Reference Location West Primary School (Year 5) Shannon Drive Brownhills WS8 1 LA

01543 452766 Date(s) Tuesday 6th October 2015 (Week 1)

Tuesday 13th October 2015 (Week 2)

Tuesday 20th October 2015 (Week 3)

Organisation Walsall Education Business Partnership

We work in a range of schools bringing together pupils and positive role models – that’s you!! We arrange an array of activities that help children to build their confidence and teamwork skills whilst also raising their aspirations for building the best future they can for themselves.

Type of Opportunity Get Inspired! (Weeks 1, 2 and 3)

Get Inspired! is our follow-on programme for all pupils who have previously taken part in Me My Future My Job. It draws on the feedback pupils gave us about what they’d like to learn more about.

This programme focuses on drawing out real-life inspirations from all walks of life and aims to develop pupils’ self-belief and determination to success. We also take a closer look at potential future paths in employment and further education.

A fun an interactive set of workshops that contain a powerful set of messages and provoke thoughtful discussion from the children.

Duration 12pm to 3.30pm on all dates

Volunteers may attend one individual session or as many as they like.

Brief Description

What does the opportunity Week 1 – What’s your personality? – A look at the involve? matches between personality types and career choices. We take inspiration from some exceptional individuals around the world, experiment with creative problem- solving and reflect on our own individual levels of resilience and determination.

Week 2 – What type of entrepreneur are you? – We’re all entrepreneurial but most of us don’t realise it. This week we consider the many different types of entrepreneur and look at the world of self-employment and running your own business.

Week 3- Lego Interview Challenge – A fresh and different look at interview techniques based on a real-life situation from the much loved toy company, Lego, all in readiness for making a positive impression at interview or in a professional setting.

What will the volunteer do? The session will be lead by the EBP facilitator. Volunteers will play a supporting role, helping children with the activities set.

What skills are required? Communication and a sense of fun! Ability to have fun with scissors, glue, craft paper and sellotape also an advantage… Business supporters from any career background are welcome.

Training required? No special training needed – full briefing given at the time

Closing Date Requests to volunteer will be accepted right up to the working day before the activity, however, to avoid disappointment please get in touch as soon as possible as some of our events become fully booked.

Further Information Approval from your department line manager required to participate in this opportunity for any additional information regarding opportunity contact: Janice Smith Email : [email protected] Phone: 07717 282283.

How to Apply For further information about this opportunity , please contact Katy Craddock: [email protected] 07793 048313

Your feedback sought If you do take up this opportunity, please let us know. We would also welcome feedback about your experience, so please complete the attached evaluation form.

Evaluation Form