Minutes of the Meeting of Parish Council held on Monday, 9th January 1995 at 7.30 pm in Chelveston Village Hall.

Present :- Councillors Mrs A E Edwards Mrs P M Hughes Mr W T Gracey Mr P D A Hignell Mr R A Knight Mr A J Weaver Mr M L Foulger (Chairman & Acting Clerk)

1 Apologies for Absence - District Councillors Mrs G M Murdin; Mr H Binder & Mr D C Lawson. because they had a Full Council Meeting at .

2 Minutes of Previous Meeting - The Minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday, 14th November 1994, having previously been circulated, were confirmed as being correct and signed by Cllr Mrs P M Hughes.

3 Matters Arising from previous Minutes

3.1 Street Cleansing - Mr Foulger wrote a further letter to Mr Walker on 16th November concerning the still absent litter pickers and has heard nothing to date. It was reported that the brook in Water Lane had been cleared of misc. drums and other debris on 3/1/95.

3.2 Highway Matters - It was hoped to have a walk round the village with John Murray soon, with particular regard to footpaths breaking up. The footpath outside the ex-shop was mentioned, as well as one in Caldecott from Church to Wise End Corner. Also mentioned were moss covered footpaths in Duchy Close and overhanging hedges on the RAF to Newton Bromswold road and in in Bidwell, opposite the farms.

3.3 Hillside Hedges - No further action. - the matter to be chased again.

3.4 Surgery Meeting - There were two purposes for this as originally proposed. 1) To act as a clearing house for parishioners problems etc. and 2) For Councillors to read all the various literature received by the Council. It did appear that there was not enough interest on the part of villagers to hold such meetings, but it was agreed to try a few more times. The next Surgery Meeting to be Monday, 13/2/95 at 7.30.pm for 1 hour. It was agreed to continue to circulate some documents, but members do need to make a special effort at passing them on quickly.

3.5 Speed Signs - It was hoped to have some more of these signs in late March or April. Confirmation of exact dates is expected in the next week or so.

3.6 Clerk Vacancy: - This vacancy has appeared in N.A.L.C.'s "Update" for Nov/Dec, - which goes to all local Councils, and also in the December issue of the Parish Church Magazine. but have had no response so far ! It was agreed to advertise in the Evening Telegraph. It was also agreed to try the Job Centre. In the interim period it was agreed that Cllr Foulger carry out the duties of Clerk to the Council.

3.7 Centenary Seat - The decision at the last meeting was for a priority rating of three sites for the siting of this Centenary Seat in the Village, the first choice being outside "Hill House" in Water Lane. ENDC and Highways had approved this position but it was thought prudent to ask the owners of Hill House and other residents in the vicinity as a matter of courtesy. There was violent opposition on the part of one resident and the Chairman felt it desirable to reconsider the site position. Rapid consultation was made with the majority of Cllrs and it was agreed to re-site the seat at choice no 2 i.e. by Hall Farm. The seat was duly installed on 29th November and was officially handed over by the Chairman of the District Council, Cllr John Chatbum to Cllr Mrs Edwards and Chairman Mr Foulger on Thursday, 15th December 1994. Fortunately, everyone appears to agree that the new position is by far the better position. It was agreed to write to the Chairman, Cllr John Chatbum, thanking him for the seat, and to ask if 2 further copies of the photograph of the handover could be obtained.


3.8 Local Government Review - The Final recommendation by the Commissioners is for to have NO CHANGE. A copy of their report is in circulation makes interesting reading. A briefing on the recommendation has been received from NALC.

3.9 Audit - Confirmation awaited on the following points in writing. 1) Initials on Cheque stubs instead of paid cheques.[Retumed cheques are charged at£3-00 per quarter, but not all cheques are actually returned.] and 2) Procurement of gifts for individuals (i.e.Golden Wedding Anniversaries, Gratuities etc.)

3.10 Bus Survey - 32 replies have been received which amounts to 20% response. It is considered that 10% is a good response. Results have now to be analysed.

4 Current Correspondence

4.1 Village Shops - ENDC are promoting their campaign on "ADOPT A SHOP" and have enclosed some posters for display.

4.2 National Lottery - NALC and ENDC both sent us details of a seminar on National Lottery Awareness on Tuesday, 29th November 1994. The first beneficiaries of the fund will be Sport, the Arts, and Heritage only and are likely to be paid out in March this year. There is expected to be about £7,000,000 p.a. for Northamptonshire. There will be a Millenium fund for villages that come up with innovative local schemes which future generations will benefit from. Suggestions required !

4.3 Tourism Signposting - Letter from ENDC Planning. Campaign to encourage people to support village facilities in East Northants. Proposals for signposting for directional purposes (not advertising), and 'tourism' related. Suggested candidates for such signs are:- Village Hall; Star & Garter; Church; Club; Eady's Bed & Breakfast at "Bambrook".

4.4 NALC Update - Nov/Dec.- Clerk's Remuneration w.e.f. 1/7/94 recommends £1.28 per person on list of electors. [For Chelveston, this is = 305 electors x £1.28 = £390.40 p.a.] Advert. for Clerk at Chelveston

4.5 Winter Gritting & Snow Clearing Letter from John Murray (Highways) - Snow Representative required. Cllr Anne Edwards elected 'Snow Queen'. It was agreed that no extra grit bins were required, and that we held sufficient bags of salt for the time being. Mr Murray to be advised. 1994/95 Winter Salting schedules show that Road (B.663) and B.645 are salted as in previous years.

4.6 Street Light request - A Letter was received from Mrs M Shilham (4/11/94) requesting a street light in Kimbolton Road between The White House and the layby as this was a very dark stretch of road. This matter was considered at the last meeting (14/11/94) and whilst members had every sympathy with Mrs Shilham, it was decided that the cost (expected to be in excess of £500) was out of proportion to the few houses that would benefit and the decision was made to say NO to this request. A second letter had been received from Mrs Shilham after an accident where she had sustained injuries following a fall in the dark. It was agreed to look into the whole matter of Street Lighting and to eventually upgrade the whole of the village to a standard whereby the County Council would have to adopt and maintain the system. Mrs Shilham to be advised of this decision.

4.7 Local History News - In circulation to members.

4.8 ENDC Minutes - Nov 94 - Circulation to members.

4.9 Nortamptonshire Health Authority - Purchasing Plan Intentions 1995/96 [No action.]

4.10 Parish Appraisal News [No action]

4.11 ENDC - Refuse Collection Arrangements - Christmas 1994 & New Year 1995 - Posters displayed on notice boards.


5 Planning Matters

5.1 Stanwick Pit - Application received from A.R.C. to vary condition No 27(b). The area being restored by infill was to have been completed by 1/1/95 - Recession has slowed this down, - and they seek 6 year extension to 1/1/2001. It was agreed that there was no objection to this extension.

5.2 EN/94/000747/FUL - Detached Chalet Bungalow - adjacent to "Redwood", Raunds Road - Agreed that there was no objection to a BUNGALOW - but expressed concern that the height of the proposed dwelling appeared to be some 5 ft higher than the existing bungalows either side. It was noted that Redwood at the time of its application had conditions imposed that it should be a single storey dwelling only. Agreed that response to this planning application to be as above.

5.3 EN/94/00375NAR - Variation of Conditions 1 & 2 to increase no of vehicles from 15 to 18 and trailers from 11 to 14. - Poplar Farm, Caldecott - Permission had been granted on a temporary basis until 31/12/95. Appeal has been made against it being temporary. Agreed that our response to D.O.E. to re- iterate our objections to this continual expansion. D.O.E. has acknowledged.

6 Street Lighting - The long standing saga of our two non working street lights in Raunds Road appears to have ended. Despite many repeated requests for the re-instatement of these lights, Lamp No 20 (opposite'Meadowcroft') was off from 17/5/94 until 2/12/94 [some 28 weeks], and the New Sodium lamp No 19 was off from 31/3/94 until 29/12/94 - [39 weeks]. In the case of the 'Meadovvcroft' lamp, when it was looked into it appears that a fuse was replaced every time it was reported, but nobody checked as to why the fuse was blowing. Now a new choke has been fitted, and the light is O.K. The Sodium Lamp, has not been working, apparently because the mains people did not make a proper connection and so although we had 1 or two days on from time to time, it was not permanent. This had now been on every day since 29th December, and it was agreed to now pay the connection invoice. This cheque had been passed and signed last November. The Acting Clerk to now write to the District Engineer to claim refund for all the time of non working lights. The Acting Clerk has also managed to get the charges changed so that all our lights are charged at the post 1976 supply rate of £1-48 per lamp instead of £2-73 per lamp. Also Sodium light at Pretoria Cottages is now charged at the correct rate of £11-76 per lamp instead of £23-03 per lamp. The Total Running Cost per Lamp (including standing charge) is £33-17 MBFU and £25-25 SOX (£7-92 Cheaper) per annum (VAT extra.)

New Lighting -After considering new lighting matters Mrs A E Edwards proposed; Mr W T Gracey seconded and passed unanimously, that the whole Street Lighting system be reviewed, starting this year with 3 new lamps. Members to look at village lighting before next 'Surgery' meeting to help assess position.

7 Horse Chestnut Tree - This is in hand and should shortly be put into operation - hopefully by the next meeting, with luck the present one should be gone and the new trees should be in place.

8 Accounts

The following accounts were passed for payment:-

East Midlands Electricity(quarter ending 30th December 94) = £ 326.62

National Westminster Bank (quarterly fee for voucher statements were deducted from account on 31/12/94.) = £ 3.00 NOTE: We don't have to write a cheque - they will have already taken it.

9 Precept 1995 - 96 - The estimates, having been distributed to members, were fully discussed. Because of the funding required for 3 new street lamps, it was Proposed by Cllr Gracey and Seconded by Cllr Edwards that the Precept be for £4,000-00 for the coming year 1995/96. This would include £1,700-00 for Street Lighting improvements. Agreed unanimously. It was ascertained that Cllr Foulger, in his role as Acting Clerk, was the Proper Officer for signing the Precept application.


10 Any other Business - Date of May Meeting:- This would normally be Monday 8th May 1995,(the second Monday) - but this day has been declared a Bank Holiday to celebrate V.E.Day. The Elections are on Thursday, 4th May 1995 and the first meeting must be held within 14 days, so it was unanimously agreed that the date of the May meeting be Monday, 15th May 1995.

There being no other business, the Meeting closed at .9.41.pm, after it was noted that the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING and is scheduled to be held on Monday, 13th March 1995 at 7.30.pm in the Village Hall, and be immediately followed by an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council. 416


Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday, 13th March 1995 at 7.30 pm in Chelveston Village Hall.

Present :- Councillors Mrs A.E.Eduards plus 1 Member of the Public. Mrs P.M.Hughes Mr W.T.Gracey Mr P.D.A.Hignell Mr R.A.Knight Mr M.L.Foulger

I Apologies for Absence:- Cllr Mr A.J.Weaver and District Councillors : Mrs G.M.Murdin and Mr H.Binder. 2 Minutes of theAnnual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday, Sth March 1994. These Minuteshaving been previously approved and signed on lOth May 1994, were circulated to the Meeting.

3 Matters arising from those Minutes. No matters arising from these minutes.

4 Chairman's Report. The past year had been quite eventful. Soon after the last Annual Meeting the Village Shop closed, but due to the enterprise of Bird's Neursagents of Ringstead, we do now have a daily nevlspaper delivery. ln May r,rrc had a talk by lan Nelson on Parish Appraisals, and tuo further followup meetings were ananged for people who had expressed an initial interest, but alas, only trao people tumed up. 1994 saw ENDC move to their new offices at Thrapston, and for most of the year there was the ongoing Local Govemment Review urging us to go for Unitary authorities. At the end of the day, the Commissioners recommended to go for the Status Quo, and it is hoped that is how they will leave it. 1994 u¡as the Centenary Year of Local Councils, and East Northants DC gave Seats, Notice Boards or Plantings to commemorate the occasion. We now have a Centenary Seat in Water Lane, near Hall Farm, and talking of seats, ure had our tr¡o other seats refurbished, and hopefully they raon't be vandalised too quickly. The controversy over the proposal to use Bambrook as a home for the Mentally Handicapped, caused lots of ill feeling, and eventually it appears to have been resolved, by being relocated to Wildacre, in Raunds Road, a much larger property, with more space around it, and housing fewer clients than uas originally proposed. Cllr Graham Hill resigned in May, and indirectly connected with the Bambrook problem, a Poll u¡as demanded by means of a petition, and an election r¡as held. 4 candidates put up, and Tony Weaver t¡as elected in July. ln September we had some "Speed Kills" boards for 2 weeks at various points in the village, which were commented favourably upon, and we are having a further set in August this year. Our dear Clerk, Margaret Shilham, wlro joined us last March, had to leave us at the end of 6 months, which was very disappointing, as she had really got things going well. We have advertised for a replacement, but so far with no success. So ure are struggling a bit to say the least. I uon't dwell too long on the problems we have had with the Electricity Board, but just to say that all our lights are uorking now, although it took over 6 months to get tuo lights uorking again. We are still waiting for the refund for non-service, - that will probably take another 6 months! I am happy to be able to report that the Council have agreed to make a re-appraisal of the whole streetlighting system, which ultimately will give you better lighting. Then of course, we made the National Ner¡rs on Friday the 13th of January when Uranium 238 had been found dumped on the old hospital site. The monitoring of this site r¡ænt on for many weeks, and HM Pollution lnspectorate has been footing the bill - rumoured to be anything between €100 to 200,000, BUT they are looking to claim this back from those responsible. I am assured by our Chief E.H.O. that everything has been removed and the site declared safe.

Lastly, I must mention Ye Olde Chestnut Tree. This I had hoped r¡ould be almost gone by now, but lack of time has prevented this. Last but by no means least, I r¡ould like to thank all my fellow Councillors for their support through the year

5 Accounts. An abstract of the accounts of Chelveston Parish Council as audited and found conect by the District Auditor on 13th October 1994. lt was Proposed by Cllr Edwards and seconded by Cllr Gracey to approve the Accounts. Canied unanimously.

6 Any other business. - There being NO other Business, the Annual Parish Meeting was closed at 7.4'l.pm.


Minutes of the Meeting of Chelveston Parish Council held on Monday, 13th March 1995 immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting, in Chelveston Village Hall.

Present:- Councillors: Mrs A. E. Edwards Mrs P.M.Hughes Mr W.T.Gracey Mr P.D.A.Hignell Mr R.A.Knight Mr A.J.Weaver Mr M.L.Foulger

1. Apologies for Absence:- District Councillors Mrs G.M.Murdin & Mr H.Binder.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting - The Minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday, 9th January 1995, having been previously circlulated, were confirmed as being correct, and signed by Cllr Mrs P.Hughes.

3 Matters arising from those Minutes Street Cleansing. - Except for the activity in August/September 1994, there has been no further evidence of litter picking. Members to report any activity on litterpicking front.

Surgery Meeting.(13th February 1995) - Attended by ClIrs Edwards, Gracey & Foulger + 3 members of the Public. Matters raised were:- Hospital Site Tip and danger of Radiation - Don't want tip in village. Proposal to move Streetlight at top of Duchy Close (adjacent No.14) so that it is on the edge of the footpath running along the rear of the estate and hence would provide light along this path. Stile dangerous - in middle of path at back of Duchy Close. Moss on paths by 2-6 Raunds Road. Miss Blood asked if the Village Hall could be used to provide a shop, - to be run by volunteers. It was pointed out that a hire charge would have to be made, and that it could not be allowed to interfere with the normal running of the hall. Fences at the rear of Sawyers Crescent properties were falling into the brook.

Speed Signs. We will be getting these from 14th to 27th August 1995.

War Memorial. (Re-engraving names).- More talks have taken place with Mr Blenkam about this, and he is due to come out to have a look at our Memorial to see if it is possible to re-engrave it in-situ. Otherwise, the possibility of engraving on york stone and sticking that on top, to be investigated.

Council Precept - Precept of £4,000-00 applied for, which should be received in the last week of April.

Clerk Vacancy. - No progress to date, - an Advert is due to go in the E.T. this coming Thursday.

4. Current Correspondence Northamptonshire Association for Local History. - Initial Subscription is £5. - No action.

Society of Local Council Clerks Subscription. - Annual Subscription = £ 19-00 Revised Clerks Manual = £ 2-50 Binder for Maual = £ 1-00 Proposed by Cllr Knight, seconded by Cllr Gracey to Renew Subscription and to have revised Clerks Manual with Binder. Agreed unanimously.

Operation Springclean.- 1st - 10th April 1995 Volunteers to litterpick: AEE; PDAH; PMH; MLF.

N.C.C. Planning News. - Copy of Newspaper on County Planning Matters sent to all homes - for information.

E.N.D.C. Chairman's Reception. - This had been attended by ClIrs Gracey & Edwards, and found to have made useful contacts. - possible source of Clerk. 418

Victim Support. - Letter received 25/01/95 asking for donation. Previously donated £25 on 12/01/93. Cllr Hignell proposed; Cllr Hughes seconded that a donation of £25 be made to Victim Support. Agreed Unanimously. A Book on the work of Victim Support was for Circulation.

P.E.Licence - Chelveston Village Hall. - ENDC wrote asking for observations on application. Agreed unanimously to support the application.

N.C.C. - Private Roads and Link Footpaths. - Letter requesting we mark Private Roads and Link Footpaths in the Village on a plan. Agreed to mark:- Pokas Cottages; Foot Lane; Rear of Duchy Close through to Hillside; Foot Lane to Duchy Close.

E.N.D.C. District Twinning. Letter 09/02/95. - No action.

Northamptonshire ACRE. N.A.L.C. Update. - Annual Clerks Day = 29/04/95 It was agreed that the Acting Clerk, Cllr Foulger should go on this one day course. Annual Conference = 10/06/95. Decision at May meeting to see who would like to go. "Local Council Administration" - Charles Arnold-Baker. - 4th Edition £32.50 - 1/2 price offer 'Village of the Year" Competition etc. & Best Kept Churchyard & other leaflets. - No action.

Register of Electors. There are 304 Electors shown on the current Electoral Register. - Copy of Register given to Cllrs.

Higham Ferrers Civic Dinner & Ball. 7th April 1995 £16-00 each. - No action.

Winged Fellowship. -Respite care & holidays for disabled people - letter Jan 95. No action.

"V.E.Day Celebrations" - Various organisations had circulated information about V.E.Day. The Village Hall Ctee. was endeavouring to do something on May 8th B.H. Proposed by Cllr Gracey, seconded by Cllr Foulger that the Parish Council should support some sort of Commemoration Celebration in the Village. Agreed unanimously.

N.C.C. Highways. - A45 Dualling, Skew Bridge to Stanwick. - letter 17/02/95 - Works to take up to Christmas 1995.- Information - No action.

N.C.C. - Annual Report 1993-94. - for circulation to members.

Rural Housing Survey. ACRE- Questionnaire. - Completed, although mainly a "Nil Return".

District and Parish Council Elections, 4th May 1995. - Nomination Forms given to members.

ENDC Minutes. dated 6th March 1995. - Circulated to members.

Planning5. Matters

EN/94100747/FUL - Detached Chalet Bungalow - adjacent to 'Redwood', Raunds Road.- Passed.

EN/95/00035/OUT - Dwelling House adjacent to School House. - No objections.

Poplar Farm, Caldecott - Increase in No. of Vehicles. Appeal proceeding.

EN/95/00059IFUL - Agricultural Building - RIO Pastures Barn, Chelveston Road, Raunds No objections.

6. Street Lightin4_ - Members were given copy of plans of the Village showing approximate positions of the existing Street Lights, and were asked to consider possible sitings for additional lamps for the next meeting.


7. Horse Chestnut Tree - This will be dealt with when time is available.

8. Accounts S.L.C.C. :- Subscription = £ 19-00. Clerk's Manual & Binder. = £ 3-50. Victim Support - Donation = £ 25-00. Chairman's Allowance - Cllr Knight proposed; Cllr Hughes seconded that the Chairman's Allowance be increased from £82-00 to. £85-00 per annum, payable in March each year. Agreed unanimously. Northamptonshire Newspapers = £ 39.95 (Advert for Clerk Vacancy) Cllr. Hignell proposed; Cllr Gracey seconded that these payments be approved. Agreed Unanimously.

9. Any other Business

Cllr Hughes reported that the brook in Water Lane was getting overgrown again. Cllr Hignell reported note which had been placed on the Parish Council Notice Board by Mr O'Dell about his Wellingtonia Tree, and claiming that it was dangerous, and holding the Parish Council responsible for any branches that may drop off the tree. It was agreed that a response be sent from the Parish Council pointing out that, as owner, he was responsible for the proper maintenance and care of the tree. Cllr Weaver reported that there was a short length of footpath from the rear of the Hillside garages to the path running along the top of Duchy Close which was unmade. Cllr Gracey reported that he had been approached by Mr L.D.Carr about the land bounded by the B.645 and to the South of the Duchy Close Development. He was asking: if he were to make part of this field available for Village use, viz. about an acre of land for recreation, build a new village hall (shell only) and a lock-up shop; would the Parish Council NOT make any objection to houses also being built on the remainder of this land? Members discussed this but felt that no decision could be made without full details being available.

The meeting closed at 9.52. p.m., after ascertaining that the next meeting was a "SURGERY MEETING" on Monday, 10th April 1995 at 7.30.pm, and that the Annual Meeting to be on Monday, 15th May 1995 at 7.30.pm. following the Elections on 4th May 1995. Both meetings to be in the Village Hall.


Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, 22nd May 1995 at 7.30 pm in Chelveston Village Hall.

Present :- Councillors Mrs A. E. Edwards Mrs P.M.Hughes Mrs S.E.Smyth Mr A.J.Weaver Mr M.L.Foulger plus two members of the public.

1. Apologies for absence. Cllr. Mr T.H.Boume (on holiday in America).

2. Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office. All members had signed their Declarations prior to the start of the meeting.

3. Election of Chairman Cllr M.L.Foulger. Proposed by CIIr.P.M.Hughes. Seconded by CIIr.A.E.Edwards.. CIIr.S.E.Smyth. Proposed by CIIr.A.J.Weaver, but this Proposal was subsequently withdrawn, as there was no Seconder. Cllr. M.L.Foulger was elected Chairman by 3:1

4. Election of Vice Chairman Cllr S.E.Smyth. Proposed by CIIr.A.E.Edwards, Seconded by ClIr.A.J.Weaver. CIIr. S.E.Smyth elected Vice-Chairman.

5. Report by Mr B.Davies [ Agent for Mr L.D.Carr] Note: This item was dealt with at this point in the meeting, but under "A.O.B." rules, which meant that no decision could be made on the matter at this meeting. Mr Davies outlined very briefly, proposals for the development of the area of land between Duchy Close and the B.645 and to the East of the line of the footpath from the Village Hall to Duchy Close. He spoke of the provision of a shell of a new Village Hall, a lock-up Shop, a Car Park, and a Recreation Area for the Village (of the order of 2 acres). Mr Davies said that he had spoken to the Chief Planning Officer, Mr David Read, whom he claimed was keen to see such a development. He talked of a development of 3-4 acres of houses, of mixed to-cost as well as 2/3 bedroomed dwellings. He claimed "that the D.O.E. Policy looks in favour upon small developments, if facilities are made available in trust for the Village" ! Mr Davies agreed to forward more details to give more of an idea as to what is proposed. He left the meeting at this point.

6. Councillor Vacancy - Co-option of Councillor. Mr P.D.A.Hignell was Proposed by Cllr Hughes and Seconded by Cllr Edwards. Mr Hignell was Co-opted as Councillor by 3:1.

7. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday, 13th March 1995. These minutes having previously been circulated were confirmed as being correct and signed by Cllr Edwards.

8. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 13th March 1995. These minutes had also been previously circulated, and were confirmed as being correct and signed by Cllr Edwards.

9. Matters arising from those Minutes

Street Cleansing. - It was generally agreed that no litter pickers had been seen since the "blitz" that had taken place last summer. It was noted that the litter bin in Caldecott, which although had been emptied last Thursday, had been full for at least 6 weeks. It was agreed to write to the Cleansing Department. Operation Springclean. - It was recorded that approximately 13-14 bags of litter had been collected (about the same as 1994). Members were fully aware that there were still quantities of litter that had not been collected. War Memorial. Mr Blenkham (Stonemason) has been and inspected our War Memorial and reported that the stone is too soft to re-engrave the names as it is. Because of this, we would need to remove at least a W thickness of facing to get down to hard stone. On the octagonal section, this would considerably reduce the face area and leave insufficient area to re-engrave the names. He is suggesting that the names are engraved onto green slate, which is much harder, and this let into the face of the memorial. He asks us to look at Memorial [on the side facing the Town Hall] and also on the Podington War Memorial. Members to look at these two memorials before the next meeting.


Council Precept. - It was noted that our Precept of £4000 had been paid in to the bank on 1st May 1995. It was also noted that our V.A.T. Claim for £220.10 had been paid in to the Bank on 27th April 1995.

"V.E.Day" Celebrations. (8th May 1995) A successful afternoon was enjoyed by some 60 to 70 people from the village, and including several from R.A.F. Chelveston. For those who weren't able to be present, the hall was decorated inside with 100's of Union Flags of all sizes - varying from very small to very very large, plus the Stars and Stripes which had been flown from the-Capitol. The outside was decorated with lots of bunting by courtesy of Finedon Infants School. There was plenty to eat, much of it having been generously donated. The total cost amounted to £19-39 made up of:- Food = £4-50; + Tea/Coffee/Soft Drinks = £2-50 + Library Loan of Cassettes = £3-60 + Bottle Wine for the Speaker = £3-79 + Use of Bunting = £5-00. - Making a total of £19-39. Proposed by Cllr Hughes. Seconded by Cllr Smyth. That these expenses be paid. Agreed unanimously. It was noted that this expenditure was for the benefit of the community at large and therefore payment could be made using Section 137 (the old free twopence).

"Clerk's Day". The Acting Clerk gave a brief summary of the "Clerks Day" which covered a varied range of topics including:- N.C.C. Customer Support, with several of their Managers, including our Manager, John Murray; Electricity Contracting Manager - who was roasted ! - by the dissatisfaction felt by many Councils. Energy supply is regulated by OFFER, but Contracting has to be free and open to competition, - except that there are very few contractors in the street lighting business for small Councils. The escalating cost of lighting maintenance was blamed on new legislation for waste disposal of lamps which contain merury, cadmium, sodium etc. They urged Councils to agree to authorise up to £75 per lamp repairs without reference to the Council. The subject of Clerks was covered and Councils were urged to have 1) a Contract of Employment for the Clerk, and 2) a Job Description. - otherwise, the job was very open ended ! The meeting agreed unanimously that Clerks as a whole were very much underpaid. The cost of the day was £8-50. It was proposed by Cllr Edwards and seconded by Cllr Hughes to refund this cost. Agreed unanimously.

Clerk Vacancy. - Our previous Clerk, Margaret left us w.e.f. 30th September. The post has been advertised on the Parish Council Notice Board, in the Church Magazine, in "UPDATE" and more recently, in the Evening Telegraph. A number of people had expressed an interest from various sources, but has been short lived. There is currently just one applicant living in Northampton, which does seem rather remote. Cllr Smyth suggested contacting Mr Michael Graves of Wilby, who had family connections in the Village, and it was agreed to send him an application form.

10. Current Correspondence

VE/VJ Celebrations - Hall Park, Rushden Sunday 2nd July 1995 A letter had been received from E.N.D.C. asking for the Council to nominate a child to represent the Parish to release a Peace balloon at the above occasion which would be attended by many veterans, organisations etc. It was agreed to advertise on notice boards asking for children to enter their names into a draw. When these had been received, a draw to take place.

305th Book of Governors. It was reported that there appeared to be a small group of people who had decided independently of the Council,as to what should happen to the Original of this Book. The Chairman briefly summarised its history. In September 1992, - 50 years after the 305th BGMA first came to Chelveston, their members presented to the Parish Council a "Book of Governors" which consists of letters from the Governors of every State in the U.S.A. The Parish Council thought that this was something worth having and initially decided that this should be displayed in the Church, and that in view of its nature and value, it should be housed in a locked covered cabinet. The original idea being that a fresh page (and State) should be displayed each week. The initial proposal for the cabinet was found to be excessively large and a smaller version was sought, but this was also found to be cumbersome. Also at this time it was proposed that a copy be made of the book, which could be left in the Church alongside the Visitor's Book. This had the advantage that visitors would be able to properly read the whole book and not be confined to a single page. An alternative proposal was for a large map of the U.S.A. be mounted on a board, and then AS size reduced copies of the letters placed around the map. This latter suggestion was rejected by the P.C.C. as a long term solution, - as whilst this would be alright for a "one off" exhibition, it was felt not to be appropriate as a permanent feature in the Church. The Council decided in July 1993 that the original book should be kept in the safe keeping of the current Chairman, and the Copy to be displayed in the Church. This was confirmed again at the November 1993 meeting.


What has happened ??? The Original has been kept with the various Chairmen, and from the Summer of 1993 a Copy was placed in the Church on the table beside the Visitor's Book, although space was somewhat limited because of the many other items on this table. However, during this time, plaster works were taking place in the Church, together with the cleaning and treatment of roof timbers, which meant much of this time the table was covered in polythene. In the weeks before Christmas 1993, the Church was limewashed, and the Copy Book, amongst other things got splashes on it and the Copy Book was subsequently removed from the Church late in 1994 to clean it up. The Copy Book has since been "enhanced" by having a cover and maps added so that it much more closely resembles the original. Because of this recent interest in the Book, it appears to have assumed extreme importance. It is not felt prudent to leave the Original Book unattended in a public place, locked or unlocked. The Copy Book is freely open for visitors to inspect, and the Original can be made available for inspection by appointment. It was proposed by Cllr Edwards and seconded by Cllr Hughes that the present arrangements should remain, viz. That the Copy Book should be openly on display in the Church and the original to be retained by the Chairman for the time being. Passed 4:1.

Northamptonshire Association of Local Councils. Invitation received for renewal of membership and purchase of publications as follows :- Membership Renewal 1995-1996. _£ 56-00

Publications. 1 x Local Council Review _£ 7-95 7 x ClIrs Info Pack' £ 6-50 x 7 = £45-50 ) 1 x Clerks Info Pack £ 6-50 = £ 6-50 ) =£52.00

TOTAL to NALC =£115.95

Village Viewpoint © £2-60 x 6 (Payable to Northants ACRE) _£ 15-60

Proposed by Cllr Weaver. Seconded by Cllr Edwards. That NALC and ACRE expenditure be approved. Agreed unanimously.

Northamptonshire Local History News - Subscription. _ £3-60

Comhill Insurance Policy - Renewal Premium = £68-67 Prosed by Cllr Edwards. Seconded by Cllr Weaver. That the subscription to Local History News and renewal of the Comhill Insurance Policy be approved. Agreed unanimously.

N.A.L.C.Annual Conference - Hunsbury Hill Saturday, 10th June 1995 £8-50 per head to include lunch tea & coffee 10.OOam to 4.00.pm Cllr Bourne and Cllr Foulger to attend =£8-50 x 2 = £17.00 Proposed by Cllr Edwards. Seconded by Cllr Hughes.That this expenditure be approved. Agreed unanimously.

Information received

Northants Health Authority - Purchasing Strategy. N.C.C. - Recreation Strategy for the County.

N.C.C. -Letter received requesting our appointment of Road Safety Representative. Cllr Weaver agreed to be Parish Road Safety Representative. Agreed unanimously.

U.S.A.F. Alconbury - A brief statement of the future of RAF Alconbury had been received. Flying ceased w.e.f. 31st March 1995, and the base will vacate 75% of land at Alconbury. The U.S. European Command Joint Analysis Center {their spelling !} at RAF Molesworth will have support from Alconbury with a combined total of 1000 Military People.


Publications - for circulation

Northamptonshire Police Authority - Policing Plan. N.A. L. C. - Yearbook. The Clerk. Local Council Review ENDC Minutes. for 24 April 1995

Planning11. Matters

EN/95/00035/OUT - Dwelling House adjacent to School House. - Refused

EN/94/00375NAR - Haulage Operation, Poplar Farm, Caldecott - Appeal. Letter received from DOE allowing appeal and has now granted full planning permission for 18 vehicles and 14 trailers.

ARC - Stanwick Tip Extension of Life - 6 years- Granted

"Hawthorn Cottage", Raunds Road. - It was noted that a condition of this permission required a stone wall to be continued along this frontage. Enforcement Officer to chase up.

Street 12.Lighting New Street Lighting Charges for Maintenance and Repair announced. Price list given. EMEB requests authorisation to carry out repairs up to £75 value, otherwise ther will be a £5.20 estimate charge. It was agreed to this and see how it goes. It was agreed that reporting of light failures to be carried out through Cllr Foulger as at present. Proposals for Street Lighting - to be discussed at next meeting.

Appointment13. of Representative on Village Hall Committee. Proposed Cllr Foulger. Seconded by Cllr Weaver. That Cllr Bourne be Parish Council Representative on the Village Hall Committee. Agreed unanimously.

Accounts14. The Auditor has inspected the Books and has passed them. Bank Mandate signatures - CIIrs Bourne & Smyth to replace Messrs Gracey & Knight.

Current Balance in Account = £6744-20.

PAYMENTS Membership + LocCclRevNALC = £56-00 + £7-95 CIIrs Info Pack NALC = £52-00 £115.95 '1/

Nthts Loc Hist News ACRE = £3-60 Vill Viewpoint ACRE = £15-60 £ 19.20 `I Insurance CORNHILL = £68-67 £ 68.67 Spring Conference NALC=£8-50x2 17.00% £ 17.00 nX St Lighting EME = £326-62 v £326.62 ' V. E. Expenses MLF = £19-39 Clerk's Day MLF = £8.50 £ 27.89


Proposed by CIIr Smyth. Seconded by Cllr Hughes. That this expenditure be approved. Passed unanimously.

NOTE: - £1700 budgeted for New Street Lighting

vo\ ) Cis-


15. Any other Business

Mr B.Davies - Future Development of the Village.- see item 5.

Cllr Edwards :- Reported that Grass Verges need cutting.

Cllr Smyth:- Reported that a Grill is being installed on the ditch above Pretoria Cottages. 'Raunds Road' Sign loose by'Wildacre'. Top of Raunds Road hill opposite Kirianda Kennels - farm entrance, edge of highway breaking up.

Cllr Foulger:- Reported Road Nameboards broken - Sawyers Crescent and Duchy Close. Concrete S.V.Plate broken in front of Hill House. Handrail and supports broken on ford bridge in Bidwell and rails in brook. Broken Stile at top of Duchy Close. Grill in brook at bottom of Sawyers loose.;

Date of Next Meeting:- Surgery - 12th June 1995 at 7.30.pm

Ordinary Council Meeting 10th July 1995 at 7.30.pm.

Meeting closed at 10.38.pm.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, 10th July 1995 at 7.30 pm in Chelveston Village Hall.

Present :- Parish Councillors Mrs A.E.Edwards Mrs P.M.Hughes Mr T. H. Bourne Mr P.D.A.Hignell Mr A.J.Weaver Mr M.L.Foulger District Councillors Mr G.L.Moore Mr B.G.Elgood Mr A Dunn & Mr R Gell plus 20+ members of the public.

1. Apologies for absence: - Cllr Mrs S.E.Srnyth

2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 22nd May 1995. These minutes had been previously circulated and were confirmed as being correct and signed by Cllr Mrs P.M.Hughes.

3. Matters arising from those Minutes

War Memorial. Members had inspected the War Memorials at Higham Ferrers Square, and at Podington and it was proposed to have the names engraved on green slate, a much more durable material than the present memorial, and then dowelled on top of the original, to be be carried out by Messrs S. Blenkham of Earls Barton, at an approximate cost of £280. Proposed by Cllr Edwards, Seconded by Cllr Boume. Passed unanimously.

Clerk Vacancy. -It was reported that there are currently two applicants:- Mr Jacobs of Boughton Green Road, Northampton and Mr Michael Graves of Main Road, Wilby, (probably better known as one of Noel Morris's Son-in-Laws.) However it has been strongly recommended by the County Association, N.A.L.C. and S.L.C.C. that before engaging a Clerk, we should have both a Job Description and a Contract of Employment. Models of these documents have been obtained and the relevant parts are being adopted for our own needs. It was proposed by Cllr Hughes, Seconded by Cllr Boume that when these have been completed, that both the gentlemen be interviewed by the Chairman & Vice-Chairman and possibly the former Clerk, Mrs Shilham, if available. Passed unanimously.

VE / VJ Celebrations - Rushden Hall Park, Sunday, 2nd July 1995. The weather for the day was fortunately not too hot, which was good, as the instructions were to wear uniforms or lounge suits. Many Old Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen took part in a Service of Remembrance in the park. Also in the parade were many other organisations, including Scouts, Brownies, and others. The event was arranged by ENDC, the Royal British Legion and other ex-service groups. The 305th BGMA was specifically mentioned as well as the 92nd BGMA from Podington - whose members were present at this ceremony. The Peace Balloon Release ceremony was helped by 4 Children from the Village, Emily and Laura Can- and Christina and Joanna Kelly.

4. Current Correspondence Northamptonshire Association of Local Councils. Information Evenings for Parish Councillors - to be held at E.N.D.C. Council Offices at Thrapston in September. The following members would attend. Powers & Procedures - Tues. 12/09/95 - MLF + SES + AJW. Planning - Tues. 19/09/95 - MLF + AEE + SES + THB + AJW. Finance Thurs. 28/09/95 - MLF + SES + PDAH. This was proposed by Cllr Weaver; Seconded by Cllr Edwards; Passed unanimously.

Northamptonshire Health Authority - Provision of E.N.T. Services. The Corporate Affairs Directorate of the Health Authority has issued a Consultation Document, to which they wanted any comments by last Friday. ! Because of the national changes to the training and working hours of junior doctors, the current pattern of working cannot continue beyond 1996. At the moment there are ENT Services at both 426 Northampton and .(16 miles apart) Three options were given, but it was too late to debate on the options.

305th B.G.M.A. Visit - Friday, 16th / Saturday, 17th June. - This was a much smaller affair than in previous years with only 35-40 members this time. Their programme was certainly not as well co-ordinated as it had been in other years. The Mayor & Mayoress of Higham Fencers held a reception for them in the Town Hall on the Friday evening. Even with the reduced numbers, it was quite crowded in the Council Chamber. The only long term fixed event of the tour was a Service at 10.00 am in the Church, which was followed by the obligatory trip to the airfield in jeeps or vintage buses. However, because the day was cold and the high winds up there, they very promptly came back to the Village Hall for a buffet lunch provided by Bill's wife Carol with the help of friends and paid for by the tour operator. They then went off in jeeps & vintage buses to follow on the end of Higham Carnival procession.

E.N.D.C. - Uncontested Election Expenses of £32-00

V.A.T. Refund - of £ 293-96 paid into the bank on 12/06/95. [for year 1994-1995] (Please note the VAT Refund of £220-10 mentioned at the last meeting was for the year 1993-1994) The claim came to light when the books were 'done' for the last Audit.

Audit Commission - Invoice for £90-48 for the Audit.

East Midlands Electricity plc - Invoice for £330-29 for Street Lighting up to 30/06/95

E.N.D.C. Minutes - Dated 3rd July 1995 for Circulation.

Chelveston Village Hall - Invoice for Hire of Hall £ 81-00

R.A.F. Alconbury - Invitation - to Inactivation / Activation Ceremony on Wednesday, 12th July. Cllr Boume to represent us.

Parish Appraisal - We have had a letter from Debbie Smith, the Director of Northamptonshire ACRE about doing a Parish Appraisal. This is very closely linked with Mr Davies, Agent for Mr Carr, who has been pressing ACRE to do a Parish Appraisal of the Village. ACRE have stated that whilst they would be willing to carry out an Appraisal, they would much prefer the Village to carry out its own Appraisal. They would NOT carry out an Appraisal without the approval of the Village. It was stated that Mr Davies currently has a proposal for some 30-40 houses on the land between Duchy Close and the B.645. and a provisional plan was shown to the meeting. ClIrs Moore, Elgood and Dunn had attended a site meeting with Mr Davies to discuss the proposals. It was noted that the proposal was NOT in accordance with the County Structure Plan, nor the District Local Plan. There was unanimous objections to the proposal from residents of Duchy Close. As a result of discussions, at least a dozen persons were interested in undertaking an appraisal. It was resolved to invite Ian Nelson, Parish Appraisals Officer, to come and talk again about Parish Appraisals, provisionally on 14th August - to be confirmed.

5. Planning Matters

"Hawthorn Cottage", Raunds Road. - It was noted that a condition of this permission required a stone wall to be continued along this frontage. We have been advised that the Enforcement Officer is chasing this up.

H.M.Inspector's Report - On the Public Enquiry into the E,N,D,C, Local plan. Objection No. 22/2 - Mr R.A.Knight - Appeal against refusal of permission to build low cost housing on north side of Sawyers Crescent. Recommended that no modification be made in relation to this objection.

Development to South-East of Duchy Close. This is not an Application as such, but a proposal nevertheless. Whilst in theory, under the current County Structure Plan, it can't happen, members were very concerned about the implications of the proposal. They were very pleased to see the support from the Village in respect of the carrying out of a Parish appraisal.

EN/95100438/LBC - Alterations and making good to gable wall arising from demolition of attached building at Cottage and Adjacent Workshop premises, The Green, Chelveston. This application was dated 21/6/95 and received at Thrapston 22/6/95 and they wrote to us on 28/6/95 and we received it on 30/6/95. We have 25 days to respond - which takes us to 23rd July. The next Planning Meeting will be 26th July.

427 The previous application for listed building consent was refused on the grounds that it was NOT necessary to demolish the adjacent building. It was agreed that now the work had already commenced and was at an advanced stage, we could not really oppose permission, since this could prejudice the condition of 'The Cottage". It was agreed to support the application, but to point out the failure of the applicants to conform to planning protocol. It was also agreed to point out again that the proposed access position was hidden, and that the 2 metre high railings proposed at the front boundary of the property would severely restrict highway visibility at this busy junction..

Stanwick Gravel Pit - Variation of Access - Directly off the road under construction, for the duration of the road building only. Agreed to support this application.

Stanwick Gravel Pit - Variation of Range of Materials. - -This was to widen the range of materials to be dumped, bu these were still of an inert nature. It was agreed to support this application.

6. Street Lighting Proposals for Street Lighting - 1) Kimbolton Road, towards the layby, dependent upon availability of power cable. 2) Near Blacksmith's Cottage 3) Near No2 High Street, again, dependent upon availability of power cable.

Accounts Bank Mandate signatures - It was agreed to complete a new mandate as the present one was on 5 pieces of paper !

PAYMENTS ENDC - Uncontested Election Expenses £ 32-00 Audit Commission £ 90-48 / E.M.E. plc £330.29 Chelveston Village Hall £ 81.00 of NALC - for Cllr Info Evenings £ 43.00 '' Also Bank Charges of £ 6.00 V


Proposed by Cllr Edwards; Seconded by Cllr Boume that this expenditure be approved. Passed unanimously.

NOTE: - £1700 budgeted for New Street Lighting

8. Any other Business

Cllr Edwards :- Footpaths - overgrown; Brook full of weed; Chestnut tree removal ?

Cllr Hughes :- Mrs Smith had asked if it was possible to have a public seat % way down School Hill.

Cllr Boume :- Had general complaints from Duchy Close about paint spray emanating from J.S.T. Forklifts. Also speeding motor-bikes up the Kimbolton Road. - CIIr Weaver to liaise with the Police.

Cllr Hignell :- Footpath from Middle Farm to the Kimbolton Road was badly cracked.

Cllr Weaver :- J.S.T. burning plastic at week-ends; Footpath by the church - overhanging hedges; and B.645 footpath down School Hill - overgrown with weeds / stinging nettles.

Cllr Foulger :- Wanted - A footpath on the B.645 linking Water Lane to the Bidwell turn.

Date of Next Meeting:- Surgery with Parish Appraisal Officer-14th August 1995 at 7.30.pm - to be confirmed.

Ordinary Council Meeting :- 11th September 1995 at 7.30.pm.

Meeting closed at 10.27.pm. s Zi, et s



Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, 11th September 1995 at 7.30.pm. in Chelveston Village Hall.

Present:- Parish Councillors Mrs A.E.Edwards Mrs P.M.Hughes Mrs S.E.Smyth Mr T. H. Boume Mr P.D.A.Hignell Mr A.J.Weaver Mr M.L.Foulger

1. Apologies for absence:- had been received from District Councillors Messrs Dunn, Elgood & Moore, due to having their own meeting at this time.

2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th July 1995. These minutes had been previously circulated and were confirmed as being correct, and signed by CIIr.Hughes.

3. Matters arising from those Minutes.

War Memorial. All the original wording from the 1914-18 War was now available, together with the one name from the 1939-45 War. Because of the additional wording, there would be a slight increase in cost. Stanley Eric Odell served and was lost in the second world war, and it was proposed to put his name on another of the octagonal panels, probably to the right of the other panels. It was proposed by Cllr. Edwards, Seconded by Cllr Boume to proceed with this. Passed unanimously.

Clerk Vacancy. The two applicants have been advised of the current position, i.e. that a Job Description and Contract of Employment are being drawn up for the post. Mrs Margaret Shilham (as former Clerk has kindly agreed to help with the interview. The recommended Salary Scales for Clerks has recently undergone a major review. The former method was £1-28 x the no. on the Electoral Roll, which equalled approximately £ 386. The New recommendation uses various tables and recommendations on the number of hours worked, which one can vary according to local conditions. The minimum hourly rate is now £5-61 and the hours can vary quite considerably. The minimum rate now appears to be £440 p.a., and the upper limit is almost boundless.

Parish Appraisal. - Following the last meeting when some 20 members of the public attended, due mainly to some proposals concerning the development of land adjacent to Duchy Close, there was a lot of interest in doing an appraisal, indirectly as a means of getting public opinion in the village about such proposed development adjacent to Duchy Close. At the "Surgery" meeting on 14/08/95 Mr Ian Nelson from ACRE came to tell us all about Parish Appraisals. Further meetings were held on 21/8/95 and 4/9/95. There is now a Parish Appraisal Group of about 45 members, of which 12 are on a Steering Committee headed by Mr Pieter Mommersteeg (Chairman) and Mr Adrian Dale (Secretary/Treasurer). So far there has been 3 meetings in the village hall, with a 4th one on 18/9/95. The cost of hiring the Village Hall for a nominal 2 hours being £8-50, and the cost so far amounting to £34. There will need to be more meetings in connection with the Appraisal Questionnaire, and the Appraisal Committee have asked if the Parish Council would be willing to fund this. There is a grant coming to help pay for some of the questionnaire software, which would come via the Council. Proposed by Cllr Edwards; Seconded by Cllr Smyth; That the Parish Council should fund the hire of the hall for appraisal meetings. Other Appraisal expenses would need approval from time to time. Agreed unanimously.

Speed Boards. 12 of these went up in various parts of the village on 16th & 17th of August, and came down again on 3rd September. A number of people have said that they have had some effect. However, at the beginning of the week that they went up, the police had been out with their radar camera guns and caught and warned a number of motorists!!!


Chestnut Tree. This was taken away on 6th September with many thanks to Cllr. Tom Boume for liaising with Mr Kidman and the various Utilities. However, it appears that the thriving Elder bush immediately adjacent to the tree site is remaining. Cllr. Boume will contact Mr Kidman to ask him to remove this quite substantial root, before subsequent planting can commence. It was also proposed that the tree be underplanted with lots of daffodils or other similar bulbs.

N.A.L.C. Information Packs. Were given out to every Councillor.

N.A.L.C. Information Evenings - All pick up at 7.00.pm. Powers & Procedures - Tuesday 11/9/95 = ClIrs Smyth, Weaver,& Foulger Planning - Tuesday 19/9/95 = ClIrs Edwards, Smyth, Boume, Weaver & Foulger Finance - Thursday 28/9/95 = ClIrs Smyth, Hignell & Foulger

4. Current Correspondence.

Drinking Water Quality Report. 1994 Summary report from Anglian Water - Circulation.

N.C.C. - Northamptonshire in Figures. Individual Copies to be sent for.

NALC - AGM Northampton. Saturday, 28/10/95 2.00.pm. It was agreed that this Council had no resolutions to put to the County Association. No one would like to stand for the County Committee. Cllr. Foulger to attend.

R.N.L.I. - Challenge 1995. for all clubs, societies, associations, firms & pubs. Information to be passed to the Star and Garter.

Northamptonshire Health Authority. Letter re future pattern of ENT services.

Northampton General Hospital Trust. Annual Report & Accounts - for circulation.

British Red Cross. Re poster for Resusitation Training -> Notice Board.

Midland Fireworks. Details of Fireworks sets.

E.N.D.C. - Sports & Leisure Bulletin. Forms for clubs & organisations - Sent to W.I., Village Hall & Mums & Toddlers.

E.N.D.C. - Student Travel. Poster on board.

E.N.D.C. - Civic Ball. on 6/10/95 at £ 15-00 per ticket. No takers.

E.N.D.C. - Contested Election Expenses. The bill has only just been received for the by- election held on 28/7/94. This was brought about by a petition demanded by more than 10 people in the village when Graham Hill resigned, and has resulted in a bill of £532-66 I! It was agreed to put a notice about this on the notice board.

E.N.D.C. - Landscape & Nature Conservation Strategy. Letter giving advance notice that they are carrying out a survey in parts of the District on this matter, and which they will send us a copy of their report in due course.

E.N.D.C. Minutes 11/9/95. - for circulation.

V.J. Day Wreath from Mayor & Mayoress of Higham Ferrers. The Mayor & Mayoress of Higham Ferrers, ClIrs Harold Binder & Gwen Murdin, had left instructions before they went on a Twinning Visit to Germany, for us to pick up a wreath in the form of an American Star & Bar made in flowers. - to be laid on the 305th Memorial on VJ day, 15th August - which we did.

430 5. Planning Matters. Listed Building Consent - The Cottage. Permission granted. However, despite the conditions of the permission, to use hand tools in the demolition of the house adjacent to 'The Cottage", this had in fact been demolished by a J.C.B. ! Whilst the Council had every sympathy with the owners of 'The Cottage", it felt that no further action could be taken. Dwelling House - Adjacent School House - Application. This permission had lapsed and was reapplied for in January 1995, and was refused on the grounds of being contrary to policy H 13 which restricts new dwellings in "open countryside". They are now resubmitting this application, unaltered. We have supported this application right the way through. Proposed by Cllr. Smyth; Seconded by Cllr Boume; That we support this application. Dwelling House - Adjacent School House - Appeal. This is the same application which because it was refused, they are going to appeal. We are asked for our comments. Proposed by Cllr. Smyth and Seconded by Cllr. Bourne that we support this application and send our comments accordingly. Barn Conversion - Top Gate Farm, Caldecott. - Application. - This is a variation on an earlier application, with an addition to the existing barn. It was earlier refused on grounds of "Backland "development and setting a precedent to extend the village. Our response to the earlier application was basically NO OBJECTION provided it did not set a precedent to further extend the village at this point. Proposed by Cllr. Edwards; Seconded by Cllr. Weaver to support the application with the same provision as previously. Hawthorn Cottage - Stone Wall. It was reported that access to this property was being made from the Raunds Road, and also that there appeared to be a second access into the field across the brook. This permission clearly states that a stone boundary wall on the frontage of Raunds Road shall be constructed in accordance with approved details PRIOR TO OCCUPATION OF THE DWELLING HOUSE. It was agreed to write to E.N.D.C. about this. Development Scheme - Duchy Close / B.645. - It appeared that the provision of a shop was no longer part of this development. A letter had been received from Mr Davies regarding this. Aerial Colour Photographs of Village:- Messrs Skyview & General Ltd are offering us a 15" x 12" print in silk finish, board mounted and framed for £ 53-00. Some discussion ensued, but it was felt that our requirement was for a board mounted print, but not framed, and the maximum that we would be prepared to pay was £25. Proposed by Cllr. Smyth and Seconded by Cllr Weaver to make this offer. Variation of Condition 1 to increase the number of vehicles to 25 and 14 trailers (Haulage business - EN/94/000375NAR) at Poplars Farm, Caldecott. Following the recent increase from 15 vehicles + 11 trailers to 18 vehicles + 14 trailer's, awarded on appeal, this application is for a further increase to 25 vehicles. It was Proposed by Cllr. Hughes and Seconded by Cllr. Smyth that we should oppose this application as before, but in addition pointing out the early starts and the noise pollution caused by this increase. Agreed unanimously. 14 High Street - Works to Wellingtonia tree:- An application had been made to carry out approved remedial works to the tree. These works were carried out on 2/8/95. 6. Street Lighting. Proposals for additional Street Lighting. Discussions have taken place with N.C.C. Public Lighting and unfortunately, due to Government cut-backs, they have had to restrict the adoption of suitable lighting systems to villages of over 3000 population - which excludes Chelveston. In any case their standards would mean that we would have to at least double the numb r of lamps we have at present, which they feel might not be appropriate in our villa. - ‘n \ . .


Their recommendations with regard to our Kimbolton Road /'The Green" lighting would be :- 1) Column lamp on the lay-by side of B.T. pole outside Bob Lines, - and bear in mind that trees further along could cause shadows. 2) Bracket lamp on EMEB pole by Blacksmiths Cottage. 3) Column lamp approx outside Mr Begej, but ascertain that he has no objection to a lamp outside his house. IF there is no supply that side of the road, it would cost £1000 plus to cross the road from the give-way sign. If this were the case, recommend that we consider placing column lamp on the island adjacent the give-way sign. John Murray might be able to help towards the cost out of his "Village improvements fund". Currently awaiting EMEB for confirmation of exact cable positions and prices. Proposed by Cllr. Hughes and Seconded by Cllr. Boume that we proceed with these lamps up to a value of £1000. Agreed unanimously.

Street Light Repairs. - Vandalised lamp by Hall farm - replace lamp £ 13.98 Proposed by Cllr. Smyth and Seconded by Cllr. Hughes. Passed Unanimously.


PAYMENTS 3 E.N.D.C. contested Election expenses 28/7/94 £532-66 3 E. M. E. plc - Lamp repairs £ 13-98

Proposed: Cllr. Boume; Seconded: Cllr. Hughes; to pay these accounts. Agreed unanimously.

Any other8. Business.

Cllr. Smyth asked if it was possible to have double white lines on the Raunds Road in the vicinity of Britten Close / Sawyers Crescent - because of the no. of vehicles travelling on the wrong side of the road. To be followed up.

Cllr. Boume reported a campervan that appeared to be 'living' in the lay-by. To be followed up.

Date of Next Appraisal Meeting :- Monday, 18th September at 7.30.pm.

Date of Next Council Meeting :- Monday 13th November at 7.30.p.m.

Surgery - This would have occurred on Mon 9th October but with the current heavy commitment to the Appraisal, it was agreed to temporarily suspend Surgery Meetings.

Meeting closed at 10.17.pm.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, 13th November 1995 at 7.30 pm in Chelveston Village Hall, (and including supplementary meeting on Thursday, 16th November 1995 re Clerk's Contract of Employment.)

Present :- Councillors Mrs A. E. Edwards 13th 16th Mrs P.M.Hughes 13th Mrs S.E.Smyth 13th 16th Mr T. H. Bourne 13th 16th Mr M.L.Foulger 13th 16th District Councillors Messrs A.Dunn; B.Elgood; G.Moore 13th plus 1 member of the public. 13th

1. Apologies for absence. - Cllrs P.D.A.Hignell & A.J.Weaver --- 16th

2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th September 1995. These minutes had been previously circulated and were confirmed as being correct and signed by Cllr Smyth.

3. Matters arising from those Minutes

War Memorial. Since the last meeting, the monumental masons have found that the original plan to engrave 4 pieces of slate and cement with dowells onto the original faces of the memorial, would not give a practical satisfactory solution. The current proposal is to have Brass Plaques, where the names etc. are cast in brass and the letters stand proud, and fix these to the faces of the memorial. The estimated cost is £ 526, but it has been suggested that these pieces of brass could be levered off without too much difficulty.

It has been noted that at Great Addington and Woodford Churches, they have an engraved stone let into the wall, - at Gt. Addington, this is a roadside wall, and refers to the memorial in the churchyard for the 14-18 war, and to the memorial hall across the road for the 39-45 war. At Woodford, the stone is actually let into the wall of the Church, and is literally only yards away from the memorial.

A suggestion is to have a stone, suitably inscribed as before, fixed onto the East Wall of the Church below the East window. A Faculty would be required from the Diocese of Peterborough, because it is doing something to the wall of the Church. This permission would cost of the order of £70 - 80. The previous quote for the 4 panels was £314.50 + VAT.

It was proposed by Cllr Hughes and seconded by Cllr Smyth that this latter suggestion be adopted. Agreed unanimously. The Clerk to ascertain full details of costs.

Clerk Vacancy. - The Job Description for the Clerk had been drawn up and copies sent to the two applicants, Messrs Graves and Jacobs in September. The Acting Clerk had only found very recently that these had never arrived. Another set, with an explanatory letter is to be sent to the applicants. Cllr Smyth expressed her dissatisfaction at the lack of progress on this matter. The Acting Clerk apologised for this, but pointed out that the only person being inconvenienced was himself.

Details of a model Contract of Employment was given to all Councillors. This was in the form of a basic contract together with various clauses that could be included. At the supplementary meeting on 16th November specifically held to deal with the Contract, the following points were agreed:- In general, the basic model contract was used.

The clause dealing with "Previous Service" was deleted.

The "Salary" was determined at 2 hours per week at the hourly rate set jointly by N.A.L.C. & S.L.C.C. of £ 5-61 per hour - equating to £ 583-00 p.a. [It was noted that under the latest circular covering Part-time Clerks Salaries, the minimum rate for our Electoral Roll of 302 is listed at 1% hrs per week at a minimum rate of £ 5-61 per hour equating to £ 438-00 p.a.]

The "Hours" clause was adopted as follows:- 'There are no provisions i e -ct of employment in respect of hours of work" jai 433

The "Leave" clause to read :- 'The Clerk shall give one month's notice of holidays, and should try to avoid the dates of the Parish Council Meetings."

The "Expenses" clause in the model to be deleted, and in its place, substitute :- "An allowance of £50-00 p.a. will be made for the purposes of normal travelling expenses from the Clerk's home to within the Parish."

The "Gratuity" clause to be deleted.

Parish Appraisal The Appraisal Group, chaired by Pieter Mommersteeg, has met a further 4 times. All residents should by now have received their questionnaire, and which is due to be collected by the end of the coming week. The questionnaires should then go for analysis outside the village. It was hoped to have had an idea of costs to date, but the Appraisal Treasurer is away until next week.

Chestnut Tree The Elder tree was only removed last week, (on 6/11/95). We are now trying to locate the right tree, and some bulbs to go underneath it.

1994 Contested Election Expenses - At the last meeting, it was agreed to place a notice on the board about the expense incurred at the By-Election in July 1994 of £532.66. The notice was put up in mid October but only lasted a few days before it was removed. It has just been replaced last week for a second time !

Local Government Review The Commission was written to in similar vein to earlier this year asking for NO CHANGE.

Other Matters arising. - At the last meeting, a question was asked about having double white lines for the Raunds Road where it passes Britten Close / Sawyers Crescent. The answer from 'highways' was that you don't have double white lines on a B road. [ Note:- The B.645 is different because it was previously an A road !]

4. Current Correspondence

ENDC Parish Council Precept - Asking for our Precept to be with them by 22/1/96. Our Council Tax Base is £133 - which means that if we precept for £133, this will result in an extra £1-00 for a Band D property or a 0-67p for a Band A property. All Councillors were urged to think about Council expenditure for the year 1996-97 -- BEFORE the 8th January 1996 meeting.

N.C.C. - Winter Gritting/Snow Clearing - Letter received from Highways enclosing copies of the winter gritting routes for the coming winter. It was noted with some concern that the road from the Village Hall to Newton Bromswold would not be gritted this winter due to financial cutbacks. It was agreed that a letter be sent to 'highways' objecting to this omission. Snow Representative wanted - Cllr A. E. Edwards agreed to do this again this winter, with Cllr S.E.Smyth as reserve.

N.C.C. County Council Budget Meetings - Letter from Finance Director, Richard Paver - re.Consultation Budget meetings - nearest one at Redwell Junior School, on Thurs 23rd Nov. Letter noted, but no one could attend.

National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardners - Survey - Nil return sent back.

N.A.L.C. County Structure Plan Review - Letter received from NALC concerning the forthcoming County Council review of the current County Structure Plan with a view to a draft document being prepared for consultation in 1996. NALC will be carrying out a consultation excercise on strategic planning issues relevant to the formulation of this consultation draft. This letter is giving early warning of initiatives to come, and encourages Parish Councils to make their contribution. Members were asked howwoul^l THEY like to see the County Structure Plan develop ?


N.A.L.C. County Policing Plan - Copy of Policing Plan for 1995/96 circulated to ClIrs. and NALC seeks views of Councils on Policing Policy prior to formulating policy for 1996/97. To be sent by 17th November. Letter noted.

E.N.D.C. Minutes (November 95) - for Circulation to ClIrs.

E.N.D.C. Removal of Canine Faeces ('Poop Scoop') Bylaws - Letter from E.H.O. advising that signs giving notice of the effect of the byelaws will be sited thoughout the District on a programmed basis. Request for us to advise of any known blackspots. ClIrs thought that the problem was particularly bad in the centre of the village - viz. Water Lane, Sawyers Crescent, Duchy Close, Hillside, High Street etc. Letter to be sent to this effect.

Local History News (Autumn 1995)- Circulated to ClIrs.

Planning Matters

EN/95/00035/OUT - Dwelling House adjacent to School House. - Refused Reason given is that the area from School House to Caldecott Post Box is classified as " Open Countryside" NOTE: This Application has also gone to appeal to the Secretary of State.

BarnConversion - Top Gate Farm, Caldecott --Refused for same reason - because even though it is in Caldecott, - because it would be outside the present "envelope" of Caldecott, it is classified as"Open Countryside".

"Hawthorn Cottage", Raunds Road. - Following the last meeting, a letter was sent to Thrapston about the fact that the stone wall, a condition of the permission, had still not been erected along the Raunds Road frontage. There are still no signs of a wall yet !. At the Planning Meeting on 27/9/95 the Ctee authorised the issuing of a breach of condition notice to be served requiring the owner to comply with the condition to provide a stone wall to the road frontage of the property on planning permission EN/94/00468/REM. It was unanimously agreed that a further letter be sent.

Development Scheme - Duchy Close/B.645 - Apart from a lot of propaganda on the part of Mr Davies (Mr Can's agent) - nothing further has been heard about this.

EN/94/00627NAR - Haulage Operation, Poplar Farm, Caldecott - Increase to 25 vehicles. A number of interesting facts have come out concerning this application:- A.B.R. say they do not wish to increase their no of vehicles. -Whilst-upping the application to 25-vehiclesit-also said-"average 10-in and-10 out per day"-l Carr has applied for a new operating licence at Corby for 25 vehicles ! "Highways" asked us for our comments on this occasion. A petition opposing the application was signed by 75 residents. Thrapston recommended that the application be refused. They have an operating licence for 20 vehicles anyway ! The application was withdrawn at the last minute ! We await further developments.! - In the meantime, residents are asked to write to Thrapston every time they are woken up by one of these lorries, specifying the date & time (and registration number if possible).

Stanwick Sand & Gravel Pits - Widen range of inert wastes - Permission granted - 17/10/95 Temporary additional access - Permission granted - 17/10/95.

4 Apartments - The Green - Front Boundary Railings atop the stone wall obscuring view at bend. There will be a meeting with Mr Edmunds, Highways Planning; John Murray, Highways; Mr Wiggins, ENDC Planning; plus as many ClIrs. as able to attend on Wednesday, 15/11/95 on site at 9.00.a.m. ClIrs Bourne, Edwards, Smyth, and Foulger to attend.

a,2:' Street Lighting progress The New columns were erected on 31/10/95 and thebrac 1/11/95. The lanterns were fitted to the columns on 6/11/95.


The proposed lamp positions had been marked on the footpath on 15/9/95. However - despite trying to contact Mr Begej since then about the proposed light siting, and writing to him on 18/9/95, he did not respond about the lamp siting until he came home on 31/10/95 and found the column installed outside his house. He is now adamant that he wants it removed. There will be an additional cost to move the lamp which he might be prepared to contribute, but wants to know the cost. E.M.E.B. will be asked to quote for moving lamp when a suitable alternative site is found. A meeting with John Murray will be held on site after the 9.00.am meeting on Wednesday to determine an alternative site.

Proposed by Cllr. Boume, Seconded by Cllr. Edwards to look on site on Wednesday. Agreed unanimously.

Accounts Current Balance in Account is = £.5543.34


Bank Charges (4/9/95) £ 3.00 F.R.Kidman £ 117.50 Poppy Wreath £ 11.25 E.M.E.. Quarterly Account (30/9/95) £ 330.29 V ------Total Expenditure this meeting = £ 462.04

Proposed by Cllr Edwards and Seconded by Cllr Boume that these payments be approved. Passed Unanimously.

Balance left in Account = £5081.30

Any other Business

Cllr. Edwards pointed out that the brook was very overgrown along Water Lane from Foot Lane to the ford.

Cllr Smyth asked why there was not a refuse bin on the sloping green. It was agreed to look at the situation on Wednesday morning. Cllr. Smyth reported :- i) that the 'grips' along the Raunds Road had still not been done. ii) water still lays on the Raunds Road between Stanwick turn and Raunds at its lowest point where AWA recently constructed an inspection chamber. iii) The footpath in front of "Wildacre", Raunds Road, is in a poor state of repair. iv) The footpath in front of the new apartments, The Green is in need of reinstatement.

Cllr. Bourne reported that there would be a meeting on 29th November 1995 at the offices of J.S.T. Forklifts with Senior E.H.O. Deakin and some residents of Duchy Close, concerning cellulose and other fumes emanating from J.S.T. premises.

Cllr Foulger pointed out that the handrails to the footbridge over the brook in Bidwell which had been reported in the summer as lying in the brook were still there. There appears to be some dispute as to whose responsibility these hand rails are. - ENDC; NCC Highways; NCC Rights of Way or ??? He undertook to persue this. Also, a stile at the back of Duchy Close was still broken.

Date of Next Meetings:- The next Surgery would have been due on 11 Dec , but in view of the number of Appraisal meetings held recently, it was agreed to continue the suspension of Surgery meetings for the time being..

Wednesday, 15th November at 9.00.am. at the frontage of the New Apartments site. Thursday, 16th November at 7.30.pm. in the Village Hall to deal with the "Clerk's Contract of Employment".

Next Ordinary Council Meeting 8th January 1996 at 7.30.pm. in the Village Hall. (NOTE: This is the Annual Precept Meeting)

Meeting closed at 9.34.pm.