Table of Contents

OfferPrice ...... 1

Supported Operations ...... 2

Supported Fields ...... 3

OfferPriceRQ...... 3

OfferPriceRS ...... 32

Reference Documents ...... 52 OfferPrice

Index | Web Services | Integration Guides | Artifacts

Version Information

The information in this document is applicable to version: created on: 2020-10-22T15:04+0100.


The Datalex OfferPrice NDC web service is a pricing service of previously obtained flight offers.

The service:

• supports version 18.1 of NDC OfferPriceRQ and OfferPriceRS messages.

• is used to reprice and verify a single price for a previously obtained flight offer.

• is used to obtain a single price offer for two previously (and separately) obtained flights offers, i.e. an outbound offer

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and an inbound offer.

• is used to obtain payment fees if any are applicable.

• re-prices against some underlying configured pricing source.

Supported Operations

This section describes the supported operations.

Table 1. Supported Operations

ID Operation Overview 1 Combine offers into one Used to obtain a single price for two previously obtained flight offers, i.e. an outbound part offer and an inbound part. It is called when a user has individually selected an outbound flight offer and an inbound flight offer from an AirShoppingRS.

 Payment Fees If a client also supplies card details, then payment fees are also obtained.

2 Validate pricing of an Used to reprice some previously obtained flight offer. existing Offer  Payment Fees If a client also supplies card details, then payment fees are also obtained.

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ID Operation Overview 3 Get payment fees only Used to obtain payment fees only (no re-pricing takes place) for an unbooked offer or offers. using an OfferID 4 Get payment fees only Used to obtain payment fees for an existing and unpaid order. using an OrderID

Supported Fields

This section describes NDC elements and attributes which are supported by Datalex.


This section describes the supported request fields.

Table 2. Supported Request Fields

NDC Mand Comment Field atory /Off erPr Yes Root container. iceR Q Offe rPri Yes Container for payload attributes. ceRQ /Pay load Attr ibut es

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Echo Token. /Ech oTok enTe xt … Yes Must be 18.1 /Ver sion … No A unique identifier to relate all messages within a transaction (e.g. this would be sent in all request and /Trx response messages that are part of an on-going transaction). ID … No Language to be used (identified by ISO 639 codes). Example: en. /Pri mary Lang ID Offe rPri Yes Container for client identification data. ceRQ /Par ty … Yes The point of sale code. /Rec ipie nt/E nabl edSy stem /Sys temI D

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … Yes Sender’s Agency ID. /Sen der/ Trav elAg ency /Age ncyI D … No IATA-assigned agency number. /Sen der/ Trav elAg ency /IAT A_Nu mber … Yes Identifies a particular agent. /Sen der/ Trav elAg ency /Tra velA gent /Tra velA gent ID

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Message Participant(s). /Par tici pant … No An entity who distributes a Seller’s shopping request to multiple and aggregates subsequent /Par responses. tici pant /Agg rega tor … Yes Aggregator ID. /Par tici pant /Agg rega tor/ Aggr egat orID Offe rPri Yes The PaxList element is expected to be populated. It is expected that the sub-element Pax be used in the ceRQ query and that the PTC element be populated for each Pax entry. The PTC element is intended to indicate /Dat the Passenger Type Code. The value is expected to match the IATA three-character Passenger Type Code, e.g. aLis ADT, CHD, INF. There must be a separate Pax entry for each passenger intending to . ts/P axLi st/P ax

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … Yes Uniquely identifies a Passenger within the context of one message. /Pax ID … No The Passenger Type Code to search for. If not provided, then ADT is assumed. /PTC … No The age of the traveller. /Age Meas ure … No The date of birth of the traveller. Example: YYYY-MM-DD. /Bir thda te … No The nationality of the traveller. Example: US, FR. /Res iden ceCo untr yCod e … No The citizenship country code. Example US, FR. /Cit izen ship Coun tryC ode

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Reference to individual. /Ind ivid ualR ef … No Description of the phone number. Examples: home number, work. /Con tact Info /Pho ne/L abel Text … No Country dialing code number. Examples: 353 for Ireland. /Con tact Info /Pho ne/C ount ryDi alin gCod e

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Phone area number. Examples: 5, 61. /Con tact Info /Pho ne/A reaC odeN umbe r … No Phone number text. Examples: 9999999, 6179976. /Con tact Info /Pho ne/P hone Numb er … No Phone extension number. Examples: 666, 123. /Con tact Info /Pho ne/E xten sion Numb er

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Description of the e-mail address. Examples: private, work. /Con tact Info /Ema ilAd dres s/La belT ext … No E-mail address of the traveller. /Con tact Info /Ema ilAd dres s/Em ailA ddre ssTe xt … No Description of the address. Examples: home address, work address. /Con tact Info /Pos talA ddre ss/L abel Text

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Street. Examples: Main Street, 100 Main Street. /Con tact Info /Pos talA ddre ss/S tree tTex t … No Building name, room, apartment, or suite number. /Con tact Info /Pos talA ddre ss/B uild ingR oomT ext … No City (e.g. Dublin), town, or postal station. /Con tact Info /Pos talA ddre ss/C ityN ame

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No State or province code. Examples: NY, QUE. /Con tact Info /Pos talA ddre ss/C ount rySu bdiv isio nNam e … No Postal code. Examples: 11001, 11001-2345. /Con tact Info /Pos talA ddre ss/P osta lCod e

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No County code that the address is located in. /Con tact Info /Pos talA ddre ss/C ount ryCo de … No Country name the address is located in. Example: Ireland. /Con tact Info /Pos talA ddre ss/C ount ryNa me … Yes FOID ID value. Example: NY1222345. /Ide ntit yDoc /Ide ntit yDoc Numb er

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … Yes Code value. /Ide ntit yDoc /Ide ntit yDoc Type Code … No Owner/Issuer of FOID. Example: United States, Department of State. /Ide ntit yDoc /Iss uing Coun tryC ode … No The gender of the traveller. Example: M, F. /Ind ivid ual/ Gend erCo de … No Name title. Example MR, MRS, DR. /Ind ivid ual/ Titl eNam e

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No The given name of the traveller (first name or names). /Ind ivid ual/ Give nNam e … No The middle name or initial of the name of the traveller. Examples: G, GEORGE. /Ind ivid ual/ Midd leNa me … No The surname of the traveller (family name, last name). Example: SMITH. /Ind ivid ual/ Surn ame … No Surname suffixes and/or letters. Examples: Jr, Sr, III, Ph.D, M.D. /Ind ivid ual/ Suff ixNa me

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No The Program ID is used to specify a Frequent Flyer Program. This is the name of the program. /Loy alty Prog ramA ccou nt/P rogr amCo de … No Account number of the Frequent Flyer Program /Loy alty Prog ramA ccou nt/A ccou ntNu mber … Yes FQTR Program Sponsoring . Example: BA /Loy alty Prog ramA ccou nt/C arri er/A irli neDe sigC ode

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Loyalty Program account priority within the tier. Examples: Platinum, Executive. /Loy alty Prog ramA ccou nt/T ierP rior ityT ext … No Loyalty Program tier code. /Loy alty Prog ramA ccou nt/T ierC ode … No Loyalty Program tier name. /Loy alty Prog ramA ccou nt/T ierN ame

© Datalex 2020 | 17 OfferPrice

NDC Mand Comment Field atory Offe rPri Yes The PricedOffer/SelectedOffer should contain OfferItemIDs of flight options (outbound and inbound). ceRQ /Pri cedO ffer /Sel ecte dOff er … Yes An Offer as obtained from some earlier shopping message. /Off erRe fID … Yes A shopping response ID as obtained from some earlier shopping message (e.g. AirShoppingRS). /Sho ppin gRes pons eRef ID … Yes As obtained from an earlier AirShoppingRS. /Own erCo de … Yes A container for a particular OfferItemID. /Sel ecte dOff erIt em

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … Yes An OfferItemID which is to be combined or repriced. /Sel ecte dOff erIt em/O ffer Item RefI D … Yes A reference to PAX linked to the Offer Item. /Sel ecte dOff erIt em/P axRe fID Offe rPri No Contains optional filters, languages, and currency information for a search request. ceRQ /Res pons ePar amet ers … Yes Requested currency for the response. First entry only. /Cur Para mete r/Cu rCod e

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … Yes Requested language for the response. /Lan gUsa ge/L angC ode Offe rPri No Used to specify shopping preferences such as (but not limited to) airline, connection, fare and cabin. ceRQ /Sho ppin gCri teri a

… No This conforms to PADIS code set element 9873. The NDC Code attribute must contain a valid PADIS code. /Cab inTy The permitted values are: peCr iter ia/C PADIS Code Comment abin 001 , highest class of service (First Class Type category) Code 002 Second class, medium class of service ( category) 003 Third class, lowest class of service (all Economy/Coach Class categories)

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … Yes The two-letter airline code. /Car rier Crit eria /Car rier /Air line Desi gCod e

… No Valid values: /Car rier Crit • Required eria /Pre • Exclude fLev el/P • Preferred refL evel Code

… No Contains order information for delayed payment. /Exi stin gOrd erCr iter ia

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … Yes Unused but required by the NDC schema. /Exi stin gOrd erCr iter ia/P axRe fID … Yes OrderID for an Order used in delayed payment. /Exi stin gOrd erCr iter ia/O rder /Ord erID

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Only applicable to an air search. Uses PADIS code set 9910. /Far ePre fere • The PADIS code 733 is used as an indicator of half round-trip search. nces /Typ • The PADIS code 756 is used as an indicator of one-way combinable. es/T ype • The PADIS code 763 is used as an indicator of round-trip search.

• The PADIS code 70I is used as an indicator that the TableName contains a fare family code.

 If no FarePreference is specified then a default is assumed which may vary depending on an airline’s preference.

 Refer to page 81 of version 18.1 of the PADIS code set as defined by IATA.

… No Contains the fare family code when Preference/FarePreferences/Types/Type/Code is set to 701. /Far ePre fere nces /Typ es/T ype@ Pref eren cesC onte xt

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … Yes Code to identify the type of flight characteristic (including non-stop, red eye, etc.). /Fli ghtC rite ria/ Flig htCh arac teri stic sCri teri a/Ch arac teri stic sCod e

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Preference level code (e.g. Preferred, Required, Exclude, Other). /Fli ghtC rite ria/ Flig htCh arac teri stic sCri teri a/Pr efLe vel/ Pref Leve lCod e … No Reservation Booking Designator. A categorization used to facilitate access to inventory, application of filed /Fli fares, and to identify cabin entitlement. Identified using a single alpha character. E.g. 'J' for Business Class ghtC rite Premium, 'D' for Business Disc. ria/ RBD

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Type of payment. Only used to determine payment fees for credit card payments. Should be set to: CC /Pay ment Meth odCr iter ia/T ypeC ode … No A container for payment card information. Only used to determine payment fees for credit card payments. /Pay ment Card Crit eria … Yes Two uppercase alpha characters. Example: VI /Pay ment Card Crit eria /Car dTyp eCod e

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … Yes Payment card number. Example: 4444333322221111 /Pay ment Card Crit eria /Iss uerI dent ific atio nNum ber

… No Payment amount. /Pay ment Card Required for delayed payment! Crit  eria /Cha rgeA moun t

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Currency code. /Pay ment Card Required for delayed payment! Crit  eria /Cha rgeA moun t/@C urCo de … No Type of program account. /Pro gram Crit eria /Pro gram Acco unt … Yes Applicable when performing a search for flights. Contains promotions code string. /Pro moti onCr iter ia/P romo tion ID

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … Yes Unique connection criteria ID. /Con nect ionC rite ria/ Conn ecti onCr iter iaID … No Maximum number of connections. Example: 2. /Con nect ionC rite ria/ Maxi mumC onne ctio nQty

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Minimum connection time. Assumed to be minutes. Example: PT90M. /Con nect ionC rite ria/ Mini mumC onne ctio nDur atio n

… No Valid values: /Con nect ionC • Required rite ria/ • Exclude Stat ionC • Preferred rite ria/ Pref Leve l/Pr efLe velC ode

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NDC Mand Comment Field atory … No Preference level context. E.g. MyContext. /Con nect ionC rite ria/ Stat ionC rite ria/ Pref Leve l/Pr efCo ntex tTex t … No Station codes used for the criteria. /Con nect ionC rite ria/ Stat ionC rite ria/ Stat ion/ IATA _Loc atio nCod e

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This section describes the supported response fields.

Table 3. Supported Response Fields

NDC Field Comment OfferPriceRS Root Element OfferPriceRS/Paylo adAttributes Container for payload attributes. …/Timestamp Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC. …/Version Supported values: 18.1. …/EchoTokenText Echo Token with the same value as the one present in the request. …/TrxID A unique identifier to relate all messages within a transaction (e.g. this would be sent in all request and response messages that are part of an on-going transaction). OfferPriceRS/Messa geDoc Container for responding application details. …/Name The name of the responding application. "Datalex NDC". …/RefVersionNumber The version of the responding application. "4.0". OfferPriceRS/Respo nse Container for responding application details. OfferPriceRS/Respo nse/DataLists The DataLists element contains multiple lists, each of which contains different aspects of an offer. AirShoppingRS/Resp onse/DataLists/Bag BaggageAllowanceList is a data list of associated Carry-On Allowance ancillary items and of gageAllowanceList associated Checked Allowance ancillary items.

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NDC Field Comment … Unique identifier of this . /BaggageAllowance/ BaggageAllowanceID

… • "CarryOnBag" for Carry-On Allowance ancillary items. /BaggageAllowance/ TypeCode • "CheckedBag" for Allowance ancillary items.

… Applicable bag type. Examples: Carry-On, 1st Checked Bag, 2nd Checked Bag. /BaggageAllowance/ ApplicableBagText … Baggage weight restriction application. Examples: Party, Traveler. Party applies to all Travelers. /BaggageAllowance/ ApplicablePartyTex t … Maximum weight value and unit of measure. Example: 50. /BaggageAllowance/ WeightAllowance/Ma ximumWeightMeasure … Unit code of measure type. /BaggageAllowance/ WeightAllowance/Ma ximumWeightMeasure @UnitCode … Applicable bag type. Examples: Carry-On, 1st Checked Bag, 2nd Checked Bag. /BaggageAllowance/ WeightAllowance/Ap plicableBagText

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NDC Field Comment … Baggage weight restriction application. Examples: Party, Traveler. Party applies to all Travelers. /BaggageAllowance/ WeightAllowance/Ap plicablePartyText … Baggage weight restriction application. Examples: Party, Traveler. Party applies to all Travelers. /BaggageAllowance/ PieceAllowance/App licablePartyText … Maximum pieces of baggage allowed. Example: 4. /BaggageAllowance/ PieceAllowance/Tot alQty … Applicable bag type. Examples: Carry-On, 1st Checked Bag, 2nd Checked Bag. /BaggageAllowance/ PieceAllowance/App licableBagText … Maximum weight value and unit of measure. Example: 50. /BaggageAllowance/ PieceAllowance/Pie ceWeightAllowance/ MaximumWeightMeasu re … Unit code of measure type. /BaggageAllowance/ PieceAllowance/Pie ceWeightAllowance/ MaximumWeightMeasu re@UnitCode OfferPriceRS/Respo nse/DataLists/Orig OriginDestList is a data list of associated Origin/Destination elements. inDestList

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NDC Field Comment … Uniquely identifies an Origin Destination within the context of one message. /OriginDest/Origin DestID … IATA defined code identifying a city or station. /OriginDest/Origin Code … IATA defined code identifying a city or station. /OriginDest/DestCo de … Reference to Passenger Journey IDs within this message. /OriginDest/PaxJou rneyRefID OfferPriceRS/Respo nse/DataLists/PaxJ PaxJourneyList is a data list of associated PaxJourney elements. These elements serve as a linking ourneyList element between entries in a PaxSegment data list and corresponding entries in an OriginDest data list. … Uniquely identifies a Passenger Journey within the context of one message. /PaxJourney/PaxJou rneyID … Total journey time including the combined air time and connection times. In case of stopover, /PaxJourney/Durati this may or may not include stopover durations. on … Reference to a Passenger Segment ID within this message. /PaxJourney/PaxSeg mentRefID OfferPriceRS/Respo nse/DataLists/PaxL PaxList is a data list of associated travelers. ist …/Pax/PaxID Uniquely identifies a Passenger within the context of one message. …/Pax/PTC Type code applying to the Passenger which typically drives pricing (e.g. ADT, CHD, etc).

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NDC Field Comment …/Pax/AgeMeasure The Age of the Passenger. To be used in NDC Anonymous Shopping requests or when the birthdate (in Individual) is not known. OfferPriceRS/Respo nse/DataLists/PaxS PaxSegmentList is a data list of associated flight segments. egmentList … Uniquely identifies a Passenger Segment within the context of one message. /PaxSegment/PaxSeg mentID … Total segment time including the combined air time and connection times of any legs. /PaxSegment/Durati on … Cabin Type Code as defined by PADIS codeset (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.). /PaxSegment/CabinT ype/CabinTypeCode … Name given to a cabin compartment (e.g. Business, First, Economy). /PaxSegment/CabinT ype/CabinTypeName … IATA defined code identifying a city or station. /PaxSegment/Dep/IA TA_LocationCode … The Scheduled Date and Time of Departure of the aircraft at the terminal or departure at an /PaxSegment/Dep/Ai . rcraftScheduledDat eTime … IATA defined code identifying a city or station. /PaxSegment/Arriva l/IATA_LocationCod e

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NDC Field Comment … The Scheduled Date and Time of Arrival of the aircraft at the terminal or departure gate at an /PaxSegment/Arriva airport. l/AircraftSchedule dDateTime … Airline code assigned to a carrier. Either ICAO-defined 3-character code or IATA-defined 2- /PaxSegment/Market character code. ingCarrierInfo/Car rierDesigCode … Commercial name of the carrier. /PaxSegment/Market ingCarrierInfo/Car rierName … The numerical designation of a flight as it is marketed by a carrier. /PaxSegment/Market ingCarrierInfo/Mar ketingCarrierFligh tNumberText … Code used to identify a particular RBD (e.g. P, J, W, M, etc.). /PaxSegment/Market ingCarrierInfo/RBD _Code … Airline code assigned to a carrier. Either ICAO-defined 3-character code or IATA-defined 2- /PaxSegment/Operat character code. ingCarrierInfo/Car rierDesigCode … Commercial name of the carrier. /PaxSegment/Operat ingCarrierInfo/Car rierName

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NDC Field Comment … The numerical designation of a flight as it is operated by a carrier. /PaxSegment/Operat ingCarrierInfo/Ope ratingCarrierFligh tNumberText … Operating carrier RBD code. /PaxSegment/Operat ingCarrierInfo/RBD _Code … Uniquely identifies a Leg within the context of one message. /PaxSegment/DatedO peratingLeg/DatedO peratingLegID … Internal code used by an carrier to identify the type of aircraft. /PaxSegment/DatedO peratingLeg/Carrie rAircraftType/Carr ierAircraftTypeCod e … Internal name given by the carrier to this aircraft type. /PaxSegment/DatedO peratingLeg/Carrie rAircraftType/Carr ierAircraftTypeNam e … When TRUE, indicates a Change of Gauge will take place between the current leg and that which /PaxSegment/DatedO immediately precedes it. peratingLeg/Change ofGaugeInd

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NDC Field Comment … IATA defined code identifying a city or station. /PaxSegment/DatedO peratingLeg/Dep/IA TA_LocationCode … The Scheduled Date and Time of Departure of the aircraft at the terminal or departure gate at an /PaxSegment/DatedO airport. peratingLeg/Dep/Ai rcraftScheduledDat eTime … IATA defined code identifying a city or station. /PaxSegment/DatedO peratingLeg/Arriva l/IATA_LocationCod e … The Scheduled Date and Time of Departure of the aircraft at the terminal or departure gate at an /PaxSegment/DatedO airport. peratingLeg/Arriva l/AircraftSchedule dDateTime … Code assigned to an aircraft type in IATA SSIM /PaxSegment/DatedO peratingLeg/IATA_A ircraftType/IATA_A ircraftTypeCode OfferPriceRS/Respo nse/DataLists/Pric PriceClassList contains a PriceClass entry for each Fare Family. For each Price Class there is a eClassList maximum of one Service Bundle. A collection of Ancillary Air Components contained in a Fare Family is transformed into a single Service Bundle data list entry. … Uniquely Identifies a Price Class within the context of one message. /PriceClass/PriceC lassID

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NDC Field Comment …/PriceClass/Code Price class code. Example: 1, ABC. …/PriceClass/Name Price class name. … The Airline requested default display order (in a client application) for this price class. /PriceClass/Displa yOrderText … Unique identifier of this Description. /PriceClass/Desc/D escID … Description text value. /PriceClass/Desc/D escText … URL to description information source. /PriceClass/Desc/U RL … Description of the referenced media. /PriceClass/Desc/M edia/DescText OfferPriceRS/Respo nse/DataLists/Serv ServiceDefinitionList is a data list of bundled services that are associated with an Offer’s Price iceDefinitionList Class (Fare Family). There is a one-to-one mapping between Price Class and Service Definition. A service bundle will contain a list of bundled services that are associated with that Price Class (Fare Family) which will be references to entries in a service data list. … Uniquely Identifies a Service Definition within the context of one message. /ServiceDefinition /ServiceDefinition ID … Service name. /ServiceDefinition /Name

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NDC Field Comment … URL to description information source. /ServiceDefinition /Description/URL … Description text value. /ServiceDefinition /Description/DescT ext … Uniquely Identifies a Media file within the context of one message. /ServiceDefinition /Description/Media /MediaID … Rendering Instruction Parameters. Notes: This is typically used for XSLT. /ServiceDefinition /Description/Media /RenderingInstruct ionsText … Maximum quantity of bundle services that can be selected by each passenger referenced in the /ServiceDefinition Offer. /ServiceDefinition Association/Servic eBundle/MaxQty … Reference to further Service Definitions which form part of this Service Bundle. /ServiceDefinition /ServiceDefinition Association/Servic eBundle/ServiceDef initionRefID OfferPriceRS/Respo nse/Warning Container for any warnings. …/Code PADIS warning code. Example: 911.

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NDC Field Comment …/DescText Description of what went wrong. …/LanguageCode Language code. Example: en. …/TypeCode Detailed code of the warning. …/URL URL address where is located more information about this warning.

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NDC Field Comment OfferPriceRS/Respo nse/PricedOffer Contains an Offer which represents a priced flight or flights.

The PricedOffer element contains a single PricedOffer element which represents the combined priced flight.

An PricedOffer:

• Describes a single offering that can be ordered in a subsequent NDC Order Create request.

• Contains a single PricedOffer element, which in turn will consist of multiple OfferPrice elements.

• Contains a single OfferPrice element for an Air aspect of an Offer.

• Will possibly contain multiple other OfferPrice entries for additional services associated with the overall offer, e.g. business upgrade or extra baggage.

Each OfferPrice element will consist of multiple Association elements (one per Passenger). The Associations elements will link the Offer to corresponding Origin Destinations and Fares entries in a data list.

A OfferPrice response will return a single AirlineOffer element nested inside an AirlineOffers element. It can be used in subsequent Air Shopping requests in order to enrich the selected offer with ancillaries.

Any subsequently obtained services/ancillaries will be related to the combined offer.

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NDC Field Comment …/Offer/OfferID Uniquely Identifies an Offer within the context of one message. …/Offer/OwnerCode Airline code assigned to a carrier. Either ICAO-defined 3-character code or IATA-defined 2- character code. … The date by which an offer must be converted into an order. Example: 2020-01-13T13:59:38Z. /Offer/OfferExpira tionDateTime … Passenger Type summary information for an offer. /Offer/PTC_OfferPa rameters … Actual passenger type code used for pricing. Example: ADT Encoding scheme: IATA (three /Offer/PTC_OfferPa character) Passenger Type Code. rameters/PTC_Price dCode … Number of Passenger(s) for associated passenger type. /Offer/PTC_OfferPa rameters/PricedPax Number … Unique identifier for this OfferItem instance. Must be unique within XML message. /Offer/OfferItem/O fferItemID … Passengers associated with the specific Fare Detail instance. Allows the Price breakdown of the /Offer/OfferItem/F fare for the offeritem per passenger. areDetail/Passenge rRefs … Total Base Fare Amount. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/Price/Ba seAmount

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NDC Field Comment … Currency code. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/Price/Ba seAmount@Code … Sub-total of all applicable taxes. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/Price/Ta xes/Total … Currency code. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/Price/Ta xes/Total@Code … Amount of tax breakdown. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/Price/Ta xes/Breakdown/Tax/ Amount … Currency code of tax breakdown. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/Price/Ta xes/Breakdown/Tax/ Amount@Code … Tax Code. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/Price/Ta xes/Breakdown/Tax/ TaxCode

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NDC Field Comment … Tax short description. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/Price/Ta xes/Breakdown/Tax/ Description … Base amount of fare component. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/Price/BaseAm ount … Currency code of fare component. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/Price/BaseAm ount@Code … Fare Basis Code with optional application /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/FareBasis/Fa reBasisCode/Code … Cabin Type Code as defined by PADIS codeset (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.). /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/FareBasis/Ca binType/CabinTypeC ode … Name given to a cabin compartment (e.g. Business, First, Economy). /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/FareBasis/Ca binType/CabinTypeN ame

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NDC Field Comment … Corporate Fare information. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/FareRules/Co rporateFare … Contract ID used for pricing special fares. Example: 675124 /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/FareRules/Co rporateFare/Contra ct … Advanced reservation value. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/FareRules/Ad vancedStay/Advance Ticketing/AdvanceR eservation … Minimum number of stay days permitted in the fare rules. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/FareRules/Ad vancedStay/Minimum Stay/DayQuantity … Minimum stay represented as a week day number (1 means Monday). /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/FareRules/Ad vancedStay/Minimum Stay/DayOfWeek

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NDC Field Comment … Maximum number of stay days permitted in the fare rules. /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/FareRules/Ad vancedStay/Maximum Stay/DayQuantity … Maximum stay represented as a week day number (1 means Monday). /Offer/OfferItem/F areDetail/FareComp onent/FareRules/Ad vancedStay/Maximum Stay/DayOfWeek … Uniquely Identifies a Service within the context of one message. /Offer/OfferItem/S ervice/ServiceID … Reference to a Passenger ID within this message. The Passenger is the recipient entitled to /Offer/OfferItem/S receive/consume the Service(s) offered by the Airline, whether the Service(s) are flight-related or ervice/PaxRefID not. … Reference to one Journey in the Datalists that are being sold as part of this OfferItem/Service. /Offer/OfferItem/S ervice/ServiceAsso ciations/PaxJourne yRefID … Total monetary price amount, including all tax, surcharge, and fee amounts. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/TotalAmount … Currency code. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/TotalAmount@C urCode

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NDC Field Comment … Base Amount excluding taxes, fees, and surcharges. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/BaseAmount … Currency code. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/BaseAmount@Cu rCode … Discount amount applied to the price. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/Discount/Disc ountAmount … Currency code. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/Discount/Disc ountAmount@CurCode … Discount percentage applied to the price. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/Discount/Disc ountContext … Name or ID for DiscountContext. Used for Promotion Ticket Designator. Example: /Offer/OfferItem/P TicketDesignator rice/Discount/Disc ountContext/KeyWor dText … TicketDesignator value. Example: T /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/Discount/Disc ountContext/ValueT ext

© Datalex 2020 | 49 OfferPrice

NDC Field Comment … Discount percentage applied to the price. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/Discount/Disc ountPercent … Discount Description. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/Discount/Desc Text … Fee Amount. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/Fee/Amount … Currency code. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/Fee/Amount@Cu rCode … Fee/surcharge Description. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/Fee/DescText … Fee designator code. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/Fee/DesigText … Total of all applicable tax amounts included in the price. If tax breakdowns are provided, this /Offer/OfferItem/P amount should match the sum of the tax breakdown amounts. rice/TaxSummary/To talTaxAmount … Tax amount. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/TaxSummary/Ta x/Amount

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NDC Field Comment … Currency code. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/TaxSummary/Ta x/Amount@CurCode … IATA TTBS Tax Code. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/TaxSummary/Ta x/TaxCode … Tax short description. /Offer/OfferItem/P rice/TaxSummary/Ta x/DescText …/Offer/TotalPrice The amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something. … Total monetary price amount, including all tax, surcharge, and fee amounts. /Offer/TotalPrice/ TotalAmount … Base Amount excluding taxes, fees, and surcharges. /Offer/TotalPrice/ BaseAmount … The entire amount of transaction stated in the local currency at the point of sale, or the currency /Offer/TotalPrice/ as defined by the Currency Indicator Code. EquivAmount … Deduction from the price amount, made in advance of its payment. /Offer/TotalPrice/ Discount … Amount added on to a charge for a specific product, purpose, or service. /Offer/TotalPrice/ Fee

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NDC Field Comment … A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and /Offer/TotalPrice/ business profits or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions. TaxSummary … Amount added on to a usual charge for a specific product, purpose, or service. /Offer/TotalPrice/ Surcharge

Reference Documents

This section lists useful reference documents.

Table 4. Reference Documents

Document Purpose Augmentation Points Please refer to this document for details on any augmentation points.

Errors Describes:

• possible errors

• the format of errors

 Errors are provided as SOAP Faults.

52 | © Datalex 2020 OfferPrice

Document Purpose Warnings Describes:

• possible warnings

• the format of warnings

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