The Planning System and Planning Terms in Germany a Glossary

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The Planning System and Planning Terms in Germany a Glossary STUDIES IN SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT At a time when Europe is growing together, cooperation between countries is becoming increas- 7 ingly necessary. One of the main reasons for pursuing transnational spatial development is to at- tain a common understanding of the facts of spatial planning. Hence, the INTERREG III B project “COMMIN” sought to establish a common communication basis for the exchange of knowledge and experience in spatial planning and thus to foster and develop this understanding in the Baltic Sea region. Therefore, on the basis of a standardized structure the COMMIN project partners prepared basic information about institutional settings and spatial planning systems and compiled a glossary of key terminology in spatial planning accompanied by a varying range of fact sheets with respect to planning cases taken as examples. The readers will now fi nd on the whole range of information covering the respec- tive national languages as well as English translations, although in some countries offi cial transla- tions for these issues were lacking. The project partners were aware of the fact that each translation requires a balancing act between legal precision and communicable classifi cation and, at the end, is a question of defi nition power and of different senses for semantics. The Planning System and The German text on hand (status December 2006) – one information package out of eleven – was prepared by a team comprising planners, lawyers, economists, and administrative academics. Actually no other publication treating this subject in English exists and it will hopefully contribute not only Planning Terms in Germany to understanding planning issues in Europe but also to transferring in this respect information and knowledge within the country. Anyway, being aware of differences between countries is a point of A Glossary departure for the mutual understanding process. Die Notwendigkeit zur Kooperation nimmt mit dem Zusammenwachsen Europas beständig zu. Einer der Elke Pahl-Weber, Dietrich Henckel (Eds.) Hauptgründe für transnationale Raumentwicklung ist es, ein gemeinsames Verständnis für räumliche Planung zu entwickeln. Demzufolge hat das INTERREG III B Projekt „COMMIN“ sich angeschickt, eine gemeinsame Kommunikationsbasis für den Austausch von Wissen und Erfahrungen bereitzustellen und damit ein solches Verständnis im Ostseeraum zu stärken und zu entwickeln. Daher haben die Projektpartner von COMMIN auf der Basis einer standardisierten Struktur Basisinformationen über institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen und räumliche Planungssysteme aufbereitet sowie ein Glossar zur raumordnerischen Planungsterminologie zusammengetragen und begleitend Faktendatenblätter zu einer Reihe von Planungsbeispielen erarbeitet. Die Leser fi nden nun unter der Webadresse die gesammelten Informationen sowohl in der jeweiligen Nationalsprache wie auch in deren englischer Übersetzung, wenngleich nicht in allen Ländern offi zielle Übersetzungen dieser Inhalte vorhanden waren. Die Projektpartner waren sich sehr wohl bewusst darüber, dass jede Übersetzung einen Balanceakt zwischen rechtlicher Prä- zision und verständlicher Zuordnung darstellt, schließlich aber eine Frage von Defi nitionsmacht und Sprachempfi nden ist. Der vorliegende deutsche Text (Stand Dezember 2006), einer von elf Informationsbausteinen, wur- de von einem Team aus Planern, Juristen, Ökonomen und Verwaltungswissenschaftlern erarbeitet. Derzeit liegt keine andere Publikation vor, die sich dieses Themas auf Englisch annimmt. Mit ihr ist die Hoffnung verknüpft, sowohl zum Verständnis für Planungsfragen in Europa als diesbezüglich auch zum Transfer von Information und Wissen innerhalb Deutschlands beizutragen. In jedem Fall ist das Wissen über Unterschiede zwischen Ländern ein Ausgangspunkt für das bessere Verständnis untereinander. ISBN 978-3-88838-233-8 The Planning System and Terms in Germany The Planning System and Planning Terms in Germany A Glossary I SSD7-Innentitel(SI-IV).indd I 25.09.2008 09:56:38 PRINTED ON PAPER AWARDED WITH THE EU ECO-LABEL SSD No. 7 ISBN: 978-3-88838-233-8 ISSN 1619-1986 All rights reserved • Published by ARL • Hanover, Germany 2008 ©Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (Academy for Spatial Research and Planning) Printed in Germany by poppdruck, 30851 Langenhagen Ordering possibilities: via book trade VSB-Verlagsservice Braunschweig Postfach 47 38 38037 Braunschweig Germany Tel. (+49-18 05) 7 08-7 09 Fax (+49-5 31) 7 08-6 19 E-Mail: [email protected] Onlineshop of the ARL: Publisher’s address: Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL®) Hohenzollernstraße 11, 30161 Hannover, Germany Tel. (+49-5 11) 3 48 42-0, Fax (+49-5 11) 3 48 42-41 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: II Academy for Spatial Research and Planning STUDIES IN SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT The Planning System and Planning Terms in Germany A Glossary Elke Pahl-Weber, Dietrich Henckel (Eds.) No. 7 Hanover 2008 III Secretariat of the ARL Scientifi c Division Spatial Planning, Spatial Policy Head: Dr.-Ing. Evelyn Gustedt ([email protected]) IV The Publisher’s Preface The Publisher’s Preface Under the leadership of the publisher, Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL) the BSR INTERREG III B Project “COMMIN – Promoting Spatial Develop- ment by Creating COMmon MINdscapes” was executed during the time period of Sep- tember 2004 until August 2007 by 28 partners from 11 different countries in the Baltic Sea Region, including Belarus, Norway and Russia as non EU countries. WWW.COMMIN.ORG contains all deliverables of that project encompassing more than 5,000 printed pages with descriptions of 11 different planning systems, glossaries of planning terms, fact sheets of planning examples and more. The information is given in English and in the respective national language for most of the part. The publication on hand was prepared after the COMMIN project was finalised. We are happy to present an extraction of the COMMIN overall content covering only the German information package. It could be considered to be the replacement of the simi- lar document already published by ARL in 2002 entitled “Spatial Planning in Germany – Structures and Concepts”. However, that former publication displayed the mere ex- change on spatial planning between, at that time, only two countries having the objec- tive of fostering the mutual linguistic understanding. In contrast, the present document constitutes the outcome of a process involving 11 different systems, connotations and backgrounds meeting altogether on a 12th level – the English language. All project part- ners were aware of the fact that each translation requires a balancing act between legal precision with regard to nationally defined terminology and communicable expressions which could be understood by third parties the same way and, at the end, each such translation is a question of definition power and of different senses for semantics. The various parts of this document were compiled until December 2006. During the elaboration time, later on until the COMMIN-Project was completed and the present print publication was prepared federal and constitutive state acts concerning spatial planning were permanently under discussion and they are going to be revised definitely. For instance, the Federal Spatial Planning Act will be amended. In spring 2008 the Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Affairs worked out a draft legisla- tion text. The new Act is expected to come into force in 2009. Besides the Federal Spatial Planning Act the German environmental legislation will be changed, too. The major fields of environmental legislation presumably will be inte- grated in a new „Environmental Code“. This project accompanies an amendment of many environmentally relevant acts such as the Federal Immission Control Act, the Fe- deral Water Act and the Federal Nature Conservation Act. Still it is uncertain when the Environmental Code will come into force. Therefore legal modifications in this regard have not been included in this glossary. Anyway, as there is currently no other publication treating this subject in English it will hopefully contribute not only to a better understanding of planning issues in Europe but also to a transfer of information and knowledge with respect to the German planning system. Being aware of differences between countries is a point of departure for the mutual understanding process. Academy for Spatial Research (ARL), August 2008 V The Planning System and Planning Terms in Germany A Glossary The Planning System and Planning Terms in Germany A Glossary Project Team Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Elke Pahl-Weber (TU Berlin) Prof. Dr. Dietrich Henckel (TU Berlin) cand.-Ing. Anja Besecke (TU Berlin) cand.-Ing. Benjamin Rütenik (TU Berlin) in collaboration with Dr.-Ing. Heidede Becker cand.-Ing. Lukas Benda (TU Berlin) Dr. Arno Bunzel (Difu) Dipl.-Ing. Ellen Daßer Dr. Werner Klinge (Institut für Städtebau) Dipl.-Ing. Michael König Ass. Jur. Petra Lau, Gastprofessorin (BTU Cottbus) cand.-Ing. André Ruppert (TU Berlin) Dipl.-Verw. Wiss. Daniel Zwicker Schwarm (Difu) Translation by: Rhodes Barrett, M.A. (hons), M.A., BDÜ Layout and Typeset: Robert Hänsch, Seitenmanufaktur, For the considerable work on the glossary and his valuable additions we thank Prof. Dr. jur. Gerd Schmidt-Eichstaedt. Berlin, 2008 Content 1. Content I. CONSTITUTION, GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION 1. Constitutional System ....................................................................................................11
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