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Folder Title THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AUTHORIZED Folder Title: Proposal for a Training and Visit Programme for Staff Member of the Irrigation Department - Period of January 19 till March 9, 1990 - September 1989 - Government of Myanmar - Irrigation Department - Euroconsult, Arnhem Folder ID: F38657 Project ID: P003348 Dates: 9/1/1989 – 9/1/1989 Fonds: Records of the East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency ISAD Reference Code: WB IBRD/IDA EAP Digitized: 2/5/2018 To cite materials from this archival folder, please follow the following format: [Descriptive name of item], [Folder Title], Folder ID [Folder ID], World Bank Group Archives, Washington, D.C., United States. The records in this folder were created or received by The World Bank in the course of its business. The records that were created by the staff of The World Bank are subject to the Bank’s copyright. Please refer to for full copyright terms of use and disclaimers. THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. © International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / International Development Association or The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: I1 111\\I II \I Ill III ll\ II ll III ll II Ill I1 111 EC ASSIFIED F38657 Archives 300060 WBG Archives R1992-235 Other #: 44 Proposal for a Training and Visit Programme for Staff Member of the Irrigation Department_ Period of Janu ary 191ill March 9, 1990 - September 1989 - Governm ent o -·· · ---- - • _ _ • __ ... __ ,.... ____ &. ___ .. r-.. - - -- - - · ·''" ,. __ ._ __ _ I t 11 - Proposal for training services ASIA .'INFORJi· ATION Government of Myanmar (Burma) SERVICES CENTER Proposal for a training and visit programme for staff members of the Irrigation Department ... - ,.. --- , -- September 1989 Government· of Myanmar (formerly BU£ma, Irrigation Department PROPOSAL FOR A TRAINING AND VISIT PROGRAMME FOR STAFF MEMBERS OF THE IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT Period 19 January till 9 March 1990 September 1989 4.55.022 _, ....... Euroconsult Arnhem , The Netherlands . ~ CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 PROPOSED PROGRAMME 4 3 ORGANISATIONS INVOLVED 14 4 BUDGET 16 .. :r .. - 1 l INTRODUCTION On 7 September the Irrigation Department of Myanmar (formerly Burma) requested Euroconsult to prepare a training and visit programme for 6 (later increased to 8) senior engineers of the Department: 3 mechanical engineers - S irrigation engineers In this proposal we present a tentative programme, which will be finalized as soon as the Irrigation Department has agreed (confirmation by telex is sufficient). Final arrangements can only be made with the organisations involved after this agreement has been received. Suggestions and required modifications will be taken into consideration as far as possible. To realise the requested programme two departments from the Dutch Ministry of Transport and Public Works have been contacted: "Rijkswaterstaat" (Public Works Department) and "Landinrichtingsdienst" (Department of Land Consolidation) have been found available to assist. These departments are responsible for all the large sluices, navigation locks, dikes, major structures and waterways as well for land consolidatibn and reclamation in the Netherlands . This also includes operation, , maintenance and management. The full cooperation from these departments has been obtained. Available time The duration of the programme is planned to be at least seveh' weeks or-- 49 calendar days,~-.... including a travel time---· of 4 days and two days in Bangkok, so an effective time of 43 days is available . These 43 calendar days should be spent for 40 % on training and lectures (equals 17 days) and for 60 % on excursions ~(equals 26 days). Holidays consist of the normal weekends (Saturday and Sunday). During the weekends small excursions can be organised. For technical reasons the group might be split temporarily in two, so the programme for the mechanical engineers can be focuse.d on the 2 mechanical aspects and for the irrigation engineers on the design, operation, management and maintenance aspects. The groups will follow the same programme during the visits. The adapted programme for the mechanical engineers is not yet specified in the proposed programme given here, since the detailed planning is to ·be made as soon as approval.has been obtained from the Irrigation Departm�nt. Language -- / It is expected th�t this group of senior engineers at Project Director (PD) and Executive 'Engineer (EE) level has good knowledge of the English language; all lectures, papers and explanations will be in English. Documents required Each participant should have: - a valid passport - a valid health certificate of the World-Health Organization - a valid ticket to and from the Netherlands - a valid visa for the Netherlands, which has to be obtained at the consulate of the Netherlands at Yangon - valid visas for Western Germany and Belgium should be obtained at the embassies in Yangon. If no embassy is available for Belgium this will be arranged in the Netherlands. - insurance for health and travel will be organised by Euroconsult for the training period of 49 days. Time period It is proposed to start the programme later than the requested 1 January, since Christmas ho�idays in the Netherlands end around 8 January and the reduced air fares are available from 16 January. The period proposed is therefore from 19 January till 9 March 1990. Accommodation In principle hotel accommodation will be provided. It is proposed that two persons share a room to reduce the cost. It might be possible to - . � . -- - 3 ~ - - make cheaper arrangements , but these have to be inspected first and can only be reserved well before the programme starts. On the other hand the group will shift several times to other locations, and hotels are then most convenient. Reservations To enable us to make all necessary reservations the appro~al should be given at least two months in advance. Financial aspects For this programme the World Bank has made available to the Irrigation Department an amount of US$ 100 000, which equals Dfl 220 000 (Dutch Guilders). To realize the proposed programme the amount of ) Dfl 220 000 should be guaranteed by the Irrigation Department, independent of the fluctuations of the US dollar. Restrictions The proposed programme is made for the total time available and the total amount is sufficient for a group of seven engin~ers. This is also the most convenient nwnber, as a group of seven engineers will fit . in a microbus together with driver and guiding staff. With eight engineers additional cars would be required. ~ - - r _,, -.... I . 4 2 PROPOSED PROGRAMME Day no. 1 19-01-1990 Friday 13. 30 hours Departure by flight UB 221 from Yangon (Rangoon) to Bangkok. 15.10 hours Arrival Bangkok. Check-in for flight KL 878 to Amsterdam, as transit passenger. 21. 25 hours Departure by flight KL 1378 co Amsterdam. -- / 2 20-01-1990 Saturday (EC-JFJl-RVS) 06.30 hours Arrival Amsterdam Airport. Reception by Euroconsult representative. 08.00 hours By car to hotel Arnhem and rest. Bre~kfast, lunch. Afternoon free. 18.00 hours Dinner. Hotel Arnhem-1. 3 21-01-1990 Sunday (EC2-JFJ2) 09.30-18 . 00 Small excursion to Arnhem and surroundings. 18.00 Dinner. Hotel Arnhem-2. 4 22-01-199 Monday (EC3-JFJ3-"1H) 09.00 Welcome by the Managing Director of Euroconsult. 10.00 Briefing about the programme. 11.00 Introduction of the participants and the Euroconsult staff. (YH-RvS-TJ-JFJ-FC) 12.00-13.30 Lunch, 13.30-15.30 General introduction of the Netherlands (JFJ). 15.30-17.00 Presentation of several projects designed and implemented by Euroconsult. 18 .30 Dinner. Hotel Arnhem-3. 5 ... - .- 5 23-01-1990 Tuesday (EC4 -JFJ4-TJ-FC-WG) 09.00-12 . 00 Approach to the design of surface drainage by gravity, and design criteria, Bangladesh. 12.00-13 . 00 Lunch. 13 . 00-17.00 Land reclamation techniques, Bangladesh. 18.30. Dinner. Hotel Arnhem-4. 6 24-01-1990 Wednesday (ECS-TJ+JFJ) 09.00-12 . 00 Design of closures in tidal rivers, Bangladesh .. Amtali, Gangrail . 12.00-13.00 Lunch. 13.00-17.00 Visit to movable-gate manufacturer. Hotel Arnhem-5 . 7 25-01-1990 Thursday (EC6-JFJS) 08.00-18.00 Vi sit to Water Management Authority Delfland. Hotel Arnhem-6. 8 26-01-1990 Friday (EC7-Smedema or WG) (JFJ4) 09.00-12.00 Land reclamation, salt and .sweet water balance, Bangladesh. 12.00-13 . 00 Lunch . 13.00-17 . 00 Visit to Steenbergen, manufacturer of subsurface drainage equipment. Hotel Arnhem-7. f 9 27-01-1990 Saturday (EC8-JFJ6-Rvs): / ...... Visits. Hotel Arnhem-8 . 10 28 - 01-1990 Sunday (EC9-JFJ7-RvS) Visits . Hotel Arnhem-9 . 6 11 29-01-1990 Monday Lelystad (EC10-JFJ8) 08.00 Departure to the Flevoland polders. 10.00-12.00 Welcome and introduction by the Ministry of Transport and Public Works. Lecture: Tasks and aims of polder de~elopment. 12.00-14.00 Lunch ·. 14.00-16.00 The physical environment of the low parts of the Netherlands. Lely's Lowlands. -- / - Hotel ielystad-1. 12 30-01-1990 Tuesday Lelystad (RWS-2) 09.00-10.30 Historical development of polders, dikes and dams in the Netherlands. 11.00-12.30 Water management and salinity control in the Dutch pol;der areas. 12.30-14.00 Lunch 14.00-16.30 Visit to Eastern and Southern Flevoland, including a large-scale state farm. Hotel Lelystad-2. 13 31-02-1990 Wednesday Lelystad (RWS-3) 08.00-18.00 Excursion to 30 km barrier dam, pumping station Lely Medemblik, sluice gate Den Helder, navigation locks, factory of dredging and canal maintenance machinery "Konijn" at Hoorn. Hotel Lelystad-3. 14 01-02-1990 Thursday Lelystad (RWS-4) Polder development. 09.00-10.30 Integrated planning of land reclamation in the IJsselmeer Polders.
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