6,000 HOUSEHOLDS AND ~' WM; ~ '.:a-. 12p WHEN 4'()• ~ BUSINESSES MONTHLY Town Crier Dave Bradford at Ravens Court A VENUES FIGHT ON The Avenues Residents attended, along with 37 others, they try again, until they suc­ troublesome spot will be Association is still going strong as well as the committee mem­ ceed. blocked off, but if this is to hap­ and generating more interest bers themselves. When Councillor Walker pen, which is very unlikely, it than ever before. Mr. Van Hagen told the meet­ asked about the gulley, leading would take an awfully long time, A meeting was held at Middle­ ing that the Avenues had been into 4th Avenue, the residents and a lot of money. ton House Club on May 31 st in turned down by the Department told him of the problems with it. Probably the most important which Doug Tomlison, Peter of the Environment for a full He then promised to arrange for matter dealt with in the meeting Van Hagen and the newly housing grant. Keeping the someone to have a look at it. The was the problems concerning elected Graham Walker momentum, he suggested tha! residents still hope that this rubbish and litter. A major prob­ lem stems from the fact that there are no rubbish bins in the Avenues, and regular skips are needed. Skips have been placed in avenues, now and again, but not regularly. This has caused rubbish to accumulate where the skips should be. This prob­ lem has been sorted out for the next 3 months, due to skips being arranged, starting on June 9th and 10th, for each weekend monthly. But the worst site for rubbish will be left to accumulate more. This site is just behind 3rd Avenue, nearthe cemetarv. Something has to be done about this adopted 'rubbish dump', but it seems the resi­ dents and the council will do nothing to stop it. On a more satisfactory note, it was revealed that a car boot sale. held last month raised £35 and a raffle is also in progress. This shows that this association has good support, but they need to see it more often, with more Miss Ashford surveys 1he damp Cont'd on page 2

T *NIGHT OU'\ *WEDDINGS *STATIONS *AIRPORTS p A--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----.A x YOU HAVE SEEN THE REST NOW CALL OUT THE BEST! 2 I FORPEOPLEORPARCELS E IBEE. JAY I_ GOINGANYWHERE! V 0E A L Radio Controlled Cars I N All cars and drivers licenced V By Council E S R E y R Reliable and Efficient Service Guaranteed s v Bookings Brownhills (0543) 374483 ~ I V c Direct line - Vodaphone: 0831 324526 1 '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_, C E WE WILL COLLECT & DELIVER - ANYWHERE E 2 THE BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, JUNE 1990 FROM PAGE 1 conditions that Miss Betty asked the public to eat in a room Ashford is living in. She has in t hat condition, the council's BROWNHILLS residents at meetings, eager for been waiting for 3 years to have own Department of Environ­ something to be done and wil­ something done to her lounge mental Health would close it ling to do something them­ so she can paper it, but so far has down. Why don't they adhere to selves. Then, maybe, the council has had no satisfaction. Van­ the standards that they set will spend money on the dalism, Graffiti, Litter and others? Avenues, and feel they are not Troublesome Youths, cannot be For the Housing Department 183 High Street, wasting any. blamed on any council, but Nina Dawes has stated that the Brownhills Problem Of Damp surely it is duty bound to act, on matter is being attended too in a Walsall WS8 6HW such attrocious conditions as priority order, where replaster­ We have bought to the atten­ this woman is living in. And ing is to be done, and technical tion of the housing department apparently she's not the only advisers who have assessed the Opening Times the serious problem of damp in one. situation say this will alleviate the avenues, highlighted by the If she had a business, and the damp. Monday-Friday 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

Telephone Advertising Police station to stay Brownhills 452840/1 graphers at the other end of the Silver Court areas, One resident Theft of pets High Street, the third since in Wallace Road personally Editorial xmas. Mr Allwood of E Jones, is knows of 9 neighbours who Animal Crackers, the pet shop getting sick of this continual have suffered these attacks, and Brian Stringer in Silver Court was broken into crime-wave against his pre­ they have challenged youths on Brownhills 372491 early on Sunday morning 2nd mises and although he agrees it bikes attempting to raid their June, thieves forcing entry or452840/1 will be an eye-sore, sees no garage. through a front door and steal­ alternative but to have steel ing several pets including shutters fitted. "We've got We asked the police if any Publishers Caulks, Kakarikis, and a taiking alarms fitted, but they broke the steps were being taken to com­ Cockateil, but owner Mrs Pat window, last time with a litter bat this increase and it appears Baker Bond Emery is really worried over an bin, and were in, grabbed 4 vid­ that a new system called (Printing & iguana that was having a series eos valued at about £3,500, and OTTAWA (named after the place Publishing) Ltd of injections. " It really needs to were away in a flash. Nothing in Canada where is was insti­ continue treatment" Pat told the has so far been recovered from gated was started in BROWN­ P.O. Box 1 Gazette . "And if whoever stole it any of the burglaries. HILLS on the 4th of this month 183 High Street, really cares about it please lets and its main achievement is to Brownhills, Walsall, have it back, even if its anony­ We then visited Watsons put more officers on the beat. It mously." Wines lower down the street has already been tried in Nott­ where a similar incident had ingham and Hampshire with WS86HW We were then told of another happened ast 4.00am on Friday spectacular results and a police break in, at E Jones photo- the 1 Bth May, again a glass door spokesman sees no reason why was broken and again a quick it shouldn't work here, and smas•. and grab Cigarettes this another bonus is, that the offic­ ************************** time, before fleeing. Later that ers themselves are very much in night Tandy's in Ravens Court, favour of it. GARDENFETE also had a brick through their door, but manager Greg Haynes believes it was just vandalism, No truth in rumour FOR CHARITY as nothing was stolen.

Willow Vale Garden Centre and Norton Greyhound Track will be A disturbing rumour came out the venue on the 14th July at 2 o'clock for a Garden Fete in aid cfthe New System of our enquiries, concerning the West Midlands Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit. There will be a display by closure of Brownhills police Sta­ the Sea Cadets, and Fire Brigade, and among all the usual stalls and On making further enquiries tion. So we contacted the press side shows will be a clairvoyant, who has surely predicted good at Brownhills police station a officer of "G" Division who weather. Leways of Watling Street have donated a BMX child bike as spokesman told us that on top of stated that their was no truth in a prize and all money will go to this very worthwhile charity. Other these thefts there, was a mas­ this rumour whatsoever. events are being arranged right up to the day of the fete, including sive increase in the number of We're glad to hear it. an appearance by local stuntman Reg Morris, so a full and exciting car break-ins over the last day be be assured. Why not pop down and give it your support. month. Dozen having taken In the light of recent events we place on the Hussey Estate, in could do with another one if any­ ************************** Ogley Road, The Avenues and thing. ~f~~:~,~~l CRA~·}~~ FOR ALL YOUR r'' 1 WEEK ONLY ~Ifs ~ - ~ HAMSTERS £2.00 I FREEZER Chinchillas · Hatcbling Iguanas Hatchliug Garter Snakes ~£Z REQUIREMENTS Yellow Bellied Cooters ~95 Baby Rats and Hamsters (at competitive prices) GerbiJS Pennant5 (on request) Budgies Snakes Finches Quail with friendly service Newts Canaries Golden Phea.sant Toads Water Fowl Mealworms, Locust, Crickets, White Bait - call in to see Pinkies etc. Always in stock Frozen Meat, Pet Goods, Hutches, Cages and Tanks Ray Williams Helpful and friendly advice 2 SILVER COURT, HIGH STREET, BROWNHILLS Family Butcher Tel: (0543) 376363 28 Silver Court, Brownhills Telephone: Brownhills 360910 THE BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, JUNE 1990 3 ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE TRIBUTE TO MR DAVID JAMES The friends of Clayhanger Methodist Chapel, were mourning a RAY WILLIAMS .. BUTCHERS good friend on Tuesday 22nd May at the funeral of Mr. David James, who died suddenly at his home in Albion Road on Monday 14th, aged 73. FAMILY BUTCHER Mr. James had been a stalwart of the chapel for many years and been involved in nearly all their activities over the years. He organised the childrens anniversary every year, training them with t he patience of a saint, yet still found time to play the organ (which he carried on from his father), and also sang regularly in the choir, as w ell as being secretary of the Trustees who run the chapel. He was once a full-time youth leader at Heath End Y.C. before taking over ClayhangerY.C. and running their soccer team in the 50s. Cricket w as another of his hobbies, and he played regularly before the war.


All who knew him were aware of his fanaticism for West Bromwich Albion, and for his funeral the chapel was decked out in their colours of blue and w hite. I knew Mr. James personally and can only remember him with respect. As youths then, we were never easy to control, but I never knew him to resort to anything more than a stern look to gain order 12 months after opening his Butchers Shop in Silver Court, Ray and that I think, is the mark of an unusual man, and a caring man has Williams arrived to open up, and found a notice of congratulations he proved w hen looking after his wheelchair bound sister for many on his shop window along with dozens of balloons and streamers. years. Ray was quite touched by this gesture from his customers, but it M r. James leav es behind one son also David. shows the relationship he has built up with them in such a short time. In the trade since he was 13 he was working in a Supermarket It w as a p rivilege to have known you Mr. James, you will be sadly w hen he couldn't keep the urge to work for himself in check any m issed. longer, and with his wifes blessing, decided to take the plunge. "The first 2 months were a bit dodgy" said Ray, "but once I'd got known, things soon picked up and now I wish I'd have done it sooner. The hours just seen to fly by, and I love every minute." Surprisingly it's not only locals that use him because he's got customers from Burntwood, Cheslyn Hay, Sutton Coldfield and even Wolverhampton. Write to Learn What pulls them in? "Quality along with customer relations was Rays firm rely. "Once you've tried my sausages, that I make myself, ------Back to Basics------....1 you' ll know what I mean." His wife also works in the shop and, the couple have two Many people think that only can join a small group which daughters who live in Chase Terrace and two grandchildren. adults in third world countries meets in Brownhills Library on You know something? He was right about those sausages. They have literacy problems. Thursday 10-12. A friendly and were something else. Nevertheless since 1975 the sympathetic welcome is guaran­ Write to Le<;1rn scheme has teed. For those who prefer to opened its doors to more then study alone the Homebased pro­ 3,000 adults in Walsall who feel gramme provides personal 0 LPHA SPORTS 8t LEISURE LTD they need to brush up on read­ learning packages and advice ing and w riting skills. from a tutor on an appointment RETAIL SPORTSWEAR AND EQUIPMENT No two people have exactly system. the same problem so indiv idual There is absolutely no charge study programmes are worked for either service for people liv­ THIS MONTHS SPECIAL OFFER out for all students, whose ages ing in Brownhills. range from 16 to over 70. It's To find out more about's FOOTBALL BOOTS never too late to learn. what's available from Write to 20o/o OFF The scheme is based at Butts Learn in strictest confidence ring Centre in Walsall but people in Walsall 721180. Or, call in atthe Brownhills who would like to library any Thursday and have a make a fresh start with basics chat with Pauline there.

For all your fishing requirements. Call at the Crock and Tackle A large selection of tackle in stock: (Most makes) Top quality bait, Maggots Squats, Pinkies, Cooked Hemp, Richworth Frozen Boilies, Opening including, Marcel Van Den E ynde 5 Silver Court, Times Ground Bait High Street, Mon-Sat Brownhills 8.30- 6.30 Tel: 0543 372395 4 THE BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, JUNE 1990


You may remember in Febs, issue we reported on the proposed building of houses on land behind Bar­ netts Lane cemetary part of the money from the sale of this being made available for the up keep of the cemetary. Since then a drainage problem has been disco­ vered by Walsall MBC Eng Dept which put all proposed plans in jeopardy. However after further investigation it appears that the drains serving Narrow Lane & The Avenues can be utilised, so solving tha t problem, and a submission was duly put to the Area Planning Committee on 5th June for the proposed development. After 1Oyrs of office work and attended Walsall Art College, detail of her work, which is a further stint as a specialising in painting animals impossible to do justice to in a Baptism Sth May: physiotherapy nurse. Mrs Chris and birds. black & white paper, I'm sure Arthur William son of Leslie Phillips of High St Clayhanger, "Most of my work is from that an exclusive original John & Helen TAYLOR decided to turn to her love of people who want a pet portrait framed portrait of the family pet painting, as a commercial ven­ as a surprise Xmas or Birthday dog, cat, or even pony etc, Marriage 26th May: ture. After meeting all the present," says Chris "I then would enhance any living room Duncan James DARBY to criteria, Chris was accepted on arrange a home visit, take and earn the undying gratitude Lisa Jeanette CHAPMAN the Government Enterprise photo's to work from, discuss of any recipient. Scheme and set herself up on size and type, which is usually, Funeral 4th May: business last February working water colour, or coloured pen Any enquiries will find Chris Evelyn HOL YMAN (aged from home. She has been paint­ and ink, and then its up to me". on Brown hills 376134 or Walsall 60yrs) Late of 1 Vicarage Rd ing for 15 years and has After seeing the exquisite 640487.

Give something personal Rear of Garden Store CHESTER ROAD next time ALDRIDGE

A PETS LARGE SELECTION OF TROPICAL FISH PORTRAIT AQUARIUMS AND CABINETS AND A FULL RANGE OF ACCESSORIES IN STOCK It will be original Totally exclusive It will be something for a lifetime Yes the Perfect Gift

TELEPHONE BROWNHILLS 376134 or WALSALL 39394 Chester Road Aquatics VISIT US OR PHONE: -..... 021 -352 0871 THE BROWNHILLS GAZETIE, JUNE 1990 5 BROWNHILLS SCHOOL &COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS Tuesday and Wednesday Saturday Nth July FC Annual Presentation -3rd & 4th July "Grand Summer Barbecue" Summer Concert by Brownhills finishes off the Community Brownhills Communif)I FC Communif)I School Orchestra in Forhtight -8. OOpm in the Commun­ celebrated the end ofa fine season the theatre. Tickets available f rom ity Lounge. Details on Brownhtlls by holding their Annual Presenta­ the School offtce - Brownhills 452119 tion at Kanes Resturant in Norton 452886 Canes. The following players were Thursday 5th July Music Workshop awardedpri zes: Community 5-a-Stde Soccer The Band of the Players Player fan Elwell Tourament - 7. OOpm i 6 local teams Regiment visited Brownhills School Manager's Player David McLeod ballling for Brownhill's own "Jules as part of a short tour from their Referee's Player Kurt Greatrex Rimel Trophy". Details from Bob base in Germany. Chosen because Clubman ofthe Year Clews - Community office - Brown­ of our reputation and facilities in Andrew Probert hills 452i/9 music, nearly 50 members of the Special A wards Friday 6th .luly school wind band learnt about life Tony Platts and "Tubby Meddings Sports Challenge Quiz - 8. OOpm in a regimental band, and listened to the varied musical groups within the All the awards were presented by in the Community Lounge, Brown­ hills Community School Multi­ band. For those ofus who imagined Mr Allen Jarrett, Headteacher of they only play military marches, the Bro wnhills Community School roundquiz on a varity ofsports and a separate Blockbuster. £4p er team jazz group, swing band and pop The Club look forward 10 next group came as quite a surprise. season, playing in Lichfield League of 4. Cash prizes and trophy, Hot-air ballon Div 3 for the first rime. Ifan y one is licensed bar. Enquiries or details School Calendar interested in joining see Manager from Bob Clews - Brownhills 28th June 2nd Year Parents' Even­ "Tubby" Meddings at training on 452119 ing. Saturday 7th July Wednesday evenings 01 7.00pm at Brownhills Funday 60's Disco - 8.00pm in the Com­ Brownhills School On Whit Monday the Brownhills Well done to all who helped this munity Lounge Ticket details from Brenda Antill · Home and School Association and year. Brownhills Cricket Club finally got Tuesday iOth July their Fun day offthe ground in more Community Fortnight Junior "it's a Knockout" - ways than one! 7.00pm - organised by Walsall The main attraction was the hot­ Borough Juniors FC Brownhills Commumiy Associa­ air, ballom, offering rides to the tion are holding their 7th Annual Fun, frolic.sand water for teams of public at £1 a go. Under if's, Commumiy Fortnight between Mr Powell and Mr Lockett out Tuesday 3rd July to Saturday Nth on the schoolpl ayingfield. themselves in the stocks and the July. Wednesday llth / uly pupils got their own back by throw­ As in previous years, there is a' Senior . "it's a Knockout" ing wet sponges at them. varied programme of events, both 7.00pm Mixed teams indulging in A ll in all, an excellent day was /or participating and spectators. more fun, frolics and lots of water enjoyed by many visitors, and The programme includes: on the school playing field. nearly £1000 was raised. Stacking crates

Select Furnishers Under New Management

Good Quality Suites • • £100FF at Low Prices Large Selection WITH in stock - Other colours Units 17, 18, 26 THIS available within In Shops, Boulevard approx~ 2 weeks Ravenscourt, Brownhills. VOUCHER Tel: 0543 452395 THE BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, JUNE 1990 7 Telethon 1 90 in Ravens Court

Most of the traders in Brown hills chipped in to help with a unique 'KENTERRY BUTCHERS' event in Ravens Court. The Name for The l.T.V. Telethon displayed before the whole nation, the Quality Meat generosity of the people. People who are happy to break the normal routine and go out of their way to do many strange things to raise a large amount of money for charities in their region. Cooked Meats, Pies etc In Ravens Court many different events were staged by traders in the Boulevard (now owned by 'In Shops') with manageress Janet and Powell collecting cash near John Pettit (Jeweller) who was 58HIGHST. Freezer unfortunate enough to be placed in the stocks and have wet sponges BROWNHILLS Packs thrown at him for 20p, or 50p a bucket. TEL: 376890 Some sequence dancing was held later on. The 'bouncy castle' was open most of the day, along w ith a Punch and Judy show, which had the children enjoying themselves, and gave parents a moment of peace. A town cryer was also seen, in the form of Dave Bradford. But the most significant part of these festivities was the mammoth raffle which was held in the Boulevard, in which prizes were donated by every trader in 'In Shops' and most traders in the High Street and in Brownhills. 87 prizes in all with no main, or top prize. This shows great generosity on their behalf, especially when some shops who Speedo Swimwear from £6.99 could not give prizes, gave money instead. Deserves Medal Ron Hill T~:::::and Shorts I The list of traders who gave prizes is too great to be copied out in one article, but it is great enough for me to pay tribute to them, and wish them well. Another Brownhills man, who deserves a medal for his efforts, risked life and limb to raise money by doing a sponsored parachute jump at Halfpenny Green Airport. He did 12 hours of training on ~: A:::i:::~,::m~~::9 i Saturday 2nd June, at a cost of £70which he met himself, and didthe actual jump from 2000ft the next day. For his jump, Terry Leonard of ; . l ji High Street raised £200 and had just returned when we rang him. " I'm still on a high" said Terry " It was exhilarating, and I intend doing it next year and getting my wife to jump also.•

The 'In Shops' effort eventually raised £402. s, !.!.'.!1 . . ..•.•.·.• . '. • .• .;.·.'.:. .~·:;·:•:"\(:=;f:)t ;~t\~\\~id~~;> ·:· .;.i.-~.:.·, :.~.·: .:.:: .i1·::::.::: ::;(·:·. Pictured below: Dancing for Telethon .:-....·-··.:·:..,.,.· :-:-;-;t.... ·" ·»r':ii. . ~.·-.·.·.•.·.•.~.]!!!{....·•. •." ·.·.:··.·.='

··:::::·::::::::~::· Party Plan enquiries to: ll i.•.' • L::·~~ I I 80, Salters Road, Walsall Wood i · • ' >·~ Tel: (0543) 452145 i:~M ~

WASHABL BATHROOM CARPET CHUNKY BERBER £4.50 sq. yd. - £2.75 per linear foot for metre wide in stock - 6 foot wide KITCHEN CARPET. LARGE SELECTION OF from £4.35 sq. yd. QUALITY RUGS Scotch Guarded to choose from • now in stock PLUS MANY MORE CARPETS CUT&LOOP including Stainmaster AMERICAN and Wilton Designs £5.49 sq. yd. (FREE fitting on most Carpets) 18 SILVER COURT, HIGH STREET, BROWNHILLS 8 THE BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, JUNE 1990 Our Discreet Neighbours (A look at the larger wildlife of the Brown hills Area)

It is ironic that of all the optimum time for fox watching, the shortening days prompt The last of the common mam­ diverse forms of wildlife that are but I have been fortunate them to take shelter from the mals that can be encountered is present in Britain, it is usually enough to see them active in deteriorating weather. On the the 'old familiar' hedgehog; a the largest that are the most mid-evening, trotting across the other hand, the common shrew regular and unfortunately 'Flea rarely seen! 'Wheatsheaf' car park or stand­ is rarely seen although it is resi­ Ridden' visitor to many gardens ing within a few feet of a dent in many gardens; it favours and a regular roadside casualty'. With a little bit of awareness crowded bus queue at Anchor open space like the common, The remainder of the species and a keen eye there is howev~r. Bridge. One particular fox is a where dead specimens are that can be seen require a little a surprising amount of mammal regular on the High Street just occasionaly found on footpaths. more determination. Deer are activity that may be observed before dawn, investigating rub­ Similarly, the Water Shrew is not an animal readily associated Brownhills is an Urban-Fringe bish and discarded 'Chip Pap­ rarely seen, but can be found with Brownhills but Fallow Deer settlement, situated on the ers'. with patience, in the Brook have been recorded from the boundary between the West Some less obvious and more alongside the nature trail or, less north side of Chasewater and Midland Conurbation and the elusive mammals are the m ice, frequently, along the canal. the farmland around Chase Ter­ wildscape of Chase; A shrews and voles, most of which race. Far more unusual was the Voles are perhaps a little circumstance that serves to can be found in Brownhills 1988 record of two red deer on easier to see, especially the increase the diversity of wildlife unfortunately, you are much farmland at Hammerwich; I was Water Vole thast frequents present. The fox is probably the more likely to see a dead speci­ fortunate enough to see these almost any marshy or waterside most exciting species that can men than a live one. The wood magnificent animals and will not habitat. The Bank Vole is less be encountered, particularly as mouse is the species most likely soon forget the sight of the obliging but can be found in the in recent year, this nocturnal to be encountered, as it is the 'Monarch of the Glens' against more densly wooded parts of predator seems to have become commonest mammal in Britain; the unlikely background of the common. more at home in built-up areas It is often found in household 'Castings Foundry'! than in the country. The early mouse-traps, particularly during All life on earth has it's place in Finally, it is always surprising hours of the morning is the the autumn when instinct and the food chain and small mam­ just how many people do not mal are no exception; apart realise that bats too are mam­ 11 1 1 11 1 11 from avian predators such as mals! The common species 111 1 111 1 1111111 1 111 1 11 19 1 1!11 11111 1 Illllll • 1111ml :u111 I lm"l11111 I 111ii1 11111 11111111mnn1 ill1 111ml I l1I 111.1111111111111 mmm11 111m1iim n 11ml II ,I 1I 1,l111ll1 Kestral and Tawny Owl, Stoats, throughout Britain is the pipis­ and Weasels can always be trelle and as you would expect, found where the hunting is this is also the most regular COMMUNITY SCHEMES good. Weasels seem to be more species in Brownhills being par­ common in the BrownhillsArea, ticularly active around the A new service is now available for the less active members though both can be seen. It is parish church and over the pools of our community. most likely that they will be at Clayhanger and Chasewater. In addition to the Mobile Hairdressing scheme, two part­ found during the winter when The noctule or 'Great Bat' is time gardeners are now available to anyone in the food is scarce and they are much more uncommon, Brownhills area who finds difficulty in maintaining their forced to hunt during daylight although it is regular at garden. The scheme is funded by the local Authority and hours. A good snowfall gives an Clayhanger Marsh and is occa­ managed by Brown hills Community Association. excellent opportunity to try out sionally seen on the High. Street, your tracking skills and locate a hawking moths around the high­ ·we are aware after talking to other agencies, of the Weasels winter-run. rise blocks in the late summer tremendous need forth is facility. The Probation Service who One species that does not evenings. run a similar scheme admit they cannot cope with the hibernate is the Grey Squirrel; If you would like a chance to demand so in our small way we hope to help reduce the long some people are offended when observe some of the wildlife of waiting list. this 'cute' North American Brownhills for yourself, the With only two part-time workers we cannot hope to cover invader is described as a 'Tree "Walsall Wildlife Network" is everyone and may have to be selective towards the more Rat', but unfortunatly the dam­ organising a series of summer needy cases. If you know of anyone who falls into this age that sqirrels can cause to walks including a "Bat Watch category, please do not hesitate to contact the Community young trees, far outweighs their and Moth Evening" at Office at Brown hills School and we will do our best to oblige. decorative value. The woods at Clayhanger Marsh. Dates have Call in or ring Brown hills 452119. 'Coppice Side' and 'Engine Lane yet to be finalised but a full offer the best opportunity for timetable of events will be avail­ Do not forget this is a free service!! Squirrel watching, but they are able shortly. not unknown in 'Favoured' gar­ mm1111nm1rnm111Hm:1m:m:m1mmm1::1:m:mmm1m11:m111m1mmmumr u111uids:1:ir1 1111111d1u::::u:u::1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1:::.:u::::u1u1111u:d dens. ChazMason

HEAVY TROUSERS SKIRTS COATS £2.00 £2.00 £3.50 Brownhills Cleaning Centre

------··.. Hand Finished Dry Cleaning(


We went on an educational visit but it turned out to be a gre"!t day. First years Chester visit out I Thursday 24th May fed - very messy! The gift shop and bought one. T he teachers by Sarah Cornish, Rebecca Crowder and Sara Lawn (First Two coaches full of first years near the entrance sold dum­ could not understand this! The year pupils). arrived in Chester at 11.00 on a mies, nearly all of us went mad whole day passed very quickly. warm sunny morning. We were split into g roups, some of us went into the museum straight away but our group went for a walk first. Some of us got lost with Mrs Taylor but she bought us an ice cream and we soon found the others. In the museum our group had got halfway through our ques­ tion sheet when an electricity cable snapped and we were left in darkness. We were taken to another part of the museum and given a demonstration of what a Roman legionary looked like. Robert Grimmit looked more frightening than usual in armour carrying a javelin! We looked at original Roman pottery, recon­ structions and models. By then it was time for lunch. After lunch we went to Ches­ ter Zoo. We went on a boat trip and watched the sealions being Model pupils! f1.-\Y0, at Gorse Farm Lazy Hill, Stonnall, Aldridge (off A452, Chester Road) Open Daily 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. PICNIC AREA CAR PARK

An exhibition is currently on full size Elizabethan courtiers For further details display at the Brownhills Com­ dress, siege instruments, munity School depicting Tudor shields, four-poster beds etc etc. and Stuart times in model form. The winning models were Second Year pupils studying superb recreations in excellent on Advertising History were given a four week detail of two Tudor Houses - one brief to produce from waste from wood by Lee Davies and materials an acccurately the other from card by Emma researched model representing Scott, a town scene complete some aspect of life in the 15th with sewage gutters through the please telephone and 16th centuries. Gift tokens main street! by Andrew Bagley and certificates were awarded to and a wooden sedan chair with the four best model made, and a rich Elizabethan lady in a hand­ all pupils who showed effort made velvet dress by Sarah were rewarded with effort cer­ (0543) 452840 or Field. tificates. The modelwork richly An annual event, this year's enhances the children's class­ selection of some sixty models room studies and can be seen by were of a particularly high stan­ members of the public using the 021776 7101 dard ranging from execution Community facilities, set up in scenes, to Tudor churches and the display area by the main houses to a beautifully created office. 10 THE BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, JUNE 1990 Rambling Club News " Not only, but also", this say­ tel Weekends, Indoor Bowling· ing is very appropriate when Evening, Fund Raising Events, describing the activities of etc, etc .. Brownhills Rambling and Out­ Tuesday 24th April saw the door Activities Club. clubs second Annual General Not only Rambling and Walk­ Meeting w ith a very high turnout ing, but also, Pony Trekking, from the 80+ membership. Cy cling, Barge Trips, Youth Hos- Officers and Committee were

being returned as Chairman for another term. The Club meets in the Com-· munity Lounge every Tuesday evening in a friendly and infor­ mal atmosphere, and new mem­ bers are made very welcome. Membership covers the whole range with a very active section of m embers who have time to fill during the week. The motto seems to be, some­ thing for everyone. Why not come along on a Tuesday even­ ing and find out for yourself. Catherine and Viv Who have recently moved to Blackpool from Brownhills to run a family Hotel are looking forward to meet old friends and new friends at the Cumberland Family Hotel Most dates available Nr Pleasure Beach T.V. Lounge Bar Facility En Suite Open all year round Tel: 0253-42794 53 , STATION ROAD , BLACKPOOL THE BROWNHILLS GAZETIE, JUNE 1990 11 CLUB NEWS Walsall Schools Work Experience Brownhills School &Youth Sail Townswomens Guild Needs You On Friday 14th May the at Brown hills Methodist Church, If you are an industrialist' Brownhills Central Townswo­ garments may be purchased on Training mens Guild had a very lively talk the night, and tickets are able to offer work by Peter, Doug and Keith mem­ obtained on Brownhills 372012 experience placements Association bers of Brown hills Photographic at £1.50. Society. They explained how a for pupils aged 15 for the We would like to see more The WS&YSTA is a voluntary camera works and showed the Brownhills Ladies in our Guild, week July 9th -13th 1990 organisation which is funded by many parts, and we had many ages range from 32 to 70 and our grant aid from Walsall Council to valuable tips on how to take a we would like to hear interests include A Choir within provide sail training for children good photo and what camera in Walsall FREE of charge. Any and film to use, and also a selec­ the Music & Drama group. A from you forthcoming variety show in child in Walsall is entitled to tion of their own very profes­ If you are able to help March 1991. Fetes, Arts & Crafts become a member either as an sional work was shown to mem­ Exhibitions Coffee Days, Out­ individual or, more usually, bers. please contact through their school or youth ings, Meals & many more. Mrs Connie Aris the guilds Mr. D. Sheppard at the group. new Chairman chaired her first Any enquires regarding the The 1990 sailing season school, telephone: meeting, and Three new mem­ guild please phone: Brownhills began on 7 APRIL. Sessions are bers became committee mem­ 376743 Julia Willett Press Brownhills 452886 held at Chase Sailing Club, at bers:- Mrs Ann Smith, Trea­ Officer Chasewater every Saturday surer; Mrs Pat Webb, Asst Trea­ m orning until October - starting surer; Mrs Chris Boulton - at9.30 am. Registra; Mrs Iris Poxon con­ EMBLEM SECURITY SYSTEMS The t raining is supervised 'oy tinued as President and Mrs J Royal Yachting Association Gough Vice president. instructors and all safety equip­ Alarms - Locks - Safes etc: ment is provided. Children are Rehearsals at the house of encouraged to obtain sailing committee member Mrs Wendy Alarm Systems fully installed with quality awards from the National Habberley are well underwayfor Schools Sailing Association and the variety show in March 1991. materials at a reasonable price. Level 1 & Level 2 RV A Certifi­ Wendy plays piano for us. This cates. comes in handy as Wendy All work is guaranteed and carried out to If you are interested in joining accompanies the voices of the British Standards 4737 the WS&YSTA please contact infants at a Walsall Wood Mr. Roger Tayler at Brownhills School. Free Quotations without obligation. Community School or Mr. John Tickets are now available for Telepho~e:. Pelsall 685n6 Dutton at Chase Sailing Club. the Fashion Show on June 22nd

-- THE BOULEVARD (BROWNHILLS) ~•1' •, •~ · rJ --~-- IN SHOPS --" The Traders wish to thank everyone who made a Donation to Telethon '90 in helping us collect the sum of £402.15

A big thank you to Watling Street School for providing the Stocks and Millfields Junior and Middle School for the Bell.


Charity Walk young Five-a-Side Football com­ Staffordshire Regiment day for the students of Year 1 O. petitors from our partner We, as a school, are proud to schools. What about a Wild 43 miles is a long way to walk On Tuesday 22nd May 1990 have been chosen to participate West Shoot-out. Yes - we've got in one day, especially when the Shire Oak Community in this battalion's tight schedule the H - H Show for your pleasure much of the walk is over rough School was honoured to receive of visits. and entertainment this year. See country and the temperatures. onto its campus the display CHRISTIAN AID are in the mid. '70's. the cowboys fighting it out in team of this locally connected our main arena during the after­ regiment. Under the overall On Saturday, Sth May, a party Over one hundred pupils and noon. charge of Lieutenant Richard of students and staff from Shire friends at Shire Oak Community Oak Community School did just If you enjoy music - brass Miller, eighteen members of the School took part in this year's team, who are currently that, in aid of Rainbow House, a bands in particular, then why Christian Aid Sponsored walk stationed in Fallingbostel in Ger­ children's hospice to be built in not come along and hear our on Saturday, 19th May. The many, organised a full day's Walsall. School Brass Band. The band twenty mile round trip from Pel­ activities for 64 Year 10 pupils - will be performing during the sall to Shenstone and back Out of 20 students, only 3 had , afternoon for your enjoyment. and what a daythatturned outto to retire, all at late stages in the proved a real test of stamina and Why not view them from our be! walk. All six staff (ages 25 to 55). determination that was success­ seated cafeteria area whilst you The First Aid Component was We hope to hand over a fully completed by the majority partake of light refreshments. conducted within a classroom cheque to Rainbow House for a of walkers. The school now Perhaps you prefer a marching and here our students were very substantial amount in the hopes that the sponsorship band. The Cheslyn Hay Boys and briefed in the basic principles of near future, certainly in excess money raised will exceed its Girls Brigade will be opening the three Bs - Breathing, Blood of £1,000. record from previous years. our show in the arena. and Broken Bones. Following this the pupils were armed with School Fete On site also, during the after­ WESTON PARK noon will be members of a local First Aid Packs and had actual hands on experience of attend­ Yes - the World Cup may well Kendo Club, and also members Once again this year the car­ ing to a 'real life casualty' - a be coming to its close but that ·of the Judo club, who participate ing nature of the Shire Oak Com­ serving soldier suffering from can still be seen atThe Shire Oak in their activities as part of our munity School's Bands was multiple injuries. seen in their support of The Can­ Community School's Fete - To community facilities. nock Police Charity event held enableyourwholefamilytogain In addition to the above items, The Technology in the Army on Sunday 27th and Monday some enjoyment on this Sunday there are also the usual fete Section aroused the interest of 28th May at the beautiful venue afternoon, why not bring the attractions including - Spin a both male and female particip­ of Lord Bradford, Weston Park. football supporters of your Wheel, White Elephant Stall, ants alike. In this input students household up to our Community Book Sales, Tombola, Darts, were briefed as to how to This is the fourth occasion the Lounge where they will be able Cuddly Toys.. Refreshments, assemble a mobile radio and school's bands have played at to "watch the box" whilst the Crockery Smashing, a Bouncing were then duly despatched to this venue, which this year was other non-supporters can enjoy Castle, A coconut Shy, Catch a various venues on the campus in support of The National Child­ the treats we have to offer. Rat, Pick a Straw and Sponge with the brief of making contact ren's Home for sexually abused and meeting up with a partner. On site will be Kevin Gage of Throwing. In addition there is children and other local and Pupils observed and listened Aston Villa - your youngsters also a Model Aircraft static dis­ National Charities. intently as instructions for will be able to meet Kevin per­ play. The two day event was an assembling the unit were given, sonally and obtain his autog­ unqualified success, and we as a Official Opening of Fete - 2.00 and once armed w ith their back raph throughout the afternoon. school in the form of our school p.m. Admission Charge onto packs could be seen at various This should certainly please our site - 10p. bands will have helped to make points on the campus, antennae some young lives more beara­ waving furiously. ble. The third element concerning In addition to the above ~terns, the leadership exercise took there are also the usua~ fete Ian Neville place on the field. The objective attractions including - Spfrrr a of this task was to work together Wheel, White Elephant Starr, as a team, under the direction of Book Sales, Tombora, Darts, Building, Groundwork & a democratically appointed Cuddly Toys, Refreshments, leader and involved building a Crm:IC:ery Smashing, a Bouncing Property Repairs bridge, across an imaginary Castfe, a Coconut Shy, Catch a river, utilising only barrels, two Rat, Pick a Straw, and Sponge short planks of wood and some Throwing, In addition there is All ~t competitive prices string and thence ferrying the also a Model Aircraft static d is­ whole team, each armed with a play. metal box, from one bank to Tel: Brownhills 361159 Official Opening of Fete - 2.00 another. p.m. Admission Charge onto It was truly a most spectacular site -10p. ''The Cat's Whiskers'' If you're looking for a Gorilla or a Lion or Giraffe or animals out of the ordinary, like a Hyena that doesn't laffe, well were very very sorry we just haven't got the space, but if it's domestic pets your after "The Cat's Whiskers" is the place.

1, CHURCH ROAD, BROWNHILLS ('The Cat's Whiskers" 0543 360668 ' THE BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, JUNE 1990 13 .FREE film -- - . FREE24hr Developing & Printing (Sth film processing FREE by using Super-Saver card)

Chasewater Light Railway Members of the Chasewater restore and operate the trains in ~cy r No. 1 in Photoprocessing Light Railway & Museum Com­ Chasewater Park, are all unpaid pany are preparing for their volunteers working in their busiest time of the year. The spare time, income being raised Company which is a registered from membership fees, dona­ charity, plays host to owners of tions and from the public at the Cfmage vintage vehicles at the popular various open days. Transport Scene Rally on the Your PhotoVideo Store Enquirers can contact the Rail­ 17th June. way on Brownhills 452623. A special steaming for local school children is to be held on Mr Bull of the above Company E. E. Jones Photography the 2nd July, closely followed by also kindly lent us a photo of the a Ra lly for British built motor­ old Midland Station Brownhills 5-7 HIGH-STREEt-, cyles on the 15th July. that used to stand between the The m ain event in August, is a A5 and the Chester Road near BRO~ILL~_ M ilitary Day w hen the Railway the Rising Sun Island, and did Tel: joins forces w ith the West Mid­ you know that you can go along (0543) lands World War II Re-enact­ Chasewater lake on a steam ment Group to stag e displays of train and look around their 375606 military vehicles and relics - all museum of rolling stock and this takes place on the 12th memorabilia, or let the kids August and includes a mock bat­ oose -n the play area V>.1iile you tle and train attacks. have a refreshing cuppa, on any Company members \Nho Sur>oay throughout the year. Walsall Wild Life Network Formed in October 1988 to sent ideas and to seek support suppo rt the Urban Wildlife for them. Group (now the Urban Wildlife Trust) w hich is the Nature Con­ Encourage the sharing of servation Trust for the West experiences. Midlands. The aims of the network are: - Promote joint activities. To encourage a w ider aware­ ness amongst the general Encourage the collection and public. sharing of ecological informa­ tion. To raise the status of wild life matters particularly with deci­ To offer advice to individuals sion makers in Walsall. and community groups.

Act as a market place for To present a united front on Traditional Home Cooked Food groups and individuals to pre- issues of common concern. LUNCHTIME .. Programme for 1990 Cottage Pies, Steak and Kidney, Chicken Wednesday 27th June 7.15 p.m. Sunday 19th August 2.30 p.m. and Mushroom, Lasagne, Chilli Con Carne Flora Site Exploration and or Beef Strogonoff Clayhanger S.S.S.I. Pond Dipping Meet Bullows Road off Pelsall Pelsall North Common Freshly Cooked Daily Road Park past Free Trade P.H. in THE BIG STEAK NIGHTS Dr. Ian Truman Wood Lane (off W'ton Road) Rob Henderson and Thursday,_ Friday, Saturday Night Steak Specials Sunday 15th July 2.30 p.m. Graham Evans Butterfly Safari Sunday 23rd September TRADITIONAL SUNDAY LUNCH Brownhills Nature Trail 2.30 p.m. Roast Beef, Pork, Chicken or Duck Park at the end of Engine La ne, Funqui Foray near Carvers Hay Head Wood Longwood Children welcome Graham Evans and Chas. Mason Lane off Aldridge Walsall Road Meet in car park Monday 30th July 8.00 p.m . John Beechey Bat, Swallow and Moth Watch Sunday 11th November A) Clayhanger S. S.S.I. 2.00 p.m. \~., Meet Clayhanger park entrance Chasewater Bird Life Church Street Meet sailing club ca r park Alma's Pantry for the best in Home Cooking Simon Phipps Graham Evans 14 THE BROWNHILLS GAZETTE JUNE 1990 BROWNHILLS ARCHIVES

First to call on last month's photo was Mr. George who rec­ ognised the girl holding the Shield as Margaret Oliver (now Gunney) who lived in Silver Street and has now moved to Wales. Mrs. Glenys Clift then phoned to point herself out as the girl next to the teacher Mr. Horton, and the mother of Stella Tandy told us that her daughter who has lived in Denmark for 21 years is the lass on the left of the bottom row. Then Mrs. Tew of Great Charles Street named the teacher as Miss Cassidy for us, but the trump card came from Mrs. Chris Portman who gave us the full line up as. Mr. Horton, Glenys Clift, Chris Neville, (now of Middleton Road), Chris Brad­ ley, (who works in Dr Rastoges surgery) next to Miss Cassidy. Bottom Row. Stella Tandy, Pat Ansell (now Jones, of Bridge Street, Clayhanger). Carol Hunt, Margaret Oliver, then Carols twin sister Chris (now Portman) and finally Ann Birch, who rang from Solihull were she now lives. Clayhanger people would probably remember her grand­ mother Mrs: Flo Birch keeping Lodge, called the George a few "Buffs" around us reach Those are just a few who the little shop at the bottom of Roberts Lodge No2196and held the top to be a "Grand" Buff of could make the night on Friday, High Street. No one was quite at the Station Hotel, then mov­ the Order and this was the big 6th April 1962. sure of the year but think it was ing to the Hussey Arms, and occasion of Bro, Greg Challis, And may I finish off to say between 1956-59 and was of later breaking up to join with the R.O.H. when he was made your "Monthly Mag" also goes Ogley Girls School netball Prince of Wales Lodge held at "Grand Minstrel" of the Order. to Port Elizabeth, South Africa, squad. Thanks for the calls. the Top Oak Pub, and when that I hope a good many of the to my sister-in-law, Mrs. Joan For this month I'm handing Lodge finished joined the Lodge older "Buffs" of Brownhills, Jewell, widow, of Ex Lib. Coun­ over to Mr. Williams of Millfield at the Brickmakers Arms, Wal­ remember us. Back row includes cillor Sam Jewell, who was also Road, who sent this photo with sall Wood, nameBirmingham BRMB Walkathon Local over a route of 25 kilometres. The pupils tiave raised over one thousand pounds for Birmin­ Brownhills Cricket Club pupils gham and local charities. All the pupils gained a great deal out of Brownhills began the 199o"· play in the West Midlands Youth • the walk and- although several season on Saturday 21st April Cricket league. The club always suffered from blisters and sun­ with a friendly match against welcomes prospective mem­ 1n local rivals Pelsall, and com­ bers of any age and anyone burn, they all enjoyed the day. Thanks must go to the organis- menced their "Star league" fix­ interested in joining should con­ ers a~ BRMB and also the drivers tures on Saturday 5th May tact either club· chairman Eryl wa Ik a th 0 nof W1cksons Coaches who were against Wolverhampton. Powell on Brownhills 372802 or club secretary Derek Wright on excellent. The club run 2 teams each Heath Hayes 76953. Saturday and Sunday, together with 4 mid-week sides at senior, under 18, under 15 and under 13 levels. The senior mid-week side J.C.B. plays in the Cannock & District FOR HIRE league and the 3 youth teams Cheap Rates SCHOOL OF MOTORING 7 Day Service DTp. ADI. M.S.A. M.l.A.M. FOR SALE ~ 0831 240545 DOORS four white panelled w ith (8am-6pm) Free Motorway tumon upon passing test with handles, very good condition, £25 (0543) 452179 Eves Richard T. the lot. Tel: Brownhills 374265. Competitive Rates. Dual Controls, Door-to-Door, New Escorts, Choice of Instructors Telephone: Brownhills 376301 e·. s. s. RESPRAYS TEL: Self I (0543) Full prepared . 372036 Respray cars 60, SHANNON DRIVE, WILKIN ESTA TE, BROWNHILLS, WEST MIDLANDS from • from DRILLS - GRINDERS - JIGSAWS £200.00 SANDERS - WALLPAPER STRIPPERS £65.00 PLANERS - CEMENT MIXERS REPAIR AND HIRE OF ALL HAND TOOLS Tel: CANNOCK 573421 ,Claridges. Radio and T.V. 88, HIGH STREET, Tel: Brownhills 373207 43, HIGH STREET, BROWNHILLS or Brownhills 373073 WALSALL WOOD