[email protected] 8 April 2013, 32(增刊): 20-44 Http://journals.im.ac.cn Mycosystema ISSN1672-6472 CN11-5180/Q © 2013 IMCAS, all rights reserved. The genus Pythium in mainland China HO Hon-Hing* Department of Biology, State University of New York, New Paltz, New York 12561, USA Abstract: A historical review of studies on the genus Pythium in mainland China was conducted, covering the occurrence, distribution, taxonomy, pathogenicity, plant disease control and its utilization. To date, 64 species of Pythium have been reported and 13 were described as new to the world: P. acrogynum, P. amasculinum, P. b ai sen se , P. boreale, P. breve, P. connatum, P. falciforme, P. guiyangense, P. guangxiense, P. hypoandrum, P. kummingense, P. nanningense and P. sinensis. The dominant species is P. aphanidermatum causing serious damping off and rotting of roots, stems, leaves and fruits of a wide variety of plants throughout the country. Most of the Pythium species are pathogenic with 44 species parasitic on plants, one on the red alga, Porphyra: P. porphyrae, two on mosquito larvae: P. carolinianum and P. guiyangense and two mycoparasitic: P. nunn and P. oligandrum. In comparison, 48 and 28 species have been reported, respectively, from Taiwan and Hainan Island with one new species described in Taiwan: P. sukuiense. The prospect of future study on the genus Pythium in mainland China was discussed. Key words: Pythiaceae, taxonomy, Oomycetes, Chromista, Straminopila 中国大陆的腐霉属菌物 何汉兴* 美国纽约州立大学 纽约 新帕尔茨 12561 摘 要:综述了中国大陆腐霉属的研究进展,内容包括腐霉属菌物的发生、分布、分类鉴定、致病性、所致植物病 害防治及腐霉的利用等方面。至今,中国已报道的腐霉属菌物有 64 个种,其中有 13 个种作为世界新种进行了描述, 这 13 个新种分别为:顶生腐霉 Pythium acrogynum,孤雌腐霉 P.