Global Environment Facility (GEF) Operations
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Seventh Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Peru Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10592 Project Type MSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Seventh Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Peru Countries Peru Agency(ies) UNDP Other Executing Partner(s) UNOPS Executing Partner Type Others GEF Focal Area Biodiversity Taxonomy Focal Areas, Biodiversity, Mainstreaming, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Mainstreaming adaptation, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Change, Influencing models, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances, Stakeholders, Consultation, Type of Engagement, Information Dissemination, Partnership, Participation, Private Sector, Financial intermediaries and market facilitators, Civil Society, Non-Governmental Organization, Beneficiaries, Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, Communications, Awareness Raising, Education, Gender Equality, Gender results areas, Access to benefits and services, Capacity Development, Knowledge Generation and Exchange, Participation and leadership, Access and control over natural resources, Gender Mainstreaming, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Women groups, Gender-sensitive indicators, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Knowledge Exchange, Learning, Indicators to measure change, Theory of change, Adaptive management, Species, Animal Genetic Resources, Crop Wild Relatives, Community Based Natural Resource Mngt, Productive Landscapes, Agriculture and agrobiodiversity, Biomes, Wetlands, Paramo, Grasslands, Demonstrate innovative approache, Community Based Organization Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 0 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 1 Submission Date 4/16/2021 Expected Implementation Start 7/1/2021 Expected Completion Date 7/1/2025 Duration 48In Months Agency Fee($) 186,118.00 A. FOCAL/NON-FOCAL AREA ELEMENTS Objectives/Programs Focal Area Outcomes Trust GEF Co-Fin Fund Amount($) Amount($) BD-1-1 Mainstream biodiversity GET 1,959,132.00 6,337,319.00 across sectors as well as landscapes and seascapes through biodiversity mainstreaming in priority sectors Total Project Cost($) 1,959,132.00 6,337,319.00 B. Project description summary Project Objective To build socio-ecological landscape resilience in the Southern Andes in Peru through community-based activities for global environmental benefits and sustainable development Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Componen g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- t Fun Financing($ Financing($ d ) ) 1. Resilient Technical 1.1. 1.1.1. GET 934,505.00 3,030,199.0 landscapes Assistance Biodiversity Community 0 for and level small sustainable ecosystem grants that development services improve and global within connectivity, environment Andean support al protection landscapes innovation are enhanced regarding through biodiversity multi- conservation functional and land-use optimization of systems ecosystem services, including sustainable use of biodiversity; community- managed natural regeneration of native vegetation; participatory environmental planning and monitoring, etc. Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Componen g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- t Fun Financing($ Financing($ d ) ) 1. Resilient Technical 1.2. The 1.2.1. Targeted GET landscapes Assistance sustainability community for of projects sustainable production enhancing development systems in ecosystem and global the target services and the environment landscapes sustainability al protection for and resilience biodiversity of production conservation systems in the and face of climate optimization change, of ecosystem including soil services in and water the face of conservation climate practices, change is pasture and strengthened agroforestry through systems, integrated conservation of agro- agrobiodiversit ecological y; agro- practices ecological practices and multi-cropping systems 1. Resilient Technical 1.3. 1.3.1. Targeted GET landscapes Assistance Livelihoods community for of projects sustainable communities promoting development in the target sustainable and global landscapes livelihoods, environment are improved biodiversity- al protection by developing enhancing eco-friendly businesses and small-scale market access, community including enterprises biodiversity and and agrobiodiversit improving y products and, market access agro-businesses integrated into value chains Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Componen g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- t Fun Financing($ Financing($ d ) ) 2. Landscape Technical 2.1. Multi- 2.1.1. Multi- GET 751,652.00 2,431,000.0 governance Assistance stakeholder stakeholder 0 and governance governance organizationa platforms platforms l capacities strengthened implement for adaptive for improved landscape management governance of strategies and capacity selected developed by building for landscapes to the upscaling enhance corresponding and socio- multi- replication ecological stakeholder resilience platform in each target landscape to enhance socio- ecological resilience through community grant projects (including agreed typology of community level projects) 2.1.2. A multi- stakeholder governance platform in each target landscape develops and executes multi- stakeholder landscape agreements Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Componen g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- t Fun Financing($ Financing($ d ) ) 2. Landscape Technical 2.2. 2.2.1. GET governance Assistance Mainstreamin Knowledge and g and from innovative organizationa upscaling the project l capacities contribution experience is for adaptive of local shared for management communities replication and and capacity to landscape upscaling building for resilience, across the upscaling conservation landscapes, and and across similar replication connectivity contexts in the Andes, and to the global SGP network 2.2.2. Strategic initiatives are supported to upscale successful SGP experiences and innovations 3. Technical 3.1. 3.1.1. GET 94,872.00 300,000.00 Monitoring Assistance Monitoring Monitoring and and and evaluation evaluation evaluation support support adaptive and adaptive effective management project and management stakeholder and active engagement participation from stakeholders Sub Total ($) 1,781,029.0 5,761,199.0 0 0 Project Management Cost (PMC) GET 178,103.00 576,120.00 Project Management Cost (PMC) Sub Total($) 178,103.00 576,120.00 Total Project Cost($) 1,959,132.00 6,337,319.00 C. Sources of Co-financing for the Project by name and by type Sources of Co- Name of Co- Type of Co- Investment Amount($) financing financier financing Mobilized Civil Society Grantee Grant Investment 485,000.00 Organization organizations mobilized GEF Agency UNDP In-kind Recurrent 400,000.00 expenditures Recipient Country Regional Grant Investment 2,702,319.00 Government government Cusco mobilized Recipient Country Regional Grant Investment 500,000.00 Government government Tacna mobilized Recipient Country Regional In-kind Recurrent 300,000.00 Government government Tacna expenditures Recipient Country Provincial Grant Investment 200,000.00 Government government mobilized Candarave Recipient Country Provincial Grant Investment 700,000.00 Government government Melgar mobilized Recipient Country District government Grant Investment 150,000.00 Government Ccapacmarca mobilized Recipient Country District government Grant Investment 100,000.00 Government Pomacanchi mobilized Recipient Country District government Grant Investment 100,000.00 Government Pucar? mobilized Civil Society CSO grantees In-kind Recurrent 700,000.00 Organization expenditures Total Co-Financing($) 6,337,319.00 Describe how any "Investment Mobilized" was identified The Investment Mobilized figures are based on discussions with the sources identified and will be formally confirmed through co-financing letters defining each contribution in cash or in kind. SGP global policy requests grant recipient CSOs to contribute to their projects in cash to the best of their abilities. The National Steering Committee will foster compliance with this policy, as appropriate. Grantee contributions will only be confirmed during project implementation at the time of grant project approval. The SGP National Coordinator was instructed to differentiate co-financing commitments between those corresponding to recurrent costs e.g. salaries of NGO or government staff, costs of premises, etc., and Investment Mobilized, corresponding to new and additional funding either directly contributed to SGP for application to SGP project grants (e.g. as grantee contributions in kind and in cash), or mobilized investment to support project objectives, but not managed by SGP. Government: Regional and district governments in target landscapes have committed grant co-financing to finance complementary actions on biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, natural resource management (e.g. water management), and sustainable livelihoods and agricultural practices (e.g. alpaca breeding and ecotourism). Provincial governments have also committed in-kind resources to support SGP activities in target landscapes. UNDP: UNDP will provide in-kind co-financing to support the work of the SGP National Steering Committee, and to provide strategic advice to SGP stakeholders, conduct monitoring visits to projects, advocate with national authorities, and provide technical support in communications and fund raising. Civil society: SGP global policy requests grant recipient Civil Society Organization (CSOs) to contribute to their