2003 University of President: Dr. Harvey Weingarten Chancellor: William J. (Bill) Warren, C.M., Q.C. Honorary Degrees: Dr. Joane Cardinal-Schubert Dr. Trudy E. Cowan Dr. Harri Holkeri Dr. Thomas Jackson Dr. Margaret Newall Dr. J. E. (Ted) Newall His Excellency John Ralston Saul Dr. Sharon Pollock

Order of the U of C: Eldon R. Smith Rhonda M. Williams Apollonia Steele Mary L. Driscoll Donna M. Ferrara-Kerr Peter G. Glockner Len Hills Peter Grassick

Enrolment: 23837 full time, 8903 part time (spring), 5547 part time (summer), 4798 part time (fall) Degrees awarded: 6 415 Faculties: Bachelor of Health Sciences program developed. First ever class of Métis students begin Social Work degree – a first of its kind in Canda. New Buildings: Life Sciences Research Centre completed – located off campus for research projects for joint repair and replacement, biomechanics, wound care and orthopedics. Groundbreaking of the Children’s hospital on the U of C West Campus. Creation of the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta with a $15 million gift from Alvin and Mona Libin foundation and $5 million gift from David and Gail O’Brien to establish an undergraduate educational centre in the Faculty of Medicine. Employees: Academic staff: 2080 FTE Support staff: 2678 FTE Events: Sports: Women’s Cross Country team wins CIAU championship Dance: March performance of “open window to the wild hill” features original music by composer Allan Gordon Bell and was performed by the U of C string quartet. Research: ISEEE (Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy) established at the U of C. Dr. Karim –Aly Kassam becomes the first Canadian to be awarded the Organization of American States Fulbright Ecology Fellowship for his work in Arctic human ecology. Nova Scotia author Robert Finley is named Markin-Flanagan Distinguished Writers Programme writer-in-residence Markin-Flanagan Distinguished Visiting Writers: Anita Rau Badami, Dionne Brand, Louis de Bernieres Alumni: Distinguished Alumni award recipient Don Gillmor BA'77, Author and Journalist 2003 Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) award presented to Laura Lucier (BSc ’99), flight controller and mission planner for the Canadian Space Agency in Houston, TX.

Canadian Events: Governor General - Adrienne Clarkson Prime Minister - Jean Chrétien then Paul Martin Premier of Alberta - Calgary’s mayor: Dave Bronconnier Health Canada announces 17 suspected SARS cases in Canada, Ontario declares a public health emergency as a result of SARS An Alberta cow is found to have been infected with BSE; the United States, Japan, and a number of other nations halt all imports of Canadian beef Canada's first space telescope is launched Paul Martin is sworn in as Canada's 21st Prime Minister Hurricane Juan makes landfall as a category 2 storm at Halifax, Nova Scotia. Two were killed directly and 5 indirectly. Grey Cup: Edmonton Eskimos defeat Montreal Alouettes The Heritage Classic, the first outdoor game in NHL history, is played in Edmonton. World Events: 2003 Iraq war: Land troops from United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Poland invade Iraq. Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq, is captured in Tikrit by the U.S. 4th Infantry Division. Martha Stewart and her broker are indicted for using privileged investment information and then obstructing a federal investigation. Stewart also resigned as chairperson and chief executive officer of Martha Stewart Living. NATO takes over command of the peacekeeping force in Afghanistan, marking its first major operation outside Europe in its 54-year-history. The Concorde makes its last commercial flight, bringing the era of airliner supersonic travel to a close, at least for the time being. The China launches Shenzhou 5, their first manned space mission. Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates over Texas upon reentry killing all seven astronauts onboard. Intel releases the Pentium M microprocessor. Stanley Cup: New Jersey Devils win 4 games to 3 over the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim.