NOVEMBER1992 177 THIRD SUPPLEMENT TO “A CATALOG OF THE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD” (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE) RONALD A. WARD’-~ Department of Entomology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington,DC 20307-5100 ABSTRACT. Additions and changesin the taxonomic statusof mosquitoesfrom January 1984 through January 1992 are enumerated with the pertinent literature citations. Through this eight-year period, there were describednine new subgenera,128 new speciesand one new subspecies.One subgenus,25 speciesand 16 subspeciesor varieties were removed from synonymy. The statusof 66 taxa, including synonyms, were changed by transfersin generic or subgenericstatus. Since 1984 there has been a net changeof 145 speciesadded to the world mosquito fauna, resulting in a total of 3,209 valid species. INTRODUCTION while synonymsare underlined and in roman type. The life history stagesdescribed in the Eight years have passedsince the publica- original paper are indicated by the symbols:$ tion of the second supplement to the world (male), 9 (female), P (pupa), L (larva), E (egg), catalog of mosquitoes (Ward 1984). Since Pe (pupal exuviae) and Le (larval exuviae). there are no plans for a revision of the world An asterisk(*) to the right of a symbol indi- catalog of Knight and Stone (1977) in the catesan accompanying illustration of at least near future, this supplement has been com- a portion of the stagedescribed. Type depo- piled to cover the systematic literature from sitories are referenced by a three- or four- January 1, 1984 through January 3 1, 1992. letter abbreviation. With the exception of 11 The arrangementof this supplementis sim- depositoriescited at the end of this paper, the ilar to that of the second supplement (Ward full locations for types are listed in Knight 1984) except that additional information is and Stone (1977), Knight (1978) and Ward provided concerning the sex or stage of the ( 1984). holotype, changesin the deposition of type A change has been made for dating papers material and 24 Taxonomic Notes. published in the calendar year following the All publications containing descriptionsof date printed on the cover of the periodical. new taxa, revisions and catalogs have been To simplify bibliographies, such a paper is examined with one exception, Lei 1989. In listed as: Smith, J. 1990. A new speciesof caseswhere further clarification was required, (Diptera: Culicidae). J. Mosq. Res. correspondencewith an author or collection i ;989) 23:39 l-397, rather than: Smith, J. manager usually provided the necessaryin- 1989 ( 1990), etc. Complete citations for ref- formation. Such material is discussedin the erences given in the synonymies may be Taxonomic Notes. found in Knight and Stone (1977) Knight Valid taxa are indicated by italicized type ( 1978) and Ward ( 1984). A number of new synonyms were cited in the Culicidae chapter (Minar 1991) of the ’ ’ The views of the author do not purport to reflect the Palaearctic Diptera catalog. Since no indica- position of the Department of the Army or of the De- tion was given for a reference substantiating partment of Defense. the new synonymy, and a letter to J. Minar 2 Reprint requests:Walter Reed BiosystematicsUnit, Mu- seum Support Center, MRC 534, Smithsonian Institu- elicited no response,these synonymies are not tion, Washington, DC 20560. mentioned in this supplement. 178 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3 I wish to acknowledgethe constructivecrit- number of species.The Smithsonian Institu- icism of R.E. Harbach, E.L. Peyton, J.F. Re- tion Libraries were extremely helpful in ob- inert and R.C. Wilkerson, who reviewed var- taining many of the Chinese references. ious drafts of the manuscript. Conversations A special acknowledgment is due my with E.L. Peyton and R.E. Harbach on taxo- daughter, Katherine B. Ward, for cheerfully nomic problems were most fruitful. Thomas processingthe numerous drafts of this man- F. Gafhgan’s careful curation of the U.S. Na- uscript. The final preparation of the diskette tional Mosquito Collection unearthed a ‘lost’ was accomplishedby J.E. Pecor, who always holotype and furnished additional data on a does a superbjob. Family Culicidae Subfamily Anophelinae Genus Anopheles Meigen SubgenusAnopheles Meigen anthropophagusXu and Feng Ma 198 1:60 (from subspeciesof lesteri). atratipes Skuse Lee et al. 1988a:16 (holotype 9; change MM to ANIC). baezai Gater Lee et al. 1988a:20 (erroneous publication date, change 1933 to 1934). baileyi Edwards Harrison et al. 199 1:209 (from variety of gigas). barbumbrosusStrickland and Chowdhury pallidus Swellengrebel,19 19. Townsend 1990:116 (?syntype8; change NE to BM). calderoniWilkerson 199 1: 25 (a*, 9*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Salitral, Department of Piura, Peru (holotype 0; USNM). changfk Ma 198 1:65 (a*, ?*, E). Type lot.: Emei, Sichuan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 0; IZ). chiriquiensisKomp Wilkerson 1990a:179 (from synonymy with para&nctipennis). claviger(Meigen) grisescensStephens, 1828. Townsend 1990:80 (2 syntypes;change LU to BM). colledgeiMarks Townsend 1990:62 (holotype 8; change UQ to ANIC). corethroidesTheobald Marks 1976:118 (listed as species). Lee et al. 1988a:54 (verification as speciesfrom synonymy of stigmaticus).(Note 1). coustaniLaveran similis Theobald, 190 1. Townsend 1990:134 (unavailable name; Article I le, ICZN 1985). cucphuongensisPhan, Manh, Hinh and Vien 199 1:145 (a*, ?*, P*, L*). Type lot.: Cut-Phuong, Ha-Nam-Ninh Prov., Vietnam (holo- type 9; USNM). dazhaius Ma 198 1:65 (a*, 9*, E*). Type lot.: Sichuan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; IZ). NOVEMBER 1992 179 fragilis (Theobald) Townsend 1990:75 (2 syntypes;change NE to BM). franciscanusMcCracken Arnaud 1979:57 (lectotype $; change LACM to CAS). gigas Giles var. simlensis(James, 19 11). Townsend 1990:134 (3 syntypes;change LU to BM). ssp.pantjarbatzi Waktoedi, 1954 (authorship changed from Koesoemawinangoento Wak- toedi). (Note 2). heiheensisMa 198 1:66 (a*, ?*, E). Type lot.: Aihui, Heilungjiang Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; IZ). hermsi Barr and Guptavanij 1989:353 (a, Q, P, L, E). Type lot.: Malibu Canyon at Pacific Coast Hwy., Los Angeles County, California, USA (holotype Q & Pe,Le; USNM). kunmingensisDong and Wang 1985:117 (a*, Q*, P*, L*, E*). Type lot.: Long-tan Ba, Kunming, Yunnan Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; YIM). liangshanensisKang, Tan, Cao, Cheng, Yang and Huang 1984:11 (a*, ?*, P, L*, E*). Type lot.: Zhaojiao County, Sichuan Prov., China (holotype 9, SIP). malefactorDyar and Knab Wilkerson 1990b:235 (from synonymy with pzlnctimaczda). marteri Senevet and Prunelle Townsend 1990:10 1 (4 syntypes;add BM). sogdianusKeshishian, 1938. Ribeiro et al. 1987:108 (synonymy). mediopunctatus(Theobald) rockefelleri Peryassu, 1923. Townsend 1990:128 (?syntype;change LU to BM). namibiensisCoetzee 1984:2 (a, Q”, P*, L”, E). Type lot.: Mahongo, Kavango, Namibia (holotype 9; USNM). nigerrimus Giles indiensisTheobald, 190 1. Townsend 1990:86 (change BM to NE). nilgiricus Christophers Harrison et al. 199 1:199 (from subspeciesof lindesayi). paraliae Sandosham Harrison et al. 199 1:208 (from subspeciesof lesteri). parapzrnctipennisMartini Wilkerson 1990a:180 (neotype $ desig.). ssp. guatemalensis De Leon, 1938. Wilkerson 1990a:18 1 (from variety to subspecies: lectotype Q desig.). petragnani Del Vecchio portucaliensisFigueiredo, 1904. Ribeiro et al. 1988:235 (from variety of b$rrcatus auct. to synonymy with petragnani). pe_ytoniKulasekera, Harrison and Amerasinghe 1989:303 (a*, 0, P*, L*). Type lot.: Kanneliya, Galle District, Sri Lanka (holotype $ & Pe,Le; USNM). stigmaticusSkuse Lee et al. 1988a:95 (2 syntypes;change MM to ANIC). 180 MOSQUITO SYSTEMATICS VOL. 24, No. 3 subalpinusHackett and Lewis Ribeiro et al. 1988:234 (from subspeciesof melanoon). xiaokuanus Ma 198 1:67 (a*, Q*, E*). Type lot.: Mudangjiang, Heilungjiang Prov., P.R. China (holotype 9; IZ). SubgenusCeZZiu Theobald annularis Van der Wulp fuliginosusGiles, 1900. Townsend 1990:76 (2 syntypes;change NE to BM). annulatus Haga Lee et al. 1988a:133 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). Townsend 1990:43 (2 syntypes;improper attribution). annulipesWalker musivusSkuse, 1889. Lee et al. 1988a:136 (type 0; change MM to ANIC). mastersiSkuse, 1889. Lee et al. 1988a:136 (3 syntypes;change MM to ANIC). pet-plexusTaylor, 1943. Lee et al. 1988a:136 (lectotype $ desig.;change US to ANIC). persimilis Taylor, 1943. Lee et al. 1988a.136 (type 9; change US to ANIC). derricki Taylor, 1943. Lee et al. 1988a:136 (lectotype $ desig.;change US to ANIC). apoci Marsh Townsend 1990:44 (2 syntypes;change LU to BM). arabiensisPatton quadriannulatusdavidsoni Ribeiro, Cunha Ramos, Pires and Capela, 1979. Cambournac et al. 1982:266 (synonymy). argenteolobatus(Gough) pseudosquamosaNewstead and Carter, 1911. Townsend 1990:124 (holotype; changeLSTM to BM). buxtoni Service Townsend 1990:55 (lectotype $ desig.;BM). bwambae White 1985:506 (a*, Q*, P*, L*, E*). Type lot.: Mongiro, Semliki Forest, Bwamba County, Uganda (holotype 9; BM). cameronide Meillon and Evans Townsend 1990:57 (holotype; changeSAIM to BM). carteri Evans and de Meillon Townsend 1990:58 (6 syntypes;change LSTM to BM). cinereusTheobald ssp.hispaniola (Theobald, 1903). Ribeiro et al. 1980:132 (from speciesto subspecies). cydippisde Meillon Segerman 1990:53 (holotype; from SAIM to LU). dancalicusCorradetti Townsend 1990:65 (3 syntypes;add BM). daudi Coluzzi Townsend 1990:65 (syntype; add BM). dispar Rattanarithikul and Harbach 199 1:176 (a*, 9, P*, L*). Type lot.: Subic Bay, Pastolan,Bataan Prov., Luzon, Philippines (holotype 9; USNM). NOVEMBER 1992 181 dravidicusChristophers
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