,157 100.0% 58 58 72 72 50 0 60 60 66 66 26 26 16 16 95 95 95 95 63 63 103 103 459 0 233 58 230 230 186 155 115 115 284 0 320362 362 0 121 121 354 0 269 212 115 115 334 334 105 105 142 0 300 300 243 0 589 0 595 0 563 281 361 0 487 487 110 110 212 0 114 114 242 242 488 488 572171 0 0 191 0 798 798 Black Colleges Black Africa University Education Ministerial of Percent 937 137 497 497 311 311 Conference Conference Benevolences World Service & Service World 886 186 470 470 294 294 Apportionment Report: Western District 2010 District Western Report: Apportionment 683 683 4,825 10,593 (22,234) (11,979) 2,391 11,891 (55) 33 (11) 43 (147) 58 3.1% 4,268 3,201 1,839 1,379 1,944 1,465 2,389 2,389 1,029 1,029 1,088 1,088 9,661 9,661 4,163 1,041 4,402 2,251 9,510 7,646 4,098 4,548 4,332 1,095 7,685 6,404 3,311 2,759 3,501 2,918 2,983 1,740 1,285 750 1,359 793 4,770 4,770 2,055 2,055 2,173 2,173 5,010 5,010 2,159 2,159 2,283 2,283 4,740 4,740 2,043 2,043 2,160 2,160 4,346 4,000 1,873 0 1,980 589 2,056 656 5,885 300 2,536 200 2,681 0 2,500 2,500 1,077 1,077 1,139 1,139 2,737 2,737 1,179 1,179 1,247 1,247 1,090 1,090 3,913 3,913 1,686 1,686 1,783 1,783 3,926 3,926 1,692 1,692 1,788 1,788 2,611 2,611 1,125 1,125 1,189 1,189 4,544 4,544 1,958 1,958 2,070 2,070 8,762 6,900 3,776 400 3,992 0 4,733 4,733 2,039 2,039 2,156 2,156 9,996 9,996 4,307 4,307 4,554 4,554 7,097 7,097 3,058 1,803 3,233 1,400 7,914 2,916 3,410 1,073 3,606 1,076 18,996 18,996 8,185 1,840 8,655 1,250 11,764 4,902 5,069 0 5,360 0 13,22414,973 13,224 14,973 5,698 6,452 2,000 6,452 6,025 6,822 6,822 0 14,645 14,645 6,310 278 6,672 0 11,129 6,921 4,795 2,998 5,070 2,813 13,820 13,820 5,955 5,955 6,296 6,296 12,412 12,412 5,348 5,348 5,655 5,655 10,062 10,062 4,336 4,336 4,584 0 24,391 24,391 10,510 10,510 11,112 1,262 24,624 24,624 10,611 0 11,219 0 23,304 16,476 10,041 6,476 10,617 8,077 14,943 14,943 6,439 6,439 6,808 4,000 20,158 20,158 8,686 8,686 9,184 9,184 20,218 20,218 8,712 8,712 9,211 9,211 23,689 19,668 10,207 3,078 10,793 0 52,127 52,127 22,461 22,461 23,748 23,748 1,259 1,259 33,028 33,028 14,232 14,232 15,047 15,047 481,316 439,751 207,395 147,053 219,283 129,525 11,628 6,540 2,604 1,550 29,147 16,249 77.9% 476,491 429,158 229,629 159,032 216,892 117,634 11,683 6,507 2,615 1,507 29,294 16,191 75.5% Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Ministerial Support Ministerial Administration rinity Conference Totals Increase/(Decrease) Amity West Salem West T Astoria Seaside Banks Sheridan Bay City Bay Sherwood Silverton Stayton Canby Carus Tillamook Clarkes Tualatin Cornelius Warrenton Willamette Dallas Wilsonville Woodburn Yamhill Dundee Total This Year Total Falls City Falls Total Last Year Total Forest Grove Forest Grand Ronde Grand Hillsboro Jefferson Keizer: Clear Lake Keizer: Marquam McCabe McMinnville Monmouth Molalla Mountain Home Nehalem Bay Newberg Oregon City Salem: Englewood First Jason Lee Morningside Financial Reports 339 Total Paid Total 0 153 0 14 0 61 Black Colleges Black Africa University Ministerial Education of Percent 0 1,152 Conference Conference Benevolences World Service & Service World 0 1,090 Apportionment Report: Conference Totals 2010 Totals Conference Report: Apportionment 0 2,530 (10,932) (72,009) (124,766)(107,945) (4,023) (50,069) (1,105) (3,885) (254) (4,740) (2,816) (10,971) -4.0% 2,341,886 1,938,548 1,009,102 680,551 1,066,941 622,090 56,587 30,717 12,662 7,694 141,821 75,186 72.5% 2,352,818 2,010,557 1,133,868 788,496 1,070,964 672,159 57,692 34,602 12,916 12,434 144,637 86,157 75.5% Ministerial Support Ministerial Administration Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Apportioned Paid Direct Gifts TOTALS CONFERENCE This Year Total Total Last Year Total Increase/(Decrease) 340 Audit Report 3 Certain land and other depreciable property ac- property depreciable other and land Certain 1977, for which prior to December 31, quired not are records depreciation and cost supporting be would assets depreciable such available. Any of research the cost now, and by fully depreciated the outweighs basis cost accurate to establish having the information. value of Liability for certain post-retirement healthcare healthcare post-retirement Liability for certain em- former and current to provided be to benefits the reflect that costs service related ployees, and healthcare future of the value present actuarial cur- in the provided services to attributed benefits Tow- as calculated by period. That liability, rent ex- 2008, was in 31, of December as ers Watson adopted by changes Due to $20 million. cess of was that liability Annual Conference, the 2009 less than $9.5 million. We will calculated at just includ- of benefits and costs the weigh to continue statements. the financial information in ing this

we will continue to em- John Wesley, of spirit In the perfection. on toward we move as brace change Mullette-Bauer Bill Rev. Finance and Director of Stewardship Conference Annual Oregon-Idaho of Methodist Church the United 3. 2. Our beneficial interest in assets held at the held at assets interest in beneficial Our the and Foundation Methodist United Northwest work to We continue balances. in those changes data the to compile NWUMF of the staff with the finan- the in funds these reflect fairly to required cial statements.

n 2010 the theme of the annual conference session session annual conference the of theme n 2010 the Stew- of the Office In Change.” was “Embracing

Treasurer’s Report Treasurer’s I through has continued theme the Finance and ardship the future. and well into 2011, 2010, into we that of changes a number reported we A year ago Financial 2009 for the in preparation had instituted our of work the for gratitude our noted We Reports. on Fi- Council our and McGee & Co, Gary auditors, July 28, the Following Administration. nance and on addi- the audit, we began working of 2010 report efficiency that will further enhance the tional changes area, financial in the work our of and effectiveness previously the items resolve to even as we continue identified. there statements the 2009 financial to notes In the resolved have to unable we were that items were four items re- of these Three period. accounting for that time. at this main unresolved 1. LLP


and Report of Independent Accountants as of and for the Year Ended December 31, 2010 of the United Methodist Church Church United Methodist of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference Annual Conference Oregon-Idaho Consolidated Financial Statements and Other Information and Information Other Statements Financial Consolidated

Audit Report 341 5

rd paragraph of this re- this of rd paragraph onsolidated statements of onsolidated statements of cost and depreciation re- depreciation and cost an and perform the audit to an and perform LLP 31, 2010, and the related c 31, 2010, and the related ion is required by accounting principles generally ac- generally principles accounting by required ion is 1977, for which supporting 1977, for which timates made by management, as well as evaluating the as well as evaluating by management, timates made standards require that we pl rt, we conducted our audit in accordance with auditing auditing with accordance in audit our we conducted rt, Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also also audit An opinion. such no express we Accordingly, odist Church: CERTIFIED PUBLICCERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS ed States. Those ed . We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. opinion. our for basis reasonable a provides audit our . We believe that GaryMcGee & Co. the United Meth United the Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church as of December 31, 2009 Methodist as United the Church of Conference Annual former employees, and related service costs that reflect the actuarial present present the actuarial reflect that costs service related and employees, former REPORT OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT REPORT OF

Administration and Finance on Council The of Conference Annual Oregon-Idaho Annual Oregon-Idaho the of position of financial statement consolidated the accompanying We have audited of December as Church the United Methodist of Conference of responsibility the are statements financial consolidated These ended. for the year then activities and cash flows state- financial on these consolidated opinion an to express is Our responsibility management. the Conference’s the finan- from derived been has information comparative summarized year prior The audit. our on based ments cial statements of the Oregon-Idaho thi in the discussed reasons 28, 2010, that, for the we stated July dated our report and, in principles are not reasonably determinable. determinable. reasonably not are principles port, the 2009 financial statements did not present fairly, in conformity with accounting principles generally ac- generally principles with accounting in conformity fairly, present not did financial statements the 2009 port, Method- United of the Conference Annual Oregon-Idaho the of position the financial States, United cepted in the ended December cash flows for the year in its or its net assets changes the 2009, or 31, of December ist Church as 31, 2009. repo of this paragraph fourth in the discussed Except as standards generally accepted in the Unit accepted standards generally obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit An audit misstatement. of material are free statements the financial whether about assurance reasonable obtain that procedures audit designing for a basis as reporting financial over control of internal consideration includes of the the effectiveness on an opinion of expressing purpose for the not but in the circumstances, are appropriate reporting. over financial control internal Conference’s includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, statements, the financial in disclosures and amounts the supporting evidence basis, a test on examining, includes es significant and used principles accounting the assessing overall financial statement presentation statement overall financial the included not has Conference the statements, financial the consolidated 3 to note in described fully more As United Northwest by the held in assets interest beneficial A financial statements: the accompanying following in healthcare bene- post-retirement certain for balances therein; a liability the changes in and Foundation Methodist and current to provided be to fits and land certain and period; current the in provided services to attributed benefits healthcare future the of value 31, December to prior acquired property depreciable other informat such of presentation The available. not are cords accounting those from departures these of statements the financial on The effects States. United cepted in the

342 Audit Report

476,040 476,040 – 2,954,423 3,979,638

Temporarily Permanently 902,053 902,053 476,040 12,378,093 13,841,560 – $ $ 22,252,532 5,206,488 630,935 28,089,955 25,135,532 19,774,149 4,730,448 630,935 25,135,532 20,875,302 2,953,692 – – 2,953,692 2,865,561 35,591 – – 35,591 47,731 786,889 – – 786,889 1,002,368 1,867,081 – – 1,867,081 1,938,793 8,636,781 – – 8,636,781 8,859,554 572,046 847,823 – 1,419,869 1,406,149 459,974 – – 459,974 532,415 9,423,670 2,478,383 – – 9,423,670 9,861,922 1,112,098 – – 1,112,098 1,067,576 4,378,311 – – 4,378,311 4,317,717 10,912,603 1,465,490 – 12,378,093 13,841,560 413,688 – 413,688 – 681,118 989,450 (989,450) – – – 296,690 71,893 368,583 – 436,678 Unrestricted restricted restricted Total 2009 2010 2010 142,846 – – 142,846 196,850 – – – – 280,592 Y E A R E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 C E M Y E A R E N D E D D E ( W I T H C O M P A R A T I V E T O T A L S F O R 2 0 0 9 ) O R 2 0 T A L S F O V E T A T I R A O M P H C ( W I T 1,952,905 425,587 2,378,492 3,542,255 – O F T H E U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H H C R H U T H E C M T D S E I T D I O N U E H T F O O R E G O N - I D A H O A N N U A L C O N F E R E N C E L C O N F E R E N C E - I D A H O A N N U A O R E G O N CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES OF STATEMENT CONSOLIDATED (note 7) (note

: (note 11) (note (note 12) (note (note 13) (note

services: Supporting and General Administration Fundraising services Total supporting Total expenses Increase in net assets 644,043 Cumulative effect of change in accounting Net assetsof year at beginning – assets end at Net year of statements. financial consolidated to notes accompanying See – 644,043 805,518 support: other and gains, Revenues, support to Church apportionments general budget the Conference’s and Church Employee Clergy Payments Benefit Camp fees $ grants and Contributions 3,234,598 return investment Pooled 120,187 and gains Total revenues Net assets released from restrictions – Total revenues, gains, and other support 3,354,785 Expenses 11, 3,604,393 Program services: Ministerial Support Ministries Retreat Camp and Welfare and Pension Benevolence Conference and Service World Ministries Global of Board Conference Other programs 2,016,095 256,615 Total program services – – – – 2,016,095 256,615 2,092,555 168,173 Note interest income Other revenues 8 7 2010 2009 3,465,178 3,268,767 93,605 61,106 60,453 56,013 18,788,315 16,516,844 715,060 693,300 5,206,488 4,730,448 630,935 630,935 192,680 302,427 505,648 581,447 617,569 808,945 511,655 951,915 (961) (11,462) 20,442,456 17,654,850 3,465,178 3,268,767 428,775 329,767 64,403 59,482 $ 28,805,015 25,828,832 $ 2,876,485 2,708,581 22,252,532 19,774,149 28,089,955 25,135,532 $ 28,805,015 25,828,832

D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 D E C E M

(note 4) ral operations ral operations (note 10) (note

(note 9) ( W I T H C O M P A R A T I V E A M O U N T S F O R 2 0 0 9 ) R T S F O O U N V E A M A T I A R O M P C H ( W I T O F T H E U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H H C R H U T H E C M T D S E I T D I O N U E H T F O O R E G O N - I D A H O A N N U A L C O N F E R E N C E N U A L C O N F E N - I D A H O A N O R E G O

(note 8) (note 10) (note


statements. financial consolidated to notes accompanying See 10) (note restricted Permanently Total net assets Commitments and net assets Total liabilities unrestricted Total restricted Temporarily Total liabilities assets:Net Unrestricted: gene and programs for Available Liabilities: expenses accrued and payable Accounts and grants receivable Contributions Total assets revenues Deferred held on behalf of Funds others losses endowment Cumulative Assets: equivalents cash Cash and

(note 5) receivable Accounts receivable Notes receivable Interest deposits and Prepaid expenses Investments capital assets in Net investment equipment and Property Audit Report 343 Presenta- Revenue Rec- Revenue – Net assets – Net assets . Under these provi- these Under . izational transactions transactions izational The Conference has The Conference −

– Net assets not subject subject not assets Net – assets net Unrestricted to donor-imposed stipulations. – Net assets net assets restricted Temporarily will that stipulations donor-imposed to subject Conference the of actions by either met be balances These of time. passage the and/or externally of portion unexpended the represent return investment and contributions restricted activities and specific programs for used to be donor. the by directed as net assets restricted Permanently subject to donor-imposed stipulations that they they that stipulations donor-imposed to subject Conference. the by permanently maintained be the permit assets of these donors Generally, the income the of part or all use to Conference or general for related investments the on earned purposes. specific

Basis ofBasis Presentation and FASB ASC No. 958-205, No. FASB ASC and ognition Statements Financial of tion transactions and balances all and assets net sions, of absence or existence the on based presented are the net Accordingly, restrictions. donor-imposed are therein changes and Conference the of assets follows: as reported and classified • • • adopted the provisions of Financial Accounting Accounting Financial of provisions the adopted Standards Accounting (“FASB”) Board Standards 958-605, No. Codification (“ASC”) Idaho Annual Conference of the United the Method- of United Conference Annual Idaho Retreat and Camp of the Board and ist Church, of the Conference Oregon-Idaho the of Ministries Church. United Methodist All significant interorgan have been eliminated. have been

Y E A R E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 D E C E M Y E A R E N D E D – The accompanying – The accompanying O F T H E U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H H C R H U T H E C M T D S E I T D I O N U E H T F O O R E G O N - I D A H O A N N U A L C O N F E R E N C E N U A L C O N F N - I D A H O A N O R E G O al Conference the al Conference of The accompanying finan- accompanying The −

NOTES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS FINANCIAL Policies Principles of Consolidation Basis ofBasis Accounting The Oregon-Idaho Annu for 1969 in formed was Church Methodist United support and guidance providing of purpose the in Churches Methodist United various for the vari- operate and to Idaho Southern and Oregon camps. church ous by followed policies significant accounting The enhance to below described are Conference the the to statements of the financial the usefulness reader. financial statements include all accounts and ac- and all accounts include financial statements including a wholly- tivities of the Conference, and Inc., Close, The subsidiary, for-profit owned Con- the in which organizations several nonprofit and economic financial ference has a controlling Oregon-Idaho the include The latter interest. Fund, Retirement Ministers’ Methodist United Oregon- of the Ministries of Global the Board cial statements have been prepared on the accrual accrual the on prepared have been cial statements generally with accordance in of accounting basis principles and the principles accepted accounting pro- the is accounting Fund accounting. of fund purposes various for resources by which cedure in accor- purposes accounting for are classified by specified objectives or activities dance with donors. 1. Organization 2. Summary of Significant Accounting 10 9 2010 2009 146,093 82,639 5,067,820 5,442,147 520,555 70,881 $ 1,138,141 808,627 167,904 516,492 (726,127) 345,730 373,476 99,881 3,439,028 3,535,422 187,178 195,234 (323,648) (310,358) (323,648) (41,160) 4,085,470 4,306,301 (38,088) 373,476 99,881 $ 2,876,485 2,708,581 (4,589,759) (3,692,146) (3,692,146) (4,589,759) (9,311,612) (9,910,549) (3,123) (2,618) 2,708,581 2,192,089

Y E A R E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 D E C E M Y E A R E N D E D ( W I T H C O M P A R A T I V E T O T A L S F O R 2 0 0 9 ) 0 O R 2 0 T A L S F O V E T A T I A R P O M H C ( W I T or apportionment or apportionment O F T H E U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H H C R H U T H E C M T D S E I T D I O N U E H T F O O R E G O N - I D A H O A N N U A L C O N F E R E N C E N U A L C O N F E N - I D A H O A N O R E G O CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FLOWS CASH OF STATEMENT CONSOLIDATED

statements. financial consolidated to notes accompanying See Net cash provided by investing activities by investing provided Net cash equivalents in cash and cash Net increase of year beginning at equivalents cash Cash and end of year at equivalents cash Cash and Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities activities investing in) by (used provided Net cash flows fromCash activities: financing restricted contributions Proceeds from investment to long-term capital Cash sources received from other from investments Cash received supplies services and Cash paid for earnings Reinvestment of investment sale of investments received on the Proceeds expenditures from note principal repayments Cash received Capital notes existing on made advances Cash activities by operating provided Net cash investments of Cash flows from investing activities: Purchases flowsCash from operating activities: and grantors from contributors Cash received

Cash received from f churches 344 Audit Report The Conference is the is Conference The All contributions and and All contributions −

– Effective January 1, 2008, the the 2008, 1, January Effective – State of Oregon adopted the Uniform Prudent Prudent Uniform the adopted State of Oregon Act (“UP- Funds of Institutional Management institu- charitable Oregon governs MIFA”) which investment, to the management, with respect tions endowment donor-restricted of and expenditure funds. Revenue RecognitionRevenue Outstanding Legacies Endowment Funds and Interpretation of Relevant Law In-kind contributions of equipment and materials materials and of equipment contributions In-kind basis is an objective there where are recorded and contributions these value to which upon of part essential an are contributions the where activities. the Conference’s the 2010, 31, December ended year the During contributions. in-kind no recorded Conference beneficiary under various wills and trust agree- and trust wills various under beneficiary are of which realizable amounts total ments, the determinable. The Conference’s not presently pro- the when is recorded bequests such of share instru- testamentary declared the has bate court and the proceeds are measurable. ment valid ilable for unrestricted available for unrestricted considered grants are donor. the by restricted specifically unless use the at the time are recognized Service revenues are earned. revenues the and provided services are the time the at revenue as recorded are Bequests bequest to the right an established has Conference measurable. are proceeds and the in the accompanying is provided based upon based is provided Generally, significant Generally, significant create or enhance a non- a enhance or create −

Contributions are recognized as as recognized are Contributions −

Contributions Unconditional period received. in the revenues reve- as are recognized (pledges) to give promises to is communicated commitment the nues when are to give promises Conditional the Conference. unconditional, become until they recognized not depend they which on conditions the when is, that of assets met. Contributions are substantially their estimated recorded at cash are than other op- of future support the for Pledges fair value. at are recorded activities and erations, programs cash future estimated of the value the present as recorded is discount of Amortization flows. in accordance revenue contribution additional the on any, if restrictions, donor-imposed with for uncollectible An contributions. allowance contributions receivable as factors such including judgment, management’s and of contribution, type history, collection prior activity. fundraising of the the nature without equipment and of property Contributions such of use the concerning stipulations donor the of as revenues reported are assets long-lived cash of Contributions asset class. net unrestricted and to assets be used to acquire property or other re- are stipulations donor such with equipment restricted temporarily of the revenues as ported to are considered the restrictions class; net asset long- such of time of acquisition at the be released assets. lived In-Kind Contributions services received which specialized skills that the require or financial asset donated if not purchased have would Conference Nev- of activities. are recognized in the statement No. 958- ASC FASB with ertheless, in accordance which the services, of volunteer 605, the value to estimate, practicable not considers Conference recognized been not have of activities. statement 12 11 – Property and and – Property – Recorded – Recorded arge in the statement of ions, and the financial – These amounts consist pri- consist amounts – These amounts for receivables (including notes receiv- notes (including receivables for amounts ac- and assets, other and expenses able), prepaid reve- deferred accrued expenses, payable, counts approxi- others of behalf on held funds and nue, mate fair value. Capital Assets and Depreciation Assets Capital Notes Receivable Other Financial Instruments

equipment are carried at cost, and at market value value market at and cost, at carried are equipment provided is Depreciation by gift. when acquired useful estimated the over basis straight-line on a 5 which is generally assets, respective lives of the improve- building and buildings for to 50 years vehicles, furniture, for 15 years 2 to ments, and and equipment. reviews the carrying periodically Conference The or whenever events capital assets of its amount that suggests that evidence provide circumstances If be recoverable. not may amount the carrying be not may assets that capital indicates this review expected the reviews Conference the recoverable, flows cash operating net future undiscounted are assets If such these assets. of use the from in impairment the impaired, be to considered as a ch value is recognized differ- the is impairment charge activities. The ence between the carrying amount of the capital 2010, 31, of December value. As and its fair assets indi- there is any believe not does the Conference amortization or the value carrying the cation that the during impaired been has assets capital its of 31, 2010. year ended December marily of receivables frommarily of receivables to affili- notes issued issued They are recorded when ated churches. to are determined they off when written and are ac- An allowance for doubtful be uncollectible. the losses, historical on based estimated is counts condit economic existing churches. the of stability The Conference has some exposure to investment investment to exposure some has Conference The credit and market, rate, interest including risks, se- non-marketable and marketable both for risks is it exposure, risk of the level Due to curities. in- for changes valuation near-term that possible that extent to an may occur securities vestment in reported amounts affect the materially could statements. financial the accompanying sh equivalents. At Decem- For purposes of the financial the financial of purposes For The preparation of financial of financial The preparation − − Investments – Debt and Equity – Debt and Investments

gent assets and liabilities at the Under the provisions of FASB of FASB the provisions Under −

, investments in marketable securities securities marketable in , investments statements in conformity with generally accepted accepted generally with conformity in statements that management requires principles accounting the affect that assumptions and make estimates the dis- and liabilities, of assets amounts reported closure of contin reported the and statements, financial date of the the re- during expenses and revenues of amounts from differ could Actual results period. porting Confer- of the opinion In the estimates. those not differences would such ence’s management, be significant.

Investments Cash EquivalentsCash Use of Estimates Expenses are reported as decreases in unrestricted unrestricted in decreases as reported are Expenses and investments on losses and Gains net assets. as increases are reported or liabilities assets other their unless assets net unrestricted in decreases or by or stipulation donor by explicit restricted use is net on restrictions of temporary law. Expirations been has purpose donor-stipulated the (i.e., assets has time period stipulated fulfilled and/or the from released assets net as reported are elapsed) restrictions. ber 31, 2010, cash equivalents represent represent cash equivalents ber 31, 2010, funds. money in $1,247,165 invested statements, the Conference considers all liquid in- liquid all considers Conference the statements, of three initial maturities having vestments ca be to less or months ASC No. 958-320, ASC No. 958-320, Securities and all in- with readily determinable fair values at their carried are securities debt in vestments financial position. of statement the fair value in of in- the fair value (decline) in Net appreciation or realized gains the of consists which vestments, (decline) appreciation unrealized the and losses of statement the in shown is investments, those of earned as is accrued income activities. Investment total- fees advisory investment of net reported and 2010. 31, December the year ended ing $46,914 for a trade-date on are recorded Security transactions basis. Audit Report 345

The Confer- subsequent events events subsequent −

zation. These financial zation. These financial securities, mutual funds, securities, mutual – As required by FASB ASC by FASB – As required Subsequent Events, Subsequent have been evaluated by management through through by management evaluated have been the financial date is the which 2011, June 27, be issued. to available were statements No. 855-10, No. 855-10, Subsequent Events Subsequent of CreditConcentrations Risk ence’s financial instruments consists primarily of primarily consists instruments ence’s financial fixed deposit, of certificates funds, market money income securities, equity Board by the General managed funds private and a separately- Health Benefits, and of Pension organi governed affiliated to con- may subject Conference the instruments time to time, from as, credit risk of centrations may exceed amounts insured by ei- balances cash Corporation Insurance Deposit Federal the ther In- Share Credit Union National or the (“FDIC”) fair the applicable, as (“NCUSIF”), Fund surance on the ability of are dependent securities value of commitments, contractual its honor to the issuer in changes to subject are investments the and values. market iliates included in the policy, the short-fall is short-fall the policy, – Advertising costs are – Advertising costs – The Conference and each of the Conference – The they are incurred. as expense to charged

Actual endowment return earned in excess of dis- of excess in earned return endowment Actual of part as this policy reinvested is under tributions For management. endowment Conference’s the than is less return endowment actual years where the under distributions from returns and unrealized covered by realized years. prior the 2010, 31, December ended year the During Administra- and Finance on Council Conference’s as- endowment restricted donor tion appropriated 10). note (see for expenditure $2,539 sets totaling Expenses Advertising Income Taxes nonprofit organization aff are exempt financial statements accompanying Section under taxes income state and federal from com- and Code Revenue Internal the of 501(c)(3) a wholly-owed, Close, The law. state parable Ore- and federal to is subject subsidiary, taxable accompany- The income. net its on taxation gon approximately reflect statements ing financial dur- entity tax expense for this $1,900 in income 31, 2010. For tax ended December ing the year re- tax which file a entities those for and purposes open Service, the turn with the Internal Revenue December years ended periods are for the audit 31, 2009. 31, 2007 to December 14 13 In- , the por- the , , the Council on Fi- from income and the the and income from The duration and preservation of the fund; of the fund; and preservation The duration the fund; and Conference of the purposes The General economic conditions; deflation; and of inflation effect possible The The expected total return appreciation of investments; and Conference; the of resources Other Conference. the of policies investment The

tion of a donor restricted endowment that is clas- that endowment restricted a donor of tion by reduced is not restricted permanently sified as to except fund, the of investments the on losses losses theby including donor, required extent the related to specific investmentsthe that donor re- Simi- perpetuity. in hold to Conference the quires net as- restricted of permanently larly, the amount appropria- Conference’s the by reduced not is sets donor of absence the In fund. the from tions ap- or losses law to the contrary, or stipulations re- endowment a donor-restricted of propriations extent to the assets net restricted duce temporarily net on restrictions temporary donor-imposed that satisfied been not have fund the of appreciation re- Any occurs. appropriation or loss the before unre- reduces appropriation or maining loss stricted net assets. with UPMIFA In accordance investment adopted has Administration nance and that assets endowment for policies spending and fund- of stream a predictable provide attempt to by supported operations and programs the to ing the maintain to seeking while also its endowment, of the endowment power purchasing long-term and Finance on Council the Therefore, assets. in following factors the considers Administration or accu- appropriate to making a determination funds: endowment mulate donor-restricted • • • • • • • With regard to endowment losses or appropria- or losses endowment to With regard gift, original of the value of the fair in excess tions 958-320, No. with FASB ASC in accordance Securities Equity and – Debt vestments

The Council on Finance and Administration has has Administration and Finance on Council The as re- of UPMIFA adoption Oregon’s interpreted and investment adopt to Conference the quiring of value the fair preserve that policies spending ex- of gift, absent date as of the the original gift Al- contrary. the to stipulations donor plicit fiduciary a has long-term Conference the though of fund a for others) to (and donor the to duty en- the of preservation the duration, perpetual sev- of one only is power purchasing dowment’s and managing in considered are that factors eral in accor- Furthermore, funds. these investing of the endow- a portion UPMIFA, dance with ex- for be appropriated gift may original ment’s of purposes restricted the of support in penditure a spend- with if this is consistent the endowment requisite satisfies the ing policy that otherwise UPMIFA. under of prudence standard Conference the interpretation, of this result As a (1) net assets restricted permanently classifies as perma- the donated to of gifts the original value en- the to gifts subsequent (2) endowment, nent pursuant made (3) accumulations and dowment, in- gift donor applicable of the direction to the to added is accumulation the time the at strument the fund. in- the on unrealized) and (realized earnings Net as are classified assets of endowment vestment are ap- amounts those until restricted temporarily in a the Conference by expenditure for propriated prudence of standard the with consistent manner in a until expended and UPMIFA by prescribed purposee th with re- or time consistent manner Any in- the donor. by imposed if any, strictions, re- permanently as classified return vestment to required amounts only those represents stricted do- of explicit result as a permanently be retained stipulations. nor 346 Audit Report 3,883 222,845 20,219,611 20,442,456 $ $ 13,327,289 1 650,000 2 note 16) The Conference has four accounts held and managed by the held and managed has four accounts The Conference with the United $650,000 has deposited The Conference Domestic stocks and equity funds funds equity and stocks Domestic funds securities and Fixed income deposits Contracted 4,632,972 1,155,467 re- are investments Conference’s the general, In market on primarily value, based at ported fair common in investments example, For quotes. on ma- as quoted value at fair reported are stocks are instruments income fixed exchanges; stock jor and investments prices; market at quoted reported other and funds, fixed income funds, in equity pro- values market as reported are funds mutual the issuers. vided by at fair carried Investment value (see – deposit of Certificates non-tradable 1 2 General Board of Pension and Health Benefits. The accounts Benefits. The accounts Health Pension and General Board of and related purposes, or pension for benefit are generally held several selects from value. The Conference are reported at fair them- funds the but Board, General the by administered funds and Board General the of discretion the at invested are selves re- maximize to designed classes asset of mixture a in held are turn while minimizing risk. to re- with them contracted and Development Fund Methodist to 3.5% from ranging return investment guaranteed a ceive to other local United In turn, the funds are loaned 6.0%. for building, expansion, and conferences churches Methodist projects. and renovation Investments are carried primarily at fair value and and value at fair primarily carried are Investments 2010: December 31, at following of the consist by managed Private funds of the General Board Benefits Health and Pension Certificates of deposit – tradable – Certificates of deposit tradable other funds and Money market equivalents cash 450,000 7. Investments and Investment Return $ 302,570 189,526 45,962 106,889 500,000 621,919 $ 581,447 $ 808,945 $ 51,215 3,261 42,924 22,934 138,221 12,340 15,022

doubtful for Less allowance collection of receivables (40,472) Dundee UMC UMC Dundee Eagle UMC UMC Sherwood Stayton UMC UMC Union UMC Westside Wesley Foundation– Boise University State Accounts receivable at December 31, 2010 repre- 2010 31, at December receivable Accounts following: sent the to apportionments Church Conference’s the support general budget Employee Church Clergy and Benefit Payments an on to churches loans funds Conference The pur- other and construction for basis unsecured require generally notes resulting The poses. in- and of principal payments annual or monthly and to 2.0% 9.0%) from ranging terest rates (at bal- The 2018. through dates are due on various are 2010 31, December at outstanding ances follows: as summarized Baker City UMC Insurance premium receivables receivables Insurance premium from related churches Other

5. Accounts Receivable 6. Receivable Notes 16 15 $ 275,355 518,460 $ 505,648 (12,812)

1 A beneficial interest in assets held by the held by interest in assets A beneficial and Foundation Methodist United Northwest therein; balances in the changes health- certain post-retirement A liability for and to current be provided to care benefits costs service related and employees, former fu- of the value present actuarial that reflect the services to benefits attributed healthcare ture and period; current in the provided property depreciable other and land Certain 1977, for which 31, to December prior acquired are records depreciation and cost supporting not available.

Unconditional promises to give due in more than one year in more than one to give due Unconditional promises Less discount 1 Accounting Accounting Principles are reflected at the present value of estimated future cash flows future cash present value of estimated are reflected at the 3.25%. of approximately using discount rate years to five One year 243,105 Contributions and grants receivable are summa- and grants Contributions 31, 2010: at December rized as follows expected promises Unconditional in: collected be to Less than one year Because certain financial information is not read- is not information financial Because certain assets, the following ily available to management, re- are not associated activities liabilities, and statements. financial accompanying the in flected • • • 4. Contributions and Grants Receivable

3. Accepted from Generally Departures – Other −

posit accounts, and cer- and accounts, posit ates on December 31, The accompanying financial information as of as information financial The accompanying is pre- 2009 31, ended December year the and for not is and only purposes comparative for sented state- financial a complete represent to intended presentation. ment

Other Significant Accounting Policies Summarized Financial Information for 2009 All interest-bearing checking and savings ac- savings and checking All interest-bearing de market money counts, up for FDIC by the insured are deposit of tificates for bank, insured per depositor, per to $250,000 addition, In category. ownership each account Re- Wall Street the Dodd-Frank of Section 343 de- Act provides Protection Consumer and form for coverage unlimited temporary with positors This accounts. transaction noninterest-bearing effective on Decem- became protection unlimited termin ber 31, 2010 and cov- insurance provides also 2012. The NCUSIF the 2010, 31, At December erage up to $250,000. of in cash in excess $1,208,723 had Conference these limits. time, to from time receivables may also, Certain of credit concentrations to Conference the subject significant to its exposure minimize To risk. man- donor insolvencies, or from customer losses its of condition the financial agement evaluates concentra- monitors and donors, and customers geographic similar from arising risk credit of tions characteristics. or economic activities, regions, receivables are necessary, reported net When of amounts. uncollectible for allowance an significant accounting policies are set forth in the are set forth policies accounting significant and financial the following notes. statements

Audit Report 347 rnings. Accordingly, rnings. Accordingly, and appropriations appropriations and Investments – Debt and Equity – Debt and Investments Temporarily Permanently Permanently Temporarily , the excess losses , the excess losses associ- assets of fair value the time, to time From fall may funds endowment individual ated with re- UPMIFA or donor that the below the level per- of fund a as retain to Conference the quires the 2010, 31, of December duration. As petual investment cumulative incurred had Conference of endowment appropriations Board and/or losses of unappropriated $961 in excess totaling assets ea endowment accumulated in order to report the loses as required by FASB FASB by required as loses the report to in order ASC No. 958-320, Securities have been classified as transactions of the unre- of the as transactions classified have been out be reinstated will class and net asset stricted earnings. endowment of future Unrestrictedrestricted restricted Total 10,501 106,523 117,024 $ – (961) 630,475 630,935 1,260,449 – (2,539) – (2,539) $ (11,462) 526,491 630,935 1,145,964 $ $ 488,626 $ 5,000 630,935 31, December ended the year activities for endowment-related the Conference’s summarizes The following 2010:

Permanently Restricted Net Assets Net Assets Restricted Permanently held Conference 31, 2010, the At December The investment funds. in endowment $630,935 net restricted permanently these on earned income as follows: is restricted assets Center Retreat L. Collins Alton Fund Maintenance Endowment Superannuate Scholarship Coe Memorial Memorial Scholarship Louise Davis Trust Scholarship Magruder Fund Emergency Clergymates 20,000 Fund Endowment Sawtooth Lodge 38,052 Endowment Continuing Education 37,308 Fund Esther Burnett 10,000 12,000 10,000 9,949 year at assets net Endowment of beginning return Investment of endowment Appropriation expenditure for assets year at assets net Endowment of end

18 17 Continued Continued 313,390 133,264 151,492 119,324 $ $ 630,475 2,165,916 667,506 68,476 117,042 $ 5,206,488 $ 192,680 t assets at December 31, $ 127,359 1 65,321 or time, as follows: 1 Church deposits represent balances received from churches to received from churches represent balances Church deposits 2010 represent $5,206,488 restricted by donors ei- $5,206,488 restricted 2010 represent purpose to ther as restricted Undistributed earnings endowment funds: Other expendable Clergy support Ministries Retreat and Camp support Conference ministries Campus Development Church Benevolence 839,603 in Mission Volunteers Episcopal Other programs 1 Balances Temporarily restricted ne Church Trinity assist in financing the various property development and other and development the various property assist in financing contribut- the In return, member churches. programs of other return of 5.25%. an investment guaranteed ing churches are A summary of funds held on behalf of others of held on behalf at of funds others A summary follows: is as 2010 31, December deposits: Church Society Church District Southern Extension Restricted Temporarily Asset 10. Restrictions and Limitations on Net 9. Funds Held on Behalf of Others $ 932,589 80,986 339,410 5,485,745 $ 3,465,178 2,221,984 39,718 29,701

depreciation Less accumulated (2,020,567) return Pooled investment $ 2,378,492 Investment performance for all accounts managed managed accounts all for performance Investment periodi- is reviewed agreements investment under of the Committee Investment Joint cally by the and Finance on Council the and Trustees of Board Administration. the for assets pooled on return investment Total as is summarized 31, 2010 December year ended follows: income and dividend Interest value the fair in Net appreciation of investments $ 156,508 Buildings and improvements and improvements Buildings Equipment Vehicles Software 4,063,341 A summary of property and equipment as of De- as of and equipment of property A summary cember 31, 2010, is as follows: Land Furniture Furniture

8. Equipment Property and 348 Audit Report described under Section under Section described – The defined benefit portion portion benefit defined – The — Transfers to the de- the to Transfers — Defined Contribution are the CRSP of portion fined contribution com- participant’s of each 3.0% upon based salary defined as is Compensation pensation. hous- a computed allowance or a housing plus ended the year For equivalent. ing allowance contribu- Conference’s 2010, the December 31, totaled Plan of the portion to this tions $222,271. Defined Benefit is and service of years on based is CRSP the of of all members covering plan a multi-employer being contribution required the the clergy, with an- The Conference. of the the responsibility Gen- by the determined plan is of the nual cost To Benefits. Health and Pension of eral Board funding policy erence’s Conf the cost, this meet an church participating each invoice to is of the clergy’s to 13.0% equivalent amount used 3.0% amount the including compensation, defined contri- calculating the for basis as the above. described CRSP of the portion bution 31, 2010, the December ended For the year $1,027,128. totaled contributions Conference’s

Clergy Retirement Security Plan Plan Security Clergy Retirement is (“CRSP”) Plan Security Retirement Clergy The as plan retirement also a 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code and is oper- Code and Revenue Internal the of 403(b) of the clergy. The members for ated exclusively plan, benefit a defined of both consists CRSP at retirement benefit monthly a which provides to the service of credited years upon based plan, which defined contribution a and Church, balance established account a retirement provides mem- eligible for Conference the by funded and clergy. of the bers • • contributes 12.0% of employees’ annual gross gross annual of employees’ 12.0% contributes re- are employees camp Eligible compensation. gross annual their of 3.0% to contribute quired 6.0% contributes Conference The compensation. Pen- compensation. gross annual employees’ of December ended for the year expense plan sion 31, 2010 totaled $49,500. $ 34,088 34,664 34,664 15,829 6,157 $ 125,402

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 the for equipment office for expenses rent Total was $41,768. 31, 2010 year ended December Personal Investment Plan United Methodist Plan Investment Personal Methodist United The under described as plan a retirement is (“UMPIP”) Revenue Code. of the Internal Section 403(b) are eligible to con- and lay employees Both clergy Conference the addition, plan. In to the tribute on to the plan payments retirement contributes Employees lay employees. of its eligible behalf as (defined service of one year complete must from period a 12-month or more in 1,000 hours eligible to become to in order of hire) the date em- non-camp participate in the plan. Eligible al- to contribute up to the limit may elect ployees Conference The hire. of date upon law by lowed The Conference leases certain office equipment equipment office leases certain Conference The ex- which leases operating noncancelable under 2015. through years various in pire under required payments rental minimum Future at De- year of one excess terms in have leases that are as follows: cember 31, 2010, December 31, Years ending several retirement administers Conference The of the and employees of the clergy behalf on plans supports. it the churches and Conference

14. Operating Lease Commitments Commitments 14. Lease Operating Plans 15. Retirement 20 19 183,432 $ 989,450

During the year ended December 31, 2010, the the 2010, 31, December ended year the During satis- in expenses in $989,450 incurred Conference by do- specified purposes of restricted the faction occurrence by the the restrictions satisfied or nors, year the during Accordingly, events. of other corresponding a 2010, 31, December ended a reclassification as reported been has amount unre- to assets net restricted temporarily from financial in the accompanying net assets stricted statements, as follows: Reclassification: For purposes operating For capital purposes $ 806,018 and programs various the providing of The costs summa- been have Conference activities of the the consolidated in basis a functional rized on costs certain of activities. Accordingly, statement and programs the among allocated been have of Depreciation benefited. services supporting capital programs assets to operating is allocated benefit esti- on activities based supporting and by management. mates prepared 13. Expenses 12. Net Assets Released from Restrictions from Restrictions Released 12. Net Assets 61,763 $ 368,583 89,699 19,394 $ 110,190 1 ended December 31, 2010: December ended The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Mod- and Prescription Drug, Improvement The Medicare


ernization Act of 2003 authorized the federal government to government federal authorized the ernization Act of 2003 that sponsor benefit to employers make subsidy payments drug benefits retirees receive prescription plans under which bene- drug to the prescription equivalent" that are "actuarially Medicare. fits provided under Annual conference session fees session Annual conference revenues generated Miscellaneous Retreat Ministries by and Camp in mission Volunteers 45,979 22,679 Insurance recovery recovery Insurance Wellness Insurance Incentive Credits Credits Incentive Insurance Wellness Other 18,879 Medicare Part D subsidy The following summarizes the Conference’s other other Conference’s the summarizes following The for the year revenues

11. Other Revenues 11. Other Revenues Audit Report 349 Total Total 127,237 $ 520,555 111,921 (2,433,868) $ 2,954,423 (2,221,984) Level 3 3 Level (note 7)


Level 2 2 Level Prepaid expenses and deposits deposits and (4,440) expenses Prepaid payable expenses Accounts accrued and revenues Deferred 99,008 Funds held on behalf of others Total adjustments (109,747) 32,499 by provided Net cash operating activities in increase reconcile to Adjustments by provided cash net to net assets operating activities: investments of value the fair in Net appreciation receivable Accounts receivable Interest (69,792) (4,921) Proceeds from contributions Depreciation from long-term Proceeds to restricted investment capital securities Donated grants in: changes Net and Contributions (373,476) receivable (20,173) The following presents a reconciliation of the in- a reconciliation presents The following statement the on reported (as assets net in crease ac- operating by provided net cash of activities) to of cash statement the on reported tivities (as flows): assets in net Increase Level 1 1 Level

17. Statement of Cash Flows Reconciliation Cash Flows Reconciliation 17. Statement of

are at measured fair on value recurringa basis: 6,442,323 450,000 6,892,323 – $ 6,442,323 450,000 13,327,288 20,219,611 1,437,884 (1,513,225) 1,665,869 $ 13,327,288 inputs is as follows: inputs is as follows: note 7)

At December 31, 2010, the following financial assets General the by managed Private funds Health Benefits Pension and Board of Investments Total (see $ using of Level 3 assets valuation The change in – unobservable significant at beginning of year Fair value – Plus purchases 13,327,288 $ 11,736,760 Less sales 13,327,288 fair in the net appreciation Plus of investments value of year at end Fair value

22 21 Fair Value Value Fair . The hierarchy hierarchy . The et participants would to trade in markets to trade in – Values are unadjusted quoted prices prices quoted unadjusted are Values – – Inputs include quoted prices for simi- for prices quoted include – Inputs – Certain inputs are unobservable (sup- Level 1 assets and liabilities in active mar- for identical date. at the measurement kets accessible use to determine a transaction price for the asset date. reporting the at or liability Level 2 markets, quoted or liabilities in active lar assets willing those from prices ob- are that inputs or other active, not that are data market by corroborated be can or servable the instrument. of term for the 3 Level ported by little or no market activity) and signifi- cantto the fairvalue measurement.Unobserv- estimate best Conference’s the reflect able inputs of what hypothetical mark

Included in the accompanying financial state- financial accompanying in the Included (primarily instruments financial are various ments value The fair at fair value. carried investments) received be would that amount the is asset an of a in a liability paid to transfer or to sell an asset that willing parties, between transaction current Fair sale. or liquidation a forced in than is, other when prices market quoted on based values are market pricesavailable. When are not available, discounted using estimated generally is value fair market current incorporating analyses, cash flow com- with instruments financial similar for inputs quality. and credit terms parable been have fair value at carried All financial assets a hi- on based purposes, disclosure classified, for 820, No. FASB ASC by erarchy defined and Disclosures Measurements determined values fair to ranking highest gives the markets active in prices quoted unadjusted using assets and liabilities and the lowest for identical method- using determined values fair to ranking as inputs, unobservable with models ologies and follows: • • •

16. Fair Value Measurements Measurements 16. Fair Value ce also participates in ce also participates ons) to be $9,474,847. to be $9,474,847. ons)

Post-Retirement Health Benefits Health Benefits Post-Retirement benefits, pension providing to Finally, in addition insur- healthcare certain provides the Conference lay clergy and eligible retired for ance benefits of Pension Board the General through employees plan. and Health Benefits require principles accounting Generally accepted be benefit retirement to the related that expense of the of over the employment recorded period for fu- be recorded that a liability employee and by current service past to related ture coverage the Conference However, employees. retired and a on plan this of expense the report has elected to for the recorded a liability not and has basis, cash post- of costs anticipated the of value present Ac- note 3. see Also benefits. health retirement year the for Plan this under benefit expense crued The $664,253. ended December 31, 2010 totaled unre- the estimated have actuaries Conference’s 31, 2010 (i.e., the ac- at December liability corded ex- obligation, benefit retirement post cumulated contributi retiree cluding Supplement One to the Clergy Retirement Security Security Retirement Clergy the to One Supplement Program Conferen the addition, In the Supplement One to the Clergy Retirement Se- Retirement Clergy the One to the Supplement Plan, “Pre-82” as the (known Program curity by administered plan multi-employer which is a Benefits. Health and of Pension the General Board eli- for clergy Methodist United covers plan This 1, 1982. January to prior service of gible years that all assets such is plan of the The legal status of the all benefits pay available to plan are of the from conference annual of the plan, regardless were benefits which under or came benefits which accrued. The Conference controls certain benefit the applicable plan, including the of provisions annuitant contingent and the rate service past for the rate was $514 service The past percentage. 31, 2010. December year ended

350 Financial Reports

Ministerial Education Fund Operating Report December 2009 Income Budget Actual Apportionments $0 $75,185.81 Jasa Memorial Scholarship Fund 0 0.00 Coe Memorial Scholarship Fund 0 0.00 Net Earnings 0 4,964.79

Total Income $0 $80,150.60

Disbursements General Church 0 56,389.37 Seminary Scholarships 0 0.00 Continuing Education 0 14,331.00 Study/Travel Leave 0 0.00 Local Pastors 0 1,000.00 Diaconal Ministry/Deacon 0 0.00 Pastor’s School Scholarships 0 0.00 Jasa Scholarships 0 0.00 Coe Scholarships 0 0.00 RIM Program 0 0.00 Circuit Rider Lectureship 0 0.00 Ethnic Clergy 0 0.00 Exploration/Convocation 0 0.00 Miscellaneous (Grant to NHTS) 0 0.00

Total Disbursements $0 $71,720.37

Current Income over Disbursements $0 $8,430.23

Fund Balance at 1/1/10 74,551.97

Current Fund Balance $82,982.20

Ministerial Education Fund Interest - 2009 $6,817.42

Jasa Scholarship Fund Interest - 2009 n/a

Coe Memorial Scholarship Fund Interest - 2009 $5,843.59 Individual Grants for Calendar Year 2010 CONTINUING EDUCATION GRANTS Bell, Sydney 700.00 LOCAL PASTORS Biggs, Linda 1,000.00 Steele, Elaine 500.00 Boegli, Susan 750.00 Raass, Soane 500.00 Carlson, Roger 422.00 1,000.00 Chastain, Janessa 1,500.00 Cho, Myoung Sub 525.00 STUDY/TRAVEL LEAVE Clark, Glen 275.00 Drake, Gwen 2,000.00 none for 2010 Erbele, Evelyn 750.00 SEMINARY SCHOLARSHIPS Frisbie, Rinya 775.00 Henry, Matt 250.00 none for 2010 Jaquith Bartlett, Laura 775.00 Kimbrow, J Quinton 775.00 DIACONAL MINISTRY/DEACON Marsh, Ruth 275.00 Nelson, Karen 700.00 none for 2010 Oh, Kwang Seog 1,425.00 Park, Eunsoo 659.00 COE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Raines, Dave 275.00 none for 2010 Seckel, Carol 500.00 14,331.00 Financial Reports 351 OREGON-IDAHO UNITED METHODIST MINISTERS RETIREMENT FUND Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2010


Cash: US Bank Checking $13,336 Cash Management Funds 53,374 Total Cash $66,710 Investments: Marketable Securities $1,529,284 UMDF 250,000

Total Investments 1,779,284 Receivables: Interest Receivable $4,875 Notes Receivable 0 Total Receivables 4,875

Total Assets $1,850,869


FUND BALANCE $1,850,869

Total Liabilities & Fund Balance $1,850,869

Statement of Income and Expenses for the period January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

INCOME Contributions - Retiree Solicitation $4,210 Contributions - Howard Somers Estate $20,173 Interest - Money Market/Checking 5 Interest - Real Estate Contracts/UMDF 9,750 Interest & Dividends Investments 44,970 Change in Investment Value 0 Total Income $79,108

EXPENSES Administrative Expenses $648 Investment Services 11,786 Foreign Taxes 0 Conference Board of Pensions 91,181 Total Expenses $103,616

Gain/(Loss) for period from Operations (24,508)

Market Adjustment 139,837

Net Gain/(Loss) for period 115,329

Fund Balance, December 31, 2009 1,735,540

Fund Balance, December 31, 2010 $1,850,869 352 Financial Reports Board of Camp and Retreat Ministries December 31, 2010

Fund Balances Operating Fund $213,878 PPE Purchase Fund $2,473,453 General Camping Fund 37,408 Southern Oregon Project 490,159 Idaho Retreat Project 14,452 Creation Vacation Endowment 16,065 Creation Vacation Program 22,025 Day Camp 7,974 Camp Hope 7,415 Joy Fund 10,005 Council of Advocates Fund 31,235 Strength for the Journey - OperatingFund 12,981 Strength for the Journey - Endowment Fund 16,808 Knotts Memorial Scholarship Fund 14,686 Magruder Trust Scholarship Fund 80,557 Wallowa Lake Camp Scholarship Fund 9,295 CARE 265,433 ALCRC - Development Fund 12,289 ALCRC - Maintenance Reserve (31) ALCRC - Maintenance Endowment Income 26,664 ALCRC - Fortner Memorial Scholarship Fund 4,449 ALCRC - Circle of Friends 2,764 ALCRC - Endowment Fund 5,219 ALCRC - East Campus Fund 44,178 Latgawa - Development Fund 3,790 Latgawa - Maintenance Reserve 7,000 Latgawa - Vehicle Reserve 1,000 Latgawa - Camp Store Fund 712 Magruder - Development Fund 38,907 Magruder - Maintenance Reserve 15,058 Magruder - Endowment Fund 243,598 Magruder - Time to Grow 40,179 Magruder - Staff Housing Fund (273,373) Magruder - Hidden Lake Retreat Center Fund 0 Magruder - Storm Relief (0) Sawtooth - Development Fund 36,208 Sawtooth - Maintenance Reserve 8,609 Sawtooth - Vehicle Reserve 900 Sawtooth - Lodge Endowment 44,857 Sawtooth - Lodge Maintenance & Enhancemt Fund 10,748 Sawtooth - Bus Fund (2,167) Sawtooth - Camp Store Fund 1,172 Suttle Lake - Development Fund 10,848 Suttle Lake - Maintenance Reserve 45,062 Suttle Lake - Buckaroo Club 5,514 Suttle Lake - Vehicle Reserve 3,401 Suttle Lake - Endowment Fund 6,275 Suttle Lake - Camp Store Fund 0 Wallowa - Development Fund 18,072 Wallowa - Maintenance Reserve 26,400 Wallowa - Endowment Fund 14,224 Wallowa - Camp Store Fund 0

Total BCRM $4,126,354 Financial Reports 353 0 7,815 1,451 0.14% 13,525 17,215 -5.53% -5.56% -3.07% -6.86% -2.82% (2,332) (5,190) (1,446) (4,391) 38.05% 30.60% 63.49% -5.69% (5,260) -11.39% (10,077) (12,565) $ % -100.00% Variance 0 474 553 507 (959) 2,446 2,332 2,621 3,008 8,331 47,259 (17,083) $ Net (113,059) Results 871 871 6,429 6,429 17,083 2009 Variance 1,985,590 1,985,590 0 871 8,875 1,424 9,050 88,188 93,376 (5,188) 30,282 31,241 19,415 17,083 18,428 31,241 (12,813) 88,514 93,376 (4,862) 194,944 206,348 (11,404) 333,431 332,957 275,618 211,038 64,580 354,806 356,108 (1,302) 120,642 778,944 136,145 836,273 (15,503) (57,329) 211,545 211,038 139,153 136,145 844,604 836,273 346,083 356,108 (10,025) 352,964 223,473 332,957 206,348 20,007 17,125 2010 1,872,531 2,032,849 Income Expense Operating Expense Expense ------PRIOR YEAR------PRIOR 0 0.00% -5.82% % -100.00% A/R N/A 0 0 N/A Income & Expense Comparison December 31, 2010 31, December 553 63.49% 1,000 11.05% 6,856 37.20% 8,338 9.42% 1,958 N/A 1,175 N/A 8,663 N/A 9,930 4,560 N/A N/A 41,999 (19,415) $ Net (118,319) Results 0 871 9,050 8,875 1,424 19,415 2009 Variance 2,032,849 1,872,531 0 0 1,424 1,424 10,050 25,284 18,428 96,852 88,514 25,284 30,282 (4,998) N/A 10,050 96,852 88,188 199,504 223,473 (23,969) -10.73% 343,361 352,964 (9,603) -2.72% 339,591 346,083 (6,492) N/A 804,490 844,604 (40,114) -4.75% 277,577 275,618 119,259 120,642 (1,383) N/A 119,259 139,153 (19,894) 339,591 354,806 (15,215) -4.29% 199,504 194,944 343,361 333,431 804,490 778,944 25,546 N/A 2010 1,914,530 1,914,530 Income Expense Operating Income Income ------CURRENT YEAR------CURRENT Board of Camp and Retreat Ministries Comparative Statement of Operations Statement Comparative Ministries Retreat and of Camp Board Work Area Work Trip & Travel Trip Day Camp Day Camp Wallowa Camp Suttle Lake Creation Vacation Collins Retreat Center Collins Retreat Total Sites Total Camp McCall Camp Sawtooth Camp Magruder Total Sites Total Shared Operations Board Administration 277,577 211,545 66,031 31.21% Camp Latgawa Camp Latgawa Collins Retreat Center Collins Retreat Creation Vacation Trip & Travel Trip Camp Wallowa Camp Day Camp Suttle Lake Camp Sawtooth Camp Magruder Camp McCall 354 Financial/Statistical Tables 9 0 0 0 6 73 31 16 26 46 21 12 41 41 52 66 79 82 80 64 34 95 14 73 83 14 91 37 31 75 29 54 51 144 505 178 192 136 182 157 138 3,008 Total Members Total at close of 2010 at close of 9i 3 6 3 4 0 0 6 0 4 3 7 6 7 11 11 31 45 20 14 14 23 20 28 71 31 25 22 63 51 72 33 19 36 67 56 32 24 17 22 186 Male 1,079 8 0 8 0 0 3 9h 42 99 20 13 20 26 18 27 27 29 46 51 51 55 42 85 23 62 54 47 10 90 82 59 30 25 51 22 37 29 110 110 319 107 129 1,929 Female 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 9g Multi Racial 0 0 0 6 9f 72 28 16 26 46 21 12 41 41 51 66 79 76 80 64 33 94 14 66 80 14 82 37 31 74 29 54 51 143 493 177 178 135 176 157 130 White 2,932 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 9e 21 Pacific Islander 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9d 11 Native American 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9c Latino Hispanic/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9b Black African Am 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 7 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 9a 29 Asian DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT Robert Reasoner Juanita Bergacker Thomas Larson Rich Christensen Mike Lamb Jerry Holland H Novak Gerald Hopkins Bob Adams Pearl Whistler Pearl Whistler Joung Go Sally Wiens Jonathan Enz Sydney Bell Marcie Collins Kaye Garver Clay Andrew Goodman Viola Janet Farrell Joung Go Jennifer Mercer William Hays Sandra Kimbrow William Shields Williams Vallory Mike Lamb Jennifer Mercer Kaye Garver Robert Reasoner J Kimbrow Jerry Holland ygh Valley OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL ANNUAL OREGON-IDAHO CONFERENCE IDENTIFICATION MEMBERSHIP & GENDER REPORT-RACIAL/ETHNIC STATISTICIANS DISTRICT CENTRAL Arlington Baker City Bend-First Chiloquin Cove Dufur Echo Elgin Fort Klamath Fossil Fossil Fruitland-First Gilchrist-CommunityHaines Heppner Hermiston-First Hood River-AsburyJohn Day Joseph Klamath Falls-First Rinya Frisbie La Grande Lakeview Madras Steven Mitchell Milton-Freewater-WesleyNorth Powder Community J Kimbrow Nyssa-First Ernest Smith Pine Grove-OdellOntario-CommunityOntario-First Paisley Christy Matson Payette Pendleton-First Richland The Dalles* T Union Vale Wallowa Wasco Weston Financial/Statistical Tables 355

11 & other formation Total par- Total ministries ticipants in ticipants in small group all Christian all Christian & other formation ministries in Christian in Christian small group Other Adults Other Adults 1 75 104 & other formation ministries Yng Adults Yng Adults in Christian in Christian small group Classes & Groups Classes & 2 1 35 49 11 & other Youth in Youth Christian formation ministries small group 11 & other Christian formation ministries Children in Children in small group tion classes confirma- Enrolled in Enrolled in preparation 8 0 8 0 7 20 35 ents Other - Constitu

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Baptized Members Members who have Professing not become 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 9 9 11 this year Baptized 11 worship services all weekly Average at- Average tendance at Total Total 2010 members at close of by Death Removed non-UM churches out to other out to other Transferred Transferred out to churches other UM Transferred Transferred tion years Correct subtrac- previous reporting errors by Church Membership ship from Member- Withdrawn Withdrawn Professing action Removed by Charge Conference in from non-UM churches Transferred Transferred in from churches other UM Transferred Transferred years Correct addition previous reporting errors by by tion affirma- Restored faith sion of profes- Christian Rec’d on 1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 12 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 46 1 12 20 52 10 6 60 0 24 4 20 10 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 95 14 33 12 0 0 0 0 27 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 14 20 1 2 19 0 6 0 0 5 50 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 51 19 4 2 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 136 75 0 44 87 2 8 0 0 0 8 2009 3,071 44 3 16 27 6 13 8 13 18 14 93 3,008 1,474 33 256 1,306 23 223 110 18 442 793 Members at close of Robert ReasonerJuanita Bergacker 64 Thomas Larson 146 Rich ChristensenMike Lamb 10 515 1 28 Jerry HollandH Novak 0 3 0 Gerald Hopkins 3 17 26 Bob Adams 0 0 Pearl Whistler 0 22 0 0 1 0 1 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 73 9 0 144 0 0 0 505 55 2 44 0 31 1 1 220 2 1 0 1 14 16 2 26 21 28 21 2 0 25 15 1 34 6 13 41 0 0 364 0 4 0 0 45 13 0 0 0 37 7 0 0 0 35 0 46 9 0 0 0 6 0 0 48 0 44 0 15 2 0 1 0 0 35 0 0 0 14 1 65 25 81 0 16 23 148 0 0 2 0 37 0 7 0 0 0 9 12 0 39 Marcie CollinsKaye Garver 67 Clay Andrew 59 1 7 0 Joung Go 0 0 0 13 William Hays 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 4 0 2 80 0 64 42 0 50 0 0 3 3 0 3 64 8 50 0 157 9 0 77 0 0 1 0 7 0 0 15 5 0 45 5 15 45 9 0 22 46 Sally WiensJonathan Enz 65 79 2 0 0 GoodmanViola 0 Janet Farrell 0 34 0 182 1 0 0 3 0 Jennifer Mercer 0 0 0 0 82 0 0 0 0 1 William Shields 0 WilliamsVallory 0 0 0 Jerry Holland 0 6 Mike Lamb 96 0 0 Jennifer Mercer 0 0 37 Kaye Garver 0 0 0 0 77 76 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 79 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 44 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 34 0 0 6 0 182 0 0 0 15 0 14 64 0 0 0 75 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 83 0 5 3 0 0 0 16 1 7 30 17 0 0 81 0 0 4 3 0 10 0 0 3 0 6 0 0 91 0 20 1 0 0 17 37 25 61 0 31 0 75 16 0 0 15 0 0 29 16 31 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Robert ReasonerJ Kimbrow 53 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 54 30 1 14 53 0 18 3 6 0 27 DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT CENTRAL DISTRICT CENTRAL Table I, Part 1 December 31, 2010 I, Part 1 Table FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 - REPORT FINANCIAL OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL ANNUAL OREGON-IDAHO CONFERENCE Baker City Bend-First Chiloquin Cove Dufur Echo Fort Klamath Fruitland-First Go Joung Arlington Elgin Fossil Joseph Klamath Falls-FirstLa Grande Steven Mitchell 200 2 2 0 Pendleton-FirstPrairie City 2 Sandra Kimbrow 0 144 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 8 0 192 86 0 0 0 17 2 44 5 0 138 7 45 6 0 0 9 18 27 0 40 0 0 1 16 17 Gilchrist-Community John Day Milton-Freewater-Wesley J Kimbrow North Powder Community Ernest SmithNyssa-First Pine Grove-OdellOntario-Community 0 Christy Matson 0 Payette 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 73 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 Haines Lakeview Ontario-First Richland Heppner Hermiston-FirstHood River-Asbury Sydney Bell Rinya Frisbie 79 184 Madras 1 3 1 0 0 0 Paisley 0 1 0 0 The Dalles Valley Tygh 0 0 Union Vale Wallowa 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 178 82 67 41 4 1 20 13 31 0 0 2 8 0 0 15 23 Weston Wasco Williamson River

356 Financial/Statistical Tables

and mercy and

for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

community ministries ministries community 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0

Persons served by by served Persons

and mercy and for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

1 418 2 30 3 3 0 30 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 151 0 0 1 2 0 1 240 0 65 47 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 3 4 110 47 1,040 Community ministries ministries Community


for daycare and/or and/or daycare for community ministries ministries community 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0

Community Ministries Community Persons served by by served Persons

education for daycare and/or and/or daycare for

7 344 62 10,289 1 0 14 4 78 0 0 0 0 1 40 3 150 0 1 110 3 2,304 1 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 45 7 250 0 0 0 0 0 1 70 2 150 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community ministries ministries Community

from this local church local this from other mission teams teams mission other

5 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Persons sent out on on out sent Persons

church sent from this local local this from sent

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other mission teams teams mission Other

this local church local this UMVIM teams from from teams UMVIM

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Persons sent out on on out sent Persons

UMVIM/Mission UMVIM/Mission Teams

from this local church local this from

UMVIM teams sent sent teams UMVIM 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0

work (UMW) work church and community community and church

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amount paid for local local for paid Amount Methodist Women Methodist

UM Women

Membership in United United in Membership 5 384 0 0 9 935 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 882 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0

projects (UMM) projects Amount paid for for paid Amount 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 0 290 0 0 0 20 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 1,350 19 40 0 519 2,134 0 0 0 0 0 20 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 108 2,726 4,650 0 0

UM Men Methodist Men Methodist

Membership in United United in Membership 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 350 10 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 300 0 12 422 0 0 6 0 70 25 3,373 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

learning and groups for for groups and

0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 25 186 32 3,333 0 1 20 850 25 1,825 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 2 17 721 30 1,400 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 1 20 2 12 500 0 0 59 1,040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 12 12 43 607 0 Short-term classes classes Short-term


than Sunday Church Church Sunday than

for learning other other learning for 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 3 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 4 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 9 0 1 1 4 1 15 0

Ongoing classes classes Ongoing

Church School Church learning in Sunday Sunday in learning

0 2 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 3 3 4 0 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 9 0 1 1 Ongoing classes for for classes Ongoing

Vacation Bible School Bible Vacation

Participants in in Participants 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Classes & Groups Classes &

groups covenant discipleship discipleship covenant

0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 2 0 0 0 28 2 0 0 9 Persons active in in active Persons

church school church attendance in Sunday Sunday in attendance

0 4 0 0 8 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 2 0 5 0 0 7 0 5 11 21 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 8 75 4 10 0 50 0 84 4 16 18 12 0 20 0 16 0 10 10 0 0 0 19 5 15 0 15 8 51 0 95 8 2016 21 0 22 66 23 4 24 25 26 27 28 29 30a 30b 31a 31b 32 33 34 35 Avg weekly weekly Avg 386 44 404 67 48 41 129 2,989 576 28,960 4 esley 14 0 Table I, Part 2 Table DISTRICT CENTRAL Weston Wasco Union Vale Wallowa The Dalles* Valley Tygh Pendleton-First Richland Payette Ontario-First Paisley Nyssa-First Pine Grove-Odell Ontario-Community North Powder Community 0 Madras Milton-Freewater-W Lakeview Heppner Hermiston-First Hood River-Asbury John Day Joseph Klamath Falls-First La Grande Haines Fruitland-First Gilchrist-Community Fossil Fort Klamath Elgin Echo Dufur Cove Baker City Bend-First Chiloquin Arlington Financial/Statistical Tables 357 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


527 444 394 727 752 745 100 566 799 141 150 157

Great Hour etc.) Hour Great


Relations, One One Relations,

Offerings (Human (Human Offerings 50 General Church Church General

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

charitable causes charitable 38

benevolent & & benevolent

to non-UM non-UM to

49 Given directly directly Given

0 0 373 0 0 6,309 0 0 0 250 0 0 919 1,250 0 5,754 0 0 0 0 0 2,057 0 0 1,000 0 2,301 0 0 0 300 0 0 641 0 0 2,824 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 0


UM causes UM Given directly to to directly Given 48

0 0 166 1,568 0 0 0 190 800 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,248 2,400 0 145 405 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 1,740 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 408 0 0 727 0 0 0 0

82 49

Special Sundays Special Annual Conf Conf Annual 47

0 140 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

37 97 75 20 10 32 80

Mission & Ministry & Mission Connectional Connectional

46 Other Other

0 0 0 0 0 521 0 330 0 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 223 0 306 200 0 0 0 517 0 176 0 572 0 0 0 0 0 427 490 0 0 0 200 0 0 213 0 0 700 675 0 0

29 1,256 26 261 Advance Specials Advance

Shared Ministries & Benevolences Shared Ministries Conerence Conerence 44

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 257 100 0 0 0 0 0 355 1,078 0 145 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 20 912 8,606 271 2,307 31,776

Specials World Service Service World 43

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Specials General Advance Advance General 42


Apportionments 1,661 1,570 Paid Paid 40

0 0 3,250 8,867 325 445 0 8,189 166 0 0 2,583 0 8,708 0 0 3,306 0 502 2,165 5,657 12,245 6,993 210 385 1,385 3,863 0 0 1,052 0 0 0 6,150 0 12,565 19,773 15,056 870 855 3,504 1,640 0 4,149 0 278,429 31,790 0 0 9,611 0 0 1,374 2,995 350 2,234 1,390 127 0 0 8,813 0 56,148 120 3,750 0 4,026 100 0 6,446 0 0 4,600 3,005 0 0 958 0 835 2,323 5,520 2,949 910 0 2,201 0 0 0 4,509 15,589 1,500 195 2,080 0 0 7,385 6,825 510 1,337 0 0 476 0 600 1 302 Other Debt Other 39

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

assets church physical physical church

38 Debt secured by by secured Debt

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

owned assets owned all other church- other all

Assets & Liabilities 37 Market value of of value Market

0 0 8,457 0 0 equipment buildings & & buildings

220,119 220,119 114,206 114,206 11,200 273,975 16,448 508,809 54,751 130,000 902,700 385,000 25,000 57,500 133,140 90,179 313,000 320,000 275,000 30,000 194,500 715,000 99,138 361,822 153,485 740,878 2,526 623,000 51,283 591,600 161,000 252,000 22,456 7,350 565,000 123,410 97,813 owned land, land, owned

36 1,681,000 2,185,351 7,670 148,860 1,147,818 136,282 1,056,706 86,101 2,259,000 1,320,000 250,000 330,000 1,000,000 2,230,000 335,000 1,124,187 405,317 55,374 3,961,000 98,685 1,300,000 2,485,000 54,000 48,697 1,200,000 2,175 19,412 1,483,863 180,459 1,289,800 76,757

33,433,384 3,082,089 74,786 Value of church church of Value DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT Viola Goodman Viola Janet Farrell Pearl Whistler Joung Go Sally Wiens Jonathan Enz Sydney Bell Bob Adams Marcie Collins Kaye Garver Clay Andrew Gerald Hopkins Juanita Bergacker Mike Lamb Jerry Holland H Novak Robert Reasoner Thomas Larson Rich Christensen J Kimbrow Robert Reasoner William Hays Sandra Kimbrow Mike Lamb Jennifer Mercer Kaye Garver William Shields Williams Vallory Jerry Holland Joung Go Jennifer Mercer FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 REPORT - FINANCIAL Table II, Part 1 December 31, 2010 Part 1 December Table II, North Powder Community Ernest Smith Lakeview Madras Milton-Freewater-Wesley J Kimbrow Fossil Fruitland-First Haines Heppner Hermiston-First Hood River-Asbury Rinya Frisbie Fort Klamath Gilchrist-Community John Day Joseph Klamath Falls-FirstLa Grande Steven Mitchell Elgin Baker City Cove Dufur Echo CENTRAL DISTRICT CENTRAL Arlington Bend-First Chiloquin Weston Wasco Payette Pendleton-First Union Vale Wallowa Paisley Richland The Dalles* Valley Tygh Pine Grove-OdellOntario-Community Christy Matson Nyssa-First Ontario-First

358 Financial/Statistical Tables Grand Total Paid Total Grand

65 purchase

0 138,392 0 0 82,877 118,422 0 1,157 0 13,795 0 0 41,150 31,498 0 12,512 0 52,921 0 0 25,140 52,710 0 29,432 0 0 0 19,574 61,299 12,904 0 0 112,531 108,878 0 778 0 19,247 0 25,970 0 150,692 0 63,100 0 59,642 0 93,087 major equipment equipment major improvements, improvements,

64 - building, building, -

Capital Exp Exp Capital

loans, mtgs etc mtgs loans,

0 0 0 35,828 0 29,937 106,052 2,017 198,517 34,649 0 0 0 0 3,856 8,595 26,554 152,477 0 21,596 183,696 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,879 94,050 0 0 1,500 20,325 0 0 0 5,700 3,631 1,500 25,490 83,178 14,716 0 0 10,000 46,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,485 6,000 32,829 19,044 0 0 0 0 0 0

indebtedness, indebtedness,

Interest on on Interest

63 Principal & & Principal

0 0 0 expenses operating operating

62 Local church church Local Other Local Church Expenses Other Local

0 0 0

30 4,776 75 2,871 79 9,071 program expenses program Local church church Local 61

0 609 14,361 0 100 10,499 0 0 1,519 10,067 0 4,301 8,394 0 1,171 9,204 0 0 600 400 2,598 1,200 0 0 0 372 344 15,707 636 0 0 2,000 500 6,968 3,500 0 0 2,200 7,385 0 2,111 18,960 and expenses and Salary, benefits benefits Salary,

60 Other Staff - - Staff Other

0 0 0 33,101 0 24,974 22,023 2,073 2,088 723 20,159 33,097 28,244 0 0 0 0 1,712 25,028 9,100 848 6,547 3,900 13,066 25,233 30,040 0 13,302 4,175 81,645 0 0 6,040 0 0 0 1,307 347,155 100 75,120 594,337 5,658 40,290 6,930 180,137 2,748,840 0 720 0 2,381 3,531 21,448 0 0 0 1,200 403 7,088 4,052 0 950 557 12,474 0 0 0 9,797 2,566 14,104 0 2,587 4,121 10,538 0 0 12,399 1,339 13,699 0 0 0 0 11,997 3,599 1,932 4,055 19,773 28,449 1,308 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 30,088 1,763 30,161 0 1,558 1,168 8,878 0 0 5,546 3,103 19,236 1,500 0 127,546 13,717 45,150 26,500 14,613 383,523 and expenses and - Salary, benefits benefits Salary, -

59 Diaconal Ministers Ministers Diaconal

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 expenses benefits and and benefits

58 Deacons - Salary, Salary, - Deacons

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Allowances 58 19 Other Cash Cash Other

57 Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,700 0 0 0 0 0

Professional Professional

- Business & & Business -


Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc


0 0 0 0 0 0 922 0 0 0 0 0 605 0 0 186

Allowances & & Allowances

Housing Related Related Housing

55 Pastor/Assoc - - Pastor/Assoc

0 0 0 21,100 19,800 3,538 0 3,500 2,583 361 0 0 0 4,800 18,000 2,315 2,700 0 0 9,393 4,200 3,587 0 0 0 1,080 5,040 0 198,009 62,280 7,769 0 2,076 800 122 0 0 3,500 2,658 0 3,360 2,814 0 0 6,925 2,318 600 0 0 0 0 4,005 541 725 2,520 0 3,105 1,463 0 0 0 0 0 2,534 1,494 14,140 2,356 1,556 2,700 250 2,192 0 18,314 2,900 0 0 583 924 100 0 0 840 624 0 3,800 3,800 0 17,630 5,236 0 6,721 2,400 367 0 6,000 4,428 0 0 20,568 582


Local Church Clergy Support Local Church Pastor - Base Base - Pastor

54 Assoc Assoc

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Compensation Pastor - Base Base - Pastor 53

0 0 5,313 0 7,263 0 0 0 7,162 0 4,896 0 13,100 0 8,688 0 0 11,888 0 6,025 0 3,000 0 0 3,521 0 9,000 0 6,025 0 0 8,900

Benefits Clergy Health Health Clergy 52

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Benefits 960 983 2,640 3,975

6,949 6,058 14,400 14,400 32,344 26,800 1,920 6,500 6,437 14,400 7,200 32,200 28,010 6,267 5,148 14,400 15,600 32,724 31,000 1,186 7,200 8,040 1,201 2,697 4,290 11,520 20,940 2,742 7,200 14,423 1,566 1,030 7,200 21,432 3,380 7,200 2,742 6,071 7,200 14,400 14,773 35,660 6,268 7,200 29,881 1,030 6,795 14,400 34,640 3,606 7,200 21,016 2,080 7,200 10,000 5,151 13,663 31,700 8,996 14,400 48,635 Clergy non-Health non-Health Clergy 51 102,053 209,023 572,974 esley Table II, Part 2 Table Klamath Falls-First La Grande Madras Lakeview Heppner Hood River-Asbury Hermiston-First John Day Joseph Haines Wasco Weston Fossil Fruitland-First Gilchrist-Community Vale Wallowa Fort Klamath The Dalles* Valley Tygh Union Elgin Ontario-Community Ontario-First Paisley Payette Pendleton-First Richland Dufur Echo Nyssa-First Pine Grove-Odell Cove Milton-Freewater-W North Powder Community CENTRAL DISTRICT CENTRAL Arlington Baker City Bend-First Chiloquin

Financial/Statistical Tables 359

outside the local church local the outside

institutional sources sources institutional

connectional and other other and connectional

Total income from from income Total


support from institutional institutional from support

Other grants and financial financial and grants Other

received by church by received

connectional funds funds connectional

apportioned and and apportioned Advance Special, Special, Advance

Connectional/Institutional Sources Connectional/Institutional church

Funds received by by received Funds

Equitable Compensation Compensation Equitable

designated causes designated

Total income for for income Total

Service Specials Service

Advance Specials, World World Specials, Advance

Special Sundays, Sundays, Special

projects Other sources and and sources Other

Designated Causes Designated

and bequests and Memorials, endowments endowments Memorials,

0 0 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 28 0 0 0 0

Capital campaigns Capital

budget/spending plan budget/spending

Total income for annual annual for income Total


fundraisers and other other and fundraisers

Amount received through through received Amount

contributions, and rentals and contributions,

building use fees, fees, use building

Amount received through through received Amount

sale of church assets church of sale Amount received from from received Amount

15 50 9,520 2,269 89,221 22,512 3,625 0 1,258 27,395 0 0 0 0 interest and dividends and interest

Amount received from from received Amount

unidentified givers unidentified

Annual Budget/Spending Plan Annual Budget/Spending from received Amount

identified givers identified

from non-pledging but but non-pledging from Amount received received Amount

0 13,186 4,000 0 0 0 0 17,186 0 0 0 0 0 2,625 0 0 2,625

pledges Amount received through through received Amount 9 0 0 11,700 33,620 0 1,500 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,132 500 12,200 0 0 0 100 0 4,800 0 0 4,900 0 2,325 0 0 0 0 0 2,325 0 0 8 0 0 0 13,775 2,509 0 5 0 0 0 50 0 718 0 17,057 0 0 235 0 302 0 0 0 537 0 2,200 0 0 0 0 2,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,365 10,618 0 0 849 48,680 0 0 20,951 3,444 0 30 2,000 6,117 0 0 0 0 0 400 544 0 0 0 0 139 0 14,927 0 225 0 12,618 0 1,573 58,241 0 23,149 19,618 0 6,265 0 0 0 100 0 0 6,813 0 0 120 0 1,041 7,618 6,385 0 27,236 0 0 0 100 7,854 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,977 0 0 467 0 1,400 215 11,059 0 165 6,756 0 6,921 2,325 0 0 2,325

11 19 23 18,202 12 0 0 0 33,975 12,563 2,883 3,035 1,161 4,566 0 0 0 0 0 7,975 0 1,911 0 1,444 51,462 22,529 500 0 14,224 0 505 140 0 240 2,292 2,526 2,797 2,906 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 29 65,322 64,204 30 25,828 17,332 56,762 2,276 1,933 9,277 6,884 264 974 0 3,572 0 4,957 13,250 0 2,454 3,015 1,365 107,721 99,998 0 0 0 71,950 96,492 7,859 138 0 0 0 60 5,091 96,630 12,950 0 0 7,350 0 7,410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 24,150 32 0 0 49,627 1,300 351 592 3,064 8,154 8,255 0 2,301 1,665 44,752 0 0 54,707 100 0 19,447 0 0 19,547 0 2,826 0 2,826 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 67,065 0 0 0 0 0 67,065 24 33,000 2,000 521 0 0 500 582 36,603 0 0 2,600 148 2,748 0 0 0 0 32 36 0 17,564 0 18 825 38,214 27,506 5,824 27,222 402 7,104 18 0 1,101 8,829 0 0 1,257 0 485 27,620 0 1,855 45,313 0 65,273 330 0 0 2,257 4,135 1,000 3,688 127 860 2,714 0 385 7,823 0 2,245 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,200 0 0 4,200 0 92 103,238 31,650 1,274 0 0 9,075 383 145,620 0 190 0 2,301 2,491 0 0 2,631 2,631 29 2,640 23,719 1,644 0 0 515 3,874 32,392 0 800 0 2,006 2,806 0 0 0 0 96 10 0 0 101,944 24,047 2,500 1,223 0 7 0 0 4,775 100 15,592 124,811 4,593 29,970 0 3,650 0 2,045 0 4 0 0 5,699 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 0 44 80 16 0 0 61,551 98,446 0 10,507 3,031 0 232 0 0 0 0 0 9,600 0 0 5,627 10,660 77,010 0 125 101,477 0 21,292 6,470 0 0 3,012 5,321 0 0 0 9,482 2,669 0 7,990 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,499 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,499 43 56,344 17,670 3,253 1 30 10 19,865 9,685 0 20,000 1,580 1,000 272 0 0 8,488 0 383 6,600 40,273 2,100 1,000 29,700 6,005 610 3,500 40 200 0 5,110 100 6,345 0 1,800 0 0 0 0 0 1,800 72 124,497 17,250 2,121 14 0 710 0 144,592 61,159 1,720 12,085 16,187 91,151 0 400 4,000 4,400 giving to the local church local the to giving 137 89,406 30,598 4,131 1,153 0 439 9,006 134,733 0 2,607 4,861 2,091 9,559 0 0 0 0 289 255,433 56,300 5,018 1,456 0 25,481 0 343,688 46,631 39,908 52,317 6,858 145,714 0 0 0 0

1,342 961,246 958,229 67,264 32,743 8,204 136,720 61,159 2,225,565 160,575 187,663 118,108 63,953 530,299 20,774 400 7,831 29,005 Number of households households of Number 66 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67 68a 68b 68c 68d 68 69a 69b 69c 69 DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT Mike Lamb Jennifer Mercer Kaye Garver William Hays William Shields Williams Vallory Jerry Holland Jennifer Mercer Marcie Collins Joung Go H Novak Gerald Hopkins Bob Adams Pearl Whistler Sally Wiens Jonathan Enz Janet Farrell Mike Lamb Jerry Holland Clay Andrew Goodman Viola Robert Reasoner Juanita Bergacker Thomas Larson Rich Christensen Kaye Garver Robert Reasoner J Kimbrow Table III December 31, 2010 III Table FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 - REPORT FINANCIAL asco CENTRAL DISTRICT CENTRAL Union Vale Wallowa Payette Pendleton-FirstRichland The Dalles* Valley Tygh Kimbrow Sandra Pine Grove-OdellOntario-CommunityOntario-First Christy Matson Paisley Hermiston-FirstHood River-AsburyJohn Day Sydney Bell Rinya Frisbie Milton-FreewaterNorth Powder Nyssa-First J Kimbrow Ernest Smith Echo Elgin Fort Klamath Fossil Fruitland-FirstGilchrist-CommunityHaines Heppner Joung Go Madras Cove Dufur La Grande Lakeview Arlington Baker City Bend-First Chiloquin Joseph Weston Klamath Falls-First Steven Mitchell W 360 Financial/Statistical Tables 9 0 0 28 88 24 57 70 29 22 23 50 16 33 17 31 58 50 48 50 70 63 811 811 115 115 105 183 351 635 136 181 423 194 254 238 150 359 147 137 131 104 359 186 6,026 Total Members Total at close of 2010 at close of 9i 6 9 8 0 7 9 0 5 43 65 45 57 28 20 25 72 10 10 14 49 34 10 59 54 22 39 17 20 20 25 36 28 82 237 151 172 314 106 126 144 142 Male 2,320 9 0 0 9h 62 22 91 60 15 37 45 19 14 13 36 24 81 12 21 88 83 36 92 33 28 30 45 68 35 118 118 112 112 398 200 124 251 122 497 148 101 215 217 104 3,706 Female 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9g 28 Multi Racial 0 1 0 0 0 9f 86 27 88 22 53 67 18 49 16 33 15 31 33 51 48 23 70 59 172 614 347 133 178 387 788 203 231 136 100 347 141 135 128 102 318 179 White 5,429 0 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 2 9e 15 35 31 106 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9d 10 18 Native American 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 7 2 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 9c 33 Latino Hispanic/ 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 6 0 1 0 0 8 7 0 0 1 0 0 2 9 0 9 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 9b 21 27 106 Black African Am 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 1 5 0 0 5 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 7 0 4 9a 15 13 29 23 176 306 Asian DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT Michael Cowan Steven Wolff Carolyn Bowers James Fellers Steven Sprecher James Frisbie William Taylor Marcia Hauer David Weekley David Bean Brett Strobel Robin Yim Arvin Luchs Woodworth Wendy Sin Hee Hwang Kwang Oh Winslea Tim Winslea Tim Janine DeLaunay Margaret Lofsvold William Gates Paul Darling Thomas Myers Thomas Tate David Weekley Tim Winslea Tim Donald Barnhart Amy Overton-Harris Jeanne Knepper Overton-Harris Timothy Janine DeLaunay Carolyn Bowers Michael Gregor Roger Carlson Leland Hunefeld Karen Nelson Brian Shimer oodlawn OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL ANNUAL OREGON-IDAHO CONFERENCE IDENTIFICATION MEMBERSHIP & GENDER REPORT-RACIAL/ETHNIC STATISTICIANS DISTRICT METROPOLITAN Aloha Beaverton-First Clatskanie Gresham-First Lake Oswego Milwaukie-St. Paul'S Kathleen Boyes Oak Grove Pleasant Home Bennett Chapel Capitol Hill Cherry Park Christ Church Epworth Portland-First Fremont Grace Korean Hughes Memorial Robin Franklin Korean Laurelwood Lincoln Street Metanoia Peace Community John Schwiebert Metzger Montavilla Parkrose Portland-Pioneer Rockwood Rose City Park Sellwood Sunnyside Heights Tabor Portland-Trinity University Park Hills Vermont Portland West Wilshire W Rainier St. Helens Tigard Faith Westside Financial/Statistical Tables 361 & other formation Total par- Total ministries ticipants in ticipants in small group all Christian all Christian 11 11 & other formation ministries in Christian in Christian small gorup Other Adults Other Adults Young Young & other Adults in Christian formation ministries small gorup Classes & Groups Classes & 12 0 75 98 & other Youth in Youth Christian formation ministries small gorup 11 & other Christian formation ministries Children in Children in small group tion classes confirma- Enrolled in Enrolled in preparation ents Other - Constitu 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Baptized Members Members who have Professing not become 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 6 9 11 this year Baptized 11 worship services all weekly Average at- Average tendance at Total Total 2010 members at close of by Death Removed non-UM churches out to other out to other Transferred Transferred out to churches other UM Transferred Transferred tion years Correct subtrac- previous reporting errors by Church Membership ship from Member- Withdrawn Withdrawn Professing action Removed by Charge Conference in from non-UM churches Transferred Transferred 51 25 155 70 40 22 32 128 6,026 3,006 57 752 2,152 35 548 315 97 1,250 2,210 in from churches other UM Transferred Transferred 11 years Correct addition previous reporting errors by by tion affirma- Restored faith sion of profes- Christian Rec’d on 1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 70 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 4 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 50 40 0 20 18 0 0 4 0 0 4 33 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 13 0 23 33 0 3 15 0 2 4 3 15 24 33 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 31 35 0 4 8 0 5 0 0 20 25 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 24 0 4 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 0 0 0 1 0 12 0 0 1 0 2 88 39 1 4 16 0 2 3 0 14 19 218 833 1 10 0 5 0 0 0 10 0 5 369 0 27 8 0 6 1 21 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 0 4 16 8 194 811 3 337 57 18 0 0 130 30 1 362 35 6 1 0 32 9 2 359 6 0 218 5 8 0 125 0 15 168 64 17 0 27 28 36 53 144 2009 6,285 92 9 Mem- bers at close of eekley 17 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 17 20 0 6 8 0 0 0 0 8 8 im James FrisbieWilliam Taylor David Weekley 192 2 57 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 181 0 101 57 2 37 39 0 49 2 0 18 7 0 8 0 0 0 92 0 107 3 3 Michael CowanCarolyn Bowers 106 0 28 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 105 62 28 0 15 65 0 6 8 0 9 30 0 10 0 0 0 15 0 55 Robin Y Janine DeLaunayMargaret LofsvoldWilliam Gates 34 253 0 0 146 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 33 5 238 34 131 150 2 0 72 48 2 0 19 16 1 0 0 33 24 0 0 26 5 0 8 0 0 59 4 13 117 22 13 31 Wendy WoodworthWendy 267 Kwang Oh 0 0 0 0 Thomas MyersThomas Tate David W 0 122 2 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 9 0 254 0 90 2 4 70 0 89 3 7 115 26 73 26 1 2 12 27 44 0 98 6 2 2 27 37 Tim Winslea Tim Tim Winslea Tim

Roger CarlsonCarolyn BowersMichael GregorLeland Hunefeld 64 71 Karen Nelson 107 Brian Shimer 1 366 0 3 TOTAL DISTRICT 3 0 66 0 187 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 15 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 3 1 1 1 50 8 0 70 104 1 22 359 1 26 54 179 63 0 186 0 1 3 12 25 142 7 21 1 5 0 4 15 34 103 0 0 60 0 0 5 160 3 5 2 0 40 0 0 2 0 15 43 0 0 1 27 18 0 0 0 12 103 0 13 0 0 176 20 22 15 0 0 92 0 METROPOLITAN DISTRICT METROPOLITAN Table I, Part 1 December 31, 2010 I, Part 1 Table FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 REPORT FINANCIAL OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL ANNUAL OREGON-IDAHO CONFERENCE Gresham-FirstLake OswegoMilwaukie-St. Paul’s James FellersOak Grove Kathleen BoyesPleasant Home Steven SprecherBennett ChapelCapitol Hill 146 383 641 Cherry Park Marcia Hauer 0 4 21 0 1 0 David Bean 26 0 7 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 1 0 4 0 17 6 0 6 33 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 4 0 0 9 7 0 4 351 635 136 0 134 223 113 2 0 4 1 24 21 1 21 78 250 49 4 8 0 153 15 30 67 6 19 4 4 0 152 40 8 376 61 61 Aloha Beaverton-FirstClatskanie Steven Wolff 204 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 18 1 1 2 183 87 5 44 86 0 0 2 7 36 45 Christ ChurchEpworth Strobel Brett 436 8 1 0 8 3 27 1 0 0 0 5 423 181 2 0 249 0 36 25 3 135 199 Metanoia Peace Metzger Montavilla John SchwiebertParkrose Portland-Pioneer 16 Paul Darling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 24 0 0 34 0 5 0 0 17 22 Portland-FirstFremont Grace KoreanHughes Memorial Arvin Luchs Korean Sin Hee Hwang Robin FranklinLincoln Street 28 21 Winslea Tim 0 0 Rockwood 0 0 Rose City Park Sellwood 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 29 22 20 17 0 0 26 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Laurelwood Sunnyside Tabor HeightsTabor Portland-TrinityUniversity Park HillsVermont Donald Barnhart Amy Overton-Harris Jeanne Knepper 136 151 Overton-Harris Tim 3 3 60 131 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 3 137 1 147 3 62 77 58 131 1 0 33 62 16 42 0 0 73 13 15 16 0 0 71 60 0 9 5 10 16 8 0 14 0 0 0 25 33 23 43 42 53 West PortlandWest Wilshire Janine DeLaunay 63 0 0 4 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 1 50 38 0 0 15 0 3 0 0 14 17 Woodlawn Rainier St. Helens Tigard Faith Westside

362 Financial/Statistical Tables

and mercy and

for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

community ministries ministries community 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Persons served by by served Persons

and mercy and for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

0 7 861 0 6 3 9 200 600 370 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 150 0 1 87 0 3 6 100 1,200 1 30 5 7,366 3 1,100 5 4 4 158 2 180 150 100 5 0 1,000 7 390 0 2 75 0 42 1 25 Community ministries ministries Community


for daycare and/or and/or daycare for community ministries ministries community 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 9,499 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Community Ministries Community Persons served by by served Persons

education for daycare and/or and/or daycare for

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 1 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 64 3 267 0 0 0 0 2 35 4 425 0 0 Community ministries ministries Community

from this local church local this from other mission teams teams mission other

0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Persons sent out on on out sent Persons

church sent from this local local this from sent

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 30 0 0 2 85 12 121 48 2,423 0 0 0 0 2 20 0 4 37 0 29 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 38 2 20 7 800 0 0 0 0 0 Other mission teams teams mission Other

this local church local this UMVIM teams from from teams UMVIM

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Persons sent out on on out sent Persons UMVIM/Mission UMVIM/Mission Teams

6 53 19 293 21 391 174 30,123

from this local church local this from

UMVIM teams sent sent teams UMVIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

work (UMW) work church and community community and church

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amount paid for local local for paid Amount Methodist Women Methodist

UM Women

Membership in United United in Membership 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1,200 0 0 3 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 250 0

projects (UMM) projects Amount paid for for paid Amount 0 0 10 540 0 0 0 0 0 87 1,200 1 20 1 27 0 0 0 0 0 32 18 1,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 1,050 0 0 13 400 0 0 48 1,600 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 54 200 1,900 0 0 0 0 24 990 0 0 0 10 414 2 0 0 0 15 5,500 1 10 1 15 0

UM Men Methodist Men Methodist

Membership in United United in Membership 0 125 17 3,445 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1,000 15 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 86 27 0 0 7 1,500 0

learning and groups for for groups and

3 2 9 0 0 23 10 600 1,350 85 22 1,688 1,600 0 0 3 0 0 8 1 1 1 0 0 4 29 510 50 2,400 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 2 0 0 2 12 315 0 0 8 2 0 10 850 0 0 0 2 8 5 5 3 18 150 57 917 0 0 0 19 0 Short-term classes classes Short-term

School than Sunday Church Church Sunday than

for learning other other learning for 1 0 3 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 0 1 0 4 3 16 16 1,755 90 4,945 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 6 0 0 0 11

Ongoing classes classes Ongoing

Church School Church learning in Sunday Sunday in learning

0 1 0 0 3 0 2 2 5 0 2 0 0 0 2 3 4 0 2 2 2 0 0 3 2 6 4 3 2 0 Ongoing classes for for classes Ongoing

Vacation Bible School Bible Vacation

Participants in in Participants 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 5 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Classes & Groups Classes &

groups covenant discipleship discipleship covenant

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Persons active in in active Persons church school church

1,012 117 557 123 65 120 155 8,241 776 37,589 attendance in Sunday Sunday in attendance

6 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30a 30b 31a 31b 32 33 34 35 28 0 47 3 48 26 0 0 63 6 22 17 0 15 0 97 10 10 5 75 31 0 45 0 60 0 10 3 23 15 0 0 90 30 36 8 100 72 10 4 7 10 12 0 25 3,500 1 19 1 34 1 100 6 1,000 27 0 16 0 16 0 15 48 22 0 0 0 45 40 65 2 6 1 14 0 18 0 40 4 25 14 20 0 0 0 25 0 Avg weekly weekly Avg 171 35 12 17 Table I, Part 2 Table METROPOLITAN DISTRICT Rockwood Rose City Park Metzger Montavilla Parkrose Portland-Pioneer Metanoia Peace Community Lincoln Street Portland-First Laurelwood Korean Christ Church Epworth Fremont Grace Korean Hughes Memorial Cherry Park Capitol Hill Bennett Chapel Oak Grove Pleasant Home Milwaukie-St. Paul’S Lake Oswego Gresham-First Clatskanie Aloha Beaverton-First Rainier St. Helens Tigard Westside Faith Wilshire Woodlawn West Portland West Vermont Hills Vermont Tabor Heights Tabor Portland-Trinity University Park Sunnyside Sellwood Financial/Statistical Tables 363

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0

75 84 82 50 21 50

Great Hour etc.) Hour Great 340 734 401 190 170 206 986 709 960 163 379 477 343 947 831

Relations, One One Relations,

Offerings (Human (Human Offerings 50 General Church Church General

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

charitable causes charitable 83

benevolent & & benevolent

to non-UM non-UM to

49 Given directly directly Given

0 0 0 2,300 0 0 607 3,121 1,101 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 6,391 1,150 0 0 6,226 0 0 505 0 5,895 0 0 631 0 225 0 0 7,581 1,112 0 0 0 5,510 297 0 1,781 1,385 0 1,050 0 360 1,147 0 0 2,007

35 1,740

UM causes UM Given directly to to directly Given 48

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,460 0 81,696 5,000 4,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,017 0 0 3,732 0 2,100 778 0 7,048 0 1,600 1,004 1,193 1,116 0 0 0 0 0 116 11,529 0 0 0

30 25 250 10 1,460 12,737 2,155

Special Sundays Special Annual Conf Conf Annual 47

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 124 840 0 1,562 0

50 25 48 20 135 63

Mission & Ministry & Mission Connectional Connectional

46 Other Other

0 450 0 0 0 272 0 249 2,394 0 540 0 0 0 0 500 0 319 548 527 127 0 0 0 0 162 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 2,128 0 0 1,169 0 1,671 0 166 0 352 0 811 0 0 0 670 0 610 554 0 1,165 0

80 3,935 182 45 760 55 207 123 457 1,867 50 Advance Specials Advance

Shared Ministries & Benevolences Shared Ministries Conerence Conerence 44

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 2,918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 336 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 1,156 185 2,050 0 0 0

Specials World Service Service World 43

0 0 0 0

90 60

Specials General Advance Advance General 42

0 0

Apportionments Paid Paid 40

0 0 6,318 0 35,170 0 0 5,100 245 4,405 24,801 53,038 2,521 3,737 4,385 246 0 20,651 1,036 0 27,140 0 0 0 8,491 0 3,959 0 13,969 57,232 490 1,113 508 1,337 4,527 461 0 193,455 37,955 0 0 0 37,998 0 0 3,972 2,140 5,800 0 0 6,678 2,914 275 733 0 0 0 21,642 37,874 0 24,917 0 0 993 31,198 155 17,858 0 963 0 3,111 4,075 0 2,206 615 11,778 123 51,423 1,193 5,043 0 2,195 605 0 7,665 950 0 0 0 27,082 6,628 32,872 970 150 8,219 0 0 77,207 20,792 8,745 7,129 0 22,581 3,514 0 10,776 2,580 0 4,000 100 Other Debt Other 39

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,794 2,264 116 0 0 0 2,702 12,305 1,796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

assets church physical physical church

38 Debt secured by by secured Debt

0 0 0 0 0 0

owned assets owned all other church- other all

Assets & Liabilities 37 Market value of of value Market

0 0 0 equipment buildings & & buildings

380,950 31,750 200,000 25,000 25,000 750,000 54,200 410,000 47,647 933,000 159,769 owned land, land, owned

36 1,531,600 3,013,000 166,000 331,000 2,090,087 3,494,770 363,640 984,284 2,526,000 110,000 1,520,000 23,000 857,600 1,247,172 1,062,000 1,504,000 16,454 4,193,897 260,533 1,100,000 110,981 23,000 277,506 3,068,500 495,800 12,000 1,330,650 4,000,000 2,586,770 2,277,770 240,000 496,479 2,309,812 95,723 1,500,000 1,028,980 1,322 448,881 1,176,000 10,828 85,000 1,108,444 25,592 1,076,600 177,000 4,661,000 77,254 21,490 83,300 997,500 285,519 1,066,000 59,740 1,091,500 21,500 1,690,000 1,832,000 4,447,000 232,000 791,514 3,131,105 1,214,945 543,371 315,087 1,360,257 2,505,661 347,271 1,835,210 92,640

90,495,129 11,594,390 3,022,998 5,496 936,173 112,939 246 2,422 25,084 1,310 28,338 167,715 22,255 19,600,706 3,261,480 171,476 Value of church church of Value DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT eekley Janine DeLaunay Margaret Lofsvold Thomas Myers Thomas Tate William Gates Brian Shimer Marcia Hauer David Weekley David Bean Brett Strobel Robin Yim Arvin Luchs Wendy Woodworth Wendy Sin Hee Hwang Kwang Oh Winslea Tim Tim Winslea Tim Tim Winslea Tim Donald Barnhart Amy Overton-Harris Overton-Harris Tim Janine DeLaunay Roger Carlson Carolyn Bowers Michael Gregor Leland Hunefeld Jeanne Knepper Karen Nelson Michael Cowan Steven Wolff Carolyn Bowers James Fellers Steven Sprecher James Frisbie William Taylor David W FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 REPORT - FINANCIAL Table II, Part 1 December 31, 2010 Part 1 December Table II, Metzger Montavilla Portland-PioneerRockwood Rose City Park Paul Darling Parkrose Westside Bennett Chapel Capitol Hill Cherry Park Christ Church Epworth Portland-First Fremont Grace Korean Hughes MemorialKorean Laurelwood Robin Franklin Lincoln Street Metanoia Peace Community John Schwiebert Sunnyside Heights Tabor Portland-Trinity Hills Vermont Portland West Wilshire Woodlawn Rainier St. Helens Tigard University Park Faith METROPOLITAN DISTRICT METROPOLITAN Aloha Beaverton-First Clatskanie Gresham-First Lake Oswego Milwaukie-St. Paul’s Kathleen Boyes Oak Grove Pleasant Home Sellwood

364 Financial/Statistical Tables Grand Total Paid Total Grand

65 purchase

0 0 20,738 204,662 0 20,055 0 6,605 0 82,768 0 0 30,451 57,393 0 194,352 0 19,000 0 26,514 0 170,263 0 406,939 0 37,438 0 227,769 0 545,836 0 223,581 0 35,505 major equipment equipment major improvements, improvements,

64 - building, building, -

Capital Exp Exp Capital

loans, mtgs etc mtgs loans,

0 0 0 7,724 73,514 0 122,073 304,411 0 0 6,594 54,877 0 0 16,003 0 0 0 165,675 15,326 0 0 4,446 220,887 108,465 0 0 3,948 10,543 103,948 66,051 0 0 0 0 3,837 78,000 0 0 17,586 223,340 0 0 0 0 0 9,000 8,375 229,185 90,355 0 10,298 138,723 0 7,042 169,455

indebtedness, indebtedness,

Interest on on Interest

63 Principal & & Principal

0 0 expenses operating operating

62 Local church church Local Other Local Church Expenses Other Local

0 0

program expenses program Local church church Local 61

0 0 2,457 6,415 0 0 490 16,179 0 5,124 37,165 74,510 0 1,500 5,000 0 1,000 10,000 1,800 1,000 47,500 0 384 4,151 0 480 22,915 25,214 3,369 99,507 and expenses and Salary, benefits benefits Salary,

19,460 9,810 102,995 60 Other Staff - - Staff Other

0 0 0 676 12,214 44,808 1,052 2,561 10,282 11,860 9,418 22,247 0 0 33,061 3,171 46,314 0 0 0 0 0 34,956 0 54,015 0 19,299 0 10,276 1,564 0 30,703 6,730 0 16,193 0 650 43,630 1,810 8,760 48,149 3,054 6,540 22,047 850 21,447 10,620 44,395 290 501 34,590 3,600 26,686 10,814 5,586 10,426 266,227 4,770 148,503 6,050 67,680 0 0 0 0 3,843 124,094 0 4,600 36,538 440 1,548,325 2,707 97,665 288,368 14,120 10,598 1,352,854 47,844 423,026 27,849 451,668 477,486 7,627,784 0 0 6,330 751 7,742 0 0 37,288 3,845 40,114 651 0 10,490 1,581 33,728 0 0 37,320 2,773 52,142 0 53,318 7,610 48,555 0 121,281 12,491 67,717 133,954 0 0 0 64,994 0 57,638 2,160 9,768 2,200 3,940 36,389 916 1,285 55,464 8,885 11,428 0 0 0 0 0 130,403 560 0 12,332 373,670 8,232 71,615 975 125,404 6,117 62,672 6,262 21,455 154,794 30,849 25,572 49,325 82,616 375 99,729 11,500 19,189 11,575 506,922 1,279,911 3,000 122,122 275,171 0 0 43,228 1 2,973 23,895 and expenses and - Salary, benefits benefits Salary, -

59 Diaconal Ministers Ministers Diaconal

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 expenses benefits and and benefits

58 Deacons - Salary, Salary, - Deacons

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0

Allowances 33 29 Other Cash Cash Other

57 Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc


0 0 0 0 0 316 10,811 0 0 0 0

Professional Professional

- Business & & Business -


Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc


0 0 0 0 3,312 14,931 0 3,509

Allowances & & Allowances

Housing Related Related Housing

55 Pastor/Assoc - - Pastor/Assoc

0 0 20,400 1,818 0 0 5,914 25,344 707 2,973 557 0 0 4,000 1,800 0 0 0 0 0 18,262 10,204 0 12,600 0 1,283 0 1,230 4,942 4,966 1,500 707 686 0 16,165 0 0 4,030 2,418 20,640 2,312 914 539 0 0 0 15,600 3,975 1,409 1,738 0 4,500 0 5,500 0 12,000 1,400 0 18,000 2,614 0 31,500 0 1,638 1,307 268 0 1,722 1,640 0 15,449 4,191 0 29,401 3,365 0 18,750 1,886 0 0 5,250 2,000 1,051 2,730 0 12,000 0 3,210 9,882 1,651 200 0 17,200 1,556 0 0 40,700 0 26,000 23,500 5,527 1,123 3,919 600 0 0 26,525 19,200 2,810 7,800 1,029 21,738


Local Church Clergy Support Local Church Pastor - Base Base - Pastor

54 Assoc Assoc

0 0 0

Compensation Pastor - Base Base - Pastor 53

0 0 26,153 0 0 27,843 0 9,225 0 8,000 0 375 0 13,700 0 7,550

Benefits Clergy Health Health Clergy 52

0 0 0 0 0 Benefits

6,117 6,117 7,200 35,601 8,244 7,200 41,669 2,665 6,902 7,200 14,400 14,300 27,752 2,184 9,600 7,218 6,718 14,400 2,552 16,800 1,632 37,264 3,631 7,200 9,772 8,880 14,300 7,286 7,819 7,200 3,375 6,253 43,980 8,496 14,400 18,290 24,110 8,591 2,676 9,069 7,200 2,100 10,800 45,483 15,913 26,405 1,265 1,600 6,363 14,400 32,804 7,410 14,400 25,500 2,002 5,148 11,831 2,345 5,904 12,710 7,125 9,457 37,422 9,867 14,400 47,840 6,383 14,400 30,450 2,139 1,241 5,400 37,803 7,446 3,384 7,200 45,280 8,784 18,958 6,266 14,400 31,700 7,193 7,800 14,400 14,400 28,830 36,500 3,481 7,338 7,200 21,528 17,850 38,120 Clergy non-Health non-Health Clergy 10,404 18,435 14,400 28,800 38,729 62,143 37,143 42,250 484 51 205,133 357,697 1,009,441 37,143 529,897 73,962 53,788 Table II, Part 2 Table Montavilla Metzger Parkrose Portland-Pioneer Metanoia Peace Community Lincoln Street Tabor Heights Tabor Portland-Trinity University Park Portland West Wilshire Woodlawn Vermont Hills Vermont Rainier St. Helens Tigard Faith Westside Hughes Memorial Korean Laurelwood Aloha Sunnyside Beaverton-First Sellwood Clatskanie Gresham-First Lake Oswego Milwaukie-St. Paul’s Pleasant Home Bennett Chapel Oak Grove Capitol Hill Cherry Park Christ Church Epworth Portland-First Fremont Grace Korean Rockwood Rose City Park METROPOLITAN DISTRICT METROPOLITAN

Financial/Statistical Tables 365

outside the local church local the outside

institutional sources sources institutional

connectional and other other and connectional

Total income from from income Total


support from institutional institutional from support

Other grants and financial financial and grants Other

received by church by received

connectional funds funds connectional

apportioned and and apportioned Advance Special, Special, Advance

Connectional/Institutional Sources Connectional/Institutional church

Funds received by by received Funds

Equitable Compensation Compensation Equitable

designated causes designated

Total income for for income Total

Service Specials Service

Advance Specials, World World Specials, Advance

Special Sundays, Sundays, Special

projects Other sources and and sources Other

Designated Causes Designated and bequests and

1,511 1,511 0 3,572 15,083 0 0 0 0 Memorials, endowments endowments Memorials,

Capital campaigns Capital

budget/spending plan budget/spending

Total income for annual annual for income Total


fundraisers and other other and fundraisers

Amount received through through received Amount

contributions, and rentals and contributions,

building use fees, fees, use building

Amount received through through received Amount

sale of church assets church of sale

Amount received from from received Amount

interest and dividends and interest

Amount received from from received Amount

unidentified givers unidentified

Annual Budget/Spending Plan Annual Budget/Spending from received Amount

identified givers identified

from non-pledging but but non-pledging from

Amount received received Amount

pledges Amount received through through received Amount 0 50,765 0 1,168 0 0 12,204 845 64,982 0 998 1,760 2,837 5,595 0 1,500 10,466 11,966 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,000 0 0 0 0 0 19,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

25 54 32,426 58,453 1,872 3,528 2,995 2,111 764 0 0 0 610 16,425 2,588 4,116 41,255 84,633 51 0 924 0 3,860 467 0 5,302 0 0 0 0 3,150 0 0 0 0 3,150 15 12,609 792 120 10,924 0 9,431 0 33,876 0 0 0 124 124 2,750 0 0 2,750 25 19 73,550 14,999 20,440 1,993 2,350 215 850 1,102 0 0 26,400 8,308 0 1,317 123,590 27,934 0 0 11,000 0 0 0 778 11,778 0 0 0 4,095 0 10,904 0 3,059 18,058 0 30 23,842 10,205 2,637 0 0 35,890 129 72,703 0 1,850 0 596 2,446 2,813 0 300 3,113 45 0 49,592 2,041 0 0 7,075 589 59,297 0 0 0 505 505 0 0 0 0 15 31 72 50,415 57 0 149,051 19,707 84,556 12,665 23,876 21,317 4,864 1,752 0 1,991 4,840 7,738 9,542 6,161 3,563 0 91,294 0 0 36,467 4,648 36,770 24,876 179,331 2,663 0 7,044 218,884 145,945 61,640 0 29,910 355 0 0 3,488 535 0 0 0 1,182 0 2,176 0 1,537 35,574 3,693 0 4,228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,800 0 0 0 1,800 0 0 10 20 17,188 3,286 0 58,678 540 1,920 0 0 0 4,700 0 143 27,777 0 0 0 58,678 0 0 0 0 269 269 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 0 0 0 0 2,500 47 112,046 1,843 3,949 129 0 7,929 614 126,510 34,580 16,851 0 3,322 54,753 2,500 0 0 2,500 29 14 64,475 29 52 8,495 48,306 5,178 73,920 10,987 2,205 2,775 1,000 180 10,265 1,234 1,505 235 42 0 200 3,660 0 781 0 8,771 15,212 13,163 0 520 28,985 0 83,474 35,629 118,773 64,218 0 0 0 0 500 3,000 0 0 0 196,903 2,558 0 1,225 1,682 3,487 0 1,725 4,240 6,487 196,903 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 135,395 15,000 0 2,492 0 31,074 5,638 189,599 14,435 165 5,202 662 20,464 0 0 1,500 1,500 17 69 0 153,410 29,110 23,828 974 9,972 428 5,600 0 0 12,153 0 0 0 204,963 30,512 0 165,934 0 0 0 8,124 0 174,058 897 0 897 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 122,157 54,865 1,764 5 0 29,887 18,101 226,779 0 1 28 118,364 1,796 1,733 86 0 35,307 6,371 163,657 0 6,506 0 0 6,506 0 0 0 0 21 39 49,685 0 36,781 451 1,434 667 49 437 0 0 6,130 0 697 125 58,067 38,389 0 0 770 0 3,333 2,678 0 6,781 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 giving to the local church local the to giving 164 242,634 53,161 4,970 0 0 56,418 3,747 360,930 0 250 109,886 6,933 117,069 0 0 0 0 185 249,573 19,327 5,576 19,262 0 44,341 32,318 370,397 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 507 870,484 89,918 4,418 239 0 108,985 12,616 1,086,660 16,571 78,646 0 56,884 152,101 0 0 0 0 165 100 319,799 74,264 48,665 0 4,733 2,660 5,854 4 0 0 7,945 66,714 20,831 16,238 162,292 405,415 6,600 0 0 1,705 7,491 0 8,573 441 17,769 7,041 0 500 0 0 0 0 500 0 164 253 163,848 364,519 139 22,027 118,562 157,766 3,732 2,639 7,144 12,849 2,988 0 11,099 0 0 6,580 0 24,743 14,820 2,485 223,856 21,185 531,648 8,199 0 189,681 0 4,635 110,856 0 7,258 0 1,165 24,247 7,931 142,361 0 12,566 2,663 0 0 3,828 0 0 0 14,188 0 0 0 0 0 14,188 142 114,073 105,939 6,841 1,033 0 34,657 3,883 266,426 0 140 0 1,547 1,687 0 0 120 11,700 226,949 11,700 0 0 36 0 10,650 30,121 267,756 0 1,200 16,391 0 17,591 0 0 0 0

3,061 4,526,395 916,588 89,695 147,565 7,223 866,043 294,988 6,848,497 125,771 608,472 362,374 160,699 1,257,316 18,308 26,592 29,825 74,725 Number of households households of Number 66 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67 68a 68b 68c 68d 68 69a 69b 69c 69 TOTAL DISTRICT Leland Hunefeld Karen Nelson Carolyn Bowers Michael Gregor Roger Carlson

Tim Winslea Tim Thomas Tate David Weekley Winslea Tim Wendy WoodworthWendy Kwang Oh 133 141,662 15,666 1,485 18,356 0 25,000 27,121 229,290 10,369 183,208 2,190 8,169 203,936 0 0 0 0 Thomas Myers William Taylor David Weekley David Bean Robin Yim William Gates Carolyn Bowers James Frisbie Margaret Lofsvold Brian Shimer Michael Cowan Janine DeLaunay Table III December 31, 2010 III Table FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 - REPORT FINANCIAL METROPOLITAN DISTRICT METROPOLITAN Tigard Faith Rainier St. Helens Woodlawn Vermont HillsVermont PortlandWest Wilshire Overton-Harris Tim Janine DeLaunay 80 146,717 6,184 682 15,024 0 6,668 18,776 194,051 13,255 2,280 5,542 5,035 26,112 0 0 0 0 University Park Jeanne Knepper Laurelwood Lincoln Street Winslea Tim Rose City Park Sellwood Sunnyside HeightsTabor Portland-Trinity Donald Barnhart A. Overton-Harris Grace Korean Sin Hee Hwang Fremont Hughes MemorialKorean Robin Franklin Portland-First Arvin Luchs Portland-PioneerRockwood Paul Darling Pleasant Home Bennett ChapelCapitol Hill Cherry Park Marcia Hauer Christ ChurchEpworth Brett Strobel Parkrose Clatskanie Gresham-FirstLake OswegoMilwaukie-St. Paul’sOak Grove James Fellers Kathleen Boyes Steven Sprecher Montavilla Westside Beaverton-First Steven Wolff Aloha Metanoia Peace Metzger John Schwiebert 366 Financial/Statistical Tables 9 0 0 14 46 94 72 48 75 76 84 21 50 64 24 45 26 16 51 56 116 116 240 391 296 103 237 287 391 101 145 301 403 180 147 486 264 171 106 409 236 292 2,211 2,211 8,375 Total Members Total at close of 2010 at close of

9i 4 0 0 6 9 7 11 99 50 17 26 22 32 20 24 42 56 19 30 72 43 19 73 27 32 92 12 18 20 118 118 112 112 105 882 186 105 109 170 134 186 106 157 Male 3,252 0 0 9 9h 66 10 29 68 81 40 28 51 59 89 57 54 15 31 98 37 74 15 34 14 33 36 141 191 205 132 178 221 183 269 108 300 104 158 252 144 180 1,329 5,123 Female 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9g 30 Multi Racial 0 0 9f 14 46 89 72 43 73 73 84 20 74 49 63 24 44 26 16 49 41 115 115 224 276 367 102 227 285 377 101 145 292 387 180 453 145 257 162 397 234 288 White 2,186 8,100 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9e 16 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9d Native American 0 0 2 0 0 1 5 7 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 1 3 0 1 0 8 2 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9c 10 15 72 Latino Hispanic/ 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9b 11 27 64 Black African Am 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 0 0 6 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 0 0 0 2 4 0 2 1 1 5 0 2 1 0 0 2 2 0 9a 14 16 89 Asian DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT Lisa Payton Davey Lefler Davey Lefler Gregory Lindsay David Thompson Steven Tollefson Barbara Nixon Christina Thompson Penny Hodges Karen Puckett Allen Trachsel Jana Blick Davey Lefler John Grimsted Linda Biggs Carol Thompson David Buechler Michael Hollomon Daniel Thompson-Aue Carol Thompson Carole Sullivan Gary Ross Jody Felton John Mars June Fothergill John Watts Craig Strobel David Buechler Pamela Meese Davey Lefler David Buechler Linda Biggs Philip Airhart Michael Hollomon June Fothergill OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL ANNUAL OREGON-IDAHO CONFERENCE IDENTIFICATION MEMBERSHIP & GENDER REPORT-RACIAL/ETHNIC STATISTICIANS DISTRICT SNAKE RIVER Boise-Amity Aberdeen American Falls Ashton Blackfoot-Jason Lee Memorial Gay Jeffery Boise-Collister Boise-First Boise-Hillview Boise-Whitney Buhl Burley Caldwell Castleford Chubbuck Eagle Emmett Filer Glenns Ferry Gooding Hagerman Idaho Falls-St. Paul’S Idaho Falls-TrinityJerome Jordan Valley Brenda Sene Crossroads Kuna Meridian Middleton Nampa-First Nampa-SouthsideNew Meadows Paul Pocatello Jack Bynum Richfield Rupert Shelley-Community Shoshone* Sweet Falls Twin Wendell Wilder Financial/Statistical Tables 367 & other formation Total par- Total ministries ticipants in ticipants in small group all Christian all Christian & other formation ministries in Christian in Christian small group Other Adults Other Adults 0 16 47 & other formation ministries Yng Adults Yng Adults in Christian in Christian small group 2 0 6 19 Classes & Groups Classes & 11 & other Youth in Youth Christian formation ministries small group 11 tion & group forma- Christian ministries Children in Children in other small tion classes confirma- Enrolled in Enrolled in preparation 12 0 0 19 20 55 94 32 0 8 2 2 17 29 uents Other Constit- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 who become have not Baptized Members Members Professing 11 this year Baptized at all weekly worship services Average Average attendance attendance Total Total 2009 mem- bers at close of by Death Removed Trans- to other non-UM churches ferred out out to ferred Trans- churches other UM tion years Correct subtrac- previous reporting errors by Church Membership ship from Member- Withdrawn Withdrawn Professing ence action Confer- Removed by Charge ferred Trans- in from non-UM churches ferred Trans- in from churches other UM years Correct addition previous reporting errors by 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 6 237 101 7 48 169 6 45 21 0 47 113 by tion affirma- Restored 11 faith sion of profes- Christian Rec’d on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 15 51 0 0 0 93 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 68 0 48 0 5 0 0 78 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 14 0 0 46 1 13 0 0 1 15 0 0 0 0 94 48 0 2 1 2 0 65 17 1 0 0 0 17 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 0 48 3 3 35 0 38 0 1 75 31 0 8 0 0 51 0 1 0 20 3 0 4 0 14 0 2 38 8 32 26 0 84 7 0 0 45 0 42 0 0 0 10 14 0 1 8 9 0 0 8 0 15 9 0 37 22 3 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 28 45 1 6 16 24 35 0 45 2 22 2 0 0 1 6 13 60 15 15 0 23 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 48 0 54 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 64 28 0 14 52 0 4 1 0 12 17 110 110 4 0 0 6 4 5 0 0 2 0 1 116 89 6 22 71 0 19 4 9 35 67 233 16 0 296 0 4 296 0 0 2 0 0 0 106 0 3 0 1 0 316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 176 1 142 0 0 0 0 444 0 0 5 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 1 0 6 0 0 0 240 0 0 0 1 5 103 0 2 16 6 0 0 8 1 4 19 8 296 309 37 0 0 5 137 0 0 0 2 37 287 0 0 1 107 0 0 0 8 0 24 6 0 2 0 28 0 0 1 101 41 0 0 1 20 20 0 4 5 0 167 0 301 1 0 6 19 0 0 0 172 3 19 0 27 4 9 54 20 3 180 10 147 486 9 82 0 108 89 0 429 112 162 0 0 50 0 6 2 0 0 530 1 18 96 13 24 12 67 0 0 0 40 25 0 0 10 90 12 10 19 292 150 114 10 5 80 36 34 4 0 139 10 9 28 50 25 121 120 0 150 315 52 27 7 0 51 85 262 177 17 106 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 14 0 5 264 171 200 2 73 106 3 40 1 0 0 0 70 20 87 0 25 0 30 0 17 12 0 4 0 0 0 75 0 9 117 0 30 0 2008 2,177 132 0 0 13 6 0 0 95 7 2 13 2,211 1,032 52 471 5,443 8 8,705 267 0 10 12 8 23 56 454 35 489 357 47 107 35 15 145 8,375 4,265 147 1,843 7,578 99 857 381 140 1,659 3,037 Members at close of Davey Lefler Gregory LindsayLisa Payton 0 Steven Tollefson 0 Penny Hodges 0 Karen PuckettAllen Trachsel 0 Jana Blick 105 Davey Lefler 231 John Grimsted 0 0 Linda Biggs Carol Thompson 0 381 0 David Buechler 0 Michael Hollomon 27 0 Daniel Thompson-Aue 150 3 76 2 Carol Thompson 0 2 2 0 Gary Ross 0 Jody Felton 0 0 0 John Mars 4 0 June Fothergill 0 0 0 0 0 49 2 0 0 8 0 3 0 David Buechler 0 0 Pamela Meese 0 0 0 Davey Lefler 0 0 David Buechler 26 0 12 Linda Biggs 242 0 0 0 Philip Airhart 1 0 0 Michael Hollomon 1 27 5 0 4 June Fothergill 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 103 0 TOTAL DISTRICT 0 0 0 55 36 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 391 0 0 0 0 0 0 248 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 6 0 0 145 0 0 0 0 76 0 35 62 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 159 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 30 0 0 0 0 45 0 148 0 0 2 0 0 0 47 0 0 2 50 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 1 0 3 0 0 2 30 0 0 0 4 6 104 24 0 0 236 36 0 0 1 17 330 0 106 0 26 42 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 51 0 1 3 56 34 0 17 79 0 68 0 3 0 23 0 0 3 2 1 5 9 5 4 0 12 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 15 0 16 0 15 0 0 25 10 5 0 0 4 1 0 44 Christina Thompson Davey Lefler David Thompson John Watts Craig Strobel 413 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 409 136 0 105 1 s SNAKE RIVER DISTRICT January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 January 1, 2010 to December STATISTICIANS REPORT - Table 1, Part 1 1, Part Table - REPORT STATISTICIANS American Falls Ashton Blackfoot-Jason Lee Mem. Gay Jeffery Boise-Amity Boise-First Buhl Burley Caldwell Castleford Chubbuck Eagle Emmett Filer Glenns Ferry Gooding Hagerman Idaho Falls-St. Paul’ Idaho Falls-TrinityJerome Jordan Valley Brenda SeneCrossroads Kuna Meridian Carole SullivanMiddleton 430 3 22 0 0 Richfield 0 Rupert 0 Shelley-Community Shoshone 2 0 Sweet Falls Twin Wendell 1 0 Wilder 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 0 403 1 185 21 14 14 231 83 0 7 0 77 23 0 18 4 30 75 0 200 0 10 14 Boise-HillviewBoise-Whitney Nixon Barbara 731 6 0 0 5 0 317 24 0 3 4 3 391 160 0 0 186 0 29 9 0 116 154 Boise-Collister Aberdeen Nampa-First Nampa-SouthsideNew MeadowsPaul Jack Bynum Pocatello

368 Financial/Statistical Tables

and mercy and

for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

community ministries ministries community 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Persons served by by served Persons

and mercy and for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

1 0 300 1 1 300 0 0 3 0 300 152 3 467 0 9 0 6 575 45 0 2 15 0 4 0 0 0 450 3 1,089 8 356 4 8 1 9 32 870 2,310 45 0 20,245 0 3 13,000 3 225 1 62 Community ministries ministries Community


for daycare and/or and/or daycare for community ministries ministries community 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 10 25 0 0 0 0

Community Ministries Community Persons served by by served Persons

education for daycare and/or and/or daycare for

0 2 1 0 17 30 1 2 25 75 0 7 145 3 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 80 30 1 7 60 5,720 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 12 6 14,313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Community ministries ministries Community

from this local church local this from other mission teams teams mission other

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Persons sent out on on out sent Persons

church sent from this local local this from sent

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 35 5 270 14 3,285 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 1 95 3 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 0 0 0 Other mission teams teams mission Other

this local church local this UMVIM teams from from teams UMVIM

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Persons sent out on on out sent Persons

UMVIM/Mission UMVIM/Mission Teams

from this local church local this from

UMVIM teams sent sent teams UMVIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 43 1 15 4 1,950 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

work (UMW) work church and community community and church

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amount paid for local local for paid Amount Methodist Women Methodist

UM Women

Membership in United United in Membership 0 0 6 523 0 0 0 0 0 8 650 0 0 0 0 4 4,165 0 0 6 225 0 0

projects (UMM) projects Amount paid for for paid Amount 0 14 794 0 0 0 0 40 100 2 17 0 0 0 0 14 7,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 32 15 567 1,663 450 0 0 0 0 0 59 2,800 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 13 15 0 1,820 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 23 2,697 3,536 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 12 600 0

UM Men Methodist Men Methodist

Membership in United United in Membership 0 9 149 65 1,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,450 12 1,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11

learning and groups for for groups and

2 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 18 5,139 0 1 0 5 2 3 2 2 2 2 0 26 2,487 35 300 0 2 0 16 982 14 829 0 0 0 1 1 14 15 1,800 3,662 28 48 200 3,408 0 0 0 18 0 1 100 12 1,225 0 0 16 500 0 2 5 0 1 1 17 40 26 570 0 7 30 4,280 82 1,662 1 1 18 3,284 72 5,238 0 0 1 0 Short-term classes classes Short-term


than Sunday Church Church Sunday than

for learning other other learning for 2 1 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 4 4 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 3 3 0 2 1 11

Ongoing classes classes Ongoing

Church School Church learning in Sunday Sunday in learning

4 0 2 0 4 3 0 0 5 2 0 2 4 2 0 2 3 4 0 2 1 Ongoing classes for for classes Ongoing

Vacation Bible School Bible Vacation

Participants in in Participants 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Classes & Groups Classes &

groups covenant discipleship discipleship covenant

0 0 4 0 0 0 13 1 0 35 3 0 0 3 7 Persons active in in active Persons

church school church attendance in Sunday Sunday in attendance

4 0 8 0 8 22 0 6 7 0 15 34 2 9 0 3 3 11 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30a 30b 31a 31b 32 33 34 35 30 0 50 3 15 0 10 0 26 0 14 0 25 0 12 3 29 32 10 50 10 0 0 35 60 47 1 10 25 0 64 31 33 0 0 0 108 44 7 8 20 16 0 0 40 47 15 0 0 12 40 30 7 2 24 0 55 4 60 0 160 4 12 39 25 0 35 70 4 8 20 0 72 0 80 8 25 6 Avg weekly weekly Avg 162 28 174 13 172 9 326 21 2 10 0 130 27 142 14 14 5 25 2,800 75 2,525 0 1,296 218 1,596 207 82 89 233 26,773 892 47,097 7 62 6 101 28 2,641 117 64,650 alley Table I, Part 2 Table SNAKE RIVER DISTRICT Wilder Twin Falls Twin Wendell Sweet Shoshone* Jordan V Idaho Falls-St. Paul’S 64 0 85 7 Gooding Hagerman Filer Glenns Ferry Emmett Eagle Burley Caldwell Castleford Chubbuck Boise-Hillview Boise-Whitney Buhl Boise-First Boise-Amity Boise-Collister New Meadows Paul Pocatello Richfield Rupert Shelley-Community Nampa-Southside Nampa-First Crossroads Kuna Meridian Middleton Jerome Idaho Falls-Trinity Blackfoot-Jason Lee Memorial Ashton American Falls Aberdeen Financial/Statistical Tables 369

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

40 20 83 85 59 25

Great Hour etc.) Hour Great 338 667 515 943 212 173 966 479 155 477 803 225

Relations, One One Relations,

Offerings (Human (Human Offerings 50 General Church Church General

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,943 0 0

charitable causes charitable 50

benevolent & & benevolent

to non-UM non-UM to

49 Given directly directly Given

0 0 0 0 0 0 2,378 0 0 220 0 971 0 0 0 5,039 298 2,294 0 0 1,500 0 0 5,582 16,458 0 0 150 0 0 0 450 0 0 0 325 0 3,184 0 9,495

50 866 30 208 50

UM causes UM Given directly to to directly Given 48

0 0 152 190 0 0 0 0 650 1,200 0 0 2,441 7,966 0 0 0 0 0 154 0 0 0 825 675 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 493 3,205 0 0 0 0 0 0 929 0 1,037 640 0 0 0 0 1,494 0 445 17,697 5,256 3,189 0 0 200 137 0 0

Special Sundays Special Annual Conf Conf Annual 47

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

79 42 119 3,467 6,929 81 95

Mission & Ministry & Mission Connectional Connectional

46 Other Other

0 187 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 4,995 0 0 0 390 943 0 0 0 134 154 0 0 0 0 825 0 0 0 361 2,235 746 0 0 287 753 0 0 0 1,811 184 0 2,620 0 0 0 0 0 100 1,178 1,000 0 0 870 0

52 222 20 914 10 881 56 Advance Specials Advance

Shared Ministries & Benevolences Shared Ministries Conerence Conerence 44

0 0 0 0 419 26,379 119 12,020 91,466 15,691 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 181 0 0 0 100 4,172 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Specials World Service Service World 43

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

40 35

Specials General Advance Advance General 42

0 196 0

Apportionments Paid Paid 40

0 1,118 0 2,386 100 0 15,590 4,060 0 0 863 300 0 0 0 35,095 1,937 9,417 7,705 1,509 0 0 2,500 14,552 759 3,582 0 0 9,328 0 0 1,125 0 1,692 2,500 0 41,799 0 8,590 15,151 410 0 1,625 9,585 169 0 0 0 0 2,236 7,469 7,432 1,748 735 0 19,135 1,375 0 8,066 170 0 3,120 175 0 7,890 688 0 0 0 18,740 6,624 750 923 672 558 0 0 0 10,734 26,678 1,260 2,095 313 0 0 58,296 2,016 5,191 884 0 0 7,258 4,191 335 1,240 Other Debt Other 39

0 0 0 0 0 5,400 500 0 0 0 0 111,663 71,098 4,242 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

assets church physical physical church

38 Debt secured by by secured Debt

0 0 0 0 0 0 2,502,000 0 0 24,100 0 0 0 0 138,340 0 0

owned assets owned all other church- other all

Assets & Liabilities 37 Market value of of value Market

0 0 90,216 0 equipment buildings & & buildings

48,000 45,000 1,067

300,000 82,284 161,800 312,500 251,000 809,000 400,000 40,000 102,130 21,579 553,100 1,994 663,600 62,990 566,000 3,000 189,000 18,500 720,000 792,572 450,000 owned land, land, owned

36 4,307,800 698,800 1,128,737 21,284 2,450,000 1,328,000 488,286 7,816 2,502,000 1,169,744 2,203,600 167,400 1,139,000 3,502,275 1,892,028 201,455 10,670 3,764,000 57,950 16,401 5,756 38,067 7,432 1,230,160 75,000 1,097,542 155,328 3,881,310 250,000 3,016,000 1,025,896 163,360 92,707 664,260 1,850,000 2,946,000 3,342,900 159,650 128,428 897,636 3,016,147 2,269,262 346,697 5,085,100 125,369 1,939,580 505,940 27,661 5,976

83,472,533 5,995,732 7,960,286 631,368 712,672 94,847 23,006,330 1,590,149 2,666,722 2,609 226,356 23,472 Value of church church of Value DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT atts David Buechler Linda Biggs Philip Airhart Michael Hollomon June Fothergill Davey Lefler Craig Strobel David Buechler Pamela Meese Gary Ross Jody Felton John Mars Linda Biggs David Buechler Michael Hollomon Daniel Thompson-Aue Carol Thompson Carole Sullivan June Fothergill John W Carol Thompson

Davey Lefler Davey Lefler Gregory Lindsay Lisa Payton David Thompson Steven Tollefson Penny Hodges Karen Puckett Allen Trachsel Barbara Nixon Christina Thompson Jana Blick Davey Lefler John Grimsted FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 REPORT - FINANCIAL Table II, Part 1 December 31, 2010 Part 1 December Table II, Shoshone* Sweet Twin Falls Twin Wendell Wilder Shelley-Community Pocatello Richfield Rupert Crossroads Kuna Meridian Emmett Glenns Ferry Gooding Hagerman Idaho Falls-St. Paul’s Jerome Jordan Valley Middleton Nampa-First Idaho Falls-Trinity Brenda Sene Filer Nampa-SouthsideNew Meadows Paul Jack Bynum SNAKE RIVER DISTRICT American Falls Aberdeen Ashton Blackfoot-Jason Lee Mem.w Gay Jeffery Boise-Amity Boise-Collister Boise-First Buhl Burley Caldwell Boise-Hillview Boise-Whitney Castleford Chubbuck Eagle

370 Financial/Statistical Tables Grand Total Paid Total Grand 1,465

65 purchase

0 286,254 0 40,509 0 0 83,845 39,093 0 7,933 0 0 73,450 59,695 0 280,605 0 34,880 0 246,208 0 11,261 0 51,688 0 155,203 0 0 40,913 20,338 0 32,135 0 115,125 0 25,345 0 76,497 0 195,456 0 60,358 0 0 99,601 534,109 0 21 major equipment equipment major improvements, improvements,

64 - building, building, -

Capital Exp Exp Capital loans, mtgs etc mtgs loans,

0 0 4,401 15,309 0 0 14,812 40,927 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,245 66,879 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,858 34,143 153,162 216,831 0 0 0 0 470 0 5,416 5,096 12,869 217,003 45,356 0 0 7,523 2,600 23,403 32,983 0 0 0 0 2,824 114,889 0 7,441 462,816 0 0 0 20,620 70,774

60 indebtedness, indebtedness,

Interest on on Interest

63 Principal & & Principal

0 0 expenses operating operating

62 Local church church Local Other Local Church Expenses Other Local

0 0

75 5,157 program expenses program Local church church Local 61

0 858 5,649 0 1,782 508 0 550 20,422 4,377 0 0 1,805 13,963 0 5,054 8,660 0 303 3,850 0 0 0 375 181 0 373 8,034 2,431 3,968 0 0 0 104 225 4,559 6,200 and expenses and Salary, benefits benefits Salary,

60 Other Staff - - Staff Other

0 0 0 6,180 316 6,078 0 0 0 207,637 3,244 30,895 60,067 867 205,912 11,909 16,525 641,461 0 0 0 7,646 738 15,935 0 76,814 24,906 31,333 0 0 70,009 3,080 7,491 1,282 43,356 8,406 15,075 8,500 270,254 0 0 48,961 14,766 47,983 0 0 21,568 471 15,092 0 26,523 5,433 32,839 3,730 0 0 21,833 52,924 4,668 14,517 31,190 41,959 0 0 0 0 0 0 78,577 1,200 7,819 379 35,039 6,440 0 0 0 0 14,702 1,188 22,782 0 4,187 2,633 11,893 0 18,077 2,987 31,023 71,580 0 0 20,485 7,750 695 1,394 14,156 8,874 2,650 0 0 0 770,312 131,760 31,428 258,095 16,430 298,105 29,099 55,667 163,273 51,951 17,865 70,709 1,896,743 2,556 259,355 0 0 3,676 214,539 4,206 25,800 89,908 7,178 27,491 0 0 7,488 56,890 1,200 7,500 7,035 35,370 and expenses and - Salary, benefits benefits Salary, -

59 Diaconal Ministers Ministers Diaconal

0 0 11,540 13,089 25,671 178,975 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 expenses benefits and and benefits

58 Deacons - Salary, Salary, - Deacons

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Allowances Other Cash Cash Other

57 Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Professional Professional

- Business & & Business -


Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc


0 3,000 0 0 3,090 486 0 0 900 2,315 0 0 4,268 0

Allowances & & Allowances

Housing Related Related Housing

55 Pastor/Assoc - - Pastor/Assoc

0 0 7,500 553 600 0 0 3,600 3,150 0 24,000 4,889 0 4,000 2,485 0 0 0 4,267 1,545 0 0 4,260 4,800 3,543 2,841 10,060 0 500 2,340 0 4,273 1,731 752 0 0 14,715 4,840 0 792 0 5,500 952 0 0 3,600 6,000 0 11,100 4,200 0 6,087 0 0 0 500 2,500 1,015 703 0 0 800 8,000 1,020 4,494 2,205 220 0 14,400 2,585 0 0 0 1,200 2,400 1,050 2,100 0 5,298 1,350 0 16,000 4,000 0 17,500 0 7,500 1,350 0 31,949 0 6,800 2,300 0 6,200 4,400 0 0 22,460 2,500 1,312 166 1,400 0 21,990 2,775


Local Church Clergy Support Local Church Pastor - Base Base - Pastor

54 Assoc Assoc

0 0 0 0

Compensation Pastor - Base Base - Pastor 53

0 0 15,000 0 8,194 0 3,725 0 0 3,713

Benefits Clergy Health Health Clergy 52

0 0 0 0 Benefits 674 6,000 654 654 575 1,440 3,220

7,816 14,400 20,000 1,724 4,320 9,660 7,904 14,400 26,100 4,998 11,520 24,292 3,031 4,407 11,736 3,924 14,400 22,275 2,860 8,633 7,200 14,400 15,500 48,323 8,568 14,400 52,073 3,050 8,837 19,564 6,947 14,400 34,727 6,619 14,100 38,024 6,175 14,400 33,500 2,299 5,760 6,580 7,872 14,400 42,356 1,356 2,860 2,860 2,880 7,200 7,200 7,144 17,050 13,300 6,997 14,400 35,058 5,772 14,400 28,900 1,149 4,767 2,880 12,000 6,440 2,543 7,200 15,830 6,641 14,400 8,765 5,915 15,500 27,938 3,198 14,400 11,750 7,800 6,627 17,224 14,400 43,200 33,981 12,265 19,820 52,750 679 11,913 6,451 14,400 33,498 8,320 3,347 14,400 7,200 49,860 10,400 7,721 14,400 37,400 Clergy non-Health non-Health Clergy 14,959 25,089 63,325 51 184,260 398,357 882,401 12,265 286,811 133,697 18,717 11,913 11,540 1,920,579 503,131 1,283,944 564,857 156,895 7,322,980 Table II, Part 2 Table Crossroads Chubbuck Eagle Emmett Filer Glenns Ferry Gooding Hagerman Idaho Falls-St. Paul’s Idaho Falls-Trinity Jerome Jordan Valley Pocatello Richfield Rupert Burley Shelley-Community Caldwell Castleford Sweet Wendell Wilder Shoshone* Falls Twin Nampa-Southside Aberdeen American Falls Ashton New Meadows Blackfoot-Jason Lee Memorial Paul Boise-Amity Boise-Collister Boise-First Boise-Hillview Boise-Whitney Buhl Kuna Meridian Middleton Nampa-First SNAKE RIVER DISTRICT

Financial/Statistical Tables 371

outside the local church local the outside

institutional sources sources institutional

connectional and other other and connectional

Total income from from income Total


support from institutional institutional from support

Other grants and financial financial and grants Other

received by church by received

connectional funds funds connectional

apportioned and and apportioned Advance Special, Special, Advance

Connectional/Institutional Sources Connectional/Institutional church

Funds received by by received Funds

Equitable Compensation Compensation Equitable

designated causes designated

Total income for for income Total

Service Specials Service

Advance Specials, World World Specials, Advance

Special Sundays, Sundays, Special

projects Other sources and and sources Other

Designated Causes Designated

and bequests and

Memorials, endowments endowments Memorials,

Capital campaigns Capital

budget/spending plan budget/spending

Total income for annual annual for income Total


fundraisers and other other and fundraisers

Amount received through through received Amount

contributions, and rentals and contributions,

building use fees, fees, use building Amount received through through received Amount

0 4,800 0 40,255 0 2,642 0 0 2,642 0 0 0 0

sale of church assets church of sale Amount received from from received Amount

11 interest and dividends and interest

Amount received from from received Amount

unidentified givers unidentified

Annual Budget/Spending Plan Annual Budget/Spending from received Amount

identified givers identified

from non-pledging but but non-pledging from

Amount received received Amount

pledges Amount received through through received Amount 0 7 0 0 0 6,739 11,009 970 220 1,250 0 0 0 120 771 12,000 0 9,079 0 100 0 80 0 0 0 48 0 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 20,381 0 130 0 450 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 21,054 0 0 0 0 0 0 175 0 175 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 17 0 32 29,693 0 18,807 0 2,000 27,331 1,334 12 0 1 200 5,015 4,200 0 3,363 0 0 39,468 400 4,060 664 1,995 2,058 20,806 34,741 0 0 0 650 0 0 6,768 0 0 0 0 98 0 0 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 32,470 2,974 67 35 56,544 38,898 10,704 1,596 0 514 551 2,327 0 0 350 480 87 3,074 69,795 45,330 0 0 4,175 4,652 70 0 0 0 4,245 4,652 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 0 93,088 4,860 17 0 820 0 98,785 0 2,570 0 2,202 4,772 0 0 0 0 36 53 85,148 25 0 20 22,305 45,730 46 0 34 6,042 0 2,085 57,931 39,780 32,373 12,345 441 0 418 2,741 0 17,328 0 0 0 101 547 1,105 225 3,502 0 648 0 0 1,807 0 0 53,542 940 0 114,161 0 3,931 840 9,115 0 0 0 36,995 49,442 0 11,377 705 2,755 74,207 30,458 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 1,928 5,194 298 175 2,633 7,949 0 0 0 0 0 0 335 0 293 0 410 0 0 0 468 298 0 0 0 4,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,500 0 0 0 99 28 0 83,014 0 44,400 3,210 1,341 382 41 0 0 793 3,515 2,668 6,369 90,067 55,666 0 0 1,490 119,373 611 0 3,860 5,961 425 119,798 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 0 46 40 0 0 76,208 16,849 2,719 1,501 10 0 0 0 0 25 100 4,677 0 0 83,614 27,970 18,450 0 4,396 0 1,015 0 1,005 0 0 20 2,036 3,051 0 0 2,938 1,025 0 35,304 0 0 0 0 0 690 0 0 0 0 62 752 1,800 0 0 1,800 25 79 96 0 91,370 35 69,397 27,500 30,435 39,356 0 5,897 850 4,239 44,818 0 0 5,466 0 0 0 2 0 2,193 2,404 0 0 18,199 4,700 2,309 148,094 850 33,050 116,246 6,729 9,430 59,324 75,608 0 0 1,439 0 4 800 1,582 807 0 0 1,156 85,849 300 4,177 0 0 1,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 giving to the local church local the to giving 110 0 47,066 3,481 310 0 400 1,048 52,305 0 0 85 2,463 2,548 0 0 1,000 1,000 113 113 102,949 58,802 11,224 0 0 1,405 7,699 182,079 13,340 8,456 869 0 22,665 28,100 0 0 28,100 216 149,376 142 37,909 87,931 2,464 71,232 138 127,045 14,861 1,526 54,781 0 0 3,880 5,510 8,934 0 0 0 234 210,120 1,659 0 0 160,923 27 3,110 196,326 7,020 4,445 7,060 0 18,534 7,372 0 10,482 0 2,207 3,814 16,287 0 26,793 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204 117,422 78,947 5,033 105 0 1,718 0 203,225 0 4,361 0 2,699 7,060 0 0 0 0 100 132,234 301 29,766 286,577 1,401 96,210 18,175 8,847 100 0 2,091 12,706 0 196,473 20,711 0 0 25,118 412,345 44,772 0 1,939 0 27,057 0 0 0 0 44,772 0 0 0 0 0 0 315 336,592 146,704 6,127 2,800 0 2,498 0 494,721 11,184 6,720 11,893 4,778 34,575 0 0 0 0 216 134 129,402 0 98,308 370,174 11,462 9,647 262 93 0 0 0 8,046 16,856 10,721 256,290 398,681 2,886 0 640 1,300 0 0 23,578 292 27,104 1,592 0 0 0 0 0 4,580 4,580 0 220 212,122 32,741 5,730 8,142 0 500 513 259,748 0 2,485 0 1,660 4,145 0 0 0 0

1,364 835,083 525,578 49,010 517 0 68,122 291,979 1,770,289 191,240 8,610 0 0 199,850 0 0 0 0 4,754 3,109,225 2,485,496 198,901 74,347 300 144,614 429,572 6,442,455 288,477 308,554 15,742 70,371 683,144 42,400 0 5,580 47,980 Number of households households of Number 66 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67 68a 68b 68c 68d 68 69a 69b 69c 69 TOTAL DISTRICT Craig Strobel David Buechler Pamela Meese Davey Lefler David Buechler Linda Biggs Philip Airhart Michael Hollomon

David Buechler Michael Hollomon John Watts Penny Hodges Karen Puckett Allen Trachsel Jana Blick Davey Lefler John Grimsted Linda Biggs Carol Thompson Jody Felton John Mars June Fothergill Steven Tollefson C. Thompson Carol Thompson Gary Ross June Fothergill Davey Lefler Gregory Lindsay Lisa Payton David Thompson Davey Lefler rinity Brenda Sene Table III December 31, 2010 III Table FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 - REPORT FINANCIAL SNAKE RIVER DISTRICT Pocatello Richfield Rupert Shelley-Community Shoshone* Sweet Falls Twin Wendell Paul Glenns FerryGooding Hagerman Nampa-First Nampa-SouthsideNew Meadows Jack Bynum Buhl Burley Caldwell Castleford Chubbuck Eagle Emmett Filer Kuna Meridian Middleton Boise-Hillview Nixon Barbara Boise-First Boise-Whitney Wilder Jerome Jordan ValleyCrossroads Carole Sullivan American Falls Ashton Blackfoot-Jason Lee Boise-Amity Gay Jeffery Boise-Collister Aberdeen Idaho Falls-St. Paul’sIdaho Falls-T DanThompson-Aue 171 193,204 37,654 12,053 7,741 0 545 7,800 258,997 0 555 608 0 1,163 0 0 0 0 372 Financial/Statistical Tables 9 0 0 24 28 51 74 90 69 55 53 62 87 43 47 26 83 42 93 41 26 25 70 28 36 33 42 45 117 117 256 305 120 555 505 260 188 313 148 258 389 121 151 337 135 134 5,565 Total Members Total at close of 2010 at close of 9i 0 9 9 8 8 8 5 9 8 0 11 95 10 18 27 48 31 19 19 17 23 96 58 20 20 47 83 25 53 41 61 15 45 22 48 44 14 19 118 118 212 173 101 132 120 Male 1,949 0 0 9h 13 18 33 47 72 59 50 36 36 39 67 34 27 17 58 34 68 52 90 26 90 18 17 48 23 27 86 25 73 28 26 187 161 343 332 164 130 212 101 175 257 217 3,616 Female 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 9g 14 Multi Racial 0 0 9f 23 26 49 72 90 69 51 52 61 83 43 46 26 81 42 89 41 26 25 66 27 35 32 39 45 119 119 118 118 114 114 301 256 549 490 260 183 307 148 256 380 149 330 134 134 White 5,467 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9e 12 Pacific Islander 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9d 20 Native American 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 9c 17 Latino Hispanic/ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9b 11 Black African Am 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 9a 24 Asian DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT Pamela Nelson-Munson Aura Jabs Matt Henry Gary Powell Laura Beville Richard Fuss Elaine Steele James Philipson Achsah Clark Aura Jabs Daniel Houghton Daniel Houghton Jeanie Stoppel Deborah Pitney Roberta Egli Erin Martin Ruth Marsh Richard Titus Katherine Raines Katherine Raines Susan Boegli Sue Owen John Tucker Gordon Jeff Matt Henry Jerry Steele Erin Geoffrion Daryl Blanksma J Raines J Raines Glen Clark April Cutting Jane Davis Sharon Tuck William Hare David Goodrich Eilidh Lowery Glen Clark Daniel Houghton alent OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL ANNUAL OREGON-IDAHO CONFERENCE IDENTIFICATION MEMBERSHIP & GENDER REPORT-RACIAL/ETHNIC STATISTICIANS DISTRICT SOUTHERN Ashland Camas Valley Canyonville Cave Junction - ImmanuelCoburg Charles Chase Coos Bay Albany-First Coquille-Pioneer Corvallis Cottage Grove Dillard-Winston Drain Drain - Hope Eugene-Asbury Eugene-First Eugene-Trinity Eugene-Wesley Florence Gold Hill Grants Pass-NewmanHalsey Harrisburg Melissa Harkness Haugen Junction City Lebanon-First Medford-First Monroe Myrtle Creek North Bend Oakridge Philomath-CollegeReedsport-CovenantRoseburg Springfield-Ebbert Memorial William Seagren James Ives Springfield-St. Paul’S Center Sutherlin Sweet Home T Tenmile Toledo-Trinity Upper Rogue Veneta-Valley Wilbur Wilderville Community Church Chase Charles Yoncalla Financial/Statistical Tables 373 111 & other formation Total par- Total ministries ticipants in ticipants in small group all Christian all Christian & other formation ministries in Christian in Christian small group Other Adults Other Adults & other formation ministries Yng Adults Yng Adults in Christian in Christian small group 0 0 15 26 Classes & Groups Classes & & other Youth in Youth Christian formation ministries small group 11 tion & group forma- Christian ministries Children in Children in other small 1 6 2 0 12 20 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 tion classes confirma- Enrolled in Enrolled in preparation 11 11 11 uents Other Constit- 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 who become have not Baptized Members Members Professing 11 this year Baptized at all weekly worship services Average Average attendance attendance 313 148 0 35 77 0 26 12 0 85 123 188 123 2 18 46 3 13 10 0 48 71 Total Total of 2010 at close members

11 11 by Death Removed Trans- to other non-UM churches ferred out out to ferred Trans- churches other UM tion years Correct subtrac- previous reporting errors by Church Membership ship from Member- Withdrawn Withdrawn Professing ence action Confer- Removed by Charge ferred Trans- in from non-UM churches ferred Trans- in from churches other UM years Correct addition previous reporting errors by 0 0 3 1 36 7 0 2 0 14 260 118 4 35 45 0 12 8 1 87 108 by tion affirma- Restored 11 faith sion of profes- Christian Rec’d on 0 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 53 23 0 2 10 0 0 4 0 5 9 1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 92 48 2 1 0 2 0 0 94 46 2 0 2 1 95 0 2 1 33 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 7 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 2 0 87 0 2 0 43 2 70 0 30 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 3 3 0 83 0 3 50 42 22 4 93 0 33 0 41 45 0 0 2 28 1 0 2 10 0 0 40 0 0 0 65 0 0 56 0 20 0 2 0 0 22 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 35 37 0 83 0 28 0 35 0 0 0 2 33 0 0 0 0 6 44 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 7 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 0 1 5 26 0 0 25 0 0 0 70 20 28 15 0 3 36 28 0 0 32 0 3 33 16 0 0 3 1 6 42 22 0 5 23 45 0 48 0 8 13 0 36 0 0 0 0 8 1 5 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 28 0 2 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 18 2 5 0 0 22 0 23 0 0 0 5 23 0 0 0 0 7 7 13 7 7 15 24 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 24 27 1 2 34 0 0 0 0 10 10 31 50 0 69 1 2 90 0 0 4 72 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 28 51 0 0 74 27 33 2 90 68 0 0 69 40 1 0 2 50 0 12 25 28 0 55 0 0 0 2 0 17 0 2 0 7 0 0 3 10 0 6 0 0 4 10 6 23 4 10 40 8 29 66 0 61 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 55 0 35 62 0 40 0 1 9 0 9 0 0 8 17 119 119 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 121 51 1 7 17 0 4 0 0 32 36 143 286 2 417 8 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 2 1 0 25 8 0 4 9 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 1 9 16 148 258 389 58 99 254 1 0 1 29 0 46 42 59 137 0 0 3 3 41 24 7 16 6 0 5 5 33 49 49 43 84 138 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 135 66 4 0 25 0 0 5 0 21 26 134 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 3 117 64 0 0 57 0 5 5 0 38 48 132 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 134 0 0 0 35 31 0 0 0 9 9 266 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 8 1 0 5 256 96 2 26 20 0 6 0 0 20 26 121 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 120 72 2 4 37 0 10 0 0 20 30 198 4 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 0 522 304 10 0 0 4 3 4 14 1 6 0 9 505 235 5 50 212 14 27 25 25 100 177 5,832 109 9 5 93 21 140 63 13 72 38 178 5,565 2,756 33 462 1,807 58 290 194 67 1,006 1,557 2009 Mem- bers at close of Katherine RainesKatherine Raines 53 John Tucker 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 47 26 19 17 0 0 0 0 7 10 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 8 16 8 23 Ruth Marsh Gordon Jeff Richard Titus Matt Henry Jerry Steele Erin Geoffrion Daryl BlanksmaJ Raines 341 9 1 0 2 0 4 2 0 4 1 5 337 124 0 14 79 0 12 9 3 42 66 J Raines Glen Clark Glen Clark William Hare Jane Davis Sharon Tuck Daniel Houghton TOTAL DISTRICT 27 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 29 0 0 20 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 5 5 Richard Fuss Pamela Nelson-Munson 312 Matt Henry 7 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 5 0 8 305 138 0 20 68 0 8 6 1 20 35 Gary Powell Laura Beville James Philipson 577 3 0 2 0 0 1 9 0 4 0 13 555 190 3 109 220 0 40 30 15 80 165 Daniel HoughtonDaniel Houghton 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 25 0 2 0 13 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 5 9 s Ctr SOUTHERN DISTRICT January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 January 1, 2010 to December STATISTICIANS REPORT - Table 1, Part 1 1, Part Table - REPORT STATISTICIANS Harrisburg Junction City Susan Boegli Halsey Lebanon-FirstMedford-First Sue Owen Florence Grants Pass-Newman Melissa Harkness Haugen 325 4 Monroe 0 0 2 2 1 2 0 6 0 Gold Hill Myrtle Creek North Bend Philomath-CollegeReedsport-CovenantRoseburg William Seagren James Ives 153 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 151 63 1 9 36 0 8 14 2 37 61 Springfield-Ebbert Mem. Oakridge Springfield-St. Paul’ Sweet Home April Cutting Wilbur Sutherlin Talent Tenmile Toledo-Trinity Veneta-ValleyWilderville CommunityYoncalla Charles Chase Eilidh Lowery Upper Rogue David Goodrich Albany-First Canyonville Camas Valley Jabs Aura Ashland Cave Junction - Immanuel Charles Chase Coburg Coos Bay Corvallis Cottage Grove Clark Achsah Coquille-Pioneer Elaine Steele Eugene-Wesley Erin Martin Dillard-Winston Aura Jabs Eugene-FirstEugene-Trinity Deborah Pitney Roberta Egli Drain Eugene-Asbury Jeanie Stoppel Drain - Hope

374 Financial/Statistical Tables

and mercy and

for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

community ministries ministries community 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Persons served by by served Persons

and mercy and for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

4 40 0 1 2 18 300 8 0 3 3 120 2 275 1 25 400 0 0 2 0 0 100 0 2,758 1 50 0 1 0 9 100 230 0 600 0 2 3 100 1 14,044 5 340 2 16 3 270 Community ministries ministries Community


for daycare and/or and/or daycare for community ministries ministries community 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Community Ministries Community Persons served by by served Persons

education for daycare and/or and/or daycare for

0 0 0 0 1 17 0 0 1 20 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 79 3 175 1 84 4 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 14 5 650 0 0 0 1 0 84 3 2,712 0 0 16 5 315 0 0 0 0 1 10 4 500 0 1 70 0 0 1 20 0 0 1 14 1 513 Community ministries ministries Community

from this local church local this from other mission teams teams mission other

6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 Persons sent out on on out sent Persons

church sent from this local local this from sent

1 7 97 4 90 6 156 0 0 0 1 0 5 86 8 386 18 640 0 0 0 1 0 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 10 3 30 1 0 14,044 0 0 Other mission teams teams mission Other

this local church local this UMVIM teams from from teams UMVIM

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Persons sent out on on out sent Persons

UMVIM/Mission UMVIM/Mission Teams

from this local church local this from

UMVIM teams sent sent teams UMVIM 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

work (UMW) work church and community community and church

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Amount paid for local local for paid Amount

2,200 0 Methodist Women Methodist

UM Women

Membership in United United in Membership 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 3,687 0 11

projects (UMM) projects Amount paid for for paid Amount 0 0 0 63 3,065 0 0 0 24 182 879 20,383 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 22 14 33 1,200 0 72 1,829 342 1,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 900 0 0 77 3,876 1 17 0 0 0 31 1,400 0 0 0 13 1,825 0 0 0 0 0 33 2,180 0 0 16 1,300 0 0 10 500 0 0 0 3,110 3,110 62 0

UM Men Methodist Men Methodist

Membership in United United in Membership 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 27 5 195 0 0 9 0 750 14 2,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 6 0 0 0 11 11 11

learning and groups for for groups and

1 3 0 12 1,000 29 1,950 0 6 6 12 500 38 3,445 0 0 0 8 2 1 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 17 10 335 0 75 4,000 0 0 0 2 10 0 0 2 2 0 5 15 0 24 734 0 4 0 0 2 0 4 15 22 0 650 69 1 930 1 1 0 3 0 37 1,163 49 3,850 0 0 3 0 1 0 Short-term classes classes Short-term


than Sunday Church Church Sunday than

for learning other other learning for 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 4 2 2 0 5 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 3 1 3 4 3 6 0 1 1 1 0 3 0 1 0

Ongoing classes classes Ongoing

Church School Church learning in Sunday Sunday in learning

2 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 0 3 2 0 2 2 0 1 0 1 4 0 8 1 2 1 0 0 3 2 0 1 1 Ongoing classes for for classes Ongoing

Vacation Bible School Bible Vacation

Participants in in Participants 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Classes & Groups Classes &

groups covenant discipleship discipleship covenant

0 25 2 0 32 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Persons active in in active Persons

church school church attendance in Sunday Sunday in attendance

9 6 0 0 0 9 6 7 2 0 8 2 7 3 6 0 1 0 0 5 8 11 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30a 30b 31a 31b 32 33 34 35 12 18 12 0 0 30 0 20 14 10 59 0 0 0 0 52 23 25 2 0 6 15 0 28 0 12 0 19 0 40 3 44 0 15 0 12 13 13 2 17 45 31 0 0 0 31 33 6 6 40 56 10 2 Avg weekly weekly Avg 100 117 45 6 13 31 0 677 198 388 88 84 115 210 7,535 1,125 65,320 7 65 20 271 29 934 116 39,801 oncalla Table I, Part 2 Table SOUTHERN DISTRICT Harrisburg Halsey Grants Pass-Newman 26 0 35 3 10 20 Eugene-Wesley Florence Gold Hill Eugene-Trinity Eugene-Asbury Eugene-First Drain - Hope Cave Junction - ImmanuelCoburg Coos Bay 5 Coquille-Pioneer Corvallis Dillard-Winston Drain Cottage Grove Wilderville Community 15 Toledo-Trinity Upper Rogue Veneta-Valley Wilbur Tenmile Sweet Home Talent Sutherlin Reedsport-Covenant Springfield-Ebbert Memorial Center Paul’s Springfield-St. Roseburg Philomath-College Oakridge North Bend Junction City Lebanon-First Medford-First Canyonville Ashland Camas Valley Albany-First Y Myrtle Creek Monroe Financial/Statistical Tables 375

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 60 69 35 25 35 65 25

Great Hour etc.) Hour Great 116 250 675 188 187 165 389 346 255 415 161 320 100 398 182 260 181

Relations, One One Relations,

Offerings (Human (Human Offerings 50 General Church Church General

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

charitable causes charitable 50

benevolent & & benevolent

to non-UM non-UM to

49 Given directly directly Given

0 0 425 0 0 1,760 296 0 0 0 1,525 0 361 0 13,308 0 0 12,309 0 5,442 0 680 0 23,100 0 0 213 1,814 0 852 0 0 438

50 1,827 38 1,280

UM causes UM Given directly to to directly Given 48

0 1,351 647 0 6,275 4,442 0 5,833 8,515 1,902 0 225 0 0 0 0 0 2,039 379 0 0 140 0 0 0 7,242 970 1,189 0 161 0 400 0 225 5,620 0 0 997 890 0 2,750 11,263 1,308 0 0 0 454 6,081 0 0 0 560 4,368 1,345 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,218 0 0 0 8,500 8,213 100 2,281 9,829 100 985 2,938 0 0 0 3,902 658 9,482 8,430

42 10 94 875 940 50 29

Special Sundays Special Annual Conf Conf Annual 47

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

50 87 52 271 810 11,375 1,495 83

Mission & Ministry & Mission Connectional Connectional

46 Other Other

0 0 905 0 338 0 0 336 0 0 0 797 0 0 1,661 653 783 0 0 0 0 0 614 616 0 0 0 361 0 0 0 0 0 870 177 0 394 0 349 0 0 0 190 471 533 0 0 0 0 0 0 793 0 245 0 1,521 0 656 717 0 0

25 1,149 25 100 22 446 22 2,531 Advance Specials Advance

Shared Ministries & Benevolences Shared Ministries Conerence Conerence 44

0 0 679 153 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Specials World Service Service World 43

0 0 0 0

33 95

Specials General Advance Advance General 42


Apportionments Paid Paid 40

0 0 9,588 27,555 841 3,410 0 9,000 3,870 0 11,286 225 0 820 564 0 0 0 0 3,306 15,534 0 0 420 16,952 0 1,024 8,127 0 8,754 1,950 375 684,254 245 1,421 235 71,286 300 773 18,631 496 51,452 155,386 13,754 0 0 0 15,509 0 6,408 50,632 1,237 9,590 638 9,680 470 0 6,408 550 0 49,652 7,171 0 27,093 2,007 0 2,025 160 0 0 0 5,892 3,661 3,906 367 1,660 0 0 0 10,843 36,060 20,999 922 3,928 300 0 46,235 1,250 0 5,689 1,437 0 0 0 37,416 4,773 4,916 4,874 1,050 100 0 13,306 3,202 0 0 0 0 3,000 0 9,885 15,927 15,669 0 115 88,276 0 1,085 1,521 0 1,131 8,169 8,709 8,920 530 0 9,305 233 0 0 10,117 23,340 1,672 943 0 17,341 2,306 Other Debt Other 39

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

assets church physical physical church

38 Debt secured by by secured Debt

0 0 0

owned assets owned all other church- other all 15,219

Assets & Liabilities 37 Market value of of value Market

equipment buildings & & buildings

974,000 350,000 530,000 55,845 865,000 107,000 650,000 294,692 932,500 836,000 30,000 72,000 740,500 1,500 546,000 144,751 11,528 728,000 500,000 1,000 206,274 50,500 400,000 169,863 785,875 905,820 320,000 16,579 61,922 465,065 400,000 120,809 45,000 990 901,000 681,136 66,035 925,000 459,917 514,517 151,020 27,995 39,523 195,550 179,233 993,341 1 owned land, land, owned

36 1,025,000 253,992 2,035,000 1,311,525 1,485,000 20,000 5,150,275 1,718,000 694,172 139,000 2,659,159 547,689 3,600,000 171,600 1,065,700 26,015 1,316,851 9,841,000 3,969,200 17,308 179,916 175,000 147,000 5,767,988 205,214 1,090,000 7,691 3,962,100 123,331 355,915 3,970,000 940,000 3,422,125 1,834,000 9,200,000 174,837 112,840 580,138 19,165 415,033 1,032,030 1,515,500 35,221 70,500

81,202,841 7,759,085 988,603 Value of church church of Value DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT Susan Boegli Sue Owen John Tucker Jeff Gordon Jeff Matt Henry Jane Davis Sharon Tuck David Goodrich Eilidh Lowery Glen Clark Daniel Houghton Ruth Marsh Richard Titus Katherine Raines Katherine Raines Daryl Blanksma J Raines J Raines Glen Clark April Cutting William Hare Jeanie Stoppel Deborah Pitney Roberta Egli Erin Martin Pamela Nelson-Munson Aura Jabs Matt Henry Richard Fuss Gary Powell Laura Beville James Philipson Aura Jabs Daniel Houghton Daniel Houghton Achsah Clark Jerry Steele Erin Geoffrion FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 REPORT - FINANCIAL Table II, Part 1 December 31, 2010 Part 1 December Table II, Junction City Lebanon-First Medford-First Monroe Myrtle Creek Tenmile Toledo-Trinity Upper Rogue Veneta-Valley Wilbur Wilderville Community Yoncalla Chase Charles Florence Gold Hill Grants Pass-NewmanHarrisburg Haugen Melissa Harkness Halsey Roseburg Springfield-Ebbert Memorial Springfield-St. Paul’s Center Springfield-St. Paul’s Sutherlin Sweet Home Talent Eugene-Asbury Eugene-First Eugene-Trinity Eugene-Wesley Reedsport-Covenant James Ives SOUTHERN DISTRICT Ashland Camas Valley Canyonville Albany-First Cave Junction - Immanuel Charles Chase Coburg Coos Bay Coquille-PioneerCorvallis Dillard-Winston Elaine Steele Drain Drain - Hope Cottage Grove North Bend Oakridge Philomath-College William Seagren

376 Financial/Statistical Tables Grand Total Paid Total Grand

65 purchase

0 43,784 0 95,650 0 0 109,591 56,652 0 41,591 0 53,798 0 15,084 0 56,132 0 30,522 0 50,307 0 98,277 0 0 49,303 42,466 0 114,265 0 77,524 0 0 176,182 335,593 0 81,322 major equipment equipment major improvements, improvements,

64 - building, building, -

Capital Exp Exp Capital

loans, mtgs etc mtgs loans,

0 0 12,259 20,089 187,863 357,836 0 0 0 3,160 0 41,768 8,235 1,912 66,116 135,744 0 0 0 1,733 17,926 21,858 66,737 252,308 325,070 0 0 0 0 5,818 9,210 32,745 76,090 0 0 0 0 3,088 106,455 0 0 5,003 59,740 0 0 0 0 1,483 0 34,071 7,001 87,624 0 0 0 0 694 39,105 0 7,114 330,371 49,445 157,906 0 0 0 0 0 4,444 9,800 56,326 151,095 0 1,340 162,906 0 2,900 54,457

indebtedness, indebtedness,

Interest on on Interest


Principal & & Principal

expenses operating operating 1,066

62 Local church church Local Other Local Church Expenses Other Local

65 6,682 86 6,204 program expenses program Local church church Local 61

0 0 0 513 511 4,042 5,769 8,706 9,285 0 0 5,978 37,287 0 6,583 13,569 0 2,050 12,437 and expenses and Salary, benefits benefits Salary,

60 Other Staff - - Staff Other

0 0 35,015 106,176 8,250 28,397 24,001 62,993 0 0 0 0 2,736 120,262 0 200 7,056 8,361 8,409 27,881 902 1,203 8,223 41,357 573 9,923 9,352 4,521 23,606 12,021 335,217 0 0 0 0 7,879 272,574 0 101,500 55,531 15,033 726 6,300 1,697 9,556 98,756 31,603 42,423 385 68,306 2,678 8,005 794,122 1,359,232 6,307 0 0 0 0 9,595 9,398 17,138 0 1,000 0 300 247 7,238 0 4,120 2,466 3,710 0 2,880 2,858 14,898 0 0 2,460 200 942 283 11,359 10,153 0 497 1,799 9,918 0 0 0 0 1,152 0 100 0 4,785 660 581 27,929 15,699 350 979 16,109 3,752 4,759 4,323 3,800 8,870 10,630 9,224 22,234 500 2,375 5,965 5,866 36,525 143,960 0 0 0 0 4,389 82,738 0 28,491 6,163 519 9,724 10,501 18,317 42,943 200 30,338 17,522 0 0 113,087 10,440 127,702 127,250 13,248 648,067 0 2,374 667 25,685 3,450 0 44,078 10,329 36,366 0 0 9,864 2,879 17,466 0 10,449 8,764 37,521 0 0 400 760 1 and expenses and - Salary, benefits benefits Salary, -

59 Diaconal Ministers Ministers Diaconal

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,550 99,283 8,459 53,523 23,636 0 0 0 expenses benefits and and benefits

58 Deacons - Salary, Salary, - Deacons

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Allowances 15 54 32 35 Other Cash Cash Other

57 Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc


0 205 0 654

Professional Professional

- Business & & Business -


Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc


0 3,600 0 721 0 100 0 478 403

Allowances & & Allowances

Housing Related Related Housing

55 Pastor/Assoc - - Pastor/Assoc

0 28,000 3,727 773 0 0 0 6,336 8,750 4,500 4,975 2,454 4,240 719 0 0 2,100 9,830 394 1,154 220 404 0 0 0 0 17,827 27,940 5,000 3,525 4,480 123 20,141 0 0 17,500 0 5,000 1,525 4,489 2,700 1,200 4,950 0 0 5,638 4,000 3,609 1,304 472 0 4,000 315 1,050 0 0 7,900 3,600 0 4,000 1,386 3,453 0 16,242 4,626 263 0 0 0 0 1,470 0 4,100 8,829 9,800 4,950 2,624 2,448 586 0 0 0 0 24,700 15,225 5,075 4,568 3,000 870 359 4,409 0 10,008 1,375 532 0 0 4,892 14,100 1,220 2,358 412 0 13,550 1,565 453 0 5,410 3,133 0 0 15,000 5,233 4,000 1,100 0 30,400 7,270 0 6,850 3,225 0 0 10,000 2,730 1,829 2,667


Local Church Clergy Support Local Church Pastor - Base Base - Pastor

54 Assoc Assoc

0 0

Compensation Pastor - Base Base - Pastor 53

0 7,000 0 8,400 0 0 17,548 0 0 6,224 0 8,096 0 1,556 1,556 8,122 2,964 0 20,000 0 10,600 0 10,000

Benefits Clergy Health Health Clergy 52

0 4,065 28,584 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Benefits

5,011 5,011 8,140 20,825 7,278 2,651 14,400 7,053 5,400 40,589 14,400 5,965 38,902 2,766 5,400 8,136 5,904 5,266 10,800 13,200 27,588 33,660 5,866 2,966 7,200 7,200 31,100 12,350 4,290 3,125 10,800 6,000 22,000 17,033 5,874 14,400 28,500 3,125 8,400 14,483 2,002 2,966 5,744 4,620 3,874 7,200 14,400 10,850 12,508 29,750 8,074 1,709 14,400 2,700 37,411 8,070 3,380 14,400 15,700 1,430 3,042 3,600 13,800 4,800 4,425 5,094 13,200 27,400 7,024 14,400 36,814 6,542 3,010 14,400 8,400 35,325 31,200 8,305 10,800 31,686 7,514 14,400 39,389 2,600 3,718 9,780 18,950 Clergy non-Health non-Health Clergy 11,684 14,400 45,900 16,000 15,460 6,200 243 11,525 11,525 20,937 41,157 34,700 23,400 6,369 12,628 10,017 14,400 21,600 44,678 25,330 26,817 17,740 4,197 51 183,057 361,642 920,482 79,073 431,146 121,795 17,069 25,141 14,550 1,215,803 210,649 1,080,867 170,717 1,015,394 6,843,717 Table II, Part 2 Table Medford-First Grants Pass-Newman Halsey Junction City Lebanon-First Harrisburg Eugene-First Eugene-Trinity Eugene-Wesley Florence Gold Hill Veneta-Valley Wilderville Community Church Wilbur Yoncalla Eugene-Asbury Toledo-Trinity Upper Rogue Drain Drain - Hope Tenmile Canyonville Cave Junction - Immanuel Coos Bay Coquille-Pioneer Roseburg Springfield-Ebbert Memorial Center Springfield-St. Paul’s Coburg Corvallis Sutherlin Sweet Home Cottage Grove Dillard-Winston Talent SOUTHERN DISTRICT Albany-First North Bend Oakridge Ashland Camas Valley Philomath-College Reedsport-Covenant Monroe Myrtle Creek

Financial/Statistical Tables 377

outside the local church local the outside

institutional sources sources institutional

connectional and other other and connectional

Total income from from income Total


support from institutional institutional from support

Other grants and financial financial and grants Other

received by church by received

connectional funds funds connectional

apportioned and and apportioned Advance Special, Special, Advance

Connectional/Institutional Sources Connectional/Institutional church

Funds received by by received Funds

Equitable Compensation Compensation Equitable designated causes designated

1,058 3,000 0 0 3,000 Total income for for income Total

Service Specials Service

Advance Specials, World World Specials, Advance

Special Sundays, Sundays, Special

projects Other sources and and sources Other

Designated Causes Designated

and bequests and

Memorials, endowments endowments Memorials,

Capital campaigns Capital

budget/spending plan budget/spending

Total income for annual annual for income Total

sources 1 107,268 0 680 12,368 1,574 14,622 0 0 0 0

fundraisers and other other and fundraisers

Amount received through through received Amount

contributions, and rentals and contributions,

building use fees, fees, use building

Amount received through through received Amount

sale of church assets church of sale

Amount received from from received Amount

interest and dividends and interest

Amount received from from received Amount

unidentified givers unidentified

Annual Budget/Spending Plan Annual Budget/Spending from received Amount

identified givers identified

from non-pledging but but non-pledging from

Amount received received Amount

pledges Amount received through through received Amount 0 0 14,791 42,620 1,289 721 0 792 32 0 0 0 825 10,080 600 0 54,813 16,937 0 0 5,000 225 580 0 685 10 1,490 5,010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

50 46 56,960 56 64,377 35 33,000 83,820 15,087 75 2,717 40,400 2,500 113,732 14,120 2,293 1,715 17,654 972 4,530 123 1,032 286 124 0 0 50 0 0 0 19,945 1,185 12,600 9,675 3,100 4,124 2,348 4,040 150,340 1,303 96,532 73,043 50 44,839 7,272 149,108 0 0 3,665 2,113 270 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 658 0 207 10,043 2,118 0 0 477 5,783 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 39,380 1,450 1,019 0 7,000 0 48,849 0 1,180 0 1,127 2,307 0 0 0 0 63 103,266 30 16,583 37 412 0 0 45,570 261 38,580 1,070 4,212 0 1,375 1,330 150 0 14,999 0 7,570 135,671 700 0 0 7,067 55,585 51,889 1,710 0 0 0 2,291 350 0 4,001 2,989 0 1,748 0 5,087 0 0 0 0 0 666 0 0 0 0 666 0 0 31 79,868 45 30 13 1,371 0 0 3,364 65,423 0 39,717 2,522 2,330 7,726 60 2,211 34,693 0 909 3 452 32,207 9,789 32 7,500 0 1,124 0 372 98,038 0 7,888 627 2,833 730 0 0 0 53,101 3,666 68,383 119 0 1,814 6,711 9,397 0 0 85,149 50 1,601 630 0 1,500 0 26,918 1,720 1,320 300 3,733 0 0 0 5,597 0 1,612 130 0 930 0 27,048 4,432 0 0 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,440 0 0 17 0 22,360 614 0 0 1,575 160 24,709 0 0 0 454 454 2,200 0 0 2,200 29 10 61 32 0 0 24,740 0 12,935 0 86,091 2,225 24,600 3,702 4,202 2,123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 270 0 250 275 479 2,580 76 17,197 27,714 19,467 107,765 0 0 0 26,799 0 5,035 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,017 70 200 5,042 0 301 200 5,406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,150 0 0 150 0 0 0 2,300 0 0 64 42 59,410 88,144 19,737 30,218 3,710 2,653 0 18 6,000 0 235 2,758 1,016 1,194 90,108 124,985 0 505 5,000 5,945 18,196 0 3,293 1,483 27,939 6,483 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 18 37,441 0 1,563 0 0 15,215 2,506 56,725 8,080 0 0 2,978 1 57 26 0 0 77,661 42,451 4,669 2,640 539 0 0 0 1,386 7,275 21 5,063 84,276 57,429 2,900 0 150 8,214 3,700 2,334 0 9,084 1,037 9,251 0 1,900 0 0 0 0 0 1,900 33 25 0 0 23,940 31,995 978 2,253 8 0 0 0 5,500 800 705 5,950 31,131 40,998 2,718 1,374 1,383 2,095 0 0 1,190 543 5,291 4,012 0 0 0 0 0 333 333 0 29 19 33 27,251 0 45,388 1,175 28,973 2,836 1,406 310 1,913 0 40 0 3,625 0 0 8,900 11,425 675 962 200 969 42,770 61,802 31,476 0 160 0 5,000 265 0 0 3,658 444 7,044 13,932 0 10,967 14,536 5,000 4,875 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,875 0 0 0 72 77,900 19,361 2,721 0 0 3,075 4,21 30 38,568 0 671 712 0 3,592 9,941 53,484 0 210 0 159 369 1,742 0 0 1,742 18 28,627 990 2,239 727 0 598 7,910 41,091 915 0 0 940 1,855 0 4,360 0 4,360 giving to the local church local the to giving 118 172,084 0 3,115 267 0 25,808 34,710 235,984 18,931 6,516 0 2,779 28,226 0 0 0 0 128 209,243 18,525 3,481 13,711 0 1,765 1,975 248,700 30,525 1,285 0 6,752 38,562 0 0 0 0 189 229,922 46,164 5,544 294 0 19,316 5,603 306,843 6,351 16,576 0 20,388 43,315 0 0 0 0 107 234 126,920 117,124 15,461 163,850 363 9,460 4,235 103 0 0 1,320 1,557 2,000 2,107 150,299 294,201 0 0 42,373 0 0 0 12,171 3,698 54,544 3,698 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 215 386,602 49,085 3,162 282 404,401 28,693 142 23,165 241,731 0 30,365 4,515 17,013 1,441 132 12,057 496,612 26 0 138,264 32,997 0 2,935 75,615 20,349 540,825 0 1,145 614,969 22,133 295,057 2,580 163,332 12,158 0 0 9,030 194 638,737 0 6,603 0 1,250 0 8,047 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 129,083 29,665 2,321 734 0 6,225 30,906 198,934 0 665 0 12,943 13,608 0 0 0 0

2,879 3,221,586 1,262,105 110,314 59,420 22,275 321,587 271,441 5,268,728 855,278 142,601 61,066 149,913 1,208,858 15,157 8,176 483 23,816 Number of households households of Number 66 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67 68a 68b 68c 68d 68 69a 69b 69c 69 DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT Jerry Steele Erin Geoffrion Daryl Blanksma David Raines Richard Titus John Tucker Gordon Jeff Matt Henry James Philipson Daniel Houghton Daniel Houghton Ruth Marsh Daniel Houghton William Hare Jane Davis Sharon Tuck Gary Powell Laura Beville Katherine Raines Glen Clark P. Nelson-MunsonP. Matt Henry 115 192,533 39,304 0 278 0 47,487 0 279,602 10,300 495 0 370 11,165 0 0 0 0 Richard Fuss Glen Clark David Raines Charles Chase Katherine Raines Table III December 31, 2010 III Table FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 - REPORT FINANCIAL SOUTHERN DISTRICT North Bend Oakridge Philomath-CollegeReedsport-CovenantRoseburg William Seagren James Ives Springfield-Ebbert Mem Gold Hill Grants Pass-Newman Melissa Haugen Junction CityLebanon-FirstMedford-First Monroe Susan Boegli Myrtle Creek Sue Owen Coquille-PioneerCorvallis Cottage Grove Elaine Steele Dillard-WinstonDrain Drain-Hope Achsah Clark Eugene-Asbury Aura Jabs Eugene-FirstEugene-TrinityEugene-Wesley Stoppel Jeanie Florence Deborah Pitney Egli Roberta Martin Erin Yoncalla Talent Tenmile Toledo-Trinity Upper Rogue David Goodrich Coburg Coos Bay Harrisburg Wilbur Wilderville Community Charles Chase Springfield-St. Paul’s Ctr Springfield-St. Paul’s Camas Valley Jabs Aura Ashland Canyonville Cave Junction-Immanuel Albany-First Sutherlin Sweet Home April Cutting Veneta-Valley Eilidh Lowery Halsey 378 Financial/Statistical Tables 9 63 91 72 53 56 95 68 25 25 28 56 59 60 41 84 83 60 48 42 23 91 64 33 155 185 231 349 157 188 137 136 282 183 628 351 173 136 136 197 196 149 238 225 5,752 Total Members Total at close of 2010 at close of 9i 5 5 22 31 27 20 55 20 34 28 65 12 79 10 17 68 31 22 65 60 13 30 59 50 26 20 44 14 50 19 41 75 76 52 37 18 69 13 132 104 209 146 100 Male 2,073 9h 41 60 45 33 36 61 40 20 13 18 39 89 28 38 77 28 54 77 57 40 34 86 23 95 97 18 54 46 20 100 120 152 217 123 178 133 419 205 129 122 120 138 156 3,679 Female 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9g 26 Multi Racial 9f 62 90 69 53 55 94 64 25 25 25 56 57 56 41 83 82 57 48 42 23 90 61 33 150 180 224 331 148 185 137 136 270 182 601 340 171 133 131 189 193 147 222 218 White 5,579 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9e 20 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 9 9d Native American 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 4 0 5 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 4 0 0 2 3 0 9c 47 Latino Hispanic/ 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 9b 21 Black African Am 0 1 1 0 4 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 8 2 2 2 0 3 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 1 0 9a 50 Asian DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT Melanie Marcus Judith Johnson David Hurd Karen Shimer Rand Sargent Thomas Truby Eric Conklin Jeremy Hajdu-Paulen Gary Langenwalter James Simmons Daniel Wilson-Fey Robert Ledden Gwendolyn Drake Salyer Teresa Rand Sargent Margaret Golden Courtney McHill Pamela Gurley James Simmons Anne Weld-Martin D Allen Robert Flaherty Gerald Hill Daniel Pitney Janet Burkhart Norman Barley John Tindell Melanie Marcus Kirk Jeffery Linda Quanstrom Lura Kidner-Miesen David Hurd Penny Christianson Judith Johnson Thomas Truby Bruce Wenigmann James Monroe Eric Conklin illamook OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL ANNUAL OREGON-IDAHO CONFERENCE IDENTIFICATION MEMBERSHIP & GENDER REPORT-RACIAL/ETHNIC STATISTICIANS DISTRICT WESTERN Amity Astoria Banks-CommunityBay City Canby Daniel Benson Carus Clarkes Cornelius Dallas Dundee Falls City Forest Grove Grand Ronde Hillsboro-First Jefferson Keizer-Clear LakeMarquam McCabe McMinnville David Childress Molalla Monmouth Mountain Home Nehalem Bay Newberg Oregon City Salem-EnglewoodSalem-First Salem-Jason LeeSalem-Morningside Jon Langenwalter Salem-Trinity Salem West Edson Gilmore Seaside Michael Powell Sheridan Sherwood Silverton Stayton T Tualatin Warrenton Willamette Wilsonville Woodburn Yamhill Financial/Statistical Tables 379 11 11 & other formation Total par- Total ministries ticipants in ticipants in small group all Christian all Christian & other formation ministries in Christian in Christian small gorup Other Adults Other Adults Young Young & other Adults in Christian formation ministries small gorup Classes & Groups Classes & 17 3 20 51 & other Youth in Youth Christian formation ministries small gorup 11 & other Christian formation ministries Children in Children in small group 2 3 2 3 15 23 tion classes confirma- Enrolled in Enrolled in preparation 11 ents Other - Constitu 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Baptized Members Members who have Professing not become 2 0 71 0 4 0 0 92 96 11 this year Baptized 15 2 23 66 0 7 20 15 63 105 111 worship services all weekly Average at- Average tendance at Total Total 2010 members at close of by Death Removed non-UM churches out to other Transferred Transferred out to churches other UM Transferred Transferred tion years Correct subtrac- previous reporting errors by Church Membership Church Membership ship from Member- Withdrawn Withdrawn Professing action Removed by Charge Conference in from non-UM churches Transferred Transferred 57 25 103 46 78 25 24 130 5,752 2,890 64 642 1,749 33 444 236 127 1,301 2,108 in from churches other UM Transferred Transferred 11 years Correct addition previous reporting errors by 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 20 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 33 30 0 5 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 3 0 12 628 228 4 3 260 0 39 33 14 143 229 by tion affirma- Restored 2 2 0 5 0 0 2 54 2 0 2 60 44 1 7 21 4 0 1 0 10 faith sion of profes- Christian Rec’d on

1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 58 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 53 46 0 2 43 0 0 0 0 24 24 92 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 46 4 30 42 0 9 12 0 25 46 81 0 1 2 1 0 5 6 0 1 0 5 68 30 0 8 27 1 10 4 2 25 41 77 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 91 35 0 2 20 0 3 0 0 8 35 0 111 131 1 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 136 67 6 4 75 0 4 4 0 0 8 141 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 136 78 2 20 12 7 155 1 2 0 3 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 149 48 1 6 26 0 0 0 0 30 30 134 5 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 2 3 136 60 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 191 4 0 0 3 2 7 4 0 1 0 5 183 130 4 42 75 0 81 15 6 130 232 2009 5,930 119 16 Members at close of TOTAL Melanie Marcus 62 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 63 32 3 0 12 4 2 4 2 5 13 Judith Johnson 87 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 91 46 0 10 0 0 28 2 0 24 54 DISTRICT David Hurd Karen Shimer 250 0 2 0 2 2 77 8 3 1 10 2 155 85 0 22 97 0 0 5 3 12 20 Rand Sargent 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 27 0 25 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 Teresa SalyerTeresa 62 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 56 32 0 0 37 0 3 5 0 13 21 Thomas Truby John Tindell Melanie Marcus 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 42 24 0 14 29 0 1 0 0 8 9 Jeremy Hajdu-Paulen 181 8 0 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 4 2 185 106 2 28 60 0 25 8 5 41 79 Margaret Golden 56 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 60 47 2 1 18 6 0 6 0 8 14 Gary Langenwalter 22 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 25 23 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 8 Linda Quanstrom 185 12 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 5 197 99 4 0 54 2 13 10 0 22 45 James Simmons 24 0 Lura Kidner-Miesen 188 9 1 0 4 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 196 98 3 17 42 0 10 2 2 25 39 Pamela Gurley 139 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 137 77 1 31 63 0 13 0 0 12 25 Penny Christianson 237 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 238 0 3 0 0 0 39 3 0 10 52 D Allen Thomas Truby Robert Flaherty 287 0 0 0 1 2 1 4 0 0 0 3 282 165 1 21 76 0 13 5 13 86 117 Eric Conklin WESTERN DISTRICT WESTERN Table I, Part 1 December 31, 2010 I, Part 1 Table FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 REPORT FINANCIAL OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL ANNUAL OREGON-IDAHO CONFERENCE Amity Astoria Banks-Community Daniel Benson 70 2 Forest Grove 0 Wilson-Fey Daniel 0 229 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 3 58 0 1 1 9 231 74 1 0 12 0 0 10 22 Salem-Jason Lee Edson Gilmore Bay City Salem-Morningside Powell Michael 356 2 0 0 2 2 0 9 0 0 1 1 351 180 2 100 65 0 22 22 17 27 88 Grand Ronde Ledden Robert 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 28 24 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 10 10 Canby Salem-Trinity Janet Burkhart 181 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 173 89 0 9 18 0 3 2 2 41 48 Hillsboro-First Gwendolyn Drake 355 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 7 349 122 2 103 49 0 13 20 20 65 118 Carus West SalemWest Norman Barley 48 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 48 20 1 1 22 0 3 0 0 12 15 Jefferson Clarkes Seaside Keizer-Clear Lake David Childress 163 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 157 95 0 23 30 0 14 10 0 22 46 Cornelius Eric Conklin Sheridan Marquam Rand Sargent 56 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 59 47 7 8 0 7 12 0 0 15 27 Dallas Sherwood Kirk Jeffery Mccabe Dundee Silverton Mcminnville Courtney McHill 193 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 188 187 0 27 108 0 25 14 20 125 184 Falls City Stayton Molalla Tillamook David Hurd Monmouth James Simmons 42 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 41 30 2 25 Tualatin Mountain Home Anne Weld-Martin 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 36 0 6 28 0 7 6 0 18 31 Warrenton Judith Johnson 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 2 23 16 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 14 14 Nehalem Bay Willamette Newberg Wilsonville Bruce Wenigmann 71 1 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 1 64 37 1 1 12 0 4 0 0 28 32 Oregon City Gerald Hill Woodburn James Monroe 225 6 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 3 0 10 225 Salem-Englewood Jon Langenwalter 85 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 83 0 0 9 28 0 8 4 0 18 30 Yamhill Salem-First Daniel Pitney 623 20

380 Financial/Statistical Tables

and mercy and

for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

community ministries ministries community 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Persons served by by served Persons

and mercy and for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

1 500 0 0 6 2 667 200 0 3 3,000 1 2 13 31 0 1 2,905 4 4 7 300 3 63 2,700 100 6 8 0 0 150 1,205 1 10 2 2 43 215 1 20 0 0 2 0 1 3 436 100 200 3 410 Community ministries ministries Community


for daycare and/or and/or daycare for community ministries ministries community 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1,200 0 0 12 13,379

Community Ministries Community Persons served by by served Persons

education for daycare and/or and/or daycare for

1 15 8 550 0 0 5 0 0 25 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 32 4 20 4 65 3 420 13 2,750 83 1 0 20 2 30 0 0 0 0 0 55 9 871 0 0 1 2 1 10 90 2 4 3,100 269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community ministries ministries Community

from this local church local this from other mission teams teams mission other

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Persons sent out on on out sent Persons

church sent from this local local this from sent

0 1 20 0 22 4 675 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 10 0 0 1 30 0 1 0 2 15 25 0 3 140 10 4,889 0 0 0 0 1 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other mission teams teams mission Other

this local church local this UMVIM teams from from teams UMVIM

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Persons sent out on on out sent Persons

UMVIM/Mission UMVIM/Mission Teams

from this local church local this from

UMVIM teams sent sent teams UMVIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

work (UMW) work church and community community and church

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amount paid for local local for paid Amount Methodist Women Methodist

UM Women

Membership in United United in Membership 0 600 0 0 0 8 985 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500 0 9 150 0

projects (UMM) projects Amount paid for for paid Amount 0 15 275 0 0 0 0 25 1,390 0 0 0 0 44 798 0 0 0 0 66 25 2,000 0 0 0 0 21 300 0 0 0 30 10 0 3,680 0 0 0 105 5,497 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 63 18 3,258 29 4,300 1,050 1,900 0 1 0 0 0 16 1,000 0 0 0 0 39 2,616 0

UM Men Methodist Men Methodist

Membership in United United in Membership 6 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 125 8 270 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 0 6 135 0 0 0 31 1,240 0 0 0 0 0

learning and groups for for groups and

3 8 22 2,000 76 5,550 1 0 8 0 1 0 15 12 500 0 25 39 8,125 2,000 0 0 1 1 10 0 20 1,933 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 22 1,685 25 3,720 0 1 2 7 3 12 15 35 176 750 452 6 18 20 1,265 2,100 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 13 0 30 4,681 0 5 2 1 0 3 2 0 12 295 16 380 1 0 1 0 4 0 4 2 3 0 1 Short-term classes classes Short-term


than Sunday Church Church Sunday than

for learning other other learning for 2 1 1 1 0 2 1 6 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 4 2 0 2 1 5 35 0 5 0 1 1 9 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 1

Ongoing classes classes Ongoing

Church School Church learning in Sunday Sunday in learning

2 2 0 0 2 2 0 1 3 0 2 1 3 3 6 2 10 0 10 0 18 466 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 4 2 3 15 90 126 217 6,218 942 64,439 3 20 14 142 20 498 145 41,499 Ongoing classes for for classes Ongoing

Vacation Bible School Bible Vacation

Participants in in Participants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Classes & Groups Classes &

groups covenant discipleship discipleship covenant

0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 2 0 0 11 Persons active in in active Persons

church school church attendance in Sunday Sunday in attendance

7 0 0 7 5 0 0 5 8 8 9 5 0 0 8 6 8 11 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30a 30b 31a 31b 32 33 34 35 12 12 20 0 0 22 2 24 10 0 0 15 10 4 2 25 10 15 4 12 0 99 23 14 34 60 24 13 4 3 14 19 0 100 58 1,410 0 21 0 36 42 0 0 38 128 5 6 25 0 12 10 23 0 0 100 115 0 2 38 0 85 5 17 0 75 8 30 0 70 5 12 16 0 12 12 10 0 22 0 0 0 80 2 15 3 2 10 0 160 2 Avg weekly weekly Avg 650 175 1,005 1 rinity Table I, Part 2 Table WESTERN DISTRICT Yamhill Wilsonville Woodburn Willamette Stayton Tillamook Tualatin Warrenton Sherwood Silverton Seaside Sheridan West Salem West Salem-First Salem-Morningside Salem-Englewood Salem-Jason Lee Salem-T Monmouth Mountain Home Nehalem Bay Newberg Oregon City Molalla Keizer-Clear Lake Marquam McCabe McMinnville Hillsboro-First Jefferson Forest Grove Grand Ronde Falls City Dallas Dundee Astoria Banks-Community Bay City Canby Carus Clarkes Cornelius Amity Financial/Statistical Tables 381 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

40 75 19 55 66 50 60 75 33

115 115 115 115 179 352 702 987 492 655 196 846 544 230 725 733 234

Great Hour etc.) Hour Great

2,686 1,153 1,208 1,977 1,013 1,949 1,631

Relations, One One Relations,

Offerings (Human (Human Offerings 50 General Church Church General

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 charitable causes charitable

benevolent & & benevolent

to non-UM non-UM to

49 Given directly directly Given

0 8,093 0 32,300 0 4,368 0 2,587 0 27,180 0 0 120 258 0 318 0 0 3,870 0 303 0 0 4,445 0 9,510 0 2,175 0 0 1,067 0 1,551 0 0 3,648 0 0 0 274 2,100 0 1,380 0 31,107 0 0 14,501

22 5,475

UM causes UM Given directly to to directly Given 48

0 2,051 1,245 0 0 997 0 0 0 1,575 2,000 0 0 0 0 585 550 0 0 0 1,464 0 364 150 0 150 0 0 1,145 7,820 0 400 11,959 0 0 1,196 0 0 0 636 4,869 0 0 0 133 5,056 0 200 5,650 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0

25 55

Special Sundays Special Annual Conf Conf Annual 47

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 196 3,000 3,900

91 72 94 90 76 72 Mission & Ministry & Mission

1,744 Connectional Connectional

46 Other Other

0 0 0 0 177 459 0 0 830 0 0 683 0 433 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 585 156 300 668 4,620 0 0 0 604 0 307 0

66 639 28 28 851 50 350 72 542 80 273 90 268 135 Advance Specials Advance

Shared Ministries & Benevolences Shared Ministries Conerence Conerence 44

0 0 1,059 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 2,128 0 0 0 0 209 254 647 1,227 285 1,136 6,949 0 0 110 846 0 0 0 0 392 0 0 0 0 0 123 930 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 303 0 0 0 0 0 0 211 839 0 0 0 105 0

40 100 3,501 40 3,380 19,644 1,001 15,358 211,762 19,195

Specials World Service Service World 43

0 0 0 0 0


General Advance Advance General


Apportionments Paid Paid 40

0 103,034 21,524 0 7,300 0 0 0 7,760 5,160 39,845 2,922 1,839 1,747 0 4,941 0 0 0 24,624 1,349 32,078 2,571 235 2,988 0 9,371 0 1,672 2,155 0 7,735 873 0 0 0 4,980 24,534 5,410 4,172 0 25,882 500 0 14,398 1,120 0 14,923 2,958 0 9,903 510 0 0 0 27,317 979 500 3,001 112 726 0 13,210 1,519 0 12,659 370 0 0 0 4,722 14,146 0 3,552 500 1,181 15,224 215 2,563 0 6,364 948 0 5,065 837 0 22,086 1,009 Other Debt Other 39

0 6,200 10,338 653 0 0 1,100 923 19,758 39,962 1,600 16,842 0 0 1,300 5,700 8,982 9,355 873 965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67,007 36,163 1,327 0 21,145 9,428 858 0 0 0 0 0 0 910 13,450 1,548 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,261 4,902 958 0 0 0 26,663 65,284 6,748 0

assets church physical physical church

38 Debt secured by by secured Debt


owned assets owned all other church- other all

Assets & Liabilities 37 Market value of of value Market

equipment buildings & & buildings 24,700 30,420

444,000 272,590 502,000 281,000 15,089 347,000 769,928 300,000 51,596 39,408 651,618 128,253 274,756 27,192 617,000 62,300 840,650 18,259 868,500 391,500 75,000 658,709 24,952 243,900 23,589 550,807 11,148 380,400 21,303 692,800 80,754 725,000 250,000

owned land, land, owned 1,811,383 315,000 36 2,131,697 2,173,917 406,339 47,266 708,235 26,850 22,746 4,357 1,157,000 122,000 1,500,000 536,143 3,712,400 1,593,558 3,523,450 264,518 1,413,298 2,800,250 83,771 1,019,750 3,323 1,163,000 150,000 135,705 3,565,000 282,000 2,850,000 238,500 3,285,768 2,661,000 3,560,000 61,613 72,900 1,000,000 224,386 181,757 5,086 1,065 29,597 2,407 1,800,000 70,000 1,370,000 64,100 1,702,000 1,450,000 2,475,000 5,000 2,780,000 50,000 31,000 300,000 4,302,755 186,440 3,317,250 4,016,780 963,939

12,022,000 1,630,000 73,909 82,369,716 10,518,662 1,177,929 162,124 741,171 97,748 Value of church church of Value DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT Daniel Pitney D Allen Robert Flaherty Gerald Hill James Simmons Anne Weld-Martin Pamela Gurley Rand Sargent Margaret Golden Courtney McHill Eric Conklin Daniel Wilson-Fey Robert Ledden Gwendolyn Drake Thomas Truby James Simmons Salyer Teresa Eric Conklin Jeremy Hajdu-Paulen Gary Langenwalter Bruce Wenigmann James Monroe David Hurd Karen Shimer Rand Sargent Lura Kidner-Miesen David Hurd Penny Christianson Judith Johnson Thomas Truby Judith Johnson Norman Barley John Tindell Melanie Marcus Kirk Jeffery Linda Quanstrom Melanie Marcus Janet Burkhart rinity FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 REPORT - FINANCIAL Table II, Part 1 December 31, 2010 Part 1 December Table II, Salem-EnglewoodSalem-First Jon Langenwalter Nehalem Bay Newberg Oregon City Monmouth Mountain Home Molalla Marquam Mccabe Mcminnville Yamhill Forest Grove Grand Ronde Hillsboro-First Clarkes Falls City Jefferson Cornelius Dallas Dundee Keizer-Clear Lake David Childress Wilsonville Woodburn Bay City Canby Carus Stayton Tillamook Tualatin Warrenton Willamette Astoria Banks-Community Daniel Benson West Salem West Seaside Sheridan Sherwood Silverton WESTERN DISTRICT Amity Salem-Jason Lee Edson Gilmore Salem-Morningside Michael Powell Salem-T

382 Financial/Statistical Tables Grand Total Paid Total Grand

65 purchase

0 116,808 0 139,804 0 0 0 301,064 111,980 182,899 0 256,009 0 270,137 0 99,684 0 73,791 0 72,657 0 121,063 0 273,227 0 12,149 0 276,809 0 42,445 0 175,840 0 366,751 0 16,436 0 106,507 0 631,099 0 0 108,837 0 174,344 0 67,571 56,734 0 82,865 major equipment equipment major improvements, improvements,

64 - building, building, -

Capital Exp Exp Capital

loans, mtgs etc mtgs loans,

0 0 1,300,000 0 1,325,920 0 0 0 1,314 0 13,180 21,547 4,429 115,422 38,211 0 0 2,065 44,368 0 0 0 0 33,661 59,827 0 0 0 8,174 67,315 0 0 1,734 24,465 74,599 233,454 0 0 15,051 293,506 0 0 4,452 58,802 0 0 0 0 0 3,333 65,656 0 6,773 38,671 0

indebtedness, indebtedness,

Interest on on Interest


Principal & & Principal

expenses operating operating

62 Local church church Local Other Local Church Expenses Other Local

1 4,305

20 5,951 program expenses program Local church church Local 61

0 1,261 6,096 0 0 908 9,259 0 6,800 20,074 0 222 7,586 0 2,882 2,918 0 1,535 13,914 0 0 0 4,319 0 0 27,720 700 4,780 4,508 9,241 9,063 22,642 and expenses and Salary, benefits benefits Salary,

60 Other Staff - - Staff Other

0 26,258 433 19,895 0 0 0 26,595 40,880 2,072 2,703 30,594 6,957 12,842 2,227 148,273 0 0 24,122 43,438 12,169 1,596 47,122 25,240 91,472 0 20,607 1,355 30,046 1,384 0 0 0 0 0 4,003 3,467 73,537 0 632 1,199,631 1,946 5,203 156,358 14,820 15,163 43,839 1,057,310 11,820 8,732 256,032 18,581 1,463,399 7,392,694 97,501 0 0 300 66,781 3,604 4,512 48,453 2,079 0 0 13,154 640 10,346 1,200 0 7,090 1,976 17,613 3,000 0 9,879 681 16,635 0 0 76,780 65,865 7,312 17,447 36,986 46,487 48,749 9,356 317,997 0 0 0 91,826 6,793 47,654 0 1,000 1,213 6,611 1,400 0 0 15,342 5,057 26,581 12,500 0 0 0 10,589 145,064 35,421 17,131 864 3,323 14,337 32,689 53,859 1,330 0 0 97,795 6,313 52,398 0 0 1,489 13,238 3,519 3,024 10,348 18,325 0 182,257 2,588 140,967 58,351 0 0 0 0 18,957 0 47,125 0 3,482 3,613 10,590 30,621 1,465 5,352 74,793 0 0 19,819 2,695 5,076 312 29,572 7,959 1,787 9,252 179,322 0 14,258 1,833 23,755 and expenses and - Salary, benefits benefits Salary, -

59 Diaconal Ministers Ministers Diaconal

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 expenses benefits and and benefits

58 Deacons - Salary, Salary, - Deacons

0 0 0 0 0 0 800 0 0 19,742 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Allowances 29 29 Other Cash Cash Other

57 Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc


0 0 0 0 376 0 0

Professional Professional

- Business & & Business -


Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc


0 0 2,330 675

Allowances & & Allowances

Housing Related Related Housing

55 Pastor/Assoc - - Pastor/Assoc

0 6,800 4,630 0 3,692 0 0 6,000 7,836 2,500 3,797 186 0 25,850 3,600 0 0 0 3,000 25,913 3,406 1,350 314 299 0 0 0 10,211 36,000 34,340 0 2,699 3,600 527,103 3,500 3,201 97,876 22,494 20,542 0 2,700 481 3,800 0 0 8,350 18,300 1,850 4,650 0 30,906 817 0 1,572 585 0 4,504 0 6,759 4,500 0 28,431 2,494 0 9,967 4,547 371 0 0 3,500 0 28,700 5,460 0 9,426 675 0 17,000 2,854 0 3,825 3,825 0 15,600 4,207 0 0 19,200 2,225 157 0 1,050 0 30,000 3,081 0 20,544 3,513 0 7,384 1,692 0 12,150 2,025 0 6,000 2,967 0 0 12,000 10,210 2,957 2,392 11,586 0 0 3,225 0 0 7,424 1,678 525 22,180 2,725 122 1,186 2,730 1,440 0 11,823 1,872 0 10,800 1,568 223


Local Church Clergy Support Local Church Pastor - Base Base - Pastor

54 Assoc Assoc

0 0

Compensation Pastor - Base Base - Pastor 53

0 38,200 0 20,499 0 0 10,800 0 19,510 0 8,925 0 0 12,650

Benefits Clergy Health Health Clergy 52

0 0 1,061 15,500 0 1,068 11,616 0 0 0 Benefits 702 2,400 7,300 642 2,400 7,900

7,118 7,118 14,400 28,844 3,119 3,119 7,200 14,109 1,115 1,115 3,119 2,400 7,200 6,387 15,033 7,150 6,504 14,400 14,545 38,000 35,409 7,956 14,400 35,350 4,773 1,473 9,600 3,307 22,300 4,925 3,430 5,689 4,456 7,200 14,400 4,065 16,563 2,062 16,660 6,666 14,400 32,975 5,484 14,400 11,276 5,606 14,400 11,363 3,250 7,377 14,400 38,300 7,732 14,400 31,050 7,304 10,800 37,450 7,431 14,400 32,920 1,589 6,945 14,400 36,420 8,601 28,656 50,961 6,924 14,400 34,658 7,765 14,400 29,129 1,351 18,000 33,106 1,404 4,800 14,600 4,896 9,936 25,515 5,632 14,400 28,659 2,906 3,430 3,600 7,200 36,850 16,177 1,284 6,669 4,800 14,400 15,275 29,119 1,527 3,048 Clergy non-Health non-Health Clergy 1 51 182,067 366,238 934,345 Table II, Part 2 Table Sheridan Sherwood Silverton Stayton Tillamook Tualatin Warrenton Willamette Wilsonville Woodburn Yamhill Mcminnville Molalla Monmouth Mountain Home Nehalem Bay Newberg Oregon City Seaside Hillsboro-First Jefferson Keizer-Clear Lake Mccabe Marquam Salem-Morningside Salem West Salem-Trinity Forest Grove Grand Ronde WESTERN DISTRICT Amity Astoria Banks-Community Salem-Jason Lee Canby Clarkes Bay City Carus Cornelius Dallas Dundee Falls City Salem-Englewood Salem-First

Financial/Statistical Tables 383

outside the local church local the outside

institutional sources sources institutional

connectional and other other and connectional

Total income from from income Total


support from institutional institutional from support

Other grants and financial financial and grants Other

received by church by received

connectional funds funds connectional

apportioned and and apportioned Advance Special, Special, Advance

Connectional/Institutional Sources Connectional/Institutional church

Funds received by by received Funds

Equitable Compensation Compensation Equitable

designated causes designated

Total income for for income Total

Service Specials Service

Advance Specials, World World Specials, Advance

Special Sundays, Sundays, Special

projects Other sources and and sources Other

Designated Causes Designated

and bequests and

Memorials, endowments endowments Memorials,

Capital campaigns Capital

budget/spending plan budget/spending

Total income for annual annual for income Total


fundraisers and other other and fundraisers

Amount received through through received Amount

contributions, and rentals and contributions,

building use fees, fees, use building

Amount received through through received Amount

sale of church assets church of sale

Amount received from from received Amount

interest and dividends and interest

Amount received from from received Amount

unidentified givers unidentified

Annual Budget/Spending Plan Annual Budget/Spending from received Amount

identified givers identified

from non-pledging but but non-pledging from

Amount received received Amount

pledges Amount received through through received Amount 0 9,289 4,328 0 0 0 75 635 14,327 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,810 2,446 0 0 9,000 0 40,256 0 2,065 0 309 2,374 0 0 0 0 0 0 51,422 0 4,448 0 4,325 0 60,195 0 0 0 1,828 1,828 0 0 0 0

33 52,110 0 2,076 133 0 5,212 12,251 71,782 0 5,000 302 102 5,404 0 0 0 0 12 30 41 0 42,594 38 102,337 37 14,230 51,260 36,549 535 63 2,892 0 815 7,310 59,946 861 33,765 524 39,964 66 0 58 9,115 1,522 0 2,858 2,410 598 0 0 375 0 715 0 0 1,799 0 4,314 19,820 514 610 600 3,474 0 45,277 2,561 62,787 146,196 0 0 107,013 1,920 52,932 44,078 0 0 10,895 0 0 4,255 0 1,500 0 0 1,068 1,470 0 1,387 400 22 0 2,767 4,375 0 64,227 4,400 22 7,022 5,900 0 0 0 0 0 1,470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 12,702 2,100 450 0 2,313 1,842 19,407 0 300 800 290 1,390 0 3,000 0 3,000 96 180,687 0 1,918 0 0 1,645 6,390 190,640 0 4,670 13,397 9,195 27,262 0 0 49,300 49,300 78 105,417 80 32 204,173 51,684 38 0 9,731 46,206 1,592 3,473 18 2,493 45 2,262 819 14,185 30 52 85,100 63 0 1,029 600 68,580 0 0 58 0 0 719 29,812 0 20,678 3,927 0 84,618 5,760 2,844 4,282 12,330 10,168 625 0 0 0 0 36 438 1,474 28,666 466 0 114,702 0 1,710 0 68,468 0 0 1,200 216,397 0 0 7,964 77,439 2,832 0 2,550 0 0 0 12,045 0 2,622 6,935 0 107,989 0 625 7,970 0 108,566 5,348 0 5,889 18,112 2,580 110,253 0 0 0 0 21,769 2,606 0 0 3,750 629 0 647 5,811 0 0 3,684 2,390 1,125 0 0 7,970 0 9,573 0 0 1,192 0 0 0 0 0 2,964 0 0 1,659 0 445 629 0 0 4,049 0 0 564 0 445 0 0 0 564 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 0 0 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 68 43 113,335 37 40,110 21,951 5,446 1,447 0 641 6,996 33,055 1,406 0 0 7,100 0 0 4,389 13,289 0 155,218 607 8,220 0 60,093 5,254 935 47,935 0 3,565 0 65 5,370 25 9,870 0 0 0 736 801 80 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,636 0 1,636 34 49,977 6,075 890 962 0 150 0 58,054 0 12,120 0 620 12,740 0 0 340 340 32 65 73 88,566 64 0 37,060 36,918 0 0 11,616 77,270 2,002 1,562 3,208 2,700 276 3,844 3,460 0 0 0 0 0 6,535 2,432 1,772 5,008 1,691 0 2,224 3,333 98,095 45,731 87,426 60,225 0 0 0 0 2,694 5,000 3,135 8,770 0 8,360 0 3,103 1,196 0 14,567 3,290 14,556 1,760 6,425 0 0 1,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,650 0 0 1,650 0 22 46,138 2,289 852 303 0 4,140 182 53,904 0 50 0 1,176 1,226 0 0 0 0 giving to the local church local the to giving 118 293,176 28,900 2,841 5 0 13,232 42,079 380,233 8,715 3,046 0 6,500 18,261 0 0 0 0 145 0 191,874 4,805 2,680 0 5,790 0 205,149 0 848 0 26,332 27,180 0 0 0 0 107 85,607 43,208 2,394 6,502 0 15,096 25 152,832 0 9,560 0 5,699 15,259 0 0 0 0 149 200,238 270 36,325 438,263 4,544 179 56,895 108,241 1,200 6,826 24,421 0 12 940 1,045 0 22 5,935 147,124 249,287 0 5,313 0 19,040 36,393 649,120 34,961 187,625 0 0 27,460 0 224 69,166 28,180 0 4,825 0 15,435 10,297 15,659 43,302 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2,875 3,480,618 1,037,087 117,108 60,321 375 435,764 198,938 5,330,211 179,563 202,552 60,725 178,951 621,791 5,000 3,000 56,926 64,926 Number of households households of Number 66 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67 68a 68b 68c 68d 68 69a 69b 69c 69 enigmann 21 62,092 20,677 4,443 238 0 5,530 351 93,331 15,350 85 1,043 1,929 18,407 5,000 0 0 5,000 eld-Martin DISTRICT TOTAL DISTRICT Thomas Truby James Simmons Salyer Teresa Rand Sargent Margaret Golden Courtney McHill Pamela Gurley Eric Conklin Penny ChristiansonJudith Johnson 82 103,883 25,127 2,360 9,164 0 20,195 20,529 181,258 12,550 0 5,099 3,171 20,820 0 0 0 0 J. Hajdu-Paulen Gary Langenwalter 22 0 23,283 0 0 0 9,941 0 33,224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 James Monroe D Allen Robert Flaherty Gerald Hill Daniel Pitney Norman Barley John Tindell Melanie Marcus Kirk Jeffery Linda QuanstromLura Kidner-MiesenDavid Hurd 112 155 103,000 155,580 26,075 14,864 14,826 1,660 7,766 141 0 0 10,550 9,157 1,395 15,515 163,612 196,917 81,583 0 4,479 2,530 7,770 700 5,733 9,764 16,033 96,526 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Karen Shimer Rand Sargent Thomas Truby Eric Conklin Judith Johnson David Hurd Bruce W Melanie Marcus James Simmons Table III December 31, 2010 III Table FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 - REPORT FINANCIAL WESTERN DISTRICT Willamette Falls City Forest GroveGrand RondeHillsboro-FirstJefferson Daniel Wilson-FeyKeizer-Clear Lake Robert Ledden Marquam Gwendolyn DrakeMccabe David Childress Mcminnville 113 Molalla 164,031 151 233,135 28,198 26,700 1,786 2,260 31 1,219 375 0 26,322 10,425 7,688 228,431 3,299 277,038 0 0 39,528 2,800 0 1,321 17,247 1,203 56,775 5,324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yamhill Warrenton Tualatin Dallas Dundee Woodburn Stayton Tillamook Nehalem Bay Newberg Oregon City Salem-EnglewoodSalem-First Salem-Jason Lee Jon Langenwalter Salem-MorningsideSalem-Trinity Edson Gilmore Michael Powell Salem West Seaside Sheridan Janet Burkhart Sherwood Silverton Canby Carus Clarkes Cornelius Wilsonville Astoria Banks-CommunityBay City Daniel Benson Amity Monmouth Mountain Home Anne W 384 Financial/Statistical Tables & other formation Total par- Total ministries ticipants in small group all Christian & other formation ministries in Christian small gorup Other Adults

9 6,026 5,565 5,752 3,008 8,375 28,726 30,306 (1,580) Young Young & other Total Members Total Adults in Christian at close of 2010 at close of formation ministries small gorup Classes & Groups & other Youth in Youth Christian formation ministries small gorup 9i (697) Male 1,949 2,073 2,320 3,252 1,079 11,370 11,370 10,673 & other Christian formation ministries Children in small group tion classes confirma- Enrolled in preparation

9h (883) 3,616 3,679 3,706 5,123 1,929 18,053 18,936 Female ents Other - Constitu 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Baptized Members Members who have Professing not become

5 14 26 28 30 9g 103 186 (83) Multi 11 Racial this year Baptized worship services all weekly Average at- Average tendance at

9f 5,467 5,579 5,429 2,932 8,100 White Total Total 27,507 28,839 2010 (1,332) members at close of by Death Removed

12 20 12 21 16 9e 175 163 106 Pacific non-UM Islander churches out to other Transferred Transferred 41 2 994 3 out to churches other UM Transferred Transferred 9 4 11 20 62 69 18 (7) 9d tion years Native Correct subtrac- previous reporting errors by American Church Membership ship from Member- Withdrawn Professing

6 17 47 33 72 9c 175 175 action Latino Hispanic/ Removed by Charge Conference in from non-UM churches Transferred Transferred 2

4 65 11 21 64 51 25 155 70 40 22 32 128 6,026 3,006 57 752 2,152 35 548 315 97 1,250 2,210 57 25 103 46 78 25 24 130 5,752 2,890 64 642 1,749 33 444 236 127 1,301 2,108 9b 206 204 106 Black in from churches other UM African Am Transferred Transferred 11 11 years Correct addition previous reporting errors by by

tion 24 50 89 29 9a 498 670 306 (172) Asian affirma- Restored faith sion of profes- Christian Rec’d on 1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10

2009 3,071 44 3 16 27 6 13 8 13 18 14 93 3,008 1,474 33 256 1,306 23 223 110 18 442 793 8,705 267 10 8 56 35 357 47 107 35 15 145 8,375 4,265 147 1,843 7,578 99 857 381 140 1,659 3,037 6,285 92 9 5,832 109 9 5 93 21 140 63 13 72 38 178 5,565 2,756 33 462 1,807 58 290 194 67 1,006 1,557 5,930 119 16 Mem- 29,823 631 47 51 284 112 768 234 251 172 123 674 28,726 14,391 334 3,955 14,592 248 2,362 1,236 449 5,658 9,705 30,969 683 67 330 313 132 703 244 279 208 82 672 30,306 15,281 432 4,162 13,598 245 2,610 1,184 411 4,888 9,093 bers at (1,146) (52) (20) (279) (29) (20) (10) (28) (36) (1,580) (890) (98) (207) (248) close of Donna Pritchard Kate Conolly Kim Fields Lowell Greathouse Steve Ross METROPOLITAN DISTRICT METROPOLITAN Table I, Part 1 December 31, 2010 Table FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 REPORT FINANCIAL OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL CONFERENCE OREGON-IDAHO ANNUAL ANNUAL OREGON-IDAHO CONFERENCE IDENTIFICATION MEMBERSHIP & GENDER REPORT-RACIAL/ETHNIC STATISTICIANS RECAP DISTRICT Southern Western 2010 Conference Total 2009 Conference Total Increase Snake River Metropolitan Decrease Central Steve Ross Central Snake River Kim Fields Metropolitan Lowell Greathouse Southern Donna Pritchard Western Kate Conolly Conference Total 2010 Conference Total Conference Total 2009 Conference Total Increase Decrease

Financial/Statistical Tables 385

and mercy and

for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

community ministries ministries community Persons served by by served Persons

and mercy and

Great Hour etc.) Hour Great for outreach, justice justice outreach, for

Relations, One One Relations,

Community ministries ministries Community 5,582

Offerings (Human (Human Offerings 50

Church General


for daycare and/or and/or daycare for

charitable causes charitable community ministries ministries community

Community Ministries Community benevolent & & benevolent Persons served by by served Persons

to non-UM non-UM to


Given directly directly Given education 7 344 62 10,289


for daycare and/or and/or daycare for

Community ministries ministries Community

UM causes UM Given directly to to directly Given


from this local church local this from 5 other mission teams teams mission other

Persons sent out on on out sent Persons

Special Sundays Special

Annual Conf Conf Annual

church 47 0 6 101 28 2,641 117 64,650

sent from this local local this from sent

Other mission teams teams mission Other

Mission & Ministry & Mission

Connectional Connectional

this local church local this 2

(8,762) (313) (9,270) (77,307) (7,693) 46

Other Other

UMVIM teams from from teams UMVIM (24) (2) Persons sent out on on out sent Persons UMVIM/Mission UMVIM/Mission Teams

Advance Specials Advance

Shared Ministries & Benevolences

7 62 4 6 7 3 53 65 20 19 20 14 293 271 142 21 29 20 391 934 498 174 116 145 30,123 39,801 41,499

from this local church local this from Conerence Conerence

44 UMVIM teams sent sent teams UMVIM

0 419 26,379 119 12,020 91,466 15,691

work (UMW) work 20 912 8,606 271 2,307 31,776 40 3,380 19,644 1,001 15,358 211,762 19,195 Specials

church and community community and church

World Service Service World

43 7,236 Amount paid for local local for paid Amount

Methodist Women Methodist

UM Women Specials

Membership in United United in Membership (328) General Advance Advance General


projects (UMM) projects


Amount paid for for paid Amount 1,019 Paid Paid 40 (228,183)

UM Men Methodist Men Methodist

0 278,429 31,790 0 684,254 71,286 300 773 18,631 496 51,452 155,386 13,754

Membership in United United in Membership (203) Other Debt Other 39 350,479


and groups for for groups and


Short-term classes classes Short-term church physical physical church

38 Debt secured by by secured Debt


than Sunday Church Church Sunday than (9)

for learning other other learning for

owned assets owned

Ongoing classes classes Ongoing all other church- other all

Assets & Liabilities

37 Market value of of value Market

Church School Church (5,578,813) (2,105,037)

learning in Sunday Sunday in learning

equipment Ongoing classes for for classes Ongoing

buildings & & buildings land, owned



Value of church church of Value Vacation Bible School Bible Vacation 33,433,384 3,082,089 74,786 83,472,533 5,995,732 7,960,286 631,368 712,672 94,847 90,495,129 81,202,841 11,594,390 82,369,716 7,759,085 3,022,998 10,518,662 988,603 1,177,929 5,496 162,124 936,173 741,171 112,939 97,748 246 2,422 25,084 1,310 28,338 167,715 22,255

370,973,603 38,949,958 13,224,602 798,988 3,352,699 408,610 606 7,906 98,344 3,197 109,475 658,105 76,477 370,732,578 44,528,771 15,329,639 448,509 3,580,882 144,100 266 7,882 107,106 3,510 118,745 735,412 84,170

Participants in in Participants Classes & Groups Classes &


covenant discipleship discipleship covenant

Persons active in in active Persons

church school church attendance in Sunday Sunday in attendance 386 44 404 67 48 41 129 2,989 576 28,960 677 650 198 175 388 1,005 88 115 84 90 115 126 210 217 7,535 6,218 1,125 942 65,320 64,439

(212) (315) 1,296 218 1,596 207 82 89 233 26,773 892 47,097 1,012 117 4,021 4,233 557 752 1,067 123 3,950 3,886 65 600 535 120 369 378 155 491 441 8,241 944 1,147 51,756 50,737 776 37,589 4,639 4,311 243,405 236,169 27 23 202 226 59 61 812 747 105 112 4,808 3,022 614 489 186,362 169,284

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30a 30b 31a 31b 32 33 34 35 Avg weekly weekly Avg Steve Ross Kim Fields Lowell Greathouse Donna Pritchard Kate Conolly

FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 FINANCIAL REPORT - January Table II, Part 1 December 31, 2010 Table II, Part 1 December DISTRICT RECAP DISTRICT Central Snake River Metropolitan Southern Western 2010 Conference Total Conference Total 2009 Conference Total Increase Decrease Table I, Part 2 Table RECAP DISTRICT Snake River Central Metropolitan Southern Western 2010 Conference Total 2009 Conference Total Increase Decrease

386 Financial/Statistical Tables

outside the local church local the outside

institutional sources sources institutional

connectional and other other and connectional Total income from from income Total


Grand Total Paid Total Grand support from institutional institutional from support

65 (64,308) financial and grants Other

received by church by received


connectional funds funds connectional

major equipment equipment major

apportioned and and apportioned

improvements, improvements,

64 Special, Advance - building, building, -

1,326,131 Capital Exp Exp Capital

Connectional/Institutional Sources church

Funds received by by received Funds

loans, mtgs etc mtgs loans,

Equitable Compensation Compensation Equitable (41,111) (8,218) (815) (50,144) indebtedness, indebtedness,

Interest on on Interest


Principal & & Principal designated causes designated

Total income for for income Total expenses

operating operating

(5,227) (937,846) 62 Specials Service Local church church Local

Advance Specials, World World Specials, Advance

Other Local Church Expenses Other Local Special Sundays, Sundays, Special

program expenses program


projects Local church church Local

61 Other sources and and sources Other

183,117 183,117 290,558 434,892

and expenses and Designated Causes

and bequests and

Salary, benefits benefits Salary,

60 endowments Memorials, Other Staff - - Staff Other (137,445) 6,368,938 1,230,627 5,374,539 2,392,768 1,941,362 32,000,323 (158,933)

0 0 347,155 1,548,325 0 75,120 1,199,631 288,368 594,337 1,352,854 156,358 1,057,310 40,290 423,026 256,032 180,137 451,668 1,463,399 2,748,840 7,627,784 7,392,694 and expenses and Capital campaigns Capital - Salary, benefits benefits Salary, -


1,609,664 59 Diaconal Ministers Ministers Diaconal

budget/spending plan budget/spending

0 0 annual for income Total expenses

(499,158) benefits and and benefits

58 Deacons - Salary, Salary, - Deacons

sources fundraisers and other other and fundraisers

Amount received through through received Amount 161,969

Allowances Other Cash Cash Other

(6,260) (44,703) 57 rentals and contributions, Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc

building use fees, fees, use building

Amount received through through received Amount


Professional Professional

sale of church assets church of sale

- Business & & Business - 21,689


Amount received from from received Amount Pastor/Assoc Pastor/Assoc


Allowances & & Allowances interest and dividends and interest

Housing Related Related Housing

55 from received Amount Pastor/Assoc - - Pastor/Assoc

0 198,009 62,280 7,769 givers unidentified 0 527,103 97,876 22,494 20,542 Compensation

Local Church Clergy Support Local Church Annual Budget/Spending Plan from received Amount Pastor - Base Base - Pastor

54 Assoc Assoc

identified givers identified

from non-pledging but but non-pledging from

Amount received received Amount


Pastor - Base Base - Pastor 53 pledges

Amount received through through received Amount

Benefits Clergy Health Health Clergy

52 (72,740) (150,217) (48,487) (25,045) giving to the local church local the to giving

(361) (45,409) (407,687) (127,012) (51,665) (15,873) (13,481) 2,875 3,480,618 1,037,087 117,108 60,321 375 435,764 198,938 5,330,211 179,563 202,552 60,725 178,951 621,791 5,000 3,000 56,926 64,926 4,754 3,109,225 2,485,496 198,901 74,347 300 144,614 429,572 6,442,455 288,477 308,554 15,742 70,371 683,144 42,400 0 5,580 47,980 1,342 961,246 958,229 67,264 32,743 8,204 136,720 61,159 2,225,565 160,575 187,663 118,108 63,953 530,299 20,774 400 7,831 29,005 Number of households households of Number 14,911 15,299,070 6,659,505 583,282 374,396 38,377 1,904,728 1,256,098 26,115,456 1,609,664 1,449,842 618,015 623,887 4,301,408 101,639 38,168 100,645 240,452 15,272 15,344,479 7,067,192 710,294 426,061 54,250 1,918,209 1,094,129 26,614,614 0 1,608,775 434,898 333,329 3,866,516 142,750 46,386 101,460 290,596 66 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67 68a 68b 68c 68d 68 69a 69b 69c 69

Benefits Clergy non-Health non-Health Clergy 53,407 51 102,053 209,023 572,974 184,260 205,133 183,057 398,357 182,067 357,697 361,642 882,401 856,570 1,009,441 366,238 803,163 920,482 1,692,957 12,265 934,345 1,765,697 37,143 4,319,643 79,073 4,469,860 286,811 529,897 128,481 431,146 176,968 133,697 1,972,966 73,962 1,998,011 121,795 18,717 489,610 53,788 467,921 17,069 11,913 119,837 126,097 25,141 11,540 57,596 102,299 1,920,579 14,550 26,090 1,215,803 503,131 6,231,493 1,283,944 210,649 1,233,626 1,080,867 5,369,312 564,857 1,454,922 170,717 156,895 3,267,493 1,015,394 7,322,980 31,936,015 6,843,717

Kate Conolly Donna Pritchard 2,879 3,221,586 1,262,105 110,314 59,420 22,275 321,587 271,441 5,268,728 855,278 142,601 61,066 149,913 1,208,858 15,157 8,176 483 23,816 Lowell Greathouse 3,061 4,526,395 916,588 89,695 147,565 7,223 866,043 294,988 6,848,497 125,771 608,472 362,374 160,699 1,257,316 18,308 26,592 29,825 74,725 Kim Fields Steve Ross Table II, Part 2 Table Table III December 31, 2010 Table FINANCIAL REPORT - January 1, 2010 REPORT FINANCIAL DISTRICT RECAP DISTRICT Decrease Conference Total 2010 Conference Total 2009 Conference Total Increase Western Southern Metropolitan Snake River DISTRICT RECAP DISTRICT Central Snake River Metropolitan Southern Western 2010 Conference Total 2009 Conference Total Increase Central Decrease Index 387 Index A Committee on the episcopacy, 17 Administrative review committee, 17, 163 Communications committee, 10 Affiliate clergy members, 164 Conference average salary (CAC), 199 Annual conference oversight board, 9, 179 Conference boards & agencies, 9-30 Appointments, 108-117 Conference church development team, 27, 202 local church appointment history, 268-284 Conference lay leader, 5, 9, 186 Apportionments Conference policies, 31-50 see shared ministry apportionments Conference rules, 216-235 Archives and history, 19, 201 Conference secretary, 2, 5, 160 Archivists, 19 Conference sessions committee, 9 Assistants to the Bishop, 5 Conference sessions (since 1849), 261-266 Associate clergy members, 298, 312 Conference staff, 4-8 Attendance roster for annual conference, 142-143 Conference statistician, 5, 160 Audit, 340-349 Conference structure, 51 Conference treasurer, 5-7, 160, 341 B Council on finance & administration, 18, 189 Bishop’s award, 215 annual recommendations, 191 Bishop’s task force on excellence, 30 Council on racial/ethnic leadership, 13 Bishop’s task force on the elimination of hunger, 30, 203 D Bishop’s Task Force on the Abolition Daily proceedings, 128-139 of the Death Penalty, 30 Deceased clergy members, 168, 251-253 Board of lay ministry, 15-16 Denominational average salary (DAC), 199 Board of ordained ministry, 16-17, 188 Diaconal committee on investigation, 17, 174 Board of pensions, 18, 192 Diaconal ministers, 174-175, 300 addendum C, 197 Director of camp & retreat ministries, 6, 7 funding plan, 198 Director of communications, 6, 7 informational data, 199 Director of new faith communities, 7 Board of trustees, 19, 200 Director of stewardship & finance, 6-8, 160, 341 Budget, 323-328 Disaster Response Team, 29 Business of the Annual Conference (BAC), 60-176 Disciplinary questions see Business of the Annual Conference C District boards of church location & building, 24 Cabinet, 5 District church extension societies, 27 Camp and retreat ministries, 10, 180, 352-353 District committees on ordained ministry, 23 Campus ministry & higher education, 14, 184 District committees on superintendency, 22 Candidacy mentors, 316 District lay leaders, 11 Candidates for ordained ministry, 163, 316 District leadership teams, 20-23 Certified camp & retreat ministry leaders, 174, 316 Certified Christian educators, 174, 316 E Certified church business administrators, 316 Episcopacy committee, 17 Certified lay speakers, 317-318 Episcopal residence committee, 18 Certified musicians, 174, 316 Equalization members, 11, 287-288 Church development team, 27, 202 Clergy directory, 53-78 F Clergy from other denominations, 164, 299 Fellowship of Local Pastors & Clergy housing policy, 46 Associate Members, 29 Clergy network, 189 Financial/membership tables, 354-386 Clergy service records, 289-315 Financial reports table of contents, 322 Clergy session minutes, 138-139 Clergy status codes, 53, 108 G Commission on archives & history, 19, 201 General board assignments, 28 Commission on Christian unity & General/jurisdictional conference delegates, 28, 285 interreligious concerns, 15 Commission on equitable compensation, 17, 189 Commission on religion and race, 15, 185 Commission on the status & role of women, 15, 179 Committee on investigation, 17, 18, 163 388 Index

H R Hispanic ministries council, 13, 183 Racial/ethnic membership tables, 354, 360, 366, 372, Historical 378, 384 A.C. sessions since 1849, 261-266 Retired associate members, 170, 312 history of district superintendents, 267 Retired clergy members, 169-170, 301-311 history of local church appointments, 268 Retired diaconal ministers, 175, 312 history of OR-ID conference, 257 Retired local pastors, 170, 313 Honorably located clergy, 166-167, 314-315 Roster of attendance, 131-133 Honored dead, 251-253 Roster of lay members, 286-288 Roster of clergy members, 289-315 I Rules, 216-235 Institutions directory, 98-107 Rules committee, 18, 191

J S Jason Lee award, 214 Safe sanctuaries policy, 34-31 Joint committee on incapacity, 17 Salary schedules for clergy, 118-123 Jurisdictional committee assignments, 28 Scholarship policies, 31-34 Sessions committee, 9 K Sexual ethics policy, 41-46 Korean Ministries Council, 14 Shared ministry apportionments, 330-339 Standing resolutions, 149 L Statistical tables, 354-386 Laity address, 131 Strategic direction, 52 Laity directory, 79-97 Lay equalization members, 11, 287-288 T Lay members to annual conference, 286-288 Task Force on Liberian Partnership Lay persons assigned for ministry, 300 see Liberian Partnership Leaves of absence (clergy members), 169 Time to Grow campaign, 129 Legislative action, 144-159 Trustees Lee mission cemetery, 28 see Board of Trustees Liberian partnership, 13, 182 Local church appointment history, 268-284 U Local pastors, 163-164, 299 United Methodist men, 28 United Methodist ministers’ retirement fund, M 19, 201, 351 Memoirs and obituaries, 236-250 United Methodist retirement center, 27 Memorial gifts, 254-256 United Methodist women, 187 Mentors for ministry candidates, 316 Ministerial education fund, 350 V Ministerial service records, 289-315 Ministers of other denominations, 164, 299 W Missionaries, 319-321 Wesley foundation boards, 24-26 Western District Hispanic ministries task force, 26 N Widows and widowers of clergy members, 252 Native American ministries council, 15, 176 Witness ministry team, 13, 182 Nurture ministry team, 14, 184 Y O Young adult ministry, 14, 188 Obituaries, 236-250 Youth ministry team, 14, 187 Order of Deacons, 29, 139 Order of Elders, 29, 139 Ordinands, 140-141, 166 Organizational motions, 128 Outreach ministry team, 12

P Pastors’ school committee, 26 Persons in mission, 319-321 Policies, 31-50 Provisional members, 165, 298