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SUSTAINING THE NEW WAVE OF PAN-AFRICANISM A collection of papers that were presented at the Workshop: 'Sustainmg a New Wave of Pan-Afncan1sm' at the University of Namibia (Unam) Windhoek, Namibia, December 6-9, 2010. Sustaining the New Wave of Pan-Afncan1sm Published In 2011 by the National Youth Council of Namibia (NYCN) and the Nigerian H1gh Commission in Windhoek P 0 Box 60956 Katutura Windhoek, Namibia ©Copyright National Youth Council of Namibia and Nigerian High Commission in Wind hoek 2011 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored 1n a retneval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechamcal. photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copynght holder. ISBN: 978-99945-72-28-1 Pnnted by the Polytechmc Press, The Polytechnic of Nam1b1a Edited by: Bankie F. Bankie and Viola C. Zimunya Printed by: the Polytechnic Press at the Polytechnic of Namibia iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Laaw in Sustaining the new wave of Pan-Africanism utments Papers resulting from a workshop held at the Windhoek Campus of the University of Na and Hu- mibia, December 6-9, 2010 Page SECTION 1: In the beginning- Opening statements 1 and so , on the Mandela Kapere, Execut1ve Chairperson, Nat1onal Youth Council of Namibia (NYCN) 1 2. H.E. (Prince) Adegboyega C Ariyo, Nigenan H1gh Commissioner to Namibia 2 coloma I 3. Statement for and on behalf of Freedom Park, South Africa, by Dr Mongane Wally Serote 3 4. Maureen Hmda, Pan-Afnkan Centre of Namibia (PACON) 4 5. Statement for and on behalf of the Centre for Black and African Arts and C1vilizat1on (CBAAC), by Dr Tony C Onwumah 6 6 Tenda1 Wenyika, Secretary General Pan-African Youth Union (PAYU) 8 and the 7 Advocate B1ence Gawanas, Comm1ss1oner of Social Affairs, Afncan Union Senegal Commission 9 •n which 8 KEYNOTE ADDRESS- H.E Dr Sam NuJoma , Founding President of the Jlication Republic of Namibia and Father of the Namibian Nation, and Patron of the •0-1945, Pan-Afrikan Center of Namibia (PACON) 11 9.
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