(Founded 1792)


For the year ending March 31st, 1937



19, Furnival Street, E.C. 4.

Telegraphic Addrett; ** Asiatic, Fleet, london," Telephone ; Uolborn 5SSS (S lines) CONTENTS






“ THE POWER OF HIS WORKS” “ He hath showed His people the power of His works, that He may give them the heritage of the nations.”—Psalm cxi. 6. HE duty and joy of every Christian is to bear witness to the T saving power of God as he has felt it in his own life. The corporate task of the whole Church is to win the heritage of the nations through the power of God as it is expressed in His Gospel. This report of the Baptist Missionary Society in its 145th year aims at showing what the Gospel is doing among the nations to which missionaries have been sent. It is God Who is at work through them and through the converts who have been won. The secret of power for this service is not in the human agency, the organization, the financial resources, important and necessary as these are ; but it is in the Divine Grace that uses them. ***** HE present challenge of the world’s unrest, the defiance of the T new paganism, the failure of Western civilization to put away the barbarism of war—all these make only more evident the wonder of that Christian faith which survives and prevails. The conversion of an unbeliever into a true disciple is one of the mighty works of Christ which reveal His glory and attest His claim. In this Report are the records of thousands of such miracles among all sorts and conditions of men. To God belong the kingdom, and the power and the glory. ***** \A7E record with humble thanksgiving that 5.110 persons have ▼ V been led to make public confession of their faith in Christ through the ordinance of believers’ baptism in connection with the B.M.S. this year. This is a larger number than last year, probably a larger number than in any year since the ingatherings in the West Indies in the middle of last century. THE SOCIETY AND THE CHURCHES By Rev. B. GREY GRIFFITH, BJ>. HE Baptist Missionary Society has been called into existence by T the Churches, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Whatever the Society does, it does on behalf of the Churches. The General Com­ mittee is appointed to its task by the choice of the Churches, and when a Report is given it is rendered in the first instance to the delegates of the Churches. It is the privilege and the obligation of the Society to create, foster and increase, under God, the missionary spirit in the Churches, by which spirit the Churches live. This means that constantly the Churches have to be informed, the appeal hits to be unceasing and the vision kept clear.

A. THE APPROACH TO THE CHURCHES (1) Deputation Visits. Once again the Churches and Auxiliaries have been visited by missionaries, members of Committee, the staff of the Mission House and other friends. What this means can be estimated by the fact that in busy months like October. November, February, March, speakers are appointed for over 1.000 meetings in each month, while in months like April and May forty Churches are visited on each Sunday. In what at one time were regarded as quiet months there has been in recent years a great increase in the number of meetings held. All departments of the work have had their place. Men, women, doctors, nurses, teachers and translators have told the Churches something of what is being accomplished, and how much more might have been done had there been greater resources in personnel and money. (2) Literature. From the very first days literature has played a large part in the advocacy at home. The R ev. E. A. Payne has entered upon his duties as Editorial Secretary, and has been in charge of T he H e r a l d and T h e Q uest. Many new pamphlets have been issued, including in these last days The B.M .S. and its Tasks and the pictorial booklet called I wonder Who He is ? Letters from mission­ aries and stations have been sent out to those linked up to the scheme of Prayer Helpers, and to those who contribute to the upkeep of beds, and who help to maintain some specific support, such as Infirmiers, boys and girls at schools, etc. The missionary officers in the Churches have been supplied with a Quarterly giving reports of what is being done in Auxiliaries and Churches all over the country, and containing suggestions for deepening the interest at home. Box-holders have received a Bulletin, and registered Sunday Schools have been furnished with news suitable for their teachers and scholars. Leaders of young people and children have been provided with a Quarterly entitled Our Marching Orders. Periodical letters have beep sent to the


ministers, generally giving some striking story of our work or of conspicuous blessing. (3) Exhibitions. The Exhibitions Department has had a busy year, with an increased call for lantern slides and lectures, and many applications for costumes for demonstrations. The possession of projectors in our Churches has led to a new demand for films. The Congo Film and the Indian Medical Film have been in constant use, while already there is a heavy booking for the new Indian Film. (4) Summer Schools. This productive contact has again been most encouraging. Schools were held at Bexhill, Felixstowe and, in con­ junction with the Foreign Missionary Committee of the Baptist Union of Scotland, at Ayr. Altogether more than 1,000 weekly places were filled, and so there has been created amongst our young people a mind full of missionary knowledge and zeal. In addition conferences have been held for missionaries, and also with the League of Ropeholders, which has passed its twenty-fifth birthday, the Girls’ Auxiliary, the Baptist Women’s League and Welsh Women Officers. Reference will be found on another page to the work of the Home Preparation Union, the Girls’ Auxiliary and the “ Wants ” Depart­ ment, but here we would like to place on record a special appreciation of the services of the Honorary Secretaries of the “ Wants ” Depart­ ment, Mrs. Lush and Miss Mabel Angus. They have decided that this shall be their last year. What their service has meant to many stations, and especially the hospitals, none can estimate. The work has never been easy, but it has always been done with a contagious cheerfulness. B. THE RESPONSE OF THE CHURCHES \ A7HAT has been the response of the Churches ? V V ( l) The Gift of Life. A glance at the Missionary Roll Call on another page will reveal how the Churches have responded in the candidates who have been accepted. Others offered who could not be accepted, in almost every case for health reasons. From all parts of the country, and indeed from many parts of the world, they have come : men and women, teachers, doctors, nurses, a printer, one from business, theological students; they are the fruit of the missionary spirit in the Churches. (2) The Volume of prayer has grown. For example, the number linked in the Prayer Partners’ scheme of the women’s work now totals 22,800. We have heard of revivals of missionary prayer meetings, and sometimes the visit of the missionary deputation has been turned into a prayer meeting. The sale of the Missionary Calendar has advanced. Nothing is more encouraging than this increase of those engaged in prayer. 8 ONE HUNDRED AND i'O&t'Y-Fli'TH ANNUAL REPORT.

(3) Church and Missionary Officers. We have been continually aware of the encouragement being given by the ministers and officers of our Churches. Addresses and sermons on the missionary work of the Church and in particular, of that of our own Society have widened knowledge and roused enthusiasm in many quarters: 600 ministers responded to the call for a special reference to Medical Missions on St. Luke’s Day, which last year fell on a Sunday. In particular, we would like to mention the services of the missionary officers in our Churches and Auxiliaries, and also of the Councils that have supported them. The arrangements for meetings and collections have fallen largely upon them, and we realize that if it were not for their consecrated labours very little could be done in the Churches. (4) Special Support. The young people (including the Ropeholders) are giving special support to the Transport Scheme, by which the motor-cars and boats now in the service of the Society are being maintained. In addition, the Boys’ Brigade have accepted as their share in the work the support of the beds in the new hospital at Pimu, and the Girls’ Life Brigade help the Palwal Hospital, while contribu­ tions have come from many quarters for the building of the new hospital—the Fletcher Moorshead Memorial—in the Kond Hills. Further, specific gifts have been made, oftentimes in memory of some dear one, for buildings in several different stations. (5) General Finance. Once again we have to thank the Churches for their generosity in financial gifts. With the aid of three large donations, the total received from the Churches is somewhat more than that of the previous year. The expenditure for the year is considerably less than that of the previous year, chiefly due to there being no such loss on exchange as we have experienced through the last few years, more especially in China and Africa. The available legacies also have been considerably more, although the due amount has been paid to the Legacy Equali­ sation Fund. And we have been greatly helped by the profits of the Calcutta Press. The result is that on the year 1936-7 a deficit of £4,071 is declared. It will be remembered that we carried over from 1935-6 a deficit of £18,690. Towards this, gifts were received from individuals and Churches totalling £12,092, leaving £6,597 uncleared. We are therefore carrying forward an accumulated deficit of £10,668, and an appeal is being made both to individuals and to Churches for an early removal of this debt. We are full of thankfulness to God for this manifested love of His people to the work of the Society, and for the furtherance of Christ’s Kingdom. REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936

By Rev. C. E. WILSON, B.A.

CONGO HE Power of God’s works has been very manifest in Africa. T There has been an unprecedented increase in the Church Membership, a marked spiritual growth and a widely expanded opportunity. The number of baptisms in the Congo Mission is 3,037, the largest of any of our fields.

PORTUGUESE ANGOLA HERE has been fresh advance in the building up of the Station T of BEMBE. A new house is being erected for the occupation of Women missionaries; the new Dispensary and Maternity wards are now in full use and attracting large numbers of patients. There is an average daily attendance in the School of 200 children, and nine of the elder scholars passed the Government Examination in Portu­ guese. The missionaries in their tours have visited every village in the area. 183 converts have been baptized, the Church membership is now 576, and there are 2,000 registered inquirers under instruction. In QUIBOCOLO it has been a year of sunshine and shadow— anxiety, opposition, some persecution, and cheering success. The work of Signor Bruno has raised the standard of efficiency in the School and seven lads were able to present themselves for the Government examination. The Boy’s Brigade motor has been exceedingly useful and by its means all the villages on the road have been visited by the missionaries. There are now 36 evangelists at work in the district and six more are ready to be appointed. Of the 122 persons who were received into the Church by baptism, 94 were women. There is an average attendance at the Child-Welfare Clinic of over 400. Owing to economic pressure 500 of the men members of the Church in this area are at present away working across the frontier in the Belgian Colony.

AN SALVADOR reports a year in which the power of God unto S salvation has been shown abundantly. The Church membership has reached 2,094, a net increase of 149 over last year. Of the 162 people baptized 102 are newly won converts from pagan homes. The missionary staff has been reinforced by the arrival of a new doctor and two nurses. A new small house on the


Mission Compound has been built for the doctor, and several new chapels have been erected by the Native Church. The relations of the Mission with the Government have been very friendly. There have been two official visits to the B.M.S. Station, one from the Governor of the Province, and the other from the Governor-General of the Colony. They expressed themselves very favourably on what they saw and heard. The two motor lorries were kept busy with transport of mission supplies and with evange­ listic tours. The missionary health record has been much better.

CONGO BELGE HE town of THYSVILLE is a busy Railway Settlement in the Cataract region between the coast and Stanley Pool. The B.M.S. location is the centre of evangelistic activity, which extends to a wide area, with 126 village outposts. The membership of the Church has increased this year by 145, to a total of 2,421. There were 148 baptisms, 87 people were received by transfer. Farewell was taken with much regret of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings and their daughter, Muriel, on their leaving Congo. The School Chapel is proving too small for the regular congregation which crowds it to the doors every Sunday. The gifts of the people have been sufficient to meet all the Church expenditure, which in­ cludes the support of the village teacher evangelists.

IBENTELE, which lies to the south of the Thysville district, K has had a successful year in spite of epidemics which seriously limited the opportunity of travel. At one baptismal service 71 persons witnessed to their faith in Christ. The baptisms for the year were 160, and the membership has risen to 1,993. Such is the eagerness of the young people to attend the Mission School that. 64 village lads came up to compete for 10 vacant places on the Kibentele Station. There are 2,000 pupils in the village schools. Four young men have been sent up from Kiben­ tele to be trained at the Kimpese College. Sunday School work has received fresh impetus through the voluntary service of Christian women. A surplus on the Church funds at the end of the year was voted to the cost of the new Maternity Ward. Mr. Frame reports that Nlemvo, the blind preacher who was Dr. Bentley’s assistant in the translation of the Kongo New Testament, is the only native member of the Church left of those who were bap­ tized before Mr. Frame went out to Congo, 40 years ago. Though quite blind, Nlemvo is still actively witnessing for Christ. 1 9 3 7 .] REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936. l l

ATHEN.—There has been large increase in the Church of this W area, 221 having been baptized, bringing the total membership to 1,792. One day in the year was specially notable by the baptismal service at which 74 candidates were immersed on profession of their faith. At the Matondo Service 800 members took part in the Lord’s Supper. Ninety-three Pastors and Teacher-Evangelists are supported by the Church funds. There is great encouragement in the School work that is carried on1 in the villages, the regional schools and especially in the Boarding Schools on the Mission Station. But the urgent need so long felt still waits to be met—the appointment of a new missionary—a school­ master well qualified in the French language. Special prayer is asked that this want may be speedily supplied. There are 73 scholars being specially trained in some form of industry.

“ YE SHALL BE ENDUED WITH POWER FROM ON HIGH . . . AND YE SHALL BE MY WITNESSES " HE KIMPESE COLLEGE for Preachers and Teachers is now T the combined enterprise of three Missions, the B.M.S., the American Baptist Mission, and the Swedish Mission. There are now 79 men students, of whom 65 are married and have their wives with them, sharing in the training for service. With the children of the students and all the workers on the Settlement, there is now a com­ munity of 500 persons in the little colony. It has been a prosperous year. Six men graduated as preachers and five men won their certificates as teachers. All of them had received a sound practical course in handicraft—agricultural work, building, carpentry, or printing. The new Infirmary building which has been erected during Dr. Catherine Mabie’s furlough, was ready for use on her welcome return. The Women’s Classes in Bible teaching, Needlework, Hygiene and in Nursing, have been very popular.

EOPOLDVILLE-EST. “ It has been a good year all round L and a better lies ahead.” In the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Pugh, Field Secretarial work has been carried on by Mr. Guyton. A very full programme of work is carried on in the three locations of Leopoldville among people of several different languages. The baptisms of the year in the town and village outposts numbered 131— it is said that a splendid feature is the unusually large proportion of women. The net increase in the Church membership is 65. It is cheering to note the opening up of new work in the villages as distant as 50 miles, for which the Leopoldville Christians are bearing 1 2 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1 9 3 7 .

responsibility. The little colony of West Coast Christians at Kinshasa has generously helped in building a new chapel at Kingabwa. The congregations of Bangala and Bakongo people crowd the chapel building at all the services. There are many women and girls eager to be taught and the only thing that hinders is the lack of sufficient workers to teach them.

“ HE THAT IS MIGHTY HATH DONE . . . GREAT THINGS ” HE report from BOLOBO breaks out with the strain of the T M agnificat: ‘‘ My soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit hath rejoiced in God, my Saviour. For He that is mighty hath done to me great things, and holy is His name.” Continued blessing follows the Revival of three years ago. The highest total of baptisms has been recorded—727 persons having been received on the confession of repentance and of faith in Christ. There are, in addition, 3,000 enquirers attending Classes. There are 185 pupils in the Boys’ School under the efficient care of M. Baeten and his seven assistant teachers. The Preachers’ School, conducted by Mr. A. G. W. MacBeath, has had 37 students, of whom 14 have finished their course and have left to take up the work to which the Church has appointed them. Two new books in Bobangi from the pen of Mr. MacBeath have been published this year—The Overcomers, printed at Kimpese, and The Message of the Prophets, printed at Bolobo. The Bolobo Press and other industrial branches of work have been well sustained.

“ THY PEOPLE ARE WILLING IN THE DAY OF THY POWER” SHUMBIRI, under the care of Mr. and Mrs. Newbery, reports T 127 baptisms and 22 restorations to membership from the 50 village outposts. There are about 1,000 enquirers under instruction. The station school numbers 36 boy- and 32 girl-boarders. So willing were the gifts of the people that the Church has a balance of £8 in hand to begin the new year. Two hundred copies of the Bible have been issued this year. UKOLELA, which forms—with Bolobo and Tshumbiri—a L united field in which the Bobangi and Lingala languages prevail, has also shared the continued harvest of the Revival. Many old members have been re-awakened, 28 have been restored. The 1st October was a great day of rejoicing when, in the presence of 300 witnesses, 14 converts passed through the waters of baptism— the total for the year being 104. Four lads from Tshumbiri were sent on for teacher training at Bolobo. 1 9 3 7 .] REPORT POR THE YEAR 1936. 1 3

A new dispensary building lias been put up. The motor boat has proved a great boon for itineration purposes. The services have been well attended. Two new village chapels are being built. The church of 460 members is alive and keen.

« JOY COMETH IN THE MORNING ” POTO, which in the previous year’s Report had to strike a U somewhat sad note, is this year rejoicing in the breaking of the clouds and the coming of dawn. There is a large increase in the Church Roll—63 restorations have taken place, some after many years of disciplinary absence; 75 new converts were baptized; and the total membership is 1,239. Nine area superintendent preachers have rendered splendid and faithful service, and the teacher evangelists have done excellent work. The Schools and the Dispensary have maintained a high level. The new institute for teacher training meets a great need, and evokes much gratitude-to the generous contributor who made its erection possible by a special gift.

IMU is included in the Upoto Mission area—and in its Church P membership. The opening of the new hospital, built by Mr. Allen, was a great event, attended by 100 chiefs and 25 Europeans.

ALEMBA reports the best year it has ever had. The large new Y Church building, which commemorates Grenfell and Arthing- ton, is often filled to overflowing—with hundreds of listeners outside. In spite of illness among the staff, the itinerations have been kept up in the extensive district on both sides of the main river with the help of the motor boat and two motor cars. There were 298 baptisms. A fine body of young men are being trained for service as teacher- evangelists.

" MINE EYES HAVE SEEN THY SALVATION” AKUSU has published in the April issue of T h e H e r a l d what Y Mr. Millman described as the last report of his missionary service. It is impossible to measure all that the Yakusu Mission and Central Africa owe to the forty consecutive years of the labour and leadership of Mr. and Mrs. W . Millman. The outstanding facts already recorded are the baptism of 578, the total of 4,000 members, a church income that has been nearly doubled this year, a handsome new church building erected, 6 trained teachers commissioned and sent out to their service for the Church, 2 senioT girls trained as nurses, a Lokele dictionary ready for publication, and much printing activity at the Mission Press. 14 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

CHINA HE Christian Church in China has made progress this year in the T face of great difficulties. The political conditions in the Northern Provinces have been very disturbed by Japanese military aggression, and Communist armies have been a serious menace in Shansi. The revolt in Shensi, leading to the capture of General Ghiang Kai Shek, and the happenings that have followed that event have caused serious dislocation to the life of the whole province. It was found necessary, under the urgent advice of the British Embassy, to bring to the coast all our Shensi missionary families, except four senior experienced men. Yet the power of God has been shown in the faithful lives and brave witness of the missionaries and their Chinese fellow-believers.


“ THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE” the provincial capital, TSINANFU, the B.M.S. has a large share F in the Christian University, and especially in the extension work by which the message of the Gospel is brought home to the people at large. The Whitewright Museum and Institute is still the special care of the B.M.S. Dr. Raymond Williamson reports wonderful activity and large attendances. The number of visitors who passed through the turnstiles during the year was no less than 426,729, of whom 144,000 attended the preaching services, and a large number remained behind to enquire further concerning the Christian message they had heard. A welcome visitor from Honan, now a Christian evangelist, attributed his own conversion to the first contacts with Christianity he had made in this Institute. Among those baptized this year is a local police official, whose son is now a Christian student and whose wife is an enquirer. Fresh exhibit» are always being prepared. The latest additions are a series of models illustrating events in the life of our Lord—and a special exhibit on the history of writing, leading up to the Bible and the Chinese versions of the Scripture. A copy of Marshman’s New Testament, printed at Serampore in 1814, has been presented by the B.M.S. Committee. The Lantern and Cinema Services held every Sunday evening are always crowded. It is gratifying to learn that local income is now being raised for this work and that Chinese officials have made gen­ erous donations towards its upkeep. 19 37.] REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936. 1 5

As this Museum method of evangelism becomes better known and adopted in other parts of China, the work of the skilled craftsmen employed at Tsinanfu by the B.M.S. in the preparation and display of exhibits becomes more in demand.

HE recent visit to Great Britain of Mr. T. H. Sim, one of the T Christian graduates of the Shantung University, has enabled many friends of the B.M.S. to realise the value of this great Institution and its far-reaching influence. In addition to the Whitewright Museum the B.M.S. is carrying a large share of the maintenance and staffing of the various sections of the University^ the Medical School and Hospital, the Arts, Science and Divinity Schools. A report on the Medical Section will be found on another page (p. 45). The total enrolment of undergraduates | has increased—Arts, 214 ; Science, 238 ; Medical, 99 ; Divinity, 18 ; | and Nursing, 18. i Under President Liu’s genial and forceful leadership, the whole spirit of the University has improved. Its emphasis on its service to China’s rural population is becoming more apparent. The Cheeloo Christian Fellowship has provided a means of happy co-operation between staff and students. The opportunities of Christian work among the students, as a whole, have increased. I Seven students graduated from the School of Theology and ten ; new students were admitted. They are of a good type. The spirit of the school is excellent. Three students who came for special ; courses have gone to their appointments. The urgent need of recovering the means for middle school education in our B.M.S. fields in China is emphasised by the present lack of B.M.S. candidates for the School of Theloogy and the small number in the rest of the university. In the west suburb of Tsinanfu the Church is making headway and is calling a pastor. The old institute for soldiers is now being made a church centre with a good prospect of success.

SHANTUNG BAPTIST UNION r 11HE visits of Dr. Truett and Dr. Rushbrooke are remembered with gratitude for the new impulses given. The baptisms of the year have been 303. The sum of S6.500 has been subscribed to the pastoral fund. One hundred and seventy delegates attended an eight days’ summer assembly at Chowtsun ; of these one third were women. The topics discussed with zest by the group method were personal evangelism, 16 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

the Christian home, rural uplift, the Church and youth, co-operative societies, public hygiene, the training of leaders, and Church finance. The scheme of devolution of financial responsibility from the B.M.S. to the Chinese churches has sorely tried the resources of the Shantung Union, and is again under sympathetic discussion. The Church leaders refuse to be daunted by difficulties and are advocating to each of the members these four aims : To seek to win one new member; to study one book of the Bible; to make one act of new sacrifice; to undertake one definite piece of service.

SING CHOW FU is the centre of evangelism and Church work T in the eastern part of the B.M.S. area. Here also a small but attractive museum is maintained. The attendances have reached a total for the year of over 46,000. To all of these the opportunity is taken of presenting the essential message of Christianity. Tent evangelism has been carried on over a wide area and has been fruitful in the enrolment of 297 regular enquirers. The city evangelism has been carried on at the chapel and the Y.M.C.A. premises, in Tsing Chow Fu and in Linchih City, where two men and one woman are supported as evangelists. A number of lay volunteers help in the work, which is progressing well.

" GO AND TELL . . . WHAT GREAT THINGS THE LORD HATH DONE" HOWTSUN, with its two churches in the southern association, C reports fifty-eight baptisms. The work has been sustained with the service of the pastor and a man and a woman evangelist. Among the converts was a man who also had the joy of bringing into the Church his wife, his mother and his nephew. Another young man of twenty-eight years old was a Government school teacher, and hopes to enter the theological school at Cheeloo. The most striking outward sign of progress in Chowtsun is the erection by the Shantung Baptist Union of a new preaching hall in the centre of the town, and a row of business premises, the rent of which will be a permanent source of income for the Union funds. The B.M.S. has also put some premises in the west of the town at the disposal of the Shantung Baptist Union for its large periodical gatherings. Invitations have been received from several non-Christian villages for the holding of tent evangelistic meetings this spring. The col­ porteurs have had large sales of Scriptures in this area. New interest in public worship has been aroused by the introduction of the new Chinese Union hymn-book with over 500 hymns. Harvests have been good—-the districts as a whole have been peaceful. The motto of the Baptist Union Meetings this year is “ More and Better Christians.” 1 9 3 7 .] REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936. 17

the four Associations different plans are in operation. Here, F a one month course with twenty-seven students. There, a three weeks course with forty-one students. At one place the “ class ” became an open meeting for the rank and file of Church members. Careful thought was given to the programme and the preparation of the speakers. The training was made as practical as possible in the direction of evangelism and Sunday School teaching. The whole subject of religious education is taking a new place in the thought of the Church. The spirit of fellowship has been stimulated, there is increasing sense of responsibility for the spiritual life of the Church and a growing joy in voluntary service.

HOU SHAN INDUSTRIAL AND BIBLE TRAINING SCHOOL S had over fifty students in residence for the first half of the year, and thirty-eight in the latter half. Iron work, weaving and dyeing are taught, and the carpentry department has been able to produce some creditable furniture. All the students attend the daily morning prayer meeting and evening worship, at which an address is given. The object of the school is to produce not merely skilled craftsmen, but independent Christian laymen, who shall have an evangelistic influence among their neigh­ bours. SHANSI AIYUAN-FU, in its report, makes reference to the joy of the T mission staff and the Chinese Church in welcoming Drs. Truett and Rushbrooke as the deputation from the Baptist World Alliance. The political movements and the fear of Communist invasion greatly disturbed the Shansi province and made evangelistic itineration and the visitation of the district churches very difficult. The result is shown in the smaller number of baptisms. The concentration on work in the city has been profitable. Nightly preaching in the street chapels and Bible classes at the church have been well attended and a splendid Christian witness. Thirteen people have been baptized. A tent mission in the poorest quarter was carried on for six days each week for several months, and resulted in more than one hundred people being enrolled as desirous of learning more of the Gospel. Christian processions were organised at Christmas and another occasion.

HE district around the city of SINCHOW, being more distant T from the provincial capital, has been still more disturbed and difficult for mission travel. There has, however, been encouragement and deepening of spiritual life in some places. The work of one faithful deacon has produced more vigorous activity in Ting Hsiang. 18 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

At the annual church conference the presence and addresses of Dr. Cheng Ching Yi were a great inspiration. The visits of the medical missionaries from Taiyuan-fu bave not only given relief to the sufferers they have treated, but have exercised a great influence for good on all the mission work.


TAICHOW, o u t northernmost district in Shansi, there has been F much dislocation of plans and delay in realising the results fchat were expected. The Communist invasion closed up many places for the time to Chinese as well as the European mission workers. The annual meetings of the District Church Union, held in Kuo Hsien, were very successful, and the addresses of Dr. Cheng Ching Yi were most profitable. In the prospect of their impending retirement, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Stonelake express their earnest hope that the younger colleagues who succeed them will find a plenteous harvest ready for their reaping. And in that hope and prayer the B.M.S. supporters in the Home Church join, giving thanks to God for the faithful and devoted service that has been given through so many years.

SHENSI HE work in this north-west province has suffered most dis­ location through civil strife, especially in the northern area. Our B.M.S. premises in YENANFU were forcibly occupied by Com­ munist leaders. A good deal of damage was done and the local Christians have passed through a very difficult experience. SAN YUAN and FUYINTSUN, being also rather remote from the provincial capital and rail-head, have been more exposed to the action of lawless bands. Yet we record with gratitude that God has preserved the missionaries and their families as well as the leaders of the Chinese Church, from violence, and the testimony of Christ has not been silenced. During the earlier part of the year many important gatherings were held. A ten days’ summer school for the pastors, evangelists and other workers was held, with much encouragement. Quiet retreats were held in five districts, when about a dozen or fifteen chosen leaders were present. Classes for lay workers were held in four places, when demonstrations were given in the conduct of worship, in personal evangelism, in the teaching of illiterates, and in Sunday School methods. Classes also were held for baptismal candidates. The Church seems more alive to the need and value of work among the children. 1937.] REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936. 1 9

CHRISTIAN LITERATURE SOCIETY HE B.M.S. has the honour of maintaining as its missionary the T Rev. A. J. Gamier, in the office of General Secretary of the C.L.S. He is to have associated with him a group of Chinese col­ leagues supported by special funds—international and interdenomi­ national—for the Editorial and publishing department of the C.L.S.

« THE ENTRANCE OF THY WORDS GIVETH UGHT ” VERY notable advance has been made in the publication of A Chinese Christian literature. Ninety-three new books have been issued this year, of which 60 are new Chinese compositions, and 33 are translations into Chinese. Fresh reprints of successful books already on the C.L.S. catalogue bring the total output of the year to nearly double the number of new titles. An English edition has been published of General Chiang’s narrative in Chinese, How I became a Christian, of which 13,000 copies have been sold, and a pamphlet by Madame Chiang Kai Shek giving her clear Christian testimony is being widely circulated. The total sales have more than doubled, and even apart from the very successful “ New Union Hymnbook,” they would have shown 50 per cent, increase. Mr. Gamier is editing a one volume commentary on the New Testament in Chinese. Dr. Evan Morgan’ s book, Religion and Life is among the new editions. A series of biographies in Chinese includes the names of Morrison, David Hill, Kagawa, and Tolstoi. Two essays which won the Timothy Richard prize for Chinese authorship have been published— The Jesus I Know and The Jesus of the Gospels.

INDIA ANY are wondering whether, under the new conditions of M constitutional self-government, the people of India will give a more or a less favourable reception to Christianity. The rivalry of the greater communities, Hindu and Moslem, has already revealed some jealousy of the rapidly increasing body of Christians. So far as the masses of depressed people are concerned, there are evident signs in many parts of India of restlessness under their oppressive con­ ditions, and the galling contempt of the Caste Hindus. The large additions to the Christian Church from among these depressed classes is already a serious test and challenge. Thus fax, in the B.M.S. fields 2 0 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937. of Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and the Punjab, there have’ not been great mass-movements, but what has been seen in the Lushai Hills, in West Orissa and the Kond Hills in recent years fills all our missionaries and the Indian Church leaders with prayerful hope that soon they may see a wide-spread spirit of enquiry and faith, and expecially the courage of confession and open discipleship. They call to their friends and supporters in the Churches of the homeland to join in their prayer that there may be a true Forward Movement in this hardest of mission fields to-day. In the absence on furlough of the Indian Secretary, the Rev. D. Scott Wells, his responsibilities have been borne with great efficiency b y the Rev. W . C. Eadie. BENGAL “ WATCHMAN . . . WHAT OF THE NIGHT ? ” HE BENGAL BAPTIST UNION, under the chairmanship of T Mr. J. K. Biswas, has been earnestly laying hold of its new responsibilities this year. In spite of a seriously reduced staff, BARISAL sends a record of a year full of signs of new life. There is a strong feeling everywhere that a great awakening is approaching. A new chapel was dedicated in January. A new spirit of co­ operation is manifesting itself in another church where there has been a long drawn-out quarrel. A new site has been acquired by yet another for rebuilding in a more central position. The Central Council met at Dhamsar. where a new pastor was ordained during the meetings. The collection of, the Union funds has been reorganised with pleasing results in the clearance of three years’ deficits. The Boys’ Boarding School at Barisal has had a good year, with an increase in scholars to a total of 111. Six senior boys have been baptized. The boys receive training in carpentry and agriculture. A greater eagerness has been found amongst non-Christians to learn more about our Lord. Five Moslems became enquirers, and a young Hindu came forward for baptism. HE KHULNA District Union of Churches has a membership of T 545. There were 10 baptisms, one of them being a Moham­ medan youth. His wife and younger brother are now under Christian instruction with 8 other Hindus and Mohammedans. The Churches have suffered from the extreme poverty of the people, but there is a prospect of better crops this year. The Middle English School and 12 Primary Schools have an enrol­ ment of 343 pupils from Christian homes, and 64 from n o n - Christian homes. The Sunday Schools are also going well. 1937.] REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936. 21

HE SOUTH VILLAGES UNION has been short of funds and T workers for the last few years, and there has been much distress and lack of food among the members of the 28 Churches. There are very few pastors, but there is a new feeling of responsibility among the Church members. The Summer School was very successful, the subject for discussion being the Bengali book by the late A. C. Ghosh on the Heart of Christianity.

ANNING UNION sends a very similar report. The district, C which lies low on the Ganges Delta, has suffered greatly from a salt-water flood which has ruined the crops and buildings. Relief work had to be carried out by the Missionaries and their helpers, and the Church receipts were very small.

ACCA is in the centre of a part of Bengal, which feels the full D influence of this critical period of political activity. The Moslem community being in the majority here interprets the new constitution in terms of Mohammedan ascendancy, and there is a good deal of haughty aggressiveness. The Dacca missionaries ask for special prayer on this account. Open-air preaching and the usual evangelistic services and tours have been vigorously maintained. The Reading-room in Dacca City has been well visited, and lantern services well attended. A new edition of the popular booklet of Christian lyrics in Bengali has been published by the Dacca Church for wide sale. A fund for a new Church building is being raised. The Dacca Union is endeavouring to increase the local income required to make up the decrease in the B.M.S. subsidy, as well as to maintain some poor children in school and help a village church. Evangelism among University Students in the Hostel and Regent’s Park Hall has been regularly carried on. The hostel is quite full of boarders. The second visit of Dr. Stanley Jones attracted great crowds for four successive evenings. Outside lectures and Round­ table Conferences were held for men and for women. In the regular course of English lectures at the Hall, apart from those in which lantern pictures are shown, there are invariably good audiences and good attention to the exposition of the great Christian doctrines of Incarnation, Atonement, Salvation. Here is a keen appreciation of all that Christians are doing for social betterment. Mr. Northfield reports that personal dealing with enquirers reveals also the ever-present and terribly acute problem of the individual who is convinced of the claims of Christ, acknowledges his intellectual faith in Christ, but is hindered in his open confession and adhesion to 2 2 ONES HtfNDRfiD AND S'ORTY-S'ISTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

the Christian Church because he finds himself bound by the peculiar social entanglements of Indian life.

T NARAYANGANJ English services were held as usual even A through the period of the severe illness of Mi'. Woollard. His recovery is a cause of great gratitude. The District evangelism has been fruitful in 21 baptisms, and more are now waiting for baptism. The Garo Churches have now a Council of their own. Mr. Woollard. who has been working with the Narayanganj Young Men’s Welfare Association, has, by invitation from the High School, been conducting a weekly Bible Class for the Senior scholars, 45 of whom have purchased copies of the New Testament.

HE- B.M.S. DINAJPUR Mission district has one Church enrol­ T ment, though the members belong to several races, using different languages. The area in which tine B.M.S. is the only Protestant Mission is very extensive, and the total population is If million. In addition to the European Missionaries, the Indian staff of work­ ers consists of 2 trained evangelists, 2 trained pastors, 14 untrained evangelists. The Christian community numbers 3,000. There were 81 baptisms during the year, all of them being from non-Bengali races. The Station Boarding Schools have 76 boy and girl pupils. With the increase of local income, these numbers are expected to grow. There are 15 Sunday Schools in the district. The death of Munshi John Hansda, the trusted Headmaster of the Boys’ School, removed a valued Christian leader of many years. Several young men formed themselves into evangelistic groups, going out into the neighbouring villages to preach.

ANGPUR sends a call for prayer for the front line of Christian R Evangelism, the village preachers and teachers. A student has been sent to Lahore to study at the Henry Martyn School of Islamic« with Mr. Bevan Jones, with a view to evangelistic work among Moslems. The new Baptist Church Council has entered on its work with earnestness. All the schools and villages have been visited. Bap­ tisms numbering 28 have taken place at six of them. The work among the outcasfces in Rangpur-town is v e ry promising. Among the student», too, some enquirers have been gathered through the Bookroom. The illness of the colporteur has caused a decrease in the sales of Scriptures, 1937.] REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936. 2 3 HE BISHNUPUR UNION Boys’ School has suffered the loss of T Mr. W. E. French, as the senior B.M.S. representative on the s t a f f , through his appointment as the Secretary of the Bengal Baptist Union. There are 310 boys on the register, of whom 127 are boarders, and 151 are from Christian homes. A final Science Course has been opened during the year, giving special technical training. Ten boys passed the Calcutta Matri­ culation. The School has escaped much serious illness, and the new “ Health ” Room, built and opened during the year, has n ot had much use. The religious life o f the School has been well maintained. Four boys were baptized in December. Some of the masters and senior boys have carried on Christian welfare work in the neighbouring villages.

ALCUTTA: Carey Church Bow Bazaar.—Mr. and Mrs. Howie, C with the help of Miss Cordle, have been directing the many forms of evangelism and Church work in this crowded neighbourhood of Oalcutta City. Circular Road Church had a prosperous year under the pastorate of Rev. Horace Collins, who has recently come to England on furlough. The church at HOWRAH has called the Rev. S. G. Woollard. of Narayanganj, to succeed Rev. G. W. Shaw when he retires at the end of 1937, and after Mr. Woollard’ s furlough.

WHERE THE WORD OF THE KING IS, THERE IS POWER ” HE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, at Calcutta has had a very T successful year with increased activity and well-deserved appreciation of the high standard of its work. A large edition of the Bengali Bible is now being printed, and 125,000 tracts. 29,000 Christian books, and 160,000 Gospels have been issued. The Staff has been increased by the appointment of another European Missionary Assistant, Mr. Hazelton.

The Evangelism among the students of the Calcutta University has been carried on this year at the Institute and Hostel in College Square, under the care of the new Warden, Mr. B. C. Mukerji, M.A., who has succeeded the late Rev. B. A. Na«;.

/CHITTAGONG, having no resident European missionary, has ^ been visited by the Chandragona and Rangamati Missionaries, and the Indian staff have carried on the work in association with the local church. Public outdoor preaching, which was suspended by police orders during* the terrorist period, has now been resumed, and 24 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937. there has been some encouragement in the sale of Scriptures to Moslems. The fairs and bathing festivals have been visited and large crowds were gathered by the lantern services. The little struggling church of 57 members is holding its own with determination in the midst of great difficulties.

UNISON OR HARMONY? HE LUSHAI CHURCH is steadily expanding. There have been T 781 baptisms this year, 109 more than last year. Of these 537 come from the non-Christian community. By a rule of the Church young candidates for baptism are kept in preparation classes until they are at least 14 years of age. A new problem has risen, leading to serious controversy between the older and the younger Christians. It is no question of doctrine or morals, but touches the practice of hymn singing, which is so popular all over the hills. The older folk prefer singing their well- known tunes in unison; the younger people have learned the tonic- sol-fa and are keen on the part singing of English and Welsh tunes. Feeling ran so high in one village that the blackboard on which a four-part tune had been written was taken from the schoolroom and flung over a steep precipice. It was only found after a two days’ search. Efforts are now being made to reconcile these two points of v iew ! Four pastors and seven evangelists are supported by the United Church funds. Each of these ministers is supported by a group of congregations. An important development has been made at SERKAWN in the establishment of a Middle Vernacular School with a course of Manual Training, more practically suited to the needs of the village community.

SERAMPORE HE purchase of a building hitherto rented for the Mission Girls’ T School has been made possible this year by the use of an Indian bequest, with the addition of other funds collected by Mr. S. Bose, the devoted honorary secretary of the School. This school for Bengali girls and the village evangelistic work in the district are sustained by local funds.

FELLOW WORKERS WITH THE TRUTH T is pleasing to report that in the maintenance of the missionary I teaching staff at Serampore College, for which the B.M.S. carries the principal responsibility, the Church of Scotland has now under­ taken its share by the appointment and support of l3r. J. F. M acFadyen 1937.] REPORT FOR THU YEAR 1936. 25 as a Professor of the College. Financial grants are also being given by the American Baptist Mission and the Welsh Presbyterian Mission. On the retirement of Dr. J. H. Oldham from the position of “ Master ” of the Council, which he has held for twelve years, his place is now taken by the former Principal of the College, Dr. George Howells. The Rev. J. A. Stuart, who has been a devoted secretary to the Council for many years, has been compelled by ill-health to relinquish this office. Principal Angus expresses the great regret felt by himself and all who are associated with the College, that the Rev. W. W. Winfield, B.A., B.D., has been obliged, for family reasons, to give up his work in India. The year’s work has been very satisfactory as a whole, though beset with shortness of funds. Seventeen students qualified at the examinations this year for the B.D. degree, and fifteen for the licentiate in Theology. Nine new students were admitted to the Higher Divinity Class at Serampore. Six men have gone out to their life work as pastors or missionaries. The total enrolment of students this year is 303. In the Arts College, 191 ; Science, 87 ; Divinity, 25. For the first time there have been admitted two Indian Christian Women students to the Arts College. Mr. Bevan Jones was one of the visiting lecturers with a valuable course on “ Mohammedan Objections to Christianity." The visits of Dr. Truett and Dr. Rushbrooke, the Rev. Herbert Anderson and the Rev. William Paton were very much appreciated by students and staff. ORISSA HE six churches that comprise the CUTTACK DISTRICT T UNION have made progress. There have been twenty-seven baptisms and a new church has been formed in Angul with a prospect of greater success in that area. There are five evangelistic workers and six school teachers for whose support the Cuttack Union has undertaken greater obligation. HE Leper Asylum has increased its number of inmates to 318 T and has won the highest commendation from the Provincial Governor and other distinguished official visitors. Fourteen patients had so benefited by the medical treatment that they were discharged during the year “ symptom free.” Many forms of healthy occupa­ tional training are employed for both the men and women patients, such as gardening and hand weaving. There are also companies of leper Scouts within the leper settlement. Twenty-nine leper patients were baptized and received into Church membership. 2 6 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [19,37.

HE STEWART. SCHOOL for Anglo-Indian boys and girls has T had an encouraging record tins year, and the future is full of hope. The total enrolment is 228, of whom 138 are boarders—63 girls and 74 boys. One senior girl has gone to Ludhiana, as a medical student, after obtaining the Cambridge school certificate. Three scholars have joined the Church by baptism. About 50 attend a young disciples’ class, conducted by the Principal every Sunday. Scouting and Guiding and athletics flourish and have won mucli credit for the school. The new buildings have been erected with the help of Government grants.

HE CUTTACK MISSION PRESS, has produced a large amount of literature for our own and other missions as well as general printing and jobbing work for the railways, the Government and educational institutions. Useful training and employment are provided at the press for Indian Christian men.

URI, in the very heart of conservative Hinduism, records the P baptism of two converts from non-Christian homes as well as 36 from the Christian community. The public preaching at the Jagannath festival, though not without opposition, was carried on by a zealous band of workers. One of the Christian village churches has built a new school at which Hindu children attend. The laymen go out on preaching tours with the pastor, for whose support they contribute. The Puri report ends on this note : “ The glorious thing about our Faith is that there is always the possibility of a re-birth and here, at any rate there are signs of it.”

The SAMBALPUR Union has built a new house for the teacher. Thirteen were baptized, 6 being converts from Hinduism. There are 510 members in the group.

OLANGIR, the centre of the West Orissa Union, is largely a B mission to the depressed classes. There has been great distress, amounting to conditions of famine, among the peasant folks. The relief administered and the sympathy shown by the mission workers have been gratefully welcomed. The new secretary of the church union is this year one of the Indian brethren, Rev. B. Patra. Five hundred delegates attended the annual assembly from an area of 3,500 square miles. Workers conventions and summer schools for teachers and preachers have been a source of great inspiration and help. 1937.J REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936. 27 There are now 76 organised churches, a new one having been added this year. One hundred and seventy-six people were baptized, a very inter­ esting feature being that no less than 52 married couples confessed together their faith and loyalty in this ordinance, a good token for Christian home life. The total membership is now 3,570, in spite of a large labour emigration to the tea gardens of Assam under the pressure of poverty. There was mucli sickness, and no less than 193 members of the Church have died this year. Yet the faith and courage of the people have not failed. Three new village chapels and a preacher’s house have been erected. The “ mass-movement ” among the depressed classes comes as a tremendous challenge to the Indian Church. Hundreds of people in West Orissa have heard of Christ and His way of life from the Christian converts, and are asking for more teaching.

HREE years ago a middle-aged Christian man and his wife left T their home and church in Dudu-ka in search of work. After much wandering they crossed the border from the Patna State to the State of Kalashandi and settled in a non-Christian village. There they lived a simple Christian life, with the result that for miles around there are now many men and women aflame with love for Christ. Thus a new church has been formed. Numbers of young men are going out week by week voluntarily conducting services and teaching. Singing bands accompany the preachers on their tours. Old boys of the Bolangir school are sharing in this. But the need of a trained ministry is only the more felt. It is disappointing to learn that in the midst of this hopeful move­ ment the Roman Catholics have made a determined effort by many inducements to draw away the people and especially the children. The influence of the work among the depressed classes is also being felt among the caste people. A large section of a caste village has become definitely interested. A caste goldsmith is regularly visiting the home of a deacon to receive instruction. And a caste man was baptized in December with a group of outcaste converts. Christian education is of urgent importance in a mission area like this. Special care is taken with the middle school in Bolangir, and a select number of village primary schools, but it is sad that for lack of resources a refusal has to be given to many villages that are begging for schools. The authorities of the Patna Independent State give no subsidy for the Christian schools. It has been decided to send young men to Cuttack for training as preachers instead of attempting to carry on this training locally, 28 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

There is a flourishing graded Sunday School at Bolangir with 276 scholars, and 19 other Sunday Schools in the district.

The Ganjam District Union, with its centre at BERHAMPORE, comprises a group of five churches with a membership of 426. They sent one student for theological training at Cuttack. There were 20 baptisms. A special evangelistic week of witness was held by each church.

The KOND HILLS Union is making history. Rev. E. Evans on return from furlough has been appointed by Government a member of the Orissa Provincial Council as a representative of the Hill tribes. On the retirement of Rev. A. E. Grimes from his long term of missionary service, Mr. Evans succeeds him as the President of the District Church Union. The pioneer spirit in the Kond Church has expressed itself in the opening up of work in a village 42 miles from Udayagiri and near Phulbani. The evangelists and lay workers, especially the school teachers, have laboured earnestly among the churches. Fifty persons have been baptized and the membership has grown to 946. The new advance made in the medical mission and the erection of medical buildings are referred to elsewhere (p. 43).

BIHAR Ti 4TSSI0N work in MONGHYR has been revived since the disaster IVX of the earthquake. The Hindustani Church is erecting a new building in memory of John Chamberlain, the early missionary pioneer of this area. English services are held every Sunday in Monghyr and at the railway town of Jamalpur, a few miles distant. There has been cheering attendance and much interest at the Bible classes for Hindu students. Rev. E. T. Stuart was invited to speak at the All India Conference of the Chamars, a depressed class of leather workers, held in Monghyr last March.

A Y A is an important place of Buddhist and Hindu pilgrimage. G There is active opposition from the Arya Samaj, who have set up rival preaching stands and offered for sale booklets attacking the Bible and Christian missionaries. But the sale of Scriptures has been considerably increased. Twelve converts from Hinduism were included in the total of 15 who were baptized. 19 37.] REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936. 29

The Church has been aroused. A seven weeks scheme of reading, prayer and meditation was organized in preparation for a week of intensive evangelism. Those who could not go out with the preaching and singing bands into the open air undertook other methods of witness. The Gaya Leper Asylum is under the superintendence of the B.M.S. missionary. There are 248 in-patients, men and women, and dozens of unfortunate sufferers have to be turned away for lack of room. Eight lepers were baptized by Mr. Sidey before he went on furlough.

T both DINAPORE and KHAGAUL English services have been A well maintained. Mr. Lund has been the United Board Chap­ lain, and has had good congregations of soldiers at the voluntary services. There has, also, been a good response from the Anglo-India com­ munity. There were three baptisms. The Christian witness in the district has been helped by the presence of an Indian Christian magistrate, who was a former B.M.S. scholar.

ATNA reports that public-preaching has never received a more P ready hearing than this year. 350 hamlets were visited. There were 17 baptisms. Patna Students.—Among the baptisms were five students from the hostel carried on by Mr. Bridges. There have been 28 boarders in the hostel—Christians and Moslems and Hindus living together as a friendly community, with the Warden’s care and tutorial help. The Bible Classes and lectures have been well attended. The Students’ hostel itself is financially self-supporting. Another hostel for Christian boys attending the Government schools in the city is also carried on by the Mission. Many serious enquirers seek interviews as the result of the lectures and classes. They seem to be genuinely impressed by the life and teaching of Christ.

HE B.M.S. High School for Boys in AGRA maintains a high T standard of educational efficiency and exercises a strong Christian influence. The numbers on the roll are 270, which is the full capacity. Twenty-eight out of thirty passed the Provincial examination. Social Service is now included in the regular scheme of the school. The daily Scripture lesson in the school is received with eager interest and the questions asked in class and the personal visits to the Mission bungalow show that the seed is germinating. 30 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

The Christian teachers form an evangelistic group* for work in and around Agra. The old scholar, Yesu Das, baptized in 1934, continues his work as a wandering preacher. Another old student, now a village teacher, is preparing his wife to join him in being baptized.

W IDE range of work is covered by the B.M.S. DELHI Mission. A The evangelistic and church work in the poorest parts of the city has been carefully fostered. The depressed classes are seeking a better way of life, and are showing a greater desire to hear about the Gospel. Baptisms numbered 26. The Principalship of the Union Boys’ High School has been under­ taken this year by Rev. David Gibbon. The total enrolment of scholars has kept up, but the proportion of Christians has increased. There is a fine spirit in the school. The new swimming bath, the gift of a generous donor, is much appreciated, the athletic games flourish as does also the religious work in the villages, carried on by the senior boys in company with the members of the staff.

ALWAL. The sale of Scriptures received a great impetus by the P three weeks visit of the Bible Society’s caravan to this area; and advantage was taken of it for united evangelistic efforts. Book sales increased fourfold. Applications are being received from many villages for the opening up of regular Christian teaching. Fifty-two people have been bap­ tized. A young man has been sent for further training at Serampore College.

HE BHIWANI Church is seeking a site for a larger chapel build­ T ing. There was a very remarkable demonstration in Bhiwani at the time of the death of King George V, when the non-Christian leaders of the town joined with the Christians in a solemn Memorial Service and prayers. A young Indian doctor has been regularly attending the Sunday services and afterwards reading the Gospels in English with Mr. Hasler. The Sunday School is increasing and two brothers who are both carpenters by trade, have been working very earnestly in it.

HE KASAULI report declares that though there are many T difficulties “ nevertheless ” there is “ always the more ” grace from God to meet them. The combination of English ministry among soldiers and European residents, with the Hindustani Church and evangelistic work, has made a full task for the missionary, Mr. C. H. Williams. 1937.] REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936. 31 There were 10 baptisms from the non-Christian community. Regular bazaar preaching was carried on, and country tours were taken for the visitation of the outposts and schools.

CEYLON HE Baptist Coiincil has come through five years of severe testing T to its faith, courage and self-sacrifice. With a greatly diminished subsidy from the B.M.S., the churches have set themselves earnestly to sustain their work in a worthy way. And God has wonderfully blessed them. Their contributions have increased in the five years from Rs. 2000 to Rs. 5000, Rs. 6000, Rs. 7800, and this year they aim at Rs. 11000. They have registered over a thousand subscribers. During the past year there have been 50 baptisms, making a total of 325 in the five years. The Church membership is now 1,500 and they are seeking to multiply their numbers by individual securing of disciples.

JAMAICA HE Jamaica Baptist Union is preparing for the celebration in T 1938 of the centenary of emancipation, and the B.M.S. has responded to their invitation to be a patron of these celebrations and to be represented at the meetings. Principal Ernest Price, retires in July next from the position he lias held for more than 26 years at Calabar College. The Rev. Dr. Gurnos King, now of Kingston, Surrey, has been appointed to succeed him, and will be leaving England in July, when a special B.M.S. deputation will be visiting the Jamaica churches, and will take part in his induction. He will have as his valued colleague, the Rev. David Davis, who has rendered great service in Jamaica for more than 25 years. BIBLE TRANSLATION AND LITERATURE


REVIEW of tiie past year’s work in INDIA has as its High light A the reprinting of the Bengali Bible. Four thousand copies have been produced. The Oriya Bible Revision Committee has been formed and is setting to work to do the much needed revision for the people of Orissa. By agreement with the four missions now working in Lushai, we are beginning the translation of the books of Moses. Thanks to the help of Mr. Wenger, the Lushai dictionary being prepared by Mr. Lorrain has been making good progress. For the Kond Hills the Epistles to the Corinthians have now been trans­ lated and are ready for the printer, and the other Epistles are in hand, so that we shall soon see the New Testament in the Kui language. The revision of the Sinhalese Bible has been completed in its first stage and it has now to be submitted to the scrutiny of a Revision Committee. In the CONGO the New Testament of the Portuguese Congo is finding a ready sale, and we are awaiting the delivery from the press of the Portuguese-Kongo hymnbook. In the Kongo language Mr. Jennings’ Life of Paul has been printed at Bolobo and is now being circulated. In Bangi the work of the Old Testament has been held up somewhat by the exacting labours of the revival days. At the present time that great revival movement is being fed on the New Testament, the book of Genesis, Psalms, Daniel and the minor prophets, but we hope that soon the historical books and the major prophets will be available. In Lingala Mr. Guthrie has the Gospels and Acts in manuscript and the Epistles and Revelation are being prepared. In Lokele the revision of the book of Isaiah is in hand, the books of Psalms and Proverbs are in print, and other portions of the Old Testament are in preparation. The New Testament in King- wana has been translated and is now being edited for the press. In CHINA the whole of our work has been continued through the Christian Literature Society at Shanghai, and Mr. Gamier has become the General Secretary of that society without diminishing the work that he is doing on the literary side. They are issuing almost weekly new books or reprints of Christian classics.

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32 WOMEN’S WORK « 9 36


S the range of varied activities in all fields among many differing A types of women and children comes under review, there are evidences of success and seeming failure, of hopes disappointed and fears dispelled, while in and through all is discerned God’s power in His works. CHINA N the China field, the menace from without has been a dominating I factor in every province. Political uncertainty and a sense of impending calamity have created distractions to the preaching of the Gospel. But these have also created a new understanding that personal character and integrity are of the greatest value to a nation. There has arisen a new wistfulness in the search of truth, a critical listening to and a more receptive hearing of the preaching of the Word. The schools in Shensi and Shansi are struggling against the difficulties inherent in an exaggerated interest in physical culture and military drill. In San Yuan the children must drill with wooden swords. In Sianfu the girls have been compelled to do picket duty at Anti- Aircraft Exhibitions) and to take days off from school to watch gun practice and military displays. “ Militarism colours the life of the schools in Taiyuan-fu, and all middle school students have joined the children’s army, a public holiday being sacrificed to a great review in which they had to take part.” The school staffs are required to attend lectures on training and discipline in air raid defence, and then go into the villages to teach what they have learned. In this atmosphere the schools show the way to life in Him Who is the Prince of Peace.

OMEN’S Schools, Sunday Schools, Bible Classes are able to W press home opportunities denied elsewhere. God’s power has been seen at work in many directions. In Taiyuan-fu, it was difficult to cope with aU who attended the station classes, while, at Sinchow, the Women’s School has had a younger and more illiterate group of women to handle. In San Yuan, however, after eighteen years of faithful work, the last class for poorly educated girls has been held, since the Chinese have reoognised the need for training in leadership 88 B 3 4 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937

more highly qualified women, who, as lay and voluntary workers will lead and train the members o f the country churches. Literal* women are inviting illiterate neighbours into their homes to hear the word of God, and in village Sunday Schools the children are learning the responsibilities of being neighbourly. From Shantung comes the encouraging statement that “ on the women’s side, this has been one of our best years,” The improve­ ment is not seen as yet in an increased number of converts, but “ the Church, in a glad and willing spirit, is making astonishing strides in taking over the support and administration of women’s work.” As long as tile men were uninterested in their development, it was almost impossible for the women to take the lead themselves. The loyal understanding and support of the pastors in this development has been most gratifying. The training school at Chowtsun, through which many of these women have passed, is one of the most important pieces of work for women in the province. Literates and illiterates, old and young, are catered for, and, from these groups, girls are going out each year to B.M.S. and other fields for lay and paid service. The Chinese members of staff in this and other schools are co-operating whole­ heartedly with the missionaries, and sometimes bring very fruitful suggestions for the curriculum, or the programme of evangelistic work undertaken by the students. A graduate from one of the Bible Schools in Shensi served so effectively as an evangelist in the Northern area that she had to resist stoutly the pressure to make her a speaker of the Communist party. An interesting demand has come from some women evangelists as a result of their work in the districts, that they should have a month’s training in mid-wifery and hygiene. Such developments hold possibilities of risks of many kinds as well as of benefits, and the Church at home may do much by prayer and remembrance to safe­ guard the younger members of the fellowship in these ventures in practical Christianity. In one of the Shensi district», a feature of the year has been the helping of women Church members to break off thé opium habit. After much persuasion, they have come to the Refuge attached to the hospital, and it has been a great joy to see the change in them as they have been freed from the deadly habit. The grace of God alone provides the sustaining power by which this ts possible. The reports name many Chinese women who, in the wide area entrusted to the B.M.S., are giving conspicuous service as servants of Jesus. These fellow-workers are, themselves, the best tribute to . God’s blessing resting on the work of the mission. These are “ God’s ; works,” the results for which all have laboured, and they, in turn, 19 37.] w o m e n ’ s w o r k , 1 9 3 6 . 3 5 become instruments for His Power made active in an ever-widening circle. The missionaries coping with the need are pitifully few in number, but unremitting in loyal devotion. Only two have been added to their number during this last year.


X A THEN the last report was published, the Home Committee were V V eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Misses Belleth and Perera for a period of training at Carey Hall. It has been a great joy to welcome these two friends. Funds for their training have been raised privately, and the donors have the satisfaction of knowing that the experiment has been an unqualified success. Miss Muriel Perera and Miss Lettie Belleth have visited some of the churches, and B.M.S. summer schools and conferences. By the unexpected death of Miss Jessie Uttley, of Matale, while on furlough, the Mission has lost a loved and valued worker. Her removal in the prime of life creates a serious gap in the ranks, and has made the staffing of the schools doubly difficult. The Ceylon Council are courageously trying to arrange for the maintenance of the work without the addition of another European. Early in the year a request was made to the Home Committee to seek out a trained graduate to go to Ceylon under the Council for a short term of service. An offer was received from Miss Agnes Horlick, B.A., of Tyndale Church, Bristol, which was most gratefully accepted.

N common with other churches in Ceylon, the Baptists are sharing I in the Forward Movement in Evangelism, and every branch of the Women’s work has been delighted to co-operate. New villages have been visited in the Ratnapura area, and a very encouraging response has been made to the preaching. There has been renewed Buddhist opposition at Kekirawa, due, in part, to the success attending the work of missionaries and evangelists in the last few years. A prevailing spirit of antagonism makes the task very hard, but invitations were given to teach in a village two and a half miles away, where an expectant group of people eagerly await the coming of the teacher. The need for child welfare work in this centre was brought home to the missionary. The contacts made thereby will give new openings for friendship, and it is hoped to introduce all who come to the best Friend. The orphanage continues its good work, and the report tells of two of the residents who have been led to decision for Christ. 3 6 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

Owing to furloughs, ill-health and death, it has been a difficult twelve months in the educational institutions. The courage and determination with which opportunities and difficulties have been met and made use of is a tribute to the faith and loyalty of the brethren and sisters in Ceylon.

CONGO HERE have been a good many movements among the women of T the Congo staff owing to retirements and ill-health. A wave of epidemic disease restricted evangelistic and itinerating activities in the Lower Congo area, but in the Wathen district a welcome was given to the women workers from villages formerly associated with the Prophet movement. At another place, a large group of women, ready to be taught, awaited the missionary, the result of the faithful witness of a young man from the village, who had been helped into the Light at Kinshasa. At San Salvador, the baptism of twelve senior girls has led to an increase in the size of the enquirers’ class and 110 women have been baptized during the year. In Bembe, the women who have recently found Christ are glad to be taught lines of Christian conduct. What, at first, looked like a calamity in the removal of women to distant parts on Government service, has led to the furtherance of the Gospel. For, in far distant towns and villages, the Bembe Christian women have gathered the local women round and preached the Gospel. Their faith is being sorely tried by persecution and by the persistence of heathen customs, but there were 119 baptisms, while quietness and peace grow as the Gospel is more fully apprehended. The revival at Bolobo still continues, and the large numbers of women and girls in classes for church members and inquirers and “ seekers ” have taxed the time and strength of the staff to the utmost. There are more women believers, more girls in the school. More than half of those baptized at Lukolela were women, but the work among girls is at a standstill. There is a great gap between the little children who are eager to be taught and the meetings for older women, which are crowded to capacity. Early marriage is said to be responsible for this, but the needs of the girls press heavily on the missionaries. There has been a much more encouraging response to teaching from the women on the plantations.

T is good to note the developments taking place as the result of I years of patient praying, preaching and teaching. At San Salvador, three girls are being trained as pupil teachers; at Yakusu, 19 37.] w o m e n ’ s w o b k , 1 9 3 6 . 3 7

two of the older schoolgirls trained and qualified as midwives. In Bolobo, the women are gaining an entirely new position for themselves in the eyes of the men, and are earning an increasing respect and honour ; while at Yakusu, for the first time in the history of the Church, an African woman conducted an evening service. “ She held the attention of thé crowd from first to last.” Thus is seen God’s power in action. INDIA OR the first time for many years there has been no addition to F the women’s staff in India. In many places the shortage of staff has created acute difficulties. It is imperative, if the needs of the work are to be adequately met, that there should be a regular supply of suitable recruits. Tie touring done in the cold weather in the Dinajpur district has brought more children to the central school. There is evidence of growing understanding by the parents of the need to send girls early to school. The children, on returning to the villages, carry the light of truth and knowledge of God to many dark places. At Dacca, a women’s committee has been fromed with the hope of getting more help and interest from the women church-members. These are opening their homes more and more to their neighbours and are undertaking the visitation of Hindu and Moslem homes, to carry the Light. The Christian women have issued missionary boxes among themselves, the contents of which will support the Bengal Baptist Union in its big programme. The need for reopening work among the women of the south villages was so keenly felt by the Bengal Union that an appeal was successfully made to the Home Committee for the release of two missionaries for this purpose. In the Barisal area, where the women are largely responsible for the maintenance of their own work, there have been successes and failures, unexpected disappointments and unforeseen joys. The women find it hard to distinguish between the various claims made upon them by the local union, their own group, and the larger, more important but little known Bengal Baptist Union. In spite of this, they sent seven shillings and sixpence to London for expenses at Head­ quarters of the Women’s World Day of Prayer. The schools have maintained steady, uneventful work during the year. The influence of those who are members of the church is splendid and it is a matter for rejoicing that their number is continually increased. The evidence of former years to the growing concern of the school children for needy causes round about is maintained by report» of what they are doing to help in various ways. There is undoubtedly an inculcation of a Christian spirit of fellowship 3 8 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

and responsibility for one’s neighbours’ welfare that bodes well for the future, in which India will have the conduct of her own affairs on an increasing scale. The widening sphere of influence exercised by Indian colleagues is greatly valued. During the year the marriage o f Miss Kamini Dm , removed from the circle of workers one who had been associated with the mission from her earliest days. Her effective work in the Dacca district, which was largely of a pioneer nature, will be greatly missed. The new opening at Darzo in Lushai, reported last year, has been successfully maintained. Over twenty girls have gone from Serkawn to be boarders at the Darzo School, in itself an indication of the influence of the Gospel in the lives of the Lushai women and girls. The reorganisation of the Sunday Schools which Miss Chapman was asked to supervise has been carried out, and the two girls’ schools are co-operating in making the experiment a success. “ Six to seven hundred miles of touring, mostly on foot,” is the tale of pioneer evangelism by the women. To them was granted the joy of seeing groups of Christians in many villages where, formerly, there were none.

HE North India field has been one of the most difficult, and yet T one of the most encouraging. The staffing difficulties referred to in the last report have been no less acute. The school for Moslem girls in Delhi has been maintained under financial stringency with great uncertainty as to the future. The new attitude of the communal parties in the Punjab to Christian schools has been evident in the protracted negotiations with the local authorities. In evangelistic work the small number of those available for the task has occasioned much thought and frequent rearrangement, thus depriving the various situations of the maximum benefit which might have been claimed. But some of the most striking encourage­ ments of the year come from just this field. The end of the year witnessed an increase in the numbers attending the Moslem school. There have been two further conversions in the Moslem community, one of these being a girl whose interest was first aroused in the Nurses’ Holiday Home at Rajpur. Hie report from Baraut attributes the small number of baptisms during the year to the fact that men asking for baptism are being held up until their wives are ready and a Christian home is likely to result. Efforts are made even at the earliest stages to instil into adults and children an intelligent understanding of the church as the Body of Christ on earth, and the developement of initiative, responsibility and self-support is sought. The persistence of Hindu customs among the village Christian women occasions concern here as in other parts of the Indian field. 19 37.] WOMEN'S WORK, 1936. 3 9

Evangelistic work in Palwal has been hindered by the absence through illness of Miss de Rozario, but the girls at Salamatpur have added to their village evangelism, visiting in the women’s hospital with a view to making Christ known by song, word and in friendly contacts with the patients. In Gaya Girls’ School, with an attendance to capacity of one hundred and thirty, there is a long waiting list and the evangelistic missionary in the same town records finding old girls in the houses visited who are bravely testifying to what they know of Christ among friends and neighbours. A most promising movement took place in Dholpur towards the close of the year, when a group of Chamars came forward for teaching on the Christian way of life. Immediate opposition was aroused in official Hindu circles and attempts are being made, so far unsuccess­ fully, to divert those seekers from their purpose. Any movement of a group of people on this scale presents immediate pressing problems to the missionaries. But they are problems with which they rejoice to be confronted. There are some significant indications of the breakdown of caste restrictions, and a desire on the part of Moslems and Hindus to hear the gospel more fully. Among the houses visited in Delhi are two where girls of from seventeen to twenty are eager to read and willing to learn through the medium of the New Testament, and another house where a girl in her late teens is reading because.she “ wants to know more about Jesus Christ.” In Gaya, two Hindu parents asked that their daughter might be allowed to live with the Christian teachers of the mission school, where she has a wonderful opportunity for seeing Christianity lived out in daily life. In reporting from Dinapore, Mr. Lund writes that “ he has no difficulty of access to the women and children of the homes he visits ”—an incredible change to those acquainted with the strict Zenana observance of past days. In Patna, during the absence of the European missionary, Indian members of the staff led the Guides and the Bluebirds. The mission was able to serve the wider cause of the Kingdom in North India through the girls’ school at Salamatpur, and in a Bible school at Patna for women workers, to which co-operating missions, with our own, sent one hundred and twenty women delegates for a period of intensive study and retreat.

NLESS the work among women and girls goes hand in hand U with that among the men, much of its value and permanence is lost.” So the report of Bolangir tells of efforts to reach every age and stage of girl and women in this outcaste area, while special 4 0 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

attention iB paid to the building up of church members in an intelligent grasp of the faith. The women in instruction classes numbered 145, 48 of whom asked for baptism, while 22 women with their menfolk attended the Summer School for evangelists. Eight of these women were old hostel girls and are voluntarily undertaking useful work in their own village, leading other women to a fuller knowledge of Christ. The Girls’ School in Cuttack was officially recognised as a middle English school. The 18 Indian members of staff are all Christian. The training class for leaders numbered 52 and included a Moslem girl who was a pupil in the school before her marriage. In recog­ nition of the centenary of the school, a prayer-room has been erected by present and former pupils and by other friends.

T A7HAT is to be the response of this generation of Baptist women to V V the situation set forth in this report ? Difficulties demand solution, and the Gospel is eternally in conflict with things as they are, offering to all who will accept it not only the vision of humanity made new, but the faith and courage with which to overcome. Power belongeth to God, and those who work with Him are promised strength to do exploits. It is for those who strive in His Name to claim the power that in and through them He may have the heritage of the heathen. MEDICAL WORK, 1936


“ r I 'HE power of His works,” is best appreciated by a demonstration X of the works of His Power. This thirty-fifth Annual Report is a story of the cry of humanity on the one hand and of the yearning of the Divine Heart on the other. Surely an irresistible appeal, but an appeal met in a greater measure than ever before in the history of our work. INDIA T BHIWANI in North India Dr. Bisset’s report starts : “ The A work of the Farrer Hospital is steadily increasing.” A splendid new Sadar Grate, the gift of generous and appreciative Indian donors, now welcomes the patients to this renowned house of help and healing. Considerable aid has been received from the King George V Jubilee Fund, enabling a much needed extension and alteration to the nurses’ quarters to be carried out. Miss Guyton, who has been in charge of the evangelistic work, tells of the increased interest, especially among patients who are subsequently visited in their homes. “ How can I learn if I am only taught once a week,” was one old woman’s cry. In PALWAL the Florence Toole Memorial Men's Hospital has admitted an increasing number of in-patients, and Dr. Ronald Thomas writes that he has been co-operating with the Health Department in checking the spread of spotted fever and malaria which were prevalent in the district. This is particularly gratifying in view of the fact that the two village dispensaries have had to be closed on account of Government regulations requiring qualified successors to the two faithful old dispensers retiring after thirty-seven and thirty- two years’ service respectively. A women’s meeting led by Mrs. Thomas has organised a working party for the hospital, and the compounders in training have taken an active part in hospital evangelism. The Rahmatur (Women’«) Hospital, at Palwal has lost by marriage the service of Dr. Gwladys Williams, but Dr. H. Crichton Bowser and Miss Turner have had the usual success in training Indian nurses, all their fifteen entrants at the nurses’ examination of the North India United Board being successful, and four trained nurses obtaining midwifery certificates. The Christmas story portrayed by the nurses created greater interest than ever before, and the quiet, rapt attention and interest 41 4 2 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1 937.

on the women’s faces showed that they were understanding the message of Good News. An urgent plea is made for the appointment of a European evangelist on the hospital staff to share the great opportunities and xtianforce the workers. DHOLPUR. Dr. Dorothy Medway relates that under the care of Dr. Rutherford (now on furlough) the work has continued to increase all the year, necessitating considerable additions to buildings and amenities. This familiar plea does not create, however, as far as Dholpur is concerned, the same mixed feelings in days of financial stringency, for our Sri Maharani Kesar Memorial Hospital is the special care of the Native State. This official connection does not prevent the fullest acceptance of our evangelistic opportunities and a full-time native evangelist spends her day in the out-patients’ depart­ ment and the wards. Dolpur has recently been stirred by the insistence of a large group of outcastes that Hinduism has no gospel for them, and we pray and believe that the medical work will reveal to them that He Whom India admires is for all men the Way, the Truth and the Life. CHANDRAGHONA. Reinforced by the return of Dr. and Mrs. Bottoms, Dr. Teichmann describes a steady increase in the work of the hospital in all directions. Standing at the gateway into the Hills, our hospital, with the help of a friendly Commissioner, was instrumental in preventing an outbreak of cholera, and through the generosity of an Indian friend has been able to tackle seriously a sudden increase in the incidence of Kala-azar. Considerable help from the Jubilee Fund has made possible the provision of an adequate water supply. The organisation of the small leper asylum has been perfected and some of the able-bodied men, by adopting the plough, have provided a large part of the annual supply of rice, while the crippled carpenter, by making two handlooms, provided all the women with ample work and the prospects of being able to supply much of the linen needed in the hospital. Once again the nurses have done well in their examinations, one gaining first place in Bengal and North India, and another the first place in Bengal. Here is a record of the works of His Power for which we praise Him. LUNGLEH. From this isolated rural hospital, visited only once a year by Chandraghona doctors, Nurses Oliver and Good tell of a work intimately linked with the vigorous young native church, and blossoming forth in a branch dispensary at Darzo under the care of an outstanding native nurse, whose personal witness has been much blessed. 1 9 3 7 .] MEDICAL REPORT, 1936. 4 3

At BEIfcHAMPORE the Mission Hospital lias been, alone, alongside the native Christian church, aB the Christian witness in the district. Our failure to find a colleague for Dr. Gregory has meant undue strain on her, which has been partly relieved by the assistance of two Indian lady doctors. Especially valuable has been the work of the Bible women who visit in the town and nearer villages and are much encouraged by the welcome they receive.

UDAYAGIRI. At last the long planned and hoped for Moorshead Memorial Hospital is definitely taking shape, and, with the appoint­ ment of Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilkins, and the return of Mr. Evans and Miss Jarry, rapid progress is being made. Nearly half the amount required has been raised, and prospects of cordial Government co­ operation make it evident that the ministry of healing there will eventually be worthy of the name of our beloved pioneer.


HOUTSUN. Extension of influence, addition to plant and C property, and improvement in the quality and quantity of in-patient work are all reported by Drs. Blowers and Still at the Foster Hospital. Dr. Mowers accepted the official request to act as surgeon and consultant at the neighbouring Government hospital. Central heating and new accommodation for the X-ray plant has been added, while female nurses are being trained and gradually replacing male nurses. The two evangelists have given very encouraging reports of the year’s work. Over one hundred patients evinced special interest in the Gospel message, and of the men no less than eleven were baptized after leaving hospital. Equally encouraging response was received from women patients. One bigoted Moham­ medan became so touched by the ministry of healing that she studied the Gospel of John and became a convinced Christian,’ and she and her husband have attached themselves to one of the smaller rural churches.

TSINGCHOWFU. Dr. Flowers pays an eloquent tribute to the work of Dr Ching, who, single handed for half a year, coped with a quantity of work which has beaten all records at the Kwang-Te hospital. In addition, the nursing school completed its first year’s woj*k, a midwifery unit was organised,, a new gateway built, and to crown all, the really magnificent leper hospital built by local funds was opened on November 10th. We read the “ the Lord rejoiced in spirit when the seventy returned with joy,” and our hearts are wanned M ONE HUNDBED AND FOBTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

by the knowledge that our Chinese colleagues are not only witnessing the exorcism of the most obstinate of the demons, but are also seeing many names written in Heaven.

TAIYUANFU. The crowding of the city with refugees from the area disturbed by Communist invasion and Japanese occupation added to the work of the hospitals. Dr. Wyatt had scarcely written the words, “ No one of the staff has contracted typhus fever,” before he fell a victim to this scourge, which has taken such a toll of our medical workers in North China. Happily he is recovering satisfactorily. He appeals for funds for the installation of modem drainage, which is urgently needed. Mr. Dart’s report on hospital evangelism is full of encouragement. The majority of the one hundred patients, who voluntarily signed inquiry cards on leaving, were soldiers who passed out of his ken. Many others, however, were visited by him and his Chinese colleague in the city, and the demand for Bibles and hymn-books has been greater. * Women'8 Hospital. Dr. Ellen Chow reports a greatly increased confidence among out-patients, and very encouraging progress in reducing maternal mortality. The nurses have, with one exception, passed their examinations, and those who have completed their training are finding their vocation in marriage or further full-time service. One woman, in the hospital for the second time, when asked whether she had heard the Gospel before, remarked, “ How can I be here and not hear.” Another unsolicited testimonial was, “ Every nurse, every day, tells me to pray.”

SIANFU. It is well to realise that life in a mission hospital in China is never monotonous, and often far from enviable. Dr. Handley Stocldey, Dr. Ruth Tait, Nurse Major and her colleagues have had their share of trouble in 1936. The help of the Provincial Governor had to be sought in settling the strike of male student nurses. The relatives of a patient who died in hospital brought an accusation of negligence against the staff, of which they were completely Acquitted, a European guest committed suicide in the home of one of the doctors, and aimed robbers broke into Mr. Suter’s house and forced him to part with four hundred dollars. The political coup d'etat, melo­ dramatic from a safe distance, was intensely disconcerting at close quarters, and resulted in the evacuation of women and children and the added strain on those who bravely stuck to their posts. Many examples of the Gospel witness of the hospital testify to the way it is bringing peace and hope to men and women in a land of turmoil. 1937.3 MEDICAL BEPOBT, 1936. 45 TSINANFU. It is impossible, in a few words, to do justice to the work of Chedoo University Medical School and Hospital, in which Drs. Laurence Ingle and Gordon King and the Rev. W. P. Pailing play leading parts, under the able presidency of Shu-Ming T. Lui. The printed annual report embodies those of a dozen technical depart­ ments and commemorates the opening of the new out-patients’ block and west wing, and the carrying out of an extensive programme of rescue work among Yellow River flood refugees. Mrs. Pailing con­ tributes a fascinating chapter on the response by educated and illiterate patients to the Gospel message heard in the hospital. With the diminution in financial assistance from the Rockefeller Funds new sources of income are urgently needed. Equally urgent is the demand for a whole-time European evangelist to take every opportunity of following up the message. Our Lord followed the blind man He had cured and said to him, “ Dost thou believe on the Son of God ? ” We, too, must follow up our cases.


AN SALVADOR. Dr. Jack Saxton writes enthusiastically of S the increase in the work in every department made possible by the arrival of Dr. Salzberg and a full staff of nurses for the Angola field. The ward verandas have been walled in so as to accommodate sixty-two beds in a thirty-two-bed hospital^ More than half of the in-patients have been serious surgical cases. Dr. Saxton had to operate on no less than five members of the white staff, and the services of the hospital are eagerly sought and highly valued by natives, the Portuguese population and Roman Catholic Mission. Expression of this was given by the generous donations bn Hospital Sunday, the celebration of which identified the native church more closely with the ministry of healing. We could wish that the appreciation expressed by high officials took a more practical form than heavy bills for custom duty on drugs and complicated statistical tables! Under Nurse Bell and her colleagues the maternity and ante-natal work continues to assist in the repopulation of a country formerly ravaged by disease and the slave trade.

At QUIBOCOLO the quality of the service which Miss Cuff and the native helpers have rendered has resulted in increased evidence of the natives’ readiness to abandon harmful customs, and this in spite of much discouragement and opposition. 4 6 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

From BEMBE Miss Cheshire has had conclusive proof that the maternity work she has carried on in Miss Lambourne’s absence is a live evangelistic agency, helping the women to realise something more of the length, and breadth, and height, and depth of God’s love and salvation.

Under the energetic care of Miss Broom, the dispensary work at WATHEN was being greatly developed. Hopes had been enter­ tained of accepting a Government offer of supervision of two outlying dispensaries, but the serious illness of Nurse Broom and the meagre staff at Wathen has made this impossible. We thank God for her marvellous recovery, and for the courage of her parents, and the devoted service of the staff at the American B aptist Mission at Sona Bata, where her life has been saved.

KIBENTELE. As soon as Nurse Head returned from furlough it was n ecessary to transfer Nurse Smith to Wathen. The out­ standing work carried on here has in no way suffered, and happy co-operation with the State Authorities continues.

BOLOBO. The transference of Dr. Price to Pimu left Dr. Acres as the only doctor for most of the year, and he laments the fact that the lessened district visitation will mean a setback to the fight against sleeping sickness. Provision for an adequate rural service will follow the official recognition of the Liverpool Hospital as a school for training aides~infLrmi&rs. This will mean a new outlet for service to those whose hearts have been kindled in the revival, and the staff have been much encouraged by those who have remained so keen on the spiritual welfare of their patients. Provision has been made for thorough reconstruction of the hospital buildings.

The official Madame Benard Dispensary at TSHUMBIRl is stuffed and visited regularly from Bolobo.

PIMU. Through the untiring efforts of the Rev. A. E. Allen, the Pimu mud has taken shape, and the grand opening ceremony of the Smith Memorial Hospital was staged on Armistice Day. Since the departure of Dr. MacGregor in May, Dr. Ernest Price has been in charge, and with very inadequate assistance has occupied himself in district visitation; medical and surgical work has been carried on under the m ost primitive of conditions. One instance will serve to show the change which this is having in an area where the pow er o f fear and withe raft had been paramount. A famous woman witch doctor, after tw o months’ treatment for serious wounds 19 3 7 .] MEDICAL REPORT, 1936. 47 caused by a leopard, abandoned her witchcraft, cut her long hair and called the native teacher and the Christians of her village together to pray with her.

YAKUSU. Dr. Holmes writes : “ Other years have been described as strenuous, but this must be the most strenuous the hospital has ever experienced. Records have been made for every department.” Left single-handed for two months, after Dr. and Mrs. Chesterman’s departure, the advent of Dr. Stanley Browne was especially welcome, but the reception planned for him had to be abandoned for the claims of the suffering black patients. The training school had a successful year and the Christian witness of the score of infirmiers in village dispensaries or company posts has been much appreciated. His Majesty King Leopold III gave his gracious permission, and local gifts made possible, the commencement of the erection of a Maternité Reine Astrid. The co-operation between Government and commercial organisations continues. AT THE HOME BASE

THE “ WANTS ” DEPARTMENT PERUSAL of the facts and figures given below will surely con­ A vince the reader of the very substantial benefit conferred on the Missionary Society’s work by the gifts, collective and individual, made through the “ Wants ” Department. The net value of the supplies thus sent out (£1,087 15s. 6d.) represents a contribution to the necessary equipment of the B.M.S. Hospitals and Schools. That is one side—the economical—of the “ Wants ” Department. Another is that the spontaneous help and sympathy of the Home churches awakens repercussions on the other side which, as many letters prove, bring donors and recipients of the gifts into touch with one another with mutual beneficial results. The “ Wants ” Depart­ ment meets a very real need. But it is now facpg a " want ” of its own, which is it necessary to foreshadow. The impending withdrawal of the Honorary Secretaries, who feel compelled to relinquish thv heavy work which they have carried on for many years, adds to the difficulties of this year. Are there not younger people in our Church who can supply the “ want ” thus created ? The table given below makes clear the work of the Department, and the restrictions caused by the cost of freight and customs. Of the total charges of £215, the Department found £176, leaving only £.5it to be met from the General Funds. Cost of Number of Cases. Value. Freight, FIELD. Cases, Insur­ General. Medical. General. Medical. ance, etc.

£ £ £ INDIA 54 50 193 340 54 CEYLON.. 2 — 5 — 54 CHINA .. 4 20 8 139 18 CONGO .. 73 29 248 155 83 Special Duty .. —— — — 83 Sundry Charges —— — — 7

TOTAL 133 99 £454 £634 £215

E. M. Angus ì L y d ia L ush [• (Hon. Secs.) M. E. F ergu son J 48 1937.] AT THE HOME BASE. 4 9

THE LAYMEN’S MOVEMENT HE Laymen’s Movement lias had a year of vigour under the T presidency of Dr. T. R. Glover, who is now succeeded by Mr. J. A. Attenborough. The Annual Conference at Swanwiek in March was notable for a record enrolment of 280 members. Week-end Conferences have been held elsewhere during the year and more are being arranged to serve men who cannot get to the Swanwiek Conference. The Movement is missionary in its outlook and purpose, and much time and effort have been given to banding together men already inside the churches and others beyond them through the formation of Contact Clubs and similar organisations. There has been a marked increase in the number of these, and they have proved their value in winning men and in presenting them with the world task of the Christian Church. More than 70 of these organisations are now enrolled. The Missionaries’ Literature Association, an auxiliary of the Move­ ment of which the Rev. C. T. Byford is the Hon. Secretary, is the medium by which nearly 2,500 friends in this country are linked with more than 1,500 missionaries and pastors overseas through papers and magazines which the former send regularly from the homeland. The high value placed upon this service is shown in numerous letters which are received, and is only limited through lack of offers from this country. Centres of the Movement in many parts of the country are helping the work of the B.M.S. in various ways and are linked with individual missionaries. The Layman, the organ of the Movement, continues to make headway and grows in the appreciation of its subscribers and others who receive it, both inside and outside the denomination. The Baptist Young Men’s Movement has passed the tenth anniversary of its formation and lookB forward to increased service for the denomination abroad as well as at home. H. L. H.

THE GIRLS* AUXILIARY HIRTY new branches of the Girls’ Auxiliary have been opened T during the last twelve months, and it is particularly gratifying that thirteen of these are in Wales where, up to the present, the number of branches has been comparatively small. Five G.A.s have left this country for B.M.S. service abroad. In 1926 the Auxiliary handed over to the B.M.S. the sum of £1,355. It was regretted that this did not reach the amount aimed at, but hopes are high for a good increase in contributions next year. 50 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

The Annual National Conference was held in the Stockwell Training College, Bromley, during the Easter week-end.. At the Council meeting Miss Isobel Ralston, B.Sc., of HiUhead Baptist CSmrch, Glasgow, was inducted as President and Miss Marjorie James of Luton was welcomed as President-Elect. In March of this year there came a change in the secretariat. Miss Dorothy M. Andrews terminated her period of service as General Secretary and Miss Joyce A. Booth of Nottingham succeeded her. Miss Andrews served the Girls’ Auxiliary National Executive as President and in other capacities, before she was appointed General Secretary in 1931. Since then she has given unstintingly of herself and has served with an efficiency and affection that has endeared her to G.A.’s all over the country, as well as to many others with whom her work brought her into contact. At the Easter Council Miss Booth, who had served as a Group Secretary for one year previously, was warmly welcfpaed to her new office. THE HOME PREPARATION UNION HIS organisation celebrated its twenty-first birthday in 1936 by T having a tea party during the Summer School at Felixtowe, and by holding a Rally at the Mission House in October, at which Miss Bowser, Dr. Ewing and Mr. H. Ernest Wood, J.P., spoke about some of the results of the work. Present students number 404, under 104 tutors. Members of the Lay Preachers’ section do well in their B.U. examinations, and nearly ninety per cent, of the successful candidates this year belong to the H.P.U. On the Mission Field 85 past members are now on the active staff of the B.M.S., and there are 17 at work as deaconesses Mid 30 as Baptist ministers in the homeland. M. Irene Morris (Hon. Sec.)

BAPTIST TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION HE Baptist Teachers* Association has been formed to place at the T service of the Baptist Union and the Baptist Missionary Society the experience and knowledge gained by its members in the course of their work in the schools of the Homeland. During recent years the Association has undertaken particular interest in the Training of Teachers in the Mission Fields arid, for the development of this important work, an Educational Fund has been created to which moneys so earmarked may be made and paid through the usual channels. E. H. S. THE MISSIONARY ROLL-CALL

HE following new missionaries have sailed during the past T year INDIA Rev. Ernest Garfield Evans, B.A., of , for Bengal (after a period of study at the Henry Martyn School of Islamics, Lahore). Mr. Leonard Robert Hazelton, of Coombe Martin, for the Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta.

CEYLON Miss Agnes Horlick, B.A., of Bristol, appointed by the Ceylon Baptist Council for three years’ service at Ratnapura.

CHINA Miss Janet McCulloch Bain, of Paisley, for the Associated Mission Treasurers’ Office, Shanghai Miss Margaret Alice Killip, B.A., of Alperton, for Shansi. Rev. Sydney Raymond Dawson, of Ashford, Kent, for Shansi. Rev. Vincent John Jasper, BJL, of Blaina, for Shansi. Rev. William George David Gunn, of Edinburgh, for Shensi. Rev. John Colwill Newton, of Exeter, for Shensi.

CONGO Miss Kathleen Maud Brain, B.A., of Southend-on-Sea, for Wathen. Nurse Florence Dorothy Chase, of Southsea, for San Salvador. Miss Margaret Alice Fasham, of Birmingham, for Yakusu. Miss Olive Lilian Marguerite Hurdle, of Portsmouth, for Yalemba. Nurse Phyllis Hilda Jessop, of Kettering, for Bembe. Nurse Ellen Muriel Lean, of Manchester, for Yakusu. Rev. William Gordon Gunn, of Llanelly, for Upoto. Dr. Trevor Harold Knights, of Dunedin, New Zealand, for Yakusu. Rev. Ieuan George Maurice, B A ., of Newport, Pembrokeshire, for Wathen. Dr. Peter Salzberg, of Poland, for San Salvador.

The following missionaries have married during the year:— Rev. Arthur Alfred Lambourne, of Bembe, and Miss Winifred Elizabeth Sleight, of Quibocolo, on the 2nd July, 1936, at East Park Baptist Church, Hull. Rev. Stanley Frederick Pearce, of Colombo, and Miss Florence Moseley, of the Methodist Missionary Society, Colombo, on 10th October, 1936, at Colombo. Rev. William John Bradnook, B.A., of Agra, and Dr. Gwladys Mary Williams, of Palwal, on 2nd December, 1936, at Agra. Rev. Victor Evelyn William Hayward, B.A., of Taiyuanfu, and Miss Eva Mary Hayward, B.A., of Reading, on 7th December, 1936, at Tsinanfu. Rev. John Henry Edward Pearse, of Balangir, and Miss Phyllis Ellen Bourne Anderson, of Gateshead, on 2nd January, 1936, at Cuttack. 61 52 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPOfcT. [1937.

Rev. Edwin Theodor© Ryder, B.A., B.D., of Cuttack, and Miss Muriel Olive Backhouse, B.A., of London, on 7th January, 1937, at Berhampur. Rev. William , of Quibocolo, and Nurse Margaret Hampdon Stevens, of San Salvador, on 9th January, 1937, at Gold Hill Baptist Church, Bucks.

The following missionaries have retired from active service during the y ea r:— Rev. Evan Morgan, D.D., Missionary in China since 1884, and Mrs. Morgan. Rev. Bimal Ananda Nag, Indian Home Missionary since 1900, and Mrs. Nag. Rev. Francis George Exell, missionary in Congo since 1909, and Mrs. Exell. Dr. Clement Clapton Chesterman, on his appointment as Medical Mission Secretary and Medical Officer to the Society, and Mrs. Chesterman. ______tf The following missionaries have resigned :— Nurse Mazy Winifred Budd, of Congo. Nurse Cecily Selina Cater, of India. Dr. Willis Henry Craven, of Congo. Dr. Victor John Goldstein MacGregor, of Congo, and Mrs. MacGregor. Miss Hilda Agnes Stacey, of the Associated Mission Treasurers’ Office, Shanghai _

The following missionaries have died during the year :— Miss Jessie Uttley, of Matale, on 28th June» 1936, at Huddersfield. Mrs. Smyth, widow of the late E. C. Smyth, formerly of -China, on 9th August, 1936, at Bradford. M a James Watson, of Sianfu, on 30th August, 1936, at Sianfu. Rev. William Bowen James, formerly of India, on 23rd November, 1936, at Murray’s Bay, Auckland, New Zealand. Miss Emma Tresham, formerly of India, on'4th March, 1937, at Lowestoft. Dr. James Russell Watson, retired missionary in. China, on 15th March, 1937, at Tsinanfu. Rev. Bimal Ananda Nag, retired Indian Home Missionary, on 16th March, 1937, at Calcutta.

The Committee have lost the following members by death : Mr. Daniel Reynolds, J.P., on 24th April, 1936, at Heme Bay. Dr. Arnold Clarkson Ingle, on 26th September, 1936, at T u n brid ge Wells. Mr. Frank Thompson, on 22nd November, 1936, at Carshalton Beeches. Rev. William James Povey, M.A., on 26th November, 1936, at Malvern. Dr. Archibald McCaig, B.A., on 7th December, 1936, at Streatham. Rev. William James Mills, on 17th January, 1937, at Muswell Hill. .AHORE 1937.]

Bhfoanì OELHr- ÌP 3l& if I t i

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Stanford's Geog£stab The Baptist Missionary Society1« Stations In India. 54 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

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Sketch Map showing Station* and Out-Statlon* of the Mission In Ceylon. 1937.] MAPS. 55

The Baptist Missionary Society’s Stations in Shensi, Shansi and 8hantung, N. China OI OS




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Baptist Missionary Society's Stations in Coi p a r t II. Gbe Baptist Missionary Society. Chairman o f Committee—Rev. J. H. RUSHBROOKE, M.A., D.D. Vice-Chairman of Committee—R e v . GILBERT LAWS. Ex-Chairman of Committee— R e v . J. W. EWING, M.A., D.D. Treasurer— Mr . HARRY L. TAYLOR. Secretaries— Rev. C. E. WILSON, B.A. (Foreign). Rbv. B. GREY GRIFFITH, B.D. (Home). Dr. C. C. CHESTERMAN, O.B.E. (Medical). Miss M. E. BOWSER (Women). Medical Officer— Dr. C. C. CHESTERMAN, O.B.E. Bible Translation and Literature Secretary— Rev. R. GLENNIE. Assistant Foreign Secretary—Mr. B. R. WHEELER. Assistant Home Secretary— Mr. H. L. HEMMENS. Editorial Secretary— R e v . E. A. PAYNE, B.A., B.D., B.Litt. Assistant Secretary for Young People's Work— Assistant Secretary for Women's Work at Home (Hon.)— Miss E. M. PEARCE GOULD. Assistant Secretary for Medical Work at Home—Mrs. FLETCHER MOORSHEAD. Honorary Secretary of the Prayer Movement— Dr. T. B. ADAM. Welsh Representative— Rev. D. C. DAVIES. Accovniant— Mr J. H. EWING, A.C.A Auditors— Messrs. C. T. COLE and G. D. HOOPER. Bankers— BARCLAY’S BANK LIMITED, 20-23, Holbora, E.C.i.

GENERAL COMMITTEE (ELECTED MEMBERS) : Elected. Elected. AUSTIN, Rev. P., B.A., Leeds . . .. 1935 HUGHES, Rev. T. J., Morriston . . 1935 AUSTIN, M r s . W. j ., London .. .. 1936 HULL, Mr. F. J., J.P., High Wycombe .. 1931 BRAN, R e v . H. F., Nottingham . . 1933 JACKSON, Rev. W. D., B.A., London .. 1937 BRUNSKILL, M r s ., Newcastle-on-Tyne.. 1931 fACOBS, Mr . H. E., London . . . . 1931 CHESTERTON, Mr s W. R., Worthing . 1934 JANES, Mr. H. C., Luton .. . . 1936 CHOWN, Mr . H., Hutton .. .. 1924 JARRY, Rev. F. \V., M.B.E., London . . 1937 CHOWN, R e v . J . L., Wolverhampton .. 19 3 5 JOHN, Rev. D. J., Huddersfield .. .. 1921 CHUDLEY, Mr s ., Exeter...... 1932 JONES, Rev. F., Pontllanfraith .. .. 1932 CLARK, R e v . J. A., Caversham .. . . 19 34 JONES, R e v . MORGAN, B.A., Whitland.. 1931 CLARKE, Mr . E. H., Shipley 1929-36; 1937 JONES, Rev. T. R., Corwen .. . . 1936 CLEAL, R e v . W. J., Wellington .. 1932 LARCOMBE, R e v . H. V., B.A., B.D., CLIFFORD, R e v . R. ROWNTREE, London 1936 London ...... 1930 LAWS, Rev. GILBERT, Norwich 1932 COATS, Mis s O. M., Glasgow . . . . 1936 LAYCOCK, Mr . F., Bradford 1936 COLLIE, Rev. A., Leicester . . .. 1930 LEFEVRE, Mr s . F., Canterbury 1929 COOK, R e v . H., M.A., London .. . . »926 LE QUESNE, M r s ., Londo- 1927 COOMBS, M is s G., Nottingham .. . . 1935 LEWIS, R e v . A. D„ Dumfries 1925 COOPER, Rev. J. R., Bcurton-on-the-Water 1937 LEWIS, Mrs. H., Reading...... 1927 CROSS, Rev. H. R., Soinersham .. 1937 LEWIS, R e v . H. G.. Cardiff .. . . 1929 CROWE, Mr . W . H.f London . . . . 1918 LORD, R e v . F .T ., B,A., D.D., London .. 1930 CURTIS, Mr. H. E., J.P., Rickmansworth 1933 LUSH, Mr s . W. J., Bristol...... 1927 DAVIES, R e v . W., Fishguard .. .. 1927 LUSH, Rev. \V. J., Bristol 1932 EDWARDS, M r . F. J . , Bognor Regis .. «937 MACALPINE, Mr . G. L., J.P., Accring­ EDWARDS, Rey. J. G., B.A., Nottingham 1916 ton . . .. 1919 EVANS, Rev. E. W . PRICE, M.A., Ponty- MACBEATH, Rev. J., M.A., DJD., Glasgow 1921 „ p o o l...... 19 * 9 - 3 1 ; 19 34 MARTIN, Miss D., Southsea 19 2 7 EVANS, Mrs. J. R ., Merthyr Tydvil .. 1937 MARTIN, M r s . H., London 1927 EVANS, Mr s . P. W., London .. . . 1932 MARTIN, R e v . H., M A., London 1929 FEREDAY, R e v . L. A., Falmouth . . 1936 MILLER, R e v . W. R., B.A., B.D., Bath.. 193a FINDLAY, R e v . W. A., Hove .. ..1929 MILLS. Mr. A. W ., London...... 1924 GASCOYNE. R e v . R . F., Haddenbam . . 1933 MITCHELL, Rev. R. W. A., Gateshead-on - GEORGE, R e v . T. P., Birmingham .. 1936 Tyne ...... 1937 GLOVER, Mrss D. F., Bristol . . . . 1923 MORGAN, Rev. M. I., Penmaenmawr 1035 GLOVER, Mr. T. R., M.A., LUD., D.D., NELSON, Mr A., London ...... 1927 Cambridge . , ., , , , , 1913 NUNN, Mr. S. T., London .. .. 1933 GOODALL, Mr . E., Birmingham . . . . 10 3 1 PAGE, R e v . E. MURRAY, B.A., B.D., GOODWYN, Miss F., London .. . . 19 28 London .. 1915-20; 1925-39; 1930 “ VJ;LIVER, Miss L. M., Northampton . . 19 3 1 PARRY, Miss E., Liverpool .. 1937 2 ^GGER, R e v . J . O., B.D., Cardiff . . 19 2 7 PATTERSON, R e v . D. 1AIT., London .. 1926 Jj^RRINGTON, Miss R ., London .. 19 32 PEPPLA.TT, Mr. C., Loudon .. .. 1937 u a S S /* 5 Jtv* .. .. 19 2 3 i PICK, Miss B., Coventry...... 1928 HARTE, R e v , G. W ., London .. .. 19 2 ; PLAYER, R e v . F. C., B.A., Burton-on- S^'J'KINS, R e v . A. H., London . . 19 28 | T r e n t ...... 1919 HAYWARD, R e v . T., &Ui,burv .. .. 1023 1 PO\'EY, Mr s . W. T-, Malvern .. .. 1937 S JC k M A N , R e v . G. T-, West bury .. 19 36 POWELL, Rkv. T., B.A., B.D., Chesham .. 1919 * M., Edinburgh .. iq « 7 PUTTOCK, Mrs. H., M.B.E., B A ., Leeds 1933-4; Mr‘ H- e -> Westcliff-on-Sea .. 19 32 1935 HUaHES, R e v . A. R ., Hertford .. 19 3 6 RAMSBOTTOM, Mr. T., Ramsbottom . . 1935 5 8 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1 9 3 7 .

GENERAL COMMITTEE (ELECTED MEMBERS)—conld Elected. Elected. ROBERTSON, Mrs, J. D. M., Manchester 1935 TORRANCE, Rev. W. U., Liverpool .. 1934 ROBINSON, Miss F. G., Bristol .. 1926 TUCKER, Rev. K., M-A., Peterborough .. 1937 RODGER, Rev. H., Tbeydoo Bois 1912-24 ; WALKER, Mrs. C„ Wellington .. .. 1927 192^-31; 193a WARDE. Rev. H., M



Elected Elected to Hon. to Hon. First Member­ First Member Elected. ship. Elected. ship. ANDERSON, Rev. H. .. — 19*3 KEMP. Mrs. J (B.Z.M.) *927 ANGUS,, Miss (B.Z.M.) 1884 1919 LEWIS. Mrs. F. T. (BJZ.M.) 1896 1927 ANGUS, Miss I. M. (B.Z.M.) 1920 1927 LOCKHART, Miss B. J. ANGUS, Miss M. E. 1914 19*7 (B-Z.M.) *9*3 *937 ATTENBOROUGH, Mm. LUSH, Mrs. P. J. IB.Z.M.J. 19x1 *9*7 1927 1936 MARTIN, R*v. j . E. 1916 1935 bJmpas i, Rev. E. A., London 1916 1937 MAYNE, Mr. W. H., J.P. .. 1927 1935 BRAITHWAITE, Rev. R.J. 1924 193a MOORSHEAD, Mrs. R. F. .. 1918 193* BROWN, Rev. C., D.D. .. 1893 *9*3 MORGAN, Mr. R., J.P. .. *9<>7 1922 BURDITT, Mrs. .. .. 1914 *9*9 MORGAN, R ev. E., D.D. 1937 BURT, Rev. E. W., M.A. .. *934 MURSELL, Rev. J. *903 1932 CAREY, R ev. S. PEARCE, NEWTON, Ms. A... 1923 1937 MJL 19x6 1926 OLNEY, Mr. W. .. *903 *924 CARLILE, Rev. J. C., C.H., PAGE, Rev. W. SUTTON, DD., DXftt-, C.BJ2. .. 1923 1939 OJ3.E., B.A., B.D. 1936 CHAPMAN, M r . C. H. .. 1933 PARKINSON, Mrs. L. C. .. 19x6 1931 CLARKE, M r s. J. GODDARD PARKINSON, Mrs. W. C. (BJUL) 1901 *9*7 (BZM.J 1893 19*7 COLLETT, Rev. J. G. .. 1909 *933 PARKINSON, Mr. W. W. *9*3 1933 EDWARDS, Dr. E. H. .. — *915 PENNY, Mr. T. S., J.P. .. 2894 I9»6 EDWARDS,Mrs.W.{B.2LM.) 1907 *9*7 PHILLIPS, Rev. H. ROSS.. 1931 EWING, Rev. J. W., MX, RUSH BROOKE, Rev. J. H., D-D...... 1896 *934 1927 1930 1 ev MA., D.D...... FAIRBA RN, R . R. G., SHORROCK, R ev. A. G., B J i ...... 1899 1930 *9*7 GANGE, Mrs. STANLEY BA...... 1926 SOUTHWELL, Miss C R. (B.Z.M.) 19x4 (B.Z.M.) *893 *9*7 GRAY, Me. W. PARKER 1910 *9*5 THOMAS, Rev. W., UA., GRAY. Mrs W. PARKER . 1918 1930 B.D...... 1927 GREENWOOD, R ev. H. M. 1917 *93* 1920 THOMPSON, Rev, F. 19 11 1937 HACKNEY, Rev. W., M.A. 1897 TOWN, Me. J. CLIFTON, HANCOCKS, R ev. T. .. ig t i 1929 *9*7 19*3 HAYWARD, Miss G. G ... 19x9 *93* TOWN, Mrs. J. CLIFTO^’f.' *9*4 1931 HORSFALL, Mis» M. .. 1916 *935 TRAFFORD, Mes. (B.Z.M.) *886 1927 HOWELLS, Rev. G., M.A., TR1TTON, Miss J. M. P n J> „ D.D. .. .. — *93* (B.Z.M.) 1881 1927 INGREM. Rev. C...... 1911 1926 WATSON, M«. R...... 1918 1930 JONES, R ev. E. K., D.D., WILSON, Mrs. C. B. Wrexham.. .. ,. 1919 1937 (BJZM.) 1907 19*7 JONES, Rev. J. A. .. 1909 1937 KEMP, Mm E. G., WILSON, R e v . J., D.D. *905 19*7 F.5LS.G.S. (B.Z.M,) 1893 *9*7 WOOD, Me. H. B., J J». .. *906 *927 1937.] LIST OF COMMITTEES. 59


Ho n o r a r y Me m b e r s or Committee (ex-officio), being Presidents or Principals of Denominational Colleges, in accordance with Regulation 5, Section F. Elected. Elected. CH VNCE, R e v . T. W ., M.A., B.D., Cardiff McKINNONj Miss C., M.A., Carey Hall . . 1933 'C o lle g e ...... v. „ *936 ROBINSON, R e v . H. WHEELER, MA., COATS, R e v . W. H., M.A., Glasgow College 1935 D.D., Regent’s Park College .. . . 1920 DAKIN, R e v . A., B.D., D.Th., Bristol SPURGEON Rev. T. H „ M A., B.D., College ...... 1917 Dublin C ollege ...... 1922 EVANS, Rev. J. T., M.A., B.D., Bangor TOWNSEND, R e v . H., M.A., D.D., Man­ College ...... 1923 chester College...... 19 20 EVANS, R e v . P. W., B.A., D.D., Spurgeon’s UNDERWOOD, Rev. A. C., M.A., B.Iitt., C o lleg e ...... 1925 D.D., Rawdon College...... 1926

A nd t h e P r in c ip a l s of B.M.S. Co l l e g e s o r T r a in in g I nstitutions a n d t h e F ie l d S e c r e t a r ie s .

H o n o r a r y M e m b e r s o p Co m m it t e e (ex-officio\ being Baptist General Superintendents, in accordance with Regulation 5 , Section F. Elected. Elected. BONSER, Rev. IL, Leeds...... 19*2 MOTLEY R e v . H., Manchester .. . . 19 34 BUTT, R e v . A. W . GUMMER, Yeovil . . 1920 SCOTT, R ev . J . f M A., P h.D ., Glasgow . . 19 3 1 CRIPPS, Rev. J. I., B.A., Birmingham . . 1925 SUTTON e v . H .H ., B.A., London . . 19 34 EVANS, Rev. R. T., B.A., Swansea . . 1934 TEBBII. R e v . W . H., Chelmsford . . 19 34 FORBES, R e v . F. H., Ballymena.. .. 1937 WALKEY, R e v . F. J., Chesham .. . . 19 2 0 HARRIS, R e v . G. J., Cardifl . . . . 1934 WEAVER, Rev. C. H., M.A., Loughborough 19 3 2 MORRIS, R e v . S. G., London . . . . 1931

Ho n o r a r y M e m b e r s o p Co m m it t e e (ex-officio), being Presidents of Baptist Unions of (i) Great Britain and Ireland, (ii) Scotland, (iii) Ireland, and (iv> Wales, during their respective terms of office, in accordance with Regulation 5, Section F. (i) TAYLOR, Mr. H. L., Bristol .. .. 1924 (iv) EVAXS, Rev. W. C., Treherbert . . 1936 (ii) SHEARER, R e v . J., M.A. Dundee .. 1936 (v) DAVIES, Mr. T., B.Sc., Haverford­ (iii) CARLETON, R e v . T. M., Banbridge 19 3 7 west 1936

H o n o r a r y M e m b e r s op Co m m it t e e (ex-officio), being Treasurer and Secretary, respectively, of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland during their terms of office, in accordance with Regulation 5, Section F. CLARK, Mr. A. S., London 1924 I AUBREY, R e v . M. E., C.H., M.A., London 1915

Monte n’s Committee. Chairman— M rs. LEFEYRE.

ANGUS, Miss, London. i LUSH, M r s . PERCY. London. ANGUS, Miss I. M., London. LUSH, Mr s . W. J., Bristol. ANGUS, Miss M. E., London. ! McKINNON, M is s C., M A., Carey HalL AUSTIN, M r s . W. J., London. MARTIN, M is s D„ Southsea. BRUNSKILL, M r s ., Newcastle-on-Tyne. MARTIN, M rs. H., London. BURDITT, M r s ., Luton. MOORSHEAD, M rs. R. F., Sutton. CHESTERTON, M r s . W . R., Worthing. ' PARKINSON. r s C., London CHUDLEY, M r s ., Exeter. M . L. CLARKE, Mrs. J. GODDARD, London. PARKINSON, M r s . W. C., London. COATS, Miss O. M., Glasgow. 1 PARRY, Miss E., Liverpool. COOMBS, Miss G., Nottingham. ! PICK. Miss B., Coventry. EDWARDS, Mrs. W., Cardifl. ; POVEY, M r s . W. J., M alvern PUTTOCK. r s H., , BA ., Leeds. EVANS, Mr s . J. R„ M erthyr Tydvil. M . EVANS, Mr s . P. W., London. ! ROBERTSON, M r s . J. D. M ., Southport, i ROBINSON, Miss F., Bristol. GANGE, M r s . S., Bristol. GLOVER, Mi s s D. F., Bristol. i SARGEANT, Mr s ., London. GOODWYN, M iss F., London. I SELWOOD, Mr s . E. H. London, GRAY. Mrs. W. PARKER, Northampton. i SOUTHWELL, M iss C. R., London. GULLIVER. Miss L. M., Northampton. ! TOWN, M r s . J. CLIFTON, Leeds. HARRINGTON, Miss R. A., Loudon. ! TRAFFORD, M rs., Oxted. HAYWARD, Miss G. G., Hastings. j TRITTON, Miss J. M., London. JJISLOP, Miss M., Edinburgh. HORSFALL, Mis s M., Sutton-in-Craveo. ! WALKER, M rs. C., Wellington. KEMP, Miss E. G., F.R.S.G.S., London. ! WATKINS, M rs. C. H., Birmingham. KEMP M r s . J . . Southsea. WATTS, M r s . JEFFREYS, Swansea Lg QUESNE, Mr s . C. T., London. I WEBB. Mr s . L. G., Bristol. J-EWIS, Mr s . F. T „ Tunbridge Wells WHITTAKER, Miss M. B„ London. LEWIS, Mr s . H., Reading. < WILLIS, Miss M., J.P., Norwich. LOCKHART. Miss E. J., Edinburgh. I WILSON, M r s . C. E„ Loudon. 6 0 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

dbebical Committee» Chairman— R ev . J. COLLETT. ANGUS, Miss M. E., London. KEMP, Miss E. G.. F.R.S.G.S., London. BOMPAS, R jtv. E. A., London. LARCOMBE, Rsv. H. V.. B.A., B.D., London BRUNSKILL, Mrs., Newcastle-on-Tyne. LEWIS, Rsv. A. D., Dumfries. CLARKE, Mr. E. H., Shit* LEWIS, R k v. H. G., Cardifl. CURTIS, Mr. H. E., J.P., LOCKHART, Miss E. J., Edinburgh. •EDWARDS, Dr. D. R., Swansea. LUSH, Mrs. P. J., London. EDWARDS. Dr. E. H., London, LUSH, Mrs. W. J., Bristol. •FARRER, Dr. ELLEN M , London. MILLS, Mr. A. W., London. FINDLAY, R*v. W. A., Hove. •MOORE, Dr. A. E. Histoo. •GILMORE, Da. H. C., Load«». MOORSHEAD, Mrs. R. F- Sutton. •GIRLING, Dr. E. C., London. MURSELL, R ev. J., Beaconsfield. •GQULE^Mr. E. PEARCE. M.S., F.R.C.S., NUNN. Mr. S. T., London. •PARKINSON, Dr. K. HAZEL, Leigh on-Sea. GRAY, Ifa. W. PARKER, Northampton. •GURNEY, Dr. HELEN, Newcastl*

Bible translation an& Xiterature Committee. Chairmcm—Rrv. W. SUTTON PAGE, O.B.E., B.A., B.D. CAREY, Rkv. S. P., MA., Dartmouth. LUSH, Rsv. W. J., BristoL •CASTLETON, Rev. A. G., London. MARTIN, Rsv. H., H A, London. •DAVIES, R kv. D. C.. Swansea. MURSELL, Rev. j., Beaconsfield. DAVIES, Rsv. W.. Fishguard. PAGE, R e v . E. MURRAY, BA., B.D., London. EVANS, Rsv. P. W., B A , OJX, London. PHILLIPS. Rsv. H. ROSS, London. •EWING, Rsv. J. A., London. •PIKE, Rsv. H., BA.. B.D., London. HARRY, Rsv. 11 T„ Swansea. WATKIN, Rsv. W, R., MA.. UaneUy. JONES, Rsv. J. A., Bristol. WEEKS, Rev. W. R., BA., B.D., Manchester. •LORRALV, Rsv. J. H., London. •WILKINS, Rsv. G. S., London. Co-opted Members.

Baptist flMssionacg Society Corporation. CHAPMAN, Mr. C. H. MORGAN. Mr. E., J.P. CHESTERMAN, Dr. C. C., O.B.E. PARKINSON, Mr. W. W. CHOWN, Mr. H. PENNY, Mr. T. S., J.P. CLARK, Mr. A S. SIMMONDS, Mr. C. W. 8. GRAY, Mr. W. PARKER. TAYLOR, Mr. H. L. (Treasurer). GRIFFITH, Rsv. B. GREY, BJD. WILSON, Rsv. C. E.. BA. (Secretary). MILLS, Mr. A. W. WOOD, Mr. H. E., J.P,

Baptist flMssionarg Society. PoumM at Itottorinf 2nd October, 1782. FORMER TREASURERS. 179»—in i Rsv. REYNOLD H O G G ...... "...... Died 1843 *795—**** .Mr.THOMAS JONG .. »»J* 1819—1821 M*. WILLIAM B U R L S ...... 1831—1836 Mr. BENIAMIN S H A W ...... » —1834 Mr . JOHN BROADLEY WILSON ...... - Mr . WILLIAM BRODIE GURNEY ...... »|g • jjn s g Sir SAMUEL MORTON PETO, B art...... »Jjj is®?—1887 Mr. JOSEPH TRITTON ...... 1887—1904 Mr. WILLIAM RICHARD RICKETT, J.P...... 1904—1914 Mr. EDWARD ROBINSON, J.P...... *WJ 1914—1933 Sir ALFRED PEARCE GOULD, K.C.V.O., M.S., P.R.C.S...... f; 1934—1927 M*. HARRY PEARCE GOULD...... , . .. .. ***! 19*5—19*0 Mr. JOHN HINDS, H.M.L...... *9*5—*»JW L ady PEARCE GOULD...... » JJJ® *9*5—*95* Mr. WILLIAM ERNEST LORD ...... In cases oi dates overlapping there were joint trcasurmhlps. 1937.] LIST OF COMMITTEES. 61

FORMER SECRETARIES. 179a—x8i 5 R ev. ANDREW FU LLER...... Died 1815 18x5—1825 Rev. JOHN RYLAND. DJD, » 1825 1815—1817 R ev. AMES HINTON .. » 1823 1817—1841 Rev. OHN D Y E R ...... » 1841 1840—1849 Rev. , OSEPH ANGUS. 1LA., D.D...... » 1902 1849-1870 Rev. ' '‘REDBRICK TRESTRAIL, DJ>. .. » 1890 1849—1876 Me. EDWARD BEAN UNDERHILL, ULD. .. » 1901 1871—1878 Rev. CLEMENT BAILHACHB .. » 1878 i 87t—i9<>6 Me. ALFRED HENRY BAYNES, J.P...... » 1914 1879—*9M Rev. JOHN BROWN MYERS ~ .. 1915 IQOÏ—IOII Rev. JOSEPH CORNISH. 1913—193* R ev. WILLIAM YOUNG FULLERTON, DJD. „ 1932 1925—1927 Miss ELLA J. LOCKHART. 1915—1934 Dr. ROBERT FLETCHER MOORSHEAD, F.R.C.S. » 1934 1935—*930 Dr. STANLEY EWART BETHELL.

FORMER CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEE, icm—1018 Sir GEORGE WATSON MACALPINE. LL.D...... Died 1920 1918—1019 Mr. THOMAS STUBBS PENNY, J.P. 1919—1920 Mr. JOHN TOWN. J . P ...... 1921 j 920—1921 MR.JOHNCHOWN .. ^ „ 1922 1921—1922 Mr. ARTHUR ROBERT DOGGARI. J.P...... „ 1 9 3 2 1922—1924 R ev. CHARLES BROWN. D.D. 1924—1925 Mr. WILLIAM PARKER GRAY. 1925—1926 Mr, THOMAS HORTON, M .D ...... „ 1934 1926—1927 Lady PEARCE GOULD...... 193a 1027—1928 Mr. THOMAS STUBBS PENNY. J.P. 1928—1929 Mr. HENRY ERNEST WOOD, J.P., C.C. 1929—1930 Mr. ARTHUR ROBERT DOGGART, J . P ...... X93* 1930—193* Rkv. JAMES MURSELL. 193*—1933 Mr. JOHN ARTHUR ATTENBOROUGH 1933—I934 Mr, WILLIAM HENRY MAYNE J.P. 1934—1035 Mr. JOHN ARTHUR ATTENBOROUGH. 1935—1936 Rev. EVAN KENFFIG JONES. D.D. 1936—1937 Rev. JOHN WILLIAM EWING, MA., D.D.

Seram pore College. Master—Rev. G. HOWELLS, MA., D.D. Principal—Rev. G. H. C, ANGUS. MA, B.D. Secretary—Rev. C. E. WILSON, BA. Shantung Christian University. British Section of tbe Board of Governor*. Chairman—Rev. C. E. WILSON, BA. Hon. Trtasurtr—Mr. H. G. JUDD, C.B.E., CA. Hoh. Secretary—Um. H. H. WEIR, MA-, M.B. Kimpcsc Training Institute. Principal—Rxv. W. D. REYNOLDS, BA., B.D. Baptist Laymen’s Missionary Movement. President—U r . J. A. ATTENBOROUGH. ]rice-Presidents—Mii. A. R. TIMSON. Mr. W. H. MAYNE, J.P. Trtasurtr—Mr. G. L. MACALPINE, U S c ., J.P. Chairman o f Committee—M r. H. C. JANES. Hon. Secretary— Mr. W. H. PARSONS. Stcntmry—Mr. H. L. HEMMENS. London Baptist Missionary Union. United CouaeiL Chairman—Mrs. C. T. LE QUESNE. Vice-Chairman—Rkv. H. WARDE, MA. Hon. Secrdartts—Rxv. A. G. CASTLETON. Miss E. M. PEARCE GOULD. Hon. Secretary o f Women's Work—Miss R. HARRIS. Hon. Stertiary of Medical Work—R*v. A. H. HAWKINS. Hon. Secretary o f Young PeopU's Work—Rev. G. LLOYD PHELPS, B.D. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937

London Baptist Monthly Missionary Conference. Chairman—Mr. A. S. CLARK. / <:V Secretaries M*. H. L. HEMMENS and R e v . E. A. PAYNE, B.A., B.D., B.Litt.

Home Preparation Union. * Hon. Secretary—Miss IRENE MORRIS.

Girls* Auxiliary. President—Miss I. RALSTON. President-Elect— Miss M. JAMES. Treasurer—Miss E. SMITH. Secretary—Miss J. A. BOOTH. Educational Secretary—Miss K. M. SHUTTLE WORTH, B.A.

League of Ropeholders.

F o r B oot a n d G i r l s , The Twenty Thousand. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE B.M.S. YOtJNO PEOPLE’ S COMMITTEE. F ob Youko Men and Women Between the Ages or Fifteen and Twenty-five. 1937.] LOCAL AUXILIARIES AND SECBETABIES.

LOCAL AUXILIARIES AND SECRETARIES. (Ananged in County Associations.) t General Work, a Women’s Work, m Medical Work. BEDFORDSHIRE. Association Missionary Sec. .. Rev. James Stewart, M.A., The Manse, Ridgmoot, Bletchley Bedford...... R Miss M. Chapman, 98, Howbory Street, Bedford. Biggleswade...... g Rev. C. B. Ellis, 69, London Road, Biggleswade. Dunstable .. ■ .. g Rev. C. E. Graham Swift, BA., 24, King s Way, Dunstable. Luton...... •• g Miss N. Hills, 138, Old Bedford Road, Luton. w Miss L. Horwood, 86, Carlton Crescent, Luton. Maulden District .. .. g Miss Goodman Flitwick, Bedford. BERKSHIRE. Association Missionary Sec. .. Rev. J. A. Clark, 2, Balmoie Drive, Caversham, Reading. North Berkshire .. w Miss M Clark, Elmcroft, Wantage. Reading . . g Mr. J. Mortimer, 13, Drayton Road, Reading. to Mrs. Morris, 40, Church End Lane, Tilehurst, Reading. Wokingham .. g Miss R. C. Smith, 36, Wellington Road, Wokingham. BRISTOL. Bath District .. .. gm Miss D. £. Dunster, 6, Stirtingale Road, Bath. rt> Mrs. W. j. Utley, i, Newbridge Hill, Bath. Bristol District .« .. g Rev. W. J. Lush, 57, St. Martin’s Road, Knowle, Bristol 4.. g Mr. H. W. Benney, 20, Crown dale Road, Knowle, BristoL to Miss D. A. Porteous, 13, Chertsey Road. Redland, Bristol. m Miss E. M. Porteous, 13, Chertsey Road, Redland, BristoL Weston-super-Mare .. .. g Rev. C. H. Thompson, 15, Whitecross Road, Weston-super-Maie. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. County Sec...... g Mis. S. Cbesterman, Kelston, Chartridge Lane, Chesham. North Bucks...... g Rev. A. Gawler, Winslow, Bucks. Aylesbury .. .. g Rev. H. C. Shaddick, 44, Tring Road, Aylesbury. Chesham ...... g Mr. S. Chesterman, Kelston, Chartridge Lane, Chesham. Chesham Aux. .. .. g Mr. H. Young, Fluelen, Park Road, Chesham. Princes Risborongb .. .. g Miss G. C. Si Us, Easington, near Long Crendon, Aylesbury- Slough and District .. - - g Mr. Alfred Hine, Newlands, London Road, Langley, Bucks. Wycombe ...... g Mr. C. W. Grace, 25, Totteridge Road, High Wycombe CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Rev. R. F. Gascoyne, The Muiw, Haddenham, Ely. Association Missionary Secs. {1*1 Min Hope Chi vers, Homefield Hist«», Cambridge. Cambridge . w Miss Nutter, 231, Hills Road, Cambridge. m Mrs. Dudley Smith, 174. Chesterton Road, Cambridge. North Cambs .. . g Rev. L. A. Lewis, Elstow, Lynn Road, Wisbech. w Miss A. D. Staveley, Norwich House, Wisbech, Cambs. DEVON AND . County Missionary Sec. Rev. B. E. Horlick, M.A., Bradninch, Devon. Exeter District . g Rev. P. H. Jones, The Manse, Bampton, Devon. w Mrs. Chudley, 48, Wooford Road, Exeter. North Devon .. . g Mr. A. Frayne, «4, Bear Street, Barnstaple. Plymouth District ■ gm Rev. T. lies, 6, Vanguard Terrace, Devonport. a> Miss Clemow, 3, Montrose Terrace. Piymouth- Torquay District . g Rev. F. E. Hemmens, Elmdale, Rhine Villas, Bridgetown, Totnes w Miss K. Bovey, Momington, Hatfield Road, Torquay. m Miss Bunting, 5, Elmslcigh Park, Paignton. Cornwall . t R®v. L. A. Fereday, 12, Florence Place, Falmouth. EAST MIDLAND. D k rbtsh irx. Derbyshire .. g Rev. F. C. Player. BA., 20z, Ashby Road, Burton-on-Trent. w Mrs. Moqjan, 37, WQmot Street, Derby. Derby .. .. m Mr. A. C. Morgan, 37, Wilmot Street, Derby. Ls icestkrshire. S e 0 , ...... Miss E. Taylor, 1. Dulverton Road. Hinckley Road, Leicester. Coalville District .. ,. g Rev. J. R. Blackburn, 1, London Road, Coalville, Leicester. . . w Miss M. Hatchett, 30. The Green, Hugglescote, Leicester. Leicester and District .. g Rev. A. L. Hilliard, Dunedin, Bel voir Drive, Leicester. w Mrs. Bassett, *7 Thuriow Road, Leicester. f Mr. MalcolMalcolm Morton, c/o Messrs. W. & E. Turner, Ltd., 15, Church «-( gate, Leicester.Lei \ ...... Mr. H. N. 1 Ratnett. Hopedene, Dovedale Road, Leicester. Loughboro’ and District gm Rev. F. Vemon Moss BA., 116, Forest Road, Loughburo*. _ Market Harborarugh & District g Mrs. Thomas Cotes, Shirland,* Lubénham HÜ1, Market Harborough 6 4 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

EAST MIDLAND—conid. LracoLMSBnur. N orth ...... g Mr. W. T. Ogle, 9, Weelsby Grove, Grimsby. S o o th ...... g Rev. H. Spendelow, 63, Pinchbeck Street, Spaldlni Peterborough...... g Rev. G. W. Elliott, Springfield, Alexandra Road,"

N OTTIN CR A MSH1KB. N o rth ...... g Rev. A. Gkn Smith, 3, The Laurels, Alfreton Road, Sutton-in- Ashfield, Notts. East ...... g Rev. F. C. Darvell, Hospital Road, Retford, Notts. Nottingham and District .. g Rev. J. C. Harlow, 8, Laburnum Grove, Beeston, Nottingham. «Miss E. Bright, Lincoln Villa. The Park, Nottingham, m Mr. F. E. Waldram, 17, Grimston Road, Nottingham.

ESSEX. G ra y s...... j«MrP. B. Collins, Vandnaza, King Edward Drive, Little Thurrock, Grays. w Miss J. M. Hutt, 50, High View Avenue, Grays. Romford...... g Mr. John Morley, B.A., 61, Prince's Road, Romford. w Mrs. Knights, 57, Ernest Road, Hornchurch, Essex. Southend and District .. g w Miss Paxman, 47, Cliffsea Grove, Leigh-on-Sea. • «Dr K. Hazel Parkinson, 58, Thames Drive, Leigh-on-Sea.

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND HEREFORDSHIRE. Association Missionary Secs. { J R«v. Keared Smith, Bopoto, Slad, Stroud. Coleford District .. .. g Mr. F. Roasitter, Avondale, Parkend, Lydney. Gloucester ,, .. * Mr*, mu» Cm b Cothw». Tuffley. Gloucester. Strood District .. . .gm Rev. G. L. Masoaf^eManseTKiii's Stanley, Stonehouse. w Mias Alder, King Street, Strood. Herefordshire...... g Mr. T. Lindsey Price, Broomyhurst, Broomy Hill. Hereford. w Mrs Rodgers, Dignity Close, Broomy Hill, Hereford.

HERTFORDSHIRE. , 134, North Road, Hertford. Association Missionary Secs. .. •P., Springwell Lodge, Rickmansworth. St. Albans .. rRev. “ ' ------E. C. Nickaus, 30, Brampton Road, St. Albans. Watford District gMr. W. H. Staple, 46, The Gardens, Watford.

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. g Rev. Nelson Bitton, Darwood House, St. Ives, Huntingdon.

KENT AND SUSSEX. Association Missionary See. .. Rev. F. Thompson, 62, Graham Avenue, Withdean, Brighton, 6. County Sec. .. .. w Miss M A. Boyes. Park Lodge, Bessels Green, Sevenoaks (Kent). Eytbome .. .. g Mr. H. H. Clark. The Mills, Eastry, Kent. North-East Kent .. .. g Rev. E. E. Peskett, 54, St. George's Road, Broadstairs. Canterbury District .. g Rev. P. A. Clements, Portsdown, M*Umead Avenue, Margate.

LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. / Rev. H. Motley, 68, Milton Buildings, Deansgate, Manchester, a. Association Missionary Secs. . \ Rev. H. L. Watson, 63, Dariey Drive, West Derby, IJverpotjl *2- Lancs, and Cheshire Women’s Federation .. .. m'Mrs.Mrs. Wilcock,Wikock, White Head, South Villas,V illas, stacksteaas.Stacksteads. uacuBacup. Accrtngtoo and Blackburn .. g Rev. J. Erskine MacKean, 48, Lancaster Place, Blackburn. vMn. Maclvor, 371 Blackburn Road, West End, Oswaldtwistte, Accrington. 1 9 3 7 .] LOCAL AUXILIARIES AND SECRETARIES. 6 5

LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE—contd. Ashton-under-Lyne .. .. g Mr. C. H. Ashton, 37- Arundel Street, Ashton-under-Lyne. to Mrs. Rowland, 6, Balmoral Avenue, Hyde. Bolton .. g Mr. Frank Armitt, 3, Rowsley Avenue, Smithills, Bolton. Burnley gm Rev. H. Dufl, MA., 38, Chapel House Road, Nelson, Lancs. w Mrs. Taylor, 2, Reedley Grove, Bnmley. Bury and Rossendale .. . . gm Mr. H. Donaldson, 70, Manchester Road, Haslingden, Rossendale, Lancs. I Miss B. Lord, Holly Bank, Stacksteads, Bacnp. \ Mis» Booker, 376, Newchurcb Road, Stacksteads, Bacnp. m Rev. W. D. Lewis, 207, Burnley Road, Rawtenstall, Rossendale, Lancs. Crewe District...... ¿Mss McTurk, 53, Ruskin Road, Crewe. Leigh District...... g Mr. Paul Berry, 206, Hamilton Street West, Atherton, Manchester. Liverpool District .. .. g Rev. R. Percy Jones, 32, Hawarden Avenue, Wallasey, Cheshire. w Miss Parry, Cartref, Menlove Gardens North, Mossley HU1, Liverpool, 18. Liverpool (Welsh) .. .. g Rev. W. T. Lloyd-Williams, BA., 16, Circular Road, Birkenhead. Manchester ...... g Rev. W. R. Weeks, BA. B.D., 29, Hillingdon Road, Stretford, Manchester. «Mis. Tredwell, 148, Manley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. m Mr. H. Dewar, 9, Preston Road, Levenshulme, Manchester. North Lancashire .. .. g Rev. James Smith, 29, Chats worth Road, Morecambe. Fylde Coast...... g Mr. William Pemberton, 257, Park Road. Blackpool. Oldham...... «Rev. W. Arnold, B A , B.D., The Manse, Mills Hfll Road, Middleton Junction. Manchester. Rochdale District .. .. g Mrs. J. E. Iveson, Broadhalgh House, Rochdale. w Miss A. Butterworth, Great Howarth House, Rochdale. Southport ...... gw Miss M. Musham, 107, Portland Street, Southport. Warrington and District .. g Mrs. Llewellyn, Sunnyside, Moorfield Road, Widnes, Lancs. Wigan...... g Mr. R. H. Orrhard, Chatsworth. Gidlow Avenue, Wigan. LONDON (See pages 145-13») NORFOLK. Association Missionary Sec. .. Rev. Gilbert Laws, 1, Chester Place, Norwich. Assistant Secretary: Norfolk and Norwich .. .. Mr. A. W. Allwood, B.Sc., 2, Cantky Lane, Cringle ford. Norwich. County S e c ...... tr Mrs. Stroulger, Bates Moor Farm, Foulsham, Guist, Norfolk {pro tent.). North-east ...... g Mr. E. B. Le Grice, Yarmouth Road, North Walsham. North-west ...... g Mr. D. Tait/13, Whitefriars Road, King’s Lynn. Norwich...... g Mr. A. W. Allwood, B.Sc., 2, Cantley Lane, Cringleford, Norwich. w Mrs. Mildred, Eureka, Wall Road, Norwich. m Miss E. Cropp, 8, Vedast Street, Norwich. Yarmouth ...... g Rev. H. C. Kemp, 23, Sandringham Avenue, Great Yarmouth. w Mrs. Hawkins, 92, St. Peter’s Road, Great Yarmouth. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. B a s t ...... g Mr. F. J. Sharwood, Farningham House, Park Road, Rushden. North „ ...... (Mr. B. A. Timsan, Reservoir Road, Kettering. / Mrs. C. J. Scott, 60, Birchfield Road, Northampton. South . .. .. g J Alias L. M. Gulliver, 109, Aldington Road, Atrington Fails, I Northampton. / Mrs. Nunn, 419, Abington Park Parade, Northampton. \ Mrs. Stapleton, 200, Buling Road, Northampton, m Rev. A. N. Wilson, BA., BJO., 86, Towcester Road, Northampton. NORTHERN North...... g Mr. W. Stokell, 86, Plessey Crescent, Whitley Bay, Northumberland. w Mis. Brunskill, 48, Holly Avenue, Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. m Miss T. Hodgson, Lunton Hill, Stocksfield, Northumberland. South...... gm Mr. J. N. K. Reynolds, Airedale, Eaglesclifle, Stockton-on-Tees. w Mrs. Meachen, 14, Eton Road, Stockton-on-Tees. * OXFORDSHIRE AND EAST GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Association Missionary Sec. Rev. J. Roy Cooper, The Manse, Bourton-ou-the-Water, Glos. Bourton-on-tho-Water .. w Miss D. Lodge (pro iem.), Twvncot, Bourton-on-the-Water, Glos. Oxford City and District . . g Mr. F. W. Wilson, Breson, Wytham Street, Atnngdon Road, Oxford. SOUTHERN County See...... Rev. F. H. Taylor, The Manse, Blackfield, Southampton. Bournemouth District .. g Rev. F. W. Butt-Thompson, Lynwood, Langdon Road, Paritstone, Dorsst. to Mrs. J. R. M. Stephens, 103, Sandbanks Road, Parkstone, Dorset. m Mrs. Jones, 55, Haviland Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth. Portsmouth ,. .. .. g Mr. rank Lowman, 8, Wimborne Road, Southsea. w Ww Martin. Downham, St. Edward’s Road, Southsea. c 1» Miss Doris Holland, 52, Preston Road, North End, Portsmouth. Salisbury ...... gMr. Norman H. Austin, Fowey, St Gregory Avenue, Salisbury. 66 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1 9 3 7 .

SOUTHERN—conld. Southampton ,. .gm Mr. H. R. R. Godden, 5, Chessel Avenue, Bitterne, Southampton. te Mrs. J. V. Smith, 30, Alma Road, Portswood, Southampton, m Miss V. Pepper, 136, Milton Road, Southampton. Winchester .. . g Rev. E. F. M. Vokes, Priestlands, Romsey. Isle of Wight .. . g Rev. E. G. Keed, The Manse, Avondale Road, Newport, Isle of Wight. m Miss Doris Scrivener, 26, Fitzroy Street, Sandown. SUFFOLK. Association Missionary Sec. . Mr. H. W. Laughlin, 52» Gainsborough Road, Ipswich. Ipswich...... g Rev. F. W. Rose, BA., B.D., 75. Westerfield Road, Ipswich. v Mrs. Clarkson Piper, 3, Warrington Road, Ipswich. Bury St. Edmonds .. . g Rev. T. A. H. Getley, 1, Queen's Road, Bury St. Edmunds. Sudbury .. ,a . g Mr. R. A. Wright, Arden Cottage, Chilton, Sudbury, Suflolk

WESTERN. Western Association .. .. g Rev. W._J. Cleal, The Manse, Wellington, Somerset. w Mrs. Clifford Walker, The Gables. Wellington, Somerset. Dorchester . v Mrs. Pkkford, 239, Mudford Road, YeoviL / Mrs. Slade Burton Pynsent Farm, Curry Rivel, Taunton. Taunton .. I Miss Westlake. 30, Richmond Road, Taunton. Yeovil .. gMr. George West, 20, Middle Stmt, YeoviL 10 Mrs. Pkkford, 239, Mudford Road, YeoviL

WEST MIDLAND. Association Missionary Sec. Rev. J. G. Collett, 96, Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham, 13. Birmingham .. .. . gMr. E. Goodall, 238, Birmingham Road, Wyide Green, Birmingham. »Mrs. Collett, 96, Oxford Road, Moseley. Birmingham, 13. mMr. W. W. Teague . 77, High Street, Harborne, Birmingham. Coventry District . gRev. W. Reece, 4, Wambody Avenue, Coventry. «Miss Pick, Saxouhurst, Marlborough Road, Coventry. ««Mrs. S. H. Allen, 146. Stoney Stanton Road, Coventry. Shropshire . gRev. A. Edward Walley, Ugh teach, Prees, Shropshire. »Mrs. Roberts, xo, Underdale Road, Shrewsbury. North Staffs gMr. J. N. Bailey, Emmett Villa, London Road, Newcastle, Staffs. . / Mrs. L. Ferneyhough, 65, Cromartie Street, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent. I Miss M. Wright, 19, Riseley Road, Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent Smith Staffs Dudley District . g Mr. A. Griffiths, 30, Furlong Lane, Cradley. tr Mrs. K. W. Killon, 35, Hagley Road, Stourbridge, Worcs. Walsall District g Rev. G. B. Girvan, Oakdene, The Crescent, Walsall, Wolverhampton District g Miss A. Johnson, HOI Dene, Bunkers Hill Lane, Bilston, South Staffs.

WILTS AND EAST SOMERSET. Association Missionary Sec. Rev. G. T. Hickman, The Manse, Bratton Road, Westbury, Wilts. Devizes District .. g Mr. W. V. Dixon, Shelbourne Road, Caine, Wilts. Frame .. . g Rev. T. A. Hampton, 39, Alexandra Road, Frome. Swindon...... g Mr. M. W. Dunscombe, 16 9 , Drove Road, Swindon Trowbridge District .. .. gMrs. Clements, 26, Avenue Road. Trowbridge. Westbury District . g Rev. W. D. Morris, The Manse, Bratton, Westbury, Wilts. WORCESTERSHIRE, Comity Secs. .. g Rev. J. R. Andrews, High Street, Alcester. w Mrs. Morris, North Holme, Birmingham Road, Alcester. YORKSHIRE. Bradford ...... g Mr. J. W. H. Still, z, Fieldway, Clayton, Bradford. I w Mrs. Charlton. 60, Southfield Square, Bradford. m Mias D. Chariton, 60, Southfield Square, Bradford. Craven District...... g Rev. J. Tinker, 13, School Lane, Earby, Colne. w I Miss Honfali, Gappe Stones, Crosshills, Keighley, gt Miss Morton, 6, Laurel Crescent, Keighley. East R id in g ...... g Mr. A. E. Taylor, 41, Park Grove, Hull. Hull ...... w Mrs. Williamson, Runnymede, 302, Cottineham Road, Huli. Scarborough...... g Rev. J. W. Titherington, 14, Northstead Manor Drive, Scarborough. West Riding ...... » Mrs. Clifton Town, The Beeches, Shaw Lane, Headinglay. Leeds, 6. Halifax ...... g w Mrs. Wilson, 36, KliSen Place, Halifax. Hebden Bridge District .. g Rev. A. Bingham. The Manse, Brearley, Loddendenfoot, Yorks. «0 Mrs. Gilman, Highfield Manse, Birchcttflc, Hebden Bridge. Huddersfield District .. g Rev. A~e7 jones, 11» Manse, Dewsbury Rd., Rastrick, Brighousc, Yorks. a>Mlss Hemingway, 51, Rawthorpe Lane, Dalton. Huddersfield. m Miss D. Lockwood, Wellfield, Marsh, Huddersfield. 1 9 3 7 .] LOCAL AUXILIARIES AND SECRETARIES. 6 7

YORKSHIRE—amid. Leeds and District .. g Miss D. Amott, Beverley, Batcliffe Mount, Headingley, Leeds, 6. I Mrs. H. Puttock, B.A., 307, Spen Lane, Far Headingley, Leeds. \ Miss Grace Panter, 9, Drummond Avenue, Far Headingley, Leeds. m Rev. A. R. Halladay, BA., 3, Carter Terrace, Whitkirk, Leeds, i Rev. T. J. Whitman, 28, Thornsett Road, Sharrow, Sheffield. Sheffield District e \ Mr. R. W. Kemp, 28, Stone Delf, Sheöeld, xo. v Mira Pipe, 24, Cairns Road, Crosspool, Sheffield, 10. m Rev. W. Twist, 236, Earl Marshall Road, Sheffield. Doncaster .. ¿ Mr. J. Light!001, 45, Cunningham Road, Doncaster. Shipley .. .. g Mr. E. H. Clarke, 7, Grove Terrace, Frizinghail, Bradford. w Mrs. H. Outhwaite, 41, Moorhead Terrace, Shipley. Todmorden District .. .. g Rev. P. Flanders, 1, Tnom Hill, Lydgate, Todmorden, w Mrs. J. Firth, 13, Broad Street, Todmorden.


W e lsh R epresentative. Rev. D. Christy Davies, 10, Caswell Avenue, Mumbles, Swansea. For Women’s Work—Miss Trevor Jones, 3, Gilbert Crescent, Llanelly. . . , / Mr. David Jones, Rhianva, Amlwch, Anglesey. Anglesey .. . • f M G j ones> Hermon House, Valley, Anglesey. w Mrs. Hazlitt, 18, Robert Street, Holyhead. Caernarvonshire . . . . g Rev. M. Idns Morgan, Islwyn, Bangor Road, Penmaenmawr, North Wales. Llandudno .. .. . • gMr. P. M. Williams, Frondeg, Caroline Street, Llandudno. Denbigh, Flint and Merioneth g Rev. D. Wyre Lewis, Penuel Villa, Rhos, Wrexham, North Wales. Dyfiryn Maelor District g Mr. J. Williams, Minawel, Brymbo, Wrexham. ip Mrs. A. Rees, School House, Broughton, Wrexham. Wrexham District gm Rev. J. Powell Griffiths, B A , Preswylfa, Osborne Street, Rhos, Wrexham. Montgomeryshire .. w Mrs. Astley, Fron Terrace, Milford Road, Newtown, Mont. Newtown District .. g Miss L. Barnes, 9, Severn Square, Newtown, Mont. North Wales English Union .. g Mrs. Williams, Minawel, Brymbo, Wrexham. Breconshire Aberystwyth .. w Miss Mason, Llys Alaw, Bow Street, Cardiganshire. Gwendraeth Valley .. . gRev. H. R. Jones, Hillfield, Kidwelly, Carm. LianeHy M m9 ,, g Rev. W. R. Watkin, MA.. 6, Mina Street, Llanelly. ip Mrs. George Davies, Dolafon, Llwynhendy, Llanelly. East Glamorgan Bngtfafr Associ ation g Rev. H. Gwyn Lewis, 37, Plasturton Avenue, Cardiff. West Glamorgan .. w Mrs. Jeffrey Watts, 96, Sydney Street, Brynhyfryd, Swansea. Aberdare (Welsh) Aberdare (English) | g Mr. J. Dyrin Price, 27, Haydn Terrace, Penydarren, Merthyr. ip Miss S. Jones, Gwawr Cottage, Aberdare. Bridgend District .. g Rev. G. Bowen, Rock House Laieston, near Bridgend, Glam. g Rev. J. O. Hagger, B.D., 40, Llanedeyra Road, Penylan, Cardiff. “ Mrs. Jones, 5/Heathway. Heathwood' Road, Cardiff, m Mr. Chas. Williams, 19, Wordsworth Avenue, Cardiff CwmTawe ...... g Garw V alley...... g Rev Wm. Saunders, Noddfa, Pontycymer, Bridgend. Maesteg g Mr. D. J. Llewelyn, 4, Queen Street, Maesteg, Bridgend, tp Mrs. James, 09, Uwydarth Road, Maesteg, Bridgend. Merthyr Tydvil (Welsh) . g Rev. R. Williams, Maesybryn, Aberfan, Merthyr Vale. Merthyr Tydvfll (English) . g Miss F. K. Havard, ro, Mervyn Street, Aberfan, Merthyr Vale m Mrs. Edwards, 36, Haydn Terrace, Penydarren, Merthyr Tydfil. Neath and District ______„gMr.____ David Lems, , 4. Poplars Avenue, Neath. Pontypridd & Rhondda (Eng.) g Miss Nora Phillips, Bryn Cerdyn, Pontypridd. Pontypridd (Welsh) .. .. g Rev. J. Evans, 8, Lanelay Road, Talbot, Llantrisant, Glam. Rhondda (Welsh) .. .. g Rev. R. Ghnblett, Ainon Villa, Tonyrefail, Glam. Swansea . g Rev. D. Russell Smith, Roca, Loo Masam, Sketty, Swansea. m Mrs. S. Jones, 60, Walters Road, Swansea. m Rev. W. G. Jones, 49, Finsbury Terrace, Swansea. Monmouthshire (Welsh) . g Rev. F. Jones, Kimpese, Llanarth Road, Pontllanfraith. Monmouthshire (English) . g Rev. E. W. Price Evans, M.A., Travancorc, Park Terrace, PontypooL »Mrs. Rees, Penfro, Rogerstone, Mon. Abercam ., . m Mrs. R. J. Strong, 9, Ivor Street, Cwmcarn, Cross Keys, Mon. Newport gm Rev. W. Thomas, MA., B.D., St Aubins, Ridgeway Avenue, Newport w Mrs. T-angmaid, The Durdans, Ridgeway, Newport, Mon. Rhymney District .. .. g Rev. tTe. Williams, 37, Garden City, Rhymney, Mon. Pembrokeshire .. .. gRev. T. E. Gravelt, J.P..Cold Inn, Kilgetty, Pembrokeshire. Radnorshire...... gRev. J. Pugh, The Manse,Knighton, Radnor w Ml” Ingram, Runnymede- Llandrindod Wells. 68 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1 9 3 7 .


Foreign M issions Com m ittee. Convener Rev. A. Douglas Lewis, Baptist Manse, Dumfries. East .. v Miss M. Hislop, 5, Nelson Street, Edinburgh. West .. w Miss Edith Walker, 147, King’s Park Avenue, Cathcart, Glasgow. S.4. Aberdeen gm Mr. S. T. Law, 13, Victoria Street, Aberdeen. Angus .. .. gRev. Neil McLachlan, 123, Kinghome Road, Dundee. m Dt. H. J. Fraser, 2, Stewart Street, Lochee, Angus. Ayrshire .. .. g Mr. James Wilson, Red thorn, Chalmers Road East, Ayr. Edinburgh .. g Rev. Angus McMillan, M.A., 36, Clark Avenue/Ecunburgh, 3. m Mr. Adam Farquhar, 30, Dudley Avenue, Leith. Fifeshire .. k Rev. M. F. Wright, ALA., 98, Cfaalmsts Street, Dunfermline. Glasgow .. g Rev. J. Allan Wright, MA., B.D., 17, Munro Road, Jordanhill, Glav _ / Dr. J. r r ^ t , 4, Clairmont Gardens, Glasgow, C.3. \ Mr. Adam Taylor, is, Munro Road, Jordanhill, Glasgow, W.3. Lanarkshire .. g Rev. A. D. Law, 4, Springfield Avenu;, Uddingston. Greenock .. 1 Rev. John Moore, 42, Brisbane Street, Greenock. Paisley .. g Mr. J. Weir, so, Endrick Drive, Paisley. Perth .. * Rev T. A. Grant Robinson. M.A.. Baptist Manse, Glasgow Road Perth. Stixtiogshire .. j Mr. W. B. Wilson, 7, Viewfield Place, Stirling. IRELAND. Ireland (North} .. m Mrs. Gribbon, Holtne Lea, Coleraine

CHANNEL ISLANDS. « g Miss R. de Jons', Water Lanes, St. Peter Port, Guernsey. Circuit .. g Mr. John Le Cheminant, Les Pointes, St Andrew’s, Guernsey. Jersey .. .. g Mr. H. E. Whitley, near Pansh Hall, St. Martin’s, jersey CONSTITUTION.

1. N a m e .—The name by which the Society is designated is " T h e B a p t is t M is s io n a r y S o c ie t y / ’ including “ The Particular Baptist Missionary Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen,” formed in 1792, " The General Baptist Missionary Society,” formed in 1816, “ The Baptist Zenana Mission,” formed in 1867, and the Bible Translation Society, formed in 1840.

2. O b j e c t .—The object of this Society is the diffusion of the knowledge of the religion of Jesus Christ throughout the whole world, beyond the British Isles.

3. M e m b e r s .—The following persons shall be considered members :— Pastors of churches making an annual contribution, and representa­ tives of such churches in the proportion stated below, and all donors of ten pounds and upwards, or subscribers of ten shillings and upwards annually. For Churches of Membership up to 150 .. .. 1 »» I* >» »> j» 3®® * • 2 „ exceeding 300 .. . . 3

4. G e n e r a l M e e t in g o f M e m b e r s .— A General Meeting of Members only shall be held annually, at which the following business shall be transacted :—The presentation of a digest of the Minutes of the Com­ mittee for the past year ; the presentation and adoption of the Report, together with the Financial Statement; the election of the Officers and Auditors for the ensuing year ; and any other business of which two months’ notice has been given or which may be brought forward by the Committee. 5. Committee.— For the conduct of the affairs of the Society there shall be, irrespective of Honorary and ex-officio Members, a Committee of not more than one hundred and twenty persons, of whom at least thirty shall be men, and at least thirty shall be women.

(a ) Nominations shall be accepted from Members of the Society, contributing Churches, Auxiliaries of the Society, the London Baptist Missionary Union, Baptist Unions and Baptist Associa­ tions, and must be received by the Officers not later than 3 1st January.

(b ) From those so nominated, one hundred and twenty members shall be appointed, (i.) as to ninety of their number by the direct votes of contributing Churches in England and Wales and by the Baptist Unions of Scotland and Ireland, according to the accom­ panying schedule—such returns to reach the Officers not later than 31st March, (ii.) as to fifteen of their number by ballot at the 69 70 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

Annual General Meeting of Members, and (in.) as to fifteen of their number by co-optation by the one hundred and five members so elected. (c) The following is the schedule showing the distribution of the ninety members:— Bedfordshire 1 Lancashire and Cheshire 5 Anglesey and Carnarvon­ Berkshire 2 London ..18 shire ...... 1 Bristol and Bath Norfolk , # 2 Carmarthenshire and . (Association} .. 4 Northamptonshire 2 Cardiganshire 2 Buckinghamshire 1 Northern 2 Denbighshire, Flintshire Cambridgeshire & Oxfordshire 1 and Merionethshire .. 1 Huntingdonshire 2 Southern 2 Glamorganshire 4 Devonshire and Suffolk .. 1 Monmouthshire 2 Cornwall 2 Western , 1 2 Pembrokeshire 1 East Midland 5 West Midland .. , , 4 Radnorshire, Montgomery­ 'Essex 2 Wiltshire and East shire and Brecknock­ Gloucestershire & Somersetshire . , I shire I Herefordshire .. 2 Worcestershire 1 Scotland 5 Hertfordshire 2 Yorkshire # , 5 Ireland 1 Kent and Sussex 3 (d) The Committee shall be empowered to fill up vacancies ; fifteen members to be deemed a quorum.

(e ) Honorary Life Members.—The General Meeting of Members shall also be empowered to appoint as Honorary Members of the Committee any who have rendered important services to the Society ; provided the nomination of such Honorary Members of Committee shall proceed only from a resolution of the Committee of the Society.

( f ) Ex-officio Members.—The Presidents or Principals of Denominational Colleges, and Presidents or Principals of Colleges or Training Institutions on the Mission Field connected with the Baptist Missionary Society, and the Field Secretaries shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee of the Society. Presidents for the time being of the Baptist Unions of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, the Treasurer and Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, and the General Superinten­ dents under the Ministerial Settlement and Sustentation Scheme of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee of the Society during their respective terms of office. 6. P r o p e r t y . —The Baptist Missionary Society Corporation (incor­ porated on 15 th November, 1888, under the Companies’ Acts, 1862 to 1886), shall be trustee of the Society’s property and invested funds. 7. A lteration of Constitution.—No alteration in the constitution of the Society shall be made without notice having been given at a previous Annual General Meeting. MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING

H e l d a t T h e A l b e r t H a l l , M a n c h e s t e r ,

W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 8 t h , 1 937.

M r . R ic h a r d W a t s o n , o f R o c h d a l e , in the Chair.

1. After the singing of a hymn, the Rev. J. H. M a l i n s J o h n s o n read a portion of Scripture and offered prayer.

2. The C h a i r m a n then addressed the meeting.

3. On behalf of the General Committee, the H o m e Se c r e t a r y proposed that the following persons be elected Honorary Life Members of the Committee, in recognition of important services rendered to the Society, namely:—R e v . E . A B o m p a s , R e v . E . K . J o n e s , D . D ., R e v . E v a n M o r g a n , D .D ., M r . A . N e w t o n and R e v . F. T h o m p s o n . This was seconded from the Chair and carried.

4. On the motion of the C h a i r m a n , the following were appointed to act as scrutineers to report to the Officers for publication the result of the ballot for the election of fifteen members of Committee, namely:—R e v s . N. C o l l in g s , L. C o o p e r , G. T. H i c k m a n , H . J e n k i n s , R. J . K i n g , L. W. M o r g a n , B.A., and W . R. W e e k s , B.A., B.D., M r . E. P r i e s t m a n and M r . and M r s . N. S t a n i o n . 5. The list of nominations of members to serve on the Committee having been supplied, the voting papers were collected and referred to the Scrutineers.

6. On the motion of the Chairman, it was resolved:— “ That the invitation to hold the Annual Meetings of the Society in 11939 in Birmingham be heartily accepted.”

7. On the motion of the Rev. T. J. W h i t m a n , seconded from the Chair, it was resolved:— “ That the very cordial thanks of this meeting be given to the R ev . J. W. E w ing, M.A., DJD., for the valuable and efficient service which he has rendered to the Society during the past year as Chairman of the General Committee."

8. A cordial welcome was given by the retiring Chairman to the R ev. J. H. Rushbrooke, M.A., D.D., as Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year.

9. On the motion of the Rev. J. H. R u s h b r o o k e , M.A., D.D., seconded from the Chair, it was resolved :— “ That the R e v . G i l b e r t Laws be dec ted Vice-Chairman of the General Committee for the ensuing year, with succession to the Chairmanship for 1938—39.“

10. The following resolution, moved from the C h a i r , was passed unani­ mously :— “ That the Baptist Missionary Society greets its Treasurer, M r. H. L. T a y lo r , on entering upon the office of President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland. It recalls with satis­ faction that, following mauy another, Mr. Taylor entered the larger life of the denomination through the local service of the B.M.S. It takes the opportunity of thanking him for all the *eal he has shown in the work of the B.M.S. It recognises that he brings to his new high task the gifts of clear­ ness of mind, of energy of body and devotion of heart, set free by the Holy Spirit in his conversion and consecrated and developed through many years' experience of Christ and His love. “ It assures him that in his many journeys among the Churches he will be preceded, accompanied and followed by the prayers of the offioers, members and missionaries cf the Society, who thus com­ mend him to God and His grace in the Lord Jesus Christ.” 71 72 ONE HUNDRED AND FOBTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPOBT. [1937.

11. On the motion of Mr. G. L. Macalpine, M.Sc., seconded from the Chair, it was resolved “ That the Officers of the Society be appointed for the year ensiling as follows:— Treasurer...... Mr. H. L. Taylor. Secretaries...... Rev. C. E. Wilson, B.A. (Foreign). R ev . B. Grey Griffith, B.D. (H on e). Miss M. E. B ow ser (Women's). Dr. C. C. Chesterman (Medical). 12. The Rev. C. E. Wilson, B.A., presented a summary of the Report of the year’s work, and, on the motion of Miss M. E. Bowser,,seconded by Dr. C. C. Chesterman, it was resolved :— “ That the Report now presented for the year ending March 31st, 1937, be adopted and published." 13. The Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts for the past year, as duly audited and certified, were presented by Mr. H. L. Taylor. 14. On the motion of Mr. H. L. Taylor, seconded by Rev. B. Grey Griffith, B.D., it was resolved:— “ That the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts now presented be adopted and published." 15. On the motion of Mr. H. L. Taylor, seconded from the Chair, it was resolved:— “ That the best thanks of this meeting be given to the Honorary Auditors for their services, and that Messrs. C. T. Cole and G. D. Hooper be requested to act for the ensuing year with the Finance Committee’s Audit Sub-Committee in the scrutiny of the accounts on behalf of the subscribers” 16. On the motion of the Chairman it was resolved:— “ That the fallowing gentlemen be appointed to act as scrutineers of the votes for the representa­ tives eiectcd directly by the contributing churches in 1938, namely:—M essrs. H. W. Day J. N Patehsoh, g. W. Neal, B.Sc., H. W. Pewtress, a. J. Simms, G. W. Terry, A. L. T urner, B.Sc., and B. R. Wheeler.”

17. The C h airm an was authorised to sign the Minutes of the meeting. 18. The meeting was concluded with the Benediction. (Signed) RICHARD WATSON (Chairman). 1937.] LIST OF MISSIONARIES, ADDRESSES, ETC. 73


N.B.—S.R.N. indicates State Registered Nurse ; Ch.m. Church Member; ap. appointed ; m. married; * retired ; t on furlough. FOREIGN POSTAGE INSTRUCTIONS. Letters to the Congo and China, 2jd. for the first ounce, and i£d. for each succeeding ounce. Letters to India, other British possessions, and the U.S.A., xjd. for the first ounce and id. for each »ucceeding ounce. Letters for China should be marked “ Via Siberia.” Newspapers, and all printed matter, go anywhere |d. for every two ounces.

•Abayaratna, D. W. ; ap. 19a I ; Mirigama, 1922-25 ; Matale, 1925-27 ; Ratnapura, 1927-31. Albion Road, Dematagoda, Colombo, Ceylon. Acres, Ian Sydney, m.b., b.s. (loud.), l.r.c.p., m.r.c.s. (eng.), d.t.m , lohd. hosp. ; Ch.m., Ramsden Road, Balham, London ; ap. 1933 ; Bolobo, 1933— ; B .M S ., Bolobo, Moyen Congo Beige, Wes Central Africa. Acres, Mrs. I. 8., née Eileen Olwen Louisa Bunday ; m. 1935 ; Ch.m., Ramsden Road, Balham, London. (Address as above.) {Allen, Arthur Edward, kawooh ; Ch.m., Olney ; ap. 1910; Bolobo. 1910-12; San Salvador, 19x2-13 , Bolobo, 1913-32 ; Pimu, 1932— ; B .M S ., Pimu, cjo M. Contos, Bongela, Haut Congo Beige, W.C. Africa. t Allen, Mrs. A. E., née Audrey Irene Richardson ; m. 1914 ; Ch.m., St. Mary’s, Norwich. {Address as above.) t Allen, Thomas William, spurgeon's ; Ch.m„ Bethesda, Sunderland ; ap. 1931 ; Peking Language School, 1931-32; Sinchow, 1932-34; Taichow, 1934-36; Taiyuanfu, 1936-37; Tsingchowfu, 1937—; English Baptist Mission, Tsingchowfu, Shantung, Sorth China. ; Allen, Mrs. T. W., nie Constance Mary Greening; ». 1934; Chjn., Sevenoaks ; ap. 1931; Tsingchowfu 1931-34. (Address as above.) lAlltop, Miss Evelyn ; Ch.m., Westgate, Bradford ; ap. 1920 ; Colombo, 1920 ; Matale, 1920-22 ; Ratnapura, 1922— ; Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa District, Ceylon. *Anderscm, Herbert, r a w d o m ; Ch.m., Circular Road, Calcutta ; ap. 1S86 ; m. 1888-193r ; Barisal, 1886-88 ; Jessore, 1888-89 ; Calcutta, 1889-1925 ; Indian Secretary, 1897-1922 ; Howrah 1925-31. Wayside Cottage, Danbury, Chelmsford, Essex. Andress, Miss Hope, b .a. : Ch.m., Ferme Park, Hornsey ; ap. 1930 : Entally, 1931-34 ; Barisal, 1934-36 ; Ballyganj Training College, Calcutta, 1936 ; 1-3, Ballyga., Christ’s college, Cambridge, and regent's park ; Ch.m., Heath Street, Hampstead; ap. 1910; Serampore, 1916—; The College, Serampore, E .I.R ., Bengal, India. 1 Angst, Harold Mortimer, b.a., to ., trinity college, Cambridge, and serampore ; Ch.m., Llan- fshen, Cardiff ; ap, 1916 ; Serampur, 1917-19 : Barisal. 1919-27 ; Chittagong, 1927-32 ; Barisal, r933-36 ; Bishnupur, 1936—; Bishnupur, 24, Purganas, Behala, Bengal, India. t An g ill, Mrs. H. M., b .a., nie Dorothy Brough; m. 1919 ; Ch.m. ; Llanishen, Cardifi. (Address as above.) •Angus, Miss Isabel M. ; Ch.m., Heath Street, Hampstead ; ap. 1881 ; Delhi, 1882-S7 ; Bhiwani, 1887-95 ; Agra, 1895-96 ; Bankipur, 1896-1907 ; Calcutta, 1907-19 ; Indian General Secretary, W.M.A., 1907-19; Patna, 1919-24; Agra, 1924-36. Helenslea Avenue, London, ÎAMÜH,PhilipHanry, spurgeon's ; Ck.m„Cbcsham. Bury, Lancashire; Chesham. Bury. 1917-20; ap. B.M.S.1920 ; San Salvador, 1920-26; Kibokolo, 1926-28; Kimpese, 192S-30; Kinshasa, 1930—; B.MS., Léopoldville-Est, Congo Belge, ïi '«s* Centrai Africa. iAmttn, Mrs. P . H ^ n ie Dora Frances Camburn; «. 1917; Ch.w., Chesham, Bury, Lancashire. (Address as above.) Baeten, Qommaar Qerard ; Associate Missionary ; Ch.m., Methodist Church, Antwerp ; ap. 1934 ; Bolobo, 1934— ; B .M S ., Bolobo, Moyen Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Baeton, Mme. Q. G„ Associate Missionary : Ch.m., Methodist Church, Antwerp. (Address as above.) Bain, Miss Janet Mcculloch ; Ch.m., Victoria Place. PaUlay ; ap. 1936; Associated Mission Treasurers, Shanghai, »937— ; A.M.T., P.O. Box 551, Shanglu¡, North China. Barclay, Robert Anderson, m.a., u.d., Edinburgh umv & divinity hall, scottish baptist coll., GLASGOW; KINO’S cou.., LONDON ; Ch.m., Momiugside, Edinburgh ; Broughty Ferry 1925-27 ; Go van, Glasgow 1927-29 ; ap. B.M .S., 1939 ; Serampore, 1930— ; Serampore College, Serampore, Bengal, India. I Barclay, Mrs. R. A., née Doris Amy McFarlane ; m. 19*7 ; Ch.m., Morningside, Edinburgh. ’ Barnett, Mrs. (Widow of Thomas Harry Barnett. B.M.S., India, 1880-1908), née Florence Beatrice Bom; m. 1885-1933 ; Flat a. EUtsmar, 14, WhotnJiffe Rood, Boscombe, Hants. Belcham, Miss Marjorie Evelyn ; Ch.m., Teddington ; ap. 1937 : designated to China. 7 4 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1 9 3 7 .

MhMB, Miss Dorothy Elsie; Ck.m., Purley; ap. 1935; Delhi, 1935— J 3. Ludlow Castle Road, Delhi, India. Bell, Mitt Alyt Hammond, 9.R.N.; Ck.m., Sutton; ap. 1909; San Salvador, 1909— ; B.M.S„ Songo- tolo, vid Maiadi, Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Beil, Miss Jean Ives; Ch.m., Morden: ap. 193.1; Peking Language School 1933-34; Sanyuan, *934-1935; Sianfu, 1935—; EngNsh Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shmsi, North China. •Bed, John, A.T.S., r e g e n t ’s p a r k ; Ch.m., Crowthorne; m. (i) 1897-1901; ap. 1895 ; Congo, Wathen, 1895-1905; China, Sianfu, 1905-10; San Yuan, 1910-17; Sianfu, 1917-22 ; San Yuan, 1923-28; Morden, 1929-36. Shensi, Church Road, Crowthorne, Berks, *BaU, Mr*. J., nee Jessie Ives ; in. 1905 ; Ch.m., Crowthorne. (Address as above.) ■•I!, Mist Marion; Ch.m., Ferme Park, Hornsey; ap. 1904; Barisal, 1904— ; Barisal, Backerganj Bengal, India. Ball, William CnuistM. B.A., regkkt’s park and mansfield, oxpord ; Ck.m., Morden, London ; ap. 1931 ; language School, Peking, 1931-32 ; Sanyuan, 1932-34 ; Sianfu, 1934-35 ; Sanyuan, 1935 - ; English Baptist Mission, Sanyuan, Shensi, North China, Bell, Mrs. W. C., b .a ., nie Dora King ; tn. 1933 ; Ck.m., Morden, London. (Address as above.) . *BMti«y, ■».(Widow of William Holman Bentley, d .d ., B.M^., Congo, 1879-1903), nie H. Margo Kloeken; «., 1884-1905- à, College Road, Eastbourne. Benzie, Mlu Jem, *«.»., chjs. (Aberdeen) ; Ch.m., Fraserburgh, a^.1924 7 Bhiwani, 1925-29 ; DhoJpur, 1929-33 : Bhiwani, 1933— ; Bhiwani, Puniab, North India, •Bergin, Mitt Mary; Ck.m., Stratford-on-Avon ; ap. 1892 ; Dacca, 1893-1898 ; South Villages 1898-1903 ; Calcutta, IÇ04-7 ; Serampuur, 1907-37. ao, Dogo Street, Cardiff’ WttRam John, B.A., a.k.c., kino's ooixxoz, london university ; C h jw., Chelmsford ; ap. 1920 ; Cuttack, 1920-34 ; Balangir, 1934— ; Balangir, vid Sambalpur, Orissa, India. ÎBIlSS, Mr«. W. 4* née Mary Dyball ; m. 1918 ; Ch.m-, Chelmsford. Biagtiam, Qoerge Edward, Ch.m., Chequer Road, Doncaster; ap. 1935; Calcutta Mission Press, 1935—• Baptist Mission Press, 41 A, Lower Circular Rood, Calcutta, India *BiM, Mlai Marguerite i Ch.m., Park Chapel Cong., Crouch End ; ap. 1904 ; Monghyr, 1904-32. 5, Naskmlle Road, Dehra Dun, North In d ia i^ Birch, Mitt Winifred Nora ; Ck.m., Wendover ; ap. 1934 ; San Salvador, 1935— ; B .M .S ., Songololo via M atadi. Congo Beige, West Central AJrica. Bitttt, Mist Mary Ronald, u.b^ ch.». (abxxdkxn) ; l.m. (dub.) ; uua. («t. andrbws); Ch.m., Güeomatoo Park, Aberdeen ; ap. 1905 ; BlUwani, 1907— ; Bhnoani, Punjab, India. ■Biswas, Rajtndra Lai ; ; ap. 1921 ; Chandraghona, 1921-32. Chittagong, East Bengal, India. ‘ Biswas, Mrs. R. L. (Address as above.) {Black, Adam (Associate-Missionary) ; Ch.m., Dundaa Street Congregational Church, Glasgow ; ap., 1923 ; Joint L.M.S. and B.M.S. Treasurer, Shanghai, 1924— ; Associated Mission Treasurers, PJO. Box ass, Shanghai, North China. : Black, Mr«. A. (Associate-Missionary), née Marion Riddell ; 1921 ; Ch.m., Dundas Street Congregational Church, Glasgow. (Address as above.) Btoam, Ctifferd VMar, *~a., k a . (voho.), jk.r.c.«. (emo.), l.r.c.p. (lond.) : C hjn., South Woodford; af>. 1931 ; Peking Language Scboo), 1931-32 ; Taiyuaafu, 1932—; Engheh Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, North China. Bloom, Mrs. C. V, n ie Beryl Horton Johnson ; m. 1930 ; Ch.m., South Woodford. (Address as above.) Bottoms, 4*P»m William, x. s., a .s. (lond.), (mho.), ljuc.p. (lond.) ; Ch.m., Belle Vue, Southend-on-Sea ; ap. 1927 ; Chandraghona, »928—; Chandraghona, Chittagong H ill Tracis, Bengal, India. Battoms, Mrs. alwaj, 1923— ; Palwal, G JJ P . Railway, South Punjab, India. ‘ Bewskill, Joaapb Sidnty, spurckok’s ; Ch.m., Bloomsbury Central Church, London ; ap. 1899 ; San Salvador, 1899-19:5 ; Wathen, 1916-34. 99, Fairfax Road, Teddinglon, Middlesex. •BffMklB, Un. J. nie Margaret Ellen Baillie; m. 1903; CAj*»., Bloomsbury Central a»urch, London. (Address as above.) ■radoaek, WMrad iokn, Ch.m., Cottenham Street, Liverpool; ap. 1934; Agra, 1935-; AgrA, Sotih InduL Brad!»«*, Mrs. W. 4., mb., s.»., n ie Gwladys Mary Williams ; m. 1936; Ch.m., Church Road, Acton ; B.M JS., North India, «934- 36. Bod«, Miss KathlOM Maad ».a.; Ch.m., Clarence Road, Southend-on-Sea ; ap. 1935 ; Wathen, 1 9 3 6 - T b MS., Wathen ThysviUe, éongo Belge, West Central Africa. Bridftt, HanMLa.d„ «cent's pa*k; Ch.m ., Woodgranfe, Forest Gala London; ap. 19 t r ; Dacca, 1911-1928 ; Patna, 1938— ; Patna, Bihar, North India. 1937.] LIST OF MISSIONARIES, ADDRESSES, ETC. 75

Bridget, Mr*. H., nie Nellie Amy Bore ; m. 1913 ; Ch.m., Wood grange, Forest Gate, London. (Address as above.) IBroom, Mitt Winifred Annie Mary, S.R.N. ; Ch.m., Cambray, Cheltenham; ap. 1934; Wathen, 19 3 5 — ; Wathen, Thysville, Bas Congo Beige, W.C. Africa. Brown, Gilbert Hedley, spurgeon’s ; Ch.m., Badcox Lane, Frome ; ap. 1937 ; Barisal, 1937— ; Barisal, Backerganj, East Bengal, India. (Sailing September, 1937). Browne, 8tanley George, m.r.c.p. (lond.), f.r.c.s. (eng.), m.b., b.s. (hons., lond.), d.t.m. a.k.c. ; Ch.m., Drummond Road, Bermondsey, London ; ap. 1935 ; Yakusu, 1936— ; B.M S., Yakusu, Haut Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Bryan, Arthur Keith, regent’s park ; Ch.m., Histon ; ap. 1923 ; Chowtsun, 1925-37 ; Tsingchowfu, 19 27-29 ; Chowtsun, 1929-32 ; Sanyuan, 1932-34 ; Fuyintsun, 1934-37 i Sanyuan, 1937— ; English Baptist Mission, Sanyuan, Shensi, North China. {Bryan, Mrt. A. K., nie Catharine Birrell ; m. 1929 ; Ch.m., Viewfield, Duniermline ; up. 1920 ; Bolobo, Congo, 1920-23 ; China, 1924—29. {Address as above.) Burdett, Herbert William, b.a. (lond.), rawdon : Ch.m„ Rosse Street, Shipley ; Wednesbury, 1903-8 ; Tyndale, Bristol (Asst.), 1908-12 ; Shipley, 1912-18 ; ap. B.MS., 1918 ; Sianfu, 1919— ; English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, North China. Burdett, Mrt. H. W., nie Ethel Grace Jenkins ; m. 19x2 ; Ch.m., Rosse Street, Shipley. (Address as above.) •Burt, Ernett Whitby, m.a., bristol and oxford; Ch.m., Tyndale, Bristol ; ap. 1892; m. (i) 1894-1904 ; Tsowping, 1892-1905 ; Weihsien, 1905-12 ; Tsingchowfu, 1912-17 ; Tsinanfu, 1917- 25 ; Secretary, Inter-Provincial Conference, 1925-32. 24, Chatham Road, Worthing. •Bart, Mrt. E. W„ nte Ethel Mary Tetley ; m. 1910 ; Ch.m., Moseley, Birmingham. (Address as above.) Bury, Arthur ; r a w d o n ; Ch.m., Kay Street, Rawteostall ; ap. 1934 ; Barisal, 1934— ; Barisal, Backerganj, East Bengal, India. •Cameron, George Ronald RoMason ; Ch.m., North Frederick Street, Glasgow ; ap. 1884 ; m. (i) 1891-93 ; (ii) 1901-27 ; San Salvador, 1884-86 ; Wathen, 1886-1904 ; Mabaya, 1904-11 ; Kimpese K.E.T.L, 1911-1912 ; Thysville, 1912-15 ; Congo Biblical Translation, 1915-26. 2403, Georgia Street East, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Cann, MiM Florence Gladys, s .r .n . ; Ch.m., King’s Heath, Birmingham ; ap. 1934 ; Palwal 1934—»' Pahval, South Punjab, India. Carter, Horace William,; Ch.m., Old King Street, Bristol; ap. 1924; Faridpur, 1925-30; Chittagong, 1930 ; Lungleh, 1930—; Lungleh, South Lushai Hills, via Chittagong, East Bengal, India. Carter, Mrt. H. W., nie Bessie Lovis Allitt, m. 1928 ; Ch.m., Methodist Church, Lincoln. (Address as above.) Cate, Mitt Loit Mary, b.a., Ch.m., Paignton; ap. 1924 ; Balangir, 1924-27 ; Cuttack, 1927-37; Balangir, 1937— ; lBalangir, via Sambalpur, Orissa, India. Casebow, Harold John, b.d., regent’s park ; Ch.m., Brown hill Road, Hither Green, Londoo ; ap. 1929; Kibentele, 1929-30; Wathen, 1930-34; Thysville, 1934—; B.M.S., Thysville, Congo Beige, West Centrât Africa. Casebow, Mrt. H J., nie Margaret Kathleen Williams, s.r.n. ; in. 1932 ; Ch.m., Brownhill Road, Hither Green, London. (Address as above.) •cattleton, Albert George, h a rle y ; Ch.m., Si. Mary’s, Norwich ; ap. 1906 ; Tsing Chow Fu, 1906-« ; Chowtsun, 10 0 5 - 10 ; Peichen, 1910—13 ; Chowtsun, 1913-34 ; Secretary, United Committee for Christian Universities of China, 1934—; Secretary London Baptist Missionary Union, 1937—; Tsingtao, Park Avenue, Orpington, Kent. •Cattleton, Mrt. A. tL, nü Edith Ellrabeth Gaze ; m. 1908; Ckjn., St. Mary’s, Norwich. (Address as above.) Chapman, Mitt Edith Mary: Ch.m., Lewisham Raid, Greenwich ; ap. 1917; Lungleh 1919—; Lungleh, South Lushai Hills, via Chittagong, East Bengal, India. . Chappie, Mitt Eunice Loit; Ch.m., Lewia Road, Streatham ; ap. 1923 ; Taiyuanfu, 1923-30; Sinchow, 1930— ; English Baptist Mission, Sinchow, Shansi, North China. Charter, Howard Johnston, BO.., b.d., rawdon; Ch.m., Middleton-in-Teesdale; ap. 1906; Buthgamuwa, 1906-9 ; Matale, 1909-11 ; Colombo, 1911-24 ; Matale, 1924-25 ; Peradeniya Colony, J925-3i ; Kekirawa, 1933-36 ; Kandy, 1937— ; Marlborough House, Kandy, Cry km. Charier, Mrt. H. 4n nie Agnes Ann«! Coleman ; Chan. King’s Road, Reading ; ap. 1908 ; Ceylon, 1908-9 ; m. 1909. (Address as above.) Chate, mist Florence Dorothy. S.R .K ., Ch.tu., Devonshire Avenue, Southsea ; ap.z 935; San Salvador, 193,1— j B.tM.S., Songololo, vid Matadi. Congo Beige, H'.C. Africa. . Checkettt. Mitt Eltit, 6.R.N. ; CA.m., Coventry RoaJ, Birmingham ; ap. 1934; Bhiwanl, 1934— Bhiwani, Punjab, North India. ¿Cheshire, Mitt Kathleen Mar*, s.r.n.; Ch.m., Sutton. Surrey; ap. 1926; San Salvador, 1928- 32 ; Kibokolo, 1932-33; San Salvador» 1933- vt ; Kibokolo, i934~3^ » Bembe, 193c— ; B+MJÏ* Songololo, via Matadi, Congo Beige, West Central Africa. :Che»terton, Douglas Ridley; Ck.m., Worthing; ap. 1934; Yakusu, 1935— ; B.M.S., Yahusn, Haut Congo Beige, West Central Africa. 76 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTr-FITFJŒ ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

•CJark, James Allred, sporgeon's ; Ch.m., Trinity Road, Tooting, London ; ap. 1888 ; Lukolela, 1889-96 ; Bolobo, 1896-1931. 2, Balmore Drive, Caoerskam, Reading. * Clark, Mr*. J. née Gertrude Talbot ; m. 1896 ; Ch.m., Trinity Road, Tooting. (Address as above.) Clark. James N., harley ; Ch.m., Wishaw ; ap. 1911 ; Wayika, 1911-25 ; Yalemba, 1926-31; Tshumbiri, 1931—; B.A IS., Tshumbiri, Moyen Congo Beige, West Central A Irica. Clark, Mrs. J. N., s.b.n., nee Elizabeth Blair Ramage ; m. 1914 ; Ch.m., Wishaw. (Address as above.) Clark, Miss Marjoris ; Ch.m., West Croydon Tabernacle ; ap. 1922 ; Lungleh, 1922-32 Calcutta 1932-35 ; Lungleh, 1935— ; Lungleh, South Lushai Hills, via Chittagong, East Bengal. India. Clothier, Miss Gwendolen May; Ch.m. Ceylon Place, Eastbourne ; ap. 1929 ; Matale, 1930—; Matale, Ceylon. Clow, Miss Ellen Menzles, m.b., c h .b . (glasoow), d.t.m. 8c h . (lond) ; Ch.m., HOlhead, Glasgow ; up. 1928 ; Taiyuanfu, 1928— ; English Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, North China. Wow, James Menzies, M.B., ch.b. (glasgow), f.r.c.s.e. ; Ch.m., Hillhead, Glasgow: ap. 1929; Peking Language School, 1929-30 ; Sianfu, 1930—; English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, North China. Clow, Mrs. 4. M„ nie Elizabeth Crawford Montgomery Jack, m.b., ch.b. (glasgow) ; m. 193: ; C k jn ., Church of Scotland, Bridge-of-Weir ; Church of Scotland .Mission, Manchuria, 1930-31. (Address as above.) :Coies, Miss Marjorie ; Ch.m., Christ Church, Six Ways, Aston, Birmingham ; ap, 1927 ; Wathen, 1928-32 ; Yalemba, 1932— ; B .M S ., Yalemba, Haut Congo Belge, W.C. Africa, ÎCottott, Miss May Eileen ; Ck.m. Dublin Street, Edinburgh ; ap. 2920 ; Berhampur 1920— 83 ; Balangir, 1923— ; Balangir, via Sambalpur, Orissa, India, "Collier, Mr*. 'Widow of A. E. Collier, B.M.S., India 1893-1918), nie Emily Mary Beckingsale ; m. 1897-1918 ; Ch.m., King's Road, Reading. I Collins, Horace, midland ; Ck.m., Kensington. Liverpool ; Kensington, Liverpool, 1916-19 ; ap. B.MS, 1919 ; Cuttack, 1920-31 ; Angul, 1921-22 ; Puri, 1923-31 ; Pastor, Lower Circular Road Church, Calcutta, 1931— ; 42, Lower Circular Road, Calcutta, India. OMMbs, Miss Frances Entma ; Ch.m., Chase Mission Church, Nottingham ; ap. 1911 ; Peking, 1911-13 ; Taiyuanfu, 1913— ; English Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, North China. *0000« , Mrs. (Widow of W. E. Cooper, Z.B.M.M., 1882-1909 ; B.M.S., 1909-1917), nie Eliza Christiana McIntosh; m. 1892-1917; Gaya, 19x7-19*3. Coppin, Miss Hilda Gertrud« ; Ch.m., Moss Side, Manchester ; ap. 1908 ; Wathen, 1908-12 ; San Salvador, 1912-17 ; Kimpese, 1917-20 ; San Salvador, 1920— ; B .M .S ., Songololo, via M atadi, Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Cordie, Miss Doris Irene ; Ch.m., Felixstowe ; ap. 1933 ; Cuttack, 1934-35 ; Calcutta, 1935— ; 44 Lover Circular Road, Calcutta, India. ;Ceadert, Yves Henri (Associate Missionary) ; Ch.m., Eglise Reformée de France, Paris ; ap. 1934 ; Kinshasa, 1935— ; B .M S., Leopoldville-Est, Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Cowling, Roland Churchill, b.a , b .d ., bristol ; Ch.m., Highams Park ; ap. 1932 ; Patna, 1932-35 ; Gaya, 1935—; Gaya, E JJt., North India. Cowling, Mrs. R. C., n it Doris Margaret Acton ; m.1933; Ch.m., South Street, Greenwich. (Address as above.) Or OSS, James, spuacaos'a ; Ch.m., Viewfield, Dunfermline ; ap. 1928 ; Balangir, >929-34 ; Pori, ; Udayagiri, 1936—j G. Udayagtri, Ganfam, India. Cross, Mrs. J , nie Mary Ann Paterson ; m. 1931 ; Ch.m., Viewfield, Dunfermline. (Address as above.) Cttff, Mist Winifred Doris, S.R.K. ; Ch.m., Chard ; a p . 1934 ; Kibokolo, 1935—; M iito Baptista, Qufbocolo, Maqueta do Z o u m , Congo Portuguet, If'.C. A frica, Cortis, Miss Dorothy Jessie, b.a. Ch.m.. Dawes Road, Fulham ; ap. 1916; Sianfu, 1916-21 ; San Yuan, 1921— ; English Baptist Mission, San Yuan, Shensi, North China. Datatrw, Miu Dorothy, M.ti.c.s. (eng.). L.K.C.F. (loud.) : Ch.m., West Croydon : ap. 1919; Berhampur, 1920-30 ; Balangir, 1930-31 ; Sambalpur 1931-35 ; with New Zealand Baptist Mission, 1935— ; cjo 44, Lower Circular Road, Calcutta, India. *Dann, George James, arauotos’* ; Ch.m., Westgate, Bradford ; ap. 1884; Allahabad, 1883-92; Delhi, 1892-96 ; bankjpur, 1896-1922. 2, West Park, London, S .E .9 •Oann, Mrs. 0 . J., nee Hannah Harwood ; m. 1883; Ck.m ., High* a te Road, London. (Address as above.) ¿Dart, Redvers Henry Powell; Ch.m., South Street, Exeter ; ap., 1935 ; Evangelist and Business Manager, Taiyuanfu Hospitals, 1935—; English Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Skansi, North China, ¡Dart, Mrs. R. H. P., e.a.K., nie Florence Elizabeth George; m. 1929; Ch.m., Staflord Street, Walsall; ap. 1928; Taiyuanfu, 1928-29. (Address as above.) •Das, Bntjananda, b.a.; Ch.m., Cuttack; ap. 1902 ; Cuttack, 1902-27. Cuttack, Orissa, India. *DaS, Mr*. n it Sorojini Naik ; m. 1925. (Address as above.) Dit, Kritith Chandra, b.a. l,th., scramfok ; ap. 1924; Dacca, 1924-30; Canning, 1950—32; Dacca, ¡‘>33-36; Jetsore, 1936—; j essore, Bengal, India. Das, Mrs. K. 0. (Address as above). Davidson, James, b.t.i., cla*gow ; Ch.m., Hopeinan, Scotland ; ap. 1921; Upoto, 1922-36 ; Pimu, ï9î6— ; B.M S., Pimu, cfo it. Cantos, Bongtia, Haul Congo Uetge, H «>( Central Ajncu. 1937.] LIST OP MISSIONARIES, ADDRESSES, ETC. 77

Davidson, Mix. J., nie Mary Sutherland ; m. 1923 ; Ck.m., Hopeman, Scotland. (Address as above.) «Davits, David Christopher, sporgeon’s ; Ch.m., Hay Hill, Bath ; ap. 1906 ; Yalemba, 1906-19; Kinshasa, 1920-33 ; B.MJS. Welsh Representative. 1934.— ; 10 Caswell Avenue, Mumbles, Swansea. * Davies, Mrs. D. 0., n ie Margaret Parker ; «. 1914 ; Ch.m., Bloomsbury. (Address as above.) Dtries, MliSS Ethel Butter ;, Tyndale, Bristol ; ap. 1918 ; Delhi, 1919-23 ; Baraut, 1923-25; Dholpur, 1925—; Dkolpur, Rajputana, India. Davies. Miss Mair; C k jn ., Philadelphia Baptist Church, Ogmore Vale; ap. 1926 ; Dinajpur, 1927-31 ; Dacca, 1931— ; Dacca, East Bengal, India. ‘ Davies, William, havirpordwist : C kjn^ Bethlehem, Newport, Pembrokeshire ; ap. 1889 ; How­ rah, X889-90 ; Madanpur, 1890-92 ; Maldah, 1892-96 ; Dinajpur, 1896-97 ; Jalpaiguri, 1897-1900 ; Madaripur, 1900-4 ; Howrah, 1904-7 ; Puri, 1907-32. Llwyn-on, Vergam Terrace, Fishguard. *Da*lM> M'S. W., n i* Hannah Thomas ; m. 1896 ; C kjn ^ Bethlehem, Newport, Pembrokeshire. (Address as above.) Davis, David, ».o., adklaidb owiv, a. acstraua and bristol ; C k jn ., Tynte Street, Adelaide, S.A. ; ap. 191X ; Calabar College, 19x1—; CMbar College, Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. DavfS, Mrs. D., n it Margaret Elizabeth Dumbreck; m . 19x4; C k jn ., Kapunda, South Australia. (Address as above.) Davis, Mss Eva filadys ; C k jn ., Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. ; ap. 1931 ; San Salvador 1932—; B .M S ., Songololo, via iia ta d i, Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Davis, Walter Brace Stark, b.a., b.d., wheaton college, Illinois ; eastern baptist seminary, PHILADELPHIA ; C k jn ., Shamokin, Pa., U^A.; ap. 1934 ; Dinajpur, 1934—; Dinajpur, North Bengal India. Davis, Mrs. W. B. t , n ie Elizabeth Unger ; m. 1930 ; C k jn ., Shamokin, Pa., U.S.A. (Address as above.) •Dawsos, Miss Harriet AHx Apis ; C k jn ., West Croydon Tabernacle ; mp. 1883 ; Madras 1885- 1900 ; Berhampur, 1900-24. Mission House, Gopalpore, Ganjam District, India. Dawson, Sydney RaynMad, sporgeon's ; Ch.m., Ashford, Kent ; ap. 1936 ; Taiyuanfu, 1936— ; English Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Skatisi, Norik Ckina. ’ De Bratton, Miss Mildred ; C kjn^ Methodist Epis., Cawnpoce, India ; op. 1907 ; Banldpur, 1907-9 ; Gaya, 1909-10 ; Agra, 1910-23 ; Gaya, 1923-28 ; Patna, 192&-32. C/o 44, Lower Circular Road, Calcutta. *D* H alias, MiSS LyMa Mary ; Ck.m^ Melbourne Hall, Leicester; RÆ.M.U., Congo, 1889-93; ap. B.M.S., 1893 ; Bolobo, 1893-1930. c/o 29, Fumival Street, London, É .C 4 . Dt Rozario, Miss Vloist ; On supply at Palwal, 1907-24; mp. 19x4; Palwal, 1914—; Paheal, Punjab, India. Dt Soasa, «low Bran* {Associate Missionary); Chjn., Evangelical Church of Portugal, Funchal, Madeira ; ap. 1934 ; Kibokolo, 1934— ; Missao Baplista, Quibocolo, Maçuelado Zombo, Congo Portugues, West Central Africa. 'Dlcklnt, Mrs. (Widow of L. V. Dickins, b .a ., b.d., B.M.S., India, 1926-29 ) ; n ie Kathleen Edith Denslow, s.r.n. ; m. 1928-29 ; C hjn., Darford Baptist Church, Dorchester. Down, Miss Edna Mary, s.*.».; Ck.m., South Stnset,Exeter : ap. 1934; Peking Language School 1934-33 ; Taiyuanfu, 1935— ; English Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Shanst, Norik China. Drake, rwarlek Mpilar, bj*..,_b.d., m m kt's park ; C kjn^ College Road, Harrow ; ap. 19x4 ; m. 1916-27; Peichen, 1915-^20 ; Tsingchowfu, 1920-22; Tsinanfu, 1932-26; Tsingchowfu, 1926-32; S¡inanfu 293a— ; English Baptist Mission, Tsinanfu, Shantung, North China. Drain, Mrs. F. n it Don Mabel Cracknell ; m ., 1930 ; C h jn .. Uxbridge Road Tabernacle, Shepherd’s Bush ; ap. 1920 ; Tsingchowfu, 1921-30. (Address as above.) ÎDrake, Mia, M.A., B.D., regent's park ; Ck.m., Dalstou Junction, Loudon; ap. 1900 ; m. (i) 2894- 1929 ; Agra, 1900-10 ; Serampur, 1910-26 ; Saharanpur, -1926-33, Seram pore, 1933-36 ; Saharanpur, 1936—; Rutr Edge, Saharanpur, U.P., India. iBMfce, Mrs. J n net Jessie Rosie Slater ; m . X933 ; C h jn ., Broomhaugh and Stocksûeld ; ap. 29x9 ; North India, 1919-33. ^Address as above.) Drake, Miss Lily Kett ; Ch.m., Upton Vale, Torquay; ap. 1935 ; Cuttack, 1933—; Cuttack, Orissa, India. 'Drake, Mrs- (Widow of S. B. Drake, B.NLS. China, 1886-19x0), nie Florence Sowerby ; m. 1882- 1935 ; C k jn ., College Road, Harrow ; 35. Hid* Road, Hamm, Middlesex. „ .Dnywn, Miss Elizabeth P .; C*.wu, George Lane, South Woodford ; ap. 19 it ; Calcutta, X9i*-i4 ; Barisal, 1914— ; Barisal, Backerganj, Bast Bengal, India. Eadie, William Oraict C h .* ., Motherwell ; ap. 2921; Calcutta, 2932-32: Pastor, Carey Baptist Church, Calcutta, 1931-36; BÜLS. Indian Secretarial 1936—; 44» Loa*r Circular Road, Calcutta, India. Etfe, Mrs. W. 0 . n it Annie MoCraoken ; m. 2922; Ch.m., Motherwell. (Address as above.) Edmsadss, Retart WWUm. harisy; C k jn ., New Zealand; ap. 2920; Suxi, 2910-11 ; Barisal, 1911-14 • Dinajpur, 19x4— ; Dinajpur, North Bengal, India. ¡Etfmeades, Mrs. It. W., n it Gertrude Summers ; m. 19x3. (In Australia.) 78 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

«Edwards, E. H, k a , C.H. (ism.): Ch.m„ West Street, Rochdale; Taiyuanfu, 1884—19*2; Returned to Taiyuanfu, 1924-26. 104, Regent's Path Road, London. N.W .i. *Edwards, Mitt Lilian M an; C h jn ., Bethany, Cardiff; op. 1906; Agra, 1906-15; Calcutta, 1930- 1935. 2, Rectory Road, Caerphilly, Clam. Edwards, Miu Mertodd; Ch.m.t Hillhead, Glasgow; ap. 1938; Khulna, 1928-31; Dinajpur, 2931—; Dinajpur, North Bengal, India. *EekbMrt. Min Rebecca A nn;Chjn^ Hillhead, Glasgow; up. 1893; Agra, 1893-2900; BanUpor 2900-3; Agra, 1903-21. 17, Cranworth Strut, Glasgow, W.3. Elfis, Neman Artbar; Ch.m., Ridding*, Derbyshire; mp. 2930; Calcutta Mission Press, 1931-32; Cattadk, 193^-33; Calcutta Mission Press, 2933—; Baptist Mission Prut, 42, Lowtr Circular Road,

•EDisea, Mrs. fWidow of B. J. Ellison,>B.M£., China, 2908-33), n it Constance Lucy May; i n . 2920- S3; C k jn ., Dawes Road, Fulham; ap. 2916; Chowtsun, 1916-20; rt-ap. 1934; Taiyuanfu, 2933-27. Ktngsaood School, Bath. *Elfisea, Jeha ; M a n c h e s t e r ; C k jn ., Barnes Street, Accrington ; ap. 1881; m. (i) 1886-2929; Mymensing, 1882-88; Dacca, 1888-91; Rangpur, 1891-1900; Dinajpur, 1900-2; Rangpur, 1901-13. 50, Htygarth Road, EaUham, Chtshire, *EIUsen, Mrs. <1., n it Dutton; m. 2930. (Address as above.) Emery, Ralph Vyvyan, b.a., b.d., regent's fakk (lonoon and oxford) ; Ch.m., Hope, Cardiff; ap. 1937 ; Dacca, 1937—; Dacca, East Bengal, India. (Selling September 1937). Emmett, Herbert Archibald, spokokom’s ; Ck.m ., Bury St. Edmunds; ap. 1933: Sinchow, 2924-32; Taichow 1933-33; in F.ngland, 1933-35 ; Tsingchowfu. 1933—; English Baptist Mission, Tsingchowfu, Shantung, North China. Emmett, Mrs. H. A , nie Winifred Fanny Cropley, 8.R.N.; m. 1935; Ch.m^ Bury St Edmunds; ap. 1920; Taiyuanfu, 1921-25. (Address as above.) Eaaals, Wiliam Hadley, Bristol ; Ch.m^ Stafiord Street, Walsall; ap . 1931; Yakusu, 2922—; B M S ., Yakusu, Haut Congo Beige, West Csntral Africa. Ennais, Mrs. W. H., n it Gladys Clara Fereday; m. 1923; Chjn^ Stafiord Street, Walsall. (Address as above.) *Evaas, Mrs. (Widow of Bettfamln Evans, BÜ&S., India, 1880-2923), n it Rhoda Morgan; m. 288*- 2930; C h j* ., Broadmead, Bristol. West V it» , Ootacamund, South In d ia . Evan, Edward, M.BJt., h a r l e y ; Chjm., day Cross; mp. 19x1; m. (2) 2913 I Udayagiri, 2922-33; Bediampur, 2922-23; Udayagiri, 1925—; G. Udayagiri, Ganjam, India. Evaas, Mrs.E* n it Helen ML Kerr; *.1919 ; Ch.m^ Harrow. (Address as above.) Evans, Miss Elsie Wlaitrod; CJLm^ Horfiekl, Bristol; ap. 1910; Matale ,291»-»; Colombo,X9i»- 24; Ratoapura, 2925-26; Colombo, 1917—* i Sotdhfitld Homo, 22, Kynsty Road, Colombo, Ctylon. Evaas, Ernest RarteM, sju, cardin' ; Ch.m., Gorseinon, Swansea; ap. 1936; Daoca, 1936—; Dacca, East Bengal, India. Evaas, Miss Ethel Mary J Ch.m., Horfidd, Bristol; ap. 2922; Matale, 19x2-13; Ratnapura, 1914- 25; Coiombo, 1933-26; Matale, 1926-47; Colombo, X937-32 ; Ratnapuxa, 2939-33; Colombo, 1933-35; llatale, 1935—; Matale, Ceylon. ’ Ewing,4eha Alexander, rawdon; Ck.m., Ward Road, Dundee; ap. 1903; m. 1904-34; Buth- |amuwa^i^o*-4; ^Matale,^1904^; Colombo, 2903-6; Matale, 1906-7 ; Colombo, 1907-34. Lanka,

»Eiafl, Frauds fiaarg»; C h j*^ Fishergate, Pnstoo; ap. 1909: Wathen, 190^-14; Kimpese, 1915 ; Watben, 1915-18; Kimpese, 1919-26; Kiofbasa, 1926-31; Kibentcle, 1931-35. 70, Station Road, King’s Heath, Birmingham. 'ExsU, Mrs. F. R* n it Elsie Sarah Palmer; m. 1913; C k jn ., Wyolifie, Birndngham. (Address as above.) *Farrsr, Mbs EHea Marpret. m , (lokd.) : C h jn ., Heath Street, Hampstead; ap. 1891; Bhiwaui, 1891-1933. **. Rudaü Cresctni, London, N.W .i. ¡Faskam, Miss Margaret Alice; Ck.m ., Selly Park, Birmingham; ap. 1933; Yakusu, I93&—; B.MJS., Yakusu, Haul Cong» Beige, Wat Ce,viral Africa. fallows. » sajamia Frank Wilks, b ju , Bristol; Chjn^ Camden Hoad, London; ap. 1915 ; m. (i) 1917-21; Fadampur, 1913-19; Balangir, 1920-31; Cuttack, 1931—; Cuttack, Orissa, India. FSBSWS, Mrs. F. W., M.D., BJI. (lond.), M.S.C.S. (**0.), ljuc.f. (lond.),** Alioe Muriel Griffiths; m. 1925; C h jn ., Tredegarviile CardiS; ap. 1923; Berhampur, 2933-35 ; Balangir, 1933-31. (Address a* above.) * Finch, Mss Aflse Marian, C k jn ., Cotbam Grove, Bristol; ap. 1891; Barisal, 1891-1930. 33, Pastot Road, London, SJB.13. Flt»-Hswry, MIm Winifred; C k jn ., High Road. Tottenham; ap. 1008 ; Delhi, 1908-33 ; Lahore« *932-35; Patna, 1935- 3 7 ; Dholpur, 1937—; Dholpur, Kajputana, India. Flowers, Wilfred I ttahta, m.b., bxh. (uidi), rawdon ; Ck.m., Woodboro' Road, Nottingham; ap. 1937 : Chowtsun, 1938— ; English Baptist Mission, Chowtsun, ¡Shantung, North Chinai 1937.] LIST OF MISSIONARIES, ADDRESSES, ETC. 79

Flowers, Mn. w . S., n ie Annie McLean Irvine ; m. 1928 ; Ch.m., Bradford. (Address as aboveV Folkard, George Frederick, B.A., b.d.,, bristol; Ch.m., Leyton, London ; ap. 1933 ; Language School, 1933-34 ; Tsingchowfu, 1934— ; English Baptist Mission, Tsingchowfu, Shantung, North China. Folkard, Mrt. 8. F., n ie May Winifred MoSatt ; m. 1935 ; Ch.m., Leyton. London. (Address as above.) Fortf) William Harold, B.A., bristol ; ChM., Fishpond*, Bristol ; ap. 1921 ; m. 1926-27; Yakusu, 1923— ; BM JS., Yakusu, Haut Congo Bags, Wat Central Africa. •Forfeltt, Hr*. (Widow of Lawson Forfeitt, Congo, 1889-1909), nie Mary Bomford ; m. 1894-1938 ; Ch.m., Pershore, Worcs, Cowsden Croft, near Worcester. •Forfeltt, William Laniberry, kkokmt’s park; C hjn^ King’s Road, Reading; mp. 1889; Upoto, 1889-1933. Upoto, South View Road, Southampton. •Forfeltt, Mr*. W, L , nés Anne Maria Collier ; m. 1893 ; Ch.M^ King*» Road, Reading. (Address as above.) •Forsyth, Mr*. (Widow of R. C. Forsyth, B.M.S., China, 1884-1911), nie Annie Grey Maitland; m. 188&-1923 ; Ch.m., Sutton Road Congregational Church, Chaiminster Hill, Bournemouth ; Tsinan, Wimborns Road, Ftm dtnm , Dorset. ; Frame, WBIiam Brown, manchkstbr; C h jn ., Cambixslang ; mp. 2896; Wathen, 1896-1916; Thysville, 1916-20 ; Ki ben tela, 1920-37 ; c/o 19, Fumival Street, London, E.C. 4. ¿Frame, Mr*. W. B^ né* Frances Marguerite Dunn ; m. 1906 ; Ch.m^ Erdington, Birmingham. (Address as above.) * Francis, Mi*S Alice E. ; Ch.m., Chalk Hill, Bushey ; ap. 1901 ; Palwal, 1902-4 ; Delhi, 1904-33. Delhi Cottage, Catsey Lane, Bushey, Herts. Franklin, Miu Katherine M. ; Ch.m., Queen’s Road, Coventry; mp. 1905; Sianfu, 1903-13; Taiyuanfu, 1913-21 ; Sianfu, 1921—; English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, North China. Franck, WUam Ernest,, hartlxv, Southampton ; Chdn., Harcourt Street, Dublin ; mp. 1911 ; Barisal, 1911-1922 ; Bishnupur, 1922-36 ; Secretary, Bengal Baptist Union, Calcutta, 1936—; 95, Elliott Road, Calcutta, India. t French, Mr*. W. E* née Clara Ethel Mitchell ; m. 1913 ; Ch.m^ Victoria Park, London. ■Qammen, Mr*. (Widow of R. E. Gammon, B JtS., Trinidad, 1875-1903), c/o Mrs. StaUmeyer, Pan of Spain, Trinidad, B.W J. * fiange, Miu Annie ; Chun., Broadmead, Bristol ; mp. 1889 ; Delhi. 1889-1931. The Oak, Knoal Hill, Stohe Bishop, Bristol. Qarnisr, AMort John, s a il it ; Chjn., St. George’« Place, Canterbury ; mp. 1906 ; Taiyuanfu, 1906-15 ; Tsingchowfu, 2913-36 ; Shanghai, 1936— ; Christian Literature Society, 128, Museum Road, Shanghai, North China. Îfiarnier. Mrs. A. J., nie Jessie E. Walter ; m. 19x0 ; Chjm., Shooter’s Hill, Blackheath, London ; mp. Baptist Zenana Mission, Taiyuanfu, 1908-10.

*Qkosk, Mrs. (Widow of B. C. Ghosh, B.M.S., India, 1892-1927), n it Shusharon Maitro; m. 1880- 1930; C kjn ., Colinga, Calcutta. 88, Linton Street, EnUdJy, Calcutta, India. *8hosh, Mn. (Widow of R. C. Ghosh, B.M.S., Narayanganj, 1919-34). Narayanganj, Ernst Bengal, India. Bitten, David Vavasor, BJL., BRISTOL; Ch.m^ Melbourne Hall, Leicester; mp. 1933; Delhi, 1924-38; Agra., 1928-39; Delhi, 19:9—; Ludlow Castle Road, Delhi, India. «Man, Mrs. D. VH nde Kathleen Muriel MOne; m. 1927; Ch.m., Melbourne Hall, Leicester. (Address as above.) •Steen, ttranvilie Mapisr, B.C., rroxxt’s park ; Ch.m., ffing Street, Wigan ; mp. 1907; BanUpu; 1907-9 > Gaya, 1909-11 • Kfaarar, 1911-14; Bankipur, 1915-1923; Dinapur, 1922-28; Patna, 1928-52. length*», E d teeth, Gyrnpie, Queensland, Australia. . •aihton, Mrs. a . N., nde Alice East; m. 1909; C*.»n., Scarisbrick Street Wigan. (Address as above.) *Qkin, Mrs. (Widow of J. W. Ginn, B.M.S., India, 1903-31), n h Emily Mary Collier; C hjn ., King’s Road, Reading; ap. *907; Colombo, 1907-9; m. 1909-35. Woodgrange, Queen's Road. Frinton-on-Sem. Qiasfey, Wu Bealak : C h jn ., Alperton; mp. 19 * 3 1 Sinchow, *934—i English Baptist Mission, Stnchow, Shansi, North CW » AMrad William, spdrokon’sj Ch.m., UntoUnion Grove, Aberdeen; «#>.19*1; Boiobo, 1922—; Boiobo, Moyen Conga B dft, Weti Central Africa. ttamak, Mrs. A. W - nde Edith Elizabeth Georgina Gardiner; m. 1930; Chjn^ Union Grove, Aberdeen. (Address as above.) 80 ONE HUNDRED AND FOETY-FIiTH ANNUAL EEPOET. [1937.

•Oienaie, RatartJ bristol, Ckjn* Grove, Wandsworth ; ap. 2889 lor Congo Mission. Resigned 1899. Returned to Congo, 1913-13 ; Secretary, B.TJ-A., 1911— ; */, Eglantine Rood, Wands­ worth, S.W .18. •Blennie, Mn. R., nie Minnie Mansfield ; m. 2893; Cham., East HÜ1, Wandsworth. (Address as above.) •BeMsack, Wlllian ; O utL, Qeo Osmond, S. Australia • Sooth Australian B.MA, 1897-1913 ; ap. BMJS. 29x3 ; Jeseore, 292»—29*3. Conmondtl Valley, South Australia. 'B ddsuk , Mrs. W* nit Charlotte Farquhar Somerville m. 2899; Chjm., Glen Osmond, S.A. (Address as above.) Baad, Mbs Irsas Mildred, sjlh . ; CKm ., Fishponds, Bristol ; ap. 1937 ; Lnngtoh, 2928— ; LrnigUh, South Lushai Hills, via Chittagong, Bengal, India. Gordon, Miss May Logie, s.r.h. ; Ch.m., Broadway, Isle of Man ; ap. 2935 ; Berhampur, 1935- 39 ; Balangir, 1939-31 ; Berhampur, 1931-33 ; Udayagiri, 1933-34 ; Berhampur, 2934— i Berhampur, Ganjam, India. Sais, Miss firaea Ella ; Ch.m., Beeehen Grove, Watford ; ap. 2939 ; Pekin* Language School 1939-30; Taiyuanfu, 1930-34 ; Sinchow, 1934—; English Baptist Mission, Sinchow, Shansi, North China. •Qraham, Mrs. (Widow of R. H. C. Graham, B.HS., Congo, 2886-1933), nst Jane Rodgenoo Witham m. 1888-2933 ; Ck.m ., Holland Road, Hove. 20, Glendor Road Host, Sussex. "Greening, Alfred Ernest, jut.*., manchrstxr ; Ck.m ., Hunslet Tabernacle, Leeds ; ap. 2897. Tsingchowfu, 1897-08 ; Tsôwping, 1898-1903 ; Ptichcn, 2905-32 ; Chowtsun, 1933—39 ; Tsingchowfu, 1939-35. c jo 29, Fumnml Street, London, BJC.4. ‘ Braanlnr Mrs. A. E* n i* Mary Hunter Macfarlane ; m. 2900; CJLm., Oxford Rond, Man­ chester. (Address as above.) Bregen, M n Hsian, h.b„ c u . ( r d ih .), & h. (iomd.) ; Ch.m^ Marshall Street, Edinburgh; ap. 2933; Bexfaampar, 2935—; Berhampur, Ganjam, India. fin sM , WIBUfli David, rawdom * Chjm., Honsfet Tabernacle, Leeds ; ap. 2933 : San Salvador, 1^933-35 ^Kibokolo, 2935—; U issao Baptist», Quibocolo, Maqueia do Zombo, Congo Poriuguet West

_____ Mrs. W. D., S.R.H., n ie Margaret Hampdon Stevens; m. 1937 ; Ch.m., Downs Chapel, Clapton; B.M.S., San Salvador, 1933-36. (Address as above.) tQrMths, HaraM, Cardiff ; Ck.m.t Bethel, Llanelly; ap. 2934; Rangamatl. 2934-1931; Chandraghona, 2931-33; Dacca, 2933-33; Barisal, 1933— ", Bartsal, Backerganj, East Bengal, India. tllllaWM. A*red Ernest, am uioi ; Chjmn Sussex Street Meth., Brisbane; ap. 2906; Russel konda, 1906-13: Phulbani, 1911-19: Udavagiri, 2919-31; Phulbani, 2932-35; Udayagiri, 1935—; G. Udayagiri, Ganjam, India. (In Australia.) {Brinw, Mrs. A. E«*& Mary Ethel Dawson, of Australian Baptist Mission ; m. 2909. (Address as above.) (In Australia.) ■trmdy, Mrs. (Widow of R. J. Grundy, B.M.S., India, 1901-37; Mission to Lepers, India, 1937- 39), n ie Lucy Ellen Elston; m. 1890-1929; C h jn ., BiackpooL 11, Panveh Avenue, Gravesend. finest, Arthar Enach, srtntcsox’s; Ck.m., Newbury; ap. 1916; Boiobo, 1919-ao; Kibokolo 2930—; Missao Baptista, Quibocolo, Maqwda do Zombo, Congo Poriuguet, West Central A frica. Qiisst, Mrs. A. E, nU Daphne Alice Dentry; m. 1938; C h jn ., Leamington Spa. (Address as above.) flaan, Witgaa Scarp David, *akchester ; Ch.m., Moming&idc, Edinburgh; ap. 2936; Sianfu, 1937—; English Baptist Mutton, Sianfu, Shensi, North China. 9 mm, WUBani Sardan, b.t.i., glasgow and forts ; Ch.m., Soar Welsh Baptist Church, Llwyn- bendy, Llanelly; ap. 1936; Upoto, 1937—; S M S ,, Vpoto, Luala, Haul Congo Beige, W. C. Afnca. Oatferie, Mafcafm, » s c ., a.k-s.*., sruRoxox's; Ch.m.. Rochester • Rochester, 1939-31; ap. B.M.S , 2 ^ 2 ^ Kinshasa, 1933-36; Upoto, 1936—; B .M £ „ Vpoto, ¡¿to la , Haul Congo Brigs, WettCentrM

Satkris, Mrs. M , n ie Margaret Helen Near; m. 1931; C hjn^ Rochester. (Address as above.) Sailaa. Ernest Darreti Firth j Chm *, Kingston-on-Thames; Congo Balolo Mission, 2907-19; ap. Bj£S~ 19 3 1; Kibentek, 19 31-3 5 : Matadi, 1025-39; Kibentele, 1939-32: Kinshasa, 29s*—; BMSvUaPoUMM-Bst, Congo Beige, West Central Atriea. ttajrtan, Mlas Mary F., s .r.h. ; Chjn., St. Mary’s, Norwich ; ap. 19x4 ; Bhiwani, 1914-99 ; Dholpur, tg9^3^^JMrfwanl, 1933— ; Soavtary, North India Nurses' Essminlng Board, 1935—; B hiwani, Panjei,

Hsldar AH, Alfred ; Ck.m ., Delhi ; ap. 1933 ; Baraut, 1933-37 ; Delhi, <937—* ; Ludlow Cosile Read, Dilhi, North India. Hatdw-AI, Mrt. K , n ie Premkaur Dhan Singh ; m. 2930 ; C h jn ., Delhi. (Addrees aa abeve.) •Hata, Frederlek WNiiam, rristq i.; ap. 2893; Agni, *893-06 ; Pslwal, 1896-29x3 ; Delhi, 1915- Bure* St. Mary Soflolk 1936-1930. Penpole, Brook Lane relitttom*. 1937.] LIST OF MISSIONARIES, ADDRESSES, ETC. 81

»Hale, Mrs. F. Wn nie Mary Emily Wakefield; m. 1895 ; Ch.m., Pill, Somersetshire. (Address as above.) I Halls, Miss Hilda Katherine. s .r .n . ; Ch.m., Widcombe, Bath ; ap. 1918 ; Berhampur, 1920—; Berhampur, Ganjam, India. Hampton. Miss Alice March ; ap. 1896 ; Agra, 1896-1907 ; Tikari, 1907-8 ; Dholpur, 1908— ; Dholpur. Rujpvtana, India. Hancock, Max William, regent's park ; Ch.m., Boreham Wood ; ap. 1924 ; San Salvador, 1925— ; Songololo, via Matadi, Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Hancock, Mrt. M. W., nie Mary Elizabeth Still ; m. 1928 ; Ch.m., Boreham Wood. (Address as above.) I «Harlow, Joseph Charles, b r i s t o l : Ck.m., Sansome Walk, Worcester ; ap. 1905 ; Taiyuanfu, 1905-7 ; Showyang, 1907-18 ; Taiyuanfu, 1919-34. 8, Laburnum Grove, Beeston, Notts. ! ’ Harlow, Mrt. J. 0^ nit Edith Mabel Rutter ; m. 1907 ; Ch.m., Sansome Walk, Worcester. ; (Address as above.) j 'Harman, Frank, H A *LE V ; Ck.m., Cedi Square, Margate ; ap. 1887 ; Tsingchowfu, 1887-91 ; I Tsowping, 1891-1904 ; Tsingchowfu, 1904-6 ; Tsinanfu, 1906-16 ; Taiyuanfu, 1916-19 ; : Tsinanfu, 1910-20 ; Taiyuanfu, 1920-26. Secretary, Loudon Committee oi Christian Literature : Society for China, 1926-37 ; Cathay, Kidderminster Road, Croydon. •Harmon, Mrs. F.t nie Matilda Sarah Chapman ; m. 1885 ; Ch.m., Maze Pond, London. (Address as above.) Harris, James Symondt; Ch.m., Avenue, Southend-on-Sea; ap. 1908 ; Tsingchowfu, 1908-21; Chowtsun, 19x1— ; English Baptist Mission, Chowtsun, Shantung, North China. £ Han’t I, Mrt. J. S., nie Mabel Cecilia Moore; m. 1911 ; Ch.m., Leigh-on-Sea. •Harvey, Charles Henry, northfteld, o-s./u ; ap. 189; ; Cuttack, 1895-1901; Superintendent, Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta, 1901-25. Carlsbad, California, U S .A . »Harvoy, Mrt. 0 . H., m .b.e., rue Anita Maria Symons ; m. 1902 ; Ch.m., Circular Road, Calcutta. (Address as above.) "Hatler, Frank, RAWDON ; Ch.m., Myrtle Street, Liverpool ; ap. 1903 ; Agra, 1903-7 ; Delhi, 1907-9; Kharar, 1909-ia ; Palwal, 1913-14 ; Kharar, 1914-24; Bhiwani, 1924-37. 149, Pickhurst Lane, West Wickham, Kent. •Hasler, Mrs. F., nie Mildred Lambert ; m. 1906 ; Ch.m., South Lee Tabernacle, London. (Address as above.) *Hatl«r, John Ireland, b .a ., b r i s t o l ; ap. 1802 ; m. (i) 1895-1930 ; Delhi, 1893-1905 ; Dinapnr, 1905-7 ; Banldpur, 1007-13 ; Serampur, 10x3-14 ; Bankipur, 1915-18; Agra, 191S-21 ; Simla, 1921-27; Agra, 1927-29 ; Kasauli, 1929-30 ; Union Church, Mussoorie, 1930-34. 50, Spur Hoad, Orpington. ’ Haller, Mrs. J. In n‘ e Marion Gibson Robertson Henry, s.r.n. ; m. 1922 ; Ck.m., Springbum, Glasgow ; ap. 1908 ; India, 1908-22. (Address as above.) Hawkins, Mlts Con stanca Ada, s.r.n\ ; Ch.m., Fillebrook, Leytonstone, London ; ap. 1927; Palwal, 1928-30 ; Bhiwani, 1930-34 ; re-a pp. 1937. Designated to Xorth India. Hawkint, Miss Winifred Mary, s.r.n . ; Ch.m., Fillebrook, Leytonstone, London ; ap. 1928 ; Berhampur, 1929-30 ; Palwal, 1930-33 ; Dholpur, 1933—; Dholpur, Rajputana, India. Hayward, Victor Evelyn William, b.a., regent's park and mansfield, oxford ; Ch.m., Ferme Park, Hornsey ; ap. X934 ; Taiyuanfu, 1934— ; English Baptist Mission Taiyuanfu, Shansi, North China. Hayward, Mrs. V. E. W., b .a ., iu s L v.i Mary Hayward; m. 1936; Ch.m., Wyclifie, Reading ; Union Language Sjhool, SHc 'hai, 1936. (Address as above.) Hazel ion, Leonard Robert ; Ck.m., St. .Mary’s, Norwich ; ap. 1936 ; Calcutta Press, 1937—; Baptist Mission />«■..,<, 4 i a, Lvaer Circular R0.1J, Calcutta, InJia. Head, Mill Lottie Evelyn, s .r .n ; Ch.m., Ashford, Kent; ap. ipzr ; Yakusu, 1921-25; Thys­ ville, 1925-26- Kiir utfclc, 1936-28; San Salvador, 1938-30 j Kibentele 1930—; BJdJS*. Kibentele via Moerbeke, Bas Conilo Belge, IVest Central Africa Hickson, Mist Grace Maria; Chatsworth Road, Norwood ; ,jp. 1912; Congo, 1913-19; re ap. 1924; Shantung Christian University, 1924—; English Baptist .Mission, Tsinanfu, Shantung, N. China. ¿Hillard, AlH trt William, spu r o eo m 's ; Ck.m., New Malden ; ap. 1917; Wathen, 1919-23 ; Kin­ shasa, 1923-35; Kibentele, 19,15-28; Wathen, 1928-29; Thysville, 1929-30 ¡Kibentele, 1930-33; Quibocolo, 1933-35 ; Bembe, 1935—; B .M Ji., Songololo, via Matadi, Congo Beige, West Central Africa, tHillard. Mrt. A. W„ nie Hannah Hughes ; ». i9®3 I Ch.m., Gosford Street, Coventry ; ap. 1918; wathen, 1918-1923. (Address as above.) Hodgklnton, Mist Caroline ; Ck.m., Circular Road, Calcutta ; ap. la India, 1916 ; Calcutta, 1917- »3 ; Dacca, 1933-32 ; Calcutta, 1933— ; 44, Lower Circular Road, Cakutl*. {Holmes, Raymond Erie, M.B., b.s. (lond), m.r.c.s. (enq.), l.r.c.p. (lond ), d.t.m. (brox.) ; Chjn., Ferme Park, Hornscv ; ap. 1030 - m. 1933-37 ; Yakusu, 1931— ; B.M .S., Yakusu, Haul Congo Beige " est Central Africa. * Hooper, Georgs, bristol ; Ch.m., Elm Grove, Southsea ; ap. 1900 ; Kibokolo, 1900-30. Overdene, Ubley, near Bristol. * Hooper, Mrt. Q., nJe Amy Gertrude Painter ; m. 1904 ; Ch.m., Eltn Grove, Southsea. (Address as above.) Hope, Mitt Elsie Kate, ».sc. ; Ck.m., College Street, Northampton; ap. 1930; Patna, 1930— Patna, bihar, North India. 82 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

Maffick, Mitt Agnes Don, B.A.; Ck.m., Tyndale, Bristol; ap. 1936 (by Ceylon .Baptist Council); Ratnapura, 1936—; Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa District, Ceylon. •HaweH, Mrs. (Widow of John Howell, B.MJS., Congo, 1896-1921), n ie Emmeline Armstrong; m. 1896-1928; Ck.m ., Christchurch, Six ways, Aston, ua, BournviUe Lane, Bournville, Birmingham. *Mowalla, Qeorsre, m-a. (cahtab.), b.utt. (oxom), ph. 0. (tub.), d.d. (st. andrbws, skkampore, and walks), regent’* park : ap. 1895 ; Cuttack, 1895-1907; SetsimpurCoUefa, 1907-30. Stnm pcn, CastUon. Cardiff. «HwwHi, Mr«. Q., n i* Beebee Mary Sophia Phillips; m. 1897; C h jn ., Providenoe, Rhode Island, OL&A. (Address as above.) Hsril, Tharnten SeMaa; spctrokon's; Ck.m ., Carlton, Southampton; Carlton,Southampton, 1920-41; «p. B JhLS. 1921; Monghyr, 1921-33; Dinapur, 1923; Pastor. Carey Baptist Church Calcutta, 1923-31; Monghyr, 1931-34; Mussoorie, 1934- 3 3 ; Carey Baptist Church, Calcutta, 1935-37; Mus- sooric, 1937—; Union Church Manse, Mussoorie, India. Ha«!«, Mrs. T nie Clara Matilda Baron; m. 1927; Ck.m., Slade Lane, Longsight; ap. 1922; Calcutta, 1922-27. (Address as above.) Hafcfcard, Archibald EdnrL rkoknt’s park ; C h jn ., Carlton, Southampton; Carlton, Southamp­ ton, 1907-10; mp. BJLS.. 1910; Simla, 1910-11; Kasauli ,1911-13; Bombay Baptist Church, 1913-16; Agra, 1916-24; Delhi, 1925—; Jantar Mantar Road, Nem Delhi, North India. HaUvd, Mrs.. A. E, nie Graoe Robertaoo; m. 1909; (Address as above.) *HRgfcas, nisfJS. havrrpordwkst axd abertbtwith oniv. ; Ck.m., Circular Road, Calcutta; ap . 1890; Madaripur, 1890-93; Pirojpur, 1893-95; New Zealand Baptist Mission, East Bengal, 1095-99; Re-appointed, 2900; Madanpnr, 1900-1901; Chittagong, 1901-03 ; Rangamati, 1903-10; Pastor, Circular Road Baptist Church, Calcutta, 1910-13; Rangamati, 1913-23. Adyar, Salop Road, WabhptKd. * Hughes, Mrs. ft* n ie Edith Williams; Ch.«is, Cefnmawr; m. 1895. (Address as above.) Hardie, mss OBve USan MargaeHts; Ck.m ., London Road, Portsmouth; ap. 1935 ; Yatemba, 1936—; B .M S ., Yalemba, Haul Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Horst, Harman Hastings, b.a., rawdon ; Ck.m ., Robert Hall, Leicester; ap. 1937; designated to Belgian Congo. Ingle, Laaranae MaasMd, b.a., m.*., nx., (cantas) j r.m.c,«. (kno.), l.r.c.p. (lond.); Ch^n., St Andrew's Street, Cambridge; ap. 1919; Sihantuug Christian University, 1919— ; Bnflitk Baptist M inion, Tsinamfu, Shantung, North China. lagU, Mrs. L. M., Agnes S. Ferguson; m. 1921; Ck.m., Largs. Isaac, Saaiaei, B.A. (allahabad) ; ap. 1918; Agra, 1918—; Baptist Mission, Agra, U.P., India. Isaac, Mrt. S. (Address as above.) *Ja«as, Mrs. (Widow of Arthur James, B.A., Principal, Calabar College, Jamaica, 1893-1910), tUi Eliza Kay; m . 1881-1924. 8, Trevelyan Road, Watt Bridford, Nottingham. t a M , Mbs Darettiy Hilda ; CUk, Abbey Road, St John's Wood, Leaden; ap. 1911; Yakuso, 19x1- 15; Wathen, 1915- 27; Thysvilla, 1927- 32; Kibentele, 1933— ; BJiS^ Kibentele, via Moerbeke, Bas Ccmgo Beige, West Central Africa. J a f as, MiSS Vlctarla fisrtmd«. s.r.n. : C k m ., Woodgrange, Forest Gate; ap. 1913 ; Taiyuanfu, 1913— ; English Baptist Mission, Tatyuanfv, Shansi, North China. Jardfoa, Mm, HARLEY; Ck.m., Potters Bar; R.B.M.U., India, 1907-24: ap. B.M.S., 1924; Palwal, 1924-30 ; Home Ministry, 1930-37 ; Baraut, 1937—; Baram, neat Delhi, North India. dmdine, Mrs. J» n ie Rose Mabel Gittens; m . 1911 ; Ch.m., Potters Bar. (Address as above.) «tarry, Miss Edna Man, s.r.n. ; Ch.m., Trinity Road, Tooting; ap. 1930; Balangir, 1931-3^' Udayagiri, 1936—; G. Udayagiri. Ganjam, India. •Jarry, Frederick WlOUua, m.b.e., spokokon’s ; Chjm., Salem, Dover; up. 1895; Berhampur, 1893-1913; Balangir, 1913-34; North Cbeam, 1935—; 51, Wickham Avenue, Cheam, Surrey. •Jarry, Mrs. F. W., nie Agnes Burns Moodle; m. 1897; C hm ., Salem, Dover. Jasper, Vtoesnt Mm, b.a., Cardiff ; Ch.m., Satan, Blaiaa; ap. 1936; Taichow, 1936— i EntfiA Baptist Mission, Taichow, Shansi, North China, •jMkiftS, Mn. (Widow of A. L. Jenkins, B.M.S., Brittany, 1873-1914), Mule EmIUe Van Keckhoct; m. 1891-1924; C k jn ., French National Reform Church, Lyons, Fnnoa. Frim tt, FtnisWe, France. ’ Jea Dings, Robert Lanya*. sporoeow’s ; C kM ., Metropolitan Tabernacle; ap. 1900; Matadi, 1900-4 ; Wathen, 1904-14 ; Thysville, 1915-37. **, Lomoood Avenue, Worthing. •im atath Mr*. IL Im, mis Hilda Hinder«; m. 1904; Chm „ Metropolitan Tabernacle, Loodnn. (Address as above,) Isttm, Mbs PfcylOs Hilda, S.R.N.; Ck.m ., Fuller, Kettering; ap. 1935; Bcrabe, 1936— ; B.MS. Songololo ,Ud Matadi, Congo Beige, W.C. Afrit*, Jafcn, PhUp, ».a. . a p . 1 9 2 1 ; Patna, 1931-29; Gafa, 1929-30; Bhiwani, «»**-*»; P»t“ *93*—i Patna, Bihar, North India. M ia, Mrs. P .; m. 1923. (Addreas as above.) Jahnson, Miu Emily Alice ; Chm . Hillsborough, Sheffield; ap. 1937; designated to China. 1937.] LIST OF MISSIONARIES, ADDRESSES» ETC. 83

Johnson, Miu Iris Doreen; C k jn ., City Road, Bristol ; ap. 1933 ; Balangir, 1934— ; Balangir, via Sambalpur, Orissa, India. {Johnson, Joseph, regent's park ; Ck.m., Sixways Baptist Church, Eidington, Birmingham ; ap. 1916 ; Udayagiri, 1916-21 ; Phulbani, 1921-23 ; Sambalpur, 1923-26 ; Angul, 1926-32 ; Puri, I933-37 î CI019, Fumival Street, London, E.C4. {Johnson, Mrs. J., n ie Olive Upton; m. 1919 ; C hjn. Sixways Baptist Church, Erdington, Birming­ ham, (Address as above.) Jone*, Mise Elaned : s.r.n. ; C h jn ., The Woodlands Welsh Baptist Church, Birkenhead ; ap. 1937 ; designated to India. •Jones, Mrs (Widow of A. G. Jones, BJkLS., China, 1876-1903) ; ». 1881-1905. Leewha, Burley, Hants. Jones, Miss Jens Owtaios Hopkins, ».a.,C*j»., Wraysbury ; mp. 1905; Calcutta, 1905—; 84, South Road, Entally, Calcutta. Jones, John Goddard, m.b., b.s. (lond.), m.r.c.s., (eng.) l.r.c.p .; Ch.m., Downham, London ; ap. 1937; designated to Boiobo. Jones, Lewie Bevan, b.a. (walks), b.d. (lond.), CARDIFF and regent's park; Chjn^ King’s Road, Reading ; ap. 1907 ; Agra, 1907-9 ; Dacca, 1909-29 ; Lahore, 1929— ; 5, Egerton Road, Lahore, India. Jonee, Mrs. L. n ie Violet Rhoda Stanford, S.R.N. ; m. 1915 ; Ch.m.. Redhill, Surrey ; ap. 1906 ; Berhampur, 1906-15. (Address as above.) •Jones, Percy Horatio, b r i s t o l ; C k jn , Counterslip, Bristol: ap. 1905 ; m. (i) 1907-8; Chandraghona, 1905-29 ; Rangamati, 1929-32 ; Bampton, 1933— ; The Manse, Bampton, Devon. •Jonee, Mrs. P. H., n&Hellinger Edith Couldiey ; m. 1915 ; Ch.m., New Road, Oxford. (Address as above.) •Keim , Mite Kate, C hjn ., West Croydon Tabernacle ; ap. 1913: Peichea, 1914-28 ; Chowtsun, 1928-32 ; Tsinanfu, 1932-33 ; Chowtsun, 1933-34. 86, Manor Road, Bracklcy, NortkarUs. Keagft, Bernard John ; sporgkon’s ; Ch.m.. West Ham Central Mission, London ; ap. 1935 : Kibentele, 1936— ; B.M £~ Kibentele, via Moerbeke, Matadi, Congo Beige, West Central Africa. •Kerry, Mrs. (Widow of John G. Kerry, B.M.S., India, 1881-1899), * * Annie Elizabeth St. Leger, 28, Hurstwood Estate, Fetpham, Sussex. Killip, Miss Margaret ABee, B A . ; Ck.m., Alperton ; ap. 1936 ; Peking Language School, 1936-37 ; Taiyuanfu, 1937— ; English Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, A7. China. {King, fiordoa, F.R.C.S. (ENG.), L.R.C.P. (LOND.), F.C.O.G., LONDON HOSPITAL ; C kjn., Longley Road Tooting, London ; ap. 1925 ; Union Medical College, Peking, 1927-1931 ; Shantung ChrfeHan Uni­ versity, 1931— ; English Baptist Mission, Tsinanfu, Shantung, North China. {King, Mrs. 8., h a , cbjb. (st. akdkxw’s), d.t.m. & h . (lond.), n ie Mary Ellison ; m. 1927 ; Ch.m. West Baptist Church, Perth; ap. 1925 ; Taiyuanfu, 1925-27. King, Samos, B.A., b.d., FH.D., C ardiff UNrv. amd rk gen ts park ; C hjn., Union Street, Kingston- on-Thames ; Home Ministry, 19x9-1937 ; ap. B.M.S., 1937; Principal, Calabar College, Jamaica, 1937—; Calabar, Kingston, Jamaica, B.W J. King, Mrs. Q., n ie Eleanor Gertrude Herrera ; m. 1921 ; Ck.m ., Union Street, Kingston -on -Thames. (Address as above.) King, Mist Mary Edtth, S.R.H. ; Ch.m., Chorley Wood ; ap. 1935 ; Sianfu, 1935—; English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, North China. •Kirtdaad, Mitt Agnes Orr ; C h jn * Dunoon ; ap. 1893 ; Tsingchowfu, 1893-1927. Kltson, (Mss Doris M ae, 8.R.N.; C hjn. Fillehrook, Leytonstone; ap. 1931 ; Bhiwani, 1931—; Bhiwani, Punjab, North India. KnigM, Percyj C k jn ., S t Mary’s Gate, Derby ; op. 1903 ; Mission Press, Calcutta, 1904-6 : trans­ ferred to Congo ; Boiobo, 1906-8: re-appointed to India, Calcutta, 1908-12 ; Dacca, 1912-14 ; Jalpaiguri, 1914-18; Calcutta, 1918-22; Howrah, 1922-43; Superintendent, Mission Press, Calcutta, 1935—; 41, Lome* Circular Road, Calcutta, In d ia. Knlfht. Mrs. C , nie Alice Maria Thomas ; m. 1905 ; C h j^ King’s Road, Reading. (Address as above.) Knights, Trevor, m.b., ch.b. (nkw Zealand), d.t.m. ; Ch.m., North-East Valley Baptist Church, Dunedin ; ap. 1936 ; Yakusu, 1937— ; B.M S., Yakusu, Bout Congo Beige, W.C. Africa. •Uahatte, Mr*.(Widow of Henri Lambotte, B.M.S., Congo, 190Ç-1QX8).Edith Neffie Whitmore ; ap. 19x0; Yakusu, 1910-14 ; m. 1914-18 ; Ck.m ., Bloomsbury. 43, St. John’s Villas, N.19. Lsatkoarne, Arthur Alfred, BRISTOL ; C h jn ., Brighton Road, Croydon ; mp. rou ; San Salvador 19I3“3* ; Bembe, 1933— ; B .M £., Songoleio. via Maiadi, Congo Beige, Wtst Central Africa. Lsmboarne, Mrs. A. A., née Winifred Elizabeth Sleight j m ., 1936 ; Ck.m ., East Park, Hull ; "•M.S., Kibokolo. 1932-1936. (Address as above.) LamSoitme, MISS Annie Jeetle ; C h jn ., Brighton Road, Croydon ; mp. 1917; San Salvador, 1919-32 ; Bembe, 193e— ; B .M S* Songololo, via Matadi, Congo Brig*, West Central Africa. Mils Margaret Hannah, mjl.; CKm ., Bloomsbury, London; ap. 1934; Delhi, 1934-" 3, Ludlow Castle Road, Delhi, India. *Upham, Mrs. (Widow of H. A. Lapham, B.M.S.,Ceylon, 1880-1902), n ie Mary Carter; m. 1881-1922. 36, Courtland Road, Kittgfs Heath, Birmingham. . . tUngUln, Mist Freda Kate ; Ch.m „ Burlington, Ipswich ; ap. 1936 ; Udayagiri, 1926— ; G . Udaya- pn, Ganjam, India. UmML Mlts Grace Rekertsea, MJU, (olasoow) ; Chm ., Dennistoun Glasgow ; ap. 1933 ; Wathen, *933—; B M S ., Wathen, Thysville, Congo Btlgt, West Central Africa. 84 ONK HUNDRED AND FOBTY-FIFTH ANNUAL EEPOBT. [1937,

Lasares, E M a Rickard, kkomtt’s m t j Gum., Rye Lane, Peckbam, London; gp. I91,, Berhampor, 1913-37; Russcllkonda, 1927-32; Cuttack, 1933—; Cuttack, Orissa, India. ' Laaarm, Mrs. E. iL, nie Annie Philadelphia Wells; B i J L , 1907-16 ; m. 19x6; Ck.m. Wydifie, Reading. (Address as above.) 1 L*an, Miss Ellen Mariel, s.b.n. Ch.m,, Urmston Baptist Church, Manchester; ap. 1936; Yakusn. *937— ; J3-M S., Yakusu, Haut Congo Beige, W.C, Africa. ¿Lewis, Hits Elsie B an ; C km ., Osmaston Road, Derby; ap. 1931; Agra, 1931-33 • Bbiwaii *932-35; Delhi. 1935— ; 3, Ludlom Castl* Hoad, DOM, Norik India. w tLaah, Mra. M « , mis Laura NeUte Turner: Ckm. Fenns Park, Hornsey; m. 19x1-16; at 1920; Sinchow, 1910-88 ; Taiyuanfu, 1928— ; EngiisM Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, North Chtiu, ^ Osmaston Road, Derby; ap. 1934; Gaya, 1934-3? ; Bhiwani, Uttar, MiSS Oaratby, ajt.N.; Ck.m., Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh; ap. 1934; Chandraghon* x m — i Ckamdragham, Chittagong B ill Tract*, East Bengaljindia. ' ^ Liayd, Miss CerMwan ; Chj*., Salem, Blaina; ap. 1937 ; designated to China Lacan, Waa Margaret Falaanar, s . * . * Ck.m., John Street, Glasgow; a b , 1909; Tsing. ^ Vcrsity* *9*‘t~39 i Chowtsnn, 1929—; English Baptist Mission, •L a n g , Mrs. (Widow ol A. H. Long, BJULS., India, 1893-1909), m. 1892-1909, 42, Oustley Road London, S.W 12. 'U m H i ilu w t Hartart i CJijfc, Lanadown Hall, Weal Norwood, Loodoo; a£. 1890; fjmgUh 1902-32. 11, Gmmunbmy Crescent, London, IF.3. »Larrala, Mra. i. HL, «Mt* Eleanor Mabel Atkinson; m. 1904; ChmH Lansdown Hall, West Nox- wood, London. (Address as above.) Laaatejr, M a Baiti» ; Ck.m ., Union Church, High Wycombe ; ap. 1922 ; Delhi, 1923-23 ; Palwal, 19*5— ; Baptist Mission, Palwal, Punjab, India. Lawar, Tbaana Eiaacai, trvaoaott'a; Ch.m., Beaconsfield, Bocks; iop. X902; m. (i) 1904-8; Taiyuanfo. 1903-4 ; Sinchow, 1904-10 ; Taiyuanfu, 1910 -11 ; Taichow, 19 11-12 ; Taiyuanfu, 1012-28 ; Beaconafield, X92S-32 ; Taiyuania 1932-33 ; Sinchow, 1935— ; Engfisk Baptist Mission, Sinekou, Skonti. North China, Lnrer, Mrs. T . E , ni» Ethel Gertrude Cooper ; » . 1916 ; CJLm., Beaconsfield Books. (Address a above.) Lawaua, Miss Orati Evelyn ; C km ., Loados Road, Pfcrtsmonth; a p . 1933; Boiobo, 1033—, BJMJS+ Boiobo, Moym Cong? Beige, Wait Control Africa. LMtf, Ricluri, s^.,OAaunr; C i« , Baptist Tabernacle, Darlington ; R.B.M.U., Bihar, 1913-33; ap. B.M.S., 1922 ; Patna, 1922-29 ; Dinapsr, 1929— ; Dinapur, Bikar, India. Land, Mr». R., n it Miriam Jane Jones ; m. *914; C km ., Baptist Tabernacle, Dariington. (Address ■•above.) MeAadraw, /Uhm» Minar; bawoon; GBoomaton Park, Aberdeen; a#. 1925: Ago, 1925-28 ; Delhi, 1928—; 1, Ludlow Casti* Road,Delhi, North India. MeAairsw, Mrs. JL M , u .a~, mi* Dorothy May Honeyboome ; m . 1928 ; Ch.m. C. oí E.; C.M.S, 1921-1926. (Address as above.) tMaaBaatt, Andrew tttlbart Waartaaa, a x , b.d., sonrao»» omr, mkw com «, sdinbobcb (o .rx x ), AXD *xrr. ra., olasoow; Chjn~ Charlotte, Edinburgh; ap. 1924; Boiobo, 1923-31; Tshambiri, 19 3 1; Boitobo, X931— ; B .M¿ 7, Boiobo, Moyen Congo Beige, West Central Afrit*. jMaalaali, Mrs. A. 8 . W., n4* Emmie Fltchbacher; m. 1929; C k m ., Charlotte, Edinburgh. (Addrta» as above.) M uianMi, Mlaa Haim Laaisa, u jl., lomook umit. ; Ch.m., Pockham Rye Tabernacle; ap. 1916 Delhi, 1926— ; Darayganj, Delhi, India. *M rtH H . HllMWtf MapplB. aom rw ootj Ckm* Pmtfpoci; # . X684; ; Muttra, 1692- 1900; Baokiptur, 1900-2 ; Muttra, 1903- 7 ; Agra, 1907- 2 0 ; Kharxr, 1920- 3 3 ; Simla, 1921-46. v j, W&bmy VWas, Boo*, Sw u *. * I d «task, Nra. K.M^ mi* Kate Prideanx; m. 1887; Ckm* Wellington (Sooou) CaogxegstiooaL {Addxew as abovej •Meuatf, Wat #Mll^ ap. X898; Gays, 1898-32. C/a 44, Lamar Cktuiar ¡toad, Calcutta, India. •Madeliy, rnak, a x (wn.), «asrob: Ckm , Hotield, Briatol; ap. <897; Sianfa, i«97-‘ 9«í¡ Tslogcbowfu, 1909-30. 36, Stanmore Rood, Edgbaskm, Birmingham. •Ma4atay, Mr», F , mi0 Rorowe Docket* Nowell; m. 1904; Chmv Palgntaa. (Address as above.) M aifk Enaat Oaarga Taylar, »*., a.©., »rutol ; CAj«., South Street, Exeter; ap. 1935; Taicto», i9 iy - :, É*glitk Baptist Mitsum. Taichow, Shansi, North China. WUjt r, Mlat Fraacaa a.».*.; C km .. Tabernacle, Swindon; ap. 1920: Slanhi, 1921-26; Cho*t atm, 1926-28; Sianfu, 1928—; English Baptist Mission, Siaafu, Shensi, Norik China. r, Miss 4aatia Amalla; Ckm., Devonshire Square, Stoke Newington; ap. 1908; Sioebo«> ' '* 931- 37; efo *9, Fvrnival Street, London, B.C.4. Mamaa, Waa Q htU tiM ; Ckm., Q m m 'a l^rk, G im §m t ap. 1023 j Cakmtta, 1993-39; Chan**- dwna, 1929-32; Raagamati, 193a—; Rtmgamati, Chittagong H ill Tracts, Bsm&l, India. _ Marfcar, Jaaat Htory, mistol ; Ckm., Geocga Street, Plymoath; ap. 1906; U90I0, i9°7~*: B ,M ^ U p U o, Usala, H a ¿¡Congo B efa, WeM C e ^ A fr i c a . ^ 937.] LIST OF MISSIONARIES, ADDRESSES, ETC. 85

! Hark*, Mrs. <1. Hn n it Etbellada Janie Morrison Gill ; m. igzo ; Ck.m., George Street, Plymouth, as above.) M.nriee, leuan Qeorro, B.A., bristol; Ch.m., Newport, Pern.; ap. 1936; Wathen, 1937—; jjf.5., Wathen, Thysviue, Bos Congo, Beige, W.C. A frica. ! Medway, Mu Dorothy Bran, m.b., b.s. (lond.) ; Ch.m., Church Road, Acton ; ap. 1930 ; Palwal, L31-35 ; Bhiwani, 1935-36 ; Dholpur, 1936— ; Dholpur, Rajputana, North India. I Mill, Alexander B N r n , spükoeon’s and uvxxgstom* ; C h jn * Crawley; ap. 1911; Yaknsn L " ; D.MS., Yakusu, Haul Congo Beige, Wat Central Africa. I Mill. Mr*. A. né* Ethel C. S tarte ; m. 1918 ; C hjnn St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge, [ddrtssai above.) I Milled!*» Miss Ellen ; Chjn^ Brighton Road, Croydon; ap. 1922 ; Wathen, 1921-1923; hvsvüte, 19*3-24 ; San Salvador, 1924-27 : Wathen, 1927-34 ; ThyiviHe, 1934 ; San Salvador, 1934-35; Kbokolo, 1935— ; Missao Baptist». Quibocolo, Maquela do Zombo, Congo Portvgues, West Central Unca. f iMillmaa, William, boko* soao ; Ch.m., Clarendon Hall, Leicester ; ap. 1897; m. (i) 1901-2 ; Upoto, 97-99; Yakusu, 1899— ; BMJS ., Yakusu, Haut Congo Beige, Wat Central Africa. iMBIman, Mrs. W., n i* Edith Rebecca Stevens ; m. (i) Rev. W. H. Stapleton, m. (ii) 1908 ; Chjm., irlowes. Hemei Hempstead. (Address as above.) «Milne, WDUam Wkfcavt, kdinburoh ; Chsn., Bristo Place, Edinburgh ; * p . 1896 ; Barisal, 1896- »2 : Madaripur, 1903-8 ; Senunpor, 1908-10 ; Khulna, 19x0-33 ; J essore, 19*3-06; Narayanganj, ,26-27. The Poplars, Station Roadt Ikmishen, Cardiff. •Milas, Mrs. W. W, n ie Jeaoie Lowe ; m. 1899 ; Ch.m., Bristo Place, Edinburgh. (Address as abovej ‘ MKchlil, Mr*. (Widow of W. S. Mitchell, BJLS. India 1885-1914), n ie Emilie Broadway ; m. I8&-1933 ; Ckm ., Howrah, India. Potter Street, Dondewong. Victoria, Australia. ’ Mookerje*, Sat Saraa, b ju , sk ram p u* ; C hjn., Serampur ; ap. 1897 ; Dacca, 1897-99; Magnra, 99-1904 ; Senunpor, 1904-7 ; Magma, 1907-13 ; Senunpor, 1913-27. 6-8, Eidalia Road, BaUyganj, tlcutla, India. •MookorJ«*, Mrs. 8. t, Susila Bala Banerji ; m. 1887 ; C h jn ., Jessore. (Address as above.) 'Moors, Miss Eleanor Laaisa; n p .in India, 1893; Barisal, 1892-19x4;Daoca, 19x4-16. Lamriya Offiu, Ckamparen, Bihar, In d ia. "Moor*, Miss Florence ; C *jV ictoria Road, Clapham : ap. 1899 ; Delhi. 1899-19ir : Kharar, 11-23 ; Baraat, 1933-36 ; Delhi, 1926-38 ; Palwal, 1938-39 ; Agra, 1939-30 ; Delhi, 1930-32 ; Palwal, 32-33. C/o 44, Lower Circular Road, Calcutta. •Morgan, MU* EmaeflM Mary; C h j* ., Unity Street, Bristol ; ap. 1896; Bhtwani, 1897-1900; Delhi, >00-31. 7, Upper Cranbrooh Road, Redland, BristoL ’ Morgan, Evan, d.o. (wales); bristol; Chjm^ Tyndale, Bristol; ap. 1884; Taiyuanfu, 1884-92; anfu, 1892 ; Taiyuanfu. 1892-1906 ; Shanghai, 1906-35. 4, Greenway Road, Redland, Bristol 6. •Morjan, Mr*. E^ n ie Marion Lindsay Woedon ; m. 1886 ; C h jn ., Tyndale, Bristol. (Address as above.) Morgan, Batart Une, s l a , so»., C a r d i f f ; Ch.m., Manor Park, London ; ap. 1930 ; Agra, 1930-33; iltii, 1932-33 ; Bhiwani, 1933— ; Bhiwani, Punjab, India. Morgan, Mra. R. 1», nie Agnes Alexandra Walton Shearer ; m. 1932 ; Ck.m ., Rattray Street, Dundee ; ’• 1929 ; Bhiwani, 1939-33. (Address as above.) •Morrb, John Dry den, seram poti ; Ch.m., Daoca, India ; ap. 1887 ; Barisal, 1887-91 ; Dacca, 91-19x1 ; Jessore, 1911-13 ; Daoca, 19x3-14. No. 22, Cantonments, Shahjahanpur, UJ>^ Indin. Morrith, Edgar Henry; exktkr ; C km ., City Road, Bristol ; ap. 192a ; m. fi) 1923-26 ; Upoto, 23-30 ; Kimpese, 1930— ; EcoU d* Pasteurs et d'instituteurs, Ktmpae, via Uatadi, Congo Beige, West Mral Africa. Morriih, Mrs. E. H, née Helen Mary Palmer ; m. 1931 ; C km ., Conduit Road, Plumstead ; ap. 1928 ; P», India, 1938-31. ( Address as above.) Moult, Mtu Annie En taa, b.a. ; CJun^ Upper Holloway ; ap. 1915 ; Calcutta, 1915-19; Ballygnnge amm« CoUege, 1919—; 1-3, Ballygnnge, Circular Road, Calcutta. Mooney, Mitt Winifred Janie, S.R.M. ; C km ., Spalding ; ap. 1929 ; Berhampor, 1930— ; Btrhampur, to/owi, Indigo Mojle*, Mis* Alice Darts, s.*.*. ; Ckm., Metropolitan Tabernacle, London ; ap. 1935; Yakusu, ; B.M S., Yakusu, Haut Congo Beige, West Central Africa. tMadd, WBIitfli, manchkstkr ; Ck.m ., Bethel, Waterloo t ; ap. 1909 ; Siaafu. 1909-31 ; San Yuan, *»7 4’ yint*an» 19*4-26; San yuan, 1936—; English Baptist Mission, Sanynan, Shensi, North

t**«dd, Mrs. W , ni* Charlotte Howorth ; » . 1911 ; C km ., Zion, Bacup. (Address as above.) ‘ Mahsmmad, Lai ; ap. 19x9 ; Delhi, 1919-29. Delhi, India. •Mahammai, Mrs, L. (Address as above.) ith **?• iWidow ol B, A. Nag, B.M.S. Indian Home Missionary, 1900-36), «de Shoma Mukhi iliuii,, ' 1 893-ï937 ; Ch.m., Circular Road, Calcutta. 16 Congress Exhibition Road, Park Cirons, 86 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [19J

Natten, Min Winifred, s.r.n. ; Ck.m ., Howard Street, North Shield* ; ap. 1934 ; Peking Languj School. 1934-35 ; Sianfu, 1935— ; English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, Nom China. Neal, Albert Reabea ; smjrgxow’a ; Clum., Tonbridge ; ap. 1935 ; Yalemba, 1926-35 ; Kind,,, 1935-37 ; Yalemba, 1937—; B .M S ., YaUmba, Haut Congo Beige, West Centrai Africa. N»al, Mrs. A. R* n it Gladys Bli». S.R.M. ; tn. 1929 ; Ch.m ., Stan well Road, Penarth; ap iq2 Bolobo, 1931-1938. (Address as above.) Newbery, Bidals Jane», BRISTOL ; CA.«., KHraington ; ap. T924 ; Upoto. 1936-34 5 Lukolel 1934—35 ; Tshumbiri, 1935-37 ; Bolobo, 1937—; B.M .S., Bolobo, Moyen Congo Beige, West Central A/m Newbery, Mrs. S. J., n ie Mbit Cunningham Thomson, s.r.h. ; » . 1938 ; : Kümingta Regions Beyond Missionary Union, lkau, 1926-28. (Address as above.) W—tea, Jai» OeiwiU, spüroxon’s : C k .* ., South Street, Exeter; ap. 1936: Sianfu 10«- English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, North China. •NkkaUs, E A n rt Oarey, bristol ; C hm ., Cotham Grove, Bristol; ap. 1886; Tsingchowfu, 2881 93 ; Tsowping, 1893-1905 ; rachen, 1903-8 ; Tsowping, 1908-9 ; Tsingchowfu, 1909-33. zo, Brampk Road, St. Albans, Berts. •NickaBt, Mn. E. Q« »4» Mary Kirby; ». z888 ; Ck.m ., CUpston. (Address as above.) ■Neble, Mrs. (Widow of Peter Noble, B.M.S., India, 1903-32), n ie Ethel Annie Forrest ; ». x903-2 7,Learmo*th Place, Edinburgh. •Nerledge, * « • (Widow of T. W. Norledge, B.M.S., India, 1889-1919), n ie Ruth Ellen Lane ; B.Z.Ï Calcutta, 1905-11 ; » . 1911-35. Elstom, The Grove, West Wickham, Kent. HartMH, Herbert Deanis, m ju, r n n n n n , cámbricos, ajto w taxn t’ s wámx. ; C h j*., Darlin ton ; *p . 1930 ; Dacca, 1923-23 ; Barisal, 1923-37 ; Dacca, 1927— ; Dacca, Bast Bengal, India. fMortMMd, lbs. H. D., n ie Gladys L. Bray ; ». 1923. (Address as above.) OSrcr. Wss E tM Maade, a.*.*. ; Ck.m., Cambray, Cheltenham ; ap. 1922 ; Langleh, 1922- LwtgUh, South Lusha* Hüls, via Chittagong, Bengai, India. •Pa*s, Walter Sattea, ».a. (lowd.), *j». (st. asohws), a.»*, o.a.x., rxoxmt's paxx; c*.» Downs, Clapton, Loodoo ; ap. 1896 ; Barisal. 1896-99 ¡ Serampur, 1899-1901 ; Dacca, 1901-s Serampur, 1909-13; Calcutta, 1913-16; Lecturer in Bengali, School of Oriental Studies, Loada 1930— ; Warden, Sir Alfred Pearce Gould Memorial Hostel, 1933-34 ; Higbams Park, Chingford, mi- xz. Credent Road, Chingford, London, R4. , ’ Page, Mn. W. mée Mabel Summers; m. 1900; Chjm., Downs, Clapton, London. (Addre as above.) PaHlng. William Pern, ph.c., *.p.s., *.d., rxgxwt's park : CA.»., Chester Road, Birmingham <3^1914 ; Shantung Christian University, 1914—» English Baptist Mission, Tsinanfu, Shantung, Non P alag, Mr«. W. P.. n ie Muriel L. Coombs ; tn. I9r6; Ckjmn Chester Road, Birmingham. (Addre­ ss above.) tPalawr, ABM I v m L u u aaounra par*: Chjm^ Patmshsm, NÄW.; ap. 1909 ; Yakmbi 1909—; B .M S., Yalemba/Haul Congo Beige, Wait Central Africa. iPalaar, Mn. A. fc. a ^ , svdmsy, n ie Lüy dant Purnell; m. 1913; Ck m ., Panamatta Cooi Church, NÍ.W. (Address as above.) ?Partdasm, Keaaeth Oeatsan, m.a., caxnr’s colukjx, cambridox and bristol ; CA.m., Georgi Lane, South Woodford ; »p. 1937 ; Yakusu, 1938— ; Yakusu, Haut Congo Beige, West Cat** A frica. Parfis, Habar! Beajaaria j C km ., Martowes, Heznel Hempstead ; ap. 1923 ; Yakusu, 1922-; BM S..Yahusu, Haut Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Parris, Mrs. H. B* nie Gladys Constance Owen, sji.k. ; ». 1933 ; C km ., Lewisham Road, Green wich ; ap. 1933 ; Yakusu, 1933-33. (Address as above,) **trm - m ai— OlarkSM, M.a., cj<. (sow) ; Ckm ^ DabHn Street, Edinbuijrb; ap. 189*; m. (I) 189&-1912 ; Tsowping, 1893-1914 ; Tsingchowfu, 1914-38. 5a, Quern Street, EtHttburgh. * Petarse», Mrs. T . 0 ., nie Annie Smyth Aldridge ; C km ., Rye Lane, Peckham ; B.Z.M., i 8g4-i9«¡, » . 1913. (Address as above.) •Paira, dabex ; ap. 3933 ; Cuttack, 1923-33. Cuttack, Orissa, India. •Paira, Mrs. A. (Address as above.) * Payas, Mbs E tM Mary ; Ch.m^ Downs Chapel Claptoa ; ap. 1900; Calcutta, 1900-8; S4 1908-11 ; Calcutta, 1911-33. 1, Forest Approach, Woodford Gram, Esses. Pmmt, Henry, makchxstxr ; C hm * Ebenerer, Searborotwh ; ap. 1903 ; Chowtsun, 1905-;; rs0wptag/x907-l4 ! maanfo, 19*5— ; English Baptist Mission, Tsinemfu, Shantung, North Chine. Payas, Mn, H* n ie Elisabeth Jessie Farquhar ; ». 1907 ; C km ., Ebeneser Scarborough. (A as above.) Paares, W l fT M i Wltfc. sraaoson*« i CJkj», Grove Road, New Southgate, London : »p. ». (i) 1908-1935 ; Buthgamuwa, 1906-8 ; Ratnapura, 1909-ri ; Colombo, 1911-13 : Matalc, 19'.13,

PlinOfl, MItS Adi Mary ; Ck.m ., River Street, Tran ; ap. 1910 ; Tsfaigchowfu, 1920-31 ; Taiyuanfu. 1921-33 ; Sinchow, 1923-30 ; Taiyuanfu, 1930— ; English Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, Norm China. Pearson, Mm Minnie Blanch s Ch.m., Shirley, Southampton ; ap. x910; Bhiwani, 19x0-13; Kharar. 1913-23 ; Agra, 1923-45 ; Bhlwani, 1925— ; Bkiteani, Punjab, North India. PmMMT« Min Emily, BJC.; Ch.m., Caxton ; ap. 1922; Taiyuanfu, 1923— ; English Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, North China. PltliC, Mlu Manu Forbes, s.r.k.; Ch.m., Crown Tenace, Aberdeen ; ap. 1922 ; Bolobo, 1922—; B JIS-t Bolobo, Moyen Congo Beige, West Central Africa. PhilMS, w** Dorothea Mary ; Ck.m ., Rye Lane, Peckham, London ; ap. 1925 ; Patna, 1925-27 ; Gaya, 1927— ; Gaya, Bihar, India. PHI«#* Edward Lloyd, iu ., jssik coixaa*. caxbridgk ; Ck.m * Bloomsbury ; ap ., 1924 ; Sianio, 1925-48 ; Tsinanfu, 1928— ; English Baptist Mission, Tsinanfu, Shantung, North China. PMKIPS, Mr*. E. Im,, née Enid Beatrice Gibbon ; in. 1927 ; Ch.m., Melbourne Hall, Leicester. (Address as above.) ‘ Phillips, Henry Rasa, spotokoh’*; C km ., Vernon, King’s Ctom, London: ap. 1886; m. (i) 1888-98 ; San Salvador, 1886-1901 ; Matadi, 1901-2 ; San Salvador, 1902-3 ; Matadi, 1903-19 ; Kinshasa, 1919-28 ; Congo Secretary, 1909-25 ; San Salvador, 1928-30. cfo 19, Fum ival Street, London, E'C.4- •PfclH^S, Mrs. H. R^ «fc-Agosta Anna Nyvall; m. (1) Rev. Mr. Batter, (il) 1908 ; Ckm ^ Vemon, King's Cross, London. Plpsr, Oevgtas Norman Olarksen, «*.*., cubist’s colusoe, cakbridgx, am» sroaoaow’s ; Ckm . Burlington, Ipswich ; ap. 1924 ; Patna, 1923-29 ; Palwal, 1929— ; Palwal, South Punjab, North India. Piper, Mn. D. N. C., née Catherine Jane Bain, s.r.n. ; m. 1931 ; C km ., Burlington, Ipswich; p. 1929 ; Palwal,>929-30 ; Bhiwani, 2930-31. (Address as above.) Pitman, Miss Florutce Ena Madeleine ; Ch.m., Newport, Isle of Wight ; ap. 1926 ; Jeasore 1926-30 ; Dinajpur, 1930-31 ; EntaUy, 1931-32 ; Dinaj pur, 1932— ; Dinajpur, North Bengal, India. ¡PortesM, Min Hilda, C km ., Tyndale, Bristol ; ap. 1912 ; Delhi, 1912-31 ; Baraut, 1931—; Bamut, near D elhi, India. * Potter, Mrs. (Widow of J. G. Potter, B.fcLS.. India, 1881-1921), née Alice Kirby; m. 1891-1933; Ci.m., Clipston ; Danahunt, Champion HOI, London, SM . 5. Pradhan, Benjamin, Bjl ., bjd., skrakporx ; Ckm ., Cuttack ; ap. 1925 ; Cuttack, 1925—; Cuttack, Orissa, India. Pradhan, Mrs. B„ née Pnspakeshi Mabanty ; m. 1926 ; C km ., Cuttack. (Address as above.) {Price, Ernest, BJL^ bjd. (m>*d.), Bristol: Ckm ^ Cemetery Road, Sheffield ; Graham Street. Birmingham, 1899-1906 ; Cemetery Road, Sheffield, 1906-1910 ; mp. BJLS. 19x0 ; President, Calabar College, Kingston, 1910-37. c/o 19, Fumival Street, London, E.C.4. IPrtca, Mrs. E^ nee Edith Lettua Woodward ; m. 1904 ; C k m ., Cemetery Road, Sheffield. (Address as above.) Price, Entect Woodward, M.A., mb., b.cb. (cahtab.), d.t.k. : C km ., Ferme Parie, Hornsey; «Î.1934 ; Bolobo, 1935-36 ; Pinra, 1936— : B.AÎ.S., Pim u, c/o M . Contos, Bongela, Haut Congo Beige West Central Africa. Price, Frederick William, bahut; C km ,, Darenfelen. Llanelly Hill, aydach; ap. 1911; Sin- cnow, 1911-15 ; TaiChow, 1015-1922 ; Sinchow, 1922-35 ; Taiyuanfu, 1935—; English Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu. Shansi. North China. :Pr!ce, Mrs. F. W„ née May Rose NicoQe ; m. 1915 ; C km ., Bethel, Bassatag. Paih, Oharts* Edfar, Bristol ; Ck.m ., Rye Lane, Peckham ; Snmmerhill. Newport, Mon. (Co- Pastor), 1906-09 ~ ap. 1909 ; Yakusu, 1909-24 ; Kinshasa, 1925— ; Congo Secretary, 1925— ; B.US., UopoldotOe-Esi, Congo Bilge, West Central Africa. P>|h, Mrs. O .L,qA Lilian Gwendoline Evans ; at. 19x2 ; Ckm n Commercial Street, Newport, «on. (Address as above.) Rsdley, Min Benjaatin, spobokow’s ; C km ., Rye Lane, Peckham, London ; *p . 1911 ; Gonawela, 1912-14 ; Ratnapora, 1915-28 ; Colombo, 1928-30 ; Kandy, 1930-3* ; Matale, 193*— i Matale, Ceylon. » i* 4***1 Mrs. J. B., née Florence Sophia Roberts ; m. 1914 ; C*jw., Rye Lane, Peckham. (Address ® tbovç») fitter, Francis John, bpokoxok’s ; Cl.«*.. Peckham Rye Tabernacle: ap . 1928 ; Faridpur, 1929- 32; Langleh, 1932— ; LungUh, Sort* Lushai Hills, via Chittagong, Bengal, India. I, «M*r, M * r . I.. »4« Florenoe Elisabeth Rioe ; m., 1931 ; C km ., Peckham Rye Tabernacle. ¡(Address as above.) ****» John Dwtald, bristol ; Ckm^ Waterhouses ; »p. 190a ; Barisal, 1903-4 ; Serampur. 1904-11 ; 3:9,3-31 * Malv*n1» *93*-s6 ; Hatch End, Pinner, 1936—; 47, Furham Fields, '***>,Ifc*. <1. D., née Lily Grace Robinson; m. 19x1 ; C km ., Boscombe; ap. 1905; Colombo *9oj-n, (Address as above.) Radin,, b.d. (lond); tjtaoa, oxford,ahd moxki’s park; C km ., Sher- woow Hoad, Carrington. Nottingham ; ap. 1904 ; Daoca, 1903-10; Serampur, 19x0—; The College, ^ampur, E.I.H ,, Bengal, India. * r u é . 1L ,n é e Mabel Wheatley ; m. 1914 ; C km ., St. Chad’s Church, Derby. (Address as w.Kwcs, Mist Uly MUIIcent ; Ckm ., West End, Hammersmith; ap. 1928; Ratnapura, 1928-30; :nmu^e’ i Ratnapura, 1932-33 ; Matale, 1935-37; Ratnapura **37— , Ratuapura, Sabara- s «wira Distrtet, Ceylon. 88 OiiE HUNDRED AND PORTr-PIPTff ANNUAL REPORT. [1937

•ReM, Mr*, (widow of J . Rdd, B J iS ., India, 1903-301, nit Jean MacKenxie; m. 1905-39 • Christchurch Road, Worthing. 86, Spottiswoode Strut, Edinburgh. ^ Railing, Hitt Geertnrife, Ckm* Stadskanaal, Holland; ap. 1923; Yakosn, 1933— ; BJfJ. Yakum, Haul Congo Beige, Wo* Control Afrit». Rsyaettfs, OMrgt Dsnial, hju, Cambridge ; Ckm., Heme Bay; op. 19 19 ; Agra, 1921— ; VJP., Indio. Reyaetds, Mr*, tt. D., n it Eupbemia Olive Robson; m. 1933; Ckm* C. of E. (Addreaa as abovej Rayaeids, WIIBsm Daaisi, *ju , B.D ., mustol ; Ckm., S t Hellers, Jersey; op. 19 13; Upoto. 19 13 -a i; Kimpeae, 19 31-3 3; Upoto, 19 33-35; Kimpeae, 19*5-30; VVathen, 1939-30; Kimpose, 193a— Eicou do Pasttun ri d l nstiluUmt, Kimpise, via Matadi, Congo Beige, Wott Central Africa, Reynolds, Mrs. W. D„ nit Mabel Gladys Pearce; m. 19 17 ; C km ., Beckenham. (Address as above.) RlekaNs, Mitt Qwyncth Bledwea; Ckm.. Barry Dock; ap. 19 33; Calcutta, 1933-33 ; Jason 19 35-33; Dacca, 1933— ; Dacca, East Btngal, India. RMsr, Miss Alice L n it t ; C km ., Woodberry Down, Stamford HOI, London; ap. 1935; Pataa, 19 35-32; Gaya, 1933-35 ; Baraut, 1935— ; Boraut, near Delhi, North Indio. RsM, Miss ilniii Fattaa, kju. olasoow: C km .. Victoria Place, Paisley; op. 1936; Calcutta. 1936-30; Delhi, 1930—; Baptist Mission, Ludlom Como ‘Road, Delhi, India. Rsfcerts, David Tkeaus, i~c.p., card»* otiv., Ckm., Salem, Maesta?; ap. 1933; Cuttack, *933— ; Stomtol School, Cuttack, Orissa, India. Rekerts, Mrs. D. T, tU* Gwlady* May Griffiths; m. 1933; Ckm, Sekm Cong. Ch.,Caarso. (Addica as above.; ReMnsoil, Sidney Frank; Cknu, Peckham Rye Tabernacle, London ; op. 19 33; Cuttack, 1923-; Orisso Mission Press, Cuttack, Orissa, India. RsMnsaa, Mrs. I.r^nM Nellie Ethel Welch; m. 19 33; Ckm* Peckham Rye Tabernacle, London. (Address as above.) Rossttar, Mss Eaffly Aaait, S-R.ii.; Ckm.. Upper Holloway; op. 1 9 1 1; Taiyuanfu, 19 11-; English Baptist Mission, Tasyuanfu, Shansi, North China. Ran* Mss Edttk Mabel; Ckm^ City Road, Bristol; op. 1919 ; Serampur, 1930-33 ; Calcutta, Barisal, 1923-34; Jeasore, 1934-35; Dacca, 1935-30; Dinajpar, 1930— ; Dinajpur, Norik

Raneil, Artkar Okaries; srmoKox’s ; C km ., Ffllebrook, Leytonstore, Loodon; ap. 1933; Watben, 1931-37 ; Thysville, 1937— ; B.M S., Thysville, Congo Beige, West Central Africa. t i llli, Mrs. A. ft* nio Hetty Olivia Glen Smith; m. 1934 ; C km ., Counterxüp, Bristol; B.Mi. Congo 1931-34. (Address as above.) RiisseH, Frederick Maalev, miolamd ; C km .. Tabernacle, Swindon ; op. 1913; Sianfu, 1913-15; San Yuan, 1915-16; Yenanfu, 1917-1$; Sianfu, 1919-34; Sanyuan. 1934-35; Sianfu, 1925—; English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shansi, North China. ;Rmse!i, Mrs. f . k , n i * Gertrude Mary Thomas ; m., 1915 ; C km ., Tabernacle, Swindon. Rassail, Janes, s x , sr. aj»drbw's uxit., Glasgow omit., a» d olascow thiol, collbci ; C U Ward Street, Dundee ; ap. 1937 ; San Salvador, 1928—; BM J>., Songololo, via Matadi, Congo Dtigt, West Control A frica. RasssN, Mrs. J , n it Elizabeth Walker ; m. 1930 ; C km * Hamilton. (Address as above.) Rallwrtsri. Miss ttadys, ch.b., d.t.m. (uvsrpool) ; C k m ., Seftoo Park Presbyterian Chorcb, Liverpool ; ap. 1933; Bhiwani, 1933-33; Dhoipor, 1935—; Dholpur, Rajputona, North Indio. Ryder, Edwin TkSSNfS, 1^., b.d., regkwt's park and XAMsraut, oxtohd ; Ckm ., Small Heath, BLmingbam ; ap. 1934 ; Balangir, 1934-35 ; Cuttack, 1935—; Cuttack, Orissa, India. Ryder, Mrs, E. T« »•*., »¿»Muriel Olive Backhouse ; m. 1937; Ch.m., Brownhill Road, Cattord; Bcrhampur, 1936-37. (Address as above.) «ai men, RwtaM Oflfferi, spvroson's ; C km ., Holmesdale Road, South Norwood ; op. 1930. Kibokolo, 1931-36 ; Thysville, 1936-37 ; Lëopoldville, 1937— ; B .M S ., West UopotdviUo-Est, Congo Bde, Control Africa. M nsa, Mrs, R, 0 * n it Millicent Bertha Chapman ; m. 1931 ; C k m ., Burlington, Ipswicb; *P- 1930 ; San Salvador, 1930-31. (Address as above.) •abfcarc, Pstsr, m.d. (haixs), uucjp. & s. (ksi».) ; C km ., Tredegarvillc, Cardiff ; ap. 1936; San Salvador, 1936— ; B.M JS., Songololo. ma Matadi, Congo Beige, Wtst Central Africa. •Saatft, nrt. (Widow at P. N. Santb, B.Hi. Puraeah i9»*-34>- Pwnoah, North Btngol, Indio. Sarkar, Aavtta L4d, m.a. (calcutta), b.d. (ikrampvr): op. ioar ; Serampur, 1931-38; Khulna, 1928-33 ; Jessore, 1933-36 ; Scrampore, 1936-- ;Strampore, Bengal, India. tarfcar, Mrs. A. L. (Address as above.) Sarkar, lada Hatil ; ap. 1921 ; Barisal, 19*1-33; Khulna, 1933—; Khulna, Btngol, India. tarkar, Mrs. I. N. (Address as above.) •astaa, H e k , m.»., ch.b. (*ot>r.) : C h jn ., Teddington ; a p .x 934; San Salvador, 1934— ; Songololo, via Matadi, Congo Beige, West CentrolAfZa. taiiso, Mrs^ n it Kathleen Millicent Allison ; m. 1934 ; C h jn ., Teddingtoo. (Address as above.) laatl, dann Gantraa, u j ^ ,, olasoow ; C km ., Kirkintilloch ; ap. i«a8 : Poking Un*V*J School, 19*9-30 ; Sanyuan, 1930-31 ; Tsinanfu, 1931— : English Baptist Mission, Tstnanfu, Skantm North China. 1937.] l is t o f missionaries , a d d r e s s e s , e t c . 89

geott, Mrs. 4. 0* n i* Caroline Torrance Prentice ; m., 1931 ; Chm * Wishaw. (Address as above.) geott, Hitt tophia MeOullam, M X , glasgow; Ch.m., Adelaide Place, Glasgow - ap. 1933; Lan­ gage School, Peking, 1933-34; Chowtsun, 1934- 3 3 ; Tsingchowfu, 1935— ; English Baptist Mission, Tsingchowfu, Shantung, North China. gelwood, Arthur Ernest, b.a., bristol ; Ch.m. Broad mead, Bristol ; ap. 1928 ; Dacca, 1929*32 ; Rangpur, 1932-37, Dacca, 1937—; Dacca, East Bengal, India. gelwtatf, Mrs. A E., n it Eveline Florence Hackney ; m * 1932 ; Ch.m., Broadmead, Bristol. (Addresi is above.) [ jghaw, flaarga William, sporgeok’s ; Ch.m., Haddon Hall, London ; ap. 1902 ; Barisal, 1902-4; ! Dacca, *904-3 ; Bishtupur, 1903-22 ; Khulna, 1922-27 ; Jessore, 1927-31 ; Howrah, 1932-37. c/o ! 19, Fumtval strut, London, E.C.4. I :iHa«i Mra.0 . W., n i* Louisa Beatrice Finch ; m. 2903 ; C km ., Cotham Grove, Bristol ; ap. Baptist i Zenana Mission, 1897-1905 ; (Address as above.) 'shields, John, u t u v ; C h jn * Sooth Street, Greenwich; ap. 1908; Sianfu, 1908-11; San yoan 1911-45 ; Yenanfu, 1914-15 ; Sianfu, 1915-31 ; Westward Ho, 1932-34 ; Bessels Green, Seven- oalu, 1934— ; Baptist Manse, Bessels Green, Seoenoahs, Kent. •Mal«* Mrs. 4* née Malvina Harriet Green; C hjn * South Street, Greenwich; m. 2912; Baptist Zenana Mission, 1909-12. *MarraalL Artkar Ooatkk, B.A. (lohd.), regent’s park ; C h jn ., Wraysbury ; ap. 1886 ; m. 1900-26; Taiyuanfu, 1886-92 ; Sianfu, 1892-1927. Vinelea, 25, Col* Park Road, Twickenham, Middlesex. Sidey, J i m TfeanpS«*, Raw doh • Ck.m., Castigate, Bcrwick-on-Tweed ; ap. 1923 ; Patna, 1933-25 ; Gaya, 1935— ; Gaya, E J.R * North India Sidey, Mn. J. T.,, née Phyllis Emily Harris ; m. 1925 ; Chm .. Rushden ; ap. 1923 ; Patna, 1923-25- •Slfton, Mbs Harrlatta, b^l, (iavd.); C hm * West End, Hammersmith; ap. 1899; Tsingcbowta, 1899—1915 ; Chouping, 1916-20 ; Tsingchowfu, 1921-23 ; Peichen, 1923-^26. Lynch End, Lynch Road, Ftrnkam, Surrey. Simpson, Andrew Robert Oran : «oewt’s park ; C hm * Fülebrook, Levions tone ; ap. 1922 ; Yalemba, 1923— ; B M S * Yalemba, Hat* Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Hainan, Mn. A. R. D., né* Mary Evelyn Kirby ; m. 1923 ; Chm ., Melbourne Hall, Leicester. Singh, Misa BHk« ; ap. 1022 ; Kharar, 1922-23 Baraut, 1923-25 ; Delhi, 1926—; Baptist Mission, Darayaganj, D d ki, Punjab, In d ia . 8«ith, Mn. Donald, n i* Christina Algie Thompson ; Ch.m ., Ardbeg, Rothesay; m. 1910-1923 ; ap. 1934 ; 'Ringchowtu, 1923— ; English Baptist Mission, Tsingchowfu, Shantung, North China. J Smith, Miu Edith Kate; Ck.m., Malvern: ap. 1924 ; Udayaxiri. 1024-2*: Barisal. 1925-27; Khulna, 1927-32 ; Dacca, 1933-37 ; Laksmikantapur, 1937— ; Laksmikantapur, P.O. Mograkat, Bengal, India. Smith, Misa Ella Eagatfa, S.R.N. • Ch.m., Biggin Hill ; ap. 1934 ; Kibentele, 1935-37 ; Wathen, 1937— ; B.M .S., Wathen, Thysville, Bas Congo Beige, lF«f Central Africa. Smith, Frank Waldington, rawdon ; C h jn * Harehills Lane, Leeds ; ap. 1930 ; Barisal, 1932-33 ; Rangpur, 1933— ; Rangpur, North Bengal, India. Smith, Mrs. F. W* nie Lily Waterhouse; in. 1936; C h jn ., Slack Lane, Oakworth. (Address as above.) Smith, Miss HIM* Ethel ; Ch.m., Burlington, Ipswich; ap. 1927 ; Palwal, 1927—; Palwal, South Punjab. North India. 'Smith, fiaarga AnfttO ; C hm * Cambray, Cheltenham ; ap. 1891 ; Simla, 1891-96 ; Kharar, 1896- >9>3 ; Agra, 19x4-13 ; Simla, 1913 ; Banut, 1913-23. 145, East Dulwich Grove, Dulmch Village, Wm, SJS m . „ ’ Smith, Mrs. 8. A * n ie Mary Jessie Phillips ; m. 1898 ; C h jn * Portland Street, Southampton. Baptist Zenana Mission, 1895-98. (Address a* above.) *8mith, Mrs. (Widow of H. Sutton Smith, BJ&S., Congo, 1899-1910 ; China, 1911-17); «Mit Ethei ™nle Thuisfield ; m * 1909-17. Yakusu Cottage, AudUm, Cheshire. latftk. John Hendsrton, rawdon ; Chm * Kirton Lindsey ; ap. 1935; Sinchow, 1935—; English B'ptut Mission, Stnckom, Sha*si, North China. •Smith, Kenrtd, bristol and livinostohs ; Ch.m., St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge ; ap. 1895: r j ) . ,89^ f f ty yfffi*0* 1900-1 » Upoto, 1901-7; Bolobo, 1907-8; Upoto, UtOOVQj*8aUth, Mr*. K., n ie Ethel Mary Walker ; m. 1910 ; C hm ., Aoock’s Green, Birmingham. (Address Smartftwalta, Min Any Mary i Ch.m* Smethwick ; ap. 1920; Chowtsun, 1921-27; Colombo, Myna, 1928-29 ; Chowtsun, *929— ; English Baptist Mission, Cnotctsun, Shantung, North China. taMy, Qordon, ».A., rkgkht’s park; Chm ., CloudshiU Road, Bristol; ap. 1933 ; Dacca, 1933— )o; Bishnupur, 1936—: Bishnupur, 24, Parganai Behala Bengal India. is Mn. G* B.A., n it Nesta Beatrice Burditt ; m. 1936 ; C h jn ., Park Street, Lu too. (Address M miatt HtfMrt Wlliiaa, B.A., b.d. (lond.), RBOknt's park ; C h jn * Greenleaf Road, Walthamstow ; 3 * >930 : Union Language School, Peking, 1930-31 ; Sinchow) 1931— ; English Baptist Mission, Wc*°wl Shansi, North China. 90 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

Spillett, Mr*. H. W, n i* Violet Edith Smith ; m. 2931; Chm ., Greenleaf Road, Walthamstow {Address a* above.) Speonsr, Harold, bj>. (lord), rawdon; Ck.m.,- Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo ; Gildersome, 1903. ao ; ap. B M S ., 1920 ; Colombo, 1931— ; Baptist Mission, Maradona, Colombo, Ceylon. SfOMtr, Mrs. née Lillian Ogden ; m. 1905 ; Ch.m., Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo. (Address as above.) Stscey, Miss Brace Mary, s.r.n.; Ch.m., Commercial Road, Guildford; ap. 1937 ; designated to Coogo. Starke, Miss Muriel, Ch.m., East Finchley; ap. ioa8 ; Barisal, 1928-30; Calcutta, 1930-34; Rangamati, 1934—; Rangamati, Chittagong Hut Tracis, Bengal, India. «tarta, Jamas Herbert ; Ch.m., St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge; ap. 19x4; Matadi, 1915-24; Wathen, 19*4— ; BM S., Watka», Thysville, Congo Beige, West Central Africa* Starts, Mrs. J . H., n ie Hattie Bryant ; 1». 1920 ; Ck.m., Methodist Church, Ash well. (Address as above.) Steer, RHts ONve Arajr Rase, C km ., Ferme Park, Hornsey ; ap. 1930 ; Jessore, 1930-32 ; Calcutta, 1933-3 4 ; Barisal, 1934-37 ; Laksmikan tapur, 1937— Î Laksmikantapur, P.O. Mograhai, Bengal, India. «tañan, Miss Ruth Annie, sot.K. ; C hjn ., Immanuel, Southsea ; ap 1935 ; Bhiwani, 1935—; Bhiwani, Punjab, North India. »Stephens, James Richard Miiton, f.k.g.s. ; Ch.m., West Cliff, Bournemouth ; ap. 1894 ; *». (i) 1898-1923 ; Matadi, 1895-6 ; Yakusu, 1896-7 ; Wathen, 1898-1906 : Special Lectmer, B.M.S., 190&- 10; Secretary, Bible Translation Society, 1907-10; Young People s Department, B.M.S., 1909-16; Congo, 1914-15 ; V.M.C.A. Lecturer, India, Burmah, Ceylon, 2919-20 ; Travelling Representative, B.M.S., 19x6-35. Ingieby, 103, Sandbanks Road, Parkstone, Dorset. *SteplMM, lb s. 4. R. Mn née Ethel A. E. Greenstreet ; m. 1923 ; Ch.m., Brockley Road, London. (Address as above.) SiBL Ronald James, b.a,, m.b., (cantab), rawdon ; Ch.m., Ilkley ; ap 1935 ; Union Language School. Biking, 1935-36 ; Chowtsun, 1936— ; English Baptist Mission Chowtsun, Shantung, North China. StBl, Mrs. 8. 4n n ie Gwyneth Mary Johnson ; ». 1935 ; C hm ., St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge ; (Address as above.) ;8teckley, H udti Secret, m.b., ch.b. (idw.) ; Ck.m ., Pcnge Tabernacle, London; ap. 1923; Sianfu, 2925— ; English Baptist Mistión, Sianfu, Shensi, North China. «ttoddfjr. Mrs. H. Qn née Jean McClure Men ries ; m. 2927 ; Canadian Presbyterian Mission, Honan, 2923-27. (Address as above.) *8teneiake, Aftrsd Robert ; C h jn ., Sutton, Surrey ; ap. 1899 ; Bolobo, 2900-2 ; Kinshasa, 1902-11 ; Bolobo, 2921-32 ; Kinshasa, 2922-26 ; Lukolela, 1926-33. 29, Western Road, Sutton, Surrey. *8toneiake, Mrs. A. R , n ie Ellen Sarah Wakelin ; tn. 1897 ; Ck.m., Sutton, Surrey. (Address as above.) ftMtttklb Henry Thomas, bristol; C km ., Morice Square, Devoaport ; ap. 1804 ; m. (i) 2901-3; Monsembe, 1894-1904; Wathen, 2904-6 ; transferred to China, Sinchow.^S-ii' Taiyuanfu, 2911-15 ; Tai Chow, 19x5-27 ; Taiyuanfu, 1928-29 ; Taichow, 1930— ; English Baptist Mission, Taichom, Sham, North China. SteMteka, Mm H. T„ fonneriy Mrs. Helen Elisabeth Hodge («¿Carver) ; m. 2909; Ck.m., Tyn- dale, Bristol. (Address as above.) Stuart, Eraest Tfceafcer, rawdon ; C km ., Hunslet, Leeds ; ap. 1917 ; Patna, 19x7-19 ; Monghyr, 1919-37; Patna, 1927-32 ; Palwal, 2933-33 ; Monghyr, 1935— ; Monghyr, E JJt,, B. & 0 „ India. Its art, Mrs. E. T* née Gertrude Thornton ; m. 1920 ; C h jn ., Hunslet, Leeds. {Address as above.) ‘ Scieatsrs, Artfear Eattacs, Ck.m ., Flinders Street, Adelaide, S.A. ; ap. 1908 ; Dinajpur, 2908-20; Jalpaigori, 1921-36. 4, Salisbury Street, North Unity, South Australia. iM M K i, Mrs. A. En n ie Annie Hearn ; m. 1890 ; C km ., Flinders Street, Adelaide, S.A. (Address as above.) ftater, A sm Lewis, smjrcïon’s ; Ch.m., Oswaldtwistle ; ap. 2932; Tjnguagn School, .Peking, 1932-33 ; Sanyuan, 1933-35 ; Sianfu, 1935- - ; English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, North Cfuna. 8«t«r, Mr*. A. L* mfe Nellie Frances Wink&eld ; C km ,, Oswaldtwistle ; ». 1934- (Address as above.) Tali, Miss Rath Margaret Alice, M.B., ch.b. <*oik.) Ch.m., Gorgie Baptist Church. Edinburgh; ap. 1923 ; SUuiu, 1923-27 ; Bhiwani, ludia, 1927-28; Sianfu, 1929—; Engfíth Baptist Mission, Sianp, Hheñsi, North China. Taylor, Miss Edith Winifred, b .a .; Ch.m,, Greenleaf Road, Walthamstow, London ; ap. 1934; Barisal, 1935— ; Barisal. Backtrganj, East Bengal, India. TayMr,LeslieJames, srojtcxoM’t ; Ch.m., Salem, Dover; ap. 19 3 0 ; Upoto, 1931— ; B.MS., Upoto, U sa la , B out Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Tayler, Mrs. L. J., nie Kathleen Frances Harvey; Ch.m., Salem, Dover; m. 1933. (Address as above.) *Ttielimtnn, Mr*, (widow el A. T. Tdchmaon, B.M.S., India, 1889-2923) ; n ie Katharine Oram; tn. 1885-2931 ; Ckm ., Downs, Claptoo, Lead«». 10, UJinglan Road, London, £.£.37* Tefefcmana, aottfrletfOnw, ic»,, s * (uwo.), kju&s. (*mo4 ljuojp. (tono.), C hm ., WUJes*» Green, London ; ap, 2922 ; Chandcagtwoa, 19x1—; Chandraghona, Chittagong H ill Tracts, Bt»t»> ndia. ■ TsMiaUMB, Mrs. 0 .-0 * n ie Dorothf Lydia Goodman; m. 19 15 ; C km ., Abbey Road, St.Jota» Wood ; 19x1-15. (Address at above.) 19 3 7 -] LIST OP MISSIONARIES, ADDRESSES, ETC. 9 1

•Theobald, Min Annie, Ch.m., St. Mary’s, Norwich ; ap. 1889 ; Delhi, 1889-90 ; Bhiwani, 1890- 1931. 3Z> Brighton Road, Crawley, Sussex. •Thomas, Frederic Vincent, b.a., m.b., c.m. (edik.); Ck.m., Morningside Cong., Edinburgh; g* 1894 ; Kharar, 1894-98 ; Muttra, 1898-99 ; Kosi, 1899-1901 ; Palwal, 1901-26, x6, Raneügh Avenue, London, S.W . 13. •Thomas, Mn. F. V., ni» Edith Kate Jones ; m. 1896 ; Ch.m., Bloomsbury Central Church, London. I Address as above.) «Thanutt, flttrp, uqbnt’s pars; Ck.m., TredegarviHe, CardiB; ap. 1906; Watben, 1906-11 • San Salvador, 1911-13 ; Thysville, 1914-28 ; Matadi, 1928-29 ; Thysville, 1929-30. 69, Balcombe Road, Worthing. «Thomas, Mrs. Q., nie Mary Gibbs ; m. 1911 ; Ch.m., Tabernacle, Swindon. (Address as above.) •Thomas, Harbart James, BRISTOL ; Ck.m., Old King Street, Bristol ; ap. 1881 ; m. 1883-1928 ; Delhi, 1881-19x4 ; Agra, 1915-22. M ill House, Sindlesham, Wokingham, Berks. Thomas, Miss Margaret Irans, Ck.m „ City Road, Bristol ; ap. IQ09 : Siantu, 1909-12 ; Chowtsun, 1912-31 ; Tsinanfu, 1931-32 ; Chowtsun, 1932— ; English Baptist Mission, Chowstun, Shantung, North China. «Thomas, Mrs. (Widow of S. S. Thomas, B.M.S., India, 1885-1922), nie Mabel Fox ; ». 1914-26; Ck.m., Irish Presbyterian Church. Forest Glen, Burley, Ringwood, Hants. Thomas, Ranald Wilson, m.b., bs . (tok b .), d.t.m. & a. (lohd.) ; Ck.m., Acton ; ap. 1926; Palwal, 1926— ; Palwal, South Punjab, India. Thomas, Mrs. R. W , nie Christine EmUie Tidman ; m. 1929 ; Ch.m^ Mount Pleasant, Maesy- cwmmer ; ap. 1925; Agra, 1925-29. (Address as above.) •Thompson, Miss Ada Naomi, BJäc.; Ch.m., Cuttack; ap 1896; Cuttack, 1896-1935. Cuttack, Orissa, India. Thompson, Rofesrt Veysey do Oaiie ; regent’s park ; Ch.m., Ramsden Road, Balham ; ap. 1923 ; Kibentele, 1924-31 ; Thysvflle, 1931-32 ; Kinshasa, 1932-33 ; Kibentele, 1933-341 Kfcnpese, 1934- 37 ; Kibentele, 1937— ; B .M .S ., Kibentele, via Moerbeke, Bas Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Thompson, Mrs. R. V. de 0.,, nie Barbara Phyllis Gummer-Butt ; m. 1927 ; Ch.m., Ramsden Road, Balham. (Address as above*) Thronp, MitS Edna, s.r.n. ; Ch.m., Rodley, Leeds; ap. 1931 ; Palvjal, ¡1931—; Pahtal, South Punjab, North In d ia. Timmins, MISS Doris Miner, s.r.h. ; Ch.m„ Tyndale, Bristol ; ap. 1924 ; Chandraghona, 1924—; Chandraghona, Chittagong H ill Tracts, Bengal, India. Taf, Miss Amy MUion ; Ck.m., Christchurch Road, Worthing; ap. 1908; Bankipur, 1908-12; Kharar, 1912-13 ; Patna, 1913—; Patna, Bihar, North India. Tarner, Min Dorothy Anns, s.r.n. ; Ck.m., Tyndale, Bristol ; ap. 1919 ; Delhi, 1920-22 ; Dholpur. 1922-26 ; Palwal, 1926— ; Palwal, South Punjab, India. Tarner, Min Ida Mary ; Ch.m., Herne Bay ; ap. 1937 ; designated to India. •Turner, Min Harriot MiMra«, dum., Waterloo, Liverpool; ap. 1910; Sianfu, 19x0-13; Tsing­ chowfu, 1913-33. 12, Askiar Road, Waterloo, Liverpool, 2. {Tyrre«, Trevor Qrahame Kapert ; regent's park ; Ck.m., Braintree .Essex ; ap. 1923 ; Bolobo, i^24-27^Kinshasa, 1927-28 ; Lukolela, 1928-29; Bolobo, 1929—; B .M S ., Bolobo, Moyen Congo Beige,

{Tyrrell, Mrs. T. 0 . R , (lond.), n ie Winifred Alice Mackenzie ; m. 1927; C k .*^ Harpenden Congregational Church. Upcharch, William Samuel, spusgkon’s & uvxngstohx; C hjn.. Tilehoose Street, Hitchin; ap. >935 ; Sianfu, 1935— ; English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, North China. •Vaaghan. Mrs. (Widow of J. Vaughan, B J1 S., India, 1878-1914) nie Hannah Coombs ; m. 1878- 1933 ; Ck.m., Highgate Park, Birmingham. 43, Princes Avenue, Watford. •Vaughan, Miss Fanny Avery, Ck.m „ Sambaipur, India ; ap. 1902 ; Cuttack, 1902-1923 ; Balangir, 1923- 33. 43l Princes Avenue, Watford. VIcary, Thomas Olement, b.a., A.K.C.. o r a ’s coluso*, lokdoh j -Chjn., Cental Baptist Church, Walthamstow; ap. :92a; m. («1923-26; Bishnupur, 1993-04; Dinajpur, 1924-27; Bishnupur, 1927-28; Dlnajpur, 1938— ; Dinajpur, North Bengal, India. VIcary. Mit. T. 0 * nie Skis Muriel Wilson ; m. 1930 ; Ch.m., Forme Park, Hornsey, London; aP- 1925 ; Dinajpur, 1925-30. (Address as above.) „ Waddinrtaa, Min Constance Emma. Melbourne Hall. Leicester ; Op. 1914 ; Sianfu, 1915— ; English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, ShenaiÏNorth China. Wakeiln, Sidney, RAWDON ; Ch.m. Harlcsden, London ; ap. 1935 ; Udayagiri, 1935—! G. Udayagiri, Gemjam, In d ia. „ »Wail, Min Emily QiuUetta ; Ch.m., Rome; ftp. 19 « ; Rome, 1910-1925. 47 I'm S. ÇMiniwto, Rome (132), Ita ly . , 'Wall, Mrs. (Widow of J. Campbell Wall. B.M.S., Italy, 1889-1922), n it Blanche Mary Adelina Johnson ; m. 1908-1925 ; C h jn ., Rome ; 47. Via S. Quintino, Rome (132), Italy. Walley, Min Helen ; CA.».,Tarporley ; ap. 1928 ; Bhiwani, 1928—; Bkiwani, Punjab, North India. 92 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPOET. [1937

Walter, Miss EMe; C km ,. Worthing; ap. 1920; Patna, 1920-28; Gaya, 15*8-32; Delhi *932-33 ; Patna, 1933-34 ; Gaya, 1934 — ; Gaya, EJ.R., North India. ' t Warren, Min Eirene Rath ; C h jn ., Ferme Park, Hornsey ; ap. 1934 ; Wathen, 1934-36 ; Kiben­ tele, 1936-37 ; Thysville, 1937— ; Thysville, Bas Congo Beige, West Central Africa. 'Watkins, Mr*. (Widow oiC.H. Watkins, M.A., D.Th., Home Ministry, 19x1-17¡Carmichael Collect Rangpur, 19x7-41 ; BJf.S. Indisu. 1924-39), née Dora Ethel Watts ; ». 1930-39 ; C k m ., High Road' Tottenham, London ; ap. 1911 ; India, 1911-20. Missionary Guest House, Selly Oak, Birmingham. ' Watsaa, Miss Francis Marian ; C h jn * West Street, Rochdale ; ap. 1020 ; Sanyuan, X921-33 ; Sianfu, >933-34 ; Sanyuan, 1934—; English Baptist Mission, Sanyuan, Sums*, North China. Î Watsaa, James, h a r l e y ; C km ., Wishaw ; ap. 1905 ; m. 1908-36 ; Sianfu, 1905-11 ; Snltechow 1911-13 ; San Yuan, 1914-24; Sianfu, 1924-37. c/o 19, Fwnival Street, London, Ë.C.4. •Watson, Mn. (Widow of Dr. J. Russell Watson, B.M.S., China, 1884-1923), née Agatha Kittennaster - m . 1913-37 ; C km ., Bays ton Hill C. of E. • Watsaa, Tkaasas, udioi,; Ckm., Bow; ap. 1893; Barisal, 1894-96; Madaripntr, 1896-97; Barisal, 1897-1901 ; Pumeah, 1901-31. 50, Priory Road, Exeter. * Watsaa, Mrs. T« nét Stella Elizabeth Lawrence; ». 1896 ; C km ^ South Street, Exeter. (Address as above.) •Waavar, Min Ann!« Vincent, C km „ Hay H1U, Bath ; ap. 1904 : Calcutta, 1004-9 ; Jeasore, 1910; Calcutta and South Villages, 1911-15 ; Bishtupur 19x5-33 ; Khulna, 1923-35. Church Cottage, Weston, Bath. Watt. Mbs Daisy Marial, C km ., Downend, Bristol ; ap. 1915 ; Cuttack, 19x5-47 ; Udayagiii, 1938— ; G. Udayagiri, Ganjam, India. •Webb, Mrs. (Widow of Dr. Sidney Webb, B.M.S., Congo, 1892-95). 10, Cartwright Gardens, London, W.Cs. Weeks, Laaraace Janet, spubqîok's ; Ck.m ., Mitcham Lane, Streatbam ; a p . 1930; Yalemba, 19x1— ; B .M S ., Yalemba, Haut Congo Beige, West Central A frica. Weeks, Mrs. L. J., née Jana Elisabeth Darby, sjlk.; m. 1923; C h jn ., Algborth, Liverpool. (Address as above.) Wsllsr, Kaanatb Fraak ; spoxokon's ; C km ., Wellington Street, Luton ; ap. 1928 ; Balangir, 1929—; Balangir, via Sambâlpur, Orissa, India. Waller, Mrs. K. F., née Dorothy Mary Hayes ; m. 1932 ; C h jn ., Pier Avenue, Clacton ; ap. 1929 ; Balangir, 1939-33. (Address as above.) WeHs, Deaeaa Scott, a.c.a. ; C k m ., Blenheim, Leeds ; ap. 1919 ; Calcutta, 1919-43 ; Aooountant, BJ4.S., London, 1933-44 ; Udayagiri, 1934-30 ; B.SdLS. Indian Secretary, 1930— ; 44, Lower Circula Road, Calcutta, India. W rit, Mrs. D. 1^ née Dorothy Mil ward; m. 1936 ; C km ., Church of the Redeemer, Birmingham ; a p . 1930 ; Berhampnr, 1930-33 ; Udayagiri, 1923-25. (Address as above.) Weager, Etfwartf Leslie, »ju, near collxge and xeoxht’» pa«x, oxford ; C k m ., West Haddoo, Korthants ; ap. 1933 ; Bansal, 1933-34 ; Serampow, 1934— ; Serampore College, Serampore, Bengal, In d ia . Waagsr, Mrs. E. L., b.*c., née Winiired Edith Laws ; m. 1936 ; C km ,, S t Mary’s, Norwich ; ap. 1933 ; Calcutta, 1932-36. (Address as above.) tWaofsr. William John LasSs, bkistol ; C km ., Chatsworth Road, Claptoo, London ; « • (1) i 9°**3t < ap. 1904 ; Barisal, 1904-5 ; Dacca, <905-7 ; Barisal, 1907-10 ; Rangamati, 19x0-14 ; Chandraghona, 19x4-15; Chittagong, 1915-33; Langleh, 1933-33; Rangamati, 1923-34; Lnrftoh. 1924-32; Pumeah, 1933-33 ; Rangamati, 1933— ; Ranpunat*, Chittagong Hitt Tracts, Bengal, lim a. tWaagar, Mn. W. J . L* née Ethel Lncy Gillings, S.k.k. ; m. 193a ; C km ., Burlington, Ipswich; ap. 1925; Bengal, 1935-33. {Address as above.) West. Miss Irene Qertrada, tjua.*. ; C km ., Honor Oak, London; ap. 1933;. Delhi, *933—! Daryaganj. Delhi, North India. Waat Uaaal Qeerga, kawdon ; C h jn ., Paulton, Bristol : ap. 1930 ; Bolobo, 1931 ; Lukolel*, 1931— ; B JiS ., Lukolela, Provence dt VEquaUm, Congo Btlge, West Central Africa. Wast, Mrs. L cu nee Elsie May Palmer, s.r.h. ; m. 1933 ; C km ., Paxil ton, Bristol ; ap. X93> ! Bolobo, 1931. (Address as above.) ? Wheal, Min EOxa larah AHca, s.*.*. ; C km ., Loughton Union Church \ap. 1936 ; Chowtsun, 1926— ; English Baptist Mission, Chowtsun, Shantung, North China. Whitehead, Jobe, «awdoh ; C h jn ., Rotherham ; ap. 1890; m. 1893-1939 ; Lukolela, 1890-1911; Wayika, 1911-35. • WMHaksr, Mas Marial Banlta, Chm * Rye Lane, Peckham ; ap. 1900 ; Dacca, 1900-a ; Banklpur, 1901-14 ; Simla, $915-27. 6, Tresco Road, London, SJS. 15. Wlgwer, Ml« EUsa Ooastaaea, b-a. ; C h jn ., Lewisham Road, Greenwich ; ap. 1910 ; Cuttack 1910— ; Cuttack, Orissa, India. •WHford, Mrs. (Widow of E. E. Wilford, B.M.S., Congo, 1901-14). ^ KUrabeth Bdwlth ; ». 19°*- 14 ; C h jn ., Altrincham, Cheshire. 1937.] LIST OF MISSIONARIES, ADDRESSES, ETC. 93

Wilkerson, George James, Ch.m., Brondesbury, London ; L.M.S., 1896-1913 ; ap. B.M.S., 1913: Wayika, 1913-28 ; Yakusu, 1928— ; Yakusu, Haut Congo Bdge, West Central Africa. Wilkerson, Mrs. G. J., nie Evelyn Austin ; »».1909; Ch.m. , Brondesbury, London. (Address as above.) Wilkins, Eric Gordon, m.d., b.s. (lond.), d.t.m. & h. (esc.) ; Ch.m., Elm Road, Beckenham ; ap. 1932 ; Services loaned to 1932-35 ; Udayagiri, 1935—■ ; G. Udayagiri, Ganjam, India. Wilkins, Mrs. E. G., m.d., b.s., nie Honor Elizabeth Cooper Harvey ; m. 1932 ; Ch.m., Haven Green, Ealing. (Address as above.) * Wilkins, Gordon 8medley, m id la n d ; Ch.m., Elm Road, Beckenham ; ap. 1892 ; Sambalpur; 18927-95 ; Berbampur, 1895-1907 ; Cuttack, 1907-9 ; Russelkonda, 1909-11 ; Berhampur, 1911-13 ; Padampur, 1913-16 ; Cuttack, 1916-27 ; Camberwell New Road, 1927-34. 21, Whitmore Road, Becken­ ham, Kent. ’ Wilkins, Mrs. G. 8., nie Ellen Lucy Pike ; m. 1895 ; Ch.m., Elm Road, Beckenham. (Address as above.) Wilkinson, Miss Alice ; l e e d s om v.j Ch.m., Harehills Lane, Leeds ; ap. 1923 ; Yakosa 1923— ; B.M S., YaJtusu, Haut Congo Beige, West Central Africa. Williams, oharles Herbert, A.T.8., CARDIFF ; Ch.m., Beulah, Dowlais ; ap. 1897 ; Agra 1897-1900; Kalka, 1900-4 ; Kasauli, 1904— ; Kasauli, Punjab, India. Williams, Mrs. 0. H., ni* Laura Dyche ; tn. 1899 ; Ch.m., Derby Street Tabernacle, Barton-on- Trent. (Address as above.) * Williams, Mitt Elizabeth Jane ; ap. 1893: Delhi, 1893-1926 ; Palwal, 1926-30; Agra, 1931-32; Palwal, 1932-34. 37, Lambeth Avenue, Armadale SJS.3, Australia, 'Williams, Thomas David, BRISTOL ; Ch.m„ Wells, Somerset ; ap. 1909 ; Dacca, 1909-11 ; Nara- yanganj, 1911-27 ; Bombay Baptist Church, 1927-31 ; Great Missenden, 1933-36. c/o 19, Furnival Street, London, E.C.4. 'Williams, Mrs. T. D., nie Daisy Florence Hills ; m. 1911 ; Ch.m., St. Mary's. Norwich ; Baptist Zenana Mission, 1909-11. (Address as above.) Williamson, Henry Raymond, M.A., b.d., (lon-d.), b risto l; Ch.m., West Street, Rochdale ; ap. 1908 ; Showy ang, 1908-9 ; Taiyuanfu, 1909-26 ; Shantung Christian University Extension Depart­ ment, 1926— ; B.M.S. China Secretary, 1932— ; English Baptist Mission, Tsinanfu, Shantung, North China. ! Williamson, Mr*. H. R., nie Emily Stevens ; m. 1910; Ch.m., West Street, Rochdale. Williamson, Miss Joan Katherine ; Ch.m., Leith; ap. 1923; Sianfu, 1923— ; English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, North China. Wilson, Miss Ann Margaret Ch.m., Duncan Street, Edinburgh ; ap. 1913 ; Bolobo, 1913— ; Bolobo, Moyen Congo Beige, West Central Africa. * Wince, Mist Jans, kidderpur, calcutta ; ap. 1891 ; TQcari, 1891-1927. Tikari, Gaya, Behar, India. ¿Wood, Mitt Florence May, Ch.m., Devonshire Square, Stoke Newington ; ap. 1908 ; Sinchow, 1908-21 ; Chowtsun, 1921-37. c/o 19, Furnival Street, London, E.C .4. * Wooding, Walter, Harley; Ch.m., Barnstaple ; Congo Balolo Mission, 1893-99 ; ap. B.M.S. 1899 San Salvador, 1899-1910 ; Mabaya, 1910-12 ; Matadi, 1912-17 ; Congo Biblical Translation, 19x7-1925 ; Thorveton, 1925-30 ; Teignmouth, 1930-35. Warden ia, Rumsan Close, Barnstaple, North Devon. •Wooding, Mrs. W n nie Ada Emily Warden ; «1., 1896 ; Ch.m„ Barnstaple. (Address as above.) Î Woollard, Stanley Griffiths, h a r l k y ; Ch.m., Wickhambrook Congregational : at>. rooa : Jalpaiçuri, 1909-13 ; Rangpur, 1913-33 ; Narayanganj, 1933— ; Baptist Mission, Narayanganj, East Bengal, India. :Wooll«rd, Mrs. 8. G., nie Eva Fanny Williamson ; m. 1911 ; Chjnn Union Chapel, Mussoorie ; Baptist Zenana Mission, 1009-11. Wright, Mits Nora Kathleen, S.R.H. ; Ch.m., Abbey Road, Far Cotton, Northampton ; ap. 1935 ; Taiyuan, 1935— ; }-:»g!:r.h Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, North China, Wyatt, Henry George, m.b., *.s. (lond.), p.r.c.s.k., m.k.c.s (eng.), ur.c.p. (lond.) ; Ck.m., Cross Street, Islington ; ap. 1925 ; Taiyuanfu, 1925— ; English Baptist Mission, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, North China Wyatt, Mrs. H. Q., b.a. (BRtsroi.) ; née Edith Maud Holden; m. 1927; Ch.m., Hornsey Rise; ap. 1925 ; Sinchow, 1025-27. (Address as above.) 'Yaqub, Mist Josephine, S.A .S. ; ap. 1924 ; Bhiwani, 1924-33. Bhiwani, Punjab, North India. ‘ Young, Mrs., m .d. (Widow of Andrew Young, l-R .c .p . & s., B.M.S., China, 1905-22), nie Charlotte Soutter Murdoch ; tn., 1907-22 ; Ch.m., Marshall Street, Edinburgh. 6, Spottisu\i.\ù Street, Edinburgh. Young, Oil tries Bowden, ma. (oxford oniv.) ; Ch.m.. Harlow ; ap. 1906 ; Dacca, 1906-9 ; Delhi, X909— ; j t Ludlow Castle Road, Delhi, Punjab, India. Young, Mrs. 0 , 1 ., b .sc ., m.b., ck.b. (st. Andrew's), m/î Ruth Wilson ; m. 1917 ; Ch.m. Church of Scotland, Bioughty Ferry. (Address as above.) Î Young, George Armstrong, k a w d o n , Ch.m., Bloomsbury Central Church, Loudon; ap. 1934; sanyuan, 1924-32 ; Sianfu, 1932— ; English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, North China. Î Young, Mrs. G. A., né* Leonora Haslop ; m. 1927 ; Ch.m. , Bloomsbury Central Chucch, London; “P- ^92S ; San Yuan, 1923-37, (Address as above.) Young, Jack Edwin, b.a., bristol ; Ch.m., Southfields, London ; ap. 1937; designated to Belgian '-ongo. 94 ONE HUNDRED AND F0RT3T-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.


S.R.N. indicates State Registered Nnrse. J On furlough.


SS. BENGAL. 1828—BARISAL.—jH . Griffiths; A. Bury ; Hiss M. L. B ell; Miss E. F. Drayson; Miss E. W. Taylor, B .A .; P. N. Bairagi, L.Th. (Bengal Baptist Union Worker).

1844—BISHHUPUR.— $H. ML Angus, BJL, BJD., {Mrs. Angus, B .A .; 0 . Soddy, B ^ ., Mrs. Soddy, B.A. 1801—CALCUTTA.—P. Knight, Mrs. Knight; W. E. French, BJSc. (Secretary, Bengal Baptist Union), £Mrs. French ; D. 8. Wefis (B.M.S. Indian Secretary), Xeb. Wells ; JH. Collins ; W. C. Eadie, Mrs. Eadie ; N. A. THiis ; G. E. Bingham ; L. S . Hazelton ; Miss G. Jones, B .A .; Miss C. Hodgkinson ; Miss Annie E. Moule, B .A .; Miss EL Andress, B.A.; Miss D. L Cordle; B. C. Mukerji, M.A., Mrs. Mukerji, B.A. (Bengal Baptist Union Workers). Evangelists : A. Rao, L .T h .; Mimalananda Sircar, B.A. 1868—CANNING.—J. H. Sircar, B.A., L.Th. (Bengal Baptist Union Worker). Evangelist: Manoranjan Byapari. 1901—CHANDRAGHONA.—G. 0 . Teiehxnann, MJB„ B J n MJ1.0.S., LR.CJ. Mrs. Tetahmaim ; J. W. Bottoms, MJl.CJI., LJB.CJ., M.B., B.8., Mrs. Bottoms; Miss D. M. Timmins, S J U L ; Miss D. Lister, S.R.N. 1881—CHITTAGONG.— Evangelists : N. N. Roy, P. Sircar. 1816—DACCA.—tS. G. Woollard, *Mrs. Woollard (at Narayangani); :H. D tforthfield, M.A., ?Mrs. Northfleld; A. E. Selwood, B.A., Mrs. Selwood E. G. Evans, B.A.; Miss M. Davies ; Miss 0. B. Richards. Evangelist : S. N. Baroi. 1704—DINAJPUR.—&. W. Edmeades, «Mrs. Edmeades; T. 0. Vicary, B.A. AJLC., Mrs. Vicary ; W. B. S. Davis, B.A., B.D., Mrs. Davis ; Mis E. M. R u gs; Miss P. B. M. Pitman ; Miss M. Edwards. Evangelists : Ambika Charan Bairagi, Jitendranath Karmakar. 1821—HOWRAH.—JG. W. Shaw, JMrs. Shaw. 1804— JESSORE.—K. 0. Das, B.A., L.Th., Bln. Das. 1827—LAKSMIKAHTAPUR.—Miss E. K. Smith ; Miss 0. A. R. Steer. Evangelist : Sashi Bushan Roi. 1860—KHULNA.—L H. Sarkar, Mrs. Sarkar. 1937.] STATIONS AND STAFF—INDIA. 95

1903— LUNGLEH— SOUTH LTJ8HAI HILLS.— H . W . Carter, B .Sc., Mrs. Carter ; F. J. Eaper, Mrs. Raper ; Kiss Edith M. Chapman ; Hiss M. Clark : Miss E. M. Oliver, S.R.N. ; Miss I. M. Good, S.E.N. 1899— PURNEAH.— 1901—BANGAMATL—JW. J. L. Wenger, ¿Mrs. Wenger, S.R.N. ; Miss C. Manson ; Miss M. Starke. 1891—RANGPUR.—F. W . Smith, Mrs. Smith. Evangelists : Prasad Chandra Das. Raj ani Kan ta Das, Sasi Kumar Baroi, Rasbihari Sarkar, L.Th., K. K. Roy.

1799—SERAMPUR.— J. N. Rawson, B.Sc., B.D., Mrs. Rawson ; G. H. C. Angus, M.A., BJ). (Principal, Serampore College) ; R. A. Barclay, M.A., BJ)., ¿Mrs. Barclay ; E. L. Wenger, B.A., Mrs. Wenger; A. L. Sircar, MJL, B.D., Mrs. Sircar. Evangelist : Meghnad Baroi. Evangelists (loaned to Church Unions) : Manoranjan Haidar, Gol am Rahman Munshi, Manoranjan Baroi, Durijabai Biswas, Lalit M. Haidar. ORISSA. 1916—ANGUL.— Evangelist : Maneb Senapaty (under Cuttack District Union). 1911—BALANG1R.— W . J. Biggs, B.A., A.K.C., ¿Mrs. Biggs ; K. F. Weller, Mrs. Weller ; J. H. E. Pearse, Mrs. Pearse ; ¿Miss M. Collett ; Miss L. M. Case, B.A. ; Miss L D. Johnson. Evangelists : Baranidhi Patra, Philip Behera, Dattamana Mahapatra, Samuel Pradhan, Anusaran Pradhan, Abbaya Ch.-Swain, Akhaya K. Rout, Prabhakara Naik, Albert Pradhan. 1825— BERHAMPUR (Ganjam).— ¿Miss Hilda K. Halls, S.RJÍ. ; Miss EL Gregory, MJJ., Ch.B., D.T.M. and H. ; Miss W . J. Mooney, SJtM. ; Miss M. L. Gordon, S.R.IÎ. Evangelist t Pratap Senapati. 1822—CUTTACK.—E. R. Lazarus,. Mrs. Lazarus ; B. F. W. Fellows, B.A., Mrs. Fellows, M.D., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.CJP. ; S. F. Robinson, Mrs. Robinson ; B. Pradhan, B.A., BJ)., Mrs. Pradhan ; D. T. Roberts, B.A., L.C.P., Mrs. Roberts ; E. T. Ryder, BJL, BJ)., Mrs. Ryder, B.A. ; Miss E. C. Wigner, B.A. ; Miss L. K. Drake. Evangelists : Benjamin Sahu, N. K. Mahanty, Samson Behera. 1825—PURL—-JJ. Johnson, ¿Mrs. Johnson. Evangelists : Debendra K. Naik, Lalit Sahu, Santosh Pramanick, Samson Sahu, Kapuri Samuel, Dayamidhi Sahu. 1861— RUSSELKOSTDA.— Evangelist : Lazarus Mendi. 1879— SAMBALPÜR.— Miss Dorothy Daintree, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (with N.Z.BM. pro tern). Evangelists : Subodh Ch. Sahu, Samuel Chowdhury. 1861—UDAYAGIRI.—JA. E. Grimes, ¿Mrs. Grimes ; E. Evans, Mrs. Evans ; J. Cross, Mrs. Cross ; E. G. Wilkins, MJ)., BÜ., D.T.M. & H ., Mrs. Wilkins, MJ)., B.S. ; S. Wakelin ; Miss D . M. W ebb ; ¿Miss F . K . Laughlin ; Bliss E. M. Jarry, S.R.N. Evangelist : Sadananda Patra.

NORTHERN INDIA. 1811— AGRA.— G. D. Reynolds, M.A., Mrs. Reynolds ; W . J. Bradnock, B.A., Mrs. Bradnock, M.B., B J. ; 8. Isaac, B.A., Mrs. Isaac. 96 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNOAL REPORT. [1937.

1909— BABATJT.— J. Jardine, Mrs. Jardine; JMiss H . Porteous; Mira A . L. Rider. Evangelists : Nathu Mal, Sangat Masih, Hamesha Das, Peter Williams. 1887— BHIWANL— R. L. Morgan, B.A., B.D., Mrs. Morgan ; Miss Mary Bisset M.B., Ch.B., L.M., LL.A. ; Miss M. B. Pearson ; Miss M. P. Guyton, S.R.V. ; M i» J. Benzie, M.B., ChuB. ; Miss H. Walley ; Miss D. A. Eatson, SJB.N. ; Miss K. M. Lewis ; Miss E. Checketts, S.R.N. ; Miss R. A. Steggall, S.R.N. Evangelists : Franklin Julius, Matthias Jacob, Prem Tuki. (Loaned to Church Union.) 1818—DELHL—C. B. Young, MJL, Mrs, Young, B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. ; A. E. Hubbard, Mrs. Hubbard ; D. V. Gibbon, B.A., Mrs. Gibbon ; A. M. McAndrew, Mrs. Me Andrew, M-A. ; A. Haider-Ali, Mrs. Haider-Ali ; Miss H. Macdonald, M.A. ; Miss J. F. Robb, M.A. ; ¿Miss E. R. Lewis ; Miss L G. West, L.R.A.M. ; Miss M. H. Langley, M.A. ; Miss D. E. Belham ; Miss Budho Singh. Evangelists : D. Emerson, A. David, Mam raj. 1896—DHOLPUR.—Miss Alice Hampton ; Miss W . Fitzhenry ; Miss E. B. Davies ; Miss G. Rutherford, M 3., Ch.B., D.T.M. ; Miss W. M. Hawkins, S.R.N. ; Miss D. G. Medway, M.B., B.S. Evangelists : Abdul Rahim, P. T. Samuel.

1882—GAYA.—J. T. Sidey, Mrs. 8idey, B.Sc. ; R. C. Cowling, BJL, Mrs. Cowling ; Miss E. Walter ; Miss D. M. Philcox. Evangelists : Reuben Amos, A. G. James, T. Dwyer.

1888— KASAULL— C. H. Williams, A.TÜ., Mrs. Williams, Patras Behari. Evangelist : Chunni Lall. 1816— MOHGHYR— E. T. Stuart, Mrs. Stuart Evangelist : Benjamin N* David. 1896—PALWAL.—D. N. C. Piper, M.A., Mrs. Piper ; R. W. Thomas, M.B., BJ3., D.TJf. & H., Mrs. Thomas ; Miss Violet de Rosario ; Miss D. A. Turner, S.R.N. ; Bliss B. Loosley ; Miss H. C. Bowser, M.B., B.S., B.Sc., BLR.C.S., L.R.C.P. ; Miss H. E. Smith ; Miss Edna Throup, S.R.N. ; Min F. 0. Cann, S.R.N. Evangelists : Daniel Peter. R. Martin, David Masih, Sunny Baid. Hospital Assistants : W. Prias, Guman Singh, Monohar Das, Nathaniel, Nasib Khan, Ajmcri. 1816— PATHA.— (Bankipore.)— H. Bridges, B.D., Mrs. Bridges ; R. Land, B.A., Mrs. Land (at Dinapur) ; P. John, B.A., Mrs. John ; Bliss Amy Tuff ; Miss E. K. Hove, B.Sc. Evangelists t Prabhu Das, Miss Redding, Iswar Cliaran, I. Masih, E. Daniel, Ram Lall, I. M. Clifton. BJU3. Missionaries on special appointment : ¿J. Drake, M.A., BJ).. ¿M n. Drake (Theological Seminary, Saharanpur) ; L. Be van Jon es, B .A., B.D. (Principal, Lahore Centre for Islamic Studies), BErs. Jones, S.R.N. ; T. S. Howie (Union Church, Mussoorie), Mrs. Howie. Accepted— not yet sailed : MissC. A. Hawkins, S.R.N. ; Miss. E. Jones, S.R.N.; Miss L M. Tarner; 0. H. Brow n;«. V. Emery, B.A.. B.S. 1937.] STATIONS AND STAFF—CHINA. 97


1812— COLOMBO DISTRICT.— S. P. Pearce, Mrs. Pearce; H. Spooner, B.D., Mrs. Spooner ; Miss E. W. Evans. Ceylon Baptist Council Treasurer : D. W. Abayaratna. Ceylonese Pastors, Missionaries, Evangelists, etc. ; P. P. Balasuriya (

1837—KANDY, MATALE AND KEKIRAWA DISTRICTS.—H. J. Charter, B .A ., BJD., Mrs. Charter (Kandy); 3. B. Radley, Mrs. Radley (Matale); Miss E. M. Evans ; Miss G. M . Clothier (Matale). Ceylonese Pastors, Missionariss and Evangelists : T. A. de Silva (Special Missioner) ; H. S. L. B. Welegedera (Kandy) ; E. Y. S. Premaward- hane (Galagedera) ; H. M. U. B. Welegedera (Beligodapitiya); F. A. Peiris (Matale) ; S. R. Perera (Dombawela) ; D. P. B. Pilimatalawwe (.Kekirawa). Women Evangelists : Miss L. C. Fernando and Miss L, Dasanayake (Matale) ; Miss L. E. M. Jayasundera and Miss P. A. E. Perera (Kekirawa).

1878—SABARAGAMTJWA DISTRICT.— Miss E. A. Allsop ; Miss L. M. Reece ; Miss A. D. Horlick (appointed by Ceylon Baptist Council). Ceylonese Pastors, Missionaries and Evangelists ; W. P. M. Jayatunga, B.D. (Ratnapura) ; A. H. Fernando (Ekeliyagoda). Women Evan­ gelists : Miss K. E. Silva, Miss A. M. Alwis (Ratnapura).



1903—CHOW-T’SUN.— J. S. Harris, JMrs. Harris ; W . S. Flowers, M.B., B.Ch., Mrs. Flowers; R. J. Still, B.A., M.B., B.Ch., Mrs. Still; JMiss 3. A . Manger ; ¿Miss F. M. Wood ; Miss M. F. Logan, S.R.N.; Miss M. I. Thomas ; Miss A. Smnrthwaite ; ¿Miss E. S. A. Wheal, S.R.N. Pastors supported by the Chinese Church : Su Ching Hsun, Lü Kong Ch’ao, I Ching Kang, Yin Chi Chou. Evangelists : Chang Ssu Ching (Church Secretary), Wang Chao Ching.

1903—-PEICHEN.— Pastors supported by Chinese Church t Chang Ssu-heng, Chei Wen hsiang, Bi Wen-nsuan, Wang Huan-chang, Sun Kwang-Tsung, Chiao Wen Pin. Evangelists supported by B.M.S, : Wang Shou li, Hu Hsiang chai, Chang Ssu Chin. D 98 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937,

1904—TSINANFU.—H. Payne, Mrs. Payne ; H. R. Williamson, M.A., B.D., D .Lit. (China Secretary), Mrs. Williamson ; W. P. Pailing, Ph.C„ M.P.S., B.D., Mrs. Pailing ; P. S. Drake, B.A., B.D., Mrs. Drake ; L. M. Ingle. B.A., M.B., B.Ch., P.R.C.S., L.R.C.P« Mrs. Ingle, M.A. ; G. King, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., P.C.O.G., Mrs. King, M.B., Ch.B., D.T.M. & H. ; E. L. Phillips, M.A., Mrs. Phillips, B.Sc. ; J. C. Scott, M.A., B.Sc., Mrs. Scott ; Miss G. M. Hickson. Chinese Member oj the University Staff supported by B.M.S. : Wm. B. Djang. Pastors supported by Chinese Church : Chang Jen and Lee K’ang, Institute Evangelists supported by B.M.S. Ch’i Te Hsiang, Sun P’eng Hsiang. City Evangelist supported by B.M.S. : Chang Chow Tao. Western Association.— Pastors supported by Chinese Church : Messrs. Wang, Shiti, Chao, and Chou. Evangelists supported by B.M.S. : Messrs. Iiu and Meng. 1877— TSINGCHOWFU.—H. A. Emmott, Mrs. Emmott, S.R.N. ; T. W. Allen, Mrs. Allen ; G. F. Folkard, B.Sc., B.A., B.D., Mrs. Folkard ; Mrs. Donald Smith ; Miss S. M. Scott, M.A. Pastors supported by Chinese Church : Chang Ching Hao, Chang Yung Hsin, Feng Hua Kuang, Meng Lo Sac, Wang Chih Tao. Evangelists supported by the Mission ; (Men) Ch’u Hsien Chang, Hsu Te Yuan, Li Yu, P’an Tao Wu, Wang Ching An ; (Women) Li Hsu Te, Sung Te Chen, Wang Wan Yin. Teachers supported by the Mission : (Men) Chang Ilui T’ing, Ching Lung Chih, Keng Hsiao-Ch'eng, Wang Tzu Chung, Wang Chun Tang; (Women) Li Yu Lien, Tung Shu Cheng.

SHANSI. 1ST*—TAI YUAN F U .- F. W. Price, JMrs. Price ; H. G. Wyatt, M .B., B.S., F.R.C.S.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Mrs. Wyatt, B.A. ; JR. H. P. Dart, ¿Mrs. Dart, S.R.N. ; C. V . Bloom, B .A ., M .B ., B J ., M .R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Mrs. Bloom ; V. E. W. Hayward, B.A., Mrs. Hayward, B.A. ; S. R. Dawson ; Miss E. A. Rossiter, S.R.N. : Miss Frances Coombs ; ¿Mrs. John Lewis ; Bliss Gertrude Jaques, S.R.N, ; Miss A. Mary Pearson ; Mira E. Pentelow, B.Sc. ; Miss E. M. Clow, M .B ., Ch.B., D .T.M . and H. ; Miss E. M. Down, S.R.N. ; Miss N. K. Wright, S.R.N. ; Miss M. A. Killip, B.A. Pastor : Mr. Liu Ming Chien. Evangelists : Chang Chin Heng, Wang Chin Ch'uan, Hou Hsi Chun Liu Chao Lan, You Tsoa Y un, Tung S. S. Women Evangelists : Mrs. Yueh, Mrs. Ho, Mrs. Sung, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Liu. Evangelists : Ch’en Chih Yuan, Fan Ho Hsi, Chou Hsun-ho, Kao Yung Fu, Wang Chin Hsien, Mi Wan Ch'uan. Women Evangelists : E. K’o Ming, Liu Chi eh. 1885—SINCHOW. ;T. E. Low«, JMrs. Lower ; H. W. Spillett, B.D., Mrs. Spillett : J. H. Smith ; Miss E. L. Chappie ; Miss B. Glasby ; Miss G. E. Goss. 1K92 -TAICHOW.— H. T. Stonelake, Mrs. Stonelake ; E. G. T. Madge, B.A., B.D. ; V. J. Jasper, B.A. Evangelists : Chang Full, Chang Chen Shen, Shih Yen T’ien, Wang Ming Kao, Liu Cbung-ying. Women Evangelists : Mrs. Kao, Mrs. Chen. Pastor : Kuo Hsien : Ch in Liang. 1937.] STATIONS AND STAPF— CENTRAL AFRICA. 9 9

SHENSI. 1894— SIANFU.— JJ. Watson ; P. S. Russell, ¿Mrs. Russell ; H. W. Burdett, B.A., Mrs. Burdett ; ;H . G. Stockley, M.B., Ch.B., ¿Mrs. Stoekley ; +G. A. Young, ¿Mrs. Young ; J. M. Clow, M.B., Ch.B., P.R.C.S.E., Mrs. Clow, M.B., Ch.B. ; A. L. Suter, Mrs. Suter ; W . S. Upchurch ; W . G. D . Gunn ; J. C. Newton ; M iss E . M. Franklin ; M iss Constance Waddington ; M iss F. S. Major, S.R.N. ; M iss J. K. Williamson ; Miss R. M. A. Tait, M.B., Ch.B. ; Miss J. I. Bell; Miss W. Natten, S.R.N. ; Miss M. E. King, S.R.N. Evangelists : Chao Chih Pin, Chao Ching Hu, Tung Ho Nien, Wang Shao Wu, Liu Ma Chung, Chang Hsi Shwei, Sun Tzu I, Feng Wen Ch’üan.

1893—SAN YUAN.—¿W. Mudd, ¿Mrs. Mudd; A. K. Bryan, ¿Mrs. Bryan ; W. C. Bell, B.A., Mrs. Bell; Miss Dorothy Curtis, B.A. ; Miss F. M. Watson. Pastor : Sun Yu Fang, Li Ts’ung Chu. Evangelists : Sun Kuan Hai, Chang Hwai En, Wang Chun, Chang Ming Yu, Chang Feng Chou, Hsing Lai Huo, Kuo Hsi Sheng. 1010—YEN-AN-FU. Pastor : Wang Pei K’uei. Evangelists : Kao Tsung Woa, Hsu Chin Wu, Chung Chia Sheng, Chang Hsi Nien. 1609—FU-YIN-TSUN.— Evangelists : Wang Tao Sheng, Cha Te Hui. SHANGHAL ¿A . J. Garnier, :Mrs. Gamier ; ¿Adam Black, ¿Mrs. Black (Associate- Missionaries) ; Miss J. M. Bain. At Language School, Peking : Miss M. Belch&m, Miss E. A. Johnson, Miss C. Lloyd.

WEST INDIES. TRINIDAD. 1843 -PORT OF SPAIN.— J. Herbert Poole,* Mrs. Poole.* JAMAICA. 1818— KINGSTON. Calabar College—President : Gurnos King, B.A., B.D., Ph.D., Mrs. King ; Tutor : D. Davis, B.A., B.D., Mrs. Davis. BAHAMAS. 1833—NASSAU.— ______CENTRAL AFRICA. CONGO. Ì879—SAN SALVADOR— M. W. Hancock, Mrs. Hancock ; J. Russell, M.A,, Mrs. Russell ; J. Saxton, M.B., Ch.B., Mrs. Saxton ; P. Salzberg, M.D., L.R.C.P. & S. : Bliss Hilda G. Coppin ; Bliss Alys H. Bell, S.R.N. ; Bliss E. G. Davis ; Bliss W. Birch ; Miss F. D. Chase, S.R.N. 1905- BEMBE. A. A. Lambourne, Mrs. Lambourne ; Bliss Jessie Lambourne ; ¿A. W. Hillard, ¿Mrs. Hillard ; ¿Bliss K. M. Cheshire, S.R.N. ; Bliss P. H. Jessop, S.R.N. * Supported by Port of Spain Church. 100 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937.

1899—QUIBOCOLO.— A. E. Guest, Mrs. Guest; W. D. Grenfell, Mrs. Grenfell; J. Bruno de Sousa ((Associate-Missionary) ; Miss E. K . Milledge ; Miss W. D. Cuff, S.R.N. 1908— KIMPESE.— W. D. Reynolds, B.A., B.D., Mrs. Reynolds : E. H. Morrish, Mrs. Morrish. 1884— WATHEN. J. H. Starte, Mrs. Starte ; I. G. Maurice, B .A . ; Miss G. Lawson, M.A. ; ¿Miss W. A. M. Broom, S.R.N. ; Miss E. E. Smith, S.R.N. ; Miss E. M. Brain, B.A. 1911— THYSVJLLLE.— H . J. Casebow, Mrs. Casebow, S.R.N. ; A . C. Russell, Mrs. Russell ,* ¿Miss E. R. Warren. 1920— KIBENTELE.— î W . B . Frame, ¿Mrs. Frame ; R. V. de C. Thompson, Mrs. Thompson ; B. J. Keogh ; Miss D. H. James ; Miss L. E. Head, S.R.N.

1882—KINSHASA (Leopoldville).— C. E. Pugh (Congo Secretary), Mrs. Pugh ; ¿P. H. Austin, ¿Mrs. Austin ; E. D. F. Guyton ; R. C. Salmon, Mrs. Salmon ; M. Guthrie, B.Sc., A.R.S.M., Mrs. Guthrie ; 7. H. Couderc (A ssoci aie-M isst onary). 1888— BOLOBO.— A. W . Glenesk, Mrs. Glenesk ; ¿T. G. R. Tyrrell, ¿Mrs. Tyrrell ; ¿A. G. W. MacBeath, M.A., B.D., ¿Mrs. MacBeath ; S. J. Newbery, Mrs. Newbery, S.R.N. ; I. S. Acres, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.T.M., Mrs. Acres ; G. G. Baeten, Mme. Baeten (Associate-Missionaries) Miss A. M. Wilson ; Miss N. F. Petrie, S.R.N. ; Miss G. E. Lowman. 1884—LUKOLELA.—L. G. West, Mrs. West. 1931— TSHTJMBIRI.— J. N. Clark, Mrs. Clark. 1891—UPOTO.—J. H. Marker, Mrs. Marker ; L. J. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor ; W. G. Gunn. 1932—PIMU.— JA. E. Allen, JMrs. Allen; J. Davidson, Mrs. Davidson ; E. W. Price, M.A., M.B., Ch.B., D.T.M. 1905 — YALEMBA.— ¿A. B. Palmer, B.A., ¿Mrs. Palmer, B.A. ; L. J. Weeks, Mrs. Weeks, S.R.N. ; A. R. D. Simpson, Mrs. Simpson ; A. R. Neal, Mrs. Neal, S.R.N. ; ¿Miss M. Coles ; Miss 0. L. M. Hurdle. 1896— YAKTJSU.— ¿W . Millman, ¿Mr«. Millman ; A. G. Mill, Mrs. Mill ; G. J. Wilkerson, Mrs. Wilkerson ; W. H. En naia, Mrs. Ennals ; W. H. Ford, B.A. ; H. B. Parris, Mrs. Parris, S.R.N. ; ¿K. C. Parkinson, M.A. ; R. E. Holmes, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.T.M. ; D. R. Chester- ton ; S. G. Browne, M.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., M.B., B.S., D.T.M., A.K.C. ; T. Knights, M.B., Ch.B. ; Miss G. Reiling : Miss A. Wilkinson ; Miss A. D. Moyles, S.R.N. ; ¿Miss M. A. Fasham ,* Miss E. M. Lean, S.R.N.

Not yet sailed : Miss G. M. Stacey, S.R.N. ; N. H. Hurst, B.A. ; J. G. Jones, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ; J. E. Young, B.A.


FRANCE. 1834—MORLAIX. STATISTICS. 10 1 STATISTICS OF THE SOCIETY’S FIELD WORK, 1936-37. A SUMMARY...... h in a n d ia e y l o n u r o p e o t a l s ongo I a m a ic a C E T C J ! ! C Foreign F o r c e . Missionaries: Men ...... 64 4 4 1 56 3 . * 168 Single Women (includ­ ing Widows) .. 73 6 35 29 .. 14 3 „ Married Women S 3 4 33 39 3 13 2 Retired Missionaries (Men, Women, Wives and Widows)...... 75 2 34 3* % 3 14 7 Stations and Sub-Stations 83 5 58 557 I 704

Native W orkers. Home Missionaries— Men 7 _ „ „ Single Women .. I I „ „ Married Women 7 •• 7 Retired Home Missionaries (Men, -- •* Wives and Single Women) *4 1 ...... 1 5 Evangelists, Pastors and Other Workers (Men and Women) 888 145 741 1,968 4 3,746

Ch u r c h e s. Organised Congregations 405 31 443 1,3 0 1 2 2 ,18 2 Communicant Members 24,341 i , 5*9 10 ,9 3 1 2 2 ,1 1 1 36 58,938 Baptisms during the year 1,5 6 2 50 463 3.O37 5 ,n a Christian Community 64.277 2,697 13,488 59,493 1 1 0 140,065 Sunday Schools— Number 342 59 69 17 2 4 646 „ „ Teachers i , i 33 3*4 204 305 z 1,9 58 „ „ Scholais 18 ,3 4 1 3,*87 2.321 9,*95 32 33,070

E d u c a t io n . Day and Boarding Schools 230 68 n o 1,4 0 6 1,8 14 Teachers ...... 49S *94 189 *,5*9 .. ., 2,400 Scholars 1 1 ,5 6 1 5,58i 4,226 61,529 82,897 Colleges of University Standing I I a Students ...... 278 633 •• 9 x1 Theological, Normal and Training •• C o lle g e s ...... 9 5 7 a i Students 17 7 *4* 250 568 Industrial Training Institutions I 2 IO #. *3 Students ...... 16 67 I49 I , , 2 ., 3 Inmates 53 I IO 63 Pupils in Zenanas 975 12 '• ••** 987

Medical W o r k . European Doctors— Men 4 8 6 18 „ „ Women 6 •• S „ Pharmacists and Business Managers...... I 3 4 „ Nurses ...... 16 , , 8 ra ,, 36 Qualified Native Doctors 6 . t 7 *3 Qualified Native Nurses 26 24 3 .. 53 Unqualified Assistants...... US *39 85 .. 339 Hospital Native Evangelists ,, ,. 8 10 2 20 Hospital Servants 75 12 8 l8 Hospitals ...... 8 6 4 iS Dispensaries...... 1 1 3 SI 35 Beds and C o t s ...... 397 4 0 1 *48 946 In-Patients ...... 6,889 4,980 4,448 ,, *6, 3*7 jotal Attendances ...... 16 9,338 97,741 373,879 640,958 Operations ...... 3,329 6,470 1,533 1 1 ,3 3 a Visits to Homes, and Patients seen " on Tour " .. 8 1,929 1.435 •• 775 79,7*9 •••• Litf.rature, Total Scriptures distributed (and sold) 38,553 1 1 7 ,1 1 8 7,850 .. 9.960 *63,48* » Miscellaneous Christian Books •old 19 .0 9 * 15 0 10 ,50 a 760 30.503 Periodicals Issued !! !! 4 1 3 • • 8 Avenuw Circulation per issue 1,2 4 3 500 a ,300 .. 3,842 Presses . , 3 a *• •* ------1 0 3 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. 937.] STATISTICS— INDIA» 1 0 3

INDIA. For Medicai Statistics (Schedule E) see p. 125.


H o k e M ission a ru s. Men. ! STATIONS. as Ils £

BENGAL. j Rs. A.P. BmImI : 4. o- c Bttmujwr .. .. s ? r.iffiH. .. ; aoj 1,049- a- I Casata Union Sooth VOiafM V“ “ j * ‘ Chittagong and H© ; Tract« .. .. S 3 DHemdNBanmn) » 4

10 46-6-9 4

N ot** called.. ! a Totals .. ! 3* *5 33 207 M»3* 7-*° 42

ORISSA, 17 fialo|fr S 99 118- 8- o «S’"ruu ll-iO* o 3^

Not »ailed. 51 Totals IS 59 13X- a* o

NORTH INDIA. Aim 3,*0O- o- o

D a ttf Dhobar IOO- 0- 0 ç * r T a,75«**5* 9 sad Monghyr 137- o. o F»*p äS S Ä ::

*7 Tota)* . 95 *9 5.995'* I* 9 »9 MI Gkamp Totaw . n S3 w* 7,540* f.-7 104 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937, 1937] STATISTICS— INDIA. 105

IN D IA [continued). IN D IA (continued).

C —INDIAN CHURCH—continued. D.—'EDUCATION. D.—EDUCATION—continued.

S u n d a y Sch oo ls. Kihdsx- EUHSMTASr AMD VlLLAQK Teachers devoting the chools Mzddlb Schools. greater part of their GARTSNS. S . time to educational Girls. Boy*. work. Pupils. Pupils. Boys. Girls. Male. Female. STATIONS. Foreign. Indian. _N«>- U i Christian ! s 1 Ss 1 ! | - j Non- Christian. Non- Christian. Non- Christian. I l l

BENGAL. Rs. Satini 30 50 389 402 34 15 4,707*15- 0 44 489 231 340 53 2 108 3 163 I 5 21 *73 «9 12 4 3,233- 0- 0 Z Ü 2 jo Z2I 30 172 116 8 8 80 127- 0- 0 rUnkm ... 59 53 3 95 i 9 29 Sondi villages Union 9 J3 Í 87 « 9 105 8 431- o> 0 is À i 14* 87 22 Chittagong and Hill 2 1,581-14- 0 Tracts .. 9 9 *9 f° 126 zz 138 Z3 35 10 11 4« 62 359- 7- « 7 383! 206 19 29 UQUypor toa jMjwugun 13 33 190 2Z7 “it 708- z- 0 9 135 224 107 25 H om i * * • • 2 a *3 *5 20 3 13»- 0- 0 « • z **6 33 7 I •• *3 18 13a 188 7 983- 3* 9 18 • • 12 Z5Z 19 ZZ9 12 55 • « • • . . . • 9 10 33 *47 12 i 259- 7*zo Z 39 182 »5 33 86 K5 624 6,05a 4*¿33 2,163- 0- 6 X ¿3 41 Zi®79- 47 307 !! 2 Z85 Totals » 5 789 7,048 185 6,032 520 43 13,683- 3* 7 198 3 180 *46 2,176 M 37 1.083 401 6 357 39 385 39

ORISSA. I Balaogfr .. 746- o- o z 47 237 155 13 I 78 22 21 *9 Ikriiampur ■■ 9 i‘,6 1,825- o- o 1 96 21 i 117 I 10 33 Cvttaek 46» 3 8 12 38 46 *99 3 *7 «5 Puri...... 76 2 Udayagfai .. Is 1X8 x.otB- 0- 0 zo 90 *75 a s i 39 *6 S n u a p t .. SOI 105 389. o- o Totals 60 1,11a 79 1,161 *47 SO 8,099- *- « 3« z 47 35 468 453 3*7 111 4 193 204 348 43


Agra t 4 20 zo IWirf 12 *7 17 22 249 638- 5- 6 •• Bbhraai 2 7 13 i 7 *1,1*5-13* 3 I 3 1 Delhi 5 so 107 21 14 3,054* o- o z 21 19 I Dhoipcr .. 9 10 20 121 IS© 340- o* 0 •• z 4 180 G*ya . . . . 4 9 4* 68 10 612- 2 3 13 9 H Z30 Kaaaoli 10 so «5 7« 83 409- 5- 6 jOH^vndliM^r 1 a 2 z 1,556 >o- 3 7 16 xz 759 4*0 *8 22 *5 zz 1 3 *3 1 * !» 6 Patna . . 6 28 i f 98 1,370* o* 0 3 5 387 95 I 10 i

Totali 37 113 407 430 356 876 8,865- 8- 6 58 .... *7 151 653 46 434 2 13 3 » 3 7 856 89 C u m Toras* M3 1133 8,567 682 7.549 »,.*43 82 JO,649 113- 9 35 3*4 4 337 208 *•795 *»54* M 36 936 13 363 346 • ludadas gifts to Faner Hospital, B. & F.BÄ, Moaghyr Church, Orissa Famine Fund, os well as to local Chnrch expenses. 106 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. {1937. 1937.] STATISTICS—INDIA 107

IN D IA (amtmued). IN D IA (continued).

D.—EDUCATION—continued. D—EDUCATION—continued. Colleges of University Theological Hostels landing and Uni* Normal and Schools, train­ Boarders attached to Industrial High Schools. Trainim; ing tor the inali Non-MissioE Orphan­ Teaching Medical Colleges). Schools. Ministry (in­ foregoing Schools and > TSS* ages. WoA. II cluding regular Schools. Colleges. tutions. *«8 Students. Students. Students Rlhl.<mM 0 2 STATIONS. Students. 1 Pupils. Inmat«> 2 ! l î Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 3 i S*3 S Nai No. No. 1-8

No No O gö No. i 4 1 •S 3 1 a i Ji í Male. Female. Male. Male. Female. Number ol Number Total num num Total Pupils. of I Christian. 9 550 J I! * vis! Houses £ S 1 Isl 1 ! I BENGAL j Ra. A.P Barbai .. .. 84 121 1,387 11,605- 3-0 Bbhnnpor ia6 (24 4 S37 *• •• 345 30,115- 0-0 Calcutta i 13 Ito •• 2x8 1 *3 • •• 874 21,136- 0-0 rumiti» Union 306 324-4-« Saath vflla«ea Union.. 368 260-13-0 Chittagong and Hill Tracts 8 214 374- 0-0 I A 41 90 300 693 696-12-0 Dacca aM Naajm aaj I «8 43 Dinajpor and Jalpaignxf •• •• 2 76 527 2.859- 4-0 Howrah ** •• •• •• •• 47 138- 0-0 "• ’• • ! i! " 407 1,776- 0-0 Porneah Radunati i 2 X 282 I.« 89-15-0 I 3J* *5 89 2 303 43,957-13-3 *4 + 48 161 1,790 5,703- 0« 2 33 3*8 510 8a 90 300 Total« « 7 *37 tx7 **4 34 »32 5 39 7,442 110,435- °-3


ORISSA. I i j Balangir . Berhampur 58 3* •• 598 543- 0-0 437 4*9 Cttttack *°5 17* 8a 1 <3 •• •V *-X Puri .. 1*8 1*9 48 X 63,114- 8-0 [ 4 123 748- 0-0 Udayagiri V 16 . 588 1,176- 0-0 i 3 —*- Totab *03 w 81 39 I 3 S .. *84 3» 1 3 .. I . * 16 it 4 48 ¡ 89,934- 8-9


NORTH INDIA. 30 .. i *«7 23,965- 1-6 Atn 9 *5« ;; ygmtt ,, ÌS •• •• SSO 580- 0-0 « * ' 7S 93 IO8 Bhhrani • • Delhi .. 9*1 I6J • • .. 94 «77 5* *90 * • f© 158 » » xa *70 330 414 285-0 -0 Dhoipor • • • • * * i 298 S3 I32 300-0 -0 Gaya .. * « 73 138 Km h B.. 333 ^amalpgr and Mocgbyr » « * « 3 49 30 xo ¿ 9 M 70-II-0 * ♦ too 36 601 Pataa 9 70 MMO* 0«

•• • ■ sot *3 *6 3,* 37 40,940-12-6 Total* fS* JO? «90 163 15 J 3 31 ..s .. 343 673 3 IOb «3 • • 8*4 (036 9 IOX 90 X X6 x 4 ♦a 633 973 **u^ 30» 3-6 . GiuitoTouM 5« «17 389 ¡277 34 23a ! 5*5** *.n corresponding column, 1936, should be **6,915*1-0« * Vocational School. T *33 S.S. Leaden attended a week* Summer Schoo.. 108 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REFORT. [193'

IN D IA ( continued).

F.—LITE RATURE. Periodical* Total Receipts. Iamod.


BENGAL. Rs. A.P. Rs. A.P. Barisal no 33 3*- 9-0 9 -3 -6 160 Hkhnnpnr .. ,, XH38 61 6-IS-6 3-8-6 500 J 548 440 11-14-0 7-6-9 fawntn* Uniwi . . too ao5 Soatb Ÿffiages Union » 5 zaS and Tracts 430 3*3 3* 3-9 5*-i3- o Dacca A 1.53Ç *»397 50 «3- 9-9 38-13- o 734* 2,160 Howrah Pmmh fio 7o; 11- 4-0 0- 8 -0 Pflnpmari Rangpar 30 IÖ3 *94 345 3*-**-7| S- I - 4 400 I Sooth 319; 316 435 M *4 lâfriiol 363- 6- 6 82 I Totals .. »17 4*9 *0,795 **¿33 5,283 336-11-7! 378-14- 7 1,142 ! I


Balaagtr 43' 8,433 8,50« 7** 183- 8-0 83- *- 9 TTcrtmmnur . 35; 300 S5f 340 35- 0-0 Cuttack 36 1,300 31- 0-0 83**3- 9 Puri .. 310 337 373 *8- 7-0 17-13- 6 61 63 3* 7- 0-0 3-10- o Stmoupor“ggyg. .• 30 Total* 86 *o6j 9,003 ».*95 3#°5® 366-15-0 *88- 8- o

NORTH INDIA. A#rs fianmt 40 40 3 10 0-13-0 0-5-0 Bhbrwd .. 4* 33 3*4 377 3 5« I t - M 3 0 - I * o Delhi...... Dboipor *3 II ’ 565 3 50 43. 8-6 9* I* 6 Gaya...... *3 37 4 3 3,190 8 3,833 133-13-0 «9**4* 9 KasaoU 30 33 M34 *,5*7 6 3 3 « 79-20-s • 54**3* 6 j[«Bÿ »tlfantlqT I If 301 331 5 306 *0- 6-0 *3 it 3*3 3 64* 41- 3-6 £ 't % Patna 39 » 6 a.»03 4 3,* *9 333-14-9 54- 8- 6 • • »

Totals *4* «73 7,998 8,035 »«750 631-11-6 439* * * GtuvoTom*, 345 800 • 7,796 *3,533 19,091 MI3- « * ! ,006-10- 1

Bi-saooUUy. 1937 ] TTSIS CEYLON, STATISTICS— . ]


§ CEYLON (continued).


Teachers devoting Non- REPORT. ANNUAL FORTY-PIJTH AND HUNDREDONE Christian Kindergarten Schools. Elementary and Village Schools. the greater part of Teacher* thaír tima to Edu­ included cational Work. In PupUa. Pupils. previous Foreign Ceylonese, column. Boy«. Girle. Boys. Girl». No. No.

; tb ou ! Rs- I *9 I aS.74«/9 7 | ♦ 89 I looj a ! 38 8r 1130 82 880 36 107. 1,67a 106 1,068 Theological College* of University Hostels at­ Normal and Schools, Boarders tached to Industrial Zenana Hiddk Schools. High Schools standing and Uni ver­ training for the In all Training Orphanages. siti« (including Training Ministry (in­ foregoing Non-Mission Institu­ Teaching Medical Colleges). Schools. cluding regular Schools. Schools and tions. Work. Bible Schools). Colleges. PupQs. Stttdenta. Students. Students. Students Inmates Pupils. Inmatf. Male. ! Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 ! *o ’S No. No. No. No, No. No. No. J i Oa $ a í| * ;«■ i a 1 h z &

5* 3« ! S I 88 i 140 67 77 34 [ 1937 . CEYLON (continuât).

D.—EDUCATION DISPENSARY WORK, ITC., AT *' NON-MEDICAL " F.—LITERATURE. —ita m i.) STATIONS. TTSIS CEYLON. STATISTICS— Worker* appointed Total í I! to Rsceiptt. Periodicals issued. i i Literature work.

n l i f H § Ri Rs. - ê r 5,«18 145,165/33 T 500 1 1 2 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1937. 1937.] STATISTICS—CHINA. 1 1 3



Women. Men. Women.

STATIONS. h af 9 1 I 1 fcf 1 ! I *3 ! s s 1 »'S Salary. •oc , m "3 I j l Honorary Workers. Workers. Honorary | i I I in of receipt Workers £ Part of Total Chinese Workers In re­ In Workers Total Chinese of Part ceipt of Salary from Chinese Cfaurcfa. Chinese from Salary of ceipt


Tal Yota Fb .. 6 10 5 3 •• •• a 7 9 4 6 10 Sincbow 3 2 3 »4 *4 6 6 Takfco* ...... 3 1 Î "it 12 î *4 3 3 1 I

Totals .. .. # .. 12 13 8 30 • • • • 3 33 î 37 4 *5 19 ; î

S u m m —

Southern Association 3 6 3 ' I 5 7 4 4 4 (Centn at Chomsoa) •• 4 Northern Association I 53 3 62 7 (Centn at Feidben) 7 5» 3 54 W m n Asodttioo 4 35 38 33 rJCentre at Tsowpiag) •• 4 39 5 7 8 1 8 3 6 7 3 15 9 4 Eastern Association . 3 3 3 X 88 10 5 t 10 (Centre at Tsiogcbotr) 93 *3 9*

T o ta ls ...... 14 9 14 to • • .. 185 *9 33 216 171 so 191 3*

S m u -

Sbnlo ...... 9 8 6 15 12 7 II 30 5 5 16 SaaYaaa 4 2 3 it •• 14a 3 *4 *58 13 4 16 4 Ycnanfu i 13 8 30 3 I 4 FuyhHauo .. I 3* 3 3 98 7 7 4

Totals .. 13 TO ? afl • • • « 198 30 38 346 a* to 3* 34

-- -fL-lf 2 1 a Notàationed...... 3

33 33 5» *• ** »8« 7* 5* 499 197 43 «4* 37 114 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. 1937.] STATISTICS—-CHINA. 115



Theological Hostels College? of Normal Schools Industrial Orphan- ; w University standing Boarders attached T r aining «ge»- i .§ and Universities and tra ining in all the to non- Institu­ (including Medical Training for the foregoing Missioa tions. In- i 3 d Colleges). Schools. Ministry Schools. Schools and (inrltiHing Colleges. mates.! Ma Je Female regular Pupils. Local Stu* Stu­ Stu­ Bible In­ I M Income dent*. dents. dents. Schools). mates. I on lor S u- Edu­ dents. cational Work. £ 8 ' -g 3 i Ja Z ! S

£ s. d. 305 270 o o *03 180 .. ss_ 688 270 o o

50 191

15 31 3**


>991307137,90 * 9 405 ¡288 947 36 *94 _l__ 199 30713790 74 405 288 67 2.M9

63 9*3 688 15 o 983 566 63 3^62 688 15 o 199 307137 90 X32 468 488 67 5,a79 958 15 o

* n.M.S. Students to Shantung Christian University .. 9 Men, 1 Woman. * Literacy Schools CHINA— (continu**).


W«■lean Scriptona Dis tributi ited to mL Total Receipts. Periodical* Issued


H j i HI I j For i Presses. Mission 1 i I ? 1 j 1 % 1 )!; Books. Other 1 For Scriptoraa. SfeAm»~ * £ a. d. £ s. d. T U Y tta F u • • 9y|nBNQOH nv ... 96 89 3*495 3,680 I 8 7 0 Tatobow to 90 S.940 5.970 X *30 s 10 0 I 10 0 • • *®»3*4 *0,3*4 ;; •• •• •• •• Totals .. a xo6 X09 150 9 17 0 S*Aimn*o-~ Southern Association : (Centre at Chow-t'son) 8 334 188 76,381 Northern Assoda lion : •• 76,9*4 •• (Centre at Frichen).. Western Association : • • ^Crotjg^at Fsowping) • a •• *• • • .. .. Eastern Association ; • « (Centn at ttingdiowfo) • • Totals . . *• 8 394 188 76.58* 76,9*4 .. • * * * S m n -

a tt« s 7 SOS so,a 30 X San Yuan .. •• *95 IS O O 3 0 0 Yaoaafa • • t% a # •• = ;; •• Fa YinTtaa Totals .. a 7 SOS *95 20,830 .. >5 0 0 3 0 0

Shftogkii • • « » [1937, X •• • • .. • a ., G i a k d T o t a l * . . 1 t i n i 4f,7 499 96,3*6 t*7,n 8 150 17 xo 0 12 17 0


Teach eri devoting greater part of their Blem entary and Village Ume to Educational Schools. Middle Schools. High Schools. work.

STATIONS. Foreign. Congolese. Hale Female Students. Students.

San Salvador ito 30 *,463 1,493 170 160 Bembe 28 8B3 673 3« il 52 1,501 I,601 3 1 11 36 2 i n £ « 3 II 1,723 34 *,394 4* 254 13 6 toi *.300 1,300 98 100 48 »,340 37 700 *83 Kinshasa (UopoldvOla-Est) ao 400 550 io *40 B o lo b o ...... 179 I 2 Ì 3 ,113 2,888 335 3 1 1 Tslrarnbiri .. .. 2.263 *.4*9 *677 100 67 LokoleU...... 33 36 ZIO 181 Cfooto .. 560 3*8 rann ...... *43 & I47 987 3,220 876 Yalemba...... 1» 120 73 3,8^0 2,380 30 Yaktisn...... 465 330 450 *,730 12,000 a 60 3,0 6 0 Total« 1,310 1,4« 1,373 11,799 28,587 «,396 II,421 651 647 34* 77 3« *3




Women. Man. Woman. N HN&D N FRYFFH NUL REPORT. ANNUAL FÖRTY-FIFTH AND HÜND&ËD ONE STATIONS. 1 * 1 Men. j j | i } 1 1 f a I mM i j j i j i 1 Ì 1 1 Ü ü i l l j 1 “ 1 1

Iteteli. Brittany .. •• i •• - Z •• % s I •• • • Khfrton, Jamaica .. a a i : ! Total a •• 9 a •• • i 1 •• % 3 I • • * ••

C.—BRETON CHURCH. 1937. 7 3 9 [1 EUROPE AND JAMAICA— icon tin uctl). 7 3 9 1


Teachws devoting greater part of their Kinder- time to Educational Work. garten«. Elementary and Village Schools. Middle Schools.

Non-Chris- ; tian Teachers STATIONS. Foreign, Native. included in Boya. Girls. Male Female previous Students. Students. column.

! «1 « £ ij JS a ’2 i 1 « Ì 8 o a ! * ■3 § ~ § 3 a. fi 5 53'E I 53 a j £ as £ a ti as 58 IIu

Kingston, Jamaica ..


College* o f C tdrcr- >< Tiiml Theoloei'«! Hcluiol* , Bönnien llastol« i»t- Industrial High Schools. «III -! unii " a n r I'lil- ni'it imtn«l*fiir tin? Minis- in f"to- tnchei! to Nm Training Orphan-. V.'Tii! ¡.'t in.-lndiliK Training I ry (InrltnlInK ri'Ktilnr■] K"ini MinsionSclmoK Inrtltu- agra. >1. Hl- 'il Si'lnioK (ill,In Hchoftlm. ; Reh« ml*. and College*. ttons. I Male Kenia k Female- Stu- ! Male Stu­ Stu Stu­ Students. Inmates. Pupils. In- Students. dents. I tna tcs. 3-2 dents. dents. dents. quo « s s STATIONS. Ì 18I b . l i II a ì I 3 Ü &\è is fc £ £ ». d. Kingston, Jamaica. 1 4 6 50 17 ■I61)


No. of No. of Out-Patient*. No. of Operations. European Docto». Local S t a t io n s . Receipts. II H Á as £ 2 M s. d.

INDIA. HosriTAi*—

Cbandragbona (General) 1.300 »3,319 5,05* 17.37« 29a 488 780 *9 -,0x2 io 6 Udayagiri 3.878 67 500 26 5 o Paltral (Men’*) 4*4 10,399 M.93a 25,331 97 550 647 317 6 6 Associated Dispensari« 9,086 Palwal (Women’s) .. 1,173 2,16 0 6,788 m 94 ■378 832 3 6 Associated Dispensaries 7,008 9,478 Bhbrani (Women’s) i,68a 5,37a 9,547 14,819 226 466 692 60 688 3 O Associated Dispensary 1,626 1,108 2,814 Dholpur {Womens) 899 10,200 17,960 a8,i6o a&3 356 233 906 14 o Berbampur (Women’s) i fln 4.339 35,093 29.431 à 299 300 808 14 o Lungleh (Women’s) 13* 4.*69 4,**5 8,394 *$ % 110 293 94 4 6 DarroDispensary 1.933 i,93a 3,865

D ispensaries—

Chittagong 640 6 I I o Bisbnupur Rangamati 95 3* Balangir Gaya.. Kasauli

Totals 16 26 115 75 397 6889 59.535 96,094 169 338 1,177 2,153 3,329 1.435 £5,58a 14 o ^ NS TABLE OF MEDICAL STATISTICS imUûunD. No. at g Europnan No. of Ottt-Pttianta. No. of Operation*. DoctotT TJ St a t io n *, Local Receipts. i l ¿3

t s. d. CHINA. H o w it a l b — •T*la»mfo58 3.212 8 , 1 0 0 ” ,332 8 r ,929 £‘ 4.354 il 5 Chceloo University criical School. It is not possible lo give statistics showing the proportion of the work for which the B.M.S. is responsible. 1937.] MISSIONABIES OK ACTIVE SERVICE SPECIALLY SUPPORTED. 127


Name Station. Supporters. Dr. I . Act» ...... Bolobo Ramsden Road and Waflingtan Churcbe Rev. A. E. Allen ...... Pimu " Anonymous * Rev. T. W. Allen ...... Tsingcbowfu Eastgate Church, Lewes Nnrae A. H. Bell ...... San Satvmdor Cbatsworth Road, West Norwood Dr. Jean Benxk» ...... Bbiwani Torquay Auxiliary Miss W. Birch ...... jinn Salvador Bucks. Baptist Association Ur. Mary Bis*et ...... Bhiwani .. Aberdeen and District Dr. C. V. Bloom ...... TaiYuan Fu E. London Council Dr. Hilda Bowser .. Paiwal Nottingham Dr. and Mn. J. W. Bottoms .. Chandraghona Southend Auxiliary and Brentwood Church Mrs. W. J. Bradnock .. .. Agra W. London Council Nune W Broom ...... Wathen .. N.W. London Council Rev. H. W. Bordett, B. A. .. .. Sianfu Woolwich Tabernacle Rev, A. B u r y ...... Barisal Bury and Rossendale Auxiliary 2fv-H W. Carter, B.Sc. .. .. Luogleb Bristol, Old Kin« Street Church Mis* E. M. Chapman...... Lungleh .. SJB. London Coundi Rev. H. J. Charter. B.A., B.D. .. Kandy Upper Holloway Church NmmiK. M. Cheshire...... San Salvador Sutton, Surrey. Rev. D. Chesterton...... Yakusu .. Tabernacle, Tunbridge Wells Rev, H. Collias • . .* .. Calcutta *« Liverpool C.E. Societies Hilda Coprin ...... San Salvador Manchester Auxiliary MIm D. Curtis, X a ...... San Yuan .. S.W. London Council Mi«* B. B. Davict ...... Dholpur Huddersfield District Auxiliary Rev. and Mr*. F. S. Drake .. .. Tsinanfu .. W. London Council Mi« E. F. DrayKM ...... Bariaal .. E. London Council Kev. W, Hedtoy • • • • Yakufo *« Walsall, Stafford Street Church Rev.H, A. EmiaoU „ !. „ xSS o w fu Bury St Edmunds ^»^•W.awu» .. .. Colombo .. Horfield Church, Bristol Rsv. B. F. W. Fellow*. B.A. Cuttack .. Camden Road Cardiff wL5 ia*D" • .. •• .. DholpurCutUck .. • • N.B. Loudon Council Jr. W. S. Flower* .. .. Chowtsun .. Swansea Auxiliary Bristol, Fishponds Coventry, Queen's Road Church :: ::«ar :: Canterbury Church N. W. London Council£M A. W. Glenetk...... Bolobo E l:: :: :: K S f :: K«»LGood Lunfleh .. rS“ «0; GfUi ...... Sincbow „ Beechea Grave, Watford Dr. Helen Gregory .. ,, Bcrhampore Edinburgh 1 2 8 ONE HUNDRED AND FOE TY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1 9 3 7 .

Name. Station. Supporters. Rev. A. E. Guest .. - .. Quibocolo .. and Rossendale Auxiliary Rev. and Mis. M. Guthrie .. .. Upoto Rev. W. G. G u n n ...... Sianfu Edinburgh, Morningside Nun» Mary Guyton...... Bhhranl North-West London Council Nurse Hilda Hitt ...... Berhampur Batb. Wldoombe Rev. M. W. Hancock • • San Salvador Brighton, Florenoe Road Nurse W. M. Hawkins .. Dholpur .. Leytonstooe, Fillebrooke Much L. B. H e a d ...... Kibentale .. Fleet (partial) and Ashiord Rev. A. W. Hillard...... R»ml» New Malden D r . L b d ( ...... TÉHnfi .. Cambridge Rev. B. J- K e o g h ...... Kibentele .. West Ham Central Mission Dr. Garden Ktac ...... U n u fa S.W. London Council Mis. G. K in & lL B ...... TUnanfu .. Perth and Farianhire Rev. A. A. Lamboame .. Bembe West London Missionary Council win j. Lamboaroe .. n«wti« Brighton Road, S. Croydon Nnoe Margaret Logan .. Chowtaun .. Mba B. Looaley ...... Salamatpur.. ------Sunday Schools Rev. A. G. W. MacBeath, M.A., B.D. Bolobo .. Chartotte Chapel, Edinburgh Miss C. Mamon ...... Rangamati Glasgow. Queen's Park Rev. J. H. M ark er...... Upoto Strand Auxiliary None Fiancee S. Major .. Sianfu N. London Council Rev. A G. Mill ...... Yaknso Foots Cray Church Mis« Nellie Milled«»...... Quibocolo .. S. Council Rev. W. MMnati ...... Yaknsu Bristol, Buckingham Church, and Clarendon Hall, Leioester. Mias A. B. Motile, BJL .. Calcutta N. London Council Rev. W. Modd ...... San Yuan .. Bury and Roaaendale Baptist Association Rev. A. R. Neal ...... Yakmba .. t «Miliiytnfi Church Rev. a J. Newbery...... Bolobo Sahara flail, Canoubury Non» E. M. OBver...... Lungieb .. Wiltshire Rev. W. P. Paifing, RD. .. .. Trinante .. S.W. London Coundl Bar. K. C. Baririnaon, M.A .. Yakusu Rev. HL Payne ...... Tsinanfu .. ------r. Union Church Rev. S. F. Peaxce ...... Colombo .. New SouthgateChurcb Rev. J. H. E. Pleaxie .. .. Balangir .. None N. Pbrbes Pwrie .. Bolobo Glunw Mfaa D. PhOcox ...... Gaya RveLaae S,S,. Peckham Rev. D. N. Oadooa P ip a , M.A .. Pafwal Burlington Sunday Schools, Ipswich Mias H. Porteona ...... Baraut Bristol (in part) Rev. C.E. Pugh ...... mn«h—» .. Peckham, Rye Lane Church Rev. J. B. R a m e y ...... Matale Do. do. Miss L. Reece ...... Matate W. Tr*wwV>w Council MBaa G. ReiKng ...... Yakusu Dutch Baptist Union Rev. G. D. Reynolds, M.A...... Agra Heme Bay Rev. W. D. Remolda, B.A., BJ>. Kknpese .. Jfeney, St. Hdte Church Ifiaa Edith M. Roeg .. D a a .. Weat Croydon Tabernacle Dr. Gladys Rutherford .. .. Dbolpur .. Brighton and Hove Auxiliary Mn. A C. Russell .. .. Thysvilk .. Beaminster, Philip Street Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Salmon .. Kinshasa .. Dr. and Mo. J. Saxton .. .. San Salvador Teddiagtoo Church sod Portsmouth Auxiliary Rev. G. W. S h a w ...... Howrah Bermondsey, Haddon Hall Chuich Mia. J. T. Sldey ...... Gava PaxkRoad, Ruahden Mn. Donald S m ith ...... Tstagchowiu J .ymm CbOTCh None EQa Smith ...... Wathen .. Cudham Church, Biggin Hill Dr. H. G. Stockley...... Sianfu Pence, Tabernacle Rev. H. T. Stooeuka .. TaiCbow .. Wandaworth, Nortbcote Road Church Rev.E.T.Stnart .. Mongbyr .. Todmorden Auxiliary Rev. A. Sttter ...... Staniu Stratford, The Grove Dr. RutbTsit...... a n te Glasgow Rev. L. J . T a y k x ...... Upoto Worthing____ Wc Dr. G. O. Tatcbmann.. .. Cnandragboca Leicester Dr. Ronald U moms...... Palwal Wort London Connell Rev. R. V. de C.Thompson .. Kibentele .. Balham. Ramsden Road Church Miaa A. T u f l ...... Patna Roaaendale W.M.A. League Mím Elsie Walter ...... Gava La ton Girts’ Auxiliary Rev. L. J.Week* ...... Yakmba .. S.W. London Council Rev. K. Waller ...... Boiangtr .. Catiord HUl Church Mn. K. F. Waller .. .. Bolangir .. Rev. D. & Walk .. Calcutta Leads, Blenheim Church Mím A. Wffldnsoo .. .. Yakusu Leeds Auxiliaiy Rev.C. H* WOUams...... Kaaauti Marthyr Tydvil Auxiliary Mias J. Wtffiamaon...... Sianfu Sooth Leitn (in part) Mtos&Wrtebt ...... Taiyuanfu .. S. Northants Dr. H. G. Wyatt ...... Tai Yuan Fu Burnley and District TOE SCHOOLS FOR MISSIONARIES’ CHILDREN. ELTHAM COLLEGE lor BOYS, and WALTHAMSTOW HALL for GIRLS.

HE Schools, though managed and supported independently of T the Missionary Society, form so necessary a part of the home organisation of the missionary enterprise and afford such help to Baptist missionaries, among others, that we recommend them to the sympathy of all who have the cause at heart. Many missionaries would not be able to stay abroad but for the knowledge that at these Schools their children will be receiving, along with a first-class education, the skilled home-care which they, in the nature of the case, are debarred from giving. For the children themselves, the Schools provide, in many cases, the only hope of the sort of education required to fit them for a worthy career in life in these difficult days. The Schools print their own Report, in which a full list of subscribers is published, but we are pleased to include here a list of the contributions made by Baptist Churches during the past year, since in helping the missionaries and their children they are in a very direct way helping the mission. The Secretary is the Rev. H. W. Pike, to whom gifts or communica­ tions should be addressed at the Schools’ Office, 22, Fumival Street, London, E.C.4.


FOR MISSIONARIES' CHILDREN. (For Year ending March 31st, 1937.)

London Auxiliary. £ s. Norwood, Gipsy Road...... 1 10 Balham Ramtden Road...... r i Norwood, Holmesdale Road...... 1 1 Battersea S.S...... i i Pcckham, Rye Lane...... 3 a Camberwell, Cottage Green ...... o xo Pinner U.F. Church...... o 3 Canonbury, Salters' Hail ..... i i Phixnstead, Hast ...... o 10 Camden Town, Park ...... o 5 o St. John's Wood, Abbey Road...... a 2 Camden Road S.S...... a a o Southgate, Oakwood Park ...... - 0 17 Croydon, Memorial Hall Sis ..... 2 13 6 Sfcreatham, Lewin Road ...... t 1 Croydon, West ...... s 3 o Sudbury S.S...... 1 1 Croydon, West (S.S. and lust) 1 o o Sutton B.C...... X X Croydon, South, Brighton Road ...... o 14 o Sutton, Cheam Road...... 1 i o Dulwich, Lordship Lane ...... 2 a o Tcddington, Church End...... 5 I rr Ealing, Haven Gtoen to o o Upper Holloway B .C ...... 2 3 0 Edmonton C.E. and S.S...... * o o Walthamstow Tabernacle C.E...... O IO O Enfield, Cecil Road ...... a a Wanstead Park B.C...... 0 X0 0 EltbamParkB.C...... 3 3 Wanstead, Wellington Road, Morning S.S. o 1 5 o Pcxme Park...... a 2 Wimbledon, Queen's Road...... x 6 8 Greenwich, Lewisham Road ...... 1 1 Greenwich, Lewisham Road S.S a a Gunnersbury...... o 10 C o u x t v . H addcm Hall S.S...... 1 1 Bedfordshire. Hampstead. Heath Street ...... 19 Ampthül Ropehdders ------s a o Harrow, College Road...... 6 6 Bedford, Mill Street...... o 17 o Harrow, South o 10 Luton, Ceylon Place B.C. ., 0 10 6 Highbury HillS.S...... ____ « 15 Luton, W .M .A ...... 1 x o Hounslow ...... 2 7 Wort, High Road ...... Berkshire. Is ington, Cross Street ...... 1 Caversham Free Church S.S. x 13 Islington. Cross Street Ladies' Guild.. . . a Maidenhead B.C...... o 5 Uytamtone, FillebroOk ...... a Reading, King's R oad...... ^ew Southgate.. . 1 Reading, Wydiffe (H.W.P.)., 3 3 N01 th Finchley B.C.’ I ! ! ! ! , ! ! ! ! ! ! ” ... 1 Windsor, Victoria Street . . . , 1 x 129 E 130 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT [1937.

Baptist Churches’ and Auxiliaries’ Contributions to the Schools for Missionaries’ Children. (Year ending March 31st, 1937)—contd. Comity—contd. £ s. d. £ 8. d- Kent. Amersham, Lower, Meeting ...... o 15 Biggin Hill, Central ...... 1 Bletchley, Spurgeon’s Memorial o 10 Broadstairs, Queen’s Road...... % Bromley B.C...... r ibe Canterbury, St George's ...... 1 ranees B.C. Daver,Salem...... o 15 o Slough Gilli>uunS.C...... x i Maidstone, Kni^trlder Street 1 1 tmhw Orpington B.C...... r o Cambridge, St Andrew’s Street 5 6 10 Pembury Free Church ...... x 10 Great Shelfard...... 2 16 o Sevenoaks, Vine B.C...... 2 2 Tunbridge Wells ...... o ro Cheshire. WalmerB.C...... 1 10 Chester, Groevenor Park...... 2 3 5 WhitstableB.C...... 015

C o f M P f l S . Lancashire. Saltasb B.C...... o xo o Ansdell B.C...... o 10 Bacup, Zion...... x o Derbyshire. Blackpool Tabernacle ...... 1 1 Derby, Fear Tree Road...... 1 1 9 Bolton, Claremont ...... 5 0 0 Burnley (B.W.L.)...... 2 0 0 Devonshire. Burnley, Sion B.C...... 0 5 0 I~*Gu5d ’ ®€I^£e'ey Street Women’s Paignton, Winner Street ...... 1 5 0 0 5 « Torquay, Upton ValeB.C...... 1 1 o Liverpool, Rkhmond ...... 3 11 « Torquay, Uptoo B.W.L...... 1 8 6 Manchester, Beaver Park C.E...... o 6 <» Manchester, Broughton U...... o 10 o Durham Camay. Manchester, Grosvenor Street...... 0 10 o Bishop Auckland B.C...... 2 2 o Manchester, S «» ...... 1 I o Stockton, Wellington Street...... 1 1 o Manchester, Oxford Road S.S...... 2 2 0 Sunderland, Lindsay Road 2 2 o Manchester, Women's Auxiliary .... Morecambe Zion B.C ...... 2 2 0 Essex. Nelson, Cart Road ...... O JO 0 Chelmsford,Market Road 1 1 Ogden B.C...... r o o Colchester. £ld Lane ...... 2 o Ramsbottom B.C...... o 10 6 Hornchurch B.C...... a o Rochdale, West Street ...... Leigh B.C...... o jo Wigan, King Street ...... Loogbtoa Union...... 010 Lougbton L.W.P...... 1 o / //V/tfifwhV/ Socket ts Heath B.C...... o 5 Coalville, London Rd. S.S...... o 15 0 Southend,Avenue ...... x x Leicester, Hinckley ...... Soutbend, Clarence Road S.S...... o 10 Leicester, Victoria Road...... Southend,Clarencc Road . . . ----... 1 1 Leioester, Women’s Federation ...... * i Sooth Woodford, G.A...... # 1» Loughborough, Woodgate L.W.P. t 2 West Leigh ...... 1 1 Wolvey...... X 2 Middlesex. fUtmrtiiertftirr Wealdstone ...... o 10 6 Bristol, Broadmead B.C...... a 3 Bristol, Old King Street ...... 1 o Monmouth. Bristol, St. Marks ...... o 5 Newport, Duckpool Road...... 3 8 0 Bristol, Tyadale BXX...... 4 *3 Qirftwiiiaiii, Cambray ...... o 15 Northamptonshire. Cheltenham, Salem B.C...... 1 x Northampton, Adnitt Road...... 0 10 o Chipping Campden B.C...... o 5 Northampton, Mount Pleasant.... 1 0 0 Cirencester...... i 1 Peterborough, Park ...... 1 7 * Gloucester, Brunswick Road S.S 1 1 Northumberland. Kingstanley B.C. Bible Class...... o 19 t o o ShtrchamptooBX...... oxo Berwick, Castigato Women’s Guild.. Stroud, John Street...... o o Nottinghamshire. Mansfield SJS...... 0 i<> 0 Hampshire & I jO.W. Nottingham, Bulweli B.C...... © to 6 Boscombe...... 1 5 0 Nottingham, Chelsea Street B.C...... X xo 0 Gosport. Stoke Road...... <> 15 1 New Milton CJi ...... 2 2 0 Oxifordthht. Newport,Castlebokl(W.L.) ...... x 1 0 Banbury, Bridge Street X I *> Portsmouth, Lake Read ...... x J ® Ryde B.C., S.S...... <> «5 0 Som m a. Southampton, Bittern« fttfk ...... 0 1« 0 Both. Hay Hill tu:...... '* 5 Southampton, Shirley B.C...... 0 5 0 Bath, Manvers Street B.C...... 2 * Southsea, Immanud ...... ---- 1 a " Bath, Oldfield Park ...... 1 3 Cmwkeroc B.C. S.S...... 1 ] Htrlfordiktre, FivebeadB.C...... " Hemel Hempstead, Marlowe* > 1 0 kie Abbot B.C...... « St. Alban*. Tabernacle...... 1 0 © Mindwd...... 0 u S t Albans, DagnaO Street ...... r o o Taunton,SUvwrStreet ...» i• ■ • ® ,0 Underbill, Five Church ...... o 4 0 Yeovil B.C ...... * 0 1937.] the schools for missionaries’ children. 131

Baptist Churches’ and Auxiliaries’ Contributions to the Schools for Missionaries’ Children. (Year ending March 31st, 1937)—contd.

f, S.

Surbiton, Balaclava Road ...... z o o Slaithwaite, Zion ...... O 7 8 Purley B.C...... % 2 o Sowerby Bridge, Steep Lane...... XX 0 Sutton-in-Craven ...... I 0 0 Sussex. Lewes, Eastgate ...... XX o Ireland. Belfast, Great Victoria Street...... X 0 0 Warwickshire. Birmingham, Cannon Street Memorial 0 IO o Scotland. Birmingham, Chester Road ----- o xo 6 Aberdeen, Crown Terrace ...... I 0 0 Birmingham, Christchurch B.C...... XX o Alloa B.C., S.S...... 2 0 0 Birmingham, Erdington B.C...... o IO o Crieff...... X 0 0 Birmingham, Hamstead Road B.C. .. % 0 Dunfermline, Viewfieid ...... 0 10 0 Birmingham, Hamstead Road S.S----- o 7 6 Edinburgh, Charlotte...... *> 0 0 Birmingham, Harborne ...... 1 i o Edinburgh, Dublin Street ...... 2 0 8 Birmingham, Heneage Street...... XX o Edinburgh, Duncan Street ...... I xo 0 Birmingham, Lodge Road...... o xo 6 Edinburgh, Gargle Si»...... X 2 xo Birmingham, Mars ton Green ...... o 17 o Edinburgh, Marshall ...... O XO 6 Birmingham, Moseley B.C., S.S...... s o Edinburgh, Momingside ...... 2 0 0 Birmingham, Northfidd ...... o xo 0 Glasgow, Adelaide Place W.F.O. . 12 17 Birmingham, Regent Street, Smeth­ Glasgow, Cambridge Street . . . — X 0 0 wick ...... X 0 o Glasgow, Dennis toim S.S...... X 5 0 Birmingham, Selly Park Y.P.F...... 0 4 6 Glasgow, Hillhead B.C...... 8 8 11 Birmingham, Stratford Road B .C .. . . 0 xo 6 Glasgow, John Knox B.C...... X 1 0 Birmingham, West Bromwich ...... o xo 6 Glasgow, Queen's Park...... 1 X 0 Birminghajn, WyplHfe B,C, I 2 X Victoria Place...... 0 xo 0 Coventry, Queen's Road...... X X o Greenock, Orangefield Bible Class 0 6 t *atnir)jrnn 1,1^, Meeting ...... 2 XO 9 Helensburgh ...... 0 xo 0 Nuneaton, Manor Court...... o xo 6 Kelso...... 1 0 0 Rugtnr...... I x o Leith, Abbey Hill Keswick Fellowship 1 0 0 Stratford-on-Avon, Payton Street . . . 1 o Paisley, Coat's Memorial, L.W.P.. 5 0 0 South Leith Missionary Council .. X xo 0 Worcestershire. Kidderminster C.E...... 2 2 o Bate. Malvern GJ i , ...... o 5 0 Barry, Bethel C.E...... • 0 xo 0 Bridgend, Hope B.C., S.S...... X X 0 Yorkshire. Cardifl, Albany Road S .S ...... X X 0 Beverley, Lord Roberts Road ...... o IO 6 Cardifi, Grangetowa...... I 0 0 Bradford, Heaton B.WJL...... X 9 6 Cardifl, Hope...... 0 xo 0 BrearleyG.A...... o 5 o Cardiff, Wobdville Road ...... 2 2 0 Dewsbury, Leeds Road...... s o Llanelly-Bethel...... O xo 0 Doncaster, Chequer Road ...... 1 6 o Merthyr Tydvil...... O xo 6 GolcarB.C...... 1 o o Penarth, Stan well Road ...... XX 0 Huddersfield and District W .M A .... 3 3 0 Whitchurch, Bethel ...... I X 0 Huddersfield, Salendine Nook B.C. .. 3 O o Huddersfield, Salendine Nook C.B. .. X 0 0 Total ...... -£369 17 5

All communications and donations should be sent to the Secretary, Schools for Missionaries’ Children, 22, Fnmival Street, London, E.C.4. SPURGEON’S ORPHAN HOMES (Founded in 1867 by CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON) STOCKWELL AND BIRCHINGTON-ON-SEA


For seventy years the Hom es have sheltered and maintained Fatherless children in necessitous circumstances. A recent extension of the Trust allows now for the reception of Motherless little ones also. Children between 4 and II years of age are received from all parts of the country irrespective of denominational connection. 500 boys and girls are at present enjoying the benefits of our family group life, in which Christian teaching is a definite feature of the training for their equipment in life.

All GIFTS and DONATIONS are gratefully acknowledged by the Secretary Mr. B. ROD WELL, SPURGEON'S ORPHAN HOMES, STOCKWELL, LONDON, S.W.9

To intending benefactors—Our Annual Report, containing a legal Form of Bequest, will gladly be tent on application to the Secretary.




The College provides training for women who are pre­ paring for Missionary Service overseas or in the Church at home.

Carey Hall is one o f the Selly Oak Colleges and its students have the advantage of the central courses of lectures and the intercollegiate life.

Further details may be obtained from the Principal at Carey Hall or from the Secretary, Mrs. Hugh Martin, 48 Kingsley W ay, N.2. PART III.



F rom A pr il is t , 1936, to March 31ST, 1937.



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Abell, Professor and Mrs. Bryant, Rev. A. S. and Donald, Mrs...... 1 0 0 T.B...... 3 ° Mrs...... 25 16 2 Douglas, Mrs. C. S 2 2 o Acworth, Mr*. ....---- 3 3 Buckworth, Mr. J. H. .. 10 o o Duncan, Mrs. Moir 12 x8 6 Acworth, Mr. and Mrs. H. 3 0 Bull, Miss B...... o 10 o Dunn, Miss K. A . oxo x A Grateful One, Yaqfongo, Bundey, Miss A. M...... 1 o o Earp, Miss M. B...... 2 2 o c jo Rev. W. H . Ennals xo xo o Burrough, Mr. H. G. ... 3 2 o E. B. N ...... 1 o o Ainsworth, Mr. W. J., Byford, Rev. C. T ...... x o o Edwards, Mr. A. V . 1 x o Boy in India ...... 2 10 0 Cameron, Rev. G. R. R, 10 o o E. M...... 57 10 2 Albry, Miss A. M 3 13 o Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Farrer, Dr. E. M...... oxo 6 Alien, Miss C...... 1 o o E. W., In Memory of Ferguson, Mrs...... 54 xo 5 Allgoad, Mrs...... 1 10 o Baby Elsie...... 1 1 o Fergusson, Mr. D. E. ... 15 o n Allgood, Mr. E...... 2 2 o Cecil, Mr. W ...... 35 o o Finlayson, Mrs. C 2 o o Annie ...... 3 5 0 Chessher, Mr. H. G...... 6 9 o Forder, Mr. B C...... 2 2 o Anonymous...... 643 3 3 Christian, Miss ...... 3 2 o Franklin, Miss G...... 6 9 o Anonymous...... 64 10 4 Clark, Mr. A. S...... 229 o 8 Frost, Rev. W. E...... 1 o o Clark Rev. J. A...... 5 o o Fylde Convention Council 5 0 0 Anonymous...... 20 o o Clay, Miss F. C...... x 1 o Gascoyne, Rev. R. F.... xo o o Anonymous...... 10 10 o Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. 1 1 o Gibbons, Mrs. A. E 2 2 o Anonymous, Rtv. E . R . Coleman, Miss E...... 3 3 o Glover, Mr. J. H...... 5 5 o andM rs.Laiarus' Work 36 12 1 Conditional Immortality Godfrey, Miss C. C 2 o o Anonymous, Support o f Mission, Bohmge, Ya­ Good, Miss D. S., In Rev. A . E . A lim 193 10 11 kusu ...... 12 o o Memory of Mr. W. Good x o o Anonymous, That Jesu s Cook, Mr. J. Lewis...... 22 xo o Goodliffe,' Miss J ...... x 1 o may be lifted up in Cooper, Miss R ...... 1 o o Gorton, Mr. and Mrs. Mabondo and Yakusu. . 39 0 8 Corp, Miss N., Congo_ o xo o W...... 2 o o Askew, Mr. C. A...... x 7 o CouMrey, Mr. W...... x o o Greenfield, 1874 ...... 12 19 4 A Steward...... 107 5 2 Crispin, Mm W...... 2 * 0 Greenwood, Mrs...... 3 o o Atkinson, Mr. G. H. .... o 10 o Crofts, Rev. E. J ...... 2 o o Grist, Mrs. S...... x o o Bakewefl, Mr. J ...... 3 6 4 Crogham. Mrs. M 010 o Haley, Mr. G.H...... 2 o o Baldwyn, Mrs. E . x xo o Culiey, Miss A. E...... 2 xo o Hall, Miss A. E...... 13 xx o Bate, Miss E. B...... x 1 o Curley, Miss M ...... o 10 o Hamilton, Mr. A. B 30 o o B. E. M. , 1 o o Curtis, Mi» F. C...... x * o Hardman, Mr. J. S 2 2 o Black,Mr. A...... 10 o 0 Dalntree, Miss M. M.. 3 3 0 Hardwick, Mr. G. H 1 1 o glyth, M». E. R . 1 0 0 Dalgress, Mn...... oxo o Hardy, Mr. L. C oxo o Boatoj Mr. E. J ...... xoo o o Davies, Rev. D. C and Harris, Mb s ...... 3 o o goal».Mrs. F. E 10 o o M rs...... 4 0 0 Haward, Miss E...... oxo o Bond, Rev. F, and Mrs... 3 a 0 Davies, Rev. W. H.... 10 10 o Harvey, Mr. T. S...... 2 x8 x Bott, M r.J...... 3 13 8 Davis, Mis. E...... 1 0 0 Hayes, Miss W...... »500 Boyce, Miss G...... f o o Dent, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hayward, Mss J. K 20 xo o Braithwaite, Rev. R. J. (CJ5. Transport Scheme, Hayward, the late Mr. and Mn...... ,938 1 3 £t)...... 1 10 o T.W.A...... 6 9 o IftT. A * Dicks, Mr. G. E ...... 1 o o Helper...... 2 0 0 Brittain, Mr. J R. j 0 3 o0 D. M. M., Tent Work in Helpers Together x 0 0 Broadway Mrs. p. N. . . 3 0 0 Shantune ...... 40 o o Hicks, Mrs...... xo o o Brown, Mr.B.V.,K«i. Hr. Dolling. Mbs E. L. Higgs,MissM.E...... oxo o MtllmaH'* Work ..... 3 3 0 7 o o Histon, Congo ...... o 15 o 133 IM ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS— SERAMPORE COLLEGE. [1937.

£ s. d. £ s. d. s. d. Hohnes, Rev. G...... o 10 o Madge, Rev. E. G. T.... o 10 o R.W.W. S...... 14 Homes for Working Girls Manfield, Mrs...... 10 o o Saw, Mr. W. H...... 1 o in London ...... 5 3 3 Marsh, Mrs. E. A .0 ...... 6 9 1 Shields, Rev, J. and Mre. x 0 Hooper, Rev. G. and Mrs. 2 2 0 Masco, Mr. E .L ...... x o o Simms, Mr. ana Mrs. A. J . x 10 Hope, the Misses (W.&O. Mercer, Miss C...... 1 5 0 Sinclair, Mr. J...... 2 2 £ I} ...... 6 o o Milburn, Mrs...... 2 o o Sissons,Mr. R...... 2 u Horn, Miss D. G...... o 10 o Mold, Miss K. E...... 12 o o Smith, Mr. H. W...... 1 o Hornsey, Boy at Quibocoio 5 0 0 Moore, Miss G. A., Smith, Miss M. J ...... 14 10 Howe,MissN. M...... © 10 o Rat, W. /. and M rs. Smith,MissS.L 2 o Hughes, Rev. J. O o 10 6 *>-—■? Work...... 3 o o Smith, Mrs. T. W...... 5 18 Hughes, Rev. L. G. and Mre.L...... 1 o o Soothey, Mr. F. W. P. .. 3 3 M is...... 2 0 0 . MissN. A ...... o 10 o Spence, Mr. J ...... 10 0 In Ever-loving Memory MurseD, Rev. J and Mrs. Spice, Miss J ...... 5 0 of Alice DodweD and (W.&0 .£ s ) 98 o o Spokes Bible Class, Boy Rev. T. and Mrs. Newport, Mr. C. A. (W. at Watken...... 7 o Dodwell ...... 30 o o & O. £2 as.)...... 3 3 o Starte, Mr. O. H. B 25 16 Ingle, the late Dr. A. C... 4 12 9 Oakley, CoL H. J. P. Stenner, Mrs...... 1 0 In Loving Memory 1 0 o W.&O...... : 4 J 3 Stobbs, Miss ...... 1 1 In Mwnnriam p. B., O. A. P ...... 1 o o Straker, Miss E ...... 2 ^ H. C. S...... 3 O O Old Baptist Unattached oxoo Strange, Mr. H...... 1 10 In Memoriam H.- B 1 o o Old wittiamlanc’ Associ­ Stroud Green Crusaders’ In Memoriam S. B .. .. 3 o o ation ...... 2 2 o Bible Class...... x 1 In Memoriam T. W. S., Painter, Mrs...... 1 1 o Summers, Rev. A. E. and 23rd December 10 o o Parkinson, Mr. B. R. ... 1 10 o Mrs...... 6 o In Memory of G. S. S. Paul, Mr. J ...... 1 16 10 Taylor, Mr. H. L...... 500 o (Congo £5, W. «5- O. £5) 12 o o Payne, Mr. C...... x o o Telling, Mr. J ...... o 17 Jackson, the Misses W. Pearson, Mr. R. E...... 1 0 0 Theobald, Mr W. R 1 1 fi-O. £ I) ...... 3 o o Pickard, Mr. W .---- 4 17 10 Thomas, Rev. H. J., If. ackson, Mr. J. S . 2 10 o Poulton, Mrs. (W.& 0 .?s.) o 17 o & 0 ...... 15 o lanes, Mr. H. C...... 32 5 2 Poulton, Mr. A. D...... 13 18 x Thomas, Mrs. S. Lloyd 5 o enkins, Mr. G- H...... 3 2 o Poulton, Mss R. (G rm fdJ, Thompson, Rev. J. C. .. X I «skins, Mrs. L- A . 1 o o 5* ) ...... x 7 6 Thompson, Mrs. T. H. 50 O ohns, Rev. A. E...... 1 o o Prichard, Mrs. E...... o 10 o Tritton, Miss J. M. 12 12 lohnsoo, Mr. and Mrs. R.A. B...... 3 o o Two Friends ...... O 10 W. C...... 1 0 o Read, Miss D. C...... 3 o o ISO 0 Jones, Mr.and Mrs. E. .. 4 0 0 Rees, Mr. T...... 1 o o Venis, Dr. H. Carey . jones,Mr.E.Haines.... 15 o o Reeve. Mrs. and the late Verinder, MissF. ... Jones, Mrs. T ...... 1 o o Mr. A. T...... 56 3 5 Webb, Mrs., Congo . . Kebey, Miss K...... 010 o Reid, Mrs...... 1 o o Wellden, Mr. G. .... o XO Knight, Rev. J. J 5 o o Reid, Rev. J ...... 3 o o Westlake, Mrs. S. L .. 4 I Leech, Mr. A. J ...... 1 o o Renton, Miss M. D. .... 64 xo 4 Williams, Mr. M. W. 2 O Leenung, Mr. T. J 1 0 0 Ridoutt,Mi»H.E. .... 2 2 o Williamson, Mr. R. M XO 18 Leete, Mrs...... 15 o o Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Willis, Mr. E .J ...... 5 5 Lewis, lbs. F. T...... 5 o o S. B— ...... 3 o o Winchester, Mr. F. J. Lilky, M a W.E 20 o o Robson, Miss K . 5 3 o Winsor, the Misses... Untoti, Mr. H 5 o 0 Rodgers, Miss C ...... 3 o © W. M.M...... Lister, Miss 1. C...... 9 1 3 7 Rogers. Mr. B...... 5 5 o Woodfin, Mrs...... Lister, Mr. J ...... to 10 o Rcdfe, Miss E. J...... x 15 o Woodfin, Mr. H.J. .. Lister, Rev. T. W 25 l 6 2 Ros«, Mr. J, A...... r x o Wright, Miss S ...... 3 3 » McAndxeir, Mbs J 1 Rule, Mr. H .J...... 3 4 « MacEhne, Mr. and Mis. Rust, Miss C...... 5 0 0 Ì 3 . 9 2 7 M 2 a w ...... 1 Rutherford, Mrs. A. .... 10 0 o


Pickard, Mr. W. , . Woodfin, Mr. H. j . 1937.] GENERAL WORK. 135


(IN ADDITION TO AMOUNTS RECEIVED THROUGH CHURCHES.) £ s. £ s. d. £ s. d. A Friend...... 20 o Bennett, Mr. J ...... 3 3 o Frame, Rev. W. B. and A Friend...... 10 o Best, Miss A. (Box) __ 2 o o M is...... 5 0 0 A Friend of the B.M.S. .. 30 o Bicknell, Mr. J ...... 18 11 0 Francis, Miss A. E...... 5 0 0 AM...... x o Birkett, Mr. F. 0 ...... 2 2 o Frankland, Mr. E . x 1 o [A.M. J...... o 10 Birmingham C.E. Con­ Franklin, Miss...... I 13 o Anderton, Rev. R. A. E. 1 o vention ...... 1 o o Friend, Rhondda Valley o 10 o Andrews, Miss M...... 1 10 Blackwood, Mr. J xo o o Frood, Mrs. H. (Box) . . . Angas, Mr. G. Sample .. 1 0 B.M. S...... 5 o o Gabb, Mr. A ...... An Interested One ...... o 10 Booth, the Misses o 10 o Garraway, Mrs...... o IO An Old Ropeholder . . . . 1 1 Box in Hall...... 1 o 2 Gfll, Mr. H...... 3 10 Anon...... 2 o Box 2810...... 2 2 6 Giriing, Mr. S...... 3 3 Anon...... 1 o Boyes, Mr. T...... 5 o o Gladwyn ...... Anon ...... 0 1 7 Brandi, Miss L...... o 10 o Gratefiil, Work o j Rev. [Anon...... o 10 Brand, Mr. E. C. P 1 o o J . H. Marker, £zo; LAnon., Lcrve...... 100 o Bray, Rev. G. R...... o 10 o Reu. A . W. Glenesk, ¡Anon., Surrey ...... 3 o Bridget...... 1 10 o £10 : Rev. A. A . Larn- [Anonymous...... 200 o British and Continental 30 o o Anonymous ...... 45 o Touring Chib, Ltd. ... 2 x 6 Gwenith Gwyn, Barry . . O 10 o [Anonymous...... 35 o British Mineral Corpora­ Haden, Mr. H ...... o 10 o Anonymous...... 20 o tion, Ltd...... 1 1 o Hair, Miss X. (Box)...... O 13 9 Anonymous...... 15 o Britton, Miss M. L ...... 6 o o Hancocks, Rev. T ...... 6 6 0 [Anonymous...... 10 o Brown, Dr. C...... 4 o o Harding, Miss D...... 5 0 0 Anonymous...... 6 o Brown, Miss M. M 2 o o Harries, Mr. B. T ...... 20 o o [Anonymous...... 5 0 Burton, Miss G. M 1 o o Hartland, Miss A., Congo o 15 o [Anonymous...... 5 o Business Girls’ Conven­ Harvey, Rev. C. H. and Anonymous...... 5 o tion, High Leigh 5 5 o Mrs...... [Anonymous...... 2 o C. A. G., Hither Green. Haslop, Mrs. W. G...... o 10 ¡Anonymous...... 2 o. Congo ...‘...... 1 10 o Hayward, Miss G...... 3 o Anonymous...... 1 10 Checker, Mrs...... 5 o o Heald, Mr. and Mrs. F ... Anonymous...... 1 10 Chivers, Miss J ...... 7 o o Hedley. Mr. A ...... Anonymous...... 1 o Christian Endeavour Herbert, Mr. G ...... Anonymous...... 1 o Union of Great Britain Anonymous...... 1 o and Ireland ...... o 19 o Hodgson, Mr. R. B...... 3 3 Anonymous...... x o Clark, Mr. W. A...... o 16 o Hook, Mr. S...... Anonymous...... o 10 Clarke, Mr. A. (Box) ... o 15 o Hopp, Mr., and Mr. J. G. Anonymous...... o 10 Clarke, Mr. W. J ...... oxo o Brumpton (Boxes) . . . X 12 Anonymous...... o 10 Cloutman, Mrs...... 15 o o How, Mr. R...... o 10 Anonymous...... o 10 Coles Miss M. J ...... x o o Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs Anonymous...... o 10 Cook, Mr. G. H...... 5 5 o Ingle, Mrs. F. (Box)___ Anonymous o 10 Cook, Mrs. J ...... x o o In Loving Menory ...... Anonymous. . . . , ...... o 10 Cooper, Rev. H. J. and Id Memoriam . Aaonymous, Ltukai .... 5 o Mrs...... 2 o o Ireland, Miss E. C...... Anonymous, Rev. H. W. Corrall, Miss A. \V 1 1 o 5 0 0 Spillett's Work 1 o Coxhill, Mrs...... x o o £ andF. L.'.'a Thank- Anonymous, A. W. L .... o 10 CranweU Station R.A.F., offering ...... 3 0 0 Anonymous, Bournemouth 1 o Presbyterian, Metho­ Jackson, Miss. L. M ... , . Anonymous, Glasgow . . . 5 0 dist and United Board James, Mr. A. (Box). . . . 1 9 0 Anonymous, Glasgow . . . 5 o Tames. Mr. A. R...... Church...... x 1 o J. B. D...... Answers ...... 8 o C. S...... o 10 o Jewson, Mr. C. B...... Arding, Miss (Box) . . . . . o 10 Culc, Mrs. Edgar 5 o o J. N. G., Dumbarton . . . A Reader of Tke Baptist Dann, Rev. G. J ...... 010 o ...... 1 0 Johnson, Mr. T. J...... Tima Davies, Mrs...... 1 o o Johnston, Mrs...... A Sinner Saved by Grace, Davies, Mrs. (Box) 3 0 o Johnston, Mr. J...... 5 o ; Putney...... o 10 Davies, Mr. D. S...... 3 o 0 Jones, Mrs...... A Thankoffering...... 3 0 Dam, Mrs. C ...... o 17 o Jones, Rev. D...... A Thankoffering...... 1 10 Day, Mr., Mrs. and Miss.. o 15 o Jones, Miss E...... A Thankoffering, D. Y ... 1 o Deal, Rev. C...... 1 x o 3 6 Austin, Mr. W ...... 5 o Jones, Mr. E. R...... 5 o Digswell Park Conference, Jones, Miss H. N. R...... o xo Aves, Mr. and Mr*. C. ..10

SPECIAL GIFTS FOR EDUCATIONAL WORK. Personal Subscriptions and Donations. t %.

Valedictory Meeting, Bloomsbury ...... « Ü J - - £«98 » 1 1937.] LEGACIES, 137


Alford, the litt Mr. W . J. G. M...... 24C 13 o Bailey, the late Mrs. A. E., by Messrs. Toller, Pochin & Wright ...... , ...... 100 o o Barker, the late Mr. H. K. w ...... 122 14 7 Bishop, the late Miss C., by Messrs. Ball, Smith & Playne ...... IO 0 0 Bloor, the late to . W. A~by Mr. F. J. Ratdiffe ...... 86 7 5 Blower, the late Miss N. E., by Messrs. G. H. Morgan & Sons...... 423 17 4 Bowen, the late Mr. L., by Mr. C. Rowland Morgan ...... so o o Bowers, the late Miss A., by Mr. F. Thomas ...... 250 o o Bridge, the late Miss S. A ., by Mr. J. Russell ...... Ig 6 g Bruton, the late Miss M. E., by Messrs. Baker & Co...... 2oo o o Buck, the late Mr. W. M., by Messrs. Burkett, Ridley & Cox ...... 100 o o Burton, the late Miss J., by Messrs. Gunner, Wilson & Jeron»...... 244 7 6 Camps, the late Miss R., by Messrs. H. Copley & Son ...... 1.02316 1 Clark, the late Mrs. E. M., by Messrs. Benham, Synnott & W ade...... 500 o o Colman, the late Miss A. H., by Messrs. Mellows & Sons ...... 25 o o Connell, the late Mr. A., by Messrs. Brown & Son ...... 3or o o Crouch, the late Rev. J., by Messrs. Reid & Donaldson ...... 74 z 5 Culley, the late Miss E., by Mr. R. P. Gould...... 50 o o Davies, the late Mrs. E. H., by Messrs. Ramsden, Sykes & Ramsden ...... 100 o o Davis, the late Mrs. Louisa, by Mr. H. Brooks ...... 5 o o Dawson, the late Mr. A., by Leeds City Auxiliary ...... 22 10 o Deane, the late Miss E. F., by Messrs. F. W. Cotterell & Co...... 150 18 n Ellison, the late Mr. W ...... 150 o o Evans, the late Mrs. C., by Mr. D. T. Roderick ...... 850 17 10 Frowd, the late Mr. E. F., by the Public Trustee...... 46 10 7 Furnish, the late Mr. A. H., by Mr. W. King ...... 25 o o Gorham, the late Rev. W. H., by Messrs. A. C. Dann & S o n ...... 25 o o Hall, the late Mrs. L .J ., by Mr. H. C. Honey ...... 50 o o Harries, the late Mr. f...... 3 19 o Higgs, the late Mrs. S. J., by Messrs. Lamb, Brooks & Bullock...... 200 o o Hill, the late Miss E. A., by Mr. S. Taylor Hall ...... 200 o o Hiller, the late Miss A., by Messrs. Bingley & Dyson ...... 67 o o iurst, the late Mr. F. j ., by Messrs. John Hodge & C o ...... 90 o o 'ackson, the late Mrs. E., by Messrs. Whetstone & Frost ...... 1,617 o 3 ones, the late Mr. J. A...... 45 o o Kay, the late Mr. F. W ., by Mr. A. Kay ...... 10 o o -egg, the late Mrs. J. M...... 100 o o -emon, the late Mr. R. H., by Mr. W. R. Russill...... 100 o o -ewis, the late Miss L. J., by Messrs. Gabb, Price & Fish ...... roo 10 3 >lasey, the late Miss E., by Messrs. E. J. Vine & Son ...... 90 o o ililier, the late Miss K. E., by Messrs. Stevens & Stevens ...... 5 o o iorgan, the late Mr. B., by Mr. D. Gethin Williams ...... 2210 o ilorgan, the late Mr. G. H., by Mr. W. H. Morgan ...... 180 o o lorgan, the late Mr. R., by Messrs. Chalmers, Wade & Co...... 1,024 19 7 lurray, the late Miss J., by Messrs. Cormllon, Craig it Thomas ...... 50 o o Nicholason, the late Miss Mary, by Messrs. Cook, Fowkr & Outhet ...... 10 o o iwen, the late Miss S. E., by Miss F. P. Jones...... 309 9 6 'edley, the late Min F. A., by Messrs. Fedley, May & Fletcher ...... 100 o o ’Mips, the late Mr. T.. by the Devon Baptist Association ...... 15 15 o Pratlcy, the late Mrs. F. M., by Messrs. Brain & Brain ...... 200 o o Hatley, the late Mr. W ., by Messrs. Brain & Brain...... 369 3 1 ‘ iolds, the late Mr. D., by Mr. C. W. Letts ...... 50 o o -asoa, the Trust of the late Mr. E., by Messrs. Gwynn. Onslow 8c Soars ...... 5,09215 1 tound, the late Miss F. A., by Messrs. Restall, Round & Gloster (for Congo) ...... 100 o o ^ ,U ie late Mr. J.J., by Messrs. Stevens, Son, & Pope ...... 100 o o imaUwood, the late X&. by Mx. R. L tm n ...... 1,000 o o ®»yth, the late Mrs. E. M., by Mr. J. Trewavas ...... 45*> o o ¡pear, the late Mrs. S« by Mr. G. L o b b ...... 8 0 0 (Jaager, the late Mr. IX, lnr Mr. Cedi Crust ...... 1 n o the late Miss F .J., by Messrs. Robotham S: Co...... 50 o o itringer, the lata Mr. H. E ., by Messrs. Attenboroughs ...... 676 17 9 .yrrar. the Ute Miss E. E.. by the Rev. J. W. Manning ...... 300 o o wÄ '.th# ^ Mr. W . Fulcher ...... 7 10 o ^ftaker, the late Mr. W ., by Mr. O. D. Whitaker ...... 45» o o the late Mrs. E. A ., by Messrs. Noiris it Sons ...... 9*5 o o *°cd, the late Sir E, ...... 36 7 a voodruff the late Mis» M., by Messrs. Wotton & Young ...... 100 o o 'oung, the late Mrs. L. 2 . f ...... o n 5 uille, the late Rev. G., by Messrs. W. B. Rankin & Ninuno, W . S...... » 4 5

. „ £*9,378 15 7 L m Committee Votes and Expenses ...... 177 4 3

£19 ,3 0 1 1 1 4 1 3 8 CONTRIBUTIONS TOR WOMEN’S WORK.



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Acwoa-th, Mrs...... i i o Gratitude...... 1 o o Morter, Mrs. V ...... 5 o u Albry, lüuss E...... 3 5 6 Greenwood, Mrs...... 1 o o Mursell, Mrs. J. C...... 25 o 0 Angas, Ur. G. Sample ... o 10 o Hall, Miss A. E...... 6 15 7 Peach, Miss VV...... o 10 0 Angas, Miss H...... 1 o o Hardie, the Misses A. Bearse, Miss E. F 2 o 0 Angus, Miss L M . 3 0 0 and C...... 1 o o Pratt, Mrs. and Miss 1 1 0 Anonymous...... 100 o o Helper ...... 2 o o Priestley, Miss ...... 10 o 0 Anonymous...... 2 12 4 Howie, Rev. T. S...... 10 o o Readers of The Christian, Anonymous...... o 10 o Howieson, Mr. and Mrs. per Messrs. Marshall, Anonymous, M iss Fas- J. I ...... z 1 o Morgan & Scott, Ltd., ham’s Work ...... 1 o o In Memoriam, M. A. B. x o o Mrs. Lemis’s Work 1 0 0 A Prayer Partner...... t o o In Memory of my Mother’s Scott, Mrs. M ...... o 10 c A Prayer Partner, A. G.A. t o o Birthday, 25th Sep­ Shewell, Mrs. K. L 3 3 0 A Stemxct...... 28 ia 7 tember ...... o xo o Sifton, Miss H., B.A 219 6 A Summer Schooler, China o 12 6 In Remembrance of Smith, Mrs...... o iu 0 A Thankoflering...... o jo 0 Divine Guidance.... z o o Smith, Mr. H. Russell . . 5 0 0 Barker, Mrs. M. F...... 1 o o Ireland, Miss E. C ..... 15 0 o Smith, Miss S. L ...... 4 0 0 Bowman, Miss F. M., Irvine, Miss...... z o o Spooner, Miss E 1 o 0 Entaify Girt ...... 8 0 0 ackson, the Misses .... x o o Stanford, Miss W ., Congo 92 o 7 Bowser, Miss M. E...... 1 15 o Jooes, Miss C., M iss M . Starke, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 0 0 Box 2810...... a 2 6 Cola'W ork ...... o 10 o Telling,Mr.J 017 6 Brook, Miss, and Miss Kay...... z o o Thomson, Mrs...... 25 o 0 TWtfifM ...... OIO O Kltckman, Mrs. R...... o zo o Watmoueh, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Butler, Mr. and Mis. H., Leete, Mrs...... 5 o o Weaver, Mis» A . V 23 xo 0 Alice, Pahaal----.... 5 o o Lewis, Mrs...... 1 o o Westlake, Mrs. S. L s 14 : Cleveley, Miss...... o 10 o Lewis,Miss ...... 5 o o Wilkinson, Miss A 6 0 0 Cornish, Mrs. A G .... 1 0 0 Lewis, Mrs. F. T...... 20 o o Wood, Mrs. R...... 010 « Cortie, Mr. and Mrs. L., Lockhart, MissE. J. ... 25 o o World Day oí Prayer . . . 7100 M itt Glasby's Work . . o zo o Macdonald. Miss H. 0x50 Sums under 10*...... : 13 a Dariington, Mr. and Mrs. 5 3 0 McLean, Mrs...... a o o Deal, Mite A ...... oxo o Marsh, Mrs. £. A. O,.... 6 9 0 D.G. 25 o o Marston, Mis. E. M. 3 o o £7<>3 iJ Douglas, Mrs. C. S 2 2 0 M.H...... 200 o o irergntoa, Mrs...... 25 16 2 MQbtxra, Mis...... 3 o o

LEGACIES (WOMEN'S WORK). £ * Chamber«, the late Mr. C., by Messrs. S. J. Grey & Wilkox ...... 5« Clark, the late Mr». E. M.,by Messrs. Benham, Synnott & Wade ...... S°° Gould, the late Miss E. M., by Messrs. Donne* & Co...... 25 Haddon, the 1st« Mrs. M. A,, by Mr. R. C. Haddon...... *5 0 * Hill, the late Miss E. A., by Mr. S. Taylor Hall ...... 200"“ Hiller, the late Mias A., Dy Messrs. Bingley & Dyson ...... 67 Masey, the late Miss E., by Messrs. ¿Ti* vine & Son ...... 9° Owen, the late Mis» S. by Mis« F. P. Jones...... 3™ Passmore, the late Mrs. F. M., by Messrs. J. D. Langton & Pusmora ...... 5" Pratky, the late Mrs. F. ML, by Messrs, Brain & Biain ...... t Pratley, the late Mr. W., by Messrs. Brain & Brain ...... »* '+ J Robinson, the Trust oí the late Mr. £., by Messrs. Gwynri, Onslow & Soars ...... 3.S00 0 Smallwood, the late Mrs. E. A., by Mr. R. Lunn ...... Smallwood, the late Mr. J., by Mr. R. Lima ...... i 00 6,606 3 11 CONTRIBUTIONS




£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s.

DONATIONS. (IN ADDITION TO AMOUNTS RECEIVED THROUGH CHURCHES). £ s. £ s. d. £ s. d. A. A...... o 13 Gurney, Dr. H. M. (Box) a 15 o Priestley. Sister M., col­ A Friend ...... j w Harley, Miss F 5 0 0 lected by ...... O XI 0 Angas, Mr. G. Sample .. o io Hayward, Miss A. M. Readers of The Christian, Anon...... o 15 (Box), Sianfu Hospital o 10 6 per Messrs. Marshall, Anon...... o io H. G...... 2 o o Morgan & Scott, Ltd., Anonymous...... o io Hunter, Mrs...... 1 0 o D r. Teichmann's Work 5 3 0 Anonymous(Box)...... 2 o In Grateful and Loving Russell, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. o xo 0 Anmymn»Kj RirminghBm) Itfftnnry of Henry Saignant, Mrs...... 2 0 0 B o U bo...... ioo o Charles Mander ...... 1 o o Seen in Secret...... 2 0 0 A Nuise, Taiyuan fu Hos­ In Memoriam G. M. S. Shipway, Miss...... 1 o 0 p ital ...... o IO andH. E. K. S...... o xo Sigma...... I 10 0 B arhiilnf ...... I O Ireland,MissE.C. .... 15 O Smith, Mr. and Mis. E .J. o xo 0 , Mrs., Ptmu Hos- a o Starlight...... 14 4 3 Fames. Mr. A. R...... o 13 Stratford Conference Hall Bâptist...... 30 MissP...... 6 15 Women's Bible Class.. O 12 Box 2810...... a a 6 .J.Maxwell . . X5 o T. A. P. and F. E. P.... 5 0 Broom, Mrs.- and Mrs., 1 Presbyterian Comgo ...... 20 o Church, Dr. and M rs. Thomson, Miss J., and Cornül,Miss A- W 1 6 Gam "* W ork»...... a a o Friends...... o 10 E .C . I o McLean, M is F. J. (Box) 0x60 Venn, Miss D. C ...... 010 Ede, MissE.A ..... 015 Mooklon Combe School Wattson, Mrs...... x o Fiwman, Miss C. E., Chapel ...... 4 xo 10 Wilkinson, Mis* A x o Matter, Mis. V...... 5 0 0 Sums under xo* 3 9 Frith, Mr. R ...... 1 1 Priest, Mr. W. H., Yakusu Gibbon, Mis« P.M. x 10 H o sp ita l...... x o o £399 7 6

LEGACIES (MEDICAL WORK). £ s. d. Adam, the late Miss Gone ...... 7 « 7 Batker.tbe late Mrs. H...... 101 17 6 Blow, tbe late Mrs. A. C., by Mr. S. G. Blow ...... xo 0 o Chambers, the late Mr. C., by Messrs. S. J. Grey & WiQcox ...... 50 0 0 Effia, the late Mr. 1. G., by Messrs. J. D. Adey & Son ...... 10 o 0 Haddoo, the late Mrs. M. A. by Mr. R. C, Hadden ...... 25 0 0 HfU, the late Mbs E. A.t by Mr. S. Taylor Hall ...... 300 0 0 ‘ " ‘ ‘ * 500 0 • ...... 45 o fl J UK WK JKl. Am 17 HI* TT • ». WUIMII - Prmaey, the late Mrs. F. M., by Masts. Brain ¿Brain ...... 100 0 Smallwood, the late Mrs. E. A., by Mr. R. Lunn (/«>r investment, for Bed %n Chtna) ...... 300 0 Wood, the late Sir B ...... 36 1 565 6 3 1 4 1





£ *• d . £ s. £ s. d. Anonymous...... 5 o Harris, M iss 2 o Millington, Miss A., and Anonymous ...... o 10 Herrington, M rs. 2 o Two Friends ...... o 16 o Box 2810 ...... 2 2 In Memory of Mrs. Joseph Page, Mrs. A. E , 6 o o Bundey, Miss A. M o 10 Cope, Birmingham.... 5 o Peach, Miss W ...... o 10 o Crook,.Miss A. (In Memory Jones, Mrs. Hays ...... 1 17 Thomas, Mrs. S. Lloyd . . 5 0 0 of Mother, 10s.)...... o 12 Laurence, Miss A. E. S. 1 0 Sums under 10s...... 1 2 3 Daintree, Miss M. M 1 1 McCormack, Mr. and Mrs., Greening, Rev. J. H o 19 Bopoto ...... o 10 £36 11 1


£ s. d. Smallwood, the late Mrs. E. A., by Mr. R. Lurni ...... 100 o o 1 4 2 GIFT AND SELF DENIAL WEEK— T. T. T.— DEFICIT. [1 9 3 7 .


£ s. d. £ s.

T. T. T. (IN ADDITION TO AMOUNTS RECEIVED THROUGH CHURCHES). £ s. d. Gamier, Mrs., Collected by ...... 5 0 0 anes, Miss O. M., A frica ...... 1 o o iiaismith, Mi» M. H...... 1 o 0 Watt, Miss M...... o = 6 £7 2 6


£ d. £ s. d. £ s. d. A., Galashiels ...... 1 0 0 An Old Baptist o 10 0 Anonymous A, and M. C . 5 5 *» An Old Friend...... S o o Anonymous A. A...... o 10 « An Old Member, Berks o to o Anonymous A Baptist Member, Tun Anon...... 2 0 0 Anonymous bridge Wells ...... o 10 o Anon...... 2 0 0 Anonymous AC...... , ...... 1 0 0 Anon.... 2 0 0 Anonymous Acres, Dr. and Mr*. 1. S. 10 o o Anon...... — .. 1 0 0 Anonymous Act ...... 0 10 o Anon...... — ...... o 10 0 Anonymous I 0 o Acworth, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Anon., Hutton 2 o o Anonymous O jo o A. F. A...... © *5 o Anonymous...... 1000 o o Anonymous 0 10 o A Friend ...... 50 o o Anonymous...... 650 o 0 Anonymous, Bridgwaiter j « » A Friend 2 0 0 Anonymous » j 8 6 Anonymous,, Chard .. 010 ° © 1.7 6 Anonymous ♦ .. .12» o o Anonymous, Glasgow ... *00° A Pricndj Y< 3 0 0 Anonymous...... 103 0 o Anonymous, St. Andrews j «> 0 A Grateful Heart, Leyton- Anonymous...... 100 0 0 Anonymous, Worthing ao <> 0 stone ...... 5 7 0 Anonymous...... 5" o o Anting, Miss, and Miss A. J ...... 1 0 0 Anonymous 1 $ 13 <• ...... O 1° 0 A. J . S .. Canttfl ...... Anonymous...... *5 o o A Reader of The Uaptisi Aflee, Rpv, T. W, cud Anonymous. 15 « o Tima ...... - * " Mrs...... 1 o Anonymous....,...... to o o A. ILK ...... 5 “ 0 A Lover M. F . . t 0 Anonymous ...... t 3 6 A. W W ...« 1 0 Anger, Mt, L. G...... a 20 Anonymous...... 2 0 0 A Whitley Bav‘Friend.. 5 ® * Anne ...... o 17 Anonymous...... 1 10 o Ayr Summer School • • • < 6 18 10 1937.3 DEFICIT. 143

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Baldwyn, Mrs. E...... i 5 o Elston, Mis...... o 10 o In Remembrance of Baptist...... o 10 o E. M. W., Watford 1 o o MereiesP&st ...... o to o Beale, Rev. F...... 1 3 6 Evans, the Misses C. A. Ireland, Miss E. C. . . : . . 50 o o Beeston ...... x o o and R. K...... 14 o o Isles, Mrs...... r o o Beetham, Mrs. S. A 10 o o Ewing, Rev. J. A. and L W . D .A ...... 2 xo o Belbam, MissD. E. .... 1 0 0 Mrs...... 1 0 0 o o B. G...... 1 o o Exell, Rev. F. G. and Mrs. 5 0 0 Jackson, Mrs. E. M. . . . . 1 o o Bioxi, Miss M...... 4 o o Extra Blessings...... 100 o o Jackson, Mr. E. O...... 3 o o Bird. Mr. H. F...... 5 o o F. and E. H...... 1 o o Jackson, Miss M...... 2 o o Blanch, Mrs...... 2 10 o Faith...... 1 o o Jacobs, Mr. H. E...... 20 o o Blyth, Mrs...... o 10 o Fakes, Miss A...... 1 o o James^Miss D. H...... 2 o o Boake, Mrs...... 10 o o F. G. A...... 1 o o 10 o Bonner, Rev. Carey...... 1 1 o Finch, Miss A. M o xo o Jenkins, Sirs. G...... 1 X o Borst, Mrs...... 50 o o Finch, Mi» K. H...... 1 10 o Jessop, Mr. A ...... 5 o o Bowser, Miss M. E 10 o o F. J., Catford ...... o 10 o Jewson, Mr. C. B...... 10 o o Braithwaite, Rev. R. J. F. M...... 4 o « J- L...... 5 o o and Mrs...... 100 o o Forsyth, Mrs...... 60 o o Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Brasil, Miss R...... 6 o o Fotheringham, Mrs xo o o B ell...... 5 5 o Bremner, Rev. A...... 1 o o FourScore...... 6 2 5 Jones, Dr. J...... 1 X o Broadway, Mrs...... x xo 3 Frame, Rev. J. B. and Jones, Mrs. S. A ...... 5 o o Brown, Dr. C...... * o o Mrs...... 1 o o J. W. D. A ...... x 0 o Brown, Mr. E...... 5 o o Frodsham, Mr. R. H. ... 1 r o 1 o Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. S. W...... o 14 o C ?:::::::::::::::: : o o Jenkyn...... o 10 'o Gak, Mr.H...... x 1 o K.D.Y ...... 5 o o Brunskill, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Miss K. E. ... 4 o o King, Miss A. M...... o xo o J.T.T...... 3 o o G. B...... 40 o o King Mrs. C. M...... 2 2 O B. S. E...... o 10 o G. E. K...... 1 10 o Kirby ...... 3 o o B. U. Annuitant...... 1 o o G. E. W...... xo o o Kirkpatrick, Mrs. and Burdett, Rev. H. W. and Ginn, Mrs...... 6 13 4 M rs...... 10 o o Mrs...... 3 O o Gleaves, Miss H...... 5 o o I-amhria ...... 20 0 o Burgess, Mr. J ...... 5 o o Glenesk, Rev. A. W. and Lancaster, Mr .T. P 1 1 o Byiord, Rev. C. T . oxo o Mrs...... 5 o o I-angham, Mrs. A. E. . . o xo o C...... 1 0 0 Gloucester ...... 30 o o Lewis, Rev. J. and Mrs. 2 o o Cameron, Rev. G. R. R. xo o o Goodman, Mrs...... 5 o o Lifeline...... 50 o o Cartwright, Mrs. and the Gould, Miss K. M. Pearce 3 0 0 Lilley, Mrs. F. A...... 2 o o Misses S. F. and A-.... 3 0 0 Gratitude...... 1 0 0 Lister, Mr. J...... 5 5 O Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 0 0 Greenwood. Rev. H. M. 5 0 0 Lockhart, Miss E. J. . . . 45 O O Charter, Dr. and Mrs. Hadden ham...... oxo o Lofty, Mr. M.C...... o XO O G. A ...... x 17 1 Haigh, Mr. J. A...... 2 0 0 Lomas-Smith, Mrs. F .... o XO O C. H. R ...... 20 o o Hainsworth, Mr. C 3 o o Lonely One. Worthing... 1 O O Christmas Present ___ 1 o o Hardie, the Misses A. Long, Miss M...... o XO O Clark, Mr. A. S...... 39 o 8 and C ...... x o o Maden, Mrs...... 12 12 O Clark, Mrs. G...... o 10 o Hardie, Mr. J ...... 3 o o Madge, Rev. E. G. T .. . . 1 O O Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. A-E. 2 1 0 Hart, Mr. J. C...... 50 o o Margaret...... x o o Clow, Dr. E. M...... 5 o o Harvey, Mrs...... 3 o o Marsland, Miss ...... s o o Collett, Mrs. C. E...... 3 3 o Hayes, Miss W...... ; o o Martin, Mrs. M...... 1 o o Caiman, Mr, C„ J.P. ... 50 o o Hayward, Miss G. G. ... 3 o o Mason, Mr E .L ...... o 10 6 Conway, Rev. S. M 1 o o H.C ...... 5 o o M .E .H .. Berks ...... 1 o o Cook, Mr. J. Lewis 1 o o H.D. M...... X3 o o M. H...... 2 o o Cook, Miss M. E...... xo o o Helper...... 5 o o Miller, Rev. F.E. and Mrs. o xo o Coombs, Miss G. E 1 o o Hemmens, Mr. H. L 5 o o Millman, Rev. O. J. and Coombs, Mrs. S. H 2 xo o Higgs, Miss A...... 3 - o Mrs...... x x o Corrall, Miss A. W o 11 o Holiday dented, Great Mitchell, Mr. J...... o xo o Coulson, Miss I. K oxo o Staughtou ...... x o o M. L...... 1 o o Cunliffe, Rev. F. H. and Holiday Gift ...... x o o M .L. F ...... a xo o Family ...... 1 2 6 Holt, Mr. W. H...... 25 o o Mold, Miss K. E...... 1 o o Curt». Miss E. R a a o Home Preparation Union Moore, Rev. D. H o xo o Cyieillion, Llanelly o 10 0 Summer School, Felix­ Morgan, Dr. Evan ...... 5 o o Davies, Rev. D. C. and stowe ...... 7 I" o Mother...... o 10 o Mrs...... 2 o o Hope, the Misses 3 0 0 Davies, Rev. W...... o 10 6 Hope, Miss E. K...... o 10 o Moule, Miss E. E...... 5 o o Davis, Mr. C...... 1 6 o o Hope, Mr. H. G...... 5 0 0 M. P ...... o xo o Dawson, Mr. H. S 2 a o Hor&fall, Miss M...... =50 o o Muir, Mr. W. W ...... o 10 o Debtor ...... 20 o o H. S...... xo o o N.E.J ...... o xo o Dent, Mr. and Mrs *087 H.S 2 o o Newman, Mrs. S...... 4 o o Dodwell, Miss M. D 7 xo e Newport, Mr. C. A 5 5 o Miss E. F 4 xj 4 In Fond Remembrance of 1 0 0 Nicholls, Mrs...... 1 o o D. S. Wi ...... oxo o a Dear One ...... o xo o Nickalls, Mrs...... o xo o Dupont, Miss M. 1...... 3 0 0 Inilis, Mr.C...... 1 o o Nickalls, Rev.E.C. . . . . 2 13 O East, Mr...... * j 0 In Loving Memory 3 0 0 N. L., Southsea...... o xo o £ast, Mr. and Mrs. J. B 0 xo o In Mem...... o 15 o Noble, Mrs...... a o o In Memoriam...... 1 o o Odell, Miss G. M...... x o o gcce Venit ...... j p 0 In Memoriam C. E. Cum- a G. W ...... o xo o Edginton, the late Mrs. oxo o ming-Brown...... 105 o o Old Baptist Unattached 1 o o In Memoriam, Earls Olney, Mr. H. K...... 5 o o gtoimdi,’ i i n j; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; I 2 o Barton ...... oxo o Olney, Mr. W ...... xo o o Eekhoul, the Miascs ... a 15 o la Memory of the late One of His Stewards . . . . 2 o o £• «• C ...... 58 8 o Mr. Thos. May, Senr., O. S. W ...... ao o o Ellison, Rev. J. and Mrs. 6 0 0 of St. Paul's Cray .... 25 0 0 Outhwaite, Miss W 2 0 o 144 DEFICIT. [1937.

£ s. d. £ 8. Overseas Baptist Ac­ Seven Kings United Bible Thankoffering, G. B. T. 010 o countant ...... x 17 3 Class...... o 12 Theobald, Miss A 10 10 0 Page, Mrs. A. E . 5 o o Seymour, Mrs...... : 3 3 Thomas, Mrs...... 5 o u Parris, Rev. H. B. and Share Bonus ...... 100 o Thomas, Mrs. A. J 2 0 0 Mrs...... 10 o o Sharman, Mr. H. C. 1 x Thomas,Mr.J ....20 0 0 Payne, Rev. E. A., B.A. o 10 6 Shildrick, Rev. J. C..... o 10 Thomas, Rev. W...... 10 0 0 Pearse, Miss E. F . 1 o o Sidey, Rev. J . T. and Mrs. 3 3 Tithe...... 1 10 0 Pentelow,Mrs...... xo o o Simpson, Mr. A...... x x To Help to Reduce the Petite...... oxo o Sisters, Portslade ...... 4 7 Deficit ...... 010 0 P. L ...... 10 o o Smith, Miss E. E 010 TraSord,Mrs 12 13 0 Pooltan, Mrs. E. K o 10 o Smith, Mrs. F. E o 10 Tranter, Mrs...... ro 10 0 Price, Mr. E. Steane ... .300 o o Smith, Miss F. R...... 5 o Turner, Miss H. M...... 37 10 c Priestley,Miss .....----- 10 o o Smith, Miss L...... 3 o Two Prayer Partners.... 1 10 n Pringle, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Smith, Mr. T.M...... 3 o T.W.W...... 2 o o Pursglove, Miss K. F. .. 15 o o Smith, Mrs. T. W 30 o Unstead, Mr. L...... o 10 0 P. Y...... 10 o o Soddy, Rev. T. E. and Vox...... 1 o 0 Raper, Rev. F. J ...... 3 16 6 Mrs...... 2 2 Waddington, Miss C. E. 25 6 8 Rawdon College ...... 4 2 5 Soper, Miss E. A...... 1 o Wall, Mrs...... o 10 0 Reader of The Missionary Spoke, Mr, H...... 30 o Wall, Miss E. G...... o 10 0 Herald at Beckenham 1 0 0 Spurgeoo’s College Con­ Warton, Mrs. E. B. .... 4 4 0 Readers of The Christian, ference ...... 3 15 Watson, MissF. M .... « 13 4 per Messrs. Maniu^ Stacey, Mrs...... x o Weir, Mr. W...... 20 o 6 Morgan & Scott, Ltd. 55 o o Starke, Mr. and Mrs. J... 310 WeDs, Rev. D. S. and Mrs. 10 o 0 Readers of The Life of Starte, Mr. O. H. B..... a o Welsh, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Faith, per Messrs. Mar­ Stenaer, Mrs...... 5 0 Wei ton, Mr. and Mrs. S. J . 1 10 0 shall, Morgan & Scott, Stewart, Miss J ...... 35 o Wenham, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Ltd...... 10 o o Stiff, Mrs...... 1 o White, Mrs. A...... 1 1 0 Redwood, Mr. W . 50 o o Stockley, Rev. T. I., D.D. 40 o Whittaker, Miss M. B. .. 1 0 0 Reid, Rev. J ...... 1 0 0 Stubbs, Mr. W...... 1 o Williams, Mrs...... 8 8 0 Riches, Mrs...... 2 o o Sommer School, Bexhill 8 3 Williams, MissE. A. ... 2 2 0 Ridoott, Miss H. E 1 1 o fjnmiMr Felix* Williamson, Mr. R. M. .. 1 0 0 Roberts, Miss H. G. .... 010 o stowe...... 10 19 Willis, Mr. E. J ...... 5 j 0 Robtnsta, Mr. A...... 25 o o Sutton...... o 10 Wilson, Rev. C. E., B-A. 3 7 0 Robson, Miss K . 1 1 0 Swan, Miss ...... 1 o Wilson, Mr. J. A...... 5 o o Rodgen, Mi, W JE. T... 10 o o T...... o 10 Wood, Miss R. D . 1 11 0 Rofers,Mr. B...... 6 15 9 T. A. G. M., Tbeydon Woodfin, M rs...... z o o R .T.S...... 10 o o Bois...... o 10 Worthington, Miss 1...... 5 0 0 Rauch, Mr. C. F . 1 o o Tayler, Miss K. S o n W. P...... o 10 0 Rale, Mr. H. J ...... o to o Taylor, Miss...... 5 o Wright, Mr. T. E 50 o 0 Roshbrooke, Dr. J. H., Taylor, Mrs. E...... 1 o wTsTa...... O 17 0 HJL ...... 12 3 6 Taylor, Mr. H. L...... 350 o X.X.X...... 2 2 0 S. A. E...... o 10 o Taylor, Mr. M. G...... oxo X.Y.Z...... 2 10 o Salter, Mias E. F...... 5 0 0 Taylor, Mr. O. T...... 1 1 Y.Q.Z...... 5 o 0 Sandenoa, Mrs. E. M. .. 5 0 0 Taylor, Mrs. W 3 0 53136 ...... 1 0 0 SA.T...... 4 0 ® Teignmouth...... 3 10 Sums under xo*...... 13 3 9 Saw, Mr. W. H...... r o o Thankoffering ....95 o Sawday, Rev. C. B . 3 3 o Tbankoflering...... 5 o £6,211 18 9 Sean, Mr.H. E 1 0 0 Thanko Bering...... a so 1937.] LONDON BAPTIST MISSIONARY ONION. 1 4



30 Churches.

President.—Rev. E. Muway-Pagx, 41, Torrington Paris, N.12. Hon. sJZy^M rtw Z k) Rev' & A. Tukl, 95, HiHfield Avenue, N.8.

Hon. Secretary o f Women's Work— Miss IL u u u h q t o k , Harden«, Lancbester Road, Highgate, N.6. Hon. Secretary o f M edical Work— Mr. C. H. S h ak fe, 13, The Mall, N.14. Hon. Secretary o f Young People's Work—Miss W. Warh, 18, Uplands Way, N.31.


£ s., d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s.


£ s. d. £ «• d. £ s. d. £ _ * . d. £_s. d. £ S. ¿ Council ...... 20 17 2 3 0 0 23 17 : rttnmiKiTryt Salters* Hall 28 14, 3 4 xo 0 12 4 O 45 8 j dntOB, The Downs 2 2 6 7 3 X6 9 48 8 7 x6 19 0 141 6 19 Junction •. «859 9 3 5 14 15 8 92 4 10 Hackney, Mare Street 2x3 0 25 12 X ax( 4 7 xo 0 8 0 0 46 n j Shoreditch Tabernacle XI 7 0 33 9 a 18 15 0 63 11 t Dabton. Queen’s Road .. 2 2 2 2 2 1 Stoke Newington, Devonshire Square 3* 7 x 20 4 7 .13 a 6 65 14 2 Edmonton, Lower .. 35 * 7 2 18 6 12 XO O 5° i» I Enfield, CecD Hall .. Highway 17 X2 6 73 4 « 2 5 6 30 17 O 2 0 1 0 126 9 9 Tottenham. High Road 3 5 0 39 15 9 8 10 2 IO 4 7 0 8 9 62 4 j West Green 0 5 6 63 6 2 12 0 0 12 O O 3 0 0 90 11 Í Waltham Abbey x7 X3 0 0 4 2 x X3 9 0 4 4 19 17 3 Waltham Croes 4 0 0 4 0 0 Woodberry Down .. 2 0 0 87 3 4 8» 5 4; Higham’s Park 5 0 0 30 0 5 13 9 a 4 *5 I 0 13 4 53 !» » Walthamstow Churches 0x7 6 0 17 6 0 XO 0 xx 18 0 21 2 8 2 XO XO x 0 0 37 i 5 Fonst Road Hall.. 0 xo 0 0 10 0 Gmeafaaf Road .. 8 3 XX 7 * 1 2 4 x x 0 5 0 0 x 0 0 93 17 3 HMam q fll 28 x8 3 10 7 3 xo 8 5 2 12 X 52 6 0 OootdRoad 89 4 XI 0 19 6 7 4 6 3 xo 0 xoo 18 II Spruce HiD 7 7 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 x x 0 12 12 0 Wood Street

6a 9 7 8x0 2 3 I96 13 O 182 12 4 23 19 4 1,275 15 *

NORTH-WESTERN COUNCIL. 29 Churches. President.—Rev. W. Ruujs-Jowes, 16, Sunbury Gardens, Mill H1Q, N.W.7, Vtce-Presidtrt—Tx. £. F m n , 21, Rudall Crescent, N.W.3. Hon. Cometí Secretary—Mx. H. G. Saroeamt. 90, Cyprus Avenue, Church End, N.3. Assist. Secretary—Mrs. Saroeajít. 90, Cyprus Avenue, Church End, N.3. Hon. Secretary o f Women’s Work—Mrs. H. G. Saroeamt (as above). Hon. Secretary o f M edical Work—M in G. Morgan, 33, Sunny Gardens, Hendon, N.W.4, Hon. Secretary o f Young People's Work—M m F. C. Clay, 14, Avondale Avenue, Dollis Park, NW.J. „ .. 0 i# < Brondesbury .. n o 7 x 93 *9 16 13 31 X9 11 333 Castle Street (Welsh) 1 1 0 0 36 14 40 o XO O O 117 14 ? Chalk Farm .. I 12 1 12 0 Child's Hfll .. o jo o xo xo 0 xo 22 14 34 4 9 o o 3 X XX 3 11 14 X5 3 Criekfcwood .. t 18 5 63 XX X X 74 7 J Edgwans, Camrose at it 8 8 VI 4 4 0 4* 11 ? Hampstead, Garden Suburb 5 xx o 134 W» * 3 7 19 149 5 J Heath Street m 4 o 643 17 905 X 1X0 XX 3 *9 7 1,140 13 ? Regeot’s Parie Mission 7 13 ? 6 14 19 { HarVarfin, Acton Lane 9 XX 6 91 xo 19 X2 O 4 16 e Leghorn Road 4 16 Storia Road JO X3 o 5 xx 17 » Harrow a 54 3 9* 7 9 38_o 385 i J Hatch Bod .. .. 3 xo 5 »; Hendon, Finchley Lane 99 *3 177 8 «> 43 *4 *1 i 357 * • a o 8 0 0 3 « 16 16 JI 8 T o o XO 2 18 2 37 5 V KensalRite i! !! 2 o U H f Kenton, Free Church f 8 9 7 6 10 >5 Kilbum, Canterbury Road IX XX o X7 * xs so Kingsbury Free Church 9 18 8 4 7 1 18 2 0 0 Marylebooe, Church Street 4 37.] LONDON BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION- m NORTH-WESTERN COUNCIL—{continued.).


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 31 13 0 *3 17 3 16 7 10 71 18 I igent’s Park, Former Mem­ bers o f ...... 3 8 0 0 8 3 3 16 3 ; John's Wood, Abbey Road 3 0 6 33 15 4 39 I I* 74 *7 9 inmore ...... 13 I 0 0 6 0 13 7 0 dbury ...... 14 18 10 1 5 0 I 10 0 I 7 13 *0 taldstone...... 44 17 3 5 4 8 19 9 2 0 19 5 7 0 10 6 tmbley (Alperton) . 78 7 4 3 12 9 5 17 9 8 7 17 10 Ulesden Green 2 10 5 107 18 7 14 14 I 43 13 0 1 15 8 1 70 11 9

372 18 5 1,963 I 10 4 87 I I 517 2 4 2 3 16 2 3,363 19 I® EASTERN COUNCIL. 4 0 Ch u r c h e s . President—Mr H. E. Ja c o b s, 8, Ashton Gardens, Chadwell Heath. Vice-President—Rev. F. S. F r a p e , 3 6 2 , Perth Road, Iliord. Hon. Council Secretary—Rev. A. N. S e a r s , Glangarrifl, Tavistock Road, E.18. Treasurer—Mr. W. G . C o l u n s , 2 39 , Thorold Road, Ilford. Assistant Secretary—Miss A. Adams, 65, Headley Drive, Ilford. Hon, Secretary o f General Work—’Mr. A. J. C l a r k , 4 , Glenthome Gardens, Ilford. j m » » . w „ j.{ « ¿ s r 7-; a s a a a c“ ^ Hon, Secretary o f Medical Work—Dr. H. C. G il m o r e , 9 4, St. Andrews Road, Ilford. tt c v w ~ i / Miss S. F. C a r t w r ig h t , 108, Belgrave Road, Snarcsbrook, E.11. Hon. Secretaries o f Young People's Work j Mic, N Rt7SSBLLj 24> Oakhill Crescent, Woodford Green. £ s. • w -’ - Treasurer—Mr. W. H. Crow*, 7, Queen’s Gardens, W.5. Hon. Secretary o f Women's Work—Mrs. W. J. A ustin, 4, Kitson Road, Bames, S.W.13. Hon. Secretary o f M edical Work— Hon. Secretary o f Young People's Work—Mr. J. Sharp, 16, Lucy Crescent, W.3.


£ *- d. £ s. d. £ ••

155 6 4 1,637 10 6 263 8 6 657 3 6 10 XX 4 2,724 0 2

SOUTH-EASTERN COUNCIL. 3 1 C h u r c h e s . President— Miss £ . M. Gr av e , 16, Ruskin Road, Belvedere. Vice-President— Rev. F. C. W h ite, 36, Halesworth Road, S.E.13. Ho». Council Secretary— Mr. A. C. B od ey, B.Sc., 212, Court Road, S.E.g. Hon. Secretary o f Women’s Work— Miss J. Stringer, 32, Glealea Road, Eltham, S.E.g. Hon. Secretary o f Medical Work— Miss I. H u n t, 40, Canberra Road, Bexlevhealth. Hon. Secretary of Young People's Work— Mr. C. W a r d e l l , 28, Wendover Road, S.E.9. Council .... _ 0 3 7 7 7 6 —— 7 10 i Abbey Wood .— 22 5 0 i 13 6 0 10 O : 0 0 25 8 6 Belvedere, Abbey Road S 2 0 5 H 10 —— 7 16 10 Bexley Road 5 0 0 47 l i 8 34 14 4 25 10 4 i 13 5 104 9 9 Bexley Heath, Trinity 5 13 7 42 16 l i 3 4 3 3 I 4 —- 53 16 i Iilackheath and Charltoa 3 5 5 84 12 3 3 3 0 II 14 0 0 i i 102 15 9 Brockley Road 4 17 6 xoo 7 9 18 8 10 46 16 9 a 3 4 172 14 a Catford Hill .. I 18 s 90 10 I — 5 6 6 — 97 H 9 Crayford _ 24 3 i —- I 0 0 — 25 3 X Crofton Park .. . , __ 2 8 9 3 O 0 3 0 0 — 6 8 9 Dartford . . . . 4 7 0 13 12 i XI I I 0 4 14 6 — 34 4 7 Siuue .. .. i 15 0 ——— I 15 0 tltiiam Park, Westmount Rd, 3 I* 6 i *7 9 6 14 14 4 4 « 9 i 6 II 15 1 16 0 Days Lane (Sidcup) 4 13 4 X 18 4 — — 6 il 8 0 Erith, Queen Street . . 9 5 9 72 I 7 26 0 0 70 17 8 14 0 192 5 0 Northumberland Heath i 5 I 36 I I 5 4 I 3 5 « 0 1 17 3 39 « 0 roots Cray 12 1 I 3 3 17 8 3 17 6 X 0 6 X29 16 I I 3 Greenwich, Lewisham Road. 19 4 3 59 8 10 39 0 0 55 13 8 XI 4 175 18 i South Street I 10 0 83 0 9 12 0 0 x6 12 6 2 10 0 U S 13 3 Woolwich Road .. . . is 7 I 17 6 5 i 17 0 i 18 0 0 18 0 34 6 6 Hither Green, Brownhill Rad 18 2 6 89 10 I 20 10 i 49 6 6 0 8 9 17 7 17 IT Theodore Road . . _ 9 0 0 —• --- 9 0 0 1-ee, High Road IO IO 0 6a X4 1 15 13 3 38 19 0 3 5 0 X30 I 4 South .. . . I 0 0 16 4 0 — 6 10 0 — 23 14 0 I'luinstead, Camrose Street. 0 8 0 — —— 0 8 0 Couduit Road

SOUTH-WESTERN COUNCIL. 49 Churchrs. President—Rev. A. E. E dwards, 4, Prestwood Close, Kenton, Harrow. Vict-PresidaU—Mr. A. \V. Muxs, Gtenthorne, Bolter's Lane, Banstead. Tnimi h»» j Rev. F. W. Jarrv, 51, Wickham Avenue, C3beam. Jom t Horn. CounciI S«r*tan« F. T. Smaixwooo, ALA., 34, Birehwood Road, S.W.17. Jio». Secretary o f General Work—Rev. W. D. J ackson, B.A., 78, Ritherden Road, S.W.17. Hon. Secretary o f Women's Work—Mrs. C. H. K ing, 27, Craignish Avenue, S.W.16. Hon. Secretary o f Medical Work—He. F. T. Smallwood, M.A., 34, .Birehwood Road, S.W.17. Hon. Secretary o f Young People's Work—Mr. W. SaxCTARD, 88, Harbut Read, S.W.11.


£ «• d. £ *• d. £ s. d. £ ». d. £ »• d. £ s. d. Council ...... X 0 0 8 0 3 9 0 3 Ralham , , 153 6 X 680 8 xo 23 13 0 108 6 8 a 8 X 967 3 8 Barn es...... 1 2 6 x6 8 9 — 8 14 6 — 26 5 9 Battersea, York Road a a 0 57 7 6 6 2 8 6 I O — 71 13 a Battersea Park, Tabernacle.. — _ — — PrixtCTi. Gin!»ny . • — 0 5 0 —— — 0 5 0 G r e s h a m ...... z 0 0 4 *7 6 3 »8 0 a 15 0 — 13 xo 6 K e n y o n ...... X 0 O 63 4 7 XI 9 i 3 X3 9 0 8 5 78 15 10 W ynne Road — 30 14 9 3 *4 2 7 7 10 x 7 a 43 3 n Brixton HiQ, Cornwall Road — — New Park Road 43 « 8 20 2 6 8 X7 7 0 4 xi 74 17 8 Raleigh Park — 9 7 XX 2 XO 0 a 10 6 4 « 3 19 6 8 3 14 8 4 a ax a 1 38 19 a 0 1 5 0 86 x 0 45 7 I 19 5 0 151 8 6 B ads& dd ...... X 10 0 39 9 7 34 *4 0 39 17 0 a 4 6 117 15 i Hampton Wick — 36 9 6 — 36 9 6 Hem e H i l l ...... — 25 X 3 xo 4 0 ao x 4 3 0 0 58 6 9 Kingston-on-Thames. Banyan 6 0 0 32 « 3 1 0 a X 0 XX 90 17 0 4 *2 4 7 Union Street 3 4 9 4* IS X 18 1 7 0 *3 7 a X 5 X 81 9 i Malden, N ew ...... 8 12 6 IOS 17 XI a 3 i t 3 3 X O X 0 X16 18 5 Merton Park ...... X 0 0 xa 5 0 2 9 6 4 3 6 3 *7 6 *3 15 6 ...... —— Monies .. .. to 0 0 48 X3 7 4 *8 O • 6 0 0 —• 6g 11 7 SX ix 0 X •— N orbory ...... 6 1 7 7 4 xo 5 7 xo 2Ü 4 0 Norwood, Gipsy Road 5 O 0 38 8 6 ax 0 0 33 *3 6 — 88 3 0 Upper, Central Hill West, Chatsworth Rood .. 93 8 a 34 X5 6 337 16 XO 368 0 6 •Putney, Werter Road 7 *7 6 15 XI 8 0 7 6 14 4 6 0 xa 6 38 13 « Richmond, Duke Street 8a i 7 x i 13 8 ao 0 xo a x XX xax 18 0 Sheen, East ...... — i 0 0 — j 0 0 StockweU 0 to 0 — — — 0 10 0 Streatham, Lewin Road 19 X xo ail 15 xo XX xo 4 3« U 0 x 16 0 283 17 0 Mitcham Lane *5 7 6 X67 6 ix s u O IS 7 0 —• 203 15 5 Surbiton, Balaclava Road .. 40 14 6 a 8 4 X xo 0 — 44 la 10 Surbiton Hill, Oakland* .. a 0 0 4» 7 XX 7 *8 xo 8 9 0 — 5» 15 9 T e d d in g t o e ...... 40 7 0 1 » 16 8 47 xa xo 113 16 0 8 0 0 417 » 6 Tooting, Loogfey Road * 6 19 a X7 8 9 I4 l8 4 0 8 xo 39 J 5 I Trinity Road — a* 4 0 * 9 *7 0 — 53 i 0 — — _ 7 X* 0 TvfdtfOWHDB ♦ • * *4 0 4 *8 0 _ V aoxball 0 3 0 xa 3 0 0 xo 0 0 xo 0 *3 8 ; Wandsworth, East Hill .. X? 16 7 X 9 a *3 19 9 i *9 a 33 4 8 Southfield* 18 15 8 4 *3 9 9 17 r 0 1 0 35 i ° ® Tbe Grove .. 3 1 6 e a8 6 a 4 10 0 a Ï4 X X4 i 0 53 7 J Wantfrwarth Common, North* 3 7 cot« Road .. *5 9 8166 XX a 7 *3 4 IJ _>4 8 0 14 9 ai6 W w h B f a fr , Mammy Street — — . _ O XO — — _ 0 10 9 Whittoo .. .. «1 l> ^ _ et 9 *3 2 7 Wimbledon,HaydonPark . . 8 xo 2 3 3 8 * 5 3 0 X Queen's R oad X4 *9 4 9 * 7 ao 3 7 *9 *7 0 i _ 9 I Norman Road I O 0 3 < 0 —■ _ * n North Cheam ., a 3 0 X3 *a 9 — 7 18 0 — 33 u 0

S3& 6 9 a,7*7 *3 7 397 « 7 914 16 xo 34 * 9 4*30 IS 0

* Also Bed Lima to tbe vahw of & 10*. od. porchasod by the Sunday School lor SJanfu. 1937.] LONDON BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION. 151


22 C k DBCSES. President—Mrs. Moorshead, Fairfield, Cornwall Road. Sutton, Surrey. Vice-President— Rev. H. E. Spelm an, 8, Kingsdown Avenue, S. Croydon. Hon. Council Secretary— Mr. S. H b m ke n s, i o , Harrow Road, Carshalton. Treasurer—Mr. H. C. Phillips, Chailey, Bridle Road, Purley. Hon. Secretary o f Women's Work—Mrs. P. W. E v a n s . Spurgeon's College, South Norwood HilL S .E .2 5 . Hon. Secretary o f Medical Work_ Hon. Secretary of Young People's Work—Mr. D a v id B uttfield, 36, Lime Meadow Avenue, Sanderstead.


169 3 6 1,021 4 4 634 14 3 493 XX IX 38 19 0 2,347 13 O




1936. 1935. *934. *933. *9 33. *937.

£ _ « - d. £ _ * . d. £ «. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. Ammal ^ 5* 7 0 64 15 3 Northers 3.704 19 * 3.693 a xi 4,067 10 4 4 ^ 65 a ix 4,955 14 9 North-Eastern ' *»395 7 3 1,38 7 8 6 1,626 18 XI 1,6 53 15 a ï f â r l ’ l *,971 9 XI North-Western 3,309 9 10 3,889 *9 4 s*8*? 8 i 3,778 x8 7 4.330 18 4 *»*4 * IS 4 1 % l t I a,361 x 9 3 .33» I 8 3,338 I 6 *,557 I 7 Western £,126 15 I 3,314 17 8 *»*47 3 6 ».503 14 6 *,574 17 11 Soothern . . *•977 9 5 a,989 0 5 3,6x8 17 XX 4,*o6 3 5 i f d ; ? 5,xi9 12 11 3,135 3 I * ,13 3 3 0 2,316 13 a a,i8 x 5 4 *,437 17 xo 3,214 6 0 Sonth-Westem 4 ,311 6 1 1 4*473 4 xo 4.937 15 4 5,oai 19 7 7,084 14 8 BastSmzey .. 8,189 16 8 »,190 7 ix *«566 1 1 3 S x , 7 ” 3,657 X7 3 3,3*5 0 9 Not irtchidcd la the U 3JM.U. 10 0 15 5 173 XX 8 xox 16 6 14 3 9 10 14a 10 9 69 9 6 *4*383 16 I 24,882 19 7 *7.785 17 0 *8,975 4 0 38,514 8 3 33.193 6 4

SUMMARY, 1957.


£ ». d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ». d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Northern 25a 15 so a,5 18 a 5 437 * 8 579 a 10 37 3 4 3,814 7 I Nstb-Eattcn da 9 7 8x0 a 3 196 13 O 182 13 4 *3 *9 4 1,375 15 6 North-Western 373 i* 5 1,963 x 10 487 I I 5*7 3 4 33 16 2 3,363 19 10 Eastern 101 7 3 269 19 XX 403 4 0 xi 8 5 3,084 5 3 Western zoi 4 10 3 6 ? ? 385 « 0 620 XI 3 36 10 11 2,322 9 6 155 6 4 1,637 10 6 863 8 6 657 3 6 10 11 4 3,734 0 S Sooth-Eastern 128 12 10 1.305 xs 10 *43 7 3 439 ia xo 35 ia 6 *,143 19 3 Sosth-Wdlas 336 6 3 3.7*7 15 7 397 XX 7 914 x6 xo 54 * 9 4,420 12 0 EastSamy .. *69 3 6 *.031 4 4 634 *4 3 493 xi 11 38 19 0 3,347 *3 0 Notiaclnded in the LAJK.U. 55 *5 * xa xo 8 X3 18 0 81 3 9 1,680 4 xo *4»4*3 *9 0 3.318 a XX 4.812 15 9 353 3 9 *4,477 5 3 1937.] 153 ENGLISH COUNTIES.




BERKSHIRE. DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.T.LA. TOTAL. d. £ *• d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. cL £ s- d. Abingdon .. .. § 6 6 15 0 3 6 Z 5 — 21 8 2 C o th ill...... a 6 10 — —— 2 6 zo Crayton .. .. 5 5 0 0 x6 0 0 17 4 — 6 z8 4 F yfW d ...... — 4 17 6 — 4 17 6 Marcham .. 2 12 8 _ 2 Z2 8 7 5 A«cot .. 3 « 0 9 7 5 ——— za 0 xo 0 zo 0 0 — zo zo 0 toS®*4.0"”'. :: z Bracknell .. __ _ — — 4 10 6 4 zo 6 21 3 2 Brimpton — 19 X5 7 — I 7 7 _ croXs»:: :: a6 a 3 x a 0 27 4 3 faringdon . . xo a 8 a i 0 i 6 6 — 13 10 2 0 *5 X5 5 5 0 0 19 10 5 z zo 0 z 15 ssssssa^r“ :: :: 27 xs 3 a 6 9 7 0 6 0 zo 9 37 X3 5 Newbury .. , 7 0 0 XX7 9 9 z 10 6 16 4 0 14» 4 S Reading Auxiliary .. 38 xo 0 9 a 7 0 i 8 I 9 0 6 15 0 63 18 0 Anderson Memorial z zo 0 0 z 7 101 I 9 V*l*y i* Va 0y z* 0 8 i Z4 X az 9 7 0 7 5 CaveVsham ” " 84 0 a zo a 6 5 13 6 — 99 16 a a a 13 8 43 i 0 * *3 0 33 » a 3 14 354 BBRKSHIRB—BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. [1 9 3 7 .

BERKSHIRE— amtimud. { DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MffiTCTTAt - B.T.L.A. TOTAL Reading Auxiliary— ami. £ 6. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. King’s Road l8 12 ZI 158 7 3 61 1)6 8 25 13 9 0 18 0 265 8 7 Hurst ...... Silver Street «i * Tyndale .. . . ; . 21 8 J 2 s o a 3 6 95 13 7 W y cliffe...... 7 io o 66 19 8 25 0 i 12 ir 0 2 XX 7 1x4 12 4 Sandhurst 17 » 4 0 12 0 17 12 4 Shinfield ...... 7 I 3 7 i 3 14 6 10 14 6 10 SunningdaJe 9 3 0 2 15 4 i is 0 13 XI 4 Wallingford...... 29 « 4 3 2 10 3 X5 I 36 6 3 W a n t a g e ...... 3 i 5 6 29 x8 8 24 3 i 5 4 6 0 5 0 63 6 9 Windsor ...... z o o 19 10 3 14 3 5 4 *3 7 0 4 0 39 li 3 Wokingham 10X0 o «4 9 5 X 4 6 3 7 6 99 II 5 Fincbampstead 2 16 7 2 16 7 New M ill...... 105 18 XI 984 6 8 163 8 XX X31 8 0 4 16 9 1,38819 3


BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.T.L.A. TOTAL. £ s- d. £ s* d. I s. d. £ *• 7 6 — 38 n 5 QnrihtfflB ~ 4 3 6 i 5 O —_ 5 8 6 Gi%odon Underwood — 0 9 0 _ — 0 y 0 Seer Green 12 3 8 _ i 15 a 13 18 10 Sioogh District — 50 *7 « _ 50 17 0 Skrngh ^ — 78 *4 8 ï 7 I 9 12 9 7 13 ** 97 6 5 Cippenham ' _ xa 19 8 _ ~ 12 19 8 Langley .. _ 5 9 4 _— — 5 9 4 Sootbcourt (Aylesbury} I O 0 4 >* 7 3 19 XI 7 7 8 — *9 0 s Socea 0 6 6 g 15 6 “ * i 0 Wendover .. *8 7 3 0 XX O *W 18 18 3 Weston Turville .. _ X 0 e . _ _ j 0 0 Window .. —. I 0 0 1 0 0 •— 5 3 « 3 3 8 MO Wraysboy .. # # — 15 *9 5 2 I9 S X 13 0 —» JO 10 Wycwnbe, Higb— Oakridge Road .. s t — ax 14 0 0 XO 0 2 ir 0 — 34 ».*, 0 UnioB .. 2



£ s. d. £ s. a £ s- d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s- d. Cambridgeshire Auxiliary .. Aldreth ...... — 2 IO 4 — _ — 2 10 4 Barton ...... _ i 16 0 —- — i 16 0 Burnell ...... — 4 4 0 — 4 4 0 Cambridge— Arbury Road — Ï5 o 0 _ — *5 0 0 Mill Road 12 24 9 I 17 6 5 H 2 0 h 7 20 18 0 St. Andrew’s Street 4 *5 o 202 l8 8 95 II 7 173 15 2 0 7 IX 477 8 4 Zion ...... 5 o o 25 l6 5 20 0 0 20 0 O i 12 i l 72 9 4 Caxton ...... a 5 7 —— — *' 5 7 Chatteris, West Park Street — IX 12 0 — i 5 6 — 12 17 6 Cberryfaintoa — 10 7 0 2 17 6 5 0 0 — 18 4 6 — Chittering . . — 4 3 0 — 1 0 0 5 3 0 Comberton .. — 4 O 0 — — 4 0 0 Coton — i 10 0 — — — i ro 0 Cottenham...... 2 O 0 20 14 0 0 18 6 9 6 0 — 32 18 6 Gamlingay — 30 13 xo — — 10 13 ÏO Girton ...... —* 5 0 0 0 5 0 —— 5 5 0 Gran tches ter — *— ' 0 14 7 —— 0 14 7 Great Wilbraham — 0 8 6 — — 0 8 6 Haddenham 6 0 0 18 14 10 0 18 i 3 8 3 — 29 i 2 Harstoa ...... — 2 12 0 — _ — X 12 0 Histon 12 2 o 74 17 i 34 5 0 46 2 3 — 167 6 4 Isleham— High Street --- 3 IS 6 — —— 3 15 6 Pound Lane --- 2 7 0 — ,--- — 2 7 0 Isleham Feu .. .. --- 0, XX 6 — --- — 0 II 6 Landbeach...... o 13 3 — — O 9 9 — i 3 0 March ...... 2 I o 27 II 10 — 2 7 0 — 31 19 XO M elbourn...... — 3 9 9 — II O 0 — *4 9 9 Prickwillow — 2 15 6 — — _ 2 15 6 Sedge F e n ...... — 0 5 0 — —— — 0 5 0 Shelford, Great — 52 5 6 5 18 3 7 8 3 0 9 XI 66 i II Soham —— 25 *5 4 0 14 6 0 8 X 0 2 9 27 0 8 Swaflham Prior —— i 3 6 0 16 0 i 19 6 Swavesey — 8 36 7 — O 4 0 — 9 0 7 — Teversham...... — I s 9 0 14 3 _ i 17 0 Thetford and Stretham — 1 12 0 —- — i 12 0 12 17 12 17 9 Upwell ...... __ Waterbeach .. . . 20 8 1 X 21 6 22 0 0 Whittlesea, Windmill Street _ 2 l6 0 — ---: *— i 16 0 Wilbarton . . _ 7 *3 0 — --- — 7 13 0 Willingham...... — 14 3 2 _ 36 2 2 0 19 3 51 4 7 Wisbech Auxiliary— Ely Place.. I O 0 23 2 3 I 16 O 2 19 0 — 27 17 3 — Upper Hill Street _ 5* ig —- 52 19 4 4 — Witchford...... t I 6 — O XO 0 i 18 Í 1,229 ix 8 33 « 3 690 % 3 17* 6 9 i 329 7 X 4 4 4



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ j - d. £_s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Audlem 4 5 0 4 5 0 Cheadle Hultue (Srr La ncashire: Ma nchester Aux» liary.) Chester— Grosvenor Park 78 4 4 78 4 4 Hode Mission .. 10 14 5 Penri Memorial 6 0 6 0 10 0 0 5 0 ” 3 .1 Crewe— Union Street 30 1 8 3 0 3 4 15 0 i 12 8 West Street 6 8 0 1 1 1 Haslington 3 15 4 3 »5 4 X 10 0 23 5 0 Macclesfield...... 15 5 0 4 0 0 3 10 0 Nautwioh .. 0 * 7 6 3 T3 8 0 1 6 0 is 6 0 i 4 5 6 6 14 0 0 4 5 9 44 3 6 9 19 0 73 7 3 SHS« :: 3 l? 9 3 17 9 31 17 6 5 3 3 196 8 3 16 xo 9 3 9 0 043 8 8 • Sec also Lancaihi»: Liverpool, Manchester and Warrington Auxiliaries. HI



BryhertScflly Isle*) i xa 0 1 i 12 0 rthfaidr mrf MtHiwffl X xo o 4 6 6 1 5 16 6 Fabnooth...... 83 0 9 5 9 7 1 7 0 1 89 17 + Hmyle ...... 2 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 a 14 0 LatmoestooGroup .. 4 11 a 4 II 2 Feasance...... 3 5 0 *405 4 7 8 9 3 3 41 3 11 Redruth ...... S a o 320 St. Austri!...... *4 9 5 x 13 6 i 14 7 U! I 1 17 17 6 Saltasi» ...... 4 xo 0 li xa 3 78 9 6 *3 5 30 4 5 Truro...... 19 4 0 I 1 19 4 0 9 5 0 ) 167 18 6 19 6 6 *9 5 3 0 7 7 316 2 10



£ a. d £ j -

— •9 5 « 3 10 6 5 0 0 — 37 16 5



£ *• d. £ *•


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Long Eaton— United Meetings — z 9 3 — _— 1 9 3 St. John’s i 13 0 13 18 9 8 i l 0 — 24 2 9 Station Stieet . . — 24 15 xo — --- — 24 15 10 Loscoe --- Ï5 4 * 2 0 0 O I? O — 18 i i Melbourne . . .. --- *8 -3 3 3 10 6 13 0 0 — 44 13 9 Ticknall ...... 1 0 0 zo zo 0 --- — — zz zo 0 --- Milford ...... 4 1 3 0 — — — 4 13 0 Overseal ...... — *9 17 3 — — — 29 17 3 R id d ia g s...... 3 0 9 O 4 5 0 4 3 0 4 3 3 13 8 — Ripley ...... 2 2 2 —- —- 9 2 9 Sawley — 8 1 6 7 I O — — Z5 2 6 Smalley ...... — 4 4 1 — — — 4 4 i Stonebroom.. O IO O 8 4 0 *— _ 8 14 0 Swadlincote— Hill Stieet — 2 3 1 4 « — — — 23 14 i l Witanot Road . . — 2 1 0 0 7 O O __ 9 10 0 Swan wi c k ...... ZOO h i 4 i zo 8 _ — 13 12 O Windky ...... — 1 2 0 — _ _ 1 2 0 — Wirksworth and Shottie .. 1415 9 « 0 0 z 18 6 — I8 14 3 31 JO 0 609 5 0 189 7 7 81 14 7 z X9 9 913 l6 II Less Expense» . . — 8 3 6 8 3 6

31 xo 0 601 I 6 189 7 7 8z X4 7 i z? 9 905 1 3 5



£ «• d. £ s. d. £ s.


£ s* d. £ s- d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s- d. £ s- d. Hemyock 40 16 a 4° 16 2 Honiton -- «— 18 16 9 0 14 9 2 6 ro 0 "I x 22 6 5 Ilfracombe .. .. — 18 XO 9 1 14 6 _ 20 5 1 Ilfracombe Mission.. 9 m — 4 4 6 — — 4 4 6 Kilmington and Loughwood I 2 0 26 7 10 —— — 87 9 10 Kings bridge.. o xo 0 30 16 « 2 xi 7 4 * ir _ 38 0 0 Malborough and 0 xo 6 3 *a 6 0 18 0 5 * 0 Sakxmbe .. — x xo 6 _ 3 4 3 _ ^3 U “ 07 Modbury I o 0 9 15 0 a 5 6 — 13 0 6 Moretonhampstead * 7 6 z 1 7 6 Newton Abbot • X 0 0 19 9 3 _ 14 8 XX _ 34 18 2 OkebaniptOH , — 15 I 3 _ _ 15 1 j Ottery St. Mary * . _ x 0 0 _ _ _ 1 0 0 Sidmouth Junction — 7 0 i _ —._ 7 0 i Paignton 3 8 6 56 13 IX I 0 0 46 17 8 a 15 0 110 15 1 Stoke Gabriel 0 18 0 __ 0 7 0 1 5 0 Plymouth Auxiliary— George Street 20 O 0 50 0 4 1*5 4 8 41 14 4 2 i 8 239 I 0 Cargreen *- — 48 13 9 * 7 6 — 50 I 3 Hooe 3 î 0 3 0 0 — — — 6 1 0 M utley .. 17 16 10 XX3 8 0 51 15 i 277 4 8 0 6 X 460 10 8 Aorta Road, — 0 5 0 _ 0 5 0 Salisbury Road 3 3 0 26 7 xo O 13 0 *3 « 0 — 43 3 «• Storehouse , 7 i 6 _ 7 1 6 Devaoport— Ford .. * 9 5 14 12 7 x x8 6 4 19 10 — 23 0 4 Hope o 3 0 46 4 6 0 13 5 16 .7 8 0 13 4 64 I n Monte Square .. 2 4 0 35 17 4 4 *0 2 6 12 2 0 14 6 39 18 2 Pembroke Street I O 0 XX 14 O 0 16 6 3 4 0 16 14 6 St. Budeaux .. 3 O 0 34 ix 6 6 9 7 16 9 O 0 13 1 1 60 4 0 Prescott .. —- 6 5 0 X 0 O 7 5 0 Preston .. .. , 7 *4 0 28 X 9 _ 4 1 0 _ 39 x6 9 Safc.rt.8ti 3 1 8 _— 3 i 8 South Motion ■ _ _ __ Swimbradge .. — 7 a 8 — 3 5 4 _ 10 8 0 Teijpn mouth.. ,. 0 XO 7 16 8 7 7 5 3 I 13 6 — 25 17 h Tborverton .. _ xo xs 6 2 0 0 3 *9 6 — 16 J 5 » Tiverton 14 15 8 3a x 5 13 xo 0 *5 0 0 0 3 6 75 10 7 Torquay, Upton Vaie 15 » 6 x$9 15 4 5 0_4 XX 53 12 xz 3 *9 0 313 0 i Baxtoo — 4 4 to *— 4 4 xo Hele — 5 0 0 _ 20 0 8 — 25 0 s Tomngton .. _ XX 5 XX — t 7 0 — l ì 1 : 11 Totne* 3 3 X 36 X 4 I 3 5 7 7 3 0 0 6 47 15 7 Uflcatoe .. o is 0 3 *5 X 0 15 9 — 5 5 i° Upottery, Newbouae * o 0 6 xo 0 —- — 8 xo 0 WtttarardHo! .. 2 2 6 xo 17 5 0 15 0 x 15 0 — 13 9 “ Yarcomba .. '— 7 5 4 — 7 5 4 l6j 18 IO x,6m 15 X 33* 7 3 «91 7 14 6 xo 2,824 15 n



£_«. d. £ «.



£ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ *- d. £ s. d. £ S. d. Northern Association Bishop Auckland 32 16 0 8 6 4 3 13 i 0 8 0 45 3 5 Blackhill...... _ 0 14 0 — x 0 6 — i 14 6 Consett — 17 X 5 — “ — 17 i 5 Crook ...... — I 2 4 0 13 6 — — I 15 10 Darlington— Corporation Road 5 o o 17 II 0 0 19 6 1 13 0 _ as 3 6 Grange Road 8 zi 5 49 13 4 6 18 6 9 7 9 — 74 II 0 Dean Bank .. — 8 3 9 I 0 0 — — 9 3 9 Easington Colliery . . . . — a 0 O — — 2 0 0 Gateshead .. * 9 3 53 18 0 2 15 0 4 X4 6 — 68 16 9 Hamsterley...... 3 9 0 — 5 16 6 — 9 5 6 Hartlepool...... — 5 0 0 — — 5 0 Hartlepool, West 0 Oxford Road — 31 6 0 27 I i 4 14 3 —63 i 4 Tower Street 5 5 4 5 0 0 xa 3 9 — 22 9 I Jarrow ...... — 34 3 7 i 7 X 2 0 0 — 37 10 8 Langley Park — i 0 0 I 0 0 3 10 0 — 5 10 0 Middleton-in-Teesdale a 0 0 — — — 2 0 0 Rowlev ...... 16 4 8 — 3 15 0 — 19 19 8 South'Shields— ■1 Bethesda Free Chnrch .. —— 5 0 0 — — 5 0 0 Emmanuel — 3 18 0 — 3 18 0 Tabernacle 10 8 5 3 8 3 4 14 0 — 18 10 8 Westoe Road X 1 o ax a 10 a 14 4 —— 24 18 2 Spennymoor X 6 9 xa xa 10 5 6 xo 4 4 3 — 23 10 8 Stockton-on-Tees— Lightfoot Grove 4 xo o 5 14 a 7 10 0 *5 3 0 42 17 2 Wellington Street 71 19 i 68 2 8 36 6 9 X I i 177 9 7 Portrack —_ ——— Sunderland United Meeting — —— — — Bethesda Free Church .. —- — _ — Lindsay Road — 19 18 4 4 *5 0 10 3 0 — 34 16 4 Monkwearmouth, Enon .. — 6 IS 0 0 14 6 2 7 0 — 9 16 6 Ushaw Moor...... i 3 4 — — — 1 3 4 "aterhouscs _ 14 IS 1 — 15 0 0 — 29 IS I Witton Park 0 6 4 —— 0 6 4 Wokingham — 3 a 0 — — — 3 2 0 28 i8 S 452 3 *0 15a a 7 150 6 4 * 9 i 785 10 3



£ s. d. £ 6- d. £ ®* d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Essex Association 3 « 4 3 II 4 6 6 Ashdon ...... * 17 o 3 X7 6 X 0 0 — 14 “«con tree, Avenue U 19 6 6 6 3 a 9 3 i i l a aa 6 .a Boyton End — 6 _ — 4 5 6 4 3 I i l B ra in tre e ...... 3 4 o 35 « 5 7 6 6 Brentwood...... 8 10 9 _ 1 10 9 MascaRs Lane Mission . « — _ —— 15 0 6 — — — IS 0 6 Bumham-on-Crouch 0 13 Chelmsford, Market Road .. 8 io 7 56 9 4 a a 4 27 5 il I 4 95 a Clacton-on-Sea— __ — —* Christ Church IO Pier Avenue .. _ 77 9 10 1 0 0 11 O O —r 89 9 ^CÄgeshaü _ 7 4 9 ——“ 7 4 9 Coichgstttr * * * 33 JO 0 68 : ir 10 8 8 xa 5 0 — 119 6 7 ^agenhamr-H — 12 II Chaplin Rkd .. o a 6 3 « h i 7 6 8 9 0 19 Wopdjjme ■3 O 0 3 3 0 —~ — 4 3 O Earl’i Cobttj,. If) 8 8 — 8 X5 6 — 19 4 ■ a ix X9 2 100 8 6 1-rintott^.sea 13 i 0 70 5 i 5 3 3 — 1 6 0 ESSEX— GLOUCESTERSHIRE. [193?

ESSEX—amid. DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.TXA. total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Grays and District Auxiliary o 17 o 4 12 3 — — — 5 9 i Socketts Heath .. I 15 8 17 4 3 3 15 3 4 4 8 I XO 9 28 10 Tabernacle 27 17 6 38 O 9 2 16 10 26 14 9 X XX 9 97 1 7 Halstead— Hedingham Road a o o 55 13 4 18 0 0 13 9 1 _ 89 2 5 Pcbmaish ., — 2 3 0 _ «.... 3 3 0 Harlow 8 0 O 28 19 6 0 xa 0 1 7 5 _ 32 18 n Hornchurch— Ardleigh Green .. — 1 2 3 — 1 2 3 North Street 53 11 7 11 7 10 2 7 6 67 6 it Hutton anH Shenfield 24 O 0 43 17 0 xi 19 0 11 14 11 — 91 ro n Great — — 1 0 0 _ 1 0 0 --- 29 13 7 _ — — 29 13 7 Htee* ” _ 2 0 0 — —_ 2 0 0 Gordon Hall (Vange) _ 6 n 0 _ — _ 6 11 0 Purfleet _ 18 0 6 0 a 6 3 18 8 0 0 2 22 1 10 Romford and District Auxiliary i 16 o 4 10 0 6 6 0 Main Road and Salem I I o 164 13 8 8 5 0 14 1 4 X IO 10 189 11 10 Mawneys 12 13 4 12 12 ^ Saffron Walden z 58 2 IO 1 16 6 z 59 >9 4 Sampford, Great .. — 3 13 9 —— — 3 13 9 Sibie Hertingham — 19 4 9 — — _ 19 4 9 SwirtitinH And&By a ra 6 0 5 0 4 12 2 — — 7 9 8 A venae .. 30 12 4 164 4 I 33 17 5 58 9 O 6 13 7 293 16 5 Dalmatia Road o 14 6 0114 1 5 10 Belle Vue.. i 14 6 13 8 5 4 10 7 24 5 3 43 18 9 Bonfieet .. 3 0 4 10 10 7 0 10 0 1 5 0 — 15 5 n Canvey ,. 2 8 6 7 19 8 — _ 10 1 : Clarence Road 4 8 4 35 19 6 16 6 4 38 5 6 — 94 19 S Eastwood 0 19 0 4 6 0 8 19 2 14 4 2 Femdak...... 1 6 10 5 3 ° _ — — 6 0 10 Hadleigh .. 2 4 6 14 18 0 — — _ 17 2 6 Hawkwell 0 7 7 2 7 8 1 5 3 3166 _ 7 17 0 Laindon (Langdon HJOs 2 13 O 7 1 3 — _ 9 13 3 Leigh Road jo 13 10 75 2 8 16 13 7 63 2 5 X 4 X 166 16 7 Ramsden Bellhouse 0 11 9 x so 0 2 1 9 Rayleigh ...... 4 4 11 40 9 6 5 6 9 5 3 0 2 14 XO 57 19 0 Sboeboryne» 0 17 a 3 a 10 — 4 0 0 Westdifl...... 3 0 9 80 6 0 24 8 i 107 14 10 Wert Leigh 3 17 10 28 13 3 0 8 6 40 10 0 — 73 9 7 Great Stambridge 0 13 8 11 0 0 II 13 8 Rochford .. _ 2 1 2 — _ _ 2 1 : Sotsthmmster _ 3 11 9 _ _ 3 “ 9 Stanford-le-Hope (Women'* Own) ...... — — 0 10 6 •w» — 0 10 6 StiflonL Sooth 1 r 0 1* 0 0 _ - - -- 3 1 0 Thaxted ...... 0 18 0 4 8 0 0 17 6 x 2 6 — 7 6 0 Theydon Bois 3 11 0 13 16 7 _ — _ 19 7 7 Thorpe Bay Free Church .. I *3 4 — — a 13 4 Thorpe-le-Soken Z 8160 z 8 16 0 Tilbury .. ■ I 3 SO . - — — ■ — 1 2 10 Uprainster...... I 7 6 27 17 IO 0 1 I x 14 4 0 2 2 31 2 n West Mersca 23 10 3 23 »0 3 Wickford .. O 7 11 3 M 7 ——— 4 ; 6 194 18 6 *.540 4 1 188 18 7 433 * 9 18 3 4 2,375 “ 3 Less Expenses 5 17 3 — 5 17 ^ 180 1 3 r .540 4 1 188 18 7 413 6 9 18 3 4 2^60 14 JL GLOUCEST ERSHI1*E.

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. BXL-A. TOTAL. £ •• d. £ t. d. £ »* d. £ •• d. £ *.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s- d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cheltenham— Cambray ...... 1 2. 8 2 8x 12 8 36 3 8 80 3 il 0 10 10 210 19 3 Gotherington —' — 4 8 5 — 4 8 5 Salem ...... I IO 0 126 9 i 31 17 3 100 15 6 — 260 h 10 Cioderíord...... 0 zo 0 27 4 9 2 4 8 i M 7 0 19 4 32 13 4 Caleiord ...... — *4 15 0 8 0 7 — 22 15 7 Eastcombe...... 15 13 0 — 2 7 9 i 5 0 19 5 9 Gloucester— Brunswick Road — 8i 13 10 29 0 6 15 6 10 2 0 0 128 i 2 Barton End .. . . — __ — __ OO M Corn Exchange Free Ch. — 28 14 0 I 10 10 I 16 6 0 7 4 <*1 8 Naunton Lane — — — — —-. T u ffle y ...... — 35 19 9 2 IX 7 0 15 6 0 6 5 39 13 3 lung’s Stanley — 7 12 3 4 4 3 17 17 6 I 8 6 31 2 6 L ech lad e...... — 13 9 6 — 13 .9 6 Leckhampton — — — — Longhope ...... —. 0 — — — 0 14 4 — 14 4 Lydbrook ...... — 5 X 6 — — 5 i 6 Lydnejr ...... ~~ Minchinhampton . . 57 Ï5 6 4 10 0 6 12 7 68 18 i X upend ...... — 7 « 9 —. — 7 8 9 Parkend ...... — 3 5 0 .— — — 3 5 0 Prestbury Union Church .. —— — — — Ruardean Hill 4— 7 i 7 — — — 7 r 7 Shortwood (Nailaworth) .. — 14 14 2 I 6 7 4815 3 1 3 7 66 1 7 Scdbury, Old — I 9 6 — * 9 6 2 19 0 Stonehouse...... — — Stroud Auxiliary — ■ 3 17 0 — — — 3 17 0 John Street _ 41 8 7 20 10 i 37 i 1 12 16 9 i n 16 6 PaganhlU _ ■ 5 i8 9 — — 5 18 9 Painswick — ' 2 12 6 — i 10 0 — 4 3 6 Tetbury .. — 3 6 0 — — — 3 6 0 — — — — Cuikerton 0 *3 0 0 15 0 Leighterton — —■ — Tewkesbury and Twyning — o ~ 8 4 0 16 8 0 16 8 * 5 0 3 6 8 Uley...... — 9 4 6 — — — 9 4 6 Wiittbcombe _ i 7 6 _ _ I 7 6 W instone...... _ 6 i l 6 _ _ 6 11 6 Woodchester — 3 i i 11 ,— i 3 9 — 4 17 8 Vorkley — 2 II 3 —— 2 11 3

33 o 8 (JIJ9 iS 6 I9I 19 2 323 i 9 22 2 9 1,270 2 10 Less Expenses .. ,. i 6 6 — I 6 6

33 o 8 698 12 0 m 19 2 323 i 9 32 2 9 1,268 16 ..4 !



S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. 143 H IO 21 7 O 34 7 11 — -17 8 7 Lansdowne ! ! 2(1 3 b 66 II 0 17 6 4 10 15 7 4 14 u 125 II 4 Kosebcry 1’ark .. 7 8 to 16 l8 i) 3 15 6 12 10 0 5 0 41 7 8 Kord .. 2 7 6 5 8 1 0 0 __ 8 1 6 i V\«st Oiff 23 5 12* 7 3 14 Ú 0 70 17 5 — 331 15 10 " iuton 1 (> 8 8 7 (1 0 la <> — 10 0 8 Ashley and New Milton Ö 4 b tâ 5 « 5 0 0 25 0 0 2 0 0 56 IH 2 !"ankicmie 5 6 3 (1 i <» 2 lO 0 3 0 0 — té K) <) — • 1 t O — ■~* 1 1 O 1-ongfleet ,. ” « 1 j (. 21 V 10 0 5 4 3 17 2 0 0 5 26 I Ì ta *5 6 0 10 0 — ■ 19 5 <> S » S e . ” — i« a 6 — 1$ o * —, 23 2 0 Milford Free Church a 5 o 1 1 6 2 HAMPSHIRE. [1 937


Bouraexnoath Anz.—contd. £ s- 3 0 0 8 0 _ 3 13 0 Stoke Road, Union Ch. —r 21 17 9 I 12 6 3 « 9 — 27 2 0 Victoria Street _ 23 17 8 O 12 0 2 15 2 _ 27 4 10 Immamiel x 5 9 103 3 9 *5 14 0 96 I 1 — 218 4 7 Kent Street 42 15 1 I 3 0 i 14 7 — 45 14 8 Lake Road 5 a 6 44 7 9 2 l6 3 103 10 7 — 154 17 i Loodon Road $ o 0 123 6 z 7 5 9 66 3 4 — 204 15 2 Marie la Bonne School _ 17 10 7 10 3 0 3 7 6 — 31 i i Southboume — i 7 6 — I 7 6 Waterlooville 3 O 0 12 13 7 2 16 6 4 >3 0 —— 21 2 i Westboarue Free Church J o 0 —— ... 1 0 0 Poulner .. ... 5 5 0 — _ ■ • —■ 5 5 » Southampton Auxiliary .. — 0 8 i 10 J 6 12 0 0 — is 9 7 Allbrook...... — ——— — — Bitterne Park I o 0 *7 5 2 9 * 6 9 5 0 0 7 0 37 5 « Biackfieki Common t a 0 21 2 8 3 14 0 2 6 0 _ 38 10 8 C aitton...... 0 2 6 *3 4 4 i 9 0 21 7 it 0 4 4 46 8 i East Boldxe 5 14 0 — _ 5 14 0 Eastldgb .. — 23 17 4 2 17 6 — _ 26 14 10 Horton Hecth .. — 5 3 6 1 0 0 _ — 6 3 8 Lyudhnm 6 11 5 1 x6 9 *— — 8 8 2 28 12 6 MiUbrook--- Union Chon* I O 0 17 12 6 xo 0 0 i 3 0 16 2 8 1 0 0 9 32 16 5 SSffik • :: :: a 7 6 46 12 8 17 17 1* VI 0 0 6 3 73 4 4 S l i d e r ...... 0 io 0 no 16 4 x8 i 8 29 19 9 _ 167 7 9 S ta lin * ...... 12 0 0 13 0 0 Swayuiling 17 0 0 — 17 0 0 Wiocbe*ter and District— Auxiliary .. ,. — IS 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 — as 0 0 Andover...... I x6 0 4* 3 9 11 9 X xo 0 0 0 X 6 65 ><’ 4 Broughton — 2 IS 0 — 15 9 Lockerley and Mottfefoot 3 9 6 V i I — 3 « 0 —- 9 *4 * Rooney .. 39 9 0 2 it 0 42 0 0 Badde t k f O 12 0 1 to 0 _ z s a o Stockbridge 1 0 0 *5 4 i — x 14 6 —, 17 18 7 0 IS 0 19 7 1 W allop ...... *~ 17 I 3 XI x 12 Whitdnuxh 13 18 4 0 xo 0 0 13 6 0 3 0 15 Si® Winchester 20 O 0 45 0 0 7 15 3 It 19 6 1 *7 it 86 12 * life of Wight Baptist Union — * 10 O— a ,0 0 — •— Comet ...... X 11 3 12 it 3 4 » 6 771810 18 26 Newport, Castfebakl — 38 * 0 33 14 9 3 *7 9 *— Niton .. mmm 7 7 5 0 xS 0 — 8. «J nJ Road ...... a— 3 0 _ — 3 0 . « —* 150 « »0 Ryde ...... XX 19 6 9 3 63 i 9 4» 2 4 33 iB 6 Sandown ...... 9 *9 7 3 *3 « *7 3 0 — — *7 £ J Ventnor...... * ! 9 0 19 3 11 IB 7 O Ÿ $ _ _ c 0 Wdknr .. -- 12 6 0 “ — *— h » 2*3 5 4 M** « 1 439 *5 0 738J 5 6 11 3 5 3.9«4 * ■ H ff§ Pypffflf# 34 8 4 — _ 34 8 J , J « 3 5 4 *»777 11 9 459 1$ 0 73® *5 6 12 a 5 1»*3° 10 1 • 1937.] HEREFORDSHIRE— HERTFORDSHIRE 163 HEREFORDSHIRE.


£ «. d. £ «. d. £ ». d. £ s. d. £ *• d. £ s. d. Ewyas Harold 13 4 4 0 3 0 0 3 4 13 8 8 Fownbope ...... 6 3 9 6 3 9 GordOT ...... 3 0 0 35 3 9 30 13 9 4 13 6 52 ro 0 Hereford...... 140 7 1 61 17 0 • 19 4 6 3 5 4 224 13 11 Kington and Lyon&hall 6 4 0 13 1 1 7 19 15 7 Ledbury ...... Leominster...... 6 o o 13 7 6 5 13 3 24 0 8 Kingsland 8 6 3 8 6 3 Longtown .. O 13 6 1 II O 2 3 6 Peteichnrch 4 1 1 7 4 11 7 Ross-on-Wye 3 I I o 34 6 9 5 7 3 4 4 6 47 9 6 Rveford ...... O 18 6 0 18 6 Wbitestone...... 7 16 6 0 4 0 8 0 6 I I I I o 360 1 6 108 13 9 38 8 10 3 5 4 412 2 5



£_«. d. £ s. d. £J - d. £ s. d. £ s- d. £ s. d. Abbots Langley 1 0 0 1 0 0 Berkhamsted 3 10 0 24 16 6 0 10 3 8 14 0 36 10 9 Biihop's Stortlord .. 33 18 10 1 19 3 12 13 I I 8 3 49 18 4 Boreham Wood 33 9 7 0 5 0 33 14 7 Boviugdon...... 4 13 ° 4 15 0 Boxmoor...... 2 9 0 4 6 11 9 1 9 1 0 0 56 6 7 Dreachwood Green .. .. 31 VI 0 2 10 0 1 7 6 10 5 Chipperfield...... 6 8 4 6 8 4 Chorley Wood 4 3 0 39 “ 4 4 5 10 7 1 6 55 0 8 Codicote and Langley 4 7 4 0 5 0 1 0 0 5 13 4 Datchworth 0 3 0 0 5 0 Flaunden .. 8 0 0 8 0 0 Hemel Hempstead 10 10 0 86 7 8 13 16 4 3 11 6 113 5 6 Hertford...... 3 3 0 65 18 6 19 11 6 8 7 13 0 Burnham fipmm , , Hitchin— Tilchouse Street .. 10 7 0 131 5 W 13 17 10 15 8 0 190 18 8 Walswwth Road 3* 7 0 0 7 0 13 19 0 0 3 6 44 15 6 Hoddesdon...... 6~9 8 36 *8 7 10 3 9 4 0 6 57 11 6 King's Langley 3 14 5 6 17 11 4 5 6 13 17 i° Letchwortb...... 1 10 0 78 15 4 15 16 8 96 3 0 Markyate...... 10 10 7 10 10 7 Mill End .. 13 0 0 41 14 11 54 14 IJ Northchurch 5 1 6 5 1 6 Rickmassworth 10 3 0 70 5 3 2 10 I 14 10 9 97 9 0 St. Albans— Dagnall Street .. 9 1 0 137 I II 10 3 3 30 19 11 0 11 0 177 17 1 Park Street 17 17 4 1 2 7 18 19 11 Sandridgo 13 6 10 13 6 i° Tabernacle .. .. 34 14 3 1 0 0 35 H 3 Sarratt ...... 5 1a 1 5 13 1 35 13 3 3 16 2 *9 9 5 f S p * * •• ••

figSS?*:: :: 16 3 5 1 13 6 17 15 ti New Mill .. 36 16 0 36 16 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 w J s m s L . - 11 13 0 11 13 0 36 18 10 4 4 0 436 3 8 Boechcn Grove 17 3 9 374 10 I w I 2 65 3 0 Leayeaden Road,, 3 1 9 58 18 II 0 8 7 3 0 6 0 13 3 at. James' Raid . 10 11 10 13 13 9 3 13 O 9 6 9 1 7 4 36 11 8 „BainCUkllii I! 6 rfi 0 6j 10 it 0 10 0 17 7 6 90 4 5 16 8 5 0 6 0 0 16 0 17 10 5 '''grcfer0*' 1 3 0 1 3 0

m 1 1 5 1,486 It 0 145 II 9 *44 7 3 1 1 18 4 1,999 *9 8 164: BONTINGDONSHIRK— KENT. £1937 HUNTINGDONSHIRE.


£ s. d. £ «• d. £ «• d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. ri. Rtontisham .. ». *4 9 0 24 9 0 Brampton...... — 0 18 4 —— — « 18 4 Buckden ...... 1 10 3 FIKnft/wi i 10 1 — 0 17 4 — —— 0 17 4 Fqg&aiton...... 0 15 4 0 ij 4 Gorinumchester ' _ 2 9 6 _ _ _ 2 9 6 Great Giddingand Winwick — 2 12 8 — __ 2 13 8 Great Staughton .. 1 5 9 _— 1 5 9 H artford ...... — __ — __ Hemingford Grey .. . — 0 8 5 — —— 0 8 j Hough ta n ...... __ 0 13 4 ——— 0 13 4 Huntingdon 3 12 0 37 8 6 3 11 0 17 19 6 _ 62 11 0 Kimbolton .. 0 ir 3 _ 0113 OfFord ...... 0 18 7 _ _ 0 iS 7 J%rry ...... ■ —T i 0 10 6 — — _ 0 10 6 Ramsey ...... I o o 6 14 10 — — _ 7 14 10 St Ives ...... 3 *6 8 _ — _ 3 16 8 St. N c o te ...... — 3 *x 8 _ _ _ 3118 Samersham .. — 7 U 3 —— 7 11 3 — 1 13 3 —' — — 1 13 3 StUkeley Little — 0 12 9 ' — 0 12 9 Woodfamst...... — 0 7 0 _ — _ 0 7 0 Yetting — I 4 0 — — — 1 4 0 4 12 O loi 0 3 II 0 17 19 6 _ 127 2 £ Less Expenses S 5 9 — 2 5 9 4 12 O 98 14 5 3 « 0 17 19 6 — 124 16 11



£ *. d. £ 8. d. £ *• d. £ *• d. £ «• d. £ * d. Kent and Sussex Associa­ tion —_ —. i 0 0 — 1 0 0 East Kent Auxiliary — —— — — — Ashford 0 3 6 42 9 8 0 2 6 85 »7 5 — 128 12 1 Beltinge 5 TO 6 18 12 3 0 « 6 2 8 6 — 26 13 9 Hesseis Green 2 0 0 92 2 2 9 Tt 3 0 r5 0 0 10 0 104 18 5 Biggin Hill .. __ — 24 0 0 — 24 0 c Bircbtngton...... — 4 7 0 _ — 4 7 0 Borstal ...... — 6 13 0 -- _ — 6 13 0 Bralxjunic Lees — 7 17 8 — — — 7 17 8 IJrasted 1 4 11 19 13 10 i 7 6 i 10 10 0 15 7 24 14 8 Moorboose so a 10 — »0 Î Broadstain, Queen's Road 5 3 5 6a 0 10 15 e 0 6 0 0 — 88 4 3 Canterbury .. 64 19 0 296 1 2 87 16 6 62 8 I 6 so 3 457 15 « Chatham — 8 19 z 0 8 0 1 13 0 0 9 0 11 9 7 Cheritoa ...... 3 A *0 a t s i 10 15 13 a 5 I«» 0 47 5 10 CmetenHiO., 1 1 0 30 18 8 I 7 a 17 19 6 — 51 6 1 D W l ...... 8 0 0 77 3 5 4 *7 10 13 17 0 0 7 6 104 3 9 Dover. Salem 1 is 0 03 4 2 A 13 8 18 2 0 2 2 0 89 16 10 Capel-le-Feni — a 0 6 — _ S 0 6 Ewell Miimk — 0 8 8 _ ' _ — ' 0 8 8 St. M npnt’i — 13 14 a — — -- 13 *4 * Teaqde £weH — 10 14 X — 10 14 I EdwbSdp- .. _ 28 14 5 — _ . — 28 14 Í MarfphHUi — — — 6 7 0 6 7 6 Eynaiord .. 0 3 0 *3 i 1 7 » 0 3° 19 0 6t 5 I Eythorne...... 44 2 8 9 *» 0 3* 0 ! F*vmham 356 J9 3 8 6 0 364 JO 3 KoUcMtone...... it 10 0 73 15 0 ri 6 11 136 12 4 1 16 6 *35 1 ” r t f . . —Í. 52 ** (t 5 6 7 II 17 9 _ 6q 15 10 Cm* St. Christian Misckn __ ï i 0 — 1 I 0 Goadbam ...... _ 6 2 6 __ 6 2 ** Gravesend *_ 3* 10 3 — 2 6 0 — 33 ib J Green Street Green 5 0 0 18 16 1 1« 0 m 4 5 0 — 38 1« J1 1937.} KENT— LANCASHIRE. 16S


£ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s- d. Hailing o 5 0 o IO 0 0 15 0 Hawnhursi .. . . ,. — 7 7 i l —— -— 7 1 il Headcom .. — 3 14 9 O 8 7 i 7 4 0 7 7 5 I? 3 Heme Bay . . 4 5 6 49 12 I a 3 3 8 8 7 64 9 5 Horsmondcn 9 19 6 9 *9 6 Kingsdown...... — — — — Maidstone— King Street, Union Church — 41 a 8 _ 5 0 0 __ 46 2 8 Kaightrider Street IO I D 138 19 6 —_ 149 0 6 Loose ...... — — — —- Margate 0 xo o 58 0 il 3 19 4 15 0 0 0 15 0 78 5 3 Medway Churches I 0 0 — X 0 0 New Romaey ’— 3 II 4 ——— 3 II 4 Orpington 14 II o 165 18 8 26 8 7 9 6 5 0 t i 9 Z I6 16 5 Poverest Road 13 I 10 1 3 I 10 Ramsgate, Cavendish I o o 98 16 9 8 14 ? 10 3 6 6 21 5 0 233 2 5 Rochester...... 6 i o 57 0 % 4 0 0 7 15 6 74 16 7 St. Peter’s ...... — 34 12 0 5 4 0 — 39 16 0 Sandhurst...... — 9 13 8 —— 9 13 8 Sevcnoaks...... 7 7 0 87 l i i 9 8 I 14 2 i 0 9 11 218 18 3 Sbeernesa, Strode Crescent East, Halfway Houses .. —— — —— _ Sittwgboume 38 II — II , 9 — 38 9 Smamea ...... 5 18 0 5 18 0 Tenterden , . .. .. — 1 0 8 7 ______IP 8 7 --- Tonbridge ...... 15 i il ——_ 35 I II Tunbridge Walls Auxiliary— _ St, John's Free Church .. 37 4 0 13 7 0 49 II 0 Tabernacle 14 io 6 110 19 6 18 10 0 a 10 0 I 14 4 148 4 4 Forest Row . . * 7 0 26 5 3 — 3 i 4 30 13 6 Frant ,, a 13 6 —— a 13 6 Pembury ...... o xo 0 a — i 0 0 — 25 13 a VValmer 4 7 6 I t x l 10 — i i 0 — 94 i 4 Moogeham 5 10 0 _ __ __ 5 10 0 Westerham Hill — 33 7 a _— __ 33 7 2 West Mailing — 26 1 5 a I 6 2 i 7 6 _ 39 8 10 Whitstable...... 3 3 3 4s 7 M 7 *5 10 6 19 6 0 19 10 6 r 6 4 Yalding . . . . ——

14 h 2,694 8 II 197 17 5 64a 16 8 45 I 9 3.758 19 8



£ S. d. £ s.


1 s. d. £ * d. £ ». d. £ *• d. £ «• d. . £ s. d Ashton -nnder-Lyne Anx. “ i 17 3 __ 1 *7 Hyde and District WOtncn’S Mi«sinnar Auxiliary X zo o 6 17 0 _ _ 8 7 c Welbeck Street . . — 7 i8 zo 6 i 6 — 14 0 Dnkinfield “ 2 4 8 — 5 0 0 7 4 Hyde _ Stalybridge— Cross Leech Street — 3 *3 8 __ 0 0 _ 9 13 Wakefield Road — 2 2 3 3 0 0 7 i 3 Bolton Auxfliaiy— B.WJL .. nMMImrf O 5 o 3$ 5 7 20 9 10 43 14 9 100 is 2 Zion, St. John Street — $ 13 4 — I 17 3 -- 8 ro 7 Astley Bridge . . — 14 2 3 zo 0 0 xo 0 0 3 O 0 37 2 2 Faraworth — I 17 7 _ — — i 17 7 Homricb . . _ x 18 8 —“ 1 18 8 BondejrAuxiliary— _ — 30 0 0 _ _ 50 0 0 — *7 5 8 — 16 15 4 — 34 1 0 — 33 17 5 0 16 6 3 4 0 — 37 17 11 Haggate . . 5 O o 31 i 6 2 O 0 3 3 0 4 18 6 36 5 0 Angle Street . . — 38 i2 10 — 38 12 10 — 14 16 zo 0 4 8 10 5 9 0 2 9 23 10 0 TmmiiwiiJ _ 0 _ — 3 13 3 » 9 1 I 5 Moont Oifaet — 3 17 3 —» 4 9 0 — 8 6 j Moont Pleasant . . —- ir 14 I —— — xi 14 i Yorkshire Street, Sloe — 19 13 8 20 0 0 2 29 0 — 32 11 8 Bdecdafe, Hill Lane 3 o o 7 zo XI _ 3 *3 XI — 16 4 10 Qovbddfc — a 13 4 — — «— 2 13 4 Cotoe . . _ 33 7 6 5 5 0 3 9 6 SI 2 0 iiumwoofl« « Netooo— Bradshaw Street — 2 0 0 . 0 11 0 2 II 0 Carr Road — *3 3 i % 14 9 11 XI 8 0 16 7 37 6 I Elizabeth Street — i x6 0 — — i 16 0 Woodlands Road — 3 >5 4 — I 3 0 — 5 0 4 Pfrdiharo— Burnley Road . . _ 1 9 0 — * 9 0 — 2 18 0 MotmtZicn .. 3 3 0 — — 3 3 0 Sabden . . . . — 9 0 0 — — 9OO Bury and Bo—endale Di*- trict AmdUary — 7 9 5 —-— 7 9 5 Jiiion — MM _ _ _ — Roaseodafe W.M.A. League — — $3 l8 I — — 92 18 : Bacup— Acre Mill _ 6 3 8 _ _ 6 2 8 JDoals .. —- 0 10 0 2 3 0 4 *° 0 — 16 < 0 Ebeoertr — *8 3 5 5J 3 0 4 10 <4 — 38 t> 9 Irweli Terrace —— 3 Ï5 0 2 O 0 — 2 15 * Zion .. --: 34 16 9 3 5 9 —— 38 3 6 B 3 O 0 2 0 0 Rochdale Road ■-- 6 so 0 — 6 10 0 — 13 » Î Tenterden Stmt — 4 7 3 9 3 7 0 0 4 10 » « 0 0 ? 7 Clougfafold 24 T 1 0 3 6 0 12 6 0 9 6 33 8 Edgeside .. 1 o o 8 I8 I 6 __ 16 3 1 « 9 15 10 0 Goodabanr .. 71 *5 4 7 *4 8 •— f , 4 I 10 o 3$ 15 I « ij 0 4 ¡0 0 — 30 10 1 Trinity .. _ $1 IO 0 4 IO 0 — 56 6 IjftWlIl — 30 *7 4 4 6 16 X 3 — 4T 3 0 9 6 3 4 MiQ^te .. — « 3 4 — — R Û Radcim .. — 4 8 O _ —- — 4 “ Raaai bottom 6 I 9 2 — 3 3 0 — 75 3 " 5 Bank Lane " 5 wfl 6 « RawtenstalJ — 24 4 0 — 6 (9 6 — 31 3 6 5M ÌÌü *0 Soany*ide * *5 9 •— a 3 0 — * (. i Water ham 5 2 34 2 0 0 10 33 0 \ ' O 3 t s è 5 M 1 5 On â 2 0 Wattrfoot.. — — 0 3 0 *“* __ Leigh & Disttict Auxiliary— Leifb 17 7 3 _ x 18 0 __ r9 5 j- Atherton .. 43 a 7 3 10 0 3 « 6 Wntirigb — _ 49 [937.] LANCASHIRE. 1 6 7

LANCASHIRE—<»nid. DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.TX.A. TOTAL. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8* d. £ »• d. Liverpool Auxiliary — 44 0 0 23 8 9 67 8 9 Reyner Trust — 90 0 0 9 0 0 — — 99 0 0 Aigburth .. — 13 18 2 2 II 0 0 11 0 — 17 0 2 Ain tr e e ...... — 3 4 9 i 7 7 2 10 0 — 7 2 4 Bootle— Ash Street .. — 56 7 0 9 3 0 34 10 0 100 0 O Olivet...... — 4 14 0 — — — 4 14 0 Stanley Road .. — 8 0 h 6 i 8 5 17 5 I 0 0 21 0 0 Byrom Hall .. •— ————— Cottenham Street — 6 i 5 I 13 0 — 7 14 5 Fabius...... 0 5 o 2 i 6 0 5 0 0 13 6 — 3 5 0 Garston...... 19 2 9 0 17 6 — 20 0 3 Kensington _ 4 10 8 2 2 6 6 7 7 13 0 9 Kirkdafc...... 31 15 II 6 16 10 19 0 5 1 9 4 59 2 6 More ton ... — l8 IT 8 0 15 0 2 I 0 21 7 8 Myrtle Street .. — 41 l8 3 8 15 0 40 6 0 — 90 19 3 Aughtan I 5 9 9 15 4 ir i I Mill Street .. 5 15 7 0 10 0 z _ 6 5 7 Neston...... — 5 2 0 —— — 5 2 0 Old Swan...... — — I 18 6 — i 18 6 Orrell Bark — i ro 0 0 10 0 I 0 D — 3 0 0 Prince’s Gate I o. 0 21 18 8 si 17 3 50 15 I — 95 a 0 Richmond.. *7 19 o 131 17 2 26 2 6 84 18 3 — 270 16 il Walton, Carisbrook 9 *4 6 2 z 0 18 4 6 — 30 0 0 Waterloo...... o 7 6 37 4 3 18 0 6 H 5 6 — 69 17 9 Wavertree, Dovedale Rd. 51 *5 8 5 18 2 12 18 8 70 12 6 Birkenhead— 0 10 0 2 _ 10 Grange Road 48 19 8 7 16 57 I Laird Street .. z 33 0 I 4 6 2 5 0 0 32 6 3 Rock Ferry — 8 4 0 3 8 6 9 12 O — 21 4 6 St Helens— - Boundary Road — — —— — — Hall Street .. — 3 0 0 —— — • 3 . 0 0 Park Road .. — 2 1 11 3 — — 21 II 3 Wallasey— Egreroont — 43 4 I 7 10 2 22 15 9 — 73 10 0 , New Brighton 5 o o 49 15 2 7 6 6 12 9 3 0 9 I 0 Manchester Auxiliary a 13 6 13 5 7 2 19 0 1 1 z l 1 Sale of Work . . — 101 15 9 — — zoz 15 9 Baptist College Students — 10 0 0 — 13 2 10 — 23 2 10 Altrincham .. 8 9 9 10 ro 10 17 0 i 16 8 0 — 52 8 8 Broughton 3 4 0 0 3 10 O i 0 O 12 17 3 CheaSe Hulme ., i I 6 i 8 6 Chorlton-cum-Hardf — 37 4 4 9 18 0 3 16 0 — 50 18 4 Didsbury .. i i 6 19 2 II 2 6 I 4 0 5 — 20 10 il Disley ...... — 3 6 0 -- — 3 6 0 Fallowfield 14 13 O 4 8 10 0 7 6 — 19 9 4 Gorton— Birch Street .. — 15 5 0 3 i 7 10 0 0 _ 28 6 7 Clowes Street — 5 14 5 2 7 2 7 5 6 — IS 7 i Wellington Street — 19 4 5 5 17 « I 19 a — 27 I 6 Grosvenor Street — IB 14 9 5 19 10 a 6 6 — 27 I i Levenshulxne «« — 3 10 0 0 7 0 i 0 0 — 4 17 0 ^gn^tt, Slade Lane .. 19 15 6 5 3 8 9 19 6 — 34 18 8 8 o 6 67 13 3 43 17 10 18 8 il 138 0 6 Friendship Inn" I! — — — 6 — — 10 5 0 Hall Street .. 7 0 6 3 4 — Openshaw, Higher _ S 4 6 a 13 6 2 0 0 9 18 0 Oxford Road xo o i 79 14 ir 45 IS 5 35 i 7 0 13 6 171 5 6 Rusholme i 0 0 t 0 0 — 3 0 0 Wilmott Street — 7 3 2 — 5 a 3 — 12 7 3 1‘cndlcton , - — — — l’oynton...... ao 17 10 — 5 0 0 — 25 17 10 Queen's Park ., .. — S3 4 6 10 14 6 10 18 li — 34 17 a Sale — 4 a 7 0 17 7 —— 5 0 a. 6 3 a xa 0 20 5 7 41 14 6 4 13 24 II :: a 17 0 ■Î Ì 7 3 3 9 10 7 0 — 4 Upper Brook St (Welsh) 9 15 7 a 19 0 5 0 0 17 14 7 Unnston .. 16 IS 8 5 17 0 i 13 3 — 24 5 ir Wmton...... „ 4 0 0 1 12 3 — 5 12 3 North Lancashire Auxiliary- Ansdell .. .. ~ 8w 7f o 6a 0 3 20 0 0 60 0 O — 150 7 3 Barrow-in-Furness xo 18 5 -* “ 10 18 5 Blackpool— Cleveleys 0 7 0 6 15 4 7 2 4 South Shore .. 13 zi 0 i 0 0 _ 14 ir 0 — 6 xo iabcmaclc ,, «Mi 33 0 10 15 xa 6 0 10 Whitegate Drive 11 s 6 0 3 0 — n i 6 1 6 8 LANCASHIRE [1937

LANCASHIRE-font. TOTAL. North Lancashire Aux—cont. Ccmistoc Dalton-in-Fumess Fleetwood Inskip ., T .anrflfitpr , , Caton Morecambc— Olivet S i o n ...... Preston, United Meetings Ashtcm-on-Ribble Carey Fisbeigate Tabernacle, St. Geaige’s Rna«* St Anne's-on-the-Sea Tottlebank Ohoston.. Oldham Aitrilbry , , Chamber Road .. Clartafiekl Fesn Street HoBimrood King Street Pitt Street M itM lmttw. Mills Hill Royton Rochdale Auxiliary’. . Colgate .. DccoUsfa, Zion Holland Street Ncwbold The Park .. West Street Heywood Littkborougb I. Auxiliary Hogbtou Street .. Harwood Avenue Tabernacle Warrington and District Auxiliary ,, « Goibome Street . . Earie*town HfflCBfie ia tc h iu d Little Leigh Andertcm Gutmerclougb X#' Widnes Wigan A axillary .. King Street Scadsbrick Street A&hten-iD-MakcrfiekJ

Wefeb Cburcbea— Liverpool Auxiliary Bootle, BaBiol Road .. lk w fttM Stmt Eotafield Road Edge Lane Evertoo Village Birkenhead, VVallakcy, Lizard K««a»l St. Hefcfl'*, 2 km Tytde*ky

Lew Expense«.. [937.] 16!



£ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s.


£ s.



£ s. d. £ t- d, £ s. d. £ s. d. £ «• d. £ *. d Boston AuxQiaxy . . 0 10 4 — 0 10 High Street 3 3 10 4 5 0 0 28 10 1 !_ _ Salem * 3 4 10 3 6 3 2 10 6 31 1 7 Bourse, West Street --- x6 8 9 5 6 3 — 21 15 0] D yke 0 9 0 0 9 0 n — Morton 3 *4 9 3 »4 » B m jK amA Maakstbocpe 3 0 0 --- —— 2 0 « OeethorjKS .. x xo 0 8 13 6 ” 1 7 6 II II Coningsby .. 1 xo 0 I 10 0 Epwortb and Butterwick 3 3 0 _ —* 3 3 0 F le e t ...... 3 14 5 _ 2 14 5 Gocberton .. —— — —— fit Jiillmii __ — 14 5 9 — --- — 14 3 * G rim ly — N ew d e e . . — 23 S3 7 2 0 0 3 17 O x 0 0 3» 9 7 M acaulay Street . . —. 1 5 M 0 __ I X 0 16 15 * Sooth KiHiagboime 0 17 0 0 17 0 6 12 0 0 3 0 Tabernacle 3 0 0 5* 18 3 3a 16 7 95 “ i Holbeach .. —- x XO 6 — 1 19 > Kirton Lindsey 0 14 0 7 0 0 — x 8 0 — 9 10 0 H iwnh.— a 10 # Citwrw Memorial — 3 xo 0 z o o 0 15 6 Jttlfl* Duocv mm a ® *3 4 1 Monk» Road — 1 1 6 — _ — I 0 LongStttton...... — 1 7 3 a — — 17 3 * G ed aeyH ill — 0 19 0 mmm 0 19 Loutb ■■ q2 10 v. Eastgate, Union C hurch.. 5a xo 0 to 0 0 15 0 O 3 0 0 Mattby'fe-Manh ««. 5 3 0 0 xo 0 5 « 0 Betas*oRMfb— 32 6 f 16 3 1 1 3 6 3 16 s GaonpeStnet .. __ 3 41 10 * Harm Street .. a x8 % 34 * 8 0 J 14 0 __ Park Road » 6 1 3 0 9 7 174 75 15 3 _ 106 ■---*- 17» M « I r 8 K9 0 6 GK * * — 1 x i 6 x 7 6 — I 6 » 0 7 6 3 X9 3 *— 3 . 3 1* 6 33 i ; 14 0 XO 108 3 5 0 0 8! 109 6 ? — « 9 9 9 3 3 6 *nly JO* 3 * 2 XI 0 xx 15 3 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 xo 0 Satfe» St. JSBMt — — —* — 7 S 9 7 ^ ' 44 n * 651 18 A 339 17 9 162 i 4 9 5 0 1937.] 17]



£ a- d. £ s. d. £ s-

27 13 0 4 10 6 6 5 X 38 8 7 ^Vyniooclham _ ] 1 0 d X 17 6 — 5 7 6 Yarmouth, Great— * Park ...... 3 0 0 80 10 7 a 10 0 X3 xo 0 — 98 10 7 Tabernacle 10 14 5 3 « 8 x 3 9 — 15 9 10

IS *7 0 937 9 8 113 15 9 xi8 10 10 013 4 1,206 6 7 1 7 2 [ 1 9 3 7 . NORTHAM PTONSHIRE.


£ s. £ s. d. s. d. £ s.. d. £ s, d. , £ s. d. Northamptonshire Assn. 6 o o 6 12 0 6 AWwinde i 19 o —"V I 19 0 4 *4 3 * 1 5 i 3 *5 7 8 6 — 48 12 9 i *5 9 _ 7 i o 16 O 13 O — 13 10 5 — — 10 8 6 --- 10 6 6 1° 4 5 6 16 Ji 5 7 — 30 6 •; 45 15 5 5 o 4 3 3 --- 35 19 8 7 4 6 4 * — 12 7 3 ifl 11 o --- 18 u c

*9 4 8 — I« 4 » 14 7 8 — 14 7 > « 4 7 1 3 7 I 8 2 Eart'sl 18 12 7 4 U * 2 15 2 0 1 0 25 19 11 Eastcote and PattishaB 4 * 9 i 16 o — 5 18 9 Ectoo 1 2 9 1 2 9 Grendcm 2811 — 2 8 11 Gietton 1 0 0 ---- 1 0 0 .GtaSsboinagh%<■- A«-A _ __ 3 10 4 *3 I* — 8 4 6 JEUKSKBHju 5 13 — 5 13 <’ TtiniM — 4 11 6 Ccgenhoe y o o r ; o 15 $ — 14 5 3 Denton 0 5 0 — 3 a 3 H arpóle 1:1 6 i € 5 13 10 — IS 13 6 Kettering— »3 3 4 3 0 0 __ *5 3 4 1 11 o 25* » 4 135 O i 72 14 5 — 460 13 JO 5^17 o 8 12 5 1 8 6 — 15 17 1! 5 13 s — 5 »3 2 Matta 4 6 ID 4 6 10 Moni tco and Pitsford 7 3 3 30 o 7 5 »1 to S3 10 0 *3 O 1 55 18 10 New Brad well 26 3 6 4 12 10 4 16 — 35 I* 4 i 16 o 32 12 _ 34 6 6 Adató. 3_J 6 7 « 3 5 0 15 1 7 — 29 15 n fWjrlimraii 11 17 * 5 0 1 1 — IS 3 9 College Stieet 91 17 10 127 15 114 *4 9 56 O — 390 8 0 Hardlngstone o 6 3 «2 — 3 19 3 Far Ortton, Abbey Read 2 12 2 « 15 3 10 o 18 9 0 5 9 35 13 0 o 17 0 1 7 “ 4 9 6 43 *2 <8 10 4 33 19 O 4 O 89 16 0 Mount Pleasant .. 90 O O 106 9 14 10 o JO 16 ... a4I 16 4 Maitot Street .. i 7 6 «— I 7 6 Princes Street 6 6 11 _ 8 6 H Ohaey 8 16 3 4 6 0 o 18 o . __ 14 0 3 3 10 o _ 3 10 0 8 3 6 —, g 3 t> Rtobden— Bntcftoad 35 7 6 133 2 II 65 o Q 9 7 7 — 232 18 ° ddw A oi IOO — i 0 0 Higham Ferrers I 13 4 — i O * IOO — I 0 0 Stanwfck 3 15 *0 _ 2 13 0 Stony Stratiord 31 19 « 8 8 3 3 *7 I aMto « 5 « Drtanahanger OSO — 0 5 » 15 *4 0 15 o — T t 9 0 IS » — IS 0 i Towcester 7 2 1 o o 0 7 5 . ,, H 9 8 Watawe .. 46 8 5 « » - I- "I « II 0 Wellingborough 3 2 3 0 6 6 ... 22 10 « West Haddon 4 * 1 2 o — 5 15 6 Weston-by-WeedoD, United Meetings .. 2 10 0 We*to*j by-Weedon— 7 7 8 o 1 5 a 4 7 — 9 13 8 Ctdworth — ; Hdmdon .. 3 0 6 o 10 o 2 10 Ì Moreteo Pinkney 3 4 ® o 11 6 — 3 « 6 Salgrave .. 3 13 11 , 2 1 3 n Woodeod .. 3 7 4 « 10 o 7 17 * Wollaston .. 17 »8 5 3 3 0 31 i 5 Woodford .. zo o — I 6 0

a6j 16 9 1,219 1 437 *9 ° 333 « I 1 3 9 2,258 6 J' LeM Expesie* 3 0 0 3^ J

365 x6 9 11,219 16 i 437 *9 0 330 II I t 3 9 6 1



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s.



£ ». d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. 7 0 3 5 0 13 8 — 5 3 8 H ucknall Torkard .. 29 0 8 7 -3 0 2 10 9 38 14 5 Kimberley...... — — —— Kirkby, East ., .. — 36 4 10 3 0 0 6 18 3 — 46 3 0 Tabernacle -, — I 0 0 — — I 0 0 Kirkby-ia-Ashfield ,, 24 0 0 — _ — 24 0 0 Kirkby Woodhousc., — SIS 0 ——— 5 IS 0 Mansfield...... 0 10 0 34 7 6 5 = 6 4 0 0 — 34 O 0 Mansfield Woodhouae — 3 0 0 i O O — 4 O 0 Nctberfield...... a 13 6 O IO 0 O IO 0 —- 3 13 6 Newark % 10 4 - 16 I 3 —— 19 XI 7 Nottingham Auxiliary 2 0 0 6 3 S «3 19 4 92 3 7 and Kindred Socfeiea z z liasford, Old— High Street 0 3 0 z 0 0 — 3 11 0 4 14 0 Quecnsberry Street .. 0 18 6 a& 3 6 8 5 8 4 *0 O — 39 *7 8 liasford, New— Chelsea Street.. 0 7 « , 32 O 0 ; 15 J(> 0 15 10 « — 53 7 0 , i>alm Street .. 7 16 5 0 15 0 15 7 I — 23 18 4 iridgford, West 10 3 0 57 4 6 6 lb 10 9 0 «O — 83 3 4 Hulveell .. 0 16 0 J3 15 9 — I 14 6 _ 16 6 3 Urnngton, Sherbrooke _ Road .. -MM» — — Derby Road a 15 3 54 1 6 85 >5 4 9 15 6 — 15a 7 7 Radford a 4 >0 71 10 7 — 2 : 0 — 73 16 7 _ — — 1 ao 3 il George StreetI ... SO 3 II — Aüâsion « 6 tf 0 j 15 8 5 -¿I 25 5 7 47 3 4 94 14 4 Hunger Hill Road* !! I O 0 1 — i 0 O Hyson Green, PallnSt... 16 to 4 3 4 11 a 4 II 3 4 II- as 5 t Unton, New .. 17 22 10 4 7 6 — aa 0 4 Mawtield-Road,, 14 5 X IO6 41 6 «9 <1 1 a8 5 6 0 3 0 178 7 a 1-eenslde -- 34 0 0 24 O 0 Iabcniacle _ _ w 0 0 — « 0 0 *' hitemoor, Marlow Memorial a 10 0 . _ _ 0 10 0 VVoodbwwgh Howl ! * ■ 6 1» » «5 n 4 4 *4 « « *7 0 - 0 5 -■r - 79 *9 « 1 7 4 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE— OXFORDSHIRE. [ 1937.

— ■ - 1 ""t ; s'" ' ......

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE— DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.T.L.A. TOTAL. continuai. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 6. d. £ *• d. Retted .. .. 4 5 6 — i 10 6 5 16 0 Rnddmgton...... — i i 0 8 16 6 8 0 0 — 17 19 6 Southwell...... — 4 19 8 — 0 13 0 — 5 12 8 Calverton...... — 0 14 0 — 0 10 0 — 1 4 0 Stanton Hill _ 10 13 0 _ — 10 13 0 Stapleforf...... — 6 17 9 1 2 3 2 9 8 — 10 9 £ Snttqi-jn-Aidiliflil— Mansfield Road .. 3 0 0 9 6 6 i 11 0 — — O O 12 17 6 Victoria Street .. 3 S 0 38 5 0 — — 45 10 0 55 17 9 750 5 « 224 14 10 301 6 2 2 I3 O i»334 16 9 Lea Bifwim 8 19 0 — — — 8 19 0 55 17 9 741 6 0 224 14 10 301 6 2 = I3 © 1,325 17 9



£_t. d. £ » . A. £_*• d. £_». d. £ s. d. Arlington 13 11 6 Banbury 25 19 9 20 4 8 5 0 0 Bourtoo-oo-tbe-Water 36 12 8 3 18 4 17 13 6 Burford and SMI too o 5 o II II o 8 14 5 11 7 o 28 3 6 0 15 o 4 17 o Cbaribnry 3 3 9 Chipping Norton .. 26A 138 113 o 11 o Cirencester .. 70 4 11 7 3 0 4 7« Cote Circuit.. *4 14 5 2 14 xo Cotsdean aod Stanton a 11 4 Fairioxd .. .. 6 5 * Hook Norton 8 0 0 Kempsford .. KingVSuttcn 20 16 o 0 6 0 Xeafidd LittJe Ccmptoo 1 10 6 i 7 6 littk Tew and Cleveley 7 0 0 Maiseybamptoo 0 6 6 1 0 0 M iltoaunder-Wycinrood ** *9 7 2 8 o 5 0 0 Natrntoa end Gating «9 4 1 o 12 4 0 3 6 Oxford Cotait— 0 9 0 a 9 o to o rminmrUI Root j* 5 o 15 0 a it a E: 9 10 7 10 Hinkiey, South 0 5 0 3 14 f t 19 o 404 t to 6 New Road 3 to J s . ! . ; 12 6 7 to 16 6 St. Thomas’ # o Tbnipp 0 10 o o 19 Wotvercote 1 12 0 4 « * 1 3 Woodstock 2 i Woodstock Road 0 J O ^ I 064 3 tg B 0 10 3 Shiwtoo-on-Stear 1* 7 0 13 6 3 0 0 t 5 3 Stow-oa-tbe'Wold *4 7 1 1 to 7 1 0 Thame x 16 10 o 5 590 4 9 47 17 « 11 4 16 7 a 6 0 LesaBapeoses t t S 3 10 o 3 Ì l i 9 4 47 *7 » «4 16 7 2 6 6 1937.] SHROPSHIRE— SOMERSETSHIRE. 175

RUTLAND. (Included la Leicestershire.)



£ s. d. £ ». d. £ s. d. £ 8- cL £ s. d. £ s. d. Shropshire, Anonymous .. IOO o 0 — too 0 0 Shropshire W.MA. i 0 0 X 0 0 Aston-aa-Clun — i a 3 0 xo 0 1 0 0 2 12 3 Bridgnorth...... I Z 0 14 6 6 0 8 6 3 15 0 — 19 II O Brockton...... 2 19 3 2 19 3 Broseley ...... — X *7 0 —— — I I ? O Dawley ...... — 9 15 10 — i 18 0 — II 13 IO Domnngton Wood .. — 5 o 0 — 5 0 0 Lord’s H ill...... 3 o O i 0 0 z 4 O O Ludlow ...... — 8 o 0 — — — 8 0 0 Madeley ...... _ 23 o 0 3 0 0 4 10 0 — 29 10 0 Market Drayton — 2 2 8 — — 2 2 8 Oakengates...... ———— — -- Oswestry— Castle Street — I o 0 3 a 0 — — 4 2 0 Salop Road 2 6 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 — 14 6 0 Pontesbnxy...... __ 4 a 6 i i 0 5 3 6 Shrewsbury...... — 32 3 5 5 4 0 5 15 0 — 43 * 5 Wellington...... —- 8 6 4 I 0 0 — Wem ...... *5 o 0 96 3 II 19 18 8 19 7 2 7 14 10 « s : i Whitchurch .. — 2 i 6 3 9 4 i 6 6 6 17 4 26 I o 317 7 2 43 13 6 44 « 8 7 X4 10 439 8 a



£ * . d. £ «• d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Western Association -- 5 *5 4 — — —* 5 15 4 Bath Auxiliary 20 O 0 9 *4 9 0 8 0 3 2 ix -- 33 5 8 Bethesda .. — 0 0 II I 2 2 2 9 7 — 3 12 8 Dunkerton ... — 0 5 0 I xo 0 — i 15 0 Hay Hill 3 16 a 33 *7 XI 5 2 3 22 9 10 2 9 4 87 15 8 Limpley Stoke Ì 10 6 XX 4 XI 3 10 0 9 9 7 — 37 15 0 Man vers Street 48 6 6 3*4 3 3 31 10 6 IM »9 2 6 7 10 565 7 3 Oldfield Park —* 76 6 XX 28 X2 6 xxa 8 4 0 5 0 317 12 9 Feasedown O 2 6 0 X5 9 0 7 5 6 3 2 —■ 7 8 10 Shepton Malkt _ 9 * 0 «— — *— 9 I 0 Twerton, West I O 0 ao 5 I 2 I 8 7 7 5 — 30 14 3 Bath, Widcombe _ 140 0 0 140 0 0 South Stoke —_ 0 xo 0 — — 0 10 0 Beckington — 13 19 5 0 18 0 I 7 6 0 2 6 15 7 5 Bridgwater .. O 10 0 85 7 8 21 XO 9 44 17 9 0 4 3 133 xo 5 Bristol Auxiliary # ip 1 53 IX 4 5* X7 7 12 7 t — 196 15 8 B.L.M.M. .. — 4 « 5 — — — 4 « 5 tBackwell .. — O X4 IO —— — 0 14 xo Barton Street Minion _ 3 XO 0 —— 3 » 0 tBlagdon .. _ X 3 0 —— I 3 0 Broadmead 3 269 s 6 186 3 2 1X5 12 i 3 9 3 3 31 9 — B.L.M.M. 0 18 0 e l 0 Buckingham 5 0 0 78 I 7 9__ 3 3 36 2 8 0 5 1 0 128 13 6 Charlton ., X X 0 —— I X 0 0 3 0 99 6 3 — I 12 6 — Si 3 9 “ yp& sr^'“^,, 5 0 7 33 » 9 3* ta 4 58 17 9 3 4 4 9 Clevedon .. xo 0 0 « 7 I 7 — I O ( —* 8 i i Cotham Grovo 9 XO 0 30 X 7 40 la 7 20 O 0 — . 120 4 3 B.L.M.M. — 0 19 0 — — 0 19 0 Counterslip 0 16 S 46 i 8 »4 3 0 94 9 5 0 14 xo 96 5 3 Downend .. I 8 9 ♦5 7 4 10 14 0 IS *5 X 71 5 3 tDundry ...... _ _ lor Oneral Work and £t8o for Medical Work under the will of the late Mr. G. H. Morgan (See SOMERSETSHIRE. [1 9 3 7 .


Bristol Auxiliary—conid. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s- d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. East Street 1 1 2 6 140 5 4 35 19 i 48 i 6 235 7 5 ■— i 3 0 ... —— 1 5 0 Easton, St. Mark's 2" 2 O 22 10 10 22 12 6 12 9 8 — 59 15 0 BT MM _ 0 13 0 — —— 0 15 0 Eastvilfc .. .. ■ - m — 2 O 0 — — — a 0 0 9 * 6 123 5 4 38 l8 4 30 2 3 — 221 8 5 BJ — 0 19 0 . —> — 0 19 Cl Haaham .. 0 7 3 6 7 0 * 5 0 — — 8 19 3 HfllfieWs Park — 13 4 6 • — . ♦ 19 8 — 18 4 2 3 0 0 12 17 9 ——. — — 15 17 9 Ha 8 10 0 176 11 11 58 0 2 55 9 9 0 2 6 298 14 4 B.L.M.M. — 2 18 0 —— — 2 l8 0 HonreQs .. 0 ? i 7 7 6 _ —— 7 14 7 Kensington * 3 a 28 3 10 54 8 I 28 3 5 — XI3 0 6 7 2 3 10 1 2 7 3 8 3 7 16 3 — 12 1 9 4 B.L.M.M. — 6 8 0 ——— 6 8 0 Knowle, West 2 3 0 34 0 3 — — — 36 5 3 Morean Memorial Mission — i 10 O — — — I xo 0 „ Old King Street .. . — 44 16 4 68 5 5 58 0 0 i 0 0 172 i 9 B.L.MJÌ. 0 17 6 — O I? 6 Owen Street Mission O 10 5 — 0 XO J t Patchway — —— Paulton and Wei ton 5 5 0 46 14 2 9 17 O 6 10 0 0 19 6 69 5 8 Philip Street — 83 4 O 3 3 O •— — 86 7 0 POI...... _ 30 9 2 10 0 0 66 19 10 _ 107 9 0 Rads took — 0 3 6 2 i 6 0 18 6 — 3 5 6 St. George 4 « 6 76 0 2 35 8 i 22 9 2 0 6 7 138 16 6 Shirchamptoo .. 39 II X n 3 8 2 9 0 — 45 3 9 Sodbury, little .. Soundwell _ 20 12 4 — 9 »5 8 _ 20 8 0 Stapleton .. .. i a 6 7 14 O 2 18 6 13 i 10 — 24 16 10 Stolte Gifiord i 14 0 8 4 8 5 « 0 — 14 18 8 fStudent*’ Missionary Asso eia tic» .. i 10 0 58 10 0 10 0 0 36 0 0 — xo6 0 0 Tbombury and Tythcr iiigton .. __ 6 0 2 __ _ 6 0 2 Tottodown 9 M 7 77 19 6 87 14 6 30 15 5 I X 4 V7 5 4 Tyndale .. 29 7 i 249 0 10 4*9 7 6 J 35 5 2 16 X 833 8 11 BXJfcM. — 3 « 0 —— — 3 0 0 Folkhonte Victoria Park . — 50 0 0 2 3 6 — — 52 3 C fWickwar Wot too -under-Ed®e _ 13 0 0 _ _ __ 13 0 0 Yate —— i 5 0 _ — — 2 5 0 Bmwwte dge — 7 5 0 — O 9 0 _ 7 14 0 Burton — i 17 0 — —— X 17 0 Chard 0 3 6 16 16 10 _ xi 6 6 — 28 6 K’ (Medi St. Michael .. 17 3 2 — — — 17 3 “ Cicwkem .. 2 0 0 21 14 10 14 11 6 — 38 6 4 Fivebead 1 5 0 6 0 0 0 9 6 *— 7 14 <• From©— Badcaat Lane _ 14 9 4 — 15 X7 3 — 30 6 7 Sheppard’» Barton — J 7 7 10 — 7 18 0 — 33 5 1« Hatch Beauchamp and CnnyMaBet ___ 38 8 4 12 TÎ 0 _ __ 41 0 4 We Abbot* .. 5 0 0 7 * 5 I X 8 —— X3 3 1 Milbridjge .. 9 *4 0 2 13 6 X 17 6 _ Ï4 7 0 Minebead .. —- 29 3 7 5 O 0 27 15 3 0 3 3 6a 2 3 Mortasate .. — 17 I I —— _ X7 X i North Curry 2 16 0 IS XI 6 0 18 to 2 14 9 0 4 XI as <> 0 Stogamtar .. *— 0 4 11 2 O 0 4 17 O I 0 0 17 I XI Stoke St. Gregory — 7 9 3 « 5 0 I xo 0 —> î t I Street — 3 « 0 0 X6 6 — 6 8 6 Taunton— _ — Albemarle 2 fi 0 79 *3 3 i 7 3 0 *°2 Í I Silver Street 0 376 XI 3 23__5 5 *8 0 ~ 428 15 7 123— I 4 __ Tiull __ 1 4 0 3 4 0 Watchet 3* 5 9 8 6 4 — — 46 12 I Wellington .. 0 10 0 i n t 7 m »9 6 31 *3 6 MM as? 4 y t The Student*’ Mi**k>oary Association total includc* contribution* from the following« additional to any amounts *bown a*ainst their name« in the above tabk* ,—Backwell, £s o*. ad.; B arrow, £4 Bla*don. £ it X3S. yd .; Chew Magna, Its jo*. to d.; Dundry, (<> tit. od.; Name ' t U a E t Patch- vrvf.jA 5*- 8d,; Rkkiord, £i 12». od.; JUd*ehill, **. ltd.; Wick war, £3 AmK la oa. id. ; Wooflartf, 14c. tod. 1937.] SOMlliaSETSHIB®— -STAWfOEDSHIEB. 177


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Weston-super-Mare Auxili ary — 5 0 0 ——— 5 0 0 Bristol Road — 39 10 h 5 i l 0 28 18 0 3 7 5 77 7 4 Clarence Park 2 10 0 81 6 8 i 0 0 7 0 0 — 9 1 16 8 Milton 5 « 0 5 16 10 ——— 10 16 10 Wadham Street .. 55 17 i 2 l i 0 S I l8 4 — 110 6 5 Ban well — 2 5 0 --- — a 5 O Burnham .. 37 2 5 4 4 4 IO I3 8 — 5* 0 5 Cheddar Association — I 18 6 - - — i 18 6 Cheddar -- 2 4 16 9 — I I5 6 — 26 12 3 Allerton i 5 5 — O 20 0 0 10 0 2 5 5 Crickham —- 2 1 0 6 ——— 2 10 6 Rodney Stoke — 4 « 2 I I 0 2 4 7 — 7 1 7 9 -- 7 12 6 — —— 7 12 6 Croscombe and Nort — Wootton 3 5 2 ——— 3 5 3 Highbridge - 9 10 O 4 3 6 9 0 0 — 22 13 6 Wedmore —- 12 7 I ——— 12 7 I Wells — 12 10 3 0 2 3 0 10 7 0 2 8 1 3 5 9 Winsoombe -- 8 15 0 ——— 8 15 0 Wincanton - - 9 10 0 — — — 9 10 0 Yeovil -- 316 5 i 3 II 2 —— 321 16 3

4$3 12 6 4.X35 7 4 1,525 5 6 i ¿5 7 6 2 . 27 17 6 7,809 9 0 Less Expenses 81 i I 8 7 1 — — 89 8 2 Do., B.L.M.M. — i 7 10 — ■— — i 7 IO 463 12 6 4.502 18 5 1,5 16 18 5 1,657 6 2 27 17 6 7,7i 8 13 O



£ s. d. t s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d s d. North Staffs Auxiliary 2 0 0 29 6 6 6 6 Baddeley Ed«e Bilston Brieriey Hill.. 4 6 0 4 6 0 Chadsmoor .. 6 13 6 6 13 6 Ebenezcr .. 1« < 9 14 8 9 Providence 29 17 10 39 17 10 l.radley, Hi** Street < radky Heath 7 6 0 9 0 7 15 Latebrook .. 4 12 4 12 Newcastle .. p 10 0 15 2 O 5 3 9 5 3 0 5 6 35 8 Prince’s End, Tipton 4 o 4 o Stafford O 10 o 47 *4 is o o 60 4 Stoke-on-Trent— Burslem .. 3 10 6 3 10 6 Butt Ijnf Eastwood Vale F'jnton 6 16 8 6 16 8 Hanley, New Stree II 4 o it 4 o 1-ondou Road o 15 6 16 4 1 9 0 0 *5 X9 7 r 1-otjRton .. 3 0 0 15 o 6 5 0 0 0 15 6 »3 16 o •amworth .. 1 17 6 a» 19 3 Walsall— 27 i 9 Stafford Street 88 I 3 6 13 o 15 o 0 no 3 3 Sutton Crescent 6 *3 o la o o 18 13 o h VfarageWalk 56 9 zo 17 10 o ao o o 93 19 to XX 2 a il li 0 5 0 so 6 3 SsteS: 14 9 19 3 Lichfield Street *3 i 3 13 * 3 l Little London »3 10 o as 10 o 'Vjlvrrhampton— ‘ atx-macle 13 II XT 10 13 o 10 o o 33 4 I* Waterloo Road 30 la 6 10 o o 10 o o 40 13 b

4 »5 6 433 8 ” 83 IS 1 106 644 IO 2 1 7 8 SUFFOLK—SUBBET. [1931



£ «• d. £ s. d. 1 S. d. £ 8. d. t s. d. £ s. d. Aldebuigh...... 7 10 4 2 O O 9 10 4 B a x d w e u ...... 5 4 2 5 4 3 B fld estao ...... _ 5 0 0 --- __ 5 t> 0 Brandon ...... — 7 7 0 --- — 7 7 0 Bures...... — xi 13 6 --- 3 8 9 14 - 1 Bury St. Edmunds 5 6 0 194 3 5 4 6 9 29 6 xo »33 Clare ...... — 13 3 10 _ i 17 20 15 I 6 Earl Soham...... __ 2 xo 0 --- 2 10 0 E y e ...... i 0 0 9 14 0 — 7 0 0 *7 14 0 Felixtowe— Cavendish Rd., Bethesda 7 17 4 13 I 6 4 8 li 22 15 6 37 3 3 Maidstone Road .. 12 0 O — 1200 Fram sden...... — 6 5 7 — I 9 4 7 14 n Gnmdisburgh — 0 9 0 — 090 Ipswich Auxiliary .. — 3 17 10 22 .8 7 — 26 6 5 Burlington 24 4 0 xxS xo 6 74 is 8 9 12 3 2 6 5 22g 5 id HoOy Lodge 5 10 O 2 8 0 3 1 0 3 14 0 13 13 0 Washbrook .. 0 12 O 4 15 10 3 2 2 4 15 0 13 5 0 Nansen Road 3 9 0 36 12 7 2 14 ix 32 16 6 Stoke Green 21 9 20 6 11 6 — 28 1 4 Tunet Green 0 10 O 43 io 7 10 0 0 6 9 0 60 9 7 UtMonhatl .. z 0 O 5 15 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 15 15 u Norton ...... — 23 10 O 13 10 0 Rattlesden...... — — _ Somerieytoo — 0 ZO 2 — — 0 10 I Stradbrokc...... — 12 2 4 3 0 0 — 15 2 4 Sudbury 3 3 O 36 11 12 XO 10 0 49 3 n West R o w ...... — 17 O 0 — —- 17 o 0 Witnesham...... — — 2 12 0 --- 1 12 0 Woodbridge — 15 10 0 — I 20 0 17 0 0 63 10 4 596 6 10 I4X l8 6 96 8 6 2 6 5 900 10 7



£. «. d £ *• d. £ d. £ *• d. £ s - <*■ Addfestune .. 2 13 6 À 18 *5 9 4 9 3 2 0 16 8 4' 1 1 Bookham O 10 6 9 ia a 17 0 4 17 6 — 17 17 « Carnbcrley . . »3 8 0 9 9 1 17 6 — 15 15 6 Dorking— High Street i i a _ I 1 3 Inaction Road 6 16 O 3* 13 4 — 4 11 0 — 44 ° Í Esher.. 10 10 0 - -.. 10 to » Godalming 7 9 — _ _ 7 16 24 11 i n 2 73 3 ? Rfdhill 30 6 9 K< x6 6 1» 7 8 2 »3 0 68 7 11 o 8 4 Krotev o 12 1 z 8 16 3 Memham 4 >1 7 z 4 " I Wiitum 0«-Thames I 10 6 ir 19 6 — — — ¡i i » 0 VVhttripy Village The Sanctuary 1 0 0 —— i 0 ° U ok tug 63 0 6 (> 0 10 1 3 6 0 19 0 255 4 2 44 8 «1 56 «5 Ì 14 <> i 383 0 11 1937.] SUSSEX— WARWICKSHIRE. 179 SUSSEX.


£ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. .Jjigmering...... — II 13 3 I 0 0 i 3 6 — 13 16 9 Battle ...... — 9 17 r 0 18 2 — *— 10 15 3 Bcxhill ...... --- 118 16 5 7 15 3 24 16 7 --- 15 1 8 3 Bognor Regis 2 l6 i 20 14 9 15 12 8 l i 15 7 50 19 i Brighton Auxiliary o 6 4 a 17 6 i 8 6 — 4 12 4 Florence Road 14 10 0 138 3 8 — i 0 0 -- 153 13 8 Gloucester Place 5 7 6 72 3 8 0 10 6 10 0 6 O IO 6 89 I 8 Hove, Holland Road 10 14 2 75 2 i 113 9 II 32 14 0 --- 232 0 2 Stoneham Hall .— 19 5 9 -- 19 5 9 Burgess Hill l 10 0 10 15 3 0 5 0 —— 12 10 3 Crawley ...... 3 19 6 40 8 3 8 4 3 50 12 0 Durrington Free Church .. i 10 0 —— — z 10 0 Eastbourne— Ceylon Placc 4 6 4 52 15 7 4 15 2 6 II 10 I I 5 69 10 4 Victoria Drive 41 18II I lì 0 5 8 O — 48 17 « Hadlow Down — 2 19 6 — 0 5 0 --- 3 4 6 H a s t in g s ...... 8 7 9 46 I 7 14 II 3 56 II 6 i 7 3 126 19 4 Heathfield...... _ 9 0 0 — 9 0 0 H o rsh a m ...... 0 12 0 65 6 2 2 O 8 16 10 6 0 4 0 84 13 4 Trafalgar Road Mission.. — —— 7 0 0 7 0 0 Lewes 6 5 0 47 14 2 2 II 4 9 7 4 I 3 5 67 X 3 Iford ...... — — —— — — Littlehampton — 29 2 TO 4 8 2 4 IO 10 2 10 0 39 i l 10 Newhaven ...... — 47 7 IO — 47 7 10 Peacehaven...... _ 0 10 O — _ _ 0 10 0 P o rtslad e...... 0 6 6 32 0 8 0 4 S 8 17 6 — 41 9 4 Rye ...... — 5 11 4 5 0 0 6 13 0 _ 17 4 4 St. Leonards — 38 15 6 15 I 10 16 15 3 0 10 O 71 2 7 Scaford ...... II 5 0 73 10 9 7 7 3 — 92 3 0 Shoreham ...... 2 4 0 31 18 10 _ 2 6 0 — 36 8 10 Uckfield 8 X 6 0 10 0 — — 8 II 6 Worthing District .. — 3 6 8 — — —» 3 6 S Christchurch Road 64 I 0 260 9 8 69 12 7 43 4 10 0 2 7 437 10 8 Arundel 0 17 2 — — 0 17 2 Broadwater — 42 2 10 — 3 15 6 .— 45 18 4 W orthing, West 1 5 0 37 2 6 3 18 0 4 i 0 — 46 6 6 Evangelical Free Church 5 0 0 — 5 0 0 137 6 2 1.396 11 8 268 16 2 290 17 3 6 9 2 2,100 0 5



d. °i‘ — . Sale of Work and Gift Da z 71 20 8 71 20 s HS i 4 ''¡lections, etc. .. 48 5 6 75 18 9 8 20 0 4 18 7 — 137 I * 10 Medical Mission .. 4 7 6 20 9 6 _ O 12 0 — 15 9 0 Acock’g Green 0 3 44 5 I I 0 4 10 0 62 12 IX 6 9 13 — Alvcohurch — 5 0 4 2 22 9 ---- 613 I Aston Manor — I 7 II O 13 0 0 6 0 — 2 6 It — l>arnt Green IOS O 0 47 5 10 23 0 3 3 9 6 15 7 Hraiwood — 40 5 10 13 I 8 3 6 0 — 56 13 6 ItiJlesley .. — ft »7 0 I 10 0 0 12 6 4 19 6 liordcslt-y Green, Victoria SUoul , . I I qS Hi 7 2 14 6 4 Î IS 5 — 145 *4 6 <>mon Street Memorial. 0 10 6 46 s 8 IO 15 6 I-> 14 2 0 7 S 71 13 6 ( arie.r Lane _ »8 (1 6 O l 8 5 1 6 0 —* 20 10 i t ( atshill . . ’ ’ | — 2 10 6 — — — a 10 6 I'lieslcr Road i ’ ’ 1» 13 7 0 18 9 6 — 1S4 ix 6 8 3 0 84 0 _ 1 iiriiit Church, Aston 2 10 0 47 0 4 20 19 8 25 - 6 9 3 12 6 H;uidswotlh MKsiou . Imrch of the Krdcriiicr 6 2 11 37 ~6 3 16 4 7 28 9 0 88 a 9 '■'lyRoad., a i s 10 62 IS 3 0 14 4 10 i 8 0 —- 77 i 5 ^'wntry Road ! 30 10 0 11.1 0 7 6 23 12 10 i t —- 162 14 9 Wward Uoad .. . 33 6 3 *3 0 4 4 6 i t 13 — 31 6 tUen Street 0 s 0 0 8 0 0 la 9 i a 9 180 WARWICKSHIRE. [1937 1937.3 WESTMORLAND— WILTS HIEB. 1 8 1



£ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Westmorland Group 28 14 5 28 14 5



Í s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d. £ s. Bratton 41 9 ro 3 12 6 1 8 0 46 10 Great ChevereU 17 o o 6 00 23 « Steeple Ashton o 15 J o 15 Caine 66 12 6 19 I H i rhlpjwnhflH\ 18 9 o I I 2 35 15 a 55 5 « Coistata 53 9 4 * 9 O 14 6 37 5 10 Corton 0 16 0 10 o 6 o Crockerton .. 1 4 0 6 7 i 10 7 Damerbam •. 8 i 8 i 6 Devizes 24 5 5 6 9 29 12 6 Downton 33 9 1 15 o 35 4 o Littleton Pan ell 29 ro o 600 15 o o 60 10 o Melksbam .. 34 * 5 2 14 I 3 9 « 40 6 5 Nettleton .. 8 3 10 < s 10 North Bradley 2 12 6 14 18 5 3 I3 0 22 13 i l Pewsey 4 9 5 4 9 5 Salisbury— Brown Street a6 o J 108 5 o 50 O O 30 18 315 3 Bodcnham 9 15 « 4 l i 14 6 Bower Chalice 6 14 € 5 H 12 5 Combo Bissett 9 o I 9 o Porton 5 15 5 IS Scmlcy 4 a 4 Shrewton 4 14 I II 5 1 8 0 01*« 8 6 i CUtterne a o 2 « o Tilshead i 3 6 South wick .. 3 14 3 15 6 6 Stratum Grten 13 O 2 8 O J 8 Stratton, Upper 59 3 s 13 10 1 13 4 66 9 9 Swindon— GorseHiB I 7 IO 1 0 8 28 4 li Tabernacle ¡600 33 11 II 38I is19 185 4 3 Trowbridge--• Bethesda .. 8 29 3 i l o « 13 9 Emmanuel 13 3 15 i 13 o 4 38 o o 2 I 4 3 177 9 7 Bradiord-on-Avon * IS 3 a 15 3 Warminster.. « l i X 15 10 O87 46 15 7 Westbury— Leigh . . * 1 0 41 19 6 13 6 9 16 60 20 Petuaiap .. ♦ *7 97 a 3« o West End 5 0 0 3 it 6 4 3 S> x8 Whitboume .. 4I8 4i I II 9 13 Yatton Kcynoll 3 16 3 16 951 8 10 12a 18 to 386 17 8 6 19 5 1,420 8 10 1 8 3 WORCESTERSHIRE—YORKSHIRE. [1 9 3 7 WORCESTERSHIRE.



£ *• d. £ »• d. £ ». d. £ * Bmrie*, land Roberto' Rd. — 3 *4 5 a 1 14 a 0 6 8 43 19 3 mOtooBartoo V! 0 8 2 0 4 6 6 » 3 1 64 8 8 I 8 22 _ 62 9 2 GizV Axcdlkry .. 5 * 10 — — 5 B 10 AOertaa...... _ 15 3 JO 4 4 0 3 8 9 *» 34 16 7 Bowflag Heckm .. _ — 9 3 4 9 3 4 — CbjrtoD .. i 0 0 9 6 0 6 to 0 to 16 6 *7 *ï t Deobobne _ 7 7 6 a 10 0 — —• 9 17 6 PrWrteKRoad .. _ so a SO X 13 0 5 « 0 — 16 T7 ¡0 EoOahm...... — a 9 6 a 9 4 — T4 18^ 10£ QrilMtOP _ 21 15 6 6 0 0 3 a 0 — ao 27 6 HdttStt _ 39 0 XI 5 5 0 3 19 0 — 4» 4 ” H N t a a ...... _ *7 *7 6 S xx 4 8 9 6 — 34 18 * Leeds RomI 5 *8 6 ty xa 3 2 tt i 8 IJ 4 0 5 0 *1 I \ a 0 O 3 a 0 0 3 *3 0 36 17 3 £ S S 2 :: i x S 7 4 9 4 10 ip ” Sica, H*rri* Stmt and MBBOOBMI 0VZOBI 0 10 O 8s 10 a 4 » 12 7 3 8 96 4 9 TetfcyStxact Memorial .. *9 *3 3 « 3 0 0 a 9 «5 19 0 . 4-, 24 10 9 a xa O 3 to 0 WeeUxte...... _ 57 6 a 13 5 0 34 13 6 — 94 s ® H E f f l S r . _ 6 1 9 — 6 I 9 _ — 2fa»ii* Ge0dT __ 33 0 0 2 i 13 23 10 _ 35 Bethel...... 0 2 0 3 xx 6 *2 I 2 fh*rtmowa .. ..I « *7 8 — , I 4 6 — a a 1937.3 YORKSHIRE. 1 8 3


£ «* VL £ s- d. £ s. d. £ s. 5 9 — xa 0 0 *— 95 15 9 Mirield .. 14 I 0 7 0 0 17 0 0 — 38 i 0 New North Road 158 19 8 20 15 0 3» »7 6 — ara xa a Polemoor .. 9 is 6 3 0 0 a xo 0 —— 15 a 6 Primrose HOI .. xa 5 11 — ... xa 5 ir Rehoboth . 1 to 0 — — — i 10 0 Salendine Nook ., XX 0 0 20* 6 i 20 16 6 83 0 0 5 0 0 334 a 7 6 a 6 13 17 0 13 0 0 34 X9 6 S S » “ :: :: 3 14 X 3 2 8 15 0 0 0 9 xo aa 6 7 Sunny Bank ■ ■ as 0 0 xa 0 0 — 37 0 0 Hull Auxiliary , — IX I 8 «_ *— II X 8 {^vertey Road, Central!! — 8 16 18 6 6 it 0 0 xs 0 39 8 -a Boulevard,. ll i 4 xs 0 0 x8 0 4 3 6 — *9 x8 2 Nottingham Road 3 3 6 19 4 8 6 ~ 7 6 Courtney Street as 0 0 xo 0 0 —* — 35 0 0 Last Park mmm 13 8 13 0 3 0 — «5 « ix 8 XI B — Leeds City Auxiliary 169 6 6 14 XI 3 20 IO 0 »1 4 7 9 Armley, Carr Croft* !! 19 7 5 3 0 0 xo X4 7 —— 33 a 0 Deeston Hill — IS 18 9 13 8 6 XO X4 0 40 i 3 YOBKSHIBB.


£ s- d. £ s. d. £ s.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Sheffield Auxiliary—cont. A s k e m ...... _ i 2 3 — — — X 2 3 Barnsley— Sheffield Road 35 6 X 8__9 5 —— 43 15 6 Z i o n ...... 3 *7 2 2 9 xo — 6 7 0 B e n t le y ...... --- 9 2 X 6 xo 0 — — 15 X2 X Conisborough . . , --- I 0 0 ———X 0 0 C r o w l e ...... i *3 6 — ——I 13 6 Doncaster— Chequer Road 4 8 6 44 17 9 8 19 0 5 18 9 i i 0 65 5 0 Woodlands . . * - o 7 6 a U 0 _ —— 3 X 6 Dronfield...... 2 4 0 12 6 9 5 i 0 2 6 4 0 3 6 22 1 7 Rotherham— Eastdene — 2 9 0 — 0 2 6 — 2 X 7 Westgate --- 8 »3 6 7 3 8 3 6 9 — l i 3 « Skellow ...... — 3 0 0 — —— 3 0 0 Swallow Nest — 4 xo 6 2 14 0 I 10 6 0 19 0 9 14 0 T r e e to n ...... — 3 XX 4 2 10 0 _ 5 i 4 Whittington, New 2 X2 0 3 10 0 0 10 O — 6 12 O South Bank o 8 0 9 3 10 0 16 0 — 10 7 10 Sowcrby Bridge .. .. — 3 XO 0 15 9 — — 3 lb 9 Steep Lane ...... i6 6 3 27 5 3 — 20 12 ZO — 54 4 4 Thomabv-on-Tees — xo 13 6 22 2 0 2 12 6 — 25 8 O Todraorden Auxiliary — 2 19 X 3 0 0 — — 5 19 X Lineholme — 7 4 4 _ — 7 4 4 Lydgate ...... — 3 9 — —— *9 3 9 Roomfield .. . . — 8 12 0 __ — — 8 12 0 Shore ...... _ 20 2 xo — —— 20 2 10 Vale — 12 5 8 — — — 12 5 8 Wellington Road — 7 is 6 — 12 6 West Riding Association .. X XO 0 z I xo 0 West V a l e ...... 0 12 7 3 17 3 I xo 0 12 O 0 0 1 0 0 X8 9 xo 560 19 6 3í833 8 7 1*954 29 4 1,247 6 4 2 3 1 8 xo 7,6X9 12 7 Less Expenses.. 24 2 6 1 8 9 —— 25 XX 3 560 I® 6 3,808 6 X 2,953 10 7 1,247 6 4 * 3 1 8 10 7,594 I 4 186 [1937. WALES



£ s. d. £ s. 4 9 4 — — 32 15 4 Hebroo — 17 i 4 26 4 6 — — 43 5 if> New Park Street , m 2 2 0 8 10 O — _ 10 12 0 Sttoh _ __ — — Liaoddeosant 4 # — _ 0 10 0 _ __ 0 10 0 Llandegfan .. ,, 0 2 6 0 0 10 0 -- — 2 9 6 TImwI mb i 17 19 9 0 1 *----- ■ -- ■ * 18 0 0 1 9 0 i .wirrruyiiiwfl — 8 4 I 2 7 0 _ — 10 11 1 T bnfar)iryH|^ • . _ 6 i i 11 1 18 3 -- — 8 10 4 1 # # — 6 18 I a 0 _ «— 8 0 3 T -- 3 Fennel — 13 16 4 2 9 i — — 16 5 5 Pbgah — 2 6 O 2 0 0 4 6 0 Llgantd . , 0 15 6 _ -- •• 0 15 6 Menai Bridge *3__3 6 2 0 0 -- 13 3 6 rVitfjrtwiAli Z 1 0 0 z 1 0 0 n a q u a . . _ 1 5 0 X 0 0 — . 2 5 0 Fontripooi —— -- —— Rhooeicr — — I 7 6 — I 7 6 KÜo r m .. — 2 2 6 0 19 6 _— 3 2 0 Rhydiryn .. '* 7 II 4 2 12 3 _ 10 3 7 Sardi* {Lianwenllwyfo) _ I 3 6 I 5 f’ Towyn Coed , , _ I 0 0 — _ — x 0 0 Vrtey — 2 6 6 * 3 3 —— 3 9 i i 4 6 0 163 6 6 78 11 7 —— 24<’ i L



£ s.

61 18 10 19 6 — — 100 18 4



£ s. £ «. d. £ *• d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cardigan and Carmarthen Association _ 7 17 8 _ — 7 17 s Aberystwyth Auxiliary .. 3 0 6 3 0 ti Allred Place 1 12 6 ™ 4 7 5 X 0 6 7 0 - 24 5 I Bethel .. * .. 2t 16 7 8 I 0 5 1 6 34 *9 I M o r ia h ...... —— 2 17 3 — j 17 3 Blacinvcncii ., — I 6 0 — I 6 0 <■ .'udik'an..- lii'ttmnui ...... -- 2$ 15 D 10 13 0 — _ 39 * 0 Mount Zion X 1 0 9 3 0 4 » 6 0 S 0 a 3 6 i6 16 0 < < incwycki (NYw (,Hi.iv) — 0 t 6 — 0 I 6 i wmsymlog ,. — — — . — _— (idKinan — r I O 16 l I — — 17 a I l.ami>ett;r- liothcl ...... 2 0 0 __ — _ 2 0 0 1 arrsaluin — — _ — . _ , -N t«W fa...... — » 7 3 _ _ _ 10 7 3 l.lanrhystvd a 3 0 1 2 6 — — 3 5 6 1’tiii hynriM'li ... 4 O 0 O 13 0 —— 4 IS 0 1 ...... — 8 12 0 3 x 3 _ — 11 13 3 I'onu hydU'ndigniil ,, — .1 *6 6 — 3 *6 6 •'Wyddllyni.ui a 10 0 0 16 6 _ 3 6 6 i alvbunt — 3 7 0 3 if> O — — 7 3 0 — 5 » 3 a 0 O — _ 7 x 3 a i j 6 Its 18 8 70 7 3 11 16 6 •: 3 6 200 19 5 CARMARTHENSHIRE.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s- d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 7 7 . — 5 5 xo 0 11 2 — • —* 5 i 7 — i 1 0 — i i .. ; 20 5 8 16 14 n ,— — 37 o 3 15 0 —H — —■ 3 15 — 4 2 8 -- * — 4 2 _ 3 xo xi 3jx> “" _

2 S 8 _ ___ —. 3 8 — 11 10 4 6 0 0 — — 17 io _ ___ 11 3 7 —— I I 3 — 30 19 10 6 0 0 r— _ |6 19 — 76 0 9 7 13 6 ■ — —. 83 1A — — 15 8 6 10 0 0 *3 * — 22 XX 6 1 5 0 — 2 3 6 10 0 a 1 7 1 0 0 3 I

_ 9 M 6 5 u 0 15 5 — 0 19 6 —— — o 19 — 0 11 0 2 5 0 .. _ a 16 — 4 4 6 6 11 1 — — 10 15 — 618 9 = 5 * _ 9 3 — — 1 13 9 — -- I J 5 — 7 18 8 — — — 7 18 — 2 0 0 —- — — 2 O 0 30 8 2 0 9 4 17 2 — -- 7 8 ______IOO — -- 1 o __ IO JO 0 —_ 10 10 — —- 4 xo 0 — _ 4 i° — 5 0 0 — _ 5 0 18 6 5 * 4 O — I X 0 33 11 — — 7 0 0 — ■— 7 o — x 17 6 IOO — — 2 17 — — 6 0 6 — — 6 9 — 2 0 0 6 3 2 — — 8 3 43 J« » 39 4 6 §3 * 2 7 0 27 7 3 39 13 10 — I X 0 60 II 2 3 10 103 6 3 37 0 0 — xo 0 0 *54 10 —— 14 10 0 4 0 0 — — 18 10 _ 1 10 3 — — 1 xo 3 18 3 31 1« 3 54 3 * 35 5 3 2x6 8 i«7 19 ■1— 3 7 10 4 0 0 — 7 7 1 -mt • 10 18 8 12 7 0 23 5 15 0 0 07 16 11 57 1 4 53 0 0 6 xo 0 339 8 2 4 0 1*5 8 7 80 0 0 42 6 6 — «49 19 — 79 1 3 34 7 0 — — 113 8 3 0 0 a} 0 0 20 0 0 — —• 48 o

— ti 7 J _ M O O — *3 7 79 9 * 27 20 0 _ — —— 8 3 0 — — ioi : 3 *5 0 7 0 0 « * 5 — 5 »6 9 11 2 1 1 X 0 — 97 >9 1 — 3 1 0 1 13 6 — — S 14 — 4 9 3 — — 6 n •— 3* 8! «1 — 3j «_ — — — 3 f It — — * 7 * — 8 8 6 — — — $ 8 0 14 0 3 17 a x i 6 — — 4 13 — 3 6 10 — — —• 3 ® 1 — — ***** — < 2 13 0 10 0 0 is 13 _ 2 12 0 — i U —— — MM MM — 9 7 0 — *— x 9 0 10 16 1 — — — — »5 7 5 9 1 0 — — i 11 ( — •;!! i 1937.} CABUAJtTBKNasm»— CARNARVONSHIRE. m


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Pedair Heol, Salem I 13 6 i 17 9 — 3 IX 3 — --- -—

Pencader, Moriah .. oo o\ ftnrhiwKoch 3 3 8 3 liny b a n k ...... M o 4 o 0 ; __ __ 5 9 0 Pcnygioes ...... i 8 o 9 15 4 4 »3 0 0 ir i O IO 2 16 17 7 Ponurgothi...... — 1 o o — — I 0 0 I’on theury...... —— — 2 12 0 — --- 2 12 0 !>ontyberein — 6 to o — — — 6 10 0 l\jrthyrlred— ______Bethlehem 2 3 6 — 2 3 6 S m y r n a ...... — o 14 9 —* --- 0 Ï4 9 Rbandinnwyn I 12 o — — -- I 12 0 Rbydaigaeau 3 7 IO O l8 2 4 6 0 Rhydwflym...... 7 6 9 12 l8 0 20 4 9 Si. Clears, Zion — 12 II 5 — — -- 13 XI 5 Talog, Bethania 1 2 o o i6 o Z 0 10 — — 3 *8 10 __ Trimsaran, Noddfa -- o I 7 4 6 10 — 4 8 5 Tumble ...... — xo 8 5 5 8 3 — — 15 16 8 Tycroes, Bethesda .. — 12 18 u 20 O 0 i 19 2 i H 5 «6 9 6 u’hitlaad— Bwlchgwynt — 8 i8 7 — —— 8 18 7 o Nazareth...... I I 0 26 6 6 o 0 — — 37 7 6

35 15 9 1,107 5 3 645 *6 z 136 3 0 28 O I T 1.953 X 0



C *• d. £ d. £.« • d. £ * cL £ s. d £ S. d. South Carnarvonshire Asso­ ciation ...... i i 0 — —» I I 0 Hangar— Baptist College .. _ »I 4 0 — — —* II 4 0 English, Penrallt Road .. 4 4 0 9 0 9 — 10 0 0 —- 23 4 9 „ I’e o w e l ...... 19 19 9 5 M 0 — — 25 I.* 9 Bethesda ...... — 6 2 7 1 12 0 — 7 14 7 t-aeUwryngrudd --- ... 0 10 o — 0 IO 0 ^apcl-y-Beirtld 0 5 8 I >0 0 0 it» h — — 2 5 8 U n ia rv o n ...... 19 ZJ z 6 14 0 0 li 4 3 7 3« 6 s U w tybom ...... O I 2 i l — O 12 zz onway .. _ —— Lricctoth ... — — 3 i rz 3 Z IX Dmorwic, Sardi* .. _ 0 10 0 — Cl 20 0 (*am, Horeb.. 0 7 6 i z8 G 2 10 0 » 0 ri 3 4 7 3 (■lanadda i *7 0 — — X 17 0 (¡lanwydden __ —* 'ifoeslon— ^««ah ...... 2 6 0 _ — 2 6 0 , R am o th ...... O 16 3 — _ 0 26 ■lan»e]haiarn —» i 7 6 —— z 7 6 '•laubcris __ . — —* •■lantludno— • nbcmack?, Satem and Horeb ., . . 15 t 5 5 5 0 ft to 0 5 zo 0 25 6 5 liDRlish .. «H» 15 I* IX — — 15 l i it • aiidudmi Junction î 10 10 2 O 0 •— — 5 10 20 •bniairfechan .. aw 8 9 2 0 14 0 — —» 9 3 I ■wngian 0 8 3 0 8 3 ¡-janUyfni ' t a 0 T 3 O Uithfaen — 0 5 0 1* 5 O 190 CABNABVON8H1RE— DENBIGHSHIRE. [1937

Carnarvonshire— DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.T.LJL TOTAL. continued. £ *. d. £ s. d. £ «. d. £ *• d. £ »* d. £ s. d. MorfaNevin...... 1 8 9 ---- _ 1 8 0 Nevin, Seioc — a 7 1 1 0 0 ---- 3 7 1 Pmmimmnrr 8 2 8 4 19 0 — — 13 0 8 _ — 0 10 0 ----- — 0 10 0 ...... o 10 3 5 4 0 1 0 $ ----- — 6 14 9 JV»t m xv ic _ O 13 6 __ —* 0 12 6 Ptnlmadoc .. — 7 6 7 1 16 1 ---- _ 9 2 8 Pwfflicli District .. 10 O 0 — ---- _ 10 0 0 PwBheli ...... 6 18 0 * 9 7 ---- _ 9 7 7 Rboddcmeo — 1 13 0 0 6 3 ---- — I 19 3 Roewen ...... — 0 15 0 _ — 0 15 0 Talysarn, Salem — — 0 8 6 ---- — 0 8 6 Trevor ...... — 1 0 0 0 10 6 ---- — I 10 6 Tyddyrahoo o 15 o O 17 1 ---- — 4 4 * 9 3 0 0 1 T yn rio o en ...... o 8 o x 6 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 -* 2 4 0

17 19 * 157 0 11 44 » 11 »3 4 4 6 13 0 239 8 10 — 0 15 0 — 0 I] 0 17 *9 8 157 0 11 43 15 11 13 4 4 6 13 0 238 13 10


DENBIGHSHIRE— DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.T.L.A. TOTAL. continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Groes __ — Hcrber ...... — 4 14 6 ——— 4 14 6 Inhustown...... — jjaiiddogei .. — X XI 6 — __ — i ix 6 L la n d ia n ...... — I 7 9 _ -- -- 1 7 9 IJanelidan...... — IO 7 2 — -- -- 10 7 2 Llanfair, D.C. — o 14. 0 ——— 0 14 0 1 Unfair Talhaiarn .. — i 7 6 — — — i 7 6 Llangemyw...... — 2 8 6 — -- -- 2 8 6 Llangollen— Castie Street ■ • .. — 6 6 4 3 7 2 — — 9 13 6 Pritchard Memorial — 2 12 0 — -- —— 2 12 0 Llannefydd . . — Bryn 0 1+ 9 — -- — 0 14 9 , Peniel ...... — 3 x6 0 — ’-- -- 3 16 0 Tlanrwst — 6 17 0 — -- -- 6 17 0 1 Lineaniifln — Llansilin — 19 12 7 — -- -- 19 12 7 L lay...... — 0 IX 0 •— — -- 0 11 0 Llvsiaen ...... — 0 16 0 11 0 -- --- i 7 3 iloelfre ...... — 0 XO 0 — --- — 0 10 0 Moss .. — 0 10 0 — O 6 O --- 0 16 0 New Broughton — O X5 0 — -- — 0 15 0 Tenvcae, Salem 6 xo 0 — --- 6 xo 0 Fonkey— O

— O Mount Pleasant 6 7 4 — * — 6 xi 4 Calvary, Rhos, Tabemack and Soar — 2 7 6 ______2 7 6 Sion I o o 9 *9 7 x z 7 2 — --- 12 16 9 [Rhos— Bethania...... — 4 x3 0 _ — --- 4 13 0 Penuel .. _ 14 19 4 9120 -- -- 24 11 4 Rhostylleu...... _ 2 6 0 — —— -- 3 6 0 Ruabon ...... _ x 7 6 2 is 0 -- --- 3 19 6 Ruthin ...... - 4 7 — --- 4 7 4 rVrexham and District— Chester Street __ 14 x — 4 6 9 --- 18 18 0 Bradley Road .. __ 2 7 8 —- 0 XO 0 2 17 8 Penvbryn ., 5 o o XX 5 a — -- 16 5 a Khosddu X X 6 — — --- 1 1 6 O O x8 4 4 3*7 »7 8 57 * 8 54 18 3 * 462 12 XI



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ ». d. £J . d. £ s. à. £ s. d. H'illt X XI 0 X IX 0 3ucklcy ’lint .. 3 5 0 3 5 0 1 ' lywell, Bethel .. 3 16 ix 2 18 4 6 15 3 -OKSWOOd 0 ix 6 0 ix 6 iold .. x 0 0 6 1 $ 9 ^nyfrou 5 *3 9 Ümddlan .. Îhyl- Sussex Street, English .. a 15 x 3 15 i .Water Street . 8 4 0 3 xo 0 XO 14 0 »otton 013 0 0 13 0 ’fiuddyn 0 19 0 0 19 0 — *7 9 3 3 8 4 X 0 0 — 3317 7 192 [ 198) GLAMORGANSHIRE.


^ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d, tion I — — 5 15 K 5 13 ii n — — — Aberavon— Phwimir ,, — 16 1 1 __, ■ —. 16 i r — Water Street — 2 14 O — 2 14 0 High School for Boys Aberdare Auxiliary— — ISO — 1 — I g o Aberaman— Beulah, R

— ~ — Mount Zion 0 Vlaeogwynfi — I 9 0 — — 1 4 — Q Blacnrboadda — I 11 O 3*3. .0 5 ^ I Hlaettyonn . - .. I IO o « 'i i - '* ' 7 *5 Zoar .. — — 6 0 0 6 0 0 9 Bridgend Auxiliary o ~- 3 10 0 13 9 —- Cbmu&urch * c --- 1 0 0 6 5 Hope IO 0 o 90 6 5 ■ — ' IS 17 l Blrniuh . . ~~ *3 *7 1 Porthcawl, GUgal — 9 6 7 —• 9 6 7 Toodo— 7 5 3 Outff . . .. 7 3 3 0 ferusakn» o *o o 1 *0 0 *—• — ;• 0 Kextfif Hill, Mount 7ion,. — CefoCribbwr— 0 _ X HI O ’ 1 10 Cthuy 0 » 5 Net» .. 0 5 © » 3 5 •mm Lnhnoae, Bethel — — , “ g 0 Peoytki ... t 8 0 0 Peacoed, funnel .. » r 0 f I St firMe1* Major, Him b 0 1 w ' 0 10 #, Na*«*t»i . O IO, 0 2 10 9 t 10 () t O O 1 — ■ Comtown.. z I*yV. Pi»«ah — MM 0 5 0 0 5 0 CaxdmAmSbrf ¿ It : u Prooewfa ofSalc 382 14 ^ 1 : 18 0, BaptistCoUege ,, ... .. 1 l i 18 o ' — . _ _/ 1. 1937.] GLAMORGANSHIRE. 193 i GLAMORGANSHIRE— DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.TXA TOTAL. continual

£ s. d. £ di £ ». cL £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. Rn4 VBHIRIt. [1937.

GLAMORGANSHIRE— DEFICIT. GENERAL WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.T.L.A. to ta l . continued Cwmtwrch, : £ ». ci- £ s. d £ s. d. £ »■ d. £ ». d. £ *. d. Beolah .. 9 7 9 7 4 Bryn Scion o 14 0 14 6 Cymmer— rrifari. .. 5__9 5 9 5 Rhondda, Pisgah.. 1 I 0 Deri, Tabernacle 7 6 0 3 6 8 ta 7 R»m^aU— Bethel Nazareth .. 2 IO a 10 0 Salem Newydd .. i 17 o 5 *7 ? 14 0 Fochriw Gaxnndtt .. a i 3 3 9 3 Gelli— Hope SOmm i 10 i 10 Geliigaer, Hotvb 3 o fiflfa-lMnrf.-- 3 o Ainoo 3 o Cabria ... I 16 o I it) Moriah .. .. Ghds...... 1 9 8 2 I I 8 Hoddfa Pbatardtdais Rnad 0 6 9 * *5 3 1 9 Zion -- 5 o 3 0 0 Gowerton and District Bethania Gromend .. Hirwaen, Ramoth 7 »3 O *3 »3 0 Zion Lisvane i o o IJanbradach, Zkn .. o 16 6 3 *4 7 4 II « Lbnnfduk &dem 3 10 t 3 in 8 1 h n la w n 1 C a H m rim . o ro o 0 10 o Canari . . 4 14 o 4 14 0 Liantjisa&t, Tabor .. Ltatwit Major i 17 7 1 17 7 Lian twit Vanto - Bethel .. Salem 3 5 6 2 18 5 6 3 II Lhrynpia— Caemlos O 10 6 o 10 0 Jornalan i 3 3 3 »3 4 4 I» 7 Lnugbnr, TVnuei .. Micstt* Auxiliary . 0 to 10 Ainoo ( l'on irto yd ycyll) .* Beihania . 8 13 if 10 7 it Bethel 3 a 6 19 10 6 19 ii 0 Camalera I 16 o 1 i<> 0 Caliaria . o M 6 3 0 0 tlib Hope 8 i o 8 l 0 Noddia . Salem 10 II Tabernacle ? 6 » 7 6 I *7 6 I 17 MertbyrTytffl Auxiliary .. 1 16 I I lb Atetaald 3 0 0 3 0 8 5 ® Aberim .. i 7 9 I 7 Berthhryd * 0 0 3 o Dow lai»— Beulah .. h IO « 3 0 0 35 1° 3 Caenalem 8 16 6 4 *5 o Il li * Hebron 33 « * 19 ÍO o 33 i ; Moriah .. 31 IO O 9 10 ? 31 0 7 Pentrcittcb i * 6 I * 6 4 jo o 4 0 o 8 10 0 Motot Menant 1 6 0 I 6 0 N o d d le .. Trabante— Betbd .. 4 S 3 7 17 «. IS 2 9 Brjnuhyiryd 7 »6 s 7 © 0 14 it- 3 Tn*sayri»w-~ Cairod .. .. S to o 4 4 0 — 9 u 0 Tabernacle, EogUah t o o I o 0 19S7.] * QLAMOBGANSKIB*, 1 9 5

GLAMORGANSHIRE-- DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.TJLÀ. TOTAL. continutd 1 Ata.—«ont. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ainon — 0 10 0 — —— 0 IO o Heolgcrrig — 2 10 0 2 0 0 — — 4 10 o High Street -- 30 0 0 —— 30 o o Park •• — 10 10 6 _ — — 10 io 6 Tabernacle — S3 II 7 11 i 4 _ — 23 12 xi Zion — I 9 10 4 8 10 _ ,— 5 18 8 Cwmtaff, Bethel -- — I 1 0 — — 1 i o Merthyr Vale— Calfaria — _ 7 0 0 _ _ 7 o Zion .. O 6 8 8 3 8 5 0 0 — — 13 10 Nantymoel— Horeb -- 4 10 6 ——— 4 10 6 Saron — 5 13 i — —— 5 13 I Neath Auxiliary _ 0 17 7 — — — o 17 7 Bethania .. — 13 2 6 30 9 0 —— 43 n 6 Orchard Place -- 24 19 « — X 2 12 O — 37 ir n Melincrythan, Herbert Road .. _ s 17 6 ___ — _ 2 17 6 Aberdulais -- 14 13 0 -- — — 14 13 o Briton Ferry— Jerusalem ___ 11 16 6 _ —— 1 1 16 Rehobo th -- 7 13 » -- 9 0 0 — 16 13 Salem .. _ 0 X4 0 — — o 14 Bryn cod» .. _ 0 2 6 —* -- O 2 Crynant .. -- 2 6 6 -- —— 2 6 Cwmgwrach Glynneath, Bethel — 5 16 11 -- — I x 0 6 17 « English 0 13 0 _ —— 0 13 0 Resoiven, Bethania — 8 0 4 — 6 0 0 — 14 o 4 Sardis .. — 2 11 I — — — 2 1 1 i Seven Sisters -- 1 0 0 --, -- — 1 0 0 Skewen— Calfaria _ 5 5 4 — _ _ 5 5 4 Horeb .. — 6 4 5 --- —— 6 4 5 Mount Pleasant -- i 18 0 — -— — 1 18 o kelson -- x 0 0 ~ — — 1 0 0 Ogmore Vale— Bethlehem I l8 O a 19 11 -- — — 4 17 i r Calvary .. I 4 11 0 X X 0 2 7 0 0 2 1 8 9 i’antywaea .. _ Penclawdd— Trinity 3 a 11 _ _ — 3 2 1 1 .JJanroorlais, Tirsah — a 0 0 — rcngsuxH— Capel-y-Bont _ 7 3 xi 5 3 9 — — i* 7 Ebenster .. . •— 6 7 5 a 2 0 1 1 5 O 10 4 Penrhiwfer .. x 0 0 0 13 3 0 15 0 —* 2 8 Pentre— Moriah .. _ 4 0 0 0 xo 0 -- — 4 10 Zion — 3 5 0 a 5 0 — — 7 t o Jentyrch, Fanuel , — x 0 0 _ — — X o «nybryn, Calvary 0 xo 6 —— -- —• o 10 jenygraig, Zoar — 0 14 0 0 3 0 — o 19 JenyriMol, Saron , — — Pontardawe— Adulam . — 4 7 * — _ — 4 7 8 l Eu» .. ; 0 is 0 — “ •_ o 15 o rontardulais— I Habcll _ — — — I Tabernacle X xo 0 >4 xo 8 6 X9 4 13 xx a 3 ß xo 40 0 0 NntUiw, Carmel . — •— fjontlottyn. Zoar . — 9 15 0 4 is 4 *— -- 14 XX 4 rontrhyayten , — x xx a — _ -- i ix a > CynonviUo — — — —« ^ s r r . _ _ — o x o — Zion _ — ^ntygwaith, Hermou _ — 0 17 3 “ o 17 "ontypridd Auxiliary _ i 3 9 4 7 w —* 7 i Carmel — 3 xx 9 6 « 0 5 0 0 1 5 18 Alwrcynon— Calfaria 3 3 0 818 5 —— I I o 5 Moriah .. _ 3 15 a — — 5 IS a ^«dpenmaen — 33 10 0 33 10 o 196 GLAMORGANSHIRE. [1931


Pontypridd Auxiliary—co I. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. «L £ s.

Smyrna _ I XX 0 —— 2 I I 0 nydd-

0 M O 6 4 3 __ — 6 6 3 Salem 1 4 1 2 XO 0 3 14 I Swansea Auxiliary .. -- 9 13 7 7 6 4 — — 17 i 11 Proceeds of Safe .. —' — 83 9 4 —— 83 9 4 Ladies' Sewing Guild —— _ 24 xo 0 — 24 10 0 mi«»«« — 37 14 3 ■ 1 1 5 0 —» 39 9 3 -- 19 12 7 _ —- —» 19 12 7 iNewydd — 9 5 0 —— — 9 5 0 Capd Gcsner I 12 9 21 0 xo — 6 2 0 ~ 30 15 ? Carmarthen Road, Taber nacle .. __ _ 10 8 0 x 0 0 ro 0 0 — 21 8 0 Cwmbwria, Lilxwus x 6 6 3 3 6 —- _ — 3 12 0 Danygcalg — 4 x8 3 — — 4 18 3 KiEay ■ “ 5 14 6 — *— — 5 14 6 Landore— Dinas Noddfa .. — 11 9 6 _ — 9 _ XI 6 0 0 Sakm .. 8 3 0 9 3 0 . u 22 5 0 Llansamlet .. — 3 12 0 ■ “ 3 12 0 Manselton— Cecil Street _ 0 14 0 __ — » O 14 0 Mount Calvary — T7 0 9 0 17 b 5 8 9 — S3 7 0 Memorial .. .. x 10 0 13 9 0 15 36 XX 13 3 3 44 19 s Momstoo— Ainon .. t o o 1 8 6 — 2 8 6 Calfaria — 2 XO XO XX X3 3 3 4 » 0 2 XO 17 XI 7 Sioa .. x8 0 0 14 8 4 16 0 0 3 3 0 •— 51 11 4 Soar .. 14 0 0 14 O O _ — 28 c 0 Tabernacle — 5 2 0 7 3 6 12 5 6 Mount Pleasant — 100 18 5 15 3 3 15 15 6 — 13t 1 7 * Mount Zion 1^ O Mumbles .. y%6 8 4116 0 14 3 6 7 4 O 17 13 9 Pantygwydr 4 2 6 33 « 0 13 6 4 I l J 6 — 5ï 10 4 Philadelphia 5 7 3 — _ 5 7 3 Raven Hill —- 14 3 6 — IOO — 15 a 6 St. Helen's — 4 16 O 3 12 10 x X5 6 j o 4 * Sketty 5 8 9 3 14 « 6 3 0 17 5 9 ToTownhiD — 3 3 4 —- ~ 6 4 H W ntCmi *— 03 17 1 z6 — no i •— 2 8 ® York Place 6 to 6 5 to 0 6 3 ß *— 18 4 0 Tbomastown Ton Pfcntre, Hebron 5 X7 xo I 10 0 Z : — 7 7 10 Tcmygandy— -- 6 7 3 2 8 7 0 2 3 0 08 8 I» 9 j Moriah ! .* ! ! —, X 5 3 2 XI 0 *—* 3 16 3 ’ Tooyrrfail, Aioou 3 3 0 ~ — ~ 3 3 Salem “ mmm ~ — Trealaw— Ainon . . », — i x6 6 MM MW I 16 Carmel ---- i 16 6 x 18 9 0 0 X 3 »5 * Trehanog Trsherbert— O-NM — 8 17 » Bethany .. i 12 0 ? 3 to , Hope ---- . *— $ 0 0 . mm 00 119 37] GLAMORGANSHIRE— MERIONETHSHIRE— MONMOUTHSHIRE. 1 9 7


Ireherbert— contd. £ s . d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s . d. £ s . d . £ s . d . L i b a n u s ...... — — 8 0 0 --- B o o

Trelewis, T r in ity — 3 0 0 — ___ _ 3 0 0 Treorchy— Ainon ...... 7 2 0 5 5 o —— — 12 7 0 Horeb ...... — — 3 5 0 — «— 2 5 0 Noddfa . . --- 40 13 7 I I 1 5 I --- 7 2 0 59 10 8 Troedrhiwiuwch, Bethania --- I I 0 ------1 1 0 Tylorstown— Beulah, English .. — — _ — — Horeb ...... --- 4 19 0 I 14 6 *--- — 6 1 3 6 Tvntyla, Beulah .. --- «— •— --- — Wattstown, C aliaria — 1 8 4 I 7 3 ------2 1 5 ? Williamstowa — 0 5 0 — --- 0 5 0 Ynyshir, Ainon --- 6 10 O — — —- 6 10 0 Y n y s t a w e ...... 5 0 0 10 19 6 18 12 0 1 3 xo 0 --- 48 1 6 Ystalyfera and District .. 2 2 0 ——— — 2 2 0 Caersalem — 9 2 2 —— --- 9 2 3 — Zoar ...... — I I 3 I --- 1 1 3 i Vstrad-Rhoadda— Kebo ...... —— 1 1 5 1 3 4 6 — --- 4 19 7 Tabernacle — — ---

12 4 7 « 2 »457 10 8 1,2 3 6 I IX 462 18 3 18 1 3 6 4,299 1 2 3 Less Expenses 10 0 2 —— — 10 0 3

12 4 7 i t 3,447 10 6 1,236 X XI 462 18 3 1 8 1 3 6 4,280 12 1



£ *• d . £ «• d . £ 8. d . i s . d . £ » 1 a . £ s . d . B a r m o u t h ...... 0 10 0 9 1 5 0 — • 1 0 5 0 Blaenau Festin iog— Calf a r i a ...... 4 6 7 3 0 0 — --- 6 6 7 — M o r i a h ...... 0 7 9 — — 0 7 9 Sion . . . . — 4 10 0 — — — 4 10 0 Carrog ...... 3 1 3 8 — — — 3 13 8 — Cefncymerau — 0 1 7 4 _ 0 1 7 4 — Corwen 6 6 3 x 8 0 — 7 14 3 Cynwyd ...... — 8 9 4 1 1 6 8 — --- 1 0 6 0 Dolgelly ...... 2 0 0 3 3 5 a 5 3 6 3 H 10 --- 3 6 3 6 Glyndyfrdwy 0 9 XI --- 0 9 1 1 Harlech ...... a 9 11 a xo 5 ... — 5 0 4 Uanbedr ...... 1 1 1 3 0 — I I 1 5 0 Uanfair ...... — 3 13 6 — — — 3 13 6 Uaofrothcn, Rainoth __ 0 18 0 — 0 18 0 Uanuwchllyn — _ — — — — M aentwrog...... __ 1 0 0 _ — 1 0 0 ftmdy’r Capel 2 2 6 3 3 8 6 x xo xo — 2 6 8 28 8 6 Pcnrhyndeudraeth ... .. _ — — — — I'alsamau ...... _— 1 4 9 —— _ 1 4 9 Towyn . . , . _ — — 8 5 3 X xo 0 — 9 *5 3 Irawsfynydd — — — 5 2 3 113 O 3 ___ UAJSL. 2 6 8 143 8 4


Monmouthshire . DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.T.L.A. TOTAL. £ *■ d. fa . d. £ «. d. £ ». d. £ s. d. £ d„ ioumouthshire Auxiliaries 3 0 0 — 3 0 0 District- English...... _ 49 4 4 30 6 8 ax 5 7 5 0 0 95 7 Cacrgorlan .. . 3 15 6 —« •— 3 15 « Chapel of Ease ., _ J i t i — 3 11 6 I I 0 —— — —* x x 0 K u 5 " y Dl8trict • - — — 11 0 0 I to 0 -- Fr°gmore Street ! *. ! 3 *5 0 33 18 6 — 8613 6 198 MONMOUTUSHIBB. ■k [1931


£ * d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. A. English 3 il o 26 i6 6 b O O 36 7 c

'CTimiwit 20 O I 25 O O 45 0 I King Street Argocd 9 19 o 9 5 0 4 13 6 24 17 6 Baigoed— 12 9 8 4 14 10 o 10 o X7 i* 6 H anbory R oad . . 16 io 5 5 0 0 2 1 10 3 M oriah . . 3 O I 3 0 i N oddia . . I 4 0 * 4 0 Bassaleg, Bethel 3 1 3 o 3 13 0 Bedwas— Fnglinh . . I 15 5 o 17 3 2 12 8 Hephribah i i l 4 1 11 4 Blackwood, Mount Pleasan 7 5 4 20 zi it 37 17 5 Blaenau Gwent 2 3 i I 23 o o 46 I I Blaenavoo— U nited Meeting 1 5 6 I 5 6 B road Street 14 4 O H 4 0 Ebenezer .. 7 1 6 O 4 0 0 II 16 0 Forge Side 5 10 o 5 10 0 H o n * . . 1 5 0 4a o 4 4 15 o 4 xo o 52 10 4 King Street 13 19 5 2 13 O 16 14 5 Blaina 16 5 5 9 6 8 25 12 i Britlxtir, Benlah 3 13 9 3 13 9 Caerieoo 3 15 10 3 15 to Caerwent s 6 9 2 6 9 Chepstow 3 9 0 3 9 0 Cross Keys .. 22 14 0 9 0 2 33 H 2 Crumlin 7 14 o 7 14 0 Cwm, Tizzah 8 12 II 10 o o 18 12 il Cwmbran, Mbtmt Pleasan CwiDcant, Zion 4 17 5 8 0 4 24 17 9 f wm M hifatili 2 2 0 2 2 0 Cwxnmera 2 0 7 2 0 7 Cwmsyfiog, Betbania i 4 o I 4 0 Ebbw Vale, Auxiliary— ~ T H ilL Zion 16 I I 5 10 o 22 I 0 4 6 3 2 0 7 8 6 Ne 20 3 13 o o 33 5 3 Providence o 13 3 *5 6 13 8 6 V ictoria, Caerealem 8 22 9 0 0 17 I* 9 Ffwtbog, Tabernacle 3 10 3 xo 9 -Gbwcoed 2 8 2 8 6 G oytre, Saron 0 6 0 6 6 GriffiUutovm 3 0 0 40 13 45 5 ix HenOan 1 16 I x6 0 HoDyiwsh .. 2 3 0 Uanddewi Rhydderch 5 6 0 5 6 0 L la n g fb b y O » 6 0 12 6 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 Commercial Road 9 10 23 o o 34 10 0 dandwr .. O II zz xi 6 12 3 2 IJgZltSfttdDé ytiyif y^>f « 2 XI o o 17 a 0 Lianvacbe* } 4 3 < 0 Uanvihangel Crocorney— 0 Zov * - 3 O o 3 0 UanWbaafel Yrteni 0 to o 0 10 0 lianwenarth 10 2 10 1 7 6 xs 10 4 Machen, SUoam 10 Maeaycwmmer 5 1 10 4 10 © 9 “ 4 19 8 4 2 0 0 21 8 X 0 0 f-Veàm X o o 0 Monmouth 12 6 O 12 6 Kantygl»— 0 Bethel 3 *3 1» 3 15 Bethiabem 7 * 4 7 i 4 6 « 0 Herman . 2 4 0 4 8 0 0 Kaafa 2 1 0 I X Ni 13 xo 0 5 5 0 10 5 0 $ T . U 1 . A Ktifli,!, 14 9 * 31 o a < 1 6 ? 7» i Nmpm Awm vy.. *8 *9 3 77 *8 6 97 18 ij Am uutdn Road 1937.] MONMOUTHSHIRE— MONTGOMERYSHIRE. 199


Newport Auxiliary—coni. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Alma Street — 28 19 IX 8 5 6 25 15 0 — 63 0 5 Charles Street -- i 6 6 18 0 0 8 18 9 — 28 5 3 Commercial Road 5 o 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 — 20 15 0 Commercial Street 37 9 4 4 5 0 r 6 0 — 43 0 4 Corporation Road — 4 17 0 6 X 0 8 13 0 _ 19 h O DuckpoolRoad .. — 59 6 9 9 13 6 4 0 6 — 73 0 9 East Usk Road .. o 5 G O 13 X — •— 0 18 7 Lisweny .. — 2 1 7 0 X 0 0 0 15 0 — 4 t2 0 Llanthewy Road 4 M 3 35 I? 5 8 14 0 44 5 0 ■— 93 8 8 St. Mary Street .. — x8 X 8 17 9 XO 10 8 4 — 45 19 10 Stow Hill — 6 15 4 2 5 6 2 i 6 _ 1 1 2 4 Summerhill 24 3 8 37 14 8 14 17 0 2 18 3 0 XO 0 80 3 7 Penylan — « 15 X —— —— II 15 r Temple — X I 0 *-- — X X 0 New Tredegar— C a r m e l...... o 15 0 14 XO 0 10 8 6 --- — 25 13 6 Saron ...... 3 15 8 4 0 0 --- — 7 15 8 Oakdale ...... — 4 I 7 10 12 0 --- — 14 13 7 Ponthir — 3 IX 4 *— — 3 « 4 Pontllanfraith — IX 4 0 8 16 0 •—— 20 O 0 Pontnewydd, Richmond Road ...... — —— — —* --- •— Pontnewynydd— Merchant’s Hill .. — 17 X3 0 a a 0 — — 19 15 0 Zion H ill...... — X 0 0 — --- — X 0 0 Pontrbydyrun 8 18 10 8 18 xo Pontypool— Bridge Street, Upper Trosnant —— 2 2 0 — O I4 6 2 16 6 Crane Street — 28 9 X — O 7 6 — 28 16 7 Tabernacle — — 12 0 0 — — 12 O 0 — 23 XI 5 — —- — 23 XI 5 ttiymney Auxiliary— B e u la h ...... — X 5 O — -— — X 5 0 Jerusalem X 4 4 — — — I 4 4 Penuel .. ,. .. 14 12 6 17 0 0 —_ 31 12 6 lisca— B ethany...... — 40 O 0 36 8 6 — 66 8 6 Moriah — 19 17 6 8 0 3 O 12 6 — 28 XO 3 togerstone .. — 33 » X 22 2 4 2 14 IO 58 8 3 it. Bride’s ...... 3 4 O — —► 2 4 0 I. Mellon'»...... 2 16 6 1 O 0 — —- 3 6 irhowy, Carmel .. .. — 3 19 0 I 13 O 0 4 7 — 5 16 7 ix Bells ...... — 7 O O — 7 0 0 aiarnaubach 3 7 0 S 3 0 — 5 xo 0 alywain...... a 17 7 2 X8 7 — —— 5 16 2 redegar Auxiliary— _ 5 14 IX 2 16 7 _ 8 ix 6 Central ...... _ X 0 0 — — X 0 0 Church Street .. 2 19 9 0 7 8 —— 5 Glyn ...... X a 2 6 15 8 0 XO 4 ... — i : 2 Sikih ,. 0 5 3 0 5 4 —— 0 xo 7 t o • • — — •---- I’atuvilk, Bethel .. — *4 15 5 a 17 0 — 17 12 5 48 XO 7 i.xoo 8 8 681 2 XX Z76 10 5 6 to 0 2,013 a 7



£ s. d. £ »• d. £ •• a. Í ». d. £ *. d. £ ». d. bnigomery and Radnor AswcUtton 8 19 0 9JP9 0 e“lah ...... X 0 0 Mrs*s .. :. . _ l i ) a a 9 xo — — 5 5 0 wni .. 0 13 i O t) 1 wmbelau " " * 0 5 0 3 1 0 — S 6 0 ;errv '.1 0 12 2 O 12 2 2 0 0 MONTGOMERYSHIRE—PBMBROKK8BXRS

MONTGOMERYSHIRE— DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL. B.TJUA. TOTAL. continued. £ s. d. £ ». d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. lianfyflin, Bethel and Ftatllogell -- 13 xo X —- —_ 13 10 i TXanirilnnf...... — 19 X5 0 3 xo 0 — 23 5 0 UanUnsan Machynlfcth _ 3 5 4 3 16 3 ... 7 1 7 Mochdre ...... — — Unriah ...... — 8 -- .-- -- 2 19 8 Now Chapel...... — i i 8 ------5 8 8 Newtown...... — 19 X5 8 —— -- 19 X5 8 New W ells...... 0 2 0 0 5 0 —— _ 0 7 0 Rhydielia...... — 3 0 0 ------3 0 0 Sam .. — 2 15 6 -— 3 15 6 S tayiittle...... 0 xo 7 X 10 0 ---- _ 3 0 7 T i l f n m ...... 3 5 6 3 4 9 -- 6 10 3 Tanjnn T z 2 O 0 z 2 0 0 W d sb p o ei...... — 3 13 2 2 0 0 2 0 6 4 8 2 12 I XO X 7 0 86 23 6 36 2 O 2 0 Ù 4 8 2 130 XI 2



f d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ «• d. £ «. d. £ s- d. N. Pembrokeshire Assocn. 0 14 5 o 14 5 , Ramotb a® i 5 X 16 6 25 5 o 36 2 xi WMnmnfai 1 7 16 4 7 0 0 24 16 + 7 18 2 a 5 4 10 3 6 BlaenQyn 4 4 10 5 4 0 9 8 10 BUrnywaun •• 16 14 2 9 3 6 25 17 8 Caenalem 9 JO o 9 xo 0 Cumae 2 12 o 2 12 0 Cemaes 16 xo O 15 2 oxoo 4 2 0 Gffiowyr 7 o 0x8 ; 2 5 5 Cllgerran, TVnnwt 8 2 8 2 Q arbesion, Carmel XX X 8 o 5 19 s Cold Ion .. 5 2 XO 6 0 8 3 8 4 3 CcesnreQ Quay X 0x30 S M 3 C ra tg o çh and Trevine 6 7 0 26 9 0 2 12 0 7 X3 6 26 8 3 Ebenes» 5 6 0 Beünganol and Sol va 16 12 10 5X *2 8 7 10 10

Betbd « 14 * 3 9 7 x8 « rfWWITTJi At 5 xo 5 xo 0 Unattached 5 o 0 GdU .. i ¿ 6 18 3 GJandwr 2 9 X 15 10 4 4 10 2 19 2 19 0 ¡ Betbesda, English X 4 o 1 4 ° 4 9 5 4 9 5 Hannon? >< 4 19 a ix 4 7 10 5 Haweffoidwest District 3 *5 3 15 » M a m •» • • *5 a 5 I? 6 21 o 6 HfflPaA.. XI x6 ax ■ s » 34 = * Honejrbonxifli 2 4 ; I6 9* 6 9 « t o i o 0 Let lemon XX 12 18 X o 39 13 » Little Newcastle X 13 I xa i Uaafjrntach 8 5 a 6 o 10 XX 0 TiáHMiMhii X4 x6 x i 4 7 « 19 4 S U n gm a 3_*9 3 S_*9 J Lomton X 6 o i 6 0 MuoiMcr and Pembroke ZtoeicGftmp f 18 I 18 9 Manorbier .. o 17 0 17 6 [937.] PEMBROKESHIRE—RADNORSHIRE. 2 0 1


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. ilarloes • • 0 IO o 0 10 0 iartletwy .. 4 0 0 4 0 0 ililiord Haven 26 13 6 20 0 0 20 0 0 66 13 6 ilolleston .. z 11 8 2 11 8 ioylgrove .. .. ilvnachlogddu .. 10 2 5 4 it 7 i 14 2 16 8 2 iarberth 21 4 0 21 4 0 Newport 39 5 3 10 4 0 3 9 10 52 19 i s'cwton, Wolf’s Castle 2 3 4 5 0 0 7 3 4 Newton Pants— Bethlehem 2 iz 0 2 ut 0 Salem 2 17 0 2 17 O Keyland 5 0 0 5 10 0 z o o II zo 0 Pembroke...... 27 10 7 0 13 6 28 4 i Pembroke Dock— Bethany...... 8 0 0 14 14 2 22 14 2 Bethel ...... z o o 4 9 9 14 10 6 0 18 3 20 18 6 Gilgal ...... Penybryn 4 17 6 4 17 6 pope Hill tacheston, Smyrna toch 3 0 0 3 0 0 it, Davids 1 8 0 1 8 0 iandy H i l l ...... 'arms 1 12 8 1 12 8 •aundersioot 2 12 i 2 12 i south Dairy 4 12 O 4 12 0 star .. iutton Tenby, Deer Park .. 5 0 9 5 0 9 fiiomtott 1 3 6 1 3 6

z o o 4 68 7 9 194 4 6 21 19 3 33 5 8 7iS 17 2



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s . d. Bwlcbysamau 3 7 6 I 13 0 5 0 6 Ctinpolc ...... z o o 1 0 0 Coxall ...... 2 2 0 a 10 6 3 2 6 7 Z5 0 Dolau— Ll.miihangcl 0 10 0 0 10 0 Nantmcl ...... 2 0 0 16 12 3 3 *4 6 z 7 6 3 3 H 3 tv-enjobb...... 3 0 iz 0 12 0 3 12 zi «lmiire 0 10 0 0 10 0 Franksbridge 1 2 0 ZZO G M estry...... 1 9 0 1 9 0 Wyn I .l a n ...... ^vel ...... 2 1 6 1 2 6 3 4 0 Howev — z 3 0 1 3 0 Knighton-...... En glish ...... II 0 0 xz 0 0 Knucklas...... 3 15 0 3 15 0 Victoria Road .. 4 6 7 4 6 7 Uandrindod Wells .. 3 10 O 99 3 4 23 * 4 124 14 8 itaesyrbelem 6 7 0 2 8 6 z o o 9 15 6 I I i r 4 3 7 i 14 18 5 Radnor .. .. 0 18 4 0 18 4 Pamscaatle...... E1» » « * » ...... z o o z o o Aloes...... 3 7 6 1 14 0 5 z 6 «estéis nnd Stausbach .. 9 57 3 9 *7 3 1 5 0 1 10 9 2 2 0 4 17 9 Kncii ;; ;; ;; TOO 1 0 0

6 i -• 0 16Ó 18 0 62 6 2 — 4 9 6 240 3 S 2 0 2 [1935



£ s. d. £ &* d. £ s- d. £ *• d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Baptkt Unkm of Scotland. *3 i 4 - 13 i 4 Baptist Theological College of Scotland __ * 5 0 —— — 2 5 0 Scottish Baptist CJB. So­ cieties ...... — — — 31 5 O — 31 5 0 ftwHlth Pnytym Atirflbry , -- — X2 12 3 — 12 12 2 West of Scotland Aaxiliarjr I o o _ — __ _ IOO An$mand Perthshire Asso- _ _ _ 8 2 3 _ 8 2 3 FtfesM»WJIJL ” ...» X 0 0 _ __ 1 0 0 Beatrewahirc Association .. — % o 0 _ _ 2 0 0 jWrHiy ««1 flflrkwannan. »hire ...... — — 3 0 0 —— 2 0 0 Bolder Baptist Association — X o 0 — — — 1 0 0 Bolder District Union — ——— ... Aberdeen Auxiliary I o 0 2 11 0 — 0 xo O — 4 i 0 Crown Terrace .. 30 15 0 60 0 0 56 18 5 i 0 0 14« 13 5 GDoomstcp Rnk.. — 23 XO 8 — .13 II 8 — 29 2 4 Union Grove — 6 i8 xo _ 6 16 0 0 5 0 13 X9 10 Airdrie ...... — 17 7 3 39 *6 0 6 16 0 63 *9 3 ABo» ...... 3 o 0 *4 i 5 39 18 0 i f 12 2 — 74 « 7 xo 3 0 1 0 0 — 25 3 9 Alva...... — 9 *4 0 Asstrather...... *7 *6 XI 3 16 X 3 ï 2 0 3 4 23 17 6 Arbroath .. .. — 4 3 3 — x 0 0 — 5 3 3 A y r ...... — 39 *5 X 6 8 0 38 7 0 — 74 10 i ttrifchni ...... 2 6 9 16 o X i 0 0 1 X7 6 — 21 13 4 Blantyre, High 4 5 o 3 X7 6 0 xo 0 2 XO 0 O 4 6 11 7 0 Bo’ness ...... 12 XO 3 0 15 6 —» — 13 5 9 Bonnybridg» — — — BowMIl ...... i8 xo 0 — —— 18 10 0 B o w m a n ...... — —— «*— — BaddMvea .. O TO o 5 o X — — 3 1® » Badde o x8 0 — 3 0 ó — 318 0 Bohmd -- a *5 6 —- —. a 15 6 B a n —- 7 o 0 — —— 7 0 0 Bnnar • • I o 0 ■— — IOO Carluke ...... — 18 x6 6 2 XO 0 7 O 0 — 38 6 6 nA w i ...... o IO 0 — — — 0 10 0 Clydebank ...... — XO 8 8 — 3 Ï4 0 14 * « Coatbridge...... —. X xo 0 16 0 0 17 10 0 CoDoasay ...... — Z I 0 ~ a i 0 Cowdenbeath ai o 0 31 0 0 CdeC ...... 7 io o 3 *8 3 — 1 0 0 -- 14 8 3 Cnmnock, New 31 9 4 -- i 0 0 — Cwanodt, Old ... 12 6 0 — — — 12 6 0 Ccpar to 17 6 St 13 9 3 xo 6 7 0 0 45 1 ? II 10 5 Daxoj ...... Mt, 9 5 i l a 4 « as 0 0 Dumbarton ...... ao o o * *4 0 0 6 0 D um fries...... _ xo xo 0 4 O 0 5 19 0 — ao 9 0 Dundee, United Meeting .. — S o 0 — S ° » to 17 0 X O 0 11 17 ® Broaghty Ferry .. 3 0 0 6 Hawkhiil...... i? ir « I 0 0 * 9 0 Maxwellto'wn a8 13 0 — x 0 0 •—> *9 13 ° 16 4 8 13 16 6 3 3 0 *34 « Í Rattray Street .. 9 40 14 58 17 0 7 Ward Road v . .. 44 X 39 XI 9 46 X 3 0 12 6 x*o 11 6 17 3 Loebec .. 7 ™ 0 3 X3 9 0 14 0 10 7 A Vkrwfxid...... 3 O 0 éi 7 0 *5 0 0 18 0 0 — 05 0 0 Í7 15 « Wert ...... to 3 0 0 7 * 16 1 — * 1 , 1 6 3 3 7 4 '*7 5 1 0 I i Dtmooe ...... 8 3 0 Ddbrmdw «— 7 9 0 0 4 0 O 7 0 0 3 0 #1« A 0 Edinburgh Anxitiary a o 0 at 0 0 _ — .■ — 23 ü Abbey HID —» 47 O 0 13 S 9 *— — 5 2 159 4 Já 6p l i 6 O Brfcto ...... 3 ' 43 0 10 4* 9 5 Xf 9 1937.] SCOTLAND, 2 0 3


£ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Edinburgh Auxiliary—coHi. Dublin Street 10 18 0 77 6 3 138 6 9 40 16 it — 267 7 ri Daman Street .. 0 5 0 31 0 9 5 13 0 20 3 10 2 8 2 59 10 9 G o r g i e ...... -- *5 3 8 8 4 4 r 13 2 0 14 0 35 15 * Marshall Street .. 9 0 0 21 16 5 13 II 10 34 18 3 — 79 6 6 Momingside 13* 3 3 X67 7 5 3 0 0 12 0 2 -- 314 10 10 Stenbouse ——— 2 5 0 -- 2 5 0 West Rose Street, Char­ lotte Chapel 5 15 0 191 10 5 37 8 4 47 9 » 2 0 4 284 3 II Dalkeith...... — 0 12 0 4 0 0 — -- 4 12 o Leith— Madeira Street _ 16 18 0 6 2 3 11 17 10 I l8 20 36 16 rr Sooth...... 10 2 0 18 11 3 70 13 9 64 5 0 -- 163 12 o Musselburgh Portobelk)...... _ 36 18 5 _ 2 8 6 -- 39 6 11 2 2 0 3 4 0 19 4 3 — 24 ro 3 Falkirk ...... — 8 8 0 26 7 0 20 0 0 -- 54 15 o Forfar ...... 3 0 0 3 0 0 Fraserburgh — 22 20 2 16 0 ® 18 7 0 — 46 17 2 Galashiels— Stirling Street 2 4 2 19 10 3 7 1 6 16 19 0 -- 45 14 11 Victoria Street .. 5 19 6 2 0 0 —— 7 19 6 Girvan — 1 6 0 1 7 0 1 0 0 -- 3 13 o Glasgow Auxiliary — 20 15 6 67 9 5 71 6 0 -- T59 10 ir Church of Baptised Be­ lievers ...... __ _ 12 i 0 -- 12 r o City Orphans' Home —— — 12 15 0 -- t2 15 o Foundry Boys' Religious Society...... _ 9 10 0 _ — -- 9 10 o Deacons Fraternal — 3 3 0 —— -- 3 3 0 Sunday School Union .. Adelaide Place .. 4 5 0 147 3 4 183 I 9 114 13 0 0 17 3 450 o Bridgeton 11 3 0 0 13 0 10 7 6 — 22 5 % Cambridge Street 3 19 6 25 0 6 ir 3 0 9 6 0 — Cambuslang ,. 20 20 0 420 15 4 — 20 3 0 — j t 1 : Cathcart ...... — 16 I 3 4 0 0 6 5 9 — 26 7 o Dennis toun .. .. 25 0 0 100 i II 39 14 « 72 17 6 5 0 0 242 13 II Govan ...... 4 2 0 2r 8 i 24 5 « 34 5 9 — 74 I Govanhill, Victoria Place 13 3 0 38 3 9 29 3 6 30 17 4 — lor 7 Hennon, Cathcart Road.. M 2 4 9 — i 12 9 —— Hillbead...... 2 13 0 406 2 11 106 15 7 146 12 0 — 662 John Knox Street 0 5 0 67,16 7 38 17 0 70 6 0 — John Street North 21 3 0 22 0 9 11 i 0 34 5 9 Kelvinside King's Park 1 9 0 2 5 0 0 17 0 2 9 0 — 7 0 0 Kirkintilloch 4 5 0 35 15 0 12 10 0 3 0 0 —- 53 10 0 Knightswood 3 16 0 13 0 0 11 10 6 6 0 0 •— 34 6 « Mosspark .. 1 S3 6 31 * 5 3 9 4 IS 8 10 — 5* 13 1 Paisley Road 13 0 0 3 0 0 32 0 0 38 o o — 12 10 O 13 10 0 — 38 5 o Partrfck, Crow Road .. 12 5 0 — Queen's Park 27 4 9 io« 5 6 46 10 I 74 3 5 *47 3 9 Kutberglen 2 2 0 36 10 6 15 6 6 12 3 0 —- 66 2 o Sbettleston 5 0 0 9 6 3 5 II 5 — — 19 17 8 Springbum 4 10 0 3 5 0 X 10 0 — 9 5 0 Vvhiteinch.. .. 2 3 0 4 10 0 4 12 6 — ir 7 6 Gourock ...... 13 *3 9 2 2 6 4 4 8 — 22 2 11 Grantown-oo-Spey .. — 2 2 6 — 3 0 0 — 5 2 6 Greenock— ...... — 16 11 3 0 tt 6 0 19 6 — l8 2 3 __ 81 9 1 34 7 10 29 11 9 2 2 0 86 9 8 Hamilton- 3 23 0 38 4 4 9 9 0 13 13 0 2 2 0 67 i 4 Hawick ,. 27 *3 6 >6 it 6 10 0 0 12 0 0 _ 66 5 o 2 0 0 — — 14 16 5 Helensbuigh.. 12 16 5 — Hopeman — a 4 9 8 10 0 17 0 0 *7 14 9 Inverkeithing .. _ 8 7 0 — — —- 8 7 o Invent«* ,, , * _ 6 18 9 — 6 14 8 — 13 13 5 «vine 3 0 0 16 10 4 0 13 6 4 *9 5 0 20 0 *7 13 3 .lohnstono .. _ 3 5 9 2 4 6 3 18 9 3 25 3 3 Ke«s — 9 16 6 — —■ ' l i t 6 Kelso , ] | * — _ t7 10 0 0 5 0 —• * 1 0 Kilmarnock .. ] 1 — 51 18 it *16 8 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 a 6 ir Kirkcaldy— — 1'athliead .. _ 3 5 i 0 3 0 — 3 10 I whyte’s Causeway 5 0 0 *34 *9 I* 43 7 * 37 *3 4 3 29 8 aaa 13 o 2 0 4 SCOTLAND.


£ s. 3 4 0 — — ■ — 13 4 » Pzsstwick, New 4 O 0 Z7 19 0 8 8 3 —— 30 7 3 Ratho ...... Renfrew ___ 3 1 0 6 5 0 0 60 8 4 ___ 96 8 10 Rc*yth ...... — %4 zo 1 3 zo 0 — — 18 0 1 Rothesay...... — 0 5 0 6 0 0 — — 6 5 0 — St. Andrews z8 4 9 3 0 8 7 I 6 0 13 3 24 6 I Scarfskerry ...... — 4 >9 7 0 18 0 5 17 7 Selkirk ...... — 5 » 0 z 6 6 — —- 6 16 6 Shottt ...... _ 9 13 O 5 *6 0 — — 15 » 0 Stilling ...... --- 64 ZO 5 135 9 0 38 zo 4 ■— 228 9 9 Tillicoultry ...... 4 * O z zo 0 5 K 0 Ttoe...... — — — Tobenoory ...... Trooa ...... Ti z 17 « 6 *5 6 6 32 15 « Vale oí Leven Westray 6 6 0 r - - 6 6 0 Wick _ 6 it 0 — — 6 » » Widow 5 o 0 59 to 0 — 6 0 0 — 70 10 0 Herman Hall 0 4 0 — — •—* 0 4 9

4 0 5 * 7 7 3.945 « z !*837 3 6 i



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s.

, Antrim Road — 39 3 4 O O O 2 0 0 69 5 10 Great Victoria Street .. — 16 19 6 -- —. 16 19 6 Carrickfergus 31 18 8 -- -- — 31 iS 8 Coleraine, Town Hall — 4 0 0 -- -- — 4 0 0 Cork ...... Dublin— Harcourt Street .. — — -- 12 O O — is 0 0 Phibsborough — — -- -- —— Lim erick...... — — -- — — —— _ — —

Londonderry CO «V 0 0 An Irish Friend — —— -- 78 0 0 0 O 0 — 92 1 6 »> 20 2 6 80 0 0 2 1 2 4 0


CHANNEL ISLANDS. DEFICIT. GENERAL. WOMEN. MEDICAL.B.TJLA TOTAL. ercey— £ s. 7 ; Spurgeon Memorial 1 9 0 H 7 1 0 0 _ 39 3 7

; ISLE OF MAN. pouglas, Broadway — 7 3 6 — — — 7 3 6 4 5 0 163 4 II 3 9 2 10 17 7 — xSi 16 8 206 FOREIGN— DIVIDENDS, BTC.— WIDOWS AND OBPHAN8 FU N D . [1937


HOLLAND. INDIA—continued. £ s- d. Kasauli, Rev. C. H. and Mrs. Williams £ s. d Anonymous (Afta G. Reüinr’s Work) ...... 8ó" o o Translation £1, Gift Bsptet Union of Holland (Miss G. ReOinf’s m t . ------...... 15 0 c Wark) ...... 166 za ¿38 XO ( ¿346 is o CONGO.

INDIA. Lukolela Native Church (Deficit) ...... x 7 ^ £ a. d. Kasauli, English Church (Deficit £3, Trans- JAMAICA. lotion £220. 6d., Gift Week £s) ...... 12 * 6 £ s. d. Do. Hindustani Church ( Defied £2, Brown's Town Church ...... 10 0 0 Translation 7s. fid, Giß Week £3) 5 7 6 Lime Tree Garden Church ...... 2 o 0 Da KaBa KngHrii Church {Gift Week) 3 0 0 Do. Kalka Hindustani Church (Deficit £ n 0 0 £t, Gift Week £2) ...... 3 o o


On Account o f:— £ *. d. On Account o f:— £ ». i JUpfin Legacy, for Women’s Work 1 3 15 :» Ward’s Serampore Fund In England 101 19 7 Da for Medical Work 10 Do. Do. in America .... 3a z zz Davison Memorial Fund ...... * Dr. El ton’s Trust, for Serampore ...... 6 8 8 Grace Mann Memorial Fund ...... 1 Dr. Pearce’s Trust, for Serampore ...... 33 8 5 Loath Northgate Fund...... 34 18 Sommers Prise Fund, far Serampore ... 3 5 8 Mrs. Cnmming-Brown’s Gift, for Transla “ Whitchurch Family ” and “ Davies Sub* tion Work ...... 12 14 scriptioo ” Fund ...... xz 18 8 Janet Hoax» Manorial Fond...... xa 16 “ Cooper Jackson" Fund, lor Congo Dicks Memorial Fund ...... 13 Chaoren ...... 3 7 >0 C.E. and Mis. Smith, Subscription Fund . 5 HocsfaK, Sir John, Bart, (the late) ----103 o o Hilda Burson Legacy ...... 16 Trotter’s Trust, for General Work zx o o '* Greenfield, X874 " ...... 12 19 Do. for Translation Work ..... 11 o o Feisaer Legacy, for Translation Work — Saunders Legacy Fund...... 13 19 8 ’• A. C. w!^ for Medical Work ...... 816 Shantung Scholarship Fund...... 73 3 2 Beatrice Day Memorial Fund ...... 2 Hagzas Legacy Fund ...... 1819 6 Cuthbertson Trust ...... 150 Banbeld Legacy Pond ...... 2 o o Herbert Marnham Legacy Pond ...... 3* Garwood Memorial Fond ...... 6 o 5 Smallwood Legacy Puna...... 3 5 Headfard Legacy Food...... 43 6 2 Endowmento iBeds ...... 19814 Lamb Legacy, for General Work .... 76 13 o Interest on Sunday Aoooonts ...... 38 0 u Do, lor Women’s Work 88 11 10 Do. Do. In India . 3*6 10 Da «or Medical Work...... 110 3 3 Transfer from Fire Insurance Revenue Fyffe Legacy, for General Work...... 9 z 4 Account ...... 5i4 1* Da for Medical Work...... 4 xo 8 Coftwrne Legacy, for Medical Work .... .204 3 8 £2,996 »5 Rirarin Legacy, for General Work...... 93 2 6

WIDOWS AND ORPHANS AND RETIRED MISSIONARIES FUND. * , Missionarie«’ Superannuation Contributkxi* ...... 3<*H u Dividends ...... , » Da in India ...... £6,987j . 1987.] SPECIAL FUNDS. 2 0 7


MISSIONARY TRAINING COLLEGE, FULLERTON MEMORIAL FUND. £ s. d. BALLYGUNGE. Dividends ...... 13 11 o (Collected by Miss Southwell.) £ s. d. Adam, Mis. T ...... 0 1 0 o GAMBLE TRUST. Angus, Mrs. C...... i i o £ s. d. Angus, Hie Misses A. G. and M. E ...... I o o Dividends ...... 63 16 3 Bailhache,Lady ...... o 10 o Boake, M rs...... , ...... i i o Bowser, Mrs. H ...... o 10 o INDIAN FAMINE ORPHAN FUND. Chivers, Mrs...... i i o £ s. d. Clark, Mrs. Arnold...... o xo 6 Dividends ...... 51 19 8 Coined, Signor G...... x i o Sale of Stock ...... 403 15 o Curtis, Miss E. R. (2 years) ...... x o o Dawbarn.Mr. J . P ...... i i o £455 14 8 Dodwell, Miss M...... x o o Gange, Mrs. Stanley ...... o 10 6 Gray,Mrs. P a rk e r...... o io o ITALY PENSIONS FUND. Haigb, M issL ...... o io 6 £ s. d. Hayward, Miss G. G ...... x x o Dividends ...... 27 18 o Hayward, Mr. J . J ...... o n i i Sale of Stock...... 362 10 o Horsfall, M iss...... 5 0 0 Jones, Mrs. Basil ...... 1 o o £290 8 o Kemp, Miss E. G...... a o o Kirkpatrick, Mrs...... 1 0 0 L e Quesne, Mrs. C. T...... X 1 o JAMAICA SUSTENTATION FUND. Lockhart, Miss E ...... o 10 o £ s. d. Lush, Mrs. P...... o 10 o Dividends ...... 62 o o Macalpine, M iss...... x 0 o Marnham,Mrs,H...... o x o 6 JUBILEE FUND. Marnham, Miss K ...... 0 1 5 o £ s. d. Martin, Miss D...... o 10 o Dividends ...... n 16 7 Mathewson, Mi». W ...... 0 10 o Sale of Stock ...... 300 o o Matthews, Dr. K ...... o 10 6 Morris, Miss I...... o x o o 7 Moule, M issE .E ...... x 1 o £311 x6 Mursell, Mr*. J ...... o to 6 N. M. (1937) ...... 1 1 o LAWSON FORFEITT MEMORIAL FUND. Price, Mr. E . Steane ...... x o o £ s. d. Rickett, Miss E . G...... o 10 o Dividends ...... 37 o 10 Ritchlc, Mrs. A...... 1 0 O Sale of Stock ...... 100 o o Robinson, Miss F ...... 3 a o Samuel, Mrs. Astiey ...... 1 1 o Sundry Cootra Accounts ...... 2 7 o Shcrgold, Mrs...... O 10 O Shcwell, Mrs...... I I o £139 7 xo Southwell, MissC. R ...... 3 10 7 Town, Mrs. Clifton...... x x o LECKIE CACHAR FUND. Willmott, Miss E ...... 1 1 o £ s. d. Wood,Mr.andMn.H.E...... x o o Dividends ...... 20 3 8 3 Wright, Miss M. C...... o 15 o Sums under ios. .. .* ...... 3 xs o LOUIS PARKINSON MEMORIAL FUND. £ s. d. Dividend* ...... ^ 4 Parkinson,Mis...... 160 o o £53 xo 10 LUSH SCHOLARSHIP FUND. BAYNES MEMORIAL FUND. Dividends ...... 3 £ •- d. Brooke-Edwaids, Dr. M. I. (Refund) ...... 31 5 Dividends ...... 130 8 a ¿ *15 8 o


MEDICAL AID FUND. £ s. d. £ s. d. Crawley Ropeholders ...... 1 13 0 Brooke-Edwards,Dr. M. I. (Refund) ...... x8 18 15 o Cunliffe, Rev. F. and Mrs...... z 10 0 King» Mr. W. T. (for Mtss M. E. King) .... 5 Curtisden Green Sunday School ...... 1 1 6 Davis, Mr...... 2 2 0 £«3 15 o Dennis, Miss K ...... 1x 6 6 Dr. Honor Wilkins1, Aunt Lizzie ...... 50 0 o Dorchester Chnrch ...... 5 4 6 MISSION HOUSE PREMISES FUND. Dorking Chnrch...... o 10 0 £ s. A Downham Women’s Own...... 1 5 9 Rents received to date ...... 306 12 7 Dundee, Maxwelltown Sunday School 2 2 0 Dunoon Church ...... 1 o 0 MOORSHEAD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FUND. Edinburgh and District Auxiliary ...... 4 o 0 £ s. d. Do. Do. BX.M.M. 30 10 0 Aberdeen, Gflcomston Park Ropeholders ..130 Do. BristoChurch...... 9 10 0 Addlestone Church ...... 2 o o Do. Momingside Church ...... 1 10 0 Afric...... 2 o o Elgin and District Deacons’ Fraternal ___ 1 0 0 A Friend at Edenbridge ...... 1 o o Eltham Park Ropeholders ...... z o 0 Ameisham ...... o 10 o Ewin, Mr. and Mrs. S. W'...... 1 t 0 Anger,Mr.LG...... , ...... o 10 o Falkirk Church...... 2 o 0 Anon...... 5 0 0 Farrer, Dr. E. M...... 5 o 0 Anonymous (per Mrs. Perfect) ...... 70 o o F. G...... z 0 0 Anonymous...... 50 o o Finchley, North...... 25 o 0 Anonymous ...... 10 o o Fleet Church ...... 1 10 0 Anonymous, Bristol ...... 5 0 o Fulham Church ...... ' ...... o 10 0 Anonymous ...... 5 o o Gaunt, Rev. M. L...... 1 z 0 Anonymous ...... 5 o o “ Given in the Master’s Name ’’ ...... o 10 0 Anonymous ...... 3 0 0 Anonymous ...... o 10 o Deacons’ Fraternal ...... 3 3 0 Anonymous ...... o 10 o Da Cambuslang Church...... 3 15 0 Anonymous ...... o 10 o Do. Dennistoun Church...... 20 0 0 Attenborough Miss M ...... o 10 o Do. MossparkChurch ...... o 10 0 Ayr Church...... 3 0 0 Do. Springbura Church ...... 1 1 0 Bacnp, Ebenezer Church ...... o 15 o Do. Victoria Place Women’s Own . . . . 6 6 o Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. C...... 2 o o Good, Miss L M...... 2 o 0 Baldwin, Miss M ...... o 10 o Gordon, Miss, and Miss McCulIoch...... o 15 0 Barking Sunday School ...... z 8 o Graham, Mrs. and Miss...... 2 2 0 Bath, Manvers Street Church ...... z 0 0 Greenwood, Rev. H. M...... 5 o 0 Beeston, John Clifford Memorial, Women’s Greenwood, Mrs...... 10 o 0 Bright Hour...... 2 9 6 Halls,MissH. K...... 2 0 0 Bermondsey,HaddonHallC£...... 1 o o Hamilton Church...... 1 0 o Birmingham, Acocks Green Church ...... z zo 6 Harlow Churtih ...... z 12 ° Do. BaxntGreenQmxch ...... 5 o o Harmondsworth Church...... 1 6 0 Do. Bordesley Green Church 33 o 6 Harrogate Church, In Memory of Miss E. D. Do. Carter Lane Chnrch ...... o zo o Hames...... 30 0 0 Do. City Road W.fcLA...... 0 zo o Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. (box) ...... 3 “ 10 Do. Coventry Road Qmrch 0 15 o Haslam, Mrs...... a 2 0 Do. Hall Green Ropeholders z 1 11 Hastings, Wellington Square Church ...... 9 1 0 Do. Smethwick Church...... 3 4 8 Hastings District, Ashford Church ..... x 3 0 Do. Stratford Road Church ___ 7 7 o D o. Do. HeadcomChurch ...... o 10 0 Do. Victoria Road Church ...... z o o Do. D a FemburyChurch ...... 0 J7 0 Da West Bromwich Church z 1 0 Do. Do. Smarden Church ..... o 10 0 Bloomsbury Church...... 3 zo o Haynes, Mr. and Mrs...... 20 o 0 Bognor Women's Guild...... 15 0 0 HerneHUlChurch...... o 10 0 Bowen, Rev. D. E,, 1LA...... o zo o Hodder,Mrs.M...... 2 8 6 Bowmer,Mr. J ...... 3 3 o Hope,MissG...... 1 0 ° Bowser, Miss M. E...... a o o Horsham Church...... z 0 0 ~ ,Mr.J ...... 3 3 0 Ilford, High RoadC. E ...... 37 4 0 1 and Hove Auxiliary...... 8 5 3 Ingle, Dr. A. C...... 5 0 0 'D a Florence Road Junior C.E z o o In Memoriam, C. E. Cumxning-Brown 12 0 0 Bristol Auxiliary ...... 8 0 0 Jennings, Mr. D. S...... ° 10 0 Do. Horfield Friendship Guild ...... 9 6 o o Jones,Inis.H...... o 10 0 Do. Kensington Church...... 1 12 10 J. W .E .P ...... 2 2 0 Do. Old King Street Church ...... 4 o o Keightley, Miss S. J...... ° 10 0 Do. Pniitoo Chtrrch ...... z o o KinfeMn'andMi».s 5 ° Do. Tottezdown Chnrch...... zz 4 6 Kingston, Bunyan Church (for Special Equip­ Do. TypdaleChnrch...... 28 2 o ment) ...... 3° 0 * Brixbam Church ...... 2 zo 6 Knee, Mrs...... i 0 ® Cameron, Rev. G. R. R ...... zo o o Last,MissB...... * 0 ? CanterbtnyChurch ...... z o o Law, Dr. B...... i 0 ° ChadweU Heath Church ...... z 9 0 Law, Mr. and Mis. S. T...... i ° ° Charter, Dr. G. A. sod Mrs...... H J 0 LJBJB.U., South-Eastern Council...... 2 > ° Cheam,North...... 4 14 4 Cheltenham, Caznbray...... 3 0 0 Chesterman, Dr. C. C. and Mrs...... z zo o Cbestezman, Mis. W. T...... 4 » ° - Chippenham Church ...... 4 z 10 Liverpool, EgiemoatChoroh...... 0 „ „ Chorley Wood Sunday School ...... 0 t6 o Do. ReynerTrust ...... 5° ° , Clement*, the Misses ...... 3 3 0 Do. Richmond Church ...... 1 „ \ Cliflord, Mis* ...... 2 0 0 Lockhart, Miss E. J ...... 5 0 1937.] SPECIAL FUNDS. 2 0 9 MOORSHEAD FUND—contd. SINHALESE TEACHERS’ FUND. £ s. d. £ s. d. Lomas-Smith, Mrs...... Donations ...... £248 19 6 London Medical Mission, Endell Street 4 3 7 Long, Mr H. A...... x o o Luton, Cuddington Church ...... 2 9 10 Lymm, Higher Lane Church ...... 25 o o Macdonald, Dr. I. M...... 5 o o TRAINING FUND. Madeley, 1st GJL.B. Co...... 5. o o £ s. d. Mahlendorff, Miss G ...... 5 0 o Angus Scholarship...... 49 6 8 Malden, New...... 2 o o Anonymous (for Miss M. Beicham) ...... 6 Malvern Church ...... 1 5 6 Anonymous (for Miss E. E. Hayward) ...... 26 Mill End Y.P.F...... o 10 o Anonymous (for Miss E . Johnson) ...... 2 Miller, Rev. F. G. and Mrs...... o 10 o Anonymous (for Miss E. Jones) ...... 20 Morrison, Miss H. M...... 1 1 o Anonymous (for Miss M. Smith) ...... 60 Newport, Stow Hill Ropeholders ...... 1 x o Bangor and Llandudno W.M.A. (for Miss E. Northampton District ...... 1 8 6 Jones')— Do. College Street Church a o o Bangor, Penuel W.MA...... 3 Do. Do. United Fellow­ Glanwydden W.M.A...... o ship ...... 5 10 o Llandudno Welsh Churches W JLA 1 Do. Mount Pleasant Church .... 15 o o Llandudno Junction, Horeb W .M A . o Nottingham, Mansfield Road Church 1 1 o Penmaenmawr, Seion W.MA...... x Oliver, Miss E ...... a o o Blaina, Salem W.MA...... o Paignton Church ...... 1 1 o Clapton, Downs Chapel (for Miss M. Turner) 16 Peckham, Rye Lane Church ...... 9 5 5 Girls’ Auxiliary Scholarship ...... 100 Penge Tabernacle...... 12 5 o Japp Memorial Fund (for Miss G. Lati'son) .. 30 Penny, Mr. T. S .,J.P ...... 3 3 o Jubilee Fund (Grant for Year) ...... 100 Plymouth, Ford Church...... 1 16 3 Llanefydd W .EA. (for Miss E . Jones) 2 Do. Hope Church ...... 2 3 o Llanidloes, Zion W.M-A.. (for Miss E . Jones) r Pollard, Miss £ ...... oxo o Louis Parkinson Memorial Fund...... 6 Portsmouth, London Road Church...... 5 o o Mary James Legacy ...... 9 Purley Church ...... 6 18 5 Monmouthshire W.MA. (for Miss C. Uoyd) 21 Putney, Werter Road Church ...... 4 o o Newport W.MA. (for Miss C. Uoyd) ...... 8 Reeves, Mrs...... 1 o o Oswestry W.MA. (for Miss E. Jones) ...... 2 Renfrew Sunday School ...... 6 5 o Potts Memorial...... 4 Romford Mawneys, Women’s Own Choir .. 1 10 6 Sales Scholarship...... 49 Rose, Mr. and Mrs...... 1 o o Salter Scholarship ...... 27 Ryde Church ...... 3 o o Sheffield W.MA. (for Miss E . Johnson) . . . . 8 15 o St. Albans, Dagnall Street Church ...... 30 o o Simms Memorial ...... 23 IX xo St. Leonards Church...... 4 10 o Sandown Church ...... o 10 o £583 15 8 Scottish Friends, per Dr. J. M. Tennent. . . . 12 17 6 Sevenoaks Church...... 1 o o Simpson, Miss J ...... x o o Smith, Mr. T. Beach...... 2 2 o BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT FUND. Southcourt Church ...... 1 2 6 £ s. d. Southend, Avenue Church ...... o 10 o For Bembe Bungalow— South London Tabernacle ...... x 10 o Anonymous...... 150 o o Spice, Miss J ...... 5 o o For Bolobo Buildings— Spurgeon, Mrs. Jam es ...... 1 1 0 In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Finnemore .. .250 o o Stephenson, Miss N...... 4 o o Portsmouth, London Road Church 21 x o Streatham Mitcham Lane Ropeholders .... 5 0 0 For Yakusu New Church— Sutton, Cheam Road Church...... i n 4 7 A Friend, per Miss A. Wilkinson...... o 10 o J: ...... o 10 o Baptist Union of Holland...... 81 o o Thankoffering ...... o 17 o Bath, Manvers Street Church ...... 2 4 o Tooting, Trinity Road Church Birmingham, Selly Park Church ---- 3 4 o Trowbri' Boyes, Miss M. A. and Friends ...... 3 4 o ell Friends ...... 5 Ennals, Rev. W. H. and Mrs...... 15 o o Two Thankful Ropeholders...... v...... 5 Greenwich, Lewisham Road Church . . . . . 2 o o Walker, Miss...... o Griffiths, M rs...... 2 2 o Wallington Church ...... 3 Howell, Mrs...... x o o Walsham, Mr...... 1 In Memory of the late Mr. Alfred Ward, Miss N ...... ! ! . ! ! ! ! ' o Wilkinson...... 20 o o Watson Fund (Sptc\\d Gift for X-Ray) . . . . 15a Metropolitan Tabernacle Sunday School. .400 Watson, Miss ...... 1...... 1 Millman, Mr. and Mrs. O. J ...... o 10 o Welsh,Mrs...... 5 Parkinson, Mrs. L. C. and Rev. K. C. .. . xoo o o wvi W,2rt*&lg Churcl1 ...... 4 Ryde GA...... 10 o o unD?* Pwoival...... «5 Stagg, M r...... oxo o W ife ^ G- S. and Mrs...... 5 Walsall, Stafford Street Church...... 1 7 o Worthing, Christchurch Road Church .. . 5 5 o Sums under 10s...... - . a 13 o 0 13 For Yalikina House— 1 10 Bury St. Edmunds Church ...... 7 13 6 Gordon, Miss, and Friend...... 2 0 0 Nash, Mrs...... xo o o 2 ID Spurgeon’s College, Whitehouse Missionary 2 O Fellowship...... 5 o o Sums under io s .* ! ' *; *...... * 3 19 Sundry Transfers ...... 733 5 4 £1,566 4 JO £1,43* 7 10 2 1 0


i 934- 35- 1935- 36. 1936-3 7. s. d. s. d. s. d. L £ £ London and vicinity - 24,882 19 7 24,283 16 1 24.477 5 3 Bedfordshire . . . 1,161 10 10 1,110 13 8 1.175 2 3 Berkshire - 1,360 3 8 1.394 2 ,8 1,388 19 3 Buckinghamshire - 1.591 8 I 1.425 1 0 1.719 1 2 Cambridgeshire - 1.235 7 7 1,219 12 O 1,229 11 8 Cheshire - 220 13 1 205 5 4 243 8 8 Cornwall and Scilly Ides 177 12 3 172 19 11 216 2 10 Cumberland - - - 40 14 8 33 *9 6 37 16 S Derbyshire - 945 10 4 877 8 5 905 13 5 Devonshire - 2.935 13 IX 3.° 3° 7 5 2,824 15 n Dorsetshire - 221 2 3 219 2 11 231 17 4 Durham - 732 9 3 767 0 8 785 10 3 E s s e x ...... 2,031 3 11 2,011 9 0 2,369 14 0 Gloucestershire . . . 1.253 1 3 1,128 4 4 1,268 16 4 Hampshire and Isle of Wight 3.I 5I 8 9 3,078 18 2 3,230 10 0 Herefordshire - - - 437 4 8 296 7 11 412 2 5 Hertfordshire - 1,822 6 1 I.9 I3 12 3 1.999 19 8 Huntingdonshire - 131 5 6 132 16 5 124 16 11 K ent - 3.674 12 6 3,622 2 4 3.758 19 8 Lancashire - 6.475 5 4 6,418 7 10 6,082 3 11 Leicestershire and Rutland - 3.024 3 7 3.037 10 1 2,971 4 2 T .tnmlnghirft - - - 1,062 13 2 1,166 10 11 1.097 15 11 Norfolk - 1.154 6 0 1,169 >4 10 2 ,2 0 6 6 7 Northamptonshire 2.452 16 5 2,222 9 0 2,255 6 8 Northumberland - 444 14 4 411 5 9 456 I 1 Wnftingliamahir« . . . i>4*3 4 7 1.305 0 0 1.325 17 9 Oxfordshire - 728 19 0 730 4 1 723 10 6 Shropshire - 327 11 1 287 6 9 439 8 2 Somersetshire . . . 8,426 13 5 8,123 8 9 7.718 13 0 Staffordshire • 591 12 9 628 1 6 644 10 2 Suffolk .... 990 8 8 907 2 4 900 10 7 Surrey .... 340 9 9 394 14 1 • 383 0 11 Sussex .... 2,169 M 4 2,040 8 5 2,100 0 5 Warwickshire . . . 4.I 5I 12 1 4.327 3 7 4.487 0 10 Westmorland - 3 2 12 10 3 1 II 7 2 8 14 5 Wiltshire .... 1 ,2 9 8 1 2 9 1 ,3 0 9 1 2 4 1.420 8 10 8 Worcestershire - 5 7 7 7 0 5 7 8 1 9 3 6 2 2 1 6 Yorkshire .... 7 #3 I o 1 8 9 7 , 0 1 2 8 11 7.594 I 4 Wales, including Monmouth­ 2 shire .... 1 1 , 0 2 2 1 2 5 1 0 , 7 5 6 7 5 1 0 , 7 6 1 4 Scotland - - 8 .3 9 1 3 11 7 .5 9 8 6 11 TWO 0 7 Ireland .... 330 5 8 260 19 5 ¿12 4 0 Channel Islands, Isle of Man, and Foreign . . . 449 15 6 436 5 2 480 6 0 Annual Services - - - 244 9 i î 250 15 4 298 13 1 Annual Subscriptions - 5,* 19 8 9 5.615 17 1 5.303 14 7 8 Donations - 12.5 7i 7 2 5.997 0 10 10,671 7 Legacies .... 17.546 16 9 21.839 13 9 27.473 1 6 Special and Building Funds - 8,856 15 10 5.330 2 2 6,211 r 4

¡188,812 19 11 £ 147,110 8 1 £ 160,839 9 2 2 1 1



CASH ACCOUNT. 2 1 2 2 1 3



IN RESPECT OF THE YEAR e n d in g M a rch 31ST, 1937.

Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. T o B a l a n c e f r o m L a s t y e a r o n — B y D eficit B rought Special Funds Account - 8,949 6 2 F o r w a r d ...... 18,689 17 7 Building and Equipment Fund Account - - 4,648 16 1 13,598 2 3

R eceipts on A ccount of— P aym ents on A ccount of— General Work - - - 158,843 11 11 General Work - 157,794 7 4 Special Funds - - - 4,778 13 6 Special Funds - 4,160 11 1 Building and Equipment Building and Equipment Fund - - - i,43Z 7 10 Fund - - - 1,559 16 11 Deficit 1935/6 - - - 12,092 8 1 163,514 15 4 177,147 1 4

L egacy E qualisation A ccount - 5,120 1 0

„ Deficiency carried forward - 10,668 5 11 B alances on— Special Funds Account - 9,567 8 7 Building and Equipment Fund Account - - 4,521 7 0 14,088 15 7

£201,413 9 6 2 1 4


Dr. RECEIPTS. Last year. £ £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,869 Donations to meet Deficit (less expenses ¿98-17-1) - - 12,092 8 1 Balance carried to Deficiency Account ----- 6,597 9 6 18,689 17 7

Subscriptions and Donations—

63,246 For General Work - 63.354 I 3 20,401 „ Women's Work - 19,992 I 5 20,152 „ Medical Work - 20,232 10 2 7 7 3 „ Translation and Literature - 773 2 9 850 „ Native Preachers 864 7 I 7,029 „ Gift and Self-Denial Week - 7.705 6 I 2,249 „ Widows and Orphans and Retired Missionaries 2,170 6 I

114,700 Total from the Churches - 1x5,091 15 7 2.578 Interest and Divi­ dends - ¿2,996 15 8 872 Less Annuitants 894 5 6

1,706 2,102 10 2 2,429 Interest for Widows' and Orphans’ Fund - 1.544 2 2 3.274 Missionaries' Superannuation Contributions - 3.272 16 5 3,120 Calcutta Press Contribution 2,500 0 0 612 Miscellaneous Receipts 589 0 5 2,003 Do. do. in India 2.145 4 5 2 Do. do. in Ceylon I 12 1 12,155 5 8 13.14 6

127,846 Carried forward -¿127,247 1 3 2 1 5


EXPENDITURE. Cr. Last year. £ £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,869 Deficiency on Last Year’s Account ------18,689 17 7

43,870 India— General Work - - 39,962 15 6 12,606 Women’s W ork - - 13,031 4 2 8,618 Medical Work - - 9,549 12 2 604 Translation and Litera­ ture - 580 g 5 1,187 Serampore College - 1,187 4 9

66,885 64,311 6 o

3,275 Ceylon— General W ork - - 3,263 8 2 1,598 Women’s Work - - 1,376 9 o

4,873 4.639 17 2

13,734 China— General W ork - - 13,310 10 1 4,660 Women's Work - - 4,446 19 11 8,272 Medical Work - - 7,869 1 7 884 Translation and Litera­ ture - 570 4 I

27,550 26,196 15 8

22,239 Congo— General W ork - - 20,355 15 1 3,155 Women’s W ork - - 3,292 6 2 5,027 Medical W ork - - 5,644 10 4 251 Translation and Litera­ ture - 134 10 4

30,672 29,427 I 11

606 B ritta n y ...... 617 12 0 500 Kingston College, Jamaica - 500 I 6 349 Health Department...... 274 8 3 100 Contributions to Eltham College and Waltham­ stow Hall - - - - - 100 0 0 *4.037 Widows and Orphans and Retired Missionaries 13,749 5 0

T45,572 Total Field Expenditure - - -¿139,816 7 6 2 1 6


RECEIPTS—con£tf. Dr. Last year. £ £ s. d. 127,846 Brought forward . . . - 127,247 1 3

£ s. d. LEGACIES— 14,036 General . . . - 19,301 11 4 6,312 Women - 6,606 3 11 1,491 Medical .... 1,565 6 3

21,839 27,473 1 6 1,141 Less Specific Legacy for In­ vestment - 200 o o

20,698 27,273 i 6 2,961 Less transferred to Legacy ------Equalisation Account - 5,120 1 o

17.737 22,153 o 6

Additional Contribution from the Calcutta Press - - 4,323 2 2 18,690 Balance carried to Deficiency Account . . . . 4,070 16 5

164,273 ¿ 157.794 7 4


* • d- To Balance due to Treasurer - 10,668 5 n

£ 10,668 5 11 2 1 7

OF THE YEAR ENDING 31ST MARCH, 1937— continued.

EXPEXDIT USE —contd. Cr. Last year. I i s. d. 1 45 ,57 2 Brought forward 139.816 7 6

H o m e E x p e n d i t u r e . ¿ s. d. Salaries— 5,332 Secretariat and Staff (22) 5,295 IO 0 1,971 Organisation (9) - i ,779 9 8 1,264 Accountancy (6) - 1,254 5 2 500 Exhibitions (4) - 503 2 8 629 General (5) - 622 0 6

9,696 9,454 8 0 580 Staff Superannuation (6) - 326 0 0 1,454 Mission House Expenses - 1,446 19 6 2,795 Printing, Stationery and Adver­ tising ...... 2,721 7 2 1,546 Deputation and Travelling 1,460 8 6 471 Committee Expenses 508 2 4 177 Annual Meetings . . . 263 14 IO 263 Collecting Books, Boxes and Cards - 272 12 10 754 Carriage and Postage 734 18 5 226 Refunds and Sundries 206 0 4 315 Conference of Missionary Societies - 314 18 8

18,277 Total Home Expenditure - 17,709 9 100 Missionary Film Committee IOO O 324 Bank and other Interest - 168 IO

164.273 ¿* 57,794 7 4

ACCOUNT. ¿ s. d. By Balance brought down from 1935/6 Account 6.597 9 6 By Balance brought down from 1936/7 Account 4,070 16 5

¿10,668 5 11 2 1 8


In respect of the year ending

Cash Cash Balance Receipts at ist April, during 1936. year.

Í s- d. ¿ s. d. Ballygunge Training College 52 IO 10 Baynes Memorial Fund -- 22 19 9 120 8 2 P.hina. Famine Fund - - IO 2 0 — Congo Book Fund - 29 ZO 0 — Dr. Eva Clark Memorial Fund -- 264 7 3 142 6 10 Fullerton Memorial Fund -- 9 7 I 13 11 0 Gamble Trust - - - - - 115 4 7 63 16 3 Hurricane Relief Fund - .. 6 i 0 — Indian Famine Orphan Fund - - 50 2 2 A45 5 14 8 Italy Pensions Fund - . - 13 » 5 B290 8 0 Jamaica Sustentation Fund - - -— 62 0 0 Jubilee Fund - -- 33 « I C311 16 7 Lawson Forfeitt Memorial Fund -- •1 IO 7 DI39 7 10 Ledrie Cachar Fund - - 269 9 3 X05 8 3 Legacy for Congo Hospitals - -- 169 10 7 — Louis Parkinson Memorial Fund .- — 160 0 0 Lukolela Boys' Fund - -- 2 15 7 _ Lush Scholarship Fund -- 136 8 3 115 8 0 Lushai Literature Fund -. 93 0 0 .— McElderry Fund - 333 0 3 16 9 6 Medical Aid Fund - - 23 15 0 Medical Suspense Account - - - 49 5 6 Mission House Premises Fund - - 254 10 0 306 12 7 Moorshead Memorial Hospital Fund - 2,113 1 6 1,566 4 10 . Palwal Men’s Hospital Fund - - 70 0 I Parkinson Memorial School Fund - 200 0 0 — Roscofi Chapel, Brittany - - 53 15 9 — Scripture Fund - -- 907 16 8 — Sianfu Hospital Fund - - -- 630 7 6 — Sinhalese Teachers’ Fund - - 9 9 16 9 248 19 6 Smith Thomas Memorial Fund -• 2,236 18 8 Tai Yuan Fu Hospital Equipment Fund 52 14 0 — Training Fund - - - 274 16 4 *583 15 8 Tsinan University Fund -- 432 17 9 Wathen Native Church Fund - - IS 15 0 —

¿ 8-949 6 2 ¿4.778 13 6

* Overdrawn Balance. a Includes ¿403-15-0 Sale of Stocks. B Includes ¿262-10-0 Sale o f Stocks, c Includes ¿300-0-0 Sale of Stocks. x> Includes ¿100-0-0 Sale of Stocks. B Investment of Funds. f Includes ¿100-0-0 Grant from Jubilee Fund to Training Fund. g Balance transferred to Building Fund forBolobo Hospital. 2 1 9


31 st March, 1937.

Cash Cash Payments Balance - during at 31st March, • year. 1937-

£ s. d. £ s. d. Ballygunge Training College - - 52 10 10 Baynes Memorial Fund - - 9 1 7 5 52 0 6 China Famine Fund -- 10 2 0 — Congo Book Fund - - — 29 10 0 Dr. Eva Clark Memorial Fund - - 140 0 0 266 14 i Fullerton Memorial Fund -- 18 8 2 4 9 11 Gamble Trust - -- EI78 IO 0 0 10 10 Hurricane Relief Fund ------6 I 0 Indian Famine Orphan Fund - - 5OI 12 6 4 4 4 Italy Pensions Fund - -- 307 8 2 ” 3 7 9 Jamaica Sustentation Fund - -- 31 0 0 31 0 0 Jubilee Fund - - - F288 I 7 57 6 I Lawson Forfeitt Memorial Fund -- 40 7 I 97 10 2 Leckie Cachar Fund - - 10 10 0 364 7 6 Legacy for Congo Hospitals - -- G169 10 7 Louis Parkihson Memorial Fund -- — 160 0 0 Lukokela Boys’ Fund - -- — 2 15 7 Lush Scholarship Fund - - loo 0 0 151 16 3 Lushai Literature Fund - - 19 0 0 74 0 0 McElderry Fund - -- 16 9 6 333 0 3 Medical Aid Fund - -— 23 15 0 Medical Suspense Account - - - — 49 5 6 Mission House Premises Fund -- 165 13 8 395 8 11 Moorshead Memorial Hospital Fund - 325 17 0 3,353 9 4 Palwal Men's Hospital Fund - - 70 0 X Parkinson Memorial School Fund - 70 I 2 129 18 XO Roscoff Chapel, Brittany -- 53 15 9 Scripture Fund - 28" 5 0 879 11 8 Sianfu Hospital Fund - - - 630 7 6 Sinhalese Teachers’ Fund - - 289 xo 9 59 5 6 Smith Thomas Memorial Fund -- 523 6 8 1.7 X3 12 0 Tai Yuan Fu Hospital Equipment Fund 52 14 0 Training Fund . . . •• 629 9 4 229 2 8 Tsinan University Fund 153 9 8 279 8 X Wathen Native Church Fund - - 15 15 0

¿4,160 11 I ¿ 9,567 8 7 2 2 0


In respect of the year ending

To Expenditure during the year - 1,559 I6 n „ Balance at 31st March, 1937 - . - - ’4,521 7 o

£6,081 3 il


19th April, 1937. We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have examined the foregoing Accounts and compared them with the vouchers of Receipts and Expenditure, and found the same to be correct.


* Member of the Finance (Audit) Sub-Committee. 221


31s/ March, 1937.

£ s. d. By Balance at 1st April, 1936 - 4,648 16 1 „ Receipts during the year - 1*432 7 10

£6,081 3 11

By Balance brought down (already allocated) - £4,521 7 o

The Baptist Missionary Society Corporation holds, on behalf of the Society, certain investments in British Government and other securities of which only the income can be used. These have been given from time to time by benefactors for specific purposes, in some cases on condition that the gifts are to be kept strictly private. Of some of these the income does not accrue to the Society until after the death of the donor.

The Corporation also holds investments accumulated through many years representing funds covering the insurance risks of the Society.

The Corporation holds and uses for the purposes of the Society freehold properties at home and abroad. There are no mortgages on these properties.

The Baptist Missionary Society possesses a Working Capital Fund which was raised mainly by the Centenary Fund of 189Z. This Fund is necessary to enable the Society to continue its work during the early months of the financial year. 2 2 2

We have examined with the Books the foregoing Summary of Current Receipts and Payments in respect of the year ending 31s/ March, 1937, the details of mvhich have been examined and vouched by the Honorary Auditors and the Audit Sub-Committee, and we certify the said Summary to be in accordance therewith.

We have verified the Bank Balances and the Securities held on behalf of the Society by the Baptist Missionary Society Corporation.

We have also examined the Account o f the Society’s Insurance Funds and the Arthington Superannuation Fund, which are not included in the General Summary, and have found them in order.

MELLORS, BASDEN & CO., Chartered Accountants.

73, Basinghall Street, London, E.C .2. 21 st April, 1937. 2 2 3



RECEIPTS. PAYMENTS. i s. d. ¿ s. d. Balance brought forward - 23 5 6 For Baptist Missionary So­ London and Home Counties 469 I 1 ciety - *1,355 ** 7 South of England 105 3 8 „ Schools for Missionaries’ West of England 93 14 1 Children - - - 2 5 0 Wales - 34 2 10 Working Expenses - - 585 1 10 East of England - 86 16 11 Balance in Hand - - 25 10 11 Yorkshire - - 376 19 4 Lancashire and Cheshire 77 5 7 North of England 82 7 0 Northern Midlands 104 15 11 Southern Midlands 201 8 2 West of Scotland 136 2 4 East of Scotland - 73 9 3 Personal Members 37 6 2 Contributions - - - 13 3 0 Sale of Literature 7 17 0 Receipts from Blazer Badges 2 15 3 Profit on Easter Conference - 2 0 3 Profit on Magazines - 3 6 3 Badge Sales - 34 14 0 Executive Committee Thank- offering Box - 2 15 9

¿1,968 9 4 ¿1,968 9 4

I have examined the above Account with the Books and Vouchers of the Society and Certify the same to be correct.

ERNEST J. HIILS, A.S.A.A., Incorporated Accountant, Hon. Auditor.

Luton, 29th January, 1937. 2 2 4



Dr. F o r the Y ear ended 31 st M arch, 1937* Cr.,


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. Balances brought forward— Carriage, Customs For Carriage - 2 3 9 and Cases - - 201 4 10 For Special Gifts 19 12 2 Postages and Pack­ 21 15 11 ing Expenses - 7 0 0 Donations— ------208 4 For Carriage - 211 16 11 Special Gifts - - - 19 15 For Special Gifts 29 o 6 Balances in Hand— 240 17 5 For Carriage - 5 15 10 For Special Gifts 28 17 7 ------34 13

¿262 13 4 £262 13

Audited and found correct, ALBERT W. MILLS, F.C.A.

6th March, 1937. 2 2 5


£ General Account (including Special Funds and all Home Expenditure) ------114,333

Bible Translation and Literature Work (Field Ex­ penditure only) ------1,285

Women's Work (Field Expenditure and Special F u n d s ) ...... - 23,450

Medical Work (Field Expenditure and Special Funds) 24,446

Indian Church (see page 104) - - - - 2,323

*Indian Schools (see page 107) ----- 16,772

Ceylon Church (see page no) - - - - 2,185

Ceylon Schools (see page h i ) ----- 11,040

Chinese Church (see page 113) - - - - - 234

Chinese Schools (see page 115) - - - - - 959

Congolese Church (see page 118) - - - - 1,526

Congolese Schools (see page 120) - 63

Breton Church (see page 1 2 2 ) ...... 30

Medical Missions and Dispensaries (see page 126) - 14,355

Wants Department ------228

T o t a l ...... £213,229

*—Correction of 1936 Report Total Local Income for Educational Work in India reported here and on Page 109 as ¿2,040 (Rs 26,915 :1 : o) should have read ¿17,199 (Rs 2,36,915 :1 : o). CAREY PRESS PUBLICATIONS OF 1937 DAWN ON THE KOND HILLS By Rev. S. P E A R C E C A R E Y , M .A.

Cloth 8 y o . 132 pages with 4 page illustration? on art paper. Price 2/6 net. By post 2/9. “ The facta seem well to justify the title of the book, and the appearance of the dawn of enlighten­ ment after years of toil must fill workers in the Kond country with new heart."—Timms# Literary Supplement. THE FIRST GENERATION By ERNEST A. PAYNE, B.A., B.D., B.Litt. 144 pages. Choicely printed. Bound in Cloth, and issued in an attractive Dust Wrapper. 2 - net. By post 2/3. “ The individual annals of these pioneera should make fascinating reading for all manner of men whether Baptist or not; for they were a diverse and human lot, one only in their zeal for an ideal. Their stories are delightfully sketched with many a sidelight on the times.’ —Birmingham. Daily Pont. AFTER SIXTY YEARS The Story of the Church Founded by the Baptist Missionary Society in North China. By E . W. B U R T, M .A ., Missionary in China from 1892 to 1932. Cloth 8vo. 148 pages. In attractive dust wrapper. With a complete list of the Mission­ aries of the B.M.S. in China since Tim othy Richard founded the Shantung Mission in 1875. 2 - net. By post 2/3. EVERYBODY’S KING! By J. R. EDWARDS. A new book of Talk.« to Boys and G irls in The Young People'« Own Series. By J. R. Edwards, of Bruvton. Price 2/6. By post 210. “ If you like taka of the bairns you should straightway spend half a crown on the purchase of ‘ Everybody's King,’ a book by the Kev. J. R. Edwards, recently published by the Carey Press. It is full of delightful stories, and talks you wiU find yourself repeating, if it is your duty to give talks to children. I take all my tales to-day from its pages. ’—liethodint Recorder. “I WONDER WHO HE IS!” A Companion Picture to “ The Hope of the World ” This remarkable study of an African boy looking thoughtfully at Harold Coppin^'s picture “ The Hope of the World ” is specially commended for wall decoration in Sunday Schdola, Young People’s Societies, etc., and is now available in full colour gravnrc (size 27}" by 19j", on piper 30J" by 22J"). Price 1/-. Bj Post 1/6. Postcards, Id. each, lj- doz. post free. The New Booklet A Booklet has been prepared for ^.-ncral distribution in the Churches. It gives in sixteen pages of pictures the answer to “ I wonder Who He is ? ” The Booklet is a pictorial Missionary presentation with latest facto, and the price is only one penny a copy (carriage paid for a quantity). It is a great piece of B.M.S. propaganda and worthy of the widest possible circulation. IN THE HIDDEN PROVINCE The Story of The Baptist Missionary Society in Shensi, North Cliina. By K A T H L E E N M. SH U T T LE W O R T H , H.A. Well illustrated. Picture Cover. 96 pages. O N E SH IL L IN G (By pont 1/2). MARIANNE LEWIS and ELIZABETH SALE Pioneers of Missionary Work nmong women. By ERNEST A. PAYNE, B.A., B.I)., B.Litt. Price 3(1. By po«t *1. THOMAS PHILLIPS A Brief Memoir. 'Al pages in art paper cover with a portrait. Price 6d. By post 7d. THE CAREY PRESS, 19, Furnival Street, London, E.C.4