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11 IJST7S," ffHH T7ATBEP0BD ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • " ¦ ¦ ¦ t,M \1 ! ¦; > • • • • ¦ ¦;. > ' H- - :; . . : , ; li^u ,, ' ¦ i • -C t V-/ ¦ ,. : . V . f . - " I ! ESTABLISHED—1847. ( I i he Prince if ;Wales I ' ¦ * . ¦ : ' ¦ Sarcart Circrdaticm in South t£ I*olaaa j f ' ' ' U4 .rcry rBWAT.and SKO»TMcui SAB *). AW . ttmcu n ( I ' y. i • y^Ml Tftpi r If PSSNT; Yearly (in AdvUioo), 43.4d. SODA V#fPEft .TrftRicE-¦ ^ONB JP By Post (Yearly), 6o. 6d. ' fCT- AU Cbeqnes and P. 0. Ordora , made payable : I¦ -08 P. REDMOND, at this Office. • ¦]^^ : hi COBKXLI ¦~ •* —f v-/t - -• 'I } i if } \j Ls V : ( ^l^ TH¦EoSEl8T; • ¦Ti : ^ i / ^ 31 and ; amorqrst tho . ^old Piizo Hedab B circulates extensively I Hi vIIIlO)l Mo He ^warded; THB NBV ' E srehaata, 1 traders and noWlity, gentry, tainamg t > * f. - . Susw 40., to TTaterioid, Bfrkenny, fipprory, i : ;V ..SPHOIALITJBS Sd the .dUh of Jretad: generaliy. The: ^«we : ' i. novor ejnallod by any ipaper S» attained * eltonlitioii ; 6 Kttuihod in W»Urford, and in admttodly theload- < " T SE BEVER AGE : urnal iotlua important o.ty, mtt which therm a | SODA, !oF H ,EALTHv fcjj jo . OL0B Sroit dally oernmnnication from London. _ (< pbmneroal and Agricnl. Clycle' Shippj |ig 1 HPorHoulaE attention P1"3 *° | Cdmlpaiiy, Ltd. ©nJGEiE ALE, Automatic," THE ORIGINAL BRAND - :, natter..; ' trial j , ; ; BOA ,O OF PUBLIC WORKS 1 1 A P B I L , 189B. . o , !/ HOM^SBERA.T, THE DRINK FOR received tortile NinM by all n«n«oi. J^^^ ^y ^ ¦ ¦ ('|S?A^KJ>J^> THE GOUTY & RHEtfMATIO LdTertMeoflita '-E«5«Iar Sleam CommukicaKon 6«(u>««n ' ¦"' '¦' ' ' " ' ' oble JJewspap** Afenta in the United Kingdom.J Pw. '' ' Royal Soltzor, Potaao, Lithia Waters, Lemonade, &c ' etjmrot raqtuBita frog}-partiea not known at the offloe. T7 A T Si B FOBS arid 1 O IX P O tf * 1 PLTlrOCTH|*jio .SOnTHAHiPTOH . NEWIUyEU. , WORKS : •-•'3O Cf3B3L*3i:is«r <£s - , - ¦ tf «ii I DOVEBi 13 -m&^J2sJg£S?.yi T»E GEWS £br in 80UTH JOF ENQLANB,' * >- ¦ ¦ *— riocatD for^dd Htta ¦ ¦ CCiaB.fOnJBLUI, BELFAST UTD QLASOOW. |i _ ; i : ^vgitiEOtM : . • , ! . ; _J ^_ | I ¦"lL!ii>s; 'fTIHE New .. aria powerfulNMOB ¦ Btreoi; , ' -sarow ''"lioteic, . • -. -"11 V7ATEKPoiBT>-Mim Koti , Oladttone ; ^-'^nrSiw^i Bliaiairr ABI E, . iii-U- - **>>")! eJtKSk, BA-"-t XTCOJUiOR'. i COPBLAHBi IIi« Pomw, Barronrtrand Btieot, ' i ^ : 's Walkt •Cg-Jl ^ ?—DUHOtjieSBL . EDDTSTOHE. ¦ - UrTsioiurt,. Mayor rAiJHBTVUZlBD. tLADDiTioBTtAND. 9ATHLIN. , JoTin Street.- tpiSMwropi . Urlr. Qtrn.Tr; . SANDJ , SKEBEYVOBE, TQWABD . TUSKAB, i ; yfmggBP^^w^- '-'" Lc^^oion^rST- ;^d«j|- ¦ L L Street ' ' 'S' VANASH , O'ConneU VALEMTIA, in inteBdoi to eall U . z^ ' ¦ ' ?¦ ¦ ^^' " MU» KI jwdct^. A Fitst^lassFamily and Cdmraorokl Hotsl. . Sti• • .l•;'ffi. 1 • : '.' . Ml -.. f;'.i7'-/ , ,v 110, Qa»y- ¦. wcsthei: permitting (unless jrc»fnt*d by nnforeseea- -^° Mr. EAT, . ,._ , circnnutimocii),with liberty to tdw Vessola. aniJ to uOl 5t Hotel in , OBBTX , Barrack dtreot. THE " Gientworbh'Ms tte ncaTest pepj ^^s eps, r\ ^5=53 />s=5a/i==t. Hr. D any Poit or PorU bi BUJ ordor. In or oat of the buMtom*rj U ABDKLL, Qa»T. . tbeqtrjlo the EaUtray 8tatira, Banks, 8tcra- j . «T jJ r=4 AC^JK 5) Me W coarse, to E«oolia ind DUobJ>rg«[Cargo, or loi mj other o aU pub- C CJ /P\^ Vis^S?; V BBITT, BaUySnclwn. patpos(; vhateoeter. boat Offloco , T«lejrajh aad P.Foot OfBoe, and i, X^sSi' ci!==i3clS&2=i V^iX J5 =&' C:3 Mrs. E ] PrbjTietor, 14, =- ¦ - ¦ - ¦ Mr. AISBABK , Jonn^treet. . , , WJTIErOED TO oiiSOOW. lio plooos of ^ransemoat. Kxmix, ' : == Pow*B, Bic«a 8treet. SrerjiUESDAY (Direct) ... | ... . . ,.1 p.m. i5 M,d i6, oi ,tTrorth-rtre 0t, itoCnca. !oi8 IHM WEDNESDAYS (Tin Pljraontll), April. 11 B.m . 8th, P _ Manufactured in Waterford b Mrs. j5nTHR,L?»'a.r .Slw<'t- : put y Waterfbrd hands;, from P.ur3 !MW Balljbrlcken. 4pim ; 15th. 4 p.m ; iJBi, I tym; Wth. i p 0. Mr NOLAN , OLAfiOOW TO WAT£2TOU£. 1 '" ON , Qnay. " V inia Mr«. DAWS Even MONUA K (Direot) | - .- a pjn. S , ° oS -g Leaf Tobacco. ; . Ur. DocotAB, Muaael Street. ¦¦ . C»i Ball, to Qroonoci ..6.S3 p.m. *r V MANUFACTURED IN OUR OWN. ' WORKS ^^^^ Mr« WiUBi leboBrd 8treet. Erorj IHUESDAT (DtreotJ i...... a p.m. l pptql la famous . for good, paro Wbiater mTMlTPTHOMAS—Mr. T. CBBIBTOPHM- ^ C&l. 'M. ip Grosnock ...6.21 p.m. V_ ... - -FISHAMB1L.lt. S 3QUBLIW FTHB IB Qld S ^4 OTS-P. OOISLITAN, Upper John Street. WATXKTOX: io &LLKAB ^ ? ^J 1L and all other¦ DII D V S. , KC, Main-Street, Etcry SATURDAY (diroct) ._ ...... I (.a , .' !. JJHS. KELLV , PEoPBir.Tnn.Fo. 1 DTOoISm-Mr. E. K«o* XJ A T ro IA VIXJS ^ ONNIFTZ. B ^ I WirztrOBDy— V ' D . 9 j 2i»( STOES—ESUora of Etet!: r Jft Mathew WALBH . MU» H. C Every Tncadav Clone to tho Eailvray Station cp Qualify WATBBFOUD TO DCBLIfl Be£xeehmentBoom», and i XfiAMOBE *1 1 CiAMCT, Jiiery SiTUWAV(»iabeUa»t> ,[• • • ; ¦• 1 P.O- Seeds it Manunes.—West isiOheaped Imporial Hotol- j '" DDBUI TO WiTXsrORD, Dl^ilor^- Si; Allon-Strect. WEDNKSDA'SS, lm April, 1' p.mi nttt,.i)i p,m . l.vj.. 8 p.m , -rf '¦ ¦ r>POQ-tmJ-MrrjojJZB:tt!OT , ++AM » «k4«*a Ad - A »p-^ — — JVb^e Addressr f!*' 22cd 1 p. m iSfchl 8 p.n. LSkJX^OW > f Hn SACKVILLEW*i>**^ -STBEET.^^ ^ DtfBLUi _ - *-# Ii. . " , . JAMES CRO'lTY na> muob pleaeurc in anooanoing loihis, numcrom Friends nod Customers that \Tj' W1HEJ0BD TO COEE (DlrtCt Erery Tharalay „. .. ..1 p.ml tbo Sblp " Westnarc " bai discharged to t>lm ! . ¦ : ¦ HOOAS. . ! ' . ' ! COBV TO W*nBroaiy. Dlroct* (o«ttaA^^.»d u *oQi, Q FElDAlfS, 3rd April, d p.m. . Uth. f 6 p.m l;tk 6 p.m . . ., i ; • '. . A .CarRo of Lr.3C-daIo'fl Cslc'^T^cl Ilantu'es. 5? r 3 BARROWBTaAMD^STSEE JBMOBr V-Mr. ^^ BootataU f . Uth, 4 p. m.) Whlob h»s bepn porctiaico OD moat UciuomibloTormr Hit intoottoDJ ore to gi»o sll ¦¦ ' ^^ WATXHTORE TO lKjnDOB. whr may fa'or remodeDod and re-furniiilied. f . — . -.-.-. — ^ . , , ¦ / . . . .* mTOWN-MU. BOCH>. him Kith their Order! IDf benefit of the Lorr Pnce3, and. calls (f 1OMPLETELT .—-»¦ . , „ _ Exery £»turd»7 (tia Southampton) ]... „ « p.B spcoial attent on to the. lollowinir \J llamlflmnt Ladles' Cofloo-Eoom , Pinir.s-Booa, ~ ^- . - pr— -pr IBOHATHE anu r. w»mi«- ljossan (St. K»th»rioe Dock), TO WITIMOKS I Eednotions. m. ,- • i . • < ' . I • JOUJ—llr*. Smobino-Bcloirk Bllliard-toom. Obaxges modtrats. pi »-r -7. »-, _ . _ ' FBII'AYB 3rd April . 1 LD ; lotb f 10 a.mi 17th. J p.m '. ' , 1 ' j ?jr {§ a n QJ)^ r . ^ _^ ^ffi b^WA. «ATK*-«-- 24th, 9 n.mJ . . j . Longsdale a No. >uper.. 4s. pe' Cwf Longsiale's Special, 8 R . tjr!. per Cwt- CHAELES LAWLEE , Proprietor. fa LL Ii 7T iO, JJ £1 CD B? IP M'M Jjj l M {3 CS O Sc« Book Stand. No transhipmento( by this ronto. 1 Orders forooOecrlon or J EAflO»|ft Qood» eeot to M'N AMA A Co. 8s. 60. „ ,, Challenge, '.< < , o . ,, I deU^or>* & A (Limltod), 14, | C&ctlo-s ;reet, i'inftbarr ( to Cljda phliiphig Comtany, 123, ,. JSone Lonipound v 6s 6c „ ,, Best Amrnonlb gHELBOURNE HOTEL l^&deniiU Stroot or Clyde Vi anhoase, ^ &bippinff[Company. E „ Diasolvea bone ?s. 6(- . „ -ix Fleot-.t. 8t. KAtliarine Dock , will reecho prompt HUntion. . Fixed Guano, Ii 6! MICHAEL SULLI¥A¥ i c. Mrrfca^ ^- CW. ¦ WirKaroED 10 FJ-TIIOUTB, djreot, Healso wishes to onnonnca that be bai received s Larrfe THE BEST IN DUBLIN. ^& 80S ^, 83, Fleet 8fc»et. WEDNl-SDAYS. 1st April. 11 t.ia ; 8th, 4 pa 15th , Sappl jr ol Riga CI BSS I'AEM «nd GARDEN B.JT. W" Street, E.O. 4 p.m ; ^ud , 1 p.m ; <"Lh, 4 D m EEEDS,. *bi?ta> bo ntU dleposo o( at Very Mcdettta Prlte*. Tbey Wve TB- BBOWV , 163, Qneen Victors , been eolcft-d niih the Urbs Intacta : ft. P LTKOOTB TO W ATCBJOUD ( RroiUi't eaVo, and pertooi.ptirobjuina HSnga1 Water A T OHAimrr, 26, Beanmost Eoad, . . may bnyt cstlra coDpdoac6 In aBJ bonijbs at fats Establishment, ^«y U0K0AT8, lith April, 11 a.m. j Ut!j, 11 i- tn , i0t6. K' a.m ; btf business to replete with all the various s^aar^^usS* ¦ S7tb, Ua.m.1 T. Seeda required for Afrioultufal purposes. ,|l7J, Fl«t Street. C EET > T»New. EJoB WiiTiroKD TO Soortiiinoi CT Pobllo ett«ntlot) roejaisobe direated to his HABDWARE CONCERK ' ir E»ery SATURDAY (dWct), lit , sod io that Trade S ' BOTTTJIR-a. STORES, . . hi> trlaboa to inform IP ^S 6rD BotrraiiirTOB TO W»nRjoxi>4-Vu 'PLTBotm hii Customers tbat U Ship * Village Girl " boo dilcbarged to biro a Lur** Ton- oo. iti Atrll 1! «.m; llthj lSlh, sad iSih n Nooa signment of e»ery 4eecnptioo 3f, BAJi IKON, STEEL, rti. j I YOCUOL HleetStreeb jTxa. , r ho is no* In a podtlea to 1( }>ery BATtTBDAf (riaSonthampton and liowhaTQn). t p.c 2I2 H ETA JI0I7A l. H02HE> t meet all Order* sub due promptnude and tbe tallest eatliftctlon, : H« Jastf j atlrlbatej hii Wesditltsl » GUI(iN Emigration Dora TO W iTairomi). Success in Bofloeaa to the ' ' r^~5 f " Eicrr TCES11AV (Tla 8outl»m^ton), Carjc onli BltAOKHAJ.L-BTBEET, v ¦' '¦ Oflaca Throe tiKimon Imio eicoUnjI wcommodadoa OPBUM , • T- JM " 45 te ' ' TEEATUEHT AnD 8UPEBI0E QUALITY OP ,H10 DlilUKfl , : oter Years.) Pac^nifirs. ««»g. "«abl y GUINNES3'S STOUT, DAS3 & bo's AlB/tL WOHDn 'Bttnrn, Stooragoi Bstnr Qrattan Gquarc, BEWQ Cabin. *' Dunfjarvan. and conveceot to KlrJg'o and CO i'ALE, HOP BHTER8, dDEE, 4«. . : •' • LoweBt Eatf« WtMrford to Ql^fTO" ... 1?«. od, tit. ion. Ufc Market , quit* I I J /^«^n'. th»trsVai e! ttK3 £8 & Cork , ... it. 04 Ita. &3. 7». 60 ' Ihe Capo ... '" £18 L3i „ the most CotDtortaWe, combined with Jloderuto Mineral Waters ute ot ibe Very Beit Deaoriptloh tt>at can postlbly be had, : Tbttefon), 'hoijlitbsPnblIa M Pl/rcouth tni Cbargcs. Visitor! to Dublin ohonld como and sea to compare his M W. with anj other make or ¦ Aunrtlia ••• "' ai 14a 4 £16 16i Bontli&mptoa SOB. od. SOa. 10a. 1&. Brand. .; .., •" ^* London, via South- for themEeWeo. 00 Nel Zealind „ ^ fll" OtNO*« A»-«, J.iuoHASi, O BA .VO £ CJUUPIOSK, for Porlty, Aetatfoo, Atoma Peritmbnoo,!South Ametfca l ampton A Eall " — 1& — l/OTAT A(2H V©y ©©BKlfc W-' MEAK Y and .Excollrtei PewknTCn, 20«. od. — 10». — IDKBIRIK V •: _ " of Fla »onr cannot be excelled. Ho would call «pcc!»! ittentlon to hU Ecitlaa Bt>DA.' -Tot PoHrt Bitit, i OTCT od. ' lua. , ^^ , " and Aeration It bas no equal. " D . ... SOa. — — UURLIITBTOII„-, n r, ^ Eld Da Jantfro, .. ', £7 0[. oJ. From Dublin ... lOi. 0« attoallol of »h« PuUU to kii TEAQ Eaito* '.tickets attlkblo (or Tiro IIcbthi-rNot TranBlcrable. / T I^ C CinPATTnn £I0T£I- B V7INE8wtvL-t, SaPIEID,T> ?-IvS, &o , . Mcote Video) Sotnrn l T?T!H fi ii , 1 &0 Y£AES, AND STILL HAS THE 3 £ . (Oj27.fla) " CT lion.—The Clyds BhJtplng] Coapasy Uamlt«lJ ^1 J N iS HT A\DEEW* 8TKEET BdiroeAjrei, I en insure Goods ehlpped Br thite lines of Bteamen JLW Jl A II A \ j x O kJ JLv/ lj LA3GKST BALE . _ ° AT 10 , ..¦¦ JLo ^o,- . o .„ , , Mod«rate,«„,„,... and.^ Modem.M.,rf.,n BAREONSTRAND 6TREET. WATERF0BD > • Eodeario. . Bgsiaftt (ill 6ea Blska, Forms. lUtlci of franlom, and sll THE most Central ¦ iniormsMon can bo hadM.thu Ofictaj Tt> Electric Ln;ht I D bedroomx, alco telt-uhoot enl Ntcolt", „ J Q "\ "D ALWAYS IX THZ PI5K OF BaUvORB epplj to for Bs.ua ot Freight, &o., apptj to XSKT J^Waatve T T Q \ QQ atootumotiauoo. bot end cold ba:h«. Cxjtmu a , partloolara and Pljxaoath j JOBJI £. Hawxiyg. Loxuioa and Soath* KJ? iW Intftet ^ Co., lo Burlluclon. I OU1ON 4 Crt., GfBfril Ag«otP , Weltarn Slilwar Compiny, Exeter lumdlnn, Artbdr Street, Jn>LL l b JJA West, and at the L. & a. W. Btllitsjr BtcelTlnf douut bO5 i . CONDIT .ON ()yl6.1lj; T. C0ELES3, Proprietor, throughiiut London i Clrdo Shljpls?Co.. U, Tktorli-rtreet, TJiffh I ' i ' Ll'erpocl- BeUuv i Clrajj gbippini; Co.. uotHsaUi Baudiagt, 1SS Street and Bairbnstrand Street Waterforii LeidtohillStreet , London, E.C. | CJya> Bhipjiln( Co., BaU- KELLY'S lMPBO¥]HiB -' tho war Offi:a , KewhaTen i Elizabeth [Street (Pta-), i Borer i ^outh i Wolej.. «id . Ej7 Carltos flan, OUBBOW I c^tsom Haula Bulldlnit, CKlona i5?« Oreenodc t Dock Boad. LImartck i Town 'Quay^ 8cuUiaap- bmi S5, Eden Quay, Dublin i Fetrick'i OUST, Cork. YL A c«*!|] " 0LTDE SHIPPniQ COHPAjry. (LIHITSDJ, IINERAI %£s£srx!& JMP Tf - BUYPURE TCl Custom UOUM Woaj, Watcrtor WATERS r^Stl. " ^ Opcdal forms of Bills of Lodlaa naaired i^ ths u. CJT - Li2oa»TottY , 17, CsEtlo-ttrcat , Dublin, ,.. BtjiVrAni;Cc ajmj (UBiU&> to V* EA ITOB tt» kBu. ^ i " AMiCTi—"C»«i»»»,"[WanijiBw. , . . . . , 2Sth May, 16D6. roiui^'on EXPORT f^TT^ FTfroicwiiioiMa erriek ,uW.* ?l» TeSt:?tl3 I have ekaiDlnec i-ltj. c/ TM «. I«*« stiMaoiri* L «peclmen« of i Soda Water and /Erated Leraonade nrpire H i-Sd /Al HIL/-IU « I iurl P»»««". LlBU0B1 UD A,e uN U« .""&«o?»l Compam, prepared b. Messrs. IJoHX KELLV fit SON , Waterford. I &:,^ co°oMDo: A I&Mro?ooH ,i] Frsiioi Lists.. Waierlord Steameiiip fine they a- quite tree frorr the J&ff iU A»r> | iLUilTEXij. I Metallic Itnpuritie,t\somr;timp« founH m Mtueta 1 Waters : iba ' J7tK:?1 HTTIITOSD 0BDEB OF 8AILR«3-ai>aii, 1K>. . ihtv have cirtfully been prepared from Gout) Bonto RnA Botocv'^ STiAHiEa f DlOirtCCt _ MR.erlul3 , aac ttas they are wel, charged DUKB11OD'?, BEQINALD, COMEBAaH , l.Ai. with Carboilic Acid Qao. i r (Signed I ^a» HENAP1A, CBEADJIN , 4c "V—M^. Dtsriii Tralni on* T\T O TIOK. — Th» Witttf"- k iTail S(«om«ri Catly. ; « ^w " CHAJlLteS A. CA&EBON gspjgjrs3li}* =*i\ XN Stoaosliip Company (Umit*- , T* vX tvxin Qomtbaia Spd LWt Btoak (oi Br>- " h-ofew- 0' «^^3p " mentionoQ Chmtitrj/, &c , Royal CMcgt 0/ Surgs o,it, " ¦^S-J^r^tA— ^^^int oa cpuditlons - ^-^ |! **• 1""! , t» li« bV si th> " J^ HJ»> &., „ C WATEEroRD°S "- A. HO... Uftidt. "A ,. o.Vtrx.ro,- USE OUI. BOTTLEl DRINKS . KONE ARE BErrER rsOU WlTEBrOBO TO SBlSTOt. ttOU BSltfTv- " *"J U.L C%9'7 Cant»l Ireland, Fridsy, Airil a... SaJfnooa: Wed'sdiy. Api 1.-,.. * * aV wiiSforiI .id Ltaerick, Taeaday, ,. ?... 6 ait noooi Saturaij, ,, I.IW "'«- Fridsy, .. lu... l aifnooo1 Tbnr»d};y, ,; K ... I mornlnir laesda/,. ,, 14 . .. 8 alt noonl Bamrdij. „ 11._ 5 oitsruoon Friday, .. 17... « sifoooni Wod's^aj, ,. It - " olurnouo Tuesday, ,. ai ... O affnooni Sotordiy, - , U .»•>' ^%''t IQW KELLY .&' SON fHE " DOUBLE Fridsy. .. H4 .. 6 aifnoon| Wcd'«Ziy, ., 23 ..IV midnlzh« jeSXifei./SHEf HALF STAR pp ¦ A CfiNT TJKY) , RE Fermoy, tnd Taeediij „ &' .. 2 aifnooui bund»?/ ,, *i... omorniufc i v^oih • 2.80 s'.mi Train from Frldiii, >laj I... \ ifi-noOB Wei'sftay ,, '»... 7 atternuoo Wbolesai- Bottlors, Wine Idportera. j and Whisker 'Train fkm LUmore, ;ABBrviHO u ! Eatmuiy, Hay J...6.3U nigh- Bonders JTO B. per- / H \ f LocalI.UMU ageAgentsnw inHI ' p» (»«ther j and eircua.tanoe. ca. On e&xl/ Uomln; Sailings, Cabins of'ths stesxun w* ——, ^— x ^ T7. Waterford". uienora DistrictuiBtnot :— | li» b* open to reodvc Fsassnfers unrjnj by th« tllsht c MB Trams. I W*& 7FJE US I?®tit] M>. Mafotib ATCragiiBn. Puiigt 14 to It HonnJ . ^rdaV.%•' «» '«= «•» ' FISTS K^bin, Btajle, lie. j do. Bln/rls—Children (and If ^ rant* traitlllng with Families) 10». i do Bttnrn (anUabls lor Two moDthi, optlaaal to return troia or lo Uicryoo'), iX . ^-S^ ^^fot P8UaBM^L v' Seek, ainde, 7a. 6d. i do Children.& . tM^S ta tin' *"» ^§ Lmii lrir Berth-Cumberland Butnl BrlatoL MUfotd wllj, WACEBFOED AHO nil V 1! ii P O O . ^"SP't'iI a m Train Jrom Kew i VBOII WATrxroSD. L'TKIPOC. W.Urford i rxov Ihin Jfvit arrlTal of garner Uating VfriMaj April 1... talt'iioon ' Wed'udb, *prll 1... U Noor Gompre:2sil leant. c Friday, „ 3... 6 aft roon | Friday,! .. S... l&Uooo u ' PAUL FaUB-Cabin lp—Childroi (and • ^,»a Adolphi Wharf,jWaterford.;TheEiDucn> , Slhfle, 15s. , do. Wng CONSUMERS ¦ ¦ « CH other impoltot Bervanu tn-^Sv im ¦ S'S"and^ Ttron Th 4«., oan be OS*, i Deck, tingle, 7s 6d | do, single, pbildnn, ti. nr B nflnr p ' / gl«, 30s. t do. (8mgle—Children (aod .y Company * ^^ ! ^ * '' 6orratitatr sTelung with tvalhtt), l^a.l&d. j do. rotum (araJl' ^ctotford . , llanaser. able (or Tiro Months, optional to retain from or to Bristol; , / youa n. x g^^y I.A.UBEET G«nfrnl 20s. ; Decl , atagle, 10s. | do. Singlo CMldreo; Ss. j i7-tf . 3? f»4dinirton Termlnnt. ; Goods lucked ihroofh from sll brtsclpal Citations on JLTO dS Great Morthom, Gnat Western, Lancashiru, and totkabire SJ vti^qHnfrr, London 4 North Weston i LondotTand South Wsswm, BZI ' >ZJS; Jdancheitor, Bhrmola, and Llioolnshife.an4 Uidlaad Ball- 0WeS< Establiahed fa ways to ¦Wawrlord ^anufactuiera Ireland, .,< • ;, i AMERICA N : LiKE , . (Thronfh BooklcVsi alto wita Liaorla!:, ^^ 3^ 25 YE ARM / - , BewoMUs and Tralee SOUTHAMPTON-NEW 70BK . ie). i" | ' JOTCJ J J . : » Ooods B»ked thrdoxh from all Smiin»on Waterfert and ^^V ^ PBODUCTION AUOTJNT8 TO —«= S^X XI^J, . —j5fc=r5Ki I 8EBVICE. Central Irnland Bailway .Waterford. ixujrvrraa, and Usmon Bsilj»»y, and Wat«fbrd sad Llmarick fisSwaT. : ¦ ¦ ' guetit Spoked thronnh at low BitO to all srlnelpal Cta- aoAmcT • ' UOLS on louden and North Western Bailwy. SO TOWS PEE WBHK EJKTGIiSDS-OTaEJ 33J3^m WEXP OED &XD BUI8JOL . j Fao:n Wsiroar>- i Faojj BaitToi, eallini at MMCITT , iso TONS, ai»o Tuesdays. UiUoro So. 9 RH^S ' Second ¦W leab/. , —Fridars ^Rn'SfnlE^ BO'- tiff B«ipA B |P || Hl«h«stClail of Moomtiodation for SilocB, .LTEHVOEB ABD TJHVf ftodS Tho Lmrat 7cfiaft£fiotosy la tho t7ciPia @) ^ cJSXad Bteo»g« i" 6 8 ceit e Ont t Fre8< FlflB New Boss—DsJl«, Sundays azfepted, at WJ KJU. H LS UVJ Hil BVJ 8) lil^Htf^ WflTll PasseigBM* "tofarded^"^^ Si tn 5iiom QtexA a.f SUM W ITTOOJU>—Dally,Sundays evxf Ut, at tit pjm. L J lttw ES»«» WA1ZBF0BO AHD Dt>HCi»llu3 TBE BEST AND UOBT EEUiSiz. Guaranteed . fo? >.oonrarjT, ihiraljultT: Jxox Cncingii-Dally, Bunosys cioeptod, at 8.30 a.m. Btrenath. and Vilaa. Fxoa WiTsaroan—Daily,SunCaj stiotytuL at l.U t' ja. ¦ Bars—11B Wswrtord 8t«amjhlpCodpa2y,14mliod, Insure Free BiHng Somplc: 03 application to f i£yery WEDNESDAY. I sjl Qoods llhipyed by these Lines of bleaowrisl Ji. M. per BDMSOM'B BENSON iIir .E .B.POO£ JO |PHiijl Z)£Zi> fl-/4 '-at, to Traders hsimg Tearl/ AciMmotsj and t*. per at QoeeMtywn eTery Thar«d«y. <~ '• O;»tioual Bhlppen, »tlne to ft deoliiwjat tinJof CallicKJ Cent... *oreu [ijj all InforaatiSa to b« lad at thi WILFRED HAUGBTO^ } f uisngeri and goods arp landed at FhiladelphU Ehlpment. ^- . : ri j iffi?, on f n BaSS^fiK-fli. l&s Whirf of I the PenniylTania Eoilroad, t,hieh £1 aw QUAY, mam. ¦V. its tin itortctt and moat direct rente to all place] 3 1 Bolo Aijcst for ItoUna (the counties of Anfeto . BJBOf CrtfiftTAix ira EWomjD WlTEH BA tj fc» "Weitera8t»Ui. Bt«erig« 0atfiti7re«. S^a^aSriTltcalr'T ¦ : ¦ ovS Omeea, Th(i Malt " ' • " C3 wl D»vm (ccjptrf.) bCamtoa >-»» lau-ct t _ Lr»»a»oct-WM«rford ettamshlp ^^^ * i ^ICHAWDBON, 8PENCE 4 Co.', Ccbpasr i(Uaiitu,-i-uic^,, i T7atet4treit, iaa 01anace Dock. I * SoDttiDptoDof IXrorpccl B t vJ* 8team,Wj, ' ' L ! ~. "«T?r/*' ^l Co=t»y {I,lrilt:3).¦ O Rii@Hy)'ir Q) • Clb i l0Ci& AOtttTS I ! yaeeaKinire>-«ria uiai ffnlind Basin, I ¦; t=» ^ " : I^-T j ^n'—I WMroin-W sUtfurd Steiasbip CoA ; panj fldrsitedk¦ ^J iByonS/v-Hsnej & Ecu, 12, GW«ton8.£^es( IHi» Bocj-WaHrfwd BtoaasUj OoSitv-i offlct „ n ,i, tVclli A Eolebts, S7, ^s«r. . 111101 > „ ,,M,,W«d Bros., 2, BwoSstrtsd-lirec! Zlounf^^Sy? * °«&*f &*£$l <)ac3 ni 10 0C l: Jia l?«O»tb, ilida-Ot ** Bll*nara Steajrtll pU7'1 OGOI JyluBixlDJliJIJ CAS5UWc- ' ^' - *' oiw guM ^ f <*'f J^^JILT V ...BichirdLuidy. ^^^^ B«J*ctl Mat rn»oa ^ri^^^ '-'' ^' » *•«« I^ronoh Cburch-Streot (Opposite Liverpool Landing tr-H ^ H0y ljuyiflg Ulfccfc iVoa ' 1 CLOlrtJiJt ^Mji..PfttrIok Kuq-at^ 78 A 75 Usln-St ifor^.^. p Waterford. al ncdptofM „.John Cullliiai Importer, lit tho put "? * *3; Gal ! DOBOAnTAn ,J. The Bqkiro. CHOPS, STEAKS ni,ustrawd Book C*»roQtnK *i...W. Jones Troy, 81, Alba^t. , SOUP.liA, COFF^Ei BOYRILfro , &c. 02a o2b? ca Tenm fully Eanol to : • ' Port ^e* OBJJt»n...«...lf..Jooii lInrp!i/, QWcoil ; London Houn^. i .Samples ftca ca ' i -i r . * ' r POBS_.1...WO. MCDrO.fl . ficath-Cl. , I . SjTEIJTMtLED A3 I :• Dinnera ofl Joints with riBpUcat5on. ' *fUa Trado oaly c^i> i ' ! ¦ ¦ Veget^bie^l ; m 9d to 18 TxnauJOPv -SJ . WMtotnaaJ Cha«ii*», L asiiciou ^883^. .»¦JVilllata i Tibweti, 81, Uila.rtKyt a osouAonxo i Wntiosrj-... ' Hone but the Best Drinko served PobiilW Prices. | MAt BE OBTAIKai ' 01? ^t j ¦ .! Alt, ' i 6 jmeaA,,,,»;.•! Patrwa HttttX |j _ • _ . ' D : QfiiOOfiliO ASD -WCffi MEEOHAKTS OTOOT, g^ BASS, . " D HOTyLETTS HOTEL, j 3 " WJB^$KEY9!fiig 2 Wtyxsa'a Pla<», CORK. ! ' ' COHKEB c? te0MAS-ST.«» O'CONHEliyBI . .j . . . . :¦ Ittnvfoclumt D i. I . ' ^~ ; • t^#WaErMUiaTSKLaTlfrersold. ¦ ' :•*> ; i. -MiNEBAL. W i »tth ' AiMEB I i . i 1 An Rij^lei^«Tj»TJell«* lJ BiibUi,Chrono- j ; j WATBBFpBD, i : i ENTRANCE THROVQH ^ T$ (*\ O rp ' Ti TOT 1 {5!te 'TB'I *M» Bin«l, and Daapuui In tM teiiBcdUte VIoiitity o! the DangftrrBB.i B4LLI) 00R \ TO UPr I C* U^?f 5 : STAIM3. b«i^ltM ; ¦ Lloetiek and KUkeiiny BailWajfBi- '¦ ; ¦ ¦ I ! , S»^ iSaa,an4u dOTbl»thi Btjeairih I ;;- .;. |; (UHMED), ' ¦ ~ l | • ; ¦ BUILDER dtid COtiTRACTon , IS^^tfW^tiBft ft«® bESAttPAiTS, tDJ(fCHE0S3, DDraiis, TEA, £a, ' ! ' ! ' ' MM* ts T OVLT tVMsi tU oo# Prlctff £5 fie >»Ktj, V i 4| Ehortcit Kotico RCd Uodonte ObargM. i' l_.x_^ DUBLIN JyCOJ la ! DIWIN6 RDoi ! ; , ^ ¦ ' I «i— i ! |- DlinCEEe—Off ; ^1 C7 TflE lJABOli> \7ATBto6BO. . ; te^BRi2BMffiai^rivi?m Jotntfl, with Vegetableo ' j «. H i .1 , , In mutrtf cetQ.S TQUM v . : WELL-AffiED BEC^ : ' ' i " . with Wr^i^CmmT> j ; ; ; iiOAH Joints '" ' " "' ¦ BCILD1NGBCILDING i: -"WOBK8WbBKS AND C0NTBACTCONTBACTS3 i OtutmmAP**.. U4r7s£ft'iB«lfit..»i«lOffi&r*™7r ^BBS-Soup . , ... ., [,. ], | . f' SMfSgaffB iS CbticaW EtNiiiflMtl, Ejdtiti, StotttJAtoOl. gaii ' OmnBBC-SoTip, Joints) Sweets ' ' B0X3TH HALL LOAM AKb DiMnntrtT : . ; ;... . „. „ I .„ ! 1) j Bert DoJblto^Cctk^Jl»M«, Iitaiobe!m3 : BAW 86 SOUTH " /rv ¦ H ¦ ' MAlVcOfiKJ ; . ' LUNCHEONS '" |. . . ! ;;! i 'Me-BiMM- ¦< " ¦: A#&\SUPPERS i r ;• Twn . [: I ^BOf 1 BUAtt. linUK, CHOP, CTJTtBT tt Mia ^OWtCTI (UWetSilp HoWJiPtapiftte. s: 7 tf*& f%, Od( Workshops ana ' Premises ^: . X W, H to^^fS^ e«jlfl O&eeb o2 Dpfeod, Opraca ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦;¦ ;¦ •¦ ¦ !¦ ¦ BENSON ,13332 HE ' aiFrlrfr^^tMtoivticaS^naSSIS8 ^;. prjioaot .gsccir,;ijcsa| c&fl' S-pol;. , . . ; i waterside.wajenaao. : | , -; ..- . • .-1 t Lcg.>w &Wi»tt «TCT 4«g» jT* ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ "Awf ete Oifloe : ti : ! ii' ; ; ¦; ; : ' ; , priGQ$;?^ Aw ! - | ¦ - ^ I ¦ ¦ : ; , i - i i fJ! lift ¦ : l ' ¦ ! ¦ ¦ ¦ - • I-:!- -' !- :!¦ ¦ ¦ I , \ ^M , !i . :• ¦ ¦ ¦ . " ' ¦ { ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ I • i . I ¦ : ¦ : i .

¦ ¦ ¦ ; : ¦;¦ • . I : - :' i : < s . i '. - :: ; ! ' .; I — "'Ik I. ' : .!: . . !;. . ¦ i: I ' i i¦::, i . ¦!]; 1 1 AND APBli ll. 1S96 ¦ GENERAL ADVEHTISER, ¦ i ¦ 6i0> S ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ! : ¦ ;wL' ¦ ' ^TB5ib: ¦ ¦ ; • • ' ¦ NW ' • ;¦ THE ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - ¦ '' ¦). • ! - . \ : : : ; I i 1 . . . . . : .. i • !

Stock & SHare Price Lis & LANARK8HIKK MILLINERY, uvn •A^HICNABLE i^uiuigiuQQuw> wi«vuj£t MU \\/u/i ^ nava large Selected and paued ovtr 'screens . New Consols (GoscbenM ... ¦ •• — V VI specially- BE SOLD BY AUCTION on WEDNES- Customer* can have their eoppUea ex-Quay from the IRISH BAILS. TO T DAY, 16th APRIL, it 12 oJCloik at our 8cotoh Boat or (rom our Store*. ' Price, 4d PEB (t X Great Northern ...... ••• 1"* Salerooms, the Mall, Waterford, by 'ditectioW of the 8TONE. SpecUI Ttrma for targe Quantities. We are now offerin g in tlie above .Department large Greit Somberti ...... — 116 » Administratrix of the late Mr. JOHN M OORE, the ! I ' I I Midland 7 ... , ... ¦•• 12$ Interest ia port of the lands of PickaroVtovm, near 'litre* Selection* of Home-Grown"~Bog Chimplon» j Waterford & I/Wrick ... ¦•• 18 > Tramore . containing: 32a Sr 9p, St&tab, oC Grass do Upland Champions ; do Seed Oats ; do Seed Bailey. and New Stock of :!Z ,J<>^ ENGLISH KAILS Land, together with the Two-Storied Dwelling Honso, Imported Seed;Oati (Major Hillfit't Fedlzrcs) ' S. Newly Slated Cow Honse, Piggeries, &c erected Imported " Scotch Cnevulier"'8eed Barley BortW I^B.kod Coast ...... 1684 4o thercoa. All held nnder luie [com the Truateea of the Nortfe British ... •¦ * Shee Charity, at the low annual rest of S10 J7» 6d. Stair and. Mall Oilcloths, ... lu2 < KELLY Si CO. Great Eastern ... - * Immcdlata posse&ston will be given to the purchaser. M ANCKD, SEED AND FOEAOH MBBOHANTII . AMERICAN B A IL IS For furthur particulars apply to 0, at RinV/flT' 1 ond nn fi rnr lCO - fi(?* JOHN T. KNOX. Solicitor. Stores—8, John Lane Quay ; D. Louiivllle i Ntahviile • ^ ' > Super ' Carpet Squares , EXHNEALLT B , Newrath 8toru. Uaion Chiang- . Mllntjakco , to). . - 7^» Cathedral Sqoaro ; or to THOMAS WALSH & SON Auctionwm, !"UVLLi Citiadim Pnolflc... . •• ">' , DtLlflu ! lE>u^ 47 • Den»er Preferred ' The Mall, Watoriord. 40 Years' Reputation for Purity and Quality BANKt : Liaoleums, ¦¦¦ 18 Hho Creamery, Ponor. TrKnoro. National I ... .. * S^AYEK'S - -'» 1 Provicclnl-O^ ... • ON , l?th LelflBler ¦ — s mo BE SOLD BY AUCTION FRIDAY VIMffl. Monster & JL APRIL I896 , at 12 o'clock, at our Salerooms, CHOICE OLD BRANDIES. ©ocoa BFUSSI Mats, NOW ON MISCELLANEOUi The Mall , Waterford, the Interest in the Newly Awurded tbo Medal, London, 1882, •• for tbelr •¦ Dublin T«OB] ... . • ] W Built Two-Stoned Slated Dwelling House,' standing Considerable Merit." Pooonjatlc Tires ••• I* on about J of an Acre o( Land , sitnate tit Fenor, Bottled at Cognac and labelled aocordinir to ago, ¦ Oninnesa Ordiosrr j*}| Tramore, in which the Creamery and Grocery Business ONE, TWO/ THREE, AND FOUR STARS. Window Poles (with flttmg s), Cojtt Ordinary ... ¦•• 3*f is carried on. Held under a Lease tor the Life of Mr Inquire for 8A'YER.'8 BRANDY, and Compare Grnnd Canal | . ¦, MAURICE CHEASTY , at the low Annual Rent of witb aoy Natlo> »l Telefjbon. — " £A osod. IN FULL SIZE BOTTLES. y IBIL-I u I ChttUrei Souih AEric - ** They are at present let to a Solvent Yearly Tenan Trade Slipping- Ordort to Fire Ser©©jiis, MM\fluloiUi ILL FJ DUhAFP ril&lRTiEil 8 S. A. Gold Triyt . . - |j» at £\ os od pej Annum. 3| 5 MR. J J. BLACK. Gltnculrnn ! . l For further particulars apply tt COHUEBOIAL BUILDINGS, DUBLIN, Nert Pilmroarj .. - '' I THORNTON 4 SON. Solicitors, Agent lor Ire nad. (m22Ct C«n6uel!o Cathedral Square. Wall Brackets, &c, SG0 Two Ilarvellous Bargains in Handsome Tailo^made . inTtittaenta or. bonds fo> O- 1 THOMAS WALSH & 8ON, Some doslrible Auctioneers, The Mall, Witerford. diapoaal , pay ipg frem 4J to 6 PIT cent. Jackets, DhKLSFORD STR F.ET, WATERfcORD. Mnaeos's Extra ©tout Auotloa of SOJDOO , 1BWAED DEEVY &J OO0 , Ealcigh Trap, by ColcIoagh&Sons , Ooblin ; Polo Trap, 31/S and 15111 JAMM WHITTI Harness, Saddles and BrtdleB, lie., kc. SPECIAL LABEL BE 8OLD BY AUCTION TO on^^TDRDAY . 18th APBLL, 1896, ot l2 o'01ookfatMr. A. Dobbyn'a 8T(f)lf & SHARE BROKEK, V .S. Establishment, BcresfonWrecJ, Waterford, Both under Makers' Prices Oheatnot Oob, very fart and qnfet Is Harness ; Two BEG to call tbo attention of families and others year old Filly by Fethard, likely tomakoaHnntresa ; I to tho f«ot that I Bottle only OU1NNES8'8 , Qpiy, Waterlbrd . two year ol Fill y by Detective ; Yearling Filly by EXTRA 6T0UT and u«o tbeir NE\V SPECIAL 42 Fethard ; a Raleigh Trap by Colclong h and Son", which iB an obcolnte gnjrantee of Dublin, with Cushions and Lamps complete ; Sot LA1IEL, Brans 6Ioantcd;Harncss (good as now), Polo Trap with Parltj la Manafaclnre and Bottling. Cushions and Lamps, Sociable Car for Pony, Saddles, - Bridles, Harness. &c . let. FOR HEARNE-&-O0L Saolic Athlotio Acsocintion Terms—C;i>. I Dnngarvas. . THOMAS WA LS H k S=ON , Auctioneers , INTER-COCNT The Mall, Waterford , E* Cc JFIELDra • VSURLIJTi; and abont tc ralvo , M BOTTLE and on BEAUUMT, Bono Compound, Bono Hanure Oompound, Superphospihtea, £x* j ?¦ Two-vear-old Store Uoitci Dlcoferooh, florae, v. Ilbomooin. Kil konnj CiriTiiu, £LEOO,000 P AID L'P , J2118,O30 . Well-biod bn. o — All Irish Manufacture and Analyses Guaranteed. MEDALS. vilne;plTc Gu|oe«« (JEE^ BJ.). will bi C Calve. given to :;ct\of tbe Successful Tcaai 6 StroDE Farm Horeop, trained to all wor t tlPE and PIED. Kir-tt/QiSwir3 VEBY EXTENSlVTUrr USED TOB, Hay Gelding, 6 yearo , t>y Vandordpckei ' " : mUE SECtTEITY cannot bo exoellcd C^> TO GBOCNDK. 2k , ADti6eio\» Bay liora* 2 years by " Young Diamond " , 1R04. S^R B THIETT-SLX TEABS. (most promising; JL Ac last valuation. 3J»l Docomber tbo Lirii F DHD ALONE was eqoal to Bi. Ste-pJhen's B^eweirv' o \Qy SPECIAL iXCU-;S10K TRAINS FROl* Qrej Fill} 1 year , "JT " Young Diamond" ; £118 H«. 6d. for OTCTJ £100 ol Liability >^ ni3h QnaUty. Ezzi Valuo tcrrja Crorr. WATEltFOl .p AND CORk Sociable Car (by Jorjea, Clonmeli , In perfeot orde* i The Tr«io ulll loiiv8'.\V»terford for Dungarvon u 3 Tnmblinf Carts. Cnttlo Float. Dmj, Water £3"Examine the PATBIOTIC Proapectno 11.13 o.m , reluming to. Tatcrford at 6.45 p.m. Barrels ot wheels, i Sots Tackling, Now Cart atld Beo the adTaDtagea before atsnrlng RICHASDSOIJ'S DISSOLVED GUAIJO Wbeels sod Axles , ing elcewhere I, FRAHEf. Combined Monlog and Reap Guaranteed 8 per cent, AMMONIA (fixed). Mdcbioe ([>' San3uelHon Hsy } . Gires GpoA.Hc sWts. 7th April , > Steam Engine, MANAGER—Bornd H. O'Eoilly „ '^5 per cent. PnospitiTEs, Delivered froo at otar DcjoJa. 1^06 Tedder (n Jcflery A Blaekstone), Iron Hay Kale. J- •: Aacirrs AT W UBBFOUO— (Abont 20 per cent. SOLUULE.) Special Termi*t» t£«Tnde;"r . M PI OOJICL , J ' Tbo Toonn I tnjpro'oment (^ viand. Act, 1854 , the Poiatoe Digger 2 Urubbero, 1 ScofBijr DO YOU KNOW THAT Wood JOHN J. UURPHY Aloo HI2EATE OP CODA and E&iniT. .' « •/•' Dungor*an Harbour llarV-.ID and Improvement . Iron aod Chain Harrooa, Sningi, 2 Doable ^ . " Seed So»pri Dlbblet . Stone and Wood Rcll'Tf, Mr. FB.ED15K ICK BUTLER 3 LIN8EED AND COTTON CAKE8, LINSEED «AKE Act, 1863 ; the Public t>»lib (Ireland) Act, Court-Honte. i 16-k npTrp A HEAL, 4c- 1378 j tbo liocat GonertonSt Board (Ireland) Turnip SlKvr (bj Pickslt'7 & Sims}, (Wionowiog SLXO-O-TJ S Machine. 1 Corn Stand. C P REDM OND. Niw« OQce I nPH-l AP —A Perfect Food for Calves. Reara them without milk diacictoi Provisional Ord« Con Brit, tion (Dtmffarrao 3 Metal Ptllars lllft. x lOvo), 1 ^ LUUU L/\U . ¦:• A'rtmacOiomtw-TaOMAS K. W A LSHE. (if the ' ..- ;' Waterwortn Act , 1800 tb\'>. Homing of the Manure Pump, Boiler . Pig Troughs, Milk Tins tad !s tin t>ick London Markets, Purchased for cash and lid per day. • Chnrot , Stove Galvanized Rooting, Wire Netting, Working CI OSFCS Act, 181H, Defies Competition ? Coil of Harbcd Win- Metal Posls and Wbeell , UcAt Stabl e FittlDge and Lompo, 6 OardPD Scatp, 2 Linn "RY A ;,R SAMPLE AND NOTE RESULTS. AGENTS Uotioo of Ectoa htvinn \ '°a Mowers , BOmo old Metul and IroD , GEORGE 7/HITE & 60K3 VTstcrfotd 2 Heaps of Pritne DirtrMrdinory Vtlno, Xo. 3d. far lb- I Crtra Gooa Valua Io. 1CJ. £; Cc per lb , 11. HEALY 4 8ON. KUkeasy D U N G A B V A ¥ TO VI Farm Yard Manure, &c . ic ' EDWAED CROTTY, Tnnott E. PLAHAVAN. IflimaoUioaaa .. . - CSJ Toi Aucttooeerj invita the attention of BAT Chcicoat DIcnds, 2c. 6d p;-r lb. JOHN O'DONNELL, Cloorad T. A. KENE1CK. P.tharf .' " ¦ ' r MBJi J. CUMMINS. Qnisut UV3. ROBERT O"r,EAaT, B T THB TOT N COUMISSIOHEOS or i.-isoiBVAr B armer* and others to this Sale. Tbo Cattle aro Enn!»«3rli-i jnuDg, Mpbl*.br»d aod good milkers, aod having ELI PE rTIJOHN S V/ILLIAM DOQOAN , O»rrickbc» J. J.kS . WHISKEY , guaranteed 5| years old , 21s. per gallon. CHKIBTOPHEIi MtJBPHY , GnUjca 13 HEREBY GIVEN , >al Bates been nel' wmt«red, are oow to Brst*olar:s condition. IIE3. O'l^UQHLIN, C»hir Il iVn^Et^^^^- ' :¦> ¦ HOTICE ; Portlso is situate within 3 miles of BEST ROLLED WHEAT UAYFIEIiD 8TORE3VPortIaw ' (other ban bj- way of private. v District Fiddo'n k "i a. HEAE1I & BON. New Ec:s JAS. FRENCH, CattitbrSl Aeserimerjts) atnoantiag in tbe aggre'i te to tbe Kiloiotdet ("-'atioci oc tbe W &. Limerick iod BACON— A Spcnality, at -id , , and f, dp er lb. Finest Waterford ¦ I) 4^d mm of 2i. in tbe JL ba»e beeno( duly scBsod by W . . ant LUmore Railways/ aDd D miles ftfora FLAKES, lOij Duoj " ured , at 5d per Id. the eaid Tow^i CommHsionerB .rtao fo' Wsterro. ] THE PEEE Of AI,L HBEAKKAST FOODS Terms—Csa. necessary purposes uoder tbo proviaia 'i of tt COOK." IN 15 HINDTES " Gciall Preijaia" Advc?tlc:nor.ia Eoyal national WALSH SO ; NOTE ADDBKS8 Lifeboat Imstlfcriica. above-mentioned Aotf. ¦ THoiiA^ A \Vheat is tbe most Dutrilivo of all CcroaJ foodf , uid Socb Rnte«|to bo payable on acd aftc 'itbo Auctioneers & Yoioaiorb. 1B far superior to rolled or oatmeal. Tncnty-foar Worda «. , 6d. " oat* TRAM0RE BRANCH, d«y ot liny, 18D8. and to he for the Tea • cndiat Tbe Mai. Walertord. April ath. 189' I ELI PxTTUOiiw's Btsr io tbe dUco»ery ol thnags, JOHDT H1GGOT8, For Er.:h Eight Words aittr — — 8d. 31st Decptnbof. 183C. i\ ohcrebj tbe wheat bcrrt is rolled into a thin flakey " Anotions" charged doable. -encra; A Rato of One Sbillioj? In tbe je for WHITR8T'«' > (.s'EAK PUKTLAW " i .DUSTV wafer, cad to tbe daintiest moieol ever produced. CO" Foar lnsartiont(oonjoootl re) glreo for tho ifOTJOB te BEBgBZ . QS\ZE3 purposes uode: the Toans' Improvtment ( tlar ' WATKRFOR. All CyBpeptici. nhould eai K LI PITTIJOUB'S Utsr. olesale G-rocer and Provision Merohant, PtUs of Thrca. Act, 1(W In It makes a most delightful pudding. ¦ the b lIllc^ trjn. Carrtck on Suir and i Mi es Irotn A Rito of O^io Sbilllon £. a' » Wate Rati . 2i.ii PACKAHE8. 6n. and U . PATRICK-STREET. Kilm.ictliomi "IT O6T on THUR8DAY, at KILBRIDE RACE8, fO' pnblic pnrpoi^s, noder tbe Public I ?ai Kor Bale b» tl. thp beet EKTAIL (iKOCERS In A GENERAL MEETIKQ' iLJ at on Road from BoJJiailrUl, by Knociboy. a Of tbe (Ireland) Act 1878. Wnterford , fruit whuu. LADltS can get KUEt Gold BiEglc Br&calet, with 1831 tograred inside, 8UBSCBIBEES will U baiiia tiw A Ducg'irT' .a Brad Rsto of Tcr Pence In t..? i Eitonolve and Valuable) Farm for Btlo. ;, Simple Packlfr. A Reward of £1 will bo given by Mr R DOBBYH, COUBT HOUSE, TEAMOEE, nodar the Dr. ijtrvan Harb>ur Mnrkets and O BOBOS W HITE S SOKB, Z52.-i. 2r. lit lltle Fee Simpa Wholesale Dulribtrtore, BallinakUl. provemeot Acl , 16G3. i C'intenis 4 f the Town Clerk, o: i»c Offioe ot the to bo held on TUESDAY , the SliS (temporary or permanent) THITESTOUN WEST. OLENAPHUC4 and ¦aj of APKIL ; confcnlent to Kll. ; »sd Local Commlttttt^ la'd Towp Go omissiooerj of Dunuorvot , 1890, reoeiro Propcialj for SDDS I T teuaj, Uif;b:3t teitimonlils .-qa v onra, (beiotr adjomiBg Townlaods), Io tbe Datcny a the following ' , &o. Addreu— ' Hy Order, ArtioIeJ , T I I :— EHIST ILL ' o, , OPrAfiil OiCDAPflTHP E O'D , John s Bridgf , Kilkenny. JOHN ALLIKaHAMj'^rtrtji!; THOMAS MCCARTH Y Town Clerk -U ppeilhird and County of Waterford ooouiln- FOK THREE UOIfTilS. lm, . 25i» 'J' U p Statute UroBure, and held irj Ue TpEBAMDOLATOR tor 8Ue. Btssioot j Bleyds '^to . Dalod Tlb \pril , 18!«. " ;ot V/hits Bread at per llts Loaf 7th April. 1806. ^^ ^ ¦ IICD 'lo.subioct Co an anonity of £105 3s -Vd paj**blc cP ^ JL Wheels :Notcl ; In good condition. A DDIT D C oTXBpAZ. BEQOISITES tc t Irlst Land CommissFoo for 49 years, from -?' .. Oitmcil at nor 8acV this OS«.. DESCKIITIO . ^ , Indian Meal at per 8ac!c . OF EV.EEY May V \ ' Flonr at TbU i a snoare, Compact Holding ol excellent "ON'F AND ALL .. per Stone. CjITDATION vnnlcl at potttt ot mcasngor. To bo dellTerod © A l to K N»ws Office. otjd Tillage TO Ciraai Land ; w«ll laid om, anolwred tt the Worthcote (Cirrla-j Prcj» pp y WATEEFORD AHD dEHTBAL T-TEW HettTjes ' of the raost Modern approved Scaled Tenders, iddrctced IEfiLAHP VP and feDC\ ,\ and has un abucdant supply of ffater to tbo Chairman EO - LET.—The bniinest hoais 5d Jobnttono. BAlLWAr. . XN eyJe.ICarriafCJ, \V»itonotte» , O rod Carl FEEDING CAKES <;otDpi>nied wlth8amplc3 TO i J ot fevcrai \parU of the Land. It Is Jo very guocj , nlll b3 tcceltcd bj mo uP "Water tnd Qae> laid on, W.C. Apply to cri Side Catp for Hiro on \h* Shortest Notio a Tnelvo ,AU8CHINBKr8 DYE-Bcrf n.onfactorfcj tbs following Far** ;— . j . < Conditions >i AU' tot 12/fl o^t. JLx I D three thadct—Black, Brown and Bloade. ' ' nUBT CLASS " ROBERTSON Lbe Boundarief. . wlli be pointed oui oo appli- Pries St. B T post, packed fret boa obterfttloo, ... ,"u V£|1«| ^ cation to Mr S IUK '. IIAN , atCoolQn, Portlan 3d. enra. 0 OBODT, Halrireuer, Witerford. THIED CLASS...... 5> M | , GRASS i CLOVEK BEFDfc ' 1 Threa tad Salo on take j '.aco on the Lifldl at 12 o'clock T| ABIES COMBINGS mtda op. 2a.nret' oani», ChiUr^orei oadtr . U T«|ttjtIf* nco H. EEDKGrWAY & BOH JLJ It. to. etah additional oanoe. Orden by post H For further pa; ioulari , apply ii WHITTLE'S 1 *• pnRCDTQnWP recelTu prompt ttUntlos. O'Q&u>Y, Lidiat* T? 'TON and n^°" "51 ^ •^U»'bU*>f S *m%tk t (lUDLnloUh i ilcssn : TUO1 fi i SOE, Solicitor!) , WATEEFORD. Genlr' Etlrdreucr, the Quay, ! IUPORTED SEIit' Oi' C tbfdra l S<)ari. , W»U'rfotd ; Or to Hanm'ea, Bye (Bmocsa, TJONT TRAP for Sale ; In good order. Apslj AND BARLE . THI3 SPACE IG LET JL to "G"NiwBOI3c«. i ^^^Famsgmsssi may break^n tbeJrff Jonre ssty'at^ tt?^f joll -! Ml'KPHY , AuclioDoct , Ungtoo, , MoauUrertB. KMtrJ. »iwt«l*VJ.« Sis. 0 CoDntli Street, Watorford. ,*OOB GOOD PEOTOQEAPB8 it ooaereJe oatllsi« ' i. / S2io Oboopoot Soo33 cad fltstioaoiy CLOVERS prices alto stwett tt^lei ot In OmrdiaoD ol tho Poo r of tbe , FURZE , JO , " Hcraoriitn" 1 ( v W In tbe Matter of the OOLI ROBEK TSON'b . nrNT >> A TERFORL Uhrn in tho City. nnd thn Waierford Union Cirdo you tbonld (ro to Uetan. P A Co., HeadOfl^U^!^^ MANGKl AM TL'R: Waterford Unlca, Photajrapbcn, Ii, Mall, Waterford. ' ^^ Labourer!1 Order, 1B33, Conflrtattlon Order , 1804, MANGEL Anctlon of 7 wo Valnablo ParmD and TURNIP IUPOETANT ANNOUNCEMENThas i SEEt2 A Largo Stock of Books for general reading, aod tbe Aeta of Parliament incorporated there- AH \i come to oat notice—" Thtt tbe Coventry * SUBSCBIllKBhafl Bcoitoi instructions from|Coant pic3cntat!oo, ods Billybi- , 1 FOt Pfica and A Tcrj iargo felectiou of Picture i'tatnes kept li " Drolt Award," Mttlnff forth tho price of Com- QPECIAL NOTICE,-Kloohtn! Entire Ualt U curra , coutniDlng 85 aoren, 2 roodt!;^ percbes, 6tatbtri itcck. pensation to be paid bj the Promoters of Iho ubOTe meusurc or thereabouts , situate lw'vtb! Parish of O UutrtDtetd 13 Tcan Old ; UtXJajai Waiakcy. of the eeioral Intcregtt in tht PARLIAMENT ' N OTE ADDHIBS : Bchemo In reepoot - STREET, Prlesi U bottle ; G& glaw. bold at DOTU'I ' " , 80, " '' ¦ ¦ ¦ , Motbtil, sod County of Wsiorford , to ixheld oo a I D ceruln ¦ - ¦ POWER «pecified Maps or ¦ H A. »nd , ¦ landi required, <^n»J, Wttcrford. . • " JOEf 1, 3, «L» - WATEKl'OBD. Yearl j Tenancy, a tho yearly rent of jEoL)^7»;0d. ' SEC CO-OPEBATIVE DE0CC Plini beiotofore depoutod M reqaired by tbe ssld ¦' ¦ BALLINATilLL, This Farm u laid down In grass aod 'fti Wed insmiPabLz ' for Geaulae NEWTOtJNDLAKD FI&E, «*s> ArriTiO O^ . ^scjl Noxt Door jo Ecalnttld'f Tontr, Aclf, or Injurionily tfloetw, »na tbe Worki to be w AtiK j ^"Hgj * wnt«red and fonced- Thrro is a large Dir^llln^s jait arrired, ex-Soboooer "Zeta." It it BOW 131, QUAY, WATERFOBD. mode and maiotaiacd bj tb« Mid Promolew for the (OPPOS ITE 1IANOB POIICE BAREACK). hooo. acd a laoge of slatrd Oulbouaos an tbo latidi la tbo Of2c« of many ye»r» ilneii tbit qoalllj wae in the market ' acconimcKjatlon o! tdjolclnlf , here, and ' It win be found mrjob' ; . .OK U0KDA7; oi' Holding and a pump Io the yard. It is three and a the Comnriitionen of yabllo Workf la Ireland, lUMrior to any Jf^aft5K!I|; balf u>Ues distant from Carriok-on-Saic and tb|rca the 2Sri d»y ef Uarob, 1S0C, receat ioporUtlooi. To ba bad item an Profkloo Dublin, oo or nbont ^ Mercbantt. -¦- • - , from Mctbel. Condition! ol Tenancy at Sale. ;' and Coplu theroof »lth tho CI«rk of tbe Peioo tor alto FffiEW ! EECEIYEBo Subscriber will , at the same time and place, tha County of W»torford, tthu Oflof, Watcrforf, E-ffl. OKT rTUtBEK Tear Old Jennet, 8odahla r Public Auction all that tbe Uightof Tfnaccj E1Y 1 and Rarbea for. DELIVERY sell by Egg •nd with tbe Qerk of tha P , 1 rood, 32 perobe?, Itattita Oflce, Workhootf, Waterford on or about tbe 26th dealrea enB»«ernent; excellent Mtercaee 1 K, & si; | CLEAH8i,:0 THE HAIR & SCALP. which thr«e Utter WZ QTJit,:wi«krai& H I ; 1806, ft pUott - , meaiurfl, Or (bcreabouts, to be held .on a yearly day of Mtrob Intereit, No Pcej. ,, | plojor. Apply Grocer, Po»tOfflee,KUm jj7 co?0 fpr the infection or til iet I^ t Special Brands tenancy at tbe yoarly rent o! £30 7r. ; tdd Aw»»4 will be " All ippUcaUont rcoclva Imtaedlito ttlentioa XiXBEE BBADINa-BamflMsia „_ .Herf B | Tbii Farm bss heretofore been Died in conjunction A PEEPABATION OB EOOS, SP0J1T pewons inwretted b«V*ce» *»• hport of 10 a dock, tnd tro , ^Knphiet. iillf (8rjndi« eaapted.) treated most lor&Untally. \ JC, ! Unitarian Oai^;1J^-b-^ Cb*nniMrMa ^ «ltb Bollinaoorri, and tt alto well catered add itell AND EUCALYPTUS. a.m, tnd 4 oUock, p.m., , ' 18 HEEEBY PORTHEU Uneiu E^.eirtH Stopford aoxtaTArortrong, fenced, and is all laid down ia gra;«. Coodit.'oni of Vastly superinr to eoap, its regular ncs AND N0TI0E " HAUAGER, ;• : , Aft : : GIVEN, tta» I will 6014 • Pobllo , loqnlry on " .j.pias; Address—A. O'Ooaraa, Molt», :Ca tenanoy at tale, I preventing tbe Hair fading or turnb Down. i . • • ^«t»i:: mi will bo told topjrakt j tt» 8th day of MAY next, In tbe Work- 0, Joia-dttsci, t7fttorljra mmM Tbeee Fai jointly or y, and dark, and rendering it toti end . FUIDAY, private oSere foi tigbt of tenancy .therein wilt'ba home, WtUtford, »t tb« bour of 11 o'clock, to., it *""^^' lilky In appearance. ; otj«tloo» to my Eald " Draft ciu^u^ Hi?* Vj !?Si ; , received by tbo uadcni gDed Acot!opc:r op to tho which T will beat • ^ BOOTS cc5«iaored inch Objectloai, HAVn, M ¦ Prlca i—il; 1/B, end 210 per Bottle. " hulnp YO0 ED Annrd, | day of «'<" I' tnd ¦ A BAD¦ ¦ Terms—Cosh. Purohaicn to pay Five jjcr Con* Pott, 3d. extra. nlll nako toy Final Awtrl 1 ; ' l8D0. . -i i . LEGt: . T Anotlon Fe-^s. ' ' ' i —o— Dat:d thU lit a»yofAptll. : 3G3" O "OP ai.O ; I ABBOTf ' Zi? " WITS W0UND3 that diecharn or Auctioneer and Genfctal JOSBIPH , Arbi trator ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ cthcnriM J. P. KENNEDY , • ' p«ikapi rarroroded witb ' ' b \ lolljmmtioBaad twoU« •«ppdlot«l y tbo Com- , C"ULII. IO « I { o A g Htfo on Mdhrtw tm fT\HE Boird of Oovcrnorn nlll rccclfo Teniore in Coatraotoro. . : Ut& ktlieieta X nriiiog for the ' Xlotioo %o you.;; BetWp» >onr torn {i^StlaMMriotoW ¦ . ; Qvayt Waterfotd.. , TUE WATEHKORD BOlTEa hLiftkET wUl Ms| aleeiiud ; the aaat WUb tkTaakS i . GRAZING , . LUNATIC A8YLUU roud YTATEBFOED DISTEICX Op«n for tho Season on* WEDNESDAS? whlA the Ma may bedleoolwdJTwMiitWb. ef. lha Lands adjoiniagltor Six llonth , of 16 Acrt i ' -o- (i»o MABCH 4th. ; ; ,oua4t; tb. dtaia, ll B f S ^ ' from tbo Firtt -»iy of il»y, 1800. , i i 1 CoDmlitlonorJ lor tht control ol Lanatlo aejrweTOU oi we power to wait Tm -i 'i- SSBgy v' ¦-.*» • '<« 'M-f '#* YTATEEFOBI) bs lodged »t tbu Aijlaro, tddrcfied LADIE6 COMBIHOS UADE UP. TUB tbe tloefor rteelriBg ¦ My k«v» BHOAP^TREET/ Teodf" to , Aiylami bite ^xkoded The undersigned Merchant* take thb oppor- Cba'rmtn of tb» Board of Oovernarj, ,n '¦) , dieUtlo 'rcsoarecs In tie trtatatot ot »}l dlgetlire Io tb« *drcrii>«uci)t dit<4 16tb Mueb, 1606. G. a ALBIBT, It, BABE , !L»^tS CoowvMf. Kpp» hu protWed (or our bre»k- to Io tiid ; ;! ¦ ¦¦ KSDOH fffBgii' fltTonred bennra which ; The amount tendered for tad tttcopted . diwrden;' . ;:; , / . .. . ; : Copies ol Bpeolflatloa will b» lopplled oa u5Z*l7wS\i doHciWy ¦ ¦ | j in advance. ! < . ' I ' | ' Ingntltode!li tr«uos to oaDUsd. . , '¦ • ; ! isplloaUco to thlt Offlc. -^YiWoriaEoiNTt artfrj dirt >k»» j , .: •. i . : j^: K^larf • co-Utattoa ¦ ' ' '¦ J * : 1 ' I By OrdVr, B&sd>mtdo &s& Sejii&tad jrfcUkfc• »«t;l» n*«dy tm thaettr* «3«ioa. £* S^ch . : I ?' BOaOE J. BBIPCOE; Clerirj Whether happloeif i «boold come or not, cn» iboold , p, J. TUOBY; Bwrsttry. Buttttf ef BtAUmJi f G t«J (opr»par»OB» i telftodo wiihoptlt, ., ' ]| ¦ ¦ BoirieftiaW'i Knee, X7l«erM«aJoint. 0utra2S B V K P Ofloa of the Board of Oootrol of Looatlo OF BBS! QVAinTi • -mM E2&S w! w Sie. W. » , * » . man, . Whd ^rmlti until elrontululoe* eompltuly f»Tcmr ! ifitarket. j ! Atjlnon, Coitom Uuu.*, Doblio, 4 April, 18S0. l Wmm | | Waterford Butter hU ooiierUilbf will m-reraooompliihauyUiliif.l ;| EDWARD (X)DBTENAy&8Oli iNcmberoi firktoa wtizhtd at the Fublio Batter Mark t ' ' lnterooar»» of lbo»Bbt l» boOiaj W»ter or Jnilk - ' Tha gtttii sUlf-idjortfeis, P. A. PO>yBBi 'Jt 00. ; S21iS> llSffte*' »ith , ' ",[\atweek «alJfiM ! Kesdaj : -I a.- . - D*. M, t« K* c-i. aaoh a »hap« tbat he may bop* tat* . the I«te4». Ttrnoe, JobaVSiU. wbara lt coa Ui. nen. '. * b* " Tupdaor ¦ rri " • — ¦ ' • ' ' ' ¦¦ "*Tf'HiiltrnfTj Ii "'" f Itani/ - >-!\ 1 . 1 — r *0t, 04. . to!* .»*». '«. \ . . . j ; . -Jtot 8«1«. :!¦ . . • * , NiTftdboaa'i; ik*-»W»spMMl»utKUBl fde*tn Qwt+.m *.,.H.,..ir.,.lm,H+.4 j TPs?to »J» " -¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ JJj ( : i J •» WRIOBX. j | «^r« -^;- ,(S j ; . : : ¦ ! ! ; : ;T ; r ; .. ![, ' ' ' ' ¦ ' : ¦i : ¦: ' < - ;¦ • ¦; • ¦ . . ¦ i . .M . i: .j- :¦ . .i , : ! ; !^| i ¦ ' Mni- ¦ ¦:T |i: N |- ^\ ^r , ; {:.u:-r-H !• :| A w^mfmm ; *: "t

¦¦ - - t • : ¦ ¦ :¦ ' . . • ; . !!

i:. -: .i IKi ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ I fD^Vi. U iXJJii.v i:: . - ,. 189 6 , * ^ ¦ . ¦ ¦ lil ¦ ¦ APBiTL' ¦'¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ . . ¦ J. . i Aj t ^¦ , ; ¦ • '¦!- ¦ ' ' ' '- ' ; i j ;. ;. : . ; ;/ • ;; 1. | SSAS SIDE'S 0012S OFF OOOD OBOZB 8T HO. JAMia U D0TW. WAT I CORPOEATIOil— U OP 0HAIR1IAH 1H CABSICK Aff^ & great niany {things entered into thent to bare the oottaee. ereoted without '.briaglofr ' Pin Koplag in tho City. atltutod it and not thrown altogether on the Mayor and [ Ftovrov tidiudfl 1 ' ' [ of it (hoar, BY A MAJOQITY OP TWO TO ONE. i' OF THE . ' " GE^BBEB" oommem with tho isst ofybncni-iSyglaaof iU down en arbitrator, and that he submit tbe tcpllei ' who w&3 only an individual oomber UST ' ' ' THE ' CLAIMSBY ' : ; ¦ , ¦ : Oivt B Ejannvra, THE CORPORATION- The snnoaacemaiit of the seleation of Messrs to this board. : IMPOU TAH't DISCUSSION. hear). , I tn ; ou ^TjTED ; ' was prociedinj give his viewa ths (From Our Rep orter.) Illitrttat-d and Descriptive DtUlo^uiF rei Clarke as ton in t was received with] lond appUosa. Theboard rp8e at 3 p.nl. .... ' Aid jPow^r ; • ; The cloctlon of Chairman MATOR EXPLAINS : AND! 8TATE3 Aid Power, atid Mr Cadogan both roke to speak, bat lubjectj when, .. •], Vlcn Cbalrtnarj and TTHE MESSES. the Mayor vetoed farther disooBBlonJ; . Tlie ujonthly n eetfng of tbo Mnnlclpsl Council Ootiacillar Tuhct tsVed if be m Dot ont of order: Deputy Vico-Cbalrman of the ¦ HAT THE TBEATMENT OF ; \ board for .tbu en- MoKBWZEE'3 T A3 A Councillor,^ Power adviged'CoanoislbiCadog&a to ' P' - wa» held on Tuekdaylast , the Mayor, Alderman The ' Mayor 1. said t le Alderman was travellinj suing yearj took aco »tlca Of OUR titb it : the Co great volubility snd.no less jestioniatory c3or^ pro- mixttttcthomao union—TOISDAT. lawa wero drawn. n\ and eent to n* here for our convinced they wore all as well aware as be wa Ball's Bridge Wlolar Show for B r. T.enty-dnbt jtnoinmbDrs of . :to ' onrighicoJsnetJ« ( Appointed by tbi i Council at tha \aat meeting to MT C'OLUSO- twr£ rt »ilt be another Colamn. iB ceed?d. denoustrata too the ^ approval or son-appro vsl , or for our amendment or of the conrtojy, tact and ability which marked TlortCEBiiU (Barley, Oati, ¦^gram found action taken by tho Corporation. The Aldormaoio wait 6r4 the gran l jnflcs in connection with the Wheat, ic.)crown , and subsequently Mr P Powxc, other observations we 1 ad to make. There was nothing Mr M'Grath's occupancy of the cbalr. So he fn Inland. addition to tba Mayor, were present antics were, needlesa to say, a eparco ! at muoh JiMBS O'Kzzrrt free'ng of the^rjldge. I niorely ,Tfl8h, to say that new or special about ti em. They were just the same, " to theMajor^ two^ Chairman, presiding. ' would content himself with moving the re-eloc- M F««1T. To« .n Cfcrkfhanded the,'deputstioa') appajritcd by this Council waited T . '•i •' " ¦ * ' ' '/ m Watertord and ol CoVinty Kllkonny, and that we b+en taken to any parti of the bye-laws they became ' pwn- itfiose : ' I E A 01>onnoll , E Dnnphr, J Coff«y, J D Gray, W , seconding tba proposal. i Councilor il'Gr&tb 4 Befofa yon O'Bri^o, R Pow»r. were recoiTed Very cordially by all of them, the law of th0 land, I r Mr John Shee said ,JJIr Jlejor, ' ' ; : he had also a gentleman to Utttrt Cwooia , with yoor p«icnls.ion Light ;ftailway8 for Ireland NOT 0 NS. —Mr Walsh—Did »ny of the Visiting O3pecldily by tbb county Kilkonnv grand jury, Aid Higgins and Aid Uabony both asked forthor propose (laughter). Why i» It we bare In this and as far as' they had tho power they aided us He agreed with what Mr J£.7»..v . motion. Committee Tisit tne home during the week f— Uoatrr—' questions as to the thirty feet , limit, but were both ralod Kockott bad said of Mr M'Grnth to & Thomas McKenzfe 6 Sons Clark.1! .premises err conned and gave us the JbesC 6elp they could. In respect larga 5* wiert Mr Tbe current number of Thi Jfeie Ireland Not one. out of order by the UiVor. txtent, but he thought their chairman had some (LIIIITEDX differently fp-TD the course we bajra ?"*•>«£• THI COTTiOB REKT6—TENiKTS STILL IN 1BUSAB. to the Bill now [before Parliament 1 may shortly Oeall into contsias a very practical paper by Mr. OHIDB ?0B THE GTONEnKKAKeKO. defects, and when a man was defective in one etbtr occasion! wbeo property . came TUni* The Clerk repirUd that the collector of renti montion that everything has came to a flnlah so At the suggestion 'of Ur Bedmocd Mr Flomlsn, ajQ, Great Bnmiroio!:-O£:c:l. £T trest- when h. made a eueful , point ho was generally defective in all. Conse- «nf baadtv f Why abonld different P. J. H. Blilke on ihe subject < f ''The .ppst- attended on the 6th imt, far as we are concerned. We arc waiting for tbe B.8 , brooRht up s Export a. to the cost of two alien' s thintc. anyone eraminatlon of the ooconnts and fonnd that 2B ttnanta quently he thought It right to propose a gentle- £eat t» mstod ont (o Mr Clarke we needed LightjBailways," and th )ugl)]ther^.are sitting of the dotdmltteo of the Honseof Com- to oover Ihe atonebra&ker. in tbe Oorporatlon yards. man who if DUBLtn. In you e»»e Boja prer had p>M no rent. To era were S.Torai other tenants for elected would give general satisfaction. *!^1 tha samo street H8 many ifpon which we can jot a^-reo with, mons to have tba Bill Introduced, and any little Mr Fleming reported that they oould bs bu'lt The onl tbe aaoe points! al«o in arrear. technicalities aid dlfllcalties that arise so far as £30 oaoh—or £00 In «J1. y obj«ction he had to the present otdrt circumstance* *«fi *?« ' .Chjurmin—It will be noooaaary to take prooo»dlDH» chairman was that ho ^ coadit oad tbe writer^'vi cj fisel-sure his papei will :do ma^h we hare been slble to see have been smoothed The Mayor said the iboda were very desirable was mado a tool of by the OTtjoinit tenant and.r, tbe same / £8 against them- landlords lor their own ends and Hennery, at in the towards getHng our transit facil ties increased over. Everyone! even those we expected oppo- Mr Bedmond— Tea, Mr Mayor, that ia so. There (laughter). The ClSf. and .6 -ai Elliot* Mr Watts—Are they weakly tenants ' are sheds for th. stonebroakcrs In tbe Workhouse asd landlords had the chairmanship until a couple of Why do you propose to fteat Clarke and strengthened. Mr Blake ooks with dik- Clerk—No, minthlj. sition from, have treated us v«ry fairly, and from BBI ttrw-t, and in the Jail, and tbbt being ao ho thought th. Cor- years ago, when it was wrested from them, but from alUbe rest ? ((.ear. hear). I «7 the adoption ol a wholesale Chairman—Wbat did the oolleotor say P what I see I think there neod bo no apprehension SoUitly entrject, favonr up Mr Mowbray aaid aa no notice had been g iven of They were «anti down by the Local Government That was Mr Frank Mandevllle, M P. PASSION FMWffl, Tbe Utrarr-Excwse mf , Aldorman Power. -Ml Totolativa be wonld more notion ol whlob he meeting I by Lord ^SSSS d cannot tonriitJ.to go fren Dublin to Killori ej by "»oat would eb«t th* Board, and thd Oorporatloa then as sanitary Tho Cooncjl adionrned. Mr Thomas Ryan seconded the motion and a Tlrglcia Creaper by Weatbertlt, . fl/ ^S"^ . tpQjitb hM Uied me a question. ! I n»1 «i>en notioain ocd«r thai thlsira ml arht be omlad poll was at once taken, with ' I will state what^ I then become known u the pictures ]ue roam to EM- authority were bound to ea force thorn. The only thof ollowing reault • — Sin not an.wer it beyond thin. enable tro«lli rs to Killamey to lesally. Hi' proposal waa tp the effect that in ; Flatooa, I bare made op my mlpd wbat to do larney ; and it would future tha lowoat tendera for luppliee in interference I {made wsj where 1 saw a case of FOR MR M'G RATH -Thomas itockett, lllchael ototad brfcre; viiit CountyjWicklow scenery considered capable of folfillini) bis coatraot to ths would be at a less by having this sprang on them Michaol V Hlc&le tte iaae Bpenery, betr/eea Dablin and South of Ireland 'inix suddenly—I did interfere in a few cases of that Patrick J Cleary, Hi M'Grath why tbi. c»« **, •atttfactioa of the board. TO TUB SDrToB'OP THr ' WATSUPOm WEWS. Walter Walsh (Ballynevln/ ' tt. ««ruon put *J has long beeii .long loooked (orwart to bf Waterfoni Tbe Cbairman opposed tba mo'lon. stating that ii kind and thro'lgb that intervention the idea Is , Thomas CDonnell T«rn»— Oentlsnun't marc4, £3 neh McepUod, J gajr It !• ootjan exception. I , | (TennakJIly). Gconre p c t gtnea'i tf C3« BO f x- people, bat Hit Wicklow and We lie d Company havo oonld not be oarrled ont cooalstest with the faithful taken up that the whole thing Is the resnlt of DUB 8tu —I woald reJpectfnllj ask you to publish Malcolmson, John Thomson •wfll (tire yon an ln.laoce to «bow it was not an the ft.llowintf 1 for whioh I make myself reiponslble. A , Oapt de la Poer Thoroughbred not going alway s been too poor to m»ko the lino, being burdened diaoharge of their datiet t3 the poot a« well aa tbe my action. I! nipeat I disclaim any responsibility Walter Walsh (Tybroughney), nar«s, £Q wtb; crooa't f«», lea. fueatall. Mind yoa, I am 11 good deal ol noise hu been made around bare about a Colonel Vllllerv Tenant farmori' nun I cniuon.l not doing with an usdrily heavy capital acccaut. ratepayers. If tbey bennd themselves to tbe lowest whatever beyo id any other member of tbe Stuart C Morley, D L ; J B A , £2 *aeh i irooo'a k« «»rv tbeoeritBlof tbe c.se at all , I »tn trader they would have to take the articles Irrespective thresbing manhlne which Mr. Bonan, Toafane , had Boaanqnet J P^ Ta.t FowMfol Wtlfbt-Cartiisj Sfc '; is imt, perhaps, lawar* tbat the Council in this tonnectlon. I could not Intervene VlBcount Duncannon William .Malcolmson' kwf i?Ea£c!sS, anjtbl=k about the iD«rJ»« 0 tf»?ul j Mr Blake of tbtlrqnaltty,ard althonvh a slight savins mi^ht be ordered out of bia place becaose it had worked for . ¦ Tp! S uj, ' the -%Itair,! ' except aa Mayot w atin I might endeavour not to p.mpU wboo» samta have appeared In th» " Black Charles W Power, J P E U Qulou J p .' ' . . Caeploiah {dU jon; back to the case ct pdblinand and Wiotlow Comtany are promot- effaoted the poor would suffer. by 1 , joh Kfer be too hard on a ^dor person concerned tbe List ' aa grabbers alon. with many more. No on. wfll H Power, JP; F Wefd.n-Wiilshe '¦ Foaled In 1833 1 dtrk chaitsisti^ sa whilst }tf l,«M. m»agm»n »ho held a itore on the K«w lb« Corporation of to eormoatit. That they will eventually acoom- Tbe following contracta were then aooepfed •— ibe day J resigned the exiretarrship ol tbe BallrdiEf Ry»n , Michael , £3.ioh ; Broom' f / c». to r»nt , I .ay, and Committee anil of the Corporation is as much Culllnane, NlcholasCougblan Teaart farcsn' eurei . ..' S- oOBlK.. They offered tbe their object thern oan lie no donbt . At FOB Six MONTHS — Beef at 43s Mr owt ; mucton , bracoh of tbe 1 N Lj 1 hav. not sent io (or publication , Daniel Butler John , £1 t*ch , froco'. f^»¦. t, «, 8trin«man wete plish liable and haa jnst! as much obligations cast on Shoe. Maurice Kennedy, ' And tha Horfttr .?» <»< ooiwiti£t*oo'lBf? that tbe Meair. all events 'irhile the Dablin, WSoklow and Wei- 9id per lb, and ox b.adi at is 9d—Mr Lawrence, tbo name or names of any person or Demons in connec- Thomas O'Carroll Thoa 8lr». for clo.e en one ^hundred Fresh eggs at >d per doran i bolter , him In this matter as the Mayor of the City, and tion with this busuieas. 4 bad no authority 'or dr por do«i». P Lasners ; toda this Council aid of the Sanitary Committee will to be publication at'all it .hoold oorjmoccs with tbe to vote. i tn pay tbe arrears or qne<-tir>ns k.s to ball obesti at Is 8} par Is, Itr Is it not on thd' stms plane to sail clothe] and In tbo division Mr M'Grath ^7as C3 Tb* Hayor— I " This long talked of Use ibouU be nude ai part ol McQratb i The Mayor-Mid Higeias, tbere It no succor for tunnoitoa bv . ' 7'optUtor will not ba tocpantabla bt uddMra Nelna-U Is well k pown the reason the; routa Jolt alluded to, u well u (or Mr. O'Cocnell ; soft sugar, 10s dd per out, Un Walsh i , froomong.r? ttt> to ja (trabber a. to buy his pl£« and flftcon. elocMd and sixteen ax.offio!cTinaj K»d 1 terms Kieriey, oils, do I tobacco at Ss H por lb, Mrs Walsb i in toy nay totmted tba bye-Uwt let II come tr. csrp'nterlng, or deles tbo poalllou ' • •'"• r Walshe had /llled Z.4.-,., Bflaid to t*k» the BNmleaa bn the other act whloh bKcgB ODD into o-ntool witb a j'a^be' f of" ^ At ths i&mo Uma it mait ba rbmeaifctrod that a window (lass, whl1«nlnf, .to, Mr Btlsrsi; i coflos, Mr fnre tbe Sioittjry : Coraraiitci),(or tbli CoJOoll hai , nurnoor o« - • 'ce-cbalrman of the •ward for a ie the idwrtisement »t t l|J»rly reaui books, forms, «to, 0 r Esmond, WiTtnronb 1 uy It 11 sot. All Hi alike ; ill ate thj lame. Tea ¦¦ niOHOUGIIBi;ED HOEDCO >O » THB OGAGOH StDlToiid BUI !« tbB caruMnotton of on MdlDafy 'line from Droban i fi! f«r u 1 t"i\ hare to-diji DO power wbstcvor to !«••*- /ears with much credit to htmsalf and H» adaed-I bare oot epec»4 •»• «»« Pafliaoreat; Miffs, ur Is from th« ttme tetiel, though pst oa r;ltb VTA CU85T l enooy to Cork has pitaod tbtaojrb ioteri<0e In iba raatt»r. different bro.hes r;jest'»» ' ..Uinesa to the board oo that It was unneeeissry (jentleieo, but I .oppose « B«7 Iadepondent 1' A TBODOHTrUL (JDleTIOH. t»t o« etamln. tbli tod« U<»«'' wpefldltBW bat eorioaily eneagb, ai ths " Dkily He Power] lUWl toat ths fatctraJBM Aid Ht(fKloii-«Not boiaif a mrjoitar nf tbe Sani- and bon"»'l». aad «r»it two (.alto »- " u iiirly now to do more than submit, till name. AT WEST GATE, CABBICJW>ir.STJ13, SJjyTtbat tfaff ti-udtr icdndn tbe It would be ons ol thoslllOea which. Tba Chairman {. ; eelnil out, of the Colon wer* antioo. to be in'ormfd naekljr of ttry Comffllttso sod hearing your statement to the of priva' nsneoce , f J}Ufi=» " t itles, Individual Mr Thomas O'Douhell . TlnnaUlly, seconded tha ' Co. TrrmuBT. ••»«« r»« "^lnp Let ' (0 abotlldl not hp tolerat«d< " » StheT^r * '" , ; VF ^ ' MJCfdlflrJ Mr Bute, " th* number of Inmates la (bt hodsn. tbo cost of eSect tbat erJry tbeuibtr of the Council is rrjiitiiy »H)t»fvd I BO >nat iirtbbur. names hive proposal. fecttf indenfand tb.r. tetowlwe po fnrtber b3 s> corapotlflg Im) wlt tbo lire it (nf "** f ;.nce lt 1 ^1 bnt then Bcossjono. ' that tender fwm ? it It ootlll lf malottnanc. ato, He hoped tbH pap'r itlsotM for the reipoBslbte the bje-lstts 1 thing 1 bave t\ tlubt I* cDrre3pon . 'DO' No other candidate btlnf; nominated, Mr Co ootllor Power-Wbo U Soathers itod Weat«a SslW.y, ltd tbe CaUf advertising (Ta« News) wouldi In future, (rift these bora to eSprtis bay »ia»6i Aa tat**.*— > oidt-oiallv , wb.a burnings or torn* snob t* la?. Walshe was declared unanimously elected. Duko , ,- EtOISTtniD DBDin TUl &OTitl DtlBttV C0Ct£7t ¦ Tha U««—ll»«hew O'Keea*. , aiTanttgu would be rldclfcd by t^ to Of pir-laal»rs eri-ry «»ok, saj befofe it 1| Blt3» *«•-* -...ured to u>ok IHJO , and were I to writs oat a list of all tl 0 Mr Ulckle proposad the re election ol Mi Patk PM«*-He .»jrtotbic«fa tbtttader ft p«r»"0B ln towo and cDootrr, and of position *z>6 U OK>B BBtimso BcBiut ran *C3, ¦ O^tWllot . DoTonshiM's prlvits line ftflra l^iroora Joraoy. UrOP Beddond , who wit preso&t, laJd la almost A* a tJi» *' -••u.plp on niBDy pe pie , b**t] J Cloary at deputy vlce-chalrrnon- WM prspjfa wbat vo oocnpatioo who bav. bad d*Mlogs witb grabbers or rf-iHESTNtTTBOB bE, standing a UW»o»eJ every ualon It aaitomar; to iVoi -" °'8 1 am O"mpli>tely lo ignoranc. ol M Tbomsoa said he bad much pleasure In tiiteta described a* ' Thd State of «h» H «i|' |e| lW »»•'" an tb. oliouAitsooes bnt tnod« who sapply tbpm , Or tr)om> wl-o*- 'arne buvs ip1 \J bands high. H» wa. got by Kbuotcn, bl» iia ? „.1 aa ab Individual membei peared in tbe eeconding the resolution i tlcra Coao Vnioa- SATOBDAT. to oopy. dt tlini.. »»»i prtmT.. ' I aay an Miai,t way to acooraoliih it would b» to Mr Georgo Morris—Ho I. alw&y unanimously Clork wert jood SaOOgh to prepare thew particulars O/oneil lo ths Committee for it Is a, matur out ot Lad y Bird by tba 8a | Khaiatet* by ttwsisst cbc r, Tha follouiog weak i/t«r w».k a-t-iab get a dirontcy for Ireland, 0' l»t m-* onnn"» tnyfpll to elected, by Parmesan by Sfftttasat, ait dan Lad JST. P. SIXKIDT In cbe , tbat the Waterford P4psr« wonld concerns a lsris dombcr of oitiB^ns aod it would w 1 y of Ljco \n d also prcMot—P< trick Balger, Jobs gladly fall In witb lh. Ohairman's saj»e«tlou. be ut Watstford and tieV off ti.« nsmoa-pf those w • No other candJda'.o liolng proposed Mr Clcary Sc-ittUh Chief, her dam 1 lotirtt by Faodaojo the members were a g'rpst loss lo tho cltlrena if th««« bvn.i... h- do no o>*uje under (be heading a.; ; Paj.by ^SfifffiS«i .ccond ^tea 1O NeTllle, Joraci J3clftrr> Mtocae] The Clerk Said he wonld gladly do so (hoar, hoar 1, ' "I kavi a(i in iota. * xras declared nnanlmou»ly re-elected. Uarsyu by Orlando, by Toticsstoat. bb SfiS*fe4 Uteban, Joho carried oat in places alread : Osed fD p.g broken the rut'a, arid «hen all w uld . k own tb« data PUjca it wutrtxn Hetm Clarke aid 8on, and i^ « Stafford, John Cotaoln), J. 0. The meeting then tormlnetad. y r f««Jjn K The Chairman , I D returning thanks, said lie had Roral by Mildew, not pf CA to aocept premi.ea UiPraii, Thomtx o3• ' Mallally, WlUiara Kelly, F«ter Breen , STATS or TBI HOD6B. . 1 " ' SV L° "P prop-* and sanit.rv to thank his propo-ter and seconder for the kind Orlirdo, out of Milbran yeut at a jettlj rco« of £70, and | to „ ""• • JobJ) Xo la at list nJ. Eocbe, -« , U 2)1 i rend of cottars jreat p td Uy .'own 4o,v hard i»nd fssc ml, endeavour to dlnervo the repeated confidences Thoroughbred Uttei, £5 «ab : Gronta . Tea. 103, H- , I.P. J J.(^. ~l.M. tot la mtsjr mattot wbD thoy be, the victims or soapegost. <"* t»nos. Aid Ponei—Wth now. a mlnatf. Mr. P. 1 A. Pope/ Clerk, Oijpi 1 h« re no jdoabi many families thoy bad placed In him (hear, hear) , He would Qenlknen'a Half btej u» V/oTVlutf Uttz>. £S ' «Jd Mf. Eoo... «o d»peBden(: b»ots their aocnivig who mav bo eqnally guflty, e»n CioDdllor Power rose and said he proposed that Assistant Clerk, were also present op 'hn for ai living almost and tiai nd« S to o'ory bj flnns olame spoo tb-lr o'lgbbonr. at least endeavour to give the same satisfaction tich I Grccta't Fea. U. tSlOff to il lnsmatUr thl ctfopyiajj tenant, Mr Tboi Clarke, bo accepted : Ettenoir or CEURKAN. tvfclcb dttarn our .«nou, Wiioh they mar be eqnally estitl'rl tp theosplvsa- aa ho bad tndeavonred to do in post years (ap- Ttaanl Farntr t llaru, £3 tici i Grcca' contideretloo t Vtst CJ ti amt^ ] The election of Chairman wo< uiken op. Mr. |(ba4r , hfnr). I thlBt it right t. What I mist of (terras returned ba then atreo«ll> for "I'.xier and MtcDonald from elected Cbairmao. , ; that unltJS oherf it was llkoljp that tn outbreak . f p»rcoos for pu 'llfv pensnre whf fo tnnre or thanks. paid oa or btfuto lit of A«cc«% IEJO, to th. j OOLONtSI pquslly e<-rlno« '•ffjno auder this^h'ndl (? >.»<¦ b»ea fnpkiat tbr ilfferent side, of th. l>0ase. Mr. Dooley—I bare great pl&iare In eoconding WHAT A YOUNG WATUKFOBD diecsus mfgbl trlic from tbeeyitem it bo not inter- i" THE DI3PEK3AHY COilUITTBIi. or bis order. : " which bod THINKS OF THi; SITUATION. fered with (hear bear), opo ly, pablicl.T ti-H fr«. l y romml'tiM wit. "»nt oo. T)« Major cald it miuv no odds the the election of Mr. John Catnmi'po for tbe enauloir ' The board then proceeded to the revision of tha 'lbs proprietor ptrtlcslal bnt be would rate that Coaaclllor of Couneillor Redrubfid »nrl Ald'Pow.r word ni cosiure or [crpment during tbe past -1 jejn y wtbeJ tbat nstltota precedence, year. He bed been for some yc^r»cfaitrman this rose to -peak and morn. I, Is this letter, give my reasons for not dispensary committees. icd breeders would inspect this Lena tad Donald bad risen flrat. ; ; , A Waterford gentleman has just received the follow- oo the eubj»6t. Tho Mayor , }aist•¦ kt £ad board, and heacUd very fairly to everyone. He waa biB brother, who b*s been rfflirls' iit for oilled upon C u 0| lor d lnu' ar.d rot havlog done eo, and a short time ago 1 In Carrick there was one vacancy which was themsalvc*. Power—I will giro way with pletnare ing letter from Brdroind wbd >M be would' In Couneillor a Tery gocd ohalroan and got thy business very well some years in Pretoria, tbs capifal of tb« '1'ransrati bring forward this rn^de a similar ptitetnent jonr paper. While filled by th. election of Mr Jomes C*blll, the ont- No accountability far ascUcata to lfarrt, U cay to lit MacDocald, as I ondirfftnod be m never. In quostl m is sofln si posMbln la order to Improve dtng done, and I am .ore you will sgi'ee wlf h roe c^at if Bepablic. Aa tbe country noir presents dttny M«taro0 t, e int u tht. 'otter merely m one of ppr-rmal rle'*noe RBlng guardians for Garronglbbon divhlon. ihoald occor, but tb. best ot care «iU bt tain el tbta. fatbt of the jobbery wblcb tta. attempted to be of this ooantry tbe com- rules abont rliii-hodlog. Ho held t'at if p i >C p» I «onld sp»olallv ask the hon sace nf 'be Farmers' In Piltown there wore three Cjtaln elated be will make a rdry good chairman, of interest to residents 1 vacancies which No cares attended to on 8csdayi, papeirated in this case. For that reaaon I b»»e and for (bat reason I eecoodhim (hear, bear), munication will be found oot devoid or general interest. were kept eleio there would ba no nulsaoc , and Oo A»»cciation to adojpt oa« or 6ther of two dr>nrseo in were filled by Mr Michael Vincent Power Thii hena ii sooad ' qQppVona , Mr and fret flea til fcertg¦ &¦ m fjmi plcatnre In giving way to bim (bear, bear Mr. Meefcan said be had to pcoposo a geDtloman The following Is tbo leiter :— necos«Uy t> enforce thii act' wbich If enforce.! dealiog with these or grabbing, suprly lof of Thomas Bowers and Mr Thomas Shee. dUuis. • - * urabbers, and tboije dtillnR with such ror-ons. and tcdlaughter); ' to act »« chairman for the ensuing yes/r and bo was Pretoria, Marob 7th. '9S. strictly, oonlil rnib a Utfje ndmber of indostiious In Portlaw Mr J F Medlycott was appointed to Fcr cudi tsd psrUctUntppt no no ; that la not T UB —AfUr a long and aoxiona wail I inded with tha quiation of " boyootttcg" genenllj. y to tit popltSor, CebnciUcr MtaDonsld—No, a gentian) M D poor people. He inot a, worthy citizen on the £JAK replace Ur Joseph Malcolmion in «bo bad filled tint pocitiofa for tbs put week aj;o. aa it went aome- « Len them 'fther. commonos at tbo commeocement asd , who 1» leaving the tit JOHH UtmtET, It OinihUr). : tbreu years witb credit to bimeeUand oondnoted the remired j"ar letter only a iu« now at tbe Town Hsll dopr wbo tol d bio (Mr country. VT«t Om, 8f> instrad of box OS 3o ple.so be oarefnl ' ceusnre all down ajong to tbs latest, or «lse let Cliem Conacillor j Cadogan (to Councillor Poocr)—Too bnaioeta uitb great afBolency aud great attention how Into box Kedroond) that he cold four pigs at the fair on yes- l Mr John Daniel, an outgoing guardian CtrrWwa&fr, ' . In the foture, and make yoor ngntea more distinct. i public y &x a date from which they will authoriia nnd , was put will get into a scrape If you don t mind joarsolf, He was scaruly a day abteot from the oha.tr, and In terday f jr £10. Bat if tfalt aqt was carried out acenpt tbn respnnsibility of tho puhllca'ioo of tbo on to ail a vacancy on tho Katbr;orrc:e cm. hier). Well , I wa. pleated to know that yoru are all well and «n treto eaerg«ilc(lang additionto tbtt be (speaker) wiibei to say tbat for to tbe old abi partlooKrly ai the etaw agiiost bim bs bouldP not have rearedths pu-i at names of persons who in any nav odond. For my part mlttco. Al» tt Slot Plaea, tbat Mr Clnrke (till sticking p, * b 1 Couneillor JInoDosald—I oropose the 28 yean h« bad been a gnardian he neter saw of affairs here sieae Janueion's dastardly raid are all (bear, heirl. '' I do not oare whioh in adopted, but , plainN , il ra'nst AGSE600E. whose tender is tbe blgberti be accepted aa tenant. any man <»bo «tood so straight aid acudso amiably deoidedly nuetttlad. And as ytra n Vsritt " Dlt=C3d HtSft b* tft^id tod If they ioat the;bonne there would be rery as follows ;— of the Englisb cities, London plok-pockett, Jews, Tbere 1. qo uta In gentlemen mtkiog stateueDti here (winner of th* Derby) by Hcrohittat, bit 4m &t ' would little lympalby for tbem. ForKeanedy—Mcisrs. Stafford , Ne»llle. P. Bolgtr, Gentiles, and British Banger, clamouring for votes wbloh it |ha lmpojslbl q to carry out. You Jans by Ponpey, toa el Emlalsa, hat iaammm "**-* , yw» Eedmocd n»a to second tbe proposal might SJ well meet the oaee| fairly aud OHAEACTEB SKETCH OS BUBKCtEOOHE, U.P TTr- ¦ " — J Counoillor ¦ Doylr, Meeban, and Reorjodj—(J. which they coold nevor obtiin in tbe, ir own oouotfy or squarely. (Pnosr orjs BiPo&Ttn). Boy MlddUton. but gate way to ¦ { In any other—men who are only ootagrettated here be. Tbose bye-laws (wero scot to eaob member of the Uncas (tha air* of U»v D«y) «t| ForCooimiDS—M».»r». J.Bolger. McGrath , K«ll y, ' On Saturday last the guardians met to dijpo:tj of , Tbs New York Iriih America it of iltrci 23rd, totbr Ktt«k«t!L Caondllor Power, who said—Mr Mayor, I ba»e Brefn, Ccedy , Mollall y, Doolov , Forrest*), aDd W. oauie swludllng is tbelr aim ana; ob)°ct I D lite. Tho«e Council at thd tlmo they were promulgated. Thar. amnnr;Kt other business the election of a tucceatof to his Ham NlzbUnnU by UosattU Dtw, oilJf %fa£ tbe capitalise and tbe were left , jrritcji— ^^ mastp leunre in seconding the resolution tbat the H. Bolgeiw9. men are in tb. VT of money was notbW Idon* then. Tb^y there for Dr ORyan In the Medical Offieershipofthe workhcuse. by g!r HercolMt«fc««Irtof lrkh BWortofcgJ lenders, or we will say .hare brokjora, aud you can ¦ ¦' ¦ bscie la qjnejtlon bo R ITPB tbe oeijopylng tenant, ' twelve nvbntbk before the Conrjcil, and Rooh. has dftoa eboaea a. th. Hot." Bnln ius> l obserTatiott made by tbe unfortunate Jamitson got within 6 miles nf tbpir town CoUDCll of W«terfnrd Cook pioper'iseaos didat. for tbe dlftrlot oMCUUras/, (a E*aK «rry. Thorottjhered Miro, XS eschi Groan's Ifc^ ify to tay, to rfp y to an Mr. Cnrnmins then took the r.' iarr. and tb.y nover tried to brl p bim, and Instead of tbe to make lowance of £23 6% Sd to Dr O Ryan the Clerk opened prapowr ef tne lOsoutwo, which I| ta»e (pconded themeslvct actjuaioted aitb tbim f all Hi. brotLar, Baron, y.rmoy, to »hom b» tt halr^r*- Gesilinwn't Htlf-brtd all WotUaakaraa «*«TllmAs»eB t, »OT1 OT THIBlU. coiae of the ride was only beaM Cbe tinis* of their y and to study applications for the position. Tbey wcte from Pi' M ly Oontarvalivt, aod wbrt .Ifotaj, 't Fet, Et, , , ^ andthitii Where be saya It was Mr Clarke' fsnlt them- There wjiiioo objeotlqa raised to tbem soapllv»; I* *Uos| Groom * Mr. Aliearne propxted a vot-i of tbanks to Mr. obMrr, aa the leaders of the co-ral|j Kenny tnataent at bt« hands. H. wa. not abort 11rt og on bar ¦ hc>MiB. M(i ¦fc( ¦ ; ' " iLCOTioN or net ciuimtis. Oh. bov alotsninj it it to rrad ths B"jllib papers and Dr Moran. It resulted ' displayed s.U tb»«mnaalynie»B- tkesaialT*!.' j , ' •"*»" •"* (kid erlci of" heir,: bear'.'). . I Mr. MnQraib proposed Mr. Jl 6. Dooley for tbe 1 was no cjove sadr, Tba Loc^l Otnernmeot Botrd ai (olloirs i— ' Itthotl mon.j, »Bd : witb their whining about tbe Dttlauders loss of nut cf ths " EnglishS ool.ty*. men who eo«« bits to No tooottBUfatUtv for toddsafa ta\*£ ' iTboUayor—It willdo no good to go into tbat fioe ehtl r. liberty, eanpltd witb Chamborlsln's tohomn of on- ratified tbfb ind they, than became, tbe law of the Vor Dr KtSNV—Meurs M Wall. P Lolor. M UM. ii M ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' J Burn Amorists girls. A'Nlow witt] looh t Nonrd wtQ ahosld eooor, bot iht but c4 MT) » i fte-jjoa.., i ! Sir. J, L. DoyU seconded the fnotloD , and uii Mr. workabl* aatosomy whloh «ra dsrtdtd |by Uitlandsrs land. IteU y )tlbtreit|»lmpoislblefor tbcSsniterv Qulrke, F Power, Thomson, Michael Kenned 0 F : > M:rL « S»"SS»«Jl'»1S»-» jMxiPowcT. J y, Btsd wtwbi"g closely, Si aa« bit kitd art not tb. No Mamrttadtd t« o» B»» l l. I'AM NiliOB—Utitrejt oow Dooley »u a man of Integrity thi bniines. cipscifj asd Boers, and sow their UU't dodge 11 to OAJOIS oar CommitUe, to deal or dtbblt farther witb it beyond Malcolmsori, Capt do It Poer, Water 'WtUb, Ty. man thai will vln Irtltod her national rlf hu. A It&t . CocsciUoiPooer-I repeat tjbti I hito mid. If (h«r, heir). I graod old mani tie Prsslisnt, to England, to that by what bit been dpnf, Wb«tbey bate been doing brtTi hney, E B Teohin, C Moilty, Cetontl Stcirt Ktitonalfttia sot tourer aa iH-tmUttrf ben, ' ! wprcjest 1 la » , Irteh woaca, J* ^ A:yif t9 tlt Cl»rk» n»4 a trostwerthy ptfasn to Mr. Pooler returned tbankr, and nil b9 »oi sou tctsoIdiplooaUn tying lo wblotjihsy ari sattersl wbat Aid Hlftglct hat bson teling u» to day, tliTto TB A Bosanqatt , Lord Duneannon, W Malcolmion, DBt tbt eostrtry, . , ,^S^tm tin tbi* trokble would not b«T» afisea tt all, bat afraU be could not attood, ¦ they hops to "Baku Dim pllsbls for tholr i own «ink tt trciohei & th. 'Jtw. 'l Bat I onuld C W Power, t P'Thi Iriih CcftoUj dtcUrat tba tt.rry tiectwt f . lelflih enlii Bot I fancy tho man: wtm DIT, •- ' tiJhMt^ (hiar. hn *\. ClOtO erenU (t esr, bear). < ¦ < cltitao wbo con^ders blmself figgtleved b Potr, C V Bolton E Bowcn, 0 T Wlthen-W. ¦ ¦ ,¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ | nltatleoBrltlabonemadeln"Brno. *' Jts a sight bers y tbe Don- , - . .| - Qtm«t^».i*ii, d ajftall fflniBOtJon. I • ' xttmtoa or u, v. cJuiBiiur. , n u» hia liirroandod by hit (sltifol ''doppiro.'' obserradce of tbe ftanlury Itws to make tod oodpel For Dr Mortn—T Ryan, T Roekttt, M Cullltt«3, ! fit. BedrBondJ 8*11 ha ; nu gkd to iu that tbu Mfi DsoUy had much p tbli Orporiilcii to c«rry pot thooe N ConehJjB, M V Hlckle. W; , oi leasure la :propo.lng ll r. ia saint of king oould iDOb sOmag. Via u this grand by«>ltwt P T Cl«ry, Wile&e, if ttti .qutsiionihidat Uab ettdtdj with ft profit Patrick ; Bolgor, a most Inulllc'ent goardlsn, well bnt almplteld nan «boi on ana memorable ocoulon Wbotber taejb/B-l.ni itt rlibt or wbotter tbey Billynevir), D Bntleri I 3bce, MiiiiicB Ktonedy^T k CJTJ . More-' tro i $n ft retrj tor. IS J , to the oorporatlon. acrjoaintcd witb thebDilDess ofltbo tcsrdttaDepn when b« h»a,rd » Klnn of British nobility boast of not . right is a .diffsreot qnoitioo, bat tbe bye-Ism O Carroll,TODonnell.Tabridd, T Qulnn. WBrltton. ' undanbUsiy ¦ tJ 1 OTtTi tB8 old te&ant, Mr CUzke, la an Vise Oi'lrtoan (btUi heir}, : I , . ;¦ bslcff tb« ton of an Irish Intd Utntwaoti reaarkld »« . tb{fa ot)d till tbey. ttalttpealed no EDotsrtey, M Drohan. AV Heirne, Q Morris M He (Mx B) ibxnld »iy, In conclnslon. fameri .Bat tb- StDitury Cwd BOti Mr. P. Kenoedy bad ranch p nBUW In eec^ndlnjj int bis ftthn »U ft sheep btrt jo«» Committee bat powef to div.raa from tb*strict law. JIortb. K HUBdsville, •WWhil.-Ql. j. rirowrt; Sko9kHM>*t Ps^lWMKltlsS S^ [ctidlt U doa to Kt lesanA Power, lot > \iU/l k»r» ni a dliessliVn b»t»»«n a botch and ont . Cat ercM ! ho motiBD. ! 0~i_li*L*_ Md ia. *L orrow.rt' conrnto^tfltryiMHiiii itujm •: . Fuhei—Ttunu ea> thlsg l tobn to Brfiiihorsdd (t was r«di th. JDnteh man taU 'twas 1 ' iCotooUJor Bnppbrt Ibo motion (hean bear ; eo tobth wibt>tthe reporU o! tbo Banltory Dt Kean)r«»i dct;!«fd (|i3Jt Dorakoon tad coraloa In ltit ««»k »y that plg- feodlng-objeeUoa. «g,r-^u" ' - ' : , . ¦ E^r>mal4th*t ha'rt hOI but " ¦' ' I- ¦ »J*0St5. -.. . ,.. ; •twa» tb» whit, flag thty raM etiry tim«. Bo boplsir Mt pig-UoSinb-lls. Mj nrnplnt In tio .• !> >*- ••«•• I . 'tm s cartalneoctita of th6Corpotttloa.' tfott | eity n ;' ?Kdit ; (Tbo ivpetti of Mr, Lynoh . 8 Itinton, jr.:pfctof— tut this will fisT yoa HI wtil asd ddan roori.Unl «aicnoia as «T«t KDW Bcort ^gfiltM «hat '' (5 th« retolt. \ Ibe eld rent et fASijtu iSUndea W-, 'Vr*. and DaMia SruWay. .w recelirlng lot' thtse ptq. Mr. 0. Clroieri Aoditoi—and tjis Mettcri Mr. WO, ;5tt, I rrtaila,yonrli ettii . . «-. *hlch the I OoTportilon Dttt Nad, a-fi!edMt who - on ' . to tfO ft yeM. ¦ I wbnoet tiarMnglOD, ! i f .etw . bnalnesi In eonBuUd Our , W.xfOnt CorTcstidnuent wriftt tnai j— Jaltw ha» bs«n lnereswa i ¦ ! i . ' UitrlctB tDtt ye-Iawt art un Uf uðmald say thfttiMolt doeioot;; itfiect | KiltRSlTt VlltB. ; i ¦ tba h njoint to reaoh mr7i» "'Th«;:t«» ' ' OtootJ ¦ ,Tb8 <)e«< ol tbe medical cSccn (Or*. UC3V0 Tlppftrojry Union. than the larger ones. Any persons r/tacr.l'tariagerif tblt Jitl(w»j>-Mr 'ttcdlt on thH iine of the^uM /. keeplnn nias John COgblan—las bem about ' i * j and Hl(ikie) for ioiptovemojlA ia U>;« mid, v o?«i4o tkMWttsI fa»t limit 20 jcatt In the ttrric* twvS¦¦ ^s;:J;i' ¦ i | Aid Biofc-Afld to 01»rke, 1 tan Ktte4sdtUgh$ea. eto ¦ $ tjolt,i?rjSpSf.S tb! 1 |I'f¦ [ ¦ ' i» so of £2.5 •, ordered to be catrlM oaf, . liLflOTiON of CHAlkBIES, °L * I ". M U;th»reforb foUy qnallued fer ttit . von . /; : I !. ] Councillor Filher-lt inotcSM yea» j , nfice. ind It' .uttk t ^ • etaool ESPOOS. ; At tbo TirptrtrJBoard <]( Gtianlilna on Tuesday well for th. Directors to ! Jo tht nwinM**16 Ortpaatlori : _J . i. pVomota . ore n| tbelr c»m offidolt r : ¦ scMPWi K^-W«J The lahool report*, wbioh Acre coaiiicrtdtcty the anatittl fltction of Cboirmga e!» innate caaie betori the bonfli and said stttf fs&tion, Of cobrre the Cttirmah—Mt Dalton— nt» tftwtrj to -dp- so, afl(J &1[ tbem ^ - " sssa ¦ - . .i SMS. ¦&¦&« HWM ay «At t»dl> pmjln bffoKi tll '' : , ¦ «H*p» or tern lor Mi U *l"k.hlhe a tb. hoTue, ta. filled the tame office for severaly tart, tad by Wet, Banltaryjaratolttee infl Itt thetn dS ' " to be tna* » precedentof in anj* '}" ^ it IhtAs ; ¦ i , But ccold not t«U >ho itolg &. flbe nsd Wen 15 good tamper, tbd UbliitT, ha baJijteon the cBnfid*nt» ¦ ! 1 y- ; Rheumatism .': •: \ mff i«£SS£*i{80 *year fox jtba premise*, but jmnlit the Boav, | : . i ind ttteeto cf tt» tnrtn&enof ertry iWl ^ ^ - . . ' Kid, ^Vejb»T«got * •w^.SSS tts o) politlas. tt* bad - vr.,j- lw «w »M BMuua is n u« muter ' -^ ' 1< b I .I t his faircnBallybrickm ea Enttr . | ,>nr bfttelwe:gotL\ f^: *»«W*i*• »?*J?8 °9! lor tb« salt of minor*/- r r- FT- - : r ^ \ A '* ^ wd whereverl arjd when- : i tnm H**tirg VmtifAr^aga we formed \ %*^*' ~< tast but tbe demand waa 'only middlinR tad »fi"^ :! ; a ¦ : : ¦ ¦¦ . TolIOTtikXi.-Mrs. Vflailow's Sootiniiz im. i iLi t. F °op, i: • - . -,; firrba BM §»j«*Sicn ;oi th» toed .eotmigni »• tbe pricti tbewed a downward 'tendency. Young ever pain U'felt ¦a :b h'» Q «*4U teen : bed i evrrfltyyttrl ta trUlicrsbftaiibtrifottlu Ihett U. t, m»ttcl tot j % ^rf . : , «;*»4HJiftIwviiJ 1.469, SlM tw »*1]}Usthlti.ill) riuu. lnvtj(J»tlflri^ ^oaw. stock were In (air demand the price* tt&gifiK from JBS n-tmrtttjiMM itcgitbiK • tb « komld" 7e rttiUia po6ufJJt , Md tt» Vflliwn lot of Jiree year old «Btin«ra , «t«re Kld by t eoonty iM i*H *Mmton: ntSS^SSgSSCBjl let ' - efletM ETil'T.0**. W8.u. you . Lk« mi t*n «mi. CHmkn.> iHiiErolSis^ws tt>D wttw worktsi tm stikhtolit,' . Wtterford ccBtlemin, Mr Bonnqnet, T, P, Lobudca, OP All J ; (OT £1 , Sane jitttr wwejwntJy i; i- : : ;i [ :; v i t J ; !; ! J effti imi w j;;j.jp ,4-'- ^ ' "V - r - f ^ .H for m, Thcrq wiionjy « I B III ipppl?Cf IBi^p,, , '¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " " " " ¦ ¦ •• ¦- ¦ ¦ - '!¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' . » II ;; .,, ¦ ¦!;i: - ' * . . 1* ' 1. I ' I . . . ,{[ . , :\ .{ • r i i : • ; : H*} *?^ n:\ "'-i^iK** mmMM ¦ ¦ - : ¦ ¦ : ii;;:. ;:- - • - :-i" br^: ' % |: I?- 1 ! " ::.r v X i il i P . ; ¦ ::- ' h fiiinvriki oVi bxit ntp "' The! wS^^ritotd l^^M3aturday, Ipril 11, 11806 ;_ tt , . fcok T7A7EftF0&X> ARCH.EOI.OGJ.GAL proceeded from the mason's hand*.' It tfia3s oa;«MbM *xtat)« froar^mrronastss.^bat Jim j«lt 8tT, their jgYOLiyCt, BOWINQ, ^ACpG: kiiktrHs to tfrttra notfc^oT' motto?of JustIhtt* [ i SOCIETY. j that an roagnieoent ^n height ana.oobletoUtii tt , proportion*. Tbs church i> Dwriy 200 feel Usg and ¦¦ llnct I Tbtaotleeproposes to rescindtba resolution IB & i B |l i ¦ In order to meet tbe doBTnltpoeot Uodcr. Poor jfjH^^^i \ 110 in breadth. | The chancel is perfect, and waive, : acoepUog T»a Ofiwo mm tcUlJfcJ I ^— ^ or- i ' , THBB.I.B. l|i creat MBiber of astatdr cg olM*,' ¦• ¦- '¦ bim; Jt--W«rywf. KXCOSSIQN TO DTJNBBODY AND ,THK bat for the dartructka ofthe great western ifladow, ¦; • . - -\ appoiattB«t4 «ttns to put* ' ^' : : UBXmiQ. II bav«:Asdded to bold tM «ht . .; •D«»f^»»ae .i j EaiTT /plthip loMMd beforehfi Wyest list CA3TT£.3>. Oi?j.:-CIOaUIME8.¦ ¦ ¦ weuld; be j biriy' to. [The Wtstern entrance la perfect yft*m ¦! " ¦ ¦ 1 ! j: (annoalmeetin g- ffl. ••.. • i • • ' aod ia »«m» Kspectf peeaUar, Hie greaterpart o 1 *t*V I *- .*\ % ' W» ' OyolUte AsaocteHonoa flaturoUyeYealnc, tt*;lfitlj itHrlmted HnlMAfA & JNTttiBE^TJKa PSOCEEDIKQS. the bniiiing tt ct»t«vtr« Enlj Eng\i>o typ», W\b ; EUetr^al R*At),i(TSvmte ^),U>* l^Uowlttg ooin- vttbtn U*nMp ) to^ay j tntt., lnttead offWedn«»d»»next »» prerlouiilyan- him. it bit lot, indfttcWHli; some placet - Eastern ¦ ¦ ¦¦; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -TTBUed: Cydtoy ' : - T»-otomtiii tar!••*"* l" "T j ;—" Bw/flmnVBtatny jast TMlgiwd boBi ttat Oropaay to aocspt tbe tiagnlshsd, cnltumland disinterested patriots who rr.-SocJety-Voro -well exemplified on' Wedfresa»y ¦ At i: $0 a in-, the p»rtv Wt Dnnbrody Abtxnifcj AHOTBBB Club bnva applied to be affiliated, to posltUtt «f ' AaststaBt'OsBSral £laa»ge>ofr-th* eaniprtb * mi of;Bale. Last year, and tbe year when there foregathering; of Its ' AF7iLUTlojr, ' the 8,E.B. > . ' ¦ was a pleftsant Closmlsw. nioe Eoglub miles dUtsbt. The followiDj ' ' j I HaUpssJ Undsrotoond Cable Oobpahy. Ur. Vefot''. iM »veo tb» yen before tbat again, tbo members, and an enjoyable trip by boat and car cote on tbe place U by tho ROT J F M ffroncbj FeQow, Of my pluoiy. yoabg Wajtetford CCOBoer^us beefl to-the nbcVrfrooodc>bl« elroalatloo of " the pestilential mud-elloger's " U. - ' ¦ ' to grand did Dunbrody and the historio Castles of &.LA, -- . ! ' i i - i W. UEBEDIin.¦ blend the Indneniat writes—W. botlocai from its Infaney, fass aeea it grow to IU organ ws* so gnat that £10 personnel was,tbei CLOTHING This group of misi is anri hni aMrl-gmch-iQ-taat > referred of more than ordiiiary|inteTes^ H. Meredltb Is one qf the btstand prannt-proportions. Jsvat-thar-«notd-repay for rb.^iaiertirinjr. On Clonroineijln Cquntj AVoxford. The trip .as it contains ti, church which plockiwt rider* Ireland bat ever produced. . His gtowth. OoUld« of »rosd. «xperi8nw|: lBlthe -was " Jn with the ins described by; tbejUte blsJ . . Toeadsy; £7 1O«< tba aom otlud; tbe pitrtota ..Jt.9 PftS-or^oBlead connection annual G V Da . Neytr as, in his opinion, quite ooVqok ia Toeingc*fe«r bajWonmost unfortunite,' ail tboogti 6B4ergt»)ia' e»l)Ie ibuaGieWJ tt-wUob-rM.i^«, I taring i evidently come to the concrasioothat their Meeting ff tho Royal Society of Antiquaries' Inland, if notin Biiuia—theforttfiedorCastls Chfarca ha has beaten all the scratch rldtt*,' be bat ni veryet aeknowlfdged «xp*rt, Mr.iO'Coanorla well-known.I varas art'btftoaiiag very mass the werW for ths of Clonmioes (IM 'J OUTCJ S^). ^been fortanateeoougb to»ecor»h chaniplonihp. ' Ills 'meobaairal as well as electrical which wa> held this ' week . In the Marble 2ity, , 1864-66, pa^o flUa ai an inventor inr . singular boilding stands on a rise of eround adjoiclnig biggest porformaHcowas the wlnfilogof the Aberdeen branebt*; and bss-«lso tb« r»re advantage of bating ¦ from wbeijc*! the 'Dublin lad lei ond gentlemen I On. 8»turd*y word came to Vb» : tbe monastery but detached from it. and wh«o »U»cd Cap for two years' In tacoesaloo,ami there I* t xskoeAj ^»ke.» Bitbreeyearv law eoun» in the Univmity ei b»tr»ck» that a pursued an interesting jooruey Into '\Vexford< via from the weitWard room for doubt < We oosgratalata tbo drankeo mas in a nude conditloa was piomenadinir " associated qmte remnblea a sqalu* ctitlej tbe that with a fair (bare of l ick bu tb* City of Mew TorkJ *CWtodstB£k~S name with which is nurth rastandgoutli-westSDg careeren the phth during the oomlng ' hating the streot. ' Constthles Corlsy and Oogu^ rsaoot and delightful lea of wbioh are prolonged season will be National TJnderxronndCableC«nip»oyapon " : that of Ltdj j TIahe agifted poeteM into small but loft* creoellated turrets. Uu Niyet as brilliant a» his ability deterre*. .IT' &omu F.O'Conoor." wltboat delay and found tbe repttt to be only too '¦' ~ ¦ prose local 1 ¦ i ctenrtd tbt services of Mr (frosted tbe man ' ¦;; writer of the olden school The thinks that it i* exceedingly probable tbat thlj building ' I • ' '' '¦ VIfeiterdetMrdayay Ireoeivedihefollowinf—Ireoeivedthefollowinf— true. Tbey , and having procured . .iMFEEES. ¦>\ > ¦ '•' 6od«e$. hiving d cordial invitation tram The gentleman so happily allolftd to la tbe above1 for him .J. ™ received, was erected by Nicholas tbe Clerk at the close ojf tbe TBiTH» ' " IrttbIrilh UyelOvallitVtita* AsAkasodatlnnoMaHnn.:,: |1A4 the. seeeiury clntblng , brought kin} before u its lnetropollt&n- retitlve to join in tho explor. ¦ poiampb li'tbe sea of Mr. Thomas O'Connor, ph»oab»a, who granted; foorteeotb oentarr' ' ! '' r i ¦ ooHrcnisrcii' D'OUer-st , Dnblln, April 8tp, 1896. Dr. J.P^ tbenecetsiry ¦tlon party ;. .tr r> . supervision of: Mr A P Morgan the . Honary milet south eatt of Dunbrody. Tbe family of Cavaaagh Saturday evening for reasons whioh I have plready Gasfdlini am broad-minded and capable men. •'S faummop a meetiag of tho rab> The Waterford "party drove back to IDuncaanon , of Llamorei writes ¦ ¦'¦ trim appearance was greatly appreciated by the ' : fpt tils ability, enorsy and eood oondoct to say that tcrlbers to eleot new' offijoro ¦ ¦ • i' . ¦ • i . • • • .. . >or:'.»a w where they met then- steamer and reached tb« city Lisxoiu spoaia. to say tbat the Llsmore 8ports will and a now coDolttto ¦ ¦ ¦> ¦,; - excursionists daring thd trip. In ordsr to avoid shortly nfter the shades of I be bold this year the last week in be has gone to well ahead. We eoagftiolata him Oa Monday niit. T.TTTPPPTTk; < ' . . -.•<,»» nichflud .. fallen. and bb father fled In doing so w« are ¦ 1 any iric6n]veriiehce on the journey special car», Altogether the visit was , .am) Mcy or the firat week in Juno. respected , - • --: - ;- -' , the most enjoyable sore ws ar» man, oblll M .: . ; ; : . waggonotces, and horseJ were taken on board Boe single Incident occurred to mar the joined by every wodaa aod Carriox gan deserves * pro- .„ __.... Head Carbery writes— "I'm on In Dungarvaa who eome to beat U19 pUsaiat steamer, find certainly! Mr Hurtl ceedings, OS WHiBtA fcy. la tbe ncpedlttos wltb whioh they get tbrcajh to be complimented npon the efficient manner . ' jtoriU OTB^ noirs*' ^ At l/unbrady the auembled coep^ny cat dawn to | the publio pusiness, tbe Carrick Gaordlini ere . . Q with wbicbj he fulfilledhU order. The vehicles and Local oyoUat« l anxioiis to race this . SI &. iConnell Steeej^-j '. luochoon whioh was (applied in Grot elzzi ityls bj Mr At: tho CooBiluloaera! eetUoa oa Uesday, Ur /d£ lowin j m a list of thoso who Wore the architectural and antiquarian fcatuies, and gave -630pm , Saturdays at 4 pJSu The ia the election M^¦ ^i^y historical information. Usnnlx h4S written to say tbe Teosl la abont to be of . tbo oboircnn and tbe appolntmaet ' ' '¦ ' ' out : — Hr 1 I' .Morgan, I ion Sec ; Kcv I'Power , UC; | first practice will be held on Sunday next. of tbt doctor, • Soadei'in this (kkaifsf , -• ;• $¦;: He says :—This vmcrablc old town, which seems tsptttced, aod nkiog perpbiion t« krop ber is ber tad that Mr. John Shea m*le a speech oa the text ;, i - .Mi.Jobn .White,- J.P, JM.R I A , Vice-President ; Ibe postponed opening olul ran of " !¦> )»,¦- present poiitloct for ten dtp loader. Ur JaoeiF. question, tba Clerk was enabled ' . !'- . « in irony to be called new, u rich and abounding in < bo tell the Goord- ¦ ¦ Mr'M J Hurley, F.R Sj. A_, Vico-Prosident ; Mis OPBsmq BUM. theC.Y-H.g.CydiogOlubtoCsxrtek. 1 0 • ¦ ' '¦ I' • objects ol antiquarian interest Looking Byan laid tbat Mr. Thamtt Power told him that loni at belf-pMt twelve that tbelr futtber attendance : . * !> '»•!:..,?• > Mr Jehn J and lira back to tucn on-Sdlr (via Portlaw; will, x held ¦ ¦ ' ¦ Hurley *°M , MiM • Parkinson. tho owner would take aa action against tbe Com- ; i- ' ¦ i - : ? ,;.» a remote period as the sixth century, Rou, undtf itjs en Banday csxt, , vos not necessary. Tnla tboald ba Bomethloj lik e . Murphy,'lli&s tXlvdroux.'Miira Timrnons, tho Missea 12Ui lust itarting from ths C ithollo missioners if tbo Paul goticjored la ber removal. ' Kennody hy, Mr and Sin ancient name Rot MicTreoin, was famous as the '. sitc Toanz Uon't Society at 10 o'clock sharp. a record In tb4 Irith poor-law eyttem. ;]-Master and Miss Murp However; tbe Cotomluloatrf decided to volt for a The complete rout ot tbe Williams, Mr Ham by, Miss Harney, Mr Jamei of a monastery founded by St. Abban, nephew of the ' Three racing Nelson machines have McCutbyltes et the John -W celebrated Wexfordbishop, fen diyi b -fore taking doOolWtotko. poor-law board on Saturday should Captain L\V Bonaparte St Ibar, wbow»saocceeded HAamo Nnxoyo.arrived at Hhalloe'a this wfcek. I teach them a ¦ ¦ Power, Tr^faore i yse, ¦ ' • • i :. • • ¦ . . • ¦ « .; b bis nephew St Ewias, or Evin pi Tbs OomntltsioBers have rcoelred tba first Instal- lesson not to try aay more to bocs . ' : . • \vr, J V j Jlr vvyse, 6lr and JJuss Power, Thomaa-street. y the BtU. Thelbell expect tbe owners will bo on the tbs concern. ¦ - ment of tbeirlcano(£jOO ¦ ¦ ' •¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * "'¦ of Evin became c\ en bctler known as a sacred from tbe Beard of Works. Their little d«y In Cirriok la nearly . : ' ¦ "' ' " •''** and Mia jO'liara, Mr I V G Jennings, Couhtj> relic tracJt within tbe next few days. flalihad ; and . after hit death than he Tbe Clutk'i vsiloste wu laid before-tbe board, r. f. D Rev FatberU'Connell, him-clf was better known Ur.B.J.O'Bellly.of Whallni. mtia after tbelr vstfoas pcrforminaes in pablio ilnce tbe ' I specter, hnd Mrs Jennings, li/c and hv ctpUiatd -ibata. shilling rate woold laave Bottled BCOTC, CtO.^For HoiE-'iijjJ &port). ThQ ^lolrmta " iRtei^a Kcv W Orinoudo A- J P, aDd Aid during be* Oaths were taken era it, and it is baid TOO EUAQX BT op the Bjrony in great etyls this Betrays), tew will re Distilled to Advenlwn* Order, and Borjdsdtoth. 10 cji'';'^ '! DOW annblij to ptrticlpatb in the day's proceedings. y this town eo the banks off tbe be smart at my expense— not an anosual performance TeateidayaD. loqoert wu held at th> SDito Quarries . ytaii , river Barrow a suitable Comn—6. For la i 1 This is thejfourth'trip token under the anjpiwi ol place to build a town. Par- with this eenueoan—he declares that tbe paragraph Butl^-, 'U'Cattb*. Clifford, on tbe body of a man named tt oil*. Bonrke, > aaall ¦ ticularly did it commend itself to Isabella, daughter which I commented on wu olippod by me frpm the Keohasand toeCbalrmaa—CTbs CtalnaanIkon farmer reiidins In that locsjlty, who wtI killed by a the Wateriprd and South-Eastern Branch, andjup bow , hunt the preilous ersnln}. will, of Strong and wile of William, Earl Marshal of Irith IK/Kt/inan,which journal, heisy», Id£scdbedas (ravo hla caitlcg.votr ajsinct; Ur. O'Coanor's prc- Boarke wu ltadlaga have been to now thej Bishop, always was present. It be England and, borse to water when ths animal Thei. Gardena of Ceylon, and Iod^a req\iisitIoned;for'th0fiaffi| rememboroa- 'fhW tho first tnp succeeding the ; no doubt, its nroaimity to one of,the " an orthodox Englishpaper." The cuttingnpoo ' ffblch potaJ, wbioh wu accordingly lest, end tbe rate was rsn amy and knocking ¦' strongholds of her him down InJwtid injari'a wbioh terminated fatally luttuvivd V*- ' '" - ' ¦ ' '' " ' grandfather, Dermot UacMur- I cooimcntedwa siakenfrom tbe " orthodox English uxed ea 1*. Tte Utter gcatieaon tfcoo guvo notico qualiti&3of . . . .- ,> <' ,i . „\ \ inauguration o! the Society was also to Dunbrody, rough's clan, hel ahottlj afterwstds. A verdlci of ooddsnta death wu in tho snntoor of 1894, ' when tho viBiton wfere ped to decide her in ho choice,' for {opar" Wheeling, ol nhlob Ur. O'Eeilly Is editor. c! a notion to rescind. ' ' returned. she might safely trust Io them for ' Tbe road rato was alto considered. received b$ Captain Barrett-Hamilton, upon whBs« loyal cc-operaiioh I taow tho TTheelmcnstall ^nlta as Tho Clerk Tho election of modlcal oQesr in her venture . Here then did estimated for Is. rite. Tba toard, botravrr attracted a great eatata' tho ruin is . Bituato. but who went to reside Isabella bmld ner Be* TBC WBESUIAK well as Ur. O'BeUly, and au quite , egresd aaoaat o( loo»l interest, and thorn wts mash ¦pecula- town, and her husband, the Earl Marthjl, his Bew to 10d., sono btlaj la rovotir'cf «). Tba Town tion as to thn naolt, more etnecUllr abroad nftjir the death of a mucb-lovod daughtei BTurr. with him tbat they are Irlia of tbe , as ths with- ¦ ¦ bndge (the first that ever jpanued ! I* . ' ¦ ¦ • * (rom the Barrow), ind Clerk told ths Cotamtaioaero tboy uero goios drawal of Dr Bfcanabao's candidatnni on tbs taornlng > . • .. '; -5^ Ecarlutina ; the next was last year to Dan this bndue changed the Irish. Momatterbovrwamaydlffer : ¦ anfl its nei , and the third " to name of the town altogetier, la cycling politics, they are all despar into dabt. of the election tuft II practically a E^ht between Dr garvan ghbourhood for Ros Mic-Treoin gave , I am glad to say, per. Kenny »nd Pr Maran. Tba C&shel onjtbe occasion "of the meeting of tho place to RovVilla Novi Bonil friends of mine, and I trust may lona remain so. n itb rcfereoea to tbo srtlziBi' ootUiftj Mr. J. F, eleetion was not fooibt oa Pontis, er, as King John calls it, in one of his dis- Byaaoored tbat tbs NDtTwraisedfro m 31. M. to anytblog like party linei, and Dr Eeany won by Evs Royal Society ia that historic and ancient city, llr.O'BeUly'silttonperodandlU-Biftnnsttdootiuninti vote*. A Isrstr mijority j ' patches Nova Villa Pontlj Whelhelmi Mancalli, and 4f. o week, and Ur. Scsalsa (saondsd tbi motion. thaa It was Qts^nlly Bvitioh Wines , Cordials, Li Th? regdlaj' annual eiour»>.,D of ibe S.-oiety bu yet the arms of the town became and literary laveottans are not likely to bore tba aapoosed tbe iKOxuifal candidate would have. : quei ^^y ^^ to oo'me, sod u 'fa r a> t"f present •rranKetaentt go, the new bridge mrraoun. eOeot ha evidentlyintended. : Ur. Cyan, hooovcr, wlthdrtw his proposlUoa on (Tivo Gold cad 8ilvcr Medals forr Cordials sad Mineral; 9 ted by the device of William, tbe EarlManhal, whioh 1 bslan Infonasd by tbe Clsrs tbat Itrcqalrcd sotlee Liozaoro- Vtii ai, pubDai iSS^S .tbfi pbee to be »iait<-d •111 be ofYoo xbal, «hcre tb^re Daniel 0'Conaell, who declkm in , was a stag and a stag-hound. In the thirteenth eenL which bo then puve. It ma dceidtu to The Qoarter Sesdooi bars tbii week were dsveid cf are IO maD^ fLtercstiog relics ¦ threat sod glorioui JUTHTB tbe Wbitwortb adrortlssma{it tbat etilko Co (lmott toy i turv this town was turrounded by a wall with gates bats andCT Cib tiiUDO. '' publlo latorwt. Tbsre were aooruaiatl O czat. Itatlo rotum to the journey from Btllybaek. and bastions, the ejection DoyoirDL. be rode 77,000 miles on one oacnine OSes, ana lb« Jarors •umsoaod to aerve ~ of which is quaintly det- in foor years, »«r» many Casrged wlt&o at bean sworn. Tea civl bosistea ws* : : : ' pirtlaulsily inier- Norman-French potra. Watarfordmen. He won tbe Bonduter the Cappojais . imsllsad g«nfnJl (hit TlIlaKdand Donbrody U not One of oar greatest antiqgaries has said Bacejst jr UDipleroiiicg. Tbrto liesois triW ey BlD^IES. .rS »ie», fiat " peitapi W.B.C, 6pcns In 1691, and carriedoff moral f«rs wftre fn? anted , and tber« Tlio Eloclcis always fcslectcd with tha crtutmost care : - eitidg from a »canio point of bDt Io other no IxUb town once held so many monuments prlxes A short time «no yonr representatlva paid a visit waa »o appeal. His ^' , esd upon the ma&{*rtmtZ&&t&&. bmooi being portloo of of tbe at ths only sports decided on Ur. Uarpny's Ttamore Honor dlipos;el of tbe btuiurei in a («n rfspoctn it Is hlitorically taste and skill of our ancestors as New Rots." to tbe Queea Ctty of tho Qoatb (Cork), end io loan. HXAD 0?nct3 : i Bostio^uiaiwiio; ti)9 Tomplcmoro ut«t« vbiob bu plijcd «uob a track. Doafsstory about the 77,000 miles reeds like ; ^";. Within iu walls there were to be found irom time' to ' caoaloinJ! tbe ,v»fions sifjbta otia it his fccslnsja V o r 11 a \7 ¦ 13, CAROLIHE-GTREET, COBK, i UNION 8QUAEE Jc prooictat part la tbo iroabloat epoch of tbe lind lime three monastic a fcirytala. I to drop Into Uessrf. HaogbSooa sd Soat' S£UTif.^,|^^, establishments—a noble Early Hot alone do they permit celsbrsttd The monthly tesriom were held rr»T<..tJanx 4nUreitiD)f and txchiog eveot* tran- EnglUb church with a crypt, and two cycling in pile of bnlldUijrf,csbracio );uv.allb , 4o on Wedc^day bo- ' ¦ minor chapels. CXOIiIXG IB tbe London parkabat vhe authorities , to. It fore Heart. C. Jlorloy, D.L., (in ' ¦ ¦ > ¦ ¦ "" ** ipirtd aroood here qoite r'Oent!y, bnt u we bive to It was represented in the Parliaments of the Und from M nally dlQouU to ooattryan tdsqustu Idea ct this thi chsirj, A. I BRANCHES^' !• *¦ vjiin ihtt nhlcb admltl of noDe of th» con- 1Ut ?ABSB. do eterylhiog to oonvenlenbs ths Meldon, E.M., and W. Malcolmson. Patrick Cleary, CORK-3, Carey's Lano j iff & 20 Tockty^twet 5 13^ North Itela do tott the very earliest period, being what if called aboroigh ucndtrful eosctra In a burrtcdde uriptloa wbioh la hailing 1 Street j U, KnT^tatf/*~ *u>ocbted: fiib polemics or polltici, we riders. I take the followinir para- from PUwwn, and' atatad to bo \ia only tun AUo at IHDfiTON KUfSALE ' " f :T < lrc*«n1ri by prescription. New Rojt had four rates; kntjwn order to ba folly Rallied ihooU ia psrsooally whowaa drunk at , and U«BBtCK. ' r-paf pfcsi (pscb thtt oonld otherwise sod pltce by different name at different (rmpb from this freak's English Cyc liMt—The qantion Inintotsd. Alter :patglng tbe tho late racei In PonUw, was fined I LOHDON-9, Harp tans and Sfc Dnstan Hia EC. « ' «U' • • period* Tbwe Were aeia «atrsncs yco XUs and costs for drnskean&u, GfiA8GOW-Datoalr:' ~ is a detorlpYloa of th» country referred to. I( It so the North Gate, the South of cycling Io Battertea Parkat engaged the attention of babold a vast amount of A womannamed Anne llAKCHESTER-aa, Piccadilly and Newton81 . LrVEBPOOL~LlvraChambers or Priory Gate, the Sis- ths London <^>onty Council Its roeettoj os log* and ptsnki piled to Wolcb, a tramp, wu 1 , Tlth«S8rMBeW baroj, Jagwcvet , to meoUQO tor tb« lofacmatlon of hop'i Gate, known also as Toesday tho height ot ebout a tut sentenced to one month ! Im- the Maiden or Fair Gtte last wcti, vban Ibe Parks Committee , «b(ob form stch prisournenl for cJioaily assaulting opn-loeil xcodeifi ' tbit Billyback u witbln bailing and Aldgate , known also as the presented a rrlgintio aquare<,CJ to bsisnOeleai coe wsBld Catherine Klrby, For Pricj: Lbts and Pajticnlara ' ' Bewlry or Thfcc report, in wtiob it was recommendedtbat thrcoBhcdi ftrp- the proprietreMi uf a lodging haute , Adaress— ' '""''- ?•, tJiatoiK-e eJcVoJl of tbo piotareeqae little village >f bullet Gale. Of these tbe most renuilable was Ithe pose to defy to assault of tbs fataoci bttterf0?ram, in Port aw ia which " sbosld be constructedIn Batteries Park for tb» itor- defeudoBt wu staying. Mra. Kirby, It appeared Artbantowa . a\c4[ a •tont'i tbiowD, u It wtro, of Bishop's Gate, rebuilt in theearly part of the fifteeiitk A colonel shall ooonU upwardllktj « bc^e cono- , rs- THE MANAGER, 21 & 22, OWNNEl^STREET BJ« ot eycla (or hire. Tbe firms nbiob. enjoy ths fasedta supply tbe doftsdactwith money fordriak rWAXERi^^ Eaaujtringkwc*t« tbere Is a oagnlttoeat Convent century by Patrick Barrett, Lord Chancellorcl Ireland Ilin, bat ot far greater tslc» U 0S9 ICttlflci to Wtllh dd ondric£3tkn«le3»«ilt«hmoDi, «n(i »itier8«loortJldti gnd Buhop ofFemi prlrilezB of btttss cycle*oat on bin will hare tntav thenopon battered htr brad with a teapot, in- i who redded at Uountga ret Dodere canuf.otorlan eotcrprbn cad the other Io iictlog such trouads as randered tbiotigh Casue ft rent to UxeConacll oX bom £6 to £7 10s. perluinum ber anoonscioss- A - ¦ !' - . ,V tia allitnolj Fatter Tom Doylf. Piisiaif , near New Rest, and waste the habit of passing tbo nlstsnca atoostimo of sotsa royal'potentates, number of young men were tfur IfaviOK Atthor»(oitn through this gitt to officiate for each machine. Ths repou also stated tbat tbe fined is Od each for playing tho toablaDi ol Orange, in St Mary's Chnkh, on «f wbOi Hie some isoden> onn, wera to Cuj ocrtb. pitclv.«od.tou the poblia bbbiod, oon ccoei loto view ol the Thii JMe, of which only fragments cher&e for tie rnadifneawas to bo Hiedat 2s. •» raid. Head Cotatibla ¦ O cSo»ldiitince . now remiln. Wa» tor ue first boot and Is leas govcrmeatal Osnivbeads. Doberty said! this form of Wt aral glad to ltarn that tht Right Rsv Dr Day " ' . ' I'" ' ¦Jv'^Str*!' -nfef jplondld pU'linetf Duobr- dr Abbry, within the memory of the writer pet hoar afterwards. Geveral gambling wu now a gnat . • . vnMtBi , a beautiful Early mcatcra, b«eoTir, took esoeption to Ziest plaeo vUlied wts th» ts^lne room, from nuisance la and around tha village, was able ease more to prtildi teChwf Cbaxeb on SrJob—»lei»da i It ««l oil W«-doe»day nod-r i(ocd English gateway, JJ> Waltcmsn described it H the) latter ffbesca was trocaoirud • "Ith* eborces, asd, tb* report was ovoowallytef&rred book natlvopowcrtbitfavelife A sun nunsd Patrick iliixtt was Easter Sandayiniomljifl, . ' rtt"Kii0jti«l 0. tdWo'i—fofu!S4 « V'Ctore loo m- roost elejrint and indent ttructure cf (U clui rcmlin- to tbe vbOla mccbaaieal syiuo. It ba> 8» retaWetl es a> TBS Erittoa o |f« - to tb* committee. b*rsc> charge by tfcrgunt llgjlortowo[ hiving Dasbd of DcroBihire-IetwdU l^<«> ('M«l«t e<»tori8d«rebU*«10»»l bttaty. ing In Ireland, wtUwortbjrof trcingcaUedfiir •• from | pootr acd r*qtitr« eeaatst atwotloa and uwi daotnroaily tpsnd thtl'Wbltsaatldt p*T» • 1 i at Oortntryon Eutor Uosid&y B. , aisaolted OBS J USCS Oilvin ea 8l Patriot's holidays io Crtland. They Tha old OU(«fclaa; Abbiy, baokgruaoded b» dtfk leli< th« btantjr of Its ft»i pointed detiul" Of tne rilli nblob tro dliplsyed by-lbs cjp»rfeBc8d taafl io Slffbt l» Bin rtstdt , C 0. tiATSBi Si UKOt toa Irisb MB and tivonty- puftlaw. Be»4 CeuUbls Doberty, oa tbt ease War 00*0 1to days er s> fertaljbt« tlsaors :: 0«0 ODOD »ff»«{i o«ctilon»l be»ma nf April •noiMfli' traces «n b« foand (n niay place,, end eae ofltba obtrgo. I wu noil Radgctcd by Ur. Kitkbam, tbe C«tlf, o«a dortsB nnat to*t« thai guirdcd . fire oUc« obatnpioDi ooald oily p» Oiled, itattd ibntOalvla wsj oaablo Io attend thai dsy portta et tbtirnty wUl You ; otb.wart,ti3!|MO0«u cover witnessed,to the town w«U Is tq nccu:6i foMOoa' eoD, «be li lbi ftialfi«r of tbiErm tad bo thtrcforx , entcrtslo tot LoidtUoUnaBt $ wartt T tar ?bird In A itmtobtte »\ cobparatlroljT Bukooiraacs j , applied (or an acloarotscnt tmtil Bait tad Geastca Os&can, b/ttcr Bdvt&touoli ij4(ho escuraloDlgti one sod orcjcmttel | throtiitb tbo Dilti totld(B{i «b?«tvet} tout , BO ¦ ^^ flUlajthO itoo laaiBB burth*. . I Cc:tftptlon day In reply to Mr. Ueldoo, iho Htn4 Coo. %l* Ooca pal? ta » la Bpaia •. . -: HITW Xh» "Ho VM 8 '»mlltw nn AJ88J eavtiett W at, , 0! is* on tapld)» drlvlbS !ta bhrp »Wh tbronsh itsbla itaud til) tijPMTw wh)b? »d oinlnffihc u*8V'«, : ' . . QrtavqiioiPeffCMUoi whoreccdia tbat ths tutslt w>> » very iTtioui c;t. tbeoeBl«; pariik church, it truly »B If en the DolS UubMjfi iSh:Uoe>, Its Bta&^WRtsirt! *a«W\« j,Till* wJlwutiJH tldc25Q Wturfortl \ulsti*u to tiSaSsat la tb« esairal wcapsB o»t'4 by Weirr WDJ a tcny ntici. Wtau fteft &i tod tt» rula» er whSt wiXil 5 (flat CJ UO I caB be Olillixl at the nae tint (or V/Al'bsOED jaAOES ¦ ¦ iplcnd cfEsrltr Kn U:h cburci Uru«:ft oulliti has bscn nfUDd hUlUcrtiia . AND¦ LASOUc i •• ¦• : ' toand, r ;: i " E with » tStt, \k\ ten nan I pmtloj (loberi and tttty Itssginabia deilee tar P111 o \7 a. OOUKCUi I* _ • • „». "•• • ^'' »f> ¦% cbmxl vim (b« aartb iftd tolith tunsrele «« }(1|1 riopHlrea ss9 .*p, dlllD» ?»WutIM Tb) Uttk I'trmlag SociHf TBS AKflOAfa ilKB 8VH3SQCS5I rfiOCEEDlXGS. t- ftlipflwrvjlioll An ladaslboi ttAbSry Hi a (i)oyslk) of or5«tl It to b>r» Isttltd their ¦ , IBdirlthnflhid . aUraVttof M. b3 s»l!a 18 thtt roahieiejb djpbt of Ipipilrri pntmltun ibnt l;t the year dad tea ' ' We;t«ripr4 jwii-ijr A tibV Itti. from a Udy, is fepbrtttl frljta 8aS ! projt*mfii« Is uf an The «ri»ed at the Abbey fully ^»««i^»»» tortpUbfli ittbUrk • TDS efiljidlS t>oll'fl' rfbttijild iria mots ambitious character ai le&tk UtOtL Thsoitbor whUJtootilditij * dicarlare Ihsn tonntllji Lord atfJUt ono oelock and thetD met tha mombera of In thenoitb ... »*^1 •?« Butlet«nel Dorttor totnbl frota tbf 013 Bviteta of uilnj " forks '' In SiubOrcogh, iord Duncsonon, and A, who had came on from Nbir , htd terhtttntloh eolletli b/astroti|rerof gtntljitnanly bai Manetion Ccloaej Stuott, the SB Hsss The «nd (he uonanrtd fi gj, * «l »Jt *4rW .Ut«, Ire partlWU ftltb beliln^i to™ itjtrodilcpd on ons of the D L, are ii*\a Htxrttl tupportsrs at thi Shdw bhlls previotW it/ the Antiquaries of Ireland held Bppsiraiicei to tbe state of bar pneamsilo tyrcsi and tha their arlv interesting The chancei £?!«il» t WrffctstJllii kaijt aec«pted bis offer to g toree brnchesand found to bfl a wosdtrfol loocfii, Wsuttord btxos carers era alsd amBugO tbe Ipetfsl nnnral metiten U Kilkenny In the town Hall g ive them greater Insatlon. ¦ ¦ of and piscina at the south tide, and a beau, ^ili jitjlktl Ihb fault feat tjuloklyt etaodlodiand with tbc coh.cht so moob io tbat the proptMdrs bfive decide! to pdia glvCrs. Wuxts is no donbt tbo fntoeaS trblth »|. gntlotirtft '^teptter> AfeSS tbat dl>7.sod IeaVlDg Dunbrody for a moment we tomb at the north side. The south adopt it KifobghouJ tLe flra. Tbe followln» tendwl tha event in prevlonJ jfcirt back ti Kilkenny in order to transept is a nit- «£ illS lair eitd MoJUibK-wbeei -womoh tbh stnunr Bar. frill b» rtpeittd bHef manner, cbs sequence of y Bithop Bar- moonled tba filiWblo* 18 ifce that It fa! all linat. lie e"vVn fn a events. ren, as heie you find the same graceful corvinc« and The iottmfcris Ur. Ulobjtl fJ'Cqnbell ) propHStor oi«d with ttbo, o»«Suf iS? tCtiSt»S?SS!jSt KUkeuni meeting, as usual, Fellows At tbe beautiful first pointed details that at one time I W Ot tbb Capbv (JD I D corb aDtt ssW'Dllli) who potitou Awtlsg (#be atttrirf) woiJd>pWttiW e'nd Memb^TS were elected, tbe annual reports speed disappeared. Another lady !• rtponed to have j?At:n AIJD PAcaion- fheo7 richly adorned the Fair Gate ; bent, alto, there ii » beon dcbtiTtd of her bloyole by s lUnUur Wok Is sn estraeriinsfy «br»fprl«lD(j tpirH and iBraatlYe t&elred, interesting exhibits examined, and peifect Early English threc-Uebt Wit h (be old A lstUt lwu alto. uai from the See ol iw. AoaL wiudnw. Thar* lue Bloiccatf Pars, Undon. ' pfup. insbstment or " fork " msw Ur fiitados Kojtn, tbo (looa'j 5' urrerel pacers read on topics congenial to the t»o ehapeli at tie eait tide ol tbij tbo btlt ou torcrd '0 by forvtos Dublin CMftobk wmj ^^i^4 mini. Tho members reached transept. Tbe flitt , Oar Callyaul* friend BOO the long tbe fotk sntoit tod onopsssr, ii at present oa a tiii« antiquarian ecclesiastic*]occupation of tbi» lite must b« lought tbt ilde of tbo belt, uf whlob nil prsetleal wltb bli ion, at jono p.m, and then ¦¦ X. r, SISLV, iotas at tbo great G&eUo Cbnltal otn in lit Percy Bcgeti ) g BIO Psrado. iboniutowA drove in for In rtmotc wtiquity. A i»e»f, With tb|i appsrattu ' Ur IJo^rrs, unr, -W:^ house of tbe CTOH.bssr. halo In London on Eostet J^oaday. tb» kslt Is net forced Is ena ot Ibo most fatuioaiing ¦ — —-,-.««. .¦«»» ,* , tingiHtaaach : i, pesgosettei to IpUtlpguo five miles distant, c?7Jood U rt fl V0ry wrI eri0<1 b3t { c/S, but o«tl (tots one pally to tbo othrf ilB>tt) U hit tt«t fc:» Esllway. ' ' Thqmsst<>'*n st&ilso w ws &U know i. "; ",, J P I ««« Tbo taufij Irlanrjg ot this popular by »n out good for«nn« to htiu ' «* its attendant ^ ;'¦ Ytia in this the frUrs btvlng kUlfd a priacl' p»l ml0 cf the'' tot°o, sotnmatip oovtBirBt , and tbCrcforo Oo tht QMkis ef Ut J.J Hof tVfiWtr wj 1 [world,; there i« a good view of Jerpolnt vf. uuis.Dtta, yoa83oyeilitwllllcat&wltbti!casun tbctr u CO A f«rt dtn iloca wu VM &are»,«a«99dt4 bt X0,tS el lio tbt people arots and pat the frfan rvbblnj} eoatieti IB prsotinn the asjarlly t;tt>Viss tq Ut Qcrtrs ' to <5t»th ana An- that nli Injuries are Hot at all eo ot bolts tbflflt tba thjUn! ?d, • cot hive thebeitr.w¦ rlldne"?, i : Abb«7i Abenl tbfct-qutrttrg ol a milt distant. At troyed the jnonunry. An old wb>sb it u ccaltiaplited ta ucttdatlfc deltcatt Io rspntent tbi • . Ala _. ov * J.^ .... • .. *»» ; . _.«_ Jw . . :' chronicle tells us fcoCT tjtlous hati a Uadaooy 10 eoDe ndf, CSUI I DS ibi belt to bBli U POollnlib TrsdetVad L *. ball a mile from tllo •t»;wD tbe road passes through tin ptoplo left the friars - us at first reported. lie will b» awheel before drag year. In order to oakt tht Sd * bonr QmnUI at thslorthotwiofOon frtas goarldg In their bldod," ntid otet. arjalnnt the forl with ct>ni!dtr«ol« tcjCJ, Ik I ootopUt- iur«Mi U7uSttui lustnastowA anolfntiy a boroosh ttnd wsJIod town, how '¦ ;h» Fop, excommengta many tteehs aie a guarantee fund ot J81,000 Tht pfrtdtrt ttattd that tS»Co32tti;' ' Ibt toWUe and -/ there was milch Af • Uotttlit) at rtgottas, snmested at tio lost K u of tba UlVlUrllaullrly cotton vulcnUed from poJiibla lo>s. A ¦ theli hft taM.Uo. Uw neolaUoti ef ttt " vjllt«d In tco pxpuMloi) ollsOl. and tho desiro then sing and banning of all bands " I rabbDr , CO., 1 good deal 6f large portion of tbat cSaanfla, tucy should bo echcdulod as a ncUUtATloDs. tnetttti/j et the Wnkrfofa liwit power emit be wasted amount bas sltiudr bees '«?¦ *¥••> jjtxpel "on the ?aU a, eoe«hmakt,^u*id expressed tpat . fn the thirteenth century 8Ir John Devorenid of owing to one body moving st trSSHFMa National ^o. Wejforn, founded B elt train. I ctfntre of fast and loosa unUtioo of a representative A«ri| A Df| XMOWR a, EeT. -Jeeeph I '• ^e&xzi, became the parish church of the town, Thert la pulleys when not strictly In line wltb telectUn ot tbe tra. ' TKe7 deEMirado'.&t tiu ond of the last century, of a very tine stone coffin . Tbe dealing; in these shares has tba driving ditlostl mmUs of. Ireland. (2) :• are pJ<|aki«;i4^:!: a 'cotod In the rhjinral at this pulley, BDd tbat tbe mao | Q charge njorol An. Orchestral , ( ^ tnin Stories a«» told. In the hedge schools, PBinUATto been very wild during the put few y toucbesa Concert of Mn»!o by modom IrUh Jion U the only originalcu aasteedbtmed y, Car ill ?* take and do. th«if»duty• wbon» J church lover when it Immediately retppnds, btlng so eompoaers. (») ttoae who 1 * ! have!been repbiced by tho3e of tho National TXCB UiASsn. days. Itis proposed.iaminiormed, Now alnplt Cbolr aod Band Contest*, (-i) Tbe safier from nervoos wokoeaa,exhatuted tflilol* THK ACrtCSTlMAN FniAKV to sell tbe {ntsreate tod exnedltlcos.^ tbat tbls devfoo Is.dia. perfarmance Wuaty, kWoey or bUd) Lectures on UKu' ZTf ^l pZSZ, y, curing :.^:]: was founded according to Wore, in the roijni of Bpglbh syndicate for tbe nicelittle placing forks o& isxlsting aaoblnra manafactnrers Uualo. Irba •Pinal weaW brala lag Bobber," by]a Waited schoolmaster, was a popular King Kdwerd HI. to an neri egg of •tl u . ^ S pation. Headache Uw»i| f the country, for Eremites following the r lie five millions. About two months 030 tha sbarcscould will moot lik«ly adopt It on all oaw aaablnea. AI» W O D Goff. ft ho. rtSTis u*f« , twty I* Koding-boolf ia ibisfart p and Bally- ol St Augustlon. John Gregory wu the last magotflcent vicat " Ijor " «u AWJ p** BSTSS: HottEO.Iwhere- be began Ufe as a butler, ,tanda Ira bought for 41 yesterday they were quoted ka 12j, Altor nitstulsg with mnch interut tbe rrorkirg Uwr Quay, oa Monday. She 1. about j .iteoped «vJop.to Jos..aotaa«r- ilso.«y dirft **«««¦ for the to U WfUtid Co., Hccta«bury doBS, , jj-.jjyjjlver's ease. £Hher gentlemons seats passed *£££j & and, I am told, they will go to 20. beW[ of this logeolooi mechab|c*I inorntka we vent ooming iMtason at the I6!o of Wright Ms^ .Bloombcry Soeaei ' && ~ ^ *£ ^ This grand 'chaser, after around to the other nomeroai Tbe Menapia I-adon. «H ,,, fan portioolorsof Vwe're DaDCap. Coolmore, and Brown s Barn, named ^CTd^er bewir ppro-r. workahopawhere Club will bold a qnadrSfi, party this neat S from some modem Brown expert worlers wi-rs up to tbdr eyes io oa *»I- L~- icai*taBll 3>> •* mpposed, , buiineu. t - - *i fftril Mififti frff ' Bwnii Upon the low ground, at the An iomems stock of cement and slstts, 4o, are * t f ' bnT-faom^l alio kept on hands. A peculiar feature of ' 'fe&er 8id» pi tiajiv er, two ruins, rugged and grey, the ana B.MUdDwe^«y via. ha« been sptndlBR p {efolusfvcl their owa) !«'• brsudln? a J^rTEi?^' ,' «' MVt^^VAtyigl meet the eji. Oa» i* the massive keep of Grennon ssy that it must be the tomb ia- » j by electricity, ^" h» ABcrla., hl. ratlvVplsei: " s. the other isa of tho comcsnlo „ ft . ^ *%$£ •otno of wblph tkey rcesatly did for T £*.d I J THK tHEABE AKD ^BEE UBBAKY. | ' > , carae-the-fc&entisaatrfiJwDeii ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ % Us>in. i (r ^^ * y Orn«>nd8 and thtlr daughter have jf c&* 2= DhopJTTrith • t»»w attached. It U tho ilfjPlncon sea Sons, lb« I c$lebrstr4 provision; 4 sJl V» wrt dent , i^^JBjf * «l Uttl ^O"7 °i.H? > ePff on desltn, In fanUless itylf Over ]S0 nea art ^e=ato larger Priory* oj Keu«, andf said to have OoDetantlr eroployrf at remunerative waffo. ' Tht th« much cS Itii bdior^ n^-SiBouM NovJMi te isoncern is lit op by tbs elestrlo light/ail tbe J«t. have t liS of .fcSa can ba 'set llfjbUasr ilonltsneonaly Xx6 expe«dsdUlm»»ovwaenJreU«»« HP0 : ' ¦¦ : BMl«iloy fe mvnlfictnt oEalrln all its intricate fitting*. "" - « ¦•' ' •)?• : - BUnop bom in 80 *«h Ih, front m l?Tt«xjoH»j :^bo« l ^ ••* SUTRT * & ol CaWbl Tht reostll bnprorsmnub UM pal I»«doni .1784. and , wu quped &»n?SS53 tut Is tbe trade «mrried oa by lbs U«csn. Haor btoa »»?kgn,nnd. vary each >UHs bad btttv . *°r WOMM, Tutmi, ag 1M4 died Tin foands^ fromts titheassssssss to time. , A • Tho fcppr*ci«ted ¦ a* XaV^ IHK %Z M - . . i f rV.d .& tfjjbrai\ ; n*u.. i e87, bt!n5 £2 ft>r »be3d»y»iP»ddooko»iatrai" photographs , and we heu tha tZtBM *] of T(»»day tho pwty left Inistoge and ., < insalold wonld at laut last six raootbi, voald oot, wort very mooe«ful.: OB the £ tbVevsniAg U? New ' ncu pre^ m. f wo,™ irag MUICUBH m ao: ' i An effortU6elBgnjadeb» U)e(ralito Bold tor pUasad to ha'aMa Wt ore also inotiom oC Mr TWiav U. teeitftu" S^ran «iK»* milet totter Ross , for three ch»rtiT» toxleoti corporaU Ur, Kilkhaa iDforord me. two. Coder to record the fact that tht ¦referredta M -¦ T im . luTawSCr *od record* ) aUo th« niiKl oif '»rtboritle« In Ireland to tecnr^S lir, Eirkbua ohJonsM ol WaUrford Mai- U Vbaut Cbteajrto*, . : ^T PT . ^ sujlil—gV" 11 *^i imitm'yjHta iMt " tba able lop.rvuioaof , sear; tba WM well toougb a) tht . Tbo Ubra*^ . Jff iS 1^SS4 ^J?'^Wi< fthn sdat fcouU» mocoioUb.Osrp^^n.one of then. Vbe.nUW Vggg SSS^to ohfflo* ¦natast p»rftotloa asd tfSelaaeyar* aitalntd time to honour this *imt J^J Ctaa>«litotl*eom)aM||Ht 1 ffSKg !- !? ^ . f B ^?^ii ,t of Tighe.ne« Rpedmcn ;of the eUvenmlti1. work whlth wp : i' th* *S5 la til firm wltb a- ilttittg for htt Ua<>I^Upnc«i»dfr«rovtadalBa«kf>t *- » iqatin a» Vsw Marobionttt tke porpaast H u£iXHRS £ f f»2wfiM»7Uie tRUD daughter had lxxm aod. her *t «awIV Ulcsn ' ' '. , ,. ' ,.¦ - SU &1** . 4mmMtHKtf . fork, Bnffalo, and other placrt 1 nsver bebsld a . photognpbtd, Mr poclt took fet Ml WMada Ikrwm. ' -atpoet some txo«U«nt large '.k r^rf^J^.'VaMalK M »na wa hayothem now auemb od at gS^wsa. r*" wh^arr^bEicore anloattd bBttoCM i thotottgb pro- sUs views of the boost and 5S2 SS J' ta»elv« pattmlsa ' erejilon, and pnctlial dlicrl grounds, alsotbt vd with ^S oU-roood pliis »c interior of the- J».i ^^STflUndting-'to wb0 a» d At tbe 8ifeQ House,and . tta. comCg 4own fcom dsvtlopmsat of soa«4 koo»ledje and vxperleoos. pesa««rial teuoaIi now Over1 JS?iwrt^iri£*a«* tu laonctog c« , medjst** ' tht world tbtlr asw fasalohslor Byfe Ths cofin supplied for. tb* rtaalei cl Mra, IB« stjomir. Tt>« 1 >ttWrd> tbe Be7 j^ wcnntmi I KTM - Shyvt^niSed..tat * * the jtor 16MJ and COOUI DM many tewtUttljy O'POBMII ©f Jmt. «u c«41toBl» t I which bita uyjL*S^ttf "^ Vi&f e*-:- - *- -' *»¦' a*ii-fct»*[ ol ^J•MS& S eaia.^^ | 1 ^Whan Comej.ww woa tneWa lDnat , 9rwd ?gVby bera ip vofot far tht Utf two yssrstan t^" *^ - -*- - ' "* ^?e.taSt BSwr doncgal, Co ^- tto ^^ ' Ur, Tnoans D«Iy, iodstttkerCsBbo, oalo, 1» vts f tkjt»t) 7U Doily . art io be rtdoatd w toe lott» of short oovered with ooitlf blcek twMil scd collated wings apriflgiBr froia ^^ tte ihooWafs, btttthUI» J la ta.eloqotat BaBBir wltb bnsi. .-..._.,. »u iu<» otkAjwiM.M jrt miut: content onrtelve* wivh a t tit iit vunt tt tU atttBpt of ': Ai tbs fimioai, btfM Orr (pMldlbc), tbt htblaatmmsgtnto feist o» «SST< tbi trettaiintwWoh mob, s/flne tubject K* Mt rfltlon tb*Ir vwartst't Bl* eawAle. an aothbrtti ti IISTBIOB tod Vsjoi Otortlty,»law oiBrd Dtta tftit •Dtifi.Ud " patblsr* bt ^mSnBfwS^BB PUSted.ftV 'l is hacdi of »o U tbt old aty>, 1 l rtto«#tf»l, tto i ' 111 Sfttieh. ' M«*nUtt« th« i iallowtot ** Ulta 16 ptwisouitdThomas sod W&CWJ OruBla fo» otaolt th«' f MoUh' oU tid*'e 4r*»s E**' DoynelOt 1986 1 Jicobne Ou^ *S5JISSM ViiSfl W 1 » l>«*'' dobdim would hin f»US froni kbnilft lanaoart, wtM «at« otMBtiotarvd of Catalanei£ B Alrom Dublin tnjojed a ptivilttlxo J8W8. minor e^»ltttle*l «)*«tJ?lJtm«t bstthltbow upropptdJ •sd TWO erets^tiiilaoaics wtte wb«l«M« «W Oiiokria, a*4 , ^ ioonv ^^"JVmSiZi bf th<|it* jadi IB ipw cas*! air aesBwi syin ^uufuaj, Btedto alrt I ttetloM* Tihiohth«it MliOMIWs tiom Waterford wen too late BVCT 8 |\trtl«f le ofpillUtmeii, appcafsa UUSiMeoeto tht temr Ross there were 6 «I ( nowbly th« ^T "'^ i toBp Yet wvB^ViJctil tor tnrOronlas,; Mr WUItsm*Ona>«rv |o, pait ei> ttt AW, ta ««rtl»ipiW'lo—Th« Vny 'Ber Thotriai Hare. Mlcbael, B horto ttd b!» popdlir ¦ppUed Aidfitsrdi tbty WCN -MMH 8t which stood on the site of tbe eoWleri'l -f" 8|1) \mtifni lap.i f did for tfliotfiavBt oa bebilfof IXfflB Mlba IttfaMl Ht 6Tt«« tame MsS"of OosiDrVi K BV Ca&DQ UeWsonj Bey 7iau barracksin Wcbael.atfeet, and tbe Chapel of; ett; ,, r>« te( {trtlrt*. but fihfUr a rfifirfft a* tJlw tort ef stofl at tH4>VZl ¦ ¦ <,(t mird, BaLl ! ttt ItMtf ac4t bu UM : WWhVAflm $tliur:Kl&itmr t RerP.B Wills, Bavloni, wblcUi m« have «K»o« oa tte rite- < f , 1 aAc^rtto.MaTry^ TtetsaeltUe,—> ea»»JajoiiilT' aai~JW'1 V" \V v-WPrMidentj Dr . 7 imm rt Maiai i tuW'- Q&t "i" W ""^l* «* > »1M 2«>rt. Jl ,A ;i;D»Ai THoltjf Hoepiwl, «.'lt WM «Bdoir«4 la.thi tlnisj gj '£un$?zl VSTUM '^S ¦**of aimmtti S»KWMIf«i W«aJif S Vfrlpit, U B T Grwne, Fefi?« t S **«^ *lirni tb» otriVtaTofagoieTwaftt Boapeu. ijim/uurenm ovitepnena ww nww i otherr lwlopa itceDieehtcepiepnwc.aie ' n ~ , sad ajcbblh* b>iai/C9l AM t. M M °" " « P CAM WUIiaas: se«S>» UtN4tt botiWe tfw walla. * il«H oB ot YrtathwoetM ha»t alkonasBt to OBU btvt tempted Ibt ooiaotaidi dsfsoduiri¦•* " (a. •lihoat ot thtir ftsbloa tyraati tht d«o«t. )0 th« iMlftb c«iitla7 »a8t l?fF«Ufiata, M«,ii . .Mf .•*» wikirt IB l^IoiielfDlomcmHlcbaMst tfMtflbet i A **Miokfy, »ert (roodonn tftoMr. r*tb»r aoO HBtotd u 10 «rst«B« tbto nqntiVtsd Loodoa rbtf B»f Ilih«o«B at« 9»W eordlnito " * b« ,goi s Itroair »I«QI ibowl** « Cltfcfeli by the Watmrd*'. ' ' ¦ V, 83 Ubottn <«BtUgt«fo tbe AbbejU(itnlt sikejDt»«« t,t w.w.paiito WT «o.U« w M ol t.brlUoo sfslart t»* «Bt«t»v«,t • - ¦ ¦ ' 1 and «»iuM to Kbiit It. vemorot¦mst vovtiroMMt Utnu \< . balld at• ¦# •ri o »bti»wIlowlf, Ht «<»« to pa|%£,£. It tb«y hsr* tbt ow4 »ftet ¦ atMtM theolaT!laT! iiiaSvBavU: ^ . ! ..i i ,7 j |: 100 I^cbHuolodlDjf tbi & io coattoN \ lu daMVWMtbAB^aM 4L u^k i - ^B»W» Vpi ' old keip !» »iwa.tt*: n » Hli^ Vttt tali aDmtUy ebrfp'.ud «i!|t wiiifi ttkM to ca so wltb IB OP A B *l i*a iihtttd M ] Ibeirioe4 mbloM*MnMit of ' ** ^ ^ ^ th\$M« i* * * tot srMf«li b« iattraitiairt " •be Ull t»0 4*' peoiatodor wn ^,^1* twflfJ yJSr» a^CWaOTl'- .M ' rwalndlBjr (tt (hut fiobw, Abttln !#»»»««,M 4 it tBrt* furl feY wWfea tt U« ti' JMUti *&¦ BittfOfWlUt aff •tblilitef tbt tw KII tooS.J««>, BM pm »Ji Hrf-,S* *Wb i dlits8ililn>sulyi(h« -p. «tm of tlltHVl ihUaedbB ailtikl.lDt tnV tUW ¦ffefiagshfcr T1 1 7 & Ba lbs STQnrnatenQ«lwltifl*fl»l w«»blrftiUol SllkglbSlUnf, W«n „ i I .l ri ;7 .V ' ;r" '"a'7 .f' "'?** mtflti Mr HHflt apfiWl Wte«ttIB tB» «sstd *; " BdmoiidC roblni who Utt41« ipticettmsrbat; DSIHi^^ ?»>#W ,f dfcfei&ft fttteA;i«asox.fr-m W, AtteM>iii~ ;rr Mr Bf e^f»'tiht«tfcw-w1 a^c*. fbf» ««ft« . v f. . rr . attbWatelitJjrtAMWll ihta Iho. MnfUAbll.tW Mi 'ikbtltt,, iha Mt PkllW.MnrpWyi.Mf Kltb«ra Bot^ifcteS tf abJf cm} iiiJldwTiwiB. W& wsmm OraSnf famlfrTabcV*lr. ft m^Xft son qt f lr Vl^npiMtbf hB«ri tooopd, by Urfj pff l»« •' HtMM W\« lrtt»rf| Woto Bfmferli K ¦ilarrtM it 'JJlUgersldi daughter of Gerald, etoH ; ioo; eaMi • el lt»» |«tl(r»r; tbb «v» Mtti ¦i-k-^'- .- , t* ¦ iHiwto. :][•( ' Earl lot Klldare!wa- waalottJb1 IW, tt» ttWtj W«i-ta»d'»Li«iltot*irtM»arJrtrirotoOl7» ft* rftllr Mi fof-ttr.^$iJi£itaflUi !»• *•; Jz, WaotitJ K1C&'*' WOMBartM tb4t ^ 1^-aLik^ Wfi* d-el»rfd e&oliictcrfctib* adttrUNKft"« K<*sVw BC^nrset'mh'eonllotttotsjtosrk*k aktdUkTT •w M *i*$,t*m • ted »pvzlJtiUr^mz« ft.^A i 81AT m-cg.; W rWtuk aTtuft**.»T rf#.¦ i i I . W . v( Tm : . lI (BP^lr fp p; y • . - -V i ¦ ¦ ^' " rlf "fl ! ^ i' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' '' : !' ' "^" fflillPi^ir'^ i'N ^ !l: \ ! 1 1 fMm I I ! mMm LISMORE UNION—T7EDNEffli)AT " ¦ ' " ' ¦ !¦ : ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • ;¦.. • ' ¦ i jsmavi iitn'iirf • ' : '¦ ' O- :¦¦; ; i ; ^(FBOfj oTTB SKPOBTBBj. j .' ¦ ¦ j: ft ,•/•;/, .C t^I^' i ¦ FIEST ON¦ THE -¦ * ' ¦ ' -¦: ' , • BO¦¦AO , j EPxraosi. Esq; j P, i and snbeequently John •' ^. •\ V\- -i ; - . . A .; ••. '¦••< -'{' . ^"" *Vl r i'T-n^v *\ '^ i - .'• "ilia. ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ * St*2erd, Esqj Chairman, in the^ehair. ' I " ' I '; Other guardians present—Colonel Cotton, J P ; J&tfsn EdvrardA Mnrphy, R E .-Biker, il P ; Tames M-Grath, j John O'Keeffe .j James firackett, Patrict Ryan, James Brien , ,l v ' - > . . I 'V • » - • ' 5^ *^ . 1 : ? pmninea of thetoard at the last A W^?^EX-«oropriiMDg;- i\ ; ; i „ si ViVi! - -i t' , ^ ,! aod..gtta«nt4»« ' tba . r*01 , mimt itlll meelingtwhen!they had under «z«qit«d with tba contideratioii bis bill of costs'in conrlection with the .,^ESy SPECIAL 25/27 pUPEEPHOSPHiTE. I BEST DI8fOLtED BONE. - ataaost'tfaipatak, lot mcy Uacbb* . tamed out in peiiaat o»*fc. ' ' ! recent Ktigatum over the. site for the Kilbey cblta^ • " " MAjyrjBE i I ' ;, : • 3PECI4I1 ITANOEE for tXi Ctp ^, &o, v • ;i BONE¦ ¦ . !. in tte Tallowjelectoral idirfsion. The Krance Com- • ! - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • .Qr asse's & CIover s FITTINGS mittte first taxed the Recount reducing ft from £31 ids ' . •'!!. : FARM SEEE3si : ¦ ¦ ¦ AND ACCE88OBIE8 07 1 T ; ' ¦ ' .:. . - "' 'f 18. ?9ef* oibtare for one year' '¦ A Ut to^J818s, but the guardians had cut it dtwn in: the Imported dlroot from , thai leading; Kngllab and Scotch G xwer»,;cqtrjprialr}gi-FIIfR5!;jTAIiIA.t l • ' 'Hay " * Kurpar jar stocK. ' . i!od to perai>n?nt pasture for any most wholesale manner fo £1$. He wis amte satisfied nncfPEE*rNIAL EirE QBLASSES, FJNESt BED, WHO E, 4LSYKE TBEFO. IL CLOVEB8 , number/ ©MM® ' • "C0WGEA8S. MANGOLDS and TUBNIP8 ; bestklpdi l-oaw triad always mod. All offered < at of :year» , frora 10« to 25» per C7 Hepdn eiectWirifi i qnlctiiwi itaif si to accept the sum passed by the coimitteti but he : . noro. j ^_ '¦; ctocael* should say he was astonished, at the swrepinjredaction: the Vory lowest Prices, j ! '. ' ' LOW| BATKB. the-gnardians had made. I ' ' ' ; . D ' - Stslian end Foronnlol Eyo &rac3 C TSO to 3P rmoroi—5?risl¦ is Proof ¦ ¦ OF [. , fflio.i Soflt V I over offorod ' ¦ ' ' ' ;• ' ¦¦ ' ,; . . . of yei jj In reply to Mr Penrose - ¦: ' ' -n!' . • • . ghtSfrfroDj. la to er , who then occupied tltc' . *¦<£. }: . p iaihel. .j ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ •: ¦ !¦ ¦ chair the Clerk said that on that day fortnight the'! 1.. : ..j.^. \.:.. .; ¦. .,:>.( • . ¦ . DOUGLAS CYCLE Finance Committee had been specially summoned to J0UN6r0WNj WORKS, MrSlittery Povrct'o Prino . Seoda. CB4 M angola WATERFORD. consider 's account. Mr Noqnan, Mr Baker, ¦ ' and , lix M'Ghith attended, but Mr il'tirath re- . Gd to Od por lb. act.' 'SslcliL^el Jo Oa fused |to [The other two gentlemen went over the EiTiBLIIH tfD 18X0. bill and they took off £i Js and recommended thai tiC^ , Wholesale; Wjne.and.S irit anjd Seed-Merchapt8j the balance be!paid. This Recommendation came be- r is .11 o. 3.^ 1 ¦ Grof^gjj Te). p . ^PkM ¦¦ '¦ ' - '- • ' ' ¦¦ WATEEJ?OBD ,PAVUJG3 , fore the guardiansat their last meeting, but the guar- Flour and ^^iateBmv^ : '- '- '^^ DaDGi dians then present refused to pass it. : - Hqndrpdj ot Auoualt and Pcrenclils The Chairman—They cut \\ down still fnrthet. to select from, at Id each, In Piotorlil CBM aoy JBM, I6e Clerk—Yes, in this I may gay they went to Packets ; 12 Packet* post froifpr lOd. P 20th ^ C? One ' T £V) I Q , tad la oreriti-stnting out aU"sorti of items, "including that ¦ P r year s «oppl , 6«, 7s Cd, 10J, lEa a jfaf *4diUt)D twy rxlipoeU '£* '¦ - -'-;»¦¦:•¦ ;; v dnnin Lh» ? which I had actually paid oil of my own pocket tB 1' c-J.i ;•: -;". -l : - J cl» to 42i. C6ffiTiU3n acllvcicd fica. one aum ^Stii darlBj year, OBtil tio the counselwho represented [you at the* hearing of the ; Wvot Pfi©, account reachesJ WOO, ' A man b(a cue.' They actually put thejr hands into my pocket W/i A. Jii , wife, »od chilina zxj tiii hira a and took that from me. The case I need not tell you Erassals, SE1EQTAL '^]Vt VA'JJJ leparate drpcdl account. ' was a most 'important one for the guardians lor nad fv Tba 8irictot8«ertoy la ocatrred irltb rc ;^ t> cot your learned counsel argued it so well there would From tbe best Iriab and EnRlbb DepositorsAeoo onts. have been a decision against] lEiddeiTniBster, MttDufaotureri, Bone Men], Bone K» ehargt is made for Fill BOOM. ¦ ' yoi aod in addition to t» . having to pay all the costs you would lose the £100 you want to Save Money call To-day at Ho. 10, High-o£rGGfc, and Ccmponnd, 8urxrphoaphate. 8peci»l Barn* up to '^10 BBJ- wiibdrswa «t eny t!cj whJch,you spent on the ; erection of the house on this . Price* on '. tbjjlioatloa . . fc*j large without notice. And Tmmtij IF ' . piece of ground. That CIOQ would haye been sur try J//ST ONE SAMPLE of -any of rpy^eat^^tjls ddj.le (jri,, Is 8d, . !. J qaaotiticj ; aell«ered at t-i Ccarcjt The ultra fnnditr*. in»«tcl (a "J : Qotetacs;! charged the guardians, which would' have been a Railway Station or Steamer. Security, and tba o:n CSTIBS £±sk Act ' Is 10d,.or W 6d per lb, and if they are not /or superior to any other Teaa * (M csd t3 serious matter {or them. ; : ' Via., dp. SI) pltccj the Eankcodatti «*opsr»ijlo3 Tlio Chairman—Idon 't think there it any question in tha ^lar^t don'tgall fgajni iatNIB F03 ecd conwcl cf tia Trcrt w SaTlajn Bociifr 'ffsgttfffl ' ^ ¦boot the importance of the case. : , Special Value in Wines and Spirits, John Jameson. & (3on'a 7 years Co=aitti3 . (dW4?) Mr Clattery ssid tha dnly person who could no w.. »L i t^s EXECUTE V/tTH ¦fllsii oj will get hii bill taxed in the regular way end till Q have to pay him then. | , . , ; JJrJMorphj—There is no fe»r of th»t.| Direct fe©m IFaGtosy ! Ult&fleJJ the matter w*», 'on the suggestion ot Mr TO CATTLE AND SHEEP EAIiEKS , OWNEBS RAPI DITY , GHEAPNgSS Dreckrtt, al((Hod to stand over for the attendance of .- OP HOE8E8, &o. . tho Tiiiow Euardianj. It WBS not reached, honreTer, by Bofe© aj ad -.-BIooffl lSa,nT!iFOB ' , £Sd DO further octioa .mi -to tii3 time the board rosd Are gnaranW^d cout-itrTnorVBoneB hnd Blood (which' aro; the mp3t permanent and richcot Ask yonr ilaohint for tbeUsn FCC -JI EJ 1I«J. tekea-i. ! i 1 ; : IRISH- CLOTHS,- ' (ertUjzors kobrrn) than any other Manure miiniifactiireJ/anffafter being used and tested by all tba Al^D ; ]¦ A BOTH, ESca3nrz!fi>ATro>t. . . ; leading and riractlcai osriculturlBU tor the post 37[years, are' consequently tbo A. memorial .signed by a i dozen thoratepayen In Walker' C&ppo({uin division wu fc^was^ed to guudia4&i Cheaper & Better than Imported s Sugar Cattle-Food. It recosmenoed the gra-nfiirz¦!at outdoor relief to I tt 'kisifc C!:-r- " !" ' 3&CH£3£i.- Fertilising , and \uo 7'ianufcD HEAD TH23 ! poBad itfmed Sligaret JIaciert, Barrack-street, who! IS THE 2LAXU PACTC I Clothin j | tJARKET. ; . . - -' ia tt3 :irord8 pi the petitibn woa :" feeble on her limits, ^. C. B. TATLOCK, Esq.. P.a.fi, F.I.O.; F.C.S. tncnis AJJALY8IS GUABANTKED- ANNUAL ODTPUT NEARLY 10,00 0 TONS Public Anal ' 1w ithrat , end also a mode] of chutity." | : yst for th* CitJ ol GtatsQS. &nd.Analytt - OHDHU ro2 Tb( Cbairman isqurted; what age the wbmna vui ' for 1/nnartublre nnd DutatTttoflchlfc «iya t— ' , ReOniagOfficer O'DonneU-rO'er eixty. ' Dtoolv6d Bon3and ' No: i Superphosphate " This 'MtcellenV Cattle Poo:")-liuppllca The eierk—She evidently thinks the moral sense; of l31oodConipound a compound of Saccbatins end : foot diipenufy medical offlcrra, the following repoR, P. M . Power, Esq., J.P., DX . Falthleug, Waterford, Yrlt08 '••~I ttm haPPy {0 inform you tbat Farioaceoat mttt^-rs, and Is r?raatk«bly 'rlah in Ithici cu iigced Lv three ot them, was read i— the Manures I had from you last season turned outmost satisfactory —Dec. 10th . 1)3. ¦ucrar, It is s flrit-dm (at[eolai;.moil , nultnblc Long Trouser Suits irom . 14&. R. T. Carew, Eaq., J.P , Di, Balllnaruuna Park : <¦ Vve the underugned medical officers of the uolan , writes i— Uuring tho psar,on thrc o or four years for sil kinds of ttook. tt fcrmit a tr lAblo tiddllic^ I haTe used conolderable quantities of Messm Kelly Si Co'8 lArtlflclaJ ^lanurea bot,h White and ; ' ¦ tirliS had under OUT careful citiddct»tlon the various t» oof feeding U)i28." , ; • i ' '¦ . ¥ ' n GrAnds, and 1 cart call lid rklnd'ho'occasion' 'In wlifch' tKo Wsalts ^ J .traders &* the medicines of the bulon,.and havlrig weia a^7.thln3 butiatiifcitory. Wutfrsgoird t» cost, tn mj To bo had from all Ctttl* Food Utrctinti, io. thoroughly investigated the matter are usasimoutly ot Men's Blae-8«ge Suits, 22o.- 8d. opinion, their price compares taroprably ' with that oj well-^rjowp Agents i—KILOH 'it C0., jP«ttUfc^rtt«c7,—CCr» , n^TEtJCTGO TO CO. ¦opWoO tiat tlcssra Haniojjton snd " Son,| Cork/havt : brands which I used to Import. I - ! - fU2de!>'£vuIr always found tbe results In yoar favour. I , baV0 ^ Tti: | Trousers, 5s, very flop Crop* oJt $tangel and Turnip grown last season by this Manure—I tblnkfu good as cref I EtasYj refuted to sign thej recemmendation. He ^T 1 11. 1) ha' tBan. TiWng Into consldorqtlon tbe facilities you bive tor manufacturing Uamlrca—yon Erected under Board Wotkj. '¦ nported (h>t be had ascertained the rel»t|»e prices b th,ej)rlnclt)al rawi matorl£la,Bone , *f u calculsced on a half yean' h3T«i, 1 .s^ncv Bipod from tbe Eacbn Cellam on tbe eptt and, tbcTcton, tij nrtoos WJi4ff» inppfy ba»o no carrlsfie Uj pay i no large talcdcii tic., &c., yoa sbbuld, aod I am plcanoa THE - ' CD be »i followi i^Sjoderick, £123 Itn 241 TWu(i aod »» as any In to ttaW yol da, SBil- lJi-.-. /'..» —' ?.Jr_r. UAKilMSi if -AttO - TVfS ' Ct od ou^ply llUJttiliinnch Cijcaj5:r Ooofl other Firm the Trade . ^^ £3 Zi 7d ; BsrriDg^ >S83 ; SoUtaq ltd Edward 0. Pest, Esq., Tramoro, writes ' U&UJ i —I bavo for jbmo years pust used four liuaUTJ 00 ^ffA Boyd, £03 li, fld; Apcv'NWi" &Ji 10a f pat of my Crap, findlna rtsolt ontltfoctojy.j- I , lasa se.noc . 'ilsad thom rs '^V'W.'r^rM Sttat, a|| (nforiutlon SuUtuUd bctMten 'the tenders -fro? msdo in regard to from . . . i articles tn««l generalljr used. the JOHN KlRWAN lias m OCOCK tiPEVULL Y SELECT ED ¦FOK UtTR r Can now compare fi-vourabl y v/ilb that Uh« ChaiHnsH—That hu>li been dt»e. lit Heily his S 'ASVRE : ' !got a rjeucliche ottr (laughter). ; HILL JrtU^l' Ptire Bop Bcefj tloundcri. I i ; & SMI TH , uiwl i lu 1)1 Liensehy, Medical O£Boet of the irorkhOusd, who Shetland Ling, Findon ruporUti Seed Out-. atid Seed fiorlu* , •IV. SAX7GOIT OTBEET, DTJDLSn. Haddocks, Bloaters, Kippefs Pure 6cotcb Chanipiona igUirantced in,portsr: . QDI «ru prisec'. hariog been sppeafed to by the guardians, , . I Home Ofown SiiM Oats I Bccd i/crlej XhU , eaid he believed that thb reiUob tb»i Special iluixolS Sc?ds. lor nia optnion ' BU1EULLY (JILL , ;«tj» DUELEY. XHheT tlocV'Tt: did nut recoranUod dio BCOeptSIicE Of !| ' E«ds, Smoked Salm on, or 1 Special turnip Sceda. LZf il 23I3C E0UC2, " Palia' t Under wag because; then were rpm> article) in at I t^Teted his Urt a price 'ot which lie could not ' ¦ i Also Jams. Jellies 337" Price Lis; ami Samp les on A pplication, poMibW mpply them. | Fruit, 2 mned Fw fl fl ' M'Gratb—Why in the world dp they effer ' ilr at 1 J.L .^ Insurano: Office ^eo iuch»prioathen? ! . ; ^] Pr Dennoby—It It not tot phlltntbroplcp crposu Wesiord , 0^st©3?s -© Speeial% 5»a <5ay b» enr« < I Dnm inonred in 1004-^390 023X00 lit ilarpb;—Tbtri Is oio artlolo dona is that Dublin Branch , 10, 11 acd J2 , Trinity Strcot WE INVITE IN8PE0T1Gri ^J he coold tu.rcdy IsMpply- That la cilts Hit ffhit : WitLuu COOTE , Boldent Secretary. ot fonrpei?«r P«rei''' L Tb« Clerk--The cai.J gJ Ci Itffom Dabllfi oeuld O^KST i. BAHSros—Tho Nation»l liant,' Lltrl'.cd, t63t a shilling pSo»t (laughtSf). '. j-f SRWA K, Head Offices— 8, JOHN't LANE. Kfanuro ' For all partlcolara app ly to tbe following Agents— ealct t^/lall knee tbO»O t»as a gteit Fatoiljr Fuctoi-y-ORACEDIEtf lit PenrosB I Gijecfir abd Provleion Merchant WiTEnroaD ... Messrs. I OAAO TaaRifio.i OOertOce In tbo qutU'/ of medloinu, ifid be ! get bad mediolns CO STOKES—John 's Lauc N u^Tatli . 9 . ! . ; b SON . Oily Traders c=d fill h Wcicrfcrf ; Ihongbt It a Kre«C miitake toj ! im QUAY, WATBRFORI , , <&my, aud 4, Jail Street. C»rrick.o>Sulr ... Hr DAVID K. COUUIES. whattbepticB tbey 1 01 ' dtt*f BM "* ' ' ' Cappoquin ,,. Mr. T. H. M IEUIO5 ¦ li^ ll'Qratli—betthe doctors test the medicine, . .\ ¦ ¦ and cei^hbea ! Cfast!^ III AND AT DuDKarvan ... Mr DPH OUIDIKEB AS& If Ilia not opj to tbo m«rlr;let them rejoct it at in tbo case of e»cry otber contract. v7fco joo do For iLeslie-O'Keeffe , M 'flrOtb, iljMi i O'Qorm.in' omonzit thu reBonrc«« WATEKS'OED AND CE.m'ALIRELAND d£iSro ,to Dr Dennoby cold it would be almost impossible Cor Sbeehui, Iturpby, Hesldn, Brien and tb4 Chairman of ciTlJtiaiioo. L. Keaneally's.-Kewratb Stores, Waterford ' ' qootca tbo opinions of some Mr Penros EAUiWAY. ¦ ¦ to test some of ttto articles. -!-9. 1 point eminent autboriiieo on tho ; - *h« doeton . I , asd a>ld tbere »M » j ' j—Won't !the flrtn be beld .ro- I Vor Qarrtngton—Bnokott, B'ker, Pocrose and Col opinion general ooaJoram ^7iiatoc; In • Mr.E A Mnrjib ¦ tbat rtbiea might be of ^jjotito Daroprocaatcd Diotricta 2CAIIJ ALSEEATJOITD. the drugi Cottonr-4. ganural Sxtiugnlibnd b; the KEEP AT . C^uihle U lapplitd be of . in . Inferior I ¦ -Impotitioo of mouling Kffini udiE -trip i llMjrt Lralie't tondor tna sooordlnj lj accepted. establishment order* aod tbo of qnanntinaatdiuoa WiTEltFORD TO DUBLIN AXD ' ¦ ' : | Subsequt otlj Mr Baker moted thi following re>o- from' for d"gi BACK TBE i - . ^ eonehy—Tes, hCt wbit sre you to do in the abroad. Be asked 'mportcd A D AY. ¦ X»r 1,' lation— " That ooplea of the aooeptedjteoder for medi- tbe tbn guardian* not to i B MU, ffiu WJ'1 p«c. r neople do «bo ' rerr eeriooa msponaibllitj gnore tisatitlov- " 'W; cines bo foi warded to all tbe tSedicd oOJeeri of the nutter. cast oo theo lo tbll acdoncontEa. crl!mcontE,-s^s tha .. IB uxOdiciDB ? • ' onion, and thal-ther k» xeqr)eBtedl- to i diipct thei r end af tor tho 1st NOVIIMBEB , 1605, tho Pa* v&\ U Colonal Cotton aeoonded OH . tbittk the board could " special att«atron to 't (poke it) p . - • ¦ • enterprise cf to the " appear to t» offered at an e:'o»p'loc>llj low Ukinf i t v laiws. ¦ i • ^tho 3 whom tbsy .-t th»B giT« »ffoc» . recommendation of k, may posiibla to prerent tbo *l preoaoMons I i • WftkHa/t, , Harrington j. '" £1: Baker added thatXhs Do reflectionwas oo itba contraction potjeOilil; ot bnmftO tinSitja. iioctore «o4 acoepi 's tender. Those price. ->., tbe terriblt dite&se. belays a.in p in p.io noon jji^n^j, teitlatitta onlj Mr M'Oratb WVtnrford de; ... J. 0 2.60 4.15 \j tew, thould • wall ti xir Ori^J to| e? CKJtlstnen are qualified to give an opinion on the opntraotor » • proposeo : o . j reaolalion. a dirrui negstire to Eilkoao/ ,, ... SJO 1 8 6.(0 i.u> -Citier, «nd we-who know Jfotbln? at all about it His reason for tbe ¦ tbny doing BO >U tbat liUTborozji irr ... a^O .5. 6 704 . z. Q ( coaM-BBliioiietlertbBaiolWtVeWi3itof.ti ' impoied the order before nhcn t:i foi Qacti icaa ffC3, ' ' Hr U Griitb-It ia a very pr.. jh| import. fiirly and It w»a not Do. dap ... 9 61 8.19 8. I , ij) Tbe Glprk tald the;dcptor» Mr i, A alorpby—And ioparlfall;. Until carried out Dat'la an 1.. < ' 11 55 e.50 117,0 H»ct^besiuj,Jong time one we eia J. . —• sattcd tbat p.n| u pJ":H«riogtoD. f • : kW ¦ lfTfiirti i ;. ; : - teo tho order E . hlmwMt Tbtir«4»j* mforced ' Jj Troojd oot ba , Ut Setkln ropporfecl Mr ,M.'Qr»th'i proposal. I iDomc I propei. e party to Impotlnr] | A resolution forwarded by tba Bosccmmon goirdiaJ oa rf E» tiobsbt it *b<7 Bceeptedjaoy tender sxcept tb« ValUz . Soan ktaftlit fl.O r.n.O.lt \I.U| t 9.U THE HEWS 0«i. ' In favor of laving tbe power* of tbo cojigeat^cTdistrict* • -•«t. E^rjMrCTjh aimiJsjof ,'a« S.S4 ltt«¦ 4OJ ! asa lowest It woolS diKKmnsa pompeiitldri, and!. ib« board azteaded to at to Mr Maepby aeoocded tbe fie laid h« ¦ —« . l th« tl enable ift bi provide . csiill was In fator araOQu*. ' ¦* •¦ : . . Urotaeslj <—r T i Tir5tpil6<»<>nlfl Iw oonnder^hlT lotst* each farm* for ol baring doga • Do. - tog _ I 8.4J I0.H istl- 0 r: ¦ '¦ 1 i ¦ ¦ those who required them waj received. I favor of the onziled >ud bad i. o ry«Mb*gotinto for«. J < -f ! ¦•• ' - • , , ' Mr Heakib order befog enforced «aw - 1"iv^"r „ 1.U : ! tils : )2.M O.iO I 6.:} ¦ proposed toe adoption ol the resolution. it on the hut oocasion ' . ' nr Mnrpby--I woold certiitily be £n faroV ol He eafa tha came op for dbc otal on, but be TAtogtd 'lR . 9B5 II. 0 Hq T.» : 7.0 'i thongh it would cot mdtet tb» abould * ¦ •ontilol tbo proposal voto ¦ - OD tbe airaiool . cdbfttBgthe : Irelaoaso much as the West, 1 umottroanda ¦ If>*cst, tepdet | nod oodpdllnjr the tbe principle embodW order a* Mr M'Grath. • ¦ ' ahonld be fairly and Tb* iiw i . . Coitiactcr tojopplyji gfood uilcle. j. in the resolution waa a • f ' clttSBoeJortbe egreed U>,.eid.(iia^asmngton am afraid it will a!7eot at ihortly Wr Pearose Ai : '* toe. With lihe prices (bat are the ix replying to Mr ¦ Usia .by •coepted. It-wtsmuch the safer eoorsa .ls at present t .reallyno arjaosnt Mtirpby, said this vet »• . . • ¦ °B fa thst eijwfereacaeiioakl doa't ate how the rent is to be paid it ill foJ the laid. against Imposition aoonooiwof; ** . fc»-!^ (-r: • «•« , ; W Zik ta p? » tell price i and get! a good article—par- lithe order waa neoe««»rj of;tbe order- ' ¦ To«*Dd of H will be that between th8 andlorii lo D tboy ' ' i', ; " tkulsrlyilDregard to medlaneJ. i r 0l ( thes eta tbat It was akoald lapose 16 asd jfaa^Mlia^ilW' j"t&Sit¦ ' U^ • ivtS- . ' ~ for his rent iod the ttout trjlng to j bio that Urn ¦JTr^ *sfor«*d. , Bsr7lN««lll ¦ : »»r l W« ¦; ''., " ^8B - .' :.-. bo gtvca to w if po ibcrsr tb'it wo cat : ;Hi ecDciuledlha prope«l. i ' y OTCfoffe opposed tbe J ,J f- Eaicr j ' , , : Will both go la the oae bost. Unfo tonutelv 1 im said tnat ootipas) T when iba! did Mr Byan who •• ' ' ' . i thst'tha lowdit tinld ti»U cant will'go flnt. order ¦• ¦ a Ut Mnrpby—I propou ' ; ¦:' co kndorfcd was lo«6 ¦ ;• •^;i^l1^M^^^ ; only 6ns Imposed ho «ss . :':; . r •;. 1 ' in tho ccanfrj' the , i-;;;;¦; . .. : ¦ turn ' out Priatlag Wok ; ' j i ' '- i! - Tbe motion was adopted. who _ 1 -i; - ' - ' ceoepW. i : - ! raoztled bis 1 .;' ¦ • - - ¦• !¦ woal«ugb«d*t f tog, and hi _J ;|.'J_j .' ... ':': j^aa pg^w, Trt&fora..i>M«!y^g^^^tp- ¦/ - , Ur M^reth—I second that [resolution,' : . BALLnJCTpDlSPEHglBV. ' prtelngaaob a tDol. ^ i i i l •! . \.\- , and 1 wUh ,;, j Th> propotal to impc«e , , . , to »y to 'reply to Ilr Penrose, that eves'U we accept At the annual meeting al thsBallj'iaS dispensary a poll, • adizMag ord^ put , Mr Philip Ksojlon by |M«§ yrzi to HimBgtorj I tender wa have no guara&tee that b» Will conunl^as Ciinntnghum wt[a elected chcir- Col Qpttaa. alan* * a»] ot,t}, Ilr Ftnrose and 1 l ' ,wh«« Leslie - , '• man,- lit i»iimes i oge, vtse-ohairmaja ¦ pay aitentiem'to wbs» li1jy Mintuati mpved to rctoind a ptclioaf rtjolutioa It* cturfid. aai no boadiata 'ftcccirnf.nH,' ¦ \ - ¦¦ - . - : ; : V' v, i < , Iinrnen6e.6to& bt rtqsind. BPCCW Uum to unit i , \\ j , ' ' ¦ ;¦ icrwst Into tttiaaa, or \ \y of fte : guaiaiAM rtlMlng to put lri foroa ' !¦ . Tbe ChaJrman—tcertainly : irTordM to pm/ mt, d*M».«tal «O4 to-kwg M tlwtmimlUptM Ou . eay lor oyjel/ that I »m f a AKY HOUSE IN 1REUN0¦ ' " & mm\tling of do« in " ¦ th» ¦ • ¦ ¦ uaioi t»n rtnulji, Wnu c» '¦ Mr Peitrdso coiilil ayrl* t*I»oBalljf fat Proa. ¦ • ¦ ¦; U.ftvor of \ba. Uwett tender, aad l kaotji nothing'ot 10 ropport ol tb? motion read &'ctajtemoni' p»iu, to W. fiOLAK , llauttr. KolAualflfcil.tVBO ! tetlie or fjiy ' of f&ota war cosSBCttd Kiihasrotliar Ofl M or aosialM - dthtt eiter contractor. ' . vThJafi-.HrXMrWy Baak. ¦ ' ^^h bad prepared. i M$$??MJM>VS . . - i - ' ' ' lk tiii come of BEDPGTI0M i ; l£i Eonntlnfrem ukedvb ut ' i ho did cot either. ;Ee ' ¦ ' ¦: : dXjy remarkedW tbe auardUsslihst tho ttejlrin'ellta appweaUy.'mad had p&utf thiotifit lilstaeM six it ! : BOS Uerk DneAttPAo?-o gpp ofl. " (Ca/cflhBtenders could be arppUad for pflee. wetlt«-3»gij i ad replied' «>Ui**li»'««*«» «Jfcl8r»d contractor for; sU ->ejk(ii ^eks and.nmeUmta.lotm.rlimiibe». no aa Mr aivrttb—Whst.igwinfatee i ban -Uuit ' tor many;^cai-s require comment •¦ *e 1 %» % Wi <*$&.mJakifl* .TOftaiSflM:&m«k to]quality. Ad oM $a\v Bitrbgton TTDJ Wpply few"1 ffedlcbe lf Jt pome*to! - '¦ ,! • !; ¦ 'J ? cleared out to 1 ' must be , this is a most ] • ' i . .¦ bxcelrfiorial op^rorttitiity ... . -f-i * ' proetofli The Clerk of the DniijrrSTtinlon eeeurb onATBFUL-coMronTJMa : : to Demeby—TOTbJM^wrtel'k gnBuates.rtgay uttntq, to 6«t« acted-with '. odatae&hiarK^nt> Bto, fw U you fay » bir.priooVou wiD probably git a H ad« h'luiid.to the tapoaiogottb wAKQSfvB " . BJiW«>dar>joo : i lo UtteSN fci>^MoBw;« ¦¦ .«»*j^. i tWtac| fcir I when » e«ta of raileaDostt ^i tho •Cwed tc, , ° "' P«»P»?*l «M nn«alaon«ly lQliable '6bojte:iat CaeMfiJfftOiit ^ • r ; ¦ ' ' ! Wbos. arilol».' I , • n, - •<> . , . ' ' ' '¦ : ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ ' ¦ •¦ ¦ ' ' ;|; • ' - ;tOT te^i*JjJerto» *HoB rbo .bad %t one* i tpeoW Tie - :: ¦ ' ' ' r - -».,...Nr., . - '] " . , ¦ :. . : . ¦ <^ taeetog ef'the bonrdoJJopwix), : 'M *^; j , , ;. .: . *¦ i . JJr,OOortasnth»nght tba wnmtiamitHaB of-lbe¦ tUardiani c-jnrened wd the ? _ . :., , MiT w, I in. Mi If, liil ' ; - ; ¦ ¦>» ' , section ngolatloss BOJimO OATBII OR BI.Ka [deeWoiiaitto be supported. I , ;;.. i!' wpoMS. OWcolioa, r hjxJ,. b«»a,.MMA to-'lot ' ' ¦ bat t) tho oi« In gotcf to tlt ¦ibii ^ * •i/i^iTWG'S . KTVDW • .- . . - . ,- . ,; i.V,»V i. ~Mt EaSn-W , EffiSoB'** fee"ofat* »6 «b» irotuSIIll'w Al ' jllmkiilitsboooW t» MceatsiftklnTttla whlwhkh sli tcadttte&dtt HU Wetho lOffirt(OTrert ttU ««io««do ! | 510,000 Edward. '; :' !| : THE ¦! V\ / ¦ ¦] ' . •i EXOEL" ,\ BALEJvlSi' ! ttr jM'QraCi'ttatiirdt jtfat tP|ttdUa eoould actejt p«clot COCOA, BwiosDdlrJons |ft eVcry t (Hl) tBr uJvtbta wmpd, thj.raiitraetoito; wl?.' «tot w bo fcaind iti fflOiianooruer aJ sJl uomi, i/oMtto^SuJtalWS* sl'l- H*)' 'E:llctotJ ttom. proctn, Cbemlitproje»tlwj *V>; «>fi* wttijh 1 [SlSn*Sf ;Tj2r faaRM (Boug 1 ; « tonJtelerit ; feefeoHmmX S (fdrterUr* to H-B U. tha **** ' ^k. J^^K.fl^^^^ fl|, ^^^*^ i telflalrhowtnrcood it mighibfii »rn&, wAiseirbely ^S ' j W 4fcag fat Ukfig a nadldnocontract. • • B6»8 of,t teta ritiMMms'-tibk! «Mld.nt toe-'eieapert; iMdJdrie'Hbt ftitfli^iiaadtSeythc %6tlb»ytfape Mj ot^toiiiar- i ¦J. .1 J. > ' '« f J**?3£yttnf T* 4 not t»i»th» lo«e«t l&fe^fefl M| J ^P WHl^p EylQf n^HM tiQI •)|W(0Q(Wl WMmMkf THltM Wlik ft iBOMfiFXJeB? JWt JW ;:*»>WrihWiSfiioi'. ., bpnKd aImS,t v t Uw Irli 'MIUVHIW I»IJ TJT *' 7*lf J:\A i. t ' £MtUi 1?3?ttB WSSBS; TO 8TAT OB OAU 3WHWW, .,, , WATEBJOBB, U^iarAJil) .HBWH 1737 IS IT f £fOHE¥ X MOHEJ I '^ONEY l , 0% ^lumbiag & Sanitary Wo?ks THE [SHIP HOTEL QUAY. ComJ UnJ nark Trb«r» torn* find rest, Tfc» Tiil- o» a«l rfUr HAMH, ltJe. 4.4 Atid oo thp weary world (toci on. CATHEDHTE-ETH2ET, WATEBFOBD- BBUAKf AST8, DINHEBS,- 80Pf HRS, Itsc^UmU joondjir ' wbibb It but, CITY AND COUNTY 151 AND; DI3C0UHT BAL1K AHD LUNCHEONS . . . Tip ntupTei COCKS *£e_ life 1» {one. , ; c> fr»«»«A»»y»«»t)V*.-^ . : 5a tho¦ Bhcrtert Nottce, ol th« Bwt De«etrBt^ lcB •¦ ' ¦ • " ¦ • T~ ; ' Tbe Proprietota of tho above Bank beg to announce to the Gitliena of Wotarford I • • ; »ol»t miMwwatni, t »^t 6ca« «{e»p when torn* ey»» irate, «T" ond Barroundinij difltricts that they! have OPENED their i MOJOEBATB .OHABGES. . (unnu i Xaa ! ( And so tho drearynirht hour* E° ; KtfJi HML 'where ot!i«r«break , New c!nd Extensive Offices at ; Bom* heart* b««l OOBTELLO WHISKIEB EIPE AND MELLOW AB 1IHX— I often vtsinmhj 'tit so. f *vsr r TBCBI^C- IQ, wvGDEj mmmib 'ssraBJajiaj s; wmw. Be^isterewPlumber $ Sanitary Engineer ^* Bomt will ftjint irbere lomt will fight , Proprlotsr, Waurfar*«»». TH 37 IM }» *A 77 Soae lore the test and some the field. (Recoutly ; ! PROPRIETOR IIZOXTAQL V7AL1VA.CI3, CanUkM»*u»T to 10« 111 IK >M ..-. la 1 often trouper who ar« rijht— occapied by Meesro.iWbite Bros.|Oarn Merchantn), and that they are 1 WATEBIOBD. {\<&Ml Tb» one who itiimor those who yield. prepared to make , : 1|» (LATE OF MR. W1LL1AU BAIED'S, DUBLIll), Iwtf m—.^ »«• • .» »-*l»» -'il »» other hando D0NT COUGH ! Soci h«nd« fold where Private Cash Advonoo3, :&om <3S Upwarfio, BEGS respectfully to thenk tha Nobility, (Sentry, Uanagera of Inititutionii, and Fablio OB, IP T0U TUlM M»a* HIH Are lifted br»Toly io tbe etrife ; Bodies for tho largo shxra of patrocago they hato extended to him einco connncncinj DnaakMaw— And to through &gei and through 1and3 To all Resr>3ctnble Borrowers, on their own Personal Security, at Moderate Charges baain&a. DO COUGH, BoMr... Uore oc [the two axtrtnes of life. \ USE Umtrtci and Easy Payments. Enp.oyirjg none but tha moat competent handi, and having nU ordcra oiccut:d osder Ha ; ^ Some f ctt halt where some feot tread. oT/n pcrconal «uporTi8ion, hu Is enabled to undartako ovory class of AHDBZOAIT LUt7a BA&SAH DtwTr ***f nmJUmtiek. In tiretejq rflarah, a thorny way i Thin Danh bno BO connection V7ith any othor in tMn City. Tho CacincsO will b3 ~ en Borne bart AND TOO \ • nuncavmura Boao (trac^le nbero fled coadnotcd ontiroly diCoronCccd csafidoatioJly privets. ' ^ Somo seek when other* »ban th« tra> WONT COUGH. uiaicK i I ICiQ i SAIOTARY l«»l la»M«*»If» l For Forms and further Particulars apply at tbjs Offices from Tea to Six daily OUEE for Cooiamptloo in all it 10 >13UOO. fiomn aword» mat wher* otbart fllatb AND — PEBNAUKKT ' OAM. CliM* O>M* OaM* 8"Bi- (alljb«ck i»hor» eome more on —rt_-l. ' A •teset, ^Taatinar Dtaeaae,, Aathnia, BroaohlUt j <-»u *JK> j yj» O J and all Clxwt Throat, 1*^ I 8^me flags l;or) —her« ntbera flasi NOTE ADDRESS : Ciiroalo Congai and C IJ , , awl Until tbo "batt.lt) has boon woi Loaj DUeue*. American Loaf Balum 1» the troe (&EMEJSAL PLUMBING WOEK ttrasgtb liter and loaf reftonr. It »m»t the prognaa i^S^^-?iS •Jl' iS i •J? ¦ •fdoc»j,\nild«npthBdla«a»elno»»4 , DOHrlaluBfboth : - 8osio'«)eep pn while nthtt$kern The City ®oA CoiEaty Ltiaa cmi Bmmmt IN THE HOST SATISFACTORY HANNER. 5S?*"i:?| -|S > Tb> »lii! «II including tntlosa. It omtaJa* no po(»onoas And All alone in tbu <»tnpfreol air Ihres Uaei tlM tlzs ol the U Ijtd. Post 18 and 8S tTATEBWSi) * CeXTBJL 1BXUMD SUB WAY Fill* ft »fcb JoUPant *»e»t »oop« of airt ' DaS:c?, Scaofol ©roocr Soa In Wotorford and' District alono ho can rafor to tho following, amorjgit other, Tb» abortMt rout* «Ma» Wattrfarda»t KStanj t« OskUa. How fat hii»«m«. now f»r , , Wino tad Spirit Horohoot, tacmplca :.—D» La 8allo CJoilojo, Wotorf ord District Lunstio Asylum (New BuildingB), Uninlino AifEBICAN 8YBTJP OP BLOOD-EOOT. Al&los*, BoKrta, rastaatawa. or »¦— cK it »U Kary- ' bortoah. ' ; , . . Wi'i ib« lijshi-npoa bit wlng« ' ConTcnt, V/atcriord and Ojntral Ireland Railway, Imperial Hotol, 8t. John's College, Convent Tni OILIIT AXIBICUI BLOOD PUBITIIB. Is it bird u'ectw Time Title oo ua after IQtkTna^ikT, ICM, TuRt^ «hJu»ccd«ioB» t qf tho Good Ghephord, Carrict-on-Suir Coarent of Mercy, Tallow Carmellito Convent, Kilmac- A POSITIVE Bemadj for 8crofnU of King's aad until farther Botiea. ,Urk 9 & 10, , Waterfbipcl Uomoa Convent of Mercy, and bos abo erecntod Contracts in toany of tha mansions of too /*& rrll, DIMI f ont ot toy alad, 8yjbni», (Jla«4a]ar, Wh&t matter it U>e <<4>* i b« aod ion Patrick'-Si , * Plmplooo tha ' That aunt r«tn t-ll« o) other fliya t • • « lbading gentry of this and tho adjoining Counties. In addition to this ho obtained Prizu at »«alUn|», Boil*. B«d Vm, Pao«, daaanxu nos wunroas Begs to inform bis Friendn and Oloaa, Fllo, lOoat, Bbeomatum*. Drovaj, SOT X/m; Ar>a* rioting in the light *ti«t fl -od» him v K the Public that he hos a carefully tho Artisans' Exhibition in DubUn for Kxcollence in Plumbing Work. EmoUooacm Uaa Skin, and al] diatuM arlitat (rota * topora In fiy he OTI tukea tntn'it}. and well-selicted Stock of 1 AU T7ork executed io tho vory b^t rannnor. Matoriilsof first-class finish and quality. blood. Sot »;»hUU, Apurkta >rni» o( Blood-Root U tha U^rti-r c oad urohpi TiBt onlj D»m«l7for 8 itruami of gold aod purple he U drown 0 ITJ©ESKSp Uml2isaT4t , ,, , ¦ H suppl ing a THI K INO or*ixL LisuicrK. Shrilly the ( now* of bU •on? be thiven y Superior Quality Of Bread, nona trat the Best Quality Flour CATHERINE-ST.. WA.TERFORD. IW^hlltwHWMM** Af tho' this etormj dropB wpr« turned v being used in its manufacture, andlTore Itich Barm mads from Hops ond Malt only. NEVEB titling remedy for Ebeaautliai, TbiTTOHtit TTTI i^aMMMH VnnMl, ScUtlca, LoabVfO, Spnlsi. Bmlaai, B«m-Tt*i*ld*« Cinnd ; » Bread guaranteed free from Forei A , arou, anj Andiow hft liiine* tm gn Yeaut Dud other ChemicaK Seo Sir Charlea A. S.tUlor*infillp aiula tia back l»ft Aoaloaa rn>nny ATTirti Cameron's Ceruficate of Merit at foot i rain £xtnctor oosqam all pila aod tckva, no matter fcoit Do *M.»M*dvputw He tctiu a oloDdv to* kcryoo htr» them. Ko medldnt oatirUi «t roteb»o- o! Chomiotry, R.C.8.I., Hedioal Ofucor ot Health for Dnblln 'orUrltatSaJ oaa_ The WUDC< ronroOfla !I thineithingi hhe* u)l> tbe cart ; City end Oonnty w. PILLS. I AH61YM* — (rnj UEiniP^ h DBJ DEVEHTS PEUALE DBbHnZL aJOlfal below ; 4. Atbloot JesA, anir, " Cmr LiDoniTom DKICIPIL (Sogmr pDit«d.) For Pale and Sallow Qiita. : Thicgs tha: w« dre*m nf be if tvatebioff D » , II Buaaraos, Conn HILL. : Birjboro' l«y,derft Xtsplcsujj* __.««¦ . All tinea to aea f 11 Dr. rumtla Plllt wiU attiit tba patlant to de«l?» " CHARLES A. CAMERON , Public Analyst for tho City of Wateriord. properly and regularly i th«y will «nrfch th« Woodudrwten W WtfHRal Leak*. WI K >ia wan MM, W^T.IRPQRD UNION—W EONES A TRIAL RESPECTFULLY aOLICITED proacbisx Uu 'chaac* or tarn of lift f boald taka Or Daren ¦ tenin. Vtmala PUJa. i They art a toote, Dot a porotiTa imKlkl^i •xuien. 11» 1»« 111 III Prioelalid ua ii M ptr box Tb« U M it tirtt Usm tit alia ltl ISMMII A OiDOOMI , Esq., V C, T C, ic the chau , and j of the It lid. | Patjort Kaad U fjuspa. :^±^&D Uy P J POWEB, EBQ ., II t »* fJt. rju AMEBIOAU EXTBACT OP LIFE BOOT. Also present- Mr R Morritiaoy, High Shenfl ; Mr WD km -Ua km ka kai k_i k_I M Power, Mr C .' lodmond, Mr C (>»l gej. Mr Uuopby, ~MF^v OUGALL THI OBltlr AHniOAN KIDXKT ASD UVIB CUM. . •PpWam d«» - - IN sn " |S *" , Itr '. ) Il Uand, H OD MJ Kortescuo. D L, KUyVosby - -»»J46 « I S; Mr Grant y * e^MF J || lBE only core for Dyspepsia, Lifer, StomKb, toi Hauck. — — I'l 111 _ _ } DoUhunty, 5 r Ward, T C JL Eidjiey DlMases, Confutation, Lrn of Flab, Belchisf Paaoottoiri - - »» t O - Mr John Mac £oy, Clerk , was also proses. OoUaea™ of YTInd. ITlafaJeDcj, Coat«d Tonyoa, Htart'banL ZTiylu lucent — -mm..~ - WAlilEB 0 Birut. 3l»pplt«iHl ghU, Falsa in tba Back asd Lolsa, VlaUat- 8W1SE FEVKk (or ti« abont tSe Ueart, and Oaanl DabUltr. -Tyboro- ar. — — »•• 110 | _! - A report was read! from Mr Arthur Dobbyn. ^' 3, S>Vi>» ''I *-^^— DIRKC7 FROMmmwA LOO11 — Ne«oit D«l«k« in Tweedj, tu^ OsUln^jpi. Ortreoatlim, !lJ fframt Dahlia if. «O7» IU JM ~ . ^Sj-i- ti W001, -PARKERS. SliMii itrtn. rKU'Orrt d«^fl«a tailnj M»dlnx »ool \a fyf i/fj r rcmady. TbotBasdt of ltdiea «hoa«ctM t> wa dssot pabliib ~ f U in tbe union , cne ia Dollytruckle and the other to r^s^ ^V', ^T \ 4 n» fof Jl annfu^orw. w« charge 1 Low llal««, flTfl (julea Qatonu. and Sx*lrJzLfM ^ ?ortarfton 7i> — 10U *M — M 5 " (h»ranl~ Na.i.l«sioa han beta aitd erery year from ths mrt. Ho o«4icis* oo kPyborO" art. 13 «M IO«9 «U NEnport's-Jano, Z^lii^li^^ I ^t/^JLfl^^ L cuth h u lucbJ a reoord. Try H faithfully, and it , and — IX a » 1 ttf Sato if om Oooi. ud 1 Wool one* ¦ WAK ' OP WiTEO W DCNUOBC. ^5 ^^ i ^^^ \ AQSKT8 /^JS-fSg) tJMHii i jrtra will aoon «f«ln be rejoldn* In food health and itnsfth. sows nun (oedtikUa : . ' A letter tras read from Mr Henry Morris, to the Iboa«ud» bite been carea and to wlllyou. Prloa, ll «d pet Uarjben* d«J - ItfiUU its la boCUa i pn portjl rtaap*. I*m »i«e\ 3i M ; port St. IbSyUb! - » ll» tH —_ !« - aGbet that tbe waiec in t>£Too hounes in Wellington : II)* - Dune oro East, boa boon failing for tho YOUTH EENBWED; OLD AGE Attutfb — lilt I! . J5 lettice. ; B>Uy>_a*t - »U U» J If _ 1£ / - past lew daya. Thia is a terrible state of thing!, UNBECOOKI8ED. -mtmnyarri. .- J41. IMM II — III which will mail 3 tbeihouaea moat unsanitary lor tbe AMERICAN HAIR RE8T0BEB. : SEASON 1896. llil th« lOltlUU _ ~ coming 8umm ir. He (Mr M) would beg to draw Urec«aU»o< ia7 Bate Etrtormrte tht world. It B«ii««tinrWf» ill |£ LntT IvJt to rtstor*la tTery cut rny hair t* ha youthfol Tboasastowa ID I»H 1 • 410 _, » _»- ' " the (arioiu alu ntion of the board to it. Ilany Hundrcd3 erected during piist Seacono. oDlour withoas dyeinx tht akin, aoa wiU aot ayoU t£e fsart Babbal* 8 to W 17 1 u :• K - »• I ~ Mt Oal?ey 8 ud, only one of Mr Morris's botuoi Uscu. It act< dlreotlj npon tia roetiol tfct) h«U. iaTtfcratisi kiaQaatrt f I >• 4« 140 «<0 _ ««» "* th£u, 1 H . ua3 tenanted, (nd it, had plenty ot water. cleanKit Lht tcalp, rasuiTtiii daadtia, raadartac U» Kiiaaoow «U lb IU - tu Are constructed wholl bilr toft and flour. It cnrei Baldsao, thiektm thia aair, WaHrtordan. I»|U • 111 f I . !« " Mr Redmonc said that whether the houses wen y of WROUGHT IRON of proper Scantling, and with most eccore andprtrtmta Tt GARVETS "CG ottcchmenta, okllfnlly oppHcd ; henco their MODERATE COST and from faIUs( oil It U atoflrtM qiinU for ' C^ VH EQUALLED Cl h» wUh tenanted or no , tbcv should have w»tot laid oc " tk> ban and preaentthu eboieatt fUt of aaum Mr Forteccni wasjof the s&me opinion. He then a rood deal of hair. Oet tbe Americas Hair Bwt*rtrjind you O»l^ o ff^lcJKIr1© *^m \ "DTI OV°d 1 A^^T'O 'S'AT/0 are ran not W bt dlaappolnwd. moved that th e matter should be referred to tbe gj JLii VtayAoLoiS JiiiOJlAvwriL ©ii vV7 SO E/'O'JL W^'!) NO OTHER SHED noir batore A(jrlcalturi«tn la equo.l to such a sererc strain at Scld la lirjt botUa, u tacb. pa Pott lg tumpL CO Low a Prtco, and thU O»ai Boatban aad WwUn ardrali a» mini. >*> Dunmore S&nl ary Committee with a request that Iocrunod BtrenRth la anyof the UTMOSTthe IMPORTANCE to Purchasers BOUQDLLLA question 8h >uld inset with immediate attention Csac^ro our Design tad *rith other HAIB WA8H-HIQHLY tho tTd^hta In Market. I PEEFUIIED, B&id' he was afraid that this «OK WLU be found Unrivalled for ther 01"7 Mr Redmonc Having rery conddcrable oxperienco I D the ERECTION OF HAY BARNS under Board rIe«5e> U» H"»d of all Scurf ScalM and Dead- J5. A. KEALE, QtamXiUmgg. ly ol Dunn ore was delayed too lsng. He hopo* ^P*^ - enpp of Worts Ixiana, we uodcrtaUe to (urnlsb the correct Specifications and Drawlngi, fca, and ^•,, 1 ' *u 'r'lut'o'1. •"* »«»••th » Hair aottaadflotjy. the town woolc not be short of water In the coming to far CJ prooiblo to aml»t lntendtOK Sold la ucktta. Id each ) thr*«- packtta, a«t)t p«r pott, <» Aosolute Purity , Acourato PropiTGtion, and Presdom Borrower" In fulflllln(? tho Board of Worka requirements, «uap4: 5 padtet? 9 ruopt li puk«tt TTATHBITOBD. DUBOABTAB, * T.Tinro*^, .m commer, same u itBt yeai fCTC OF ANY OH A ROB. i , 16 ruapa. rZSUOT AMD LUnCOU EAUWAIl from Gil Injuriouo Hottaj ' WHOitain AOI »TS ros IKXXIBOI— DLIOD DMPE3BAB , BlOOTTI IOTO 10 Coxa, <}tHl»ITOT», TBAUTS, BOSIET D TDBSIHOIOS h Oo. KrUaJUTBT. ¦ , " ^^U-> Tba following WBJJ nad ;- Wtolc^ls and Export Droggiit . , , rintcra, Oo Tint Toil! en and Irt UircX, i^7 .. . . . "Kilmecow, April 7th, 1896. Price List and Testimonial ! Tyrone. *rt*r List on Application. ¦ ~7~ ' £D- -At 0 ipccifj mcctinj c! the UUld GARVEY has found it necessary to add to his Mineral Boiltuc 4 Bore, Brid«-«tr«et. DnbUn. na tunMa t, . ..} ™ ° Ciia ML. KlLoa L Oo, Committeeof management held ou tho Patfick^trott, Cork. Dlipeooi; Water Plant DAJN RYLAND'S GOLD MEDAL SYPHON Otoiton V7iatTB b «om, dlXa, in tbe I abiesce of (be cbolrmtn, Mi WaUrford. tbore Il o LdflreTUR STCEtiTn oysyR] _ i _ I SOLD »II- FILLING MACHINE, which Gnablca him to aocede to tho HswiT BKt, >' follow og mornban were re^lcobdfor tha The Qoay, Waterfotd. The requirements of hio Cuatomore, who c^n now be oupplicd v/ith T7. D. OSIrCHRZGT, rianngor for Ireland. JJ f>8rjxu7A» & Oo, Wttnford, WaUrtort ~ 4S3. Vi »fe cntalss yclt ¦' 'Hesiy Mathrwt propocc,d and ¦ ¦ J5 "^ *~~ - —- ¦ ¦ - ¦"- ¦¦¦ g"B3»B W ans, Oropslii, Tttaw. ^/f C - ' - ' . . J--I-*U1~ '.M IM WW^ -t ., L ¦ I . ^^^^ M ' ISi John Hoyz ea eooonded, that Mi P O'Belly bo despatch vritt — - ^ POUireo.fiOo.OarrCa.on.S alr. teSuii orsei I 2 - ft?' !u ' ' """ Pnacd. -t Clcstcd Cbaltapo, Jonu OTJitLt, Dmg^it, Oarrlck.on.8alT. P«»w i_TR»ie:ta_7* S" '•» ' ~ •i Oo motion oJ Mr nojracj, esconded by Mr Jorav 80DA W ATCB. B PCLUEJIIB, Drof&l, Cbnatl, - 29 - Tho f ollowingare worth • IUAHHI A .Co, ChatsW gW*» - t. - 11 o -*• CtnoUi Mt Wrja Roeiati mtselooted Vlcs-Ohalini' 0RY3TAL 80DA WATBE. special attention • — Hi. fies,, 11 ii jji UBOJ PJ Cropoeed, and 111 r J T/^J*» ts Hoyo ontailiIW tho n^nds o! thr,t lit tfecj^a Fartoll OIOCD DOUBLE BODA VATDK. 1SD Of? ohoio03t growths of CGylon, ) At 9/0, 13/- &> - s L. ft I'O JoBff EtArt TUlowBesd ,„ :r, Tit TiS |ISl |iJ*tt •"¦* QcoKiaiy. -whlth pliiSBu, CRY STAL LJTHIA WATBH. ^ ( Acsain «S thinn, recommonded b , DfaEjilt'ThOBMto^, "* ,il roviilna the ontflcif rollsl list. 6c, u y tho Faculty ) por lb, wrnqr * . ... .i Mi iiS -i& si r " Al«r CRYSTAL 8ELTZEK WATER. „ r. 8berr OWtlnj c^oiujned. yonrj tsulj «=»«, Port , OBYBTAL KALI oc POTACO VATEiv ^TEEJED y' - Burgundy nnd 1 From A2,'. per doa " JiHE3 F&nszLii, H OD 3t \ ^w^nk.i l ( Chafflpagn o, \ upwardc. .M " J Mooiicy, Esq.! Cl.ri Umo: ABOfilATIC GIUaGR ALK. nDTUBKi«aw»Ato. KtUow » us »» 1 » j5 IS „ ¦¦ « k _ tKBOlfl OaiOi.. -— AEO1IATI0 ORIGTAL Ahl -= Lunba 'me, Mattercoa ' , - - S»w, Donah, S? - a> »4 iu it •: «^RiU/^J",iUTn i 'o, and ShsV/ o I c,« ,. ^^ toffwitoiri „, „ pi |W if TS •. A tcnldtlon ^J «i4 fttm tbo turjon Unlov C1DCR. Md. per Ik OHAUPAOOT j (three pet braido) THo Einnotrioli Loan TnlM . : UB la iSS S-i ? la oppoiltlca O tbo Cbonty 8ur*iiycr»' BUI , ond n Company,* LEUONADE No 1 tt, OEEAT BBTJNSWIOK fJTBEET Oapsr&Btiuatlc'ii Be:rctaim d ths Otand Ji" DA€®O—Middleo, at , TO wiTnMnn. Dill, LBUOHADE No & ?id. per lb. DUBLIN, [ (liSond) f • J oiATrogfl, Ww- am. - ;., £" On motion a Mffltdmond, i; wej marked " reo. GINGER BBEK. A f'ow of Sto!;or'o Hams to olear, at 9d LlltoBtiEBi' onDEi. per Ib. " 133 HMJlhun 't Greon, Dublin nfl anoWaod by thot etamani Thefincat Sweets, Ckocolates ¦ Klllat-ty m «. Ut April! 1600, C7 All of which dro ht(jhi' rocomraciidd, , Siaouiis, Cahet and Fruits at Lozzst a «• li ta Ikt Z_7 Pricz £i,ooo ] ftrtoaa, Ual» or J»fB^dj, wlthmui «5S QoJJagtoW , " * un Friday, M&y Stb, at 11 o'olwjk Analy st. SIR UHAKLES A CAMERON , M.L., KP.H. (Cambridfje), A lr.sjjo p.-j::5t'^;3ft QICO to JC T ' SSSF ttU* - - - !«» |l » J^ " Sift—I wil alt C2 Alt;: C^D C3lc:8 £ =II Lfitii Qltatfl tt> m Eota, ftstU aid to «twUa fn tho i Joiiuty Court Houis, Wat«rfnf«o 11U" Mi£ IJ IS tllllCBBT COTTAOl @D S k= (DSC€i> ami « MM II _* J A. letter *iu rtad from Blchard Cooway, occupier ol ^tJ^£3 ! /"»« wr^ pan QffLT flS iS " t es;tS£3 At- Abofe; place, ttatirg that bb boaia hu uvef b«a pi^perlj' CnuhMl, tnd (ukiaj the board to 88, §uay ottcad to his cottage. To be atMnded u. Watered. TBAUOU WitlBUORIi »^iKl?Ji!! The Chairman, in replj to l)r hedmona , 'aid the UVJ n^i«w, / %$&wL catmrorks of Tnunore were, he thought, a soccea. T. O'MALU5Y. S»t»^f. Tij i t fODNO PlOi ANl) THY ADVEBT18tIfO| ^ ! [ "FOn ^ 1 be M«cter npplkd for £5 for the purchitt uf jouc THE OLOOO 13 THE LIFE. " T7ATEBJOHD AHD TRAMOK^ fcAl^S? *" pins to ths hoj iu. Agreed to. viCTORU HATE8 WKL3E si,ATE8 AND EHQLI8H IttON. OODCINO HOCBCJ, ISHTEAI' OK C3 Team Dr Btcphcaioa, .DanmorIn e Et:t, reported «boat com '" DESIEOCIS OK INCEEA8ING ' vorld-mlda (^^^^^^Bl| boaee* that beantiful nurine town, Tho Board ot Work! Architect writo—|' We aro maoh picked olth tbeo." Tbe ilcrtial ©LAIRKE'S I fcsnt&tlon. Vf/ jraMBj'tt common lodgiE^ V/ORLD-FAMEO thtm Tpry iood. " Ee?d. J. , P.P Ne» (on, Oihir, trrltto— UAliuIO Eta 1UJX5TT. *~~5 — j JUtAI/TBf CITl ol WiUrford mitco—" I h»»e foand Br*t> ™ : THEIE BDSINKC3, WOULD ^<<^Mfl ^ T » ^T tt t. i JB soy other 8Ut«i I knor." llotd. J. M'OIE, D.D, P.P, Strsdbill;, ll /uiMiuU HsiT'iM i Tha Clerk, lp reply to Mr Redmond, laid there troJ " 1 could recommend them beyond 3 IKELAHD. : ^i^^rafeb . " l '»n«)t «|i-|tV tiiw: " I reooomead them •• the obeapest and bnt oSerod (or cxle." W. 0. Dooun Rfl frTlfTnirn PTO^rifll R )!^ DO WELL TO CONSULT t/PriuP tms, UrUj tllmf *Tgaj3jBS3BSSry "" | cot e eiogle Sso ol foier In the Ferer Hocpital tt (jaeen'a Cc writes— 0 Wi»lll k' CHOICI KsaTra KHteia«s«>'« r«id; . s§ifi> Ti>T i • u*'- 1ItD nmuSTfil Sm+iw hirewitb copy drall tarnnin. "^ A« thu iiiiiturr 11 i'lt**™ut t^ ih'1, tt'ic. tzu>l to un lu tiino. •ttJSSfek^SgTiSZ narable to £? i^**1 Gorerom«u» Hoard • Mlkit-r, ^^¦K|ZnU Flnlih, 03I7 1 *^ wUl th»oU|j«: W> 'orwird «in»—YouriWtUull ,, TH0TJ3AHDS OP TESTIUOfflALQ ranouGnowT zi ^Sd Adrcrt::cmrab t and caow nSSn'SyB**!^ " ¦ i ' I Damn, DOMIOED . ¦ 18/- Vvoa ell Carti of tlto T7oria. ^ . ^18 °"»i Join M»cVe»( Clerk «< P>^» tomtBT ^>ld tn tWtl*, • « "A., W'l 1o -"<¦•« ^jntntilnj |(i I quotiUoM given tt pablkhsn1 ^^^Sg^1a§L«tf' L Wa«ted to bo forwarded,, H^HI^Bn'qM Piuotx aBonsU at tfocita »wtSnBS. . thi# Mt Hfl^9HSa|Ui< p*nnjt,~ nt m»V>rit» of lowest rates for totba to&il Gb»ernment iJawd, c-in, in tba tfTMi Umg.^tanijtnf th^ boscoinjou 8PV)MiK0»- c«->^. lir A I.I. THEMHTS aaar.VTGXT lttDIClHB VtSDons THUOOOHOlfT fTS E WKBLD, or imt -^raiwoap ~- gutaasj, JJ (or Ti o' 1.1: »t»nil>« bj th< PronrlK"", Toi LlIOOUl nnwD O6v«orMHt w Dreau ap wg^— —" i>t> iliouiii Coumu Daropjimr , Lincoln. WOELD. WATEa»QB» g -in/ askloB the WEEKLY Aim TJlf ^ft-f ajflftj etsall ones, ii, in ! order ilo give emplo7EU3» W J" ^B HAMONII IS -Aik for tlaflrfi Blooi Ufatnra NEWSPAPER. TUB CAUTIOH. ,«3a : ^^^^^^ ¦|At\ %, t, aodtr I ar eatA, ar» lbs btKntreof wnrttiUitlQltsilaU or nibitJttitt}. ' csdatrr* I I ^^ ¦nlt otfmd. . UBIW. lie ChcWin etid oo; doubt large grating(ano »t * Viollnt, 00JTT MUT. MOID AT OW.a^t^tt, loyiBSni tn tic country. RHanUi odteu. flBt«t, Hoiie*l Boia«, &o. i ! V»la.oftbU f»«io» KdieU»r "" " rsv* rery little emp MBT |8f4t afloai, rjowMt Price* Eulcd : Mr Bedmrajd nUi that mi quite trc«. Hi (Mr ffT^r JT«B3»ts alM to til Imrrnnonta PIANOS 10*,; HIGH HOLBO»N, LONDON, ht U would be well lo '^H i DA JUCXATB ; ' Ecdroood) tijoof th* DriOOUEAG^jKIBH AKT nmJ "lUBYXIitiOfTl" (Jo-TCWBdrt ill , tie isforsutloo w« esnld oo tfc»M HARMONIUMS; 8/8 FEMALE cabjcCJ, and Uinxlpra h» tronld COTO tha tdojrtltaof TBlVTlC. : 2?BED TO 2HDn. REMEDY. J/6 ! i LOCAL B&IWAT OELTIOJOROQOEO. £ia BooluUoiJ. TnBa ite t* tor wttteaaiatW Ayrllt i«s>, I "VUTTUKW |oa ttt ti«4 ,ef, talloj BSSKSU ud AMERICAN QRQANS 'III Usbhoivy edd bo would crwrd ths cstko, T» GJftnriBM pmwlpws" isi eoopouiii 1 tiU^b poBcd mnleooily, nbloh d» ill M, fOT'i ^o1. ,oato - iBta i SoH GDWAR oTo'OMGA. 8 Years cniLcatat wrr»J» at A Eoa, or»M.wtlU o B» m4 1«U teai ysa dcaancntt l 0 Ascclcsstaroi Dralptsa System, ¦iSi Jteatif*1 HitnT»*m> ^ter. ' ullti Mr Utnla. B 0, hso trtto thl qoi« amp uM Wka frt* Fwn inn *ii> hit fJwnrLrrZTill - Tba C&drm>n oywi ), • B ffi woSipS" t7c7t:-JU£irBifirr cid ciiMir. eHXitei etiffpg eu who '0m tl"^)t? K flo^ toj OP*!-^ „ *?*" ,.,j,^ "f'1| tojj gtrii]irth,|w«rtsBica tepii to,,frcn fbtbttd II NOT ™* 4 i~ » -. Si 1 fl . - d.l 4 1" Ciaaa iniufi 1 ; . "I Ifll 11P ?ES • >«" • iJoEMOTJUoirr. MAltBLB A1JD l§c5rD OAVTinq. TOBH. H«tln Wd *iwy were ,Be«log on TeCy fttlL . KMlttlljtl HI < >d *riI OD J_j '1 If _ Ur XJocSa^Tdnrf U W • " /. LDtOQi M Hi p. <3t EMinll-A«»l : «su jua iua> ouixw "««uLl*Ta*" l'J"oT, ta ot\ a » u i*. Qusmict-RlZSBimfi end TtBPmUltt (5« rOSa aoTWI too -trrwr, •• • fcofioaoi WlOj . ' . (J*MJ). Jm^iiitiafa BluH, C:i, ud Gfrca Xrba '13 $!S% m l . tif | Mrly BwiM u ota fl c&ci. tad blm»rlei lUllnf Onnsaar : J%LV?J3 JC* JL • npn !foi« of Hai ted Loodoii ErtlWlloaj. Bud J5U»tfa BooU «le.rlnf «l 0. 11. 1 pjf | iiir ! lir [lM trepK og.y 1 • beced Fanstn, V'l TJfftH1 ™E2$Lu1 l OTtoJiOW bt Krlsnd iMrtawu e( irar ^-Sjjissa-- CT .. ognog UUAI JtubSfHaH limits. S'crr da .d tad 0lan«IlM t)t ;' . is • . ILJ i: t. -i *¦'i KMM-SF. '¦•¦Btt* lisOed lltMtoek ' t>o <*«« ^ lUftlM th» ' ¦*• Uct t, oraa/otharVmhsBdU »» ^HltHBl "t» DJDT7ABD OfSHBA, Coulptor ; UnraBWJtorlaf Ib*.nd. put, woek from ' !!— [.- .- - -! - - - ;!. p * . 1UU8TKATED CATALOOrm Wpea^gj tsd fmbmee *( poru, of IoUrMU Bttrr fawlllr off«nd to farsUfi *pl)ls« penonally er b/ latUr, r P*9|">»3 ^e b*<.th«K.a««, With M lrt.llni( amoabU ; Prooni ntuntloo |lrea to all i ppU- ^ 1 ,£5i^^ ; «jS&riSrM& aii i «atfutii. D;» 4se*BOOD]*«t. ^ : i B^?a«i*jira«a*^^^ ^^"* '*w"i»'*i 1 ¦ ¦ ; J. KDWABD8, UaDi|«r. 8PMMN& %liMAMM "g3ig£a>noBawffiMto«, • ' : iJS^MSFSS«g«cto«l ie»Mdy, la ^|. ¦ WILL BE MADE MTJCB ; BJJIEB BY U8IS0 . fcS »]lp»«!* :>nd j . . JAMl|8 HXJBJLEY, PIGOTT112 GKAPTON 8TRBE&CO.TTaod ,' GAREETt'S HERBINBi; i livery SUblea aai 9»stliiB; Jackson's YamiBh Stains 1 ' U & 19 SUFFOLK ST., OUBUN, i I xiatebliBiuaohti : • ' ~ FOE FLOOB8,! FCBMrnTfiB, tc. -||«-OMETi 70, MALN [. BTREBT, OABBIOE.ON433!B fl&VIBO liBOlrt^ DUST, 0ABP2T. rTBB ABl ^' AHD Dl«- ¦¦ ¦ ! i TUB HOST CUBAiUi AND SITIcnVB. pRBT, DUBLIK +.Tii fcbm BukiiMlStaa. • :j :i^®SLS6^ i Ctok ¦4Twej« in any [ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦. I' . '' amriiflumMCa, i - ; ! BOMBS BROKBB TO 8DI(fLX 6 DOM 8 parte*Ii daMfli vhhoBt kt3! Jiff:- ''^r-" 'r ^ i • - »gil ; : ' ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' • .. , ¦: .;;' :!! i'V -' -j .^rsSss** - \\ - = ¦ ! . i \ BAtsna.. Bold by U» b«rt Btohi, 1 t*aw»|W», DroffjUt*, * . : i WA»*MOH>—OB080* WHITB * 80WB,_, UFVM : Iia«A«0»B. i ; IaM :! t8«iil IMQn0letblat.aQi( . : | L^1U | ^ a* i^fl ^J Df Jut*t' t»iT T7M jS^aff IAMA a^kml^Bl ^^U ^BW ifcf ytSrJ^wir. MM N ^ ¦ HMaMMi ^UaT a^SS I^^^MattaMa BaM ta^a^fc !^- ^^ W^ »Q4O, ftSt^^jSSBjKSLS mim mMH^ H ¦fTif^Sw Vtw 1 Uft QtD S^ST WWQWbf tifl: ¦ ¦ SaWMimii **&P¥-W-1N *BiBi ffPlNi ¦ : ¦ ' : i ; WfjMl^l f WrI ' - n' ^WW ' ' ¦ 1 j -¦ ¦ ¦ ; ,, ¦ i i:| : ¦: . i ^ ¦ • -nil:V- i- i ; ;•;. -: . -i .1- . n

• ¦ ¦ 1 i i; i . . . ¦ .1.- . : ¦ • " i lt«LMiAMMmi$& L W ¦* .. rhouje 'pardcularlyas,yfe «e lQ«Jng ' ., :.;. ,;; < gorvemlng Iniland peaceably for some jyearB, 1 hot the moneyby at . ' ' ' „, . Th* JW? :Okipyi6addp..r.{' ?_ ;, VQJXXj the Jfiaod Shepherd , ot Guardians. Blinded BB tp the ireol issaeB at notWn^ dofng^or ;,j;.v 1. - '¦. -irii' - (iil i i, HBTHE&ES8EdI! &£- ! 'iriffie nbT"bT*~SlittBEct nywrture) the etaker ooij, -ujfltjenced 'Vy. ' wbb, j . " -¦- '¦ ^-COTvent-of': ASYLUM. 'Bni^5r' a t ^geJftlo&eo ^fere ' ' -, ,r r; •,; •. - We JiAve to thank Mti^OfBrlejj, I,, .The follovrfoglatter oam»,tp haad toiay :J- i : i ; - THIS-Diy. :¦ - !NEW MAGDALEN ciyiag i>ut"'-l6r.ih6»deatroclib S^ f ]gr' targin.' ¦ ; ¦ only thing nimainlng for Ireland wasjto deelaro *.- ./.>» v/ <{>-. JJ ; *' Or • ¦ •> inticrrATlio. army got ; b 2 ' Into effect siich a policy. With an ^riah' the light under the shadow of a Bijljil8 »te*n4 HH 70EMED. Council meotinc oofc'M ; arfl- .to ' «ee tbati ini yoj ttai tbo;Hto8Co mmittee bate • ttllotwd the one «.«? 1 °urr * " -' > *<9-ivlotions to bis oroalt , wai " oaN ^9 . '. •• : ,- :.:: Wo - glad "nv tj jai l for 0 mooln for drnnkennesa, ¦ A hrotnnof i.G^ABITT -SofE ilO^^OOP tha. composed of ¦spldler^nfee the >'H m" ^Ir Roche, which atill fxiele l>y favor of/^a^'ftmarj * r"v?,f.x I ' ' the awkward ue-':-)hto whifch IIE-J WPOWSB..' frleria mt John Wyao PoVw-/ Pjilg|oha»npinmhip tq youi dub. ti in bomrisftd for .ot piylba off theheivy d*bt ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 I x» »id io ¦' havo (3p-.atnent, Tbfy actually iocreas>d Wo fiWIW'nV SthoV Mrillat!tho»;O'Keofte ai|a welllU aa them. ¦¦ • • ¦ 1. - . i ¦ brotrier.to Mil- Powti , ^ot this ths. sports ©a Whit Monday, Hopbt you will bav« A Institution, pill be preached in Major JamieBbnj'.JjfEngledow— nen -Svhd ft got .. cf the '¦¦ ¦ aV.ovo from £" to JB10, in order, if poiubfc, tqjjtoeffiHBji. lv^el^ausBd iJuchi morrimont i ronndj -.It hci been jolcotea f aB Wi'(i?m ^ar»y that in cass Mr aerVe'* 'ondor of the Irlah Association District or the In»Utute •' ' „ '„-' j "H CORKOLCY, Secretary. Mass, •" Irish farmer i.3'ihey havo with . thi umrieakeablo of ¦ •¦ • • . > ¦ ", ' •• ¦: , \,-. l/. P.S ; At thie'12 o'clock pockets. For three year» t1»iS,^neh^c«(''. ylwi8J jwas Hl^hir than that thoir ^tcge , thoir m- of Journalists, . . , t. >. • . ' ' -r^Yottoujr.to-Lst me haror t8» name of tbb ZSSS&ffiRm Turk—i t Is, Indeed, hard to start out [in such a jiieviiab& 'flpd by :put- ¦ 1. ¦ r : Tho Clohmel 'Corporat ion: . on jadge, when appointed, to submit . nme to tho Baco m- - rcgented. On TaeBday last-by/t4iAt<»iity!^6 tcntiptf .was to at copt tha . Committee.!'...... :._ eommltua I ahontd «p«.k (langkUr). . ,,,., O'DWYfiE, dlfBculti and trying campaign. Mr [Hedmond six THE NEWS waa iesturedv.to $b;-siTaM!voJ: ting qti'Jx McOmbyite politician W/$roposd tho SYMPATBY Tuenday; adopted'la resolution : ¦ ' ¦ '< A •' Rev. Dr, - against the bye-lflw This U tho chief event g. c««MliA-r\t>rr %*««> ' '" •• Most sararped up the situation in these words*—" I have Confidence whio b we beid at lb?H.iaT&tttftf igli} aocBptiiiico of trie highest t«nder, -fnako iomo wira protesting in the Iri»li cycling world. Th« Ccrpo,itlorvappii«d for «aordorto- ' pa«asd by thei It win Jw ^acijed ' 'eflfirVl Mr T. Dr. and half a oentnry. A guardian nopj^iv) D6nti«H' reparation whicli might tond tp whitewash . ribUEiunrs. proposed to bb . a^UietW^a' 0 •port* on Wbit ¦ >of» Ji b permission of . the Most "R° always endeavoured to be perfec tly irank *, wbo is bndly afflicted with Whii;1jfWWil'ib*t!l??f *l(tr^:;'wiUi tha Subliu. Acaordin'cly,'' whon' tho .' . ' c—-:. >¦¦ •• ' ' ' l the contraot. The "V_ e' certainly ,-wa* oo his ldga ; > Is puaaed. and 160 famillea thrown on the rates. pept, oroatl;h!) Wiia^eat 'Core'rn'iaentithat ever may tell him, ia not worth tbe it aequenco a ri heard. " ;) formed a The above court of pett Mr Bowo aPE. Wed and Slid LB -|{ot BO TA»'«(» of the- :: pup>r on wbioh. , ght to bo u . Tho cot net fishermen of the Sulr havo y sessions was held on ^xi»t<;d. iLd, J&wbrljli wlttjio. lfglii h«art. Can pas written. In getting if printed 'ftniTBenC to 0 '! (• '. ¦ '" , ' , and are raising a fund'to pay Tuesday before Mr Considin o, Ii II, Kilkenny, who Is bousot lorthe piat ten jeara. Tbo/ we tt iao»tc»9d to Ireland at jfo gavo way to MryMoDonald defence nasoclfitlon tho N»'.l)n»I BanS wbo ges rtoirents. this moment declare War iffcctlvelj the traardians this political back is onl gging tbe costs the necessary legal proceeuiuK" temporarily discharging Mr Meldor/s duties. , . upon the Rationalist y di OA.VB.'TfAJr. however, and completely took OIj Tho 'Town Clirk , wiio nroteoiited. iaM thil «M not Government ? The powoi of into tbe ratepayers' 1 1 against tho proposed bye-law, KBOCKBOt UCMSI C1S1.—TBK " B0NA IIDS " Ireland, has been broken ; tho spirit of her people pooteti withwht Ibc i?os- >^ ihb iwind out of- ;,l;ho Paul's affect tbo case. Betldce if the {lets wen *a~ at}led by sibility of altering 1 newspaper , ex- AaiiN. Mr Bowe he ne«d not ;to.« large oxtjnt has been cruehedJ Ouj1 political tho decision come to. The Square sails bj stating that he, did so us ! No Waterford Tbo polios hsd a care about fc*Ting..tH^ist *loted . ' ' rcpre- cburjo ogalast Sir llurpby An order wn« UHKI B to ha»e lEo op|>onenta by, their action In Parl &niedt, in Ire- majority stand by os to-day at the Kilmaetbomt£i- '{tjounciilor McDohaiJ t?aa never'in. favor of AS 17SUAL. cept our own, sent a publics; Knbckboy, hootet eloatd nntli , 1 ' sontatlvo along with tho Arcbceo for havfn? sold drink to others they »m pot Into a »tate of teiilr. " Ian^J iBna , io take a recent enmpla, In the Board, but even were not' thttt 'eo.^to'Ijpcot 9JK6n^.V' Tbo beoch i:i: which thr> lost-nnTners of Ireland. ¦:- "" • ; " . - ¦ • | legfj; the case oonld not b« decided «|thout Mr Fleming, B S and Ur Oolltn> ,8 0, favi/B tjdenoe WATER50RD. field . . . . . -:-. - Mr Power first 1 tood up in the Counci l to ex- bd heartily con- the proienoe of tor tbe : TH IEATEB llOYAL, They represent tie. great bulk of the farmers of nessed, and thb executive are to two J.P.I, » cassation of hostilities took placa nntfl complainants. It wt»ltut»d th»!ftSron)d bs poso one of the* inost nofarious transactions-that gratulated on the!'success of their ' efforts. noxt pettj seasiom day. oecotary to provide water oloittt, ftlpti'diWt to tha Ireland. Wifh sucljastato of thtnts Injexlrtopce '¦ ¦ mam tewers 13 TH , how can any Irishman enter on 1 war; with tho SnnQorvcn ' Board 6f Ouardicuo over saw tho light -. '' LileuDenoDt Price rdde two capital raccn, and Thorn wer« cd cases contalninB a partlole of pnblio , and eooprele (ha yard* atUened to tbi MONDAY , "TPRIL who 1 scored was intertat. , .- . . • houses. . The coat of tho work waa «jtin»i»d »»'J53O. ¦ Government 'with a li ght heart ! It may be —T DOBSDAJ . Tbe ParnoUito " Eflise" which another accomplished Mrhdrseman f FOB FIVE KIQHT3 OM.T , ¦ Mr P McGnfre^son o]f McQuire,' Ollver n Hill. Tbe defenco wis that torn* jfirs aro Ur Walsh had impossible to [wage war npon an| Goternmoot, '.." vi4,yABtB 15r McDonald eo bbjoctq to, provided «init»ry ucoorhod»tiou «nfflolsnt THE NEW BOAED-0NANIMOTJ8 ELECTION Considering tbat It yen a postponod meeting the . ,to!«atl«f y and that la the danger of tho situation."^ We ' ¦ Of THE TttREE CHALEMEN. NOISE won for the citizens £25 j»r Carricl: Jotty Sossioas -VcsTSBDAt tno then offloors of the Corporation , and thai b» did sincerely trust that the necessity mayjuot brise. ; : " or tho mco attendance was slmnly enormous, demonstrating not too fnrther lmprdvemon.t waj noccssary. ard Compton , . anniim fdr 75 yoate, Kings has oa . M Edw Tho peace wfcjch now prevails here springs from little Tho McCartj'ito •¦ noise" once moro whit a hold ths Sport of Mr Feeljr a»kad tho Bench io Impose . penalty In i! and the At tbo usual weekl y mooting of the abovo board sum of £1/375. le. (Fsow ous RtroBTca). the case which ' GoaEDV COMPANY . the hope that the new Land Bill raay!ln a frreat ary election cost tho our paop I i woaM terve sis a warning t> other CELBBEAIED COMPTO tho members In attendance woro -»Me8BM J Y at tha loot Pirhamen t i KaturalUit" relates a curious Before Mr Poter Walsb (in tho cliair) 1 boqsoownori of tho - city; • Thelio notioc*is iaedby »ba ^ degreosettle :iie agrarian difllcult; ., Dr Kentoul , O'Brien. J P, Patrick McCarthy, J P, Major citizens closo upQn £1,000. Tho rutipayors " Ur John H M.'P, ah extriimo Tory. 6pe&king a BaOynahlnch pa^ A jiALODS PIG. freak of Jealousy on the part of Power and Ur William Britton. Corporatlna nore elmply ¦ treats! as: to maoh wtuto Universal Favonrite. , Maunsall , J P, G«rald Fitzgerald, J P, R Ryan, J J aud of courso, they osn nave thoir. paper. - . : 1 ¦ ,: - . ¦ •' MONDAY, APBIL 13th , tbe on Frldaj oycnfQg ruade follow ing icoportant • heir monoy , . a pkj; In his possession. It Is a , PLACE AITZ DAU13, ' • ¦ ' . ( tl\o ho Lynch, D Mausfiold, Garrett Morrisiey, M Boston, .The Mayor ansnaiicod that its Boneh woald fmpats I, This Night Only. _. " . , j statement J-^'lFor;years; past had Jield that choico—noxt Novsmbor. female, and ia proedss of time produced a litter Ksto Dalton summoned Bridget Dnyc r, llnrgaict Successful Comedy, in Three-AoW, Thomas Harty, Patrick Moorii Thomas Power, Clarke of young, nambcrln ; ten. At an early ago the Hearno and Mary Uearns tot a Qns of £1 and coaU and ordeii tho noecssaiftfork to The Brilliantly .thcra was -nc. aalatlojiof .the lane question that Nioholas Boresiord, , Tho Mayor said £hf assftalt. ' Mi Quirke be qarritd oat within a , by William. Mnskerry, Michaol Walsh, Thomas Flynn ' mother had tha mist >rtune to lose her tall in an apucared for the plaintiO, and Mr fortnight. The magUtratoa did not do dW&y- with landlordism jntirply. Any John Mooooy, John Walsh, BHOULD .TiUHKicasOBhould not be. made a pre- O'tiullivan defended. were nnaniaonaly oyrood, ho»4ded, tbat taoentlcea of was K O'8hea. accident. &nd| since then has gone through life The pUiptifl's cus »aa that she going the round ' ; DAVY GABEICK. legislation tfaiit did not Kid ia tha..Alrqctiaa KLECTIOB OF CHAIBMAS. ;• SOT. 1 cedcot of. Let ujjiopo so. A •« tb« Corporattoa iu regtrd to ht . ratUci •ff»etlpg tbo EUle Norwood, . mere was now with nothing but i stump, 'i he young ones of tbe churchea on Holy Thursday ni ht: when she met tenith of the Preceded by a Comedietta, by tinketlag Je3lalation.T . ¥oAey , ..ill Thomas Flynn said th»» he hid great plQASO^o ^1 1 .1 ! fow more transaotjone of the g city being trostea as wuto' papM. waa a i " ¦ HOOK AND EYE. ' , cheap, •. TheGover'nrri(int could.i>om>wnot money on tho city into sucS diBreputo bowevor, wero endt wed with tales like other the defendantts on the street, first jwar the hotel, and thloff not to be tolerated. I . . . t ¦ afraid in moving lhat the former ohairmen, Megsw J V kind would bring Tbisldid not satisfy the old one , again on Ihe " , ,, e^iy, {erms. i. 'iie Ciiernmen^LV^en) to would not little piggies. ; new ' bridge. Qn eflch occasion thoy '' - . AssjioLTjsa THiSb.M*?- Sort " O'Brion. B O'Shoc, and 'J McCarthy, bo. oloct^ tbat nH.iha bundric? it\ tha vrorld who seemed to intensely Jealous of tbfie a«dulted her, b ' A man Aame/PatriolE APBIL 14tK " That's your Tailito an Imroensb' leglslatlfe undertaking with ' ^ ¦ ' ' ' -! grow y kicking her and p«Jlijig her heir. An Salllrtn waa sent to gaol for TnW\ Comedy, m chairman, vlco-ohoirman and doDOly-Mico-ohainrioh .raU) tiiTiiy tlio etiinc. : : . \> aDpendagca her clTRprlng, and ono day she got, element of tho¦ two months for assaulting tba pilluf. A cgnple of ht onl Holcrolfs Sterling regard to, English education. In jthaC direction respectivel -toj rorhantio entered Into tho cue, for it This *ig y. y. Another product of tho Paul's the litter in row and bit off tuelr tales onq by wra alleged that the comp C»etUblo« were< Ukicg his wife to tbe Iook"-np and he I Four | Acts, ;thfcy showed: that they were noi pettifogging Mr Power said he bad great • | lainant ha-1 won for herself ¦ pleasure in seconding THEJSOBOUJ9 H Square adminiai ration — th» one, notwithstanding their protesting squeala. the aflectiom which an tunorona youtli »fnt np to assist them ailtbe pclloo tbonrht, bat TO El'IK , tinkers, but great and 8,tatesmanuke reformers tho rcBOlntion. It was the feast thoyoonld > to named Coetelloe before looj be THE¦ JSOAD; Surely, coiiid undertake do to KATE Boroug h Bale—ha.1 realised The mother li now .plc^aed see the family all had formerly bestowed on Margiret Beirne. Tho struck one of tb«m a, buvy blowoa the by Rudolpb this name- .Qovcrnment pay the outgoing chairmen tho compliment of re ¦ face. Taere wax a long lfst of jofffloc^s against cioi. by Vhb Fs^!r*M3omeailj/ Rt'.o 'd , prosecuted, Mr Quirke A man named Morphy who tnrned " V ;| ! It was a to watched the proceedings out bli wife and KEAf, TRAGEDIAN*, hqriedt man yrontod.tbjrob- landlords. The land- him to come there as tho ' safe(i! of the public health it is nocussary that lenv« on behalf of Mr Doyle and Mr cbUd late at ni ht after ftsianltisg * iil)MUKD '' Bahid hb . D^lio^cd v/as ¦bi said— " Last Jonuiry I got Shee, M P, defended. g ber >u Scat to jail lord had ceriilnly a property in the land, but it second to none in Ireland . Thoir financial 6tato g 'oiyes should bo situated 30 ynnl» from e> from tbe Governor to petition the Secretary of for tix rnonthj. Then were 102 oonrictloLt against 's Great Comedy, Mr Wandsbcrongb caid that Mr T-nnEJoAT Amit 16th , Sheridan was neither so large , so imporlant, nor so safe as was good Their businaaa was conducted respoctabl dvrolling. The enforcement of a rule of . tho kind State to allow me to have a visit from Mr John Doyle w&a a dealer bim and be was stated to be no , earthl ' ' ' Comody, y in tea ia A largo way y gwxf. . »ly. Sheridan 's Great the tenant's interest in the land, fhe tonant ,woa and thorn waff no jobbery durinsr the xetr. : Ho ip W-otorford woiiid viDcaa th&.uttor. rtiiij of nu Redmond, M I>. Mr Redmond •islled mo In my and employed a number of A conplo of cues for-ceglecil Ichildfed wtr» hold ffi Kfeb pa?t travelled to «ell the iirtice. U»ll«g pf in tbree acts, tho owner, pud the landlord was he mortgtjjpe, *galn' thanked. tlaiBoaid for Jiaving unflnlmtiusly ^nJuBtry jvhjch ejlijwcisBnt .^sldjj-ii cood jprofit to cell on the Utb of March , and I can tell yon 1,0 htr was on» of over for the fotnre good behaviour of the defeiirfhnU. Eyerybddy llfrofl to see mortgageis paid off, and ^ these, and it wu alleged that be received certain rnosies ' ; KIIVALS. :• passed tho resol ution and complirnectod tbe many struggling citizens. Tlio Mayor says tho brcugbt the sunshine witb him. A visit of a friend LICEKslNO CASIi. ' . THE overy mortgagee ought to be will ng to take his of bis employer which he failed to account for and ro- officials on tho satisfactory maacct in wbioh thoy bye-laws containing , tho stringent rogulation from tbe outside world is one of tbe red-letter diyo tilts Mary O'Fkrtell, publitftn, lower Yellow Eoad, money and be glad to get It. It vas frequently had dischargod fu*ed to hand over . The entire amount was stated to GolduEith'&MMterpicco. . their dutict objected to aro in forco in Clonme. What is Ib s convict's life. To Mr Bedmond I fully itated be £14 odd waa prosecuted for a breich of'tho Licensing Act. Mr FBrCAT. Awur, 17th, paid* by izxien [rJE)oth' in and out ot Parliament, ' If Mr O'Shoa said that ho , bat in order to simplify tbe cue, the Crown ' "Edward Cwnptofc. ' " " desired to rulum his tbat to us ? In the city of Waterforc. we Btip- my caae, and be promised to bring it before tbe were satisfied Allingham defended. I . |! BcneGt of Mr you get rid of" the present landlords you cannot sincere th&njcs to the guardians to proceed with tho cisu in 10 for as It Goldsmilh'6 Celebrated Comedy, ior bis uoanlmons pose, tweaty-nv» pigs are fed.to tbo out roared Secretary nt State add do all he could to obtain my concerned one item of Tho evidence of Constable )jeyes w»» to thi eflect Thia Night Only, prpvent another set of landlords from growing reflection l« tho vice-chairman. 1-la only, tbnt he caw a AcW , During the past in Ulonmol. raleaEe. Tbed be left rhy cell , and again 1 wan Mr Quirku said yonng mad enter; the botuQ at half past I; in Fivo up.' That Btatemont was puro nonsense. The year they had worked loyall bis client did not nt all wish to press ' y together lor the benefit : It ia not fair at all lor certain afooe witb my thoughts, and tbut Io a prlseo in. the case Against nine on Sunday night hut j that he entered , shortly SHE STOOP8 .TO CONQUER. present dual ownership in nineteen cases out of of tho T>oor and of tha ratepayers of tbe union. He Gallagher is he considered he had afterwards and NOT FADi ' members of tho Council to flrmarj I I gnxlontly urraited the result of Mr been autflcJentlv punished alread found the tar opea and tho young man twenty had_ aot an originjho hJstorJof which might bo pormitted to return thanks to thoso KUO- y by tbe consequences endeavouring to escape over a wall Wednesday Nightr, " throw all tha blanv for tha Eodmood's tSp rti for my release. Oa tbe 25tb 0/ of bis own acts. If the accused , Spocanl Train to Tramoro on could bo traced. The so-called landlords were payora in tho union who had votod for him at the the Rame montb (M&rcb) tbe priocipal of ibe io- pleaded gnitty to a For the defence It wa» contended that ths yonng man • ¦ - ¦ _¦. .. - .. mbrtgageca.. .af ParJJau)Ctit,j5P.t with no stringent byo-Kwa on tbo Mayor. His worship Urceny of tbe 'urn *f 14< tbey had tie objection to bis April lfeth . by^Act late election. Ho had endeavoured tc do his duty firmary cime and asked If I had not, any friends. I in question was &n Inlimtte friend of tho family, that 24 ; Pit, proof that tlioy or their original ^predecessors in in the position in which ho was is willing to accept his eharo of ths responsibility being allowed out under tbe First Offender!* Act. Priiii- Drsu .Circle , :3s ; Stalls, 1*' placed by their votes said I bad, and (old hits tbtt tbey jresided in Ulnt- Mr Shee ho came there for the uorpose kjf tjwnding the evening, ¦ title had advanced the mortgager money." Tbo last roar , and it would bo to him and no one should try to fast on on him moro. , however, asked to have the witnesses in the Galler^Cd. . [ a- great pl easure to gow. Tbeo too doctor come, ood I tuko4 him If bo coax prodoced and that he neither ajiced for ' nor 'was tapplfed wilh ¦ Government have only to act_ up|to the spirit of co-operato with the old fxiends he Eaw around him lho other moinbdre 'of th,e Sanitary ('omnuttea and stated tbat the unsatisfactory state drink. i BooVlinp' ak llrs Oampltm's, Quay. that declaratibji a&d cJlifitayYetfto weli tbougbV I vonld gt\ butter. He told me tbat I of thing* disclosed in regard to tbe defendant was tho ¦ In tho administration of the aQalrs of the union for ere. Aldurmen i L A Ryan, Q I Mack..sy , E C A fine of 10s and cosii was -.; :¦ ¦ ' '-' : ^ti 'I- would never bo abl e to work bsrd. Next day tbe result of the loose way Mr Doyle imposed. . 1 2 another year. Fielding, B Mahony, K Powoi . , Knox. conducted hii butincca In, another case, ' , Governor's clfcrk oskod me if I would join tbe Mr Doyle. .You bave no ri in which Mr Strasga appeared for ' I' '' 'iuNTEED ' ' " He again thanked tbe proposer and socondor of Gouucillors ; J I Whito, J Sutton, R Morrissey , pbt to say that, sir. I tha defendant, oDdin which ad infractionof tb« GUAR ; Prison Aid Society I said I would, and also told have agrcsd to reduce tbe chargu from ane of larceny Sunday kG FEEDING IN the resolution and the board for the confidence they McGrath, QVaingor, D McDonaid the* tbat. if liberated, I would go to ray of Clojing Act was alleged the Bench dismissed tha case. TJHE CITY JH H , H L official* ,£14 to 14* and it is not fair yoo should meet me like hod reposed in him yoar alter year during his Ward A Cadogaa, B Hoorno, J Currai.. J Kell y, friends in Qlnk gow Tbat was all the ofSdul noti- this. DIACOH AND THB DOO. connection with that boc ' at ] CIRCULATION We ¦wero-jlad to sce tbat wheb thia question R GougU. Tho bye-lavrs woro adoptov. unani- fication I got' tbat I was to bo ae^ liberty. Ur Mr Shoe said be did not George Deacon was oncoitnora a deiesdant In a UNPAGED PHOVIRIONAI, EII.I; Imputo any thing to Mr came before the ' y, tleman named above McCnllogh fltiUbed bis story bj once moro rxpress- Doyle Iwyocd the fnct that summons for failing to obeeiVR the. mnullDg order of Council meetlnt on ToesdcV MrTpiEgeralcJ uked whether it would mousl so thatL ev, ery .fion such mistakes as hod oc- nofbe well to iof; bis tbanlio \o Mr John Bsdmopd for tbe in- curred were tbo Board of Goardlans. On thU occasion bo brought there clearly appeared to be a general relief from has just as much responsibility for them aa the poanibln. feeling get providpn^i tboi contractor!* tor union ' ; Ip bla two dogs down TT '¦ llayor ; ' '' terest thct gohtloman bas tak^n w;lfarc " Mr Doy le—There was no mistake whatever about it to tbo Park Trblch ere mmsled after against the strict and hard-line ;nlqrcement if supplies, - a manner, bat cot cfflclontly tnoogh to prevent them Wj t Maierteft fto. It tho trath wore kuuwii , wo Tbe weji-in/ornied London Daily He got thu money and-tpent it tin admitted thjit and . , After eomo disctujioa it wrs (ound that, ia the cue _ _ tlie' Public .Health Act. It vrouU 6imply ruinirt . . sent ten meAseogert killing three fowl which were there at tbe time. , THK . 3 1 -Mr PovrOr propo:«d, ond Ur lTlynn Eocjodod that lnw. At for as no can BCO thero is noining to Irish Lood Bill to tbe Home of Commons on 113 to Utaccounts SATURDAY, . APRIL II , 1896. at great length by Mr Sbee. I that a sanitary Committee., cojnpoBod of 20 Merara T O H "Williauj» , John Greene William at\d wo trust un eifort Uonday. In . well-informed circlet It 11 tailored provont tt baing modified, When tbe evidence hod rdombors, sliould unanimously ajlopt this bard- Dunlea and John Wall bo appointee to the vacancies that tbe Chief decretory for Ireland is dupoied to concluded. ¦ In this direction, may bo niado without doiay. Mr Shed paid THEATRE QYAL. ., atd-fBst xtle. Now they mmt raacind—*trat«d to dU poeoof the case entirely molliy^-thla rule. The city was never Mr O'Sbea aaid that he bad another pnqtlemar to Ttie clausco tffooUDf parohase, it it nnderstuod, are . K more healthy (than it in at TUG THEAT&E. being carried out 11. the in- framed wllb jthe flow of ooDSiderably (soilitaiiog The Chairman— Jt is rattier late in the day now to Tbo Compton Comedy Compsny will open tie fcsKon EDITIO present* There propose, but be did not wi»h to create & dirmoc CJ idTI H in the Theatre do that after hearing all that Royal on Monday evening cert, when id not one case In the Fever Hosnital, and there- there WOK no other vacancy on tbe commute terior of the Theatre tho com- the op^ratioajof that princi ple. Some of the difH- evidence, Mr Shiie—1 could not do it will be produced fore all is wanted'Is, to , keop bock premises The resolution wfv* pa&acd uo&niinous- mittco should aoo to tho scenery whict. . in many (raltlea relatiDfr to tenure are to be deo't nitb , and before now. |tho well jlnorra comedy " David lho Chairman—Tbo m»pstratcp Gtrrick ," ohlch will be preceded by ai comedietta 875. C LEAX , and ziOver rulpd the number of feet relative Tho clergymen ol tverr denomination wtre added in retpecto, is very dentioiit. As tho Mayor said tbe period o( judicial rents is to bo reduced from . think thero is a of SAiVEli £1, 1 pnmafane co.se mado out anrt will entitled " Hook and t!y«." : The reyfrfoire the JWE to plRfcerles. Premises may be dirty and danger- wardens. on Tuesday tho, improvements already made ui fifteen to too years. ' send the defendant ^ fot trial There hm been no Compt£3 Company la always s> very (elect one ous even If. , 1,000. feet from a A welling. The BESBI N I ; thu orohtatra stalls aro vory much approciated. 1 Ur Murphy, aaotioneer, advertises defence established or 11 1 tiit*l to be established. embracing as it dots such fins old English plays As : THE result of Tuesday's letting of No. principal thing for Sanitary OtSchra to, do la , noi The following were, on tbe motioc a Mr Nlchofco travelling circus than SALE. ,: in our columns to-day an extensive I, A bettor Defendant was admitted to bail, rending "Tbo Kivtlj, " '•Shorftffljpa ti Conqoer, " " TSo Road & net gain to so much tojlook after the pigs of I poor people, as Berttsford, socondod by M T O'8b,-A appoiqtnc to the holding near I'ortlan for £4tb ' hi* trial, in ,: Broaa-Btteet to Mr Clarke means LLOYD'S ctBcuaJ. tbat on tho road no»- under the £40 and two .oreties of £20 ' to Buln," not to mention ." Edmund Keati, Tragedian," to look aftet and remove DIRT from all premises, vacancie" on the Seskinane Committee—.ilerarj E >Dst. We understand tbat tbi] farm Is on' of the each. Uo offered ill of Waterford of JE25 for 75 yeari i " chnrgo of Mr Lloyd wo nevor Kiuhord Kell y. John-street, and. r.hich is as adaptation of Aleiiadru Domui. Alltbesa the ratepayers whether they betong to " poor j or rich. The Power, Patrick Wahh. John BarroL «jid Jus Uickey finest and loncst rented 00 Lord Wnterford'a another man. The saw. Borne of tho artistes aro as good as could polioo objoottd to tho neeond suret will be pretested daring the Wik. and co doobt tbey <' ~ -or jd,875. For; this 11* Jacaea A Power , T.C.. Committee who Issued tho ridiculous order com- BI>-OTILLk estate y and tbe Bench t tho globe. We wish the .laid the defendant should remain in custod will he largely patronised by Waterford Tbutre-goers plained of , end not the Mayor, is to blcine In this OB tho motion of Ur Qemld Fibfjeralo—.Inmej bo seon in any part of Last week tbo deaths registered In y until he I in piitieular, and the Parnellitea and Conser got a co-surety with Mr Kell nbiie the Company remains. Compton hunnlf has matter. . 1 ' llArty, John Harty, A J Anthony. ThomAd O'Connor. enterprising malinger a right good season. ciTt DSATiis. Waterford corretponded tc tbo y 'Mr " , moot be tbonked. • Tbe SAKrTABT a world, wide;reputation In bla tpedil Una at tin actor vTativpij. in general wBrrrcBUBC. . ., Q, bitterest qppotioots we . , ... ,.JCb, I annual r»te of 17-6 por 1.000 of the Tho Town OommioffiorrerB tad it may be taken for - gfesn&ed ;.Ui»t witb anch a Square people bare been foiled in one of Richard Waleh, Mooeyvroe Boger McGriith , Joe at tho time of tho split aud ^urej wcro ralurn prosecuted three house- A,p4nl^ \ TUB TIDI had population. jExaotly elmllar fl d holders for having failed repntation aa his own mt ilike 'he will tot have deflges eerTo political ' ' CurrMl, Michael Fleming, addei to Whitccburct a long timo aitorwatde _ to provide proper Banitary ^f actuall soon tho light. Wo said then that thoy DUNGABvi} } band Just as wu wore going to tbis had always been done. A LAUGE ATTENDANCE AND.GOObliAClNa erery precedent I i DDE1, AT BEBLI^. y The Sanitary MrO'Sbe^ &aid this w&* no fnul t of the engineer . would como to eoe ine error of their wayB. For QCittTEcj prer,?. Tho buslntBB, »o f«r . seems Committee of the O^mmlssloners when lie' focxisscd public attention on th^,cni;e, J A Centratrs'ew* tileg rain'ftora'Berlin to-daj sayi appointed discontinued tbe ' tion, The flues were conetrncted for grato* but gnibe* would paid iilO per annun-. ne a sub- tiHsioNsi to bo extrotrel y llgbt. In tin practice (FROU btjR RiroirrtB.) , that ^re did oo flop Haron Ton Kiotzs, Imperial llMtod of Cc-rcinoniet. three years 'hey Mr Kheeeaidtbatin neither It' trap said Ijr tiaa plotjtero not *ult the labourers who should bum .slickB and were although wo wore willing to i notion for seduction laktn by Olonmcl nor Waterford Oning to the mnch-rcgreUeddestu of Uici Fonor, aa<3 Baron fabrada- , Imperial Chs'tnberlaiD, have sidy to Whiggcry, Oocn ' (tie iVL-retbemcdJcalofflcersprodocediHtachprotccBtioDj. political motives. One woutd imagine from tue foaght » duel with plBtols. Baroo Schroder nag frequently in want of ooal, so tbe beartb wan generally ivo them-genuine valuo foe i?. .OD Tueeduv Corbelt against John GleeBon /or ihicb occurred on Fr(dty la.'l,lboFallbleggCarriers g sedootlon oflhlt leventcen yt-or old daaghter a de- Mr Qairke remarked that in a cuss where & similar ' le epeak that they were the severel y woondod. *( rctpect tmreitr minded iii the cbmmunitf. They seemed iFRic^ called to Ihii before All tho cottages tvere erectet K noakulnra,Incar Cappoquin. their own medical ofBcar of health waa examined for to I? II Poner than on any provioUB occasion, TlLB N KWB WUS , Esq. D L(bfo:htr nt doctatrd). the efforts to boycott the British South Africa Company's Cablegram fron TH* DOOB AC tbe deience and proved there was no nalsancc. He deservedly to tbink that their ' advertising medium ai the i.ld A book hasjast born publisbod ct- popular lluterc! tho Hoot. Tetterdty 1 Cape Town states—Rebels madctw ) fuidier attacks Mr John Walsh gave notice of motloD to rescind tbo declared the quoted Rothorities on tha point n.ad sold the bench bright weather, o£ every prominent Parnellite were for- misn Nmts. ticating tbo number of persoas io , were bonnd by the Act an eoormous attesdaneo and good bneineea on Giflord's position but w«rc repmaed yiih heavy reso ution pssaed on tb« '.'4th lait December for tbe tigure of £?. Timo righta all , thing* which had been paeced by that racing combined to mike Iroltnd bearing familiar Irteb great legi slative bod the little meeting eminently gotten in a moment. | Having neither decency Ibsscs. Lumsden and Hul«eft wounffed. mozdinK of doga vlthin tbe I)nnB>>rvan nniok It is inatruoliv'o to soo tluit the y of wblcb hisfrlend pn tho other (nccessfnl and Mr FitzB«r»ld eaid that ho woald be in favoor ot names— " Mrjrpby entree flrs t 00 tbe lf» r. Ibeb Io side was each a distinguished enjoyable. Tbe course at Kllbride, themselves they 'naturally INSTRUCTIVE, Panl'a Square peopio eslimaie member. Romo two miles ftoro nor boliUcal honor increasing tho Ifceone doty owiou to the large nnoiber r»n;nlar Buacesslon, Kelly, Snlli.ao , Walsb. Sinlttaj Tho bench eventually Tram^re, Vat as ctlS a cce aa that tho valuo thu; can (fi vu raled in favor of tbe Com- tbo most darlni; horseman .would oare to nvKOtlatc. attributed to others the base motivta with To-Day'a RaciW of oor« In tbe conntr^. Mnizlinf dogi contributed O iirieo , Byrni", Ryan , Connor, O'Neill , abd sn on , missioners and mado an order that, tbo works t3 make them what thoy wero ablu to required Aa mi ght have been expected-under circum- always actuated. If we mi^ now is onl y threo-lourthB MTarihy boa 13th piece, Oallng ber 1-tth , Dobort be carried out tt favorue for Wintor IWear. Pries List oa application to \h* Bii-LEBDZ.v PLATI .—WiDinjrluc princd) blnrtins aupplias, bat possessed tho reqaired qualiSoailon for for tho peatilctitial could if it were not for one thing. " Oh, that is so of tabtcrlberstoFattbleg g Covtrt Fond that have B action than nli ihe ou]« enlightenment in PBJU I' Square. Our Price—6 to 1 against. election to the Di'penxary Committee rrpnld bo bo papor " had a circulation greater Robertsoa, Ledlie, Forgncoa and Co, lid., obvious," fOu may say. " It was liardly worth while foes regululj hontt MEBT1NC Mr O'Shea—Then if that 11 «• 1 lurtoor qacation character of the men! who have been posing as ariaei. Why ahooid two gontJetnen who ate on the romance The oomcneDcomcot of tho Enter ir»«on not to copy for yon. Mr T H Bret t't -Handaome Jtck (Mr N BW BTAUD H UBDLE— Ballynoo Ainnei Starting Tbe first runs thus : " In Q ratepayers! 'chkmpions for the past price—6 to <) on I list of «x-omolo goftrdians. hot wbo are detained from No doubt Mr Ol'onnoli h»s colebrated ip the Cathedral hero on Sunday lut Drcember, 18gO, my oltlccnsoDV ...... 3 pitriotB and! daughter (Mr« III Mother) ¦ WEBTKBSi HlTST Cur—King's Meadow winner. acting here in that capacity owing to thf fact that iN KOSXaT i cooloddown. We intend mail. with grott impreniionerjo and solemnity! A large J pot into n low, weak , Also no—Ur A Hunt's Soil (owner), Mr Biobtrd- fivj years. AVhen th'B question was first raiEed the? are contractor! to tbe workhouse nervous condition. Do what Btartinjr pri'io—2 to 1 on' bo deprived of OPII'IOK : png him a Copy of this issue, and congregttioi filled tbo vast building ,wbtlo tbe she would she could not ion's Marie Correllio (Mr H Gofl), C»pt Mil word' iiary meeting of 'the their riffhta ou the Dispen&iry Committee wbnn , as a get up her strength. Gradually the wuted away s by illr Power at the| Jan ARNOCK ELLING we ask him, 10 compart u with beautiful oexemonlos "ore being carried oat, and un- Farley (Major Connellan). ' | G S — Bohemia vjinne; Starting matter of f«£t, they eopply notfcinir aoder the Medioal I til everyone; thought she was in . ' . a determindd effort was made to rale pr ice—7 to on. I Lot him ns an honest UUD those present were .Alderman Smltb, J P, Mayor ct a decline, and had not Spot made play onlll lie lura for bone, »hcj Coincil 4 Charities Aet to be ne«d for dtapemarj porpof et f lu« favorito ehaat. long t0 live. In fact, ahe a-as so low and dejected she WrsT OP SCOTLAMD STTEPLEOUAS^— ^lng Charles u tho Waterford, fed setpral of tbo Catholic ^embers of 8tatll|?bt challenged, aoJ 'c.pitably riidrn, won a .that gentleman out of order. It was beld by tbe The Clerk «aid that it wu bis opinion that they were say when noii vro moat which better did not cua, whether she lived or not. Sbe was under . winner. price—6 to 4 on perfeotly within their rigbta in tbo Corporation, some of wbom wore their robes bard foogbt race by a lesirlbf Tblrd dots op. Hell Ividence could not be Sorting aotiog on the Dispen- paper. If ho . does not vote fot THE N EWS Oa a doctor for six months, but his medicines did her-no ¦ ¦ Usjyor that documentary A DAMHILL CUP—Little Tommy Pinner. eary Committee, bot Ibe poini m» of offloe. Ai usual the town elerk (Ur BVlj), tbo and Forlfy felt "> '- 1- • • Starting, to novel and every intelligent' man in tho community has (rood. My hojband thea said, ¦ Mv daughter. , , to prove anything! with regard to the price—4 tojl against. import6B< , aDd ts tbo gentinmen In question derived borouifh su/voyor (Mr Fiominn). the treuuret (Mr I will 81'coTO KAc»—Li ht " weight bnnt tsoe read voted long ago, wo must only conclude thut tho now sec wbit I can do (or you.' What he meant g t oatch Tut AoAjH8TKErLE0 BASB—Dan ftanwinner. Starl- their qnalifioatlon being ex-offlclo gn.trdians of ibo Kent), tbe high constable (Mr Grant), and tbp was weig ht,'over 12 stone- letting. M-f Power haa no otbor means of penny u. oeekispont oa him in his early school that he would have her take a med icine called • Mother . | Same.¦. condltlccs u la irg price—1} to 1 OD . f nnn>n in which capicitr if they did aot they wonld other ofilcii.lt nere In attendance. Tba Moet Eo» first raco. . .. < ' the ' nefarious transaction lnoor tbo penalt owfty. Sejgel't Curative Syrup.' Ho hid used it 1 ahoivlng In Its entirety 1'OB.TLABD PLAxr—Nei» Yeit 'e Doy n'iijrjor- Stort- y of £100 (hat it wonld t>a noli to have days wus entirely throrrn Ur Sbcobca tang tbo High Mast ('tbo ilette huruell ' • known that it eonnderrd. Mr ivben he was ill, and thought He Toho "VTIdgcr's Soiar lest (Ueit time, but he made i^ through rio price—1 to 1 against. O'Bheo enggeguxi that 10 order be eto eorry to eoe that the ousltof whiob was splendidly rendered it might prcreai bene- ' " ' « at the mode directing bim to obtain I We Solncllc), thja fiqal to aj it 8Farrow) ... : ' ';:. •• • ;.. 1 (et the puolic tho opioloD of tbe L Q B itrenntbeoed cODiidenbly he* had to him. . : " Jha columns of the Ftess ho would i>D the qocatioL THE POLlTicAl. political virus »tu obstruct* by tbe cboii. which nos said she was Mr H 8 Boon's MlBem (MtO V M«^oroson' trafficking as alleged Round About the Harketo lent mtgntacont effect to the several fiarta. Tba , in Rochdale < know nothing about any for the Jubilee. Quotation! — of common lionea cannot still limit that tbo Road , apd my daughter began liking it. After tbe D? Stqoab (owoet). " ' ' ' \' • , " lwat espoolslly flnn. »oi drjillDjf Murrjhy, or Clarke, but ' The appreciable and »ery weloome improvement guilty of iutroducing a mar with tho re- " Credo Jn first bottle we saw a peat improvement. She could Sogt r Loaf ttartcd a **rm h^Otiif. , ' A( the fall between CKtfff". GDINEi\S-9 to i ngst 8t Frue^quin, party with the H Hallelpi«h Cborua " fro m JVIB lieniah , 1 . ><1 produced very slight-Infor- in tbe tone of tbe baoon market , which wes tbe cord of " Hoii" Mr Bocho to an lnah Catholic eat, and thjc food caused her no pain. She continued of the fltff Mtnerv* vent to toe front anSiiriled OD Councillor Power JUBILEE—15 to 2 Americas (0 ; S to 1 t," , feature of tbe past the sinL-ers iad InttnuurateJists found simple SCOTO {ot and- ht ;those charges against ' conplo ot vn-eks, Is rtlll main- and Nationaliat|oanotituoncy, aro worth forgot - with thU remedy, gradually gained strength, but tVo rooologat * ttton? 'jicc-ffbtb MilsTtston and mation beforo. ho brOW 8 to 1 Victor Wild ; 9 to 1 W ilttirfr ; lii to 1 tained. Tba prlo« for piifa the great rahga which ihey respectively wei e capdbls of it took sotne time id bring her round/the Dr Seqnah , sicdrid la' no ' ftt tbe cellara thia week LDP, old at3ooiatlgn» to niaiaiain fallfilled tbeir part^ witb ¦ wa» to very tbe faivnnte?)ifnif aty Abont the Committee. There ' been- hl? repeated, Clornne ; 14 to 1 Lombard ; 16 to Dtraroscben and Is 3-h per cwt, and the demand for comnundlnj. ud thoy prtat low and wejk, After a ilm« she was able to 'get half » mile, ' from home 8ooa/ loaned ^ Irieh bacon is within the sacred edified »t tba tirae I^«f the prove to Mr Power's Kampion j: 25 to 1 Brlarnnde (t 4 >); aa to 1 Cl*yd. rather better. Tbe supply of Danish I Tho ;nangoronB pile ot rock ability. Mesiciuni abont, and never lookid behind her! Since then the Iraderi, nod, coinlog a«'»j/,' trafficking, and he would ,W on tbo - " snog acknowledged that ro»1 English market ii atill . however , very BILBEEEY EOCKw hear tho curvo ai Bilberry in the Cred i waa >cing • has been tlrong and* well. We bave told many persons cosily, when he peeked at ihe Its , terer,' add it waa wtistaetl6n.:uiat In dolngVh^t ' large At ' and effecUvo rendering they never heard: ' |r > E«3rst ; 33 tc. J Winter Eiae-; iO to r .Gileaauo-; this period ot tho year it may be r*m»rk«d there I bdrj'J removed under tho able more accura 0 hovr Jlotlicr Scf gel's Syrnp restored her fa &ounahealth , witb tbe peaVitdifficulty!CleuteEaotPrto"tretalctd - *fte » proposals,' u HW not assenting to tho Me« ri Cla 100 w 1 GallBtan. generally somewhat ot an improvement opntracto;. in an Irish Chinch, abd ths opinion (hey heU, tg and aretyllneyou thould pnblijh this 'Jtateniciit of of | in the trade oupsrintoodonjes of tue Mr James , witb tba " BaUelajan Chorus. his test. A 6lag-iieg flolsb erdtd fflf^vpr Ibe thBT were 'benefltttng the citizens.,^ Waterford Irish bacon now BC IU ftora 37. to «, ' also in corjnection " lened> (Mrs) Mirearet ,: 11 ftrorlle b gfb per cnt aD(j Flynu, PLG I "M«'a8olleu«ll (Qotmpd)l W*Uon , y three ptrU of'a lei , JJilrfva Ketl. Ev snts have since proved. Danish from 33s to 4 L . of' ' The full propammeiwis— of' Ruby Street. Bury,' Oct. 8th, 1895." Ing Mill Bahon. fa? teoonr] place by a ijtoil brat). Initead of otherwise.V Ono our unscrupulous •• Credo andjBenedlctuj " (KalUwod»'t) 1 Kyrie, a(oria, the citizens e! Water- Gaelic ! Tournament at Dungarvan In their raport ot the-Dublin M etropolitan Cattl a " In March. 1893," «ays the set ond letter, " I began ' ' thkt they were " benejlttin 5 >OT Tttuc. poUtidal opponeutf stated on SaacluD. and Agnns Del 1 " Hallelojab," Chorul from TBIBD Racs> 'iuiinti ' jJici-^JtC '^jaod, £0 j an Market Mcstn Qaoly, Son i Co, stite :— There 1 that Tin N ttf fail ia health. I could not siy exactly what sued ov« , ford" by letttng a house at £45 per: annum In wai a better demand to OhiKflay EWB was the " Mesaih." Tho foltovniofr are the names, ci the weak , 5nJ, ^ea ; eitch *«!g.^ ll»«, m Sit Hones Should the present delightful 7eather continue day tor cattle, bat oxcept 1 me. I felt low, , and tired, and had no strength the properly, of Farmers hutding land In Uu dlttrkt underhand manner to ai ungrateful servant—a for ohoico/qualitlca, no not to bo had at , Kilmactbomao. This is a bare- instrumentalistswljo so kindly faUUIod their pxrU irt for anything. My appetite fell away, and whit little . an jmmetspflroird will Cor cer ainlosscmble nt Improvement in pricei OL ; ¦ - over whicrt they f aithlegg Boumda.fipijt; ' will In Sheep, « dtMTglBg l4| ' faced untrutt. i Our paper U salo at Mr the orcheatra, 1— ; . me great ! About 3 hoW foi.whlch a«oin , of £70 per ynnum trada at 8 quotallooi CaUlp : food I »t« gave pain al Ihe chest and «! , market. They are now •¦ strong" In every 0 her respect, of conres, it wu wbrthyiof tbo ; C»iUsio*b (Bccb*). *\t trtoholM Mc)on>/< Fan* Anxious for ^Vo 1 body Blackrock. Special trains will ran from both ing like me. I got a bottle of Uu> medicine from Mr Cbs.1, Mr PrttYttotVFHIx-row.r'' ' ' « ' H«y and straw, of which thero U 1 ot. Bf. . .. ucctslon at d of thei piety and devolloa of the (nlliJal ol W Htrwood, grocer, ia Oldhim Road, and alter , tiat the fott ^tiipiea^Q\ [{hlj jmucb. .dlsctissed Cprt'ancl%fjterfotri..> | ! good SOPB I T , ¦ GreenUjhy »rtd jtcrtet) 'fivprite • »i t tt> T on, ' Is in f»ir demand at the following |U.would not surprlao ns If tho tbU dloce« taking only the hal( of it I felt roach better, I could took BC4ad»l hia.-ai,last bean- J6»ed.i..A: yeir agff tho, prl C eo :—Haj this lead toon after ataftlnc aid eafrletf oi Urt iminmf of per ton, 65» to 65a ; wheawn ttraw, COj ¦ WOULD NOT Faul'a Square people claimed to Aa already mentioned tha Mm wu SDng by the tut without pain, and was stronger and brighter every 1 wor^'enijniles the C 3rppratI0il would hardljtj to GEi tfUnritiDE \i haTO Blcured e> ratepayers' Lord Blahob. The cthet officiating prictU wrr»—Bev for mlla when, he catoe 'down.' Betty then<*ent on, . wheitaa iheai, 70s to 8Oj ; oiten itra w , 481 to 6O»' . victory way. i\Vhen I had nsithcd tlio bottle I wu quite * OCOD fc^oWDeacon; and had « lobg leadiat'tUeUstifeoct which' proved cttdjt'jbit a large -oectlojp »f;'the li^niberajcouldl The " Ne.wB":. aa .an 4.dv0rtiBing;; ;; Turnips aoia th, U week »t I7i aad 18« ibscauso Mr McDonald , T C, pro- Father O'Connell, B ; Rev P Power, cared, and hive had no returncf the complaint since. rper ton, and posed , ceaptow»;, Of Clarke Rev Fathkrs Butke ami Canvan. Oeaooiii t% the fatal to h« chance, the retddoiiMd GrMbliBtrf winning $lly;ttS^att whicljitib Kroja Stjuire Bentiemei maTigolda at IBs to 16a. ' ; tho B [Mr 's tender. I have tdjld many others about «hat the Byrup did for j . h- ijilleaitoi. : Throne 1 Very Ruv Dr 6heehy, President Et John's a popnUr Tictory by a'1engtV.-..2*ea»ly«JI 'bslt placed L ' U The ruling prices in the fish market to day are as me, aad out of thankfulness Htm" frilling my letter : ¦ • ¦ . , « 'actcrrtipto all thrjoug phe piece.' We biaqnii ^ ^ , tree fold, al hp'qjjh wa . ftro very much Inclined CoUtge, AwltUni Priest ; Uav ,F»thcri• O'Donncll, bflnes fell, - - 1 : t • - .U1 bo set ' up ID . that tjieir food—of which they Mild take but little— ballot box! what jtheyUhinkj of rir _0'j£ee6V» ' .andLiIneric£- 1 ! (or a sabKqutntly John fc'.«5>lrTj(nicK *sh | J.r. | ¦ " ¦ aa the «,dVertui&g medium (ir th'13 qaartir of for the w«lc ending April 4th, amounted toa lotai or -'- . M bnslnsa b,cre by Messrs Ken. We hatb to tbtci llr D Cantnell . Hon fl«c, d|d Ilera Bo good.- In the rnidkt of- plenty they wen 1 , : Cirpofata iriends. ' i I j ' I pro|raanaB of. amnrremsnt*for the-prcsan jear. I 'fhi ..Other guardunt preMnt^.Sfe«fs4<. Kia»exiy,HI the ' cotintry. The expresmnn of confidence 7flM. The OJBW. Ulfi-p for a cdrrtipondin^^period nedy £c Company, Dablln, Messrs Gallagher & ot actually ;>tarvine;. So much wanted wu one<-f then totalled 18,000. Quoutfonj or some other pilrcni r^the Society are—Lord CMtletoa n Upper believedihe had icorteumptloni ' tit event Maher,. Uajotv P.'OLwry.- .J.H (ftfaypi), »»w*» A i . ¦ ¦ ¦ '" ' ' •" showed, no chacge Company, fldiast, great Irish firm that K waf. ' « I ' ' '- 1 -j --V :V. i- •''£¦ . . .v|hreh-.thB KilfflUpthorar-3 Boaril of Guardians £ ffrom "J~ Oatory, Ijord Carew, and Viiconbt DpncaDntm, tba 1 .Milwardi. f, John js^priirTcjiMldemua ' ' • 'I' - last week. : , i .: ,.| lit O'Keitle, vrp bite Dp doubt, Influenced by the ihbwe^that they botlj «uflat»4 from dvipepsU,' wd J Pwwii, ! j ' * Tne?iay ' ' patrDDMtjtelog the Mardionm of Wa< < rfohJ | ?ht Murphy, « , , ,,. ;,. . , I . I ,» C » r -'-l i-.)» ¦ ' pjiqeii'ia «u, fm _ lait|t\ a remarkable Mr wailain Power , butter B»le,man ¦ notorious pli tt^ro, forgot the duty be Ovrcd Mr intomer ihow will take pltca on tho 22 id July, tbo nothing^elpe. But that wai quite enough) and besides ^: : ¦:t Mm- Miw.w j 6ESTio¦ ffi i >'r . irnds the Clarke, ! - believe rt)Vta into coruimplion 1 and other fatal mila- ¦ - W V-T " :¦ . ' ' i: • eridenci of the progress ire ule making with all foltoirlDa' report ef tbo W.tcrfOTd markrt for ttte ^Jb • We di> not that on his OTW ifCttaaJaclot Jltj »'g»toen«rt' cltis, opouatotboto jt often . .^ ' Sbpsr&iM, 93. to tar 0.t Initiative he wpn'd be capable ¦ dies stttlne tbe jtomach rjjbt Mother SdgtX * .ToflXIertt f cpoOpX»| « . »?ai#rtJlaMjr, Btte> i Thereils jost one chanco left for the present clafeces. When tbe onfortariate division came po ( Kr?fiS.ro rj ^t ol acting thn part •ho do or) da sot employ tv profuilmal g^rdtair t an By ¦ Couectpr. Jbad not of ¦* I 0(.t: Seoondi. R0« t9 »lt per ow« j ThW. of an uniattifoj erfraat. ' , Now ' that ho has •maUnni clui, opao to thoas wbo never •ai'ploy a Svrnp'ftuly coreothtm both.' j -; - , ' . ¦! :¦ 1<^o«^L.i^,co#arfca7byhltri. - .sympathy largo ¦in-the , es. to ?S got . p;r i«ceiBby-arid^wint^#uaijIu^»|«Ufitioto» <}ofsnnaEnt io .eicxu^-tho itrish -ranks a promirjnnt polilician wbo, : rice' heM oo'llnubtrom8» t "* * A ^'"Ct i Co, oni ales on draught and ,p mates 8ejjel' ' ' I »*reep tut frott th« journall»ti,s iwoirWi; Wet! Tim w .rfSJd. ' •oelety ey.Vlnter •botr annoinicod for Prii»y, 6tb matlon that Jiobhar s Svrnpio wonderful ' ' : ' roriew^d. tie & Musi j In bottle which e«h compare vrltb !• : ' '¦ ' ' ¦ ., ¦ ' jneeiliri;| «fn fiojd»yi sTvtea|ie !¦ a remedjr, . , .,, . H , ' . -,:. .! . r 1 | H^jrl^.bBB^tywf/^ingtrashyBtgiAieWiah -. 3 . ;|; tbo beat ^urton , brows,and 7ho Novtmbef next, lhl« tncJodinj til tbe cbol :• S4«er^ of "Wtunuuu., tat8iyr*intr'tfiiciaTfga"'tftbtrLanct Sio kirn joy of it. , ^¥jicn :we-' worat() ' Invalids and oiheis tia tcuae, aad ttklag in aEut«ar»',and U lltn'.olautf. be 4*&piioul who require ,, ! firm &re lorga Q^ Gencroq^ employers hare 1 ? ' ' ' ' to 1 mfldStlmnhnt, I! ' ' ¦ 'I . 1 'iuiv» measttraipfre lorpi otladtUBM .»b4 flrst body pkitidne^ oajht to use T. H. DOOUH done much ft>rj the worklngclaqca NaWgoUiogi 1 SiwTioaswiBRi 11 Xtw Cfitt :•^^•^l^ct) ^aiire|u> fbin.in ^ . . old lavmy Port 1 In this part of , n " the att wk nron OB wza tho , the countryi, AB one good l urn IrJgt 11 1 For Opting war. Call ind lupeot cot f *l pui dp]*indb to! 'limpttrrt ithi , prospect M KJlroMthomaaBosrd M?Wa?»«: 31 *?2 ;Gtorge',. ^K : deservesanother , The oljlmt, purest, finest attd best—-DOOIAK B Special t>-e t* \ ¦ g£ r.3 vro tiloK ^ ' fltii itl»llvery for tenon w writs for patunn ' '¦ "' ! »{S$. \m§ " : • f " - . -^" ,i ; ' ... itL! T- -^^i'l^wg^ j^jj^|pjfa^fei^:Vjii||^ than! ¦ ¦ ritbfrSlelly or Sardinia, b»iaB;oBlj ' ¦: ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ! !¦¦.¦•¦• SOD C-COD ah4»Sl» » fc« parttbuUr* ' ' . ¦ ' • ¦ ¦ ' ( • ¦ : DEDPHHED .: COrfOlTT bet* , i ' narrated wOaM i ) , ¦ ^ er' u* \ ¦ m]let tba •;¦ » • ,by75 mlUi »tde> withan ar*aof 8^96 kqa|u« printer' ; ; . 1 .; ,; ; - .;; s hands. , On! tb* d»atl of Mt ». It IB i ~ r ' , thus, aboql a alntb of thulis if Ira-i Kodsriok in or about tbe ;t«r 1874 »q««ntj * A DESERVING INSTITUTION. land, ssy, roogblysp eaiin?, aboot ai larg* aijpo. and ** ¦ ' ~ ' ~ s^merifaes «*rj aerlmooloni ' d cuOlocs ' I . t . I :, • • i . - ,. . .?. • - ¦ . . ' ?' —rffc G«]«ty or Mayo, WU had only SM,00OlnhiklUnt«took plso* u to. wha ibould b* >poiated in 187A equal to not 1 more than about one ; (Specialtc? Ms jfcui.) •?WD- batl«rfait«r)'aOaie belnp ia f»vodr of tb 1st* Mr teantb at tbe preunt popabtlon of Inland, c* as Jobs B Dower(then Chairman of the Tb cunyulbeCityof Dublin. CenioabubcloaMdtO and father of tb* retpectod Clerk of I uogartan. . It will ba tton by an announcement dssvrher* Frtcc« sln«e l763i The poonls are partlyflpW»b Volcn) -, others wanted tb*. Very Sev I r Hslleyi 13 ocr celumiis that in ntoo. It I» a wry moantalnotucotinttry, *blbb U F F, iatc. on Sunday, th» 19th Instant, 1 *ot tb* ipodtloB, wb(l» a tbl d section nby «beie aro»o few InhabitanU.—Tours tmly, ! w«re in fsvourof Mr E J O Uiimori will be preached.In tho Cathedral here ; , : TJuber. The ipabdt of ' . : . EDXtwri Hsitvri. tbe oontroTeriy wal that:;. ! ; ' . fcy tbo iJloat iajT Bishop of . !• " . i .fDr. ODwycrJ Lord P.a—There li a fair amount of bioyolloa1 In ' M» |trssm* WAS irroiirrso Ajacolo*—E.N.. . ¦ ¦ ' BCTTBB : ASTIB . Wmerick, tojaid In paying off the heavy debt of . , . i, in January 1871. Thore were presentat tl ¦ . i i • ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ iuieetitg ¦ '¦ ¦ " ' " 210,000 dn thp nbore Institution. In rlew 61 his ¦ — .' at wblob; ibe appolntmant; «u mado- ¦John R • J3L - ' : . .:¦ . , . | • ¦ <^» ' 4jr "^' - UxtehWn.ilsitta the city and th» consequent I Doire»(ln tb* ubau) i Jarae* S WUU»n >; Patrick ' •I,TaT7B" EOI550 Dtifyi - William Byan, Tbomu ; O'Cooi or, Join pablle t/itercit which that event will creato In Clcary,John Wall, Joseph Meaoy, Jobn Vi [dltamt,>P ¦ «ho Good ¦ '»len Walsb' ¦ sihepherd Conront and Mag° . Siahsrd Pbalao ¦ •¦ WHIG ^ , Captain Wililsn Gibbon. ¦ STRONGHOLD , ; ¦ ¦ ¦ CAPTD . Tbooas •;:: ¦; Asylum, a NEWS splendid Armitrong and P flood—Dso : •: ireportor went to the b» of old ; .: , :; , towcimo*, , % ^ ^ ptlo of mildjngs at the Cork Road a few days many of nhoa bs»*' sloes J allied the DISMAY OP A PLACEHUNTE Krest mijonty. At that caeerleK Qneeno NTill hGVo only tho b33t of evoivtblng. 1 CCO, one gleaned some Information which Is not a vcnr itroog tt ^j feelicj prerail< d all round, «ud »s maoy i Oldoabt- Her " cp/s Contrail; ' known to the outside public A conple loiiretnomb^r, resulted In lbs relirHoenl froai tbe t^ Majesty ' [the Queen has graciously ' sai wATEEiORQ 'iBOTroprof - {from(from Our Bptdal Rep orter.) I ! , of ; of years ago there ' was published in this paper » room lot Masits O'C naor, Meiny, CI OB to, He&ly the ^ and upon Teagthet ed description of the bufldinga which W|all, for reasons whieb It U Dot now Ofccssuy conferred manufacturers A At tba meeting to outer into. Tr>e resolution were bearing competition then, but of coarse of the Kilmacthomna Board arrived at' TM to lbs ^ just t&eei fbst Me B Ueiqer, J it Is only now when the place Is inhabited. aDd "f gi'ardinns on Tuesaay, Mr. P Powir pre- ¦ J ; P, b« ippoinled as ' booorsty" it;iinjiat*rof ths Bi rough of ereatoo 0 bllre ol Industry, that one can luiiy siding, moob interest nua * Doogarran opp^eeltte centered in tb« uon -\a tbe room of the lato Sir John tract for adTertUing. Boderipk, the propotsr being Mr For a great nnobor Blobar I Phelao, ¦ TnEJ 8TCPRND0DS AND EXCELLENT WOrflt and tbe socooder Mr " * w ¦ - -«v. - '' ' - : nl years-i-clo;e upon half a Patrick Flood, rben tho '¦ • which the community hare succeeded in tc ccnid«y— subjoined motion "•¦ adopted oa tbe mo loo of Mr - : HB ITRB ' . :- .:.v. .; earaplishing. : Our reporter was met by the T N received the adverticeinenta- Blobard Phelajj, ecooodsd by Mr Tboi iaa Ara- . %. - : Saperiotess of the Convent and another of the About twenty ycara ago " Tbo Zlanitor strongr-" That tbe thank* of tblo Bo«r< and (ho Icdles of the community,by whom the position of ratepayers of thi* onion (n'c) in dor, hciia« Exptess" OTJ added. Wben tbe split came, tbe and T»o tha Instjtatlon financially was explained and the by on tbelr, and oo our own bebalf tends • them to > guardians, ' Internal I working of tho Magdalen wing shown forgetting old friindshipa ir a Mr rjtober for tbedistnterested klDdneti < ivinocdby cod described. Juit tblrty-sevon yean ago the moment and utterly disregarding tbe interests him Id aceepilog tbs offloo ot butter irtcr and Gcod Stjephtid Nuns established themselves at welghmaitcr of tbe ratepayers voted of butter to tha oarket ce V thereby Hcnntssfs toad In what Is known to many as , tho contrnot to the preferring and ensuring by Spacial Royd Wcraaat. tlie appointment of V Panl' to tbe town t 0 surplui V tha Old| Workhotue, but as tlme . vrent oh the a Sqans organ at £3 per annjim more ttan foods jatter paying expenses and f ee i> for thb TO nnsultafcjllty SOAP MAKERS HER MAJESTY. . of this building and its want of the old contractors tendered for. For tljree purpo«." On tha Itb. Juni", ' ig77.. the word adaptability to the growing requirements of the "bonnr«ry~ wassxpanged fro ^ years the tnm paid tbo precious paper was m tbenaolotlbnqDdcr ^ eaeltoret} poor wpmen who find happy refuge £10 nhlch Mr Ulsher wss «ppoiotod ; and jtu ; bere yk SUNLIGHT SOAP Is so choop, ovorybody Sy there per annum. (o Id is to ' , was left more aod more every day. At Knowing the pootr of THD NEWS oooft^rj repfoduca the following resolution, can use BOTTLED BY- tS BDT OSLT langth the ^- afford it, in Tact, as the " best is tho ;» NO SINGLE P0E.TEE lidies of the eommunltv determined the Paul's Square paper appeared latl vteV nblch filed: tbe terms of the sppolntmt&t—"Tint : to bnlldkn earfrely new asylum and convent , tbe with a quarter of a lit Udiher will allow tha custoaa from tho buttar S> choopest," nobody can afford not to uso it. \J expense* colomn of untruths aboat STQDT.'' of the latter to be entirely their own cironli'.iuD and follower) uiarkot to so to tbe Town Commitrfonirs for the Washes UNMIXED PORE DUBLIN DOUBLE and iacjirred op tbe perfo'm&ace by <^% clothes, washes everything with less \_? at their own responsibility. No sending in a tendi r time bilog/cr the bttufit o/ tht ralcpaycri. and that pnblle .nioney vu , and for t'7 lOi or £2 10s leaathan S '\ received for this purpose tbe amount at b« i< to bs put to no exp*out la ACT lbs[ s or form -/\. labour, greater comfort no appeal so ifar has fever been made for financial wbioh it was subsidiz«d oat of tbe ratepayers' I D connection with tb. oQca he now ac»ptt-'° U aid The prltat* rqonev ot the nans built tbe pockets for tbrve ycirs. »as then alto understood ib.l World. X beaatlfu) Tenderf were eont in In tho arpointoeai X Used all over the Civilized coaTent; in which they now reside but ty Tnc NETT3 ind or dlsmUivl of ths deputy tba th«y " Tbe Express" st ' hail no funds wherewith to build the home £7, and" tha fol!otmi(j TOWB COUJa-SIOMIBS wins IT ALL far their penitent Blsterhood of the world, and so interesting disnofaioo ensued. TIUI J TO TJIKB CO.'S TUB IICIT1ATIVC BOTW , Tl €ATERFORD they Hr John art} now , afflicted and retarded with the Walsh—What did tho adveiticincr but, at the same tim* Ur Ossber was to cnormoffa :ost lost year , dxersise bis tsio-Hi-a.G ^ss ' ' , Hr Hunt i vo 0 In each appointuunt, tee tntt 3 for the CJSSt OP TZN THOUSAND POUNDS, Cl»»k-£10. Utter condition befo g recorded st the time Mr the Inter|est oh which 1, of course, Is a heavy burden Walsb—But bad yoa not to order ad- tbat though Ml Utsher wu not aaxiouj to upon tbcfr necessarily strained resources. There ditional advertisem«nta IO otber papers f Interfere, wished to retain this power of ieto co tbat mN€ujm£®ni nnmoun. j ncdiwfiy iQTFUJiziZB. ore at present; oecapylng the Magdalen wing over Cltr»—Yes, a cooplx of times. the Comrolssiooers mlgbt not tben, or at any faiuro time, ninety penitents, and the public can well under, ilr Walsh—In THE N BT?8 and " Expro^i J" act ekprlelpmly. Tbat teems i singular ctond tha difficulty which the good Sisters ex Oleri—Yes. delegation of poner far public body to ooafor upon * penance pn trying to support such a large family Mr Walsh—How much did they s prltate* Indirldua), «bo in tt Is ca«i li without coat P jfallltig deeper into debt; or getting Into Clerk—A fe» ahillingB. nothing If not taoaoiooa of bit priiilejje. Wo »re Tho "W. B. CO. are the only Manufacturers of Genuine such a financial position as to farther restrict and Mr Casey — I noo getting, to tbe crucial point of tbi qoeitioo. propoce that THI: NEV,0 retard tttam ID the blessed work in which they are ,jfet the Ilr Uancii;aa was appototea butter tacler at tbe engaged.! Applications made ciUrj of are being.constantly Ilr Walsb4l £50 a year, instead ol £100 whlob was paid to the nbos for admission to the Magdalen, aod ereood that. to toujx of bis ¥A5m Tbe Clerk predecessor*, but be m succcojtd High-Clcs.3 AEEATBD & 'imiGINAL to tbelr Infinitecredit be it said, these noble ladies , in annner to a gnaidlon, eaii it by Mr John WsII at ¦ ¦ ¦ , r/os deoidod to £75 a year, Mr Unber bcioj ¦¦•¦; . . ,- turn aw«;y no. petitioner, although the presence ol giro tho advorticemonts only to rcjponiible for pUcing Wall ia tbo oflco at the IK THIS cur. ; . ; one p»p*-r. rf ¦ on additional mouth to feed and clothe and a pair enbaboed flifure, out of wblob. It mtf bej added, Zlr of hands [to keep profitably employedOt mustII cause Mr O'Donnell (obo oas soCering from cetera Wall w is cot ipppoerd to atkt any outlay, bit stcl Bpeoisil anno! 3Bone Sfasinr©© Manuf cclzrcdh-j Her Majtstifs Royal Letters.f atcM. thwogre^tconcernjustnow. course the larg »xcitouiem) 1 e bere jumped up ana cried—'• Too and accftsories belog found by tbe ratcpsyori. A debt werp paid off the operations of the institution HCvo piinsd the Hi hest Honours daring tho pact Thirty Years. "*Z * e reateit circulati ,n of ani- paper f«w figures shoolbg tbe rereouo dertrca from tbs g in the direction of reclamationand shelter would Wau™ rfordJ " P >• (laughter and criea of no, no) ilr but'er market will sbow that io trying to got rldi of taove easier and freer, and tho hands of the com- 0 Wabony ths salary ef s bottor taaur, K av8 us satiofaotiun and 1 propo=B tbe Commlulooara are munity iroold be outstreched, as it were, with itat bin tender fully jtullfipd In their aci^a. Ia 1889 the receipts in all parts of Ireland have had their Quality thoronghly tested in the Field rrrester warmth be ncoeptcd. AGENTS , MAUAGtii. towards the penitent ones to Mr H»yes—1 '¦ wern £176 2i 9d ; in 1890. £195 3i\ in 1391, frith Manures from other Makers ond testify to their Uniform and Superior Quality. H, "WILIJAMS •whom tha world has been cruel indeed. We think secend that. , Mr Gray-Did noi Mr £105 IS- 3d ; in 1892, £86 17. HH; In 1^93, Challenge Cnp awatdsd by the Royal Dublin Society for Crops grown on A- B. ELKKOBO'B Cini:f t ncrsrcnuy-HAWlUL BANK that the Appeal which the Bishop of Umerlck l» Redmond work for *i . aad lui year, tud First Prizea. coming Ihere to make on behalf of the Good forty yrme (ho-r b«sr). dwindled dowa to odd, Celebrated Manures, in been competition with otherr, bedde3 cereral otter ^ Oan b* not ({ire £tt Aboot tbree ycin Shepherd Nuns ongbtto touch a responsive cbord us as moch lotiaractlon now as ago tba TOWD Numeroun Tcstimonialo M to then Exccllonco. For Terms, &c, apply to the und-^- he did lor tbat lonu Copmiisioners began (a lakts carious In tha hVeasts of eteiy cltlren of Waterford time t notlcb of the fact that the receipts from mentionod A rcs&rdWi Mr O DonnHll— jthe marici gcnto :— ol class or creed. To THC N EUS IO not circulated wrre 'grD'rslly falllog off— having gone down tron ffHE WOMEKXIND OF OUR loc&Ji) JOHN CARET, Taltovr. ' u. 0A8nr, mtcbaissnTD. CUT £250|SO £100 a year or leas, aod eventual!* tto I A. I. BEAZLY, UalTravo Cold, Cork Mr Gr»y—It |, sl ' scales, Ao, and it is Oompatsj — . . . . y?> . - Superioress Informed our represen- Cletk—It can't be done. ' vi' tly recant Oo\7 TZczs Unioii—'Cto Oholraaaohip. tative on his < visit to that depaitment that tbe hlstofy thst Mr Dwber sorrod Ofo of tne Com- Mr Waisb-Tnc BEG$ to uinonncaannonoce SPECIAL CLEARAKCCLE AIIAKCB3 elaborate machinery dost £4 Ncwa baa a fjjvator lolr- mliaioners with writs for £600« pieoeforjlnterforlng Union MTCT G!"B3T ATT A"C 5 ., Wtai ,000, and certainly as onlatioo by far in thia On Sttcrdav the gnardbsi of the Nm Boas A HiMjQiJj lnritea the PnbUe to bract t£ tedttvS tar as tha noQ-stientlflemind could judge nothing oonnty than ani other nlth fail alleged rliibts. Before goini; to trial, bow- dialroaashl p. After ootistoat o Hie f»H papet ' mada » duDjjo b tbeir • Ladles rcqnMaR F1KST CLASS 8BWIKQ MACHINE ihotUel sot mia tifi b£a been [left wanting to equip the laundry In the ever, the matters la dispute were left by coosaat to aod paoetnef Utmlon to tie buiriaus of the onion for offered. . cbW to Tbt Cbairtnan X3i9 Prices »xe eUutling. • '' : most pci^ect manner possible. Here are be made s stron appeal on be- tbe arbitration of tbe late Patbrr Casey , P P, wtnzt three y«n, (be board bt it veil tocbtscra Mr P __ • - ... . i hali of tbe 8 tboti^ MACHINE ^ " found thje w omen, all neatly attired and each as p^t.lentlal organ , and then called a decision wu tbat the aalary ef Mr Wall should be Kenoedy lor £lr Jobn Comtolns. Thej *n both, DO i THE VICTORIA .No. 1 HAND-SEWING , complete with all KCtoatt.aEt, poll us follows :— ; eqoal to other makes sold at £3 10». M. . ; ' '•/- tmsy an can ba at the various operations connected reduced from £75 to £50 a year. Slabs then tbe doubt, very practical aad Intelligent gtsrdiua. Tbs OB Prise, Gl 103. Cd. with skilful laundry work. In the Ironing room, For THS NEWS—Mecaro Monbray, ¦Watts , market bu being going from bad to Iworat, Its board C~SJ to ba diTpocod to caiij a ckanin tbrir THE VICTORIA No. 4.—A highly finished and onuunested Tretdk JI»ealB«,'-witi W WuUh g which M a spacious : apartment fltusd with the Gray , Oasey, O'Brien, O'KcsEoJ R roTcnns fi teverat pounds less than !Mr Wtll'a cbairmea about ererj ULTM ycara. VVbtlSet thia la tloWfj'o EstrMt of 22oat C; Halt TZiao beautifullyInlaid with pearl ; has all the latest topruteu» tB.rand is aprrlalirM«nf> 1ford taoot ap!to-dato appliances, the scene is parti- Power—8. salary | tben Is a debt of £300 on it for; tht repay- good for tba osioa or not remains to be aeen. Bat b df Udovs txjrerjjeend toslo made frots Port kinds or family work, dreiamaklES,and all dasucs of plain #ad f*acy nwlig^c4ni««U«ttke • 'Sola eularly pleasant not to say striking. The worker* * ' ' " T a 8ta ' —Mestrs O'Donnell maat of nbloh ths Commitsloaen can raise oo loan •och is tba ca*s. In PuUianentaiy circles tb» tan» Wln>), LleWg'a Extractrf Mtat, »nd Eitrec» of uccsssriea ; one drawer and ornamentedcarer. Price, JJ3' Xli, O& r'iVUl to oOc in their laeatj attire are surrounded by snowy r, a ' , Duopby, open tbe leourlty rates Malt. ' * ¦ ¦ Oofl* tj, Cufley,^ Hayaa, Do*-8 of tbe , tod iltotfotbci it feelingippe ors to exitt. For citcr tbrea or foor ye&n nt.irm sold at £7. ' 1 ~-~, Jinan which which ls golng through tbe final pro Io tbe coniUtsendc* lesm to get tired of tbelr old men, THB VICTORIA Ha 8,-Sam8 finlah as No. 4, but baring extension tah!t\ drtirtu The result was received with npplince. ¦ tire* eczzii. They look happy and well, and quite at i BiinpnM CONCEBM. and look forward to the con. DoweTCr, in tba CSM ted wtlnut corer ; eotnplot* with all accessor!**., Sale Pric*^, £4 'Xfl.; (ML t «rul to Mr O Donnell(exoitedly)_I wift giv, o. notice WINCArtNIS Ml* fcomo at their occupation, Tho motive power of motion to resomd Uodor thcae oiroumitanori tba Co(Dmi>slooert of Netr Koii we mm hiyjj to eu Gizi In dkbg tbe fa a Stvi Harr.t Eejittcrtd la prttcnt fre iiultn etahes sold at £8 Es. Od. CccJ hers Is | steam and a gas engine li also It, duided to eaka another and It bad fMllag at ill eiittcj—s^dco ooUtica , Mr Pow.r-Weli , podlble, a final coanje eo Inflation*. THE VICTORIA No. 12, with VibratingShnttl a—A most £a«ncb ploaran In _clrlai rm a/ expeiteaoeM to tialan aary A loll description ot which would take otrlttt bai baeo closed for some time, abd buttor li ths " Itoat *nt Ualt Wlca" r»odnd fna JOB (oew time CP BCTO spsso than w» can afford, and everything Tho Dunsoxvan Butter Urrrtst balog purabasml by the Waterford mirohutr in «lno«, and ID baaiinf teatisos/ aa to Ita nine u » rDCgpet- is doM us tbs pink of perfection, lbs drylns tbe pnolia ilrcali a ohaogo it blab doss pot appear, itlra mi mUmtita ICOTV I1 In tta 0217 part of lut rar ay wits tu aorloulr uawd.l U2, QUAY, WA*BHS'biib. < J closst» CM wutcntsntly situated end wnctruelco M far, to hit* cco:cd soy losanfjolcoco) Ml Wall luScrlsf Inm IOM o< lab mi ippttlte, to^Shrrolth Oyasad,1 N Ul w : (a too obi oodcra prlnclptai end tho other n> OOMI KACTB HOT &ni?EEALLY CSOWi;, applied faratUjr to the Town Cletb to opca ttr cnul io4 bo4nr tiliacp'.oa. , icl iicsplcnseii. tit «u Acjst tat ths " "' r^ « Mr " 8w>b«»«?,.; ua tot test tha wol t» pdn trcat sest for ecssMmbli tlsa wltbotit nll ^ ^l^l^M e qalslt^ t d obtalnoili tb aarkoU tod Ibe lattor (teollotnao very properly ro- • tsl *r " : ' '^' BAP^MHOTOITOI it but itwtraintd ts t;r •- WlscarsU." ' " " : " ' ¦ • ' ' " eldest e!j tha aiuu'ibelntt to 1st no work bs tame. fctrcdiDisi to tbs Town OoaitnlMloonrs, Tbm tbo . i ¦ ¦:' - " " ' ^ ¦ (Srcntt. TO TQ B Vsvj) Tla cssc*. wu Butn. tnl counjataw eomatacsa boa :- ¦: ; ;, [ . pDr Oi tnlt laitltntlea UDJ MS Ib Is tho very b:» esi« gtiodi et prctODt aad Mr Uiofcod bat t(pin thit i»ti | tbi an«IU ntarnel ul wilUn«a)t wu U rmi esuan tRrlbntablt (o tie nw , . ! - , inno it dscd ooold cavonf to n«oy el aselsot P P. Tbo CaairoUilencMsf » le tho bfidia of Ci:ir j oIBAtttO *S 11 Mit i.M1M " Vioctroij'« -C< »Wl I fetl csrtilni ttat la quir otna to Distory, cad c:p:3 oily cs (?bc3 tbo !:j»l ' adfiur, lit Uedoott, ef Yoagbal DO tfcij ttfwnttsn U a soct BS B la thb !&?£) &* M O'stcra hove bewail Uti It related . acd nlaabl* td oan to U J f ^ C * doubt they fir* fletertalned ibis Has to tatu ocu tratiuV .,__, T Foy^ wnloHT, Q 0 tfpnt (fV&a IB too latindry, What tbsy at io eooB t crlip dp-toidato joatCol u Tils Sm'/s, ZisliCil OacBCfHaaJUu ej JIeCj. T& LoadOaQ,-& .Wewoantl©'TeB. :Oo t&d for ail a qoeitlua oblob eo fiully oCcoto too ^, -^. ^ ^ i piCisat ktsinll fitii Stall adtquaMto hesp their But nbefl tba rcgrcttlblo—corn or l«s—d«olto o! vi •• U to the tattldtl oi tbs nicpayetti pnltsnti Islly occapiea^whicU »u- bu l«u Hait Oracioaj Usjuty comes to ptrlofess ond tbs ' other ladles » catue of much ba (• toll W alTTJrnirlst*, Wral atrcbaaj »rd P»t«n ' obronblrd in muti£4 Vttlon. ilk for COinUH'U " Wl.tOABBU,1 taalcty, I Tbtf have I asked as U) appeal to tbe cooncatlon witbtbO Doc]*to trsrd WIEOaJlHU li oa th» tbcuider e} the MOMEY-SAyIH& SYSTEM ' ibt laandry worh ••toniibrooni it toe ixmrTfctloa ot ma each « tottla. s=tbct 10 br mttlnit all they tM 1» BWUei, ti Hi tidtiM eons la tha doad Sbepherd Convent It reip>at«ble ebntaatoi tbe desth of Qae«a A.Qae< (Before Capt L W Banapirt* tVtsi). , mrrwaef*. rCtJUlr* b» BUll I thEz» lapar alSikei TOKBtAlH. th*a ianansttmn woo wlU forward S9&S HEISB- 1 Otsd it i< arcetfarji^o ordsr to bc^la Oaoh Baying Mva&MiM plats u the Good Shepherd Convent at bJilociacto itr 'i-ranxit ShottU summoned Miry Kelly fer al. Cusple tint isottla (n* bjr Pott OB rwdpl «f M ilac-? ouch a sver, assert, 1 Hcl fi»U „ £0.. the moan faultier work may be expected ; and ifilrm, decbre—sarar if nrotMBn— lowing ID us, her property* to trapiu uppn the com- ^ that queen Aooo la as dead sal), SOLOnOU S GPECTAGUG Gslt Ilanalactarati t( ouy Lunilles are desirous of lending a help- as a door B«4ns« plalsaat's Urtil. A icfvaot man ia tbe embioyrnent of CoUlUH 4 Co., Limited A psnny caved is a penny gained, but you ^rill eave .pourifia by ' if tom good ltdy, nbo nu , Ht. Ueorg* lootl Dibk Pbio 6Vi4yInff ai jn(5 hani they shoald romembur the penitents a bit ol a pedUr, nun Mr Shortli proved the trupati, and thatlhe had Ire. OnStcVn—lB, NAJB3AU STREET, DUBLIN Norwich i nod 8 New Loodon 8trtet, London, E, C Itvtog to-day to hor andoubudly nould bo qucntjy following facta end figure3. Our constant aim ii -t9 .; ti the /isgdtlen. We sincerely trust also that referred warned the defendant, trho nu tretpasdoy Fron late lloot Berd. Dr. O'Bnicn , Bbbopo! Sol* PropJiMctict " OiaaMa," tlta Bbw Beef Tea, aad give • which the Meat Beverend Dr. • matter of gnrt arbitnuieot dBcotiag tbe Old for the put fourteen yens. alw Oolemvi'a Urowa Im'pwiUl lanlld «Kra«< add Coltsiaa'a ; ,. ^ ' tho collections Watsrford.) Ctown ln>p*zlU lara&l Chutpcne our Oustomors tho : : \,,X : ~ . ghcshanl Lord Blahop of the Dloceu, has so Borougb and (be Intcretu of tbou oho tcsort Ths defendant wu fined li and costs, C^ctola with f ttztad< , which ll attooslT tbitber to dispose of " I ten eta Ur. Ooucon' Neosnxnded br tbt »*dl«al ftntltr. o6.t kindly oflotrcd to be taken at all the tteizss in ths bclUtlfal (somttiaca) WHUULlO OOCS> Taxt£j« to n7 aljbt,lfc3ljoocli2jaaaeocfortinapfppertiei BIX GOLD MEDJLL8* OSE 61LVKB butter for wblcb the ainItxint2oULaCo tti wucafsatar MKUlt RCCE1VBD tha city in tbo 18th imtant, will go a long way •arrouading locality li fscnedj The following were fioed far allowing tbeir dogn to proTlnjmo3«ir«"l« AUJOHJOHUTAVYUlOiTCHiakCK) EXBlBlflOU Biggeo exptrluttj tno 1ST ethn U«A ot ilia oi Mbblt, t ShilJMge wdrth< towordolTOllrrlnat hs financial lncnbus which For it wai uadcr, aod by vlttno of, »n Aoi of Qcsen be at llatjt unmnitled i—Johatmi llacisj. 2i txl ; /M Ireland Anoe tbat "t O O"n»n», Bilbo;of waterlori. bardsna Gooa ahophtld Nans, who are now (bu Butter Msriet to OangtrTao »ai Thomas Stapleton, 3s 6d ; J J Brcen, 10» ;wd Matheiv " In Biisor or KiLutoi bu pleiinra in irttln* tbu Ur fhe cooitltuted, McGuth. DIIi I£DacE DAU& rcluxtonfjymaking a public appeal for monetary Thronfb a cbsiter eng ltdInbrrnljo U 0 i; • ;:/ is beingTarried on In their midst, and which they Majesty left to thU part of tbe world ! for roving In her taclrs npplicd br Ur. flotomoDt. acd wbleh 1 bVv« na*d XWU MI CEHT. oa OtJEai3TT ACOOUOTD AT-S ALL 1 nOT.A possession i Ulbj weight which wu oa tba tctnlmua monthly tilanc;), BH . 50THINQ con do eo mttch to strengthen and ealargo. OLSSMMO I1T DI ODII3. 11 dttchms li ght , oitb rttat contort for nunj ran. I BIT* aol etiufad tho whea zci driTU USB;!.-!* bnt on the cintrarjr, whol probably will bocoaethe and also fui having a detactable iron ring attached tu deim of sowar I nrxsond orinliiall} from htm. below X1(H). VVQ9U , BUhop ol ClODfurt, Lcajbrea. t3TOCKi3aid UGC- II b •abjeoi of aioy a big, birj ¦• D " before all U tild iioii a scales beam, which alTccted the balance on one tide t Fmici " 0BAEI3psicbi:;a tad cold. y thousands daily, and acknowltxlged to W th^ Beatf ValiJa In to Ibe extcDt of 9 ounces 12 drachmi. Tbe Aiciiriior ol TOIOTTO drehrs to rwotd1 tbm hlil ia* nit. n. Harvoy in Coraica, done. Georgs tbe 111 also bad bis fln^er (be pie, T >e Sergeant utbfMtlcD ha hu dtrlnd frees runj ran xat ol tlr SAVING8 Country. One Pound of thia Tea>ilfgo as 'as to tbat if yoD Ooaf rot at preaoot upon tba Buttor ii.rliot ght, but ai the ; or Discount -worthi.SiiMOCft defendant assured blm the did not (From Very IUT. S lreaKr MaJone.) cs&ll isc-Kt l 3 n»na. BIBKEnCir ffKEEHOLD 1AITD EOCIETY. ^ called at fits or «lx plaMs oo tbe «ut idolatroui wortbl that she had no Intention of defrauding heil customers, Solomotu'Wrt** CoClu*. Bnap^Lejaoa, ,, ^aTiljsti lit (touAar p of thdr weak selvei ; ttlg brig and explained that (Krom Very Her. C*Bon RTAJI.) Uow to 3?nx3lisico o ,3 lb. „ Gooc:barj Jam or Jelly ** aod eob»rk (o»rijo, bn> r*»al;tho " Moresby the ring referred to wal only need > (or l?iot c2 r-"^ ... 6$d cxizl of | 8»r(3lnls, to laod " bolk, tnd »arioojl othar to chec« the scales and preTCUt them "1 ha««ue4 11r. POMXO>I B^ctaclsa mnj jx *n »on mi uniiLiuaa rauxrCAKES .;: ,. be seen of IflWreit, and no questioos too ouoerors to mention when!not being tha rdlsat comfort jom, them, pea IIOMIH. u;;;.7'^fii«4. tbcw wan cot muoh to , the Tolvo used from lying on tbe damp ground. and hate aiparfaaoed 2 1b. „ Ploia Jan or Appls Jelly ' ' on «bore, as we I»y at aoohor, with CoB)mi*sien«r* bare oow uodertakeo | could sot aijiet to obui« eixctaoles better ; aultod to m ... Cd SWEETS-UUtuneiKM^CoaTtr. . . ,.V , :| ' cbooco oJ ndm: to settle ths Cap k Wyse said hclookeq upon thi* caloolated to rroerreor tiiht. The BtPtDECII ALZIANACK nil . "- - alongilde, ioto which goods or bomiog quoitloa of tbs boar b«ro, : u a very serious lrourporpoiju andano con ¦ ¦ .^Iti f tiit^,^i:3, . , . , aatlona, . Black BsJls, , - o Ilrthtri et boat oimtlr. tbe case, and aii an attempt to defraud thc « F| c,^ 3lTAB( t>.l>., Otlhally." poot fxeo, a Ii. „ Rajtnry flaTonrta JUly . •Sv-U for tba Rb«e were transferred. 8srdiols ooatral of tbs batter markeMsod u bay b» eion public by means «. 6jd (-^ of a false weight and beam. He thereforelthoughl.it Verr Her, Con IIonxAS, TiO, iai4erWe yr x £Tci3? ;lalnauiialacd, hat it is cot at all eo Intor- later oo, have tackledth t tubJFCt In a 1 tnuio'tt cot rantaz* (no utsf Hr. •oLoaoxa' ip«Uol«i tcr ran. 3 lb, „ Pr;::rvsl BimuUny S^E^E^Buto -E ' ' / hii duty to fine thc defendant in the tup of £2 and ai>San4 fTiiat lncoaUit ^a fully nndenttnd Its podtion of affslrs at ' Ilr. BolosiM'lesaerf alow f tn the raqnlnd oomioit— WSOLESALA Aim BETAIL ; ¦ preusni It LApCENY Of DPCKS. C l E 3 lb. | „ . Whola Strawberry or Black Cnmmt, 8{d SOAP-CfocJM-I", ¦;; ' -• _/• - li neocoarytbat a little of tbs ancient O UT, P. F, hu uaad ill goto- ; , .. -ft , and modern Constable Harrington, Uory.street, ch; rged ^V«n SJ o£SjL E W Hob, . Cirao, 3?calt?y, cna Ico ji* ga&|2»^^ 1sa «¦ ^C»thedralss b|itury of tbe initltatlon ahnald bs retl»wcd. Wo two ao>V inMtulM (roa tha Us* ha was a Ctalsnt to the : Cl:rc3 to tse th/taowu Citjof Pii*. •Hf' <"> lads named John Aylwkrd and Cbristoi hei flnran in (UUss that tlttj ht>« 3 1b, „ \f hstaEa ipbcrry Jtm ,J „, gj4 WAP-B«t TtJlo». . , .« , :. sid^lOrWl ' K«T CT bsvs tlrredy indicated tbat the Doagtrtan {Buttat Brfen crweat dkr, and ho BEAU^TEEET, WATERF0ED. ¦ ¦ acd Leiiias Tewer. Pi«a is ra. 1"8 J"*" with the larceny of four dnclu the prope iy of Mr tended to jiiiaaiia u>pj»ma v asora in ica ounott ' ¦¦ mtertaSTSsji tb« CMbedrU and -J*srif?«. Xj«J» liarket is of respectaUe antiquity, being a tnfl* ot Kerne, of Tycor. 1 Tbe p»o»ecutorjdrpos ooinlort- 1 Calla^i * 3 lb. n HaraaljvJa , , ' - - «p«^v»«i over tare* DODUred ti thst he JoemDUlI«iii' , r. P., bannj .aoffand eo ffWi nttcstion o! . .. 'BW ll So era chottV-o alia froa tba/allwtj itotioo, at UT jcirt of lye, wbioh giWs found tbe lads in a ball, having the doc a In Ear Ci*ol tbe Gentry aad Pnfcli? OlSTJs-U ¦«• goes Io tblt tbeir aooh iUomnlort«ad *uoi»ao» tron otber ilaoea, baa fl. ii c»lled ta till Eriiblboncit Mhet elcJ cf tba tbap icroti the rlvrir Artto, wblob it I part is! ths posjession in a bag. They admitted barii g gone to much la ttatia*u >t now, from U» uta of Ilr. ^ cd amonctl tbe ileuon Goons or TBS HOIQIJT Itoffoedideal aoalter than tbe Soir M Waterford. world —to M TOSeo iOileat a fanner's plxer near the wstetworki end slung the C Qoiurr. . ¦ ¦ beaDtlfol and Interesting buildlog Inititqtlou of tbe edcoty, 'USbouflb, to bi sore dacks for the Ooiatry Or£:r» cartfeJly atteadeJ TheCathsdral i» , parpjose-of seffinj them. He then sr- h»lje«rt»i» tool Wa pjeaeat op^rlane*, that tts aiTold u tbs Noratn invatloo of Ecgland, coosidpriog tb*:remoter birth fit otbw l lottl. rtstcd Iberni and the ducks wers •rea, aad « " V7. GTEEET, PttOFKttTOS, , nearly afterwards Itadcntified blaalghtwiu t* pnaernd (ma the anliektloa oC tu- los t IcsII 111-A bavins bses (lalsbed la 1U8 AJ>. The Leanlns tntlcos la ths nelgbbourhood, the natkei br Mr Keane's daogbter. ' , Ic* lattry ta hoi cxlirr, tu smiBf totoauma teonrtJT pwij3 far essnj zzst if tzHt To»er lafof obits curble, aod »u balU ai a bell U of oompsratlfely uiod'rn date, ai llj wrrt Mi Alilnghim, who'defended, asked the Constable •T|» Yttj Uar. SsWiM PP**r&t> catspllc3 ta. Tcrrj It l« suflatiqU boory to if the boys nude any further sdmluion *ica> tstrcr M tb0 Cttbftdrtl, Rear to wblcb It stands, bat However, j RiT» tronblft, sbd to Unv. aannUte andooBdectlna thaBv-iDajialatowa. . U oaf noi com ptsted uartl tbr yf ar 1350, so is by no when QooanAnossigned It* obarter sba did i whit Constable Hxrripgton replied that they did > thev hart beta unit ' 1 Hr> £, ISounoa' tpe«ta(lea bj bla aolold M tb« CathednL Tbe To»«r Is 179 most of bcr tex geBartllydo wben tbajipurthllr told him they were slong with two Other be yi named ocaca (Qd feet fa hd«nt, about u high as tbe ipire of tbe bands to payer—prcstated a tegicy. et dlsoord (to James Galvan John ConnoUy.whotn thiy iaidhad la W.Urfotd, arid leco.U thsIiUle bcrovgh of Doajtrrmot4r all the tticcrtd- taken this ducks and »v« than to them to ^^aSTcatiM dral feet £& Brisn"' ..< to ooa eUr BO doubt co account of U« faoodaoost log aget. Ttal botMr oarkel I) DOT clcsud [to uid the* Hole them ftintly. BiWof CtiboliUJ»tort B*r- Vt. tVm, Stake? of •>- '» • t him-Did be jrfD" tin* to some rstcst ' I did not go up it tbu producer aad buyer—bat, tbsreb/ iiisnt 4 tat*. Mr Aning uy " ;ota tly" f- .TVelL be " b did ,ord. . ¦MISS tioi, 1 €» Y'bad done M oa a ptfTtcni visle urea Sklppioff tb* TiasMtedM of tb* oarket from ncJM«Vt l.dld not proienU th. other - BOWES, Aoos't dona to ' boy* tanas) : I did out think I hid vtari acw. • From Llrorno X crossed by nlflht (7 Qooea tits* tb* year 1C43 wi cuat n£jcet; Uvidace (tata Eto. li»wf a, 78, qas/), tofewtli, ca tb« «srt «d« ol grtfw, B«tia M tb*ippe!ntaJKil(rfaMrDytr,«i battct l»| ir, i junrt tbm, . to £ io ths rtovo hcc« n*Mol ft*iaia« la Oaantna. Pr.»£o«, ' « blof¦ bDKMflA%ini aallmieu. I— r V*' ^, i ^ P* wnct waawntm IB B ID gsuilnBlo watA tiff u-fetfordIB Boet i btU I n TiadOilinnm'ciDtd for thi Adati wi et. Hist!* (UHai 9 IP* * vslo ' ; Hi admittedthat it Was ' : 01 pojltitrm bfll ; 00« Btf tv.^ fojU aj* soloed. kltastU ind Oirli £3dla' 6 OMMsca' SMOKERS .SKU »» t»]rm«gitt!f«0f bl|i|a tb« OI4 BffroOgti> teober Brirt who ttolt tho ducks md nve them 8 Caficrelctifcff, m::p£m: B Wtfri U o'eloo* oo^^ JM isI'f M^^.W? ..' X"»»m' C'f Ur to ths. DUBMH. i £) KM " D/tr'i death tb* mBslstntfi sppoloted Mr Job/a drletid>QU to tell. The whole (bar of theto] were to. Hcsiejy CatcTdaaicry,Co. lr^^ dktasM .J8^otb. flJrt Wpbtt of llrtrfy Bsffcl. a <»i«iiltt«t»»»;r««(n«».!««.«»««, b a B>eonuto£« tif tofti BpdCflck/ puo /smobi DUBU«. TMU k. ( taa Oilwrt tttiw toroo. I »euottljriana 4cHet diedla tb« jut tifiJioi to- tbVt M Into Ihli by tb» otier boyi abd did not talc.»hV rt«* «n.(n*#*i«i»«w * ^ '. •mATBUsa* ,tH aa •WUH # o€ om tSXO frit la :oo» pltos, so clUojcd »bat [»o« uctasl jjsrt lfl tie lffcwiy. t«i» thteg tn in I i&, '^flDWWfitrOa'a ffittALfl WIlWI urtfl boon to dd jowrsav, " £*¥H Jjjft M |p}*rr ' tbtfr Iblt tb* (raid » 1W» •orOsf (b; ooaatainr, o< appofons'Pi I ^,, nn)j| fcjaftJiilojiiii N0B8BS' HOME,; actd osB« jo Hr a eb«fi|r* of *WM, ttrct ataott to ¦ BUAfiOB, ^pflJTO fi^t tr-A»J3fitt)tU) (na«ct td v«rr ihiNOoM ¦!« bliDf m; tiihtiy . eiltibllfed 4t to*bo toplrtlott,U (li» bt U**. " * a "' p«Hd ckiuldaffordtoH» friMril b.f*TdKM '3 &L'4lFu1 l1H11^ ^J>nrUm(>(wB ^c,lX - ¦ l«o.4. ltwMalairaUyecl/. iion S T? 44r . ; Juip*A.»- !';; "1: •» E : i ??SS!^ w*tcJi 8 yakiis ra.L» W ^n.Bi ; mpuln DO>Ht«»» ¦)" 1 ««fc . > W" *»'• ^^ •PP««*i ^Mb.flBi. ftob.bijrito^^nrtita H ^t^(Pt ^&i>£&*% 3?,1}" "l «wi"l ' ' : ' ¦ '.' Ut l£a««uf(oiaMt«P. < ¦ *« S»|ktetbft h «wt**rw,«nd•bmj[r«»«ti*dijwio . . - ' Qheap W?*j^tctatj,;.; . -• *Uto *M **» *j* *f l" BoB&y, IWb lUrak, I E > ¦ (WIDOW WELCH'S MiitAtiS 4 tbrWi!J Jaebld b »ol» Urgaja,Ba tUt J but it V logaDodtT iai . fttrtbWJWtfof. BctBrn tlcktti ftttfj »ltt «t: BlNQLfe FiBSS will tw fattrfl Wf«»rt all ¦te Iwapprt In WMtt P*#,ul tin tajtwrn* ^a ^& rfKape»»«t U haJavbtsAlfBlly flUUOM (W«l>rfor4to Mar/boroogb)by tbe II BOOT "K«ui1a«V;, V , , . .. . , --\ .. , . 1. • ; V •¦"¦ ¦ ¦ SSSS*rTeVeiVwWiU »woad fWbay,¦ajtl s. W p.m. flowt tr*)Bi , . „ v.; ' *TgShlhtar3iaia*t Uwal.e«dfroa rth*«Jt -«(v of AjaetlP. ' B. Ai ttE<\LS,Ct«a«rtl MaD«ser, "rival TfT»lBtt» u H«aa¦ 0flMt, W«t4*«rd ¦ atf^BBkSMV sVk »V to^Mb* ¦ :1 ¦ ' V^ YABBBBBW ^BBBa4aaaa i^a V^BaaaW" T^aaBBBiaBi- ^T*ir^T aod wu ¦' ¦ '" ' ¦ ^MBBVa^^BBBBkBUB ^a^B^BBBaa^E MHtt -bh* fspoWoo ill bor^, attttR ' , ^bj^Mcta^ ltt *'. ¦ '' . !' « to bat* ttluftp. I'l l' ' T iVi Kta4*M £• <**£«.*•« BsssDafAstBafUftl V'klW. ^^^^^i LJUA!^ giB^iUUi^M^E y»j^a^> tr^gf^wQCH^, ybo ira.a « l» Ml Unik MKaStHSSS} ^i^M 5 ^ fiWH ^ ¦i/swffl^aw^gg ¦Wm w*" r*Mw^fW!'fW*f» * * ^ ¦ VmSm "* ^^^wS ¦ : ) i ' : :¦ ¦ !i; .:" ! :l: ' t i I ! i ! ; ;: !