A country of opportunities Republic of El Salvador Economic, Trade & Tourism Office www.rree.gob.sv/cect
[email protected] El Salvador ...at a glanze! Capital: San Salvador Language: Spanish Area: 21,041 Km2 Population: 6.5 mill. (2015) Chalatenango GDP (BIP) 26,7 bill. USD (2015); $4,107 per cap. Santa Ana Currency: $ USD Cabañas Ahuachapán Time Zone: UTC -6 San Morazán SonsonateLa Salvador San Vicente Libertad La El Salvador, located in the heart La San Unión Paz Miguel Usulután of the Americas, has an export- Islas del Golfo oriented economy! de Fonseca …Why invest in El Salvador? Productive labor force Investors certify that Salvadoran labor force is world famous for its industriousness, efficiency and work ethic. 2.9 million 57% 23,000 21 % Eng. & Tech. Labor force under 39 years Graduates per year or younger Competitive costs The Financial Times’ investment journal fDi Intelligence has classified El Salvador as the most cost effective country in Central America. Minimum Monthly Wage per Sector Commerce & Textile & Agriculture Industry (in USD) Services apparel $200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $295.00 Monetary stability Salvador dollarized its economy in 2001, therefore offers greater certainty to investors as a result of the elimination of foreign exchange risk . Only country in Central America with the US Dollar ($) as a legal tender. …Why invest in El Salvador? Competitive infrastructure The World Economic Forum places El Salvador’s infrastructure as one of the most competitive infrastructure in Latin America. Global Competitiveness Report - Quality of infrastructure ranking 2016-2017 (out of 138 countries) 59 51 73 86 74 76 91 83 84 102 98 109 92 125 116 CR ES HN GT NI ES HN NI GT CR HN GT ES CR NI Attractive tax incentives The country’s legal framework provides full exemption from income tax, municipal taxes, taxes on transfers of real-estate property as well as customs duties and other taxes.