FELLOW of the ACADEMY of ST LTJKE, ROME. the Netherbow Was

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FELLOW of the ACADEMY of ST LTJKE, ROME. the Netherbow Was THE NETHERBOW PORT. 379 THE NETHERBOW PORT. BY THE REV. R. S. MYLNE, B.C.L., F.R.S.E., FELLOW OF THE ACADEMY OF ST LTJKE, ROME. The Netherbo importann a s wwa t boundary throughou Middle th t e Ages. Above was the ancient town of Edinburgh ; below, the Canon- gate, unde jurisdictioe th r e Abboth f f Holyrooo no t s bailieshi d dan . Only in modern times has the jurisdiction of these two sets of magis- trates been thrown into one under the Lord Provost of Edinburgh. e positioTh f thio n s gats originallwa e e th ye lin f th fixeo e y b d ancient fortifie de townwalth f o l, trace f whico s h still exist, though e increas th populatioe th f eo earln ni y days soon required more space accommodatioe foth r citizense th wal e f no Th l her. nearln era y north and south, from the North Loch (now the North British Station) toward e Cowgateth s tha o e s Netherbo; th t w faced easd westan t , e loweth d r lanan d toward e greatth s Abbe f Holyrooyo d fell under jurisdictioe th Churche th f o n . Many events connected with the history of Edinburgh occurred at the Netherbow. Thus a fierce conflict took place in 1515 at this spot between the Earl of Arran and the Earl of Angus, the supporters of Arran assembling at the Archbishop of Glasgow's house at Blackfriars Wynd. About seventy perished besid e Netherboeth w before order was restored n 151 I citizene .9th s shut their gates agains Eare th t l of Arran, whe attemptee nh influenco t d e electio th e Provost th f no . In 1560 a serious quarrel broke out between the Scottish and Frenc wern h so esoldiersNethere s Provose slaith hi th t d nd a an -an ,t bow by the French troops, who finally retreated down the Canongate. 157n I r Williae Castl 1Si th hels y edb wa m Kirkcald Grangf yo r efo Mary Queen of Scots, and on May 1st the Duke of Chatelherault entered the town with 300 troops. There was much fighting about e Netherbowth orden givea s d wa rconstruco nt an , secona t d gata e 380 PKOCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, MAY 13, 1912. little higher up than the old gate for the better defence of the town. But there were scenes of joy connected with the Netherbow as well as strife a.nd war. In 1590 King James VI. married Anne of Denmark at Holyrood. The marriage procession paused at the Netherbow to se representatioea f Marriagno e enacte skilley db x d bo actors a d an , coated with velvet was let down from the upper part of the gate to the Queen with her initials wrought in goodly precious stones. coronatioe th r Fo Kinf no g Charles I.1633n i , Netherboe th , s wwa decorated with fine picture famoue th y sb s painter Jameson dieo dwh , n Edinburgi n 1644hi representatioA . f Mouno n t Parnassus wa s enacted at the Tron " with a great variety of vegetables, rocks, and other decorations peculiar to mountains." Moreover, the King received a laudatory address from the famous poet, Drummond, of Hawthorn- den. Altogether the city spent £41,000 (Scottish money) on these various ceremonial exhibitions. King Charles hoped thereby, and hoped in vain, to obtain popularity. He had adopted the famous maxifathers hi f mo , Bishopo "N King,o n , thoughd an " t thae th t introductio f episcopacno y would strengthe s feeblnhi e th hol n do crow f Scotlando n t hers judgmenBu hi e e.n h error i r s fo ,wa t utterly failed to understand the sturdy nature of the Scottish people. He thought the moderate and tolerant doctrine of the Church of England was a good nucleus around which the scattered Protestant bodies might rally, and so resist the vast power of the Church of people th Rome Stuare t e Th Bu woul. t . t havsovereignso dno t ei s were ever unfortunate, and nothing is more pathetic than the ultimate fate of Charles I., so strangely foretold by the Sortes Virgiliance. know,o "t See' t ghose kno th ' t replied with tears, sorrowe sony Th futur n th ' si f so e years. This youth, the blissful vision of a day, Shall jus shewe b t earthn no snatched an , d away.'" Oliver Cromwell entered Edinburg Septemben hi rhea e 165th dt 0a e towth nt pu undes army ohi d f ran , martial law. Scenes very TH1 E38 NETHERBOW POET. different fro peacefue mth l celebration t Charlesa s I.'s coronatiow nno took place. well-knows Nicohi n li n diary relates Septemben o , r 27th, that y "ordeb f Generao r l Cromweln ow l s thers threhi f wa eo e soldiers scourge Provose th y db t Marshall' fron Stone msme th e Chop to the Netherbow, and back again, for plundering houses within the town." Cromwell's rule was severe, yet he protected quiet citizens. e yeath r n I 154 e Parliamen0th t authorisinpassed Ac ha t n da g e constructioth strona f no g wall upo e wesnth t sid f Leiteo h Wynd by the Corporation of Edinburgh, and, " because the east side apper- Abboe tainth Holyroodo f st o t bailiee Canongate th ,th f so e muse se t o thit se construction th par f o t " froe Netherbomth o Trinitwt y College Church n 154 I e Englis. 4th h army, unde e Ear th rHertf o l - ford, captured Edinburgh, enterin Watee th y gearliese rb Gateth d tan , known map of the old town appears to have been made for the use of e Englisth h GeneralNetherboe th t A . wstoua t resistanc mads ewa e e citizense bgatbeates yth th e wa t ne enemybu ,a opeth d y nb an , great numbe f peoplo r e wer e e Castlattace th th killed t n eko Ye . altogether failed ; and the English soon afterwards returned to their own land thin I s. peculia Henry wa r y VIII. though obtaio t t e nth hand of the young Queen of Scotland for his own son. When Queen Mary mad statr ehe e entry into Edinburgh Septemn o , - ber 3rd, 1561 e Netherboth , decorates wwa mosn di t costly fashion, Councie asth l Register presenterecordss wa e sh ;d wit e keye th h th f so city, received by the chief citizens in black velvet gowns with scarlet doublets, attended by fifty black slaves, and was present at the performanc a quain f o e t mystery play, concernin e destructiogth n of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. Nicol records that, on May 8th, 1662, the newly consecrated bishops assembled in their gowns at the e Archbishohousth f o e t AndrewS f o p s nea e Netherbowth r d an , marched thence to Parliament accompanied by the Earl of Kellie and the Earl of Wemyss, and were received with much honour. Soon afterwards Archbishop Sharp was murdered at Magus Moor. 382 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, MAY 13, 1912. In the year 1745, while the citizens were discussing their best course of actiot GilesS n ni a part, f Highlanderyo s manage o entedt e th r town by the Netherbow gate, and were soon followed by the young Chevalier himself. Then the heralds were ordered to publish at the Market Cros e commissiosth Regencf no y whic youne hth g Princd eha receive briea r d ffo fro spaco fathers s m hi e hous d eth an f Stuar, eo t again ruled in Edinburgh. The Prince occupied Holyrood, receiving all who came to him with the utmost courtesy, and his troops en- camped in the royal park, near Duddingston. Marchin Linlithgowo gt , they unfortunatel t firthao yse t e t Palace, which has been a ruin ever since. They were finally overthrown by the Duke of Cumberland, who burnt their standards at the Market agaip u Hanoveriae t nth Crossse d an , n Government Prince'e Th . s own standard was carried to the Cross by the common hangman. At the unhappy time of the Porteous Riot, in 1736, it had been pro- posed to demolish the Netherbow, but this foolish scheme was defeated e energbth y d determinatioan y e Scotsmeth f o n n Parliamenti n , who woul t havdno e this ancien historid an t c gate destroyedt Ye . its lease of life was not long preserved. In the year 1764, the edict went forth fro e citmth y that this famous landmark should exiso n t more, and in that same year the entire structure was pulled down, amids e regretth t f mancitizene so th f yo Edinburghf so . A good engravin mads g 1 wa 176n ei 4 (figshowin, 1) . workmee gth n takin copa stonespire g top the preserve y is off and ,sof the the din Library of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. There is also an engraving at p. 55 of vol. ii. of Daniel Wilson's Memorials of Edinburgh, engrave . ForrestW d . drawy Wilsodb D an , y b nf thesI n (fig. e2) . two engravings are correct (and they seem better than others that exist), the Netherbow cannot have been built in 1660, as some writers affirm. The design is mediaeval Gothic, with traces It also shows the contrast between the Gothic and Renaissance work on the 1 Netherbow.
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