Lunar Terminology 341

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Lunar Terminology 341 Lunar Terminology 341 Lunar Terminology Are there still a few words associated with the Moon that you do not understand yet? Here is a simple glossary to help you along… Albedo – The amount of reflectiveness of a certain surface feature Anorthosite – Granular igneous rock usually of soda-lime feldspar Apogee – The point of the Moon’s orbit furthest from Earth – 406,700 km Basin – A large impact crater, with a diameter in excess of 100 km Breccia – Coarse, preexisting rock and angular fragments Caldera – Volcano summit depression formed by explosion or collapse Catena – Crater chain Cavus – Groups of hollows or irregular depressions Craters – Indentations that are bowl or saucer shaped in configuration; a depression with steep slopes on the surface; formed by impact or geologic activity Diurnal – A daily cycle Dorsum – ridge Ejecta – Impact crater material that is thrown clear of the source and covers the surface at least one crater diameter; streamers of material originating from a impact area Gibbous – Phase where more than half, but less than all, the Moon is illuminated Highlands – Densely cratered and higher elevated areas of the lunar surface Lacus – Small plain Lava – Volcanic rock present in mare areas; basalt flow Mare – The low surface reflectivity area filled with lava that covers the floors of older basins Mascon – Concentrations of mass on the lunar surface Mensa – Flat-topped ridges with cliff-like edges Mons – Mountain New – Phase during which the Moon is entirely in shadow Oceanus – A single, large dark area Palus – A small plain 342 Lunar Terminology Patera – A disfigured crater; complex with irregular edges Perigee – Point of lunar orbit closest to Earth – 356,400 km Planitia – A low plain Planum – A high plain Promontorium – A high point of land. Ray – A bright streamer of ejecta associated with an impact crater Regio – Large, reflective area; containing different colorations than surrounding regions Regolith – Lunar surface material; dust and rocky debris Rille – Ditch or crack-like feature; may be straight or sinuous Rima – Fissure Rupes – Scarp or high cliff Scarp – Sudden change in topography due to tectonic shifts, previous volcanic events, impact-related related activity or simple erosion Selenography – Scientific study of the history of the Moon Sinus – A small plain Sulcus – Subparallel furrows and ridges Terminator – Line separating night from day Tessera – Overlapping layers of terrain Undae – Dunes Vallis – Valley Waning – Lunar period during which illumination decreases Waxing – Lunar period during which illumination increases Acknowledgements 343 Acknowledgements Joseph Brimacombe Dr. Joe R. Brimacombe is the Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, Cairns Base Hospital, University of Queensland and James Cook University, Cairns, Australia. Aside from his duties he is a tireless astrophotographer, producing some of the finest southern sky images available today and constantly available for imaging requests and projects. Clementine During its 2-month orbit of the Moon in 1994, Clementine captured 1.8 million images of the Moon’s surface. The Naval Research Laboratory pro- vides the Clementine Lunar Image Browser as a courtesy to scientific researchers, as well as the general public. Robert Gendler Robert is a Connecticut physician who began with binocular astronomy and pursued his dream of deep sky imaging. Inspired by the great professional astrophotographer David Malin and by the early black and white images taken with the 200″ at Mt Palomar, we have watched over the years as his images evolved from extraordinary photos of deep space objects to true works of art. It is a blend of science and soul, which very few can match… And you will find Mr. Gendler’s work gracing countless books, magazines and periodicals. In his own words, “I took this wonderful opportunity and haven’t looked back. Although this is a wonderful hobby, it is physically and 344 Acknowledgements mentally demanding. Equipment is expensive and experience comes only at the expense of sleep and comfort. It requires a substantial commitment but pays back in huge rewards. I can tell you it has enriched my life. I enthu- siastically recommend it to anyone with an interest in the areas of astron- omy, imaging, or computer science as astroimaging is a marriage of these disciplines. Just a word of caution; after your first successful image be prepared to be hooked for life!” Dietmar Hager Born in 1969, Dietmar was raised in the city of Linz, Austria. He attended medical school in Vienna and became an orthopaedic trauma surgeon specializing in hands and microsurgery. He co-founded the microsurgical research and training center (, offering international microsurgery courses to attendants from all over the world. Dietmar dis- covered his passion for astronomy as a child when his father brought him to a local astronomy club at age 15 and encouraged him to join. He was smitten at his first view through a beautiful old 5″ f/15 Zeiss refractor. He knew at that moment that one day he would build his own observatory. His dream came true… And his outstanding astronomical imaging is a testa- ment to his skills! Wes Higgins Wes’ interest in space and astronomy started when he was in the second grade and watching the first US manned space shot on television. He con- tinued to follow with great interest the NASA space programs all the way through the Apollo moon landings. While growing up, he yearned for a telescope, but the thought lay dormant through college, marriage and starting his own business. Eight years ago his dream came true and as he says, “I am sure that for the rest of my life I will be out observing and imaging every chance I get.” Acknowledgements 345 Deirdre Kelleghan Deirdre is an amateur astronomer and an artist who lives in Dublin, Ireland. As a tireless public outreach worker, she enjoys writing articles on the wonders of astronomy and space, and her work has been published in Irish, English and American astronomical magazines. You will find her at the Irish Astronomical Society plus Dublin Sidewalk Astronomers, The Saturn Observation Campaign, the Irish Federation of Astronomical Societies, the South Dublin Astronomical Society, The Astronomical League, and The Sidewalk Astronomers… not to mention at the eyepiece with a sketch pad every clear night! Greg Konkel Greg has many interests and two of those that occupy a great deal of his time are astronomy and photography. Having recently made the transition from film to digital cameras, he has enthused about the potential of this new technology and has focused his attention lately on integrating these two interests. The purpose of his Web site is twofold… to, hopefully, make a contribution regarding the technical issues surrounding digital astrophotography and to share some of the best images he has acquired – both astronomical and general photographic. Peter Lloyd Peter is a retired Systems Engineer, but originally qualified as a Chemist. His first “proper job” was for a small research institute where has was a part inventor of a novel optical system that became the heart of a revolutionary new analyser for the clinical laboratory. Deciding to move into developing chemistry, he spent his time devising algorithms and driving a part of the software effort and generally liaising between the engineers and the chemists. Peter eventually withdrew from the chemistry business to engage full time in software writing, analyzer projects and moved to California to engage in the Delphi programming language. From there? 346 Acknowledgements San Diego and DNA studies, then back to the UK until retirement. Peter has been fascinated by Astronomy (particularly the Solar System) ever since he was a small boy and was given his first telescope – an antique brass 3.5-in. refractor. He used it to view the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn and used to take pictures of the Sun from his bedroom window by putting a mirror under the eyepiece and projecting an image onto the ceiling and laying a camera on its back and photographing the ceiling. Before his return to the UK, his interest in astronomy returned and he purchased a 10″ and digital SLR camera to which we owe this awesome images! Shevill Mathers Shevill Mathers has been a keen amateur astronomer/telescope and cam- era builder since the early 60s, with a special interest in astrophotography. A member of the BAA, London (Lunar Section), his photographic expertise was greatly encouraged by Patrick Moore, with whom he has maintained a lasting friendship. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1969. Examples of his fine photography can be seen in books by Patrick Moore as well as numerous astronomical publications. During the early 70s in Tasmania he produced a “Photographic Star Atlas of the Southern Skies.” Shevill joined the AST in 1968 and became its tenth presi- dent and again in 2000. He also took on the role of Editor of the Bulletin and was responsible for its new design and format until 2005. He has been involved (as an amateur) with the University of Tasmania’s Mt Canopus observatory complex since early 1968. In the late 80s he began developing video systems for telescope use, and since 2000 he has employed his spe- cial video camera systems on the Mt Canopus 16″ as well as his own tele- scopes to great advantage on public open days/nights. In 2000, Shevill became a contributing editor to SKY & SPACE magazine with his regular “Moonlighting” column, and in 2005 he became an Associate Editor of the “New” SKY & SPACE Magazine, Australia’s Premier magazine for southern observers.
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