Great Addington Parish Council 10 Rushwell Close Great Addington NN14 4BP Mr Michael Burton (Principal Planning Policy Officer) East Council House Cedar Drive KETTERING NN14 4LZ

28 February 2020

Dear Mr Burton

Application for Designation of a Neighbourhood Area under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 Part 2 (5)

Great Addington Parish Council hereby applies for designation of the following area to be subject of a Neighbourhood Development Plan under the above regulations.

Section 5 (1) (a) Application Area The area outlined in red on the attached plan is the area to be designated representing the whole of the parish of Great Addington.

Section 5 (1) (b) Appropriate Statement The area is considered appropriate for designation as a Neighbourhood Plan Area for the following reasons:

• Great Addington Parish Council considers the whole of the parish to be an appropriate area. This is to ensure any policies that are developed will have weight within the plan. • The allocation of sites for housing, employment and community facilities across the parish will have an impact on the delivery of the Neighbourhood Plan aspirations and therefore the whole parish should be included in the designated area. The Neighbourhood Plan will be in conformity with the emerging The Local Plan Part 2 and other relevant made Plans.

Section 5 (1) (c) Qualifying Body Great Addington Parish Council meets the criteria of a relevant body by virtue of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, section 61G (2) (a) as amended by the Localism Act 2011.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Helen Hoier (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer to Great Addington Parish Council)