411 CHELVESTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of Chelveston Parish Council held on Monday, 9th January 1995 at 7.30 pm in Chelveston Village Hall. Present :- Councillors Mrs A E Edwards Mrs P M Hughes Mr W T Gracey Mr P D A Hignell Mr R A Knight Mr A J Weaver Mr M L Foulger (Chairman & Acting Clerk) 1 Apologies for Absence - District Councillors Mrs G M Murdin; Mr H Binder & Mr D C Lawson. because they had a Full Council Meeting at Thrapston. 2 Minutes of Previous Meeting - The Minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday, 14th November 1994, having previously been circulated, were confirmed as being correct and signed by Cllr Mrs P M Hughes. 3 Matters Arising from previous Minutes 3.1 Street Cleansing - Mr Foulger wrote a further letter to Mr Walker on 16th November concerning the still absent litter pickers and has heard nothing to date. It was reported that the brook in Water Lane had been cleared of misc. drums and other debris on 3/1/95. 3.2 Highway Matters - It was hoped to have a walk round the village with John Murray soon, with particular regard to footpaths breaking up. The footpath outside the ex-shop was mentioned, as well as one in Caldecott from Church to Wise End Corner. Also mentioned were moss covered footpaths in Duchy Close and overhanging hedges on the RAF to Newton Bromswold road and in in Bidwell, opposite the farms. 3.3 Hillside Hedges - No further action. - the matter to be chased again. 3.4 Surgery Meeting - There were two purposes for this as originally proposed. 1) To act as a clearing house for parishioners problems etc. and 2) For Councillors to read all the various literature received by the Council. It did appear that there was not enough interest on the part of villagers to hold such meetings, but it was agreed to try a few more times. The next Surgery Meeting to be Monday, 13/2/95 at 7.30.pm for 1 hour. It was agreed to continue to circulate some documents, but members do need to make a special effort at passing them on quickly. 3.5 Speed Signs - It was hoped to have some more of these signs in late March or April. Confirmation of exact dates is expected in the next week or so. 3.6 Clerk Vacancy: - This vacancy has appeared in N.A.L.C.'s "Update" for Nov/Dec, - which goes to all local Councils, and also in the December issue of the Parish Church Magazine. but have had no response so far ! It was agreed to advertise in the Evening Telegraph. It was also agreed to try the Job Centre. In the interim period it was agreed that Cllr Foulger carry out the duties of Clerk to the Council. 3.7 Centenary Seat - The decision at the last meeting was for a priority rating of three sites for the siting of this Centenary Seat in the Village, the first choice being outside "Hill House" in Water Lane. ENDC and Highways had approved this position but it was thought prudent to ask the owners of Hill House and other residents in the vicinity as a matter of courtesy. There was violent opposition on the part of one resident and the Chairman felt it desirable to reconsider the site position. Rapid consultation was made with the majority of Cllrs and it was agreed to re-site the seat at choice no 2 i.e. by Hall Farm. The seat was duly installed on 29th November and was officially handed over by the Chairman of the District Council, Cllr John Chatbum to Cllr Mrs Edwards and Chairman Mr Foulger on Thursday, 15th December 1994. Fortunately, everyone appears to agree that the new position is by far the better position. It was agreed to write to the Chairman, Cllr John Chatbum, thanking him for the seat, and to ask if 2 further copies of the photograph of the handover could be obtained. 412 3.8 Local Government Review - The Final recommendation by the Commissioners is for Northamptonshire to have NO CHANGE. A copy of their report is in circulation makes interesting reading. A briefing on the recommendation has been received from NALC. 3.9 Audit - Confirmation awaited on the following points in writing. 1) Initials on Cheque stubs instead of paid cheques.[Retumed cheques are charged at£3-00 per quarter, but not all cheques are actually returned.] and 2) Procurement of gifts for individuals (i.e.Golden Wedding Anniversaries, Gratuities etc.) 3.10 Bus Survey - 32 replies have been received which amounts to 20% response. It is considered that 10% is a good response. Results have now to be analysed. 4 Current Correspondence 4.1 Village Shops - ENDC are promoting their campaign on "ADOPT A SHOP" and have enclosed some posters for display. 4.2 National Lottery - NALC and ENDC both sent us details of a seminar on National Lottery Awareness on Tuesday, 29th November 1994. The first beneficiaries of the fund will be Sport, the Arts, and Heritage only and are likely to be paid out in March this year. There is expected to be about £7,000,000 p.a. for Northamptonshire. There will be a Millenium fund for villages that come up with innovative local schemes which future generations will benefit from. Suggestions required ! 4.3 Tourism Signposting - Letter from ENDC Planning. Campaign to encourage people to support village facilities in East Northants. Proposals for signposting for directional purposes (not advertising), and 'tourism' related. Suggested candidates for such signs are:- Village Hall; Star & Garter; Church; Club; Eady's Bed & Breakfast at "Bambrook". 4.4 NALC Update - Nov/Dec.- Clerk's Remuneration w.e.f. 1/7/94 recommends £1.28 per person on list of electors. [For Chelveston, this is = 305 electors x £1.28 = £390.40 p.a.] Advert. for Clerk at Chelveston 4.5 Winter Gritting & Snow Clearing Letter from John Murray (Highways) - Snow Representative required. Cllr Anne Edwards elected 'Snow Queen'. It was agreed that no extra grit bins were required, and that we held sufficient bags of salt for the time being. Mr Murray to be advised. 1994/95 Winter Salting schedules show that Raunds Road (B.663) and B.645 are salted as in previous years. 4.6 Street Light request - A Letter was received from Mrs M Shilham (4/11/94) requesting a street light in Kimbolton Road between The White House and the layby as this was a very dark stretch of road. This matter was considered at the last meeting (14/11/94) and whilst members had every sympathy with Mrs Shilham, it was decided that the cost (expected to be in excess of £500) was out of proportion to the few houses that would benefit and the decision was made to say NO to this request. A second letter had been received from Mrs Shilham after an accident where she had sustained injuries following a fall in the dark. It was agreed to look into the whole matter of Street Lighting and to eventually upgrade the whole of the village to a standard whereby the County Council would have to adopt and maintain the system. Mrs Shilham to be advised of this decision. 4.7 Local History News - In circulation to members. 4.8 ENDC Minutes - Nov 94 - Circulation to members. 4.9 Nortamptonshire Health Authority - Purchasing Plan Intentions 1995/96 [No action.] 4.10 Parish Appraisal News [No action] 4.11 ENDC - Refuse Collection Arrangements - Christmas 1994 & New Year 1995 - Posters displayed on notice boards. 413 5 Planning Matters 5.1 Stanwick Pit - Application received from A.R.C. to vary condition No 27(b). The area being restored by infill was to have been completed by 1/1/95 - Recession has slowed this down, - and they seek 6 year extension to 1/1/2001. It was agreed that there was no objection to this extension. 5.2 EN/94/000747/FUL - Detached Chalet Bungalow - adjacent to "Redwood", Raunds Road - Agreed that there was no objection to a BUNGALOW - but expressed concern that the height of the proposed dwelling appeared to be some 5 ft higher than the existing bungalows either side. It was noted that Redwood at the time of its application had conditions imposed that it should be a single storey dwelling only. Agreed that response to this planning application to be as above. 5.3 EN/94/00375NAR - Variation of Conditions 1 & 2 to increase no of vehicles from 15 to 18 and trailers from 11 to 14. - Poplar Farm, Caldecott - Permission had been granted on a temporary basis until 31/12/95. Appeal has been made against it being temporary. Agreed that our response to D.O.E. to re- iterate our objections to this continual expansion. D.O.E. has acknowledged. 6 Street Lighting - The long standing saga of our two non working street lights in Raunds Road appears to have ended. Despite many repeated requests for the re-instatement of these lights, Lamp No 20 (opposite'Meadowcroft') was off from 17/5/94 until 2/12/94 [some 28 weeks], and the New Sodium lamp No 19 was off from 31/3/94 until 29/12/94 - [39 weeks]. In the case of the 'Meadovvcroft' lamp, when it was looked into it appears that a fuse was replaced every time it was reported, but nobody checked as to why the fuse was blowing. Now a new choke has been fitted, and the light is O.K. The Sodium Lamp, has not been working, apparently because the mains people did not make a proper connection and so although we had 1 or two days on from time to time, it was not permanent.
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