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Department of Entomology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington,DC 20307-5100

ABSTRACT. Additions and changesin the taxonomic statusof mosquitoesfrom January 1984 through January 1992 are enumerated with the pertinent literature citations. Through this eight-year period, there were describednine new subgenera,128 new speciesand one new subspecies.One subgenus,25 speciesand 16 subspeciesor varieties were removed from synonymy. The statusof 66 taxa, including synonyms, were changed by transfersin generic or subgenericstatus. Since 1984 there has been a net changeof 145 speciesadded to the world fauna, resulting in a total of 3,209 valid species.

INTRODUCTION while synonymsare underlined and in roman type. The life history stagesdescribed in the Eight years have passedsince the publica- original paper are indicated by the symbols:$ tion of the second supplement to the world (male), 9 (female), P (pupa), L (larva), E (egg), catalog of mosquitoes (Ward 1984). Since Pe (pupal exuviae) and Le (larval exuviae). there are no plans for a revision of the world An asterisk(*) to the right of a symbol indi- catalog of Knight and Stone (1977) in the catesan accompanying illustration of at least near future, this supplement has been com- a portion of the stagedescribed. Type depo- piled to cover the systematic literature from sitories are referenced by a three- or four- January 1, 1984 through January 3 1, 1992. letter abbreviation. With the exception of 11 The arrangementof this supplementis sim- depositoriescited at the end of this paper, the ilar to that of the second supplement (Ward full locations for types are listed in Knight 1984) except that additional information is and Stone (1977), Knight (1978) and Ward provided concerning the sex or stage of the ( 1984). holotype, changesin the deposition of type A change has been made for dating papers material and 24 Taxonomic Notes. published in the calendar year following the All publications containing descriptionsof date printed on the cover of the periodical. new taxa, revisions and catalogs have been To simplify bibliographies, such a paper is examined with one exception, Lei 1989. In listed as: Smith, J. 1990. A new speciesof caseswhere further clarification was required, (Diptera: Culicidae). J. Mosq. Res. correspondencewith an author or collection i ;989) 23:39 l-397, rather than: Smith, J. manager usually provided the necessaryin- 1989 ( 1990), etc. Complete citations for ref- formation. Such material is discussedin the erences given in the synonymies may be Taxonomic Notes. found in Knight and Stone (1977) Knight Valid taxa are indicated by italicized type ( 1978) and Ward ( 1984). A number of new synonyms were cited in the Culicidae chapter (Minar 1991) of the ’ ’ The views of the author do not purport to reflect the Palaearctic Diptera catalog. Since no indica- position of the Department of the Army or of the De- tion was given for a reference substantiating partment of Defense. the new synonymy, and a letter to J. Minar 2 Reprint requests:Walter Reed BiosystematicsUnit, Mu- seum Support Center, MRC 534, Smithsonian Institu- elicited no response,these synonymies are not tion, Washington, DC 20560. mentioned in this supplement. 178 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

I wish to acknowledgethe constructivecrit- number of species.The Smithsonian Institu- icism of R.E. Harbach, E.L. Peyton, J.F. Re- tion Libraries were extremely helpful in ob- inert and R.C. Wilkerson, who reviewed var- taining many of the Chinese references. ious drafts of the manuscript. Conversations A special acknowledgment is due my with E.L. Peyton and R.E. Harbach on taxo- daughter, Katherine B. Ward, for cheerfully nomic problems were most fruitful. Thomas processingthe numerous drafts of this man- F. Gafhgan’s careful curation of the U.S. Na- uscript. The final preparation of the diskette tional Mosquito Collection unearthed a ‘lost’ was accomplishedby J.E. Pecor, who always holotype and furnished additional data on a does a superbjob.

Family Culicidae Subfamily Anophelinae Genus Anopheles Meigen SubgenusAnopheles Meigen anthropophagusXu and Feng Ma 198 1:60 (from subspeciesof lesteri). atratipes Skuse Lee et al. 1988a:16 (holotype 9; change MM to ANIC). baezai Gater Lee et al. 1988a:20 (erroneous publication date, change 1933 to 1934). baileyi Edwards Harrison et al. 199 1:209 (from variety of gigas). barbumbrosusStrickland and Chowdhury pallidus Swellengrebel,19 19. Townsend 1990:116 (?syntype8; change NE to BM). calderoniWilkerson 199 1: 25 (a*, 9*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Salitral, Department of Piura, Peru (holotype 0; USNM). changfk Ma 198 1:65 (a*, ?*, E). Type lot.: Emei, Sichuan Prov., P.R. (holotype 0; IZ). chiriquiensisKomp Wilkerson 1990a:179 (from synonymy with para&nctipennis). claviger(Meigen) grisescensStephens, 1828. Townsend 1990:80 (2 syntypes;change LU to BM). colledgeiMarks Townsend 1990:62 (holotype 8; change UQ to ANIC). corethroidesTheobald Marks 1976:118 (listed as species). Lee et al. 1988a:54 (verification as speciesfrom synonymy of stigmaticus).(Note 1). coustaniLaveran similis Theobald, 190 1. Townsend 1990:134 (unavailable name; Article I le, ICZN 1985). cucphuongensisPhan, Manh, Hinh and Vien 199 1:145 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Cut-Phuong, Ha-Nam-Ninh Prov., (holo- type 9; USNM). dazhaius Ma 198 1:65 (a*, 9*, E*). Type lot.: Sichuan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; IZ). NOVEMBER 1992 179

fragilis (Theobald) Townsend 1990:75 (2 syntypes;change NE to BM). franciscanusMcCracken Arnaud 1979:57 (lectotype $; change LACM to CAS). gigas Giles var. simlensis(James, 19 11). Townsend 1990:134 (3 syntypes;change LU to BM). ssp.pantjarbatzi Waktoedi, 1954 (authorship changed from Koesoemawinangoento Wak- toedi). (Note 2). heiheensisMa 198 1:66 (a*, ?*, E). Type lot.: Aihui, Heilungjiang Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; IZ). hermsi Barr and Guptavanij 1989:353 (a, Q, P, L, E). Type lot.: Malibu Canyon at Pacific Coast Hwy., Los Angeles County, California, USA (holotype Q & Pe,Le; USNM). kunmingensisDong and Wang 1985:117 (a*, Q*, P*, L*, E*). Type lot.: Long-tan Ba, Kunming, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; YIM). liangshanensisKang, Tan, Cao, Cheng, Yang and Huang 1984:11 (a*, ?*, P, L*, E*). Type lot.: Zhaojiao County, Sichuan Prov., China (holotype 9, SIP). malefactorDyar and Knab Wilkerson 1990b:235 (from synonymy with pzlnctimaczda). marteri Senevet and Prunelle Townsend 1990:10 1 (4 syntypes;add BM). sogdianusKeshishian, 1938. Ribeiro et al. 1987:108 (synonymy). mediopunctatus(Theobald) rockefelleri Peryassu, 1923. Townsend 1990:128 (?syntype;change LU to BM). namibiensisCoetzee 1984:2 (a, Q”, P*, L”, E). Type lot.: Mahongo, Kavango, Namibia (holotype 9; USNM). nigerrimus Giles indiensisTheobald, 190 1. Townsend 1990:86 (change BM to NE). nilgiricus Christophers Harrison et al. 199 1:199 (from subspeciesof lindesayi). paraliae Sandosham Harrison et al. 199 1:208 (from subspeciesof lesteri). parapzrnctipennisMartini Wilkerson 1990a:180 (neotype $ desig.). ssp. guatemalensis De Leon, 1938. Wilkerson 1990a:18 1 (from variety to subspecies: lectotype Q desig.). petragnani Del Vecchio portucaliensisFigueiredo, 1904. Ribeiro et al. 1988:235 (from variety of b$rrcatus auct. to synonymy with petragnani). pe_ytoniKulasekera, Harrison and Amerasinghe 1989:303 (a*, 0, P*, L*). Type lot.: Kanneliya, Galle District, (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). stigmaticusSkuse Lee et al. 1988a:95 (2 syntypes;change MM to ANIC). 180 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3 subalpinusHackett and Lewis Ribeiro et al. 1988:234 (from subspeciesof melanoon). xiaokuanus Ma 198 1:67 (a*, Q*, E*). Type lot.: Mudangjiang, Heilungjiang Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; IZ).

SubgenusCeZZiu Theobald annularis Van der Wulp fuliginosusGiles, 1900. Townsend 1990:76 (2 syntypes;change NE to BM). annulatus Haga Lee et al. 1988a:133 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). Townsend 1990:43 (2 syntypes;improper attribution). annulipesWalker musivusSkuse, 1889. Lee et al. 1988a:136 (type 0; change MM to ANIC). mastersiSkuse, 1889. Lee et al. 1988a:136 (3 syntypes;change MM to ANIC). pet-plexusTaylor, 1943. Lee et al. 1988a:136 (lectotype $ desig.;change US to ANIC). persimilis Taylor, 1943. Lee et al. 1988a.136 (type 9; change US to ANIC). derricki Taylor, 1943. Lee et al. 1988a:136 (lectotype $ desig.;change US to ANIC). apoci Marsh Townsend 1990:44 (2 syntypes;change LU to BM). arabiensisPatton quadriannulatusdavidsoni Ribeiro, Cunha Ramos, Pires and Capela, 1979. Cambournac et al. 1982:266 (synonymy). argenteolobatus(Gough) pseudosquamosaNewstead and Carter, 1911. Townsend 1990:124 (holotype; changeLSTM to BM). buxtoni Service Townsend 1990:55 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). bwambae White 1985:506 (a*, Q*, P*, L*, E*). Type lot.: Mongiro, Semliki Forest, Bwamba County, Uganda (holotype 9; BM). cameronide Meillon and Evans Townsend 1990:57 (holotype; changeSAIM to BM). carteri Evans and de Meillon Townsend 1990:58 (6 syntypes;change LSTM to BM). cinereusTheobald ssp.hispaniola (Theobald, 1903). Ribeiro et al. 1980:132 (from speciesto subspecies). cydippisde Meillon Segerman 1990:53 (holotype; from SAIM to LU). dancalicusCorradetti Townsend 1990:65 (3 syntypes;add BM). daudi Coluzzi Townsend 1990:65 (syntype; add BM). dispar Rattanarithikul and Harbach 199 1:176 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Subic Bay, Pastolan,Bataan Prov., Luzon, (holotype 9; USNM). NOVEMBER 1992 181 dravidicusChristophers Rattanarithikul and Green 1987:261 (from synonymy of maculatus; lectotype 9 desig.; BM). elegansJames Townsend 1990:70 (improper “type” desig.;BM). erepensGillies Gillies and Coetzee 1987:95 (from subspeciesof wellcomei). ethiopicusGillies and Coetzee 1987:76 (?*). Type lot.: Gambela, Illubabor Prov., Ethiopia (holotype 9; BM). fluviatilis James arabica Christophers and Chand, 19 15. Townsend 1990:45 (?2 syntypes; change LU to BM). .filnestusGiles anisochlorosTheobald, 1903. Townsend 1990:43 (syntype; changeNE to BM). subumbrosaTheobald, 1903. Townsend 1990:138 (syntype; change LSTM to BM). umbrosa Theobald, 1903 (non umbrosusTheobald 1903:87). Townsend 1990:145 (syntype; changeNE to BM). greeni Rattanarithikul and Harbach 199 1:170 (8, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Wawa, Montalban, Rizal Prov., Luzon, Philippines (holotype 9; USNM). indefinitus(Ludlow) formosaensisII Tsuzuki, 1902. Townsend 1990:74 (syntype $; changeLU to BM). introlatusColless Hii et al. 1988:43 (from subspeciesof balabacensis). jeqporiensis’ James Harrison 1980:69 (change BM to LU). kochi Doenitz Townsend 1990:91 (syntype; add BM). ocellatusTheobald, 1901. Townsend 1990:114 (unavailable name; Article 11e, ICZN 1985). kosiensisCoetzee, Segermanand Hunt 1987:26 (0, P, L, E*, X-chromosome*). Type lot.: Kosi Bay, northern Zululand, South Africa (holotype 9 & Pe,Le; SAIM). leucosphyrzrsDoenitz Townsend 1990:94 (2 syntypes;add BM). lounibosiGillies and Coetzee 1987:73 (0, L*). Type lot.: Kombeni River. Rabai, Kilifi Dist., Kenya (holotype L; BM). (Note 3). lzrdlowae(Theobald) ssp.torakala Stoker and Waktoedi, 1949 (authorship changed from Koesoemawiwangoen to Waktoedi). (Note 2). macarthuri Colless Hii et al. 1988:43 (from subspeciesof riparis). maculatusTheobald Rattanarithikul and Green 1987:252 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). majidi Young and Majid Townsend 1990:100 (5 syntypes;add BM). 182 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

mungyanus(Banks) McCabe and Johnson 1980:28 (syntype 0; change NE to NY). nemophilousPeyton and Ramalingam 1988:276 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Ban Bang Ra Ko, Phangnga Prov., (holotype 9 & Pe,Le; USNM). notanandai Rattanarithikul and Green 1987:259 (a, ?*, E”). Type lot.: Ban Tah Cha Lao, Tha Yang, Phetchaburi Prov., Thailand (holotype 9 & Pe,Le; USNM). paltrinierii Shidrawi and Gillies 1988:202 (a*, 9, P, L*). Type lot.: Dank River and Nizra River, Oman (holotype 0; BM). pauliani Grjebine Townsend 1990:118 (add L syntype; BM). pharoensisTheobald bozasiNeveu-Lemaire, 1905. Rodhain and Boutonnier 1985:273 (2 syntypes;change FMP to PIP). pseudojamesiStrickland and Chowdhury ramsayi Covell, 1927. Nurul Huda and Harrison 1985:49 (synonymy). pseudowillmori(Theobald) Rattanarithikul and Green 1987:252 (from synonymy with maculatus). punctulutusDoenitz Townsend 1990:125 (add 3 syntypes;BM). ranci Grjebine Townsend 1990:127 (add 2 syntypes;BM). salbaii Maff and Coluzzi Townsend 1990:130 (add 40 syntypes;BM). sawadwongporniRattanarithikul and Green 1987:256 (8, ?*, E”). Type lot.: Ban Thung Khua Mu, Rong Kwang, Phrae Prov., Thailand (holotype 9 & Pe, Le; USNM). somalicusRivola and Holstein Townsend 1990:135 (add 2 L syntypes;BM). squamosusTheobald tananariviensisVentrillon, 1906. Townsend 1990:140 (add ?syntype;BM). stephensiListon Townsend 1990:I36 (2 syntypes;change LU to BM). sulawesiWaktoedi Hii et al. 1988:43 (authorship changedfrom Koesoemawinangoento Waktoedi). tchekediide Meillon and Leeson Segerman 1990:53 (change BM and SAIM to BM). tessellatusTheobald ssp.kalawara Stoker and Waktoedi, 1949 (authorship changedfrom Koesoemawinangoen to Waktoedi). (Note 2). theileri Edwards albipesTheobald, 1911. Townsend 1990:39 (add 2 9 syntypes;BM). turkhudi Liston amutis De Burca, 1943. Townsend 1990:42 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). vagusDoenitz NOVEMBER 1992 183

albino Stoker and Waktoedi, 1949 (authorship changedfrom Koesoemawinagoento Wak- toedi). (Note 2). vuneedeni Gillies and Coetzee 1987:81 (a*, ?*, P, L). Type lot.: Pusela, Tzaneen, South Africa (holotype 9; BM). (Note 4). vuruna Iyengar Townsend 1990:147 (specimensnot syntypes;type lot. , not Sri Lanka, see Iyengar 1924:25). (Note 5). vinckei de Meillon Segerman 1990:53 (holotype; change SAIM to LU). willmori (James) Rattanarithikul and Green 1987:254 (emend. from willmorei to original spelling; from variety of macrhtus; lectotype Q desig.,BM). dudgeonii Theobald, 1907. Townsend 1990:69 (erroneous attribution of lectotype Rattanarithikul and Green 1987:256). maczrlosa James and Liston, 19 1 1. Rattanarithikul and Green 1987:256 (lectotype Q desig.; BM).

SubgenusNyssorhynchus Blanchard albitursis Lynch Arribalzaga Rosa-Freitasand Deane 1989:289 (neotype 9 desig.;IOC). deaneorzlm Rosa-Freitas 1989:535 (a*, Q*, P, L*, E). Type lot.: Guajara-Mirim, Palheta, Rondonia State, Brazil (holotype 9; IOC). marajoara Galvao and Damasceno Linthicum 1988:198 (from synonymy with albitarsis; holotype in FMSP). domesticusGalvao and Damasceno, 1944. Linthicum 1988:198 (synonymy). nigritarsis (Chagas) Townsend 1990:110 (? syntype 9; change LU to BM). sawyeri Causey, Deane, Deane and Sampaio Linthicum 1988:155 (from subspeciesof argyritarsis).

Genus Bironella Theobald SubgenusBrugella Edwards hollandi Taylor Lee et al. 1988d:47 (holotype $; changeUS to ANIC).

SubgenusNeobironella Tenorio derooki Soesiloand Slooten Evenuis and Gon 1989:194 (from synonymy of soesiloi). soesiloiStrickland and Chowdhury, 193 1. Evenhuis and Gon 1989:194 (synonymy). 184 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATIC-S VOL. 24, No. 3

Subfamily Tribe Aedini Genus AedesMeigen SubgenusAedes Meigen dahuricusDanilov 1987b:41 (a*, ?*, L*). Type lot.: Kubukhai, Onan District, Chita Prov., USSR (holotype 9 & Le; IMP). mubiensisLuh and Shih 1958:226 (a*, 9). Type lot.: Mubien, Guanxi Autonomous Region, China (AMC).

SubgenusAedimorphus Theobald aerarius McIntosh Segerman 1990:53 (holotype from SAIM to NIV). albodorsalisFontenille and Brunhes 1985:15 1 (?*). Type lot.: Fenerive, Tamatave Prov., Madagascar(holotype 9; MNHP). bambiotai Geoffroy 1987:10 1 (a*, ?*, E*). Type lot.: Andiopodoume forest, Ivory Coast (holotype 8; USNM). (Note 6). bancoi Geoffroy 1987:103 (a*). Type lot.: Banco forest, near Abijan, Ivory Coast (holotype & USNM). masoaiensisFontenille and Brunhes 1985:153 (O*). Type lot.: Onive Valley, Masola, Diego-Suarez Prov., Madagascar(holo- type 0; MNHP). mathioti Fontenille and Brunhes 1985:154 (Q*). Type lot.: Onive Valley, Masola, Diego-Suarez Prov., Madagascar(holo- type 0; MNHP). pallidostriatus(Theobald) parascelosTheobald, 1910. Townsend 1990:118 (syntype 0; BM). taeniorhynchoides(Christophers) Townsend 1990:140 (change BM to LU). tarsalis (Newstead) biannulata Theobald, 1907. Townsend 1990:52 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). veeniaeMcIntosh Segerman 1990:53 (holotype from SAIM to NIV). vittatus (Bigot) brtti~;u$eveu-Lemaire, 1905. Rodhain and Boutonnier 1985:275 (holotype 9; changeNE

SubgenusAZanstonea Mattingly treubi (De Meijere) Townsend 1990:143 (syntype 9; BM).

SubgenusAlbuginosus Reinert AlbuginosusReinert, 1987:308. Type species:Stegomyia marshallii Theobald. NOVEMBER 1992 185 capensisEdwards Reinert 1987:307 (from subgenusAedimorphus). gilliesi Van Someren Reinert 1987:307 (from subgenusAedimorphus). haworthi Edwards Reinert 1987:307 (from subgenusAedimorphus). kapretwae Edwards Reinert 1987:307 (from subgenusAedimorphus). kennethi Muspratt Reinert 1987:307 (from subgenusAedimorphus). marshallii (Theobald) Reinert 1987:307 (from subgenusAedimorphus). ngongVan Someren Reinert 1987:307 (from subgenusAedimorphus). stokesiEvans Reinert 1987:307 (from subgenusAedimorphus). teesdaleiVan Someren Reinert 1987:307 (from subgenusAedimorphus).

SubgenusDiceromyia Theobald cordellieri Huang 1986a:636 (a*, 9*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Dezidougou, M’Bahiakro, Centre Departement, Ivory Coast (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM).

SubgenusEdwardsaedes Belkin pingpaensisChang antuensisSu, Wang and Li, 1978. Danilov 1985:380 (synonymy).

SubgenusFinlaya Theobald albotaeniatzls(Leicester) mikiranus Edwards, 1922. Harrison et al. 1991:2 11 (synonymy). azueostriatus(Doleschall) leucopleurusRozeboom, 1946. Reinert 1990b:51 (synonymy). auridorsum Edwards Townsend 1990:48 (change BM to LU). axitiosusKulasekera, Knight and Harbach 1990:26 (a*, 0, P*, L*). Type lot.: Rayoh, Tenom, Sabah, (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). formosensisYamada Rattanarithikul and Harrison 1988:82 (lectotype 9 desig.;IID). khasianaBarraud, 1923. Rattanarithikul and Harrison 1988:83 (lectotype 9 desig.;BM). gilcolladoi Sanchez-CovisaV., Rodriguez R. and Guillen L. 1985:441 (L*). Type lot.: Spain (no additional data). (Note 7). gonguoensisGong and Lu 1986:1 (a*, 9, L*). Type lot.: Gonguo, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; YIE). 186 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3 greenii (Theobald) Harrison et al. 199 1:211 (from subspeciesof aureostriatus). kanaranusBarraud, 1924. Townsend 1990:90 (2 syntypes;change LU to BM). Harrison et al. 199 1:212 (transferred synonymy from var. of aureostriatus). horotoi Taylor Lee et al. 1982:166 (change BBM to LU). kochi (Doenitz) Townsend 1990:91 (syntype 9; BM). leonis Colless Harrison et al. 199 1:199 (from subspeciesof niveus). macfarlanei (Edwards) hegneri Causey, 1937. Harrison et al. 199 1:212 (synonymy). mallochi Taylor Townsend 1990:100 (syntype 0; BM, may invalidate neotype of Knight and Marks 1952558). (Note 8). mikrokopion Knight and Harrison 1988:215 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Sangkhla Buri, Kanchanaburi Prov., Thailand (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). pecuniosusEdwards Reinert 1988:59 (?*; from synonymy of purpureus). reinerti Rattanarithikul and Harrison 1988:78 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai Prov., Thailand (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM).

SubgenusGeoskusea Edwards lunulatus King and Hoogstraal Marks in Lee et al. 1984:13 (from subgenusPseudoskusea).

SubgenusHalaedes Belkin CaenocephalusTaylor, 19 14 (non CaenocephalusVan der Wulp, 1898). Lee et al. 1984:241 (transferred synonymy from subgenusPseudoskusea). ashworthi Edwards Marks in Lee et al. 1984:19 (from synonymy of australis). australis (Erichson) concolor Taylor, 19 14. Townsend 1990:62 (6 syntypes;BM).

SubgenusKenknightia Reinert Kenknightia Reinert, 1990b:4. Type species:Stegomyia dissimilis Leicester. dissimilis (Leicester) Reinert 1990b:18 (from subgenusFinlaya; lectotype $ desig.;BM). gaffigani Reinert 1990b:24 (?*, P*, L”). Type lot.: Pensiangan, Sabah, Malaysia (holotype 9 & Pe,Le; USNM). harbachi Reinert 199Ob:27 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Doi Suthep, Ban Choeng, Chiang Mai Prov., Thailand (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). NOVEMBER 1993 187 karwari (Barraud) Reinert 1990b:32 (from variety of dissimilis to speciesstatus, from subgenusFinlaya; lectotype 9 desig.;BM). lerozehoomiReinert 1990b:33 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Calso, Dalton Pass, Nueva Viscaya, Philippines (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). leucomeres(Giles) Reinert 199Ob:37(from subgenusFinlaya). lit \$lakaeReinert 1990b:39 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Caburan, Davao, Mindanao, Philippines (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). luzonenesisRozeboom Reinert 1990b:43 (from subgenusFinfaya). paradissimilis Rozeboom Reinert 1990b:47 (from subgenusFinlaya). pecori Reinert 1990b:52(a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Gunong Jasar,Cameron Highlands,Penang, Malaysia (holotype 9 & Pe,Le; USNM). wilkersoniReinert 1990b:56 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Ulu Gombak, Selangor, Malaysia (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM).

Subgenus Levua Stone and Bohart geoskuseuAmos Lee et al_ 1984:44 (unjustified synonymy with suvae). (Note 9).

Subgenus NeomelaniconionNewstead luridus McIntosh Segerman 1990:53 (holotype; change SAIM to NIV). mcintoshiHuang 1987:109 (a*, ?*). Type lot.: Onderstepoort,Transvaal, South Africa (holotype $; USNM). unidentatusMcIntosh Segerman 1990153(holotype; from SAIM to NIV).

Subgenus OchlerotatusLynch Arribalzaga alhineus Seguy Townsend 1990:39 (2 syntypes;BM). camptorhynchus(Thomson) annulipes Taylor, 19 14. Townsend 1990:42 (?3 syntypes;BM). detritus (Haliday) maculosaTheobald, 1905. Townsend 1990:99 (syntype 9; BM). eidsvoldensisMackerras Lee et al. 1984:145 (from subspeciesof theobaldi). excrucians(Walker) abfitchii Felt, 1904. McCabe and Johnson 1980:27 (lectotype L D.M. Wood; NY). 188 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATIC-S VOL. 24, No. 3 flavescens(Mueller) Townsend 1990:73 (syntype 9; change 0 to BM). flavescensTheobald, 190 1. Townsend 1990:73 (syntype 9; change 0 to BM). imperfectusDobrotworsky Lee et al. 1984:154 (holotype $ & Pe,Le; change USNM (error in Knight and Stone 1977:134) to NMM). implicatusVockeroth Ward 1987:95 (from synonymy of leucomelas). intermediusDanilov and Gornostaeva 1987:612 (a*, ?*, L*). Type lot.: Abakan, Khakas Autonomous Prov., Krasnoyarsk Territory, USSR (holotype $ & Le; IMP). juppi McIntosh Knight and Stone 1977:135 (type in SAIM). (Note 10; change SAIM to NIV). lasaensisMeng ssp.gyirongensis Ma 1982:162 (a*, 9). Type lot.: Gyirong, Xizang Autonomous Region, P.R. China (holotype 8; 12). longifilamentusSu and Zhang 1988:11 (a*, 9). Type lot.: Yumin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, P.R. China (holotype 8; AMC). normanensis(Taylor) Townsend 1990:112 (?2 syntypes;BM). pulcritarsis(Rondoni) Snow 1986:361 (corrected specificepithet from pulchritarsis,Article 32b, ICZN 1985). pullatus (Coquillett) seguyiApfelbeck, 1929. Townsend 1990:132 (4 syntypes;change LU to BM). quasirusticusTorres Canamares Townsend 1990:126 (3 syntypes;change ?BM to BM). rhyacophifusDa Costa Lima Sallum et al. 1988:67 (from synonymy with scapularis;lectotype 9 desig.;IOC). riparioides Su and Zhang 1987:450 (a*, 9, L*). Type lot.: Jingpeng,Keshiketeng Banner, Inner Mongolia Autono- mous Region, P.R. China (holotype 9; BMC). sagax (Skuse) wilsoni Taylor, 1919. Townsend 1990:15 1 (add 10 syntypes;BM). sedaensisLei 1989:6 (8, 0, L). Type lot.: Seda and Songpan counties, Sichuan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; SIP). simanini Gutsevich Ward 1987:95 (from synonymy of niphadopsis). sticticus(Meigen) paradianteusApfelbeck, 1929. Townsend 1990:118 (syntype $; change LU to BM). stramineusDubitzky Ward 1987:95 (from synonymy of albineus). tahoensisDyar Brust and Munstermann 1992:2 (from synonymy with communis). NOVEMBER 1992 189

SubgenusRhinoskusea Edwards portonovoensisTewari and Hiriyan 1992:123 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Pichavaram mangrove swamp, South Arcot District, India (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM).

SubgenusRusticoidus Shevchenko and Prudkina

krymmontanusAlekseev 1989:173 (a*, ?*, L*). Type lot.: southern slope of Crimean Mountains, Crimea, USSR; (holotype adult; A). (Note 11). refiki Medschid Townsend 1990:128 (3 syntypes;change LU to BM).

SubgenusScutomyia Theobald ScutomyiaTheobald, 1904. Reinert 1985:12 1 (from synonymy with Stegomyia). Type species: Scutomyia albolineata Theobald. albolineatus(Theobald) Reinert 1985:12 1 (from subgenusStegomyia). arboricola Knight and Rozeboom Reinert 1985:12 1 (from subgenusStegomyia). bambusicolaKnight and Rozeboom Reinert 1985:12 1 (from subgenusStegomyia). boharti Knight and Rozeboom Reinert 1985:12 1 (from subgenusStegomyia). hoogstraaliKnight and Rozeboom Reinert 1985:12 1 (from subgenusStegomyia). impatibilis (Walker) Reinert 1985:12 1 (from subgenusStegomyia). laffooni Knight and Rozeboom Reinert 1985:12 1 (from subgenusStegomyia). platylepidusKnight and Hull Reinert 1985:12 1 (from subgenusStegomyia). pseudalbolineatusBrug Reinert 1985:12 1 (from subgenusStegomyia).

SubgenusSinoaedes Gong and Lu

SinoaedesGong and Lu, 1991:55. Type species:Aedes occidentayunnanusGong and Lu. occidentayunnanusGong and Lu 1991:55 (a*, ?*, L*). Type lot.: Longchuan County, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype $; YIE).

SubgenusSkusea Theobald

lambrechtiVan Someren Townsend 1990:92 (change BM to NE). 190 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

SubgenusStegomyia Theobald aegypti (Linnaeus) lamberti Ventrillon, 1904. Rodhain and Boutonnier 1985:275 (from synonymy of albopic- tus, 2 syntypes;PIP). Townsend 1990:92 (8 syntypes;change LU to BM). queenslandensisTheobald, 1901. Lee et al. 1987:14 (synonymy). africanus(Theobald) Huang 1990:16 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). apicoargenteus(Theobald) Townsend 1990:44 (lectotype 9 desig.:BM). ssp.denderensis Wolfs, 1949. Townsend 1990:66 (add 6 syntypes;BM). calceatusEdwards Edwards 1924:197 [Townsend 1990:56 (erroneously attributed to Edwards( 194 1:142) by Knight and Stone (1977:158)]. (Note 12). chaussieriEdwards Rodhain and Boutonnier 1985:275 (syntype 9; PIP). cornetiHuang 1986b:765 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Tiwai Island (Moa River), Potoro, Southern Prov., Sierra Leone (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). edwardsi(Barraud) Townsend 1990:70 (9 syntypes;BM). galloisiodesLiu and Lu 1984:76 (a*, 9, L*). Type lot.: Kumming, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 0: KIM). josiahae Huang 1988a:155 (a*, ?*). Type lot.: 60-70 km s Ifakara, Tanzania (holotype $; VBDK). katherinensisWoodhill Lee et al. 1987:124 (from subspeciesof scute/laris). luteocephalus(Newstead) Huang 1990:27 (lectotype 9 desig.;BM). maxgermaini Huang 1990:31 (?*). Type lot.: Mamfe, West Cameroon, Cameroon (holotype 9; USNM). mickevichaeHuang 1988b:6 (9”). Type lot.: Kaunro, Kenya (holotype 9; BM). saimedresHuang 1988b:10 (9”). Type lot.: Okokara, Namibia (holotype 0; BM). soleatzrsEdwards 1924:198 [Townsend 1990:135 (erroneously attributed to Edwards ( 194 1:142) by Knight and Stone (1977: 165)]. (Note 12). strelitziae Muspratt Segerman 1990:54 (holotype; change?SAIM to SAIM). tabu Ramalingam and Belkin Lee et al. 1987:229 (from subspeciesof tongae).

Subgenus Verrallina Theobald Reinert 1984:3 (redescription). azzueosquamatusBonne-Wepster Lee et al. 1987:259 (holotype 9; change LM to ITH). NOVEMBER 1992 191

cunninghamiTaylor Reinert 1974:17 (from subgenusAedes). lugubrisBarraud Reinert 1984:39 (lectotype 0 desig.;BM). pseudomediofasciatus(Theobald) Reinert 1984:45 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). spermathecusWijesundara Reinert 1974:17 (from subgenusAedes). Townsend 1990:136 (syntype 9; changeMRI to BM). uniformis(Theobald) Reinert 1974:17 (from subgenusAedes). varietas(Leicester) Townsend 1990:147 (erroneouslectotype desig.).(Note 13).

Subgenusuncertain daliensis(Taylor) Lee et al. 1984:46 (?near subgenusLevua from subgenusGeoskusea).

Genus ArmigeresTheobald SubgenusArmigeres Theobald breinli (Taylor) Lee et al. 1988d:6 (lectotype 0; change US to ANIC). denbesteniBrug spathulatusBrug, 1939. Townsend 1990:136 (?holotype 6; BM). durhami Edwards javanensisBrug, 1939. Ramalingam 1987:64 (from variety of kuchingensisto synonymy of durhami). kesseliRamalingam 1987:56 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Ulu Gombak, Selangor, Malaysia (holotype 8 & Pe,Le; USNM). malayi (Theobald) fuscaTheobald, 1903. Townsend 1990:77 (unjustified removal from synonymy). (Note 14). m ilnensisLee ventralis Walker, 1865 (Cufex), (non Walker, 1860). Marks in Lee et al. 1988d:19 (from nomen dubium of genus to synonymy; syntype 9; change NE to NMM). obturbans(Walker) Lee et al. 1988d (holotype 9; change NE to NMM, from nomen dubium). sexicoxitusLuh and Li 198 1:188 (a*, 9). Type lot.: Guangxi Autonomous Region, P.R. China (holotype Q: AMC).

SubgenusLeicesteria Theobald magnus(Theobald) Townsend 1990:100 (syntype $; BM). 192 MOSQUITOSYSTEMATIC-S VOL. 24, No. 3

Genus EretmapoditesTheobald mortiauxi Cunha Ramos and Ribeiro 1990:139 (a*). Type lot.: Dundo (CarissoPark), Angola (holotype 8; IHMT). silvestrisIngram and de Meillon Townsend 1990:133 (lectotype 9 desig.;BM).

Genus HaemagogusWilliston SubgenusHaemagogus Williston anastasionisDyar dominguezi Duret, 197 1. Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype 8; change A to USNM). capricorniiLutz Xavier and da Silva Mattos 1989:50 (neotype 9 & Pe,Le; CPRR). lucijkr (Howard, Dyar and Knab) Townsend 1990:96 [invalid syntype 9; see lectotype $ desig., Dyar 192 1:107 (Article 73b(ii) ICZN 19851.

Genus Heizmannia Ludlow SubgenusHeizmannia Ludlow greenii (Theobald) Amerasinghe 1989:86 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). heterospinaGong and Lu Lu and Gong 1986:183 (a*). Type lot.: Xianguan, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype $; YIE). Iii Wu Townsend 1990:44 (add 6 syntypes;BM). menglianensisLu and Gong 1986:184 (a*, ?*, L). Type lot.: Menglian, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; YIE).

Genus PsorophoraRobineau-Desvoidy SubgenusJanthinosoma Lynch Arribalzaga lutzii (Theobald) chaquensisPaterson and Shannon, 1927. Knight and Stone 1977:190 (holotype 9; change NE to USNM). (Note 15). pilosusDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype $; change A to USNM). pseudoalbipesDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype 8; changeA to USNM). varipes(Coquillett) ferraroi Duret, 197 1. Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype $; changeA to USNM).

Genus Udaya Thurman subsimilis(Barraud) Reinert 1990a:207 (from genusAedes, subgenusFinlaya). NOVEMBER 1992 193

Tribe Culicini Genus Culex Linnaeus SubgenusAfroculex Danilov AfroculexDanilov, 1989:790. Type species:Pseudohowardina lineata Theobald. /ineata (Theobald) Danilov 1989:790 (from subgenusMaillotia). pulchrithorax Edwards, 1914. Danilov 1989:790 (from subgenusMaillotia; synonymy).

SubgenusAllimanta Casal and Garcia tramazayguesiDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype 8; change A to USNM).

SubgenusAnoedioporpa Dyar belemensisDuret and Damasceno Harbach et al. 199 1: 192 (holotype 8; change A to USNM). damascenoiDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype 8; change A to USNM). quasioriginatorDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype 8; changeA to USNM).

SubgenusCulex Linnaeus annulioris consimilisNewstead pseudoannuliorisTheobald, 1909. Townsend 1990:123 (lectotype 9 desig.;BM). annulirostrisSkuse Lee et al. 1989a:36 (holotype 9; change MM to ANIC). somersetiTaylor, 19 12. Lee et al. 1989a:36 (holotype 9; change US to ANIC). consimilisTaylor, 19 13. Lee et al. 1989a:36 (holotype 9; change US to ANIC). simplex Taylor, 19 14. Lee et al. 1989a:36 (holotype 9; change US to ANIC). antennatus(Becker) laurenti Newstead, 1907. Harbach 1988:48 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). aquarius Strickman 1990:150 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: San Isidro de Coronada, San JoseProv., Costa Rica (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). argenteopunctatus(Ventrillon) Townsend 1990:45 (add 2 syntypes;BM). bitaeniorhynchusGiles Harbach 1988:105 (neotype $ desig.;BM). ager Giles, 1901. Townsend 1990:38 (neotype $ desig.;BM-same specimen as neotype of bitaeniorhynchus). ethiopicusEdwards, 19 12. Harbach 1988:10 1 (synonymy). brumpti Gaillard Townsend 1990:55 (lectotype 9 desig.;change LU to BM). chitae Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype $; changeA to USNM). 194 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3 crinicauda Edwards parvus Taylor, 19 12. Townsend 1990:118 (? add $ syntype; BM). cuyanusDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype 8; change A to USNM). decensTheobald Harbach 198844 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). masculusTheobald, 190 1. Harbach 1988:44 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). minutus Theobald, 1905. Harbach 1988:44 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). nigrocostalisTheobald, 1909. Harbach 1988:44 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). lividocostalisGraham, 19 10. Harbach 1988:45 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). duttoni Theobald Harbach 1988:82 (lectotype 9 desig.;BM). dissimilisTheobald, 1901. Harbach 1988:82 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). hirsutipalpisTheobald, 1901. Harbach 1988:82 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). bifoliata Theobald, 1905. Harbach 1988:82 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). albovirgatusGraham, 19 10. Harbach 1988:82 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). edwardsiBarraud Lee et al. 1989a:117 (change BM to LU). f&ocephala Theobald fuscitarsisBarraud, 1924. Bram 1967:188 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). grahamii Theobald var. farakoensis Hamon, 1955. Townsend 1990:72 (add 2 $ syntypes;BM). guizhouensisChen and Zhao 1985:265 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Guiyang, Guizhou Prov., P.R. China (syntypes 20 $,25 9, 17 Pe, 50 Le; GMC). interfor Dyar Harbach et al. 1986:14 1 (from synonymy of bidens). invidiosusTheobald chloroventer Theobald, 1909. Townsend 1990:59 (add 2 syntypes;change ?BM to BM). jacksoni Edwards fuscifurcatusEdwards, 1934. Townsend 1990:77 (holotype 8; BM-invalidates lectotype Sirivanakarn 1976:15 1). (Note 16). lactator Dyar and Knab Strickman and Pratt 1989:562 (from synonymy of corniger). litwakae Harbach 1985b:255 (a*, 9, P*, L”). Type lot.: Mazeras, Mambasa District, Coast Region, Kenya (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). mimulus Edwards Sirivanakarn 1976:159 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). Townsend 1990:105 (invalidateslectotype Sirivanakarn 1976). (Note 17). mossmaniTaylor, 19 15. Lee et al. 1989a:138 (2 syntypes;change US to ANIC). palpalis Taylor Marks in Lee et al. 1989a:15 1 (holotype 9; change US to ANIC, from synonymy of annulirostris). paramaxi Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype 8; changeA to USNM). NOVEMBER 1992 195

_pipiens _ Linnaeus Harbach et al. 1985:9 (neotype $ & Pe,Le desig.;USNM). bifurcatus Linnaeus, 1758. Harbach et al. 1985:7 (lectotype $ desig.). molestus Forskal 1775. Harbach et al. 1984:573 (synonymy; neotype $ & Pe,Le desig.; USNM). Lee et al. 1989a:143 (improper species). domesticusGermar, 18 17. Harbach 1988:229 (from synonymy of molestus). agilis Bigot, 1889. Townsend 1990:38 (add 9 syntype; BM). haematophagusFicalbi, 1893. Harbach 1988:230 (from synonymy of molestus). quasimodestusTheobald, 1905. Harbach 1988:230 (from synonymy of molestus). autogenicusRoubaud, 1935. Harbach 1988:230 (from synonymy of molestus). bebericusRoubaud, 1935. Harbach 1988:230 (from synonymy of molestus). sternopallidusRoubaud, 1945. Harbach 1988:23 1 (from synonymy of molestus). sternopunctatusRoubaud, 1945. Harbach 1988:231 (from synonymy of molestus). calloti Rioux and Pech, 1959. Harbach 1988:230 (synonymy). erectusIglisch, 1977. Harbach 1988:231 (synonymy). torridus Iglisch, 1977. Harbach 1988:231 (synonymy). poicilipes(Theobald) quasigelidusTheobald, 1903. Harbach 1988:92 (lectotype 9 desig.;BM). madagascariensisVentrillon, 1905. Harbach 1988:92 (lectotype 9 desig.;MNHP). auritaenia Enderlein, 1920. Harbach 1988:92 (lectotype 0 desig.;BM). pruina Theobald ssp.eschirasi Galliard, 193 1. Townsend 1990:71 ( 12 syntypes;change LU to BM). pseudostigmatosomaStrickman 1990:144 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Llano Guagololo, La Paz Department, Honduras (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). quinquefasciatus Say macleayi Skuse, 1889. Lee et al. 1989a:166 (holotype 9; change MM to ANIC). cartroni Ventrillon, 1905. Harbach 1988:31 (lectotype 9 desig.;MNHP). riojanus Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype $; change A to USNM). simpsoniTheobald Harbach 1988:75 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). richteri Ingram and de Meillon, 1927. Harbach 1988:75 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). mauritanicus Callot, 1940. Harbach 1988:75 (synonymy). sinaiticusKirkpatrick Townsend 1990:135 (add 9 syntypes;BM). sitiensWiedemann salusTheobald, 1908. Harbach 1988:87 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). bancrofti Theobald, 190 1. Marks in Lee et al. 1989a:225 (from synonymy of annulirostris). saibaii Taylor, 19 12. Lee et al. 1989a:225 (holotype 9; change US to ANIC). paludis Taylor, 1913. Lee et al. 1989a:225 (holotype 9; changeUS to ANIC). annulata Taylor, 19 14. Lee et al. 1989a:225 (2 syntypes;change US to ANIC). milni Taylor, 19 14. Lee et al. 1989a:225 (2 syntypes;change US to ANIC). spinosusLutz Lourenco de Oliveira and Townsend 1989:431 (neotype $ & Pe,Le desig.;FSP). squamosus(Taylor) Lee et al. 1989a:245 (holotype 9; changeUS to ANIC). 196 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

annulirostris Taylor, 19 14 (Leucomyia). Lee et al. 1989a:245 (2 syntypes;change US to ANIC). stigmatosomaDyar Strickman 1988:490 (from synonymy of peus); Eldridge and Harbach 1989:247 (conser- vation of name stigmatosoma);International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1991: 179 (validation of name stigmatosoma). eumimetes Dyar and Knab, 1908. Strickman 1988:490 (synonymy). telesilla de Meillon and Lavoipierre Townsend 1990:14 1 (2 syntypes;add BM). Segerman 1990:54 (invalid holotype a). (Note 18). theileri Theobald pettigrewii Theobald, 19 10. Townsend 1990:120 (holotype 0; change ?BM to BM). onderstepoortensisTheobald, 19 11. Townsend 1990:115 (6 syntypes;change ?BM to BM). alpha Seguy, 1924. Harbach 1988:61 (synonymy, lectotype L illustration desig.;specimen NE?). thriambus Dyar Strickman 1988:490 (from synonymy of peus); Eldridge and Harbach 1989:247 (conser- vation of name thriambus); International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1991: 179 (validation of name thriambus). aflinis Adams, 1903. Strickman 1988:490 (synonymy). univittatusTheobald montforti Ventrillon, 1905. Townsend 1990:106 (lectotype $; change MNHP to BM). verutusHarbach 1987:216 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Kasawe Forest Reserve, Moyamba District, Southern Prov., Sierra Leone (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). vicinus (Taylor) Lee et al. 1989a:265 (2 syntypes;change US to ANIC). annulata Taylor, 19 14 (Leucomyia). Lee et al. 1989a:265 (2 syntypes;change US to ANIC). whitmorei (Giles) Townsend 1990:15 1 (lectotype 9 desig.;BM). yojoae Strickman 1990:148 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: La Joya, Cortes Department, Honduras (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM).

SubgenusCuliciomyia Blanchard

Thaiomyia Bram, 1966. Harrison 1987:111 (synonymy). azurini Toma, Miyagi and Cabrera 1984:172 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: White Beach, Puerto Princesa, Palawan Is., Philip- pines (holotype $ & Pe,Le; NMST). dispectus Bram Harrison 1987:113 (from subgenusThaiomyia). hainanensisChen Harrison 1987:113 (from subgenusThaiomyia). nebulosusTheobald Townsend 1990:108 (change BM to LU). nigrochaetaeTheobald, 1901. Townsend 1990:111 [add 2 syntypes;change ?NE to BM. NOVEMBER 1992 197

Knight and Stone (1977:292) erroneously placed syntype $ of nigrochaetaeas synonym of Coquillettidia metallica (Theobald)]. papuensis(Taylor) Lee et al. 1989b:21 (holotype 9; changeUS to ANIC). rajah Tsukamoto 1989:216 (8, 0, P*, L*). Type lot.: Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (holotype 8; NMST). spathifurca(Edwards) stylifurcatusCarter and Wijesundara, 1948. Townsend 1990:137 (lectotype $ desig.,BM). spiculostylusChen 198986 (a*, ?*, L*). Type lot.: Mengla Xian, Xishuangbanna,Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 8; GMC).

SubgenusEumelanomyia Theobald castorde Meillon and Lavoipierre Segerman 1990:54 (holotype $; change IERT to SAIM). foliatus Brug Townsend 1990:74 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). hackeri Edwards Townsend 1990:81 (holotype $; BM-invalidates lectotype desig. by Sirivanakarn 1972:52). (Note 19). hayashii Yamada Townsend 1990:82 (12 syntypes;change IID to BM). oresbiusHarbach and Rattanarithikul 1988:69 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Doi Inthanon, Chom Thong, Chiang Mai Prov., Thailand (holotype $ & Pe; USNM). richardgarciaiJeffery, Oothuman and Rudnick 1987:140 (a*). Type lot.: Pasoh Forest Reserve, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia (holotype 8; USNM). rima Theobald koumbai Gaillard, 193 1. Townsend 1990:91 (3 syntypes;change LU to BM). rubinotusTheobald Townsend 1990:129 (lectotype 9 desig.;BM). wansoniWolfs Townsend 1990:149 (add 2 syntypes;BM).

SubgenusKitzmilleria Danilov

Kitzmilleria Danilov, 19891792.Type species:Culex moucheti Evans. mouchetiEvans Danilov 1989:792 (from subgenusCulex).

SubgenusLasiosiphon Kirkpatrick adairi Kirkpatrick pluvialis Kirkpatrick, 1925. Harbach et al. 1989:320 (syntypes; change LU to DAC and ESE); Townsend 1990:122 (add 8 syntypes;BM). 198 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

SubgenusLophoceraomyia Theobald bengalensisBarraud Townsend 1990:51 (lectotype $ de@.; change LU to BM). cubiculi Marks Marks in Lee et al. 1989b:94 (nomen novum for Lophoceratomyia annulata Taylor, 19 16 (non Schrank, 1776), from synonymy of fraudatrix; 4 syntypes;change US to ANIC). Townsend 1990:43 (syntype 8; change LU to BM). fraudatrix (Theobald) Lee et al. 1989b:105 [invalid lectotype Sirivanakarn ( 1968:156)]. (Note 20). gagnei Evenhuis Evenhuis and Gon 1989:209 (nomen novum for ornatus Theobald, 1905, preoccupiedby ornatusMeigen, 18 18). hewitti (Edwards) Townsend 1990:82 (holotype $; BM-invalidates lectotype desig. of Sirivanakarn 1977:132). (Note 2 1). insequensMarks Marks in Lee et al. 1989b:120 (nomen novum for cairnsensisTaylor, 1919:837 (non cairnsensisTaylor, 19 19:829), from synonymy of fraudatrix (2 syntypes;change US to ANIC). pseudorubithoracisSirivanakarn 1968:178 (holotype 8; change BBM to LU). (Note 22). quadripalpis(Edwards) sylvestrisLeicester, 1908. Townsend 1990:139 (lectotype 6; change NE to BM). sangenluoensisWang 1984:217 (a*, ?*, L*). Type lot.: Wanning, Hainan, Sangenluo Commune, P.R. China (holotype 8; TMMC).

SubgenusLutzia Theobald tigripesDe Grandpre and De Charmoy Townsend 1990:142 (add 2 syntypes;BM).

SubgenusMaillotia Theobald deserticolaKirkpatrick Harbach 1985a:84 (from subgenusNeoculex); Harbach et al. 1989:320 (syntypes;change LU to DAC and ESE); Townsend 1990:67 (add 6 syntypes;BM). hortensisFicalbi Townsend 1990:84 (12 syntypes;change LU to BM). pulchrithorax Edwards lineata Theobald, 19 12. Townsend 1990:94 (add 3 syntypes;BM). salisburiensisTheobald bostocki Theobald, 1905. Townsend 1990:53 (holotype 9; change NE to BM).

SubgenusMelanoconion Theobald aliciae Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:192 (holotype 8; changeA to USNM). NOVEMBER 1992 199

alvarezi Sutil Oramas, Pulido F. and Amarista M. 1987:83 (a*). Type lot.: Chircola, Apure State, Venezuela (holotype $; DERM). anoplicitusForattini and Sallum 1989a:1 (a*). Type lot.: Vilarinho, Itapitangui, Sao Paulo State, Brazil; (holotype $, FSP). bahiensisDuret Harbach et al. 1991: 192 (holotype $; change A to USNM). bejaranoi Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:192 (holotype $; change A to USNM). cede& Stone and Hair Cupp in Weaver et al. 1986:619 (from synonymy of taeniopus). contei Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype $; change A to USNM). cristovaoiDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype $; change A to USNM). delponteiDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype $; change A to USNM). ernanii Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype $; change A to USNM). faurani Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype $; change A to USNM). *ferreriDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype 8; change A to USNM). j7ochi Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype $; change A to USNM). galvaoi Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype 8; change A to USNM). garcesiDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype $; change A to USNM). glyptosalpinxHarbach, Peyton and Harrison 1984:I86 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Rincon Del Tigre, Sandoval Prov., Santa Cruz Dept., Bolivia (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). gzledesiMattos and Xavier 199 1:193 (a*). Type lot.: Lagoa dos Mares, Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil (holotype 8; FSP). herrerai Sutil Oramas, Pulido F. and Amarista M. 1987:81 (a*). Type lot.: Jabilla, Quesedasde1 Medio, Apure State, Venezuela (holotype $; DERM). isabelaeDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype $; change A to USNM). johnnyi Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype 8; changeA to USNM). milwardi Xavier and da Silva Mattos Forattini et al. 1988:535 (holotype 8; change A to FSP). misionensisDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype 8; changeA to USNM). 200 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

nicaroensisDuret Harbach et al. 1991: 194 (holotype $; change A to USNM). ocellatusTheobald Townsend 1990:114 (change BM to LU). ocfilai Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype 8; change A to USNM). palaciosi Duret Harbach et al. 1991: 194 (holotype 8; change A to USNM). pereyrai Duret Harbach et al. 1991: 194 (holotype $; changeA to USNM). phlabistus Dyar kerri Duret, 1968. Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype $; changeA to USNM). rabelloi Forattini and Sallum 1987a:130 (a*, Q*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Pariquera-Mirim, Pariquera-Acu County, Sao Paulo State, Brazil (holotype $ & Pe,Le; FSP). rachoui Duret Harbach et al. 1991: 194 (holotype $; changeA to USNM). ribeirensisForattini and Sallum 1985:17 1 (a*, Q*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Experimental Station of Ribeira Valley, Sao Paulo State, Brazil (holotype 9 & Pe,Le; FSP). silvai Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype 6; change A to USNM). spathulatusForattini and Sallum 1987b:167 (a*). Type lot.: Santa Helena Farm, Sao Jao de Boa Vista County, Sao Paulo State, Brazil (holotype $; FSP). theobaldi (Lutz) Townsend 1990:142 (change BM, ?IOC to BM). chrysonotum Dyar and Knab, 1908. Forattini and Sallum 1989b:201 (synonymy). chrysothoraxNewstead and Thomas, 19 10. Townsend 1990:60 (change BM, ?IOC to BM).

SubgenusMicroculex Theobald davisi Kumm Townsend 1990:65 (26 syntypes;change LU to BM). siphanulatusLourenco de Oliviera and da Silva 1987:101 (a*, ?*, P*, L”). Type lot.: Granjas Calabria, Jacarepagua,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (holotype $ & Pe,Le; IOC).

SubgenusNeoculex Dyar douglasiDobrotworsky Lee et al. 1988b:24 (holotype $; change CSIR to NMM). fergusoni (Taylor) Lee et al. 1988b:26 (type 9; change US to ANIC).

SubgenusTinolestes Coquillett breviculusSenevet and Abonnenc mojuensisDuret and Damasceno, 1955. Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype $; changeA to USNM). NOVEMBER 1992 201

Subgenusuncertain cairnsensis(Taylor) Lee et al. 1988b:41 (holotype 9; changeUS to ANIC). inornata (Theobald) Townsend 1990:86 (improper transfer to subgenusMelanoconion from “subgenusuncer- tain” of Knight and Stone 1977:272).

Nomen Dubium novaeguineueEvenhuis Evenhuis and Gon 1989:210 (nomen novum for ventralis Walker, 1865; preoccupied by ventralisWalker, 1860).

Tribe Culisetini Genus Culiseta Felt SubgenusAustrotheobaldia Dobrotworsky littleri (Taylor) Lee et al. 1988b:47 (holotype 9; change US to ANIC).

SubgenusCulicella Felt fkmipennis (Stephens) Townsend 1990:76 (lectotype 9 desig.;BM). setivalva (Monchadskii, 1936). Danilov 1984:313 (synonymy). uleindorferi(Edwards) Lee et al. 1988b:66 (holotype 8; changeLU to ANIC).

SubgenusCuliseta Felt atlanticu (Edwards) Townsend 1990:47 (lectotype 0 desig.;BM). hergrothi(Edwards) Townsend 19905 1 (syntype 9; change BM, SM & HM? to BM).

Tribe Ficalbiini Genus Ficalbia Theobald minima (Theobald) Townsend 1990:105 (lectotype $ desig.;BM).

Genus Mimomyia Theobald SubgenusEtorleptiomyia Theobald elegans(Taylor) Lee et al. 1988~:12 [holotype 9; change US to ANIC; invalid neotype Taylor (1929:271)]. martinei (Doucet) Service 1990:106 (from subgenusIngramia). 202 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATIC-S VOL. 24, No. 3

SubgenusIngrumia Edwards Ward 1984:246 (erroneous citation as genus). bryguoiGrjebine 1986:119 (a*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Manakara, Fianarantsoa,Madagascar (holotype L; SSC). collessiGrjebine 1986:124 (a*, 9*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Manakara, East Coast, Madagascar(holotype $, Pe; SSC). levicastilloiGrjebine 1986:14.5 (P*, L*). Type lot.: Manakara, Fianarantsoa, Madagascar(holotype L; SSC). longicornisGrjebine 1986:149 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Ambodiriana (forest), Tamatave Prov., Madagascar (holotype $ & Pe,Le; SSC). marksae Grjebine 1986:154 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Manakara, FianarantsoaProv., Madagascar(holotype L; SSC). mattinglyi Grjebine 1986:158 (a, P*, L”). Type lot.: Analamazaotra (forest), Perinet, Tamatave Prov., Mad- agascar(holotype L; SSC). milloti Grjebine 1986:163 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Manombo, km. 745, route Tananarive-Tulear, Madagascar(holotype $ & Pe,Le; SSC). ramalai Grjebine 1986:169 (?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: La Mandraka, Tananarive Prov., Madagascar(holotype 9 & Pe,Le; SSC). stellata Grjebine 1986:192 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Perinet (forest), Moramanga region, Madagascar (holotype L; SSC). vansomerenaeGrjebine 1986:199 (L*). Type lot.: Lokobe reserve, Nosy Be Is., Madagascar(holotype L; SSC).

SubgenusMimomyia Theobald chamberlaini clavipalpzw(Theobald) Townsend 1990:61 (add syntype 6; BM, unjustified elevation to species).(Note 14). chamberlaini metallica (Leicester) Lee et al. 1988c:23 (from variety to subspecies).

Tribe Hodgesiini Genus Hodgesia Theobald cairnsensisTaylor Lee et al. 1988b:90 (holotype 9; changeUS to ANIC). quasisanguinaeLeicester triangulatus Taylor, 19 14. Lee et al. 1988b:94 (holotype 0; change US to ANIC). sanguinaeTheobald Townsend 1990:130 (lectotype 9 desig.;BM). NOVEMBER 1992 203 spoliata Edwards Lee et al. 1988b:100 (add syntype 9; ANIC).

Tribe Mansoniini Genus Coquillettidia Dyar SubgenusCoquillettidia Dyar fuscopteron(Theobald) Marks in Lee et al. 1988d:80 (from synonymy of crassipes). giblini (Taylor) Lee et al. 1988d:92 (4 syntypes;change US to ANIC). linealis (Skuse) Lee et al. 1988d:97 (holotype 9; change MM to ANIC). memorans(Bonne-Wepster) Townsend 1990:103 (holotype 0; changeGLB to BM). nigrochracea(Bonne-Wepster) Lee et al. 1988d:107 (6 syntypes;change GLB to LM and ITH). nigrosignata(Edwards) Townsend 1990:111 (syntype 9; change LU to BM).

Genus Mansonia Blanchard SubgenusMansonioides Theobald papuensis(Taylor) Lee et al. 1988b:133 (invalid holotype 9; change US to ANIC); Townsend 1990:118 (syntype 9; BM). (Note 23). septempunctataTheobald bonnewepsteraevan den Assem, 1958. Marks in Lee et al. 1988b:137 (synonymy).

Tribe Orthopodomyiini Genus OrthopodomyiaTheobald andamanensisBarraud Zavortink 1968:14 1 (lectotype desig.;BM). antanosyorumRodhain and Boutonnier 1984:220 (a*, ?*, P, L). Type lot.: Andaka plain, near Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar (holotype 9; PIP). madecassorumRodhain and Boutonnier 1984:228 (9). Type lot.: Perinet forest, Madagascar(holotype 9; PIP). pulcripalpis(Rondoni) Snow 1986:361 (corrected specific epithet from pulchripalpis, Article 32b, ICZN 1985). albionensisMacGregor, 19 19. Townsend 1990:39 (lectotype $; change?BM to BM).

Tribe Sabethini Genus Limatus Theobald durhami Theobald curvirostrisLaveran, 1902. Townsend 1990:65 (syntype $; change ?BM to BM). 204 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

Genus Phoniomyia Theobald deanei Lourenco de Oliviera 1983:501 (a*, ?*). Type lot.: Granjas Calabria, Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (holotype $ & Pe,Le; IOC).

Genus SabethesRobineau-Desvoidy SubgenusDavismyia Lane and Cerqueira Davismyia Lane and Cerqueira, 1942. Harbach and Peyton 199 1:149 (from genus Wyeomyia). petrocchiae(Shannon and de1Ponte) Harbach and Peyton 199 1:157 (from genus Wyeomyia, holotype; changeUSNM to NE).

SubgenusPeytonulus Harbach PeytonulusHarbach 199 1:1. Type species:Sabethinus aurescens Lutz. aurescens(Lutz) Harbach 1991: 1 (from subgenusSabethinus). fabricii Lane and Cerqueira Harbach 199 1:1 (from subgenusSabethinus). gorgasiDuret Harbach et al. 199 1:193 (holotype 8; change A to USNM). Harbach 199 1:1 (from subgenusSabethinus). identicusDyar and Knab Harbach 199 1:1 (from subgenusSabethinus). soperiLane and Cerqueira Harbach 199 1:1 (from subgenusSabethinus). undosus(Coquillett) Harbach 199 1:1 (from subgenusSabethinus). whitmani Lane and Cerqueira Harbach 1991: 1 (from subgenusSabethinus).

Genus Topomyia Leicester SubgenusSuaymyia Thurman mengi Dong, Wang and Lu 1990:64 (a*). Type lot.: Mengla County, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype $; YIM). spathulirostrisEdwards Miyagi, Toma, Ramakrishna and Ramalingam 1989:41 (from subgenusTopomyia). suchariti Miyagi and Toma 1989:16 (a*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Trak Nong, Chanthaburi Prov., Thailand (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). tumetarsalisChen and Zhang 1988:213 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Luo-tian County, Guizhou Prov., P.R. China (holotype $; GMC).

SubgenusTopomyia Leicester angkorisKlein Ward 1984:251 (ankoris, spellingerror). NOVEMBER 1992 205 baolini Gong 1989b:220 (a*, ?*). Type lot.: Yingjiang County, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; YIE). danaraji Ramalingam 1988:245 (a*, P*). Type lot.: The Gap, Selangor,Peninsular Malaysia (holotype $ & Pe; USNM). hardini Miyagi, Toma and Ramalingam 1989:91 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Mt. Serapi, Kaman, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). hirtusa Gong 1989a:90 (a*). Type lot.: Yunnan, P.R. China (holotype $; YIE). malaysiensis Ramalingam and Banu 1987:119 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia (holotype $; USNM). sabahensis Ramalingam and Ramakrishna 1988:34 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). sylvatica Lu, Dong and Wang 1986:406 (a*). Type lot.: Mengla, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype $; YIM). yongi Miyagi, Toma and Ramalingam 199 1:185 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Hulu Gombak Forest Reserve,Selangor, Darul Ehsan, Malaysia (holotype 8; USNM). zhangi Gong 199 1:228 (a*, 9, L*). Type lot.: Dulong River, Gongshan County, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype Q;YIE).

Genus TrichoprosoponTheobald compressum Lutz Townsend 1990:62 (add 2 syntypes;BM). palliventer (Lutz) Townsend 1990:116 (lectotype $; changeBM, ?IOC and FMP to BM).

Genus TripteroidesGiles SubgenusPolylepidomyia Theobald altivallis Bonne-Wepster Lee et al. 1989c:25 (holotype 9; change LM to ITH). apicotriangulatus (Theobald) Lee et al. 1989c:26 (from synonymy of atripes). atripes (Skuse) Lee et al. 1989c:33 (holotype 9; change MM to ANIC).

SubgenusRachionotomyia Theobald

aranoides (Theobald) inornata Theobald, 1910. Townsend 1990:87 (holotype 8; change IM to BM). nepenthis (Edwards) Townsend 1990:109 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). 206 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

SubgenusRachisoura Theobald adentata van den Assem Lee et al. 1989c:78 (holotype $ & Le; change LM to ITH). concinnusLee Lee et al. 1989c:84 (from subgenusuncertain). cuttsi van den Assem Lee et al. 1989c:87 (holotype $ & Le; change LM to ITH). exnebulisBonne-Wepster Lee et al. 1989c:88 (holotype 9; change LM to ITH). felicitatus Bonne-Wepster Lee et al. 1989c:89 (holotype 9; change LM to ITH). filipes (Walker) Papua Brug 1934. Marks in Lee et al. 1989c:90 (synonymy). flabelliger Bonne-Wepster Lee et al. 1989c:96 (holotype Q;change LM to ITH). obscurusBrug subobscurusLee, 1946. Marks in Lee et al. 1989~:111 (synonymy). plumiger Bonne-Wepster Lee et al. 1989~:116 (holotype 0; change LM to ITH). subnudipennis(Edwards) Lee et al. 1989~:12 1 (from subgenusuncertain). sylvestris(Theobald) hilli (Taylor, 1914). Lee et al. 1989~:122 (from synonymy offilipes).

SubgenusTripteroides Giles bambusa(Yamada) Townsend 1990:50 (add I 1 syntypes;BM). bimaculipes(Theobald) Townsend 1990:52 (lectotype 0 desig.;BM). ornata Taylor 1914. Lee et al. 1989~:130 (holotype 0; change US to ANIC). indicus(Barraud) Townsend 1990:85 (add 4 syntypes;BM). latispinusGong and Ji 1989:482 (a*, 9). Type lot.: Dehong Zhou, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 8; YIE). plumosus(Brug) Townsend 1990:122 (add 2 syntypes;change ?ITH to BM). quasiornatus(Taylor) Lee et al. 1989~:168 (holotype 9; change US to ANIC).

Genus Wyeomyia Theobald SubgenusCaenomyiella Harbach and Peyton Caenomyiella Harbach and Peyton, 1990:16. Type species:Sabethes fernandezyepezi Cova Garcia, Sutil Oramas and Pulido F. fernandezyepeziCova Garcia, Sutil Oramas and Pulido F. Harbach and Peyton 1990:16 (from genusSabethes). NOVEMBER 1992 207

SubgenusDendromyia Theobald forcipenis Lourenco de Oliviera and da Silva 1985:321 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Granjas Calabria, Jacarepagua,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (holotype $ & Pe,Le; IOC). gutierrezi Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype 8; from A to USNM). sirivanakarni Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype 8; from A to USNM).

SubgenusExallomyia Harbach and Peyton

Exallomyia Harbach and Peyton, 1992:92. Type species:Wyeomyia tarsata Lane and Cer- queira. arhorea Galindo, Carpenter and Trapido Harbach and Peyton 1992:103 (from genus W_yeomyia, subgenusDavismyia). carrilloi (Sutil 0. and Pulido F.) Harbach and Peyton 1992:96 (from genusand subgenusSabethes). tarsata Lane and Cerqueira Harbach and Peyton 1992:92 (from subgenusDendromyia).

Subgenus Wyeomyia Theobald oblita (Lutz) Townsend 1990:113 (add syntype 9; BM).

SubgenusZinzala Zavortink

Zinzala Zavortink, 1986:46. Type species:zinzala Zavortink. fishi Zavortink 1986:55 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: km. 146, Santa Elena Road, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela (holotype $: CAS). zinzala Zavortink 1986:50 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Mount Roraima summit, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela (holotype 8; CAS).

Subgenusuncertain ininicola Fauran and Pajot Harbach and Peyton 199 1:150 (from subgenusDavismyia). schnzrsei(Martini) Harbach and Peyton 199 1:150 (from subgenusDavismyia).

Tribe Uranotaeniini Genus Uranotaenia Lynch Arribalzaga SubgenusPseudoficalbia Theobald ascidiicola de Meijere Townsend 1990:46 (erroneous syntype $; BM). Peyton 1977:68 (holotype $; AM). 208 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3 atra Theobald nigerrima Taylor, 1914. Lee et al. 1989~:192 (add 3 syntypes; change LU to ANIC); Townsend 1990:109 (add 2 9 syntypes;BM). cornbesi Doucet Townsend 1990:62 (?syntypeL; BM). men@ Chen, Wang and Zhao 1989:224 (a*, 9*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Chishui County, Guizhou Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; GMC).

SubgenusUranotaenia Lynch Arribalzaga albescensTaylor Lee et al. 1989c:223 (add 2 types; change LU to ANIC). angolensisCunha Ramos 198574 (a*, O*). Type lot.: Dundo, Angola (holotype $; IHMT). antennalisTaylor Lee et al. 1989c:233 (holotype 9; change US to ANIC). bricenoiCova Garcia, Pulido, Escalantede Ugueto, Amarista and Mora R. 1987c:65 (a*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Cata public beach, Ocurare de las Costa municipality, Venezuela (holotype $ & Pe,Le; DERM). falcipes Banks Townsend 1990:72 (syntype 8; from NE to BM). gabaldoni Cova Garcia, Pulido F., Escalantede Ugueto and Mora R. 1987b:94 (a*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Capital (Caicara River), Apure State, Venezuela (holotype $ & Pe,Le; DERM). iriartei Cova Garcia, Pulido F., Escalantede Ugueto and Mora R. 1987a:45 (a*, P*, L*). Type lot.: El Yaguel and Mantecal, Apure State, Venezuela (holotype 8; DERM). lateralis Ludlow propria Taylor, 19 14. Lee et al. 1989c:252 (holotype 9; changeUS to ANIC). cairnsensisTaylor, 19 19. Lee et al. 1989c:252 (holotype 0; change LU to ANIC). machadoi Cunha Ramos 1986:110 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Dundo, Angola (holotype 6; NML). philonuxia Philip Arnaud 1979:58 (add syntype 8; CAS). riverai Duret Harbach et al. 199 1:194 (holotype $; change A to USNM). tibialis Taylor Lee et al. 1989c:290 (2 syntypes;change to ANIC).

Subfamily Toxorhynchitinae Genus Toxorhynchites Theobald SubgenusToxorhynchites Theobald angustiplatusEvenhuis and Steffan 1986:548 (a*, 9, P*, L”). Type lot.: Pacific Tin, Berjuntai, Batang, Selangor, Malaysia (holotype $ & Le; USNM). NOVEMBER 1992 209 bengalensisRosenberg and Evenhuis 1985~36 (a*, P*). Type lot.: Chunaraghat, Sylhet District, (holotype 8 & Pe,Le; USNM). brevipalpisTheobald ssp.abyssinicus Ribeiro 199 1:43 (s*). Type lot.: Keffa Prov., Ethiopia (holotype $; BM). camaronisRibeiro 199 150 (a*, 9). Type lot.: Ototomo, Cameroun (holotype $; SSC). christophi(Portschinsky) changbaiensisSu and Wang, 198 1. Danilov 1987a:152 (synonymy). ssp.auriJluus (Edwards, 1921). Danilov 1987a:154 (from speciesto subspecies). dundo Ribeiro 199 1:50 (a*, 9). Type lot.: Dundo, Angola (holotype 8; IHMT). indicusEvenhuis and Steffan 1986:558 (a*, 9). Type lot.: Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (holotype $; BM). lewisi Ribeiro 199 1:53 (a*, 9). Type lot.: Farangbaia, Sierra Leone (holotype $; BM). okinawensisToma, Miyagi and Tanaka 1990:345 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Ada, Okinawajima, Japan (holotype 9 & Pe,Le; HUJ). rajah Tsukamoto 1989:221 (6, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (holotype 8; NMST). ramalingami Evenhuis and Steffan 1986:566 (a*, 0, P*, L*). Type lot.: Bukit Puan Forest Reserve, Belait Dist., Brunei (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). rickenbachiRibeiro 1991:54 (a*, 9). Type lot.: Elouden, Cameroun (holotype 6; SSC). rodhaini Ribeiro 199 1:57 (?*). Type lot.: Tai Forest, Ivory Coast (holotype 9; PIP). speciosus(Skuse) Lee et al. 1988c:90 (holotype 8; change MM to ANIC).

Fossil Species

Genus AsioculicusHong

AsioculicusHong, 1976 (in Anonymous 1976:86). Type species:damiaoensis Hong. damiaoensisHong (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) 1976 (in Anonymous 1976:86) (adult). Type lot.: Inner Mongolia and Liao Ning, P.R. China (LU). longipodusHong and Wang (? Lower Cretaceous) 1976 (in Anonymous 1976:87 (9”). Type lot.: Zhuo Zi Xian, Fu ShengGong, She, Hong Tu Wang, Inner Mongolia, P.R. China (LU).

Genus Culex Linnaeus

erikae Szadziewskiand Szadziewska(Upper Eocene) 1985:515 (?*). Baltic amber (holotype 9; MNB). 210 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

Rejected Name peus Speiser,Culex. United States. 1904:148. International Commissionon Zoological Nomenclature. 199 1:179 (suppression by Opinion 1644).

Nomina nuda ainshamsiGad, El Said, Hassanand Shoukry, Anopheles 1987:214. allopha (Lutz and Peryassu),Anopheles Lourenco de Oliviera and Deane 1984:509. melanotarsisDirector General Medical Services,Anopheles, Cellia 1943:8. Lee et al. 1988a:314 (not validly published). moenensisIyengar, Aedes 1955:30. Unavailable name: Article 12a(i), ICZN 1985. nigra Christophers,Anopheles 1924:45. Townsend 1990:109 (unavailable name; articles 1le and 12a, ICZN 1985). papuensisDe Rook, Anopheles 1935:25. Lee et al. 1988a:314 (probably a Bironella species). solomonensisCumpston, Anopheles 1924: 1402. Unavailable name; Article 12a(i), ICZN 1985. subcomplosaDel Ponte, Wyeomvia (Dendromyia)

1079:54I/J 1. (Note 24).


ESE Entomological Society of Egypt, Cairo, Egypt. FSP Faculdade de Saude Publica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. HUJ Entomological Institute, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan. IZ Institute of Zoology, Academica Sinica, Beijing, P.R. China. KIM Kumming Institute of Medical Research,Kumming, P.R. China. MNB PaleontologischesMuseum, Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany. NIV National Institute for Virology, Sandringham, South Africa. SIP Sichuan Institute of Parasitic DiseaseControl, Chengdu, P.R. China. TMMC Department of Parasitology, Third Military Medical College, Chongquing, P.R. China. VBDK Division of Vector Borne Diseases,Ministry of Health, Nairobi, Kenya. YIE Yunnan Institute of Epidemiology, Xiaguan, P.R. China. YIM Yunnan Institute of Malaria Control, Simao, P.R. China.


1. Marks ( 1976) removed Anophelescoreth- roides from synonymy, such a justification roides from synonymy with An. stigmaticus verifying the specificstatus of An. corethroides Skuse through publication of the name in a was provided in Lee et al. (1988a:54). list of the Culicidae of the Blackdown Table- 2. Hii et al. (1988) discussedthe surname of land, . Although she did not provide the author of Anophelessulawesi and pointed an explanation for the removal of An. coreth- out that it should be Waktoedi rather than NOVEMBER 1992 211

Koesoemawinangoenas used by Knight and collected by R. Senior-White at Matale, Cey- Stone (1977). According to Indonesian cus- lon, but in no way could these specimensbe tom, the surname precedesthe first name of construed as syntypes. The current location an individual. Therefore, speciesdescribed or of Iyengar’s type and cotypes is unknown coauthored by Waktoedi Koesoemawinan- (Harrison 1980). goen should have Waktoedi designatedas the 6. The original description of Aedes (Aedi- author. The following taxa listed with Koe- morphus)bambiotai did not mention the type soemawingoenas sole or junior author need locality other than give the country. Thomas to be attributed to Waktoedi: Anopheles F. Gaffigan examined the holotype male in (Anopheles) gigas pantjarbatu Waktoedi, the USNM and observedthe following infor- Anopheles(Cellia) ludlowae torakala Stoker mation upon the specimen labels: Ivory and Waktoedi, Anopheles (Cellia) sulawesi Coast : / Andiopodoume forest/RF 1-No. Waktoedi [prior attribution by Hii et al. l/-23.06.86/Ae bambiotai/B. Geoffroy (1988)], Anopheles (Cellia) tesselatuskala- Ret Det.//Holotype/Ae. (Adm.)/bambiotai/ wara Stoker and Waktoedi and Anopheles Geoffroy. (Cellia) albino Stoker and Waktoedi (= An. 7. Aedes(Finlaya) gilcolladoi was described vagus). by Sanchez-CovisaV. et al. (1985) from an 3. Gillies and Coetzee ( 1987) did not desig- unspecifiednumber of larvae (more than 50) nate a type specimen nor the type depository with neither a type designationnor a specified in their original descriptionof Anopheles(Cel- type locality other than “Espana Peninsular.” Iia) lounibosi. Townsend ( 1990:96) suggested The above specimensmust be consideredsyn- that the holotype might be in the ORSTOM types according to the ICZN 1985, Article collection at Bondy, France. In a 199 1 letter, 73b. Attempted correspondence to the au- M.T. Gillies stated that the holotype was a thors did not produce a reply. 4th instar larva which was deposited in the 8. Knight and Marks ( 1952) designated a Natural History Museum, London, with the neotype female for Aedes (Finlaya) mallochi following label: Anopheles rabaiensis, Taylor since they could find no specimens, ~011.L.P. Lounibos in Pandanus from the type series.In 1990, Townsend men- rabaiensis,Kombeni R., Rabai, Kilili Dist., tioned the presenceof a syntype female in the KENYA. Natural History Museum (BM) collection. 4. Gillies and Coetzee (1987) did not men- Since this constitutes the rediscovery of a tion the sex of the adult type specimen when name-bearing type, this situation should be they describedAnopheles (Cellia) vaneedeni. referred to the ICZN to rule whether the Townsend ( 1990:146) statedthat the holotype neotype of Knight and Marks is or is not to was a male. However, M.T. Gillies stated in be retained as the name-bearing type (ICZN a 1991 letter that he visited the Natural His- 1985, Article 75h). tory Museum and examined the holotype 9. The validity of the speciesname Aedes which wasa female. The specimenlabel reads: (Levua) geoskuseawas discussedin detail by Pusela, Tzaneen, resting outside. det. M. Lee et al. (1984:44), who contend that Ae. Coetzee. suvae Stone and Bohart, 1944 was the first 5. Townsend ( 1990:147) statedthat the Nat- validly publishedname for this species.I con- ural History Museum collection contained cur with the interpretation of Knight and nine syntypes of Anopheles (Cellia) varuna Stone (1977) that Ae. geoskuseais a valid from Sri Lanka. These specimenscannot be name on the basisof publication and priority syntypes as Iyengar (1924:25) stated: “De- (ICZN 1985, Articles 1la, 1lb, 13a(i) and scribedfrom a type female and many co-type 23a). females from the vicinity of Calcutta, col- 10. The National Institute for Virology (NIV) lected by me.” Iyengar does mention an un- maintained a number of type specimensafter specifiednumber of specimensof An. varuna it became independent from the South Afri- 212 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3 can Institute for Medical Research (SAIM). cerning the statusof the specimen. Thus, the The primary types remaining at both insti- subsequentdesignation by Townsend ( 1990) tutes were listed by Segerman (1990). The was unjustified. dispositionof the holotype of Aedes (Ochler- 14. Townsend (1990:77) changed the status otatus) juppi was not mentioned in Seger- of fuscus from a synonym of Armigeres (Ar- man’s paper. In a 199 1 letter, J. Segerman migeres) malayi to a valid species.Since no stated: “I have checked with Dr. Peter Jupp justification was provided for this changed at the National Institute for Virology and he status,it should be consideredas an unjusti- tells me that the Holotype and Allotype of fied action. A similar situation exists in re- Aedes (Ocherotatus)juppi are both still hou- spectto the improper elevation of clavipalpus sed there.” from a subspeciesof A4imomyia (Mimomyia) 11. The original description of Aedes (Rusti- chamberlaini (Townsend 1990:61). coidus)krymmontanus omitted the exact type 15. Belkin et al. (1968: 13) indicated that the locality, sex of the holotype and type deposi- type of Psorophora(Janthinosoma) chaquen- tory. A letter from E. V. Alekeseev (1992) sis was not present in the Instituto National only mentioned the “southern and northern de Microbiologia, Buenos Aires, accordingto mountainsidesof Crimean mountains . . . in O.H. Casal. An acknowledgment was given the neighborhoodsof Simferopol, Bachisaray, to Alan Stone for examining material in the Alushta, Yalta and Pheodosia” and that the USNM so it may be assumedthat Stone too holotype was in the author’s collection. did not find the type. While curating the 12. Stone et al. ( 1959) and Knight and Stone USNM mosquito collection in 1992, T.V. (1977) were usually quite accurate in their Gaffigan found an adult female in a tray listingsof the original descriptionsof Culici- containing Psorophora lutzii which con- dae in their catalogs.In the instance of two formed to the description of the single female Afrotropical Aedes species, Aedes (Stego- type described by Paterson and Shannon myia) calceatusand Aedes(Stegomyia) solea- ( 1927:9) from Tres Pozos, Embarcacion, tus, they erred by 17 years. They evidently Salta. The specimenbears four labelsin hand- missedthe descriptionof thesetwo speciesby printed letters, reading from top to bottom: Edwards in 1924 in an appendix to a paper 1) Tres Pozos/Embarcacion/Salta, 20-4-27/ by W.E. Haworth and attributed both species E. S. Shannon; 2) Type/Psorophora/chacoen- to Edwards (194 1). Townsend (1990) pro- sis[ sic]/Paterson &/Shannon; 3) Psorophora/ vided the correct citations. lutzii/Theob.; and 4) Psorophora/albipesTh. 13. A lectotype for Aedes ( Verrallina) varie- This specimen is undoubtedly the missing tas was designated by Knight and Hull holotype. (1953:474) for the singlemale specimenfrom 16. Sirivanakarn ( 1976:15 1) designateda lec- the type seriesin the BM. The identity of the totype for Culex (Culex) fuscifurcatus.This specimen was subsequently confirmed by was an invalid selection as Townsend both Delfinado (1968:40) and Reinert (1990:77) stated that the holotype male of ( 1974:92) even though the specimenlacked a fusczjurcatuswas deposited in the Natural lectotype label. Townsend ( 1990:147) aflixed History Museum. a label to the specimenand stated:“LECTO- 17. Sirivanakarn ( 1976:159) designateda lec- TYPE male . . . here designated.” Although totype for Culex (Culex) mimulus from one Recommendation 72E of the ICZN (1985) of the two syntypes of this species from recommendsthat name-bearing types should ?Kuching, Sarawak. However, Townsend be labeled in such a manner that will unmis- ( 1990:105) said that Sirivanakarn did not la- takably denote their status, the previous de- bel the lectotype specimen nor did he provide scriptions of the Knight and Hull lectotype an indication in his paper which individual were suchthat no confusion could occur con- should be the lectotype. Since insufficient NOVEMBER 1992 213 data were presentedfor the recognition of the by T.F. Gaffigan did not reveal it either. At lectotype, this selection was invalid (ICZN present the statusof the type may be consid- 1985, Article 74b, Recommendation 74C). ered as location unknown. 18. Culex ( Culex) telesilla was described 23. Taylor ( 19 14:201) described Mansonia from seven larval and seven pupal exuviae (Mansonioides)papuensis from four females, without designationof a type (de Meillon et but did not designate a type. Lee et al. al. 1945:91). The adult male and female of ( 1988b:133) said the holotype of Mn. papuen- Cx. telesilla were later describedby de Meil- sis was in the ANIC. This specimencan only lon (1947) with the statement: “The descrip- be consideda syntype which is of equal status tion of the larva of this species(De Meillon to the syntype in the Natural History Museum et al, Bull. ent. Res., 36,9 1, 1945) was quoted (Townsend 1990:118) since no subsequent from a manuscript by De Meillon and La- author designateda lectotype. voipierre. Mention of this was unfortunately 24. Del Ponte ( 1939:541) publishedthe name omitted.” De Meillon also stated that the Wyeomyia (Dendromyia) subcomplosaas a types were depositedin the SAIM. Although new speciesin a table enumerating 5 character de Meillon may have intended that an adult states for the identification of adult female male be designated the holotype, the name Sabethini. In the table, both subcomplosaand Cx. telesilla must be based upon the speci- Wyeomyia ( Dendrom yia > complosa were mens mentioned in the 1945 publication. listed as possessingthe same five character These specimensshould be considered syn- states. Since Del Ponte did not provide a types; from which a lectotype can be desig- means of differentiating this taxon, the name subcomplosa is not available (ICZN 1985, nated. Article 13a(i)) and may be considered as a 19. Sirivanakarn (1972:52) designateda lec- nomen nudum. totype for Culex (Culex) hackeri. Townsend (1990:8 1) indicated that this was an invalid designation as Edwards labeled and desig- REFERENCES CITED nated a holotype male in his original publi- cation. Alekseev, E.V. 1989. Bloodsuckingmosquito 20. Lee et al. ( 1989b:105) statedthat the lec- Aedes (Rusticoidus) krymmontanus Alek- totype male of Culex (Lophoceraomyia)frau- seev, sp. n., a relic of the entomofauna of datrix which was designatedby Sirivanakarn the Crimea. (In Russian). Parazitologija ( 1968:156) wasthe samespecimen which Col- (Leningr.) 23: 173- 178. less( 1960:256) used for the lectotype of frau- Amerasinghe, F.P. 1989. Redescription of datrix. Since Sirivanakarn’s designation of a Heizmannia (Heizmannia) greeni Theo- lectotype (1968) occurred eight years after bald from Sri Lanka (Diptera: Culicidae). Colless’ designation( 1960) the later designa- Mosq. Syst. 2 1:83-99. tion hasno validity (ICZN 1985, Article 74a). Anonymous. 1976. Paleontological atlas of 2 1. Sirivanakarn ( 1977:132) designateda lec- northern China, part of Inner Mongolia (in totype for Culex (Lophoceraomyia) hewitti. Chinese). Vol. 2. Geology Publishing This was deemed unnecessaryby Townsend House, Beijing. (1990:82), who said that Edwards plainly in- Arnaud, P.H., Jr. 1979. A catalogof the types dicate one of the males from the type series of Diptera in the collection of the Califor- as the holotype. nia Academy of Sciences.Myia 1:l-505. 22. Neil L. Evenhuis (1990 letter) was unable Barr, A.R. and P. Guptavanij. 1989. Anoph- to find the holotype of Culex (Lophocera- eles hermsi N. SP. [sic], an unrecognized omyia) pseudorubithoracisat the Bishop Mu- American speciesof the Anophelesmacu- seum where it was presumably deposited by Iipennis group (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. the author. A searchfor the type in the USNM Syst. (1988) 20:353-356. 214 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

Belkin, J.N., R.X. Schick and S.J. Heine- adjacent islands,with descriptionsof four mann. 1968. Mosquito studies (Diptera: new speciesand notes on the male of Culex Culicidae). XI. Mosquitoes originally de- fraudatrix Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae). scribed from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Proc. Linn. Sot. N.S.W. 84:382-390. Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. Contrib. Cova Garcia, P., J. Pulido F., C. Escalantede Am. Entomol. Inst. (Ann Arbor) 4( 1):9- Ugueto and J.D. Mora F. 1987a. Urano- 29. taenia iriartei (Diptera, Culicidae), nueva Bram, R.A. 1967. Contributions to the mos- especie de Venezuela. Bol. Dir. Malariol. quito fauna of Southeast Asia.-II. The Saneam. Amb. 27:45-52. genus Cufex in Thailand (Diptera: Culici- Cova Garcia, P., J. Pulido F., C. Escalantede dae). Contrib. Am. Entomol. Inst. (Ann Ugueto and J.D. Mora R. 1987b. Urano- Arbor) 2( 1):l-296. taenia gabaldoni (Diptera, Culicidae), Brust, R.A. and L.E. Munstermann. 1992. nueva especiede Venezuela. Bol. Dir. Ma- Morphological and genetic characteriza- lariol. Saneam. Ambient. 27:94- 104. tion of the Aedes(Ochlerotatus) communis Cova Garcia, P., J. Pulido, C. Escalante de complex (Diptera: Culicidae) in North Ugueto, J. Amarista and J.D. Mora. 1987~. America. Ann. Entomol. Sot. Am. 85: l- Uranotaenia bricenoi (Diptera, Culicidae), 10. nueva especiede Venezuela. Bol. Dir. Ma- Cambournac, F.J.C., V. Petrarca and M. Co- lariol. Saneam. Amb. 27:65-73. luzzi. 1982. Anopheles arabiensis in the Cumpston, J.H.H. 1924. Diseasedistribution Cape Verde Archipelago. Parassitologia in the Pacific Basin. Proc. Pacific Sci. Con- 241265-267. gress(Australia, 1923) 2: 1400- 1407. Chen Hanbin. 1989. A new speciesof Culex Cunha Ramos, H. da. 1985. Researchon the (Cuficiomyia) from Y unnan (Diptera: Cul- mosquitoesof Angola (Diptera: Culicidae) icidae). (In Chinese). Acta Zootaxonomica XVII-Description of Uranotaenia (Ur- Sin. 14:86-90. anotaenia) angolensis sp. nov. Bol. Sot. Chen Hanbin and Zhao Hong. 1985. A new Port. Entomol. 1 (Suppl. 1):73-82. species of the genus Culex from China Cunha Ramos, H. da. 1986. Researchon the (Diptera: Culicidae). (In Chinese). Ento- mosquitoesof Angola (Diptera: Culicidae) motaxonomia 7:265-269. XVIII-Description of Uranotaenia (Ur- Chen Hanbin and Zhang Peixyun. 1988. To- anotaenia) machadoi sp. n. Mosq. Syst. pomyia (Suamyia) tumetarsalis,a new spe- 18:110-l 17. cies from China (Diptera: Culicidae). (In Cunha Ramos, H. da and H. Ribeiro. 1990. Chinese). Acta Entomol. Sin. 3 1:213-2 18. Research on the mosquitoes of Angola Chen Hanbin, Wang Shaohui and Zhao (Diptera: Culicidae). XX-Eretmapodites Hong. 1939. A new speciesof Uranotaenia mortiauxi, a new speciesof the leucopus breedingin crab holesfrom Guizhou Prov- group. Bol. Sot. Port. Entomol. 4: 138- 144. ince of China. (In Chinese). Acta Zootax- Danilov, V.N. 1984. Culiseta (Culicella) se- onomica Sin. 14:224-228. tivalva Maslov as a synonym of C. (C.) Coetzee, M. 1984. A new speciesof Anopheles fumipennis Stephens. (In Russian). Para- (Anopheles)from Namibia (Diptera: Culi- zitologija 18:313-317. cidae). Syst. Entomol. 9: l-8. Danilov, V.N. 1985. Mosquitoes of the Coetzee, M., J. Segerman and R.H. Hunt. subgenusEdwardsaedes of the Palearctic, 1987. Description of a new speciesAnoph- with description of the larva of Aedes eles (Cellia) kosiensis(Diptera: Culicidae) (Edw.) bekkui. (In Russian).Parazitologija from Zululand, South Africa. Syst. Ento- 19:378-381. mol. 12:23-28. Danilov, V.N. 1987a. On mosquitoes of the Colless, D.H. 1960. Some speciesof Culex genus Toxorhynchitesof the Soviet Union (Lophoceraomyia) from New Guinea and and closely related speciesin eastern and NOVEMBER 1992 215

southeastern Asia (Culicidae). (In Rus- Williston (Diptera: Culicidae). Inset. In- sian). Parazitologija 2 1:15 1 - 155. scit. Menst. 9: 10 1- 114. Danilov, V.N. 1987b. Mosquitoes of the Edwards, F. W. 1924. Appendix. Descriptions subgenusAedes (Diptera, Culicidae) of the of two new species of mosquitoes from USSR fauna. II. Aedes dahuricussp.n. (In coconut palms in East Africa, pp. 197- 198. Russian).Vestn. Zool. 1987 (4):35-4 1. In: W.E. Haworth. Mosquitoes and coco- Danilov, V.N. 1989. Two new Afrotropical nut palms. A mosquito survey of palm subgenera of the mosquito genus Culex trees in East Africa and the problems re- (Diptera, Culicidae). (In Russian). Ento- sulting therefrom. Trans. R. Sot. Trop. mol. Obozr. 68:790-797. Med. Hyg. 18:162-198. Danilov, V.N. and R.M. Gornostaeva. 1987. Edwards, F. W. 194 1. Mosquitoes of the Ethi- A new speciesof mosquito, Aedes (Ochler- opian region. III.-Culicine adults and pu- otatus) interrnediussp.n. (Diptera, Culici- pae. British Museum (Natural History), dae). (In Russian). Parazitologija 2 1:612- London. 619. Eldridge, B.F. and R.E. Harbach. 1989. Culex Delfinado, M.D. 1968. Contributions to the stigmatosomaDyar, 1907 and C. thriam- mosquito fauna of Southeast Asia.-III. bus Dyar, 192 1 (Insecta, Diptera): pro- The genus Aedes, subgenusNeomacleaya posed conservation of the specific names Theobald in Thailand. Contrib. Am. En- by the suppressionof C. peus Speiser,1904. tomol. Inst. (Ann Arbor) l(8): l-56. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 46:247-249. Del Ponte, E. 1939. Identification de “Sabeth- Evenhuis, N.L. and S.M. Gon III. 1989. Fam- ini” (Diptera: Culicidae) por medio de tar- ily Culicidae, pp. 19 l-2 18. In : N.L. Even- jetas perforadas.Physis (B. Aires) 17:535- huis (ed.), Catalog of the Diptera of the 541. Australasianand Oceanian regions.Bishop de Meillon, B. 1947. New recordsand species Museum Special Publication 86, Bishop of biting insectsfrom the Ethiopian region. Museum Press, Honolulu, and E.J. Brill, II. J. Entomol. Sot. S. Afr. 10:1 lo- 124. Leiden. de Meillon, B., M. Parent and L. O’C. Black. Evenhuis, N.L. and W.A. Steffan. 1986. Clas- 1945. Descriptions of new larvae and pu- sification of the subgenusToxorhynchites pae of Ethiopian Culicini. Bull. Entomol. (Diptera: Culicidae) II. Revision of the Res. 36:85-101. Toxorhynchitesacaudatus group. J. Med. De Rook, H. 1935. Health of Netherlands Entomol. 23:538-574. New Guinea, pp. 23-27. Rep. 2nd Int. Pac. Fontenille, D. and J. Brunhes. 1985. Trois Health Conf., Sydney. nouveaux culicides de Madagascar:Aedes Director General Medical Services, Land (Aedimorphus) albodorsalis n. sp., Aedes Forces Headquarters. 1943. Notes on mos- (Aedimorphus)masoalensis n. sp. et Aedes quito-borne diseasesin Australasia. Aus- (Aedimorphus) mathioti n. sp. Cah. tralian Military Forces, 29 pp. (Not for O.R.S.T.O.M. Entomol. Med. Parasitol. publication). (1984) 22:151-155. Dong Xueshu and Wang Xuezhong. 1985. A Forattini, O.P. and M.A.M. Sallum. 1985. A new speciesof genus Anopheles(Diptera: new speciesof Clllex (kfelanoconion) from Culicidae). (In Chinese). Zool. Res. 6: 117- southern Brazil (Diptera: Culicidae). Rev. 122. Saude Publica 19:17 1- 182. Dong Xueshu, Wang Xuezhong and Lu Forattini, O.P. and M.A.M. Sallum. 1987a. Baolin. 1990. A new speciesof Topomvia Studies on some speciesof Culex (Melan- from Yunnan Province, China (Diptera: oconion),with the description of a new one Culicidae). (In Chinese). Acta Zootaxon- from southern Brazil (Diptera: Culicidae). omica Sin. 15:64-66. Rev. Saude Publica 2 1:123- 156. Dyar, H.G. 1921. The genus Haemagogus Forattini, O.P. and M.A.M. Sallum. 1987b. 216 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

A new speciesof Culex (Melanoconion) Gong Zhengda and Lu Baolin. 1986. A new from inland southern Brazil (Diptera: Cul- Aedes of subgenusFinlaya from Yunnan, icidae). Mosq. Syst. 19:I67- 172. China. (In Chinese). Zool. Res. 7: 1-4. Forattini, O.P. and M.A.M. Sallum. 1989a. A Gong Zhengda and Lu Baolin. 199 1. A new new speciesof Culex (Melanoconion) from subgenusand speciesof the Aedes(Diptera: Atlantic Tropical System of southern Bra- Culicidae) from Yunnan, China. (in zil (Diptera: Culicidae). Mem. Inst. Os- Chinese). Entomotaxonomia 13:55-59. Waldo Cruz Rio 84: l-4. Grjebine, A. 1986. InsectesDipteres Culicidae Forattini, O.P. and M.A.M. Sallum. 1989b. Culicinae Ficalbiini. Faune de Madagascar Taxonomic study and redescriptionof Cu- 68, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, lex (Melanoconion) theobaldi (Lutz, 1904) Paris. (Diptera: Culicidae). Mem. Inst. Oswald0 Harbach, R.E. 1985a. Pictoral keys to the Cruz Rio (Suppl. 4):20 l-208. genera of mosquitoes, subgeneraof Culex Forattini, O.P., M.A.M. Sallum and I. Kaki- and the speciesof Culex (Culex) occurring tani. 1988. Catalog0 das colecoesentomo- in southwestern Asia and Egypt, with a logicasda Faculdade de Saude Publica da note on the subgenericplacement of Culex Universidadede Sao Paulo-(2a serie II)- deserticola (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Culicidae. Rev. SaudePublica 22:5 19-547. Syst. 17:83-107. Gad, A.M., S. El Said, A.N. Hassan and A. Harbach, R.E. 1985b. A new species,Culex Shoukry. 1987. The distribution and ecol- ( Culex) lit wakae (Diptera: Culicidae), from ogy of the mosquitoesin the Red Sea Gov- the coastal region of Kenya. Mosq. Syst. ernorate, Egypt. J. Egypt. Sot. Parasitol. 171254-265. 17:207-22 1. Harbach, R.E. 1987. Culex verutus, a new Geoffroy, B. 1987. The Aedes (Aedimorphus) species of the subgenus Culex (Diptera: Domesticus Group (Diptera, Culicidae). I. Culicidae) from Sierra Leone. Mosq. Syst. New species,descriptions of Aedes bambi- (1986) 18:216-229. otai and Aedesbancoi. Mosq. Syst. 19:1 OO- Harbach, R.E. 1988. The mosquitoes of the 110. subgenusCulex in southwesternAsia and Gillies, M.T. and M. Coetzee. 1987. A sup- Egypt (Diptera: Culicidae). Contrib. Am. plement to the Anophelinae of Africa south Entomol. Inst. (Ann Arbor) 24( 1): vi + l- of the Sahara (Afrotropical Region). Publ. 240. S. Afr. Inst. Med. Res. 55, 143 pp. Harbach, R.E. 199 1. A new subgenusof the Gong Zhengda. 1989a. A new speciesof genus genusSabethes (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Topomyia from Yunnan, China (Diptera: Syst. 23: l-9. Culicidae). (In Chinese). Acta Entomol. Harbach, R.E. and E.L. Peyton. 1990. A new Sin. 32:90-9 1. subgenusin Wyeomyia (Diptera: Culici- Gong Zhengda. 1989b. A new speciesof the dae), with the reclassification and redes- genus Topomyia from Yunnan Province, cription of the type species,Sabethes fer- China (Diptera: Culicidae). (In Chinese). nandezyepezi.Mosq. Syst. 22: 15-23. Acta Zootaxonomica Sin. 14:220-223. Harbach, R.E. and E.L. Peyton. 199 1. Trans- Gong Zhengda. 199 1. A new speciesof the fer of the subgenusDavismyia from Wyeo- subgenus Topomyia of genus Topomyia myia to Sabethes and description of the from Yunnan, China (Diptera: Culicidae). type species, Miamyia petrocchiae (Dip- (In Chinese). Acta Zootaxonomica Sin. tera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. (1990) 16:228-23 1. 22:149-159. Gong Zhenda and Ji Shuhong. 1989. A new Harbach, R.E. and E.L. Peyton. 1992. A new speciesof Tripteroidesfrom Yunnan (Dip- subgenusof W_veomyia(Diptera: Culici- tera: Culicidae). (In Chinese). Acta Ento- dae), with the reclassification and redes- mol. Sin. 32:482-484. cription of Wyeomyia (Davismyia) arbo- NOVEMBER 1992 217

rea, Wyeomyia (Dendromyia) tarsata and nomic changes,revised occurrencerecords Sabethes(Sabethes) carrilloi. Mosq. Syst. and noteson the Culicidae of Thailand and (1991) 23:92-109. neighboring countries. Mosq. Syst. (1990) Harbach, R.E. and R. Rattanarithikul. 1988. 22: 196-227. A new speciesof the subgenusEumelano- Hii, J.L.K., E.L. Peyton and V.Y. Shang. myia of Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) from 1988. Redescription of the adult and first Thailand. Mosq. Syst. 20:69-76. descriptions of the larva and pupa of Harbach, R.E., C. Dahl and G.B. White. Anopheles (Cellia) sulawesi Waktoedi, a 1985. Culex ( Culex) pipiens Linnaeus speciesof the Leucosphyrus Group from (Diptera: Culicidae): concepts,type desig- Sulawesi, (Diptera: Culicidae). nations, and description. Proc. Entomol. Mosq. Syst. 20:4 l-54. Sot. Wash. 87:1-24. Huang, Y.-M. 1986a. Notes on the Aedes Harbach, R.E., B.A. Harrison and A.M. Gad. (Diceromyia) furczjergroup, with a descrip- 1984. Culex (Culex) molestus Forskal tion of a new species(Diptera: Culicidae). (Diptera: Culicidae): neotype designation, Proc. Entomol. Sot. Wash. 88:634-649. description, variation, and taxonomic sta- Huang, Y.-M. 1986b. Aedes(Stegomyia) cor- tus. Proc. Entomol. Sot. Wash. 86:52 l- neti, a new species of the africanus 542. subgroup (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. En- Harbach, R.E., B.A. Harrison, A.M. Gad, tomol. Sot. Wash. 88:764-776. M.A. Kenawy and S. El-Said. 1989. Rec- Huang, Y.-M. 1987. A new African speciesof ords and notes on mosquitoes (Diptera: Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. Culicidae) collected in Egypt. Mosq. Syst. 17:108-120. (1988) 20:317-342. Huang, Y.-M. 1988a. Aedes (Stegomyia) jo- Harbach, R.E., W.L. Jakob and E.L. Peyton. siahae, a new species of the simpsoni 1986. Recognition of Culex bidens Dyar subgroup (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. En- and Culex interfor Dyar (Diptera: Culici- tomol. Sot. Wash. 90: 153- 163. dae) as separate species. Mosq. Syst. Huang, Y.-M. 1988b. The Aedes(Stegomyia) 18:139-144. pseudonigeriagroup with emphasison the Harbach, R.E., E.L. Peyton and B.A. Harri- speciesfrom the Afrotropical Region (Dip- son. 1984. A new speciesof Culex (Melan- tera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 20: l-20. oconion) from southern South America Huang, Y.-M. 1990. The subgenusStegomyia (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 16:185- of Aedes in the Afrotropical Region I. The 200. Africanus Group of species(Diptera: Culi- Harbach, R.E., T.V. Gaffigan and J.E. Pecor. cidae). Contrib. Am. Entomol. Inst. 199 1. The J. Pedro Duret mosquito collec- (Gainesville) 26( 1):l-90. tion (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. International Commission on Zoological No- (1990) 22:192-195. menclature (ICZN). 1985. International Harrison, B.A. 1980. Medical entomology Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Third studies-XIII. The Myzomyia Series of edition adapted by the XX General Assem- Anopheles(Cellia) in Thailand, with em- bly of the International Union of Biological phasis on intra-interspecific variations Sciences.Int. Trust for Zool. Nomencla- (Diptera: Culicidae). Contrib. Am. Ento- ture, London and Univ. Calif. Press,Berke- mol. Inst. (Ann Arbor) 17(4): 1-195. ley and Los Angeles. Harrison, B.A. 1987. Culex subgenusThaio- International Commission on Zoological No- myia Bram, a synonym of Culex subgenus menclature. 1991. Opinion 1644. Culex Culiciomyia Theobald (Diptera: Culici- stigmatosomaDyar, 1907 and C. thriam- dae). Mosq. Syst. 19:ll l-l 16. bus Dyar, 192 1 (Insecta, Diptera): specific Harrison, B.A., R. Rattanarithikul, E.L. Pey- names conserved. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. ton and K. Mongkolpanya. 1991. Taxo- 48: 179- 180. 218 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

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doficalbia of the genus Uranotaenia in ies-I. A new interpretation of the SoutheastAsia (Diptera: Culicidae). Con- subgenus Verrallina of the genus Aedes trib. Am. Entomol. Inst. (Ann Arbor) (Diptera: Culicidae). Contrib. Am. Ento- 14(3):l-273. mol. Inst. (Ann Arbor) 1l( 1):l-249. Peyton, E.L. and S. Ramalingam. 1988. Reinert, J.F. 1984. Medical entomology stud- Anopheles(Cellia) nemophilous,a new spe- ies-XVI. A review of the speciesof the cies of the LeucosphyrusGroup from Pen- subgenusVerrallina, genusAedes, from Sri insular Malaysia and Thailand (Diptera: Lanka and a revised description of the Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 20:272-299. subgenus(Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. Phan, V.T., N.D. Manh, T.D. HinhandN.T. 16:l-130. Vien. 199 1. Anopheles (Anopheles) cuc- Reinert, J.F. 1985. A description of Scuto- phuongensis:a new speciesfrom Vietnam myia, a subgenusresurrected from the Al- (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. ( 1990) bolineatusGroup of the genusAedes (Dip- 22: 145-148. tera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 17:12 1- 13 1. Ramalingam, S. 1987. On the restriction of Reinert, J.F. 1987. Albuginosus, a new Armigeres durhami Edwards and the de- subgenusof Aedes Meigen (Diptera: Culi- scription of Armigeres kesselin. sp. (Dip- cidae) describedfrom the Afrotropical Re- tera: Culicidae). Trop. Biomed. 4:55-65. gion. Mosq. Syst. (1986) 18:307-326. Ramalingam, S. 1988. Description of a new Reinert, J.F. 1988. Descriptions of the holo- speciesof Topomyia from Peninsular Ma- types of Aedes(Finlaya) purpureusand Ae. laysia (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. (Fin.) pecuniosuswith a revalidation of the (1987) 19:245-250. latter species(Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Ramalingam, S. and Q. Banu. 1987. Studies Syst. 20:55-68. on the genus Topomyia: 2. Description of Reinert, J.F. 1990a. Udaya subsimilis,a new a new speciesfrom Sabah, Malaysia (Dip- generic combination, a redescriptionof the tera: Culicidae). Trop. Biomed. 4: 119-124. holotype, and notes on the genus Udaya Ramalingam, S. and K. Ramakrishna. 1988. (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. ( 1989) Studieson the genus Topomyia: 1. A new 2 1:206-2 15. speciesfrom Sabah, Malaysia. Mosq. Syst. Reinert, J.F. 1990b. Medical entomology 20:33-40. studies-XVII. Biosystematics of Ken- Rattanarithikul, R. and C.A. Green. 1987. knightia, a new subgenusof the mosquito Formal recognition of the speciesof the genus Aedes from the Oriental Region Anophelesmaculatus group (Diptera: Cul- (Diptera: Culicidae). Contrib. Am. Ento- icidae) occurring in Thailand, including mol. Inst. (Gainesville) 26(2): l-l 19. the descriptionsof two new speciesand a Ribeiro, H. 1991. Research on the mosquito preliminary key to females. Mosq. Syst. subfamily Toxorhynchitinae (Diptera: Cul- (1986) 18:246-278. icidae). I-The Afrotropical group Brevi- Rattanarithikul, R. and R.E. Harbach. 199 1. palpis (Adults) (1). Arq. Mus. BocageN.S. Anophelesmaculatus (Diptera: Culicidae) 2(3):3 l-62. from the type locality of and Ribeiro, H., H. da Cunha Ramos, C.A. Pires two new speciesof the Maculatus Complex and R.A. Capela. 1980. Research on the from the Philippines. Mosq. Syst. (1990) mosquitoes of Portugal (Diptera, Culici- 22:160-183. dae) IV-Two new anopheline records. Rattanarithikul, R. and B.A. Harrison. 1988. Garcia de Orta Ser. Zool. 9: 129- 139, 2 pl. Aedes (Finlaya) reinerti, a new species Ribeiro, H., H. da Cunha Ramos, C.A. Peres from northern Thailand related to Aedes and R.A. Capela. 1987. Research of the (Finlaya) formosensis Yamada (Diptera: mosquitoes of Portugal (Diptera, Culici- Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 20:77-96. dae) IX-A new anopheline record. Garcia Reinert, J.F. 1974. Medical entomology stud- de Orta Ser. Zool. (1985) 12:105-l 12, 1 pl. NOVEMBER 1992 221

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Knab from synonymy basedon specimens Ward, R.A. 1984. Second supplement to “A from Central America (Diptera: Culicidae). catalogueof the mosquitoesof the world” Proc. Entomol. Sot. Wash. 9 1:55l-574. (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 16:227- Su Long and Zhang Yongsheng. 1987. A new 270. speciesof the subgenusOchlerotatus Lynch Ward, R.A. 1987. Nomenclatoral statusand Arribalzaga (Diptera: Culicidae). (In some additions to the specieslisted in the Chinese). Acta Entomol. Sin. 30:450-452. publication, New speciesof mosquitoesin Su Long and Zhang Yongsheng. 1988. A new the fauna of the USSR by A.V. Gutsevich speciesof Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae). (In and A.M. Dubitskiy (198 I). Mosq. Syst. Chinese). Entomotaxonomia 10:1 l- 13. 19:93-99. Sutil Oramas, E., J. Pulido F. and J.R. Amar- Weaver, S.C., W.F. Scherer, C.D. Taylor, ista M. 1987. DOSespecies nuevas de Culex D.A. Caste110and E.W. Cupp. 1986. Lab- de Venezuela (Diptera: Culicidae). Bol. oratory vector competence of Culex (Me- Dir. Malariol. Saneam. Amb. 27:81-85. lanoconion) cedeceifor sympatric and al- Szadziewski, R. and M.M. Szadziewska. lopatric Venezuelan equine encephalo- 1985. Culex erikae sp. n. (Diptera, Culici- myelitis viruses. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. dae) from the Baltic amber. Polskie Pismo 35:6 19-623. Entomol. 55:5 13-5 18. White, G.B. 1985. Anophelesbwambae sp. n., Taylor, F.H. 19 14. Culicidae from Papua. a malaria vector in the Semliki Valley, Trans. R. Entomol. Sot. Lond. 19 14:185- Uganda, and its relationships with other 205, 2 pl. sibling speciesof the An. gambiae complex Tewari, S. C. and J. Hiriyan. 1992. Descrip- (Diptera: Culicidae). Syst. Entomol. tion of a new speciesof Aedes (Rhinosku- 10:501-522. sea) from South India. Mosq. Syst. (199 1) Wilkerson, R.C. 1990a. Elevation of Anoph- 23:123-131. eles chiriquiensis from synonymy with Toma, T., I. Miyagi and B.D. Cabrera. 1984. Anophelesparapunctipennis+ ant;l. designa- Culex (Culiciomyia) azurini, a new crab tion of name-bearing types:for Anopheles hole mosquito species from the Philip- parapunctipennisguatemalensis (Diptera: pines. Mosq. Syst. 16:172- 182. Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.( 1989) 2 1:178- 187. Toma, T., I. Miyagi and K. Tanaka. 1990. A Wilkerson, R.C. 1990b. Redescriptions of new speciesof Toxorhynchitesmosquito Anophelespunctimacula and An. malefac- (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Ryukyu Ar- tor (Diptera: Culicidae). J. Med. Entomol. chipelago, Japan. J. Med. Entomol. 271225-247. 271344-355. Wilkerson, R.C. 199 1. Anopheles(Anopheles) Townsend, B.C. 1990. Culicidae, pp. 35- 152. calderoni n. sp., a malaria vector of the In: B.C. Townsend, J.E. Chainey, R.W. Arribalzagia Series from Peru (Diptera: Crosskey, A.C. Pont, R.P. Lane, J.P.T. Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 23:25-38. Boorman and C.A. Crouch (eds.). A cata- Xavier, S.H. and S. da Silva Mattos. 1989. logue of the types of bloodsucking . Mosquito types of Brazil-Supplement. Occas.Pap. Nat. Hist. Mus. (London) No. Mosq. Syst. 2 1:50. 7. Zavortink, T.J. 1968. Mosquito studies(Dip- Tsukamoto, M. 1989. Two new mosquito tera, Culicidae) VIII. A prodrome of the speciesfrom a pitcher plant of Mt. Kina- genus Orthopodomyia. Contrib. Am. En- balu, Sabah, Malaysia: Culex rajah and tomol. Inst. (Ann Arbor) 3(2): l-22 1. Toxorhynchitesrajah (Diptera: Culicidae). Zavortink, T.J. 1986. Zinzala, a new Jpn. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 17:215-228. subgenusof Wyeomyia with two new spe- Wang Xingxiang. 1984. Description of a new ciesfrom pitcher-plantsin Venezuela (Dip- Culex species (Diptera: Culicidae). (In tera, Culicidae, Sabethini). Wassman J. Chinese). Acta Entomol. Sin. 27:2 17-220. Biol. ( 1985) 43:46-59. NOVEMBER 1992 223


Valid genera and subgeneraare shown in bold face except when they follow speciesnames in which casethey are italicized. Valid speciesand infraspecificnames are italicized. Synonyms and invalid names are underlined. Where two pagesare given after a generic name, the first refers to the genusand the secondrefers to the typical subgenusif on a different page. abfitchii Felt, 187 annulata Taylor, Leucomyia, 196 abyssinicusRibeiro, 209 annulatus Haga, 180 adairi Kirkpatrick, 197 annulipesTaylor, 187 adentata van den Assem, 206 annulipesWalker, 180 Aedes Meigen, 184 annulirostrisSkuse, 193 AedimorphusTheobald, 184 annulirostrisTaylor, 196 aegypti(Linnaeus), 190 AnoedioporpaDyar, 193 aerarius McIntosh, 184 Anopheles Meigen, 178 affinis Adams, 196 anoplicitusForattini and Sallum, 199 africanus(Theobald), 190 antanosyorumRodhain and Boutonnier, 303 Afroculex Danilov, 193 antennulisTaylor, 208 ager Giles, 193 antenna&s (Becker), 193 agilis Bigot, 195 anthropophagusXu and Feng, 178 ainshamsiGad, El Said, Hassanand Shoukry, antuensisSu, Wang and Li, 185 210 apicoargenteus(Theobald), 190 Alanstonea Mattingly, 184 apicotriangulatus(Theobald), 205 albescensTayIor, 208 apoci Marsh, 180 albincus,%guy; 187 aquarius Strickman, 193 albino.Stokecand Waktoedi, 183 arabica Christophersand Chand, 18 1 albionensis-MacGregor,203 arabiensisPatton, 180 albipesTheo&Id; 182 aranoides(Theobald), 205 albitarsis Lynch Arribalzaga, 183 arboreaGalindo, Carpenter and Trapido, 207 albodorsalisFontenille and Brunhes, 184 arboricola Knight and Rozeboom, 189 albolineatus(Theobald), 189 argenteolobatus(Gough), 180 albotaeniatus(Leicester), I85 argenteopunctatus(Ventrillon), 193 albovirgatusGraham, 194 Armigeres Theobald, 19 1 AlbuginosusReinert, 184 ascidiicolade Meijere, 207 aliciae Duret, 198 ashworthi Edwards, 186 Allimanta Casal and Garcia, 193 AsioculicusHong, 209 allopha (Lutz and Peryassu),2 10 atlantica (Edwards), 20 1 alpha Seguy, 196 atra Theobald, 208 altivallis Bonne-Wepster, 205 atratipes Skuse, 178 alvarezi Sutil Oramas,Pulido F. and Amarista atripes (Skuse), 205 M., 199 aureostriatus(Doleschall), 185 amutis De Burca, 182 aurescens(Lutz), 204 anastasionisDyar, 192 auridorsum Edwards, 185 andamanensisBarraud, 203 aurifluus (Edwards), 209 angkorisKlein, 204 auritaenia Enderlein, 195 angolensisCunha Ramos, 208 australis (Erichson), 186 angustiplatusEvenhuis and Steffan, 208 AustrotheobaldiaDobrotworsky, 20 1 anisochlorosTheobald, 18 1 autogenicusRoubaud, 195 annularis Van der Wulp, 180 axitiosus Kulasekera, Knight and Harbach, annulata Taylor, Culex, 195 185 224 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

azureosquamatusBonne-Wepster, 190 cameroni de Meillon and Evans, 180 azurini Toma, Miyagi and Cabrera, 196 camptorhynchus(Thomson), 187 baezai Gater, 178 capensisEdwards, 185 bahiensisDuret, 199 capricornii Lutz, 192 baileyi Edwards, 178 carrilloi (Sutil 0. and Pulido F.), 207 bambiotai Geoffroy, 184 carteri Evans and de Meillon, 180 bambusa(Yamada), 206 cartroni Ventrillon, 195 bambusicolaKnight and Rozeboom, 189 castorde Meillon and Lavoipierre, 197 bancoi Geoffroy, 184 cedeceiStone and Hair, 199 bancrofti Theobald, 195 Cellia Theobald, 180 baolini Gong, 205 changbaiensisSu and Wang, 209 barbumbrosus Strickland and Chowdhury, changEusMa, 178 178 chaquensisPaterson and Shannon, 192 bebericusRoubaud, 195 chaussieriEdwards, 190 bejaranoi Duret, 199 chiriquiensisKomp, 178 belemensisDuret and Damasceno, 193 chitae Duret, 193 bengalensisBarraud, 198 chloroventer Theobald, 194 bengalensisRosenberg and Evenhuis, 209 christophi(Portschinsky), 209 bergrothi(Edwards), 20 1 chrysonotum Dyar and Knab, 200 biannulata Theobald, 184 chrysothoraxNewstead and Thomas, 200 bifoliata Theobald, 194 cinereusTheobald, 180 bifurcatus Linnaeus, 195 claviger(Meigen), 178 bimaculipes(Theobald), 206 clavipalpus(Theobald), 202 Bironella Theobald, 183 colledgeiMarks, 178 bitaeniorhynchusGiles, 193 collessiGrjebine, 202 boharti Knight and Rozeboom, 189 combesiDoucet, 208 bonnewepsteraevan den Assem, 203 compressumLutz, 205 bostocki Theobald, 198 concinnusLee, 206 bozasi Neveu-Lemaire, 182 concolor Taylor, 186 breinli (Taylor), 19 1 consimilisNewstead, 193 breviculusSenevet and Abonnenc, 200 consimilis Taylor, 193 brevipalpisTheobald, 209 contei Duret, 199 bricenoi Cova Garcia, Pulido, Escalante de Coquillettidia Dyar, 203 Ugueto, Amarista and Mora R., 208 cordellieri Huang, 185 Brugella Edwards, 183 corethroidesTheobald, 178 brumpti Gaillard, 193 corneti Huang, 190 brumpti Neveu-Lemaire, 184 coustaniLaveran, I78 brygooiGrjebine, 202 crinicauda Edwards, 194 buxtoni Service, 180 cristovaoiDuret, 199 bwambae White, 180 cubiculi Marks, 198 CaenocephalusTaylor, 186 cucphuongensisPhan, Manh, Hinh and Vien, CaenomyiellaHarbach and Peyton, 206 178 cairnsensis(Taylor), 20 1 Culex Linnaeus, 193, 209 cairnsensisTaylor, 202 Culicella Felt, 201 cairnsensisTaylor, Culex, 198 Culiciomyia Blanchard, 196 cairnsensisTaylor, Uranotaenia, 208 Culiseta Felt, 201 calceatusEdwards, 190 cunninghami Taylor, 19 1 calderoniWilkerson, 178 curvirostrisLaveran, 203 calloti Rioux and Pech, 195 cuttsi van den Assem, 206 camaronisRibeiro, 209 cuyanusDuret, 194 NOVEMBER 1992 225 cydippisde Meillon, 180 eschirasiGalliard, 195 dahuricusDanilov, 184 ethiopicusEdwards, 193 daliensis(Taylor), 19 1 ethiopicusGillies and Coetzee, 18 1 damascenoiDuret, 193 Etorleptiomyia Theobald, 20 1 damiaoensisHong, 209 Eumelanomyia Theobald, 197 danaraji Ramalingam, 205 eumimetes Dyar and Knab, 196 dancalicusCorradetti, 180 Exallomyia Harbach and Peyton, 207 daudi Coluzzi, 180 excrucians(Walker), 187 davidsoni Ribeiro, Cunha Ramos, Pires and exnebulisBonne-Wepster, 206 Capela, 180 fabricii Lane and Cerqueira, 204 davisi Kumm, 200 falcipes Banks, 208 Davismyia Lane and Cerqueira, 204 farakoensisHamon, 194 dazhaius Ma, I78 faurani Duret, 199 deanei Lourenco de Oliviera, 204 felicitatus Bonne-Wepster, 206 deaneorumRosa-Freitas, 183 fergusoni (Taylor), 200 decensTheobald, 194 fernandezyepezi Cova Garcia, Sutil Oramas delponteiDuret, 199 and Pulido F., 206 denbesteniBrug, 19 1 ferraroi Duret, 192 denderensisWolfs, 190 ferreri Duret, 199 Dendromyia Theobald, 207 Ficalbia Theobald, 20 1 derooki Soesiloand Slooten, 183 filipes (Walker), 206 derricki Taylor, 180 Finlaya Theobald, 185 deserticola Kirkpatrick, 198 fishi Zavortink, 207 detritus(Haliday), 187 flabelliger Bonne-Wepster, 206 Diceromyia Theobald, 185 flavescens(Mueller), 188 dispar Rattanarithikul and Harbach, 180 flavescensTheobald, 188 dispectusBram, 196 flochi Duret, 199 dissimilis (Leicester), 186 fluviatilis James, 18 1 dissimilisTheobald, 194 foliatus Brug, 197 domesticusGalvao and Damasceno, 183 forcipenisLourenco de Oliviera and da Silva, domesticusGermar, 195 207 dominguezi Duret, 192 formosaensisII Tsuzuki, 181 douglasiDobrotworsky, 200 formosensisYamada, 185 dravidicusChristophers, 18 1 fragilis (Theobald), 179 dudgeonii Theobald, 183 franciscanusMcCracken, 179 dundo Ribeiro, 209 fraudatrix (Theobald), 198 durhami Edwards, 19 1 fuliginosusGiles, 180 durhami Theobald, 203 fumipennis (Stephens),20 1 duttoni Theobald, 194 funestusGiles, 18 1 EdwardsaedesBelkin, 185 fusca Theobald, 19 1 edwardsi(Barraud), 190 fuscifurcatusEdwards, 194 edwardsiBarraud, 194 fuscitarsisBarraud, 194 eidsvoldensisMackerras, 187 fuscocephalaTheobald, 194 elegans(Taylor), 20 1 fuscopteron(Theobald), 203 elegansJames, 181 gabaldoni Cova Garcia, Pulido F., Escalante erectusIglisch, 195 de Ugueta and Mora R., 208 erepensGillies, 181 gaffigani Reinert, 186 EretmapoditesTheobald, 192 gagnei Evenhuis, 198 erikae Szadziewskiand Szadziewska,209 galloisiodesLiu and Lu, 190 ernanii Duret, 199 galvaoi Duret, 199 226 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3 garcesiDuret, 199 imperfectusDobrotworsky, 188 geoskuseaAmos, 187 implicatus Vockeroth, 188 GeoskuseaEdwards, 186 indejinitus (Ludlow), 18 1 giblini (Taylor), 203 indicus(Barraud), 206 gigas Giles, 179 indicusEvenhuis and Steffan, 209 gilcolladoi Sanchez-CovisaV., Rodriguez R. indiensisTheobald, 179 and Guillen G., 185 Ingramia Edwards, 202 gilliesi Van Someren, 185 ininicola Fauran and Pajot, 207 glyptosalpinxHarbach, Peyton and Harrison, inornata (Theobald), 20 1 199 inornata Theobald, 205 gonguoensisGong and Lu, 185 insequensMarks, 198 gorgasiDuret, 204 inter-or Dyar, 194 grahamii Theobald, 194 intermediusDanilov and Gornostaeva, 188 greeni Rattanarithikul and Harbach, 18 1 introlatus Colless, 18 1 greenii (Theobald), Aedes, 186 invidiosusTheobald, 194 greenii (Theobald), Heizmannia, 192 iriartei Cova Garcia, Pulido F., Escalantede griscensStephens, 178 Ugueta and Mora R., 208 guatemalensisDe Leon, 179 isabelaeDuret, 199 guedesiMattos and Xavier, 199 jacksoni Edwards, 194 guizhouensisChen and Zhao, 194 Janthinosoma Lynch Arribalzaga, 192 gutierrezi Duret, 207 javanensisBrug, 19 1 gyirongensisMa, 188 jeyporiensisJames, 18 1 hackeri Edwards, 197 johnnyi Duret, 199 HaemagogusWilliston, 192 josiahae Huang, 190 haematophagusFicalbi, 195 juppi McIntosh, 188 hainanensisChen, I96 kalawara Stoker and Waktoedi, 182 Halaedes Belkin, 186 kanaranusBarraud, 186 harbachi Reinert, 186 kapretwae Edwards, 185 hardini Miyagi, Toma and Ramalingam, 205 karwari (Barraud), 187 haworthi Edwards, 185 katherinensisWoodhill, 190 hayashii Yamada, 197 Kenknightia Reinert, 186 hegneri Causey, 186 kennethi Muspratt, 185 heiheensisMa, 179 kerri Duret, 200 Heizmannia Ludlow, 192 kesseliRamalingam, 191 hermsi Barr and Guptavanij, 179 khasiana Barraud, 185 herrerai Sutil Oramas, Pulido F. and Amar- Kitzmilleria Danilov, 197 ista M., 199 kochi (Doenitz), Aedes, 186 heterospinaGong and Lu, 192 kochi Doenitz, Anopheles,18 1 hewitti (Edwards), 198 kosiensisCoetzee, Segermanand Hunt, 181 hilli (Taylor), 206 koumbai Gaillard, 197 hirsutipalpisTheobald, 194 krymmontanusAlekseev, 189 hirtusa Gong, 205 kunmingensisDong and Wang, 179 hispaniola (Theobald), 180 lactator Dyar and Knab, 194 Hodgesia Theobald, 202 laffooni Knight and Rozeboom, 189 hollandi Taylor, 183 lamberti Ventrillon, 190 hoogstraaliKnight and Rozeboom, 189 lambrechti Van Someren, 189 horotoi Taylor, 186 lasaensisMeng, 188 hortensisFicalbi, 198 Lasiosiphon Kirkpatrick, 197 identicusDyar and Knab, 204 lateralis Ludlow, 208 impatibilis (Walker), 189 ZatispinusGong and Ji, 206 NOVEMBER 1992 227 laurenti Newstead, 193 mallochi Taylor, 186 LeicesteriaTheobald, 19 1 mangyanus(Banks), 182 leonisColless, 186 Mansonia Blanchard, 203 lerozeboomiReinert, 187 Mansonioides Theobald, 203 leucomeres(Giles), 187 marajoara Galvao and Damasceno, 183 leucopleurusRozeboom, 185 marksae Grjebine, 202 leucosphyrusDoenitz, 18 1 marshallii (Theobald), 184, 185 levicastilloiGrjebine, 202 marteri Senevet and Prunelle, 179 Levua Stone and Bohart, 187 martinei (Doucet), 20 1 lewisi Ribeiro, 209 masculusTheobald, 194 liangshanensisKang, Tan, Cao, Cheng, Yang masoalensisFontenille and Brunhes, 184 and Huang, 179 mastersiSkuse, 180 lii Wu, 192 mathioti Fontenille and Brunhes, 184 Limatus Theobald, 203 mattinglyi Grjebine, 202 linealis (Skuse),203 mauritanicus Callot, 195 lineata (Theobald), 193 maxgermaini Huang, 190 lineata Theobald, 198 mcintoshiHuang, 187 littleri (Taylor), 20 1 mediopunctatus(Theobald), 179 litwakae Harbach, 194 Melanoconion Theobald, 198 lit wakae Reinert, 187 melanotarsisDirector General Medical Serv- lividocostalisGraham, 194 ices, 2 10 longicornisGrjebine, 202 memorans(Bonne-Wepster), 203 longifilamentusSu and Zhang, 188 mengi Chen, Wang and Zhao, 208 longipodusHong and Wang, 209 mengi Dong, Wang and Lu, 204 LophoceraomyiaTheobald, 198 menglianensisLu and Gong, 192 lounibosiGillies and Coetzee, 18 1 metallica (Leicester), 202 Lucifer(Howard, Dyar and Knab), 192 mickevichaeHuang, 190 ludlowae (Theobald), 18 1 Microculex Theobald, 200 lugubrisBarraud, 19 1 mikiranus Edwards, 185 lunulatus King and Hoogstraal, 186 mikrokopion Knight and Harrison, 186 luridus McIntosh, 187 milloti Grjebine, 202 luteocephalus(Newstead), 190 milnensisLee, 19 1 Lutzia Theobald, 198 milni Taylor, 195 lutzii (Theobald), 192 milwardi Xavier and da Silva Mattos, 199 luzonenesisRozeboom, 187 Mimomyia Theobald, 20 1, 202 macarthuri Colless, 18 1 mimulus Edwards, 194 macfarlanei(Edwards), 186 minima (Theobald), 20 1 machadoi Cunha Ramos, 208 minutus Theobald, 194 macleayi Skuse, 195 misionensisDuret, 199 maculatusTheobald, 18 1 moenensisIyengar, 2 10 maculosaJames and Liston, 183 mojuensisDuret and Damasceno, 200 maculosaTheobald, 187 molestusForskal, 195 madagascariensisVentrillon, 195 montforti Ventrillon, 196 madecassorumRodhain and Boutonnier, 203 mortiauxi Cunha Ramos and Ribeiro, 192 magnus(Theobald), 19 1 mossmaniTaylor, 194 Maillotia Theobald, 198 mouchetiEvans, 197 majidi Young and Majid, 18 1 mubiensisLuh and Shih, 184 malayi (Theobald), 191 muscivusSkuse, 180 malaysiensisRamalingam and Banu, 205 namibiensisCoetzee, I79 malefactorDyar and Knab, 179 nebulosusTheobald, 196 228 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3

nemophilousPeyton and Ramalingam, 182 parascelosTheobald, 184 Neobironella Tenorio, 183 parvus Taylor, 194 Neoculex Dyar, 200 pauliani Grjebine, 182 NeomelaniconionNewstead, 187 pecori Reinert, 187 nepenthis(Edwards), 205 pecuniosusEdwards, 186 ngongVan Someren, 185 pereyrai Duret, 200 nicaroensisDuret, 200 per-plexusTaylor, 180 nigerrima Taylor, 208 persimilis Taylor, 180 nigerrimusGiles, I79 petragnani Del Vecchio, 179 nigra Christophers,2 10 petrocchiae(Shannon and de1Ponte), 204 nigritarsis(Chagas), 183 pettigrewii Theobald, 196 nigrochaetaeTheobald, 196 peus Speise,2 10 nigrochracea(Bonne-Wepster), 203 peytoni Kulasekera, Harrison and Amera- nigrocostalisTheobald, 194 singhe, 179 nigrosignata(Edwards), 203 Peytonulus Harbach, 204 nilgiricusChristophers, 179 pharoensisTheobald, 182 normanensis(Taylor), 188 philonuxia Philip, 208 notanandai Rattanarithikul and Green, 182 phlabistusDyar, 200 novaeguineaeEvenhuis, 20 1 Phoniomyia Theobald, 204 NyssorhynchusBlanchard, 183 pilosusDuret, 192 oblita (Lutz), 207 pingpaensisChang, 185 obscurusBrug, 206 pipiens Linnaeus, 195 obturbans(Walker), 191 platylepidusKnight and Hull, 189 occidentayunnanusGong and Lu, 189 plumiger Bonne-Wepster, 206 ocellatusTheobald, 18 1 plumosus(Brug), 206 ocellatusTheobald, 200 pluvialis Kirkpatrick, 197 Ochlerotatus Lynch Arribalzaga, 187 poicilipes(Theobald), 195 okinawensisToma, Miyagi and Tanaka, 209 Polylepidomyia Theobald, 205 onderstepoortensisTheobald, 196 portonovoensisTewari and Hiriyan, 189 oresbiusHarbach and Rattanarithikul, 197 portucaliensisFigueiredo, 179 or-lai Duret, 200 propria Taylor, 208 ornata Taylor, 206 pruina Theobald, 195 Orthopodomyia Theobald, 203 pseudalbolineatusBrug, 189 palaciosi Duret, 200 pseudoalbipesDuret, 192 pallidostriatus(Theobald), 184 pseudoannuliorisTheobald, 193 pallidus Swellengrebel,17 8 PseudoficalbiaTheobald, 207 palliventer (Lutz), 205 pseudojamesi Strickland and Chowdhury, palpalis Taylor, I94 182 paltrinierii Shidrawi and Gillies, 182 pseudomediofasciatus(Theobald), 19 1 paludis Taylor, 195 pseudorubithoracisSirivanakarn, 198 pantjarbatu Waktoedi, 179 pseudosquamosaNewstead and Carter, 180 Papua Brug, 206 pseudostigmatosomaStrickman, 195 papuensis(Taylor), Culex, 197 pseudowillmori(Theobald), 182 papuensis(Taylor), Mansonia, 203 PsorophoraRobineau-Desvoidy, 192 papuensisDe Rook, 2 10 pulchrithorax Edwards, 193 paradianteusApfelbeck, 188 pulchrithorax Edwards, 198 paradissimilis Rozeboom, 187 pulcripalpis(Rondoni), 203 paraliae Sandosham, 179 pulcritarsis(Rondoni), 188 paramaxi Duret, 194 pullatus (Coquillett), 188 parapunctipennisMartini, I79 punctulatusDoenitz, 182 NOVEMBER 1992 229

quadripalpis(Edwards), 198 sawyeriCausey, Deane, Deane and Sampaio, quasigelidusTheobald, 195 183 quasimodestusTheobald, 195 schnusei(Martini), 207 quasioriginatorDuret, I93 Scutomyia Theobald, 189 quasiornatus(Taylor), 206 sedaensisLei, 188 quasirusticusTorres Canamares, 188 seguyiApfelbeck, 188 quasisanguinaeLeicester, 202 septempunctataTheobald, 203 queenslandensisTheobald, 190 setivalva (Monchadskii), 20 1 quinquefasciatusSay, 195 sexicoxitusLuh and Li, 191 rabelloiForattini and Sallum, 200 silvaiDuret, 200 RachionotomyiaTheobald, 205 silvestrisIngram and de Meillon, 192 RachisouraTheobald, 206 simaniniGutsevich, 188 rachouiDuret, 200 similis Theobald, 178 rajah Tsukamoto, Culex, 197 simlensis(James), 179 rajah Tsukamoto, Toxorhynchites,209 simplex Taylor, 193 ramalaiGrjebine, 202 simpsoniTheobald, 195 ramalingamiEvenhuis and Steffan, 209 sinaiticusKirkpatrick, 195 ramsayi Covell, 182 SinoaedesGong and Lu, 189 ranciGrjebine, I82 siphanulatusLourenco de Oliviera and da refikiMedschid, 189 Silva, 200 reinertiRattanarithikul and Harrison, 186 sirivanakarniDuret, 207 RhinoskuseaEdwards, 189 sitiensWiedemann, 195 rhyacophilusDa Costa Lima, 188 Skusea Theobald, 189 ribeirensisForattini and Sallum, 200 soesiloiStrickland and Chowdhury, 183 richardgarciaiJeffery, Oothuman and Rud- sogdianusKeshishian, 179 nick, 197 soleatusEdwards, 190 richteri Ingram and de Meillon, 195 solomonensisCumpston, 2 10 rickenbachiRibeiro, 209 somalicusRivola and Holstein, 182 rima Theobald, 197 somersetiTaylor, 193 riojanusDuret, 195 soperiLane and Cerqeira, 204 spathifurca(Edwards), 197 riparioidesSu and Zhang, 188 spathulatusBrug, I9 1 riveraiDuret, 208 spathulatusForattini,and Sallum, 200 rockefelleri Peryassu,179 spathulirostrisEdwards, 204 rodhainiRibeiro, 209 speciosus(Skuse), 209 rubinotusTheobald, 197 spermathecusWijesundara, 19 1 RusticoidusShevchenko and Prudkina, 189 spiculostylusChen, 197 sabahensisRamlingam and Ramakerishna, spinosusLutz, 195 205 spoliataEdwards, 203 SabethesRobineau-Desvoidy, 204 squamosus(Taylor), 195 sagax(Skuse), 188 squamosusTheobald, 182 saibaii Taylor, 195 Stegomyia Theobald, 190 saimedresHuang, 190 stellataGrjebine, 202 salbaiiMaffi and Coluzzi, 182 stephensiListon, 182 salisburiensisTheobald, 198 sternopallidusRoubaud, 195 salusTheobald, 195 sternopunctatusRoubaud, 195 sangenluoensisWang, 198 sticticus(Meigen), 188 sanguinaeTheobald, 202 stigmaticusSkuse, 179 sawadwongporniRattanarithikul and Green, stigmatosomaDyar, 196 182 stoksiEvans, 185 230 MOSQUITOSYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3 stramineusDubitzky, 188 TrichoprosoponTheobald, 205 strelitziae Muspratt, 190 Tripteroides Giles, 205, 206 stylifurcatusCarterand Wigesundara, 197 tumetarsalisChen and Zhang, 204 Suaymyia Thurman, 204 turkhudi Liston, 182 subalpinusHackett and Lewis, 180 Udaya Thurman, 192 subcomplosaDe Ponte, 2 10 umbrosa Theobald, 181 subnudipennis(Edwards), 206 undosus(Coquillett), 204 subobscurusLee, 206 unidentatusMcIntosh, 187 subsimilis(Barraud), 192 uniformis(Theobald), 19 1 subumbrosaTheobald, 181 univittatusTheobald, 196 suchariti Miyagi and Toma, 204 Uranotaenia Lynch Arribalzaga, 207, 208 sulawesiWaktoedi, 182 vagusDoenitz, 182 sylvaticaLu, Dong and Wang, 205 vaneedeniGillies and Coetzee, 183 sylvestris(Theobald), 206 vansomerenaeGrjebine, 202 sylvestrisLeicester, 198 varietas(Leicester), 191 tabu Ramalingam and Belkin, 190 varipes(Coquillett), 192 taeniorhynchoides(Christophers), 184 varuna Iyengar, 183 tahoensisDyar, 188 veeniaeMcIntosh, 184 tananariviensisVentrillon, 182 ventralis Walker, Armigeres, 191 tarsalis (Newstead), 184 ventralis Walker, Culex, 201 tarsata Lane and Cerqueira, 207 Verrallina Theobald, 190 tchekediide Meillon and Leeson, 182 verutusHarbach, 196 teesdaleiVan Someren, 185 vicinus(Taylor), 196 telesilla de Meillon and Lavoipierre, 196 vinckeide Meillon, 183 tessellatusTheobald, 182 vittatus (Bigot), 184 Thaiomyia Bram, 196 wansoniWolfs, 197 theileri Edwards, 182 weindorferi(Edwards), 20 1 theileri Theobald, 196 whitmani Lane and Cerqueira, 204 theobaldi (Lutz), 200 whitmorei (Giles), 196 thriambus Dyar, 196 wilkersoniReinert, 187 tibialis Taylor, 208 willmori (James), 183 tigripesDe Grandpre and De Charmoy, 198 wilsoni Taylor, 188 TinolestesCoquillett, 200 Wyeomyia Theobald, 206, 207 Topomyia Leicester, 204 xiaokuanus Ma, 180 torakala Stoker and Waktoedi, 18 1 yojoae Strickman, 196 torridus Iglisch, 195 yongi Miyagi, Toma and Ramalingam, 205 Toxorhynchites Theobald, 208 zhangi Gong, 205 tramazayguesiDuret, 193 Zinzala Zavortink, 207 treubi (De Meijere), 184 zinzala Zavortink, 207 triangulatusTaylor, 202