TENURIAL PROBLEMS IN PROTECTION FOREST AND GRAND FOREST PARK AREA This is the Academic Paper of the 2017 Tenure Conference: Realizing People’s Rights: Land Tenure Reform & Forest Management in Indonesia which was held in Jakarta, 25-27 October 2017. Published : Tropenbos Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia Copyright : @2020 Tropenbos Indonesia Citation : Purwanto E, 2020. Tenurial Problems in Protection Forest and Grand Forest Park Area. Tropenbos Indonesia. Bogor Author : Dr. Edi Purwanto Cover photo : Tropenbos Indonesia Available in : Tropenbos Indonesia Taman Cimanggu, Jl. Akasia I Blok PI/6 Tanah Sareal, Bogor, Indonesia, 16163 Tlp : +62 251 8316156 e-mail :
[email protected] www.tropenbos-indonesia.org TENURIAL PROBLEMS IN PROTECTION FOREST AND GRAND FOREST PARK AREA EDI PURWANTO Content Content iv Eksekutif Summary v 1. Introduction 1 2. Field Evidence 4 2.1. Tahura Nipa-Nipa 4 2.2. Tahura Bukit Soeharto 5 2.3. Tahura Sultan Thaha Saifuddin 6 2.4. Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan 7 2.5. Sungai Wain Protection Forest 8 2.6. Meratus Mountain Protection Forest 9 2.7. Gunung Tarak Protection Forest 10 2.8. Sungai Lesan Protection Forest 11 2.9. Smart practice : HKm in Register 39 Agung Utara City Protection Forest 13 and conflict management in Register 45B Bukit Rigis Protection Forest, Lampung Province 3. Tenurial Problems in Protection Forest and Grand Forest Park Area 20 4. Future Agenda 24 References 26 iv Eksekutif Summary The problems of Protection Forest (Hutan Lindung – HL) (29,67 millions ha) are very critical and have been in open access condition. The same problems also happening in 22 Grand Forest Park (Taman Hutan Rakyat – Tahura) in several provinces (0,36 millions ha).