A Map of the Visible Side of the Moon

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A Map of the Visible Side of the Moon The Near Side of the Moon 108 N 107 106 105 45 104 46 103 47 102 48 101 49 100 24 50 99 51 52 22 53 98 33 35 54 97 34 23 55 96 95 56 36 25 57 94 58 93 2 92 44 15 40 59 91 3 27 37 17 38 60 39 6 19 20 26 28 1 18 4 29 21 11 30 W 12 E 14 5 43 90 10 16 89 7 41 61 8 62 9 42 88 32 63 87 64 86 31 65 66 85 67 84 68 83 69 82 81 70 80 71 79 72 73 78 74 77 75 76 S Maria (Seas) Craters 1 - Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms) 45 - Aristotles 77 - Tycho 2 - Mare Imbrium (Sea of Showers) 46 - Cassini 78 - Pitatus 3 - Mare Serenitatis (Sea of Serenity) 47 - Eudoxus 79 - Schickard 4 - Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility) 48 - Endymion 80 - Mercator 5 - Mare Fecunditatis (Sea of Fertility) 49 - Hercules 81 - Campanus 6 - Mare Crisium (Sea of Crises) 50 - Atlas 82 - Bulliadus 7 - Mare Nectaris (Sea of Nectar) 51 - Mercurius 83 - Fra Mauro 8 - Mare Nubium (Sea of Clouds) 52 - Posidonius 84 - Gassendi 9 - Mare Humorum (Sea of Moisture) 53 - Zeno 85 - Euclides 10 - Mare Cognitum (Known Sea) 54 - Menelaus 86 - Byrgius 18 - Mare Insularum (Sea of Islands) 55 - Le Monnier 87 - Billy 19 - Sinus Aestuum (Bay of Seething) 56 - Vitruvius 88 - Cruger 20 - Mare Vaporum (Sea of Vapors) 57 - Cleomedes 89 - Grimaldi 21 - Sinus Medii (Bay of the Center) 58 - Plinius 90 - Riccioli 22 - Sinus Roris (Bay of Dew) 59 - Magelhaens 91 - Galilaei 23 - Sinus Iridum (Bay of Rainbows) 60 - Taruntius 92 - Encke T 24 - Mare Frigoris (Sea of Cold) 61 - Langrenus 93 - Eddington 25 - Lacus Somniorum (Lake of Dreams) 62 - Gutenberg 94 - Seleucus 26 - Palus Somni (Marsh of Sleep) 63 - Goclenius 95 - Kepler 27 - Mare Anguis (Serpent Sea) 64 - Colombo 96 - Aristarchus 28 - Mare Marginis (Sea of the Edge) 65 - Cook 97 - Vaisala 29 - Mare Undarum (Sea of Waves) 66 - Biot B 98 - Copernicus 30 - Mare Spumans (Sea of Foam) 67 - Santbech 99 - Pytheas 31 - Palus Epidemiarum (Marsh of Epidemics) 68 - Stevinus 100 - Eratosthenes 69 - Hipparchus 101 - Marian 70 - Fracastorius 102 - Timocharis Montes (Mountains) 71 - Theophilus 103 - Harpalus 32 - Southern Highlands 72 - Hypatia 104 - Archimedes 33 - Montes Jura 73 - Manilius 105 - Pythagoras 34 - Montes Alpes 74 - Albategnius 106 - Autolycus 35 - Vallis Alpes (Alpine Valley) 75 - Ptolemaeus 107 - Aristillus 36 - Montes Caucasus 76 - Newton 108 - Plato 37 - Montes Apenninus 38 - Montes Haemus 39 - Promontorium Archerusia (Cape Archerusia) 40 - Montes Taurus 41 - Montes Pyrenaeus 42 - Rupes Recta (Straight Wall) 43 - Montes Riphaeus 44 - Aristarchus Plateau and Schroter's Valley Manned Lunar Landings 11 - Apollo 11 landed on July 20, 1969 on the southwestern extreme of Mare Tranquilitatis. 12 - Apollo 12 landed on November 19, 1969 on the northern extreme of Mare Cognitum. - Apollo 13 launched on April 11, 1970, and intended to land north of crater Fra Mauro. 14 - Apollo 14 landed on February 5, 1971 north of crater Fra Mauro. 15 - Apollo 15 landed on July 30, 1971 near the northern extreme of Montes Appenninus. 16 - Apollo 16 landed on April 20, 1972 between craters Theophilus and Hipparchus. 17 - Apollo 17 landed on December 11, 1972 near the southern extreme of Montes Taurus..
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