Uprizarjanje likov skandinavske mitologije v »kostumiranih igrah« ()

Diplomsko delo

Študijski program: Etnologija in kulturna antropologija – E

Mentor: red. prof. dr. Bojan Baskar

Šentjur, 2014

Ves svet je oder in moški in ženske zgolj igralci: nastopajo in spet odhajajo in vsak igra v življenju razne vloge. - Shakespeare

Iskrena hvala vsem za besede spodbude in vašo potrpežljivost.


Kazalo vsebine



6.1 THOR ...... 22 6.2 LADY THOR ...... 23 6.3 LOKI ...... 23 6.4 LADY LOKI ...... 24 6.5 SIF ...... 25 6.6 FENRIR ...... 25 7 ROČNO IN UMETNIŠKO USTVARJANJE KOSTUMOV ...... 26 8 SHODI ...... 29 9 PREZENTACIJA...... 31 10 ZAKLJUČEK...... 39 11 LITERATURA ...... 41 12 VIRI SLIKOVNEGA MATERIALA ...... 43 13 SOGOVORNIKI ...... 44 14 PRILOGE ...... 45

14.1 INTERVJUJI ...... 45 14.1.1 Cutie Shy Cosplay ...... 45 14.1.2 Idromy...... 52 14.1.3 Loki Hates You ...... 88 14.1.4 Saphira ...... 102 14.1.5 Thor Odinson ...... 119 14.1.6 Ukiyo cosplay ...... 131 14.2 SLIKE ...... 149

Kazalo slik













Naloga govori o tem, kaj so igre vlog, kaj pomeni uprizarjanje likov za igralca, kako igralec ustvarja svoje kostume. Ljudje, ki so navdušeni nad mitološkimi liki Skandinavije, se pogosto tudi preoblečejo vanje in jih poskušajo uprizarjati kar se da natančno. Igralci skozi like spoznavajo sebe, svojo seksualnost, pridobijo samozavest, izboljšajo svoje ročne in umetniške spretnosti pri izdelovanju kostumov in pripomočkov. V skupnosti najdejo pomoč za razreševanje določenih težav glede uprizarjanja in igranja, pridobijo nove prijatelje in informacije glede shodov. Na shodih večinoma ni težav, razen da so ženski liki večkrat nadlegovani in se zaradi tega počutijo manj varni, zato hodijo ali v paru ali pa v skupinah. Ameriški shodi se zelo razlikujejo od evropskih – največji razliki sta velikost in kostumi. Ogromne hale so nabito polne igralcev in obiskovalcev, kostumi pa variirajo med boljšo in slabšo kvaliteto. Igralci ponavadi uprizarjajo like, s katerimi se lahko povežejo na čustveni ravni, lahko pa tudi samo zaradi izgleda.

Ključne besede: skandinavska mitologija, uprizarjanje likov, igra vlog, kostumi, cosplay, identifikacija.


This thesis discusses what cosplay is, what cosplaying means to a cosplayer and how a cosplayer creates his or her costume. People who are enthusiastic about the mythological characters of Scandinavia often dress like them and try to stage them as thoroughly as possible. Through their characters cosplayers start to learn about themselves, their sexuality, they gain confidence; they improve their manual and artistic skills with making costumes and accessories. In their community cosplayers find help to solve certain problems connected with presenting and cosplaying a character, they get new friends and also information about conventions. Mostly there are no problems at conventions, except that female characters are frequently harassed and feel less safe because of this, which is the reason they either walk in pairs or groups. American conventions are vastly different than the European ones – the biggest differences are their size of the event and the costumes. Enormous halls are full of cosplayers and visitors, the costumes vary in quality. Cosplayers usually cosplay characters with who they can connect on an emotional level but they can cosplay a character just because of their looks.

Key words: Scandinavian mythology, performing characters, costume play, costumes, cosplay, identification.


1 Uvod

Naloga zajema predstavitev in uprizarjanje skandinavskih božanstev skozi kostumirane igre ali cosplay, kot je znano na medmrežjih in v slengu mladih. Ta mitologija povečini zajema države Norveške, Švedske, Danske skupaj s Faroškimi otoki in Islandije.

Na internetne strani sem podala prošnjo za sodelovanje pri nalogi, intervjuje pa sem v nadaljevanju opravila s Cutie Shy Cosplay, z Idromy, z Loki Hates You, s Saphiro, s Thorom Odinsonom in z Ukiyo Cosplay. Ti sogovorniki prihajajo iz dežel Evrope - Belgija, Nemčija, Škotska, Velika Britanija in iz Združenih držav Amerike; pri nas, v Sloveniji, pa nisem zasledila osebe, ki bi te like uprizarjala.

V nalogi sem predstavila like iz skandinavske mitologije, ki so najbolj popularni in predstavljeni v medijih. V nadaljevanju sledi predstavitev igre vlog, kostumi likov, ustvarjanje kostumov, skupnost in predstavljanje igralcev kot like – čeprav je uprizarjanje likov kompleksnejše, sem se osredotočila na najpomembnejše.

Metodologija raziskovanja so členitve intervjujev, branje člankov, ki se nanašajo na omenjena poglavja, in pomoč z Goffmanovo knjigo ('The presentation of self in everyday life, 1959), ki je osredotočena na igranje posameznika v vsakodnevnem življenju. Odvisno pa je, s kom je oseba v interakciji v določenem trenutku in kaj od te osebe pričakuje občinstvo, ki ga ima.


2 Skandinavska mitologija

Preden začnem o igranju ali uprizarjanju likov, bom na kratko razložila mitologijo, da bodo kakšne stvari kasneje morda bolj jasne 1 . Celotno poglavje je delno povzeto iz drugega poglavja moje seminarske naloge 'Konstrukcija identitete nordicizma pri mladih (v severni Evropi)' (Daly po Videc 2013: 5-6).

Temelj je jesenovo drevo Yggdrasil ali Drevo sveta in povezuje devet svetov. Na najvišjem delu drevesa so Asgard, kjer domujejo bogovi Aesir, Vanaheim, doma bogov Vanir in Alfheim ali dom vilincev svetlobe. Nižje je Midgard ali planet Zemlja, Jotunheim, kjer živijo Jotuni oziroma velikani, Svartalfheim, kjer so doma vilinci teme in Nidavellir ali dom škratov (rudniki). V koreninah Yggdrasila sta Muspellheim, ognjeni svet in Niflheim, svet mrtvih, ki ga vodi boginja smrti Hel. Trije studenci napajajo drevo – Urdarbrunn, ki je sveto mesto treh Norn, oziroma sojenic, in kjer imajo bogovi koncile; drugi je Mimirjev studenec, saj tam visi glava Mimirja, najmodrejšega od vseh bitij; tretji pa je Hvergelmir v Niflheimu, kjer živi zmaj Nitrog, ki gloda korenine drevesa. Yggdrasil bo preživelo Ragnarok, konec sveta. (Daly 2010)

Glavna božanstva so Odin –Vseoče, enooki bog modrosti, vojne, smrti, poezije in magije. Ima preko 150 imen in lastnosti, veliko žena in otrok. Ima sina Thora, ki je najmočnejši bog s temperamentom, a ljubljen. Je bog zraka in groma. Ima kladivo Mjollnir, magičen pas Megingjardir, železne rokavice in je vedno v vojni z velikani. Loki – bog zla večkrat ukane bogove in ustvari nevarne situacije, iz katerih jih nato rešuje. Je občudovan, a nezaupljiv. Heimdall je rojen iz devetih velikank, čuvaj bogov in Bifrosta (Mavričen most), ki povezuje Asgard in Midgard. Freya je boginja plodnosti in ena izmed najpomembnejših boginj v mitologiji. Poleg bogov so še Norne – sojenice, ki so mogočnejše od bogov samih in Valkire, ki so Odinove bojevnice, katere so izbrale padle bojevnike in jih odnesle v Valhallo. (ibid.)

Asgard je kraljestvo Aesirjev, kjer imajo svoje palače, dvorce oziroma sobane. Varuje ga ogromen zid, ki preprečuje vstop velikanom. Med vojno z Vanirji je bil uničen in ko je prišel velikan, spremenjen v moškega, so bogovi neradi sprejeli njegovo zahtevo za

1 Imena sem pustila takšna, kakršna so v slovarju Norse Mythology A to Z (Daly 2010) in jih nisem poslovenila. Razlika je samo v sklanjatvi imen zaradi lažjega branja.

7 gradnjo zidu – če mu uspe zgraditi celotno obzidje v določenem času (na Lokijevo zamisel so mu bogovi dali šest mesecev), dobi za nagrado Freyo, Sonce in Luno. Za pomoč pri gradnji je imel žrebca Svadilfarija, s katerim bi z lahkoto dokončal nalogo, a mu je ga Loki – spremenjen v kobilo, speljal in se z njim sparil. Zaradi neuspeha je bil s Thorove strani usmrčen. Loki je čez nekaj mesecev prinesel svojega sina, osemnogega žrebička, in ga poklonil Odinu, ki ga je poimenoval Sleipnir. (ibid.)

Valhalla je dvorana, ki jo je zgradil Odin in notri so prejeti junaki pobiti v bitkah. Čez dan se borijo, ponoči pa gostijo. Valkire, njihova vodja je Freya, vodijo padle v dvorano. Vsi so pripravljeni, da ko pride do Ragnaroka, gredo v vojno, kjer bodo znova ubiti. (ibid.)

Midgard je kraljestvo ljudi, je planet Zemlja, ki je povezana z Asgardom preko Bifrosta. Legenda pravi, da naj bi bili prvi ljudje izrezani iz dreves – prvi moški Ask iz jesena, prva ženska Embla pa iz bresta. (ibid.)

Jotunheim je kraljestvo ledenih velikanov in ogrov, kjer je pokrajina gorata in zmrznjena. Thor je velikokrat potoval tja in se bojeval z velikani. Bilo je veliko porok med Aesirji in Jotuni, čeprav so se sovražili. Lokijev oče je Jotun Farbauti, mati pa velikanka Laufey; Loki je odraščal v Asgardu kot »polbrat« Thora. (ibid.) Lokija imenujejo tudi Laufeyson – po navadi je, da sinovi nosijo očetovo ime in 'son' (na primer – Thor je lahko tudi Odinson), da se ve, od kod so njegove korenine, a v Lokijevem primeru ima mamino ime, saj ga je Frabauti zavrgel, ker je bil kot novorojenec premajhen za Jotuna in zato ni želel imeti ničesar z njim. Loki je bil kasneje poklican pred Farbautija in ta ga je prepričeval, naj vzame njegovo ime, ampak se je Loki odločil za materino.


3 Predstavitev igralcev vlog

Igralci vlog so ljudje, ki so različno začeli igrati, se ukvarjati s kostumi ali drugače prišli do igranja likov. Na kratko jih bom opisala, da se v nadaljevanju malo bolje razumejo njihovi odgovori ter dodala slike njihovih skandinavskih likov (slike so vzete iz albumov igralcev na njihovih Facebook straneh).

Cutie Shy Cosplay – 19 let, ženska, Velika Britanija. Z igranjem vlog je začela pri štirinajstih letih, leta 2008, ko je predstavljala lik iz anime risanke. Poleg drugih likov igra tudi žensko verzijo Thora, ki je njen najljubši lik. Je tudi samooklicana plus size igralka, saj je debelušna, ampak je to ena stvar več, s katero želi močnejše igralce vlog spodbuditi k igranju (Does size matter 2013). V nadaljevanju jo bom navajala kot Cutie Shy. (Slika 1)

Idromy – 28, ženska, Belgija. Začela je z dvajsetimi leti in ima za seboj osem let igranja. Vsako leto poskuša narediti vsaj šest kostumov, poleg naročil, ki jih dobiva od drugih igralcev. Povečini uprizarja ženske like, ampak zdaj bo poskušala še z moškimi – predstavljala je že Fenrirja in Jacquesa. (Sliki 2 in 3)

Loki Hates You – 31, moški, Združene države Amerike. Uradno je začel z igranjem oktobra 2012, ampak je obiskoval shode od 2006 naprej. Njegov glavni lik je Loki, ki ga igra od 2012 dalje in je precej znan. Začel je z Lokijevo telirano obleko iz Studgarta, zdaj pa ima popolno prinčevsko opravo iz filma 'The Avengers'. (Sliki 4 in 5)

Saphira – 26, ženska (biološki spol; drugače genderfluid), Nemčija. Njen prvi pravi shod je bil Connichi 2010, kjer je predstavljala Yami Yugi (YuGiOh, op. a.), pri desetih letih pa je bila Sailor Moon na manjšem združenju. Danes je Loki, poleg Luciferja (iz serije Supernatural, op. a.) glavni lik. Letos bo še igrala Tinkerbell iz Peter Pana. Je prijateljica z Ukiyo Cosplay in skupaj ponavadi hodita na shode. (Sliki 6 in 7)

Thor Odinson – 34, ženska (biološki spol; drugače je moški (transgender)), Škotska. Z igranjem je začel oktobra 2012 in igra Thora. S tem je začel, ker je želel kreativen ventil in je tudi način socializiranja. Thor je njegov glavni lik, ampak si želi igrati še Kristoffa iz risanke 'Frozen' (Ledeno kraljestvo), Erica iz 'Snow White and the Huntsman', James Hunta iz 'Rush'. (Slika 8)


Ukiyo Cosplay (znana tudi kot Loki the real king of Asgard) – 22, ženska, Nemčija. Zaradi Pokemon risanke si je leta 2006 želela igrati. Njen prvi kostum je bil kupljen v spletni trgovini e-Bay, kasneje pa si je vse kostume sama sešila. Glavni lik je Loki, s Saphiro pa hodita po shodih v Nemčiji in skupaj predstavljata princa Lokija. V nadaljevanju jo bom navajala kot Ukiyo. (Sliki 9 in 10)

Do teh oseb sem prišla preko Facebook strani in Tumblr. Poskušala sem tudi prek Twitterja, ampak pri tej strani nisem imela uspeha. Kontaktirala sem trinajst ljudi, z določenimi sem bila zmenjena za pogovor, vendar kljub opomnikom sem na koncu imela pogovore z zgoraj opisanimi, kar mi je zadostovalo. Predvidevam, da je bil problem ta, ker imajo nekateri svoje strani urejene tako, da jim določeno pošto razvrsti med vsiljeno pošto in tako niso videli moje prošnje.

S temi osebami sem imela različne vrste intervjujev – Skype, Facebook in Gmail. Najlažje je bilo preko Skype-a in Facebook-a, saj je šlo za direktno izmenjavo informacij in ni bilo čakanja na odgovor. Pri Gmail-u sem osebam poslala vprašalnik, a je s tem hkrati bolj oddaljena komunikacija in ni takšnega osebnega odnosa, zato se odgovori med seboj zelo razlikujejo po količini samih informacij. Seveda sem se prilagajala sogovornikom in če niso želeli direktnega stika, jim tega nisem vsiljevala. Poskušala sem biti enaka do vseh; a s tistimi, s katerimi sem imela bližnji kontakt, je bil občutek boljši – lahko sem videla mimiko, kar je pripomoglo, da se je kakšna tema bolj razvila.

3.1 Terminologija Glede terminologije sem se odločila, da bom poskušala uporabljati približne prevode in se jih tudi držati skozi celotno nalogo. Za samo besedo cosplay bom uporabljala več izrazov - kostumirane igre (v nadaljevanju bodo večinoma omenjene samo kot igre) ali uprizarjanje, čeprav bi se beseda najlažje prevedla kot preoblačenje v kostume in poosebitev likov oziroma vlog določenih likov. Cosplayer je vsak, ki se obleče v želeni lik, po navadi najljubši, ravna tako kot on in ga v vsakem primeru poskuša najbolje posnemati, a ga bom preimenovala v igralca vlog (za žensko obliko igralka vlog) oziroma kasneje samo igralec/igralka. Convention se mora razumeti kot shode ali druženje igralcev vlog na določenem mestu, kjer se srečajo, imajo možnost fotografiranja s profesionalnimi ali polprofesionalnimi fotografi, obiskovalcem (ali non-cosplayers) posvetijo nekaj svojega


časa in možnost za fotografiranje, hkrati pa se na tem mestu predstavljajo tudi kot promotorji svojega dela, ne samo kot igralci vlog.

Najbolj znani shodi v ZDA so San Diego Comic-Con International, Wondercon, New York Comic Con, Anime Expo, Otakon, , v Evropi pa F.A.C.T.S. (Belgija), East European Comic Con (Romunija), London Film and Comic Con (Velika Britanija), MCM London Comic Con (prej poznan pod imenom London MCM Expo) (Velika Britanija), Wales Comic Con (Wales), (Finska). Iz drugih celin so še Comic Con India (vsako leto je v New Delhiju), Middle East Film and Comic Con (Dubaj), Comiket (Japonska), Festival Internacional de Quadrinhos (Brazilija) in drugi. (List of comic book conventions 2014).

Imen likov, sogovornikov, filmov in preostalih stvari ne bom poslovenila, ampak pustila kot so v originalu. Sprememba bo samo v sklanjatvi zaradi lažjega branja in sledenja temi.


4 Kostumirane igre

Igre vlog likov so se najprej pojavile na Japonskem, kjer je še danes center izhajanja popularnosti iger. Najprej se je začelo s stripi (manga), nadaljevalo z risankami (anime), ki so preplavile svet in marsikdo je začel z igranjem prav zaradi japonskega vpliva na njhovo življenje.

Ameriška družba je hitro vzljubila ta del japonske kulture, v nasprotju z evropsko, kjer je ta priljubljenost napredovala počasneje. »Kostumirane igre so na meji, da postanejo napomembnejša stvar v ameriški pop kulturi« (Hartstein po Walsh 2011). Z novim tisočletjem se ni več govorilo o igrah, ki so fokusirane samo na japonske medije, ampak se je igranje likov (predvsem) razširilo na junake Marvela, DC Comics in nekaterih ameriških video igric (Walsh 2011). Največji premik pri igrah se je zgodil okoli leta 2008, ko se je uprizarjanje likov pojavilo tako na San Diego Comic Con-u, kot tudi na Dragon Con-u, ki veljata za največja ameriška shoda za ljubitelje stripov in znanstvene fantastike (idib.)

In če je zahodni svet bolj sproščen glede prostora uprizarjanja likov, ki ni striktno določen samo na območje shoda, ampak tudi izven, smatrajo japonski igralci te prostore izven shoda za tabu in se zato tudi izogibajo igranje likov, če se ne nahajajo na prizorišču uprizarjanja (glej Casey 2010: 20-21).

O samih kostumiranih igrah bi lahko rekla, da za igralca vlog ne pomenijo samo preživljanja prostega časa, ampak velik del njihovega življenja, saj so jim prav igre omogočile življenje, kot ga imajo danes – ne finančno stabilnost ali materialnih dobrin, ampak samozavest glede njih samih, spoprijem s psihičnimi in tudi telesnimi problemi, zmožnost izboljšanja ročnih in umetniških spretnosti. Našli so partnerja, ki jih razume in pomaga. Igralci so v večini začeli precej mladi z igrami, čeprav se takrat še niso imeli za »prave« igralce vlog, ampak so šli na shode zaradi zanimanja, radovednosti, ker so mogoče spremljali prijatelje ali ker so videli prijatelje igrati in so želeli preizkusiti igro ali pa je za tem kakšen drugi razlog.

Potrebno se je zavedati, da igranje ni nekaj novega, ampak je prisotno že dalj časa in se čedalje bolj razvija in širi. Tako kot se je v 70-ih letih 20. stoletja igralo like iz Star Wars ali serije Star Trek (če gledam na zahodni svet), so na Japonskem že igrali like iz animejev in mang. Ta fenomen postaja vedno bolj priljubljen, saj mladim omogoča, da širijo krog

12 znancev in prijateljev, izoblikujejo svoj slog in stil življenja ter spoznavajo druge kulture in načine življenja. Prav tako pa je skupnost odprta za gejevske skupine (LGBTQA2), če pa igralci v domačem okolju nimajo podpore glede svoje spolne usmerjenosti, jo lahko najdejo v skupnosti. Takšna pomoč velikokrat reši probleme, ki so se nakopičili skozi čas.

Miyazaki Hayao, eden najboljših anime ustvarjalcev, je mnenja, da subkulture znotraj fandom3-ov pomagajo ustvariti prostor skupnosti, kamor lahko ljudje pridejo in so sprejeti takšni kakršni so, saj jim le-ti omogočajo medsebojno povezovanje pri istem interesu – tako vedo, da niso sami. (Napier po Casey 2010: 8)

Casey ugotavlja, da je prav zaradi medijev posameznikova identiteta – tako osebna, kot tudi nacionalna, postavljena pod vprašaj. Zato sodelovanje v fandomih in subkulturah omogoči osebi izoblikovati identiteto, ki temelji na skupnih interesih in informacijah. Anime je bil vedno sodelujoča skupnost in uprizarjanje risanih likov kaže vrh tega sodelovanja (to se lahko preslika tudi na preostale fandome, ki so popularni drugod po svetu, op. a.). S uprizarjanjem igralec ne obleče samo kostuma, ampak je njegova preobleka povezana s transformacijo identitete. (Casey 2010: 10, 12)

Kostum lika ni sestavljena obleka, ki spominja na original, ampak je prepletenost materialov, detajlov, pripomočkov, ki lahko variirajo med orožjem, orodjem, lepotnim dodatkom. Obvezni so tudi pričeska, ličila, nakit, obutev. Vse to skupaj tvori celoto lika, ki jo igralec sestavi in na koncu tudi uprizori. Čeprav se igralci nagibajo k popolni kopiji, to vedno ni možno, saj so potrebne modifikacije kostuma, ki so lahko bolj ali manj opazne4. Ponavadi se za bolj zahtevne kostume odločajo igralci, ki imajo znanje in spretnosti za ustvarjanje z določenimi materiali, lahko pa dele kostuma naročijo pri ustvarjalcih.

Fotografi prispevajo k prepoznavnosti igralcev, objavljajo njihove fotografije na svojih straneh, kot tudi na straneh igralcev in tako delno vplivajo na svojo ter igralčevo popularnost. Pomembno je tudi kako fotograf skozi objektiv predstavi igralca in njegov lik,

2 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexuals, Transsexual, Queer (ali Questioning), Asexual (ali Allies). Ponavadi se uporablja oznaka LGBT, ampak ker je precej seksistična in ne zajame vseh spolnih identitet. Moje osebno mnenje glede kratic Q in A je, da prvo stoji za Questioning, saj ima lahko Queer negativne konotacije, drugo pa stoji za Asexuals, saj smatram aseksualnost za identiteto, ki stoji sama zase, tako kot preostale, medtem ko Allies nima nobene zveze s spolnimi identitetami kot to, da je podpornik. 3 Fandom – skupnost, ki se navdušuje samo za eno stvar – na primer: Marvel fandom, Star Trek fandom, Harry Potter fandom ipd. Posameznik lahko pripada večjemu številu fandomov. Oboževalci v fandomih delijo risbe, slike, fanfiction (zgodbe, ki se dogajajo okoli ene ali večih oseb, lahko so prijateljsko, romantično, seksualno povezane), pesmi, in drugo. 4 Primeri so Iron Man, Stormtrooper, Transformerji, Xenomorph in drugi.

13 kako ga igralec predstavlja, obstoj lika v sferi iz katere izhaja in tudi sfero samo (glej Rauch, Bolton 2010: 176-190).

Uprizarjanje in igranje likov ni samo poziranje fotografom in druženje s preostalimi igralci in obiskovalci, ampak je tudi možnost, da na tekmovanjih igralci predstavijo svoje delo in pridejo na oder kot izbrani lik. To ni podobno modni pisti, saj zahteva da v času nastopa predstaviš svoj lik kar se da dosledno in kvalitetno, saj se podeljujejo tudi nagrade. Sodniki ponavadi sedijo za mizo pred odrom in ocenjujejo nastope, lahko pa so pomešani med množico in hodijo po prostoru shoda.

Da nekdo postane sodnik na tekmovanju shoda, ga organizator ponavadi kontaktira in vpraša ali želi sodelovati. V večini primerov organizator krije stroške letalske karte in nastanitve v hotelu – odvisno, kje se shod dogaja in od kod prihajajo sodniki. (glej Idromy, intervju 28. 12. 2013)

Kot sem zasledila na strani Tumblr, je blogerka skylarsugarsocks napisala:

Veliko ljudi začne s hobiji, da bi zmanjšali stres in si zbistrili njihove misli; in potem so tukaj igralci vlog5 (skylarsugarsocks 2013).

Kostumirane igre so konjiček in ne služba, čeprav lahko na koncu meseca presegajo število delovnih ur, saj to je delo za dušo in ne obveza – kadarkoli lahko začneš in tudi odnehaš. Ni starostne omejitve in takšno delo je lahko v užitek. Sogovorniki za svoje igranje ne prejemajo plačila, v svetu pa so poznani tudi primeri igralcev, ki jim uprizarjanje pomeni vsakdanje delo6.

Cutie Shy je napisala, da ji uprizarjanje veliko pomeni, saj je tako lahko kdorkoli. Igralec vlog pa je nekdo, ki se preobleče v like za zabavo, s kostumom – narejenim ali kupljenim, ki je podoben kostumu lika. (Cutie Shy Cosplay, intervju 27. 3. 2014)

Za Loki Hates You so igre konjiček za ljudi, ki ljubijo pozornost, kar lahko hitro povzroči ljubosumje in opravljanje v skupnosti; hkrati pa so lahko zelo ljubeznivi in pripravljeni pomagati drug drugemu. Njemu pomenijo nekaj, s čimer se zamoti, saj njegova služba

5 A lot of people take up hobbies to reduce stress and clear their minds then there are cosplayers. (spookysugarsocks, Tumblr 2013) 6 Primer je lahko Yaya Han.

14 včasih preveč zahteva, in je odlična stvar za spoznavanje novih ljudi; poleg tega pa je še promocija njega, kot osebe z mnogimi interesi. Igralec vlog je zanj vsakdo, ki uživa v Halloween ali kostumiranih zabavah, saj nihče ne bi smel garati za naslov ali iti preko preverjanja, da bi bil lahko klican igralec vlog. »Kostumirane igre so konjiček in ustvarjanje. Kostumi so oblika umetnosti, ki jo je težko najti na razstavah v muzejih ali galerijah.« (Loki Hates You, intervju 29. 6. 2014)

Thor Odinson za igre pravi, da so odlični načini zabave in spoznavanja novih ljudi – vsaj dokler obravnavaš igre kot nekaj prvotnega za zabavo. Če si tam, da poskušaš biti najboljši ali najpopularnejši, potem si naložiš preveč pritiska in tako izvzameš užitek iz stvari. Igre vključujejo vsakega, ki igra lik ali verzijo lika, ki ga imajo še posebej radi ali ga najdejo zanimivega. Lahko vključujejo tiste, ki si naredijo svoj lasten kostum iz ničesar (potrebno veliko spretnosti), tiste, ki naročijo svoj kostum, in tiste, ki eksperimentirajo z drugimi možnostmi, pri katerih uporabljajo sredstva, ki so jim na voljo. Zanj igre pomenijo ogromno, saj so način, s katerim se poveže in sreča z drugimi ljudmi, čeprav so med njimi precejšnje razdalje. Za igralca ima vsakogar, ki si to želi biti. (Thor Odinson, intervju 7. 3. 2014)

Saphira mi je povedala, da je z igranjem lahko nekdo, ki v resničnem življenju ne more biti, in nekdo, ki si je vedno želela biti. Hkrati početi po svojih najboljši močeh in poskušati biti čim boljši v uprizarjanju lika – izgledati kot on/-a, biti kot on/-a. Igranje vlog ni nošnja rožaste lasulje ali nošnja Akatsukijevega plašča (iz Naruto Shippunden, op. a.). Ne obstaja »pravi« igralec, ampak tukaj je razlika med igranjem vlog in nošnjo kostuma za pustovanje. Igraš s srcem in z vsem, ne samo z rožasto lasuljo. (Saphira, intervju 29. 6. 2014)

Definicij, če jim lahko tako pravim, o igranju in uprizarjanju, je toliko, kolikor je igralcev, saj ima vsak svoj pogled in mnenje na to, kaj so igre in kdo je igralec za njih. Če dodam še »definicijo« iz Wikipedije, ki pravi, da »je igra vlog uprizoritvena umetnost, pri kateri nastopajoči, igralci vlog, nosijo kostume in modne dodatke, s katerimi predstavljajo specifičen lik ali idejo, ki se ponavadi identificira z edinstvenim imenom«; njihova subkultura je skoncentrirana na role play7 (Cosplay 2014).

7 »Ko nekdo igra ali se pretvarja, da je nek lik. Hkrati, da se odigra tvoja domišljija glede "drugačnega življenja"« (Urban Dictionary, uporabnik MediaKnower 2012).


Na grobo in zelo posplošeno bi se lahko reklo, da je igralec vlog lahko vsakdo, ki to želi biti, da ne gre za tekmovanje, kdo je boljši in bolj dovršen, ampak, da uprizarjanje počne s srcem in da se obenem zabava. Gre za uprizarjanje likov, kateri so igralcem pri srcu, kateri so jim fascinantni, s katerimi se lahko poistovetijo ipd. Kostum naj bo vsaj približek originalu, če že ni (popolna) kopija.

Največkrat sta uprizorjena Thor in Loki, čeprav se najdejo tudi drugi liki iz mitologije – Idromy je igrala Fenrirja, ki je sin Lokija, drugače pa so igrani še Sif, Odin, valkire. V bistvu bi še morala vključiti Tolkienove like, saj je Tolkien zelo veliko črpal iz skandinavske mitologije – Gandalf in škratje na primer. Teh je precej, saj so pisateljeva dela oživela s filmom in upodobitve likov so privabile množice, ki so začele igrati Gandalfa, Thorina, Kilija, Filija – ti so najpogostejši; ampak jih nisem obravnavala, saj nimajo nobene osebnostne povezave z mitologijo, razen imen in, mogoče, telesnih značilnosti, zato bi bilo malce brezpredmetno vmešavati Tolkienove like, ki sami po sebi nimajo znanja izven Arde (njihovega sveta, op. a.).

Če bi jemali like oziroma božanstva direktno iz mitologije, bi bilo toliko različnih variacij, kot bi bilo ljudi, ki bi jih igrali – interpretacije oblačil, pripomočkov, obnašanja bi bile neštete in posledično bi bilo tako, da se ne bi vedelo, koga igrajo, razen če bi se predstavili. Zato se mi zdi po eni strani dobro, da so nam filmi in stripi dali neko slikovno predstavo, kako naj bi lik izgledal in tudi njegovo obnašanje, saj je s tem prihranjeno kar nekaj težav. Po mojem mnenju ni veliko ljudi, ki bi si šli do potankosti razlagati mitološki lik in njegovo ozadje, govor, karakter, če bi zanje zvedeli preko nefantazijske knjige ali drugega pisnega vira (in da vizualni mediji ne bi obstajali), samo za to, da bi jih lahko igrali in se predstavljali kot ta lik. Oprijemljivost da igralcem vizualno predstavo in poskušajo stremeti k popolnosti ali pa vsaj približku. Čeprav je potrebno imeti tako za Lokijev kot tudi za Thorov kostum precej ročnih spretnosti, tudi njuna pripomočka nista tako lahko narejena. Sogovorniki so povedali, da čeprav niso vse naredili sami, poskušajo čimveč stvari narediti ali s svojimi spretnostmi ali pa s pomočjo prijateljev. Idromy je povedala, da je obiskovala tečaj oblikovanja, na katerem se je naučila, kako izdelovati in oblikovati stvari s silikonom, lateksom (Idromy, intervju 28. 12. 2013), Ukiyo pa, da so se njene šivalne spretnosti precej izboljšale z izdelovanjem kostumov, saj jih ni želela kupovati (Ukiyo Cosplay, intervju 28. 6. 2014).


Sogovornik Loki Hates You mi je odgovoril, da je Lokijevo žezlo in kostum dal delati po naročilu, sam je spremenil oziroma dodal le usnjene ramenske ščitnike in spremenil površino čevljev, tako da je kostum čim boljša kopija originala (Loki Hates You, intervju 29. 6. 2014).

Lokija se da igrati na vsaj osem načinov (ki sem jih našla) – mladi Loki iz stripov 'Young Avengers' in iz filma 'Thor', Lady Loki (zaradi magične zmožnosti spreminjanja oblike in spola), Loki iz filmov 'Thor', 'The Avengers' (Maščevalci) in 'Thor: The dark world (Thor: Svet teme) – tukaj je opazna sprememba v značaju, oblačilih in pripomočkih, Jotun!Loki8 (tu se Loki prikaže v »pravih« barvah, saj je njegovo poreklo iz Jotunheima in ne iz Asgarda, zato ima modro kožo, različne poslikave po telesu in rdeče oči), Stuttgard!Loki (iz 'The Avengers', ko je oblečen v telirano obleko), Odin!Loki (na koncu drugega dela Thora, se Loki predstavlja kot Odin – predstavlja se ga kot Lokija z Odinovim kraljevim žezlom (Gungnir). Za Thora pa sem našla štiri verzije – mladi Thor (iz filma 'Thor' in stripov), v njegovi asgardovski opremi, ki je približno enaka skozi vse filme in stripe, čeprav se opazijo razlike, Lady Thor (čeprav Thor sam nima sposobnosti tako kot Loki, je Marvel dal v javnost novico, da bo Lady Thor zdaj uradno stripovska junakinja) in različne parodije, kot je Pikachu!Thor. Povečini se igralci osredotočijo kar na prinčevske verzije likov, saj se tako najbolj ve, koga igrajo in so tudi najbolj prepoznavni na slikah in shodih.

8 Glede klicaja - gre za vzporejanje dveh stvari; ponavadi je ena od njih oseba ali lik. Beseda pred klicajem nikoli ni nekaj vsakdanjega – povečini se gre za preobleko, kostum ali novo obnašanje ali kaj podobnega. Originalno izhaja iz fanfiction skupnosti, še posebno v ko se zgodba dogaja v alternativnem svetu/univerzumu (znano kot AU – uporaba tudi v nadaljevanju). Na primer: Jotun!Loki pomeni, da je Loki v svoji pravi obliki in se zgodba dogaja na primer ali okoli tega, kako se spoprijema s svojim pravim poreklom ali kako namesto svojega pravega očeta vodi kraljestvo Jotumheim ipd. V alternativnem univerzumu je nešteto možnosti za vsak lik, njegovo obnašanje, življenje, itd.


5 Skupnost in nadlegovanje igralcev vlog

Posplošilo bi se lahko, da ima vsaka država, kjer se dogajajo ali pa so zametki kostumiranih iger vsaj eno skupnost igralcev (community). Ponavadi so člani povezani na skupni internetni strani, kjer se dogovarjajo za prikaz likov, ideje za like, nasvete pri ustvarjanju kostumov in kar še sodi zraven. Od igralca je odvisno, če se bo pridružil tej skupnosti, saj so skupnosti tudi na internetu – Facebook strani, različni forumi, kjer se da povezati s tujimi igralci. Večina igralcev, ki se z igranjem ukvarja že dlje časa, ima Facebook stran, kjer objavljajo svoje slike, videe, in jim lahko ljudje sledijo. Vsi sogovorniki imajo to stran, vsaj še poleg Twitter ali Tumblr strani, saj tako najlažje promovirajo svoje uprizoritve in da jih ljudje najdejo.

Velikokrat pa se zgodi, da obiskovalci ne marajo določenih igralcev, samo zaradi tega, ker jim ne odgovarjajo po postavi, barvi kože, spola ali uprizarjanja lika in tako pride do mobinga ali celo kaj hujšega. Zgodilo se je že, da so igralce lažje ali huje poškodovali, zunaj hale shoda, ne glede na spol. Igralci se zavzemajo, da bi bila na shodih prisotna varnostna služba ali policija, saj je teh incidentov vedno več. Tiskani mediji redko poročajo o tem, razen če se zgodi res huda nesreča. Več informacij o tem se najde na internetnih straneh, forumih. Poroča se o spolnem namigovanju in nadlegovanju, kjer je ženski spol glavna žrtev, zato se vedno opozarja, da kostumirane igre niso odobritev za dotikanje ali spolni akt9, ne glede na to, kar igralec/igralka predstavlja. Na shodih se zgodi, da večinoma moški zgrabijo, se dotaknejo igralke ali med slikanjem ali med pogovorom ali pri mimohodu, ne da bi ona to dovolila.

Na strani Geeks for CONsent igralci in igralke delijo zgodbe o nadlegovanju, ki so se zgodile njim ali njihovim prijateljem. Rae je povedala, da je ni nadlegoval nihče drug kot ženska varnostnica, saj je želela vedeti, zakaj si je oblekla izjemno boobalicious kostum, ki je zelo poudaril njeno oprsje in se ga je želela tudi dotakniti, vendar je moški igralec posredoval in jo opomnil, da njeni komentarji niso sprejemljivi; še posebej, ker je tukajšnja varnostnica, in da so vsi igralci pod kostumi in ličili navadni ljudje. Claudii se je zgodilo, da je bila večkrat nadlegovana, saj ima večje oprsje, in da je med prebiranjem stripovskih zabojev začutila erekcijo naključnega obiskovalca na njeni zadnjici. Calico je nek moški nadlegoval, nato pa otipaval in jo dvignil v naročje. Jamiejino prijateljico, ki je še

9 Cosplay is not consent (cosplay ≠ consent).

18 nepolnoletna, je odrasel moški zgrabil za prsi in nato stekel stran – ni želela opozoriti varnostnikov, saj se ji to ni zgodilo prvič. Kamokuu, ki jo je opit moški želel poljubiti, ga je s prijateljico prijavila varnostni službi. Ker sta ga kasneje zopet opazili na shodu, sta ponovno stopili do varnostnikov in ugotovili, da so mu le-ti dovolili ostati na shodu. Pojasnilo šefa varnostnikov je bilo, da bodo zoper opitega moškega ukrepali šele, ko bo proti njemu ponovno podana pritožba. Šef varnostne službe je ocenil, da je pritožba Kamokuu in preostalih igralk, ki jih je ta moški poljubil, v nasprotju s trditvijo opitega moškega. (zgodbe povzete iz strani Geek for CONsent 2014)

V videu HollabackPHILLY Comic Con Tour: Cosplayer Harassment so tri dekleta spraševale igralke vlog o nadlegovanju na shodih in kaj se je zgodilo njim, kakšno je bilo njihovo počutje. Povedale so, da se ob tem počutijo kot kup smeti, da jih obiskovalci nimajo za osebe, ampak za rekvizit, da samo zaradi bolj drznega kostuma še ne pomeni, da prosijo za nadlegovanje/seks10 in da bi morala varnostna služba bolj skrbeti za varnost, ker se ne počutijo varne (same ali s prijateljicami), če nimajo ob sebi moških prijateljev. (HollabackPHILLY 2013)

Sogovornikom se je v veliki večini dogajalo le to, da so jih obiskovalci malce »pošlatali« med slikanjem – Loki Hates You ni doživel nič agresivnega (Loki Hates You, intervju 29. 6. 2014). Saphiro pa je prijateljica na stranišču pritisnila ob zid in jo ugriznila; to se ji ni zgodilo prvič (Saphira, intervju 29. 6. 2014). Ukiyo jo je enkrat že rešila pred spolnim nadlegovanjem, drugače pa pozna tudi nekaj borilnih veščin. Če bi se morala braniti pred dekletom, bi se izšlo, če bi se pa morala braniti pred fantom, pa bi zaradi spominov na preteklost padla v šok in ne bi reagirala (ibid.). Strah jo je tudi, da bi sama morala iti na shod, oblečena v kostum, saj se boji, da bi jo pretepli (čeprav se to še ni zgodilo v mestu, kjer živi). Marsikatera oseba ima probleme z dojemanjem drugačnosti posamznikov, kar lahko sproži nadlegovanje (ibid.).

Loki Hates You je to potrdil. V Ameriki ljudje na ulicah lahko marsikdaj odreagirajo negativno na stvari, ki jih ne razumejo in, čeprav se mu to zaenkrat še ni zgodilo, ne poskuša pritegniti preveč pozornosti, ko gre na avtobus ali vlak, da obišče shod, oblečen kot Loki. (Loki Hates You, intervju 14. 7. 2014)

10 Asking for it.


Obstaja pa tudi mobing igralcev, ki ga obiskovalci izvajajo nad njimi zaradi tega, ker jim fizično niso po godu ali »napačno« prikazujejo lik. Cutie Shy je imela, skupaj z igralko Teh Princess, intervju z Beckii Cruel na strani League of Extraordinary Cosplayers, kjer sta govorili o igranju vlog če je igralec ali igralka močnejše postave. (v nadaljevanju povzemam iz odgovorov obeh igralk, intervju 'Does size matter?' 2013)

Od igralca je odvisno, kako definira močnejšo postavo, ampak obline ne spadajo vedno v to kategorijo, čeprav večina ljudi danes tako misli (Teh Princess). V anime skupnosti so ljudje razdeljeni – nekateri to podpirajo, drugi želijo omejiti igranje v določene okvire, saj suha dekleta estetsko bolj ugajajo, vendar so igre namenjene zabavi. Čeprav lik izgleda malo močnejši, to še ne pomeni, da ima kdorkoli pravico nesramno komentirati njihovo uprizoritev ali ročne spretnosti (Teh Princess). Cutie Shy zaenkrat še ni prejela nesramnih sporočil na svoji Facebook strani, medtem ko je Teh Princess dobila nekaj precej zlobnih komentarjev, ki pa se niso navezovali na njeno igranje ali spretnosti, temveč na njeno močnejšo postavo. Za uprizarjanje iger si ne želita shujšati, če že, bosta to storili zase, ne za druge. Izogibata se likom, ki kažejo preveč kože. Teh Princess pravi, da se morajo močnejši igralci desetkrat bolj truditi, da impresionirajo občinstvo kot pa »navadni« igralci. Ampak to ponavadi ni poudarjeno. Cutie Shy si želi, da bi vsi videli močnejše igralce kot »prave« igralce vlog, Teh Princess pa, da bi ljudje videli trud in denar, ki se vloži v kostume ter da nihče ne sme biti obravnavati kot manjvreden samo zaradi tega, ker niso številke 36.

Pod komentarji je uporabnik dornredeyes zapisal:

Na koncu pridemo do tega. Če tako zelo obožuješ lik, da se vanj preoblečeš, stori to. Nikoli ne dovoli, da ti nekdo govori, da nisi dovolj dober za nekaj. To so igre vlog (vsaj zame). Naj se tvoje navdušenje pokaže. Briga me, če imaš brado, če si želiš igrati Sailor Moon, potem naredi to11. (Does size matter? 2013)

Ko je uporabnik Anime Freak komentiral: »Žalosten sem, ker vam moram sporočiti, da so liki v anime in video igrah ponavadi suhi in čudoviti in če ne ustrezate profilu enega od likov, kot jaz, potem raje izberite stranski lik, kot sta aba (predvidevam, da misli Jabba The

11 Essentially it boils down to this. If you love a character enough to dress up as them, DO IT. Never let anyone tell you you aren’t good enough to like something. That’s what Cosplay is (for me at least). Let your passion show. I don’t care if you have a beard, if you want to dress up as Sailor Moon then f’ing do it. (dornredeyes 2013)


Hutt iz 'Star Wars', op. a.) ali e.honda (Edmond Honda iz video igre 'Street Fighter', op. a.). Ne preoblečem se v Wesley Snipes zaradi tega, ker nisem črn, zatorej se tudi vi ne bi smeli preobleči v suh lik, ker ste debeli 12 . »(Does size matter? 2013)«, so bili odgovori neodobravajoči in realni. Ne samo, da je celoten komentar seksističen in antifeminističen, tudi zavrača idejo, da je uprizarjanje likov za vse osebe, ne glede na obliko telesa, barvo kože, spol, ampak, da za »prave« igralce sprejema samo tiste, ki popolnoma ustrezajo liku iz določenega medija. Že res, da se da določene telesne značilnosti vzeti kot prednost in igrati like, ki jih drugače ne bi; ampak to še ne pomeni, da bi morali preostali, ki tem »kriterijem ne zadoščajo«, opustiti misel na te like. Pomembno je, da se pri uprizarjanju igralci počutijo dobro in samozavestno, preostalo pride spotoma. Za piko na i v tem poglavju naj še citiram komentar osebe her, ki je zadela bistvo:

Strinjam se. Verjamem v to, da so za ženske postavljeni drugačni standardi, ko gre za družbo na splošno, še posebej v anime/znanstveno-fantastičnem/fantazijskem/stripovskem žanru. To je veliko večji problem, kot se nekateri zavedajo in se reflektira v naših konjičkih. Kar je še hujše, je to, da če ženska ustreza kriteriju »popolne uprizoritve lika«, je največkrat oklicana za vlačugo ali pa, da se preveč trudi. Videla sem, da je bilo dekletom rečeno – v bistvu rečeno od naključnih moških – da so v fandomu zaradi napačnih razlogov ali da niso »prave privrženke«. Kako, prosim? Z nekaterimi ljudmi preprosto ne prideš skupaj, zato moraš stvari delati zase (to se nanaša tudi na fante, ki so bili nadlegovani)13. (Does size matter? 2013)

12 I am sad to inform everyone that the characters in anime and video games are usually skinny and beautiful if you do not fit a profile like myself of one of the characters then pick a side character like jaba or e.honda. I don’t dress up like wesley snipes because I am not black nor should you dress as a skinny character because you are fat. (uporabnik Anime Freak, Does size matter?2013) 13 I agree. I believe women are held to a different standard when it comes to society in general, let alone in the anime/sci-fi/fantasy/comic book genres. It’s a bigger problem than many realize and is reflected in our hobbies. What’s worse is if a women DOES fit the ‘perfect cosplay’ criteria she’s often called a slut or is trying too hard. I’ve seen girls told–actually told by random guys–that they’re in the fandom for the wrong reasons or they’re not a ‘true fan’. Excuse me? There’s just no winning with some people, that’s why you gotta do things for yourself (this applies to harassed guys as well). (uporabnica her, Does size matter? 2013)


6 Kostumi likov

Tu bom bolj podrobno govorila o kostumih likov in njihovih razlikah med filmi, stripi in mitologijo14. Ko omenjam, da je treba imeti določene stvari, s tem mislim na to, da je to obvezno, saj je splošno znano oziroma uradno. Lahko se spreminja dolžina, odtenki barv, okrasitev ipd., ampak glavno je, da je celota kostuma jasna občinstvu.

6.1 Thor O Thorovem kladivu Mjollnir je znano, da predstavlja moč Thora in strelo, ki jo Thor personificira. Kladivo ima ogromno glavo in kratek ročaj, nekako pa ponazarja križ. Stoletja so ga Nordijci imeli za amulet in so ga tudi vklesali na nagrobnike in runske kamne (danes je predvsem popularen kot obesek na verižicah, kot tetovaža, ali je drugače uporabljen, op. a.). Božanstva so ga imela za njihovo največjo dragocenost – vedno ko ga je Thor vrgel, je zadel tarčo in se nato kot bumerang vrnil v njegove roke. Bil je tudi simbol plodnosti, obuditve. Uporabljal se je na porokah in na pogrebih. (Daly 2010) V filmih ni toliko narejen kot križ, ampak nekako spominja na črko T. V stripih se Mjollnir spreminja – povečini je takšen kot v filmih, ampak lahko ima tudi drugačno obliko. Poleg Mjollnirja ima še magičen pas Megingjardir ali pas moči (njegovo ime je zapisal Snorri Sturluson, drugače je v Eddah samo opisan), ki Thoru podvoji njegove moči (ibid.). Stripi so ga prikazali ali kot zlat ali kot usnjen pas, v filmih pa je pas narejen kot del oklepa in ni posebno izpostavljen, zato sprva niti nisem bila popolnoma prepričana, če so ga sploh uporabili. Poleg teh dveh magičnih stvari pa še ima železne rokavice, s katerimi lahko zdrobi skale (ibid.), hkrati pa mu varujejo podlahti pred Mjollnirjem. V filmu 'Thor' je imel preproste ščitnike za podlahti, brez pretiranega okrasja, v 'The Avengers' je imel vrisano Lokijevo čelado, v 'Thor: The Dark World' pa zopet precej preproste ščitnike.

Pri uprizarjanju Thora je potrebno imeti daljše svetle lase, Mjollnir, zgornji del oklepa z okroglimi našitki (skozi filme se spreminjajo – ali so povezani ali ne) in ščitnike na podlahteh, črne hlače in škornje – te so približno glavne kostumske značilnosti. Lahko se doda tudi brada, železna srajca, ki ščiti zgornji del rok, čelada s krilci, rdeče ogrinjalo, če si

14 Določen del o razlikah med filmi, stripi in mitologijo sem pisala že v seminarski nalogi Konstrukcija identitete nordicizma pri mladih (v severni Evropi) (Videc 2013: 9-10).


želi imeti popolno kopijo filmskega in stripovskega junaka. So razlike med tremi filmi, ampak niso tako zelo opazne, kot so pri Lokiju.

6.2 Lady Thor Za Lady Thor je po slikah sodeč potrebno imeti opaznejši dekolte v oklepu, ščitnike na podlahteh, oprijete hlače, škornje z visoko peto, čelado s krilci (brez ali z vrhnjim delom), rdeče ogrinjalo, svetle lase, naličen obraz. Vsaka igralka prilagodi kostum tako, da ji ustreza glede na postavo in da ji ustreza določena razgaljenost. Marvel je že izdal glavni osnutek, kako bo izgledal Thor v ženski obliki in njegov kostum – čelada je podobna. Dodano ima nekakšno zaščito za oči, čez oprsje ima oklep, ki se neha pri trebušni votlini, čez trebuh ima pas (tako kot ga ima v mitologiji), roke ima gole, razen podlahti, ki so zaščitene z usnjeno-železnimi ščitniki; preko hlač ima nekakšno krilo, črne oprijete hlače. Zanimivo bo videti, koliko se bodo spremenili kostumi zdaj, ko je prišla uradna verzija v javnost. Večje spremenjenosti predvidevam da ne bo, razen določenih podrobnosti - vseeno se bo prepoznalo, da je to (Lady) Thor, saj je Mjollnir nezamenljiv.

Cutie Shy igra Fem!Thor, za katero ima ogrinjalo, rokavice, top (zgornji del oblačila) in pajkice. Ima tudi lasuljo, ki jo je stala šest funtov. Za Thora se je odločila, ker je neverjeten, močan lik in si je želela igrati takšen lik, ampak ga je potem spremenila v žensko obliko. O samem liku (iz Marvel univerzuma) nekaj ve, ampak o Thoru iz mitologije pa ne preveč. (Cutie Shy Cosplay, intervju 27. 3. 2014)

6.3 Loki Pri njem se bom najbolj skoncentrirala na vse tri filme, saj so najbolj vplivali na različnost kostumov. V 'Thoru' je njegov kostum predvsem usnjen, razen nekaterih predelov, ki so ali iz mehkejših materialov ali pa kovine. Medtem ko ima Thor roke zaščitene s kovinskimi ploščicami (način železne srajce), ima Loki s temi ploščicami zavarovano telo, roke pa so prekrite z usnjem in s srajco – tu se predvideva, da gre za to, da je Thor bolj bojevniške narave in potrebuje zaščito rok in telesa, medtem ko je Loki bog zla in ima to zaščito bolj za vsak slučaj, saj se bojem izogne z besedami. Ima pa navadne, usnjene ščitnike na

23 podlahteh. Kar ima kovinskega ali zlatega na sebi, je vse lepo očiščeno in zloščeno. Ima čelado z rogovi, zeleno ogrinjalo (ker ga vidimo večino časa brez njega, bom v njegovem primeru, za ogrinjalo imela njegov usnjen površnik, ki se skozi filme najbolj spreminja), dolgi črni usnjeni površnik (v nadaljevanju ogrinjalo), ki mu sega do kolen, črne usnjene hlače in škornje. Njegovi lasje so črni in mu ne segajo do ramen. Pri 'The Avengers' je njegov kostum bolj zapleten, saj je nadgradnja prvega. Ko se je v prvem filmu spustil iz Bifrosta, je padel v brezno vesolja, kjer so ga »pobrali« Chitauriji. Kostum je bolj dodelan, saj ima kovinske podlaktne ščitnike, ki so okrašeni, čez ogrinjalo ima jermen, ki je povezan z manjšimi pasovi na boku in nogah. Kovinske površine so bolj zdelane, kot da bi bil Loki večino časa v bojih. Te ploščice, ki so bile prej del zaščite skoraj celotnega telesa, so zdaj omejene na predel trupa in del nog. Njegovi lasje segajo do ramen in njegov pripomoček je žezlo, ki ga je dobil od Chitaurijev in mu pomaga pri ustvarjanju kaosa na Zemlji. Od vseh treh filmov izgleda njegov kostum najbolj zdelan prav v tretjem, saj se na kovinskih delih opazi, da jih nihče ni popravil in zloščil. Kovinskih ploščic se skoraj ne vidi, ima pa zgornji del ogrinjala bolj okrašen s kovino. Lasje mu segajo preko ramen. Žezlo mu je bilo odvzeto, zato je večino uprizarjan ali s kakšnim bodalom ali pa s posebnimi lisicami (bil je zapornik Asgarda zaradi zločinov iz filma 'The Avengers'). Del dogajanja v 'The Avengers' je prestavljeno v Stuttgart; in tukaj lahko vidimo Lokija v Armani obleki. Za ta kostum igralec ne potrebuje veliko – črno telirano obleko, telovnik, plašč, belo srajco, črno kravato, zeleno-zlat šal in masivno palico.

Za Odin!Loki je potrebno imeti zraven Lokijevega kostuma Odinovo kraljevo žezlo Gungnir. Pri Jotun!Loki-ju se spremeni samo barva kože na modro s črtastimi znamenji in oči postanejo rdeče.

6.4 Lady Loki Za Lokija velja, da je zelo seksualno bitje. Sam ima nenasiten spolni nagon in temu primerno naj bi izgledala Lady ali Enchantress (zapeljivka, čarovnica). Črni dolgi lasje, ki jih krasi zlata tiara ali krona, ponavadi pa kar čelada z rogovi (brez vrhnjega dela), poudarjene oči in ustnice, dolgi nohti v črni ali zeleni barvi, izrazit dekolte z bujnim

24 oprsjem, hlače so ali zelo oprijete ali pa se korzet nadaljuje v bodi in ima gole noge. Zgornji del nog ji prekriva le nekakšno krilo ali močnejši pas. Ima škornje z visokimi petami, ki so ponavadi nad koleni. Krzneno ogrinjalo ji pokriva gole roke (možnost, da ima iz korzeta speljane rokave). V Marvelovi verziji je Loki prevzel telo boginje vojne, Sif.

6.5 Sif Marvel jo je v stripih napravil v rdeče-srebrno bojno opravo. Na nek način je dokaj podobna Thoru – namesto čelade s krilci ima samo nekakšno tiaro s krilci, rdeče ogrinjalo. Njeni lasje so črni in ji segajo vsaj do sredine hrbta, ogrinjalo ima preko ramen belo krzno, roke so zaščitene s kovinskimi ščitniki, bujno oprsje ima zavarovano s kovinskim oklepom/korzetom, ki se nadaljuje v bodi – pas in do sredin beder ima delno zaščitene s srebrnim krilom. Noge so zopet zaščitene z rdečimi ščitniki. Njeno orožje je meč. Seveda se, kot vsak lik, skozi stripe spreminja, ampak približno ostaja enaka. V filmih je dokajšnja kopija stripovskega kostuma. Razlike so, da ni toliko rdeče barve. Oklep ji varuje celoten trup. Poleg meča ima še kopje in ščit.

6.6 Fenrir Idromy je na shodu predstavljala Lokijevega otroka, ki je v bistvu velikanski volk, ki je, dokler se ne zgodi Ragnarök, vklenjen s posebnimi verigami. Predstavila je tako, da je bila priklenjena na skalo, ogrnjena v kostum iz umetnega usnja, ki ga je še dodatno pobarvala, da ni bilo enobarvno. Dodala je detajle iz mitologije – na ščitnikih je imela izrisano luno z ugrizom, dodala je bodalo.

Preostali liki, ki sem jih zasledila na internetu, so še Odin, valkire, Heimdall, Hogun (Marvel), Volstagg (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Frigga. Ti liki so v manjšini, saj niso tako popularni in mogoče tudi zaradi tega, ker so za igralce nezanimivi. Idromy si je za naslednji kostum izbrala valkiro. Idejo je dobila iz Wagnerjevega ciklusa oper 'Ring of the Nibelung', kjer je videla, da je lik oblečen v popolno belino s krili. Največ dela ji bodo vzela krila, saj je potrebno pritrjevanje in lepljenje peres na ogrodje. (Idromy, intervju 28. 12. 2014)


7 Ročno in umetniško ustvarjanje kostumov

Pri dejavnosti »Do-It-Yourself«, ali »naredi sam«, posameznik uporablja surove, delno surove materiale in dele, s katerimi producira, transformira ali rekonstruira imetje, ki vključuje tudi tiste, ki so prinesene iz naravnega okolja. Te osebe so hkrati oblikovalci in graditelji. Izbirajo med nešteto materiali in orodji, zamislijo si proces dela in so hkrati inšpektorji in ocenjevalci, ko je delo končano. »Naredi sam« se razlikuje med »Arts & Crafts«, saj je vloženega več denarja in časa, uporabljajo se drugačni materiali in orodja. Art & Craft se uporablja, ko gre za notranje opremljanje, nakit, kozmetični izdelki ipd. Prosumption 15 , izraz Alvin Toffler, poudarja novaliteto ljudi, ki hkratno igrajo vloge potrošnika in proizvajalca. Prosumtion je proces, ki vključuje fizične aktivnosti, psihične zmožnosti in socio-psihološke izkušnje (Xie po Wolf in McQuitty 2011:156), saj potrošniki postanejo sodelavci v produkciji in ustvarjanju dobrin. (Wolf in McQuitty 2011: 154-6)

Ta dejavnost se lahko začne takrat, ko na trgu ali zmanjka produktov ali pa sploh niso narejeni – v primeru uprizoritev likov so to ponavadi kostumi ali pa določeni pripomočki, ki jih lik ima. Lokijevo žezlo ali Thorov Mjollnir se ponavadi naredita, saj je to hkrati izziv in delo, pri katerem se da pokazati sposobnost in domišljijo – še posebno pri žezlu. Povečini se ta rekvizita naročita pri ustvarjalcih, saj so bolj umetniško podkovani, kot nekateri igralci in stvar tudi bolje naredijo. Lahko pa jih naredijo igralci sami – sicer niso popolne kopije, se pa lahko pohvalijo s svojim delom. Pri Saphiri so ji partnerka in prijatelji naredili žezlo (in del kostuma).

Idromy se je udeležila posebnih delavnic, na katerih se je naučila, kako pravilno delati s silikonom in lateksom – tako je osvojila spretnost, s katero si pomaga pri ustvarjanju kostumov, kot tudi, da drugim naredi kakšne rekvizite. Igralka je, po mojem mnenju, naredila fantastičen kostum za lik Queen Odette iz video igre Odin Sphere – pod krilom je imela pajka, ki ga je najprej skrivala, nato pa razkrila in ga naredila tako, da je izgledal, kot da je njeno »prevozno sredstvo«. Za takšen projekt je potrebno imeti potrpežljivost in iznajdljivost. V intervjuju mi je zaupala, da vse skupaj ni bilo tako težko (po teži), saj je

15 Prosumer je oseba, ki mešanica med potrošnikom in proizvajalcem. Ali amater, ki dela z orodji in materiali za profesionalce in naredi stvar sam.

26 večina narejena iz lateksa in silikona. Pajek je recikliran - narejen iz materialov njenih prejšnjih kostumov ali iz kostumov prijateljev.

Na shodih se lahko predvidi, da se bo opazila razlika med začetniki in tistimi, ki so kdaj že bili na teh konvencijah. Oba izraza – amater in profesionalec, imata tako pozitivne kot negativne konotacije. Pri amaterju oziroma začetniku (lahko tudi poimenovan »rookie« ali celo »comic con virgin«, čeprav se zadnji izraz lahko ima tudi za obiskovalca, ne samo za igralca vlog), je tako, da je na njem, ali bo poiskal na shodih tudi kakšno pomoč glede ustvarjanja kostumov, predstavljanja likov in vsega, kar se tiče celotnega uprizarjanja, ali bo poskušal narediti brez pomoči. Amaterstvo je asociirano s konjički ali aktivnostmi, ki so honorarna, priložnostna in neplačana (Beegan, Atkinson 2008: 310).

Danes je na spletu moč najti ogromno informacij glede igranja vlog in kako narediti svoje kostume; ampak tega ne bi bilo, če profesionalci teh svojih sposobnosti izdelovanja in napotkov ne bi posredovali naprej ali jih nasploh delili. Od njih je tudi odvisno če, bodo začetnikom pomagali – tu pa se lahko začne kazati tudi arogantnost, vzvišenost nad začetniki, saj je možnost sarkastičnih odgovorov, ignoriranje sporočil in drugo. Kolikor sem dobila občutek med intervjuji, se to ne dogaja pogosto, se pa najdejo tudi takšni primeri. Idromy mi je povedala, da njen začetek ni bil lahek, ne zaradi tega, ker ne bi spraševala naokoli, ampak ker je bil v tistih časih (približno deset let nazaj) prostor uprizarjanja v Belgiji tako majhen, da so v veliki večini bili vsi začetniki. V njenem primeru ji ni težko pomagati tistim, ki jo prosijo za pomoč, naj bo preko spleta ali osebno. (Idromy, intervju 28. 12. 2013)

Včasih je že dovolj to, da se vpraša sodnike na shodih, ki ocenjujejo in nagrajujejo najboljše kostume, kaj si mislijo o njihovem igranju in kostumu – ti znajo povedati tako kritiko kot tudi pohvale z (dokaj) profesionalnega stališča, saj ponavadi sodijo tisti, ki so v tem »poslu« poznani in že kar nekaj časa. Znajo svetovati glede izbire materialov, dodatkov, detajlov, načinu igranja in drugo. (ibid.)

Oblačila imajo zmožnost, da nam povedo o človekovem statusu in nam omogočijo, da človeka ovrednotimo (glej Schneider 1987), vendar se pri igranju in igralčevem kostumu to malce zamenja. Gleda se na to, kako dobro je kostum narejen, se obiskovalci odločijo, ali je igralec dovolj dober, da se ga bolj podrobno spozna, ali se ga samo pozdravi; manj se gleda na njegov družbeni status, saj pri igrah to ni tako zelo pomembno. Je pa hkrati tudi

27 povezano to, da se predvideva, če ima igralec boljši kostum, je porabil več denarja za material in ima zato tudi več financ. Tu sem precej pretiravala, ampak podzavestno si vsak posameznik naredi sliko o osebi, ki jo vidi ali spozna. Odvisno pa je od njega, ali lahko prestopi ta prag namišljenega ocenjevanja ljudi in jih tudi dejansko objektivno vidi.


8 Shodi

Conventions (Comic con, Animecon itd.) ali shodi, na katerih se zberejo navdušenci določenega žanra medija. V tem primeru so to filmi, stripi, anime, manga, video igre, serije in drugo. Ponavadi se začnejo kot manjši dogodki, na katerih se začnejo družiti tako igralci vlog kot sami obiskovalci. Začetki so večinoma malo obiskovani in za njih vedo skupine ljudi, ki se ukvarjajo z določeno tematiko in so hkrati pobudniki za sam začetek. Preko družabnih strani potem poskušajo obvestiti oziroma privabiti čim več ljudi, ampak šele s časom se lahko, če je dogodek uspešen in obiskan, razvije v shod.

Sami začetki naj bi segali v leto 1930, ki so bili najprej shodi znanstveno-fantastičnih navdušencev. Kasneje se je razvilo v anime, furry, filk-music, stripovske, videoigralske in multi-žanrske shode, ki se lahko še naprej razvijejo v podskupine. (List of science fiction conventions 2014)

Idromy je obiskala tudi Comic Con v New Yorku in mi povedala, da se zelo razlikuje od evropskih. Medtem ko smo navajeni, da z ameriškega trga vidimo slike, na katerih so fantastični kostumi in igralci prezentirajo (skoraj) popolno kopijo lika, je v resnici precej drugače. Čeprav se najdejo ti igralci, je povečini tako, da če oseba ne predstavlja (zelo) znanega lika ali lika, ki je obiskovalcu pri srcu, potem ta ne dobi posebne pozornosti ali večje prepoznavnosti. Igralec lahko nosi svojo osebno kreacijo ali zelo zapleten kostum ali pa predstavlja lik, ki ni v ospredju. Če ga preostali obiskovalci ne prepoznajo, se lahko počuti odrinjen na stran in celo nezaželen. Oseba lahko nosi zelo preprost kostum, ki ga je mogoče kupiti za deset dolarjev v trgovini s halloween stvarmi, in bo prepoznan. (Idromy, intervju 28. 12. 2013)

Tudi glede samega prostora in postavitve je tako, da se z lahkoto izgubiš, saj je to prostor, kjer se druži okoli 130 000 obiskovalcev. Zato ni težko predvideti, kakšna je natrpanost prostora. Čeprav so postavljeni odri16 in so med seboj ločeni, je pri nekateri težko priti do ospredja ali pa se vije vrsta, da se pride do umetnika.

Nasier je intervjujala oboževalca, ki ji je povedal:

16 Panels. To so postavljeni odri, na katerih so osebe, ki so glavne pri ustvarjanju ali sodelovanju določene serije, igre, stripov, filma (po navadi se jim pridružijo tudi filmski igralci), občinstvo pa jih lahko tudi sprašuje vprašanja, ki se navezujejo na delo, ustvarjanje. Na nek način so kot okrogle mize.


Samo vzdušje na shodih je brezpogojno sprejetje in podpora – ljudje se počutijo, kot da so našli pravo družino, družino, ki jih ne zavrača če so geeky ali jih zanimajo čudne stvari. Preživeti vikend tako, da se živi, spi, prehranjuje v istem prostoru (poleg pomanjkanja spanca) in zabavati ter gledati ogromno animejev, ustvari tisti občutek »takojšnje družine«. (Nasier po Casey 2010: 7)

Marsikateri navdušenec stripov ima nemalo pritožb in kritik, da se ti shodi vedno bolj posvečajo drugim medijem, namesto prvotnemu – stripom. Podobnosti lahko najdemo pri antropoloških raziskavah prostora, kjer »prvi« obiskovalci kritizirajo spremembo prostora skozi daljše časovno obdobje, češ da ni tako, kot je bilo včasih– prenasičenost lokacije, dodane nove teme in drugo. Ampak po komentarjih na forumih, blogih, drugih straneh, temu ni čisto tako. Res je, da se shodi ne posvečajo popolnoma stripom in njihovim kreatorjem, temveč tudi televiziji, filmu in video igram. To pa ne pomeni, da na shodih ni odrov, specifično namenjenih stripom. Tako kot se nekateri privrženci določenih koncertnih prireditev (na primer Metal Camp, Otočec in drugi) včasih pritožujejo, da je prostor izgubil svoj »čar«, ki ga je imel na začetku, ko še ni bilo toliko obiskovalcev in prireditev ni tako poznana, tako je tudi pri shodih. Moje mnenje o tej zatrtosti, če lahko temu tako rečem, je, da se s takšno širitvijo novih tem in tudi prostora doseže večjo prepoznavnost in da ljudje spoznavajo še druge tematike, druge načine produkcije. Variabilnost je tista, ki privablja in na nek način tudi promovira, da se obiskovalci seznanijo z igralci vlog in njihovim delom.


9 Prezentacija

O sami predstavitvi igralcev vlog največ črpam iz Goffmanove knjige 'The presentation of self in everyday life' (1959).

Igralec osebnost lika povzema oziroma kopira iz virov, ki mu dajejo največ aspektov na manire, obnašanje, govor, kretnje. V mojem primeru so igralci največ pridobili s filmi 'Thor', 'The Avengers' (Maščevalci), 'Thor: The Dark World' (Thor: Svet teme), z animirano serijo 'Avengers Assemble' in z Marvelovimi stripi. Ampak ne glede na vse te medijske uprizoritve likov, je največ odvisno od igralca samega, kako si razlaga lik in njegovo osebnost. Igralčeva razlaga lahko vsili določene karakteristične poteze, saj se tako (vsaj namišljeno) približa popolnosti. Če je lik na koncu preveč osebnostno spremenjen, ne govorimo več o pristni obliki lika, temveč o AU različici (če je to možno). Med igralci je precejšnja variabilnost predstavljanja lika, a so v samem bistvu enaki.

Kot je sogovornica Saphira omenila, je nekaj takšnih igralcev, ki naredijo Lokija arogantnega, kar pa je po njenem mnenju in mnenju Ukiyo, napačno, saj ni aroganten, ampak zelo pameten in premeten – to pa te še ne naredi arogantnega. Zato se ti dve igralki poskušata izogibati takšnemu predstavljanju in sta o tem imeli tudi pogovore, saj ti igralci ne predstavljajo samo arogantnega Lokija, temveč so takšni tudi do ostalih igralcev, ne le do obiskovalcev. (Saphira, intervju 29. 6. 2014)

Glavne značilnosti Thora so glasnost, bratska ljubezen do Lokija, pravičnost, želja po (dvo)bojih; Lokijeve pa so pretkanost, inteligenca, spretnost z besedami (kličejo ga tudi 'Silvertongue'), znanje magije – te igralcem dajo možnost fluidnosti glede uprizarjanja. Osebo oziroma lik ni lahko opisati z nekaj besedami, saj se za vsemi temi potezami skrivajo določena dejanja, ki so te določene poteze osvetlile in jih je včasih potrebno objasniti, saj na prvi pogled niso jasne, zakaj se lik tako obnaša. Splošno znano je, da se igralci strinjajo glede predstavitve likov, ki morajo biti takšne, da se like prepozna takoj – če ne preko kostumov, pa preko obnašanja.

Igralec Thor Odinson je povedal, da imata s Thorom podobnosti v tem, da oba ljubita in spoštujeta ženske, sta odprta in rahlo naivna, poskušata verjeti najboljše v ljudeh, dajeta druge priložnosti in upata na spremembo. Rada sta pripravljena pomagati in se zavzeti za tiste, ki se ne morejo braniti sami. Razlika med njima je, da se lik sooča z bolečino in


žalostjo veliko bolje kot igralec in ga zaradi tega vidi kot vzornika, hkrati pa tudi kot izziv. Ima tudi probleme z izražanjem jeze, zato mu igranje Thora pomaga pri razreševanju tudi tega. Ker je igralec povečini manj energičen in je pogosto žalosten, mu igranje lika koristi pri tem, da vidi stvari bolj pozitivne in je hkrati bolj iniciativen. (Thor Odinson, iz obeh intervjujev 2014)

Saphira se z Lokijem poveže ne samo preko tega, da je moški, ampak tudi preko njegove osebnosti, njegovega vidika na svet, njegovih čustev, preko tega, da ni eden izmed njih (da se razlikuje od vseh ostalih, op. a.) (Saphira, intervju 29. 6. 2014)

Čeprav se Cutie Shy ne identificira s Thorom, pa mu želi biti pobobna glede njegove moči in samozavesti (Cutie Shy Cosplay, intervju 7. 7. 2014).

Kot Goffman pravi:

Izražanje posameznika (in njegova zmogljivost dajanja vtisov) vključuje dve radikalno različni vrsti znakov dejavnosti: izraz, ki ga daje, in izraz, ki ga oddaja. Prvi vsebuje verbalne simbole ali njihove nadomestke. / … / Drugi vsebuje širok obseg gest, ki jih drugi lahko obravnavajo kot značilnost igralcev. (Goffman 1959: 2)

Od igralca se pričakuje, da bo na shodih prikazal kar se da dobro uprizoritev lika, zato se izbirajo ponavadi takšni liki, s katerimi se lahko čustveno povežejo, saj jim to omogoča boljše razumevanje lika, hkrati pa nimajo večjih težav s predstavitvijo in jim zato obiskovalci tudi lažje verjamejo.

Med samo predstavitvijo in čakanju na obiskovalčevo pozornost se igralci (lahko) počutijo pomembnejše ali so vsaj več vredni od tistih, ki niso igralci vlog ali od tistih, za katere igralec sam vidi, da ima slabši kostum in/ali slabše rekvizite.

Cutie Shy je napisala:

Sploh ne (če se počuti pomembnejša pri uprizarjanju lika, op. a.)! Vedno so ljudje, ki so boljši igralci, kot sem sama, ampak se ne oziram na to in delam po svojih najboljših močeh. Če sem z igranjem lika zadovoljna, potem mi to da precejšnjo samozavest, saj sem lahko, kdorkoli želim biti. Dokler se (obiskovalci, op. a.)


zabavajo pri tem, kar počnejo in so uvidevni do igralcev, potem nimam problemov z njimi. (Cutie Shy Cosplay, intervju 7. 7. 2014)

Loki Hates You ima malce drugačne odgovore na to:

Zelo sem ponosen na kostume, ki sem jih pomagal narediti. Mislim, da sem v to vložil več truda, kot v kateri koli drugi konjiček v življenju. Dejstvo, da so ljudje pozitivno reagirali nanj v takšnem neverjetnem načinu, je še dodaten razlog, da se počutim, da sem naredil nekaj, kar sem si želel narediti. Da, med igranjem lika se počutim pomembnejšega. Dobro narejen kostum od prepoznavnejšega lika je znak rokodelskih spretnosti in si zasluži spoštovanje znotraj umetniške skupnosti. Vendar poskušam svoj konjiček ohranjati netekmovalen. Mislim, da je moj kostum princa Lokija iz 'The Avengers' bolj natančen od drugih. Mislim, da ljudje vidijo precejšnjo podobnost z mojim obrazom kot pri drugih igralcih. Vendar je pomembno, da se zavedam, da so preostali igralci Lokija vse naredili sami, medtem ko sem imel jaz za seboj zelo talentirano skupino, ki mi je naredila večino dela in nudila strokovno znanje. Nisem boljši od drugih igralcev – samo zapravljam več denarja. Obožujem jih (obiskovalce, op. a.) – če so vsi v kostumih, potem so večinoma zaskrbljeni za lasten kostum. Ljudje, ki so normalno oblečeni, so navdušeni nad tem, da vidijo kostume. Če so vsi na odru, potem ni občinstva in ni potrebe po odru. (Loki Hates You, intervju 14. 7. 2014)

Za Saphiro je tako, da se vsekakor počuti pomembnejšo od obiskovalcev. Sama pravi, da je možno to zaradi tega, ker je posebna, ni ravno normalna oseba in da bi to lahko bilo bistvo. Ta občutek pomembnosti ji dasta lika Loki in Lucifer (iz serije Supernatural, op. a.) – lahko da je to šarm hudiča. Od obiskovalcev je odvisno, kakšno bo njeno obnašanje – če ji dajo možnost, da igra Lokija, se počuti veličastno, mogočno – kot bog. Če pa so prijetni in srčkani, pa je do njih prijazna. Drugače pa so samo majhni ljudje…ničvredni (to pove tako, kot da je Loki, op. a.). Je pa boljše volje, če vidi, da ima nekdo slabši kostum, ampak ne v arogantnem smislu, temveč zato, ker ve, kako trdo je delala za njenega. (Saphira, iz obeh intervjujev 2014)

Thor Odinson je vsekakor navdušen in bolj samozavesten, ampak se ne počuti pomembnejšega od ostalih, čeprav ima boljši kostum kot ostali igralci. Vsi morajo nekje začeti in znotraj svojih zmožnosti – vsi smo del enake skupnosti in bi se morali podpirati

33 pri tem. Ve, da imajo vsi svoje konjičke in interese, ampak želi si, da bi bili nekateri obiskovalci manj obsojajoči – če se nekdo obleče za nogometno tekmo v barve svoje navijaške skupine s smešnimi klobuki, nihče nič ne reče, kajne? (Thor Odinson, intervju 9. 8. 2014)

Idromy je povedala:

Grozljivih 50/50 je, (če se počuti pomembnejšo zaradi igranja vlog, op. a.). Vem, da imam določene sposobnosti, ki so lahko boljše od drugih, ampak imam tudi sposobnosti, kjer so drugi boljši. Imam kostume, na katere sem res ponosna zaradi vloženega dela in truda, dobro izgledajo in tega me ni strah povedati. Vendar še vedno skrbim, da mogoče ne bom dovolj dobra, še posebno na mednarodnih tekmovanjih (na shodih, op. a. ). Vedno me skrbi, da bom ljudi razočarala, če bom izbrala nekaj nepričakovanega (za kostum, op. a.), ampak sem dovolj stara, da premostim to težavo in ustvarjam brez večjih skrbi, in da se vseeno zabavam. Vsekakor se počutim bolj samozavestna, če sem naredila dober kostum. Pomembno mi je, da ima moj kostum določene detajle, saj se drugače ne počutim dobro – nekaj manjka. To je samo moja stvar, čisto v redu je, da ima kdo bolj enostaven kostum. Glede obiskovalcev nimam problema – so dobri in slabi. (Idromy, intervju 7. 7. 2014)

Ukiyo je napisala:

Počutim se bolje, kadar drugi mislijo bolje o sebi samo zaradi njihovega igranja. Takrat analiziram njihovo vedenje in igro. Vidim, da nisem arogantna in da sem dobra igralka vlog. To mi da dober občutek o moji osebnosti, čeprav vem, da mnogi menijo o sebi, da so dobri in se mi zdi, da je to žalostno, da so takšni. Igranje mi daje samozavest. Začela sem sprejemati, kakšna sem in da sem čudovita. Obiskovalci pa so različni – so prijetni in si delimo nekatere fandome. Želijo si fotografije; so del skupnosti. (Ukiyo Cosplay, intervju 4. 7. 2014)

Če Goffman govori o treh ključnih komponentah prestavitve – »ti, ki uprizarjajo; ti, katerim je uprizarjanje namenjeno; zunanji član, ki ne uprizarja in ne gleda uprizoritve« (Goffman 1959: 144), potem je igralec vlog ta, ki uprizarja, sodelujoči na shodu in ostali igralci so občinstvo, mainstream, ki se vsega tega ne zaveda, pa je zunanji član (Nesic 2013: 6-7).


Gledalci oziroma obiskovalci »so zaprošeni verjetju, da lik, ki ga vidijo, v resnici poseduje atribute, ki jih naj bi posedoval« (Goffman 1959: 17).

Lahko rečem, da čeprav obiskovalci vedo, da igralec pred njimi ni pravi lik, so na nek način vseeno prisiljeni videti ali vsaj verjeti o pristnosti lika v samem igralcu. Ta »prisiljenost videnja« bi lahko izvirala iz tega, kako dobro igralec osebnostno uprizarja lika in njegove poteze – bolj ko je pristen v tem, večja je verjetnost, da ga bodo obiskovalci videli takšnega. Ta pretveza se začne takoj, ko je obiskovalčeva pozornost na igralcu. Od njega pa je odvisno, kako dobro se zna pretvarjati in »ostati« v liku, od obiskovalca pa, kako se obnaša do lika. Igralec se odloča, ali se bo z obiskovalcem ves čas (njegove pozornosti) obnašal kot lik ali pa bo »prekinil« pretvezo in bo bolj »domač« z njim. Igralci pred shodi in fotografiranjem doma malo vadijo obrazno mimiko in nastop, saj tako lahko nastopijo bolj pristno; pomaga jim tudi določena glasba (iz intervjujev 2014).


V določeni skrajnosti se lahko opazi, da je igralec povsem prevzet od igre; popolnoma je lahko prepričan, da je vtis realnosti, ki jo uprizarja, resnična realnost (Goffman 1959: 17).


»Takšni, kot si želimo, da bi bili« (ibid.: 19).

Igralci to počnejo zaradi njih samih – izbirajo si like, s katerimi lahko tvorijo neko močnejšo vez. To lahko imamo tudi kot njihov alter ego, ki v tem primeru ni en sam, ampak razdrobljen na več delov, oblik oziroma likov.

Povečini so začeli z liki iz animejev, saj je ta vrsta uprizarjanja likov najpogostejša in najbolj znana. Liki v teh risankah niso (preveč) zakomplicirani glede oblačil in so tudi najboljši za začetek uprizarjanja– na primer Pokémon, Super Gals, Sailor Moon, Naruto in druge. Liki iz stripov Marvel, DC Comics, Dark Horse in drugi so glede kostumov že bolj zapleteni in pri teh je potrebna večja spretnost, da na koncu izdelek izgleda kot v originalu.

Odločitev za uprizoritev junaka ali zlobneža je na posamezniku. Moje mnenje je, da so zločinci malenkost bolj zastopani, saj igralci lahko z njimi pokažejo svojo temnejšo plat, ki je drugače ne bi.


Igralčev alter ego ponavadi predstavlja lik, ki ga uprizarja, saj z njim lahko izrazi določene težnje, namene, čustva, ki jih drugače ne izraža in tako tudi sprosti napetost v sebi.

Loki Hates You mi je razložil:

Loki predstavlja moj alter ego, ampak zdi se mi, da je od vsakogar alter ego. Loki je definicija naše sramotne strani. Loki se odzove, ko nam gre dobro, a vseeno ostane nezadovoljen. Loki nadzoruje tisti del nas, ki bi žrtvoval blaginjo najdražjih, tako da bi lahko nekaj pridobil, četudi je nekaj nepomembnega. Loki je del mene, ki sabotira dobre priložnosti in se smeje zaradi tega. Del mene, ki je trmast in brezobziren in preveč kritičen, je del, ki razume Lokija. Ampak ta del mene je hkrati tudi del, ki poskuša impresionirati ljudi, ki jih imam rad. Ko imam vse potrebne informacije za dobro in pravilno odločitev in se odločim za možnost, ki bo prizadela mene in moje prijatelje, družino, razumem Lokija malo bolje. Samokontrolo cenim veliko bolj kot Loki. Prikrajšal se bom za priložnost, raje kot da pustim ambiciji, da me pelje po poti uničenja. Podobno kot Loki bom kuhal zamero, ampak za razliko od njega bom pustil, da se stvar ohladi in se počutil močnejšega, ker nisem odreagiral tako, kot bi lahko. (Loki Hates You, intervju 14. 7. 2014)

Cutie Shy je povedala, da je možno, da Thor predstavlja njen alter ego, saj je močan in samozavesten lik, medtem, ko je igalka v realnem življenju precej šibka in tiha (Cutie Shy Cosplay, intervju 7. 7. 2014). Za igralca Thora Odinsona so samozavestnejši liki, kot je Thor in drugi. Predstavljajo njegov alter ego (Thor Odinson, intervju 9. 8. 2014); za Saphiro pa definitivno Loki predstavlja njenega (Saphira, intervju 4.7.2014).

Manjši ali stranski liki, ki jih občinstvo ne pozna najbolje17, so lahko tvegan izbor, če si želiš prepoznavnosti, saj obstajata dve možnosti – ignoriranje ali pa opaznost. Če je slednje, potem ni težav in si lahko tudi marsikdaj v središču pozornosti obiskovalcev. Možnost je tudi, da si te želijo spoznati, ampak ponavadi ni tako in si ignoriran.

Idromy, ko je bila v New Yorku in je imela na shodu oblečene kostume likov, ki niso toliko poznani, ni dobila veliko prepoznavnosti, čeprav so bili kostumi njeno delo in precej

17 Kot si na primer Idromy izbrala lik Fenrirja, otrok Lokija – velikanski volk, ki bo začel Ragnarok in ubil Odina. Marsikdo, ki se ne poglablja v skandinavsko mitologijo, ga ne pozna in je dokaj tvegan lik za uprizoritev.

36 kompleksni, zapleteni. Predvidevam, da dajo Američani več poudarka na prepoznavnejših likih (četudi kostum ni ročno delo, ali vsaj delno ročno narejeno, ampak kupljeno v trgovini), medtem ko se na evropskih tleh da več na kreativnosti in dovršenosti kostuma določenega lika. Idromy mi je povedala, da vsi ti neverjetni kostumi likov – popolna kopija in detajli, so le majhen del celotnega shoda; teh igralcev je nekaj, ampak se v množici »amaterskih« igralcev skorajda izgubijo. Medtem ko v Evropi na shodih srečaš tako glavne kot tudi stranske like filmov, serij in stripov, so v Ameriki bolj skoncentrirani na samo glavne like (do tukaj: Idromy, intervju 28. 12. 2013) iz ogromnih opusov glavnih franšiznih korporacij – Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel, DC Comics, Hello Kitty, Mario, Naruto, Disney, Pixar in druge.

Sam prikaz lika oziroma igranje in poistovetenje z njim igralcu daje samozavest, ki mu jo v »normalnem« življenju lahko primanjkuje ali pa si je ravno z igranjem pridobil to samozavest, katero ima danes.

Loki Hates You mi je povedal, da mu je igranje Lokija »pomagalo, da se počutim bolj seksualno privlačnega. Veliko je žensk, ki rade pohvalijo Lokija, kako izgleda in se obnaša. Je prijetna sprememba, da nisem še en neopažen moški v velikem mestu. Tako, da ja. Predvidevam, da sem malo manj negotov in malce bolj samozavesten«, čeprav to ne pomeni, da sem bil preveč negotov ali nesamozavesten že pred igranjem vlog (Loki Hates You, intervju 14. 7. 2014).

Igralci se na splošno strinjajo, da jim igranje daje samozavest, tako na shodih, kot tudi v privatnem življenju. Nekaj je; če te osebe poznajo iz okolice in ti povedo, da si prijeten očem, drugo pa, da ti popolni tujci povedo, da si eden izmed najboljših, kar so jih videli ali da si njihov najljubši igralec.

Goffman uporablja performanco ali uprizoritev za celotno obnašanje posameznika, ki lahko vpliva na opazovalce, medtem ko je videz tisti del posameznikove uprizoritve, ki funkcionira v splošni in fiksirani navadi, da se definira situacija za tiste, ki jo opazujejo (Goffman 1959: 22). Videz ima standardizirane dele, ki jih delimo na prizorišče ali fizično razporeditev in druge objekte ozadja, ki omogočajo okolico, v kateri je uprizoritev predvajana (ibid). Potem je tukaj še osebni videz, ki se nanaša na ekspresivno orodje – oblačila, spol, starost, struktura govora, obrazna in telesna mimika ipd. Nekatere od teh komponent niso fiksirane, ampak so fluidne – lahko se spreminjajo iz ene uprizoritve v

37 drugo (ibid.: 24). Najbolje je razdeliti osebni videz na videz in vedenje (obnašanje). Prvo se navezuje na stimulacije, ki nam povedo o posameznikovem socialnem statusu, drugo pa na interakcijsko vlogo, ki je od posameznika pričakovana v določeni situaciji (ibid.).

V situacijah, pri katerih se pričakuje od igralca »pravilno« obnašanje lika, je zaželeno, da igralec dosledno uprizarja obnašanje, govorno strukturo in mimiko – tako se za določen čas, pretvarjanje spremeni v resničnost.

»Ko se igralec18 loti / … / vloge, ponavadi najde, da je ta videz že bil ustaljen« (Goffman 1959: 27). To bi se lahko reklo tudi za igralce vlog – lika ne morejo predstavljati po svoje, ker so (bistvene) značilnosti lika predstavljene in že znane občinstvu. Lahko prilagodijo kostum, ampak se morajo držati glavnih karakterističnih lastnosti, drugače izpadejo ali neavtentični ali pa AU verzija (primeri s strani 6 in 7).

Oboževalci lahko raziskujejo svojo seksualnost tudi s tem, da si »sposodijo« drug spol pri igranju likov. Manj znana različica iger je crossplay, kjer posameznik uprizarja lik nasprotnega spola (Tylor 2005: 35). Crossplay je kot drag, ki je »kulturna praksa, ki parodira verjetje v originalno/primarno spolno identiteto« (Lloyd po Tylor 2005: 35), s tem, da crossplay razkriva togo, kulturno kostruktivirano naravo spolov; po drugi strani pa nekateri crossplayers uprizarjajo drag igre, ker želijo ostati pristni liki (Tylor 2005: 35). Precej igralk uprizarja moške like, kar jim ne predstavlja večjega problema, a jih skrbi, da bi bile med uprizarjanjem le-teh zamenjane za moškega, v primeru, da nimajo popolnoma izražene oblike ženskih linij obraza in telesa. Veliko večji problem za moške predstavlja uprizarjanje ženskih likov, kar se smatra za nekakšen tabu. Prisoten je strah, da bo okolica reagirala homofobično in nasilno, jih namenoma klicala 'punčka' ali gej; napisano ne velja v primeru kadar gre za parodijo na določene like 19 . Moški imajo manjše možnosti ustvarjanja, izbire likov in njihovo uprizarjanje, kar za ženske ne velja.

18 Igralec na splošno, ne igralec vlog, op. a. 19 Primer: Powerpuff men.


10 Zaključek

V nalogi sem poskušala razložiti, kako se s prikazom lika ali z igranjem v njegovi vlogi znajde igralec in kako se pri tem lahko zgodijo še diskriminacije, rasizem, seksizem, anti- feminizem in preostale tematike, ki so pereče v vsakdanjem življenju, in to po celem svetu.

Igralci se spopadajo s težavami pri ustvarjanju kostumov, ki jih uspešno rešujejo z nasveti in s pomočjo ostalih igralcev ali pa rešitev najdejo sami. Druženj je vedno več, kar ustreza tudi pestrosti likov in njihovem uprizarjanju. Liki skandinavske mitologije so čedalje bolj priljubljeni, prav tako tudi popularizacija njih samih. Odražajo se v stripih, risanih videih in filmih. Omenjeni liki se dobro tržijo tako doma, kot izven ameriško-evropskih trgov.

Igralci se z igranjem srečujejo tako s popularnostjo kot tudi kritiko. Te je sicer manj, ker v svoje delo vložijo veliko truda in spretnosti. V določenih primerih pa si kostum tudi naročijo in s tem hkrati oglašujejo ljudi, pri katerih so ga kupili. Oba načina sta pravilna, čeprav poleg teh dveh obstaja še nešteto poti, kako narediti svoj kostum in nobena ni nepravilna.

Danes se ljudje trudijo bolj zaradi sebe, ker želijo predstaviti lik, ki jim je pri srcu. Mogoče jim je ta lik pomagal pridobiti samozavest ali iti skozi življenjske prepreke in psihične težave, ali pa omogočil, da so našli partnerje in zelo dobre prijatelje. Uprizarjanje jim pomeni tudi spremembo identitete – osebne, spolne in nacionalne, kar jim omogoči delno svobodo, ki je drugače nimajo. Pri osebni identiteti gre za modifikacijo osebnosti, karakterja, načina govora; pri spolni se posameznik odloči če bo ostal istega spola kot je v resničnem svetu ali ga za določen čas zamenja – postane nasprotnega ali pa nedefiniranega spola. Tu je moškim težje kot ženskam, saj je prisoten strah, da jih bo okolica videla kot homoseksualce ali »poženščene fantke«; ženskam je pri tem lažje, saj po večini nimajo takšnih skrbi.

Zaradi spretnosti, ki so jih pridobili z ustvarjanjem zapletenih kostumov, njihovih detajlov, ki so lahko zelo pomembni in jih po večini nihče ne opazi, je dalo igralcem vedenje, da so zmožni narediti stvari, ki si jih drugače ne bi zmogli. Mnogim osebam je dalo uprizarjanje likov smisel življenju. V tem so našli samega sebe in vedo, da jim tega nihče ne bo mogel vzeti. Imajo možnost igrati božanstvo, manijaka, zlobneža, junaka, nebesne in peklenske

39 like, floro in favno, navadne ljudi in ljudi, ki ne obstajajo nikjer drugje kot v domišljiji. Možnosti je več kot ogromno in za vsakogar se najde kaj.

Opazila pa sem, da je vsekakor premalo antropoloških del, ki bi se ukvarjale tako s skandinavsko mitologijo v medijih, kot z uprizarjanjem vlog, ki niso anime liki. Zavedam se, da je za to potrebno ogromno raziskav in potovanj, ampak če se da vedno znova raziskovati in preučevati ene in iste teme, potem ne vidim problema, zakaj se ne bi financiralo nekaj potovanj, nastanitev in kart, kar bi omogočalo, da bi bile te tematike bolj videne v antropološkem svetu. Podpiram, da se proučuje skoraj izumrla ljudstva in njihovo kulturo, ampak tudi igranje likov je kultura – že res, da novejša, ampak s hitrostjo, ki se spreminja in išče nove poti in načine, da bi se lahko vsi bralci, gledalci, navdušenci in skeptiki našli notri, kar zahteva veliko spretnosti in inovativnosti, je treba tudi njo podpirati in raziskovati. Ne živi se v preteklosti, čeprav bi se morali učiti iz nje, ampak sedaj. In če se ne podpira kulture mladih, ki ima na sebi vso težo današnje politike, gospodarstva, finančnih stisk in propadanja stabilnosti, potem naj se različne stroke, novinarski svet, politika, ne čudijo, da postajamo vedno bolj apatični in pasivno-agresivni do stvari, za katere bomo bolj ali manj kmalu »krivi«, da so se zgodile, kljub temu da je to krivda preteklih dejanj, ki temelji na odločitvah svetovnih »vladarjev«. Prav zato je potrebno, da se udejstvovanje mladih spodbuja, čeprav na svoj način prikazujejo svoje spretnosti, sposobnosti, potencial, drugačen način življenja. Če je kultura uprizarjanja možnost, da se dobi še dodaten zorni kot na način življenja mladih – zakaj se je ne izkoristi?


11 Literatura

Beegan, Gerry in Paul Atkinson 2008 'Professionalism, Amateurism and the Boundaries of Design'. Journal of Design History 21(4): 305-313.

Casey, Daniel 2010 'Identity Crisis: Cosplay as Cultural Hybridization.' Neobjavljeno diplomsko delo. Medford: Massachusetts.

Daly, Kathleen N. 2010 'Norse Mythology A to Z; Third Edition'. Chelsea House: New York.

Geeks for CONsent b. n. l. 'Geeks for CONsent'. Spletni vir: < http://www.geeksforconsent.org/>, pregledano 7. 8. 2014

Goffman, Erving 1959 The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Anchor Books: United States of America.

League of Extraordinary Cosplayers 2013 'Does size matter?'. Spletni vir: , pregledano 7. 9. 2014

Nesic, Natasha 2013 'No, really: What is cosplay?' Neobjavljeno diplomsko delo. Mount Holyoke College: Massachusetts.

Rauch, Eron in Christopher Bolton 2010 'A Cosplay Photography Sampler'. Mechademia 5: 176-190.

Schneider, Jane 1987 'The Anthropology of Cloth'. Annual Review of Anthropology 16: 409-448.


The Norse Mythology Blog 2011 'Blond Thor: Stan Lee wasn't wrong'. Spletni vir: , pregledano 7. 9. 2014

Tylor, Jayme Rebecca 2009 'Convention Cosplay: Subversive Potential In Anime Fandom.' Neobjavljeno magistrsko delo. The University of British Columbia: Vancouver.

Tumblr; blogerka skylarsugarsocks 2013 'When silence drowns the screams'. Spletni vir: < http://silencedrowns.tumblr.com/post/33719144389/skylarspookysocks-a-lot-of-people- take-up>, pregledano 7. 9. 2014

Urban dictionary; uporabnica MediaKnower 2012 Role play. Spletni vir: < http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=roleplay>, pregledano 7. 9. 2014

Walsh, Eddie 2011 'Cosplay Diplomacy'. Spletni vir: , pregledano 7. 9. 2014

Wikipedia 2014 'Cosplay'. Spletni vir: , pregledano 7. 9. 2014 2014 'List of comic book conventions'. Spletni vir: , pregledano 7. 9. 2014

2014 'List of science fiction conventions'. Spletni vir: < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_science_fiction_conventions>, pregledano 7. 9. 2014

Wolf, Marco in Shaun McQuitty 2011 'Understandin the do-it-yourself consumer: DIY motivations and outcomes.' Academy of Marketing Science Review 1: 154-170.


12 Viri slikovnega materiala

Cutie Shy Cosplay 2013 'Lady Thor'. Spletni vir: , pregledano 7. 9. 2014

Idromy 2013 'Fenrir'. Spletni vir: , pregledano 7. 9. 2014

Loki Hates You 2014 'Loki'. Spletni vir: < https://www.facebook.com/lokiwillalwayshateyou/photos_stream>, pregledano 7. 9. 2014

Sephira 2014 'Loki'. Spletni vir: < https://www.facebook.com/sephelchen/photos_stream>, pregledano 7. 9. 2014

Thor Odinson 2013 'Thor'. Spletni vir: , pregledano 7. 9. 2014

Ukiyo Cosplay 2014 'Loki'. Spletni vir: < https://www.facebook.com/UkiyoCosplay/photos_stream>, pregledano 7. 9. 2014


13 Sogovorniki

Cutie Shy Cosplay, intervju 27. 3. 2014 in 7. 7. 2014

Idromy, intervju 28. 12. 2013 in 7. 7. 2014

Loki Hates You, intervju 29. 6. 2014 in 14. 7. 2014

Saphira, intervju 29. 6. 2014 in 4. 7. 2014

Thor Odinson, intervju 7. 3. 2014 in 9. 8. 2014

Ukiyo Cosplay, intervju 28. 6. 2014, 29. 6. 2014 in 7. 7. 2014


14 Priloge

14.1 Intervjuji

14.1.1 Cutie Shy Cosplay Sex: Female

Age: 19

Country: United Kingdom

Intervju 27. 3. 2014

1) When did you start with cosplay? I first cosplayed in around 2008. 2) How old were you? 14. 3) How come that you choose to start with cosplay? I was attending an Anime night at a bookshop, and all of my friends were cosplaying, so I thought I would try it! 4) How was it at the start? It was difficult choosing a character and finding things that would work for the cosplay, but it was also a lot of fun. 5) Which character was the first one? Misa Amane. Why that one? I liked her style and character. How did you do it? I went shopping for a lot of gothic clothing and trying to get a similar style to her. Did you go anywhere with it (conventions etc)? I only used this cosplay for a couple of Anime nights. 6) Which character is your favourite (of those you're cosplaying)? Fem! Thor. Why? I get to wear a cape and look awesome! 7) Which character is your main one/the most known one? Mabel Pines. 8) How do you choose your characters? I tend to just find a character I like or that I can relate to and go with it! Do you have categories by which you choose them? No, I just go with whatever! 9) Ever happen that you met another cosplayer with the same character? Yes, when I was Pinkie Pie. How was it? It was a lot of fun actually, we both talked about our cosplays and pages.


10) How do you feel about cosplay? I really enjoy cosplaying. What does it mean to you? It means a lot to me, because I can be whoever I want to be! 11) To whom did you turn to for help at the beginning? My mum! For what did you need help? Ideas on how to get a cosplay together really! 12) Do you help others? I do sometimes, and I'm always happy to. How? Usually with choosing styles and fabrics. 13) Who is a cosplayer for you? A cosplayer is just someone who dresses up as characters for fun. 14) What is your definiton of cosplay? A cosplay is a costume that has been either made or bought that is similar to something a character wears. 15) Do you have any close friends because of it? I found one of my best friends because we both cosplay! 16) What did your family say when you started with it? They didn't really know what cosplaying was, but they thought it sounded like fun. 17) What did friends say when you started with it? Again, they didn't know what it was, but thought it sounded fun! 18) Do you have support and help from them? I have support from my cosplay friends, rather than other friends. 19) Do you cosplay in groups? / Have you ever? I haven't unfortunately. If 'no' – why not? I just haven't found a good time to do it! 20) If your have a partner - does she/he cosplay with you? He hasn't yet, but we're trying to figure out a cosplay we can do together! What is it like? At the moment, it's quite fun as we're both choosing people to cosplay. Do you cosplay different characters or you choose to be a pair? We're likely to choose a pair or a couple. 21) Where was your first convention/show? Mcm Expo in London! What was it like? Very busy! Where did you get the information about it? We were going on a school trip and so I looked into it!


22) How long was the period between the first and second convention? About 5 months! 23) Which conventions do you usually attend? I have only attended local ones and the MCM ones. Where are they? London and Plymouth. With whom do you usually go there? Usually friends. How do you get there? Train or bus.. How much does it cost you? For London, relatively cheap as long as you don't mind low quality travel! For how long do you stay? About 3 days. What are you doing there? Cosplaying, having a look at stalls etc. How many costumes do you have for one convention? That varies. Sometimes one, sometimes 3! 24) Which conventions did you already attend?Two or three MCM expos and two Plymouth ones. 25) Do you visit other countries because of them? I haven't yet, but maybe one day! 26) Any plans/invitations in the future? Not currently, maybe next year! 27) What are your expectations of conventions? Fun and busy! 28) Do you have fans? It seems as though I have a few on my fan page! 29) Do you get recognized at conventions? I haven't yet, but I get recognised locally, which is quite weird! 30) Ever been groped (touched without permission)? Luckily not! 31) Ever seen that someone else was groped? No! 32) Do you do photoshooting? I have been to photoshoots! Who's in the team? I'm usually shot by Dark Star Photography, and I'm usually with my friend Cotton Candy Cosplay! Where (any special place)? Just any location that suits the cosplay! How long does one usually take? It varies, but usually we're having so much fun that we lose track of time! How does it look like? Emma from Dark Star Photography is a great photographer and the photos always come out perfect! Any preparations? Make up mainly! Your first one? It was so long ago, that I can't remember!


33) Do you help others with photoshooting? I have done! How? I have helped by being the photographer a couple of times- Why? I like photography too, and it's nice to help. 34) Do you wear only your costumes (you did them yourself) or from others too (you bought them, get them as a present etc)? I've only ever worn one bought cosplay (although I bought the wrong size and it was massive on me!) I like to make my own! 35) DIY (do it yourself) – please answer this complex of questions only if you occupy with it When did you start? From the beginning! Whose help did you get at the beginning? My mum and partner mainly! Do you still do it? Yes! For which parts of your cosplay you DIY? Pretty much all of the costume. From which materials do you create? Lots of different ones. How much do they cost you? Not too much. Where do you buy them (internet, local stores etc)? Local stores. How do you create parts of costume (preparation, design patents etc)? I don't like to use patterns, so I tend to just get straight into it! How long does it takes to create one part? If I'm using a sewing machine, really fast, but if I'm hand-sewing, it takes forever! How do you make a sketch (imagination, films, comics ect)? I use a lot of inspiration from different ideas. Do you take orders? No. Do you sell them (price) or give them away? No. Where do you make parts/costume(s) – special place? Just my house! 36) Are your accessories or additions bought or DIY? DIY. Which ones? My favourite one is the cape. How much did the materials cost to make them (if DIY)? Not a lot! Where did you get them? A local fabric shop. 37) Do you have assurance for your costumes? / 38) How long does it takes to get dressed? Sometimes ages (I get easily distracted) It depends if I'm in a rush.


39) How many pieces of costume do you have? For my Fem Thor cosplay, I have my cape, gloves, top and leggings! 40) Do you have any spare parts for costume? I have some special boots that I sometimes choose to wear. 41) What do you do if it gets ripped/damaged on convention? Take it back to wherever I'm staying a try to fix it or just get changed! Do you need help to repare it? I can usually fix things alone. 42) How often do you wash it? Only when I wear it. Does it need special care? – which part of the costume? The cape gets creased very easily, so I have to hang it up. 43) Do you use make up? I sometimes use eyeliner. How much? Just a little. Where (only face or other parts of body too)? Eyes. Which colors? Black. Favorite brand? Whatever is cheap! 44) Do you have special care for your hair? No. 45) Did you need to dye your hair for the character? No. What is your natural color of your hair? Brown. 46) Did you get long/short hair for cosplay? No. 47) Do you use wig? Yes. What kind of? Blonde straight long wig. How much do they cost? My Thor one cost me around £6. Do you have one or more? I have so many wigs all together! What kind of shoes do you use for cosplay? I usually wear whatever's comfortable. 48) What kind of shoes do you have for your character? I have some boots I sometimes wear. How do they look like? They're knee length and black. 49) Where do you buy them? I got them as a birthday present a few years back! 50) Do you make any (major) changes on them? No. 51) Ever bought/order them at shomaker? No. How many pairs do you have (just for cosplay)? Only those ones! 52) Do you have any advertisment for yourself/your cosplaying? Only my page. 53) With cosplaying – do you help others/raising money? I haven't, but it's a good idea!


54) Do you gain money with cosplay? No. If 'no' – is it even possible to gain it? It is for some people from selling prints etc, but I haven't gotten that far yet. 55) Are there any cosplay communities? Yes. Are you in any? A few. 56) About your cosplay character: Why him/her? Thor is such an amazing, strong character, and I wanted to cosplay a character like that, but changed it to a female version! What do you know about his/hers history? The character himself, I know quite a bit about, the actual Thor, only a bit! Do you mentally connect with him/her? In some ways. - If you are female: Ever cosplay male character? Not yet! Why? Haven't had the chance yet!

Intervju 7. 7. 2014

1.) Do you think highly of yourself when you're cosplaying? Not at all really! There are always people who are better at cosplaying than me, but I don't mind, I just do my best! 2.) While cosplaying - does it make you feel more confident? If I am really happy with my cosplay, it does give me a lot of confidence because I can be whoever I want to be! 3.) Do you think you are better then other cosplayers because you have more detailed costume? Not at all! As I said before, there are always better cosplays than mine, and I just do my best! 4.) Do you prepare your attitude, manners etc. towards visitors in advance? (practicing in front of a mirror or something alike?) I have done before. Before an expo I had to practice greetings because I'm not very good at talking to people! 5.) What's your attitude towards non-cosplayers? As long as they're also having fun doing whatever they like to do and are considerate of cosplayers as well, they're okay with me.


6.) Is it hard to step in and out of character? Sometimes - How do you do it? I'll tend to have to look at the character online, watch videos with them in etc to really get into character -Could you say the character presents your alter ego? Possibly. Thor is such a strong and confident character and in real life, I'm pretty weak and quiet! 7.) Do you want to improve your cosplay? Definitely, there's so many improvements that could be made! I also want to work on making his hammer! 8.) If you could go back in the past – would you still choose this character to portray it? I really like the character and the costume, so yes. 9.) Did cosplay help you to solve any psychological problems? Not really, but it did help me with my confidence a little. 10.) Any accidents while cosplaying? I kept getting my cape stuck in doors and caught on people! 11.) Ever happend any misinterpretations of your actions, manners etc. while cosplaying? No. 12.) Has happend that flirtation went wrong? No. 13.) Ever thought about dropping cosplay? Yes - What would be the reason(s) if you'd give up (the character/at all)? It's a very expensive hobby and sometimes I feel as though I am not good enough, but then I remind myself that I do it for fun. 14.) Any addvice for new cosplayers? Just have fun with it, it's not really a competition unless you make it a competition! Just do your best and enjoy being in character! 15.) Can you identify with the character? Not really, but I'd like to! 16.) What are the similarities/differences between you and the character? Thor is so strong and very confident and that's what I'd like to be!


14.1.2 Idromy Spol: Ženski

Starost: 28

Država: Belgija

Intervju 28. 12. 2013

Opombe: Prve minute niso posnete zaradi napačnega snemanja. Pogovor sem tu in tam skrajšala ali spremenila zaradi lažjega branja.

K: Did it have a special name or just…

I: The convenction was called Facts. It's a convenction that's more for new movies and science fiction than games and anime. It took me a few years to get to know other conventions or places to go.

K. Why did you deceide to take this anime character?

I: I think, in that period I was really into anime and I really did like and enjoy seeing things that were more cute and feminine and I thought with it's design was pretty simple and it was thing I might be able to do.

K: You made it yourself or did you…

I: Yes. I had no help, I made everything myself.

K: Where did you get all the material and accessory and everything. Did you bought everything?

I: I bought shoes secondhanded and the stockings and the panty I was wearing and the fabric. Theres another reason I cosplay – all the fabric parts were made form old courtains. It was a pink dress and as a kid I used to have pink courtains and I made the dress, pink dress, out of my old pink courtains. And it has like white parts and sleeves and everything and I use an old vest… I cut parts out of the old vest and *nerazumljivo* it in the cosplay. It was very amateur-ish but I think when you start outand you start making something for the first time you're happy that it stays on. *smeh* And you don't pay attention to the details.. I was just very happy that I made something and I could fit it and was okay.


K: So after the first show did you correct it, did you perfect your dress?

I: No I didn't. Because I didn't … really I still didn't know anybody at cosplay scene, I didn't know more than one place for I could go a year, so I just kept it in the closet. And then I think 3 years later we had a party with a few friends and I wore it again but I recycled it and made big power puff girl outfit from it. I do a lot of recycling.

K: I think that's okay because… it's not bad…

I: No. Especially not. I think, sometimes you use expensive materials and fabric and it's good to re-use thing again. And even if you can't make cosplay from it I like doing my own desings, I like doing thing or go to fantasy fairs and that way you can still use old cosplays, just made something completly new out of it.

K: How old were you when you first cosplayed?

I: I think I was twenty years.

K: How come that you choose to go to that cosplay show. Decide to make cosplys by yourself. What was the motive?

I: The motive. I've always been creative, I've always drawn or painted. I've always played video games, I've always read comics and ever since I was alittle kid like 13 years old I was like 'Ooo look, shes so pretty, one day I want to wear an outfit like that'. It was the right moment and the right combination of everything and I just went for it and made an outfit like that.

K: How did you feel at the start?

I: Very very insecure. I was insecure about my sweing skills, insecure about my body or if my hair was right or what would other people think of it, because nobody in school knew this and I was very insecure and scared. But on the convenction and show and everything itself there were more people dressed and sometimes people recognize you and even if it's not a very well made outfit the people there were actually very suportive in most of ways and it was a encuraging. Like when it ends it's cool that you did that. I think that really helped me gain more confidence, yes.

K: Did you made any friends there, at the first show?


I: No, absolutely not. The first years was all by myself really. It took me the second year I made first friends and the third year that I actually got to know more cosplayers and actually more shows that I could go to.

K: How did the first show look like? Was there any special occasion or it was…

I: No. It was just the event and the event that hold the costume competition. It was just very simple square stage and we went on and off and it wasn't anything special yet. Especially on the begining, there were not another things that you could do, the scene was very very small.

K: Do you remember how many other cosplayers were there?

I: I think 8, maybe 9. Not much more. That's not a lot. *smeh*

K: Well it's a begining. Did they have any specific costumes?

I: Yes, because it's event mostly focusing on films and everything, most people there, with costumes back then were Star Wars related. Lots of Darth Wader and princess Leia.

K. Any Jedi?

I: Yeah, every year. Event's still there every year and every year they's a lot of Jedis and R2-D2s. They have set builders there, they set a small set or village from Star Wars. It's a lot of fun if you like science-fiction movies.

K: Not Star Wars, but more Star Trek. I'm that kind of fan.

I: *smeh* I like a lot of different things. Sometimes it's very hard to choose, I'm more into fantasy.

K: What kind of?

I: I read a lot of high fantasy books, sometimes I watch shows as well, but not as much as I'd like to. I'm reading a lot of books and comics, but more of the eureopean kind of comics, so no mangas really or like Marvel and DC (Comics, op. a.). Sometimes I read thoes, I enjoy those, but I think here in Europe we have better and more different artists.

K: Can you name them?


I: Two of my favorites are Louiselle and Ledroit. Louiselle has tendency to really pay attention to different kinds of body shapes, story and the way people react to certain situations, his lines are very curvy. And colours he uses are very light, pastel colors, sometimes vibrants. Ledroit is very very chaotic and in his drawings and sometimes a bit violent as well. It's really more comic for adult people. I would'nt recomedreading if you were 6. *smeh*

K: I belive so.

I: It's very violent story as well, but it's really cool. I think they're two my favorite artists, yes.

K: The title of theirs work is?

I: Form Louiselle you have a serias called a Peter Pan, the comics for Peter Pan from more adult view, and Ledroit are Requiem – the vampire night.

K: I must admit, i never heard of them

I: I know. *smeh* I think a lot of eureopean artist are not as well known as other artist are, but they are still very very good artists.

K: I'm a fan of Fahr (FahrLight, op. a) – I don't know if you know her. She cosplays Loki, mostly, and she's an artist and she has german version of comics, bit i dont know how to pronouce it. I only know of her because I'm on her fan page and she usually post the titels. But others I really don't know, so i'll have to check that. Which one is your favorite character, that you most like…

I: From all my cosplays?

K: Yes.

I: I most like… it has to be… it's difficult one. The character i like the most is Queen Odette, but it's not the costume I like the most, it's the character I like most. She's the evil queen of the death, I like… as a cosplayer is hard for me to portray things that are nice or cute. I'm better at being evil or bitchy.

K: Really?


I: Yeah.

K: I saw the picture. Is that the one with the spider…?

I: Yes, it's the one with the spider.

K. I saw that and i was like 'oomg, how do you even do that'. You must have so much skill to put spider under your dress…

I: *smeh* The fun thing is, the spider is also made out of recycled materials of older cosplays form me or friends. I know having something big costs a lot of mony and I didn't want to spend a lot of money, so I recycled older costume and costume parts to make a spider.

K: Didn't you feel any sorrow because you had to cut old costume?

I: No, not really. I'm the kind of cosplayer – once i've done it.. and i know especially for big costume you can't really wear it or move around in it, i feel no sorrow or regret, once I have to cut it off and use it for something else.

K: That's something new, because I thought that all the cosplayers put their costumes into wardrobe and leave them there. I never thought of recycling.

I: I dont do it, because I *nerazumljivo* .. but than it would sit there for like 3 or 4 years and I don't… I think it's a shame – whether you wear it or you don't or reclycle it. If it's possible to recycle, not everything you can recycle but a lot of thing you can.

K: How do you choose your characters?

I: There is criticism and its fifty-fifty. Either purley based on character itself or how it behaves or my love for the character or it is design based. It's design I love. The choice is really difficult, because sometimes you really love desing but you can't portray the character really well or you really love the character but you're not sure about the costume.

K: So you bassicly choose from…

I: I mostly choose either purely on character based reference or design reference. Sometimes it comes from cartoons I watched as a kid and I loved them so much even if they are really silly, it doens't matter if you do something you want to do it. I think every

56 adult cosplayer make very long wish list. I know that mine has over 200 different charatcers and if I don't know what to do i just go there for inspiration. And also it kind of depend on what my friends do. Sometimes my friends recommed me what to do and I say thats a very good recommendation and i'm actually do it and I really like it.

K: Which characters did you already present? Like you said Lady Odette and that anime character but…

I: I've done a lot of characters. I think the last real cosplay I did was in a very large group from Gibli films, I did Sophie from Howl's moving castle and I think it's a good example because it's the movie I really loved. I know that the dress and everything it's not really something i found pretty, i just really the film and the character. The avatar for Melandru from the first Guild Wars – might have seen it all the branches and the leafs – she was more design-based, I choose her more for design, because I really love creatures and demons and dragons, so for me thats like perfect costume choice, because I really love it. It's non-human and i like it when thins are non-human.

K: And which ones are on your wish list?

I: The ones i'm really going to do are the ones that are on my wish list?

K: Well both I guess.

I: Well, I'm gonna open it (the wish list, op. a). what I'm gonna do in March is form the Ring of the Nibelung. It's a myth and also an opera story by Richard Wagner. There are few graphic novels about it and I'm gonna do the Valkyrie and the costumes is one from the comics – it's on my wish list. My wish list: I have the Dragon Age costum that I really like to do but I don't see it happening because it's kind of gross. From *nerazumljivo*, one of the alien ambasadors with the big head and brains. I have a female gremlin on my list as well.

K: And thats from…?

I: From the Gremlins. From the films, the tiny green creatures. In the second film you have female gremling, wear a leather bikini. And it's a fun costume.

K: So it's like ?


I: It's a body suit because it's a creature I'm gonna try to find it on the internet. It's going to be a very tiny picture.

K: It's okay as long as i can imagine them.

I: There we go: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak- snc6/195851_10152016577070717_782886929_n.jpg

This is both desing-based and character-based. Because I really liked the character and the film and the costume is something I like – it's reall non-human. It's weird and fun to do and it's also something I think I would be able to »act out«, very well.

K: But how will you do all this…?

I: Well, basicly would be latex or silicone body suits. I make very tight fitting body suits and I sculpt the face, I sculpt the ears, I sculpt the textures, I have the skills and I would paint the body suits, attached it on the back with the zipper and wear it as a body suit. It's the same I did for *nerazumljivo*- it's all latex and the rubber.

K: So they are the most easiest materials to work with?

I: For me it is and it's alos very long lasting material. But it's a very long process. It's not something you can do in the week's time unless you are very talented in that kind of thing, but I'm really not there yet.

K: You will get there, don't worry.

I: I had 8 years of cosplaying, I had 8 years of falling down and crawling up again and you learn from your mistakes and each year I try to learn more about new materials I don't know yet and even if I fail, if the way I wanted to make something fails, I'll know how not to do it and know how to do it next time. And you get better with each time, with each step, and I think it's normal

K: How many costumes you make in a year?

I: Usually, for myself, I try to make at least 6 costumes. And it depends, sometimes it's really difficult and sometimes they are very easy costumes. Although sometimes faces are

58 easier because someone who works with fabric she or he might very easily make pants, but I'm very horrible at making pants. I can't make the decent pair of pants. *smeh* I can make you props or weird realistic looking demon armor of something, but I can't do pants. Please, don't make me do them. *smeh*

K: And what do you do when someone ask you to make them? What do you do?

I: I do take commissions, but I don't take commissions for everything. If you ask me to make a ball gawn I will immediately say no because it's a lot of fabric work and it's not something I normally do, but if you'd ask me to make like angel wings or a weapon or armor then I'd be more interested in because it's something that interests me more and I know I'm better at thos kind of things that things with fabric.

K: Do you sell them or do you…?

I: Well I'm trying to sell them, few thing that I made, especially things I can made replicas of, like masks or weapons, and I do commissions, I do sell them. It's something it's in the baby shoes but i'm doing my first things.

K: Do you have a normal price or do you try to…?

I: I try to ask for normal price, but it also depends on client wishes. For instance: if you are interested in a certain weapon, build in a certain way, and I'm telling you I can do this, especially if it's very *nerazumljivo* weapon and I can do it and if I can make it from simple woods *?* or I can make it like a mould, or a hard plastick so it's a one piece like for masks mostly, maybe I just take mask as a perfect example. Right now I'm making a mask from the game the Last of us - it's from the infected Clicker and if I need to make these just for one person I would have to ask for more than 200 euros at least, because its at least 90 or 100 euros for different materials, the latex, the foam, the paint, the clay, the costing material and everything. I asked the person I do commision for if I can make more of this, because I make mould for this and I can make at least 6 more. If the person agreees to that I can keep the price lower than normally, because I can make more of that. It's a risk I'm willing take, because maybe nobody else wants the mask.

*o materialih in cenah*

K: Do you have a job?


I: Yes I'mm a cleaning lady.

K: So you have enough money for all the cosplay?

I: Yes. But I really plan ahead. I already know the costumes for the next year are… and the costumes I'm gonna do… I chose my costumes also maybe two maximum three difficult costumes a year and I also choose them based on on what I can spend. I think it an important rule in cosplay that a lot of people foreget – never spend more than you can actually spend. I think you need to be able to pay the rent or your loan or for your food or can insurance, it's important. I think every now and then doing the commission work allows me to sometimes earn a little bit of extra money to make my costumes. I think that very good, even if its a hard work and long evenings, its okay to do that

K: So basicly you have a lot of fun.

I: Yes, I think that's the main goal. If you don't enjoy crafting it or for cosplayers that don't make costumes, if they don't enjoy wearing costume and being a character or just having fun in it that its no use. Its still a hobby so hobbies are meant to be enjoyable. If it causes you too much stress and you're trying to do it for fun, than something is going wrong.

K: How come that you stayed so long in a cosplay, besides all the fun and for a hobby…?

I: Because a lot of cosplayers start doing it less and less when they become older, and I think for me I don't see myself really quitting because there is still so much to do and it's not something I would easily give up. Yes, characters in video games especailly mangas are very young and they might be too young for me to do, there are always be other interesting thing in films and games there are other charactrs to do but I think it's not just about cosplay but in general costuming and building thing and having an original idea that comes to life. Its not something I could easily leave out. Be it cosplay or my own design, I dont think I can just stop it.

K: Its actually part of you now…

I: It a part of me, yes.

K: At the beginning to whom did you turn for help?


I: There was one cosplayer - she went with me buying fabrics one day for my second costume, but that was it. I never really had a lot of help. Because the cosplay scene here was so small and everybody was just at the beginning, we were all kind of trying to find our way and there was no real help, people I could turn to. So I just tried to find everything by myself and I think for the cosplayer starting now it easier – the scene is very big. There are a lot of poeople with knowledge and certain things. It's very easy now to find correct kind of information on the internet, but we did it all by ourselfs back then. I feel old talking like that. *smeh*

K: How old are you?

I: I'm 28 years. I don't think I'm old, but for a country where most of cosplayers are not older than 18 then I feel old.

K: Well, you can help them.

I: I try to. Sometimes they listen, and sometimes thex dont listen. And its their choice.

K: How do you help them?

I: Sometimews they come to me asking for advice – how would you this, how would you handle this, do you know where I could buy this or this material. And sometimes people come over and I help them out here because I have a lot of materials and airbrushes and tool and power tools and everthing and sometimes we build thing together.

K: Who is a cosplayer for you?

I: For me a good cosplayer in somebody that does their own costumes or most of their costumes, because i focus on crafting costumes aswell. I prefer seeing cosplayers making their own costumes, because for me its more about crafting and creating things, that it's about walking around in cosplay. Well, I mean I work on something for 3 months and than I wear it for a day and I have lots of months of fun. It is about that as well but I focus more on crafting and I like it when other people and cosplayers are focused on crafting as well. Because I really like to see when people or cosplayer come up next, that their results are and how they are doing it.

K: Are you in any community or group that you discuss about cosplay and the characters?


I: No, not really. Most of my friends here in are cosplayers and we see each other a lot. Not only on events but we go out on a dinner or we have a party or we go to a movies and we discuss cosplay a lot. Or especially when you're watching movie then you get poked on the side and yoi hear a whisper 'I want to do that costume'. *smeh* We do talk about it lot but I dont have a specific group or anything that I discuss cosplay with, except my friends.

K: How many of your friends are cosplayers?

I: More that half. And from the friends that are not cosplayers some of them are starting the cosplay, because they know cosplayers.

K: So they are actuall a support for you and the others?

I: Yes, they are. And it's like from my boyfriend aswell. He doesn't cosplay, but he does support me. Sometumes he comes to the hobby room, tells me it's wery nice what I'm working on it or he goes to convention as well. He's also friends with the more of cosplayers, but it's not like this.

K: I believe it's great that you have a boyfriend who supports you. And I asssume family too and that group of friends…

I: Yes, for my family it's sometimes still weird. My dad really loves it, because he plays video game as well, and he know what kind of it, it is. And my mom, she didn't like it at first, but she came to see me in a costum for the very first time this year and I was was really nervous. Its okay to stand on a stage in font a lot of a pepole, that not a problem anymore. But if you stand on a stage and your mom is in the audience, than you do get nervous.

K: Yes I know. Do you have any stage fright?

I: No, not really. Sometimes I'm a bit nervous and when I'm nervous I talk a lot, but I do okay on stage. I dont feel frightened or overwhelmed by it.

K: I saw Lady Odette and I think Fenrir.

I: That was one of my own creations.

K: I was thrilled.


I: Thank you. *smeh* But that are characters that I can portray well. I could make a really *nerazumljivo* costume, very fluffy and green with white angel wings, but I could never be that nice, pretty looking angel on a stage. I think it's something you have to learn, if you are good at portraying something or not.

K: You were really great at Fenrir. I saw the pictures work in progress album, and I was just like… all the details!

I: I know. But sometimes poeple, they don't really… there are a lot of details that comes from the myth itself, but most people don't notice it, these details. They don't know them for what they are.

K: On you hands you have an armour, and I think it was a knife in it, I'm not sure.

I: Yes, its made form latex. The detail is the moon with the bite out of it, and then it comes out it used to be a sword, because in the myth he's is the wolf that swallows the moon, when Ragnarok comes and i wanted to have that moon with the bite out of it and I wanted to have a sword… Because he snout…there is a tree at which he is chained up and there is a sword in his mouth. I wanted to have that small detail on the costume. For the scar as well. I wanted to have a scar at the same place that a wolf would noramlly have a scar if he put a sword through his mouth.

K: And the fur? It wasnt all black…

I: For it i used white and gray paint to make the end a little bit lighter. Its not something it shows up a lot but it still make a tiny but of a difference. The only bad point is in the quality because the paint sometimes comes off so I have to add some more paint.

K: That was not a reall fur?

I: No, it was jut a very cheap fake fur.

K: Where do you buy this material?

I: For Fenrir – the leather I got form a friend. Her parents had 6 completley black cow – hides, laying around in the attic and it was 75 euros for 3 complete leather pieces. I made Fenrir's armor and the coat from one cow. So I still have two cows. *smeh* The fur comes from the fabric store nearby, for the same store I used fabric for the pants and the blouse –

63 they are very comforable, both, the vest and the pants. And they can count as a double of pijama, because they are so comfortable. *smeh*

K: So you wear them on a normal day too?

I: The pants yes, because they are very normal, the blouse no, because its still medieval blouse, and its made in a man size and i can only wear man size if I bind my chest. So I cant wear that on a daily asec. But the pantI are just very normal looking green leather pants so I don't see why I couldn't wear them as comfortable pants in the house.

K: For the chest-binding?

I: Yes, for a woman you have boobs and I have quite a large boobs so I use chest-binder so I make them very flat. So I have more manly chest. Its never good to be perfect, I will never pass as a real man, but i think for cosplay its okay. You will always be able to see that I'm a girl… if you…

K: Look closely enough.

I: Yes. *smeh*

K: How may times did you do that, for how many costumes?

I: That was my second male costume, I needed to.

K: And otherwise you just choose…

I: A feminine characters.

K: How come that you onkly had two male characters?

I: I was very insecure about the facts that I a little bit look like a man. Can I… because I have very curvy body, I think it's very hard to make a very curvy body to make it look a bit manly, but I just waited and kept it on a hold and this year I decided it's something I never did it before and I just want to do it. Is just one of the things as a cosplayer is one of the interesting things to do cross-dressing at least once, just to have tried it. The first was okay, the Fenrir was okay as well. Now I know that all the male charcter I really like in comics and games I might be able to do their costume as well. I have more choice now. That'ss

64 basicly it. Sometimes I really love female character, sometimes I love male character as well.

*o moškem liku Jacquesu, njegovem kostumu*

K: Jacques looks like he is cocky?

I: And this International Fantastic Film Festival

K: Is it every year?

I: It's every year and it's very small film festival, but a lot of cosplayers still go there. It's more of a meeting point for us, I think. Even though there is nothing related besides the cosplay competition, we just go there to see everyone and have fun and see each other.

K: So this is like a rehersal for the comic con or a cosplay gathering? Is it something like that or…?

I: No, not really. It's very small event, but they do at the same contest, chooses the candidats or one candidat for one Europe cosplay in London.

K: How often do you cosplay with others in a group?

I: Not much. Normally is once a year. I tend to do things on my own.

K: Is it easier or because you don't have the…?

I: We don't alwasy have the same kind of taste or the same kind of costumes we are working on. I think it's harder to do a group well, that doing solo well.

K: Ever happened that you met another cosplayer with the same outfit or the same character?

I: Not at the same convention.

K: And what do you think of their outfit?

I: It's very different, because I do a lot of things that other people dont know. So I don't see a lot of other cosplayers wearing the same costume. Except for the Poison Ivy, you see a lot of Poison Ivys on Comic con so that's normal. But I think that everybody has their own vision of it. And sometimes I see a version that I think I don't like, I think it would be

65 better if they choose a different kind of fabric or different kind of material or different colour. But those cosplayers probably think the same about me. I think at the end everyone prefers what you have done versus what others have done, because it's your own work. That doesn't necesarily make the work of someone else bad, it's just your own difference.

K: Yes, thets why there is such a diversity of costumes.

I: Yes.

K: Abouth shows/convenctions: which kind did you attend? I dont know if I remember right, but did you go to New York?

I: Yes i went to New York, I won plane tickets. I use tickets not only to visi New York, but the comic con aswell. It's one of those once in a life time opportunities – if you can do that than you can do that.

K: Omg thats fantastic. How was it?

I: It was very very different form what we are used to Europe. Its real hard to compare. It s tottally different. Especially what we see here from those events. We know they are big and we see cosplays from thoes events and I know here in Belgium and other countries we think that a lot of american cosplayers are good but that's actually only what you see on the pictures. Compered to convention here and comic con in New York is exteml big, you can get lost, it's insane. And most people wear costumes, really. You can buy a very standard Iron Man or Spiderman outfit in the halloween store for 10 dollars, so most people wear cosplay related and they don't really care care what you wear sometimes or how good it's made. For them if you portray the character they love or it's very popular then it's good for them, you can get a lot of attention. You can wear something you design yourself, original creation, or a very complicated costume from very obscure graphic novel and if they don't recognize it they not gonna say anything about it. It's more about… if you recognize something, if you love it it's good, but more obscure thing that people aren't really heard of, they don't get as much attention. And a cosplay show it's very different. It was more of a catwalk. I wasnt expecting that. I was thinking there was more of a show here, but it was more just like you-walk-on-a-stage and the you kind of walk-off-the-stage

K: So nothing like you presented with Lady Odette or Fenrir?


I: No, absolutley not. You go on the stage and you go off the stage. I was kind os dissapointed reall, a the cosplay show and also it was a very small stage and very small room. An event that is that big – I expected more. The event itself was fabulous – I bought too much comics. There was a lot of penals you could do and watch a lot of thing. But the cosplay itself it was nice. But I was kind of disappointed in a show of such big event.

K: Thought it was like big, the real show…

I: No. Maybe other american convenctions, but comic con no. The comic con there is no show, just catwalk. So I was disappaointed as well because I expected more costumes but it was short as well. It was shorter than an hour, i think it was around 30 min.

K: Really? I though it would be hours.

I: No, it was kind of dissapointing. But the event itself was somepoint better then the most event that we have here, because there were more thing to do instead of just looking at book or action figures and games.

K: Which characters were most represented there?

I: Well. Its America, so most of the things came for either Marvel od DC Comics. So a lot of Batmans, Spidermans, Poison Ivys, Wonder women in bikins and everything.

K: Have you talked to someone who made the costume by themself?

I: Yes, there are a lot of cosplayers that made costumes by themselves. And I talked to them after and before the show and we excanged data and tips and sites where you buy things and everything. Because I use different methods than most of american cosplayers and most of american cosplayers use different methods than me. And I think that was a very good thing to do, to compare those two kind of things. Sometimes materials are easier for me to get and harder for them to get. So in that was really good to talk and excange data. I made few friends, so I'm going to try and one day go back, who knows.

K: I think that would be nice. You could get more stuff from there. Did you buy anything?

I: I was tourist, so I think I bought few clothing intems, few comic and things like that. But I didn't buy the material, because at the end of the week you still have one suitcase. And it's expensive too. Its easier to buy the ingerdients on the internet.


K: Are you still in contact with these people?

I: Not everybody. I think 50% just watered down because we didnt talk that much. Especially its evening here and its very very early in the morning there. I still have few friends that I regularly talk with on a regular basis.

K: Do you have any friend from other countries where you visited any convenction?

I: Yes, I recently went to Spain, and I had friend there and I still have them. The same goes for friends in UK and Netherlands my friends are from there aswell. And my friends if they ever visit Belgium they can stay in my place, and I had stayed in other people places

K: What kind of convention did you already attend?

I: In Spain it was more focused on video games and anime. I was there a cosplay guest, so I was a judge for the both days of the contest and I did a penal of the costume making and it was a very small event. I mean the convention size was very small but it had a lot of people… it was actually very big space outside and it felt more like it was to let people to meet new people, make frends, because there wasnt much to do. But it was more a place to mmet other cosplayers and other people. For I go to Expo Comic Con every year there and its one of the bigger ones in Europe to go there as well and you can buy a lot of things. Is not a lot of thing you can do there, you can buy a lot of thing there, but I must say that I never got anything from there. I usually go there because most of my firend in France go there as well as people form other countries. And again its more of a place to meet each other and we have a few day with each other, we cosplay, we have fun, we go to out to dinner, we go out to drink. For me that one is more about friends. The one in Holland I'm going this year, Anime Con, there is a lot of thing to do. And I think that's fun, because you can go there you can watch movies or have work ships. The convention is in a hotel as well so you don't actually have to leave the convention. The convenction and the room are in the same building. I think that's very easy and in the evening and the night they have a party and everything, its fun. I love that one because there are a lot of thing to do, there are not a lot of thing to buy. I don't really buy things at the convenction

K: They aren't cheap?

I: Well no. Sometimes I think things are kind of expensive. Sometimes they are cheap things, but I'm not really interested in them. So if I'm really interested I would buy it, but

68 usually on conventions and events they have a lot of anime action figures or mangas or things like that. I'm just not interested in that anymore. It's not my kind of thing.

K: Is it usually that coventions are in the hotel?

I: No. That the only one I know thats in the hotel. Maybe in other places as well, but this is the only one I know it's in hotel. But it's a theater hotel. The hotel itself has its own theater and halls for seminars.

K: And where the conventions usually are?

I: In event halls. Like the big open halls. And people just place a stage in it, and tables and chairs and make stands and everything.

K: Did you ever won a competition?

I: Think that every competition for the last few years I won something. *smeh*

K: I think its good that the judges see your work

I: True. But I think that the audiance as well… its fun to win, but it doesn't mean you necessarily have to win. At this concenction the price you get is like a DVD or something, so don't do it for winning something, because you don't win the cash price, you can never win money, cosplaying in a contest. *smeh* Its just fun to do and it's nice to know that people will like your costume. But I always ask for a feedbeck as well from the judges, just to tell what could I have done better or in the costume or in the act, just to see what they think and what I could change.

K: Do the usually tell you?

I: It depends. When you have the international contest that the judges come from different countries and it could be very hard to locate them but the ones I asked they all give me an answer. And its the same here in Belgium as well. You can just ask. If i'm a judge as well I usually have people asking me questions, sometimes people are very shy but I always try to tell them: if you are after the results have been done and if you have questions dont hesitate to find me esoecially here in Belguim where you guys know my name. It very easy to send me PM, just feel free to ask me questions and get feedback. I will say something,

69 say the tings I found positive about you costume and act and I will say the thing I might find negative about your costume and act.

K: Do they usually turn to you?

I: If people know they can get it, than yes, I think they do. For other judges as well. BUT i think its wery good and I try to promote that…that other people who do cosplay for awhile also do judging and I try to tell people and contestants that if they want to come to us they can and ask us questions. And I think that's good they should do that more often than not because if you're never get feedback than you're never gonna know how you do. Sometimes if somebody loses - they might have spent a lot of effort on the costume, some of them can get really really really pissed off because they think they should win and then if you're pissed off and walk away without asking why then you're never gonna know. If you ask why then maybe you get very good constructive explanation and then you can tell them they are actually right and that you could've done this different and maybe would've been better, thank you for your advice – I'm gonna try something different next time. They might have been less angry if they just asked you.

K: How long you're a judge?

I: I've been a judge at several events – most of them are in Belgium and most of the time people just ask you.

K: How does that look like? Do you get an invitation or other judges recommended you?

I: No, here in Belgium is still very small scene. So usually you get a PM on Facebook from organizer of the event or the organizer of the contest asking do you feel like judging this contest and I usually say yes if they ask.

K: How about Spain? How did you get…

I: As a cosplay judge you don't get paid. So there's no earning money. If it's for foreign event, if you're invited as guest then normally your plane tickets and your hotel are paid for but you don’t get money.

K: How did you get invited for being a judge?


I: I think for most events in Belgium it’s because I’ve done this for 8 years. I’ve done things I’m good at and I’ve got things I’m bad at, I’ve experience and I think that’s what they take in the account when they choose judges. They select one who is very good with acting, one who’s very good with fabrics, one who’s very good with armor – so they have different people with knowledge of different things. I think that is what makes a jury good.

K: Abour shows – do you have any plans where you’ll go in the future? You said something that you’ll go in March?

I: Yes, in March I’m going to London and also here in Belgium there are also convetions – so I’m going in London and Brussels for events, then in April there’s BIF again and in May I’m going to Romania for Eatern Europe Comic Con, in June I’m going to anime con in Hague and *nerazumljivo* in Belguim, in July I’m going to France for and most of the events I think in Belgium as well. But Belgium is very small country so the furthest event for me is one hour driving away. *smeh* It still very close by.

K: Still better than preparing for New York.

I: No no, because the event in March in London is a contest where you can win tickets for DragonCon in the USA, in Atlanta, you can win tickets in a hotel and I’m going to admit I’m going there to see my friends but I wouldn’t mind winning those tickets as well. I think no cosplayer would mind winning a free plane tickets to USA for a convention. Cosplayers that say ‘I’m not in this contest to win for something like that’ because they are - it very big price *nerazumljivo*. I think all cosplayers in that contest are doing it for those tickets. *smeh* There’s no point denying it. So maybe I’ll go to the USA this year, I don’t know. It’s not something I’d be able to afford normally with my paycheck. *govori o nakupu hiše* Cosplay is life as well but you don’t need it to live.

K: With whom do you usually go to the conventions?

I: There is another cosplayer living in the city I live and we usually drive together. So if we go to Paris or to Hague or any conventions in Belguim it’s usually just me and her in the car having a fun road trip. And sometimes my boyfriend comes with me as well. And when the convention is over we gather with friends in the area where we live and usually it’s around 12 people and we go out, having a dinner in the evening so we can talk about the

71 convention and just sit, relax for a while without cosplay without business of an event, just sit and have a really relaxing dinner. *smeh*

K: Do you usually sleep there or you go back home?

I: If it’s in Belgium I go back home. Like I said nothing is further than an hour of driving and it would be silly to get a hotel if you can sleep home.

K: How about Paris and Hague?

I: Hague is away about 3 hours driving, 3 to 4 hours and I usually go to hotel there or I stay with family or friends if I can but in Paris we always go to hotel.

K: How much does it usually cost you?

I: It depends on each country. For Hague I think it’s for two days about 100 euros – it’s actually quite cheap price for that location because there are some expensive hotels. It’s the same area where you have the European Consulate and everything. And Paris is actually cheaper – the cheapest I’ve ever done was 75 euros for 3 days. And when I’ll go to Romania, the hotels are cheaper than here. It all depends of the location because some cities are gonna be more expensive than others and I try to keep them low. *o hotelih*

K: Do you have any expectations for Romanian convention?

I: This year was the first one and some of my friends went there and they told me it was a lot of fun, surprisely big, a lot of things to do – not only at the convention but in Romania as well. I heard it was really beautiful country, great hiking places and I expect to see a lot of old and new friends there and I go there for a whole week. It’s not only convention it’s a vacation as well. And I think that around 16 Belgiums are also going there so there will be a small Belgium army of cosplayers go to Romanian convention. *o počitnicah s prijatelji*

K: How many costumes do you have for these conventions?

I: It’s one costume a day, really.

K: So you’ll have 7 costumes?

I: No, because the event is 3 day long, for a weekend. Friday I’ll go there normaly so I’d have costumes for Saturday and Sunday.


K: Which costumes will you…

I: Probably taking Fenrir and Valkyrie – one of my creations and one from a comic.

K: Can you put your costume and accessories in the car or do you need like a van or..

I: If I drive with my car then everything does fit in it, because I have a tiny van. So you can’t really sit in the back because it’s for only two or three people in the front, the back is just space. If I drive to Paris or Hague or Germany and people around this area if one of them wants to drive with me I can take theirs stuff with me, no problem. But for Romania, or Spain, I go with plane and I need to make sure that I can bring costumes that can fit in one big suitcase. So one big suitcase, one small suitcase and usually it’s just one or two costumes that fit in it together with all my other clothing and a toothbrush and a shampoo and things like that.

K: I saw that for Fenrir you have a rock…

I: Yep the rock doesn’t go with me outside of Belgium I can’t fit it inside of a suitcase. *smeh* If I ever do a second show with him in Paris, I don’t know, I can take the rok in Paris it’s not a problem but I’m not able to take it in Romania.

K: Does is fit in your mini van?

I: It fits. It has a lot of space.

K: Did you buy that van especially for cosplay or it was more of the coincidence?

I: I bought it especially for cosplay and work. *o njenih avtih*

K: Do you have fans?

I: No, not really. I’m not a popular cosplayer. Not at all, like you for say Fahr – I do know her for her costumes and her main theme is Loki and Loki is very popular. So this Loki cosplay does get you a lot of attention than me – I’m picking something from side characters and most people are not going to know it. That’s also something having popularity and having fans in cosplay.

K: Well you do have a fanpage and you do have people who are liking your videos and…


I: Yes I do, but they do usually talk to me. Most people who liked my page are those who I know in real life, I’ve seen them at conventions, I’ve talked to them, some are my friends or acquaintances and other might have been random people from Venezuela pr America or China and i don't know them and they don't usually leave a comment or say something.

*o komentarjih, Skypu*

K: About that hobby room – is it a special room or just for your cosplay or?

I: When we bought the house we took in to account that I do have cosplay as a hobby and I'll not pretend that I do make a mess so we really needed a separate room for it. So I do everything – sewing work and the painting work and the sculpture work.

K: So it's a very large room?

I: It's a normal room, like a bedroom for two.

*o kostumu Lady Odette in o sobah*

K: I noticed that you do a lot of photoshooting.

I: On conventions, yes, but I haven't been on any location. I'm hoping that the snow is gonna fall soon because I'm meeting with a photographer, a friend of mine, to do a shooting in snow with Fenrir. But I haven’t been on any real location yet. Most of the pictures I have are from conventions. I think it’s a shame I’d like to do more shoots with some costumes that I have now.

K: You need a special place for that…

I: You go outside. You look for places but sometimes it’s really hard to set the dates. You have a photograph who wants to take pictures of you, you have a location but he doesn’t have free when you have a free time and that’s really difficult sometimes

K: Who’s usually in the team for shooting?

I: Usually it’s just you and the photographer and nobody else does make up but you. You take care for everything and they have photographer and that’s mostly it. Maybe you or the photographer bring a friend that takes care of holding the light but usually it’s just photographer and you. Even on conventions people who take the pictures it’s just you and

74 the photographer and most of the time… I know two photographers who are my friends and we’ve been to each others birthdays so again it’s a very small scene here and we kind of know everybody it’s a small country.

K: So about cosplayers who don’t attend conventions don’t have…

I: A lot of pictures, no. But often on conventions there are places where are always people with the camera, photographers and I’ve noticed that a lot of new cosplayer think that the photographers will only take pictures of the people on the shows or people with special costumes but most of the time if you ask the photographer there they’ll take pictures of you. It might take a while to get those pictures because those people are usually not professional photographers they do it as a hobby as well. But most of them at least here in Belgium if you have more special costume or something they’ll take a picture for you you just need to ask. But most of people they are very shy to ask.

K: That’s not good for them because they don’t have that kind of pictures.

I: Yes true, true. But they should ask. Sometimes people are just too shy to ask you for a feedback and I think…to try to communicate better sometimes might be good.

K: How about your first photoshooting?

I: I think it was my second costume that somebody took picture for me and it was my father-in-law and we just took some picture in the garden and that was it. I still have a photo of my first costume and it was outside of the convention and it was also somebody who took pictures for the convention itself. But I think over the years regular people at the conventions took pictures of you and *nerazumljivo* You kind of get used to things but sometimes can be very difficult to get the right pose or something. On the show it’s easier to get a right pose because you move and when you do a picture of static, photographers expect more static, standing but still have a very active pose I think it’s very hard.

*o drugem liku*

K: Did you ever help with others for photoshooting?

I: Yes, by holding lights or things. Especially if you are with several cosplayers it’s like one person goes to shoot and the other is like hold my bags. *smeh* But that’s normal, I think. If you’re there you help out.


K: Do you wear only your creations of costumes or did you ever tried costumes of anyother…

I: No I only wear my own things.

K: About DIY – when did you start doing it?

I: Always. I always do things myself.

K: And about this masks, the additions – did you have any tutorial?

I: I did for Asmodeus I took a course for 3D make up and for the mask it was… the course was for a half year and the mask was my exam, my final piece. That was the only course I took. You can find Youtube tutorials of that but this was better for me because I had more time, I had a very good teacher explaining me things and it was easier to see him doing this than in a tutorial in Youtube.

K: They can tell you more about little things…

I: Yes and if you have more questions you can asked them right away especially if you want to do it more complicated. He kind of thought that I was crazy because I wanted to do a complete costume with the mask. He was like ‘You can’t do that’ and I was like ‘I want yeah, I’m gonna do this’.

K: When you showed it what was the reaction?

I: He was very pleasently surprised. Sometimes I send him pictures of things I do right now or things I’m planning to do and he really likes it. He was very supporting as well. I got very good grade on the mask and he told me if I work more or try new things I would get better and maybe do work at the theatre.

K: That’s great news for you.

I: It’s great news but here in Belguim there’s no work for that kind of thing. Not even in Holland. There’s in France but I don’t really speak French so…so I’d have to look for jobs in either in UK or America. But I don’t see that happening very soon.

*o delu in drugih kostumih*

K: How long does it usually take to make a costume?


I: It depends on the costume. For Asmodeus I didn’t work more thatn a month, for Melandru I work a half of year. For Fenriri I think it was a month and a half because I work some other costumes as well. I don’t work everyday on the same costume.

*o drugih kostumih*

K: For getting dresses – how long does it usually takes?

I: It depends on the costume. There are costumes that look very complicated but I put them on in 5 minutes and there are costumes that look quite simple and I need one and a half hour because I need to stick them on my body. The one with the branches and the leaves, Milandru, I can put it on in 10 minutes – it’s very easy to wear.

K: I thought that you need help and…

I: I do need help taking it off. But it’s not a problem to wear. Like Fenrir it’s very easy to take off but it takes long to put on because everything all the armorm parts are *nerazumljivo* so you need a lot of threats and everything and you just keep on putting and it takes a while. As well for the make up with the scar and the make up you’re always busy more than if you have a normal eyeshadow and mascara on.

K: Do you always put make up?

I: When I’m in cosplay yes. Even if it’s a character that’s very simple and or in the film she doesn’t appear to have any make up I always put it on. It makes a big difference.

K: So you usually put make up on face. How about your body?

I: Like for Odette I was blue so every part of my body that was visible had to be blue, for Fenrir I did make up on my hands as well to add bruises and wounds and just made them to look rougher. Or I do a body paint on myself if it’s neccessary.

K: Do you need help?

I: Sometimes there are places that are hard to reach and than you do need help. But most of the time it’s just me and my hobby room and the bathroom.

K: How about those scars and everything – how did you learn to make them?


I: I did it myself. I kind of have a commission for cosplay costume that had scars in the costume and I bought latex and just tried to make them. I tried a few methods with latex. I just did that on my own. It’s not perfect, absolutely not, there are many different methods. For next year I’d really love to do more things with silicone for my face because you can get more realistic results with that. But I just did it on my own, learned it on my own.

K: Do you have any spare elements if your costume gets damaged?

I: No. *o zavarovanju hiše* I can repear most of my costumes that’s not a trouble. I already made repair work on Melandru because it went with me in suitcase couple of times and some parts are not ment to be squished together in that small package. But for Fenrir the armor is already battled down so if I see I tear my pants, that’s okay. In real life if you’d battle then your pants are likely to get torn or something’s gonna get ripped and that’s okay.

K: Does it need special care – any of your costumes?

I: Yes the body suits I usually put them on a fitting doll or lay them in the open air because they’re very *nerazumljivo* And if you’ve worn them the’y re sweaty and moist on the inside and they need to dry out. So I usually just hang up. I have boxes where I store my wigs, the fake rock is in the sheds in the back of the garden.

K: How often do you wash them?

I: Good question – never? *smeh* Because I’ve never worn a outfit more than three times. So I usually don’t need to wash them. Of course I wash Fenrir’s clothing but like the cape and the jacket don’t really need to be washed. For Melandru the body suit, I can’t wash it, I can take a damp towel but I can’t wash them. If it’s just normal fabric than you can just put it in the washing machine or take it ou to the dry cleaners, but for other cosplays if you have latex on it or some other you just can’t wash it anymore.

K: How yout your hair?

I: The wigs. I have a box where I keep my wigs and I wash them everytime they’ve been used.

K: You can wash them?


I: Yes, you can. I just use a shampoo and conditioner because there’s hairspray and everything, so I wash my wigs and then I wait until they’re dry and put them in the bag and they’re safe again.

K: Are they from the real hair?

I: No, everything is fake. It’s all fake hair from China.

K: How do you make your hair do?

I: Sometimes for certain characters you can very easily find a good wig online, sometimes you need more colour or you need to sew different wigs together or style them together. Fenrir actually used to be a very long, curly wig and it was bought by a friend of mine to use as Loki wig and I bought it from here I think cut half of it to did a different style for Fenrir. It does get messy very easy because I move around a lot and with a fur it gets a mess but, again, it’s okay, because he’s kind of wild. He doesn’t style it like his dad. *smeh* That’s another good point I can call every Loki cosplayer ‘dad’. ‘Hey dad what’s up?’ *smeh* If they only get it.

K: About wigs – did you need help at first?

I: Not really. The only help I had was when you buy it on eBay, I didn’t always had an ability to buy on eBay so I asked friends to order it for me, but I do my own wigs. It’s something you learn with time.

K: How do you menage with all the wigs – how do you pick them…

I: Just see them on eBay, really. You look for the correct length or correct curl, mostly it’s abour length and hair colour. If it’s straight you can get it curly, you can get curly to straight but it’s mostly about getting the correct hair colour. In the link I send it to you, you can see that I have three different wigs, I’ve sewn them together. Demolished two wighs that I only had the hair, I sew the hair in one of the wigs to have more volume and you have a crazy 80’s hair-do. (Link slike ne deuje več, op. a.)

*o drugih kostumih*

K: About the shoes – do you have a special pair of them for every cosplay?


I: I try to use them as much as possible. Like the shoes Fenrir wears are the same shoes I have for Odette. It’s black shoes, but you can’t see because of the fur and everything coming over it. And I buy a lot of shoes secondhanded. If you find shoes and they’re in the store for 2 euros, if they fit I usually buy them. At the end when you’re cosplaying you have basic shoes but you have different layers of fabric or armour or latex or whatever goes over it. At the end you just need shoes, flat or with a heel, then just make everything to look like the shoes your character was wearing. I buy cheap shoes. Doesn’t matter if they’re new or used, if they’re comfortable and they’re cheap like 2 or 5 euros, still buy that shoes.

K: Do you do any…do you cut them, sew them…

I: Yeah, I cut holes in them, I add more things in the end the shoes I bought doesn’t look the same. But in some cases you just need some regular black shoes and everything and you just wear the same kind of shoes.

K: Did you ever order them from a shoemaker?

I: No.

K: Do you want to?

I: No.

K: It’s too exprensive or is it…

I: It’s too expensive and again I like to do my things on my own. That’s how you learn even if it’s difficult at the beginning. That’s how you learn.

K: How many pairs do you have just for cosplay?

I: Right now? Not much I think. 3, maybe 4. *kateri spadajo kam*

K: Do you usually have them with high heels or flat?

I: I usually wear normal or with a tiny heel. No high heels or stilettos unless the character wears stilettos. You have a lot of people wearing high heels or stipper heels for superhero character, while in the comic she doesn’t even wear those shoes and I’d much rather wear comfortable shoes especially if you’re walking around and it’s more accurate than

80 extremely uncomfortable high heels shoes just to make your legs longer. Of course there are characters that do wear high heels and if they do have them then yes, I’m going to have them too and it’s not a problem for me to wear them but if I know that the character doesn’t have them or if the character has a very long dress to the ground then I wear comfortable shoes. Again it’s about being comfortable, again for me, because most of the time the costume is not really comfortable so every little bit that makes me more comfortable is a plus thing.

*o žuljih, drugih kostumih, Lady Odette*

K: Do you have any advertisement for yourself?

I: No, not really. I wouldn’t really know what to say. As a cosplayer I’m just doing things for my own personal joy so I’m not really specificly…what people want me to do. As for commissions people just usually finds me or I find them if they need something. That’s it really. I’m not a merchant. Sometimes you have cosplayers who are very good merchants, but I’m not the one.

K: Do you help others with your cosplay? Like help raising money or something like that?

I: No, not yet. That’s not really something that’s going around in Belgium right now. But it’s happening more often but again they often ask for people with costume that normal people, who don’t do cosplay, will recognize. Let’s take for instance the Mario brothers, Lara Croft – everybody knows them. So those are the kinds of costumes that people, the charity occasions are looking for and I don’t really have those. I kind of fall out of the box.

K: So you don’t gain moey with it.

I: No. Cosplay is just a hobby or being a judge, I don’t earn money.

K: but is it possible?

I: I don’t really see it possible. Let’s say that in America it’s a different story, they have cosplayers that market themselves, they have stands for themselves, they sell autographic pictures of themselves for 10 dollars or 15 dollars, you can pay them money to be on a picture with them and that’s not gonna happen in Europe. I don’t see a popular European cosplayer on a normal convetion in Europe asking people to pay money for taking picture of them. There are people here in Europe as well who do commissions and do make quite a

81 lot of money for it but that’s not cosplay anymore, because you get paid to make things for other people. That’s work that’s not cosplay. It’s not something that you do for your personal enjoyment. I mean I still enjoy making things but it’s not something I’d have done for myself if people won’t tell me ‘Can you do this’. So cosplay is not a career.

K: You think it’ll ever be?

I: Not in the next 10 year. Not in Europe. If it’s ever gonna be a career than it’s ban to happen in the more eastern coutries – Japan, Korea, and after that in America before it’s ever gonna be a career in Europe.

K: Were you ever groped before?

I: No, never. Once by a friend but it was more for fun, just laughing. It was between friends, but I was never groped by a stranger before.

K: It they want a picture with you do they always ask you about hugging you or something like that?

I: Yes, I suppost they do. And if they do give you a hug.. I’m okay with people giving a hug or pulling an arm around my waist or shoulder. I mean that’s perfectly normal but of course if they put to get an arm around you and squeeze your tits or your ass that’s a big no. I’ve never really have that before. It might have something to do with.. Belgium it’s not large like France it is more..in America they focused more on body types and most of the people expect cosplayers to be like photo models or supermodel so girls do get unwanted attention than a girl who is out of the norm, who is a bit bigger or not as tall or smaller then those girls and I think that might get to do with that as well.

K: I hope this won’t be a strange question – do you know any cosplayer who is a bit bigger?

I: Yes I do. And I think I’m perfectly fine with that. I mean I’ve seen some of those girls do really cool barbarian armours or dresses and everything and it’s fine. But of course if you are more curvier cosplayer and you really want to do a bikini cosplay there will always be people who don’t like that. I mean I’ve been called fat numerous times so… *smeh* I considered ‘fat’ so…if people insult me it’s usually calling me ‘fat’.

K: Why?


I: I don’t know. Again because people expect cosplayers to look like a supermodel and we don’t look like supermodels. We’re regular women, we come in different sizes varying from small to big and it’s a hobby for us. We are no a supermodels. We’re very normal women and girls under all that make up and dress. But other people – girls and men do enxpect us to look like models. And that’s one of the very unpleasant side effects of cosplaying.

K: And how do you react to those comments?

I: I don’t really react. Of course it does bother you especially if they keep saying that but if you *nerazumljivo* on Facebook where most of the things are very open they’re *nerazumljivo* it’s really not worth telling those people to stop. Because sometimes it’s on different page of the other cosplayer that does have a supermodel looks and you know that those people place those comments because it’s diffensive. They’re jealous or something, I don’t really know. And how do I react? I’m 28 – I kind of letting it pass. I’m very happy, I’m in a very good relationship so I don’t want unneeded attention from other men, people can’t really make me insecure about myself because I’m perfectly fine with my body in the way it looks, for my boyfriend as well – if I’m ever gonna lose weight he’s probably gonna get pissed. *smeh* So I’m okay with it. I starting with my costume when I was very insecure about everything and people would’ve said the same things – I would’ve cried probably, I would’ve been very angry but now that I’m more mature, more older I kind of just shrug my shoulders and say ‘okay, it’s cool’. I mean there will alwys be people who think that you’re too fat if you’re a cosplayer. *nerazumljivo*

K: I just read an article about two cosplayers who called themselves ‘plus size cosplayer’ and I was like’ Well you have confidence, you wear the costume you’re okay with it, that shows your best side, that people see that you’re there for costumes not to show skin and everything. That’s a healthy relationship to show cosplay or costumes.’

I: I think that in the end you need to feel comfortable wearing it and you need to feel confident wearing it. No matter if it’s full coverage or if it’s not I’ve done everything. I’ve done full coverage but I’ve walked around in a bikini as well.

*o njej, njenem zdravju, službi, fitnes*

K: Abour characters – how well do you know their story?


I: If I choose a cosplay based on the character then I know the story very well. I know how to play the character, the backround of the character. I choose something because I like the design I usually try to play the game or read the comic or anything to still have the feel of the background story and everything. Because there are always people that are not only interested in the costume but also where does it comes from, what does the character do and I feel you need to be able to answer most of those basic questions as well.

K: Do you get a lot of questions about your character? Like why did you choose it and everything?

I: People always ask that. Especially if they don’t know who you are, so I always try to answer them.

K: Do you prepare special answers in advance?

I: No, not for normal conventions, but if you have like preselections or international contest or if you are in the international contest then yes, I do prepare a bit.

K: How do you mentally prepare for cosplaying the character?

I: When I’m building a costume or I’m driving to an event I usually make a playlist filled with music that either I feel fits the character or gives me certain feel for environment the character grow up in or something that it fits with a costume or it’s themed in a way or like a soundtrack or something. And I think the correct kind of music while making it or on stage really helps me mentally. But I think that’s the only thing that I don’t have *nerazumljivo*.

K: What it’s your understanding of cosplay? Would your life be extremely different without cosplay?

I: It would. I’d… when I started with cosplay I was shy, insecure and I didn’t really have that much friends and now after 8 years I feel more confident, I have a lot of friends and I feel more welcomed and loved than in the beginning. I think it changed who I am – from very shy girl in here early twenties to more confident woman.

K: I think it’s nice what a small thing, at the begining, can make.


I: It does. I think it really makes a big difference. It doesn’t feel like a big difference because it happened over time but if you look back on it it really makes a lot of difference. Because I can talk to strangers more easily now and over all it made my life easier.

K: If I may ask – how didi you met your boyfriend?

I: It was 13 years back when I was 15 over internet. But we met at the same event I stated to cosplay but I didn’t wear a costume back then. He went abroad to study in Czeck Republic and when he got back we met again we started off and I think the first year we were together was the first year I did cosplay.

K: Nice.

I: He’s been with me ever since. *smeh* He’s seen everything. He knows.

K: Do you think I left anything unnoticed? Would you like to add anything?

I: Right now not but you can always send me on Skype.

*pogovor o različnih stvareh, o vaklirah, stripih, kostumih; dovoli snemanje posnetka (dodatno ker se na začetku ni posnelo)*

K: Thank you again, it was very lovely to talk to you.

I: Thank you too. Goodbye.

Intervju 7. 7. 2014

1.) Do you think highly of yourself when you're cosplaying? It's the dreadfull 50/50. I know i have the certain skills that might be better then other. but i also have skills in wich i'm less then others. I have the costumes i'm really proud of because of the work and effort i put in them, they look good and i'm not afraid to say that. Yet i still worry about not being good enough, especially in international contests, i'm always afraid i'll let people down if i pick somthing unexpected. Still i'm old enough to overcome this, just go on creating without much worry and have fun doing so. 2.) While cosplaying - does it make you feel more confident?


Yes definitly, if it's a costume i've finisched well wearing it makes me feel more confidence.

3.) Do you think you are better then other cosplayers because you have more detailed costume?

No, for me it's important to have certain details. It just doesn't feel right for myself if i don't have them. But that's my thing, it's ok to have easier outfits or less detail as well.

4.) Do you prepare your attitude, manners etc. towards visitors in advance? (practicing in front of a mirror or something alike?)

I do this to a certain degree, on stage and as well o nthe con floor i'd like to be character. Yet if people ask you questions or if you see a group of friends i just go back to being me.

And if you portray a bitchy character, and you act like that all the time, people will assume it's just you.

5.) What's your attitude towards non-cosplayers?

The same to those that cosplay, both have good people and bad people. It doesn't really matter.

6.) Is it hard to step in and out of character? .

- How do you do it? I just switch off - it's not very hard to do.

- Could you say the character presents your alter ego? I would say that each character just has an aspect of myself in them.

7.) Do you want to improve your cosplay?


8.) If you could go back in the past – would you still choose this character to portray it?

Yes, i've loved most of te things I've done. There are only two that I really don't like. Mainly because I let myself be persueded to do them instead of choosing myself.

9.) Did cosplay help you to solve any psychological problems?


Nope, not really. It gave me more confidence but that's all.

Also a big difference here is that most cosplayers nowadays start when there still teens and i startd when i was 21/22. Age difference plays a big role.

10.) Any accidents while cosplaying?

I broke a stilt once, but I've never really hurt myself. Just normal thing like an irritated eye from a contacts lens, or accidently glueing your fingers toghether. We just laugh about that afterwards.

11.) Ever happend any misinterpretations of your actions, manners etc. while cosplaying?

Never from friends, and seldom from strangers, because I break out of character if I sense something is really wrong, appologising also helps if a person is distressed or scared. So no complaints as of yet.

12.) Has happend that flirtation went wrong?

No, sometimes stargers think i'm single and flirt but i'm not shy to say i'm taken and that any effort is in vain. Still i get asked out even hen they know but i just politely say no.

13.) Ever thought about dropping cosplay?

Again no, I'm just to passionated about it.

14.) Any addvice for new cosplayers?

Start small, learn something new with each cosplay, do not brag about yourself to much because it is annoying.

15.) Can you identify with the character?

I n a certain way yes, everybody has bottled up rage.

16.) What are the similarities/differences between you and the character?

They way i portayed him it's about having enough it it and breaking free, of course yes the consequenses between what fenrir does and who i am are really different. but i have had the same feeling, and yes i've really felt angry as well.


14.1.3 Loki Hates You Sex: M

Age: 31

Country: United States

Intervju 29. 6. 2014

1) When did you start with cosplay? I “officially” started cosplaying October of 2012 but I could find evidence of me being at conventions in costume as early as 2006. 2) How old were you? My official start was when I was 29 years old. 3) How come that you choose to start with cosplay? I work on movies and when the company I work for was getting in footage from Thor, people kept telling me I looked like Loki. I tried to deny it for a long time but it kept happening until I decided it would be better for everyone if I simply played along. 4) How was it at the start? Everyone has always been very supportive of any costume I’ve attempted. Loki started as more of a joke than anything but has become a very involved and fairly popular hobby for me. 5) Which character was the first one? The first costume I had ever worn to a con was a comic book character called »The Crow« because it was an easy costume to put together out of clothes and objects I already had or could easily obtain. My first cosplay as what I now call “Loki Hates You” was Stuttgart (Business Suit) Loki from Marvel’s film “The Avengers”. Why that one? Much like the Crow, Stuttgart Loki was easy to make out of clothing I could buy. I had a few details custom made but for the costume is mostly just a suit and a cane. How did you do it? For Stuttgart Loki, I had a suit that I already owned tailored. I bought a long men’s overcoat and a cane that had a light inside of it. Then I had a friend from work make me a silk scarf that was approximately the colors of the scarf worn in the movie. Did you go anywhere with it (conventions etc)? The costume was originally worn for Halloween at my office in 2012 but I was told there was a convention nearby (Long Beach Comic Con 2012) on the following weekend,

88 so I took a drive down and did my first Loki cosplay at a real con. It has also been worn to several other cons since then. 6) Which character is your favourite (of those you're cosplaying)? All of my costumes are different versions of the same character. The one I’m most proud to wear is what I refer to as “Prince Loki” which is the character’s less grandiose form in Marvel’s The Avengers movie. Why? Prince Loki is the most expensive and elaborate outfit I’ve ever owned. The costume is tailor made and was more expensive to make than my (not very expensive) car. People have had very excited or even intimidated reactions when I’m in that particular costume. That’s what makes it worth the trouble of making and wearing out. 7) Which character is your main one/the most known one? Prince Loki is my favorite and most popular costume but many have gotten excited about a few of the other Loki versions I’ve done. 8) How do you choose your characters? I dress as Loki because people think I look like the character from the movie. There’s also a very strong fan following for the character and his status as a bit of an alternative sex symbol is appealing as well. Any future non- Loki costumes will also be based around characters I resemble in one way or another. Do you have categories by which you choose them? I tend to try to cosplay popular characters but since I’ll most likely be making all of my own costumes after Loki, I’ll be trying to do characters with simple costume designs 9) Ever happen that you met another cosplayer with the same character? There are always at least 3 or 4 other Lokis at any con I attend. How was it? I love seeing them. No one understands how difficult the costume was to make unless they have made one themselves. 10) How do you feel about cosplay? I have mixed opinions on cosplay. It’s a hobby for people who love attention. This can mean that jealousy and gossip can happen very easily in the community. It can also mean that people have an opportunity to be very loving and helpful to one another. What does it mean to you? For me, cosplay is something to keep me busy outside of my often demanding job and it’s a great way to meet people as well as promoting me as a person with many interests.


11) To whom did you turn to for help at the beginning? My coworkers Emma, Liz and Nicole all helped with both information on how to get things made and even made some pieces for/ with me. My costumers: Luck in spades: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Luck-in-Spades/190870228779?fref=ts Lorraine Torres Costume Design: https://www.facebook.com/RainyiaCosplay?fref=ts Gabriel Pellikka: https://www.etsy.com/people/Rassaku?ref=owner_image_profile_leftnav Irene Calbillo: https://www.facebook.com/irene.calbillo?fref=ts

My prop makers: Eldritch Arts: https://www.facebook.com/EldritchArts?fref=ts Needles and Swords: https://www.facebook.com/NeedlesAndSwords?fref=ts Cosplay Props: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CosplayProps?ref=l2-shop-header- avatar

For what did you need help? Literally everything. I made almost none of my own costume. 12) Do you help others? People will often ask me for costume advice but I rarely have any good information to offer. How? I typically point people to my costumers and prop makers. Sometimes I just offer a few words of encouragement. 13) Who is a cosplayer for you? Honestly, anyone who enjoys Halloween or costume parties is a cosplayer if you ask me. No one should need to earn credit or pass a test to be called a cosplayer. 14) What is your definiton of cosplay? Cosplay is a hobby and a craft. Costumes are a form of art that is hard to find on display in museums or galleries.


15) Do you have any close friends because of it? I’ve made several good friends through cosplaying. I still hang out mostly with my “pre cosplay” friends but I’m always happy to know that there are a few dozen more people available to call when I need support or conversation. I’ve also grown friendly with the artists I work with. 16) What did your family say when you started with it? They think it’s amusing and impressive but they don’t ask too much about it. My family lives on the opposite coast, 3,000 miles away so they’ve never actually seen me in costume. 17) What did friends say when you started with it? My friends have all been very supportive. Some are very excited. Some are less curious. 18) Do you have support and help from them? I try to keep my costume building to myself as it can often get very tiring and stressful. Commissioning art should be treated as a professional relationship and I try not to get the exchange of money too mixed up in my personal life. 19) Does anyone help you with cosplaying (to make costume, make up/hair, etc) Aside from my costumes and props, I look like the character so I’ve had my girlfriend help me use temporary hair dye to make my hair a little darker and I curl the tips of my hair before I go out in costume. That’s about all 20) Do you cosplay in groups? I never plan to cosplay in groups but sometimes I’ll bump into other Avengers Movie characters and spend several hours getting pictures taken with them but I eventually go my own way. Have you ever? At Comikaze 2013, I met my favorite Thor cosplayer (Thor TV): https://www.facebook.com/aThorTV?fref=ts We spent almost two entire days walking around together and getting photos taken of us but we’ve never had any official affiliation. If 'no' – why not? I find that when I’m part of a group, I’m expected to be polite and agreeable. Although I don’t consider myself impolite, I like to have the option open if I need it and I

91 wouldn’t want to have anyone else limped in with any bad behavior that I’ve been seen doing in costume. 21) If your have a partner - does she/he cosplay with you? I was dating another cosplayer for a few months. Avery Faeth: https://www.facebook.com/sickh0rse?fref=ts We went to Long Beach Comic Con 2013 Saturday together. She was dressed as Marvel’s “Mistress Death” who can be loosely tied to Loki. We spent as much time getting our pictures taken separately as we did getting them taken together that day. That’s the closest I’ve come to a group or a couples cosplay. What is it like? I mentioned earlier that Loki has become somewhat of a sexual icon in the geek culture. This means that while in costume, I can meet some fairly flirtatious female fans. Those moments would often times be awkward while I had my girlfriend standing nearby. Do you cosplay different characters or you choose to be a pair? I only have the one character right now but I’d be open to other themed pairings later. How do you prepare for it? My girlfriend made an entire costume for the one pairing we did. I just wore what I always do. Which characters did you cosplay? I was prince Loki 22) Where was your first convention/show? San Diego Comic Con 2006 What was it like? I attended SDCC 2006 as an aspiring artist. It was fun but overwhelming and expensive. Where did you get the information about it? I went to college (SCAD) for drawing comics so everyone at school mentioned SDCC often. 23) How long was the period between the first and second convention? There was a 10 month period between Long Beach Comic Con 2012 and San Diego Comic 24) Which conventions do you usually attend? SDCC is the con I’ve been attending the longest. Where are they? SDCC is at the San Diego Convention Center With whom do you usually go there? I typically go alone so that I can make my own

92 schedule. How do you get there? I always drive there from Los Angeles. How much does it cost you? Between transportation, food, and lodging, a weekend at SDCC can range from $200 to $1000 dollars. I’ve gotten in free for the past few years though since I work on movies. For how long do you stay? I typically stay from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. What are you doing there? Now that I cosplay, I spend the entire time walking around and posing for pictures with people but I used to go (not in costume) just to see panels and buy things I couldn’t find anywhere else. How many costumes do you have for one convention? I’ll wear 1 to 3 costumes depending on how many days I’m attending. 25) Which conventions did you already attend? San Diego Comic Con 2006- 2013 Long Beach Comic Con 2012- 2013 Comikaze 2013 Wondercon 2014 Anime Expo 2014

26) Do you visit other countries because of them? Not yet. 27) Any plans/invitations in the future? It’s possible. My free time and income depends on several career based variables 28) Were you ever a judge? No What are your expectations of conventions? I only expect to walk around. I make no plans and I promise myself that I’ll never wait in line for anything. 29) Do you have fans? I hesitate to say I have fans. I have people who like to look at the pictures that are taken of me. 30) Do you get recognized at conventions? Yes. Usually by other cosplayers. Since when? People started recognizing me after SDCC 2013 31) Ever been groped (touched without permission)?


One time, an older lady kissed me on the cheek. I think I’ve had my butt squeezed once or twice. How did you react? I didn’t mind. It wasn’t anything too aggressive. 32) Ever seen that someone else was groped? No. 33) Do you do photoshooting? I’ve done 5 or 6 private photo shoots and taken several thousand photos with/ for convention goers. Who's in the team? Anyone who is around is welcome to be in photos with me. Private shoots are usually just myself though. Where (any special place)? Many times, photographers will set aside a little area outside of a convention hall and shoot there. Some have studios set up in garages or in their homes. I’ve shot outside the office building where I work. How long does one usually take? Anywhere from 25 minutes to 4 hours. How does it look like? If a photographer offers to do a private shoot, usually they will produce very impressive photos. Any preparations? Styling my hair and making sure I have all of my costume pieces is all I really need to do to make sure I’m ready for a shoot. It’s typically good to have a lunch packed as well. Your first one? My first shoot was at work on the Halloween when I debuted Stuttgart Loki. One of my coworkers took some very nice photos of me as the sun set. 34) Do you help others with photoshooting? I’m a terrible photographer but I help where I can. How? I’ll carry equipment and move things out of the way or even get lunch if the photographer needs it. Why? Usually I help out with shoots for myself or friends as a favor. 35) Do you wear only your costumes (you did them yourself) or from others too (you bought them, get them as a present etc)? If from others – whose? All of my current costumes are commissioned art from artists within the United States. You can see them credited in question 11. I’ve modified a few pieces but almost nothing on my costume was made by me. 36) DIY (do it yourself) – please answer this complex of questions only if you occupy For which parts of your cosplay you DIY?


I made Prince Loki’s black leather shoulder pads and used Luck in Spades’ patterns to create the boot covers. From which materials do you create? I work mostly with leather or foam. How much do they cost you? Leather can cost hundreds of dollars depending on the size and quality of the material. I may have spent $20.00 on foam since I started cosplaying. Where do you buy them (internet, local stores etc)? I try to buy as much as I can from hardware stores. Your favourite material(s)? Leather. It’s easy to cut and shape How long does it takes to create one part? A finished fabric piece can take up to 3 months depending on the complexity and fit but there is almost always something that can be repaired or improved How do you make a sketch (imagination, films, comics ect)? The pieces I commission from the artists I work with are as close to replica quality as I can find. They are made to match references taken directly from movies featuring Loki. Do you sell them (price) or give them away? I insist on paying artists. I will not allow artists to give me work or costume pieces as gifts. Where do you make parts/costume(s) – special place? 37) Do you have assurance for your costumes? Not currently 38) How long does it takes to get dressed? Hair takes about an hour. Putting on the most complicated costume takes around 15 minutes. 39) How many pieces of costume do you have? Prince Loki is made of 6 to 16 pieces, depending on how you count them. (Boots, arm bracers, belts with things attached to them) 40) Do you have any spare parts for costume? I have AT LEAST two of every costume accessory. Most were re- ordered or re- made because they were not accurate enough to the movie costume. 41) What do you do if it gets ripped/damaged on convention?


Things always fall apart, usually it’s nothing that needs to be repaired immediately and will be glued or snapped back together after the con. Do you need help to repare it? I have only majorly damaged my costume once and I needed to bring it back to my costumer to be re-stitched. Typically, I just have to re-glue little pieces of rubber or leather that come loose at the edges. 42) How often do you wash it? I’m ashamed to say that my costume is too complicated to wash. Does it need special care? – which part of the costume The sides of my loki pants are covered in rectangular pieces of rubber that often come loose when I walk or crouch. They must be routinely checked and repaired 43) Do you use make up? No. 44) Do you have special care for your hair? I use a semi-permanent black hair dye before each con. It washes out within a few days 45) How do you make your hair-do for character? I curl the ends of my hair and use a lot of hair spray to keep it all in place. Do you need help with it? I dont need help but I take it when it’s offered. Did you need help at first? No but it could have been done better at first 46) Did you need to dye your hair for the character? Yes. See #46 How long have you been dyeing it? What is your natural color of your hair? Brown 47) Did you get long/short hair for cosplay? I have always kept my hair long. 48) Do you use wig? No. If you don't – why not? Wigs are hot, uncomfortable, expensive and hard to maintain and make look right


49) What kind of shoes do you use for cosplay? I found some cheap costume boots on amazon.com 50) What kind of shoes do you have for your character? http://www.amazon.com/Funtasma-Pleaser-Mens-Halloween-Gotham- 100/dp/B001AH0YEE/ref=pd_sbs_shoe_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=1PH6X5JEM0ATN 4T4C9EZ How do they look like? 51) Where do you buy them? 52) Do you make any (major) changes on them? I made leather covers for them 53) Ever bought/order them at shomaker? No If 'yes' – how much did they cost? 54) How many pairs do you have (just for cosplay)? Just one pair 55) Do you have any advertisment for yourself/your cosplaying? https://www.facebook.com/lokiwillalwayshateyou Twitter: @Loki_Hates_You How do you promote yourself? I post pictures and jokes about Loki Does it costs you? No On which pages? 56) With cosplaying – do you help others/raising money? No. I try not to get financial gain involved in this hobby. 57) Do you gain money with cosplay? No If 'no' – is it even possible to gain it? I could walk around Hollywood blvd taking pictures with tourists and asking for tips or I could try to book myself for paid events where I’d appear as Loki but I prefer not to make a living like that. 58) Are there any cosplay communities? There are hundreds


Are you in any? No. None that require any kind of active membership. 59) About your cosplay character: Loki Why him/her? The character looks like me

What do you know about his/hers history? I know that the character is a villain who is constantly at odds with his older, more popular brother. The movie adaptation of this character has a large cult following.

Do you mentally connect with him/her?

I connect with the character in that he’s very insecure and never truly satisfied with his situation. Loki represents the worst part of me that I know I could ignore but I love to occasionally indulge. He is a god of mischief and he feels entitled to cause problems for even his most beloved family and friends. This makes him a villain and a joke, which can also be fun to dress up as.

- If you are male:

Ever cosplay female character? No

Why? I don’t look like any of them.

Intervju 14. 7. 2014

1. Do you think highly of yourself while in cosplay?

I am very proud of the costumes that I've helped to produce. I feel like I've put more effort into it than any other creative hobby I've had in my life and the fact that people have responded positively to it in such an overwhelming way is even more reason for me to feel like I've done what I wanted to do. So yes, I do think highly of myself while cosplaying.

2. While cosplaying, does it make you feel more confident?


Yes. But only at conventions. A well made costume of a well recognized character is a sign of craftsmanship and deserves respect within an artistic community. Loki also tends to bring out either a fearful reverence or a playful taunting from his fans. Either way, people are usually kind, complimentary and respectful at cons. While in costume in public, I'm actually fairly defensive. People on the streets can often times react unpleasantly to things they don't understand. Although it's never actually happened to me, I don't go out of my way to draw more attention to myself when I have to take a bus or a train to an event dressed as Loki.

3. Do you think you are better than other cosplayers because you have a more detailed costume?

I try as hard as I can to keep my cosplay hobby non competitive. I think my Prince Loki costume is more accurate to the Avengers film than most others. I think that people see a stronger resemblance in my face than they do in other cosplayers. However, it is important for me to remember that most other Lokis made everything themselves while I had a very talented team behind me providing most of the work and expertise. I am not better than any other cosplayer. I've just spent more money.

4. Do you prepare yourself in front of a mirror before appearances?

Whether or not I'm going to appear somewhere, I will always spend time making faces in the mirror. I always have. It's interesting to me to see how I look angry or sad or relaxed. When I'm posing for pictures, I take memories from that time spent in front of the mirror and use those memories to look like I imagine a god of lies and mischief would look if surrounded by normal people.

5. What is your attitude toward non cosplayers?

I love them. If everyone is in costume, then everyone is usually only concerned with their own costume. People who are dressed normally are excited to see costumes. If everyone is on stage, there is no audience and so there's no use for a stage.


6. Is it hard to step in and out of character? How? Does Loki represent your alter ego?

For photos, I'm in and out of character in seconds. I just make a mean face for a second and the next second I'm smiling and talking to my friends again. It's fun for me because people are usually not encouraged to look angry in everyday life. Videos are different. I don't have as deep a voice as the actor who plays Loki so I usually just speak normally (I have an American east coast dialect) or do a terrible British accent which is painful to witness.

Loki does represent my alter ego but I think he is everyone's alter ego. Loki is the definition of our shameful side. Loki acts when we are bless but remain unsatisfied. Loki controls the part of us that would sacrifice the well being of the ones we love so that we might gain something. Even something unimportant. Loki is the part of me that sabotages good opportunities and laughs about it. The part of me that's stubborn and inconsiderate and overly critical is the part that understands Loki. But that part of me is also the part that's trying to impress the people I love. When I have all of the information I need to make the good and right decision and I choose to make a decision that will hurt me and my friends or family, I understand Loki a little more.

That being said, I value self control much more than Loki does. I'll deprive myself of an opportunity before I let ambition take me down a destructive path. Like Loki, I will hold a grudge but unlike him, I will allow it to fade and feel stronger for not having acted on it.

7.) Do you want to improve your cosplay?

I am improving my cosplay. I'll be debuting the improved version at San Diego Comic Con at the end of this month.It will be the fully armored "King Loki" costume from Marvel's The Avengers movie.

8.) If you could go back in the past – would you still choose this character to portray it?

Whether I chose to cosplay this character or not, I'll always be compared to him. If I could do it all over again, I'd still make the costume but I'd do it slightly different from the

100 beginning. I'd work with some artists more and some artists less. I'd use certain materials more and certain materials less. I would only really change some technical decisions.

9.) Did cosplay help you to solve any psychological problems?

It's certainly helped me feel more sexually attractive. There are a lot of women who like to compliment Loki on how he looks and acts. It's a nice change of pace from being another unnoticed male in a big city. So yes. I suppose I'm a little less insecure and a little more confident but I wasn't terribly insecure or unconfident before I cosplayed.

10.) Any accidents while cosplaying?

I moved a little too fast while holding one of my props once and it came apart and needed to be glued back together. Sometimes the right shoulder piece falls off when I'm taking pictures. My cosplay experience has been relatively easy as far as accidents go.

11.) Ever had any misinterpretations of your actions, manners etc. while cosplaying?

I'm sure I've said a few stupid things to people while in costume but no more than I usually do, and if I have, I imagine that most of the negative effects have just come in the form of gossip about me that I'll probably never hear.


14.1.4 Saphira

Starost: 26

Spol: Ženski

Gender: ženski in moški (transfluid)

Država: Nemčija

Katja (jaz): K

Saphira: S

Opomba: Manjši popravki v tekstu, kar se tiče slovnice in imen (Ukiyo Cosplay je oseba s katero sem imela intervju dan pred Saphiro), ostalo je nespremenjeno.

K: When you are ready, tell me and we'll start it :)

S: The bus is coming in a few minutes but we can start if you like^^

K: Okay :) So when did you start with cosplay?

S: Not that long ago. My first convention was the Connichi 2010. There I had my first "real" cosplay

K: And before that convention did you try it at home, at friends...?

S: I were on small... how should I call them. .. anime meetings where I wearing inspired clothing. And I was... well too fat for cosplay XD

K: Really? Which charatchers did you present and where were those meetings?

S: Yes... Unfortunately I was... I did yami yugi from yugioh. And I did trunks from dragon ball. When I was ten. My aunt made me a sailor moon costume and when I was younger I wanted to me jasmin from Aladin from Disney. Oh and those meeting were outdoor in the middle of some city's. . Parks...


K: And how did you feel back then when you were presenting those characters - was it different than now?

S: I felt strong, different, special. Today it is the same, more than that. I feel gorgeous. I am proud for what I did, what I made with my own hands. When I think back I feel embarrassed for what I did when I was younger.

K: So did cosplay help you to gain confidence for your body/mentality or did it only had a part in it?

S: Defenetly not for my body but it was for my self confidence. But it helped me to find myself.

K: When you start to cosplay - what was the main reason you went to Connichi?

S: This will be a long story or do you want a short version?

K: Long :) If it's okay with you.

S: I just need a bit for that^^

K: Sure, take all you need 

S: I wanted to cosplay since I saw Sailor Moon. This was the reason my aunt made me the costume when I was little. Later due mobbing and bad stuff that happened I got fat. But I dreamt to cosplay and I went to those meeting where I did the inspired stuff. I met so many people the years and even more with bad Cosplays that I wanted to be bettee. It wasn't a good motivation. But the real point was even worse. My relationship at this time was nearly ruined and the sister of his best friend was a real good cosplayer. It was nice to see him pissed because of me cosplaying... I know bad motivation. .. but in the end it was one of the best decisions I did in my life! And it was the Connichi because I never went there before. I went with that sister.

There is also a even longer version oft that with a complete analysis of my personality ... but... This would need hours.


K: I adore Sailormoon too ^^ So those meetings for inspired stuff - i don't really know what you mean, sorry... and your partner didn't like that you were cosplaying?

S: I don't want to call it cosplay. Those meetings I went when I was younger... but they inspired me.

He hated it. He was some sort of gothic party boy... only drinking

K: Oh okay, i understand :)

Really? But why? Yesterday i was talking with Ukiyo Cosplay and we both agreed that cosplay (or these meetings) are good for self concious and to feel better, prettier, so why would he hated something that made you feel good?

S: He was strange had 7 personalities.... They are but he was stupid... strange view of the world...

K: Oh...gee... About your characters, i conctacted you because of Loki, but who's your favorite? :)

S: Defenetly Loki! The next is lucifer from Supernatural.

K: Hahah really? I think he's cute :) Did you cosplay him too? (glede Luciferja, iz serije Supernatural, op. a.)

S: I did him too^^ I like good versions of lucifer.

K: And about portraying these characters - is it hard for you to switch between your's in real life feelings and character's feeling?

S: Not really. .. deep in myself I am like them. It's. .. like I can release things I have to hide.

K: I see :) And how do you choose them? Do you have like special criteria or purely on likeness?


S: Hard to say... Lucifer was his character and Loki too plus he was ... is hot and his costume was hard as hell to made XD All character I choose are characters I can identify myself with.

K: About costume - you're making them yourself?

S: Most of them I do. Depends on the time and how important it is to myself.

K: About Loki's - it is indeed hard one :D How did you made that one?

S: Well I made it in three weeks. It was not that hard, but hard for my sewing machine. I first made a prototype of the coat with other leather and then the one I had. It's far away from perfect.

K: Are you going to change it or repair it?

S: I will cause I want to join a competition.

K: Competition?

S: At the Connichi this year. I want to join with a rod performance.

K: Oooo nice :D And for this rod performance - does it matter which character are you presenting or not?

S: I do loki with Odin's rod.

K: I don't follow you...what?

S: The costume I have. It's with Odin's rod. I will join that competition with that costume by doing a performance in the Loki's costume with the golden rod.

K: Ooo okay i get it :) And which materials did you use for costume and the rod?

S: The costume is made with fake leather and cotton. The armor is worblast and foam and the rod was plastic and.. Styrofoam

K: You did everything by yourself or did you need help with it?


S: The armor and the rod were made. But for the next I will try it myself. I am only good at sewing.

K: You bought them? Well i think is good that you know how to sew :)

S: No. My girlfriend and my best friend fid them. ^^

K: Nice :D Do you need any help with dressing the costume?

S: Brb changing trains.

K: Okay.

S: Most of the time not. But sometimes I ask. Often when I am stressed. ...XD

K: Stressed as when you are in a hurry?

S: Yes. I always start when it's too late.

K: :) When you go to conventions do you bring anyone with you?

S: Me and my girlfriend go together ^^ often with other friends

K: Your girlfriend also do cosplay?

S: I met her at a convention^^

K: Really? That's so sweet ^^ Ever done couple/pair cosplay together? :)

S: Yeah a few but not that much.

K: Why not?

S: Welllllll..... I often flirt on cons. She has no problem with that but she also doesn't want to see that. That is why she is cosplaying with our best friend and I am alone.

K: I see :) Did you have any problems while cosplaying?

S: Not real problems. .. but I dislike smelly people who wanna hug me.


K: Hahah nobody likes that :D Ever been touched without permission (groped)?

S: That's right!

Yeah sometimes but thanks god only from women.

K: Really? And what did they do?

S: Touching my ass... ^^... trying to kiss me... bite me in the neck

K: Wow that's...And how did you feel about that?

S: Sometimes I liked it sometimes not. Depends on the person ^^'

K: And they did this when they tried to take a photo with you or...?

S: They never did it by taking a picture. Everytime by chating or some day when i was drinking with a few cosplayer XD

She pressed me against the wall in the bathroom.

K: And?

S: Pressed her hand against my throat and bite me in the neck by pressing herself against me ^^"

K: Damn...that was quite..a suprise.

Did you tell your girlfriend?

S: It shouldn't for myself because i know her and knew that she was hot for me XD

No i didnt. I never do.

K: She's your friend that did that to you? Bad...

Really? Why?

S: Well it was not bad at all, I liked it much ^^´´´´´


We have some sort of aggreement. As long as she wont find it out I dont have to tell her about those things.

K: Ohhhh i thought that you didn't...Now I get it :D But you already had a girlfriend then?

And what if something more serious happens?

S: XD At the dokomi Ukiyo Cosplay had to rescue me from someone who tried to molest me... that wasnt nice.... I have one (girlfriend, op. a.) since over two years.

It depends if its a boy or a girl. I think if its a girl i may able to help myself. I can a bit of mateial arts... But with a guy I would be to schocked since it'd remained me of the past.

K: Yes i understand...And have you ever saw that someone else was molested/groped etc?

S: I did. And I helped. It was a girl in the train by a few turkish guys. But not in cosplay.... Ukiyo Cosplay only told me about a thing but I wasn't seeing anything like that.

K: Do you have any fear when you cosplay alone?

S: No. Because I am never alone^^ But I have fear when I would walk alone in cosplay to a convention.

K: What kind of fear?

S: Fear that they would beat the shit out of me.

K: They do that? O.O

S: Of course....

K: Oh my gods! Really? Like for real?

S: Not in the city I live but... many people have a problem with people who look different.

It happens to many sort of people. ..

K: I've never heard of that before...Well that's just fucked up to be honest... -.-


S: It does.... Some tried to do that a few times... but then I was the one who hit them. ^^" as I said I new a bit of material arts... but today they have pistols and knifes.

K: I have to admit - you keep shocking me :D Where do they attack - inside or outside?

S: Inside or outside?

K: Of convention.

S: Outside. They were "normal" people. (»normal« oziroma »non-cosplayers«, op. a.)

K: well they're stupid -.-'

S: Yes.....

K: You said you're never alone while cosplaying - are there only you and Ukiyo Cosplay or like a whole bunch of people?

S: I think she and I some sort of rare people. I don't like to have too many around me but I know a bunch of people…So I can say that there is every time someone around. But most of the time I have only a few around me.

K: When you go to conventions - which vehicle do you use?

S: Mostly by car. Rarely by train. Depends on the location and how far it's away.

K: And do you have any problems packing costume(s)?

S: A lot. Because of the fabric or armor. Or too many people in the car.

K: How do you pack it - in a suitcase or any other 'method'?

S: Suitcase and lying it on top of the car.

K: On top the car?

S: In the back where you put the suitcases.


K: Ohh okay :) For how many days do you usually go?

S: All days plus minus one day because of the hotel^^

K: Does those days depens of the convention - like some have 2 days, some 3 etc?

S: Sometimes we stay a day longer at the hotel to rest.

K: You go cosplaying only Loki or any other characters too?

S: I do Tinkerbell from Peter Pan this year. And another Loki. Then Lucifer again.

K: So there are mostly 3-day conventions?

S: I go to the Animagic for one day. And Connichi for 3 days.

K: And which conventions did you already visit?

S: Only Dokomi this year.

K: And before?

S: Japan expo. Aninite, contopia.... lbm.. fbm....yukon.....Some small I forgot.... I think that was it. Most of them more than one time

Brb at hospital.

K: Take time :)

S: I'm back ^^

K: Not a problem :)

Mmm yeah - what does cosplay mean to you? :)

S: Thanks ^^

Being my true nature. That's why I often do men.


K: So you look at yourself as man when you are not cosplaying?

S: I do that often. Now I've learnt to live with that. Cosplay helps me.

K: Sorry I don't to be mean but are you transgender?

S: Hard to say... I ever wanted to be a man. But since I cosplay I can handle it better, good that I am a girl.

K: You wanted to be a man or never to be one? - that 'ever' confuses me a bit

S: I wanted to be a man.

I think it is confusing.

K: Okay :) And since when do you feel like a man?

It's confusing for me or you?

S: Since I can remember.

For every one who doesn't know the feeling I guess.

K: I see :) And what does your family says about your cosplaying? and that you are feeling as a man?

S: I only have a small family and they are impressed.

Now I can switch between feeling like a man in cosplay and feeling like a girl in my sweet dresses.

K: Do they help you?

S: My mum is awesome. She helped me psychological.

K: Wait so you are both genders only that you decide which gender are you at the moment or you are 'man' who feels feminine at some points? - sorry if it confusing, just trying to understand :)


Did you had bad psychological problems?

S: Let's say I accept my female side the last year's and now it's as you say. I switched between the feelings of being a man or a woman. I had because of mobbing and feeling like a man.

K: Ohh okay i get it :)

S: A bit complicated^^

K: If it would be simple, there wouldn't be any variability :)

S: That's totally right :D

K: And how do you connect with Loki - besides being a man?

S: His whole personality, his point of view, his feelings... This feeling to be not one of them.

K: When did you start with him?

S: The decision was after The Avengers but I start making him... 5 weeks ago.

K: Did you know about him before the movie?

S: No^^""" I was never into comics. Since The Avengers.... now I have read and watched a lot.

K: Same here (about reading and watching) :) And did you changed yourself a lot for presenting him?

S: No... XD

I am him.

But a bit nicer.

K: Hahaha :D How about hair? - Did you dye it?


S: I did it. I have brown hair.

K: Do you use any makeup?

S: Of course! :D I have to look manly.

K: :D And how do you do that? I mean do you have special preparations?

S: No. My girlfriend does the make up. Nothing special.

K: About costume - does it need special care? Like for laundry.

S: Not really^^ I take care like I do it with all my clothes.

Leather is easy to handle.

And the other fabrics are easy too.

K: Ever happened that it got ripped or damaged at convention?

S: Yes. A old woman stepped on my magician rod.

K: O.O And how did you repaired it?

S: I had to make it new.

K: How come that she stepped on it? I assume it's not a small thing

S: It was quite small. It was from the magician girl from yugioh. It's a small one and was lying beside me...

K: Oh, well...did you make a bigger one?

S: No. It was the size it has to be.

K: When cosplaying - do you feel more important than non-cosplayers?

S: Definitely... sadly I do ...


K: Why? :)

S: Maybe I am special then.... not a normal human being. That could be a point.

K: Do you feel like this only with Loki or with other characters too?

S: Lucifer and Loki.

Might the charm of the devil.

K: :D And when others see you or recognize you as Loki - how do you feel?

What's your attitude towards them?

S: Depends on how they act. If they give me the chance to play the role I feel glorious. I feel mighty... like a god.

They are just tiny human. .. worthless.

But if they nice and cute I am friendly.

K: Is it hard to step in and out of character? - Manners, speech, ...

S: It is hard but I think you can't be the whole time in character. Especially when you do Loki. I don't want to be one of these unfriendly cosplayers.

K: Had experience with that?

S: A lot of....

Arrogant Lokis.

Loki isn't arrogant. He is insanely intelligent but not arrogant.

K: True ^^, But are they like that only to audience or to other cosplayers too?

S: To everyone.

Ukiyo Cosplay and me were talking a lot about that.


K: Yes? :)

S: Yes^^ We both hate this behaviour.

K: Did you two discuss what yours Loki should be?

By yours I mean of you and her :)

S: I am not really getting it... sorry XD What do you mean by our Lokis should be?

K: Like - what it's right behaviour, manners, etc - what is wrong vs right to portray "the real Loki" :)

S: Ahhhh yes a bit but not that much because we think the same XD

K: :D I know this is going on for like forever but i have few more question and then i think we can finish. So could you tell me your definition of cosplay?

S: XD maybe

Cosplay is for myself being someone you can't be in your real live and you ever wanted to be. Also doing your best and trying to be the best impression of the character. Look like it, be like it. Cosplay is not wearing a pink wig or wearing an Akazuki coat (anime, op. a.).

K: I know, sorry...I didn't know it be this long, sorry :)

And who is like "the real" cosplayer?

S: Brb in 5 min. Akku went down.

K: Okay.

S: I think there is no "real" cosplayer but.... well... it is a diffrent between cosplay and wearing a costume for carnival. You do cosplay with your heart and but everything in it and not just that pink wig thing.

K: Could you tell me how much money did you invest in your costume of Loki?


S: Not that much. Only about 250 euro.

K: I saw your photoshooting with Ukiyo Cosplay - do you often do these?

S: Pictures like that or shootings in general?

K: Shootings.

S: Yes i do. I love that. Pictures on conventions are often not that good.

K: Do you need to pay for such shootings?

S: No, i get asked ^^

K: And does people recognize you as you in conventions? :)

S: They do and i always wondering about that.

K: You have fans :)

Okay now I need to go, but I just want to know under which name I should present you in diploma and your age :) And if it's okay to contact you if I'll need some more information?

S: Maybe XD

Sephira ^^ i am 26.

You can always contact me. I am a very chaty person XD

K: Great :) Well thank you for your time and all good :). Bye

S: You're very welcome.

Intervju: 4. 7. 2014

1.) Do you think you are better then other cosplayers because you have more detailed costume? It depends on the cosplayer and the definition of feeling better. Of course I do feel better

116 when I see a shitty costume. Sometimes I also catch myself by feeling better, but it´s not like I am arrogant... Maybe it is because I know how hard I worked for that.

2.) Do you prepare your attitude, manners etc. towards visitors in advance? (practicing in front of a mirror or something alike?)

Well. I do roleplay things with my girlfriend and I do RPG. (those writing down roleplays with others)

3.) What's your attitude towards non-cosplayers?

People are people. I don´t care.... XD It isn´t different.

4.) Is it hard to step in and out of character? - How do you do it?

Mostly with a deep breath, or sometimes I think of funny memories to step out.

- Could you say the character presents your alter ego? Defenetly!

5.) Do you want to improve your cosplay?

I have to do. When I start a costume, it is always to late... so.... I improvise often.... and then I have do fix it later XD Bad time management and no motivation first.

6.) If you could go back in the past – would you still choose this character to portray it?

I guess so. Since I was young I always prefered that bad guys or better the missunderstanding bad guys with a mysterious past... So yes. And... if I had the chance to change my past. I would never do that because it makes me to who I am. If my childhood were happier....I don´t know who I would be today. I wouldn't met the people I met and so on.

8.) Any accidents while cosplaying?

Well not a real one, but since my last convention 3 weeks ago i have to take antibiotics because a Tick bited me and I got sick with borreliosis... XD But beside that only the normal kind of accidents like broken cosplays.

9.) Ever happend any misinterpretations of your actions, manners etc. while cosplaying?


Of course. I think its normal. Sometimes someone doesn´t know the character and when you play good and it is a devilish character... or maybe some playboy too it will come to misinterpretation.

10.) Has happend that flirtation went wrong?

Yes and no. I never had problems like someone get mad, but I often have the problem that after conventions I have a few people who fell in love ^^´´´ And so I have to break hearts. Maybe I do it wrong, but I love flirting

11.) Ever thought about dropping cosplay? Yes.

- What would be the reason(s) if you'd give up (the character/at all)? When I get toooooooooooooooo old or maybe if I have serious money issues.

12.) Any addvice for new cosplayers?

Use Make Up, use.. I mean seriously use deodorant!!!! And for gods sake... Only a wig or a naruto coat is not a cosplay and please, please chose a cosplay that fits you and don´t make yourself to a naughty bitch. D:

13.) What are the similarities/differences between you and the character?

I would say the love to my familiy.. But I only have my mum which I really love, like he loves Frigga. I guess the diffrent is I can show more emotions. I am happy. I´ve learnt to handle all that hatred. At least I´m not adopted.


14.1.5 Thor Odinson Sex: Female

Gender: Male (transgender)

Age: 34

Country: Scotland

Intervju 7. 3. 2014

1) When did you start with cosplay? October 2012

2) How old were you? 32

3) How come that you choose to start with cosplay?

I was looking for a creative outlet and a way to socialise and decided to give it a go! 4) How was it at the start?

At the very beginning I was very shy, mostly just experimenting with make-up and taking pics to see how it looked. 5) Which character was the first one? Thor

Why that one? I had seen a lot of Loki cosplays and thought I might be able to give Thor a go; I felt I had more of the face-shape to suit him.

How did you do it? I first cut and dyed my hair, to get a rough idea of how I might look to begin with, and then started experimenting with make-up techniques, just using what I had available.

Did you go anywhere with it (conventions etc)? Not at first, but later I went to Berlin to do some photo shoots with Fahrlight in her Loki cosplay. 6) Which character is your favourite (of those you're cosplaying)?

I really enjoy cosplaying Thor, although I'm looking forward to others (Kristoff from 'Frozen', Eric the huntsman from Snow White and the Huntsman, James Hunt from Rush).


Why? I enjoy playing Thor because he's a character I grew up with, although not the comic book version! I love the chance to feel strong, confident and positive. 7) Which character is your main one/the most known one?

Thor, so far. 8) How do you choose your characters?

I choose characters I feel drawn to, like or feel might be a challange.

Do you have categories by which you choose them? No, I tend to pick based on character traits, more than anything. 9) Ever happen that you met another cosplayer with the same character?

Only online, so far, but hoping to meet in person too.

How was it? Most people I've encountered have been very friendly and welcoming. I've made some really good friends.

10) How do you feel about cosplay?

I feel it's a great way to have fun and meet people – as long as you treat it as something primarily for fun. If you're out to try and 'be the best' or most poular, you're just not going to put too much pressure on yourself and take the enjoyment out of it.

What does it mean to you? It means a lot to me, because it was a way to reach out and meet other people even over long distances, at a point where I felt very isolated. 11) To whom did you turn to for help at the beginning?

I followed blogs on Tumblr, started to chat to other people on there and on Facebook For what did you need help? Really I needed just general encouragement at first, to keep experimenting and after a while, chatting about crafting and fabrication too.


12) Do you help others? I try to whenever I can.

13) How? I answer any questions as fully as I can, always offer encouragement and support – whatever stage a cosplayer is at, and discourage negativity.

14) Who is a cosplayer for you? Anyone who wants to be!

15) What is your definiton of cosplay? I would say that cosplay includes anyone portraying a character or version of a character that they particularly like or find interesting. I think it can include those who craft their own costumes from scratch (a great deal of skill), those who commission costumes to wear, and those who are experimenting with other options using the resources they have available.

16) Do you have any close friends because of it? I do, many of them in other countries.

17) What did your family say when you started with it? I am only in contact with my brother – he doesn't see the attraction, but is impressed by what can be acheived.

18) What did friends say when you started with it? Most of my friends are very geeky too, so they think it's all good fun!

19) Do you have support and help from them? I do! A couple are even considering cosplays themselves now!

20) Does anyone help you with cosplaying (to make costume, make up/hair, etc) Not at the moment; I have a background in theatre and crafting, but may commission pieces in future because of time restraints.

21) Do you cosplay in groups? Not at the moment.

Have you ever? Only with Fahr so far.

If 'no' – why not? I haven't yet had the opportunity.

22) If your have a partner - does she/he cosplay with you? I do, and my partner does cosplay with me.

What is it like? It's great fun! A really good laugh.


Do you cosplay different characters or you choose to be a pair? We cosplay as a pair most of the time.

How do you prepare for it? Often it is via webcam and just improvised. Which characters did you cosplay? Thor and Loki

23) Where was your first convention/show? I haven't been to one yet! I'm hoping to go to my first this year.

24) How long was the period between the first and second convention? (not applicable)

25) Do you visit other countries because of them? I would like to, but lack the funds.

26) Any plans/invitations in the future? I am hoping to go to at least one con in the UK this year.

27) What are your expectations of conventions? I am hoping it will be a fun and positive experience

28) Do you have fans? I have a few on Tumblr and Facebook, I still can't quite believe it!

29) Ever been groped (touched without permission)? No

30) Ever seen that someone else was groped? No but I have heard reports of such incidents. What did you do?

31) Do you do photoshooting? Yes, when I can.

Who's in the team? Usually myself and a couple of friends.

Where (any special place)? It depends what we want the setting to be; we usually keep an eye out for locations day to day, so that we can come bck and take pictures at a later date. How long does one usually take? Depending on the location and costumes it can vary from an hour or so up to 4-6 hours.

How does it look like? Usually we try to keep it simple with just ourselves, a photographer, costume and perhaps a couple of props.


Any preparations? Yes, we decide roughly the setting, a story that we want to tell in pictures and plan what to wear, what to take along.

Your first one? In Berlin with Fahr, in april 2013.

32) Do you help others with photoshooting? Sometimes, I hope to do more.

How? I have taken pictures using their digital camera.

Why? Sometimes an opportunity for a great picture comes out of the blue!

33) Do you wear only your costumes (you did them yourself) or from others too (you bought them, get them as a present etc)? Only my own at the moment. If from others – whose?

34) DIY (do it yourself) – please answer this complex of questions only if you occupy with it

35) When did you start? May 2013

Whose help did you get at the beginning? I asked a few people on Tumblr and Facebook for advice and watched a lot of video tutorials on YouTube to learn new skills Do you still do it? Yes, I'm still working on the Avengers armour and Dark World costumes. For which parts of your cosplay you DIY? So far, I have finished the vambraces; I am also working on the rest of the armour and clothing. I have had to start over a few times, trying to get it right!

From which materials do you create? I use a range of materials inluding Worbla, faux leather, various cloth, paints and glues, and crafting foam.

How much do they cost you? So far it's cost me around £150 at least, for materials. Where do you buy them (internet, local stores etc)? Some I buy online, others at local stores. Your favourite material(s)? Worbla is a great material, very versatile. How do you create parts of costume (preparation, design patents etc)? I gather lots of reference pictures and try to recreate the pieces as accutately as I can.


Did you get any tutorial (if 'yes' – where)? Yes, various tutorials on YouTube and a very useful ebook by Kamui Cosplay, on working with Worbla.

How long does it takes to create one part? For the vambraces it took one day to cut and form the parts, two to prime and paint and one to fix them to the backing, so 4 days total. How do you make a sketch (imagination, films, comics ect)? I look for good, clear reference pictures, look to see if anyone has already created a pattern and/or make my own adjustments. Do you make parts only for yourself or also for others? At the moment I only make for myself, although I do craft non-cosplay pieces for others. Do you take orders? Only for knitted, crocheted or felted pieces at the moment, as I am still honing my other costume making skills.

Do you sell them (price) or give them away? I do sell some pieces, yes. I also give some away to friends as gifts.

Where do you make parts/costume(s) – special place? Mostly in my living room and kitchen, although for spray paint I need to go outside.

36) Are your accessories or additions bought or DIY? Most are DIY, one is bought. Which ones? Mjolnir is the only bought piece.

How much did they cost (if bought)? It cost around £50

Where did you bought them? I had to order it online, from the USA

37) How much did the materials cost to make them (if DIY)? The materials for my costume so far have cost around £150

Where did you get them? A comination of online and local shops.

38) Do you have assurance for your costumes? No, not at the moment.

39) How long does it takes to get dressed? About half an hour.

40) How many pieces of costume do you have? At the moment, I am still making the Avengers costume, only the vambraces are complete.


41) Do you have any spare parts for costume? I have spare cloak material as it's potentially likely to get snagged on things

42) What do you do if it gets ripped/damaged on convention? I would need a sewing kit and a heat gun, and probably glue.

Do you need help to repare it? Depending on which part gets damaged, I may need help.

43) How often do you wash it? Once complete, I would expect to wash the main body suit after each convention or full day's wear.

Does it need special care? – which part of the costume? The faux leather and armour will need to be cleaned with water and a soft sponge, and the armour wrapped if possible for transport.

44) Do you use make up? Yes!

How much? Quite a lot, I alter the contours of my face and add a beard. Where (only face or other parts of body too)? Mostly the face although I use fake tan all over, as naturally I am a lot paler than Thor and look a little sickly!

Which colors? Mostly a base medium/light flesh tone, a shadow and a highlight colour. Favorite brand? I really like Ben Nye theatrical make up but it is quite costly.

45) Do you have special care for your hair? Yes! I try to use moisturising products as it can be very dry and frizzy (not very Thor-like!)

46) How do you make your hair-do for character? I colour my hair; for playing Thor I also need to straighten and style it.

Do you need help with it? No, I manage alone.

Did you need help at first? No, but I did need a lot of practice!

47) Did you need to dye your hair for the character? Yes, I lighten my hair. How long have you been dyeing it? I have been dyeing it for many years in different colours, but have been dyeing it for Thor since 2012.

What is your natural color of your hair? My hair is naturally a dark blond.


48) Did you get long/short hair for cosplay? I had long hair and cut it to cosplay Thor.

49) Do you use wig? Not at the moment.

If you don't – why not? At the moment I am able to use my own hair. I may use wigs in the future.

50) What kind of shoes do you use for cosplay? I use plain black boots or shoes.

51) What kind of shoes do you have for your character? I try to find comfortable and practical shoes that fit with the costume.

How do they look like? Plain black with a black sole, a slight heel and a round toe.

52) Where do you buy them? Where-ever I can find them! Last time from a local shoe bargin shop.

53) Do you make any (major) changes on them? For Thor they are mostly covered, so no.

54) Ever bought/order them at shomaker? No.

55) How many pairs do you have (just for cosplay)? I use all my shoes and boots in everyday life as well as cosplay! I have 3 pairs.

56) Do you have any advertisment for yourself/your cosplaying? Not advertising as such, but I share pictures.

Where? Tumblr and Facebook

How do you promote yourself? I don't really.

57) With cosplaying – do you help others/raising money? I will reblog other people trying to raise money both for cosplay and other causes; if I can donate I will, but often I can only help by spreading the word. In future I'd like to do some cosplay for charity events.

58) Do you gain money with cosplay? No.

If 'no' – is it even possible to gain it? In very rare cases, for example winning a major contest with a cash prize. However even though some cosplayers are invited to Cons,


Premiers and TV interviews, certainly those I know have never been paid for their appearences. Sometimes travel costs are covered but no more.

59) Are there any cosplay communities? Yes

Are you in any? I consider myself part of the cosplay community in general and I am part of Cosplay International on Facebook.

60) About your cosplay character:

Why him/her? I really like Thor as a character and find he poses a challange to play. What do you know about his/hers history? I grew up learning about Norse Mythology and Thor of course was very prominant.

Do you mentally connect with him/her? I do, although it feels like a challange; personally I tend to be quite low energy and often sad – playing Thor actually is really beneficial for helping me see things more positively and being more pro-active.

- If you are male:

Ever cosplay female character? Yes

Why? The idea of a gender-swapped Thor as a result of one of Loki's tricks How did you do it? I styled my hair soft and wavy, applied very feminine make-up, accentuating my eyes and lips especially, and used a low cut top and padded bra to show some cleavege!

How did you prepare for cosplay? I focused as I was doing the make-up in how Thor would react to waking up in a female form, how he would confront Loki about fixing it. What did people say about it? People liked it, enjoyed seeing a very disgruntled Thor and highly amused Loki!

How did you feel? I actually felt quite uncomfortable doing that particular set of pictures and was relieved to take the make-up off and sort my hair out etc. Will you do it again? Possibly

Can you identify with the character? Certainly I can identify with Thor in that situation. On which level? On the level that he loves and respects women but simply is not one! What are the similarities between you and him/her? I do have an open-ness and slight

127 naivety; a willingness to believe the best in people, to give second chances and hope for change. I like to be helpful and speak up for those who can't defend themselves.

What are the differences between you and him/her?

I think Thor deals with pain and grief a lot better than I do personally – I really see him as a role model in that respect. I also find it very difficult to express anger, even when completely justified – so getting to play Thor now and then is a wonderful change and actually has helped me resolve that too. But don't worry, I won't get any ideas about invading England or anything!

Intervju: 9. 8. 2014

1.) Do you think highly of yourself when you're cosplaying?

I certainly get excited and feel more confident, but I don't think of myself as better than anyone at all.

2.) While cosplaying - does it make you feel more confident?

YES – very much so. It's like stepping into the role of the character for a little while for me.

3.) Do you think you are better then other cosplayers because you have more detailed costume?

No – absolutely not. Everyone starts somewhere and has to work within their own means. We're all part of the same community and should support each other.

4.) Do you prepare your attitude, manners etc. towards visitors in advance? (practicing in front of a mirror or something alike?)

A little, but mostly in my mind, just getting into the right head-space for the character really.

5.) What's your attitude towards non-cosplayers?

I think that everyone is free to have their own interests and hobbies. I really do wish that some non-cosplayers would be less judgemental though. I mean if someone dresses up for a big football match in team colours and silly hats etc no-one bats an eyelid right??


6.) Is it hard to step in and out of character?

Sometimes it can be tricky, especially if you're feeling very low/tired and are stepping into an upbeat, high-energy character!

– How do you do it?

I tend to listen to music that I associate with the character's personality/energy as I'm doing my make-up and getting into costume; music can be really evocative.

– Could you say the character presents your alter ego?

Certainly when I play confident roles, yes!

7.) Do you want to improve your cosplay?

Yes absolutely. There's always room for improvemant and I'd like to do the best I can.

8.) If you could go back in the past – would you still choose this character to portray it?

Yes, definitely. Thor is a really great character to portray – he has his flaws but is always striving to improve himself and learn from his mistakes (after being so thoughtless and arrogant at first).

9.) Did cosplay help you to solve any psychological problems?

I would say it helped me to regain some confidence and become more social again after a long period of near isolation. It really helped to have an expressive and creative outlet again.

10.) Any accidents while cosplaying?

I once dropped a very good friend while helping her out of a tree, both of us ended up in the mud but the only thing bruised was my pride!

11.) Ever happend any misinterpretations of your actions, manners etc. while cosplaying?

Not so far, no. I can imagine it might be more likely with my latest cosplay as Peter Quill aka Starlord, since he's a self-proclaimed 'A-hole'.


12.) Has happend that flirtation went wrong?

No not really. Honestly I'm oblivious to flirting and I avoid doing it myself since I never want to give the wrong impression.

13.) Ever thought about dropping cosplay?

Occassionally, when I have days with particularly low self-esteem; but I remind myself of all the good times and lovely comments I've had and I never do!

– What would be the reason(s) if you'd give up (the character/at all)?

Well....even if Marvel told me off I might try to keep doing it in secret frankly XD

14.) Any addvice for new cosplayers?

Use what you have, go for it and have fun!! Don't do it for clicks or notes or any other kind of social media related kudos – it's not really worth worrying about. Do it for YOU, make friends and do it YOUR way. Do not stand for intolerance, hate or negativity.

15.) Can you identify with the character?

Thor I can to an extent (I mean how much can someone really identify with a GOD?!!) and I think he's a lot more clever than many folk might initially give him credit for. He's a very immediate character, focuses on what is right in front of him in the moment, what needs to be done in that instant. He has deep running emotions but has to set them aside at times in order to tackle the immediate problem/danger.

16.) What are the similarities/differences between you and the character?

Well, I'm similar to Thor in the ways I talk about in the last answer. I can also be a little too trusting with certain people – much like he is with Loki. I think the biggest difference between our characters is that I tend to be much more introverted and self-conscious. I'm not overly confident and I don't often express my anger!


14.1.6 Ukiyo cosplay Ukiyo cosplay – znana tudi kot Loki the real king of Asgard

Starost: 22

Država: Nemčija

Intervju 28. 6. 2014

Opomba: Posnetek je slabše kakovosti, zato sem odgovore nekje povzela ali pa jih povezala skupaj. Ni popolni zapis, ker to ni mogoče.

KV: Hi! Is it still okay if I record you?

UC: Yes, it's okay.

KV: Okay, great. We can start with an interview?

UC: Wait a moment.

*namestitve mikrofona in glasnosti*

KV: Could you tell me when did you start with a cosplay?

UC: I start with cosplay 2006.

KV: And how old were you?

UC: I'm 22.

KV: Aha okay. And why did you choose to start with cosplaying?

UC: Oh wait. Did you asked how old I was in 2006?

KV: Well, yes.

UC: Ah, yes. In 2006 I was 14 years old.

KV: Wow you were very young – how come that you start with cosplay at this age?

UC: I think it was because of Pokemon and TV and talking to my friends. *smeh*


KV: I'm nearly your age; I'm 21, so I understand these references. How was it at the start? What were your feelings about the whole thing?

UC: I felt accepted there. I never had that much friends and I was accepted there as I was then and as I'm now. So I could say it's one big family.

KV: Are you still in that family? You said that you felt accepted in that family of cosplayer - do you still see each other?

UC: Yes, some of then I still see at the conventions or when we meet … we saw each other, sometimes. But I didn't meet many people since then, so. People change. It's with every fandom whether Naruto or Kuroshitsuji or Marvel or whatever is, they change. Some of them stay with you and you're still friends, but not all of them. Change you *? 6:30*

KV: What was your first costume, your first cosplay character?

UC: It was *?* I didn't do anything myself, so I bought it, but the next ones I sew by myself.

KV: Which character did you present?

UC: I think this it was *?*

KV: Where did you bought that costume? Was it expensive or not?

UC: It was really cheap. I bought it on e-Bay, it was ? euro, something like that I don't remember.

KV: Did you go anywhere wearing that costume? Or did you stay at home? Did you go at any convention with it?

UC: I always go to conventions with costumes. Today I made private shooting things, like with Loki I do many shootings, privately. Otherwise I just go to conventions with them.

KV: Which conventions did you already visit?

UC: What kind or the name?

KV: Both.


UC: Now just anime conventions, so I want to try other things, like… I don't know the name of them, sorry.

KV: No, it's okay. Where were they? Only in Germany or other places in Europe too?

UC: Only Germany, because it's too expensive to go to other places, so… I could write down the names of the conventions if you want.

KV: Yes, please.

UC: I also remember the book fair in Leipzig.

KV: You went there as Loki or other character?

UC: Also other characters, not only Loki. I play Loki since… I do cosplay since 2007, so I cosplayed characters from Naruto, Kuroshitsuji or…yes.

KV: How many characters did you already cosplayed? Was it more then 10, less than 10?

UC: I think maybe 10. There are others but I don't remember. Connichi, Nicon, Dokomi, Hanami, Nisacon.

KV: They were all over Germany or just Leipzig, Vienna, Berlin, or was it all around the place?

UC: Yes it's all over the Germany.

KV: You go there with car or some other vehicle?

UC: I have a girlfriend with a car so I can go there mostly with car but it was *nerazumljivo 13:00)

KV: Did you have any problems with costume on transportation - like you needed special suitcase for costume?

UC: No. But with Loki's sceptre you have to be careful.

KV: Did you have any accidents with the sceptre?

UC: Yes. *smeh* Only one. My girlfriend didn't have the right grip on Loki's scepter and she came against one spike on it and she cut herself on the hand. It wasn't that bad.


KV: Did you make that by yourself or did you bought it? (žezlo, op. a.)

UC: I made it. Also the light inside of it.

KV: How did you manage to do that?

UC: It's not that difficult. I helped myself with internet some information about electricity so it's really easy. I didn’t think I could do you it but I did.

KV: It’s impressive, really. How long did it take you to make it?

UC: Only for the sceptre or *nerazumljivo*?

KV: Both, actually. It’s part of the costume.

UC: I bought it at the same time. The sceptre was two or three weeks. I had the materials - you know of WORBLA?

KV: What’s that?

UC: This a plastic material you can make movable *nerazumljivo*. I had some foam to get the main of the sceptre. So I sketched it (?) with a knife and I have the moving part and … then I made the plan for every piece. I sketched on a paper, put it on foam (?), cut it out and put it together. It wasn’t that difficult.

KV: And about the costume? How did you put every piece together? It has lots of straps and different kind of pattern… It looks so difficult to put it together…

UC: It was really difficult. As you said - all the leather parts, part that are so hard to make. I ask so many cosplayers, so many Loki cosplayers if they can help me or give me tips or hints me how to do it or how they did it themselves. And the problem was no one of them answered me.

KV: Really?

UC: Really. No one. I asked so many, no one answered me. I don’t know why.

KV: That’s kind of sad. Because isn’t it like in the community you help each other?

UC: Yes, I think so. I think the problem was because of Loki. I have a friend from Argentina that there are fan pages of Loki and Thor and both are completely against each

134 other. They say ‘Thor is better than Loki’ and ‘Loki is better than Thor’ and they really hate each other. But when cosplaying Loki they want to be the best cosplayer or it’s something like that. And they don’t want that someone is better than them. It’s really stupid. I don’t understand

KV: And how did you manage to put the whole costume together?

UC: I have a cosplay page where I post the progress and explain it so if you want afterwards you can check it. Here’s the link (https://www.facebook.com/UkiyoCosplay?ref=hl&ref_type=bookmark). I made pattern all by myself. I tried to make it look right and then sewn it together. I tried it on and then put it together.

KV: And how long did it take for the whole process?

UC: I made it in 6 month I think.

KV: Did it cost you a lot for all this material?

UC: Yes. Most of the costume, the armour, the leather, the zipper stops. The whole might be around 700 euros.

KV: Do you work so that you have money for all materials? Or you have a scholarship or something?

UC: No but I have really nice uncle. *smeh* *o denarju*

KV: You also made the chains – how did you make them?

UC: It’s also from the material WORBLA and I have some…

KV: Do you just put it on or it has some special…do you just put it on like a bracelet?

UC: *govori o zaklopkah za odpiranje in zapiranje lisic*

*o Saphiri*

KV: Why did you choose Loki for cosplay? What was the main reason?

UC: At the beginning.. I don’t like Marvel comics or any comics at all but once I went to see The Avengers in the cinema – my girlfriend wanted to see it really badly so in the end I

135 saw it and it was in love at the first sight. *smeh* So I watched Thor and all the Marvel’s films and I must say that Loki… I really have so many parallels with him. It wasn’t just ‘Oh Loki looks so good’ but also something more.

KV: How did you change yourself for Loki cosplay? Do you have naturally dark hair or did you dye them?

UC: I always liked characters I can cosplay with my own hair. For Loki I need really long hair. In general I don’t need to change my hair for Loki.

*o laseh*

KV: About make up for cosplay and photoshootings – do you have special make up just for cosplay or your regular one?

UC: I don’t really use make up so I have for cosplay and different occasions. I have a case with make up just for cosplay.

KV: Besides Loki how many character do you cosplay?

UC: For now is Loki but I plan to do more versions of Loki, but I always want to cosplay JARVIS or Pepper or Bucky. I’m planning to do them but you need a lot of time and money.

KV: How do you feel about cosplay? Did it change your life? Help you with your confidence?

UC: My life changed. When I’m cosplaying I feel very self-content. I gain confidence and it changed my life.

KV: What does it mean to you? How big part of your life does cosplay have?

UC: It’s not just a thing. If the times comes and I’m not able to cosplay anymore because I’m old. It is okay now and I don’t want to give it up as long I’m able to do it. now it’s really big part of my life.

KV: Do you feel like when you’re cosplaying you’re a bit superior?

UC: At this moment I am Loki and some people love it. I’m in the character but I don’t think highly of myself.


KV: It is easy to get into Loki mood or do you need preparation?

UC: I don’t have to prepare. I really have a deep relationship with every characters I play, not only Loki. I can feel this character and I can understand why do they feel like that. So it’s really easy to me.

KV: And after convention are you still in that character’s mood or you can easily switch out of it?

UC: I think it’s really easy to switch. The only problem is when I have to be two different characters. Like my friends talk to me and in the next moment I need to become Loki. It’s a bit difficult but it’s hard to explain.

KV: As a cosplayer - do you think a bit highly of yourself when you are between non- cosplayers or are you still "normal"?

UC: On a convention there are mostly cosplayers around me too so I don’t have this confrontation to talk with non-cosplayers. I never feel more special or highly of myself. It’s just a lot of people who are in the same fandom.

KV: Who is a cosplayer for you? What does a person need to do that you think of them as a cosplayer?

UC: That they truly belong to the character. When I talk to another Loki cosplayer or another Tony Stark cosplayer it’s like how good they are being in the character. Talking to them and being in character makes me feel like they are that character.

KV: Could you tell me your definition of cosplay?

UC: You need to have the feeling of the character. For me is: fun, perfection of my costume, but I don’t treat someone less because they don’t have perfect costume or they don’t fit to the character. I’m sad that people in community made this into the competition who is the best.

KV: Did you have any trouble with people because you’re cosplaying a male and not a female?

UC: Until now no. Maybe some negative words but I ignore them. When people don’t like what I’m doing or how I’m doing it then they should go. I’m enough self-confident now

137 that I can tell them’ Shut up’. It’s just for fun being there. Being the character is the part of it and if the person doesn’t like it ‘Just go away’.

KV: Did you ever cosplay in groups?

UC: Yes. It was a group of friends. On those conventions and in the community I met some best friends and we have many common . If we have a common fandom then each chooses one character. And then we’re together on the convention being in the characters and have a good time.

*o izbirah skupin*

KV: Within this group how many cosplayers where in it?

UC: Mostly not more than 5. Often cosplayers choose really heavy characters. In each group you’ll find a person who is like ‘I don’t want to be with you; I don’t want you to be in the group’. I don’t want to be in a really which is fixed because there will always be a problem with someone. I want to spontaneous and I’ don’t want to be in a fixed group. I want to be with a person I like and it’s better. Currently problem with this group is this person couple of years ago wanted to be Loki as well and that was the time I haven’t seen The Avengers and didn’t know Loki. But she already seen it and she wanted to be Loki and asked me which character I wanted to be but I didn’t know. Later I’ve seen it and I wanted to be Loki too. So she dropped out of the contest completely because she wanted to be the only Loki in this group. And every person in this group who talked to me afterwards I was Loki got in the trouble. Because she feels threatened by me, I think. This was over 3 years ago and I tried to talk to her and I wanted to share this love and troubles with Loki cosplay. What happened was that she doesn’t talk to me and ignores me completely. We stood together on one convention and she didn’t look to me for one second.

*o problemih s prijateljico*

KV: It’s a bit hard to grasp because cosplay is about sharing and bonding not breaking apart and breaking up.

UC: Absolutely. It’s about having fun and friendship and everything.

KV: I saw pictures on Tumblr that on the premiere of Thor The Dark World they are Thor’s and Loki’s cosplayers standing next to each other. And I thought ‘This is it. Not

138 that only one person can cosplay one character and that’s it’. That’s how you get the variability. Did you have any other problems with your cosplaying?

UC: My friends have many problems. This community it’s mostly girls, women so we don’t have many men or boys or whatever. I don’t know why we have so many girls saying ‘I’m bisexual or lesbian or transsexual’. I noticed they’re so many because they say ‘Alright let’s pretend I’m bisexual’. Lots of them are getting threatened or they get in fights because they’re not heterosexual. This community it’s bad to be heterosexual.

KV: So if you’re heterosexual then you’re in minority?

UC: The problem is that some people they’re homosexual or bisexual say ‘Why are you just heterosexual? You should experience it with girls too’. The other problem is that so many people have psychological problems. *smeh* They are like ‘This is a bottom line’. I know that many have depression. My best friend is also bisexual and she had 3 or 4 girlfriends and all of them have depression or are bottom-line persons. They always broke up because of these problems. I have never met so many people with depression. This community is a place for people who need *nerazumljivo*. Maybe that’s why there are so many broken people, depressed, crazy people in this fandom.

KV: Are there any major problems because of them inside this community?

UC: I think there are the same problems in every community. Talking behind your back and such things. It’s different for people who have psychological problems because when cosplaying or preparing for cosplay they think lowly of themselves. When it’s hot in the summer you find so many persons with scars on their arm and I’m really shocked because there are so many.

KV: How big is this community?

UC: I could give you some example. The conventions are very big and they give us a number. Konnichi always has always around 200.000 people – there are also people who doesn’t buy a card and they are just there but not at the convention. I think in Germany it’s probably few millions, I don’t know. *smeh* It’s not only anime, manga these years it’s Harry Potter fandom or Star Wars or... it’s just a mix that’s why they’re so many.


KV: When you go on conventions – do you go alone or you have a support group* *smeh* Does your girlfriend go there too?

UC: She’s my partner and we live together. We met on a convention and we also cosplayed together because we have same fandoms. She’s cosplaying Thor and I’m Loki or she cosplays Stark and I’m Pepper. We always go together at conventions because it’s also more cheap.

KV: For this conventions – are there any special tickets to enter?

UC: We order tickets as early we can because they’re cheaper and they’re mostly on the online. Not all friends are able to get the tickets so often we go with out of convention and we switch with them so they can go inside.

KV: How much do they usually cost?

UC: If the convention is big it’s expensive. We have a lot of small conventions. From 18 to 25 euros. That’s the maximum.

KV: If you go for the whole weekend – how much do you spend for everything?

UC: If we have friends in that city we oversleep at their house. It’s always the cheapest way we can find. Also at friends we know nothing will be stolen. We only need a shower. We also buy some manga but currently they are some cosplay things. I need some blue colour because right now I’m making Yotun!Loki too. Usually it’s around 100 euros. It depends – the convention I went with Saphira every person had to pay 35 euros. Something to eat it’s not much because we have big breakfast and we bring chocolate. In the evening we have a normal meal. It’s around 100 euros.

KV: Do you need any help to prepare yourself for cosplay? With hair, costume, make up…

UC: I do make up all by myself, usually cosplay too but just with Loki are problems. I sew the costume very tight and I have problems to put on underpart under the skirt. *pokaže del kostuma* It has zipper but it’s the toughest part to get on. It’s really hard to close it but my girlfriend helps me. Sometime my armour part – the belt that goes under shoulder part and it’s of Velcro goes off. But I don’t need much help.

KV: Do you have special undergarments – like chest binder?


UC: With Loki armour it flats my breast so I don’t need it. With other cosplays I need it too but now not so much because it’s not easy to breathe. Now I have one that opens at the side so nobody needs to cut it with the scissors. It’s also dangerous because we have a lot of problems with cosplayers because they cannot breathe and don’t drink enough and so many of them faint.

*problem z računalnikom*

KV: Do you help other cosplayers?

UC: I always help them if I can. Often happens that they faint and I can’t do much but I’ll call the doctor.

*o njeni partnerki*

KV: Also you help other with helping them for how to make a costume, how to be a cosplayers… How did you help them?

UC: I get a lot of questions about the costume and people who are mostly starting with cosplaying and are mostly shy and unsure how to do everything. I first explain them that they shouldn’t start with Loki *smeh* because it’s always so frustrating and difficult. I try to tell them that they should start something else for the beginning. Do Loki but not at the beginning. I try to help them, I tell them my cosplay page so that they see how I did it. I always try to help them and explain them when they have special questions or about details or materials. WORBLA is very expensive material so I try to show them other materials. At the convention they ask me how I cosplay. There was a group from Russia and I don’t know what’s the situation there about convention but I told them that you don’t have to be afraid to go there and search for conventions on the internet and find some people.

*o ljudeh*

I try to make them more confident so that they can be a part of this.

KV: Did anyone help you like you’re helping others? Like friends who showed you around your first convention?

UC: Just my mother. She went with me to my first convention and she did all that I have fun there. We travel 8 hours with the train to get there. It was hard but we had so much fun

141 and my mother is like my sister – we have this friendship. She just wanted that I had fun and to be part of this community. She spoken with people there and ask them to show us something. The funny thing at the camping place – I couldn’t imagine it was possible because it’s was one place with just cosplayers and their tents. I felt so accepted there. They were so nice and friendly like we know each other for years. It something I keep in my heart and I try to give that to others.

KV: How did your family react that you want to cosplay?

UC: My parents are divorced and I was living at my mother’s place since I was baby. She supports me in anyway. It’s not import what I’m doing she supports me. She was always open minded to what I’m doing and I always explained her. She even watched Naruto. She also watched Pokemon with me. It was never a problem to tell my mother. And my father… I think he knows what I’m doing there but I have no idea what he’s thinking about. Last Christmas I gave him some photos of all my cosplays I love. And there was also Loki and my mother was totally amazed ‘Oh my god! It looks so beautiful! You look exactly like Tom Hiddleston!’ and I thought ‘Oh my god’ and my father… I think he doesn’t know what to think about it. He know that’s a man and an evil character and that ‘my daughter wants to cosplay a guy, an evil guy’ and I think he’s really confused about it. I believe he think I’m kind of transsexual *smeh* but it’s not possible. I believe he want a photo of me not this man. He doesn’t ask about it and I believe he finds it strange. But he supports me anyway.

KV: And about your friends? Were they more like you mother or your father?

UC: more like my mother. It’s different because I have friends that are much older. They are open-minded. When I started to talk about Loki and how much I love him they were like ‘Can we please talk about something else?’

KV: ‘Next topic!’ *smeh*

UC: But have friends who are open-minded so it was okay.

KV: Did they help you at the beginning like which character to pick?

UC: I would tell them which characters I’m doing and why them and they are okay with it. They ask about next characters, which materials, if they help me with that material…


*o prijateljih, o zvezdnikih*

KV: Back to cosplay. About photo-shooting – do you contact photographers?

UC: I have a friend who studies photography – she isn’t bad, she’s a beginner. I need to be honest – it’s because I’m broke. I made a shooting with her. At the conventions there was never a problem to get pictures.

KV: Do they charge anything for their time or shooting? Or it’s mostly free?

UC: No, not that I know. Mostly because I ask my friends or my girlfriend and they don’t want to be paid. It was very professional.

KV: How about photo-shootings at the conventions?

UC: Sometimes people come to me and ask me for pictures but I really don’t like if they don’t ask me. After a really long convention and if I’m hungry and my make-up isn’t good anymore I usually say no. Because it’s not good to look bad. I say that I’m here tomorrow and if they are we can meet again.

KV: Have you ever been groped – touched without permission?

UC: Yes. It’s the reason I’m not a cosplayer for characters with just breast armour and pants. I don’t like that. I always have to know who is touching me. I had this kind of experiences even when I was Saphira and it was awkward. Inside of convention there was huge man who came straight towards to me and I was so small against him. And my face was in the height of his body and my hands *nerazumljivo* And he put hand around me and start to telling he was really bad boy. It was the most awkward moment I had and I was really disturbed by this. I looked to my girlfriend and she was same like me. He was drunk and we wanted to cry.

KV: How tall are you?

UC: I’m 168 cm.

KV: Was he a giant?

UC: Yes. *smeh*

KV: Did you ever saw that somebody else was groped?


UC: I never saw it right at the moment. I’m not really strong so I’d go looking for someone strong if that’d happen in front of me. Luckily one of my friends studies for a policeman when something happened to my friend and he put it at the end.

*o prijateljih*

KV: I need to go but if it’s okay with you can I contact you if I have any more question?

UC: Of course. Bye.

KV: Bye.

*isti dan: kasneje mi na Skype napiše*

[Oh well, and I just made me so many thoughts about the question why I choose Loki. I didn't mention all points, which made me into a deep relationship with his character. To add that I had a hard childhood with being bothered by all, I always chose the way to fight with words. And Loki also does. As the silvertongued he just doesn't need to be strong. He just uses words to trick, to fight and to reach what he wants. And so am I try my whole life. It means a lot to me and I thought I needed to add this. I hope You can understand this way of bond between a fictional character that gives a lot to me. Others cosplay what they want to because just of good looking characters and they're doing so many cosplays over a year and I only did 2 or so. And the reason is, I really choose my characters for a deep reason and then I keep it on to be them, to love them and to share this love about cosplay.:)

And I forget to say, that I suddenly not only like green or horses because of Loki but also I'm really interested in norse mythology and Marvel comics. It's funny what just a love for a fictional character can do with you. My girlfriend and I just kidding around all the day like 'Hey Thor, look! There is a really beautiful horse!' And she's like 'Loki no!" xD So it's a big thing in my life and yeah, not only in y I think xD

I'm also studying history of art and yeah, I can't wait till we have art about norse mythology. Also an excitement because of Loki and Marvel and yeah xD

Ah and to get into character is maybe also simple to me because if you wear all the tight leather, which makes your gait much more manly, you're feeling automaticly like Loki. I can't describe this feeling. It's just... awesome xD


Intervju 29. 6. 2014

1) What are your expectations of conventions?

To meet new and nice people you can share your fandom and cosplay with. Some nice merchandise or something for Cosplay or drawing I can buy which is useful to me. But mostly sitting there at the con with the people of your fandom and having fun together. Making some photos. And it's always a thing you're feeling godd about, when people likes your cosplay and think you're looking good. This gives me the feeling of being beautiful and talented and that I did something right and good.

2) Do you have assurance for your costume? /

3) How many pieces of costume do you have?

I think I have 12 costumes maybe one or two more.

4) Do you have any spare parts for costume?

No, I just have things for Loki like the scepter and the chains I can choose to wear.

So if something gets damage I need to repair it or I would make a new one. But till now I didn't need to.

5) What do you do if it gets ripped/damaged on convention?

I always have a needle, a scissor and a strand with me to fix something. Or something others for what I think of it's not perfect fixed or something.

- Do you need help to repare it?

I'm more the person whose helps others with repairing something xD But actually I usually can do it on my own.

- Does it need special care? – which part of the costume

I'm more the person whose helps others with repairing something xD But actually I usually can do it on my own.

- How often do you wash it?


Depends on the materials I used. So we always wash the normal fabrics on 30°C. I'm really really careful in general not to make my cosplays dirty. I have one costume I sewed pearls on so it's better to wash it alone and really careful. Till now I never need to wash the Loki cosplay because It's leather and if the green fabric part inside it needs to get washed, I would give it to a professional cleaner. Because this cosplay was so much work that I thought about something like an assurance for it. It's priceless to me. And I'm really afraid to give it to a professional cleaner because I have the fear they could damage it or something like that. And that's why I'm always wearing a shirt under it, although it's more warm then. Just that I'm not sweating into the cosplay that it's no need to clean it so long as I can make it possible. And I'm honest when I tell you, that I weared it a lot and it still smells like new. But all other cosplays I'm washing after everytime I weared them. Except coats which aren't directly over my skin. Maybe that sounds weird xD

- Do you have any advertisment for yourself/your cosplaying?

Uhm no, I didn't advertise yet. But when someone asks me how or where they can find me, I say them my page names. I'm planning to make some merchandise in future, so I will make some merchandise I will promote on my pages like posting the link and yeah.

6) With cosplaying – do you help others/raising money?

How do you mean raising money for others? Do you mean if I make commissions for others whose don't able to build or sew by their own? Well, no, I don't. Because making a cosplay and wearing it by myself is the meaning of cosplaying to me. I don't mind people whose buying their cosplay because every person start once and it's hard to learn sewing or building things without any help. But It's just for me a no go to make cosplays for others for money. Just because I'm so passionate in making every cosplay with all my heart and love for the character that I'm not able to make this and gave it away for money. I just speak for me, I respect all cosplayers whose making commissions or buying a cosplay, but I can't sell a part of my heart which cosplay is to me.:) It's just a part of me and my life.

7) Do you gain money with cosplay?


So, if you didn't mean the gaining money part with the 6th question, take the answer from it for the 7th. xD So no, I don't gain money with cosplay till yet. But as I said, I want to sell some merchandise of my Loki Cosplay in future. So maybe I will.

Intervju 4. 7. 2014

1.) Do you think you are better then other cosplayers because you have more detailed costume?

Just when some of them think they're better because of their cosplay. Then I analyse their behaviour and cosplay and then I just feel better about my personality because I'm not that arrogant or something like that and I can also be a good cosplayer. Just because most of the good cosplayers are feeling better than others but I'm not and I think it's sad so many cosplayers are that way like them.

2.) What's your attitude towards non-cosplayers?

I think it's okay. Because they also could be nice people whose sharing a fandom with others and the non- cosplayers are often the photographs. And they're just also a part of this community.

3.) Do you want to improve your cosplay?

Actually not. But sometimes one costume needs to be improved. I think no one is perfect so everyone do mistakes, so I do too and when it's possible I improve.

4.) If you could go back in the past – would you still choose this character to portray it?


5.) Did cosplay help you to solve any psychological problems?

Jep. I got much self confidence and I started to accept me how I am and that I'm beautiful.

10.) Any accidents while cosplaying?

Just some needles in my fingers or cutting with a knife or burning fingers with hotglue or worbla.


11.) Ever happend any misinterpretations of your actions, manners etc. while cosplaying?

Jep. People thought I would be angry with them but I didn't. Just being in-character.

12.) Has happend that flirtation went wrong?

A flirtation? Uhm, I don't think so. In cosplay we just have fun flirting between the characters we are and this always was okay.


14.2 Slike

Slika 1 Cutie Shy Cosplay, uprizarja lik Lady Thor na shodu MCM Expo, London, Velika Britanija; maj 2013. Fotograf ni znan.


Slika 2 Idromy uprizarja lik Fenrirja na shodu v Španiji. Fotograf Sketch Mc-Draw Cosplay, fototermin, november 2013, Španija.

Slika 3 Idromy uprizarja lik Fenrirja na shodu v Španiji; november 2013. Fotograf Kmeron.


Slika 4 Loki Hates You uprizarja lik Lokija. Shod se ne ve, Združene države Amerike; avgust 2013. Fotograf Sergia Leon Lau.


Slika 5 Loki Hates You uprizarja lik Lokija. Fotograf Victor Rodriguez Photography, fototermin, julij 2014, Združene države Amerike.


Slika 6 Sephira uprizarja lik Lokija. Fotograf Il_Carnefice, fototermin, junij 2014, Nemčija.


Slika 7 Sephira uprizarja lik Lokija. Fotograf Takato_Sajonji, fototermin, junij 2014, Nemčija.


Slika 8 Thor Odinson uprizarja lik Thora. Fototermin, april 2013, Škotska. Fotograf ni zna, predvidevam, da je fotografirala oseba FahrLight.


Slika 9 Ukiyo Cosplay uprizarja lik Lokija. Fotografa Kasan Cosplay in Teetassen Cosplay, fototermin april 2014, Nemčija.


Slika 10 Ukiyo Cosplay uprizarja lik Lokija. Fotografa Nikora Cosplay and Photography, fototermin januar 2014.


Izjava o avtorstvu

Izjavljam, da je diplomsko delo v celoti moje avtorsko delo in da so uporabljeni viri in literatura korektno navedeni.

Šentjur, 7. 9. 2014 Katja Videc


Izjava kandidata / kandidatke

Spodaj podpisani/a KATJA VIDEC izjavljam, da je besedilo diplomskega dela v tiskani in elektronski obliki istovetno in dovoljujem objavo diplomskega dela na fakultetnih spletnih straneh.

