Maria: DENİZLER Kuzey 1- Mare Frigoris

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Maria: DENİZLER Kuzey 1- Mare Frigoris Maria: DENİZLER Kuzey 1- Mare Frigoris (Sea of Cold) IAU 2- Mare Imbrium (Sea of Rains) IAU 3- Sinus Aestuum (Bay of Seething) IAU Kuzey-Doğu 4- Sinus Medii (Bay of the Center) IAU 5- Mare Vaporum (Sea of Vapors) IAU 6- Mare Serenitatis (Sea of Serenity) IAU 7- Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquillity) IAU 8- Mare Crisium (Sea of Crises) IAU 17- Lacus Somniorum (Lake of Sleep) IAU 18- Palus Somni (Marsh of Sleep) IAU 19- Mare Anguis (Sea of Snakes) IAU 20- Mare Undarum (Sea of Waves) IAU Güney-Doğu 9- Mare Fecunditatis (Sea of Fecundity) IAU 10- Mare Nectaris (Sea of Nectar) IAU 21- Mare Spumans (Sea of Foam) IAU Güney-Batı 11- Mare Nubium (Sea of Clouds) IAU 12- Mare Humorum (Sea of Moisture) IAU 13- Mare Cognitum (Known Sea) IAU 22- Palus Epidemiarum (Marsh of Diseases) IAU Batı 14- Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms) IAU Kuzey-Batı 15- Sinus Roris (Bay of Dew) IAU 16- Sinus Iridum (Bay of Rainbows) IAU Montes: DAĞLAR Kuzey-Doğu 23- Montes Alpes IAU 24- Vallis Alpes (Alpine Valley) IAU 25- Montes Caucasus IAU 26- Montes Apenninus IAU 27- Montes Haemus IAU 28- Montes Taurus IAU Güney-Doğu 29- Montes Pyrenaeus IAU Güney-Batı 30- Rupes Recta (Straight Wall) [Geological Fault] IAU 31- Montes Riphaeus IAU Kuzey-Batı 32- Vallis Schröteri (Schröter's Valley) [Northwest of Crater Aristarchus, 73, and North of Crater Herodotus] IAU 33- Montes Jura IAU Craters: KRATERLER Kuzey-Doğu 34- Crater Aristoteles [on the East part of Mare Frigoris, 1] IAU 35- Crater Cassini IAU 36- Crater Eudoxus IAU 37- Crater Endymion IAU 38- Crater Hercules IAU 39- Crater Atlas IAU 40- Crater Mercurius IAU 41- Crater Posidonius IAU 42- Crater Zeno IAU 43- Crater Le Monnier IAU 44- Crater Plinius IAU 45- Crater Vitruvius IAU 46- Cráter Cleomedes IAU 47- Crater Taruntius IAU 48- Crater Manilius IAU 49- Crater Archimedes IAU 50- Crater Autolycus IAU 51- Crater Aristillus IAU Güney-Doğu 52- Crater Langrenus IAU 53- Crater Goclenius IAU 54- Crater Hypatia IAU 55- Crater Theophilus IAU 56- Crater Rhaeticus [Crater Hipparchus is directly South of Crater Rhaeticus] IAU 57- Crater Stevinus IAU 58- Crater Ptolemaeus IAU 59- Crater Walter IAU Güney-Batı 60- Crater Tycho IAU 61- Crater Pitatus IAU 62- Crater Schickard IAU 63- Crater Campanus IAU 64- Crater Bullialdus IAU 65- Crater Fra Mauro IAU 66- Crater Gassendi IAU 67- Crater Byrgius IAU 68- Crater Billy [Mons Hansteen is to the North of Crater Billy] IAU 69- Crater Crüger IAU 70- Crater Grimaldi IAU 71- Crater Riccioli IAU Kuzay-Batı 72- Crater Kepler IAU 73- Crater Aristarchus [Crater Herodotus is West of Crater Aristarchus] IAU 74- Crater Copernicus IAU 75- Crater Pytheas IAU 76- Crater Eratosthenes [near the Southwestern extreme of Montes Apenninus, 26] IAU 77- Crater Mairan IAU 78- Crater Timocharis IAU 79- Crater Harpalus [Crater Pythagoras is North of Crater Harpalus] IAU 80- Crater Plato IAU .
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