Twenty-Second Session
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[Communicated to the Council Official No. : C . 3 1 5 . M , 2 1 1 . 1937. XI. and the Members of the League.] Geneva, July 23rd, 1937. LEAGUE OF NATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC IN OPIUM AND OTHER DANGEROUS DRUGS MINUTES OF THE TWENTY-SECOND SESSION Held at Geneva from May 24th to June 12th, 1937. Series of League of Nations Publications XI. OPIUM AND OTHER DANGEROUS DRUGS 1937. XI. 6. CONTENTS. List o f M e m b e r s .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. y First MEETING (P riv a te ), M a y 2 4 th , 1937, a t 11 a.m . : 1171. W elcome to New M em bers .............................................................................................................................. g 1172. Election of th e C hairm an, V ice-C hairm an and R a p p o r te u r ................................................................ 8 1173. A ppointm ent of A s s e s s o rs ................................................................................................................................. 8 1174. Election of T hree M em bers of th e A genda S u b -C o m m itte e ................................................................ 8 1175. Adoption of the Agenda of the Session : Report of the Agenda Sub-Committee....................... 8 1176. Publicity of th e M eetings ................................................................................................................................. 8 Second M eeting (Public), May 25th, 1937, a t 11 a.m . : 1177. Resignation of M. von Heidenstam, Representative of Sweden. Decision of the Swedish G overnm ent n o t to seek F u rth e r R ep resen tatio n on th e C om m ittee .................................... 1178. Tribute to the Memory of Mr. Hardy, M. van W ettum and Mr. John D. Rockefeller............. 1179. Examination of the Progress Report by the Secretary : I. A d m in istrativ e and G eneral Q u e stio n s................................................................................ II. A nnual R ep o rts on th e Traffic in O pium an d O ther D angerous D rugs ................ III. Legitimate Trade, Manufacture and Consumption of Narcotic Drugs ................... 10 IV. Illicit Traffic an d M easures ta k en against th is Traffic ................................................... 11 V. E n q u iry on D ru g A d d ic tio n ...................................................................................................... 13 V I. S itu atio n in th e F a r E a s t .......................................................................................................... 13 V II. C onvention of 1925 : A rticles 8 a n d 1 0 ................................................................................. 14 VIII. 1931 Convention for limiting the Manufacture and regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs ............................... 14 Third Meetin g (Public), May 25th, 1937, at 3.30 p.m. : 1180. Examination of the Progress Report by the Secretary (continuation) : VIII. 1931 Convention for limiting the Manufacture and regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs (continuation) .................................................................................. 15 IX. Work of the Supervisory Body and the Permanent Central Opium Board .......... 16 X. Convention of 1936 for the Suppression of the Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs. 16 XI. Recommendation X of the B angkok Conference concerning Scientific Investigations 17 X III. M iscellaneous Q uestions ............................................................................................................. 17 1181. Drugging of Race-horses : Memorandum by the Representative of the United States of America 17 1182. S tatistics on Im p o rts of Caffeine ..................................................................................................................... 18 1183. E nquiry in to th e M anufacture an d Use of A cid Acetic A nhydride .................................................. 18 Fourth Meet in g (Public), May 26th, 1937, at 10.30 a.m. : 1184. Examination of the Report by the Sub-Committee on Seizures on the Work of its Ninth Session : I. Introduction (Question of the Method of applying Article 23 of the 1931 C o n v e n tio n ).............................................................................................................................. 19 II. G eneral T ren d of th e Illicit T r a f f ic ........................................................................................ 21 II I. P rin cip al C hannels of th e Illicit Traffic ......................................................................... 23 Fifth Meeting (Public), May 26th, 1937, at 3.30 p.m. : 1185. Examination of the Report by the Sub-Committee on Seizures on the Work of its Ninth Session (continuation) : II. General Trend of the Illicit Traffic (continuation) ........................................................... 24 III. Principal Channels of the Illicit Traffic (continuation)...................................................... 24 Sixth Meeting (Public), May 27th, 1937, at noon : 1186. Examination of the Report by the Sub-Committee on Seizures on the Work of its Ninth Session (continuation) : III. Principal Channels of the Illicit Traffic (continuation).................................................... 28 IV. Notable Features presented by the Illicit Traffic in Specific Countries ................. 28 Seventh Meetin g (Public), May 27th, 1937, at 3.30 p.m. : H87. Examination of the Report by the Sub-Committee on Seizures on the Wrork of its Ninth Session (continuation) : IV. Notable Features presented by the Illicit Traffic in Specific Countries (continuation) 30 n88. Question of Closer Collaboration between Certain Latin-American Countries and the Advisory Committee : Proposal by the Representative of U ruguay .................. 31 1109. Consideration of the Annual Reports of Governments on the Traffic in Opium and Other D angerous D rugs for th e Y ear 1935 ...................................................................................................... 32 Analytical Study of Annual Reports of Governments for the Year 1935 : I. Countries or Territories which have sent or have not sent their Annual Reports : Case of th e Com m onw ealth of P h ilip p in e s................................................................. 32 II. Annual Reports relating to Raw Opium and Other Dangerous D rugs .................. 32 A. General. I. L aw s and Publications ............................................................................ 32 II. A d m in istra tio n ............................................................................................. 33 I I I . Control of In tern atio n al T ra d e ................................................................. 34 IV . In tern atio n al C o -o p eratio n ........................................................................ 35 V. Illicit T ra ff ic ................................................................................................... 35 3138, S ri V o ~ *" •; x 585 ( F .j, 1 .025 (A .), 9 / 3 7.— Imp. de 1’O ffice de Publicité, Bruxelles. — 4 — E ig h t h Me e t in g (Public), May 28th, 1937, 10.30 a.m. : ?agt 1190. Consideration of the Annual Reports of Governments on the Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs for the Year 1935 (continuation) : I. Analytical Study of Annual Reports of Governments for the Year 1935 (continuation) : II. Annual Reports relating to Raw Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs (continuation) : B. Raw Materials : V III. Coca L eaf ................................................................................................... 36 C. M anufactured D rugs : X. In te rn a l C o n tr o l....................................................................................... 36 III. Special Annual Reports concerning Prepared Opium : I. (b). Working of the SjTstem of Control.................................................................. 37 II. New Activities with a View to combating the Use of Prepared Opium ... 3$ III. Scientific R esearch .......................................................................................................... 39 IV . O ther Inform ation : 3. S ystem of D ross C ontrol ................................................ 39 V. Illicit T ra ff ic ...................................................................................................................... 39 IV. Countries Parties to the Three International Conventions and Agreements relating to O pium an d O ther D angerous D rugs ............................................................................ 40 1191. Analytical Study of Annual Reports of Governments for the Year 1935 : General Observations of M em bers of th e C om m ittee concerning th e S t u d y ..................................................................... 40 N in t h Me e t in g (Public), May 28th, 1937, at 3.30 p.m. : 1192. Consideration of the Annual Reports of Governments on the Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs for the Year 1935 (continuation) : I. Analytical Study of Annual Reports of Governments for the Year 1935 (continuation) : Q uestions arising o u t of th e D iscussion.............................................................................. 41 II. Synoptic Statistical Tables annexed to Document O.C.1679 : II. Synoptic Table showing Raw Opium Exports from